'? "ft. J , I A I v.: 'A C7 ' 4 f ... , I .iv r v.. v ; jontir.'cmno,. wmmn. IDtTpK'A'NVTEO F4l ! E T 0 R . !D;McXEILUMisi-,iBfiEillor.; TKUUS Of KB" r .tar,U al'anaaf ' i i ....ii.i.'JM '!4f"r k)niluHli - r, nlM yU fur la I V, .n-Jvavlnul (alll tR rtfm1i. u m4, ) at tk .if K lilori - i t ' rui"f llnwtlinltjii1r(i.nt tnl tkytr, .at l Id. Mil' tll' Mill t twrvr tk ., ,,lfl1' ! Tr. " hr - ih MM will Miil a Mam mf Hitrn Mil A U BCiUr. (BhitIm. fa( Ik ra ImwIH .... '. i . . . ' ,' nkwinvii UwrlWi Ur tkar rwmtbv ' V'l rH HtM m-mUio, (V' .' .' J Fw Mi mnito. ...... I v far am)u, I . ( . i . . , ' . . .'..' I.' . fr.rrt.Mi.l at B;-tar Cril, l fi Bva (!, Jifr . " atriM la mattlMi . ' Aarartlam ia.au (lata ta 1TokT of 1nrtt (hfr afKln Uir.Ua Um; tIU a a.,:U4 Mil fortillj-a, m( imi('( - ' tjlpti ini'yiicy -Dry fiooJi, ' Uilt, dpC BmU rrtka1i ttntlo ptiil'U . , ', " j LADIES' DRE.18 000D8 fij TRIifXIINGS.' llay Rtrvtt, ra.re.tct.llo, C. WM. II. IIA1GII, Attorney at Law FATCTTETILLE, W. 0. Arrrri ot old (tbcet. , a a.aa. a a f aafc a Juuary, K 4. , "Law'.Copartnsrsliip." , rit, U oarir4, k lbiaj furaM. s Ui CvfArtfifi!.!!, nl will prunicn la lUw CsurU I af Ika, Mowing nurtf till, fwt : Cliatkaia, Can. .,MrUJ, Muorw, ilrtt, waxi U Cuurt. ' J. II. IH10HTOS, i'- . JS ). MASMNO. - PStUbwfoB, N. 0 , St'f 1.I64. I f ' J. A. SI'EARS, ATTORNEY . LAW. AttA Ibt CrU rCmhwfUi4, HraUt k, JaJ JvkBaMI . . AJaww, TwMr, llmt C , S. C. . uo-iy. . UXEllL -COHBSIOI WD FOEWARDiXG aM It, lt. 2-l JOHN-WINSLOV - Attorney at .Law.: OJUfi o hi SjHik tilt " Jl,i9 Urtt, oj'f r rATrTTCfiLLK. sr. v. a a SANDFORD, ATTOHHl Al) COtMLOB A5? ILAW. - Otae at Dr. Hail' N BuiWK, " f '" taptlAM,, ..... . lmf - TT' i, n, Campbell, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant f :, GILLESi'lK STltEET, : - V rayetUTUle, N. C.. '. fak'y 10, 15.. -'-5 'T ' J. a BANKS, . : , coiimssioii ra fomirdm ;v;-HERCH ANT. v . WILMIGTOS, torth Carallna., Ja. 6, IH-'-O. 10-ty david Mcduffie, ; - BRICK M40OS A!D PLMTiaiM, n ...p AYETTETILLEVC r Eaapaetfutly Uodra hi larvlaa to pB la tbla and aad the aiijoining ooanti.l wiahlng woi fc dona ia hia r"0bOK & "JOHNSON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN 'Enxlish,"Grman, and American lfard ' 'wafirithd Cutlery. ni 1M ' -iT' ';-' Itf mmuvmrj . t. C & B. G. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding "V Wllmlairtoii.'fll. C VaJutJ'1 awfaaess mad on oomiignmatJa. 'rTii. FR 4KJ li W I LLI tnV.T v Celebrated Rye . Whiskey. H..Wrtr aa. "- ."TTT7a V.7.; .nr,l, of w.. ' Air1 Whi.1 Uky in tnta jotaaa. t fr U. ui - ltOB'T 5,ltCHEtU 17&-tf Tifiirroes Wanted. . Tha .t.nristJa will pay. tk. -v"? Kj" Ntlcroa. Lattorsaddiwaanltoalthar pf ' w.- x arowipi -- j( ; a- . t ' CAMEL M. McfcAtRtsT. ....-111.--A Daa. . 1866. ' N.laa-W ' "FisJi anJ Wlusitey K ' BULS. Vo. i Herring. a?a 1,1 -. Mullrtta. 17 ah a- WbtakM ssl Brandy, B. r. U00RF.. , - U'nUlMlf I CTniMIW nit lfjr.io in , ; ; second pricd a frjciid, and tit fi!eii$v i for.valui Av unh i V J ol Iv UjA n j f. wm ... u to .k uiS3 I -. PITTIBOBOl'C - 7- : --r: any . one who pouU .mil rJ..uJ.: wiJMIIK,' oo , 'tt:cnam. - mm KnnnfT Unnn? : f ulo; tad Wrr lb.e not ao, Vanuieterwas 1 4og lU time Jai, 14. l4 . . j ,u " "r"1 rwuwMw. ,00 much of a recW. without anr ot tlic ba aaIHi 3rgnj a' rr- j-. '..j !f 110 UK HAVE'S . UOLLAA'D BITTK i(S ! tun oujurD' mu tmat n ' . LivIer compuaint .i- , H- ,WAJCKE83 OF ANY-KIND, , i ,.' i. rrrvrrj inn Annr-u '! s MV a.a.a rmartwaf Anil tbt Tnrlou iTccImjH f vaMn-u( 'W "foAtn oil i it i:b.. .. IITlill!1 lrlllim, of i fx-wM, .ixBdcncy, CUWm, Jlllatdatvd lllMlrir I'iU-.' la M tienroua. J KhaBti, awd Nraralgie Aflwstioit, Ulna inamrr bua laacakti prnrM bight bcBfBclal, and In otliwra tf acted a licciOvl nr. Tall la a purely rflal.l Mrnpo iad, pmjkr tCrict'r rlwntitie rriauiplo, sftvr tint mannnr of tli (ItbrmUii HoUaad Jrofm6r, 1itI,t. Tt"ca- of lla frtat aaccwat in mont of tUo Kurpfitaa Kut, 1U lalyidiwlloa luto Ih I'nitrd Kui waa.lnUndtd aiort tpViallr for tbaui of war UtLarlaod arXUrtJ lrt (M tfcra ! Uw faeaof Iba-aiickty eouatry. alrrt liig wiilt grntl mwiH treunK Um. 1 now viler It to Ik Awortcaa pubUr, kruwiag tbat it Uulj wi.dtr fiil awdiciaal irta Mnl b ackaowladg4.. , hhipatiaBUrlTrnrfltaavradTdialkw prrni)ko 't1iBl!tlf.WyJ 9mm 4rjairtJ by Ih ruritlo ao of ardrnl tcinlg, or oll.rr f rn of lif. tiuat. . Uarl!y latUaUacoo ia ffict, it And u way dirtctlr t th rt af I.f, ihrillinr a4 nuick. rainf artry arrtr,raialaff up tkdrnj(irj aplrli, ul, ia ft, lnfi' )r av hcalih and t'ji.r ial iytai. StrTICE Wltr ifU U (sd tttii a kwrcrap will t daapwtiald ; bat la lb tkk, wrak and low pirttod, it kill prorc fol'ful ariiHiUa co-vLaJ, pu d rf ift;a'ir icmvdial rrprrtira.. ' oil Tiat. Tbc ereal fcpBlv.r at Ikia drlirhtfxl Arnm hn iBilttrrii ttiaajr iB.iitin, wliivk lh pubii tliou.l (avd Bf aruf piireliaaiig l t pti viajad to hoy artliiBf ami! j? Un.na 1 -nkn llnlland tsaiar a fair trtni. intt trill c-urtno Too bow loknil.ly Hprikf ll i U all tlim Imltatiena. auuhvidal II W pr UlUr. ar lx twite fur I'i.W, by Ik POLE rROPETTTOIiS, nKXJttut fur.: Jr. co. nituruna mAUMAf'KVTITS A,Vli cnt 18T8, rtltabarKtl. . KAMCKCV .HINJiHALB tvh tjft Fylt- ill. . Jbb 12, 1651. . 1 1 1 Dr. II; H. EASTEIUJXG, RKklnghaa, J . s' A" coa lal u4 wl! MtteiJ ft ck of ' itapl and I'aaff ' DRY GOODS, ' Aoior.pl wtiirk will JN fr.oad trrry raricly and tj'i of ( eaiird fur ia tl.,r Una at trada. Tbi-ir 8t xk I lary and le.iralil, and will ba duprd of at tlK.rt prl!tj lo f af pnmj finuf rur toman. ALEX B iutlSSy.V, Jr. ' 1'tTHU CHOW. Afrit 4, 1S5T. . ' , 170-tr. 'J yt 8b.vr:htr I jarreiad bia SI'RIKQ. aadKLMMKlUtockof : - CLOTIII1U, con.iatiag of CotU, TanU, and Vrtf, a'l of tb latort tyl. Amct g iurk i artw rry iarg iir, anlalao IMI18 tUiTIU.VO. A ftitnera' aantoHkt.jrf .SUirta. Atosia, XoUara, ('I'TTISQ and TRIMMING 6ut a lirtft r. . V. I'LARK. April Ird, 1807. . ' lllw-lf ."loiN-Oi..BlUE, ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. . . tnB - ..... KOLICITOK IX IXtl'ITV, Having deeiilrd pcrotanrntly to 1wat aURocklngham, will practir in Ui Cuniie nf Moor, MBtgom ary, Anton, RicliBtt'nd, Robtaun, and Cunt. ' ...... brland. Office at Rockingham, Hiclinwnil Cotinty, N. C. March 4; lu7. 105 If W.P.ELLIOTT, Commission Merchant, FATiyrriiVlliLK, IS. c, lrrat for Lulicrloa k ts 'i Sltam Sjut line. Will attend j romfitlr lo all borinans entrvatcd to v niscara.. October 21, 1850. f fl4fl-tr" JACKSON SPR1XGS FOR SALE. MAVI'll a tew yekra agn, under the Influence of duoliniug health, purcl.al tb wIt known ion Hpringn, and now not needing tham for my self, and finding a gmiml desire tliroiif h th country that thee Springt ahoiild be occupied and mora avail able to th publio. a Summer watering-pl.ioe, I hare reeolred to thru. , . , Tbea Springe ara on Jokon Creek, Moore Co., !f. C, . Th virtue and.mediciaal propertioa of the water ara well known,- tiia 'prerailing mineral. U Iron, with Magueaia and Sulphur aladproaant. ' There i. a fall of wt-r paaaing. by the" Spring, by which nichinry eould be drawn, e to eletata water ir.to batbipg-faU, or eo ronroy wator to tha dwelling bouse. J!ovy natural facility la preeent to make this a plaoe of noTel hitrrent, with a small investment. Ia connection with tha Spring ia a body 243, acre of Land, part of which I under improvement., . This property having uce been fitted up for a watering-place, all the necessary house are already thr, and i tolerabl good order. Tha Cheraw a Coal Fralda Railroad, will pau a near th Spring a a proprietor would wish. xs From inijairie made of liuit summer, I suppoe tbat mora tbaa three hundred persoas would bav gon to thei Spring durorg that aaaaoa If tba'boaa had been open. . . ,. It Is thought unneary to glv further detail a to this properly. Tb Jickaon gprtag are too .well known to re tuira it. Tho Uiinking of purchasing will inftirmlbi-tasalvw about tlia property. Warranted title will b givearawd aucfc time on payment f may suit the convenience of a responsible parahaaory AoWreaej- Jl. 6. rAMPRELt, - Iknu.tu.iUe, 6. C. . , . t . t'i 4t ih' r'rcplf'i rinfeti. hli n r.'rraal l. f4 t27iI!o,"a; c.'tv p 'I t . i a l'fi.m Ui 0U mi. i ; TO FANME. , , . ! . ( t . . . . ( 1 Fair att4 royliappy, prtlly , '. r ' i ti. AUou"(liart ' '. -" f "( , ( hoA I tfcf t mjoty i. " ' - , k T oo fif.wJ fuO wf l ajioly, ,i witk u n bart. , . '" . VM Ifca ) MII ag. eawe, "r , ThyTclnrta wilt Heal , ; .:...' ' '' fcut a U brfd! to 4b pol 1 ' Oa lcy'oi,eao wank, mf mu1 WiU eoutUnt a. .' ' r ' - ? . Diff rrol pamaa liata Ut changing )nr, . S'1 ' Fut.yoati and ig ; ,' 1 , i , Tla Sprleg w baa bi rd a mt 4ow'er a 1 0 w d , ;f 'Tl H' Inter wha a'ri H ring aajnw.tlsrou I . Tb Wild arltiJa ragn. ,(V , Thep UI, 0 UV II, j 1 ivei- Dtmc I . And rn-.ll) ltfli 'i . 4 ... 'wl JOiilli unii Umui (lidjj awn, Let j jrJ oa wlik it daeay,.' V ; ' All bat lur 4cay. '.. ; , ,, . .- , '.., . Thy Midea bam ibvuld sot b pat . , , t'poa tbr itun ; ' I aa4 Uyman foadly alalia It, "."' . ; Kir dratb n,r toeib akcrald arer nam it, Ob.keB.y awo I ' . ' ' j I , MISCELLANEOUS. H'fl tmm far mil ikt trmihng lit, pit.' f torn I'ortar'. f plrit 0 ba Tinrt. Ai AltKANSAW Tit I A L. . One of the chief pleasures of ftracticiag law on ir Imntier is,a technicaliy styled, going oh ikt circuit AH rcjlraiot is dof f-d; good humor, aoecdole, and merry ! laul.ir r-rt cu aiinrcn e. This is sot whether on the long horseback rides, seated group arouturtbn iiobpitable-eouutry fire, or in the smuaing incidents of the coiirt rount. It is of on-ol' their, court room inci dents that t write. ,tv la one of iIm eastern counties of Arkan sas, there liveJ.nonie years since, two fin.iA of the law, Vaiimeter and Hedge Triplit. The first .nas a sobeMided, long faced fat lector, whose UQvamilleru.il vvas to briog suit ia one week whether the unfortonate was friend or foe, after the claim was Ut in his hands for collection. . Tliir course brought all of the plarntifls to him, and .air naturally cauted the defendants to bins- ( ptjme whenever his amq was ment'oaeiij ir.tlk uf human kindnetf, and it affordcj a prsuiiar pleature to deril'him. v B.itton Ward gave his note, one" Ja Af ter date, to Alanson Morehouse, admiuta. trator de bonis non, of the estate of A"ndreA' Latting, deceased, for two hundred and fif ty dollars, for a Valuable consideration. Before the ink was fairly drj'y-Vanmeter had it in his hands, to( collect as an attor ney. Tr,uo. to his precedepts, the sheriff, in lew than a week, was commanded to summonr Brit Ward lo appear before the next term of the Circuit Court to answer. A f;er service, the said prit was in a most f doleful condition os he went "lnjbbins; mound,"to see what could besr-ton foot in time fur that execution which were a com ing, lie, after a loiy? time, saw'IIedg' Triplit, anJ stating his case, asked Hedge, "if there were any consolatory law kiver ing that casr "Oh, yes,"; said Hedge; 'what will you give me to gr-t you out f iir -Wellj ftitf Mn Triplit, anything, any thing you'll say that's in reason; just . any what it is to be, and I am the 'man to pay it." :' ' )' :r--r . "Well, sir, it is'au easy easel and iff you will promise to lot me stop with you free of charge, take good care of my horse, and "j always hftve soniothing to warm a man iu winter, and cool him iii suinrrtef, I'll clear you of all right, claim, or demand ng'iinst you fororrin account of the aforesaid nolo.? "jN'ow, -Mr, Triplitt jist do k, and you can board at my house tho balance of time: you and ail your consaras';'anu I'll obligate my self ,10 have a littleot the critter, tho "last d ty in. iliB r inornirig.- 'With a knowing wink, h- turned off, perfectly satisfied of Triplit's invincibility, and of his consequent safety. Sufficient to the day Is tho ovil, and was as good a guide for Triplit's phi losophy as a lover of ease would search for. So.no one was troubled any more about it for the time. -; ' ' -p , . k . Circuit Court came on; grand jury em pahnded, sworn, and charged; State docket disposed of. His Honor, James Russell, on taking up tho civil docket, .called -out, "Alanson Morehouse, administrator de bonis noa.qf the estate of Andrew Latting, de ceased, r. Critton Ward Debt Van meter for plaintiff, Triplit for .defendant,'' Vaometer addressed the Court, saying he supposed no real defence would be made, as the action was upon a note of hand; nor hadn't been in law these mftny;dayj the note was not barred by the statute of limi tations, consideration was expressed upon the face of the instrument; it wo. not on ac- i :f JJsis'i f on rai (oil ' 1 f a ' nm or triir.uu? transnclion: -1 a u 01 ri, t i re wai no fraud about it; and , j , , t(,e y'olt .hould not I i siiire paul.J And,' if your "i-; I n-.lt a-judgment,.'; , eV't. . Tiij-.lit iLou'ht, if Uonor plt-aicdy i i!. man was mfwhat tod fatrft f felbirnself lo ooough fot van '"", " t-roiid,,iuid take lock-At the' t i f . ; ;'i i t f .s J-, Le would l!nd the prne-(rf"'-'iV! ' 10 hieJeelaratioti, A td nati ? nbijily,;! vrbat defenco . i . i i :' . . , . II f ni..J' li", Vi T.. had cothinff' ta ,, ,, . r M recellcct i (. oilirr C C'Cfs Lid 1 ;C4c Sonof"rfes, Tlk ajury:" Mr. Lr neter Utuught it a useless waste of tune "Never mind. Mr. VaninHer.j know, or think I know, how to iiaiiaKc my tuBi i, mm n uen I acsira your r rsp ' 1 . 11 1 ' 7, .1 , . r ;Iat Of course I threw down my book advice, will call on you for it. Yes. sir. as ' i . j . - . ,. , . ,''! and cigar, aud proceeded to try a new ex pileau.lv as did thn exhausted Roman ,-. s. .... i .. . i ,l i . ', ,. ' penmcnt. As soon as i stirred, the rascal youth when strueirhuc aea.nst the amrrv i , L , . . . . , Tiper, upon his more stalwart companion, So stretching out both hand, toward. h,s aoVersary, with one foot in advance of the other, never mind, never mind, M r. Van- j , 0 iUh jn B(J. , co-Iu jed not (o ,e, him !f"r hiUr ' sk jUf'- try hi. hold again. After aTwhiletie start V hilethe Sheriff wss suramoniug the jury, ' , .-,: i, . .,: , ir. v.-.v. ..... . r 11- . l a"i. 1 iiiuiciit a carciunj raainiuiiig ine writ, the return upon it, the declaration; and aeeing no fault," would have felt easy were it not for tbat no chalance of Trip ..... u.wUg .c u orr. ana .eu its - lects; the same principle thai makes a burnt I..-..: 1. i.-r r v :. i- clkild . dread the fire, caused nim to look I wild. The jury were soon selected from among the hystandert.sworn and seated on aharse trougb, turned bottom upwards by the she riff, just under the shade of a large tree, in a horse-lot, i hiCh was considered tha place to "come into court" at the summer term. ; bPut your case to thejarj, Mr. Vanme ter "-which was as follows, to wit: ; "Genrlemea of the jurv: Thia is an' ac- liau of debt brought upon this instrument, uhicli I will read, to. yoa One day after date, I promise to pay Alanson Morehouse, administrator de boi$ men, of the estate of Andrew letting, two handred and fifty dol- 6 recoived-aigned -and toaoDttmor,t IIc C,f 'l J Wf rteTioTe ver tuat UarJ trough; thereby con- , of the court and our time, so anxious lo see our families. Audi gentlemen, hav ing perfect confidence ia your Intelligence and honesty, I will leave this Case With you and this honorable court,, unlosa t may desire to say a word after the gentleman concludes." f.-'-.T ..-:.t." - l .... I:- i . .ui. a. i vjtic- aiiiu a vw, smuiru digpitv.carefQllv and slowly examinedthe ! ' writ, iront and back. 1 he declaration un- j derwent a similar examination,' and, with ' ROBERT EMMET AN HIS LOVE, an easy movement, pitched them over on j - .TwBS fl;e cveDin? ofa loveIy fafa the farside of the fable. The managementias day of the noUe a-j j,,. Emmet gob the, court, jury, spectators, and last; A voting girl stood SHW eastle gate and though not least, Vanmeter. very much ; desired admittance into the dungeon. terested for the development. From the) she was closely veiled, and the keeper cut of his eye, something was "rotten in j couU fcct imagme ho she was,' nor that Denmark,", but what, and where? "Gen-! any onc cr such proud bearing should be llemen of the jury. I rogrel exceedingly to! An hurnbe' surriiarit to the prisdh, door, expose my friend. Mr. Vanmeter; but live I However, bo-granted the boon-led her to circumstance, of this case are such, that ! tlie duugf!on, opened the mass! veiron door, my duty forces me to do so. I am aton-1 lhcn c,oscd it ag!iiDi anj theiovers wer ished the gentleman should have braved ., 16 ... He was leaninc ir;unt the r.risou tkejust imlignittion of this court; should j l..da .a it! jpmiritail tlia mnfitT-nf t h 1aw ! irtid the respect due a jury of his country men, as to have brought a suit without the slightest, particle of right, or real cause of action-JDyi the gent ieman espoet to bam" bvotr.l this Court and jury? Did lie expect jo go rough-shod over my 'client and my self, under auch circuistances?: Why gnn tlonien, bohold the instrument upon which i tills action is founded: "One day after date. ,f promise to pay Alanson Morehouse, ad ministrator de bonis non.' f De bonis nonl What ia that? Is-it English! ,o. .Is-U Lalmi No. ; Is it Greek? No. Is it He brewf No. Is it French, or Italian, or Spanish? No, not . that .eitlieir. Well, I'll tell you, gentlemen of the jury, what it ia. Vt is Choctaw, and means, thei "defendant having heretofore paid said plaintiff aa the honorable Court will , instruct you. f As Vanmeter was iu the act of rising, the Court gathered, his ponderous spectacles be tween the thumb aud forefinger of his left hand, and raising them, very much to the relief of his nasal organ, sai: "Ve'sB gen tlemen of the jury, that is what it. means. You can take the case." As soon as a vote could be taken, the jury returned: "We, the jury, find for the dtfendant." . .. .. '. ,.. ; . "You are discharged, geutlemen. Mr. Clerk, charge the costs of this suit tcf the plaintuTs attorney; and Mr. Sheriff," take Mr. Vanmeter in custody, and unless he will treat hi honor, and the officers of - his honor's court, for the contempt just proven, keep him in custody." ' 1 : The sheriff took him, "and ns he started. bii rnnirrir rtrrj fs clrrp. ' 7 - Van' commenced muttcrinir aometLintr to Limirlf; finally, t heard Taomfthing that sounded like "it ia folly to be wise." Af NAJvE TALE. . ' Saya' the'' lawyer: Aujmala .ornotirriee veary jiarly approach reaoon in their cun ning. ' ; , t ; , " . ; ' ' ' 'l got iotorested in the etudy of irrpcnti down in Arkansas, where I apent the mosf if last year. I don't know why, but I wti constantly watching taeni and testing their '..o':( k.. .f I i "kwit, ui liuuiiiii iiicui in new aiu4itiiuii9, I .. . .. and aurroundintr bem vnih uovel expo. luiwiui, yi an a-iiuia i expcrirnBiiieu hhhi uiuiik iu inn ijiiii man iu unu, ui ih;i, iuu KirtO madC. Oil ...t.L ..-'...... . " i.i.;j ' ... I' .-i . j ... .. . ... . .'i... 4 ... ... . . j m !.h raujc spaces oim t:f'ppr neans. , vi iiovcujmjc if pnuicuou awaj', snu uu eur ( c3meraeJ.j -"Qm ' ; J.1 m atr j ni'ysolfoo a tit- ItoVa ghren to a pjiakingflowrei.'' . Enough; ' for Jb kookswvBiryaj vrtthtljf lively Uarah Cur en enjoying mystlf for P'tr !ast reiiUi'ms; lis fl me antf Tiaa - en some time, when I espieal a copperhead malrincr Tta a YiaIa u!tLWi f.i Cant n lia r i .:t . , . , , . j twen, fett bjckward. threw bimsejf j -fn a ftlI nn ,. ., . , "rr""e " .V, vu,. himself up ; but as I kept pretty quiet he I . v Ja t v.i ..ih.ii .. V 1 Hi agini . cu . i- 1 ..... . i recovered confidence and .n.irt I In .!- I i mm oui. io soonrr d.a no rut ine ground limn Ha mml a iTr'ini! ma, f.r iKa U.iIa in o ' ,raigJlt lie for my lfg.f. But that didn't worU for , ot . nf ... . . aVa . hn .nii..r fliM i j "This time he lay still for 'a while, ap- pearing to reflect on the course to be taken. j After a time he tried it airain, thoug!) rather , I slowly. 4lier gpltu.g his head a Mile way j in, he stopped and wiggled his tail, as if on j purpose lor me to grab it. I did so ; and , quicker than a flash he drew his head out and came within about a 'quarter of an inch of striking me in the face. However, I jrrked him quite si distance, aiid resolved to look out nett time. Well, he tried the tame game again but it- would nt work I was too quick for him. Thia time ho lay in a coil half an hour, without stirring. At last however, be tried vaneed to within five IftTeiCaWj ikr..T thrn hv KAJiinf trrA tin stftrt at m bv of tlie ctJ,rti u icks vjll ever heard ! of. . . " How was it ':" we all exclaimed, in one breath. " Why, said the narrator, sinking hi voice td the acme of solenrnity, and look ing as honest and as sober as a man could. look, " why he just turned his head toward my first m "a"u. a,,u uuwu lUi" I 1 .1 L.Vl- waU wUh a down-cast, hea'd, and his arras were folded upon his breast,' Gently she raised the veil from her face, and Emmet turned to gaze upon all that earth contain ed for him tlie girl vhose r sunny : browjn the daysiof boyhotMf liad been his xlar star,' the maiden who had sometimes made him think the world was all sunshine. The clanking of the chains soundod like a death knell to her e d she wept like a ylld. Emmet said ,,ttle, yet he pressed-. her warmly to his bosom, and their feelings held a silent meetingsuch a meWig per chance as is he'd in heaven only when iwe part no more.. In a low voice heVbesought her not to forget him when thcA'old grave received his 'inanimate body--Se spoke of bygone daysthe happy hour of childhood, when his hopes were bright And gloiious, and he concluded by requesting her some times to visit "the places au'jf scenes hallo w d to hia memorj- from the days of hi. child" hood, and though lh i worlimigbt.prououace hia name with scorn and contempt, he pray ed she should still ciintf to him with affec tion. and remember bim when all others should forget. HarkiheChurch bell sound ed, and he remembered the hour of execu tion. The turn key entered, and after dash ing the tears from his eyes, he separated them from their long embrace, and led the ladv from the dungeon. At the" entrance ste turned and Iheir eyes met they could not say farewell I The door swung upon its heavy binges, anJ they parted forever. No ! not forever I- I. there not a heaven f - .... '.- ' At .unrise next morning he .uffered glo riously; a martyr to hia country and to 4i berty.: ; ' r '. ; Whole No. 182. And oa-H)'er her U) BijrU thnwr ' tf ;" ' It kfea by eoft wluJa faanad, ' Sua f.dVd 'aOdat Italian fljwrt, ' v'( v., ; TU laat of ILalr fair land. -.i' , "i'waain the land of Italy; it wad thegor-' gcoui time of sunset in Italy; what a mat; nificent scene ! A pale emanciated pri lay urx a bed of death. Oh 1 it was hard for her to diu for from home in this beautiful lund where flowers bloom perennial, and the balmy ajr comes freely to the pin ing soul ! Oil I no; her hear t was broken. When ties i r. ..i i i i iutc nccii iuiiiicu wu caiin, lkjkc, uuiuiuu ! . x. , . 1 ties, "uhat is more Iieurt renuinjf and azo- Cunan.- Iluly eoiitaiiw owcrs breathe their ' fragrance over her grave, and the lulling notes ft the shephetd's lute sound a retjaiem to her memory. , A Dkspebate Fight with a Gbiz2ly. -James Wilburn, a packer, weII-kiowd. ttbout Ua!tJ ,l,!' " 'i18 bl,asta -7'w- can, 11a j a niosi aeperaie rencor.ier wiui a grizzly, on Hay Fork of Trinity river, one L.l. . . ... day last week. He was out hunting, about a mile and a half from his residence, w hen he came suddenly upon an immense griz zly. He at once put a larged sized piece of cold lead into hit. bearship, which caused him to eek shelter in a dcne thicket. Of , C0UM Jim f.ji-j- him. an(1 ..-hin . glimpse of bruin's ugly countenance, again raised hi rifle uud pulled trigger, but the cap failed to do its work. At this moment the grizzly- discovered his penccutor and started fur him -with -terrible- growls and 1 murderous iiilent. Quick as h'htninir Jim brougll B revcIver to bear opon him and DU( five b1,, in hlt carefts.. .nd w :n ltlft ,ct 0f admir.irtering the sixth.' when the bear with his raw knocked the nistol out of his hands However, the desperate hun 1 ter was not yet disarmed. He still had a large knife, which be drew, and then came the lug of war. They went at it knife and paw struckover and under, a:id occasion ail indu'ged in a " side-winder," that favor ite stroke of bruin. At. last the knife, which had been playing all about the vitals pruved the victor, and wiih a savage growl, this monarch of ths California woods yield- ed up his life to the Maker of bears, and ' his carcass, which weighed about one thou. sand pounds, to tl.a ricvorious hunter. He did not die, however, without taking a horrible revenge, and Jim Wilburn 's trig ger finder will never endanger the life of another bear. He won-the fight at a ter rible cost. The bear, bit off his arm above the elbow,-'and injured him severely other wise. We are informed that he is lyirig in. a very dangei ous condition. San Francisco HeraLL SOI TiiiTu" WOME.V. ,4. letter in the BusUmj Chrocotype con tains the following just tribute to our fair citizens. As weja'at rarely see the truth so promptly expressed relative to anything belonging to'tbSouth in that region par ticularly. Wecopy, it in compliment K a!i concernc; '. . The firsttliitig that struck me in regard to the women at the south was thair beauty of form-;heir syni-netricai and hurmoniousA figures. ' la this aud in tho ease and grace of. tlieif motions they excel Northern v6- . men.' Many of them dress with exquisite taste; often very, richly, but seldom gaudily, orWiih atiy display of tinsel The prover bial affability and urbumty of the Southern character Suds the fullest development in t.. the women. The Southern lady is naturally and necessarily easy, unembarassed and ' polite. You may go into he country w1iere,o"'ptear"yo"inay'go"'as'"fhr".'6'i you please torn town, village, and post office; you may call at the poorest house you can find, and whether you accost . maid or matron, you will be answered with he same politeness, and treated with the same spontaneous" courtesy. Some graceless scump says: "It is wo niau, and tot her wrongs, that should le redressed!"- That fellow 'ought to suffer the torment of being incited out to tea. Afler much wrangling ank halloting in" the Georgia Peaiocratio Sta Convention, all tho eaudidatrs were thrown overboanl, and Hon. Josph E. Brown was unanimous ly nomiuataid for Governor. ": . "When a fellow is too luzy to work," says Sam Slick, "he paints his name over tbe dooy and calls it a tavern or grocery, and males the whole neighborhood as la zy as himself." - A BfswEna Edito. A western editor and ilia wife were walking out in the bright moonlight one'evening. Tho wife, was of an exceedingly poetical nature, and said to -her mateT Notice thaCt moon how brighter 6nd calm, and beautiful." " Couldn't think of noucinglu;'-relurneiTlhe editor, "for anything less than tho usual rates a doL lar and fifty cents for twelve lines." 1 1 t i v i t . uatok.aOr . t u yoa 1 I vi 1 J- ...... v- 7' t -wr -aj - .jatB..aw. ra .jbbu'isjsji i i't m-fg: fB?Aj.- "arav-fR- f& l

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