f. 1 t . f .i W mT . M XT' T , . f ,V -In . -. , T ' . " i " . , : I ' ..tsa-aw w V ... ' ' . ,- - w i-.. . ...v ,.- ' tzy ' " - .. ' - r:3flrS8rl0iVol IV.-No U ,w!t f jiii i"rgn i'ii ti;fogplr'i riti m)ns rtftnal niflil kM?:' J!a Kallisj ffrefi sf ftiii'i si Mi. toll Jiij J-ritj... rqfs fa slrrp. TIRMS. TV 0 PCl.l AR( IK Af'TAf J X;.r?,;l: -faetteyillejf C, Saturday 0: ;bsr 31, 1857.' Whole No I99 FOBtuunB wiiur,"f. iuJ -J0IIN' CAMERON, ... D.llcNElLli, Assistant dUn . VMMaitllllikjlrpfttl)4f UMfatr, 1 aa4 huIi Mm HIUar( Hi.1rlniutl xmn-tkt kafoM tk kntiaUa - Uw MWrarlM U fmfmt WW If MI1aiw4M I 4 Mr Ml meal id Hitto, (leapt tka mnArf aM ' faaalka jf4Ht',f fMlt -; p . , - ' .!').. ' 1; r. f KUWS Of ft VKIttilhl4 11- j ' ' ' tkkOa, a lati IUM, ar M4, (BrafWJ ht tUJ ItM iiMiUai, TT I MMimm MaarlMk Htt mum amUt. t ij-i " I.M.M.a.lk. . . 1. . . . i I r . . . ?!- aaalbt,. . .1", , . f f -T -ateMaaaJ a ai-aatb, Ml !!,. tr null tfaruaa, ' . 1 ill i ftaa) f. a m taf a.il ka aaauaM4 UU KuklMaa, a4 'fa a- , JI f ill A.D TOTEt COOPS. . WXIKt CL1IIK TSaow Kllniract frrnH 5 Vark, Urgt iJ IKiDir.11DC CLOTIIIJtt - f lb lalMl ail an at pirov( Hylt,., ,, , , , , ,:t t , --Atso ,, ...,. i-'. ' 4 rtlwrl aaortial, of SUIrta, Btockf , to., ., II will allaad ai aaaal to Triuiuiag, CttlUng aad ! niIini la a!a Uim , J98-f W.M. II. IIAIGII. Atiorner ut law. PlYEfTEf ILLEi W. 0. 1-17. w.:.-. R)ckingham, . ..' Rltiiiinoutu., 1 C SU aUaiU U prvhMiaMl aallt al aa boar, maJ aVarU 2, 1M7. 170-14 OSTRICH FEATHERS, , IRTlfiCl AL S L0VSP.3,. hlfT inanniti Jia lira TrtnmiirtftirlOiirU. .aXMaul fiwiwiu .U ak.k-rfk.r.k.rkiaiau.kmfTlrH,l4m a tart, aataly . ax ara ' tu mihi ataak iaaan aiaf "lMlaaraaaMra laa rartM Mialai al Ikaak. aMi in Mw4 at waiiula aaly. at ' ji uralt HCDKIb0.tllTTUaXt. ' ' aNaVaala'aaark. r- n - IT. II. CAHYlilt . ' It no TteeMnn j'v " JFVrll Stock ot Goods, klab is Urn nai mU irj. A call 'n li frl U tad Hia piihfW lam-rarir ia aulisitait. M; atook la Ina uHati to aoua-truta : avrTM a Dad autnirfhiaf tUaiatM-r at k aaltaz. .'All UaOa f pnxhu-e uka tjakutJvi;i;ii--... , .", 4- lvs-tf St co:;d' Stock."; ,' STARR & WILLIAMS Vrc Bn rtf-wii mriE TmM btock fo THIS 8KAUUN, bnolBf Dry Caraxta, ,. kliala, Da. h, . Md nde-Ha C lolklnir. Ta vkick Umj invits Iba aitontfa.a af WUvUaala tay-- - tra nawraUf. . J. B. BTARH J. M. ITILLIAUrf. Oct. , lo7. -tf i , iet ma, vw-rj On laonjr afUraooa Ut.ftkk . I tboufbt I'd tuba rWa," ' ' H Aad bind a eg lilb thij aallad faat, I'ai tar aba vaa.wbati " IU1.". . ' . Uj frWud Cul Bprigglua droT lit aar, Wkil I laid on tba aUlp, , v ' , And aboutcd till I ijniti boaraa Bill put, tht anlraatej famal pmjBctiug powtf tlirougli gt'loBg - ' " lt liif rip t' i ' - V1'' V ' s ; '.)t a ' W atnppad at Benaoff oa tha road, ' 1 f Of toaraa a bad W umila," ' ''Ami girt tba nptdttiaMawa;, ". V:-'- - A drink and mi ta wkila, ' - ' Wa 'bigged," tbca ealllug lot Hit aiara , ( I tuad tbr aua a dp, ' - . , ' -; I jampd Into Ibt waga and. acting tba reina, ra. qnenwd lit ttlilojiiaa UdttiilaaUbat bald tfaa duul.U dutilUJ nca t jlgUtiag lo aaijina tla tyiaa, t nwmnii J M ! iim with utoniahment, j oitv, apjwitred al lht tribunal. The T,.U b nil sakl:,- , ' Uthd the pbshiK were clle l (irst. 'Tk .yur wile oH','' the judge to J . . ; U ' ' , I - ! tiLa tliat linntia'tf aal.l iKa v.r4i t.i ft. a . wnw....' f ... iiiv villi. I" ,HIV .l ... I i-.l If . rjaj tlM.Mieifc banl that a Cud of hutr: '! .-ri:.i.,lv t....!,. it . ,,w ""'i-on, aiui otjift tinVareiKtered idc hrment wonltv I mb.t u n. I It n.., i,:i...,...t ,..,..;.....' ' " nneicurM- and ,rtvi: like amxher Haroun-nl-ltnf i a,.,l k. nr,l..r,,l .(,. ...i-.n cr... uL-a .C J.-lern and Mhe'vihetl'tu How tor himanlf, Div tl, h..ti,.,!.. 'n, ti,!,,i .nJ ,"., ' r "V l'U'I"s of vatriing it uinpl HiirafiTittii. without nm "Shnu J. L Sl'EARS. 'iTTORNElf AT LAW. . At-a4 lUf Ct.rU a( Catabtrlawl, Hanrttt, Wakt, Xmi iabaaaa. ' . J. - AddVaaa, Taaaaar, HaraauCa., 9.0. ' ' tlO-1". . . - .7 . " 1NDREIV J, STEfiMAN, 4-fi ATTORNEY AT LAW, piTTiuoitotOt.iix Oa : l a-v fttV ttt atbtk t fb Cal aad Ba,prk Coarta af T CUatha'a, Maora. aad Unttt Caaatlaa. , iat It, IW'f, i ' 7 - ' 7Mf , :i Attoruiy nt . 'tfllcd ia'tta ' ,"re'' -'0' t.r-. - r btBTTUriLLE, .1. Ca .rVabrtaarr, IWt. --r- ta. i " i hi ' aajwiataaMa 'I ,LmOIlUriD Cl)LSELL05, OA, b! Df. MU Itaildlag, aa 0o Slraat. 185tMWt A. H. Cimobell. Acti9e$r and Commission Merchant, , GILLESPIE STItECT, . , " raiBtUTUU.N.O. V Vak'y 10. 1851. . , , , V -T 0HKI0 'AD FOaWtRWlG . ;::'imerghait;'-: ...a.nv W - k tf tPl 1 1 fB .Jaa. :-. For Sale, A SMALL plantation aa tlit F.a't ftila ft Cf Par ttifvr, ta aulaa ao.l a ball Ut tin hii-lga, kaowaaalbc laid B illiima (jlara, tynli ing am baixirad and an-ail arn-a, of abich about aajty-aja ar cttmrad ami ta a hi ftalaiif truMna I4ua. Tbia la a J cauaot aa'praita tjr aa aa tlx Cap Frar tor tba priHlo:liiB uf tVrn, (lali, I'raa and fataloaa, Thar i a caattorubta log boas tad tha Haaaaaarjr at baaara oa it. For fmtber patiieulara, arp1. " f' tabfrribar a rxttaiiit. ro.vald McMillan. Jaaa If, 1861. 18t f yettev ri'isirrnc a riXTritis For Silica ft lb above Brucd-f '"I"''? b aold to atif r J paaaiMa aaraf ufm tai Uraua ifapaliad for bclaaaa tka pratwtit tiana, antl tba l.'lb of IXcaihar Beat. If t"t tmld Yy tba I Hb af UrwUr, tkay W aabl at aiimoa afiar tbc lrt day mt Jan. twit, la lot l rait rtirUera. Any inloraiatiea wanted, w.Il ba tbeetfulir a I. an t lp Jin In ! . 1 J. U. HUUKRTS k CQ. . Farrttatili Sop. 13. .. .Ittttf. Mr raoot, waa faraililjr aabrad n Pundiy Bight tko tStWVaUala..b7 boom mB jntrwia or pr. Ml, artiwf k fr. mf Vak tj ' k U-rVnVM $) ia 0bi..nd Bilrrr. I ill gia tha aUoro BaBd raaH for the iptrthani. ui tka tliirf aad MX'J at Ui Bar. T, ar gU fur aiUiar. O. I. Lt'TflFB. Rwkir;b. HirbmnJ Ta.,' ficpt IVt-IUt 1 A haf rha trwre largo Uy Bag, . . ' . Baooitd aaxloo tar a ' braab ,"-' ' 8a vbippiog ep ear ew faat arab, 1 ' ' - " " Wa went it witk a nub. '' ' ? 'Ttrv arck and ack a mile or aar. ' 'T Thro bi bono made a trip, ' " -.-W gBded by lb lightning gttaaait. tot baring blrrd tba extraordinary aniaial ar eoneij- ad are bad a perfVct right ta get tba Borth bf oar ata- , tad Urrrfura ' '. ' (' " !ctberript i Wa dine along itkt miabap, . , r- . , , At Iraata down atiialj , . t ... t k . 8tofpiag ko aad Ibaa rf conraa, , j.JiiUbataral ",niilri , t At la.t e raa lata a chap Tt'bo gave a toe aiavb Dp. ' The bam brake agnola piteklog Bill and my acltlnta tba ditob aa tba ite uf abe road ( Bill, aat'a 1, tbe aaara ha run a war 1 alU straggling aader lb enMbiacd tttvcl of " laigar" b4 a aiooibful of ain rrpbod ' Let bcrrip? MISCELLANEOUS, Vmln sM twttiiuM m lAa tUom lit Wkt ttru far til lit trinklmj if iktfit.' JUSTICE I: AUiEilJA. ar Ai.r.tAMicn nt-Min. "J.'ave 'me, hnndaomA chVlicr. for vou Ju not ltn w thai rik yu run." . A hn Mill continut'd to annoy her with ui iio.iupie, nhe recumrd : . , "IIn i e vi-coma frwm o great a HlstnnctV that you fit nut know you are ih h coun try .f -iU nun with the knife," wh-re wo- niiu of rofjcied. . Utit' arM? of iSoft diild, guiat-tl ofisiini'uitLinjtr arms, which, bownvitr. h traced : nilpug of the greaneta of the owwr, he UfiL 7. . - V . , fv'ow ji lm pened that he arrived at ihe Jf'j'J''iiVeuv in which tbieCaJi dixnsed itHtt).'. tn-'rr day. and conteuuenilr a 5 'Qi!y?Ll the gate of the town he met - ih . , kefi. aJina, clinging tn the Slitrii JWiuw at did the beggar to St. MArtin t Cloak. . . ",VVhat more would you ha-eT" aked Doq.Aktls '"Vou aked a'mi, and 1 have tdaen it." r '. J frrue,"hrepltVd theeripple j "but Ihe law does not itereleay," thou -dutlt gire nlnit it) my orutnt-r, tit aleo, 'ih.Ki atha.lt da all ihxt thou art able for hiui." i"yt-l t what can' J do for you f : "VU eaa lave me from heiug trampled under foot by the crowd of men, and mule, and cuun'la, in the Towo." , y "!."Aiid howT-. ' 1 Uy taking; me up behind you till we get the Tulefi. 't.he i certaiulv yours.'' Then turning to the exctiiiif-r, he t r dered them to give the peasant Wily atrokea of the bantiniido. The butcher and- oiUneller were -next luiiitMoned.' ' , In THE SILVER BULLET;'' iTotr or a Rcvoi.fTiONAir rv. . ' the iiiiuuier mid aiiluinn of 177, Sir Willmn Howe, wiih a fleet and pin l of the royrtl army, was lying.at JN'ew Voj k, Gt n. liurgornr,' with his army, wera BilvaiiciiiL' iVoin Canada to Albany. Tha object mid design of the enemy wag to p-; . s ihfiiiflvf, of L:t!o Chyniplain, witft thereby to coaimuu.'Ottion Souihern 8taie. ihe niotions e . l i . -1 Id you 'recognize vour horse a.iu.ng " "'V"""7.' T 1 '"W twenty other, ?"aSked the Judge of 15, u- uf 'Vreua - Akas' i ,hiiiml liod,cji ol tntt.pH to lie jtlaced atl ish- Certitinly " - t kill. Red J took. Gnenbush, and aeveral ' -And y,u?" the Cripple. " I f"' " ,lu'' J""1 f tbf ' ' ""Cert will V- jhetivcen Albany and iNew j ork. aiUiatrW ' ' -,W with me," he continued to Uou-1 n,wi ali !?" ' Akai. They went logether.anJ the Schcick 'r 1 "7 ,17' V' " , i , i . . . . i lanl or water, ami i detei'ted in eiipioiiacro 4 pom led out bit horae .a.iionu; the twenty. t , ,.' - i . , ..i, ., ... ,.... 3 , or employed in commun cation information , . J ; betwcfii the IJiijisii ariintj, to be punuheu , accordiii to ihe ru!t-i of war. ' I About the 11 cl'Sfttiurmr u r..ilatrr J ' ' J ' .w. ...... adveranrv The cripple hurried to the ttahlei a fast I I.I I... I.:.-. 1.... ... 1... a ma it-ya miuiu iti uim, ..Lit a ma ties -,i,.,. ii i i i t I i - . pa-aiiigiiortliwar.lltr ui mi ed and ktopoed wrra irood. he a Uo rt-Ci lti zed lii l.iiap '. a . , , . T xr it -j .i i j .. ii "y 44 aentmei oi itie guard paced at lied Very well, said the Judsr.-; uow fo low mc , if . i, ( , 7 . 1 . . f .--.I -. k i -1 tllook, nj coHimaritied by Captain Joha Mautir-IJ, ol Couiietlicut. The man was to ihe tribunal. I. 1.. i....i 1 . 1 100 rfuuc rcturtit-u 10 ms aenr, onu . . 1. ,, ,1 , , . , . -,. , . j ., , - , . hootit tUirty teari ot ae, and c othed in everybody nw.titifd tlit-slow return of the ,i.u. i, ?',-. Ti cripple with impatience. At laft he np peared, ail out 'id' brenih. I'Le , horse ia Ihe h-ibit ol n lariucr. He was conducted t the guardhouse; Capt. Maiisfield in m.M.,1 ..flii... I.;..... I.. ..! fL:. . ,-i .1 n 1. . 11 . 11 . mv..'.- "i"i uw uivuvi mc u uce 01 ma re- ' . . . . .0 "1 aidence. ai well m A CARD. The aadarstgard aald raaperlfnlly infurtn bit aid fricBd aad eafrra that kni k fauad kt tt BtorearC. K Lrera, wbore. ba airt'h rfcut u ca Ibetal f, " - . . ..NcLHJMAI.D. I Faien, .C, ) W7. , f IST-H- ; 194 ; david Mcduffie, , tiuinnu, . c, . - j -.MaatrallT tea-iar blsrflK peswrn loaad !'WtbTa5ioll "'"B -orMsaa la rtU.ai' rial 5 -y i a mc i . COO K & JOHNSON, HwlfMPOBTBlta AUD lALKIUi IN f -EagHah, German. and Amcrican Uard-i warad Callery..-, , , Lin ia vt. , v. ... itr - W. P. ;BLLI0tT, r Commissioir Merchant, krtui Ut Utlr-lb.A LVt Sltim Boat tier. WUI alicad preapaly ta ail baeiu tatajtal ta a l. oar. October!!, IBM. HMf WILLIAM'crELAM, ; aTT0RNKV AT LAW, . FkJKTtBf ILLI Jf. C. Oot. 9, 1847. . iHt In the Ferhj 'Omh lives a Slteik nametl B'Hi Ak i-beit-Achour, a deKdnrtf wie of Ihe oMrr families oft ha -count rt. aa we lind by Iba Rhadoun'a hiatory of lire Arnh end Berber dynaslice. B"tuAk i ia a per fect type of the Arab of the iSnr. J Hia anceatom eonque.ed FerH Ounh, 'fine country i htf ha commlidafed and reignil have erred in his judgment over it. Afu r deciding ta recogniie the i l ITiey call him just," rejtlid the cripple power "of Fraoee, he ten I ai h'orO of Cnda j "bl not mfalhhK" , 11 token of olMuiaion, hut ha cotanilyj y'jod? aid Bou-Akat to himself; ' refoel to eo !o iii.Atitine. 'tilJeVrati I r,aVirtonitf for roe t1urli oath U ha nafe Ji1fl1rr-!'ti "9 ts g h:e fiiifw b)' the btidy 1 .1 1 . . ' v .-.I " 10 trn niaiaei place, Mnere.I I.ave bu.i- The Cadi, on reaching home found Bju Del!i 1 i'm a . .. . Akat wailing for him. 'Are you disaatis ;"'ieH. And with some difliculiv fi-.t r 1.- a.i.t ne m tuniea tne cripple oelund rum. The niurkel place w'aa leached. "Get down," tail Ihe 3beik ' .-Get Jowu yartjelf,"'iwid the cripple. "T.i help you ? Certainly." "No ; l give me your Itort" he belongs tome, e- "VVeidiftlUi HVe arf In tVctty of the jutt Cadi . 1 kw)hv tbat. , . t. . Aul joa w ill hirra irie taken up before , tery likely.'' .'itd ! you tuprxwe, when he see you wi.h touad h'g and -me will, cripple one, be. w .li rol ay the horse belongx to him vnr n.v most neea ol him t ' i!.-. ...t.:..u i. . . "D-l . r-.'r, .fcr " ' u ' h.bu,!Ue...ther-,. that man a back, he ordeiedlor the crip-. 11! r,la,i ;ciri., ' . ...... r '," :" i pie. run my If .fiejraaoy rgphed Bou-Akaa. He ,wk ,)te iiik.la.id, i d: no longer he the ju.t C"adi, for he wilM Mltti jt ue-llv. rei.i Wary 10, 1854., T. C. & B. O. WORTH, 'Comnilsslon and' Forwarding iiLam.tKf r-' Wtlmlngtoai, Tjr.; . a tful adratieea atada aa tjetnigaaianbiv" .'Celebrated Rye Whiskey. "eTHl aubaerlbar, h wvl arrung.ai.nU t k-p a i abpnlyaftta tl.oafn. ArtiU, and U tba ealy getVr thb iU at lh above braad f A . 1 y ;.;.twVi.mk;': UNTIL tVTnTHF.R oTKTJ,.w iU pajWeenta ander tha rtiluiiurlun Market for turpeittinr. ' MoLAl 'BIN A SThASOIi. : t g. IMT. - wllW-tl KliBERt-a GRpr-7-Watch Maker, Jeweller, &Cr, PAVETTKriLI-E. W. f v. ROC. be- to r4aru hie aiiKWe thanks to 4 r. publie fur lt kind patr.mag libarally ba atuBwl npoa lb Ut Firm, and inriirnm tlifin ha baa bonirht tbe IHb rrst ol 4. a. near, ana win continue the basinets i alt lu varioue braoube at tb old n he feare to Ik? reiaineil-at lt prisoner. lie pavt a Irlhire-of 8(1,009 franca. Every ye tr after h'Hrveat; al'the aame day atid tiour, by the anne gala, enter, the camels that bring tha mvfrey; not even a cent it ever wanting.' Bu-Aka i forty-nine yeara old., dreaaed like" the Kabylet. in a gamfoura of woclen, ht.ldijv a L-aibera lw.lt, wiilj a fine cord around bit head ; he carfiea a pair of pitolt by hia-wde.'-the Kabj le''. and a little black kmle ;t bout "lit tt-ck: Defore- him tfalk a negro with 1 JJurt, and a (arpe hound at his id:. ' ., : When pne vt the twelve tribes hf rule baa done h tin-any wrong, he merely aenda b:t iK'in-o to their chief village.. The nejrro (lisplayi tbe gun of Bou-.Va, iuid( the dj maue 1 repaired. " i- 1 here are two or thrt.e huodred i'egJ in hit pay, who read the Koran to the pet pie. Every individual milking "a pi'griin' maue to Mecca on calling on him, receive three franct and remain toiling a ha that he belonged to n place above Ked ll4i,and wa.t a farmer, that he wat now on hit way to tin, next tmv.n above, with a "Quite the contrarv, answ. red the jv- llM , , . e 1 l i 1 f . . . 1 . . . 1-iriuer ot his acquaiul tnce. bcheick; "but I want to ask bv whit 111-1 ,1 . l , . . , , , ... .. 11. .- t . tie was a'kcd whether he had about him tpiraiouyouien-le Ju-t.ce; tor I cannot, , f C)mliumcfttl()n r,n) doubt tbe oilier judgment, arc t rquila- o,her B . h ffi ble a my osvn. lam Bou-Ak.t. Scueick : , rlr . , ' , .. t' t' i. 1 11 1 1 ' ur. aJ.reeJ 10 ten. Boruovue or any ol KrJj Oiah, ami foivmg heard ol you, o;(ier f ,n 1 wibIi to know you , SWeied in the' negative. 1 he Judge would ha vek itfted his eLiefit 1 . ... hand, but tfou-Ak.. would no: permit it. ! , i'1, iL the" b.n that such were 'Come, I am in a Lur.y to khow foiw you lLe T hi rn,r -ftwr that it be d.covered lh t. uth in thoao Ihree Cae," ca,"e, t,a,J' 10 ur,ch t!,c P "WJ he baid traveler un.icr a.n.irar ctrcumtances, to -It it very simple. Vou know I kept l-u. replirj bcliad nd objections to Ihe woman, the monev, ai.d the horoe : b ," 'earthed t?t t. .M. then, directed through the night. HI, at midnight, 1 r ree " ,he, rd, t4 . off tit h.td the worn to awakeueu i.d brougitt to " a'"re p"UiK folds, ling, ' .... . .ill, a.1 rt- 1 ..li... ei.ai : . . . 1 1 . . lTl. I . tillmy it.k'iaod V l.ii.ltohvr. She . , . ..... 1 . : '.,,y ' . v , took out thtf colton, "'. K"ru ousrryea l.la.ce.1 11 in ilt Case, an.i ' ",e "" i m nana wna aUICK poured in I'reai. mk. Then 1 -aid to myteli: J '""V.' "'5 ' Pno ma nuHjiti. he wife of -a jieanaut would know ooth-j . 1,'ef rikowettr, Contsmjed.and waa itig about iufcttundti ah'i. the Wife of tha 1 nwh Wi h-ut any discovery which woui , tVleb" " J . 'JlH,,'y he further detentions of th frla t -GooJr tiid Bou-A!::. -iui.ihe m wr.Jat;-M., uen u.f4rrieJi.f tha " V.: -'iul v i'1'i't'?B,tli .tifot A:ii.tu.'...r?ltuar.J,-'- Vhal wns cov.. iluate J b":ror,if pet,-hed like a monkey, and reached the corerei tvufi oil. nJ eaittctallf Wrrea4 a1 hd . he tira u trfiunal where the judjte was-.-djspensmg bandtVc-re f iualW'e afler th Oriental mrxle. ! v . .m. . . . I - ara, e. I -Ihe firtl cau wat between a TaJeb i -Weli. l out the monev mto a veel ofi. andapeaiwint that is, between a loan of water,'I examined" it mis morniiigr there wat j read.v lhouS1,Iof "'' Vankee Captain: He leirrt and a laborer. The peasant had ,,,, 0 u! ua t!i sutace. C.msequmitivl whjerved to the priWuer, -we-have de- earned on the lalebt wile, ami inmil : uM,L,niial i,,t ILni t., ti-.- ..... " ;w but'tio'poftiye prdoi'hadyet appear. .' f against fcun. ' . -, . An expedient toon tiigested itself fo the imiane watntt. ina woman wouiu not buicticr. Had it beioiuej to the oll-neller. . toowiettce either hs her hutnd. Ihe a Wt,uj,i 0ave berl, treaeV. ,i,e 0l; itde hmened to both partiea, ajd then j wuudljvl, ftoalr,i ltle wa;er." said: Leave the woman with me, and come "Good; bul my iior.? I' trf-inorrow."The men saluted and with j -Au Wa8 xrtU(jv zlcJ au,ut ,hJt, 4p. ' " j until this mottii.tg." " , " The next cause was bel ween a butcher j Ult C1,pple did not recognize the aid an till -aWrer ; the latter covered with I hona..'! iol ,lhe butcher p.Hted it h blood. -Vca quite as -boldly and rxiiively as youraelt. But-rtiiy idea as not to see t! vijit - U'lititii re:o rnty "alirf hora. hurit he i.t it was lull of money; he wa templed j Wwuld kllinv. vou r,lU, wbt.u votl ,,. ty il, and-seised me by the wrist , I shouted j proacljej.n,m ljrl.,leU; woeti-the" cripple tbten.but tie would not let me go; so cailw neitr tll, he lushed out. So I gave va ctme together before you. I cli tcbm ; , lo . uU ;tny m.H.ev and he my wrt. iNow, Bou-Aka rtrf.ecteJ a u.oment, and then . . - 1 ..... f uiiito ou 011 vour journev lor tome Icjig'.h ot tim-, .-Hid sulijecteJ you to a pretty strict examination. I foci "lound by the rules ofciMlty to tre.i! you t ' a bowl of t.tddy belo're you priK-eed on, and if roil jini.k with u u shil! be nr.ide welcome." The man was plt-nst J with the invitation and readily igrrt-d to accept it. The Cap laui look upoii ImtiNcli' tfte office of bar keeper, and oii prep ti ed the toddy. To make it genuiue, and l i anwerthe fitrpose lot wmch he wanted it, he stirred in a good -dose of einelio tartar. Cur stranger being ihirsly and somewh-l ft;ii iej by traveling, diiiiik very freely of- t'lc beverage, wh.le itie Captaui and oil ers present barely tas'.ed and pa.sfd it round. ' A free cot;ver.itKn soon commenced be- hkes in Freifj 'tiuaB, at the Shiek's ex-ifwiarJiv M tlnnoet lhat he is a liar, when: jj. pt-tises; but It he d scovers a leigne pil- ;lie says 1 toon rut money. . ihe money is y -htf wrj wiihyou! Vou should bavHeeo the strangcr-ai-d .his new acquain- i my place, ami 1 youit. Vet. on the.wtrote, : taitcea. - ; lie ii. qui red ol" Capt AL the num.- r. 1 - - . - - ...---.c I t, . - cntu. two-'emiriet lUid-fotn-vierever he ftmner- may be, throw Ami lace U.wnw ard,. mid 8 1 nen aptKe tne on-setier. t uta man 1 ai,M,u,,ti l am cure you areiwmth? t be,' beeynf (Vji njer his command, tnd at. the bestow on him lilty tln.kes or the Dastina-jcame to ouy a ootue.oi oil ot me; an. Biter ScheK:k. lam wot certain that 1 am fit to ihflereitrTL.Iuarv ntHtt.-ns- aho?a Rd J.Jook s. . . 1 : 'i . TIL .'ll . I .1. L.i.l I . .1 i TlTf 11.. 1 . It atMrf. and.r bis entire saperintoaiivoce Jt, B. AD Walebas left wttb bint for repair wttl b aisa apart ia aba praaeaoa tha owners, and tba ass rj repair puintad otst In tbeas and a vrittra eontraot gira for tha aine, abieh work wMI b ranwa rr two year. r-- . Ua band aat for t nnw, the n.iat varied and choice aalecUou of CLOCKS ud tithrr tlmepiroea thai h' tut" frar beea aOVrtd to tha pnbllo in arth Carol in n 'khih ha tjsiU sell at Ileal York price, ud la w aST fur two a'ears. All debt due to and by tb late iBrm-ititLW paid kad ra)i(l by ..j . V r- H. 1). 0RKEN. , . Auirwt2lifiat59. . ' .--.IStt-tf and the monev ger Bhouiders k; if the dog. he takes it ill is mine." , a leashs il the knife, he throws it arou' s The Cadi made each plaintiff repeat, his aJ hit HfH'k; and wiih one or, other of iheft I storv; neither varied. "Leave the money . ' . . .. I r-'-t r . . .. . ..M w I t ......... ....... .1 .1 WiBioaiS, eacn;or wiiicn spxtuet .'iiip. 1 f-asre, ortaiu, -auu return m-morrow. grce of ligiior lobe rehifofed, thg fraM ;-N J' came the tarn of Bon-Akas and the Kow tbriMgb tlie twelve tribft 'wjih i f cripple.' , - - rifimraie iwl i iooV,i and f,-,il frrntoiiiiarf fl " Mv lord iudge.'' said the Scheick, "I O ' (j .- . -J'l ... t -, .. . . . ' i . . .. .. . .r . ir .. - t. . . j 1. . .. 1 Wortii tCfitiey, ."iii5i:,' .i.yttit w; w6ii ,r forwarding and GiiuaVComiiiiaiion i.iv l-.n,'-''-''-7' MertianHir-i '"" -''7- T .brwry.aa4li.. 'JC CTLEY. 7 tf e . , Book Bindery . W. HA.ttl, earris aa th Bo-bta4lBg batrts 'It aaas la tha aaaaad story of Clara -ft Woodwax' Ototblag Baipotluia, where he aul rabaiva ahd rteoau btodiag ia aav style geetrtd. ' ' r- iaa'y t-. i - ' ' '". V in ' 1 ' " rf tr.rnnr.R xXVSikW. , "vr r : 4 i wnxnjQios, no. 'MH,1T. 359 amp do He 1inso neitmes three hundiTd fVr-H had li lied ihe bottle, he aked m if I could aoiis to ditte ; he then . walk, around 0 ver-J iiKffit$Z$wW.'rirgii I ttok a "handfuf teeing klie ajomesitics ; if llitM-a anything of money 1'nitn my Kcket and laid it 00 the left, he eats, but alw-as laU ' , " J threshold of my nbop; he snatched it, and When tin; governor of Constanline, thw was going oif with oil and money; when I only auihoruy lie acknowledges, send bW seized hiin by the wrist, and shouted nhiefl' a traveler, he gives hint his gnn, his ftog,orilri 'spite of my shouts he would not give it bib knifo. accordinir to the importance o! tip; and I have brought hioi here that you lite traveler, or the urgency .of the reconv may judge between us. I s'vear by Maho. tnendatioo. If he gives his gun; the ttru n ' met lhat this man is a liar, 1 Th BuHlcriber le now rtoeiring his Stock of eoaprnidg varythfac in the wny tf Dry, GooJssach :..,; ,emands It .. Uarinnaa. AlDSoas. DeLainea. Ca.hnwre and Oiojt- I JUSI ICe 4,pm'U,U 11 bams, for. LoJies Dresses, l Clioe, Lln.ja, Flannel, bloaobed and unbleached Shirting, Drilling, fOariAbarg, Kareeys, Katitucky Jeans, HalUiwai Caasi- aser ror l anla, t. ne., . Heady Inde t lothliHt. of lb trrt Msta- rials, and trmit WurVnttanshiP. Itta ! boes.--tor Mrn ani unys, aiaoj Kin ms ftoclteL XiOU-AKat matt . ... . . . a 1. , xa: - UL a!. 1 .. .... lor rut it the Ruest of Ifou-Aks,' Whet1 h reave the Ferdj X)uaitf, lie. .turns ovet the dog, gun, ij kmlo to the first Arab b bueel U th rab is hunting, he quits the chasei-tl Aiktjuitig,- he drops his plough j 4f Xt hotMi We foiiVes it to curry the pletlge tohisjSheik. The. well known little knife With tile black handle hat given its name to BouAki-Boti-Dej-noui,-the man wit.hr the knife ; for it is with this he cuts off heads, if he thinks the necessity for pro hpt just ice demands it W.hen he came lata Hiwer, tberr were a great many fobbcrs about : the Sheik adopted tlve planiefdi- guis'ng hiihself un simple trader, atid Iota ing fall a duuni, tf which he never fost sight; if lhe.ereoii who picked it up put a skgno good aaabrtaieatof La'liea and Mirses Shoes, Triin- aiiagftirLadieaOraaae, IKinncla, AlauiuiasaeuijioaKS 'of ke latest Faohion. Hall nd t ap of all sorts sal Traaak ot all (iaaa, baaid . '. f ' ' j-flardrre, GrwericS and l - Variety of other treoda, whiah I -will sell low focfjaeh or upon'araait,' 'reliable sad prompt paring. Cns- , 8. XI. RRANT. . . v n a a aa vskt ! tu.,- '- 'r iWiJiing to know what the sex thought of , alTfP WJrOjr mlAUlllX9l'9i biro, avnd meeting a pretty Arab gul ikng a BCPBBlOBi aaality. Alsa, ebED WATa. Jaatl the blMikt ol-the slrcam. be aprojich- '?-- T- F. dOalOS.; 1.1 umr:mid at.l red on A licht etataT The his executioner disguised tike himself, and off went the culprit's head. .The Arabs ay that, a . child may now traverse h twelve tribes with a. cm own i( gnui on his head, withouTrtsk. . ' ' , Bou-Akaslias a high respect for women, and hat oVtfered lhat, when they - till their .goat akint at the-fo intains, the nina tire to tarn aside, and. not pat before tbem. v.oniv from a lonir distant city to buy mer chah lise in this ainrkeuV At the gate of this 'own 1 found this cripple, who first ask ed a ms of me, and then begged me lo lake hunup. as h'e feared he should be trampled on, 11 the erowd of men, mules, and camel Arrived al the market place,- be would not getdwn, but claijaed my'horsevind wheii' I tlreiiterwd him'Vith juitiet-Pshaw, rbe CinJi it too sensibletrfrmn to doubt that the horse belorigs to mm who need hurt nvWt; ' he frplied. 1 swcariiv Mahompt, this he hat made against it; the fact is this is the simple truth, my lord." - Next rejoined the, cripple:' My lord, I coitie here-ea business upon this horse of mine, when Istw this man seated by the rtadside, as if half dead.'- I stopped to ask if he had met w ith any accident. He an swered.no; but. that he was exhausted w ith fatigue; and begged me lorchtrjtylo bring h.m here to this city, where he had business. , didto;bot what waa my -surprise, when lie ordered me to dismount, and wtid the horse was his." So I brought hint to you. This is the truth, I swear by Mahomet. , The Cadi made each repeat hit deposi tiom "Leave me live horse,"" he ordered, "and return to-morrow." The next morningjiot only the parties concerned, but a great crowd, led by curt- tf) Cadi, ':;;7. .,- ,.;;.v,::, ' a 1 a -'' ' . ; piec. or auy kuld o! c.inuoti-rwhat num- .Thk Fust Kins 'Am I rca-CoW to ' efseuiinels ' wol e j.!a-cd vn the watch at you Sojaiia I'' I whisiwiml, and pVejwtxl mfi tune how otet 'and, w hat time of night barumglioato Iter r:ii.uilvShe '-'dJ; hcy were reieed, .-.c. nottay yes; the diiTm-i; sayaof bf she"! About twelve r firt'.-en ini"nu?es after the rttumert my kaw,aiid the earth went from - tJly went n-uii.laud v m do wn;bur guest Uiiddi'.t.ty leet; iiy tool wax oa longer-in begaii.to grow-paie Afc.t-fotf kjavild. "Sortie tht'lioua ..toucued.lhe -atartt . I kfiew 'the .thing," saul I:.-, the -iwlier vvith me happiness of fhe seraphim 1'l7 's '- ; 1 tet'l v ery sii.k at mv s:iun vch al! at one!" .1'lie above is ali 01 , this deeply exciting . He., lose imaic'diatt-ly ri-om his seat and story that we can publish.- The rrttmiu- '. went . out ' into' ttitj. wco.l vard, where' a defwill las fonud 111 ihj itiower of Decern-; quantity ol chips were ling, and soon be- ber SHi.h, which has fotlr million more sub toi ibers that! there are itihabUimts in ihe wui id! kSLurn Koti writes for ii-lVa' IS utt writes for it Tad pole write. lor it--cvery body w rites for it -and . it is ' id . every- wacre in the world and out ot ii. gaii' to voniti. , lie was carelully watched hy 'Captam SI. and several ot the guard, -and was seeu by thuM'. to draw with his foot a -parcel of chips over th nntte - ertit kd from uis .stomach, before he returned . to ihehotise While he was renchtrtg 1'!$ tiiota.V trU-irotistv Catitain Ml directed rTr An indirect wsv of gvlting-'a gla pt' Search- to be tn.i.. ..,.'.miI ,he. chips,, - of water at a boarding house is to -.'call for where was soon lound a srfver bail o the a 'third" cup of tea. : . - - j'sirexil" ar'smajl rrrrrsiet bullet, bent a'0U5d' ' - '- -, , . . ,.. , 'and sfigl.tiv 'soldered .fogetlfer. . DCf A young lady- inquired :l a sailor , E;K.hs in , f;ilK, WM found why a ah-ip was always called she ." U -1 Mu.r a sllPH vi ilt mWt. iftUfil by cau:," replied Jack, -ihe rtgg.ing co.Ms a j n ild,llvS!jed to General Burgo thunderiu sight more than the huh. , gVllfJ llUl,rilH-,;.0,l resfK-cting the ii(."a, ' ' " . .""'" I ti.m tif'the rova! fleet -.a ml auy at New Irrfi' --.rn uric t.-eensiou,. u.uim . ... - . , ,1 . -s.rr.si - . c a 01 Si and ttihitnis,' a.l.vice !rotti tueOe the Kevolation, "kjhi rui nan rect-iveu n , lot ot new recruits, and aa lie had some t ' 1 ui Si uuvl ri'(K;f.U:iL: a. i vice !itn lUPUene- ral iv ihe bc;rcr, n int rrt,r'--3 he was ma- 1 1 i l 1 li t- r : Kiiiji uii v1"1 tirtiM xi tiia .'iiiiiiaii'.i hghting wnicn ne women jo uu .wiu.r , j,.,- Ibanv and waiitea nue uui wining ineo, or ui r up" his levies in rank before' him. "Now. boys," stiil he," don't wish to retajn any of you who wish to leave; therefore, if an v of you is dissatisfied, and Wisltes to re turn hn ma- he tnnv sitrnifv the sailie bv stepping MX paces in front of .the line-. Bu', added the old war dog, -1 11 snoot me nrsi man -tliat steps out." . : Ladies, prVparVfbp an' extreme change in yottr habits, for a Parts correspondent of theNew 1'ork Ceifieraaytlrfie tadies are coming out '.without hoops, bustle, wadding,' or anytk'tngif' 4l W hicii -Ije tu i.eil soon to meet li'iu. I'll f t iin r, i oiiiSi, was con tinntSi incu'lotlv, and it C"Ui I martial spe dd lyi'iiicd, by w"hoi:i, ou the clearest evi deiiee ol tuilt, the uaforluiiale prisoner waa convicted seiiteucf.l ai.d e.xecuted.""" . A bevylot' little- eiiildren were telling their father w hat they got at school. The eldest, reading, spell. u, nud dcfi'iiiions. "And what do you get. my liit'e ove ?'' said the father to a roy-td'-.-.l little follow, who i lh.il Lii.le'Vluv .iK' h U ii,)eiiny nail into ihe door. panueL ' .Me '-oh ! 1 geta Teadiu', spellin', uad srjauiouta. , j f! : r' " ' ' " . -- .- ' ' ' ....- . - . ..- . .. - . t ,.

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