J. 1 ' tv . . t i"U IIATIKO TBI 8TAT1. ', Wastwwd had aa mim a word f fry ffroqaeat wliw State, Verv bubv. Im. ah a west r. tara ialitw reals fully Battened aafte lb rrar of their Ways, " aad eoeteat to aaafur at to the assgo af Id tip Vsa Wtekl U U after llf. II iajrwnllf aiteaUhlag that m Many or oar yoaag m, ea eeaipletlBf, their educatloa, seenring Ilsoeue to preatl wl r reeelrlsg ikeir Medical Diploma, reaolva to leer Mr satire State, end eck for fw Bad tbrlaa abroad. The mwi awst oeaae.'y argad fur suck a wars, la, that laleal r aot sitlB- kiaady appreciated ta North Caraliaa, aad lby al ; where thay aaa M apart laeaaeelTee ay their pi' a wfcer lew, II aw. II la eertalal a Hiatal Bailee that UUaU are aat appreciated aa highly htra at la aay part of ' Jha wertd. , All i perteae proves, that Ma doctor Bad lawan have ever foaad abaadaat employs! ta war , aad ewaeks, ar ladifereal proroeeteaal Vllt lad it hard Uak to succeed say alter. , Jfnaa, thara an aaaey vail mJ yaaag aa who leave aha , wkbeel lg it a fair trial, aad;u- ataai wall abroad, hat I hex weald have saeeeeded la 4m tia, If the had reaaaiaed at aaaa. Yber will always ha raaey for gaod ejrofeoaioaal Basa. Tha old eaarapiaae, aha by their iaddslry aad application fcare waa Cartas aal Med tha otry with Ibeir ' table; M aaatlag away aad thalr place aat U llled. (ar ew yaaag seea aetieee of oar Bute are ttl bpf aorwsa to 111 tbatr alaaa. Why, tha; should iheyaot aa H, ralhar thaa ga to Boat dlstptsateraSiate, where thay weald a regard) ha lalrwdsrs.sad aaraaa aha m aaabb to aopa . Vlth tka totoal aaJ aaarc at laalr aaHfa UlaT aJTli- vai yaaag ataaai andad a ha Hay appli liaa Taad ladaatry lh)r kaay h aa aay part af ta glaha, faaaplrUaf aajlmlioa Ualaarifc aaaaag aar ' aaara. Thay iaplia af tha paor aad wara aat laada af Narth Caraliaa, aad th waal af aaciaal "alaaw Va, " aad farlhwith pack ap all thair atara, aad g Waal to aaanh af richar laaaa. TbU Uy vary aaally aaaaaaaliah, bat thy tad alao tha larariablr ae ' aVaiaiaal af rfah land la lh at aa aahaalthy, . ajaiat aliaaato, aaaaaJlag la feaan that ia a rry faw , vaara aaiaratla th aaaadaat aaaditatlwaa, and laar aba haallhlart hady aad ataatoat ana ia a ailaalioa for ' taa waak to parforai tb ardiaary datiaa af tb fa ' kmi mkw ahaaU aar bnaan aa Waal, ia Micb af rtah laada a M alaaw raaaa." whaa thara la aah aa fiint mil af hath at hoata f Oar Suit I atWtaaily Variad, la aliatat aad toil to ait ta awat faaliaaaai ' aato. If aar foratara alah ta aajay la adtaatagv af aaad aaairty aad laaal frrtila laada-aaatara Rartb (Wllaa rWmaikca hath. If tbT wih fcr ranai aad gaaaa aad th piaar af Uriag with bat littl We-r, lha vaatera parwaa af Ua BUM ytt aaoparaUraiy 1-irC-. faraiahai all thaa adraaUgaa. Thar lajaaaaa roraate af aak aad hickory aad chaa- Vat atraleh for aailaa aaa bcaatifal aad hHila Ualf , Vtbaal a atagla haawa habitoUaa. liar aaM af alaMat aaary kla.1 abaaad. Tha aaraary, to, i af tka maJid aad ataat aabUaa hracr, aiaaaUia aaay ha aaaa, liftiag thair pfaad iaaiaiiU oa rrary aid aad aaarly arary allay aad raria l walarad by rya tal faaataiaa. W arrar aaw aeaaary that aaald aoai ' para a wildaao aad baaaty with toal ta b feaad ia lha waatara pH af Narth Caraliaa. It la a parfaet latary to Iraaal ia lb aaar tiaM, aawaf thaa aaaaatala nJaaa aat aaly aa aaaoaal af th aaMlata 'rWl p raaaa to fraaa thair fmrnttm, bat alao la ay 'lha haalth lawpirUg braaaa by whlah thay ar r v .., JUaaalry aaaid afard graatar adraalagaa farraia- lag atoak af all kia-la, ixkam Ihi.1 Oraaaa of la a. ' aarltfUaallaabVkrytlara aboaa4 ia ahaadaa ' Thar law 4atry wbar a au aaa bra aaaUr, lha la th-w.tora part af mt Sul. Tb aaly PT Umtimm thai aaa k raiaaj la St, by tba aiaat arapa- 1 i ii I ki a.ln.iiamU ar ?"t" - Balfari ahl, It aught k raaarJad aa a fanaar'a aandiat Wily ar ail lha aaaaaaart af af proaarad. ' gjf Wf ta that a fe caa i uf ye!!u feref hara oecarrrd ia Caarlaaioti, M 0 a tka' bill of mortality ay lh eilj Regiator of Cbarlaatuaj tut lha weak eodiajo tha 10th laat., lar Itaaa bwaa tare death reported fruat jaj. low fcrr. aaa- - Marat" baa tailod to cawtrlT with Mr WUiabed raloa Ja aot giring aa aia W aiaat, Uierafora, doolie th pablioatio of 4iU ootaaiaBtcatioa. .. ar Wa owa aa apology to aama of oar reaJar U tba incorrect atela ia wbieh many of fa . vaak'a ppr ' seat out W were loo much , 4adiapoed to give tba proper atleeiigai lu, tb ' . .proof beeta. . . gaJT Tha EaMgk kegleter aay tar waa a 'aaa hi that ily o Sunday aaaraieg but. aligl.l far Blw w gir Praall' Wat licht a l Oaancracy : A I th i laerall party , they haaw haw th lead llaa aa lata aUrrry quaatioa mtmotrti, " i Tea, aad ah lead kaow haw the Praaoerali party aVaa aa Ihi darery q,rliea. Pmtttt. jgay. Tbbreday, Now. 20lb baa beaa aM ik j Lu) Eieelleaoy Our. Bragg, a t day of pub- ' " " lie tbaakgiiag to Alojlgbly God for put blera lags, tad to invoke Hi eootiaaed esare, ore lh iBuia aa4 UTatwa. ' fcwW MOOKB COCNTT F A IE. v Taa Agrtoallarel Boeiaty at aam vauatp, win 4 aaM It third Aaaaal Fair ia Carthtg. oa th Iftb "aad Uth af Noraaabcr aeit. Col. Joha W, Caarama, ,1 " 'war grar aad poteat Scator, will delirer th Aaaaal Addreaa. Il U aaaaaragiag tasa th d p.latort aow tokra " , 'la Agrlcaltaral Fair Ureagaoat th Slate. taT Saaator ffaater, a riral aaadidate with Oor. - Wiaaef V., for the C. 8. Smata, eoaaa skt ia a V attar, deayiag a laaaor that he is opposed I th AJ Walalraiioa af Buchaaa. Ha saya ka appro of aUhaae'( adiaiatatratiaa hat la bppoaed to Walkai'i Caasa policy. ' . Fear Walker hw k hi to- auffaf for Ik alttpl Variat af carrying aat th iastraclioat of bis great! 'ptatate Bachaaaat fggr W aadetwtend that $17, IM of th apeci at leafroai the Cuntom Hoa la Rl oh mood, va., has '"baaa raoorwwJ. Tb Seerelary af th Treaawry, Mr. Cobb, Mted a amst oateaptibla'Vart la tha baaidet . frat what appeared oa tad VM he was almoat aa . guilty aa th felon wh brok opa th aaf aad took tb atoaay. ' COCmRFIIT. W iaara fraaa the Obecrver thjt thr I a eoenter " At IO,kill at a Ik Merehaate' Bhak af Nawbern. - Obaervar toys: 1 v IT have before aa a ooanterfelt $10 bilt ea to Ifcreasat' Beak af Rewbera. The paper is pear aad .i wkittok . The ate aHogetlaer dtf eraat frata lie geaa "T1 mt. Th vigoatte all diBereat. It la not aecaaaary i . taaaipr tha ; hut Is aallctaal'to state, that all lb gaaaia note af that baak of all deaafttlaatloaa, t , da tha ward " BmkHdm BaipNnpfc"aasplca. M the raoe, wharaa Ihi eouatarrall ha nth tko a. " Wda. On the geaaia $10 bill 'they ara arar'lh Vtw larga Is. l th toft aad right hand af th tdp of a the hill; wharaa the oaauaai flit ha hat au I, aad H a wrvrVaat (be wwrda Poeth Carollaa." , Tub fair; Throagh tha tladaaaa af Mr. I, t. Ualaaa, Saera- tory af tha AgrUaltaral Soelrty af CombHaal, wi had tha laara af Uklag a rloa iU( blai arar tha Fair Oroaada la thli tUlaily, aa naraaay tvahlag laat. W wrra alaaaai to otaatra tha bitatilita ar. parailoaa glng aa. Tha fcnanri awy KHf( la thtlr la tx-k, eattlaaad poaltry, with aky (aaatlty af proaao aal (knalag lajplaaMato, aa Uitfa will ha aa abaadaaaa af raaai fcr all. It la as had, that arwry fkrawr aad aiathaala, la thla add tha aarroaadlag coaallaa will exhibit aaintthiag arary aa aaa prv duaa oui artlola raagiagfroai a plow la a larg tar alp ar fraia a (ktekaa to a (aa Moodad hwa. Tha Floral Hall la la raadtoaai for lb aoalribatioai fraaj tha ladiaa. HpaSittaaa af Id paialingt, aaadl work aad hoohery ar Mpaatad la larg qoaatltiaa, togothar with arary artiala of lhaiala ladaatry aad iagaaatty. Wa, Ik aaihailU aa Mlaaralr, ar particularly dl- raai af baviag a fall aapply for axaatiaatioa, aat aa ly aa aoeouot af aar Oaolngtaal tora aad aaalytlaal kill, hat ala fraai a aiaeara daolr to ham lh ala- aral raaoarac of North Caraliaa which ar vary fraal pmpvrl rrprraaatad at aar Fair. W aadcr aland that aa AgrloaHaralMtcrUiamralwitl b gi aa Tharvday nlgkt. All paraaiM, from tb old aiaa lcaaing apna hi ataff froia lha ri((bl of accnmalaUd yrara, to th littl boy hrimailng with Ui woader uf yoath froa th awitira of "fair, fat and far)" la tb hlooaiing ayaiph af act fltto.'' ar ripetVd at tha lair I COMMUNICATION. Far tb Arga Maaar EarraM : I haa Waa a rraidrat of Fay' atlarilla fur a '. own yaara aad ar bar I kaowa II garrraau J lrr Uiaa at thla liia. Irarlog tbvtoraj af tb prrMat Baard of Coeiaaiaaiaaara einny ary iaiproaaauata hat aaaa aaad. A Inrg aad aabatoatlal awar baa ba -ackrtrarrrU, laading froai Maaafard atrarl aa tb llath, I tha hVala nlll-poaal aa lha North, which aa a Irank or raarptaal of lha aawllar atrrat orwara, draiaa tl whole baaiarM fx tiaa of lha tawa. Tba aaiallrr aawrra baa bora ra- pairad ; diirbr bar ha laaarad and aa aaaa dug abararar thay wrra rrajairad, aad I caaaat ar boa a ara thoruagk ay alaaa af draiaag cald h..r bran adoplad rrgard h;iagjkad to th aUU ui Ikr tawa Th Grata Yard to ha baa well earrd fr Tba gatr bad baaaaa looa aad rickrty by raMa f lh raat hariag aarkad ia tha brick ptilaw, thi J. fool waa raaaadird by tha plaaliaf af (ad ligkiwoud oala aad th haagiag af lb t lirraoa. Thr bid at'fM, kick wrra ia qaita a dltapi.latrd eua liitwa, hara area id aad thair plaera aappliad ly nr aa.j hair ia th wall hat bara cluaad, a g'-od bw k Ivhc pal ap, aad aaw th raclaaar of tha wh-dr ara'if ry 1 rry good. Ta bri'lga aad raaaaya abat laa, k l-a a altaadad to ; aad bar w lad lk raait spirit f jadicloa iapraarat BMBlfaatad. Tar loa pi bar bo Iliad apaad tbaroagh plaaaa atadr aM4h arvkaa bridaa hara baa aaaailail aad vih- Wail I wbararat aaadad. Mack af lha eradit, for thaa warka, au tdi- to tLa health af lha towa, la da to lh Ta C.t bU b ha diarbarfad tha asaay daiir darulriag ia hiai failhfally aad toaaciatiaaaly, aad I hap il aaay ha th gad brtaaa af th towa luauj to raap tb frail af hU Ubura. Tha palls dapattatrat ha ba wall anaaiad.-- Th gaard aaa baaa Ur aaar rBclrat lhaa thay haaa baaa lapraaaatad ta a. Th larrilary af lb toara ia la larg for two aasorr (th aaaaLar aa gaard aach Bifkl) te kaap watch aaar ry pvrtiua, at all Uaaaa. Bat aatwiUrataadiag ta. aaullaaa of th patrol far lhra bar toaalrwrr aiiUaaiaaaara M a high grad aiailitad ia fayattorilla, after aigbl-amll, dariag tha yaar IS5T thaa I -rT haaw for oaa yaar, prle lharatot If th palia forae war latraaaad aO par , I thhak thara waa Id ha a raaaa to eaaaplaia af th 'hirtd gaard. ' Tha Bach I kaaaR tba 'ajaard. If thay aaaaM prtraat lha trmmmin af all ariaM, at laaat ary diligaat la larrrtiag aat oaTratUr aad brlefian thraa la jatia. PaUlw rarvaal aha daaai ia wall, of lh aaami- ly ar ratidrd to praia ; aad to aha a the lhatthair (Oarta to gir aatiafartiua ara appreciated by at kraal m ciluaa I haw wriMra thla Coeaiaaaicatiea. T. The total aatewat af salaria palj by lha Federal Oereeeil dariaa tb teal yaar waa $i.t'l,M, af Which $8,0U0 waa paid to Califeraia oflle balder. Il I elated that aaa af lh partaar ia a roeiaeat Philadelphia krai that lately eaapaadad kept S earri- agaa, i ligbt rid iag wagaar, i fast boreee, t doga, 2 ceachatea aad 4 errraat girl. Is il say uuader ibal i ecli sat a fail T A yaaag lady, fead af dan.-.ng, t: i-rra ia th aura af singl aaaaon, ibxut : .ur bjirl.-ed ailsa, aad yrt V 'u ly would U.iuk uf waUiug Uiat dialaact ia ia aatb. - Our Cnl.fainia Ei-bang alatr thai deprecated ten dollar siivh art ia circulation. Tkaseoeina hara baaa tiaaeaad uf god te la aawaat of aboel 41. M r-eitlrd. Ta Bank af BriUah North Aawlca, through it agency ia Nw Yetk, ka erdvml g.dd fr.iai Ladua, aa lk -aat lvr uag to lha aiuuuut of iOr 4 JU Urargi' llaJsua. tin KugUth "rilwav kjng," bat gou te Mpaio, in abicb kiogiiora a ami rHy pro. ) ject is about to b cat tied into effect B'lvr ki mail? agtasvur. " . A yf au hmI Charlm Tbraah attempted, to ga'tj apvn a Uaia at Buuib Aotoa, ua the Fitebbuig road, aal ttaturaay aJlrravoa, oa of lauvare heiag ia Bjutioa he lout au balaace, a IhroWa Vadar lha aheeia, had htarigbl area eat ot, aad d'td af bia tu juris at th feoetb ilealva Hoaptlal ta aaaae kigirl. Two lada aaaed Hay aad Hobiaeea arut out (,io uiag at JUaaoheotar (N. II.) Ual friilay afierauua, aad while Bobiaaea Waa playfully kvrpiug hie oust piaioa froai atealiog apples froat kit ftackal by tifg hia fwi(.k hiIa,tHt.tUn1(enu playlliiog wa diacbargol aad itr rirtiia u'afa( ixli in puur Hayes's areaatx Tlt md uraa bi -about aa Lear. Ur. CuBeiugbaaa, who did aot uppvlrr tn auuil, when oallad the other day ia Mew York, i said lu I in Hobilbr' Sb ie lialile'tu forlcit $5,000 iecogniV aaae hy bar abeeac. ' Maeqaitaa bare beea so thick oa Long IjlaaJ tlist Ihe workaraa ea the Brooilya arateraorkn crv si.ni pvlled to quit work aad lea to their houaea. Tb amount eipeaded by Anarioao travel, ra ia Europe ia eatiaaated at J 10,000,000 anuu.ilyi la Cuaoiaaau, aa apjtkeeary put up liquei ..ui.u.inia instead of eaaaac of cinaaotoo, aaii Neu JdtcMt, a bakr, died fras taking it. - Ia draagaeeaaty , Va., typhoid fever prevails aaanag tha aoior4 pupalatioa. Oo f Isatter has loat 19 alave. -- .' ' , ; , Dadiel W. KlBfcaoVaiaeeitisea af SaBeld, 'Cdhaeotioat, aaaflaaaed girilly af a charge of forgery, aad tk seWteaoad to taa "HuaU pneoa for a ten of aia year, it is father, aataaof cvoaiderabi wealth, 'died of grif sooa after hi aaa'a arrest. They hav eaaght a queer tab doww at New Loa daa. It is abuat four feat loeg baa a aoatinawu fa fraai lb baak ot th head to withia aa lack of ite toil, whlah I poiated sad aharp a a aaedla. Thtald aaberaM aarear bad aaythlag Uk it, oatafVatjarrtoaato whiohhMrrdfar Cataraay Araoa, aad klDad UaUatly. . ' Oa aatarda alakt. aa Afliaii Oraal aad Oaam rBoathgato war praeardiag alosg th I area at Ckaelw aatl, a etoa wa Ihrawa k lhai by a aaa, 'wblti hawararSdid aat alrika allkas ml tmm.' ' i.' yaaag aaaa thaa thrra brick, whlah atraab th iniM. tni ki. k mmA kinu. kl i-.i i- Thar thaa gar Uhauaii ap to tha poll. , Mia Whit wa auuried to a gaatbataa la Laca tw (Fa.) laat waak. That aroaiag a jarealiaa haad af "Calllhaiaplaaa" aaraadad her, headed by wler &ua(.l White, aged Ifteaa year. Tha party war larited ia, aad yaaag White draah of wbiakey to eaok an Ual be fell ia a taper aad wa Uft la tb raaaa aU aight. la lb atoning ha wa dead. ? Aaother aaaa af death fraai a aplder bite took plaa at Laacaater (Pa.) a fa'w day also. Charlaa Hl aa, af that plaaa, waa hillca aa th Up dariag lha algbt, aad, ia pit af arary ertia, died fraai lh polaoa la a waa fro tba tint af th errre. Tb yaipteai were a ara wlllag af tb faa ful leaed by iaaaaity, aad laaily ajartUluatioa. A graal Ira at 8t. Petorabarg, lately aadtroyad 170 rcawla bvlaa with preduae. Ta aaaaal ahMtlag laatch af lh United f tetea KtlaClab waabcU at Walthaa) (hlaaa.) la waak, aad Uraiaeiea la a awlaacbaly aeeidVal to a Mr. Pur- gia, af Ubeaoa, (N. II ) gaaaailhah whil aroav iag lha laid aa aaother aieabar waa aiating at tb target, Wa ahat ibrwegb tha abdoawa, lalktiaa :" Juries frwa which. It la ft red. a aaaael reeater.f , V Mr. JaaUh T. Toiler, af Parry, baa aa erg laid ' a aaa betoagiag, to hist which I aarieaity, V gialklcircaaafaraaaf th gg i t laeba, lh amallm , aad tha welflil it half apeaad. Th pr- caUaril rl th gg, beoioa lu eiia, la, that aa iag it aa agg af tba ardtoary ait ia foaad withia, bar a ahcll of aaaal thick!. Thr eaa ha aa dabt Ibat th tearrlaat pbea iaMdite:y aba th ateaarphr that aarraaad ih earth, for thara all badiea loa thair grarlty . FORI IGN NEWS " a coaaca, (Ac Irraaf aaaay ararW, Ara-. rue mil aaaMM aaimaf ml Am tar.' r - on iii aii'E. tiBTata ar THC matiK. W a ind the lollowin iu tbe New York after- aomi paper of U'edueaday : " IUupax. Taeaday, Oct 20, 1857. Ite n.f wail stckui ship Korooa, ijanc eitch, trout Lirarpool, on I be afleruoou of Hal. urday, loa Khb ioat.. arrived at ibia port at ll -U ti ckx-K mi rueaiag Baa ktlt UrarpoM at I r. , m eaiuiday. 1 1 reptnlr ibsl sbe taa 4 io I tie a torga neaael ; abip-riitirrd, ap- paruiiliy acrew steaajer, aUodiug hjaatj lilk, pad a lrre rrw atcsater steering Kant fth baa in iprrie. Tbu deaui ship Jitdiaa, Iroui Quebec, arried out n tbe 7th, aad tbc Persia, truat ew York, ou tbc I (Mb. i Tb strain ship Borttai, from Usaiborx fur .New York, pal back to Utatburg a tba 7ib. 1 Ua cauee waa aat autod. 1'bere is nothing later troej Iadta. There bsd beeo a terrible etorm oa tba -Kliab eoeM. Tba Aascncaa ship 8. K. KiatbeU froa Sundcriaad, Uniad to New York, bad baaa luat. lief eiew bad beca all Bared, ' 1.1 Tbe Aaiencaa etisi waa aereral fell ia Eng. fauad aad France, aad mooey tbruugbout Earop wa adraoeiog. specie was beiag abipped to Auierica Tbe Kiag of Praasia waa feared to be , . . It wsa reported tha. tb OovwrwaT titMral af India bad beea recalled. A Urge atone wa throw at a paaaing traia oa tbe Jaatera aosjauea railway, aad at rack Prof Kogere of lioatoa ia tba face, braakia: hi jaw boa. Catbsrin Hay, tba ainger, was marrted ia LoooV to Nr. ItuahBeU of Aew ork A proclaataUoa bad beaa iasued by tba Irish otlMKitua extending tb limit of Ibe aeueeUim ed district anaaad Heltaat, infbrnKtioa . bariat beaa received that tba people lustead of deliver ing op tb aruaa were eoaeealiog them outeidc the original liutiu, ao that tbey would ba availa ble ia caae of freab disturbance Tha London Morning Pott of Saturday posi tively announce that tbe Governor tjeaeral of lad is baa been recalled. No other joaraai b tie news. bancs. Tjie American eruia wa severrlv felt al Paria, owing to tbe delay ia remittance Money waa ia great demand ltd .the prospect wa ibal lb Maek of Praaoe would have to rescind iia recent tBeaeare of relaxation, if aot raise ibe raletof tbe Uieoouot. K amort were current of an approaching cow fereuce al Pari oo tbe Ihutish qooatiou, affairs oi Italy, the ution of the Priocipslitioa, aad a gen eral redaction of European armaaent. Ileliabl scejunu of tb meeting of theorowa- ed bead ot Europe have do doubt that oaa of the principal objec-ti thereof it "tba reoactioe of tending aruiiea in order to erer th njrriBientel potiiiona of repreeataUT o)ana, the iucraa liia: diSewlty of obtafwing hjenl, randring ra daorioa f expenditure indispenaible. - - .spAiMs It waa raid that General de Mirarol had been eoarinwted Captain General. of Cutai, but tin) cira bad aot made iu appearance ia the ofScial arasette. Th Joaraah) fully eon fins tba accepts nee j tha Quseu of tba resignation of tb Kavaes Cab Holland. Tba Dank of fJolUndks raised Tbe kiuaacial preasara waa atill very severe in lenaa. A stock exebaage jotrbar had ar5't IM aaicide by blowing out bi braini. AweVfttr had eltaappeared, reaving vetctencfea ia. nu asaotlbt vi J5,H0, aifd naiUerous small failuijts wad VMcwrred Tha tiaok of Prusaia ba again raised ka rata ol discount, whlvb now atanda at Of per cent. TiTALY A reduuiiou of 5 per cent, oa the export duty of hemp had been decreed ia tha l'OQtlBcl outtoa iae trial ot ibe partiea auaaired in toe recent insurrectionary attempt in iuly, ooiuuieooed on the iHtit beptember, at Palermo. 11 L'stfi a. The I'aris oorrespondent of the Loo- don J lutes ia iu formed that negotiation .bare been opened at be iVtemburg for the conclusion f the treaty of couiuieroe betweeo Kitaaia and Austria. . Two Kuaaian teamera ind IViuur gun boat had disembarked troops ia AbaaeaTwho bad burned a baiaar aud destroyed abipping. Tbe'loaa aua touted by 1 rebiaonde ia 500,000 franc. The iiuaaiaa Minuter of Mariae officially re porm, in regard to tbe loaa of tha line of buttle ship Lefoit, that aha waa laid on her aide and foaadered ia a few minutes, and that all on board perished, including tba commander, twelve officers, aud 743 seamen, 52 women and 17 ebil-. dreo Tbe alibi wunt down ia thirty toUtftu water. ; 1 - f Tbe aaat atoraa bad caaasd aiavty tXQier 6 ians tera, and muobloaa-of iito4a VaTtous pru of tb Baltic ' Twtin.- -Tb !poT of 'Galah) bad beaa very aea4y -dealroyed by firu. Tbe financial ailuatioa of the country doea aot impcova. Paper money baa tallee ia value to tbe extent of twenty jHjr cant. . '-. l'tasj a Tlte iuawwctioaarji movaaata ia PanU, of fhlob xiKgeratod Moounti war gi. a, bay boan put down I-du There I aolhing later. Tlia ataauikr ladua, witb tha beary portion of " Allodin Biai). bad arrirad at tiralhauir.. I ' BeM X400.000 io AoatrtlUo gold I "oard. . Tba paaaanjrer report ibtt Nena Sahib bad rasolred nut to fall alire iato thf haada of tbe Kngliab. II baa a body guard who ara engag ad to deprive bits of hia life should ha ba likely to ba takaa prisoner. , Tba paaaengen aay that aloxwt iba only maa wkosaoaped tha tuaaeaer at Ctwupttra had gone raving nad. Wbeo tbey left (MoutU only 8OD0 peraotia bad arrived there since the outbreak. ClUHA. Letter fnno l'aria w that the victory 1th, had iasued a prOvlamatijn to the onsoitsou of ttia nnrthem prorihort Of Olii I ah attribute the departure of the Kucli-h rrjrimeiit to Caluotta,. to the alarm created by bit military preparation! and by the t it w ol hi fay, Wbieh i a numerous aa the leave ot the oret. Yeh add that tha aew Cbineae fleeu will awa appear and aeatter tha barbkritin'a re aeb. , Tba proclamation conclude by pmptrting fresh tsie lor tbaataiiitaioaneeof tbe imperial Hoop. AraiCA Lata advice from tbe Weal Cut uf Africa hate beea received in KnpUod. A slaver with one bandied tnd uinctv n alave oo board bad bean raptured If the liritink teuer Antelope, off Maidh. ' Palut oil waa acaree, aad trade getters!! tlufl. 1. 1 M. COME TO THK FAIR 1 WtH&CXXANU COCNTT AOBICCLTUKAL FAIU: ' Tha Pourtb Annual Fair of tba Cumberland ( County Agikultural goeiety will be held -t Faj attevilkj oa tbe 4tb, 6ib and 6ih da of .o veaiber next. , No pain will be sjred &, the part of tit. E ecutive Couiuiuieaj to make this Fair uwrt the moat eauguii t tpectetions of it friend The importance of such an iaatitutioo for aJvancinjc lb iialareata of the Farmer, the .M.-vhanki and tbt Manufacturer, cannot be doubted. It ha for ite object tbe creation of an hoarat laudable apririt of etaalstioa among iheai, by increain( weir enona io etorl ia tbeir vanoas department. Tha spirit of tba ape ia intprovetitettt and pr great, and it ia tbe in tercet of all to keep pace with that spirit. On important tep in acvout pliabing that obeet ia to build bp and sustain ei bibiliooa of industry and enterprise, where all may uaeet teyelhef ,- fiat each utltera' work com pere Botes, increase ia knowledge, and teke fresb eooraga ia I heir reepoctive .arsuils Aa ioatitutioa barin such object ia view canaot toil to meet tba Don bat ion and annrKirt of all. Our object ia to build an an inaiita-ion fur the exhibilioa of Nunb Carolina Slock. North Car.im produce, aad North Carolina Manurc tare. May w aot eaiJ anon ibis aad Ihj - yaniac (Jowatiea to eotue and aaiu witb u ia L-owpetinp hj the premiaaj I Com or.e, cotie all " bring every thing you've fvi, and If you barea'tgot aay ibinK, borrow soueibina- fna toar neighbor, ' aad w proniineto do every thing ia war power to make tlte oecaaioa ooe of inier- eat, proi and pleasure to everv one. V a truat our citizens reoerallr will exert tbemaulvea to see that the vaiiuu departuieoto are well Biled. We look to tbe Ladies to fill Floral Jlall. Tbe have always peHonueuJ tbla part well, and as the baa ta rapidly approaching, we hope they will "J prove (bit thooe who Wi to them in a good eaaae never tmic im ru.a. Wa iavita tba aurroondinc Coantiea to annn aad anaanata with na Utr tlu. t.L r I - - r.-wiiiu, IU J.Ll'V - a nn we wul Bii ia out i-tir iatiai.ct.oa In all. " - KXKUUTITE COMMITTEE. Sept. 25, 1857 - WIL CHABLOTTE AD RUTHERFXJUD RAILROAD Tbe aaooal meet iag of the stockholder ia this Company wa held ia this place oa th 21st inalsot, and wa oxauixed by eppoioting D. A. (Viagtoa, chairman, and U. S Johnston, aoe'y. Tbe report of tbe President was read, aod waa received with mueb aatUfactioa oa tbe part id too premat lite naa ber of Director waa ioereaaad from 9 to 13, and the following elected fur tit earning year: II WGuion, of IJncoln; P K Diekinaoo Bad A II Van Rvkkelea, aViliaington; T l .Meart., Hranawick; John McDowell, Bladen; K S French, Ridxwin; W L Steele. Ki.-bmotid; K W Cole, Anson; U A Coviom, Union; John W'al. ker, Marklenburg; C 0 Henderson.' LinotJit; Uilbrt iltickatm, I'leaveland, A a l,.j.tt, Ku ihertord. At a meeting of the Hoard, II W GuHtn. E , waa' re el.ctcd Preaideni, aud Thos T PUde, secretery and In-aourer. A eorpi o Kiijrioevni it, now locatiiii ihe line from 'the Pee IVr to ('harlotic, aiih, a view cf leUinit it to eontraei tLi Fall if pn-iole The next annuiil itreeiing will be held ia Wil mington on the 'li loday in (e IH53 . . It itft' frTirr u. ' AM HAKTBQA&t The entire city waa startl ed aad alarmed yesterday afternoon, about tea minute pal f'Kjijxitj'ieh.Mf. uaieu iue suaist sotiu ounaiuvs, snd sat hooae.- bold otnilsnd furniture uancini; ia a wtat un aooowtuble manner. So never wna lite sluck, which lasted about thirty econdi, ti.-t ., raa oot of their bou-s iu wild dit uav " inn, , niatance walla were eraekad and ehi.noets tliruwairlliiwn. and we hear of iitie (teiitli-uian having hia arm injured by a falling brick. KclU wens rung, aad a variety of strsnire incident uc- enrred otherwiiaa. lu the neiuhlwrhood of our th iiirpreaaiou obtained ' that oor aieaut IxuM had exploded, but that m tuoret stable than the foundstions of tbe town appear to be) We were in tba midat of a Mntenoa when the hew deep rwmhriog af aubteraneao thunder startled ua and abotA ba bwilding aa with a plr. - Pi in ters dropped their "eticka" and "cat week," evi dentlv atrder the itnoresn'on that thitis generally had been' knocked toto " pil" . The aurtliag phenomena waa observed and fort tkroatcltoat the city. It baa dona no particular damage, beaide sealing people from their office and boosea into- the ttteata, and baa. ftfrtiiahed -ua with ait interesting item, an article a scarce now a days aa gold. At tbe old Court House, whea the shock was felt, Judete, Jury, Bar, and clinents bolted ; a learned argument was upset, aod tbe ease, reversed. . X. Y. Etprrt. Accidental Dkah We regret -to learn that Mr. Robert Stewart, Jr , of this District, met bis death by aocideut or uiiaehauoa, nn Sunday . morning laat. Ha waa found near VuU ea-iant- ain, with but nue acroaa his boo' Upon ex amination by a earttirer'a jury, it waa ascertained that hia week araa kbrok on whether by the fall ar th weight of th ri8e is not known. He leaves a Wife sad several small children. ' . " ' ' :' "' " a.fJoaamar. : A Sinovlab Dying RRQUMT.rV find the following in that sober and truthful abect. the Salem Observer An -old man dirna iu lkatoo. reoontly, waa asked if tie yrould have a ete rarirmaa sent for. Ha requested to see Rev. Dr Colver, who called asjpoa bim accordingly. The aick maa said: I bar just ent to request row to keep those confounded cau -ia your jrd quiet ... ' 8MALL CHANCK. ' Tba trouble antioiptted in B)lon in relatiotT to the ei peeled acareity of iim1I rbanra. ba aot aa yet bean eaperienced, nof ia it prnbable it will ba. Hrokera there will not pay over one half per C'Gnt. The proprietor of a prominent exchange o&W lit State street, had tha curiosity oo Saturday aftenoon to not the amount of the tunie of specie offered to him for tale wiihtn a aew hour . Tba total was (13,448, in lots from 12,000 downward. Tbe holder were somewhat indignant at tbe Jenus offered, and refused to tell at ao bw a rate, which would not repay them for the trouble of carrying their heavy burdens. Why ia the coat ot, specie ao high here f - .V. nt Wnr i KxciiAh-ue SiAacr. The Aucau ('onstitutiotiuliKt hujs : There were abipr-ed from Anjoata and llitiiibnrg to tliarlnkn. duri;j the month of Olober, 18.i0, over fifteen thoua sud balijiof-ouUoit, alula during the ssuie month this year, the shipment! are less thin lire hun dred boles ! There were over four thomsnd bale of "throjib cotton" it, October, 1H56, or cotton tlist ia for li t m . . wir.jm inniugn in i nsrieaton from point above Aul'umu, whiU this yenr only thirty fiv bules have been forwarded through I bltrniij Airiilenl Iat week, aay the (Jltirkr.nLurg leg!frr son of Col. Jos. J. Win let of this county, returned frmn Kansas, after aa absence of some three Jeara, we believe. His appearance' bad aoclisned that even Li father did not recognise him then be entered ' the f ternal mansion After the eon bad made him self known, tha father stepped to Ihe door of m adjoining rwxu. and ealliug loiwo of his daogh Icra, informed them that a irentleman desired to see them. Upon euterinr the tv the young laiiip did not at f rat reeonie their bun her ; but almirrt irtalantly. the eMet. nun el Caeeli, ' reetaiiihed bin and sank ins'snt'v to ihe fliarir, dead. . iteinr aotnewhat deliente. ihe jyus aur priae of thus unexpected)!' n.et tint; her l.nif b sent brother, to whom tbe waa dearly atttaehed, was bai inueh. and her gentle spirit took its flight, to realm where ber sudden bsppineaa will en- I dure forever. RoTAI. MaRKIAOK Tifk !ng of I'ortagiil it tp marry tbe Flitters 'irjM'anle of Mohehiol leYn Pictusringrri dsOfhierof the reicning prince a Udy of 20 year' and jo', lire djs y.iunper than her intended eon rt The uiarriape will teke place by proxy at IHisex-ldorf in November. MORMON RESIST ANTE OF THE OOVERXMEST St. Lona Ilea 20 Tn Krpul.licaa ral.'iJin , apeecb of Elder Kiauball al I' tab, ri nmiuf H' lr termination la reirl Ike G"eramerl trpa. i'b ! rVe to call nut ti.e twin and chil lrd .. araia II declared that be uruid kate lltig aut Yiung:r Qui' rrnur all kia life t aa. A. tu Vn' f me'licine in M rlilfrnn h)f inp eoiirtel a wrl-a vr:ir. nml ' the miMr-r-, h'i 'Urned and Ued' lier fJirr fwr the visits h paid her. Th Bantber of enpice of aTebater'a Spelling Book aobi siace u tnt pubncjU.Hi ia greater titan tbe preaaat popuiattoa ef tbe abole tuitrd Statea own. woeaee aa ckikirea. ii copies bate te be pitxlueed every aiinulejfor tea hoara each tyr te Btt-tbe de saaad. Tba AppWtea, who reeeatiy becaaae th pC lifber af IhU book, ult that tbey br jo.l recei'eu aa order for oua tauiaud opi,-a of it fruai Cvaatenii aopi.' HYMENEAL. " 'TiU aaca tnufltl u tre-Wif Sear, face dmmlt a jam aUra ' t roa ioaar . 1 ' . .Sear Bafakt, i Moore Coui.tj, S 0 . ea tbe lHib iesteat, by tea ftev M. McKy. Jons B. Umiiee U,u J.n.kl.. h Il It U-I ..r In the f ict ait J of CliUteu, faapawa tXunty oa Ibe zTet lift , by th Krv tolia ebaw, Mr &. J. Fuaak 1 of Xea Uaai.eer C , te Miaa Jax ft. awagkter all Ha. Kirby Sr., K)B'r. Ia TaJkia evenly, oa 20ib itiaiaol, by Ur. Ore. B Weuuore, Col. a. Msri Piciitt o( Aux.ii (' , la Ulae MaBf daai J " only daufiier of laaac Jarratt, . (Dbitaari). Trl " A-ci rfw. ifiril tijk, . on u. .lit Liwer Faylterii:e, ..n l-.U int , Mr. CaTB aaiaa KvasiLi., ctMi on f Wat J. Bureell aged U6 -Hit ihe a ..a a ccoatsteM atcaiberof tbe IUpiL-t Ctiurcii. llu tttJu .tay 1 1 iljt of (let., Min Masr As Suarasau, eidei-t dii.f6l r of AaguMm t-brpb. rd. L-q., Hdeor'i, Auaon V o , N. (J , after aufliring luring ataay m !ba, tbe ilia consequent upon a oo titu'.ua and aa- tiug dieae. . FAYKT'l KVII.LE MARKET.- racvarte UmUi k I S W. M-taarla. 0Gi'0B.& 3 1.1857. BACON 18 UtRSWAX- I ..Aiua . -a.a, . a U0 LEAD 81 a 28 .tli.A2JsE;- ! 11 uUo . 60 . a .--yt'-eaa-. ou p a SS "JtAil-s 5'iaJ. a io t)il . - w. .Vtb Adamantine -30 1'ttFKk.K Uio -t. Ouutlttfl .IT W.N Strictly 'n Prime 1. . 0.01' Hi 134 till:. :i-l' to S.i! ,. i i . ', t. .. :' . ,' .'..' - . ..'.! a, : .i. I) a r' .'i.t.tt : 11 t 1.(1 ! l-.T.l 00 a ) j '. 'lueea-, tit. -j t. U Oil b -j a 1.25 Fair a l .. CWTTOA BAUGlNU traaay It a io Miuue' 20 . a 17 rtarUp- lh a . '! t.ltTTO.N - lKNS ' No. A to 10 21 a " IrHUESllC UtlM' UraSh'lg a 10 lleiiabargif .11 a l.'f Ki:ATK;HS- W a i FlMj MtO'l : Oet. Vult 2 a 0.U Duck .1U- a- M IKITS . . , j.; I'cb Uraudy 1,0 a 1 lu Apul W K.C.Whut 75 1.00 a eO N'r'a " S. K kutu JaHuttca " Fr. llmnd y Amet. tal ti Jlol. 40 a w H a tin 2-ij.avJ.Jt' t ill a ti'.Ot 7 (to 1.75 a S.ot Faiily, ,. 600 a 0.00 ilopttrfcne . o &a o 00 Fine w.W. Scratches- 576 i 0 00 GRAIN Corn ' j .75 .90 Wbcal I.i'il "0 00 0U '45 a 00 Peaa 1 0s a 1.15 vSlGAK Loaf - Crushed St. Oroii PorW. Kieo "14 a IS a m II a 14 all 111 ., ' Sew Orlra.ni- 10, TALUIW TOBACCO ni a Bye " rioaOtO IIIUKS Ory . 10 Greeu 6 i IRON - 'I Ua 2,' Maj Uaf . 20, I o ufacfured j a fio .75 00 WHITE L'l 2.50 ; WINDOW OLASS Sar'd'a.eo.ttar, a 61 8 x 10 2.00 a 00 .1. s 2.2o 19 a 20 On. vide 0 a 71 10 x li English . - a jVt'iMlL . I.AB4-- W a 06 . ' Riiiritt Tuf peutiue -30 eW. " V ' Virgin do. . ' ' TeU,tar 9jf a. l,th Sorap 84.1 . VESlRKA, tft Hftle oosto oonisg aa and meets with ready Market bare of Floar with a considerable deatand. Ba'eon and IaH ot atiauea firm. . WlLMINOfON MARKET, tVtober 29. ; Turpentine. Sales yesterday ef 100 bbla and to day of 47 do at 3,60 fur yellow dip, and 1 ,50 fur bard being aa advened ot 10 eta for tboae qualities. No treinactiotis in virgin. Bpte. 8Ie ycalerday of 400 cask at M eta 'per gal. No Mice to-day. . - I Kolhieg doing in other arttclea. Thu V7IISkIau l..Ull. JSV fvrford Hull Road ( etnatany. . ' 'I' . i. IT M rdred hy tl Board of IXrcctora of Una Cum- I patty, thai for the mailing yar th followiLg In- ) aialairnte b called for. via i ' i 1 Third Inatalmant of TWENTY trr whi. fo U da J and psysbls ra ihe 1st dav of Deetmber 1867. ' Vs . Fuirttb Inrt 'lnienl of TKN per eol. la e du aad payable vf Ihe lnl day of February P48. Fifth inataffnrnt of TtN (i-r cent, to be due and payable en th t Jar of May 1Mb!. Hiith inotaluiefrt of TKN per cent, to be du and pavabl ou tlie 'id 4f of Augual IH68. Thia cull ia applicubl t,i! to Inoae Cngntiea East of tbe Fee Dee, autl tkoee Wct i f Tbaili.ttts II. , Ol'K'.N, Prt. Oct r-'d, lag;. Fine Liquors RE French Un.n ly Jnuink Hum ; fli. Croii do. : a 5 .-in "..llulUitdOiui. " ye Wbiakry ; " Apple Umndy ; " Ft ncli Brandy ; . ' ftlati-'ira H in j " Pi.rt Vt'inej " Malaga Wins ; " Srupperuong Wine ; list E- a a HfH,J k 4 And a good assortment of COMMON LlQl'ORS asys ou band and for salo ly n. CARVF.B. O-t- in, ( lv-Wea - A CARD. JOHN WOKD pieaenlebia eoMpIiairn;,'. ft dies and Centtrara of FayetUflM'iif teef. fully infura. thf Hi Ibal he proposes to' pea a fOANC' l.NU M'UIKlL, if sufficirnt eiieviira)(emeai beVea. J W. aa be fouid at tbe I aytUet ills Hotel, "her prsaa aill be made kuoao. . SEALED propoaala for the occupancy of lh Stew ardallxilat finral ColUpe, fr tie nut year, a ill he rereird and cunndered until Ibe I'btb of .V veaiber out, when an election uill be held. W. C. Me.VAlB, -Becrelary to Hoard uf Truatrea. Oilopoits, N. C , Oct. a" 1,',7. lrJ-5 The Kobeson County Fair. j HE ROHENO COl.NTV AORIl I I.TI RAL fli I (JIKTV Will bold ira third aonotl air at Had MpriOKa on Taeaday and IVeilueaday, tb ITlk and Isltaatf Vetcmbtr aril. Tb Kjirty ia H-t-rojined la mak tl a exbibiiion at traetiTesnd pn Cubl. We Iberefore, callapcn Vru er, Mecbante. Artiala, ant tbe frirnde of agricui tare grot-rally, to come fotaard with -epeeinens at their varioaa prodaeta, snd compete for premiums. Aad t . Ibe Ladies, who are tier ready te lend a help ing band ia eaery good eau.e, we ssy, we e:pect yoa Io futal.h Floral Hall. f?i;trr Couaiiee are reepeetftti'y inrited te coaie f jr-aa-.r rod comte wiitt ua for pteaniuaia. TKKU.1 OK A1MITTAC'E. Indieidesl Jying f fy emu will be entitled to all tbe privilege ef th r'niruiroande. )'Btilie i.o p-yirig one dollar will b eatitb-d tt tbe aa.e priit!eta. Tkt Kltcut.rrl onmiitee ia happy to anneanee that lie annual Addreaa wiil be dclisered by T. J. Mori aey, Y. , on Wednemlay of tl.e fair: All article for. ihibitittt a:t be brought ia. al rdr latieie-l, oa Monday taening or very eariy on Taeadar ntornig. EXECrTlVE COMMITTEE. Ot. '9, IMT. 19)vt ' . $15000 REWARD. will gire tbe above reward fcr the delivery te at nr toclrm rM In Lantieitoa Jail, Ihe following I nerroes: ISAAC porrhared of I. IT. W.Laaa : EL- Ll K. parcbed of K. J. brow a ; I)FKBT, af Jo-a- pit TuntpMt,., er fifty dollar for either ef thea, a that I get thee.' Tbe ebove aegToee war pcrrkaaad ' by A. a i'-o. of Aagntta, Geeryia, Ly wkaaa I aa aa'koriard la oficr .ba alne reward. h. McNeill. - Red Springe. Eob-woa County, K. C. tkeol-er llS-iT.'" 196-tf . filcore County. Fair. ' rpHE THIRD AVM'AI. FAIR f Ike Uoor eoaa 1 'J Arricu:turl-tMielya:ll be held ia Carthage, oa Ike l?th and 13tb ilaya in .ofilcr eetuicg. Cotilrihutioca frota tb adjictng cuiitiea are ra pectlu.Ha inv:Ud. . Tbe Aaar a i tti'i.a till be deliTired cath 13th, by Col. iotk H . t'Aate Jirli SHAW, I S f lSKl'CE, '' . ' Till.?. B t Ex Cess. . SAM 1. BARKETT, I ilAU 'Oil ktLLV, j Oct FOR THE FALL .D WIMER iS57! JlT KEtEIVED, Call sitcH, n iwtyai oa f Sa4 One of the Largest, llantisorucst and- Chen pt st Stocks of ri:ADV..HAi;i i.otiiixg for QrntltBjen a wtar, ever trnugbt to thia Marker, and ho a.is'aae ! A'sw. a Magnicetit tortmfnl of Doy'a nnef TeiitL'a 1 lalhing, Boy 's Suit sed Eitra Jarki-ta of ail rotor of Cloth. - FOR R4.ll. K OA O IIXDS.-Bes.ly It , fnrnirb Contr tira ailksrg-quantity of Clothing, at a eery low fijfute. . t--J:,jrH .BO VT.,-llAXDS.-4-" Urge lot of rv- Jarkita soil Over Coat ;t leery Flannel Over ShitU and ranl-T-eer cteap. - . . A very r teiiee aw. rtteent f f;enllrDtetlB Fell atl-tllt'l: I ttod. I .i f l,( and Fancy Mar- -aeille hi IH alio t 'oira, I adi t-griuciits of heavy Piik anJ k,ritio. tnika, Crarai., Gloves, H'dk fa, Sifpendrre, aad hv4)r and IIOi:s frr.ia tie heaviest i.T I'ri cf to the fiutat I'uatp and Fair. Stitched j I'hriadrlphia' made. ' . 1 HATS talttl 4I'S. o;II dcacripUoss, I adie'a I'raot h Ti at filing Trauk F.itrtt itge sitea ; l' nu. I Hce-; tleiitu' Fnglit-b Sole Lmtiier, 'pniyh Iron Krt-.ic at.d Fac-kmg Trunka ; Eup'b-k S"le Ltatlter Valiers, and etbera : a new atyt ot Travelling Jrr (very convt uitut ;) i cntlentt n baalaatid Fancy llurgy U.iuiai-t-.T'-! - -'J "HaTsoa S gr; t nibrellaa ; Walking t'SbL-. i ., - " 4' " Over Coat", l egging and tntmiaU ; Jtlao, tHaV)Vr for Ijtdiea ; aua a great variety of Fancy GuCto tiuntetous to ntt-iit.oit. -. . . . aev-ft; Alt aliib will.be ro'.d at Lo!c?aTe or retail vei, low for cb or on time to pr: i.pt paying cuatonxraZ--. (jtateftil fir the liberal patronage heretofore eiteoiled io tor, I respectfully rolicit a ctatttmuinc f tb Mtme. ' ; , UHBviE ttKANI'T; ,.. South, Side Hay Street, - . OppoaiteO. W. Hilfisma A (VH : Seplenther 19, 186.7. l3-liw. The lijn if';; tSAevjf if .tiVeoAnjty coitafy. Ana givrn tht fvlli,trth:i'i .:, . '1 wa? afflicted aith" Debility of tlie Digjeativ Or gans anioaetii,)! to a aevere attack of Pyspepei, which bad rr.htrni my Jiuk "ci nfidrtatly.. My wife.wsaa'.to alSieted ubSe'r.aaa- uiruhmiatiane; attd with sane di oee Jlwitig uid your voidK-ins called I'tiitHAVt lKn.L.tM Uirrin we Wtk iihUiined relief, and ar happy to afford you this public evidence of iu value.' ftttoburgh, JaU. 22dHlt87 JOU.N F0B8TH. $25 00 REWARD. 11 AS AW AY from the Subscriber, a Nf - gru boy named BILLY, very black,' about aix feet hi(tb, rather spare made. about 2 veara ot at, altoaa b'.a fruat teeth Len he apealta or luih, weiglt-i (W tbiiul 1 T6pouuil , KBTWS STted on rWoaffiiigCreeVil , The aboverfwnrd ilj be paid for tbe apprehraeioti' 7 and delivery of tin- tH.i-1 Jugio. to n,et o9- lot bia coa tbraunt in ary J-iil a C cia'e tbat IrB trl hit. - - ,1 - M. C. LAMtat- I i lea". - . litf-at t .' ' - - '- ' fTvV t r e i v i r r r.. . 5, L 7.

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