NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS areMa.SUai'raiaooa fal eWtVoltJMO THURSDAY. DECEMBER S3, 1858. PrSLiO Lbcitbs.? hav ach pkssur ra aonoundng to th eiliiens of Wadeeboro', (bat Colon ! W. L. T. Prince, of Cheraw, will deliver lecture at th Court House, oo Monday vening, U Cd of January. 1859. CnusTMA. Ia eeoortkao with good old carton, tad with oar owa dedwe, wkhe, tad eccalue, to rim oar workm aad owlwi oo orportaaity to enjoy and Bake th most of th approaching ehrktma holiday, asd kit, though Ml least, to "In sUaVe.? hk dae," w aha mom boa our kbondaria Chrktmaa week, tskt oliuk oat-door tztroiao, breath tlx fresh tir, pead ou chat, trtoh ear 11. r-uit omr ketltlt, ud oadokTor to Bfepwo oaraelvM for roici!K tbe aewyosr whh incmsed rigor a alad aJ bad. Ther will bo bo pp is- ued aniU th C Ji of Jtnmrj. ' TCT Niw Vui.-EiguteeB handred and fift j-ain k do spot , tad wo would sujest to oar friend th. propriety of oxertieg them- wdvea to lb atteraioH to ineresj tha ctrcuis f Aa J mux. The tuna I propitious. We eanaot mSbrd to publish the paper for lea than ' tw dollars per year; aevarthel, to dub of tea wo will farsua it at ea dollar and fifty There ia m good rsoa aader th aaa why oar drewktioa ahoald aot U froa eight to tea tboa imad, aad if thoa who havw promised to xrt their laflaeaoo ia rlk rsgard, do oa they would Vo doao by, th thing k do- Tat oouaty acat of Aaaoa, the greatest eottoa growiag eouaty ia a State ptolISa of gmt attm, ride Andrew Jackaoa) aa well aa taa great aupte, wut aot o aauaura wiw loa, aad Anaoa aad adjotaing coaatie will farawh firo thooaaad of the aaaiber. Hark the prcdio- tloa I The tiao ia oomiog whaa the "Argus,' with Ua haadred tyea, will find a welcono place at the Bre-oida of orery faaily ia Aawa, are aad cieept thoao few who prefer darkoea to Cghty Wcaoao their deoda are eril. m tiltara aad rabluhea of aewxptpera who exchange with as, are rwpeetfaDy tatarmed thai the 'orth UWuui Argn$ a mot published lm Ftmimswiac, aor ia aay other pace, bowb, eity, or village ia the United State aare aad except ITIVESBO&OUGH, Aaaoi CofXTT, JVrrt .CaroTiaa. Will yom reaeaber thia, job abomir aaUy tardea, . Begligeat, iaartentiTe, forgetful ereatonaf What'a tha oae of directing your apera to oa at Favetterilk, whea wa arc erreoty. f to aaHw the other aide of it, the great deceit of Sahara fotemBiec ! Tow aigbi aa well direct thoa toChiaa,ortoCali&raia by thooeerSaad root. They woold do oa about aa aaeh good ! Do, jW, reaeaber that WaJfLoro' aod the Argaa" go ttetherT lai't "it aa "oa M write flTcataioer', a FiytUeriUe, ny, joa eara leatiape? " Tan Sobtb Cabousa JoctxAt or Edc- catios UlWibWt ia reccited. Tha public tM of thia Jarcal k a rCBtic, aot a prhat oatarpriaa. Itia tha property of the Suta,a chargo of the State Edaeatiooal aaoeiatin. The oaBtluoo appelated to attead to ia latema laVteraioed to reduce the tohaeriptioo pce to om balf the former charge, wteeTer efai oj .e are made op. It kthedatyof ererymaB ia the Euta to oabaeribe to thia work, if act for kieowa, fo the aako of hia ehUdaa. O.aaya the baeheler," ul bare ao ciUdren . I tea joaradiralma ia very defectire, eld feDow, aad tow ed the Journal to teach yoo yoar daty to Cod, to year, coaetry. aod to aoeiety. If, ta joor yoath, job bad regularly read each a work a thia) job woold not aov be nuking each Uac cxewaea for tha woB-peHoronBea of doty. Go aako ap a elafcof f ee, aad aead oa for the Jew mL Tob will get e optea lx a year, for that Bweb raoaey. r " TuxSocTirax Ljtijiii MxwMorx'najtiin before aa, freah. froa the haada of the pabliahera. It ia refmkiog to aiad aad body. Eeery tiae we ope It peg, w faiiey we are prdoogiDg ox life. It ia what the pare and bubbling fouot- j aia of eool aad Bfe-reetoriag water ia to the weary, i - J i.jl J wvimA bfU kmno4i n nriA 1 aad aterile deceit, aad ache, after be ha takes a I long draagbt of the delicto eieaent, and feted Lia tvuIk'B aad toQ-wora liab ia the limpid atrfoa, k refreshed aad atreogtbeaed attd braced to the coaUaoaaee of bli joraej, au we, after a perosaJ of it page, fed mora aatifid with oar lot ia Ufa, aake op oar aiod to proaeeote oar jearaey fulbfully to the end, locking forward to a repetition of the draaght each locceUing aiootb, ta lurhtca oar weary pihrriaaze toward that " boarae wbenee traTeler return.' To TBI Tart " Wbiob" or Nona CRo- their duty, both to themadvea aod to their oouo USA. We addrm yoa by thia raeraUo title try, to ptoride one. They ahoald orgasire, and hemae it if oo br which w bar am known lift as amia tha tattered leinnant of the old that wo were deaignalina a claaa of na ia which ataodard, aad proclaia aoew auch aa are practi' patriotiaa waa paramonat totheapirit of party; eaUy applicable of tbe eld doctrine. The per a olaaa-of aea ia wboao boaoma there glowed the aiaoeot well being of tha State demaada, bow, aa eeUa aad teady bat iatcnao aentiment of Jaw- boretoforo, that radioaliam, is whatorer guiao it icaam, a eootra-ditingtmhl froa that which aay come, ahoald be met and ooeoantjred by wa not co, either ia principle or la legulatir pol- eonnraa aad who more fit to load tha way icy; a elaa of a on, who, raining at ita troe worth thaa the acarred remnant of tbo old Whig guard tha wkdoa of Ih agea aod beroea mhobnmded that, while they beat to the reaistloa tide of ad- the Republic aod oeaeted iu foaodatioatona rerao tato, " bctct tarreodered I" That they will with their blood, were chary to make ash expo- havo tha ball once mora ia motion, the co-opere- riaea?al departaraa froa tha line fW' had aid of hoadrod and thousand of "good Ben chalked oat for oar national career; a elaaa of I aod true," who may bow, or aay heretofore bare bob who, rood? ing with filial affection their po- beoa called by other party designation!, who can litioal dootriaea froa tho teaching aad example dbt f From the plaioa and froa tha moaataiua, of Wahikoto and hia mot trusted aaooiat, froa hillaid aad valley, will they act ooac, tbe bar u kept the faith" a banded down and ex- patriotic Americana ia whot rein eoaraea po pooaded to thea by tho Clati aad Wxarrxx bat tbe oji Whig blood f end are there aot of their wa day; a elan of aien, ia abort, who, tboojanda of "oU-line" Democrat, who, pre- by whatever name dedgaated, bow or heretofore, faring coontry and tho welara of their children wore bt a few year ago found ia eoKd phalanx to party aad ita fleeting triumph, will atall tbe together, talking, writing, Toting ia one way oa I rank T iheddeof eon a try, wherever niegorernment bad I It eeera o to a. At any rate, w bdiera it cadangervd ita proepcrity, or political bereey I a duty of tho old Whig to inaugurate lb oto threalceed to impair ita atability. It u to these, I pjent : and thoa follow tho good example of their oar old aad constant aaociate in many a hardly, brethren in Maasachaaetta, Maine, and other contested political rtroggle, and to such aa thea quarters, by making tha weight of their ioflaeaee thoa who, ditrpgarding all minor or tranaitory ftfjt They will at least baro fulfilled the olli- differeaeea, cuog with aa wnaitered attacnacnt I gtion of patriotism, 10 tha oae bom aspirauoa, in tingle nope lor ue aolidand permanongoodof tha Republic, which diatiagakbed tbe dJ Whig Party that wa bow addrea oanelrea. Tha aspect of tho timee demand it, and tbe pact derotioa to tha cause recorded ia an editorial of many year, which no aiccoaoeptioB eaa blar, ao malieioua aad interested misreprosea tatioa obliterate, warrants H. We an snehanged aad unfaltering ooosemtiT American-Whig desire to late cooaad with aad lend a hearty oo- operatioa to the efforts of thoao who, at heart Mill of the mm faith, would arrest the radfral ten dencies aad eradicate tho corrupt ion a infused in to the body pditio by the dominating partiea of the dsy. What k the stato of political a fairs yoa are called apoa to bedf Ia tha Nation wa find a TKiorioui party, charged with tho high respoasi bility of adaunisteringtao Goreraaeat oa natitm- ml rather thaa cectioud grouade entrusted with that lofty aisaioa ia great pert through your tut frae - tots and distracted with Ber jxrtoual feuds between rird chieftain. . Koloogerbomo- geueou a a party of well defined political prin ciple and deaily announced IcgiJaiiTe aseasorea, tha aspirstiooa of individoak and th pesaiooa of geographical aectioao fill tho political arena Bark, ed out by it, and giro occwpatioB ta those who di rect it dertioiea. A if to giro an nnescepaWe demoastrarioa that me, sot avonrct, k the gov erning consideration, and tha to destroy all con fidence ia it futaro management of the perma- Beet intercsta of the country, tbe specUck baa been but receaUy presented of a Democratie Ad aiaktratioB exerting its whole power and influ ence to defeat oae of it ablest and most patriotic adherenta thea "giving aid and comfort" totba demon of Sectionalism and that, too, whil b wa battling with the monster fairly aod squarely, ploab opca one of th strongest plank in th " platform" of principle apoa wbish that Admin Mtratioa wis raised to power i Everywhere throughout th land, aot only k it manifest that th odious doctrine of "to tha victor belong th tpoiU" k acted apoa, but th entire Democratic camp k ia state of mutiny and insubordination froa th ri rallies, jealooaie aad tsimosiuea be tween the riVtori theasdre. If perfect honesty of parpoM aad entire aoaadaca of policy were conceded to it, it u palpable that, aader ia pres ent intend disorgaauatios, it k wholly uarelis We to gaard tbo joootry froa the vik which threaten it Oa tbe other band, tho demon of sectional- istn, taking hope froa tLk saturnalia of th party eliiming to be aod heretofore trusted by tbe people as national, rears agate ia front both North aad South, and by its horrid biasings add to th eoofasion, whik it awaken freak a htm I ia th mind of aS who woold wkh to ao tbo country well goveraed, peaceful and united. Descending froa tboarea of national politics, there if liul ies to justify a " serene indiffer ence" oa the pert of true Whigs, and eoneerva- tW While soa of tho Democratic organ are beapiag indignation aad emptying the-vial of their wrath apoo tha bead of Judge Doaglaa, aod whilst he k repudiated aad displaced froa .hi poftitiua of ahairaaB of too Ceaaktoe ob Terri tories (which ho ha occupied diaoet ever dace kk first oatranoa into th Senate) by lb Dea oeralio Senatorial caacu other are bolstering FaOW NiCAEAOVAi-Tho Kioaragna Traodt ateamabip, Waahiogtoa, which tailed from New York, Nev. 7, for aa Joan dul Norte, has re turned to New York, bringing back a lerrr num ber Of her passenger. Sua arrived at ber port on th 18th ult. Nctbtne bad been heard ef the flermann. Ih Nioarsguaa Government refused to allow th passengers of tbo Wssbioirtoa to pass through th country, alleging that tbey were Llibustera. - ; " ' , , " Captain Cborobill, of the steamer Waahingtoa, stated that toon after ha earns to ancbor in eaa Juaa harbor, two Eocllnh ofboen, with dd anna, earn on board hia ship, and asked him, among other questions, where be wa from f Uow toany paesenger he bad oa board f If he atopped at any port oa bia way oat f Mow naay days h wa froa Naw Yorkf lie answered these. Tbey then baked for his passenger list. For thia list be referred theia to th Durser. Thev ( the officers) then want to th purser' room, sad requested to be shown the passenger list, which wa' banded thea.' Question (low many peaseogen bar yoar Th purser pointed out th nam ber, Fhom resort. Tbe steamer Arabia, rhh Livuipoul date to tha 4th inat., arrived at lldl fax oath luib. i , Tb ever due steamer Indian Emplr k alb. Th Kmperor Napdeoa baa relieved Moot. Ijoibert froa tb penalue proaoaaoea against bim in bis recent trm.' - The sabscription to the 8iex csnal projoct art asld to bar closed with a iartrer amount tnao will b rennired. " " ..- A Dew esmnsigq bad bees commenced against tb rebel in India ob tb 18tb ot October, and aameroa victories over thea are announced. At LiverDool the sale of cotton fur th week amount to 83.000 bale. Tb market dosed with a dediniot tendency. All qualities hav slightly declined, bat chiefly fair and lower qualities, whiob. are Id lower.' Middliag qadille bar declined l-10d. rnoai nALEicu. i. -raoarooa ews coaassrospa.-rrs Ralsio, Dee. t, lSoM.' Biae my lest eeaeiaoloatiaa, thiof ef aptoial ia' terwl baa traiwptred is altbar UoaM it the General Aasembl Tbe libratiiia ia ike eaeaber, ef tbe " cvere aad rrrni avaliHa," seea te be eeedoeUd' with eeurtaay aad Mlf-rwpact, an are seeaaionallv , marked with fealiaw aad loueliiae appwls ta bahauf f BiTorlU Buara. B it la lb HoiueefCQBiaMaa yoa will pereair a aoilty crew ef bejra ia thair Brat aad maud ebikilieod. Lawtra, doctors, planters, , BMrebeala, preaebara, eWraa ie equit, reaitleaU la ethav eeanlias thaa thoa lit raprtseai, end seaUc ' aa ef lalaare, vbe lire eeerjrvbere, est everywhere, aad hare aTeryUiliif te do. Tbio iaat order, I thall danomlaste the fraUrailjr ef aaohotots, wbleB it laraaly roproeonUd la both beuas ef the General Ax sembly. WoolJ It aot be wU onoaih te tea this Uas for tbe seaoflt of tbe lndisou T In tbe Heuae, the apt iUnatratioa ef a diauncuiahod Soot tor ia the last Lenialalare ta atrlklagty eaampuned thia aeaaiuar Caoa aoarrsy ef tbe eeeae ef eoafaaloa ao eftee oi t , , , , ., i aioiua ia sun oi, uai oooawr was aaaoa enai av THB WAB Oil DoDOtAi. Th Admiofctration . bora T la larea and atrone lannaeo. has indicated th biUernea with wbiob th war I ho replied, " tbeyroaiuid me of a tea sere lot or Kto oa Senator Donglaa k to b continued ia t very tacky molae, each cue biting-, kkskiac aad aol(Uar airnifioant manner. He baa bee most oncer- aoernaaos wua a e.iiar aouona r eooeooi VHroga an ibcj an auiwv i -.w-.w-j , r , Ttry rude and aboeld be "howled for.' ioanaf Answer Not of vtrioua nation. Q .1 tb senate Uommittee on Territories, and Senator 0. Haywood, tho member, from Wake, baa ee. Have thev armaf A Not to aiv knowledzo. lUreen, or Misaoun, put in ma piac. ouca a cepiod two dtyaia eoir-dorenoe, at a cooler awiy Q Ha the abip armaf A No. Q-Did th prooedar, w bdiev, k anpreoodented, and er caitc tweuouaaii dollar. annMB h. kmki.j iyiiaiH iha me fTMii v inpraeaa ui rancor oeiareen ine r !: . . y ' . au'wiiww w w..w Hwii.wi w ww.w mv j - i . i . i i r.. .Jla . . ,a .1 k . L harbor uuk ao xaminatioa of your hold r A I eootooding wing or tn iwuocracy. 1 1 pngM thtre will be more spoeeb maklng froai tbe M. King,' executive officer of the Washington, who was present, then, remarked that if tbey wished any further information they could obtain it froa tb Annricea men-of-war thea lo port. Th officer replied that bk instructions were to obtaia his iBloraatioQ direct. J n untiaB om- Th Cortoii Wabtb or China. Tb Loa don Economist ostimsta that with frs cooomer ckl iatetooaro andet th kt treaty with China, tb four haadred Billion of Chinoa alone will require th wbol cotton crop of tbo Uaited Bute to (apply thier wants. .To ay th least, dais, not liking Mr. Kinga rough Banner, therw- th cpeaiog of thk new market will add greatly anon left. , to th cot toe power, aad materially to tb vdu Vnnnt tb tfteraooB bimseuand wr. iiiu, aa oniww m we o yiw fgeat of th company, were informed that all aoouv aaoor reqairea w raise ia, aaceneera oa tn wasuingtoa wno eooia pay ., ,. i .kTfii k. v-i f A.liZ.1 FtotUBA Isduns ITie Florida , 8cdUb 'wail would be taka by th regular line. Tboee' who bad not th means of so paying ha Bust take back to New York, -1 ' Early on th following; morning, Mooday, a it rone anned waa made bv teleevaijh to David bia up, supporting bia in State ceocuas, aad Corwin, Kcq., tb agent of th Pacific Steamship doing all they caa to how their preference for Company to Panama, to reduce th tar to th h.- .nJ tH.i, acrobatic-of bk eourse, Tb aT" Pib to "'W' of Gurry's 2atfi3iJsJ!: of th Litd G ant " occopy tbe ridiculous aUl- tnaB , fad th means to go oa. betwtB the two poinU k oo headrod aod ichtv. aaaM foatlemaa. A pro pool Una wae introdceed 1810-' tbe Ilea te refer the suitor te the 8npra Cear fur aa eplaloa, since tbe bouse waa usable, as re qalrtd by ihoaoeaUtatloe, to be tbe Judge of the qoat- laeationa ef Its ewa aaembere, aad peeaod bal reooaV akiorad aad made, aa aUtod aboro, a rfeelsl ardor -The effoel of tho deUy ia to enable Mr. Hayooed- IW preaa hie eaae anew Bembera iadlTidually for he' aeoai to toko groat ieteroet ia tbe matter aotwHbx Maading bia oVo'aratloe thai the f hit fit airoW Ul tbe point waleh he te kboriag to ootUo. The polots are theee I Ur. Haywood was, whoa elected, aad is sew, the clerk aad ausssria oaoity, for Wake eoaatyy whieh, by vafaraaea te th tOih section of th oaauV terioa, la la direct eootravnlioa, wilk net yoalr law ftwathwr ef Indian , warrior now I cpirit, be she UtUr ef that crjrani Uw, whiob doberw i. Florid., dl told, k but thirty-Bv men, aad U f J 7 SiS to cuppoaedtbst thev with all their aqoawl and I T, .R7.,U vli.iT; ...JTi'.TZ. cbildrea, will b loduced to emigrate ia lea ,mooa at aay ceo time," and ia the last oUo- of toe than two month, dwaya axeepting Sam Jones, I saosdod eoootiwtloa, Ke peraoa wbe shall bold say wno will doubtless dis ia tb rreca vcrclada P ' r ee pwat uador the belied where ha baa lived ao kar. ?U,M f' M,u uu- "" iha te a seat AiroTiir Railboad. Louisville la Kea- tode ef an ineendlarr. who, after wantonly aad do-1 A reply wu soon received froa W r. Corwia, liUrmtdv snolvintf tb torch to a block of build- thu he would reduce th far in tb treeraga to inaeWIvikt.thtbk.uUUed to th thank. , ... a. a MJw BUU BVWWV UuiltBHWel WBWW and grtitudot tn ownen n too pvopeny, ow lbe0 bim1 u Mr Center.'fiaperintondeBt of tb cease by bk persood exertion be aved ob of th PuMms Railroad, and th far over it road waa bouses, thoush ia a damaged eonditioo, from th reduced to fifteen dollars. Notwithstanding thk flame; whiek doet roved th other. Tb amok "? bbwiBl reaction, ther wu not a aoaty . vu . --"- j 'i ThIiberdity manifeMed by tha oaaaengeK to laaiaaa ana ew nog- u.j eecbotberwas as aovelasit wa aoble. la many eaased by bk fiery anti-Leeoaptoa faggot of last esse, where ther were the who bad only five, witter, was scarcely cleared away, before Southern tea or fifteen dollars, they case forward and lib- . T. TL.M.i. Vm. earllv bestowed it on those who lacked only a a jwiusbt" rm Lr a iwB'i.a. i avuiwiow ivm t jl ..... phk Democrats are exalt-ng and glorifying J edge Douglas abov aU other, for bviog wv4 (7) IJlinou froa th general eoDflsgrstioo. Thk k what wa would call sowing tba whirlwind and riding ou tbe storm." "Sowing th whirlwind and riding on the storm !" ; Th editor meant to aay, "cowing th wind and resoina: lb whirlwind.' Senator CTitivrnM U tmoniT thai rnhb ntryrU& Donz- Q o r w laa ia oauco. . TheTe'lW a squally (lm among tha Democracy, wkea th Little Ciant" get to Washiogtoa. tw mile of which nlnety-eigbt k now travsled by railroad, aod alebty-four by staso. Id a veer or two Ute gap wui t cioeeu. Govrasoi. Tbe Legialatur of Sou tb Caro lina baa, oa joint ballot, elected Col. WilUaa II. Qkt, of Union District, Governor of that Stato for the euoceediof term of two veer. CoL Gist was for many year a aember of the Seoato, aad ta 1843 waa Lies tenant Governor daring th term of Got. Seaeroox. Senator Hunter k already annoeneed a th promisent AdministratioB candidal for tb Cbarleatoa notninatioo. It i bvew positively stated tbst the f resident himself baa. declared Mr. Hunter to b tb ooly aaa worthy to ac-1 tben bail, a th charge wss piracy. Tbey were eeed turn " I cea loiau. xxxn uausm ana me uoiiouciaies If thatS tha ooly recommendattoo Mr. Hbb- M1" ,r g 7 xertion to ohtsia eri u, bo. f kdiV tb. -le ... -ortie to mieeeed i th esr. . It k reportedAst CoHector smaO amount to purchas their ticket. Ia thk wav a number were aad hsppv. The Washington ailed froa Arptowall ob th eveoisgof Dee lr Jeavmg tb Mail Company l steamer Moe Taylor, for New Yotk on th 4tb, aad th Granada, for Hsvaaa. Commodore Mclatosh, eoamander of our squadron, remoo atrated against the eoodact of the officer of th VsJoroa aad Leopard, and stated that further visits would act be permitted. Oenry Leedle, teieeraph operator at Panama, a native of tha United States, died at Panama oa th ISIS Bit. : . . . Auwm Scsrxcrxv S la via. Tb Sa vannah Republicaaof th 13th lost ays that th yscnt Wanderer podtively knded a cargo of Arncn near JJruoawwk. Joarph GsosbJ, Dis trict AUaraey. arrested three men oa tba lun. believed to be implicated ia the affir, and bail ie froa Nw Urlean. GanahJ refused U allow Tbi Tbeatt or Wssbixotob. Tba Leiris- lature of South Carolina hare ceased a resolution deckriag th opinio of th Goaerd Assembly of that cut ia bvor of tb abratioa of tb ightfe arUck of tb "Treaty of W asbiagtoa," (which refers to th nsvd polio on th coast of Africa.;....,,.,. Tom Coawiw roa Spbakkb. A correspond ent of a New Tcrk paper, froa Gerorzia, urers Toa. Corwin, of Ohio, for Speaker of the next llouss of Hepreaentotive. II etr H south American" would wil'iniHy unite witb the R- publican ta to election of such a man. either bees ef too Gtaeral Assembly." Those classes, It weald soeos to ea aaooDhietieated miad. are easiaaalory of tboewalToe, aad, ef eeane. coeela air. Mot Mr. Haywood daalee that a "clerk aad aaaator" ia eeberrad from coo la tbe Ooaat al Aa aombly. Ia thia doala), a bet maoirooU hi sympa ay with the preralliag ohanctorioUe of the age, visi A dhpoaitloe la pull dowa all tbe landmarks ef th eeaatry eooarehte for tborr nateraity cad be who oeoeoods best, m aeoaeaaeod the eblest sac. Whr. Mr. EJiter. tweali veers ace. he wae weald hare aw dertakoa to bae aaoteiaed each a eeeilioa so X. Q. , Ilaywood's would bees booa declared a maa aot ef er dlaery iatelloet aad piasihly M aoa eoeaooe aatti," bal aew, aeeWUiaetioa ie casaaduutaad sorrWliae ... aa ejeiaty U adraaeiag la all the asaterieJ shaMet whiob toad to awa'a happlaiaa as edneadoa, with all Ita coeoedod advaategoe, te eallghtosiet SVe aaind aad eaesiagthe uedoroueuior d ae, aheee all. religioa, with its beaigaaat aaeeaee aad aterol toeeV eaoee, ia careattlag erne cur beppy eoeatry eaere Boolaaaalio aud heir-breieed deelarauoas are as: able aad eeavatawire ereweeile. by which the asalarod eoaototioee aad haaiot opietoea ef earner aad aotior moa are everthrowa, thereby eaahwdiBg oar bthers wore fools, aad wo only, ef thic day, are wlee. ua woeeoaday awat, Tar lor a ease, ef Chatham. cocao ap for cotioa. Tboy ear he to a frtmktr. Ea sier hath it, that Judge Bodgor will appear for ale), if ao, the poblio saay eipeat aa able argeeMet Byrd, ef Vaeeoy, ia to tho aoxeoUgory ee aoo of tavillog alorgymca to prey for the SMeibon, who a aortloe ef eaeb body are preachers, W. K. lane, ef the eVaate, seiag oae.' . .. . . . Clio. fJ Mr. Buchanan, h would b bettor without thaa with it, for to b worthy a le k worthy, k tan tamount to ay ing that b k anworthy, for b has been " weighed ia th balance and found wanting TV Justice, hdiiog ia ber band th preadeatkl acalea of 18C0, will exhibit to tb world th e time to in which Democracy k held by th peopla of th United States, for that aed k destined to kick ' th beam t Wbe Presidents adect their successors, it u time for th people to let Jt b knowa that fAejr hav a voic ia the selection. The people will select the aan whoa they wish to ml over thea. Th President aeed aot trouble himself. Dsrie states that tb Wanderer bean ao trace of having bad daves oa board. Th Republican Mr that it is rumored tbst tbs Africans were knded at Jekyl Island, and that a steamer which left Ssvsansh, took oa board on hundred sod fifty nad conveyed tben past Savannah to th river plantations, where thev have been scattered through th country. Tb cargo k supposed to hav eonsistod of 350 neirroe. Tb Vh anderer hail froa St. Helena, bat k without regular pa pers, there bavins- been no Consul ther ; bat b bus iofonud peperi froa astir officiak with- oat seal. - Thb Pilibt btx. Lieut. Geo. F. WLtto, who was carried off oo board th schooner bo mb froa Mobile, arrived at New Orleans oa th 13tb by tbe bark OreJU, from Barbadoe, bav Th Wanbioirton Stato, oa th 16th pub- fished, uthritatiTely, th views of th Adminis tration with retrsrd to Central America. The purport U, that England k about to oonaummat new treaties, aader which b voluntarily retire ber protectorate of Mosquito ad tb pcaeesioa of the Rest an Ialabd y thk effected lb contested const rue tioei of th Chyton-Bulwer treaty will beenm obsolete, and rendering tba abrogation of " esrtbiy preoiieelw to that as ..aeary. TU csus of tVZXlLtiVZZ w bum wa if u ib ia a v wwas BW V HINSH ij B Iy I VTSB hlibuetenog, u a deal re aot to retard peadtog Benxiauoa by in traction ol tb interna Uona I kw. a. Jno, W. Whito, of Chattanooga. Tena , wbooe death wu announced a few week ago aa having occurred ia Arkansas, areordrne to th Chattanooga Advertiser k stiil sliv. Fie stortod th report of hk own death with th view of re- leeaine bimsell and friend Iron bond of a-5.- 000, which he wav andar for hk appee ranee be fore tb Federal Court, before which b k tob tried ob the charge of ooaaitting fraud on th Peodou Office. A correspondent of tb Rochester Union write froa New York that Mrs. Cuaninehaa, or ISardeU marder aotority, and ber two dsngb ters, ar living ia aa degaol aiandon ia Twenty- RtLsiow, Da. If. Aa Wodaoodov.lSu. a urate dloeaaoioa ceon ia" both boeoos, at the asaie tine, as te the arovrictv of abalUbing the efflee of Huio Ooologiet, ead more par. aleelarly ef reamvfeg Dr. B. Kmmoee, wbe sow oeca Sles that peoluon. It was argeed the! the oaVe bad booa f so yrootie importaaee te Ue meaaee ef forth Corolla. That tho Proroaeer coalaed hia aMeaiioa t tCea!Clda,ea Deep rttor, wbon It wunyirwtni a . had aoaw pi il latere, aad U a tow eootora eooa ' Ilea. That be bed eolWted c Urxe aieooem of eeri eoittoe, aad wro toagthy voloaMe ta Hoa Tork ea north Car- bed aot made nraettoal. ea eioat and gtworal, aad ef aorriee te the agrioultariau. Tour ropiooiaioBTo, Oeaoral Dargaa, wae estte rick aad racy eav tbe rrefester's eolleetiea ef Matte, doe aad ewta, toatiu. Ac: doelarinr that Browa Creak boUeet. sed Crib's creek, ta Assoc, eoeld shew latter owlo, cadaare eoaoreaa etery aighL The rroneoor e elleetuo hssahared tbo ra o ef tho bills of ortoJIiy, aad the efliee, like the beeoa ef tho maate. oa sad toe steBod shisa ef hia ewla. bis staffed decks sad bis mad tartlos win he heard as stare ia the lead1 ef North Careiiaa, as 8 tote 6oo!ogiot. He will ba te bid loag adieu le bis meeoam ef see-tartloe, ewla, recke, aed ail. For to aboliohtag the eaee. tbey eeeas to aay, as saes was said, le 'brother Crawford," fare yoa well, O brother Ebeaeaer Eamoa. Mr. U. W. If arwood a eoae eaiae aa to-dav to the Tceoo. lie ends a abort ssoecb. sad Mr. Mouth, of Hertford, replied witb treat clearseas ead sewer. whh-h be to alwaya able to do, for bo ie decidedly Be Bret aaa to the Uouae ef Commons. If aot the Ire ia both Hoesee. He demoUebed aU tb poaiUeat ea to goaleualyaad ekUfolly tokea by Mr. HaywSbd, sad abowed eoaelalve)y last be (tfayweod) waa aot on- Tux OaiAt Kipt auc AlostruLr. The first aumber of thk aaagaificcat wotk k on oar table. It eoctaina 113 pages, beautifully illustrated throughout. Should futaro Bomber equd that for Jsauary, 159, it will auhedtalingly be pro nounced by all, to be (A nagaxin of th age. W cannot give thepreaent sum ber th detoiled aotic it dooerrei in thk ksue. - Oa a future oc casion wi wiS do justie to its. merit. W31 tbe publisher of " Based' Jlags- daM forward their work to oa ? Publishers ougbt to com ply with their published terma! Thk tbe - Harpers" bar failed to do. Wa shall aot karp oa tbst striag any more. If tbey won't aend ws tb work after complying with their r Cfuistuoa tbey aay go to pot. '. : , Tsb Cabousa Final. Collxox ackaowl edge th teceipt of rduabl eoatribatioe to ita Library aad Cabinet, ly Mia 8. Godfrey, of -1 aioa county, North Carolina, aad ly Professor Hula, of Chariest, South Carolina. Wh will imitato their example! Aa srtick whieh appeared in a late num ber ef th Moos phis Bulletin, so aptly and elo vatly expresses oar vtows and sec ti meats, that Sot aad pulliah iL ' sag aiticlea. H&Pf d other totereet- jrTh seog "Nsfl oar Fkg to th Mact,' which appears oa tha first page, k by J. Howard Waiarighr. It waa not written for tha Aiyme, but tbe Aiytu adopt it Looking abroad witb ita hundred eves, it seea mighty majorities rolled bv men pnerany;bB th theater of ar lucan. caae aiuir. .iwre, too, uioncaiea ty tn a- neatJ , igoo. It ea that th advatioV of ceousoey give it by the dispersion of the Whig., Mr depwid apoa th Usue of th eon- tike Democratic party baa given itself ap to in- Tbst kea mast be the defeat of the Do- d rifle. Tbey declared that tbey were going to away with bis cook, who gave th spoon a seo testice broils, sad k threatened with becoming mocraey the triumph of th people. Molly Greytowa, ia Nicaragua. oodliftl ' thepreyof persood ambition aod radicd eiper- Stork sin't a widow yet I Sh taught ber sous Jaflu He, Seertry and . Agent of tb najk, Qoale hs bacon a daogerou pkee to third street, and apparently ia easy drcumsUncea in been pot on board that nasal bo th flth. I Tb7 Pn prtie occamonslly and tb ' head of 1 ,lUM . beeaaoe he bold aaoiher laeratiraef- two day. cut from Mobil Point He report; " k aid, wa vkibk at th opera t iJK'cn'JtT. ' o-j: .t. v -iV.. ItboAlWooon in Anmuio m. m.rl I " emoaria aa emee aa alert of a Coart ef ttooor. '""I scnoooer anuer way, pe or- I " a X i . ,71 j rT i " ' ae reaoll ef the rote wae 8 for, aad 91 agaiaot him. acrea to captain to ooaa to anchor: wSiob or-1 vwnuif au uctrn, n Mr. uay wood loot hi cast. Osca a a wait., der waa refnwd, and the veasd proceeded to ee. tonuersiood, ; will oa follow tb xmpl. (T) - - aThe wifcofaOermaainOhio.ln-IiKI ibvji ,isn ivhm. a "atrann vounir man " earnrini? a wav aandr t' "wawtcoBBsaeosBT. i otmnna . daoiu !rt nf t,! ..J I I - - . - , Mlw Y0mm. Du. . lfi-.B to. bar cuabsod. U received ber with rreat T::-T.!T.,r" ""y.wsw kindoe., but th. morning after ber fetororaa '11 which had eseitad great inlereat iaaad aboat aUWigb, asd haa givea. maeaofleaee to tbe eld line Deaieeraer. ... . . . w uwuvvi ui iwi wu ibo reaogaoee hoid She wa commanded by Capt. Maary, and bad ob board Frank. AodiMuoo, Col. Breneao, CoL McDonald, Major KUu, Col. Uadkr. Captain Watt, aad other officers, and about two hundred and fifty men, armed with revolver, aide-arms. .i cKuir "oca i ;, . ' " bwvowo oae oecome aangerou place to the balanee of bowToju! k.M ti,i.M tk.i. T Th Stor Spangled Ban- Naagaa EaiKratjo. Coapaay, bM .ntered rait Bf. i. Th City Council, which often .it. under ItVLwlS 7nn?l nP,PJl m :t la. . wtm nimim. . ' n hhi imiui th. '.i i&a, a i . i . I . . . .... ' a guaru ot niiy police, wsa ronuy oesieged, aad I uey aaa gone into party ta break it ep th flour atore bav been threatened by riotoo JJ Mid " thr va 100 uwsk lroU k U report to assemblies of th people. These ar theireua. pV'L ,. w . ...v . stance under which tb navigation cloaca and th winter commence ta that city. for damage, 125,000, agdast th Collector of th port of Mobik for refosd of dearaao to tha bng Alic Fainter. 4 Eathxb Coot. John Mitchell, whose ano- i ia reforming th institutions of bk own eoun- v.. 1 and dauebtor to sing - xm . r 6 ..-6 j . .u.. L. a.- :. .v . j .i . . B7Ta BDV4 BBVW Maawaj awawj Ibbie SB aU JV7U hJ WU9J aMUt. eisoa, deep,to tb frown, or waoostranc. of ww widoWf ib w their seniors, have leaped into tb place of chief- ,haj fight and vote for it, aad that her daughters tofosbip of the Dtmocratic party, and are bent and herself will swy it, if tbey can't do anything oa baying things their own way, rejsrdlaeB of eke. ' - . coBAeqaeaces which they cannot see, aad diars-1 jg. jt j, lartd tbt th fail are of the steamer I tf7 Brntwrwllj inspires bia with a renewed ooofi. . X A i a. a . .1 fit at I Ja'atvot .ta a. m a a 1 . a-ia A. -1 . . .B aUF a . gsru wnea poinieu out to tuem oy uieir " oetv Waabinwtou to connect witb the ir.rm.aa . '?e snaiiw oj wis, ten, ineir seniors in years, in . wisaom, ana 10 experience, i bese things ought to atisfy every g,. Jala del Bar. and th ecuseaiient ..d think. tW !,. t ehs th tiswr stood at U T and waa dknetoh.? nl lmprvaoat.esoi.ttoe ravottAlU. .T I - -r . - - OV. I -A 1. II .., . ' I th.t K .n a . L . J. . . ' Id tolwrc" ,w",MT,oa,u. mmanf- k.Th death of Col. Albert Pik. of Arkaa I Ia learine- B.ik i JL ... n. A " SniMt. J .V- l.Kt-aT. -I I f i .i i . . . t tiwi. havo nmvtul m .kl. i h!a I au. ia ainvHifijuwt : " TT. w.. . ilirft.iMi.Lul I : 1 W-aWnlk ..;.L 1. L. II . vi wukiiuvu w DenoDi id wixra uw nmniiT n um (oddiImm i , , , all th old landmarks of our father, planted as I Th partie interested ia this failure receive A Urge and ferocious animd edled bv tha newspeper a tiger was discovered a ear Millers- u I -,:--. it,, nil ni,,i t u. :. m. l I bun?. Bourbon eeantw. ICv . .nil . Mri, . ., . . . I WJwm w aw i.MWi . icvujwiiiilj VUHIvB I . J . J ' J 1' V .H accoant 01 in omission 01 in utter Teasel to U ih. Snnih M n.f.ithfnl it,, i.t.. . with doe, set out in nuntrit of it. After . Inns. I I tolak a. aid win t ..tLa 4. ... L.V:. HOI MS a U aad Odor With hia Bartv. a Ah,- gulihed atetaber ef which reaaarkod. that it a. ... . eaadldate for oaeeeaato, he woold no so reeogBiiod aa Uu editor ef the party, that they would eet u... Look oat br a atora. Hjldoa U hi. ... ..i he aad Dary fteid bave a right te eeaphua. To them tba euatWoa I.J.U.J A : 7 . T . W aaW aa ywj mrw sbwuviVU HIT IV prCMDI pltrrt. - . 0 a m -a T a .a unmaaea, imparuai mina 01 to tendency or U Teian rf TeMe wlthoBt goaplUbing ber age. u BeaPu-Mc.y.iriumpu oi"ioang u the result of treachery 00 the part of ' " "-' " a.iucn r ibo, or Arui ia tearing Raleigh, I took the Barron to IbMawIk , k announoed. II waa a diatinguiahed kw. Norfolk, which ie meeh the more pleasant, as youget yr( poet and cholar. II commanded "C" k,bt a rest. I cpeat a day la thia beaatifnl city. a. . - Whir. ...I.. - ? .U. . . a . r guide for our conduct aod beacons to warn ua of danger. Tbe conservatism of th ag should b rallied to behalf of our institutioos, or they may be overrun and mad to bend to the blind fury of jarty. froa th Uaited State ycrly 1700,000, which here who Bight lev without any company of th. Arksoa car airy is Mxk, and ZCl Tntiaaaae aad Tirginia roeda aew complete to the MuMasippi rirer. and the Cootisl me mi r-. lias, her trade must doable ia a abort tiae, whieh wM make her eae ef the arat eitise apoa the coast. I spent meat of tbe day aboat the Hery Terd. which k rary iaterceMag) as Bach, or mor so thea BrookNa.. The iaplomeeta ef aaral warfara look ln..k.n.,i. hie, partioularrr eaaaoa-tall aad shall, which cove maay aeroa, and are atUl making 01.. -Li. r . . . .... ',.4 Th Uaited State. Sen-to. t r.-.ll.. u': w - - , , .. B---wuin,Hii woo tairiTToar th uoces of the new entcrnrke would denriv menaa aetruneni to tb country, which managed waa a brave and dttermiaed soldier. He wa a thea ot I to get along ao well befor tbey eaae oo a to Psst Grand Master of Free Masons ia that Stato. ' . . .', maxe 11 more man proDame mat it could survive a.Ad.v.wanaBof $.Q. JoBoa,ofGorgl., Th. New York Journal - Commerce, their dprtur. iVoeufeace Journal , wbows pursusded to desert ber maater and mk- M .1.. la .... II il I - naa oweu ugunog up me resuis 01 in recent .T Vnnnm(i,.M... vu.M - A r:. , ' I m 'oa . . . I ABB Will V aw mjhm W Aa AMW A iW ff aVDnvn S , In rucb a ocaditioa of .political affairs, what k loetion, ta a vsia bop of drawing oooaoUtion Tba Legktotar of Vermont, which adjourned J J J ...L. I 1 tiT, m wr . ll.a.An ulnlliiitiii. 1. au .1. TT. I f J... - 1 I !a . .'It at- a! ucuwiiucu ui tuo eocoangm n Digs oi nonn 1 ', imu, u i m sou voiurw vui, mjo, pramicai i .- . - a. .' ... .. .. ... . . J 1 iL . n a! . 1 a ' , I tltawaav. .ad K. .Maaa .Taaa ka.. Maaa.laf . t " " varouna, ante oy tbe auues of patriot ism, and tb I maeee m irftrawg rouurw gnu aince iooo, """S" " uv. v whwo wuwh vw ptomptine of a lost elf-raoectf Dkoersed. 800,WB. II wouid,to lb superficial ebervr, t .f, T" . "J. . IT- .?.V"' "w eattered into diffareet nrMauatina.. (JWIm PPr DawKWraey had Botodly trained aw r 07 tress while oa a visit to New York last summer, J ha just voluntarily returned bom to kvvy, ictieal hmnilJ dt of northern froedom'' and "freedom AL.'. avJu I.. ji wa! l. V 4 A a . o ' . . . I mil BMUi ruMWa wcif mv avi a-itv mmuWU ImCiW cKutueimproptB impuisa oi am own jaogmeat WitbKanding thk gaia. tbey were do- wwtOTiaiuiag vwiwocn wb waa bs aess wua imposubl ie that Stat. Thk bill waa icallv oencaed as bcine iMsoaatitntioiuI. I it frknd denied, and wa indefinitely postpoBd ta u Benst y a rot J to er . Thb Gboboia Lottzjum. Without dis senting Toioe, tbe House of Represetotive of n Ji -' t j . i! ii i wwoigia wow pnasij a piu rrjwunug an i.wp wnioo authorixed lotteries ia that Stole, aad prescribing oertoia pensltie for all scheme audi ad of ticket, after th. 1st of Jan, I860. " . Norn, OBDiRAnoif. At th kto Indka Coaferenc of th Methodist Epiaoopal Chureb ftmth- - Am woaanrabla - Ttioiiti- Korlw nra4aiiiawt How. J. Clcma ha beeoes ariacipdf tw,iT. TmAiu. Driscinallv eliefs of their trib.. I . . . ..... . a a as. . - - - a our Judgment, when it k ! otbtor of lb jfompba bogie nA.Ifurtr-X to tb Gorpd atowtry. -:r - : -l bim, a ohpic between thing acor or lea objoct- ionabk, tbey hare been, a it were, sojourner among a atraeg people, who, however boepiU bk aad bowerer respectful, wsr not their people. Lik th broke members of a boaaebold distri buted axoug aeighboriog familiea, they bav ben powerka ia th aocid orgaakstioB around thea, and havyearad for th reepectabiiity and the ioflaeaee of a home of their Tb tip as arrived. footed. Thia paragraph wu writtea to deceive. It doe not giv th rdativ Democratic vol ia 185&-'&8, but gives tb Oppositioa ia full. De- Boeracy has at forgot ker old trick. (9 A goatloaaa reeeatly toqnlred ef Ooreraer Harrie, ef Toaaaaail, whoa he toleaded te appeial a day for ThaaksgiriBg. " I'd like to knew what the d 1 Ih Deaeoerate bare te thaak Oed fcr this year," was an BMuacaeiy . a. a....!..; . ananaiai.. nereet- I . "--t w-amuw mo epiwioe-1 -nmraimip lorroeeelUM tho 9arT. . which I aentoof Wa, Precton, Em., ss minister to Stain: "."'f" ! aa aay parlor to the city. Alaraa General Ward, of Georgia. Minuter to China; . !I wutaat1' P1"! the eatertoia. l v rtt t uL;...... n ' 1 aeal er vusters. . ."""w rroi. .UB at 6. fM the arrlral of Am W.u. i wa leas a Thank God thai tbey ar aot ia b-4. ppoiuimcni wore wa a party divuwn. f irate,) ea a bceatiM .tear. aad rnrmmL, .r:r: ITta . - .! ' l a. 1 . aa I fkl. n..V . k. . . D lal wm ohvzw oiw own a bicw guio aowa hit I 7 r J '.ua.oro; a wrfrocomoor of peso- Ia South Penobscot aoa of them hauled a barrel SP?B korJl0 ."f three Woaogac. of flour oa a band aled twa milea to tbe Row. Mr 1 ' " TT' "S-u,i "Wreoef wan, c vooidoat - --t"'"o f M i .- I i - arnrwa muuaore at I ta tba at Tb Bv. Danld Dowa.y, Catbolie Pried. TmVi I'U Trlf" " "bllsuoi-" Of Stou-toa, 7.., who wa. anJUd, kst ontb' SS'taa to eigni year lmpnaonment la tb penitentiary particularly along the Bebayllm. Took CaaaoWaa foraaadAagtor, he bee granted a new trial lhnveutweatyhtalleaef whiob batoMeoo: ie A tbcmanddi release. srorenJ; la I il!-!.w.l,L" Tharaday aigbt. Had tha .. . .,... i me aeverai coonue ib too una TH '!''-1r Cri"'- ioamdeaep., ! her oa th veorganisaUea. f tb old rThlg party. 01 v

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