A KORTU CAROLINA ARGUS, T9 TttM KDlTOn Of Tilt XOH TU CAKOUSA A AStfKJ ,,..; a io hi till. '.;'v' , , Good morning, John." Good morning , good track, nin't it?" Yea, put la your doja, and It'll be , a run in a fcw min utes. '.r0ir0KTlEEnK8STICAI8U.il. ; Since the 1st rf September I have labored mora or lew, in overthirty counties in North Carolina, traveling on railroads, ia bugsy, and in the rougher mourjtaioa,on mule back, and day after day 1 went on foot in order to reach the poorer cabins. Of the 6(12 families visited, I found 173 who never had a religious visit and prayer , before, and many had not attended preaching from 3 Steam Cabbiaok in Los now. On T hurt day, July 2fl; 185S, an eiperimcrtt was made on the Yctmmgter rond, and witnessed by thousand of spectators, who seemed much interested and astonished on seeing a steam engine travertins; the streets ol .London. The machine w steered by a person who stood in front, and bandied a wbcel about the size and appearance of those used on our river steamboats, but made- of metal. Bmton. fmav Lis shadow ne'er rrrow lets!) you see.Oreador mine.hsd "struck" months' to 0 yean, because of the distance, Two other men were altheead of the engiue, half a mile up the creek, in the major's big or afllictiod, or ignorance of the doty, or one acting as stoker, And bis) companion as- field" and we had trailed down to near the Dreiudice. or love of disti tones, stor suons slating at a kind ol brake when it was head of the old mill pond, before John had and places of amusements, which are re tomo to us. "Well; but won't lou make (sorted to on the Sabbath by parents und n matutinal ; libation to the Kosy God f and children.- I was kindly received by all Some of Rj best" " Don t care if I do f! at their firesides, where 1 could adapt both necessary to turn. This was all tlit man ual aid required for Its progress. Attached was a truck or platform on wheels loaded with packages of several tops weight-It (roceeded from the manufactory ot xuauds ay & Field, along the Westminster road HULK " ' .' Dry Goods, fhithlBjr, Halt, CnKl, Boots, aloft, Hardware, trorrricn, Crorkery, lailylrt, , . Paint Oils. It , - AT TUB OLD STAND-' HAVE KOW RECEIVED T E MOST Of MT Into parch of fall and Tt u.wr Coeds, eoispris- oh urm assort meet msn asuai, consuung is part of III rollowlng artlolrs. Til I lllaakand Fancy Bilks, j Browa and R'fd Sarsr. Cnhiiim, ftlo, Java and LM.Uiffe, SAu. sad BjKmi i ndle, Kerosene ami flpera (His, Train sua uoea uus, iug 1 here's to our quondam companion and his talk and books to their wants, and they man notir: both cone to Texas, "we ne'er I mads to feel that tbev were cared for bv shall look uro their like again." pious and Intelligent christians belonging to to their wharf, close to Westminster bridge. Uy this lime, Pike, Drum, Rock and Try more than SO denominations who sent had joined my pack over on the bill, and all me to their houses. Which fact being were working along finely; It was a beau- made known, the most ignorant is fuVora tiful morning, damp, Still and cool. And now, ss in "linked sweetness long drawn out," our noble dogs gave forth their cheer ful cry, . !.-. , 1- ', , '"'': )waad '" Steed tlpto ea tbe misty monntaia topi" . The liwil grows warmer, "Hurra, there, tnj dogs I Hunt for him, old fellows." . - A few minutes more and "the games afoot I" Away, away I Gray Roderick, woo so gaiiantiy nas oorne me inrougn many a race, needs no urging now; for, catching inspiration from the exhilarating music ahead, impatient at any delay, he proudly champs his bit and bounds exult ingly along. Over ditches, across bogs and through briar patches, (such, by the way, as and here it was guided round with the ut most ease, and without a moment's -delsy. The angina is the invention of a Mr. Cray, who , has obtained a patent Is adapted to f&ivel up hill or down, and its speed may beiincreased at ploajure. On this occasion Aa t which Vm h d,.A nf th. s..t a. ainerent denominations, vvrio expressed, and wniiirougn ino tnrong oi carnage ana sommoastmg wrm. i , oeji sua examine teror blv imnrcMeu withclnistianitv, Io this general work of christian effort I was warmly received by ministers of the ropllni, ' " DaUteM, ' ' 1 v ftBlM, ',. f , ' " Jwiontt Uuitins, . Swim Mnilitu, , ' Bsrrad UaaliM. Brltliintw, flttllk HUwl, ' . WoolShswU, ."' Oloak, K11 OtanUet, Ctthmtr OmdUoU, ' (ilorat tail I Ofiery, Cloths ftS CuaimarH, VwtiRf, Mcrlna Tta sad rant, Hoops an 4 Hoop fnlru Ohtor and Cod Mr nit urn .ids, Paria OrM ia OH, ' Ctiroo Gma la Oil, Coaoh Varntik, -Wlmtow Glaaa, all itiw, Patty UCaoa, , . CooMBtraied Karaam Urnpa, (iaoaaodr'i ol, ' "' Carpantm' Tooli, . Btulibj' Twla, KtU, 8d I 40d, w hi n iniii Wtll HacUts. it. ' UOEHUAVJJ'S HOLLAND IIITTEHS; f i mirTH TEAR OF THE COSMOPOLITAN ART ' l1 ASSOCIATION bLI'tHO fSCBAVINCHI UKAl'TirCL ART JOLKNALI VALtABU: PRC Mll'118. c, A.O. Thi aopulw Art AoclUoa. aow t It Afth jmi at nap irlUId aaoocw. bating Ipurohaaad, aod nrTd va ll, Jlarring'a (ml ainun. jn iiiugi uuiumiii, will ao I acted out, their increasing convictions of the riecetsity for this work, by which most ef fectually to go everywhere "preaching the the word." A prominent itinerant minis ter writes, " I love the American Tract So ciety, It is a good work, and we should co-operate with it and all .similar agencies that can reach the population of our, as yet, unexplored and neglected country." 1'hia minister enabled me to get about IK0 io three of his feeble congregations. Another writing to his parUh says, "I very heartily commend the work or supporting eLoioor people at a walking pace, and it was several times stopped and then got in motion, show- ing it to he penectly sate and eay of con trol. ; r ' ' ' ' -The extent to which this new applica tion of steam power may be made availa ble, cannot at present be determined; but in the case of the engineers who have ma tured its construction, its' use haa been practically demonstrated. Those immense masses of iron work produced at the woi k shops of Maudslay & Field, gigs n tie boileis and other machinery, weighing many tons. nutklng y tor porehasaa. a-w one of your timid ones who never "went a tcur to all who desire to discharge a duty I when removed, had to be drawn by ten and fox buniiaV nor beard a dog orien except to the ignorant and destitute amona; us. twelve and sometimes sixteen horses. Now some "enr of low degree," as he bayed the I He gavo me tlO and soon about 180 were here wa motive power occupying no more moon, would never think of attempting) unscathed we go. Straight to that hund red acre, old straw field, where, in days gone by, I oft bare heard Blue Rush's mellifluous tones, seconded by Titus and Quebec. (Alas I none of them shall I hear again."' Pax eineribuiD Here for more than an hour was the running. All around us, op and down every gully, and to and from cyery point of the eompasa. Ob, B., if you could only have been there to help me and John kolur. Hark to Nimrod'e deep and prolonged - howl, rising far above slUike distant sound ef "brazen tramp or spirit-stirring drum Boston's shrill and joyous yelp ; Dido's " demi-semi-qua vering warble," and the "deep and thrilling songs"-fc-f all the rest, all combining in one magnificent and su blime storm of melody I The man that can etandquiet and unmoved at such a time is fit for treason, stratagem aod spoils let no man trust turn, u used to say that his own plan was, just to pull off his hat, open his mouth, and leave the consequences Io Heaven I And whoever has been in a race with him, will recollect that "the con sequence" was a yell, and another, and then another, that was fully calculated to "as tonish the natives." Now the fox passes as, only half a hun dred yards in advance of the dogs. Just aee and hear old Crockett I ' Unheeding everything else, hia eyes wild and (lashing with excitement every nerve strained, io advance of all others be rashes by, like a runaway locomotive, some fiend Incarnate, or Some comet," shot madly from its sphere 1" listen to his hoarse, defiant startling bark, with every leap, which has so seldom been heard in vain I May be live a thousand years I .-, J hen come l ike, Drum, and all, swell ' ing the cry into a prolonged crash of mell ifluous thunder.. Wi4a taroach th (any iaM tair Marat tky Uk, Tkair bleadiag baaaau fort tha thorar araka, .. TV fiataat sanmtaiM sett trvm afar Th hangtof voods raaad U fttag war, HUla, Jala aajd fcraata Ur baaiad remain, Wbila tka warn seattt draws a ik dara aMalk'd traial" given. ,,,: ... . In many of the more thickly settled sec tions there are churches well attended by pious, intelligent people who are haringgood schools 1 was frequently told that our Colpor teurs visits from bouse to bouse had awak room than a van, or on omnibus, perform ing the same work with ca economy of space most desirable in erowded thorough- tarrs,and doubtless with a grant saving The time may soon arrive when this in vention may be cied for carrying passen gers in our streets, fur drawing beavily A.E BENNETTS . DBT GOODS, HARDWARE A.D CEOCEBT fiTORKe . WA DESB OR (7, X, C. . IRATC JV8T RECEIVED UT f ALL ASD WIR arBtaokaf r DRY GOODS, ' ' EaibrMUf CLOTnj, CASSIVEREfl, PELALTEI, . . CALICOES, (JILRS, As., A. : A1m, a frk sappl ol .... ... j ..... :. CBOCERIES AND FUOTfSIO.TS, And a larg aad vttl-aalaittad stack of ' ' school naous,- '. US" AD of hick I 1U nlft for CUSIT, r aiiaa t paattaal witoain. -tf enedan increased interest in going to church I laden carts or wsgona, on the highway, or and reading. I learned of over 70 Sabbath schools re sulting, more or less, from Cotportagn. In one county here there were only 3 Sabbath Schools there are now 38. In this county, as far as known, every. family wss visited and eschone supplied with Gospel truth by sale of grant ; and over 600 converts are reported from it this year. The work ia this county K supported by a few benevo lent persons of moderate means. In many counties irom 200 to BdQ bare been bope- dragging plows in the field, or performing . a a omer necessary and important services which no animal force could accomplish. . London IU tttrated Next. . Looa to Toi-a i'oucu. Lord St Leon- erd, a great hnglish Judge, in his recent hook called Mlsndjr Book on Property Law, aays : the nttrrian nivfiriYsi amd ULACU WOOD'S raAUAZIXU. . Ossaf IxDPcsaasTs to etasacsjasl raaairas aas Ssvccviosa. Scott a CO- hiw tork, conTixtn to pUUk U foilwia laaiiag firiUab FarUaV I. THK LOXDO QCARTRRLT. fCiaiwatlr.1 " z. tki KumubKun natia. iwti I S. THt NORTU BRITISH REVIEW, (PraaCbarak.) J n. D.ijikiiiin mmvwtMwm . . . . . ' 4. SLACRWUUOS ILV'Bl'RaU lUQAtlKI. (Tory.) -. Tkana Ptriodlaal ably ronraaaat k tkra fraat aolitieal paruaa of Qraat Unlala Waif, Tarr aad RadioaJ; bat aatiua form aalj aaa faatar ot Ummt aaractar. A aras of lb BMot arofoaad arrtiar aa Seioaoa, Lttaratora, Montitjr, aad KaUgiaa, lbr 4 m csznaAm nou.A ttvavr voa . DISEASE OF TEE EIP.VETS, LIVCR OOMPLAINT, 1 WEAKNESS OF ANY KEOV FEVER AND ACUS Aad Iks vsrfoas sffastloas aoaaxintai npos a wr- ST03IACII OB LITER, Sack as fadltasttaa, Aftdltj of tka Rtaaiacb, Colicky Pain, Haarthara, Loos of appctfta, Despondency, CaatiraDaas, Blind aad meodingrilr. Ia allBtrrooi, Rkraatatia, Lad Narl(i Affcotloat, Itiiaa laaaawN a fcntano prortd hlgkly ba8oio), and la stbsr ffaotad a dociJod ear. ' Tki la a paraty TfprUbl aoupovnd, freparad ea (trittlT aeimtifl nrtaoiDla. after tha manner of tka celebrated Hollana ProfaaMr, Bontara. Baeaaae of ite ret aaaaea ia araet ef tha Karopeaa Btate, tU latrodaetloa lale th United Bute Was Intended more especially for tboa of ear fatkerland eoattarad ker aad tier aver th fkee ef Ibis mighty roaatry. Meet Inj witk great aaeeee aaeag iliea, I aov offer it te tljt Aererieaa aabiia, kaowiaf that it truly voider- fal SMdieiaal Tirtaes aeit be acknowledged. . It letloalarlyreniaiaJd tetbene person vbara eaatitatioaa awy he to beea impaired by tha eontia aea aLf-ardnt spirit, er ether forn ef diulpa lioa. Oeaaratty tatlaataaeoa ia ffet, It lad it way direetly to lb seat ef life, thrilling and qaiak Blag erery nerve, raiaiag ap the drooping rplrit, aad, ia faet, lafaain new beailb aad vigor la tka (yttem. KOTICS. Whoever expeetj to lad this a beearag will he dlaappetated ; bat to U atok, weak and low (pi riled, It will prove a grateful aeoauti oorJial, poe- aeaea M atngniar reateoial profjerue. '- - natiTioa. Tks great popalarity ef thie AelirhtfaJ Areas ba ladaeed aiaay imiuiioej, which the pabli eheld gaara agaiae paraaaatng. B paiaaadea re any aaythlag tie aaUl yea bar gieea Seerhare Ballaad Bitter a fair trial. Oae botUa aiU aeaehae yea bear laCaitely ea per lor it I to all taeee laiUUoaa. rUSeU at 11.40 per betUe, er lis battle for y th BOLI PROPRIETORS. ' BEX JAMI PAGE, Jr. dk CO. tvroreaiQ PDARMACENT18T8 AMD CnEktJSTS. Fltiabtirsle, . , Sold by SM1TU k U50SET, - S-tf Wadbera'. Ieopie (U rabecribera anl) ea iieary plate taper. otoBiMaoaea the following i , , . .7 , ' vssaa e ssaeeaamov. ( . Srery pereen fetniuing thsis sollam, will re eeire a eopy ef th eoperb steal engraving, Aer Bet ring's eaWbrated painting, ... .. r, ' Tns villaqk nucisiirrir. M.M.-t ' Also, a oopy ef the beaatirul ' ' ; ' COSMOPOLITAN ART JOCRNAt, ' 1 an eicgmuuj luuniim qaareo magaiina. AU, free eeaeaa ticknt, of adroiuloa te th E it era (or DntMldorf) aad Westera Uallerie of th Aa (ociatiea. ' Ther arltl ho b gl'Vot tb rabecrtben Mrerat kuadred talaabla work if Art, compruiog to Oik Paindnga, Broeiee. Bealpture, A.. Ite.. Area eel' brated Aaerieaa and foreign ArUtt. Suberription will be reeeired op to Jteeiry 1j 180. On th arming of that daU th Brraiaaw wltk be awarded to abeetfber. For full pertienlar, eee Deeraber Art earnat price 80 cent. 0peeiea eopie eeat to theee desir ing to subscribe, on the receipt ef IS eate la posts g lasnpe or etna, nunma , CP. UERDT, Aetoary C. A. A., VS4f '" '. "'turn Offic. CIS BroaJw.y, If. r.,:- ' Or Wertera Ofllce. 16fl Water St., gaadiuky, O. THE KOBTII CAROLINA STATIC nciziJi op mm ufoiutioi.' ' 4 TVS FIRST' KVsfUER OF "THIS UAdAZIiraV' will be Is aed, if aaflieient eabeeriptioo are ea tained, by tb aectiag ef th Oeaeral Assembly. I Will eeataia, aaong ether thing A Saoar DaarBirnr) or raa rrrsicst Caocai-- rar er rtrs Stats, It l'rodectiens, Ae., with aotieaa. ef thoea aamtriea, anal sal aad aodera, ia She aaa saoitad. rn- , , . v Abba as tns Srera, and ef tb different Ceaatier aad Banatorial IitrtrU. . Porwunas, at dtflhraaw periods, by Cemtiee, Sea- atorial aad Coagreealenal Uetrtota. , AaBMuircuv--PredoeUeaa of tb eerrrml CeBB ties ; history ef tb Agrieaitaral Faad and oi er preeeat State AgrktnUaral Bodety. BiTixrs AaeBt of Tax paid by each Coaatyr With a Digest of the bet Ceaiptroller's Report. niAxra. -History ef tb IMbt af tb Btate; roe Verv few Dolioiee asraioat Cra ara aol , a ther ever bare eteed.aariralledia the world framed aa to render th. company, legally Siot liable. Generally, t ue property is inaccur-1 r rry Ua tbey faraisk a ere aarraat aad as tie- fully converted this year, many of whom J aiely discrihed in reference to the conditions 1 faetery reaerd of th entreat litemtar mt the day attribute their awakening: to tracts and books. One lady thanks God for raisintr qd the American Tract Society which sent her Come' to Jeans" by which she was led to Christ ' Her pious ciample and teach ing, in answer to her prayers, has been blessed in the reformation of her drunken husband, to whom she was afraid even to speak about religion. Cut the troth she taoght the children and their love of prayer, effectually reached tha drunken farther 'a heart and be has embraced Christ, and been a consistent member of the church several months conducting family prayer. Such facts should stimulate each person. whether in or out of the church, to prompt under which yon insure. Tbey are framed ty tbe company, who probably, are not un willing to have a legal defence agaioat any claim, as they intend to pay what they deem a just claim, without taking ad ran- tago of technical objections, and to make use of their defence only szaiost what Ihev ! , . . -' r ,, , , i i bbj ewe 01 e roar neviewe. may believe to be a fraud, although they I per any tw af tb foar turiew, lAroaghoat tb world, thaa eaa be peaeiblr rVtsiarl area any outer eear. : EARLT COPIES. Tb reeelpt of ADVAXCS SHSCTS fraa the Brlt- fk pahusber rtrs adOltlenal ralae to these Bmiata. iaasaaeh aa tiey aaa new be pUeed la tbe band of aoeemier a Boot as aoea a the anginal adtttoaa. TERMS. (lUwler Prloe 1 For say en of th fvtar Retienaper aeaa.- ft 00 may not be able to prove it Rut do not I Per three of tb fmr pTiew. rely on, the moral feelioga of directors. ' "J Ascertain that your boi. f.lU strictly Z$Zl?JLu da da. do. da, 00 7 00 S 00 your bouse falls strictly ii ZZZ2 ..1 ..L- 7! Z . . . . M eriffOT svaesvasTeaFieasi aasvs waaw usorw , - e V UV Within the Conditions. I per tllaekweed and tw Rerlew. do T 00 Generally there ia a whole page of finely I " Kckwed aad tbr briw, a.. oo orinted eonJitinpVs.n th. k.b f iK. wJ. I Tor SlaekwoedaaAtaafoar tatiewe, da. 0 00 .' r II: "J" r. " " 7 ' 7 r -T wm la th SUto whs re iaaad wifl be ivy, asuy uc vi buicii, ingcniinuiy urawB i rereired at par. as they are. may be tbe subiect of a law i Poorse. The Peetar to aar eart af tha ritd 4-for Week- eaek af the o.ll.,l c.l 'i ..jr i.. .i. . .. . . . . I new. .ua..l ouooo! mu vsosiwi to ioo nresMa times resorted io in order to entirely defeat At th abr pri the rVrind.i win V famished v rreit aw pvur, vr iu uuymg uwh ana me poncy, or else are used as a screw, in l rnr ! raEMiuu to hew bubbcri and continued action either in giving to suit, with a fair prospect of success sgalntt I Ctou u Tmnfmr Cm a year f snpport a Colporteur, who will carry tha the insured. These conditions are some. 11 u ' " tracts to distribute among tbe people, the connection wilh tbe neeesaitiea of the in influence of which will continue for the good sured, to bring about a deduction from the oi souis ana our country, una or mod- tair amount which ought to be paid, erate means, obtained by daily labor, gave , , , m , r , me eiuu oy wmcii cnuuren are made ma TaaaiaLaMftDta-ReceniW the body of m sm Ks bwj rf e. tst a t at n an 1 ! I KJf Maseu I an s M . ft 7. 7 -"""""J v ictor jderoeui, a Uerman aged about fifty gratia while they ive. Many, others are years, WM ietd ,,, hii f. ' V. . at a . " 1 Poor Reynard's drooping tail now pro claims his race nearly run. Dack towards the starting point he takes his way, but des tined never to reach it In a broad, open, 'et.t.t .- r. .i. . v. m uciu, itxi uuuis ii viii ius uim in auratiK I . . i l V l n j from his heathery c6ucb,waify raa dawn, ;r J " "IT ?".urvnii u,e, "u a. r, thM ir, iir--.L- .:i i. Ibe world, and showing that each lay man doing the same by giving t'20 each. Others are giving 10, S3 and down to the widows 50 cents. One of whom sent wilh her SO cents these lines: "Enclosed is the widow's mite. It is the last cent I have, which God enabled me to earn with my fingers and lay by to make tracts. Although little, 1 trust it will be acceptable." Such are pre he gives up the ghost. His expiring wail is answered by our horns in a triumphant blast but where is the fox-hunter who will not corrfesa to a shade of deep sorrow, as lie views bis noble game lying stiff and cold at and woman can and must exercise his aad her ta lent to aid tbe ministry in spreading the Gospel. - - - I shall ever owe si debt of srratitude for Bloody Island, opposite St Louis. Upon examination of tha body it was found that he had , n corded and castrated, and from bio. found io several olaeea. it is nra aumttd the act was perpetrated some dis tance from where ihe bod lay. toother man oi vioieoce except the woura Jiade by emasculation, were diecernablev The probability la that the deceased removed the cord and died from loss of blood. The perpetrators of the horrid deed are un CouxoDoaa Stewa'. W tear at the AKl FROll DR. JAMES M. JARRETT. OF TflS titW TURK Ll'NO ISF1HJIART. eoaaeettea for tk nasi eicht Tear with th iber iaetitotiea, a Chief Pbisician. and a twelve years' eearse af steady dereltea to tbe Core ef Pal. ssoaary. tearaaptsoa aad He kladred aleaaee, to. getber with au aariraUed ejanertaailies aad adraat- e of patbelogioal raaearck aided not a Utile by a perfect yalewi af JTssfaai MmUti hss enabled ae to arrira at a deeisire, direct, aad ssjoeeasfal eoara af treataaat for tb aesitire aad radleal nn ef aU dieeatee af th Three-, Ltmf aad Ar-rftt By Iabahttiom, tb rapar aad aaratir aroperde ef Binii- aiae are direetly addressed to tb diseased organ and uie nieiraBteat. I oe aot adeie U as ef Medical tnbalaUea ef any kiad to lb txclasioa af mwiI trttmtt; aad sttkoagk I oader it s oecfui adja vaat la tha proper sBeaagiaaat af those fearfal and eftea latal disease, yet 1 deaa it eery sinnary that each patieat aboaid bar th beaeCt ef beth vsnsra tad local treatawnC Th eeecess of ar treasaeat la lb sbere diseases, aad Ihe bleb eharaeter ef Ike 1b- titatJoaararwhieb I bar ae long bad lb honor to sraeiaa, ara aee well kaewa to aead aar aalecr or oaaiat Irea ae. At the aolieitaUaa af avesir pri vate aad profseeluaal frieads, thjwagh whoet pbslaa Uiropi asd tb abwr charirr has beea leer aad liber ally eap ported, aad nr da aoaidratloa I bar oaeladed to asak aak arraageawats a will brlag lb heaetta af ay esperienoe aad treataeat withia tka raaek er all, aad aoUonaa ayaetf, u beretofor. to thee only who entered tb Intratery, er wb were abl to lit ae at ay enjee. Hoping tberafer that th arrangeasnt will fir estlre aatiBfltetioa. both to ay prnfsssisnal bretbrea aad tb pebiia, I weald re- tpevually aaaeaac la aeaeinatoa, that raw turn as tttmtlud ewssesUy er Ay irosr, ea all diseases a aber. aad that the eedieiae. tka as sis ae ased ia tb lasUtaUoa. areparod to ait each UdirUaal aaa. lklM I sw, Afsewal faAeisrr, AV., it., will be OT the Halted Stale forwarded by aspresa to say part i Tssji. My Ural ef treataeat by letter ar hi-feet? I,for one. thoujh as zealous as Je kinntt' . BCRS, tb aamber of tbe aaiae Periodic Is for 1SA7 will be faralabed osapleto, WITUOIT ADDI TIONAL CUA MUX. these Periedleal toee little by age. Heaee. a fall year af tb aaabers, (with ae onisatun,) for 1867, nay be regarded nearly a valuable a for 18&9. . j Babseriber wishing else lb aaabers far 1&4 aad 187 will be seppliod at tb bliowing extreavtly lew rat: 8 rt it bio Orrst roa ISort, '(7, 'fit saw '69 iwnrrasa. For lUaekwoed's Magasine, tb foar years f S 00 For aay eee Review, d. 8 00 Fee aay tw Reviews, do.... 10 00 Per Blackweed and aaa Review, ee. ........ 10 00 For Blackwood aad twa Review, de...... IS 00 Per tbree Review, , do....... It 00 Far Blackwood aad tlure R-vitws, do 17 00 Per th foar Review. d It 00 wf-s. Kit L..J..ill.f I B ne sfkA rr-nTZh SUt BrQ. .rtk P tMt 'yP -fll, ... be treated as well by let- As we tball never agaia be likely to offer suck la- ssssasia as uoee aere preeeatea, - Vow Is tbe Tine to Sntvscribet f&- RealUanee aast, U all eases, be made sSrect what pwrpoa aoatraotedi ite saonat at different pa riods. wbea dee, Aa., and the eeJe ef Stoat Saad la tbe Sew Terk aarbet daring NieVS. Basks Uatea af Charter, Btatoaoate af Uteir C ditiea at eartoas tiatce. A. RAtiBOABe, Aev A Baiaeratloa af tbe Pabtta Istpreveasesu ia tb State, wbea Cbartored, their Ceet, Debt, sad their Preaeat Ceaditiea. Caaaaaca ef the dill emit Bea-port Town, th Teaaage Eaptayad, Aa. la addiuea to tb watoato proper af tb Arat ansa. her, will b edited a ail asW ttmfiei dirmtny tf mil Ik fmiU tHXttm, i-UrJ, filtU 4 Cumtm, which will be feancsAreaely aseful far boeiaea aaa gs ' rally,, ,, j ...,. ' ." ,.t nasi. - . . On Tssr. w... Three DoUsr. Six Month. .One Dollar aad a Half. - QCENT. StSliEK,. Editor aad PreptUisr. , Raleigk, K. C, Septoaber, IboS. paosrrcTrs of ca'tweix's kVAW PUACTICE. . TBE CKDERSICVXD RESPECTFCLLT rmTES .eabeeriber to Ue peblicaUoa af hU treatise apea tb " rractk ef Law ia tbe Courts ef Kerth Cere Una, to bead la their aaae by tb let ef Jaaeary: and he teiidta for tb work tbe petreaage ef tbe Bar aad tbe pabli generally The Srrt velaae, aea early ready for th tree, b devoted selasively to tb eenuderaUoB af Lcpilsare aad EseeaUr Pew- era. I'a'ier tb rst aaaed till th fbUewing titles ad ehapUn ef the Sevieed Cod, with tb aeeeav pauying decisis n will be feasd eabraeed, via: Ceanty Boaadarlee; Coeaty Revtaee and Cbargea; Ceart Koare, Priaoas, ate.; Cewaty Traatoea; Fairs; Oeaeral Aaseably; laepectioas; Poor; Reatcre: River and Creeks; Roads, Ferri, etc, Idiot east Lanaties; Onliaancra aad Retailer; Uiila aad Militrs; Prisoner; Wright aad Meaaares. - L'adcr tk awoad aaaed titte.Eseeatir rower, wfll be (eaa J the follewisg chapters aai titles f tb R' i nsei ioue, mj Attoraey Oeaeral, etc.; Altorarrt at Law; Cearia. foaaty aad Snptrior; Ceart BnprrW; Gaardiaa and Ward; Admlnistntora; Aactioaeers; Clerks; Const blea; Cerener; Ceanty Beaadarie; Coaaty Tract ea; Dead;. Eatrie and Ornate; Fairs; literary Faad, etc.) Patrol; Pilots; FTOceooieaera; Registers; Est. ; Riven and Creek; Roads; Sheriffs; Bangers; Standard Keeper; Wrecks. The deeiga ef the work la, ander tbe rarieas titlee, to present tbe (tadeat Bad practitioner with aa Intelligent sad eenaected view ef tb Statato Lew ef Sortb Carotiaa, applieabl to each, together with mil tk atoiseee Oc Sfyrtm Ceeri (Aereea ap to the but term, aad to aceeapeay rack ebaster witk tbe ' roprute rorms tor proceeding. rollowi, vu: SIS per aoeth for taeb patieat, which will iaslade SMofeia taSeieat for eae month's as ; alee, Inhaling Vapor, aad aa Inhaling Apperara. Psyaeat a follow! S to be paid to aa Express Agent ea receipt ef tb box ef Medicine, aad tb bab bm $6 aetb etptratiea ef the aeatb, if tb patieat be ared er la eniirely atisted with tbe tnetaent. Patteate, by giving a fall history of their esse, aad iBfpi a I It I ale propoerd to add, ia the Appendix, a any in mo cti&se.am not ashamed to ao v. Jinowledgev that my feelings are not all of delightful triumph at such a time. Yours, "on a warm track,". 7 Trim TO Tilt IDITOtt or. TUB SO STB CAJtOLIXl ABO VI I many friends u the different counties in tbe extreme western part of N. C. That section is highly interesting shd promising, and I trust we shall soon have a Colporteur in every county there, to reach the scattered and otherwise almost inaccessible families. Our Colporteur Convention which met at Baltimore. Md tbe 4th of Nov.. must result Please excuse me for addressing to you in great good in Promoting the efficienev of . I... r j- e i- i- . I ..! i -i a , . . aicucrri uiib my b cvu)i vi jovbj iui ima two ana nresiae prescomg system lor were talking as ladies always have, and the sal vation of souls, always will about beaux, love, dec. One Our warmest thanks are duo the different of them asked me if I loved a Jew, would I railroad officers, who have shown ns great reject my faith and marry him ?. I replied favor, which will enable ut to furnish bun- aa follows: For him I loved, i would for- dreds of our poor and needy with Bibles and sske my native land, and go no matter religious books. - Each one may do some- where, so A were there. And none but thing for Jesus and souls, and let it b,e done patriotic hearts can ever know the depth, quickly and continually, at tbe day 'of life the weight of the aigh t'would cost to say, with each one will soon be gone, and souls my nance tana, lareweu. mj luuier, anu gone eternally, i ours truly, my lamer a nome, my moiner and my moth er s love. My sisters fair, and brother's dear. All, all of these I would leave for him I loved. And some there are, who u . i . . i I . t i i r i rr r m.. r n , ijbtb icu iuo vurninir aKonr, i wouiri ieei, i 'suu jbi ciadersrilie UaonrtaD. , to say to them, good bye I Hut never, never j .' MA'dtBen hasBsditssppearaoMamong eould I Teject my God, His mercy; and I th hogs fa aonie parts of Wasbincton eooaty. His love for a being born to die. And O I lna ?lc tb9y dying in large aarubers, ss W. X. W. Csowscs. Cen. Agt. of Am. Tr. Soc. for N. C. Raleigh, Nov. 21,1858, ; ., there's none but Godbimself can ever know the sacrifice I'd make in saying, we roust part. ' Gsbtbudbv - art inforved. From all that wa have beard of tbis disease, va have ao doubt bat what it fa Similar to tost which prevailed to suoh aa alarm lag extant among tbe oau! daring a part of last pnog ana snn aier. Wa also learn from aplsa p f f The Lynchburg Virginian says that ter of this eoaoty that n ambers of hogs are dying ' Democracy like the lion'sCave in the fable of a similar disease is this coaaty.--CtUhUrt It- it let every body in, but refuses to let any- J jwrter. body out. i es, and like tne Hod it makes them crouch before ha tread, tike, well whipped eurs to bark is death, Flobida. Froia tha Oovernor ' recent aee- gs to th Legislator wa learn that Florida bu ao etatauading bonds, aad has ia progress about iw mum ot ran roads, wineb bars been projee Mabbieo IlArriseaa. Married hannnett- ted wilhoat aid of any kind save frota the fund is a glass ball ; folks play with it duringthe arising from the vinous land grants from Congress, woica com pria tea mill too or aorea. Tb Uov srnor 4iks Boat of ear pablie mea Just at this honey-moon, till falling, it ia shivered to pieces; and the rest of life is a who broke it. -t. - - wrangle IC7" There is a lady living in "Williams- bnrg district, S.C, by the name of Nngle ton, sged 140 years, who has been blind for 00 years. time -pays no sUentioo to aatioaal politics, he lieriog it, aVMhUeas, bad policy, ss it eerUiDly U, for s Oovertof, in had Uto. ' : " ' SfaT Ires doesn't idake the omD. bat wfico ae6B-bada"als4eea a good deal better . arose a op. - that Commodore Stewsri as written to tb Sere- tary of the 2svy rebes tag to te relieved from tha command of th SUdJphi navy yard. Commodora Stewart .savs that if the stain which ia plseed ape aim be aot speedily re moved bs will resige i eorqiaisrion, aod return to the Gorernmeni i various swords aad Bed-1 al with which be tin beea presented as testi monials of erstitude for scrvi'eee readarsd his! eoaotry. w htve, however, good reasoa to bo have that Commtxloie Btewirt wdl be nominated to tha Senate for complete restoratioa to his for- mcr ranctfetrfe. ' , ,. . ; Jater aoeonnts say that Ike Presidunt antiut Mted the wishes of Com m odor 8., and greeted him a farltwcb for th tsrooeo of vitiune Ea- rope, without th DAcessity of hia resignion his position u eommaader of the aavyvard at Phila delphia; and further, that Commodora 8. 'a aama ia among those which have beea sent te the United Slates Scnste for restotation to full service ia the flsvy. . .. . t. , .. ... -v,... Th Cox rissioNAt is Enolasd. The Bith. on of IiOndtia. ia his address to the Dioee. eommente d at leagth on the practice of private I " ' 01," eonremton recently introduced ty soma ot the Englih clergy. The Bishop ia of opinion that the aathority claimed by certain among bis priests to pronounce aa absolution of sin is aa assamp tion unwarranted by the standards of tha K02IUU communion, aod ba warns his clergy sgaisKt re- sortiog to it. II bold, also, that while the Eng. lia symbols recognise, to a certain eitont, the right of the priest to hear thaee-nfeaeiona of pen itent sinners, aspecUUy ia the hoar of death or other extreme esses, there is no warrant for the systematic In trod action of the confessional. 1 aeeat. LEONARD SCOTT k CO., . K. tl Qold street, Hew Terk. rott ETEUr DOUTt TpHE LARGEST, THE CHIfAPEST, TUB BEST I a Slav. Jf.risV, . AS ILLUSTRATED eWCTHtU.N FAlilLT PAPER, win eommenee ia souria reinae ea the Brat Jana tbarlve ef Dr. Jarrett's treatasent, aay rety span laaedlat aad permanent relief, as be aaldua has u treat a ease ever thirty day- Letters for advice promptly eatwered. For farther partiratara addraas JAHElf It. JAKRKIT, 11. D. -Ke. S20 Breadwar. eor. Twelfth t.. H.T." P. S Phyaiciaa aad ethers riaitinc tb eitr ar reepectnuiy invtled u call at th USiaary. whtrel ssany tatareeung ease eaa w witnessed, and wbertl ear wseresesl vvpmtm for the Inhalation nf Biedl eated vapor eaa be sera aad inspected. J-J7 THE " GREAT REFUBLIO" H017THLT. 1TTI HATS THE H050B TO ANNOUNCE ? y that we i ber of Ferae and Prtcedrata aavaHy required ia Coe veyaneisg ana UDice rracoee; the whole aeiag ta ts a Jed as s general gaide to the practice ef Law ta Worth Carolina, aad anneal for tbe as f tb stadeae and lawyer. 1 .....' Tb book wfll reerwble la sppearaaee aad xc)ttem " Caatwell's Justice", aad will be delivered eoetaca prepaid, to eabeeriber, at S5 per eopy, easb: pey abl ea delivery. EDWARD CANTWELL, October, 1868. Raleigh, N. C. . XT0W ,s Tn" TIUB TO 8CBSCRIBE FOE TEE. "BOVTIJKRX I.ITKHAKY MESSSXQER," a ef tb cheapest neblicatioas ia tb eonntrr. Tw volutnee a year ; each containlrg at least 480, page, ia Beat style, with ta cover and edvertisiag rhert The twe volume pablished for tmlg Tares. Miere rwrf ' . Pea raa Taaa 1848, Twirrr-Stxra Ajro Twurn- -'-T'""SVBsrni Toicnas.1 : . fa useiog tb prospect as of the Twenty-alitb and Tweaty-eeveath volaae ef the "Southern Literary Maeeenger," eeaaeaeing with tb January nauber, tb proprietor beg to aasare tk pnbli that ae tier-, done will be reaitted ea their pert to aaintala tbe high character ef tbe work, aad to challenge thf petreaage ef all wb value sterling literary merit.. ary lft&w, ealarged In aighl pace. beauUfollv iixna ITT that we sbaU lasae, on or about tb 1st of De TBATM. and nrinted on tha AbsiC artful i.it I aeabeT Bert, aa aa la be in bum te unmnail . pap ; with a new power pre and new copper-raced I rly atteatioa ef tk public and th periodical trade, 1'0r l'tywthr yesrs tb Messenger hss sjrsorrd, type tbns asking it the arrest and ara test naner the Snt awaber ef a aew illnvtratwi maretin. to be 10 ntr teHbfally th Southera aiiad, whil diadainr' pnoiianea ia ta ooata, aaa equal la every respeot to "" "IUSAX BWUBLIC" MONTHLY any ainular paper joblihed ia Pbiladalpbta ar Kr sura. . -J r - tsaisa ABTASCB. . . , One Copy..'...'.r,..,....,., 00 8lxCopies..P,.o...;(.v-,.,, io 00" - Ten Copies ,..,i..; 15 00 Fifty Cople ......... ....,. AO 00 And one eopy te tbe ietter-UD of a cliih. flpeolmen copies sent gratia on applleaUoa, dra COLE A ALBRIGHT, Oreeosboro', Ad- v.c: - the scizimno aherican. PUBLISHED VEKRLT,ATN.lg8PrMoa(TBBar, " smuumgs, mw sera, oy nunn tSJ, . a. waus, a. a. asAoa. . Terms Tw Dollars a Tear, er One Dollar for Six nonui. It 1 in leaded te aak tbis Us rail n aneerior in every reapen a aaytiiing ever aerore traced in this Coaatry. Tbe general scone of it character eaa beat be antlentoed by ite aaa. A wrH be rser- ewySy wefisasi ea ae srtss ercMoaef or srrtertea, and wAeffy tuptnemmt. U Will offer to tbe writer and thinkers ef this Union a eoaaoa Sold, wbere ihevJ vmm wvm wm ww aignvss grrmira Ol . ooSHSpoTBry lliCi .atare. It will aia to gather about it erery rariety ef wsviteos. - j Tb rang of arttcle wEl be a wide a. eoverlnr. aaong other aroaad. esse vs. sketches, baaoroas teles, etorhw, bietorienl incidents, reriews, erttiqnes, Diotrapnie. aoianun articles, travels, table talk. drain as, incidents, p.ilitioe, poena, hall ads, atanias, novss, siusiv, evrrevponacoef, goeetp, a;., see. Tb MAffuiue will be arofaeeir illustrated ba tha highest sty! ef wood engraving. .: :. f - Sack aamber will eoatein aa original pier ef Mu sic mped expressly for this work. There wtit-e two welmae a year, of aboat TOO . Clabe For all Clnhcef Twenlv and new th. There WUHe two wo Mbeoriptioe i only $1.40. .. '.. ? T cetavo pages each, eeaaeaeing la Janaary aod apeaunea eoptes wlU be Sent train to aa Wart nf I '"J: we coaairy, ae tuoereni eanraasiag agaat pioyeq. - - -' - $ . ' JOB PRIIITING. "1T7TI ARE PREPARED TO PRINT AT THIS V V l Rklioiotjs LiBrarr. Full religions liberty ta Jjeomari ass been granted to dissenters. They eaa form associations, choose their psstora, opea chapel qd aohools, hold periodical meet ing, make proeolvtee, with do rcstraiat, ao hia- draca, ao interferanoe by the Govern monl, Th eharsotor of citixea is wholly distinot from that of believer. J The Bcmberaof the Diet and the publie officers are aot subjected ta ny test what- svsr; Uiey need aot balopg to a parucular church. AVer lac bemue ot fliutsaippt Asa MMtd a; hill spcropriatieg 130.000 towards the erwotiea of a monument to Uta. VJuiUnan, at riitches. Offiee JOB WORK of all oVserlntians. each as . aia. nan, mui. MBAUti ! HANDBILLS, , HORSE BILLS, . . CIRCULARS. CARDS. , BANK CHECKS, Ac, A.. Ac. . at reasonable rates. We solicit work from a wh have it to do, whether residing la Wadesbore' er at a distance. To tb latter we weaid aay, Scad as year work aad it (kail be done, and well don at that, and people ef Ansoa aai neighbor ing eoeoiie w ey, I uvTTi Th rate ef aesteg will set exceed tbree cents for seek aaaber, to be paid la aU eases at tb office where It I received. . .. ' ' twbws. - - ' Sinrt copies, ene tocvoss rear, sent bv aail.ts .00 Clabe, eopie, ene yer...................... 6.00 S copies, ea year 7 00 4 copies, one yearM...lrti..,,..i.i,...,..rt,,- S.00 A copies, esc Tar...;.. . ::r... lo.oo And all additional ooniae. es Sve. at tha vkia mi oaoa, u sesnte tn as me ia. - . Preaiaa snbasriptioas, entitling the snbaeriber te the IfagatJne Air ewe year, and to their choice of either ef ear ewe great steel engraving, an titled Tb Last eopper,-- aaa " to uty er tb Great King," $4. Istrg aai should be remitted by draft, if possible, UABBHtlll a vu. Tea aev have established fn Tour midst a which. If eaeoarased ia a liberal iiiriUaBd adeocate- ly sasteined, will scatter biewiipgsaronad year hearth stones, aad cause yea to look witk pride sad plaaeare wpow roar sons and daughters, wboee Binds bar beea stored with kaewledg by perasing tb eoJaaas ef tbe paper wbieh yow aiied aad suttunsd by year InS J- Pablisbese of the "Great Rapnblie" lloatbly, sis ue wuiiani aueea, new; vera. once aad aeaaa. Look tbea bith eenajeae to the enlui ror vonr rsvard. and re to Work BuafaJl to fatiaU'NrtkCa.lUi Arp.' ' HATE l OU SEE.f TIIE7S S THAT 8UPERR ENORATING, THR MTILLACR BLACRXM1TH," aad the beaatifui ART JOUR NAL, which are faraiabed as eahaerihM -J tk. Csssanpvlissjr Art Aeseeiatiaa.eea new be ae atii,i nuniUA o trniee, WsJesbore". for a short tLsn el See advertieeoteat eUewher. beetled i Sw" Faav- arcs," . S-tf ing SD narrow and aaotional view, and baa been alone, aaong tbe aoalhly pertodioab ef America ia defeace. of tbe waraiier uviuuttam f tk swttora cewnlry. To tbia amce it will etill be devoted, and will be proapi to repel assault apea tbe South, whether tbey eeaei.. aadar tbe epectoa garb ef Setiea, er in the direct-, form ef anti-slavery paaspkteta. At this critical jone- tare, while ear eaeala are eaploylng literature as. their meet poteat weapoa ef attack, tka Booth era people will surely not withheld their aeoarageaeat, ffa a work who aim it shall be to strike blows In, their defence. The Messenger Will, a heretofore, preeent it readers with Reviews, Historical aad Biographical Sketches', Novel, Tale, Eeyi Poena, Critiqwea. and papers ea the Army, Mavyead ether astioaai, subject. 'K-h v- -j i ; With a view to ensure a large clrcatetloa of the Messenger, the proprietors bare redone! tb eric af sabacriptioa, which i now eoly THRKK DOLLARS PES ANNUM. ia edranoej er For tf not paid by the Bret ef July (a any year. Clubs, remitting as Fifwea Dellarb la on letter will be entitled to eiz copies. ' Tbe editorial aad critical- denartaeat ef the Mea-,' ' senger wiU eoatiBue wader the charge of Jon ft,. Taowreca, Esq., aad will eabrsee oonion aote ea. current literature aad reriews ef all aew A aerie a er- Foraiga Works of geaeral interest aad value. Tha editor's opinion will be alwaye fcarlesaiy aad bw estly avowed. , -: i ;; .i . . . ; .. . Th business eenartaent ia aandiMtaiM dersirned, to wba all eaawaiatioas ef a basinets, nature ast be directed. u f MACFARLANE, FERGU8S0N ACe., . ' - t Law Building, Fraaklla St., Richmond, Vs. BjaT Bookseller, by ordering copies ef tbe sir, seager at ease, shall receive it at greatly reduced ' prises. j. v..- . ..... . tV PeetBHuttorc threagboat tk Union ar rW qawted to act as agent in getting subscribers for a,' for whiek tbey will be allowed tea per eeat. fee alt. ewwvewrw WVt. bbSJal Wmt fjaa. -w f DR. O. P. ELTIIEU, . BrRGEON DENTIST, - .... ; aOCKIBBBAM. w. a..- .J - TE?PECTFULLT teadara hi prefsaaioaat swrvW IV to tbe eitiaeae f -RICHMnwB-anwvj.N. UWRERANmPHMONTOjQMUlVaB, ANSoV eoadea, that be will vteit their ewtv juUe M.4 several term, ef their mpeetjv, cfsTte. S- r -- ' -r- s-

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