AS' icat development chief source of of the State, eouie of our wealth have not ct been reached. . It nisjr .admit of doubt whether the Area La (tract, for example, capable as it certainly W'OT expansion, una mora uouriauiog condi tion wow than when I he foundries of Lincoft fonred eanaoa ball that were employed in the battles of the Revolution ; while our treasure of . mineral eoal, a leading article in tbe world cow mere hate only been eufficienily explored1 to man ifest owr'neglectod riches. An agricultoral region, too. of undoubted capabilities, and embracing, perhaps fourth part of our tciritory, has thus 1 far made but limited progress, because oi its x- elusion from the markets of tbo world. Due reflection upon (act like the, can leave but little doubt of the policy which our true in terests dictate. A great ork has been more than half accomplished a ast enterprise, wise ly nroiccted with a vie to a system of our own, ha, after yrear of toil, and the expenditure of several millions ot money, peon lorwaraea weii nich to completion l and the eitisens of this gen. eration are called upon to perform their share of this labor, in which la centered the most Cher- ished hopes of the State, sod lor wriicn we win our Jura chief claim upon uiillions that willcome after us, for their gratitude and thanks. The stern requirements of a proresiv civili tation impel us to prosecute steadily enterprises like these, which are out suco nas bare been ac complished by other enlightened Stales, and at tots day sre regarded a essential to. toe social ad vanceae ef a peopl- Standing, aa we do, full in the noon day sun of the civilixstion of the nineteenth century, wo cannot, consistently with the dignity of our own high position, aban don worka such as hare received the approval of intelligent men in all countries, and wbicb stand forth as the self-evident agents in effecting the moat wonderful progress in the moral, social, and political condition of nations thst, at any time, marks the history of the world. And yet, I would not counsel an incautious expenditure of the publie money, by embark ing in the new interpriscs 14 not urgently railed for" by the necessities of tbe public. .Indeed, upon tbe practice of a npd economy in all ap propriations-fur public purposes, tnoro tban upon any ana circumstance, depends the successful prosecution of works already commenced A careful consideration of the subject, confirms me in the belief that, by the observance of a pru dent economy, our public works may be gradually prosecuted to completion, without cither embar rassing tbe publio treasury or materially increas ing the burdena of taxation A mora detailed" treatment of tl.ia subject would be incompatible with the general remarks which I propose to employ upon this occasion. Specific recommendations will be reserved ftr a more appropriate time. " '. Upon a subject enlisting the hopes of so mai.y thousands of our people, and in which is involved the msteiial progress of the State, may not the expectation be entertained that a conciliatory policy will be adopted, which will command the approbation of our eitisens generally ? There i a peculiar propriety in harmonizing tbe opinions of the publio upon this question, since our sys tem of improvements is designed to obliterate sectional distinctions, and produce a unity cf in terest and feeling among the people. A compro mise policy, upon a fixed and medium gronnd, would infuse vigor into the prosecution of these enterprises, by the confidence which its modera tion and permanency would inspire; removing tbetn at once from the arena of party" politics, and placing them above mere sectional jealousies and the machinations of political factions. In commending a punctilious observance of all , tbe public engagements, I know I but utter a sen timent that animates every bosom within the wide domain of our State. A violation ofsfailh, under any circumstances, is among the most mel ncholly instances of human infirmity; snd, in the case of a State, where the publio honor has been accepted as a bond, it becomes a crime with out mitigation. First smong the rich inheritances for which we are indebted to a virtuous ancestry, are those just and honorable sentiments planted deeply in the minds and hearts of our people, which bold in ab horrence the very idea of a breach of the public IaltQ- v - - That this inheritance may pass unimpaired to fkU Art tia yVi-U JHfUt to m (muI mifU Jit aautfuaf dnrta mf MtMt' mm MA ImU kit iHutrnVtU tfm men in whatever position we may think proper la r NORTH ilAllfil IMA 1170110 i. thn that m.. Ulnar. iWlUUUI It would subsorve no useful purposo 'to make more particular reference at this time to the un happy dissensions that exist between, the two claasas of slaveholdinff and noaslavcboldmg States'; or to speculate upon tbe disastrous conse quences 10 wnicn iney may ieu. amg unit ma agreeable service, I would especially refrain from obtruding them npon your reflections, this dsy. Wa enter, to-dsv'nnon a new Tear In our brilliant -r- - - - career of self-government, and Americans, every where, may well devote it to felicitating each . "AnJlt isa case not to be supposed, that with the people, arid offering bribes to chco a raiignieneu peo tha IvmviiIhp nuu la fovsrnueot, when tbe same snlf bt be aeeooiplishtd I ganisjng ofiWholdcri into regular corps pf tap by peaceful matboda entirely at their dieoretloa." .... . ,. ,i; ant n,,,!... C. W. FESTO.V, Editor. ' WADISBORO', N O. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1850. 6'ewaor I'llii'l Maared Addrtm. The Washington ftio boldly asserts that ths Domocratiu party is the Government t and the innumerable small-fry press, who yelp their appro val (as in duty bound) of this Democratic law- promulger and presidential aoudment-expreascr, as boldly maintain whatever it asaetts. It is a pen and miners, to sap publio virtue and under- mini) morality for courting the support of the despisers of evangelical religion, and ths enemies of oivil and religious freedom for all these things Democratic administrations are famous, and fur the perpetration of these and kioJreJ acta tboy are and doserve to be, and will ever be notori ously Infamous. 4 JCsT Throughout the Southern States, the peo ple are manifesting a great deal of interest at to The Wilmington, Cii arlotti and R ctueb other uooo the man hanny circniustances that WRD KAIUOAD L'OMMHT. Wa learn, throngh Wrtunato tning for tie oountrywal toe asset surround our condition. I reliable source, thst the President of the Com. lions of thel'rosident'j month piece are not facts, And, out of sacred memories of past fuflerimrs I pan has effected the loan of a aufficient sum In nd that the endorsements of its thousand and ana ioiis in a eommoii cause, contemplation ot put ,B8 firlt twenty.fiTe mile of tbe road from one eehoers eaotfot convert iu bUsehoods into the approaching canvass In Virginia. The Nash present splendid power and grandeur aa a nation, ,.,,.. , . It.... ... J . . . v . and einact.tio.a of tka tri.mib that t " 1 crrJ" lus "P nw, in run- , vine ratriot, oy way w cocer ana eneourage- thia erect republic sentiments thst must fill the I ninS orJeri ,nd ,D cKiwtori sre pressing the But (the U tot to the oontra7 botwithstsnd-1 men, discourse! as follows upon the subject : work with all possible energy. Tbe laying of I iDP,) though tae Democratic party Is no the Uoy- njf (he people of YircinU esa be aroused to the track will probably commence in April next. I ornment, yet that party would gladly make it so. independence of thought and aotion, the victory I ending Friday, the 2itb, were 40,000 bales. minds and breasts of all Americana oa this na tional festive dsy there naturally arise hopeful anticipations of tho permanence and durability of our puimcai svsieui. , The patiiotic cmdtions which this day excites arc calculated to bring to mind another, memora ble in tbe history of tho country ; a day uow fifty- seven years past when Mr. Jefferson, upon a great oecaar.n, stood before his assembled coun trymen, and declared with solemn emphasis: "I believe this the strongest government on earth." tits propbetie wisdom, which has so often proved a beacon light to the people of this country, guid ing them in times of imminent peril to a secure haven, is well calculated to iusptre us wiib en- couragciEent and hope in our present embarrasa ment. There is strona common sense aaioae the Amer ican people which ia sot quick to desert tbem, and which triumphs over obstacles and solves in tricate political questions that perplex th mere uivuiim ui uieruiotniai kwocc. vpon inisgooa It is uincb to be reeretted ihatour Lceislalure To this end are all their efforts directed they the Mmmjt contest will perch npon the ban- tr i - i r .1.. r innn.,i,.,a if, . Knk.. .1.:. -k-M lti W.n..l,K... vu.ww. tuuauaii Fbom twnon Tbe Slsil steam tbip" Africa with Liverpool dates to the 2bih December I iff-' rived at NuW York on the 9th tost , 'i'beahip Isaae Wright, bound to New York'' and having 800 passengers on board, wu burned : ' in tbe river Mersey, but no lives were lost. All tbe passengers were rescued,.' Her cargo consisted' of One goo-Is and 1000foos of iron. She was' burnt at night, and ruri aground and scuttled. . The Timor, in speaking 'of the President's message considers it. very remarkable 4hat tha United SutcasbouraMiavorawiMMfi with almost every State in South America at the present time. Iu France the result of the Jlontalembert ap peal is considered a triumph over the Government. The last India and China, mails bring nothing, very important' The Chinese negotiations ftr a tariff hid been concluded. At Canton, exchange was advancing and business checked by tbe high prices asked fur Teas. - ' - At Liverpool, tbe sales of ootlon (or tbe week? Tbo' market ia tbo early part of tbe woek opened t .t L l . t a ; t. cannot be induced to aid really in the construction would subvert the Republicn government which J: of this truly State work-but instoad of dotug so, our fathers formed, and substitute Democ iWiit( tL Opposition, it is due to themselves and on Uplands and MobiKa. The market closed' they seem rather disposed to fetter, clog, and re- nc!i wbicb, like all democracies, must end in to the country, st Urge, thst they should go into dull, holders offering freely, but not pressing, turd iU progress. The sooner it can be finished, ruin. , the field and do battle against the cohorts of De- sales. 1 .JFsir Orleans, 7d s Middling Orleans, tho soouerwill its means enable it to meet its in- They have shown thst they would not hesitate P00?- Tl,CT U everything to eneourago, and 0 15-16d.; Fair Mobile 7 3-lOd.: Fair Uplands, i ' i ixa iiiiiA a mm UHai a t An iiijh.i u terest, and relieve tho State from all rrs. The " ort to tbe irregoler means of fort to effect 7 : ".l".."": course of our Legislsture is rather suicidal, and desired change ia government," failing to so- tends to produce tbe very state of things which it oompluh that change by " peaceful methods. I of Virginia may do much for themselves, and yrtlcnJt desirous of awuling. I The " Democratic government at Washington, I perhaps mora for their friends in Tennessee and We ahall. next week, uive some extracts from ifarful and bloody illustration of its readi- AentueiT ana otner eouinern etstes, wno wok i' i i a. i il ... - i si r. l the report the President ia relation to this zreat "ess to resort to force to maintain Democratic as- ? J?" ""T ,e 101 ' " icourage, and U ia-lOd.; f air woDiie I 3-lutl : rair u planus, If they Will 1 7d : no nuotatioos for Middlinsr Unlands or Mo but use aiscreeuy toe manliest advantages they biles received, 1.IJ I J it . ll?Li "I doiu in ineir ninua, tue it uiira anu Amencana work. I.nsa.M Asrtl'M. From the reports of pres ident, and diiectors sndtsaperiutendent of the Insane Asylum, of .North Carolina, fur years end- cendsnry in the councils of the Federal city, when, without the abadow of oeoessiry, and in I direct vlulatton of law, it ordered United States troops to tho polls, who, under the eommsnd of devoted stand against the enroschmenta and most evil tendencies of modern Democracy." sense, under Heaven, may we not secuiely rely inir November 1. 1857-'8. a eonv of mhl h l tor tbe preservation of our present happy Doliti-1 i:ji. i :i.4 ... k.,.k. IQrThe Convention of Whips and Amercans which takes place st Richmond, Vs., on the 10th an officer in the marine corps, and at the disposal I of February, promises to be so unusually enthusi- ity the same blesbings we have enjoyed under it, snd lulhlling that higb destiny among men which tieaven Das orduined it r 1 will now,' gentlemen, in obedience to the con stitution, subscribe, iu your tiresencc, the oaths of office, relying upon an Infinite l'owcr for wis dom snd strength, to enable me to discbarge properly the solemn obligations they impose; and, for a benign.irit judgment of my official action, trusting to tbs indulgence ot a generous people. Tnt Famous Dead or 1 858. The nocroloev -s? lO'ti I . i a . . c ' oc tooo is uisuniTBiiyDtra rr manv nold nameM. but upon tbe whole it may be remarked that Death baa contented himself with fewer " shin ing marks" thsu usual. Among American states men the most eminent diseased for the vear waa x nomas tt. uenton. itb bim have departed senator r-vain, ot Doutb Lsrolina, Senator lien- perintendent. K. C. Fisher, we learn the following facts in rela tion to that Institution : ( - "At tlie cIojs of tbe fiscal jenrtnding Octobor 31t, 1857, as will appear from ths rrport of that date. mere wart man in turn ainn ou DiaiS anu Oo fe males, mukiiil a total of liH patieut. Since that tiiV nod to Hit present luU. there hxta bean a,l- mllted 41 males and 10 females, making a total of 57; of a drunken Democratic mayor, fired upon peace able citixens in the peaceful exercise of every freeman s right tho right of Toting for whom they please. It is the settled purpose of the cunning poli ticians who head that party indeed, they make o secret of it to effect a change in the Govern ment of tha United States, and these declarations astio ooe. The Richmond W big is excited at the prospect, and says: " The ancient Whig spirit,!, aroused everywhere, and we see no difficulty in the way of a tremen dous' outpouring of the Whips of the State oo the 10th of February. Indoed, the indications are Unmistakable that the Whigs and Americana or V irginia are resolved to put on their armor, and do their very best in the coming contest. We stored, U males aud 10 feiaalet: wmol.aLh'i o th Pre8S" i their pay that the Democratic hail tbo spirit manifested by them, in every nuar . . . - ' - - i ... r 4k. . 1 1. : :i T . f proved 3 males and 2 feaules; improved, i females; unimproved, 8 females and 6 male: closed I: died. 0. making; tbe entire number ot dischargee, 49." " From tha treasurer's report it will be aeea that there have been paid Into aud due to Ike treat ury of iae Duiie, dt private patients, ins sura or Sil.G4.B3. anu ur siaseineat ooiaioed the office of Slate trasory, there haa been likewise received by the same, with amount due on account of county patients, the sum oi s.onn.cii-. makioz the total of S37 "M Gj. showing a difference of only $18,490 91 aguinst tbe inauiuuno on support account. Although derson, of lexas, ex-henator Uagby, of Alabama, bibit U faTorable to tbe pecuniary ainpof both the General James Gsdsdcn, of South Carolina, John asylum and tbe Bute at large, tbe effect of the law posterity, I am convinced, will ever be an object ot soncituue wun tne legislature, uepresenting as yoo do, tbe sentiments of tbe people upon tbis subject, is s sure guaranty that ample provision will be made to meet with promptness and regu larity the interest accruing upon the debt of tho , State ; and that the sinking fund, created for the " liquidation of tbe principal upon maturity, will be eareiuiiy protected and cherished. It is perhaps proper that I should make some reference upon tbis occasion, to the condition of oar State as a member of the Federal Union; and to the telalions she sustains towards her asso " ciates in the Confederacy. ' It is a fae, much to be deplored, that the same traaqailky and repose which bave so constantly attended our domestic concerns, snd under which our varied interests-hare strengthened and grown, have not so uniformly characterised our associa tion among the States of the Union. Aggres "sioos upon bur political rights and private inter-, cats, in-common with those of the other Southern States, by-a class of our fellow-citizens residing in the northern portion of the Confederacy, have given rise to complaints that are well known to A. Quitman, of Mississippi, Thomas L. Harris, of llIinois,and . ex-Froidcnt Ansoa Jones, of Texas. Among lawyers have died Benjamin F. Butler and Chief Justice Duer, of New York. Among Authors W in. Henry Uurbert, Willism Jay and Madame Ida Pfeiffer. Amon? merchants. Anson G. Phelps snd Benjamin Marshall, of iew jorir, and James Auger, of Charleston. Among Machsnics, Isaao Newton and John P. Allaire. Among Scientific men, Bonplaud the naturalist and Robert Brown, tbe botanist. Amongpaintcrs, Ary ScbafTor. Among theatri cal characters, the great Rachel and Lblache tho singer. Among soldiers, Field Marshall Radetzky of the Austrian army and Major Gen eral Persifer F. Smith, U. S. A. Among paval commanders, Admiral Lord Lyons of the Brit ish service,, and two American Commodores, Mathew C. Perry and T. Ap Catsby Jones. I Among philosophers, Robert Owen. Among prominent characters at tne r.uropean tourta, tbe muteness ot urleaos, Kedsehid Pacha Grand Vixier of Turkey, and Bsron Ward (the York shire ostier; rnme Jtlinister of l'arma. The emperor of Japan also lately died. Among other notorieties, deceased, may be mentioned Soyer, the Prince of Cooks, Dred Scott, whose name will be a famous one in the annals of the country, and Elcazer Williams, the reputed Bourbon. Tbe year has not expired, and there may yet be important additions to the list. .Veic Yuri Dan Book. - ' J A PflOPOSED Govebsmext Papeb CURBE!. nr. It is announced that the Director nf th United States Mint proposes to establish a new paper currency, based on tbe deposit in that in .:...:,.- u .. i . j .. . . eiiiuiiuM. no naa prepareu a Dill lor this nnr. pose, which he intends to lay before Conoreaa. It authorizes tho Mint to issue cirtifieates nn th deposit of gold bullion, and of similar cirtificates by the Wit ; and all the Sub Treasurers, on de. a I I ana . posiia ot goiu coin. I hese cirtibcates are to be which requires the several counties to tax the eitiiena of each for the support of their indigent Insane in the institution, ir. in many eases, onerous to tbe counties, while in others, amounts to a total privation of it benefits to their insane, on account of the heavy tax ation, in tbe small and sparsely populated couaties, necemtry for their support here. There is good rea son to believe that some ate now detained at home, or in tbe jnila or poor booses, who would otherwise be here: snd if such be the (fleet, is it not virtuallv sacrificing a portion of the means provided by' the Slate in tbe erection of an institution capable of ac commodating 240 patients, by virtually closing iu doors t such as are detained fiom it Vr this provision oftbelaW? "The attention of the last Legislature was brought to this subject by recommending an alteration of the law, and 1 would respectfully recommend Ibat the Directors will again bring it before the next Oeneral Assembly with tbeviewof so altering and amending the law as to place tbe institution aa a chirre npon ths whole State, and thereby so simplify tbe law aa to secure the enforccmentof its proviaiona in a more sat. isfactory manner than it has been fouad practicable with the present laws." On the Slst October, 1857, there remained in party it the Government-are thrown out as feel- "ror the atato, witb inexpressible satisfaction .t ,l. ..t.i- , . . . , , auu picasuie. luu u cionous news, uei our w . u prepare tne minus oi fliend, tbere BroMa their Wln0rj M(, people Tor the change which they contemplate, hatten to tbe field to redeem their State from the Their great aim is so to manage affairs, if possible, hsnds of the spoilers. We heartily bid God speed thst we shall insensibly clida into tha mw mmim Lfo tueir cnorts. perhaps cot be aware of the ehange, until we bare been hurried so often round the ever decreas ing circles of the maelstrom of Democracy, that all our efforts to return to the simple and beauti ful system inaugurated by our forefathers will bt unavailing, and, too late, we shall regret tbe so pineness snd cruel neglect which publican Government a prey to the petite oi an unconstitutional Ltemocraey. servant, Has not the experience of tbo past few years aVi?"Gen. Archibald Henderson. General. in. Chief of tbe United States Marine Corps, died suddenly at Washington on the 0th iust lie hsd been walking about apparently in hii usual health durioe the moruicir. Returned from a loog walk about 4 o'clock p. m , hia usuil dinner From CaliVoinia -T be orerlaod mail frwor California on the 13th, alt., arrived at St LouV on the 7th inst. Tbe news generally is unimpor-' tank A Mr. Ward (hot bis wife fvi an alleged crim inal iotercourre with Mr Maloney, the Compv t:oller nf the State' and thetiahot himself. Ma looey is about 60 years of age, a husband, aaif the father of a large family. Tbe press demand1 hia resignation, . '; . The westhcr at San Francisco was colder tanf had ever been known. Business dull. Mr Pardee, the bearer of the President's mea sage, wu sick at El Paso. But the message was bcinsp exnmuvd at tha rate of 200 miles Per dsv. r. 1 - Fifty persons were met returning from the' Gilas mines discouraged by tbe scarcity of wa ter. - . The Camancbcs continued to rub the maiTata a lions. They and tbe employers of ButterfielJ k co., were virtually at war. Tbe latter were building strong stitions, and providing them with the meats of defence. The Stockton and Kansas mail party were turned back by the Navajoes witb threats of mas sacre if tbey attempted to cross their country. cave our Re- hour ,nd fMlicg ewhat fatigued, he seated IUM !0 .,0T DW "I tbMttn- , gave our Re- Mnj(Jf m m ln ' remarked the. next day. in the presence of voracious ap- hij hei(j m in trm of fifo.' The Rogers, who, with himself, were sa resting on nnsin the dinner bell, observed Extbaordixabt Case or Depbavitt. Wr board of an instance of moral turpitude, a day or two since, which, we hope, t lands alone. Iu the late terrible disaster on tbe Muscogee Rail road, in. which the cars were precipitated into a swollen torrent with a fearful destruction of hu- man life, one of the passengers hsd the misfor tune to lose bis wifo snd two children. II hia vtd from the wreck as if by mirarcle. for none of that he did not appear to notice h, and went to 1 ,T , 1 I Ti , 1 a'amm to, ,h sufficiently the inordinate. n.hit!n rouseiim. He was discovered to be deed. Not I ? "."" u unr7. the treasurer's bands $33,451.69 of which has been expended 832,032.17 leaving in bis hands a balance of fourteen hundred snd nineteen dol lars and fifty-two cents, subject to bis check st the bank of tbe-State. Of the foregoing amount twenty-seven thousand six handrcd and eighty five dollars and seventy-eight cents, were expended on the support of the Institution snd its inmates, and four thousand three hundred and forty-six dollars and thirty-nino cents were under spcciul appropriations, as specified. rHOFESsort LANiER.--,We witnessed yester diy, the partial taming of one of the most iovet- erately vicious brutes, in the shape of a mule, that our eyes ever rested upon. Tho abomina ble brute seemed to think that she was brought into tbe world to do nothin? but kick. She of Democratic leaders, and the unscrupulous means to which they most unhesitatingly resort to carry out their plans and purposes f What ia De mocracy f Let the fate of old Athena umtr, It is a tUna of government under which politi cians thrive, and the people starve. Have we not seen the funds of the Government expended to reward Democratle politicians, until the Trees ury hss become emptied, notwithstanding the twenty-six millions deposited on the incoming of the Buchanan Administration f Have we not seen tbe property of the Government given away for a song (vide Fort Sntlling) to reward the bolsterers up of a rotten and unpincipled party, and American citizens shot down in the public streets of tbe National Capital 1 insure majori ties for Democratic nominees t Yes, win havo seen all this, and Ml it, too. We hsve had enough of Democracy. Tbe people have had enough of it, and now that tbe minds of men havo beeo directed towards tbe inevitable UCIU. I i ... . - . - . - a feature of his face was changed, and from the 0CeB j?.? ""f 'or con'J nd bDt,led oaturfl disposition of the limbs, it was apparent "ro.aud b.w. T'!e w?Irt- nn8 ,.h imJ . th- that death came without a struggle. ,u0,',de1 P"8ers wbo remained . , , f..... ,ha 'Khborhood of the wreck, eommeooed axar A few dava suo two littlo o-irl ! r. .k r... i,. a.a i i . i-i..l.j . .-. i-ti i i ". .. : ' v innim nil Doay oi me Long, t white child six years old. and Maria, a UA, ll,,,l.,.l in ... r.....j .i . :i. l.i .v. u; ILi" S ' T 'T? t5bc -fJ k, and upon examination it was ascertained Hickmsn, Ky., when a brother of the white child that ber dress bad been torn open and the money Lucy with billet of wood Of this blow Lucy dollsrs. Fresh track, were discovered in tka .--..,uv.y , ,uu .uaru, me nine slave, mud, leading off from the body, which the search bas been eonvicted of involuntary manslaughter, iug party traced up untU they came upon ooe of but recommended to the clemency of the Gov- their own number who had just met with w ernor, old. or in consequence of being only ten years miraculous an escape from desth, and wbo Waa I Dreient vhfi hia fplln naasuifirwat tlA k;. .iKMa last " -.ii.s asiM SIMS mwiw ssr A Correspondent of the New Orleans Pic- of bis loss. He wu immediately tsken in hand avune, writing from the city of Mexico, under searched, and tbe entire amount found on hi the date of the . 20th ult, says tbst Guadalaxara person. Our informant adds that tbe wretch ia uau oeen rctasen py tne government troops. It now in toliimbus jail, awaiting his trial for tho ku iu. xvm, IIU.T an aiiacK ot a single day, uianoncai act. iSacatmah Krpvblican wiiu an uueir auramages ot aupcrior forces, good position and fortifications, having been defeated and forced to retire. The condi tion of tbe country was daily growing worse. 1ST On Monday evening, 3d iosf,, a meeting of iue leaning iron mastersot 1'ennsylvaum Was . : ui 'i j i , - . Soctd Carolixa AND Tnr. St.AVt TlADX. It ia a singular fact, and aa honorable as it was unexpected, that the nullifying State of South Carolina has spoken out against the slave trade wito an emphasis that bas marked the expression redeemed only at the offices that issued them, i- . ... the theory of tba-proces, being that the gold , anen, sne Hated when lying, deposited will always be kept ou hand to meet and we htheve he di(l 'ck flying, for her tne cirtincates when presented for payment. The Iore aa 011 Ieet seemed all in tbe air at one and Director claims that it will greatly increase the the same time. Before we left, the Professor had irSTrT Tl' "ff0rdfd b o subdued her, that he could do almost anything the banks; that it will check the pract co of i t 1 i -.i. i i- . ,. boarding, 'that the certificates will oicome cur! l Pleasc1 'b veu. Ji hesd be- rency as much as the gold itself; that a hu"e fweel herhec Is, and restmgone of her hind hoofs pile of coin thus stored away will serve as a rreaf upon his temple." We believe he can tame any balance wheel to prevent the loss-by wear7clipfhorse or mule however vicious, and make them iua Hie retaining ot a troy nl aa In.nh. tendency ot all JJemocracies do most earnestly crctly convened in Philadelphia, for the purnoseof 0 P""on In no other Southern State. Her hope and believe, that in coming elections, the peo- consulting upon the prospects of tbe iroa interest Prew a' " have seen, without solitary tbci regardless of the fate which their ultra views and miserably selfish aims and wishes will inevitably bring upon the country. .1 will unhesitatingly and unmistakably record in th'. ,countrJ "d initiating a programme for a "Pion, bare protested with tbe greatest ener ircondemnation of the nnnrinoinM n,l.r. .n CODol,dB'eJ movement of that interest through- fJ nnd w,ml.h KIDlrt. ,h Infringement of tho irconitemnationoi the unprincipled rulers and . tk, ir.;, Bf- .4.1 . a- law. and the intradnit inn nf k u. 1 1 1 1 is 1 w w lunt ruuicu in lavur I tutu tuitr iiaders, whose only aim is self-sggrandixement, 0f a higher tariff was dilivercd bv ex Senator 8uto- 'We havo already had occasion to eonv Cooper. - from some of them, and we publish an article from tTThe Richmond Whig recommends tbe introduction of the camel into Virginia. It says .1 . 1 1 . . . v ... . iui iu naiurai range is iroui 10 to o degrees north latitude, that, requiring little grooming, Ao. cm uuwn 10 " - ..... . . . ... - ceuiie aa lauiua., . xi ne couiu ireL 1 .11, and engendered animosities destructive f !T1rZ:;as??',,M,0.t wo"'d 1,0 i0".?" bridle of hi. between hit teeth. Ideverc!iarac-r "B.Beu on oeposm, no llA . . ., .k.i 1 11 : i,;t. .1 1.1 , oe necessary: that: beintF buseil nn inn; iiuinuaniuiciiusuiu, wuku situuiii ever ctiarac-1 . . 0 1 . . . ijj ... . over issue ot ecrtincates could tu made .n th.t womu iaiue iu uuvu aVCl BV lUblUJaltO I oteaiaiu. JHUWU. Wf UCier I . . . . , . . -"f-"" If heoould get the bits of that we believe he order that some idea may be had of the eo.t of the 1 wou,d. JMt negroes, sod thst carrying l'atent Uffioe fancy pictures, we will cite a few of the luounatonitccn uundrcd pounds weight, eases connected with the report of 1866. In the House 1! would do away in a great measure with the euiiion a norse cost iu,uio.ov; a eirawoerry ajiu,. use Of Wagons aod teams 00 plantation. wv.w,.a aurcp 4iv,, mmp 9,ovi .oa. or I acte A V.' .11 the Senate edition the same pictures eost $6,79.1&. t - wer un"ng but not altogether unexpected " la the face of these humiliatini diselosm-ea. which movement, has been commenced in Australia. It were- the subject of general ridicule, ra and out of J appears by the report of a recent Speech, delivered ..B . u,. .gn. Dj lne vt m AMtrs Ua, that he advo cultural report for publication, used all the argument -.! .,,:u,.i ; .i, , 1 . in hi. power to have a second edition of a horiV, a tea ?ted' ,Cnb,rl tho TCDt of ar bctwcen nlnnt. end mn: fanertaii in eniara: hi tha ..n- . 1 Ureal iintiaa and France, a separation from tha anined and persistent have been these Sucre ions. Unt tbe extrome remedy of disruption of the Union hat become to be frequently suggested , and Cirmiliarly discussed. Grievous as are these causes of discontent we ' are not prepared for the acknowledgnR-nt that we cannot enjoy ali of our constitutional rights in the Union. Should thst day unfortunately come, but jitue aouot neea ne entenainea f nat our people will act as best comport with their interests snd bonor, and with the sacred memories of tbe past to whatever result it may lead. Ia tbe meantime, cur bear'ng in the Confed eracy should be in accordance with the consist ent and dignified character of the State, and such " as becomes a just and Christian people cultiva ting amicable relations with our associate States and, reciprocating offices of kind and neighborly friendship,, at the same time that we manifests .jealous regard for Our own political rights, for bearing towards those with whom we sre associ a ted 1a tbe most elevated persuits that can engage the attention of moo, yet firm in the maintenance of that equality without which any association ' would bo a living badge of shame; tolerant in I . others of tbose'difiercsoes of opinion which result from education, association, climate, soil, and the many causes which tend ro influence character in 1 its formation, yet yielding nothing of the conrio- 11001 1 or our own juagment; abstaining from hasty anu iDuuuperatc mreau, aa lOCOBSltteot WHO tbe igniry era sotereiga State, yet not slaw to pro- like bank notes, they should be mado payable to The Professor will be in Center, Stanly connty, urcr uu uEinann, anu cireuiato as exactly as next week, they do, . Senator G win is Quite interested in the L enactment of such-a law. UntU eo,. 1 , SocrriEBNLiTERAEy Mr.FNitrn. U'.l.m-n identical with the Bullion Bank preiected in receired the January number nf thia aalmna New York; with the aingle exception that depos- Messenger. We sat down last evenins to take a peep at it contents, preparatory to penning a notice of it. We read, and read, and read, un- Death or Dr. Xewto.V. We areminil In conscious of the lao'se of time, nn'.il ilm rhlll . bear of the death of Dr. G. M. Xewton. who ex- mnanh adiuoni.hAil na th.t h - .. itors paid nothing for the safe-keeping of their coin pired this morning at nine o'clock. Dr. Newton occupied a very prominent position in this com munity, snd was widely known from bis long connection with the Medical College as one of its rroiessors. ire waa thrown from his b"y, ' . . "r running away, ten days since, and tne inline, received resulted in his death. His and the light of other hours about to gJ opt. We went out, too, and speedily to bed. . . l I J .1:1 .l , F. vcl, urmj mu uviiwraiciy, against ImpetUfmg inj arias; always deliberately, considerately .nd ekaercatly, rraJving with decision, and executing laoae taawtos wita oeniuty, Doldaeaa, vigor and courjge. Sack a eoutae will, at least, gain us tbe tiigb reward ot ear own self respeot, and assy tend to induce a returning sense of justice oa tbe part 4 e icu as are disp d to infringe oar rights; fitting in wlirh, howevsr, U will fortify as before The North Carolina Plaster. The nbm ber before us commences the-second volume of this valuable home journal. Tbe publishers say ions win be severely felt. Amutta DirpatckA they intend to make it tbe best sgncoltural jouv- ' nai in :ne eotmtry, .lo enable tbem to do this, A Pious rMpoOTEtrVStRev." IlenrvT Ti, gT'culturalista most Sort it.y has been atonishintr tbe inmates of a nrivoi.! Mraana (Vi X- it.imin r .k. n boarding-house in Petersburg V.., by putting Loro' Tmc. .' We reciptoeate Jour kind wishes' np there, piomisinsr to educate the son of th .. ... 4 . . landlady, eourtintr and iromisinoi tn mar.. .1,,. Kcot,cmM u J recommend tbe Timet as sister, snd finally runuiue off with SirO worth of a Southern family literary paper. gold aod silver trinkets, belonsiosT to tbe ladv. auTI.. fvin. r. i..r.r7T. i . including a locket borrowed to pwt bie likeness V T ' , j "m ' iB..d.rrefc,ti,..M, .h:,.i, fc!!Irtil excellent number, as indeed all are. Iavalnable 1 - - .. -. HVMMAUV aVUlU I . . published, wbicb, at the fa-tee stated by Ur. Sinclair motberoountry, and the citablishincntof sovoreign fur their execution, ia bis voluntary card, published aod independent States. in the I'nion a taw days sines, (includiifa paper Sad ; ti .t n i . ., , . . Icscrtina-pistes, t would have cost $32. 13.60 he Overland Mail from Californu via Wotkingto Statu. HaJI City, arrived at St. Louis oo the 5th . Tha .W. fa a ara,i,. nf .1. U V. V'lted MarshalwaS UU ... r-r - - awe to serve process on Brigham Young, iu con nu.tu iU puoiic money is wiuanacrea. ine sequence of being prevented bv liis body cuioL.auc jiunj is uuo vaai oeciei tnstitu- -utia expocica mat o uage Sinclair would require tioo," for the getting possession of and retaining n,'''tarJ to enforce the orders of the cctfrt. among its members the publie money. Millions of 9-Tbe first successful effort to manufacture rlnllara nf,.nfi.Ia. i.... butt hinges in the United States, was in Cincin been incurred for tho sole purposa of rewarding ftlu rt Si the faithful !" They are kept together by tbe this country were imported from England, and at wMbDiii, jwnyi tn iuutiw ;iuuucr, auu out lor I xuv icecu iiuio uuiio are imported. -' the intervention, in time past, of lona fide eco-1 , iWHorsce Greely's friends complain that he nomical administraUons, tbe country would long J! 0TelTUled oj lharles A. Dana in the New Xorlt since have been bankrupt. . Democratic adminis trations are marked by " publio debt." Tbey have been and are notorious for getting tbe coun try into trouble creating wars taking respon- Tribune, and made to play a subordinate part when be is ostensibly tbe head. This, it is said, .. luuwvn uiih mi iesve tne irioune and take charge of the Century. " i r J6T Aa an instance of the variations of tbe make go. ft did go. How a Fish recamx tub CtiBisruEii BLEM. The employjucut of a fish as a christian atnblem is of eabaluue origin. The Greek term for ball is iclitbos, aod iu tbe Greek laaraan it ' is a word of five letters, which are tbe initials of tbe following phrase: Xesoas Christos Theou Uka Set jr- Jesus Chritt Son of God and Saviour." The elevation of a fiah as a weaibereock on ecun try church steeples is art, therefore without sane- tlosj.--- to the craft W Stephen A. Douglas wss re elected Uni ted States Senator, oo thea5tb lost., by tbe Legis lature of Illinois, by eight majority over Lincoln. John Hancock, Esq., a nephew of this Revolutionary patriot of that name, died on the Zd inst., at Boston, aged 85. - - - - ... ttTbe eaptaia aad erew of tbe yacht Waa . dcrer, bare beea eomtnhted for trial. --. . . . . . Jl," 1.' l . 7 , '.n.iMia ui siifiiiwcs auu tiuvwiug iub uuruca uu vOOgrer lv-u anuwu, ia auuiiion to wnat bSS been fw- for almighty promises and infinitesmal perform- cr(,e'. wt Bota fact of ripe Strawberries, ances-for bloody and cruel persecutions for ff'Vfe!1'' Such were eahibited yes- opinion's tke-for a limitless use of the fundeof 10. ' jan. the Government ia the pwrchase of the foreign aaOov. sWn . inin .i.V ..." . a. g - a . " i r -wa-ajwseiarou V tllVJ Jd vote for bringing the patronage of tbe Gov- inst., Governor of the State of Now York ernmeot inio connict wun tne ireedom or dec- ' u oi oujco was aauinistered by Gov. tionr for itulfiiw ballot-boxes for DresidenU'al Kin5 'ftL doiD?. wbion bo ddresscd a few ick interference in favor of pet candidate for Con- " - Z. which were replied to. area.inn.1 honnrafne l. I The New York Legislature met nod or- ia,h:f.M;r.r::L ooy.Morgan-, firat pie in their defeat, by giving tbem leave to go abroad and: fnTnisltrng them wRb nine thousand dollar to pay their expense eat, and nine tbous and to pay tbeir passage borne, aod nine thousand dollars a year for tbeir support, while represent ing the people abroad, who did lot consider tbem worthy to represent tbem at borne for designa ting tbeir ruccew ia oflice-for tamperiag ge wa received and is favorably commented apoa by tbe New York pro.- It relates almost exclusively to State affaire. xaTTh shipments ef crald ttnm Talirnn.!. we v nitea state a moon tad the last year to thirty six million of dollars, about two millions mora waa tne year previous. sat Mr. II adzes. Democrat, haa Keef. mlswtraaj to Coogrea from she gitb district of Illinois, in v v in. limn, Bcccasen. ,' tb Winnsboro' Bceister. that speaka out in terma not to be mistaken. It will be seen, too, in the " same connection, that the religious societies of mat state are taking up tbe matter, and giving the illioit commerce their unqualified condemns- . tioo. Savannah RrjnihlUan. , . ' Onto Leoislatube. The Legislature of Ohio met st Colombo on the 3d inst. Tha Governnr- in bis mesege asserts thst equal taistion. without. -discrimination in favor of capital invested in bank- hijj, w iuc uuiy avunu aocinno; out asks whether it is worth while for the State Court aod Lrgi. , Jatureof Ohie-to make frther attemna in nll. equal taxe of banks, now that tbo Court o '" stongly sustain the opposite doettine; He aska whether it is prudent ta brinir- o a mnflinc s- this maUer between the 8tate and Federal aa thorite. . He recommends that tha h In tt.'wl&art of revenue and expenditure be so changed u to. bringall eolloctionaand disbursements within annual periods. lie further advises tha cnil - - tion of taxes in wold and silver 'and note, nf Ohin. banks only. . . Uau Doit abb. Several of OUrmirnhanlar were imposed upon on Tuesday last bv mnrinn. coin in the shape of half dollars, h a man sooting himself as a returning drover, but who, with a party of companions, look the road towards'. Union, for further operations ia the. same line.. The publie below had better be on their guard. ' J- Theso counterfeit sre remarkably well oiled, aqd ,n odd withoot close extmiDntiou,. and bare even gonuiae "ring," s well as tbo advantage of being good-Ioeking. They are all' deficient in tbe w milled edge." A little attes tion to this portion of the finish will detect th. spuriousnessof thiscoiu.-xirtaniur,S)araa. ; DisruBBANCE jw Kansas. Tha Ri l,.u Democrat of the 6th inst.. renorla that Hamilton is committinir depredationa in th. Southern pan of Kansas Teraitory, with large body of desperate men. The outrage are prin cipally upon Free State settler. It & also r8. ported that Capt. Montgomery is raising a par- ty to repel Hamilton. Both parties are determ ined to fight. " , , . a naosas desbatch aavahai mm r T. hsd entered Missouri. . Hswk, under Brown, stole four horses, and burned a tease. 3 C. J. M. Dickson, of lCnirlsnd. rannrtt mong tb lost at th Rtit Bad aooident near wMumoua, to in AucusU on Sunday and ha gone to Waabington City. He took the train for- Atlanta, at OpeUka, aa th day of tbe accident, instead of goior by Mon. Hence his friend tiered hia, and thousht him killed. I I - 1 -4 ,--

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