1 -It A n ' TOTUM tlHTOI Of ruSOaTll CAKOlfMA ARVCS.) t nir'it X ' i i , ! TO ALL WHOJUIUAT UJNCEBH, M nowa W t thm 1.1. N.atr,ni f th . Bourn laroiiM uoaiorence, ia ciiariwioo, i toich againat expunging tit General Utile m Blarer. Uavieg, lo JuJgmeni, .ufl.ci.r.1 wuon. for rotinr. I balloted then nd betieve VOW (hit did r!Kht . I. deftreuc. Jo' t. XWeronc. gore, iuiiuodiateiv afttr tba vole was token, ( tw.uo.at to do to at another hour not ecemtnir be agreeable.) mi ronaona for votior ae I did. - H Mjr explanation being eitemporancouy, if net 1m proratu, I thoagbt ootbiog at the time 01 Ua be- log pobliahed by tho reporter. Wbew aaked by ..... . 11 1. j 1 . . ui. in t.bariotte ana BUiberiora 0111 was aaopteu, re turn it I wished it pnlltobed, and aleo told by qaWlf Buu fe fcM, -0Bfy to . th. him that ha had not written It, 1 replied mat tu.j .! T ik ..1(U .. X Hill lime 1 woum wnw mo oxuiuuauva ra, and hand it to Dim for tba next morniOE a paper, knunaaa Utt. mm no tlnix lo da it. Tha reporter laid to ma next moruing that be mp. .i I. t. nKli.t. it poaed It wa rot wotifc while to pnbliaU it, and that he bad boen advbed. aa a matter of eipe , Iieoey, not to do ao.' I replied that I wax not careful about tho matter eUuer war. I here Um -1 1 - -I 1.1 t,.. Aatwl Tli AfiatiuiM nf m I. Mmu uhlv k. nth nf wnicu 1 in noi auvtaeu, 1 1 aw hubuuuu ud euade.longer, witbont the aid of . chm. tW, a IiIIIa hpiiiiatnn Jtri --ia an raanfi far aiAnmru? Uia notice. Well, what bare I to ear f . , y r d I iball not dndortake to prove at preacnt that i am not ao Abolitiooiat. Logie, jualioe, and rea- wnable men will excuae me from thia tank in the preaont atate and ahipo of the caae.. I am ready "lo reply to any attempt to prove the affirmative. A diapoaition to diaabuae the minda of acrjaaint - ncaa and alranmra MDeuial BIT brethren and . . r j , - iriunua B uvaira lu rvuiv.v muj uihuiihw w W. 1 - . J . 1 u . L ..Jm... .a m . .1 . . ... . fc-', UUCVI me 10 cnocniwj m. nararai uuuj-iue tumor ibai 1 am an Aooiltiouutt. 1 cliailence aaint or atanor, while, viae a, or yellow, north or - Soath. to prove the eontrarj. AM to the poaition wh cb m role aaeicne me. l deny mat an tmpar- , . .: ru-jili. :j . jniirucugn wouiuauuiiiiiaaeTiucuveaEaiaat me. At any rale, my reason lor voting aa 1 did forbid aucb a eooatraction. I am not in tbe habit of doine? a tbinir and ukine othera lo eive me a r.Mn .he I Hi.l ao. Tho rcaaon for rot i no- a 1 . J . . . . 1 a. aid. l may give woon eonyeoiena. a oewre atated. lam unwiilins for mv brethren and frienda 0 be in error about me on thia aubject I yet, if bimaelf aecording to bia own choice. In tbe mean- hil! 1 I nut bnaat." 1 aak fr the um of -the lean who, aecording to opportunity, haa done more for the welfare of ibe alavea, and, by oone- liuenee, for their maslera, than I bare done for thirteen ycara one who baa done it more chcer- fully, witb leaa wordly compeoaatton, and all without a ayllable of abolition acntiment in word, action, or otherwise. It hu been a aaiiafccljon to me to believe tbat, by a eonactentioua courre of chnatun and imma terial life, Dot faultleta I know, the confidence of my brethren of the Conference baa not been with - "held from me. Though there ia nobody or cUaa of men wboae confidence 1 value -aa nimbly aa 1 dotbeirasyet tbe doing what I believed to be right, rather tbao tbe ibe eecuriog their favor, baa been the motive for aciing in every ease where principle waa involved. Had I acted otherwise, and thereby trained their eobfidenee, I ehould also bare gained tbe knowledge tbat I did not deaerre it. a. ji. isbowxk. A. 81, 1858. - a)'4---kB- COXORE8A. The dialant publio may real ar eured that tha balance of ibe current aeaaiooef Conereaa is destined to be tbe moat induatrioua one known to tbe biatory of tbe eouolry. Wbilo aometbing may be due to the very universal con demnation of tbeir act in reaolving upon the re ent recess, uttered by the preaa in all quartern of the country, in aunenoducine extra effort of I labor on tba rt or tne member, it 1 aim Terr I . . - . . ... true that aince they first eame tocether on the Brat Wondajof last month, they have labored . .. .1 itn far cloaer application to Duaincsa conaum- . I I mating ur more tban ever Delore ao early in tne eeeaion. Tho they bare worked in ihiaaegeion. and are deatincd to work fur more systematically ... - -I during tbe remainder of it, than ever before. la$htngto Star. We will inform flie publio of their doings when tbey do any thing worth recording.. , Tbe brig Echo, which Teeael waa forfei- ted to the United Statea for eniratrioe in the alare nwo, - v " . .. w(. . .. ' '". 1 1 by the United Statea Marshal, fcf 12300, cash. TIIELEtUISLATlRE. . SATciiAv7Jaii. 1, 185!). In both branches of th Legislature there was no einernm. ' In the Hon Mr. klordeeai took hi teat as -Commoner from Wake, In place of E..O. Haywood. At a quarter to twelve both Tlouses proceeded with the inauguration of Governor Elll. 8 speech slse- - eraer In r columns. 1 -- - ; . :l.l .: Mbnv. Jan. . 1869. .. T Ata. The bill to prevent fraudulent bidding at Judicial (ale, passed Its third reading, and wa or dered to be engrossed. : The bill to amend the charter of th Atlantlo and Jforth Carolina, and Western North Carolina railroad, so -a to give tothe Individual ttockholder a majority nn th board of directors, the ineeial order, was tnea 1akon np, and a long debate ensued, an! before it eon- elusion lo oenar aajouraea. Hooaa. Mr. Norwood Introduced' a bill to incor jiorat th University Railroad Company to build a toad from Chapel Hill to th North Carolina Rail- . Tbad. - - - - ' - . Th bill for th relief of Emily Hooper, of Liberia, ' passsd itl third reading. , - .''.: Tt-asDAv, Jan. 4. Sbxatb. Mr. Thomaa introduced n bill to amend the charter of the Charleaton, Blue Ridge and ChatU iiuoga Railroad Company. . th railroad bill np yesterday wa further discussed, and it further Consideration indefinitely postponed. Th Coalfield bill pawed it second reading yea 25, nay 14. The bill relating to insolvent debtor was laid on lb table. The bill relative tu jury trial in oounty court wai defeated by a vote of 85 to 8. . Hods. Mr. Ransom introduced a bill to Inoorpo rate the Rank of North Carolina meant 4o take the nlaee of the State Bank. Mr. Chambers introduced k bill to allow tbe Fayetteville and Albemarle plank road to make a pnblia ferry across Pee Dee. - Mr. Caldwell Stat Improvement and Relief bank era reported favorably from th committee 00 corpo ration!, and waa mad th special order for torn dsy next wek. . , , ; , . , v ' ' ; WiDxasDAt, Jan. S. Sisat. Tb Wilmington, 'Charlotte and Ruther ford, Railroad bill, being the special order, wa taken up. PTaoMrou amendment were adopted amongst them one to prohibit th public treasurer from inning bond unless h haa money to meet the Intereat with out borrowing. . It I limply to bun Stat bond in toad ef endorsing th Company' bond, and to we greater emeuot than th Stat ia 0 pledged for. Its farther Mulders ti on area poatpeaei till Monday ext. ' ' Mr. Leach g aotle that en to-morrow be shoaldu Introduce a bill to divide North Caroling giving naif to Virginia and hair to Smth. Careliaa. r Hon. The bill to establish th eounty of Lilling ton, ptssed it seoMd reading. Mr. Sparrow iotrodueed a bill eeaoemiag limited partnerships, and Mr. Cahlrfell, f dailmrd, a bill re quiring Inspeetora of lour to, register ihe anmber ef barrels and the quality A., inspected. . A bill to aboliih th f.teh jld qoaliftoatlon for Juror any one haa been " earned away" by tbe rumor " eaper or tue nv. ueoe enuuea irumanea . bearing what I bare to uj, be ean U ear- oV.t itlTZ' 5 ned tack at btaown time and cxpenae, and locate ... ilro,iUMj u declare the Vadkta River vwi f Jeetod. A bill to InoorperaU th tewa f nijh Ipolulpaeaed lU second reading j al bill to estab- li.h th North Carolina Military inenuii; aua a uiu to iooorpor.t Um 0k CW Beting Mor, . 0. ' 8r.Af.--The f .llo(nf Mil wr reported favora ble vat. A Kin ! keerei. lb (inking fundi to emeed , ".'3 to- oVb. to I . - 1 . .1 U II I . - J tV .1.1 1 1 - I 1 1 eeitala uial to abolish Ibt Morgantoa term of the t l'MXto I emend the chapter of the Revised Code, entitled ma to "'"! ".FT"0? ??r?,i.w bill to amend the 119th eectloa, Sit ebapter Urld Cod.. I Itllla Ta nrevent huntlnf en Sn((dar: to - 1 I " " - r . - . utbori; the Petersburg Railroad Company to bunJ a railroad from Uarysburg to weldon. Tba vote by which tba amendment to the Wllmlng- II latoreat oa Ui bond to he issued lor emu company, owort lMUing luroi, waa aoogutto w nw.iu.r., ... ,.,, ...,,..,. ... M.Md to Uon. da ant. I the alretloD of tweWa Troitl of the Cnirenltr now proewded w th, ao.thi. like a hundrl kt nf n nominaltoa, and frem the rtport of fh tu iw)etded U elceUoc only twe- Gorarnor Ellia and U. W. Kanaom. EM Billa aauad aaoond raadloa to praaotlbe the dutlea of neoutoraand athnluiitraluri ; requiring Jaatioea of lb Paae to aota the time of executing on their pro nmke bBloaoua reaponuoio lor u oeo 1 Tba tna-roaead bill to eanlub bora Healing vita rblpping, branding and hanging waa ludafiuilely poat ftibTaotf42lol. JtrV liTL.rZ I . .. . . .? . , 1 i0kuoa. HtaaM aan aa muhuhhI to th 8nato, riiruiii aiMMjtv. ihAtti am hihii wai u a 1 Var.r little buaioea wa doae. Th bill to eatahluh oty of LlUlogtoa w rjetd by V 61, Nay . , .,. . . . , ... ,kl -T 7,. " u iJI iT I.urnc Company ; a bill to incorporate the New 1 bora Oa Light Coupanyi a bill to amend the charter of Ban of Cap rear. A Mil to Charter cue rauntia . - I UWMI VVSMIIT I -T , . . ....... . rr 1 air. Aorwooutrrvoancva: a dmi wfumu vaurj Mr. Leffer, , hill concerning petrel i faiWt Jan. 7, Rbkatc Ttilla Introduced: To aire the election of Traatce to the board of Trutee or the I'nivenity; to aaoore bridge from damage by wael and flat.; to - " Ploy a elera. i un M i.i.i;.!. nni tlm name A1tn?liany, being the apeciel order, paaaed it aroon I reading by a rote f 1 to 80. I Hoi a. The Um of the Hoeae wa for the greater eeeoplevl, to-day, by a ukohioti wpon we nil I tii nlali U lha Runic at Hal itinrT. . .i I -11 of Qailtt)rd cf Kowan were the ehief aneakera. The bill wa nanaed by a imall majority I Mr. Caldwell nf Oullford Introduced bill to repeal a navigable atream from tbe North Carol na Railroad to Wilkeabero'. The aneeial order a bill to create freehold hoaeetoad vu pawed ever on motion Mr. Uatla. mm AND STATE NEWS. Axao)! Cot'XTV. The following officers bare been elected: .WUi CcurLS. TT. Cole. Wm. Al.ta. T. W. Ken dalf. Count Tmttt O. TV. Lfltl. Commtu linatecS. W. Cole, JL .W. Uatk J. Broadaway. Ctnturt O. W. Willooghby. TAXis.-rTh following are th county tax rate aa fixed ay tbe WMfrwtrvUa Toor tax on poll 10c.,oo J1W worth land be Jury .......:.. 10e., County paepcr 20e., do do Id, do do ao do Ife. Railroad... Sae., 46c. Fnxn. Tbe county of Amo has f 5,000 of money on hand for county parpoee, and 9,2UU or railroau funds. Th railroad tax In this county has been unani mously agreed to by th magistrate. Ax Acni Traxir. We don't know that w shall bay my mor turnip by th bushel. They are not what they are cracked op to be. Ion never know when yon've got a bushel, even though yon go to tbe trnnUa of meainrinv them, which ia a nselesa waste uf time, all thinas considered. We mean to boy du: I.'. .l W turnips oy to vara, ai o mucu me square jaru I'1""1 '""''? LP 10 1' P'HT.- J" Pc',ncn ?r thai M itiftttn kairnM nm thriii rh it fin not mntain :"T,:v'" V'S." ' " , 1 UU1WJ al VWIUK, WJ aui'VUBV. aBe. iva su ..tti-, it ont. la aa aolid aa lead. Th slice cre seated to us measures thirty and one-half inebe round, and weighs sight pounds. J. J.Cox, of Liles- villo, is the producer of this famou. turnip, who will -mam ah lti.nl. fnf In. hMIMl Wall tall please accept our thank for th preent a sqmre yard next um. " Dbatb or "CArr.'TnOiiA Fostki. We ar pained to announo the death of Capt Tboma Foster. He died at hi residence on Swsnnmoa, two mile east of this place, on Friday th 24th nit., in the 80th year of b' He bad lived intM. eomitry for .evenly J","? waa widely anown na nn ver-uy ..- i- 1 hjmi iniv ix 1 A .ml in t. iii iwnrMantMi Buncombe in the Hwsse of Common in l8l7, and gain in 1819. Weseed witnaciear, strong ana com prehonsiv mind, bis view on publio question wer always sgerly ought and greatly respected. As a neighbor, a citiiee, a father and friend, he was fault less. His death has created a vacuum which will not be easily Ailed. He died oalmly and peacefully, having a dasir to depart and be at ret. Aihtvillt iert. Miiascholv AcciDtir, On the morming of the 25th nit., Christmas day, moat melancholy accident oecnred in thi place. Mr Merril Utley, for th pur- pa of amusing hi boys, bored a large auger bole In a log in nil yara, ana, aiier caarging u.iui powiwr, drove in a nluar. lea vine a small hole for priming'; and. without calculating the eonsequenoer, put fire to it while standing neirly over it. The log wa split, on n.ri knn-.itinir flnarn a fence near br. and the other part iMi.0g bim on th temple, made a large hole Jn n;, head. Tbongh apparently lifeless at first, he lingered In a dying state for three or four hours, when be breathed bis last, iiy tan auauen bereavement, a large family ha been left in a most distressing con dition. HUUboro' Record. js : Shap. On Saturday last, Mr. 8. H. Christian took from th Pee Dee, near hi residence, in Montgomery eounty, a fine, fat abad one of year real broad hacked fellow, and and on Sunday be ite him. He fairly made oqr month water by kis description of tbe fineness, ratnes and rreannes or tne luscious moraei. We hope there are a few more len. Leamaa. The receipts of yellow pine lumber in Bal timore from liorth Carolina during the past year, amounted to 9,200,000 feet, valued st $162,0UU. Th receipts ef shingle from thi State for the same time were 25,000,000, valded at (150,000.. Korlli Carolina shingles are now need in preferenot to all others. ' atcalcirAli EhtCTioa. Mai. Archibald McLean baa been re-elected Mayor of Fayetteville by an almost unanimous vote ; and Messrs. Jam Sundy, li- Mo Klnnoa, S. L. Pemberton, Geo. W. Williams, A. A. McKetban, Wm. McLaurin, and Wm. Warden, Com missioners. Bum & Lixdskt bav received a (apply of Kero sene Oil. end a lot of Lamo. ell beautiful; bnt th bronie metal on ar aurpusingly so. You might let one nu imm a inree story nous upon s.one pave ment, and it would not break. Ma. A bah Philum, th oldest eitixen, perkaps, of ttuneombe eounty, being in bis 8ta year, died oa Sun day night 2d Inst., at tha reeideae of his daughter, Mr. Catherine Bell, four mile east of Ashville. . . IxSTAiLittxTS OaDBaxD, See advertisement of th Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad in to-: day' paper. CiAao et Kahb. The Post OSee heretofore celled "Keill'i Creek," 1 Harnett eownty haa been changed to "Window." Taraevow na Locwe. Tte let, Dngsbary. arrived here yweterday, frem Baekhorw Loekr, loaded with Seaia aad Iroa Or. Wilxmfm Utrtii, M mat. , Koarw CaaonaA BAkai.-Th Fayeltorllla Obaemr ha compiled from offioial doeomeot a oondenerd ata'e mont f the eooditon of all the bank in th Bute, aa howa by their latrat retara to th OvTcnior ; avl. for the ak of (ommriaon, the editer hire copied from their paper of Jannary lli. Iw7, MmiM eta. dnd U lenient which wa mH o( their cooditif n a that time. Aeeonliria to iheM .Ulcmeiit.i. tbe Obeer- rtr aan; ' The aggrecato aapiul lie inereaaed (98.124. TheaccnreAtanruln bilnofcd$87,6Hl Uo to bank ent of ioeree I $8ii.2r9. ue to bank in the St tie, deereaaed $.'I9,IK)3. Tbe circulation ha dacreaiied tltl.'Tl. Th depotit hare Inereaaed $171,77. The note and doiuettio bill diaeounted bar aeereated $328,720. ' Foreign Exchange (inclu ding bahiBcw doe by bank ent of lb State, and bill of exebtmye running to mr.lurity,) ha Inereaaed WHO, 03. ime oy norm warouna oanni w eacu other, dtt-Yenatd (711,076.. Dpecl ha inerrAl .8,M. Keal EaUte inereued f .9,4CZ. (State and United Stat bond, te., have deereaned (11,264. Of th diaoount. th amount du director baa increa el $148,219. Djc by tockbolder La inereaaed 993,448. The two laet itm r, bowevar, ineroa d by reporit from our bank which nmde a return en tho point two year ago." After giving th abota antiafaetory axhibt 'of the condition of the bank, the Objer-er remark i i" "A a whole, the figure ahow that th bank ar tronger than they were two year ago, ebirfly la th large diminution of note In eiroulatlon, and lu aatirawof foreign exchange. The deereaae of dlaeownl and th Increa of depooite ihow a diminished de mand for money, and tilber a want of aouree for In VMtment or a diainolination to inveit. " It will b obiervad that the aggrecal eircnlatlnn ia not eftnel to tba aggregate ea4itul by 1,(181,600 dollar. That la, tbongh the bank are allowed by their charter to teahe two dollar for etery one dol lar of eapital, they have actnally only 80 cent of le an for every duller of capital. The right to in two for lie, therefore, which i o much dwelt upon by the nmie .of bank, 1 really a nulli'y. The bank cannot exercise the right with tnfrty, and are too careful of their eredit ercn lo approach the limit of the law. Only four of tii bank htf e a large a circulation a capital Th rgrefit of pecle awl foreign exchange (which I" better than iperfe,) ii more than tbe aggre- gato circulation." Killkd ia a Fox Chabb. A young man named L Rhodes was instantly killed on Homony I reek, in tbli corjDty, last Monday week, under rather singular cir cumstances. He and some companions were engaged in a fox elisse, and had run the animal into a hole lu a blurT of rovkx. Unable to force it out otherwise, they built a fire at the entrance, with the view, i hunter's language, of "smoking it out." From th heat of the fire, or some other cause, the ledge of rock ahova was seen to crack and give way, when, in order to lave themeelveH from the descending reeks, tbe wbole party, consisting of three or four men, sprang from their perilous prwftions on the lolge to tbe ground be low, some 25 or 80 feet. Mr. Rhode unfortnnstely did not sprin nuick enouch. or fur enough, for huge stone fell upon him ss he struck the ground, crushing him to death instantly. Othera or tbe party wer eon aiderahly bruised, but not seriously injured. Mr, Rhodes, we learn, was a worthy yourrg man, and h mclancbolly death created much sympathy. What fearful illuxtrstion of the oft quoted truth, that "in the nM or lire we ore m death. - Aihrnllt .vn. Jan. 6. . ' .A Sncrns, iv l'xiex. We learn says the Wilmington Jonrnal that a win named Yibaley, cnntineil in Kenans- ville (Duplin county) Jail, for shooting and wounding a Mr. Judge, (ibe of the patrol of said county, hnn himself with his (nspenders, on the 80th ult. When th keener entered the' Jail, Whaley was . diovered to be standing ea bis feet but quite dead. It ia sup posed he' committed suicide' on the belief that Mr. Jndge bad died ef bis wounds. Mr. Judge, at last aeeoents, waaetill living, md slight hopes are entertain ed of his reorery. Wilmihotoji SArrxias Baxk. The blreetors of this Institution have resolved that ihWetst, al the rate of S1 per cent, be declared and paid to the depositors Tor the last six months, and that a dividend of 81 per at- ha paid to the stockholders out of the profit" of an last six monuis, psjauie and alter tuo iutb ln. nB Tocxo Mtx's Cubistiax AssooiATioa of Fay etteville has been orgamaed. And the , following the offiioere for the ensuing year : W. K. lilake President; B. Fuller and R. P.Bn'xton, Vice presidents: W. N. Tillinghast, Sceretsry; J. B Ferguson,' Treaa- nren T. A. E. Evans, Librarian. , Eloped. The rostmasteratDanburv, Intnis Btate, ha ran away, lcating a bad clnciaj odor behind bim Pet Smith k Lixnsrv'i advertisement in relatiou to Blacksmithing and Iron work in general. ST OF Lt.TTI.nS RF.MAIXIXG IN' the Wadesboro Tost Office np to date, not called for: Mrs. Jno. C, Pumas, Daniel Oatewool, Wm. W. Uunsucktr, A. M. Hyatt, Jno. Moore, B. L. Marshall, Thomas Nea tun, R. P. Wilev. " W. H. PATRICK. P.M. Miss Angeline Klliott-2 Mr. Nancy Teal, Wm. Bristow, John H. Carpenter, A. O. Davis-l! C. M. Fslkner, Jan. 1, 1850. NOTICE. . HAVING LOST OR MISLAID A XOTKUNDER seal, for ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, payable on the 1st day of October, 1850, exocutod to me by Williatn H. Huntley, on tho 11th inst., I hereby fore warn all persons against buying or trading tor said note. r. 1. ia.Mi.tl J.n. 12,18.70-18.1:1. Consignments. HHDS. PRIME W. I, MOLASSESf - 10 bbl Fish, CObbls. Pink-Eye' Pototdear'".' " 20 50 Coils Western Rope, 4000 clioice Segars, (Iiavana,)' On Conslgninent and for inle low fof cash,' by ' . . ' DANIEL A. HORN. . Cheraw, Jan. 11-58-21. WILMISGTO, .CHARLOTTE iD IllTIIERt'UttU Hi It. miU'il, T IS ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF DIRKC- tors that the ikihth installment of TEN per cent upon the capital stock of this company bo called in. and bedneand payable on the llh day of February, 18utt. That the kibth Installment or 10 ier cent, be called in, and be due and payble on the 2d day of May, 1859. And that the txxtii and last install ment of FIVE per cent, ba due and payable on the 3d day of Augutl, ISi'J. U. W. ULION, January 6, 1859-18-25 President. PEE DEE SCHOOL, PEE DEE, AS SOU COUNTY, IV. C, j. d. Mclaughlin, Principal, WILL COMMENCE ITS NEXT SESSION ON IrfoiKtHT, tbe lTtb inat. Tbe rates of Tuitiin Will rangi? froiu $12 to $18, aocording to advincement. No deduction made for absence after entcrinp;, ex cept iu casos of protracted illness, when a deduction will be made for the time necessarily lost. , , r v SAMUEL SMITH, Jr., . . JOKL E; HOUNE, and Others, 18-29 l , . Proprietors. Horse -Shoing, Blacksmithing and iron worj ia uenerai. OMITH V LINDSEY RESPECTFULLY n inform the reonle of Ansocin trenrrnl. and tbe eititene o wadesboro' in particular, that THEY ar oarryina on th BLACKSMITHINS BUSINE8S, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, at tbe well knows STAND vir partly occupied by Mr. ELI FREEMAN, and that they are prepared to do and parferai all work la mil line of busiueea with prompt nee. They guarantee that all work done at their establishment shall be finished in a workmanlike man ner, and tbat thee shall be no unnecessary delay and diseppetotmenta--iint whea a job ia promised by a certain time, when tAel time arrive, th work shall be done, aad well done, too.' 18-tf - REMOVAL. 1YTE HAVE REMOVED FROM OUR OLD Ijf - (toad eppeeito the Brick Store to the thert earner konse lately ooeapied by 0. W N',i-Tjr oeite the COCRt-HOllSB, where a win be Lt kapey to aee all ear friend and eastoeaer. l?-tr- i-.m hwMITH IID8EI r,v . . - MARRIED, ' - Near I'nl.in chore, oa the 21 December, by !t. M, Hubbard, 1., JACKSON ULUUAKU, to Miu HA II All JAN'K, yonugett daughter of Hubert Uaddy an or Anson. At WMxlUrid, rtarnwell dlnli lrt, 8. C , en the 2th n't., hydie Uy. Dr. Ilauckel, ANNA AUGUST A, eld ett Jnunliter of William Gilmore 0iuma, km. to ilr. EDIVAKD HO.tCII, of Charleaton. DIED, In Union coulily, on the mnrtitnj; of i-J December Mini SARAH LUU13A CUULTOt iu the tftenty. third year of her age. JtlAltKCf. jCHEIIAV, Jan. 10. Cotton Bulo for Ihe week C44 bifcev-at 0ll,e.,-wirket-nimtoil. flour (3.26. Cora ttO(v'J0. . Bacon Khouldcra VUt.liicr. ham Nf,15o.i tide lUa.lllc. Utd 14o. Itic6M OJe. Bgging-l)unde loA,l8a.: 'Ounay 20e. Salt per aark $1.25. FAVETTKV1LLE, Jan. 10. TJotton Flrto good lOlfel ',. Floor $4.76r J5.60. Wheat 05s. Corn 90o. Bacon 11c. Lard l;!( ! lo. Hogging Uunny and Dumlre 18200. Turifliline Yellow dip and virgin (2.80; bard $1.10; (piHIa 421e. CMARLESTON, Jan. 10 Cotton Th market was very quiet to-dny, the trnwaction baring been limited to 851 balce, nt extreiuee ranging from 12(nllc. l'rlce unchanged. LITTLE Ac BATTLE, tillornty and t'ouniteltora at Law, WADKSBOno', N . C. ALEXaSDKR LITTLE and R. If. RATTLK. Jr.. Esii , bating auociuVjd thirm-elre In the practice of their profession, will promptly attend to all bu-iiiilw ntrasted to them in the Couutio of Amuo, Kich BionJ and Union. ttTTICBee oppo.ite tlie Dinlc. 17-29 ELVAN3 & THOMPSON, Dralrn in Couch, Cabinet and L'ph(jl.slrrv Uardworr, Rr Iron and Steel. tar A Cumplelt AoorlmeMof IIUUS. SPOKES, t t'l t . t'ttS a"IVaJ f. . . .a ivv'i.i, ofi.irio. TC, arc. PAYUPIPAYUP! 7 A MAN IN IEI1T mipht as well be d-d. DisiAal experience lias taught me thus L'nlem Tour pocket is heavily cram'd, All other qualities aiut worth ctus. So gentlemen, whose purses ere re(ra'e, Please "deliver'' them of their precious load; Ju-t rhirel down to my shop and PAY, : And help me on life's truubled road. I've a holy horror of nil f uch tilings As warrants, deputies and ed tat. Jutthelp me to elude their stings, And I'll thank you, and give tiod the praise. . By duns, debts and deputies I'm awfully jum'd An ) if 1 don't warrant people I'll be hush I Don't print it! 'twould be a wicked thing, And I like to be religious when I ting. , I oppose all swearing, 'tis a bad habit; But when the interetjig game of "grab it'' ' Is played by deputies for jour purse You fuel a strange proclivity to cuj'se. But don't do it! like mo, don't sveir nt all, But just remember my locality niid call. 17-10 E. FREEMAN. NOTICE. A FRESH LOT OF. CHEESE JUST RE ecived aad fur sale by ..... COX, AUSTIN & CO Jtn? The above FIRM wonlj respectfully invite all those indebted to them to call soon and settle, as they ar very muju in need of m:ney. - Lilesvillc, N. C, January 1, 18D. . N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm of COC i AUSTIN must pay immediately, as our necessities f.irliid lortger indulgence, or their notes and nccouiits will be placed in tbe bands of a lawful collector, Lilesville, Jan. I, 1 8".0-1 7-tf WOTIC'E TO MERCIIA1VTS AXD COTTO.w (sllIFFEUS.- AN ARRANGEMENT HAS BEN MADE BE tween the Cheraw and Durlinn-ton and North. Eactern Railroad Companies by which there will be a regular. rKElllrlT. TKA1N FOUR TIMES PER WtLK from and to Charleston, connectine with the trains on the Cheraw and Darlington Railroad, there by securing prompt dispatch in tho transportation of freight, aud entirely obviating tbe delay tbat bas been heretofor eau?ed from the want r such an arrange ment. The following is the schedule as screed upon: " ' "7 -. IP. ' No. 1. Leaves Charleston ... ....Saturday, P. M. ....Tuesday, A. M. Wednesday, A. M. Friday, A. M. do do ds do do . do . UP.- No. 1. Connects C. and D. Train... Monday, A. at. do do Wednesday, A. M. do do ThdrsVIay, A. M. do do :Sutiirday, A. M. DOWN. 2 S. 4. No. 1. Leaves Cheraw Saturday, P. M. 2. do do Tuesday, A. Ju 8. do do...... ............... Wednesday, l1. M. 4. do do Friday, A. 11. DOWN. 1 No, l.ConnecteN.E.forCharleston, Monday, A. M. 2. do do Wednesday, A. r. 8. do . do Thursday, A. M. . 4. do do .Saturday, A. M. C. T. W. SYFAN, December 22, 18 )8 17-29- Superintendent. TO HIRE. SMITH & LINDSEV INFORM THE TUBLIC thai.thi ir boy ARCHIE. S? be HIKED to do any kind of work in Brick or U!ck iviuoiirr from this time forth. 17-tf Notice milE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OF STREATER & I HI 1LH1-S0. arc now in my hands for collec tion. If not rinsed hp in nsbort time, by CASH, NOTE, or Jl'lH'.MKNT, I am instructed to hand them to an officer for collection, 8. W. NEAL. Wadesdoro' Jun. f, 1 8.10-1 7-tf. .ITS SO! The Old tIors:-Shorr t attain in the Mi IHd! JtVLL AT THEIR SHOP, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE J bis old stand and YOUR HORSES SHALL BE NEAf LY AND PROMPTLY SHOD; and -all OTHER WOItK executed in good shape and Willi dispatcu. .l-tt j 8. 11. SMITH & SON NOTICE IY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST, EXE ) cued to us by Calvin M. Falkner, for certain purpose therein expressed, -wo will, on .MON DAY, the lith day of February next, sell,- for CASH, at liio Oourt-lfatise door, 111 Wadesboro , Two Hundred Acres of Land, lying on the watgra of Jonea's Creeki adjoining ihe lands of Jas. R, Moore and others. Given under our hauds thia the 4th day of January, 18-VJ. U. W.- LITTLE, r : .r . P. J. COPPEDGE, 17-18 . Trustees. cjhrktMsTc ORANGES, LEMONS, CANDIES, v ' BOSTON BUTTER and. LEMON CRACKERS, COCOA NUTS., rKCAN NUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, FILBERT?, nAioino, etc., ao. 4ust reoeivea oy lu-'l . O. O. AK.Uuu. OAAAA "us. of good hides WASTED. DRY OR GREEN. for which ihe highest market price will be paid in ctsh or barter. Call on the snbscriber at the Regis ter s umce, in tbe toart-House, W. P. KENDALL. P. S. All personl indebted to me, or to W. P. & E. F. Kendall, need not be surprised if they receive a visit from the Sheriff between thi and January Court, as w hare indulged as long w can er will. 13-tf W. P.- K. -VTA UTEDr, TI! ARGUS OrriCH, WAPiS- RAflS-lA? arV Laurel Hill School. T Jtltttlt HE NEXT BE3KION OF.TIilS INSTITUTION will commence on MONDAY, the 10M (.'"' Huary, 1K.')U, under fi cars nl .Mr. JOHN U. 1IL- CIIANAN, aa Principal, a graduate of Ihe L'Hlnrfl'y of N.C. . , -French and 8pni-h vHll be taoghtj In addition to the branches of an Lngluhand Classical education. The term are $tl, ftt, f 4 a)IA per session of five month. Good board an be bad in the neighborhood at $8 per month, including wa.hlng. fuel, and tights. A-essons on iu pinno lorie will uo given to sac 11 young ladle a deslro them, at lift rate of $13 per session, including the us of instrument, , Each session will close with a public examination. 17-19' ' , . , English and Classical School, LILESniLE. iS01 rOtJTT, N. C, r. II. JORD.ilV, lr., Principal. rpilE SPRING SESSION OP THIS SCUOOI, I W1 beghioa WEDNKSD.1V, Mel of Jtiuirti, tl'.ft I - '.:..- ix Mnnii.M 'r....-. tL'Vl.a ! wniMIIU. fHW.I.fll.. .- 4.HIII1V V. aUiyilll rangilig from $10 to $20, according to advancement f pupil.- No- deductions uaus except iu Clues uv pVo. tracted sickness. - 15-17 FORK ACADEMY, . STA.XLY OlTY, !. C." flMIK NEXT 8ESSION WILL COMMENCE ON I the FIHST UOMtAV OF JAXIAHV, 1859. auJ close tbe last Fi-ithy in May. Board $7 per month. Tuition Knglirh, $12.50;. Languages, $15, per session. Worthy iudigrnt young men will be in dulged fur tuition. X. 11. EDWARDS, 1.1-1 - , l'riiicipiil-. PHONOGRAPH?. THIS 13 A' BEAUTIFUL METHOD OF WRITING the English language by means ot the niont simiilc characters that can be formed, and which .accurately repr-seut tne sounds or spoken words. It can be written more than six times as fist as common hand, an I on lea than bne-iixth the space; thus saving t.i tbe writer more than tire-sixths of both time and paper. Among thouujnds of eminent mill who have certified to its importiuce, we hure space ouly for the following. Hon. Thos. II. Benton ay: ''Had Phnnngra.hy been kuowu forty years ago, it would have taxed me twenty yeara-of hard labor.". John H. Jlart, rnncip.il ui tne mgli hclmni, I'lula dulphia, says: "Home of our rtudents, not yet twenty years of ace, are making more money by riiucogiu. phy than the Tiinoipal of the High School, nfter jutting given bimaelf fur more than twenty years to bis profession, j The Andersignrd has puMT-dicd a thnrt hut concise system, which will, in a few weeks, enable any one who ean write, to write down any f pceeh as fist a spoken. It will be sent to any part rf the United States, pott paid, 'on receipt of One Du'.lnv: or t.-n copies will bo sent Jo one address for Five Dollata-, and any greater number at the sumeiateH. Addrcift D. F. BLACKBURN, 17418 H.mpshire, Maury, Tcnn. JIST RECEIYEB BY 8. S. AftHOLO, C LT MOLASSES" FKES1I COVE (IYSTF.RS; BAGGING; liOI'E: TWINE; 11-tf COTTON YARNS. - lllCKirilEAT, LOUR; CHEESE; JilCEi CIDER VINEGAR ; Smoking Tobacco, of -uperior' nualitr. ;Jni.t reee-ved and for talc by S,- S. ARNOLD. ' ' 8-tf rtAAA I P.4IKS I'LAT.tTIO IlltO- iiUUv' GAS SHOES. For sale ut Ilighiuont Tannery and Shoe factory. 8-tf J JAS. C7CARAWAY7 WANTED Two or UireVpooT W'ORKMEN, on Sewed Work, at the above establishment. J. C. C. A BARGAIN, "1 I Y PLAITATIOI IN ANSON COUNTY, 1 with th IMPROVEMENTS, is now of-Al ferod for rale at the value assessed on the Tax li'd Book, which assessment was made before the im provements were built. Terms: Une-tnird cssii; one-tnird twelve monuis,. without interest: one-third two years, with interest after twelve months. A. LITTLE. December 7, 18o8--I3-tf rviiTiiLlf.roTicE. If my Plantation, wilh tho improvements, is not sold by the first of January next I shall alter the terms. 1 will also sell my lots in the town of Wades boro' on reasonable terms. The contracts for grading the Ruilroad, which will pas within two miles of the place,, are advertised to be let out on the 21st and 'Jd inst., whicn will, 01 course, enhance the value 01 the Plantation.. ...AJATTUJ. December 15, 1858-14 tf SMITH & LINDSET, DEALERS IN ' DRUGS, EDIC1.ES, PATEXT MEDICIXES, Paints rftntt Olfs, rERFrmrnrT"ASDTFAX"CYAKTICLES- (A general and extensive assortment,) . GMss Ware, &c, WA DESB ORO'y X: C. fjT Phvsicians from the country can rely upon PURE MEDICINES ; and all orders CORRECTLY and l'VXCTL'ALL Y fulfilled, at a small advance en' Northern prices. 1 tf. SWEET OIL. 70R SALE BY " i 8 tf SMITH & LINDSEV. POMADES ln PEUFOIESI, I ND EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING. For sale by ' r" "" ' " ' ' a-tf. SMITH &.LINDSKT. . if i ?ni ivL iL.vsi. A LARGE LOT OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN. For sale tiy 3-tf . .SMITH & LINDSEV I'M ND COLORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ' Fur sale by a-tr SMITH & LISDSEV. 2,000 LBS. WHITE LEAD. MOR SALE BY IV 8-tf SMITn & LINDSEV. 33 OZS.QUXIXE. I XR SALE BY 3-tf , SMITH1 & LINDSEV. TRAIN AXD LAMP OILS, : SMITH 4 LISDSEY. F OR SALE BY 3-tf ISO LB. DEST tjiLl'E. ,10R SALE BY - 8-tf : SMITH & IINDSEV. A FINE ARTICLE OF SPER.TI OIL. OR SALE BY t ' 8-tf SMITn & LINDSEV.. DE CiRATII'S ELECTRIC OIL, OR -SALE BY 3-tf . SMITn & LINDSEV. PAINTS AND V.IRXISIIES, OF ALL KINDS. FOR FAIE BT 8-tf - SMITH & LIXPtjEY. SYRl'PS PHOSPHATES OF LIME, IRON, SOP.t AND 0F, POTASSA. For sale by 8-tf . ' 'SMITH LINDSEV, . .. , I1LASKS; - ' ' OF ALL KINDS, GOTTEN CP AND FOR SALE at the the Argus Oftce. THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, f rUBLISHE8 MORR THAJs 0NB THOUSAND CHOICE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS for children aad youth per year, being tbet largest collection ia the country. They are now publishing a new book every Saturday morning, . i s Illustrated Catalogues may be had without charge. by add resting tbe American Bovulay cKbeol I1 wo 1122 Cbraant Strwt PhRedelplHa, 17 ume. T II. IIOIITO., MEyTIST, WADESBORO', I)' N. C , will epeiau on Ttih at the following ' low rata, for persons who call at my oftiee to have tbe wot don or pay eib: fluid Plug, $1.60; Teeth on Pivot, l; Teeth oa Gold Plate, $8 each np to six .. all above jlhat $0 each; a Full Upper Set on (taction, $73; Lower Teeth, the same. All other operations equally I0W4 W hen 1 bav to credit my old charge will be made. I end refer thoee who winh it to some of the must respectable eitiiins for ahum I have plugged leelh eighteen years ago.; the smue plugs are till in and doing well. For othera I have cut In teeth on pivot and gold ptato, lime full acts on auc tion, which they have worn for arveral years, and ar still wearing, all doirg weli;.anl tuany other opera tions, which liatevjiceii dnn for about eiy.tecn years, all doing well. lint as I warrant all n'' operations, and have the adrantoge of upwards of tlghtern years' prat:ice, I have no doubt but t ean give salh-fuotion to al who aie ili, orod tusatrcuU ui.d give me a fuir Mil, which is all 1 .-k. 1 " . N. ll.llatiiig engaged In Ihe riiutograpjile Art, somo liaVe ,!.ecu indticvl to believe 1 had quit the fractico ef Dentistry. Nuw this is a false Impression., have not mailo enonjih to Jiitify my retiring from . the bit'lnrFa. On the contrary, 1 am better prepared now than ever lo npernte on teeth-, and am still in Ibe field, ready at al tiiac to attend all calls fnm this or any of tlio ilj-! n T.i couiitics, and repectful!y ask a continnance of tha "fati-ffna! liere'nfore so liber ally beHowwl, H.i eomo along an4 hive.rtqr mouth put in laughing order, aud theu get one of ' jtOperb Anibnilvpey. . So yi.u Who have hcnuty ti) IinRTON should IiVIca it, And run oho have none isliou'.J gi let h!:n make it. IO.3.1 '. VALUABLE PLANTATION rpiiE sunsni 1 AJ.Y7-.I7 IISntlPEIl OFF KIM FOR SALE THE IO.V AXiJ IMl'K'lYEHUXrs, where he now rcaldca. It is located ju-t below the month of Lile's Creek, in C.itiwbt county, near Lewis's Ferry, on the Catawba river, adjoining Hen derson Shoil, and cm.tiiliiiiig 5l.s IK'l-. M, loO of which are 111 cu.tivntion, and about du acres of that ia good Creek and l.iundi Uoltum. Tbe improve ment arc a mm foitoble LOG DWELLING, a . fiit ratv I1AHN. STAULFM and STALLS fr tTilj twenty head uf horses, COW SHEDS, and good -Lf-FENCES. Tf.c'ii li upon the pl.ce a good GRli'T MILL, rmining a pair hf B'Ut an'! a pair of Common Stones. Tbe Western North Carolina Railroad passes ihiuugb the Farm, aud the Depot is located upon it. It is.thc moat valuable fiiiui iu this section of tin) Slute. There arc also nn the pines lnrge nrefanls of peaCr. and apple trees of the best quality, and good springs -f wuter abound. Will be sold fur CASH or EXCHANGED FOR NE GROES. A. W. WILSON. October 13 7-tf CHiCKERING & SON'3 PIANOS! fllHE SUCSCCIBER, BEING AGENT FOR THE sale of the above celebrated Pianos, informs the public rrs,etfuily that he will be shortly in Wades boro'.. All persons wi'hin? to piirehns a gl Piano will bo shown POURTKLK DIFFERENT 6TYLF15. Every Piano narriuted. PIANOS Tt.NED AND REPAIRED in a satisfactory manner or uo charges. F: A. E. BOIINSTl'DT. Mr B. carries witji him letters of recommendation from cn'leiuen of Wilmington, North Carolina, where he resides. ' . 4 tf STATE OP HOlcTli.CAKOLLY.4,':'- STANLY COUNTV. . - Cot UT Or l'LCAS AMI tJr VBTtH PtOlilXI, Xoefmtifr Term, I808. " ) E. IV. Davis, AdmiuLtrutor, nr. J. F. Crump and Others. 1 i-iitton for litlllrment. I T -APPE VRING TO THE SATISFACTION OF the Court tliut Uuirgc Cru up. Warham Kn-li-r and wife Sally, and John Smitli and wife Mary, are non residents of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Conr , that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolina Argus for the said defendants to make their personal appearance al the next Term of this Court, to be held for the County of Stauiy, at the Court-House in Albemarle, on the second Monday in February next, to plead answer or demur; otherwise said petition will be taeu pro eonfesto as to them. Witness, Kiebird Ilarvia, Clerk of our said Court, at office iu Allicniailo, the second Monday in Novem ber, A. D. H. HARRIS, C. C. C. 14-20-- Pr.'s'fce, S5.52. STATE OF. NORTH CAROLINA, STANLY COUNTY. Cot ni or Ptx.is avo Qi ibtse Sessions' ) Xovemher Trrrn, lf-58. . D. K. Thompson, Administrator of Mary Thompson, . Edmund Thompson and Other. T Pctiti'm for Settlement. ' ' T APPEARING TO THE SATISFACTION' OF J. the l.'ourt that Edmund Thompson and Patsey 1'i itclu t are non-residents of ihis State: It is there fore onhjred by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks iu the North Carolina Argils for the said defendants lo make their personal appearance at the next Term of this Colli t, tu be held li r the County of Stanly, at the Com t Mouse in Albemarle, on-tiie sec ond Jloudny in February next, to plead answer or demurp otherwise said pe.ition will he taken pro ein fetto as to them. Witness, Richard Harris, C'erk of our said Court, nt odlce in Alhemarlo, the tec-oni Monday in Novem berA. D. lSi8. ,R. HARRIS, C. C. C. 14-19 (Pr.'s fee, $4.02 , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, UNION COUNTY, . CotruT or Pleas .x; (Jvahtkit Susfioxs, 1 Oehhef Term, 18.-W.- Patience Smithy . . . ... . - -v . . Joseph E.,W. Smlili, Eltsha Siisser-end wife, and OtLt fa'. J'ttitivH'or Ttutter. TN THIS CASE, IT APPEARING TO THE SAT-' i it'iici:nn of Hie Court tli;i,t Stephen Smitli, Jeaso Dauconi ami wii'e Doic.-is,'ik-fendatits iu. this case, re side beyond the limits of -thi Suiter ; It is therefore ordered by the Cbnrt that puh'tca tien be made .intbeNorth Uarulin Jlrpuna- ppr-j published in the town ot Vt adesboroogh, Inr m (G) successive weeks, commanding the said defendants to be and appear before the Juticc'Of our next Court of Pleas and Quatter Sessions, to be held for the Coonty of Union, at the fjoiirt-Houe in Monroe,' on tlie brat -Monday in January next, then and there tu plead answer or demur to suid Petition; otherwise the -ame, will be heard ex parte as to them. Witness. J. F. Hough, Clerk ufourMid Court. at .... office in Monroe, the first Slonday in October, A. D. 186S, and the cightv-third vcar of our indepe'ndeiice. 12-17- . J. F. HOUGH, C. U. C. C. 3Pl'S;ii',,i; .' '- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, UNION COUNTY. Covet or Plka axu Qrimrit Si-ssionj, 1 ,. w ' OelJer Term, 180S. . ' William G. Ilinche.-ter, 1 . . t .'ackmn ('. Leromond. Art uhm ! Sirred on Land. TN Tll'fs CASE. IT APPEARING TO THE SAT J. istacfUin ef the Court that Jackson C. Letnmond, tbe uclciiii.iut ill thi) ease-resides beyond the limits of tlii State: ... - r w ll.nnf .-n U.l 1... (1,. C...i H...I mill!.. ' tibn be niade jn the North Carolina -Argus, a paper published in tho town of Wadtsbtirottgb, fo'f six (6) successive weeks, commanding the said defendant to be amlppear before the Justices of our next Court of PleasVind Quarter Sessions, to be held for the CountykiiUnion, at the Court-House iu Munroe, on tho Jeftt Monday jo, January next, then and there to . shoW caoae, if any he has, why the land served on should not be sold, and the.proceids applied to satis- . facVion of Plaintiff's debt, int.-rest and cost. . Witness, J. F. Hough, Cl-rk id' our said Court, at office in Monroe, the tirt Monday in October, A. D, TSjS. and the eighty-third rear of our independence 12 17 1 - , J. F. HOUGH; C. U..f. C. " (Pr.'s fee. S5.H7.') KEROSENE LAMPS ANfi OIL. i N ENDLESS VARIETY OF THESE NON-EN- PLOSIVE, ECONOMICAt, ANJ UNSUR PASSED 4.AMrS. One ef these lamps will give a light equal to four candles, and consumes about one cent' worth of oil in three hour. For economy arvt brilliancy of light they eaanot be equalled. Far sale by fS-trt - SAlrTU A LINAWSY. JOB WORK.- TtlNDS. ASD IN COLORS, SEATtY jfr ALL ekeayly ! xpeditio)y dea at tb Argue