L.'l .gWHWf VOL. I NO. 21. WADESBOROUGII, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1850. .EW SERIES. r . - PUBLISHED WEEKLY FEXTO.I A DABtET. tprm op i.nscitiPTIO!i. Single eoplM, Two Holism par year, Inwlably n advance. . To Clubi of T ind apwardi, It will be fnp-it-ied at On Pollab sd a half per copy. Xo iobtorij.Ueo received for lea than t mpB(bj KATES Of ADVERTISING. F.iasnr Cixn par tjquara for tha Ant, and ?oart Caste par Bjura for et abqut, InaartloD, M- Tbrw months, wbea tha charge will ba ....$6 00 . And for ail montha r. 8 00. A liberal dlaeount made to yearly adrertiaera. , Announcements of county candidate $S each. Obituary aotioe free when Rot eieeedinj tea Una; Hll above tea Hum at advertisement rale, FfqfeiislQqal W Hlne Cart, aoi exeeeoing aiw llnea brevier In leninh. will ba Ineerted for $5 a year; Jf exceeding Ira Uaet will be charged tha tame aa pther adtertisetnents. Adrertiaera moat etate tha number of timet they Uh their drertleitie.t Inserted ; otberwiee (bey will ba continued (ill forljUdea, and ekarged erd (' Itip lot) 1cm ej pat (?rT'r) Bqnara. Tl B. IIORT02V, VEXTIST, WADE6BORO', 13, Jf. U , FiU aperata oa TseU at tba following low ratea, for peraopi a; bo pall at aay oflice to hare tha work dona or pay cub: . Gold Pings, $ 1 .00; Teeth oa Pivot, $4; Teelh oa tiold Plate, $8 each op to aix all above, Uiat ft) each; a trim tpper eel oa eueuop, 76; Lower Teetb, tba eaoie. All olher operation, equally law. When I hare to credit my old cliargea will ba made. 1 can refer those who wiah it to soma of tba moat respectable eitliena fur whom I hare plorged teeth eighteen yeara ago; the Kmc plug, are atill In and doing well. For others I bar pat in toeth on pivot and gold plate, eotne full acta oa suo floa, which they bare worn for aeTeral yeara, and are atill wearing, all doing well; and many oilier oprre- lione, which hare been done for about eighteen yeara, all doing well. But aa I warrant all my operation, and hare tha advantage of apearda of eighteen yeara' ' practice, 1 hare aa doabt bat I eaa giro aati.faetioa to all who arc diapoaed to petronlee and give m fair trial, which la all i aak. N. B. -Having engaged la tha Photographic Art, noma hate beea Induced to believe I had quit the r actio of Dentistry. Now this la a (aloe Impression, bar Dot mad enongh to juKtify my retiring from tb business. Oa the contrary, I am better prepared aow tii an ever to operate on teetb, and am Mill ia the Arid, ready at all time to attend to ail oalla from thia or any of tha adjoining eoantiaa, aad respectful- aak a eantinaanc of that patronage heretofore o liber ally bestowed. 8 come along and aa jour mouth pat ia laagbiag order, aad tbea pt on of my aaperb Aubroiyp. So yow who bar beauty to HORTO.V ahoald take it, And you who bar now ahoald g let him make it. lo-aa . - WOHLEl'f - Unrivalled Healing Salve!" fTiHIS 18 NO HDMBUQ, SPRINGING CP AT K0RTIJ CAROLINA ARGUS. 1 IITHER'S BLETHER 1F.0LT HEI BUM , Jht wtaa ' mine '11 drir m daft, I aolnnnty d clare; If I had bedlam in the bona . ' (t eoald na plague me mair. He waukena op atakreicb o' day, 1 Then rent w' him there' nam, , Bat rumblin' tumblin' up aa' dotn It' a common wean I He' never oat o' miachlef, an' Ha never aeema to tiref -See I there he' oa the fender ' edge, He'U tumble 1 the Aral lie's at the door bow! catch hire, or He'll whom) down the atah I He'a got the 'pair eat now, the v ret oh la ruggiu' oat it'i hair! Lo.li I bow he'a got hi faitber'i book Wide opea on bi knee, And Ju.t observe the aolema look Tbat'a ia hia boania '. . II eanna read, yet look a grari ' ' A eh'lel in gown and laws; But mair tban a looka wia oa thing They dinaa BDderatan'. 4p unco weati; yet Arte oa him, He only laugh, an' oraWa, Like hi falther when be' toning me; An' when I tak' the tawa Aa' gie 'em a .kelp I'm vexed, an' wish I'd let the bairn alane; .-. For he look aae i(rangclik in niy face I could na do't agaiu. Gjud keep na a' I th bairn' asleep, Ilia wee head on hi arm; Now, wha could look on that iweet fat An1 think o' dnia't harm, . Although it'i faaboue wbyleaT Eh me I Ilia we check Ilk the rose, Or the erimaoa on tb far hill-Up Wbea gloamin'a gaan to class. Sleep aound, wee pet I ye're but a typ O' busy, wardly man, Whose hand are thrang, whose heaj ia fu' Wl' money a scheme an' plan; He roeta na day aor night, eptil Hia baatlin' life ia pastt And aleep death' sleep upon him creep, Aa oa my bairn, at but. of half an hour I wag clear of the village. At a abort distance ahead lay a large '.ract of forest, mostly of great pines. The road led directly through ihii wood, and as near I could remember, the distance was about twelve miles. Ye( the moon was in the east, and the road ran nearly west; I should have light enough. I had entered the wood and had gone abtnt half a mile, when my wagon wheels settled, with bump and jerk, into a deep hole. I uttered an exclamation of astonishment, but that was not all. I heard another exclamation and from an other source. " What could it bo ? 1 looked quickly around, but could see nothing. Vet 1 knew the sound 1 heard was close to me. As, the hind wheels came up I heard something tumble from one aide to the other of my wagon, and 1 could also feel the jar occa- tioned by the movement. It wus simply . a man in my cart i i there, for the top of my cart i framed in with dovetails, and each sleeper boiled to th post with iron bolts. I had it made so I could carry heavy loads there. By and by,afler nil else had failed, the scamp com menced tQ holltr whoa to the horse, and kept it up until he was hoarse. All this tiino I kept perfectly quiet, holding the reins tiriniy, ani kept poUing the beast with the wWp-stock. f We wasn't an hour in going that dozeh nijes not a bit of it. I hadn't much fear perhaps I might tell the truth and say I bnp none, for I bad a good pistol, and more thin that my passenger was safe; yet I did fcdl glad when I came to the old flour-bar-relfociory, that stands at the e lge of Jack Roiville, and in ten mii.utes more I hauled upin front of the tavern, and found n couple oilmen in the barn cleaning down some auge 1) THE IHWELCOIE P.USEVCEI. A cold winter's night found a stage load of us gathered about a warm fire of a tav ern bar-room in a New England village. Shortly alter we arrived, a peddler drove up, and ordered that his horse should be stabled for the night, After we had eaten supper we repaired to the bar-room, and aa soon as the ice was broken the conver sation flowed freely. Several anecdotes had been related, and Anally the peddler was asked to give u a story, as men of his profession were generally full of adven ture and anecdote He was a short, thick- la aorta, ami piaciag menu ana posuny .n , .om.whi.re hnnf frf v.nra'nf , wnere It la doomed " ' ; ' T . , the editorial eolamna of the prees, to be "puffed" back into merited oblivion. sen ted sal It is pre- age, and gave, evidence of creat ihysica! ed to the pablie aa tb achievement of year of I strength. He gave his name as Lemuel itigated labor in tha iBreatlgetion and I prepet ! .Vj ,nd hjf Jome . iQ p Ney Hampshire i Wall ranft..mn ceabfaaiioa of it eonatiUent ewmeat, aad a being Am it t thin mar, au. that it p aor km nraaantia- It for BODalnr adoption and patronage the anderaigaed yields to th freqaeot aad repeated per- aaeiOB r friends and scores el once prosiraie m alids, who bar bappil and thorongbly tested ita Tirtaea. If deemed aipedient or required, ample and Indubitable testimony of tba almost miraculous care It ha effected could be produced; bnt this would be laperflaooa if it er once introduced into a family. IT HAS EFFECTED A Sl'EKDir ASD PERMA NENT CURB OFSORK LEO OF TWENTY YEARS STANDING. IT HAS CURED CANCER IN ITS FIRST 8TA0E. AND FOR BURNS, BRUISF.8, CUTS, WHITLOWS, OLD SORES, ULCERS, AND INFLAMED BREAST, it i before tha world a The VnrlealUd lltallng SatvtS If applied by direction, as glren oa tb box, and a rare u not effrcted, the money will be refunded. 8old wholesale aad retail by J. C. CARAWAY, Agent. Wadakboro', N". C. Alao, by SMITH A LIN'DSEY, Druggi" and Apothecariee, Wadesboro'. 10-tf S. S. ARNOLD, naiLna ia Dry SMat, Clotklir, lata, Cips, Btots, Sbih, Hardware, Grarfrin, Crorkery, Saddlrs, ftluts. Oil, i- AT THE OLD STAND. I HAVE NOW BBCEIVKD' THE MOST OF MY lata parehaa of Fall aad Wfutor Oooda, compris ing a much larger aaaortment thaa usual, cociaiating in part of th following article-, Ti ; ' illaek aad Fancy Silks, u Brown and Befd Sugara, !Blo, J art aad U. Uoaee, Ada. and Sperm Candles, Kerosene aad Sperm Oils, i Train and Liaaeed Oils, 5 Castor aad Cod Liver Oil, g White Lead and Jink, ef Pari Green ia Oil, J Chrome Green in Oil, 2 Coach Varnish, V Window Glass, all eiies, Cashmeres Merino., Poplins. .r DeUine. DeBeigea, Jaooaet Muslins, Swiss Moslias, Barred Muylies, Bnllaatee, ' iltelU Shawls, Wool Shawls, Coaka, Kid OaanUeta, Cashmere OaanUeta, Oloewa aad Hosiery, plots and Casaimeree, VeaUoga, aSIeriaa Veets aad Pants, lloopa aad noop Btiru, Putty la Can,' Concentrated Lye, Keroeene Lamps, Qunsaod l'.atols, Carpenters' Tools, Smitha' Tools, NaUa, U to 0d, Wll Wheel, ' Well Buckets, &e. All of which will be disposed of oa the most ao- .Mn4nv t.mi PImui ami warning KTnra inaklng yoar parchae. S. g.ARN0LD. 4-tf - orses. i-' Well, old feller.' said I. as I trot down M I knew this on the instant. Of course ! and went round back of the waaon. 'vou've I felt nuzzled. At first I imagined some j haJ a good ride, haven't you?' poor fellow had taken this method of ob- "'Who are you ?' be cried and he kind taining a ride; but I soon gave this up, for o'swdre a little, too, ns he asked theqtieslion I knew that any decent man would have ' "' IVi the man you tried to shoot,' I told asked me for a ride. My ; next idea was j him. j that somebody bnd got in there to sleep;. "' VMieream I? let me out!' he yelled, but this passed away as quxk'y as it came, j ' L ok here,' saiJ I, we've come to a for no man tvould have broken into my sale sloping place, and 'mind ye. I've got cart for that purpose. And that thought, I a rcvoh Br ready for ye the rqoment ye show gentlemen, opened my eyes. Whoever was ! ynursel Now lay quiet.' "--i (here had broken in. "By lis time the two hostlers came up " " My next thouglits were of Mr. Dick ' to see i hat was the matter, and I explained Hardhead. He had heard me say that my j all to tl em. After this, I got one of them load was all sold out, and of course he sup- j to run aid rouse the sheriff, and tell him posea had some money with me. In this ! what l Relieved i d got lor him; I he first he wa right, lor I bad over t wo thousand streaks ot daylight were just now coming up, and in half an hour it would be broad dayligl . In less than that time, the shjr ifl'cHnii nnd two other men with him. I told hit the whole story in a few words exhibit! the hand-bill I had for him, and then he made for the ca'rt. He told the chap w o he was, and if he made the least rrsistatie, he'd bo a dead man. Then I slipped the iron wrench out, and as I let the doo down, the fellow made a spring. I c.-tughthim by the ankle and be camedoivn WILIWGTOX, CHARLOTTE lD RlTIIWORD obiained during this survey. I think a line RAILROAD. could be had with a pade of f0 feet per. We, this weik, conclule our extracts mile, without increasing the present esli from the "Report of the President nniTj 'mate more than 50 per cent.; it would of Directors" of this company by giving those I en mi',irn three miles and a half , t.., . ...i .... o i more distance to reach the lerrl of the river, porlions wh.ehtreatot the "Mountain Sur-: A(ttT JurZ vey. The President, in introducing the Gup and had a line run down upon the report of Mr. (lardner, the gentleman who West side. had charge of the survejvsays: j 1 his line as run affords no basis for any "Earlv in the summer the citizens of the I t,,in like an accurate estimate infrequent upper counties raised among themselves voluntary contributions mr procuring a sur vey across the Hlue Kidge at the Hickory Nut and Ileedy Patch Gups. These contri butions were tendered to the Board of Di rectors, with the request that nnder its di rection they should bo expended in accom pushing their object. Authority waa given attempts were made to Ipave the valley of trie creeks; hut the country proved to-t broken. A line could bu found, but it would he much more expensive than thy one following die creek, as id is would be exceedingly light work. The average fall from the Ciap to the mouth o( I lie Swanna- hei noa teiii2 only a fraction over 8 fret per to the Chief Engineer to take charze of! I"""' l"c, i"st,,nele w,m ' Uo consnieMh y . . lnrriianJ ifne tin rm.l aa'.aat 'I'lm aW-lrilu distnncc from Kulhnt'ordion to a point on the survey, atrd to detail no mnny of his as- taltunfe nml In iiba mant i in...... inoi, tents, tke... as could he porl he French Broad, opposite Asheville, would the occasion without serious " iniurv to . alK,ut 00..rn,le b.ut.1 ,,"nk'. ftPart from the CoTnpany's interests. Mr. n,;m;nR cost pohcy wou.d .hctate the adoption Gardner, who has charge or our Western I f 1118 ''na. aa it w.wld secure the. tradu Division, a gentl.man of intelligence, high v. , 10 ??HW. uf t-ii.liToii, one of the moral worth, well skilled in his profession, I ".l not the very richtst of the western and deservedly enjoying the eorifi Jenee of 7U!!"rS-., Tlu! frn,i,nS and britlamg ol nil who know him. was placed at the head i in." JU n"les coulu "ot xcecU (i';,UJ l' mile. Not having time to revise the whole lilic dollars. 1 also thought he either meant to leave the cart when he supposed I had reached a safe place, and then either reach over and shoot me, or knock me down. All this passed through my mind by the time I had got a rod Irom the hole. " Now I never made it' a, point to brag of myself, yet I have seen a great deal of the world, and am pretty cool and clear-headed under difficulty. In a very few moments mv resolution was formed. Mv horse was now' knee-deep in mud, and I knew that T j oh his bee, and in a moment more the offi could slip off without noise. So I drew my ; cers hatj him, revolver. I never travel in that country without one. I drew this, and having twined the reins about the whin-stock. I He was mafcfied off to the lock-ud and I toIJ the sheriff I should re main in town all the day.' " Aftfr breakfast the sheriff came down amined the hasp: the nexj i i .1 . . i j r . . i . , m uio cuips uuianeu lor tins survey, ins rnnnrt nnnomlnd friths! nt' mi Pl,'i.f It',,..: nrr I. wnnhv ,f i, hoi o-,f;,. ,.c . back to RtilhPif Dillon, I deemed it best to every patriotic- citacnSof the old .Vorth ! !.etv'Se y V' V'U S " ,roin ,0.wn Slate. Hy it stands revealed the gratifying i Moun,n cr"aJ?1 1 lc tunales are based Acf.that here amidst the grandest suhlimr. I PO' Le road line lor iheOtn.les. That they ties of the Omnipotent Creator, as mani-' ?.ul(1 be rM J'v p '1"Co'1 a n,ore care teste 1 upon this continent, may man place , '"';"' , 1"- , . in feeble contrast kit greatest arffl proud- I Anneed ''. ,ln,l,,,".! amounls of est invention for the Amelioration of his excavation, cmbaukinent, drams, kc. Mp. nn.l ih-if inn iv.ii. .!. o.. .i. in the mouiilaui section 1 have considered . w . ...m.kwa OUVtl LIIOl.. U 1(1 tIL a cost so moderate, as to excite not onlv ' till the excavation as rock ; and whilst 1 am amount. Most rtspectfuly yours, RR. rl!. II . I ! -I .A 1. II. VI I I.. I )- eareiuuy siippen oown intojue muii, nnu as j to me nvemranu tola me I nau caugtit me i that our feebleness not our blindness, staved uie can passeu on i went ueiiuiu u anu ex-J very ora, anu mat ir i would remain until ; oaTTprfsTrft nnr .ilinul,m.ni l,,,i almn.i tr, convinced a carflui location wnuiu reuuee dulity itself. The advantages here tendered ' '"e "Pe""Kuc 01 can., worK, I nave oaueu by nature may not be appreciated by the present generation ; but we feel assured that the day will, aud must come, when this mountain pass will be gladly seized opan and be, made the highway of communica- t.on between the East and the West. As . w.stxn ,rrruisv2,s ,,. our worg IS lO Cliaure tlirougll ail lime, ll i Kicaration, :m,Ml cubic yard... behooves us now so to begin it, that here- Tunnelling, 3'iitinear iwt after it may be economicallv continued, ! Embankment, "ar.Blo cubio yard and systematically perfected; and in lZt: end bearample rcstimony to the future I ' , 1' . tiARIlNBB, . Pr. Ass't. W. 0. & U. LtsePLTON, August U3, 1S5S. . $ 1 99, 183 60 ... 1,000 00 .. 111,9 24 H. 1S,0(hj00 . 60,'MIO 00 morning-, I should have the reward "The door of the cart lets down, and is i of two hundred dollars which had been of- fastened by a hasp, which slips over a staple, j fered. jl found my goods all safe, paid the and is then secured by a-padlock. The j expresf agent for bringing them from In nadlock was gone, and the hasp was secured dianasolis, and then went to stow them in by a bit of pine stick, so that a slight force my cart. I found the bullet holes in the from wilkin uU kraak it My IippI' foj of mr wliiflo Jimt aa I kut .riunlul gentlemen,'' he commenced, i wrench hang in a leather bucket on. the side 1 Tfiey were in aline about five inches apart,- knocking the ashes Irom bis pipe and put- ot the cart, and I quickly took it out and , tnd had 1 been where 1 usually sat, two ting it in his)ockets, M suppose I tell you j slipped it in the staple, the iron handle just ! f them would have hit me somewhere about the. last thing of any consequence j sjiding down. - (bout tho small of the back, and passed up.- ikot tionnnnJ tn m I V'mi m Ihut T am "Now I h.td him. M.V cart WIS aliriOst V.-lnl. fur llipv u-prn nnt ivlih n hnavv right now from the far West, and on my 1 new, with a stout frame of while oak, and : Jharge of powder and his pistol was a I roJ1 'liafp.ace. ... way home for winter quarters. It was! made on purpose for hard usage. I did jeavy one. ! Starting from a poitH on the iidge norih mnr,iUu n ru.c.r, nr.. Koliotra thot ..I- nrHln.irf mm poiiI.I i I il... n..vt rr.minrr tl.. dtorifl" il,,l of the village of Kutherlord ton. where the ppsrlh' this path of 'manifeajCUewti-; A'lilin-r CO tier ccut.. ny. To Jso C. M. IIak, Chief Eng. W.C.fyR, Ml Sir: In compliance with your directions. having procured tUe services of William Aicrtaetiia James i. I urner ns a'-tstams, I started from Ru'.herfordton, on the 20th of July, to make an instrumental examina tion of the country with a view to'.lhe ex tension of the W. C. i!c It. RR. westward ATcrnge er mile $57 01,j. f bi.au sei.'Tiox ritoit m riirKKmi.Ti I. . T.UX, 10. Mi.'.KS Excavation. Emhiinknient I'raiiis C:- . -1 AJding 20 ner cent.. Avern.;e ptr mile $2G,G7ii. 3'.i4,8-J7 74 - TS.POi 5( 47J,793 M - to if.oT or jioi s- .' ;tl,200 00 132, 480 00 12,000 00 . vn oon oo R-V,68D 00 71,130 00 .$4L'0,8ia 00 ing, that I pulled up at the door of a small village tavern, in Hancock county.Hndi break out. I cot to my cart as noiselesslv tpon mo and paid me two hundred dollars ; rresem location lermmares, a line was run comes oown upon as I could and urged my horse on, and still h gold, for ho had maJe himself sure he ! lowing the Asheviileroau until it rcactiea disposed fo putt the ; 1 II UiHl tl U II V. tl i 11, KJl tU IICIIIILI 3Ull 1 1 I 117, Down i rox TE' I IKE Tiioi s.vd op Rrick. The Milledgeville Federal L'ninu those editors who are emselves into no'.iee.Vith The following: ana. 1 saiu Jtwas pleasant J mean tvvas Kepi my pistol nanay. i Knew mat ar tne i nau got i:ie villain, i auerwaru iouna a - , , ,; f II lllitt U lull"" lU ILIXJ Kltlbl -111 'n, HV .id I J V ' I ,"' ' ft ' 't "r ! moui 'near 1lic church. 1 he elevation ot tins ; make an csteiitatious d, splay point above tide water was .found, by our order to prop their failing credit, so editors jnlaiu atthe head of Reedy Patch Creek, , watds the briiik of insolvency,, frequently r llic churcii. The elevation of this ; make an cstentatidus display of wealth, in warm, but it was cloudy and likely to bcidistance of half a mile further l shouhtT titer in the post office at Portsmouth for very dark. I went in and called for supper come to a good hard road, so I allowed myj the,, from the sheriff of Hancock county, and had my horse taken care of, and after J horse to pick his way through the mud. iijnd he informed me that Mr. Dick Ilard- II 1 .... I ... A I . I. - I . ' iLA,.t . .r.ar .l.lu I l.A ,'.! a mn. ' Hon , j 1 ' r, lort 1 f,l. 1 1 A, " It began to rain about eigl,t o'clock, and for ition in lh3 cart, followed by a grinding j j So ended the peddler's story. In the, ; "J, as carried fwu, the North Carolina : when ;hey see their awhile it poured down eood, and it was I noise, as though some heavv force were be- f jhorning I had the curiosity to look at the i rod al Charlotte, to be 234.3 fret. mimslung an.1 feel that the pu.il.e cn.ifi awful dark out doors. . ' ing applied to the door., I said nothing. : dart, and I found the four bullet holes just I son near 'c upper enu 01 , aencc is udoui to ue m, ,,,.i -ro.,, t.c.u Now, I wanted tt bo in Jackson early ! but the idea struck me that the villain might j he had told us, though they .were now ! JIr- "a plantation to station 1 151, frequently resort to a similar flan to bolster the next morning, for I expected a load of ! judge where I sat and shoot up through the ; , ugged up with vial corks. I "ear1the ndge across the road fradmg to up the.r declining i-.pu.riiy. ye goods there for me, which I intended to dis- lop of the cart at me. so I sat down at the ' -....... "c ,ullsu""IK " - ; " " 7, , , - ! Trn , 1,1 . . . ...'. . ! . . -mil a nnnrtnr IhP 1pvp1! t;ikHii nf I k- snr. us l. nrn il. nnd lilow lit? his 0n horn ill his toot hoarc . Ciaiors Railroad Incident. 1 he Cm-1 , P ..i i ,: ui .n V., i .J .., i .n,-.,-. tii Of course I knew now - than my unex.-, tlnnati Times relates the following incident CHICEERING & SON'S PIANOS! I ' sal of the abora celebrated Piaaoa, lafornia tha poblla respectfully that a will be shortly la Wades, toro'. All persons wishing U purchase a good Piano , I . hiDD-..U1l O.VI BO wiu tn aoowa ruum---,- iirra.ivx.i. Ererr Fiano warranted. ... - " PIANOS TUNED ANI. REPAIRED in a satisfactory manner or no charres. ' - . (' JL K. B03N8XEDT. Mr. B. earries with hies lejtera of noomraeadatioa Aram geailameaof Wilmington, North Carolina, where ha resides. , 4-tx A. E. BENNETT'S nnv phire ninnirmr ivn tdatrv 8TOKE, - WADESBOR&, N. C. IVAVS JEST RKEIVED'mV FAU A5D.WW tar Stoofc of ' ' DltT goods, EmbrmolBg CLOTHS, CA98IMBRE3, DELAISEI, - CALtCQES, BIIlt8, Ae., km. Alao, a fr?V eappi of ' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, And a large and well-selectea stock or SCnOQL, RQOKS.: v -W&- All of which I will dispose of for C4SB, ar on time to panotual' eaatopere. .. tVtf BICli WHEAT, 7 LOUR; CHESE; RICK; CIDEft, VINEGAR; Beaoking Tobaoco, of aa raeaiead aad faf by parior quality. Just V. ARNOp. nose of on my way home- The moon would rise about midnight, and I knew if it did not rain I could get along very comfortably through the mud after that. So I asked the landlord if he would not see that my horse was fed about midnight, as I wished to be olTbefore two. He expressed some surprise at this, and asked me why J did not stop for breakfast. I told him that I had sold my last load all out, and that a new lot of goods was waiting for me at Jackson, and I wanted to be there for them before the ex press agent left in the morning. There was a number of people sitting around while 1 told thia, but 1 took but little notice of them: one man onlv arrested mv attention. I had in my possession a small package of placards, which I was to deliver to the sher iff at Jackson, and they were" notices for the detection of a notorious robber named Dick Hardhead.. The bill gave a descrip tion of his person, and the man before me answered very well to it. In fact it was perfect. He was a tall, well-formed man, rather slight in frame, and pad the appear ance of a gentleman, aave that hia face bore those hard, cruel marks vyfyich an ob serving man cannot mistake for anything but the index to a villainous disposition. " When I iyent up to my .chamber, I asked the landlord who that man was, describing the suspicious individual. He said he did not know him. He haJ come there f hat afternoon, and intended to leave the next day. The host asked me why I yished to know, and I simply told him tha man coun tenance was familiar, and I merely wished to know if I was ever acquainted with him. I resolved not to let the' landlord into' the yecret but )o hurry on to Jackson, and there, perhaps, give information to the sheriff, and perhaps he might reach the inn before the villian left, for i liad no doubt with re gard to hia identity. " I had an alarm yatch, and Haying set it to give alarm at one o'clock, I went to sleep 1 was aroused al the proper time and immediately got up and dressed my self. When 1 reached the yard, I found the clouds had all passed away, and the tjjoon was shifting brightly. The hostler was easily, aroused, and by two jo'clock I was on the 'road. The mud ' was deep and my horse could not travel fait, vet it f trupk me the beast made more work than there wiis any need of, for tha cart was en tirely empty. ; ' t . However, on we went, and 19 the ppuree J" a a n 11 . ! - ' . I 11 I. . ...1 ...U -. I a rill-tin hpmiKl . u 1 .l r I.- j I Or all avcragfe OI HID ICet per mi e. i mintf IS roiiril 111 Jeiiliiiim , anu w ucu Kh31!v!r s to have occurred on the Baltimore and , From n4; the rise to the top of the see him parading anonymous letters in his have been awake ever since i started, ana Ohio Railroad a few davs ago: v . i .1 . r - . i 1 ....,. .1,., m,f -.,i.m nothing in the world but absolute villainy ' Mr. John Lindavvood of Cadiz, Henry r"1 a '; f m,!es' 'n paper, festow.rp. he mos , , ? ...., j l:, , ,: ,.;, ,1 ' "" i ) was Sound to be 7, feet, or1 au average of praise upon the editor nnd his journal, nnd erl . u in This SZ fUnty'n "d,a,T' W3,S 3 Passenger 0f ,he j 148.4 feet per mile." giving both credit for virtues, until then un- Th thnmiL Ld t Ty Takingicutof 53 feet at the summit nf heard of, and unknown, the public may Z?"L hcu a.Sf ?t 'PP ''! a TCT I'" ridge, and a grade of 100 feet to the safelv predict that his ca.-V is very' critical louder, and pretty soon 1 heard ahumao jiirk. He occupied a seat near the rear. mi. .? rmi . WPKt , .',' r(1Ilc,lsions arc ,he reshli ..v. w..., -..., vnei EiioiiEiim uuuiit', a 011.01 int. cars : voice: 'Liet me out 01 un?, yelled pretty loudly. ;.-!. r .l..'l?nn.l.. l..fJ, ,.!.- nA..!nr. ! aC ......... v..t..' ..l.cnri-n tinn nn.l nrpinlrn- Mwnltened him. and lmkinr on. he saw. mst .. a.. . . . .. . . . - J J . - . .- ... 1 .... i..i:.. ...k 1 1 "1 .-. :!.! . . . : . . o r , . , over t!ie ooitit ot tie riusro ociween me i-dea lor trencra anpitcatioti, una we in-tivj.c -1 iiitea mv neau 110-so us muianc mni i,nv i .s.vtiniii.ipr 1110 r,i inn twpn., . .. . . . . . . . . , . , . ...v, ......v. , r I creek and the river, and, turning.'rpund it that nine times out of leu tliey u'!l projve t'Ue. . ' ' f' , nnu at 1 IB aattm . ourveu uiul -aS- - je(J thfl safne -(leof ,I)e crPek to. on.r "l 1 11 h i.n. trbnt hnnLr Irom ln r.r5iar . . 1 . .... . n-. I ? ' . . ' - thn toot of Hie t.i s npnr Anmrose r.ilnev s. i A I'hi-tty L'oxcBir. rWe vestenlay saw. Pcteil'i.y."1?? a.n!l milk0.lor , when arrain turning with a 10 deirree curve, jn the pallor of a frientl. a very beautiful il.rt iT.,ir p I .mnMii'rwiM anilonunpojf wt " " " : r. - .. . .... . ,.t thinlf I worn cifttnfr in mv tlVllll Tl!lPP mill . .1 ' t , a h i. S I ,3Ztr: a gradeof30 feet per mile, was car- "'Let me out and 1 will tell you,' he re plied. .. . mi rt , . .i .. r - leu me what you a.e in inete tor,., mjMr: Mr.. l.indawnaeayefett-roT-j ' ; iVvdeit' was-r? 'mt in W foalopn on vour rn-s ' he 1 5 7 uisiioueai ..anu, .a.teu, yen, just as . d gcnerRy upon the east side of the , and consists the burr ot a pine tree placed -I got in here to sleep on jour tags, he , the thief reached the door he caught one of r.' in(if ,fP,e time8 : to ,he i lna wine d-tss half full of water, and from answrrcd. , -4 - ---1tle skli Is oi his coat. The tlnef ptilled hard, i .L. T i j:..,. r. i,......., u. l;tt;r.t In ,.f th hnrr srs .i - j.m vr, I iA ,.T . river-; - mas ueve.opiug c imice. innn y - .' " - the top of the ridge to the river to 7.73 shooting lortli green Di-uas qngni, :eau miles. ; tiful, refreshing, .por a little thing, we hare The last curve at .Ediicy's- might very ; seen nothing that .so"pleitsed us by its beauty s niTv hnvA hiiri madn. :in '8 liiv'hps oiirve ! iflld ntweltv. And the secret is this: the 1 How did VOU eit m ? I a.ked. l o did Mr. Lind.iwood. and off came Let me out or I will shoot you through , ,i.c rt. The thief was iust outside the I the head, he yelled. ; door, .when Mr. L. caught the olher skirt. "Just at this moment my horse's f'-e' j of the coat and offita.me. The cars were struck the hard pad, and I knew that the ; tBn umjer fui headway; The drowsy pas loute to jacitson wouia dc gooci - gomg- angers, in the i The distance woulu be twe ve miles. 1 i car just bqgan to understand !nd,l nF in rlucrrpps tliA nno at the nnint 1 burr was found dried and open; the dilter- . c i. :.i t.i ..u. k n inrn..r-r.:ni .Ii.li. u'r.r isnrinl!pd with rri-.s seed. .. w - , - ; !. i . Ol UIO liuiiouiiuiuaiauucuiiiuc IV Ultlt, v... ... . w t - : - lie nature ol the dlfhcutv . bet ween the-i . ,-c . i r i ...i :. ...... , i .i ;., .. ;,, ,Cc i-ith ... f . . i i i ; . . . . . . ;. nr n n n nprirpp oiirvp insrpnn oi j tipirrt.e. aim it " js inaur i.i , ... .....--, s lipped hacK upon the looi-ooara. anu iook tvo partles. when the thief parted w.th his .. ' .... .. . a "-' w;Ut.r in a8 above. In a few days the mois- rHAUrnin I nUll inn .nm IlfirNH I VB L' U .trk nn I tot ., n a thdm nan In an. i - . . " mw f, o funic i,wa t'tniii ivi ca. I J I uictii tail tv ao- now a'lall,stoHf, povrfu1 bay mare, and sjt Mr. Lindawood. but were too late ! considerably increased cost, as the embank- . . .? ll I., n-rt you may believe there is some go-in her. j 1 hejhief preferred to risk .broken neck to 700. ' At anv rate, sue SITUCK a Cltie mat even . B mntA 'nmn. nm .nn..d from t ie cars astqnished me. She had received a goodUg ,,ey wcre under way, mess 01 oais, tne i)ig Whether he ' After reaching the river, the line con- 1 tinued down it. tor anotu nan a miie, cross- fure and nouris!inienrg-tve the burr life and health ; the different circles closed-and bu ried within themselves.the grass seed, and a fe w 'days more 'gave to the seed also life, sprout ami growth ; , and now a pyramid of i.eauuiuiiv renevca ov tue .:- ...! ..l i M, r . . . i tinnpil Anw ii mi ; was Kinea. nurc or cscaneo unm urea, we . r ; . . -. - . . ,.,.,. she lelt like going. In hlteen minutes in t1j not earn. but it i. said he must have J" , ,! np'o'n r , 7 'ombk- hue of the burr, is the result-as cleared the woods, and away we went at a ; went down flltccn or t,ven,y fcet before he I n'enee, at an elevation of 28 feet, and at 1 ornament as we keen lump. -- The chap, insfde kept yelling ) f, acled bot,;-. The pocket book whicKry Parable point. 1 he solid rock r um . u . ci j 0 . to be let out, and threatening tg shoot if J, le s,ie from Mr. Lindawood and kepCcon-1 rising upon either side some 0 or U feet -o , ; jnal with didn-'llethimout. Finally 1.e stopped, and ' ,a;ne.d 861. AnotheUne containing $600, j ve the f resent surface ol the. wa er, y 0 Y'.,, do kmVf lhat ft, success - e ....u.,rini.n!.iAi , i u. , i r.i . with a natural Dier nearly nudwav ot the -Jrtui uv . in icw uiiuuKi aiiio iim i c . . f n ianea to .reacn. Mr. jjinuawiKHi nus - - . . , - a is beautiful Trou lim'S 7 . .i.'. . r ,;.u .fi.iL ... ... ....... ... :. . .. KpiI of iu stream. Continuimr down upon w otauutut. wuy a.. one twoiuicc iuur, mi. i ijjiii uun my regretting nis ioss, wncn ine conaucror pro other, audi heard the tails whiz, over my'Wed an examination of the Ihiefs coat- head. ll I bad been on my set, one, u not ; tli . This was done, and to the grat fie..-; ".'"'"7 tW h-e'iom:ni1v-on iu'v t-r head! r4L.u.11. . 1....... .-.a . , . 1 miles Irom the summit: from this point ther, do hae some piij on rm au.. tw.9,01 1119 uans, hiusi ""u5u tioo ana surprise 01 me passengers, two - . . -: .- . rn' na, nltv without -shouting so froor me.' I popped up my l?ead again and ga?e i e,Pgant gM 'watches were found in; the ; h "ver falU a vrrgd rate of 2t feet Can t , ou p aj wWcl a yell and a deep groan, aud then isa.a, pJcke,s. Jt was unanimously voted that j ""."'"V"-. j "V. .irivin,' two-chairs tandem, and Oh.Uod.saveme! i maaeaamanr 1 nen , tfi-i rrom - (Ki,,t no er me. and the "".'"' vyu.'u .y." -t-- ! Bed of the stream. Continuing dow n upon ' the norihide of the river, the grade brings it to the water sedge at a distance ot 12.8 OCT "Oh. Jch'nny." cried a iTcrvous mo- Oh,Uod,saveme! imaaeaamanr inen t0J5tealfrom a thief is no crime, and the " -7 1 ;lllt : luirl hoarse whisper, - Get I made . shuffling off. and finaUy settled e,inductor passed the.latches over to Mr, " w.thout.cross.ng .1, ut, Bu" at length, finding little Sowrf upon the foot-board again. I now Xilidawood, to repayhim for his loss. "There about 7 miles below the Prwntcros.u urged op the old mare by giving her an oc- is no danJer f he owner e. calling fo? ng, w,.h 1 am satisfied, less amount of R do " I e ri ins and laying his hand Msional note with the end of mv whio- : ,s A- ,;m.,,l.. vnlit.bla ones 1 earth work. But 1 think it would be prel- ; threw dow 1 "' i , . .. n. . lull tocjt, and she heeled U taster than ever. ) and Mr. Lindawood mado "The mad called out to me twice-more Jibing robbed that time. pretty soon, alter this; as he got no reply j be maae some tremenu break the door open, be made sereral attempts But I tyad no feari 100 by mother, it's full of noieiirrrrq-e, and it hurts erable ubon the north side, evenaUa creat- : . : .r r .uv : f.. .u. ; er-increaseu cost; as uuon -tuai smo re ----- ,. .11 i:,,ui,,... m.L- I snow and ice, as 1 am informed, rarely ever me to keep 11 in : .von 1 -j. - :he a noise wneu invj '".". , , r .- 1 t-.. r :tL(.,,.i Hninm.ni i lips more than a dav or two. whilst upon I oua enneaTors to 1 " . "V .. - .Y . ' .1. 1 ' :. :. r.,r ;l Iwlicvp thev all do. replied uie iais . i'u, ,and as this failed him has just negofiatpd a new loan ot ten m.l-,n"r ..o.u.cru cu.r r hen mothe dear." cried Johnny ia a whm- upon the top. lions ot dollar ootaimng an . ver.ge pre- . ronntrv. ' inr tone, " please let me be a liHl? boy of hia doing anything mium oi anoui v 1 v per cent. ,"um rsi','"" !v . "