VOL FXO. 28. WADESBOROUGH, iC., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1859. m SERIES. rUBLISUED WEEKLY .','-" .1. BT ' ' , FETOJ & DlIltEV. TKEM3 OF BUBSC&lf , , IMngU copies, Two loUAUt par ear, luvarlably in advanca. , . . To Clnbi of Ten n.l upward. will b fornUlied l On Doliab and a Half preopy. 0 subscription, ractivad for hau months. . RATES OF ADVERTISING, ' . OX Aljtuaa, TAX UN OB irst UUAVIIA. Ooa lntertlon W- Throe Inaertlont 6JJ Twa niontlu, or oint inttrtioiit.' 8 ' Three moiitht, or thirteen iuaertiont..t... . 4 00 ' Hit months 0 W On year - W, Adrertitert mutt ttate the number of timet they -, with their advertisements Interted I othcrwiea they will bt continued till forbidden, And oharged accord lug to the bove. . ' ' Agreement will b mado with yearly Advertisers oo liberal and sdranttigeoua terms. rmfeaalonal And Busineii Cards, not etceedlnpr fits llnet brevier in lenrlh, will be ineited for ?S a year; If exceeding Sto lluel will be charged the taut At Either advertitemoiitt. " Obituary notloct free wltcu not exceeding twenty line.; all abora twenty Unci At Advortitement iaIoi. ASHE ii. UARGRAt E, -Tractice in partnership In the county of Anton, ei- eept on the Criminal Dooket in the County Court, (J. i It. Margrave beiue County Solicitor.) Tbey will Attend to the collection of all claims en trailed to tlitm in Anton and the turroundincoontiea. J T. 8. Ash Attendt the CourU of Kichniond, Moot- , gomtry, Ktauly, labarras, Union and Aason. I . J. R. Hargrava thote uf Montgomery, titan!-, and Anton. Office at Wadotboro'. THOMAS 8. ASIIK. J. II. HAKORAVK. j 1-J-tf j MTTLi: A II ITTKE, J itlomryi ami rMiiwfor tit i.ate, witiisiinttd', . J ALEXANDER LITTLE and It. II. BATTLE, Jr., j t'., baninK alxijteil tlieratclrvt in the practice of their proretMuU, will promptly attend to all buidnet , entruitft to tbem in the Couiitict of Anton, Rich- j mond and Union. Kjruihet opposite the Bank. ' "eLVANS & THOMPSON, j nisni.ruTo.r citw j. c. IVikTiln Cofi, CabinM mil I'pholMfry llHnlrr, Bar Iron and Steel. (67-.4 CompU'r Attnrlmmt tf Ill'llS, SI'OKM, ru.LoKH, .jm,,, ia-tr . T II. IIORTOI, DESTIST, WAUESBOEO", I N. C . will oneraUon Tr.r.I II at the following LOW ratca, for pcrtont ' call at nit otlice to have the work done, or pAy enah- fioM riug, $15D; Teeth on l'irot, , $4; Teeth on tlold I'late, S 8 each up to nix all nbore that' ?' eaeh; A Full 1'ppe.r Set on Auction, i $70; Lower Teeth, the fame. All other operation s nally low. WbenJ hire to ere-lit niy old cliArjr'et i will be ma le. I can refer thorc who wiidi it to tome ! of tki mott rei-peetsblfl citiieiia forwhotn I hate'" pi urged th eirhteen ye:i ago; the Ktne plug, a" ttlll in and doing well. Fur other I liavi put in teeth on nlrot and r! I rlte. tome full sets ou auc tion, which they hare worn for teenri-j-ar, auj are ; ttill woAring, all doin well; and many oilier opera tions, which hare bean done for about eighteen year. 11 doing well. Hut at I warrant all my aperatinnV, ' and hare tlie edTAnt-ige ot.ipitrdtof eighteen yeara' practice, I hare no dnubl but l ean pfre tati-fartinn to all who are di.ppsfl to patronise aud gie me a Uir trial, which it all 1 N. Ii Hiring engaged in the I'liot igraphio Art, ttme bare been induced to bclicre I had quit the ' fractice of Dentistry. Now thi' i" a fHlrt impreriiii. I hare not nude enough to justify my rcfirini; fmni Iho bminett. (In tbe contrary, I Am '.bettor prcprtd now than erer to operate on Weill, And am still in the ' Held, ready at all linie to attend 1 1 all calls fruiu this or any of "the adjoining comities, and respectfully ask a continuance of that patronage heretofore to liber ally bestowed. 8j come along and bare your mouth pat in laughing order, And then get oue of my tupcrb Ambroiype. rlo yon who have beauty to HORTON hIiomM take it, And you who bare uono should go let him make it. lO-X.'i ' i ' S. S. ARNOLD, ' HV.VLi;B IX Dry Kooils Clulliins, Hat. Caps, Bonis. Shors, Hirdwarr, (irorrrifs, (rorkcry, Suildlrt, Paints Oil. It., v AT THE OLD STAD. THAVE NOW RGCEIVKU THE MOST OF MV late Durchase of fall and Winter Goods, compris ing a much larger assortment thud usual, consisting iu part of Ibe following articles, tii : Uiack and Fancy Silk, tlirown and Rcf d Sugars, Cashmeres,-. Rio, Jatn and Lag. ('offeo, Mcr'uoe, Pdplint, DoLaiaet, Delleigrt, Jaconet Muslins, Hwist Mutliut, Bwrred Muslint,- llrillantet, Btclla Hha'wlt, WoolShtwIt, g Ada. And bpermt andles, Keroaene aad .Sperm Oils, Train and Linseed Oils, J Castor and Cod LivCrOils, ;vbito Lead and ink, p,.-i Green in Oil Chroma 'I'-ecn in Oil, foach Varnish, Window-tilnss. ul) sues,' Putty in Cant, . -. Concentrated eL Kerosene Lampt, Uunt and P'tlult, Carpenters' Tools, ; Smiths' Tools. Nails. Sd to 40d, Well Wheels, floAktr : ""'" Kid Gauntlet!,, - - nUmer Gauntlets, j -ni Hosiery, f lt;iotb and tW,u- - ' Vestingt, Wcrino Vestt and Pants, m 1, i ti,n- ut.:Pi. u Well i'uekett, &e an'.r -M.h .III b. ili.nnsed o. on tu?. most AO m ' " ..... - r It:... .nnu t I U . w .1 Anil .1111 'amine before nakiug your perehaaos. 8. a. A1..,"L'1' 4-tf ? . . A. E, BENNETT'S PRY GOODS, HARDWARE AXD'GUOCEBY STOKE, . ' S-Al)KSlWliOK.C. I HAVE JrST RECEIVED MY FALL AND WIN ter Stock of . DRV WOODS, i" Embracinft CLOTfIS, C A8SIMERKS, UELAINES, CALICOES, SILKS, to.', &c. Also, a fresh supply of -. . . CROtliltll-M AXI PHOVlSIOiS, ; And a largo and well-aelccted etock of SCIIOOI, HOOK. ',' tST AU of whtehwtil'ilispose of for CAStf, or j on lime to punctual cuttomers. - '' H-tf j JM'ltC'ElVEO ll S. S. .4ROI.tt, ; iC ALT MOLASSKS (75 fRESli liovu OYSTERS; 5:tOtiifc0riJPET-TWiSEr-- . - OITTOS YARN'S. 11 -tf On 4 jui:. i r,Jns, r.-nim:. BtlSTON BUTTER and LEMON ClUCliUtS, KNOLISII WALNUT81 FILBERTS, ' KaUIN'S, &c, ko. Just receircd K.f 15-tf . ' ' 8. 8. ARSOLP, BIIKWIIEAT, TLOI B; CHEESE; RICK; CIDER TIN'EQAR ; j . r Smoking Tobacco, of ttipenor qwiuitr. Just 8. 8, ARNOLD. tceeiToa tnu lor tat oy . 8 tf . . . - 1. t a ' ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED - GUANO. THIS UJiEQUALKl) feutilizer, COMPOSED of oat-balf bttt PERUVIAN QUASO, m-ualf fin QRQCA'D BOX E mi tUs best rilOSl'IIATIC OUAXO, la in condition for Immediate ute, being prepared by new and Improved machinery, by wblcii mmi tin most perfect combination it cSectod, reduc ing all to a uuifurtn Cue powder; and for application by DRI IX or ctberwiae, it it iu tiie mott perfect order. And I aave'no hesitation In laying, that for ALL CUOra It It etjual.Jo aiyj fertilizer ever offered to the farming community, the Qiamtt will be kept rKUiiPrLvl'.viroBM In all eaten, and AV.UIItAXTED to contain per cent, of AMMONIA And IS to 50 per cent. of. DONE moSNIATE OP LIME. It it put up in good bug", weighing ibdtit liO lbs. each, fin-chaseri will please notice that the name, "F. ROBINSON," ' Brawled on each bug none other It genuine ; My long experience In the trade, And the general tat Is'action heretofore given by All Guanos told by me, I will, I hope, bs a guarantee that the. m ticle now offered will be As represented. I will also keep con stantly on hunJ the bent I'F.RL'VIAN, MEXICAN And other OL'ANOH, which I will tell at low at any i' hon-e In thtlty. WW. ROTH.VSO.Y, j JTot. 4 & C Hollingsworth street, (SeArTriirtTnniarT,) Ilaltlmore. ROBIISuN'S MANIPULATED GUANO, ia'aTto told In lot to tuit by the following Agent:" J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. CAItKISOX k MAKING, Norfolk, Va. E. II. 8KINKER & CO., Richmond, Va THOS. BRANCH & SONS, I'etereburg, Va. T. C. & II. U. WORTH, Wilmington1; N. C. ' 2'i 17 ... Georgia- State Lottery, OX TIIK H.AX or T1IK IIOV.1L HAVANA LOTTERY, For the bmofit of the MO.NTIC'KLLO UNION' ACADEMY, . . or jam-I B cui'MV, ;:naiiiA, .luthorird by Sprfinl Act of Lrgislaluro, HcKIWNY & Co., Managers. To I driwn In public under Cue nworn ni e!ii.teu dvtice of two t'oininianionrrt, W. K. .SV.MONS and J. M. 1'UENTIaS, in the City of Savannah, Georgia. . ON THE PLAN OF SINULL" M.M1IEU.. Tifl)' Thouoaiid Tie-kflo! " 25,627 Prizes, MORE THAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TWO TICKETS. CAPITAL PRIZE, : ' $50,000. -;. : Ticket! only )JO. mi vkj. or kr.Tmm, axi ciuiitiia is i'rtririiTio!. CI.A.-S ti MiAWH SATCIIDAV, JHUCII -0. , to hk ittiu. r. rn sitciiwv in maih ii. 1 t'il ol t"i.i- It t.V).ioO I ft I" !uf l.Otmur ol' u " of 4' !ir of too r of 2HO ire I l.Vt" l l..,00il 111 1 H f, ...I . ,',.! j I 4-iMll. t. M.W.'U , tv'- . -S.ISIO -sl 1 1 -Vril I. l...lll ll I ' I,!"" In l.lirtl am " of iwitrt -nvpoo l.'io Me ,i'Phoimtio PHr.i:. 4 Pr'zrt. of fjoo tperoxlmnllnff lo ."1.aoa prlM 't-A J-'t piroliniiot tt 'Ift.issl rUf d 4 l'rt'F .if lull .iroxliiiliiiK to .'..mil ttlzi-are 1 l'rl.li i.f -o .j.(,ri'iiiuoi ir ti 4,llliO prize are - rrti-s "f ii" ii.,iottnillnif to s.tsm rtRp frfixetoT ftu t iroliiillnir to t.'.Hi irlze m I'rll.'t 'l 43 .ij.roiiiiniui to l.ftjO J.ilze r b i'ri.r-..f so a..r.iiimr:iif to 1.1'MI .rli r. 4to I'rlr "t Vos'priti.i'l'i.' I" l"0 (irljlr t,ro Sft.msi l'iloor luar S'rt 4-; ' 4IKI K.'O Sill , SHOO .o.ooo .H7.7fio ' 2.1JI27 Prizes tinountlnu' 15 . Whole Ti krl IO. Hull cm qutir htm, -4,-o. ' PLAN" .OF THE LOTTERY. nondine with ' separate slips ! es and placed The numbers from 1 to &O.IKMI cirrcsp. those num,ier on the tickets printed on of tmner. are encircled with small tin tubes in one wheel. . j violation of the laws of neutrality to arrest him j from the next succeeding paragraph, we might i of preserving the integrity of the Union ; and ' How many of them, who, to my knowledge The first 17'J rriiet, eimilatly printed- and encir-. on ti,e territory of Nicaragua than on the waters naturally conclude tluit tho ease that wonld : that that body of men is composed entirely of ; voted -against their' judgments mid their cort CUThnrwheelCi Jare ren'"eTo''ved and a number is ' wit"iu ,lle jurisdiction of Nicaragua, and to 1 justifystealing had about this time arrived. j Deitocrats.'whose votes n't tho polls are necessary reicnecs, for the repeal" of the Missouri Compro' drawn .from the'wheel'of Numbere, and at the tame j which tho letter of his order-: extended.) and llu I have spoken of another proposition to ' to the continuance of. Democratic pow:er in this . mise which has brought so much mischief on the time a Vriie is drawn from the other wheel. The num- when he is brought homo au offender against the break down the Constitution, and trausfer the ! government, are facts that none, I presume, will country purely and simply because it was re- ber And mie. drawn out aro opened and exhibited to tne au.iiencc, anu register ny me tommno-ioiiern, me ontrttSAu t priAdrlwn ouU Ari'EoxiMATiox I'rikes. The txo preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to, those drawing tlie first !l Prizes will be entitled to tho 448 Approximation Prizes. For example? if Ticket No. 11. -.M board, evidently, and treaty, without awaiting its ratification by the ' of provisions and wagon trains, which war has ' fpiVr! '" 'it'll cachbe entitled " S''W It Ticket "'"'ost acknowledgedly, on a filibustering cs-, Senate, and his political and confidential friend , bepn discreditably compromised, when the trait No" MO draws the $lo,000 Prize, those tickets num-' pedition against a defenceless people witli whom .in the Senate has proposed that the sum of 830,- j or's head should have paid the forfeit of his re- nered f4,5t'.i, fi'it. ,.502. will each bo entitled to iJIoO, and to on accur-ling tb the above scheme. ' f - ,' '.-.--.' .'' - w .rntineArrt or Paokk.iss UTx told at the fol- , lowing rak's, which it the risk: ' , Certificates -of Packagct of 10 Whole Tickets $0 j ." .'" to ihiif -" . .......s 4i in unaner 1 t . ' " - 10 Eighth 10 in , : TN'-ORD'EINT. TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Kncloso the i?'oncy to our address fur the tickets or ' dered, on receipt of which' they will be forwarded by j first mail- Purchasers can have tickets ending iu any j figure they may designate. . .. .. Tlid li.l rtl' ilrfiirn milnhi fl nnd rnces will be sent . n,lri1Rf,rH i,me,iiai,.iv nftei the'drawinr. 1 Uir PnrchAKcrs will p"lcAte writa fheir signatures : plu'u, and give their post-oflice, county and Slate. Remember that every priic is drawn and paya- hla in full Jfitnuui aeuuenon ... . . r a-1 AAA -..-..i-.i ! I ya prit?a 01 j i,uuu unu unuer patu -mime- diately after thejiiawtng omer prizes ai ine usual ttmA nf lhirtv JflV9 - AU communications Ptrictly cnnfidpntial. fur Tickets or (Jortificates to McKlNNEY ft CD., Savannah Ca. Otace Masonic Hall Block, Bull st., SaTannah. tfl A list of tho numbers that nro drawn from the whool, with tho amount of the prir.o that eaoh one is entitled to, will ba published after every drawing, in theNa'annah Daily News. ' . J , VALUABLE PLANTATION KOMI S.il.K. ' PIIE SmSCJMBER OFFERS FOR SALE TIIE 1 pi.asta rwx axj) imvru vemexts, where he now resides. It it located just below tho mouth . of I.iles's Creek, in Cutawba county', near Lewis'! Ferry, on the Catawba rivet, Adjoining llon elerwn .Sheri, and eoiitaining 31) arret. M of which' aro in caHivntion, and ahowt W acres of that ia good Creek and Branch Bottom. The Improve ments art? iLeomfortalilft MHlw Rburnu, first rato BARN, STABLES and STALLS for twenty head of horses, COW SHEDS, and good FENCES. There- it upon the place a good GRIST MILL, rnnninf? a ttair nf Burr and a pair of Common 1 o... ti,, wirn North Carolina Railroad passes I through the Farm, and the Pepot tsT0cau.u tit is ihe nrtst -aluabla farm la tlilt toclion of the ! State. - . ' , - i There are also1 on the plaoe lanr orchardt of peach and apple treea of the bett quality, aud good springs it water Abound. Will be told fr CASH or EXCHANGED FOR NE GROES. A. W. WILSON." . October 15 7-tf . NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS, TIIB'RTAG Dl'.lf," . a m taut-uo toxo jr aaoaoi r. norbi. Th morning it breAking The ttug it la way I The aoundi and the hunteri S?.. The tignal obey; ' : The horn bidt the echoet AwakeAtwego, And nature ia jocund With bark I tally-ho! Hark away; . Tally, hoi ' " Hark forward Tantiritj l . The woodland rctoundt With thoutt of the tpnrtumen To cheer on the bound?; " The horse and hit rider, The deer tud hit foe, Path by to the music Ofhark-tally-hol , (He tat bay!) Tally-ho. ABSTBlfT OK SPIIEI'H OP 1I0. JIIIIV M. BOTTS. " lleltrerea Iiflore We "rder of iBIltd AlUtntini, in W Vnrk l.liriiQi.t' II K:.a ill .ew lurk, I fbrtiar) ii, Let us take a glance' at the demoralized and ruinous condition in which we find the country, at home and abroad, under the control M those who have held the reins of gov - eminent for. thirty years; the causes lhat haveTlod tff thiriatirwar-betwcen that-powerandahoJjlaveTy question has hecouie threadb.iro and worn led to it, and the remedies to bo applied. And first let us seo how wc stand, at tins day, in our relations with tho civilized world at lurgo. - ! ily reference to the annual message of ilie' j President, it will be seen that we have trouble- I somo questions, complications they ore called, to be settled, with no loss than nine different pow- : crs,t-any tine of '-which, may at any liuio, involve j us in a general war with the whole; and out o! which war riff be manufactured, tf it should bo i deemed necessary, in the next Presidential cai.i- '. paign, to make such au issue iu order to retain that party iu power. 15ut I hope beforo they bring tins calamity upon'fhe country, they will be admonished that the party that willynyolv us in unnecessary etrife, is not the party that will be the most likely ' to bring us out of it, with advantage and honor ; to the nation. I It appears from the mossage of the President, ! that We are involved in trouhhi with England : and of course with France, as tho ally of England Bpam, .Mexico, iNicaragua, Costa luca, iscw but by all the world, it n proposed by the I nion ! plications, witfi othef- powers. Jet us now see j (Jrauuda, liuatemala, and Paraguay. newspaper, the home organ of the President pub- j now we stand in our homo relations, under this j A nice littltc batch of quarrels, truly, for this ' lished under his eye, and subject to his control, iron sway -of Democracy. When we tfii u our great nation to work itself into. If a man . is that an appropriation of W.1,000,000 shall be ; eyes in that direction, we find the nation ' found quarrelling with every body ho meets, the made by CongrefS, and placed at the disposal of j "rent with herc-ic, . -1 world is very apt to pass sentence of condemna-" the President.' If there be occasion for war wiihi - Agd urifctluig.witU reVqlljpn.;'., J tiou agiunat him, on the presumption that-one i who involves himself in trouble with all, ia not likely to be himself wholly blameless; this is a. power of the United Statc-2, for when we haveonce , purchased legislation, insufferable -extravagance, i cation of the youth of tho country, by the np i natural judgment to be pronounced, both against gotten in to it whether by the indiscretion ol 'public pluuder, trade paralyzed, confidence do-' pointmeiit of Democratic teachers and professors, ; an individual and a nation; and what is it that : the President, or by design, in order to divert . stroyed, manufactures cloted, vessels rotting at as it is a part of the policy of the Itoinan Cath. j has involved us in so many difficulties ? It is . public attention from the misdeeds of Democracy, your wharves, labor idle, industiy discouraged, ' olio Church to make all Catholic?, by the exclu-' i cither the want of proper energy or disposilion ; or for the purpose of introducing a new issue 1 the people impoverished, your treasury-bankrupt, ! sionof the Uibk from our conimon scli'iols. on too part ot our government, to discharge its duty faithfully to the country, and to mankind ; ' , it is cither a culpable timidity in the execution ' I of the laws, or it is a still more criminal desire to ! acquire strength and popularity, with a peculiar ; ehiss of citizens by ignoring all laws and winking at its flagrant violation in open day. It is the 'countenance that has been given to the lawless 1 o..:-i :. r ri:i... ....:.... : :.. - i:. i.. i..-..,,..r ! nuiiii, ui uiiuuiL-nauj-an lb im UUI.ICIV IVIiuvu, . wluch is nothing less, than a war of desperate " lawless meif against the property, and the rights ' ' .r .i . !.:. : oi iuu rest oi uiaukiiiu, in niiuicci ii-iuu, 01 j climate, the prospect of private fortunes and sue- j cess may invite them. w How is it that one man has been permitted to set tho whole government at defiance ? to raise , his troopgf charter his vowels ship his men and j munitions of war, and sail from the ports of New : graph before he re-asserts the doctrines of the j sociated together, as a " Southern League," whese "ion ; for there are among them, men who, in all - I York, New Orleans an,d Mobile, in defiance of j Ostend Manifesto, and thinks a case may arise object is openly avowed to be to tring about a dis ; 'he privateind social relations of life, are as hon ! the law, and all its officers, with the proclamation : which would render a departure from honorable : solution of the Union-, which, in Ieual definition; orable and estimable men as live but t would of tlie '-ltw'lt'v3 t0 st0P 8n wlien ,ie ' ar-1 rested by a naval officer, in strict obedience to J the spirit of his orders, (for it was no more a I lows of his country, he is discharged, not only w;thout Dunishmeut. but without reproach, and , i. turned' loose only to repeat his former of-i fences, Look at the case of Walker : he charters his ; vessel in New Orleans, sends 300 men with arms , j wc were on terms ot peace ho lSlhcn arrested, and carried before a Federal judge, who released him on $20(h0 bail, which was' promptly paid by ; '!,,,' ' c i i j j those who wero acting in concert, with hnu, and ; Sympathising in all his movements, he repairs Ion -board, and sets sail, from New Orleans to ' Xfoafftwit . thn.-rnpt nrn i-rtmnmnipiiterl In t ns . . . n ' - - . head ot the govt rnmcutj orders arc issued and sent out to the American squandron, not to per- mit him to land hois arrested immediately oir landing he is sent home an offender against the disposal of the President, w.th authority to make ' mise for their political aggrandiienieut only, few laws of his country he is delivered to the au- war, then transfer, to him the treaty making at this day will venture to gainsay.' . .. -thoritiei in Washington, by the Marshabof this power; aiid last of all,' to put the purse strings j That there has been Congressional corruption, district and the President, upon whose procla- of the nation in his hands, by the appropriation ; purchased legislation, insufferable extravagance, nation lie has been arrested, and who. in his mcs- ' of the enormous sum of $30,000000. to accom- : and public plunder," to sin client: unkuown and sac to Congress in 1857, rebuked Judge Caleb ; I fof the insufficiency of bail ' required, cooly tii-, - ., I 1 .1. it.-, ii 1'. .fh..... . rorni j tile jUaMiai, inrougn me recreiaty ui oiaiu, - Walker's affairs, who is further discharged, with no bail at all, and turned loose to get up anotner .: expedition that set sail from Mobile in open day, " on another piratical cruise, which, by Ihe inter-, position of IHvine Providence, was arrested, and, , the lionor in some degree, and perhaps the peace, - of the countrvi saved aluno by the accidents of the sea, which befel these marauding nicn. ! : Is it'within the compass of human credulity, that such scenes as I have described, could have .. happened, if there had been a real and houest desire, as by paper proclamation would nave ap- pcarcd, to have executed faithfully tho laws that the lVsident was irworn to support ? - J - j If w lean persuade ourselves that all is fair , andhont,eanwehepotoake4hehcTpowM crs of the world believe it? Does any man be-; , licve, that wit . tne means at me aisposm y , coverninent, tho African slave trade can be sue- ova trn, Id Ann lie SUC- n00ftl nnr-rioil nn. and Inn parrnea nf Africans ianutu C" nur southern coast, it mere was au honctt desire to proven! ii The law is strong cnou forced ? " Aye, there is the question ! filibusters and African party' do they til belong hat he u. s no w u 14 , , , . . Th- ,.. ,r. mrA tj T . . 11 .n.l.lLshpH ih.t i ' be continued to us one single treat itasavcr wiiieii'un""" "i'!""""""h 1 -r--v "v f v - - - j r . . , , , r'...i,.i iiniiora t.i troublo them with lien, safely trusted to save the Union and preserve the on the failure of some estern or Northwest-; "lost ncaitny looKing anu rooust M,mSy4oh : " I have never heard of a member of the Whig Atnonctin parttua, to both wuich 1 belong, who haa civen any oountenanco to theae lawleti pro cceding tlicy belong fcj the Southern Deinocrr. cy, whose aupporl, with that of their friends, is ewential to tho perpetuation of Dcmocriitic os cendency. The moment one of any other party becomca a filibuster, or au African slave trader, he tcvkt the company that suiti him, and straight way joins tho Democracy, or Imposition party, where alone he can meet with pynipnrhy. How does our Dtriiocratic President propose to treat these questions of foreign difficulty Look to his message and to liia organ, " tho L'uiun," and shudder while you read llu makes the abounding proposition, which, twenty. ore years .ago, would havo Martlca this nation fron is centra to its circumference, that all tho guards and barriers of tho onrtituii n shall be j iiuhiuu, .imi, till ueiUIIVt: BllUli UK UlUnCII UU. II, ! and that Congress shall divest itsclt of tho war making power, and transfer to him, tho Prosi dont, not only the power of making war, but that he shall have control of tho army and navy At.. IT. ? I tJ.. ..... . .1 i n"" e cu,,lru' 01 "'; , . llin I l.llail .S'ntnl tr r,r.,An tl.r. rliHAn routes of Nicaragua, Panama, ond Tehuantcpcc, ... . . ... . andlio authorixe him to establish a erotcctorato in too Stales of Chihuuhua. and Sonori. wit'iin j tho territory of Mexico; euch protection as the Empcior Nicholas pronoeed to extend to the pro- 1 vincca of Walluchia and Moldavia, and which combined forcc3 of England and France. Our President haa ascertained that tlicro is a "sick man" on this continent, for whom he proposes to become a dry nurse; and tho pretext for this is, that there is no power in the Mexican govern nient to rt.itiain iU lawless citizens from depre- dating on tho riglits of others. What has this government to do with protectorates and nursing of siok men ? Let us be careful how we set bad examplo. J lnvo just shown that tlicro was no power or disposition in. this government not tf prevent our own lawless citizens from depreda - ting on the rights of others ; and why may i.ot other powers, with eiual jiroprictv. undertako a , Protectorato for our Southern border, until the government of the United States furnishes some evidence of its ability to restrain the lawless raobs of filibusters from bidding defiance to all lawful authority at hottic? , nd, to enable the President thus to carry out his designs, which amount in themselves to actual war, and will be so rc'rdcd. not onlvbv Mexico. Mexico, or any other power, let war be declared iu tlie onlv Icciiiinate mode, bv the war making into the next I'resiJcntial campaign, we shall have nothing left us to do but to fiuht it out.' War is at ail times a sad calamity to b.'fall any people, but, in the name of humanity, if we are lo have it. let u j havo iust "rounds for ii so that we can stand justified before Heaven, and in the face of the world: and. at all events, let us not break down ull our constitutional pali-1 .,!., -. ....... . ... 1 wuta aim I U.-.LI lUllollS III OIUCT lO SCCK IC. Nor is this the only infringement of the Con- stitution, proposed by our Democratic President. ii.. -.-..i.- ... ... , . z.o auui. iu acjuitu jUOU oy iair means ii , he can, by foul mcuns if he must for he first s iys " Vi'e would not if we could, acquire Cul a in ony other manner than by honorablo nogotia-! tion." This, he- says, is due to our national character, and yet ho does not finish the para- j npgntiation clearly justifiable, under the impera-! tive and overruling law ot solf preservation, when, j as a matter of course, we would steal it and, ' tieaty uiakintr power from the" Senate of the . L nittu Mates to the President, for ho modest v asks at the hands of Congress an appropriation ; to enable him to make an advance to the .Span-: ish government (or it may be to the Spanish , ministry) immediately after the siuninsr of the "00U,y0U sljall bepjaeedat Ins disposal tor this pur- pose, and his party followers'inboth Houses have reported bills to this effect. ! n'l 1 . f r " . v .1 i i . J hen the 1 lesuleiit is, to be authorized to nc - got i ate a treaty, at a cost of $3,0,000,000, after which (he Senate may exercise the high .pre-' rocrativo . ot mtilvinrr thn trc.itv nt tlironrinc - ...-. . S 0 . . " ' . ?foU,uuu,uuu ot tue people s money to tho Uog-, Now, then, here is the proposition, first to place the army and navy of the United States at the plish all the ends he has invicw: and cow, I ask ! the peopL of this country, what will be left of f1..........!... ...,!. . : .. . t 111011 vuiibuiuiufh .uu nuui ui 1 'Constitution ' This is tho -National, Constitu- tional, oiate s ngnts party, whicn lias appropn-, ated to itself, exclusively, all the offices, honors ; and emoluments of oftctfoUlie last thirty yearn, ; with rare intervals' of cScptibn, and exercised , the most intolerant proscription against the pur-; est, wisest, aud most experienced, men of .the op-1 positc party, (list have at any time adorned the country. ". "".''. : . It is time that such a party was Mushed out, ; and its organization dispersed for, as I hope to do noio 10 proc, 11. m uicanu unBi ....u mildew on the prosperity, happiness and peace of the country, wherever, its', horrid deformities have been seen and Kit, whether iu the National ; j Ualf a century cannot put my. own State in t,crou.t,u,. ,,v . . .v-v -iv, , have occupied, but for its pernicious Have OCCUOiea. OUl. lUr US perineum? VJOUiitl n .uu , its lillurious influences. t It is not in opposition to the acquisition of overawed the gil authorities of the ceuntry, the ' Jub that I.speakJvit.-ti) the wp.ncr in whjaji.l.jcsneshlaye transpired m this city, in ?IilIt! trh. M hv U u not cu- i "t"v" , - . i ' - ' i bri'i0, ' conceived m sin aim uivufiv wi . . ir II frfrM nll't I ill iik ilt"' 1 II 1 1 L a . uo uiau 11 U Jt U UKi I'liniiii nvn viikOMr-t haih . . a n.rii t r it " bocn oorn v...: wuW iVVu- L a v , 'k'B in iniouitv. I n ess born 2mnf we are h "'fS 'I f0rthe tmpliaWw of : few vea. without eome eo'n'trollinK cause. ItL, nfruid he'll never enfe, til Mdym. or tion. If the Father of his country were alive, would not conter auch power upon bito. JNot from an apprehension that his integrity would too weak to resist the temptation, nor that his aioned, first, by tie disorganization of soeiuty, aiit ambition would be Aostrongaslo lead him into an 1 ingfrorna too rapid introduction of the foreign cle abuse of the power, but that I would not set such mcnt into our social and political organiation- an example, or CHtublish such & precedent, for all before they found a place suited to their wants, ' the Island of Cuba couli ever be worth to us. before they fuund the means of living, or hid Fifty millions of dolhin, and the army and navy, : acquired a knowledge of institutions, or eared nil subject to tho control of the President, with j for their successful operation. Secondly, for tho the express grant of power to make war and pur- j want of .employment to the general lubur of the chase territory during tho recess of Congress at i country, which ha. been persistently refused by his own discretion! What President have we j the Domocraey, and which has led to dintipation, had, beforo this, who could havo' presented so . rowdyism, rice, and all the other concomitants startling and so monstrous a proposition, without , of idleness; and thirdly, by the example set in exciting the alarm and indignation of every uisn ; high places, of an unfaithful adti inistiution and in the country!' Could Santa Anna have claimed' execution ol tho la: and lastly, by the improvi- ! more as Dictator ol Mexico? Is there additional ' power for Louis Napoleon to exercise in Frntico, I lllllll IU IIBVU llIU UllllllUI JIJI IIIU UIIIIJ, tllU UUJ j and tho treasury ojJ' ranee ? ' If Cuba can bo obtuinod in any fair, honorable and constitutional mode, u in important point of defence for a portion of our Southern border, and the Gulf of Mexico, the American Mediterranean, Atw! na n t,i-,na it ..til i l.io 1 1 n . llin ! n 1 it ... t 11 ti.lTr. i and as a means of obliterating tho inhuman traffic . .... .r. . . in African slavery, which, I think, constitute its ' chief imr.ortance Id us. I would not bu the one to interpose on objection but if it is only lor the purpose ot raising sonic new issue tor helping a Democratic nominco into the Presidency, as the out and Southern Whiger' can no longef-bu hu'iihiigod by it if it is for (ho purpose, t il her j of Democratic politicians, nlthnttgh -thiro is far now or hereafter, of creating new cause for sec- , loo much of it in politicians of all parties, and tional strife, then 1 wo'iid muuh prefer to have none are too good to hear watching; but it is tho nothing to do with it. Hilt can it be purchased ; nature and character of their organization, which nt all ? I think not; ccrta;nly for tho present '. is the most perfect, compact and formidable that What, then, is the appropriation of 8!JO1u00,t,0i ever controlled a party, that leads to nil these fur? first, to provoke some cause for making a mischiefs it is the system and policy they pur descent upon it nnd seizing it under the Ostend , sue, and to which few of them do not subscribe; j doctrine and then, so time it us to make tmt a I great issue in the Presidential election in lSliU. j It would bo I otter, nt all events, to have it understood in advance what ultimule disposition ; is to bo made of it. before it is acquired in nnv ' form ; and for that I 'ason I should prefer its post- j ponemoiit until it eould hi dbtuiiic.l by those in f whose patriot!- and pnliticnl integrity I have j more confidence tlinn 1 have in tho loi'ling men of tho Democratic party, and who will procure ' it, i. at all, without tho destruction ot the Lon- stitntiou. ! So niu.di for cur foreign policy and our com- I Southern leagues, Mormon wars, Ka'nsas frou- ' bhs, sectional strife. Congressional, corruotion. ; Uw.fess mobs and vigilant committees, usurping i the iudiruieiit scat, overawinr; the officers of the : law, and bidding dt Bunco to all legal auihoiity, and this is what the Democracy boastfully call "a tat.: f urwatalliM nrawritu." ' This is a sad and eonowful, but true picture, i of our real condition : would that it were not so, aud would that my mind could be relieved of the , i .i... i UlOUriUUl rUUlllV lllill IL IS SO. i This is not idle assertion; it is historic truih, I known to cyery well informed man in the coun- i .. .. ... rt . ..... . :. r . try, anu wmcu must appear at some lurnre uay on tho pago of history, if that history shall ever j bo truly writlen. " j " I,et us investigate the truth of each, in its regular order : That there ia a body of men in the South as-' is a conspiracy to levy war against the United States, and of which no notice has been taken by those who are entrusted with' the sacred, charge be bold enoueh to denv. That there was a Mormon war. in which the then Governor of the' Territory of Utah openly defied tlie legal authorities, nnd forcibly resisted the entrance of the military forces of the United States, cuttin off and destrovintr lame quantities bellion, none can successfully, dispute; ana We i may well anticipate a renewal of hostilities, and : treason, at an early day, after the CDtircrcmoal , t .i I ' igf - the troops. - .. ; That the country has suffered from the Kansas, troubles, and from sectional- strife, which 'threat- . tnM to dAslrnv this rrahrl temn e ot lIDettV. ana - - v,A - . . - -' 1, that it was all brought about by too. aggressive - and cncioachingjspirit of Democracy, by the dis- tqrbance of a long settled and satisfactory compro-j unparalleled before, under Demoeatic example and misrule, the numerous committees that have . been appointed to investigate Congressional abuses ; cm railroad company, the President stated that one ot tco ctiict causes 01 us ianure was luanue enormous sum of $70t),0(H) had been -.paid to procure the passage of the bill through; Congress, ;. which has pxscd by as an every-day occurrence, hardly, worthy f notice. .. . . That ' (confidence has been destroyed, trade parr alyzcd, manufactories .closed and sold out under the sheriffs hammer, that vessels arc rottenitig at our wharves for want ot employment, that labor , is unemployed and- industry dikvouraged, that ; . ,Wt,o.i..w - j bankrupt and the government is supported by ; loans, and the issue of trgRury notes and all this in a time of profound peace, and all too under a bng reign of Democratic ilegis atior ,ana control, - the know dge of all intelligent and candid men ; ... . . .... i " - "r" ,;-. . . - ;i., lliu wn.i"" .iiiruo -uu . .,...tv .vu.....vv have assumed thojudgment seat, and evaded or ' I it a renton for it, and that reason ought to be , , investigated and a corrective Hpplieu. be ! Whut, then, is the cause? Jt haa been occa- 1 dent snd unwise sytein of lrgiition tit eslub- j liished by the Democratic party; in refusing to J'""'Ul ll.v: llUlll III IllV lllUllOJ Ul WIV OUlliiJI, . whilst the ictoiis itnd corrupt are courted and j caressed, shinldcd and prctottcd, wherever they hare tho puvcr to eotilrol a popular election, I To correct all this, it will not do ti lop off ; branch here, aud a branch there, wc must begin 1 nt flu, r.mi f-dit liuiul !ikt!tnt,i n had, nr.l.ir ef ! at the root I .. . . things in Washincton : ytu must purify the gov ernmciit and all its officers: and then the rconln 1 w ill becomo pure, or will be deterred fron. com niitting mch scuuci of violence and disorder ft I have described. v , I do not mean to M,bccnuc I do nr.t believe, huLyiccnnd corrup'ion pervade the rntircbody aud when tii y do not, tin y arc cxciudcd from the fleshpi'ts which is the severest punishment known to their code; that policy is to make all things herd fo success; lo sacrifice all things hu msn aud holy to the ascendancy i f party, and tho I porpetuatiun of p'jwcr ; neither tho light of ex ( pcncnce, the pence of the country, the harmony ' of sections, the prcsci ration of the ConstitntVm, the safety of (lie I nion, the prosperity ot the nation, the purity of the bench, the sanctity of 1 the church, neither one nor all these combined, arc allowed lo bre-jk thn-ugh the serried ranks of their political organization, Vflikli has no prin- . ciple for its ba.-i:i, and, no manly incentive fur its conduct. . At the behest, nnd by tho, example of Demo cracy party polities haye entered into our courts, of high and low degree, its influence is to be felt in the jury box. and to be seen in the witness stand ; it ls'as much a part' of the policy pf that Par,Ji to make Democracy a portion of the edu- Never, never was a more thorough knowlcdeo i of a party displayed than when one of its chiefs, ' who assisted at its hirth, said, " It was a party j he'd together only by tle cohesive power of the i public plunder. fcuppose. Mr. I lay, whose re lations to the W hig party were more constant. but not more close, had said this .of us, as a warning to his countrymen ; who can measure or calculate .ll-.c effect it would havo produced on the) 1 honest and well nieaniiig patrijts of our party ? yet in what respect has it di-turbcd the Democ. -. ...... i... .1.. ...... lavjt vAi.ujt iu uiui.u inum inc uiwu liuihi.l;, move rapacious and the more activo, in carrying out this one, ond only principle ? Still I say, I do not attribute vice to all tho leaders of that parly, many of whom are sound hearted, and, on general subjects, sound headed not trust theui as politicians, in connection with the organization to which' they belong, and tt which uu implicit obedience is demanded. fiuired ot thcni as a party measure. Men lite party measure. llin I:i m.ititi.l 1? nilr nf Tnwn n-t(b no limiAcr unit gallant a spirit 'as tho Senate could boaut, who told me on the day of ibe night on which that vote was taken, that in nil his lite he had never done any thing so much against J,iis own judg ment as he was- about to do, in voting to repeal that compromise. . to ui: coxrixi'Kii.J . . . - -. saw - ffih.Wbat a mighty p'roce;. has been marching to-' m.Hrd "?r7,,-m)i,!s l-ye.r. -:At ti,est,i,t, " the rt ot January, 18of, more than 31,500,- mio f tiiewori. . popul,,ti,.u Uvo gone down to tU earth again.1 place them in long array,' and Ihcy will itie.a moving colnmu of mre than thirteen Iiuiulred ' M .uv 3 .uiuihiuuiri V'J t .inkjif tta, nnmli'i- and bmk iinon tliesa-aatoiiishina- coroputIltio,l!,' Wbata spectacle, as-thev move on, t, mpr tramp, trump loi waid! upon this stupendous dead marchl Life is short aud time is fieeiitig, And our hearts, though strong and brave, Still like muffled drums are beating Funeral, marches to the grave!'1 Yes, it is a fact, that ilxvery beating pulse wo tell, leaves but the number-less." We, who. are- iu health to-day, may bu lying upon beds of death to morrow. We have no security that our lives hour. The persona who, to all appearance, look as tho they would live to De at itast three-score and-ten, are, in an msta-nt, cut j0W11tiu.;r SOuls hurried into the presence , t hiiJ j h - " ' ' b ... The the muldk aged, and Ac young, alike arc ali oalled away. There is no. resisting the (,ulm,ms. If you are not prepared, you must go unlrcpaica. Rca(ler; how is it' with vou ? . ' A Hit. " Dill," said onrloal'er fo anollier , . .. ;- e a athinal lietormer. J is. y . U at 0 -' . ' y our parly.'- '." Vy. yes, nossy, ou nut m a vole tor that era. : ir i " m v.ii na:i - .-.in Vii:a vol i is,1 i i .1 i:iiiti. . c i. . ; . . - ; . n little A-, rark it. besides." Exit both, ywning. r. raT't. ..I"t.ir ,t( a nlinur in Ilia S-illlf n- ' he was" born a Uemccrat.''' We ,,II,re" ihat m4anisrpoljtiallirspakihsl