T ;ffi$pmQJimI, N..C THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 185(1 '; VOL" I-XO. 29,' NEW SI' HIES. " ' 1 . ' ,i;.;..,,iaTOS & DABtEl. ,,1, ;, v TKnMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. " Blngli copies, Two OottAM ptr yer, iimriably la Utiiuo. .1 , i , j f To Clubs of Ten auJ npwanlit, It trill be furnitbeJ t 0n Doj.hu au a Ham per copy. Ho utorfptton ecelrcl fir !em thin li monthi. ' RATES OP AbVERTISIXa.'' t-All IK1VABI, Its LI.VH OB Ull BBKVtrS One ioncrtiua , Thro Inticrtlun Two monllii, or nine luwrtions.. ... Tlirco montb, or lliirtecn lnMrtlpm..., (Six monlhi . Ono year .... i Do. ?I 60 g 80 4 00 n oo J 00 TAT: OP It OUT II 'CAItOM.lf.l,- !. - . "'AXSON C'OLNTV. ".' -i Count o Pliai ab Ouartkii Pnmnxn V f t f - . January Ttrn, I860. '' ' Walter R. Letk ml Jainen A. tank, Kxecntonv of 1 Ann Pi Leak, . John W. Lenk, William 0, Leek, d Otliera. : -ii - i ' - Prtiliim for teitltmmt. " -- ' IT ArpKARINCr TO Til E SATISFACTION OP the Oourt tint tlio DcfenilADta, MBry Steels, Eu iin ftm-le end illlnm Hteele, reside beyenJ h lim it! of thin Htnte: It in therefore ordered by the Court that publication bo guide la the North C'nmlln Arirur, atwupoper publili(4 In tho town of Winlenboroiifth, for nix w'k, notifyinc the Mid Mury Steele, Euireno -I Hteele end William 8Uel la he stid nipcnr at the uett Terra of car niii Oiartoi riemsnj I'Murter RtMlom, to be hold for the t'ouety of Anson, t tho C.onrt- lluu.e in nsacaborouli, on tho-second Mondsy ia WKTII; CAROLINA, ARGUS. Adrartlseis must state tho nnmberof times they i April next, tb end there to plnsd, nner or dinur wish tlieir Jvert)ictits Inserted ; otherwise they ' to this Petition, or tiio tue will be hcst-J ex psvte si will b conlinuia IW larbiliko, otd shsrgeij ceorJ. I to them. ' 't - ' "' ' iuc to tho abore. - . f Witness, Pstilck J. Coppfilpe, Clerk of on sniJ i . ,.. . i hi. .1- ..i....i:,. i p... . ,n,. ,. U'.,l ,t..,A.,.i, ii. n...i.a jgreemeuw win we mnao wuh ji-au i.i'' . vu. ... ."...B.., .w.. hvhur . .i .yi...MMn..D .ma -.' ; , J-nnttv. A. D. lBu'J. ' ' I 28-80 P. J. COrniriOF. Clerk. an liberal and ndMntnireoiu terms. Professional yi'l Business Cnrdt, n , not exeeedinK nro linos brevier lu fWih, will be iucsrted fir $G a year; it cxetcliua &re lines will be charged tho same as I other s'lvertlserai nts. " OMtnary notices free when not erreedhiR twenty fines; all nbiro twmty lines at ailvertisemcnt rates. SIMTi: OF HOHTII ( AltOMKA, . ... s XStiOS COUKIl'. ... , Cot hi Of l'l.ilt amii Ui' astir Hr.mioM, : ,s- - , t ,., Jammur i'mrm, MHU j -Xliwiias C. Cupel ns. Alli'ii C. Ingram. AUnrhmmt Ltriod nn I.imi. IT API'EAUIMi Tl) TIIK BATISFACTIOX OF the Court that Allen C. Ingram resides beyond the 8TICX T0CETJ1EB.. ' ! ' f'- ynien midst Hie wreck of ft re sr,l srnokej' f ' When cannons rend the ikies asuader, ' And fierce drajjoons with quickening atioke ,: Upon the reeling regiment thunder, ' Tbe ranks close up to sharp command,-. ... Till helmet's feather touches feather; 2.-.. , Coirpact the furious nhock thry stand, ' Add coarjocrl for they Hick together! '. ' When now 'mid clouds of woe and want,' ,; purconHlidea' wails rise fast and fafter," '. And charging madly on our frout . ;. , ' Corae the black legions of disaster, : ' ' ' . Shall we present a watering baud : i ., An I Hy like leaves before wild weather? ,. ' Not si lo by nide and hand In band, ' We'll stand our ground and stick togrthert ; God gj as hands one lofs, one right;. ' 'J'llu flrkt to help ourelto, the other , " To stretch abroad in kindly mijlit ' -. And help along nr faithf.il hrotliei'; , l Tbcu if you see a Lrothor fill And bow liid head Leforo the weather, If yott be hot a dastard all. Vou'll Jiclp him np and stick together. . To tho luuMCg of Democracy I cannot ami Jo irii.R of the party, gave it ti.o hiont carncft and i mcots tlr npplv to the Stato Winlaturts to - iu impute any other uiotivor titan luoh as con- actir. nippoifc " v . , lclxo tho suK-ionion, which is done: and then Hal us in the Opposition. I believe they nrc lor my own pnrt, linviug just rcturni'd frot' cou.es in lit'! Con-ritmul law to force them m hottest in purpose and pntnotte m (lestfrn, abroad when this (jucstiun was rag with its into bankruptcy. ,Jiere is a conflict between tho us tho limsscn of thy Opposition ; but in South- greatest violence in Congress, I stood by, an in State and l-ederal (JovornDicnU-which ia to pro- cru Nates, where alone J)eniocracy reutaiua tri- active; tut not tin unconcerned fpcetalor, foclinj? vail? As a fa'tatc-richu man, always prepared uuip iant, t i-o misled Ly doutagoj;u.'S nuj that if the final fwutt should show that tho i to stand up luunfully for every Jitimuto riKlit of fcUallow Ii adcrs, who have wormed theuitielvca into power and' influence pftho lVeaidenl had become ' the Statos, I ui.iintain that it is a paradox to bud- I -: - - j ,u kik mv iiiuiiiiciii, uuu ovi wuvuuiiij;, or mm, me peo-1 pose mat ui power is nuvwliure ctveo to ono I ot prufountl inoranea and. darkness, by the fact plo'had becomo to debased and indilToreut to ' government to create, mid to another to destroy. it of free j;ov- If tho f'!tito of Xew York has the constitutional j that nearly tho enlire'South is re resented by the their cv:n rl-hu f'nd. lite ciijoyii.'cnt ....... .. t , u,uUlJ ii imu iruiiiuiii, us v nav.i Huotmnon patieutiy lo sueit ( aim legal power t . incurp.jrute her banti, sho j nothing but Demot-ratio tbjcunieiitt whicli never nutrapcous and iittolernble oppressions and wrons, has the power to authorize or Iculizc a suspen- cxpo?o Detmcratie niisact-Ja. IVoiu my own that tbci thcro was 119" dupotlMn in tho Old : sioti of -pecic payment!., whenever i,he think.i 'tho ..State, we have fifteen Democratic renresentatives. . World undor nhii-li I - M.. uu.y . inn.i.'i.i ... .... .IL..IIIIT ii-i i. . ! ii . Ullll LIIIIIU 1.4 III! 1 :.. . I. 1 . e ... r i in me iwo nomsis 01 wouro?, not ono 01 wiioin, i I presume, ever tent an Opposition speech or ; aocumcnt loto tlio htatc; or it tliey did, it wa-i : sure not lob': to a member of the Detnocratielparty and thnuks to God ! the poplo nr J -fm:n wliotn all ..cli pr.cJTous doeuuicnts are ; bo left free, lo choc.- their own fori t wUhliclJ. I Hixr tinris uu apology for the con Ji- mont, in dclunce of I rilius odercd : a t .1... i . t -. t . . : . , . . ASIIK & If iRGRATRt .iTTn n.vp tin .it . rraetieeinpartnfr.hipintheeenHtrof Anson, ex. I'"''" thl' "w, or so conceals himself that the eept on the Criminal Docket in the County Court, ,j. ! ordinary proee-s of law eanoot served en him: It KHttrgrave being County Solicitor.) ' ? u'"f' 'f'1 "" poblicatiM be made m They wUl attend to the collection all claims rn-' (-""hD ArSU8' u eek, the said .i.... s- i.... .-a ii... ..,.i:- . I AUeo C. Ingram tu i.pr nt tin next Term of this Court, to be held fir tl.o Coftnty of Anson, at tbe T. 8. A 'he attends the Courts of Richmond, Mont gomery, Rtsnly, Cahitrras. Union and Aason. J. R. lUrgrave those of Jlontuuicry, SUuly- and Ausoa. , r-3r Office at Wadedi.ro'. THOMAS f. ASHK. j J. I!,4IAItORAVR. J'.'-tf . IJTTti: tV HATTI-n, .lllorttty ami Cottiitrllor at f.etr, WAiir.suottor, n . c. ALEXANDER tITTtE and R. II. BATTLE. Jr., En'is., having asMieiatcd themselves in the practice of Court-House in Wadesboruugh, on the second Monday AKTBACT OF M'tEClI OK IIOX. JIIU.V ,11. Bllir., O'liicrttl Iiefore (lie Order ! Initcd America ns, in Xrw Vork, Ftlirnary , i fif Tixrcn. Let Gen. Cu.'s, who is on .honest man and a patriot, with nothing more to expect at the bands of his party, be asked this day if he did not then think " the man who would defeat the pan'c of Jived as under tho tyraiiiiieafand iroo.dcotisiu ' power on earth that can legally interfere with it. of. Democracy. ' ' The Oovonimont of tb f'm'tcd States has no l hanks to Uod 1 tlie Jo"trme did not prevail; moro nt;tliorify t, counteract the legislation of nro resolved to ew 1 ork, than V.w Hu'ian or Kritish Govcrn- fonn of covcrn- ment would linvo. ' Vet , there is the nronosilion. H t '. I ... . . ' 4 miiuiulj iui ti.e uuiiui llflOOI.. Ill UCU.:rice 01 ITIOe.' Illlerril fin f in mm 1 m aronntt tlliiA mn.ln ntliif. nM i.,ln.r ' v-An tion.of thin that exists in Virginia. Jlut, if hand, and the three's on the other of the Deiuojra- j ly a Slato-rihts President; and if the State tliey could have the aaiuo opDortunitv that has ! t:c lterii!,liean Ptite.i-i .1it tvii-h- ib ii ,. l,.,t.l.i t, .,i :, : i been hold out to tho North, usee for themselves the rems of sovrrnmcnt in its hands, t Uat 1 have l.t all confidence in the lV.Mdeht of thnir after this they f clioice, or bjcai;e tliey- regard hitu as a setting moral all'iict and ' star, whilst sonic star of cro.iter magnitude is nnnn . u t i.tL-n ifiin.v 1.1 u . I It .... ..-1 ..Ai....,l.. Mninr. v .,- IT,,r,tl,;,.. V., V...1. v r.. .1 . 41 ........,-. ...... v.M.y, siy, rconsylvania, and Illinois, all of which j Does this action of the parly in Lcd cun.-litulo they were once proud to number in their ranks, i Democracy f If a em parnllel lo this rr,i,,l oe I am no prepared to admit that the Deuiocia- cur in Knglahd, it' would drive ntiv ininistfv' into cy 01 irguiia aio mora ooni-iiMa and ignorant evetl.istin'' disEraec. if no more. In Franco it 'to what condition Democracy lios brotipht the . for n limited period only; for if uftc - country, they would be as willing to throw ofT ; shall be retuinod in power, the moral ' tho feallins yo!:" as have been tho Democracy of'! virtue of the action cf the people will their profession, will promptly attend to all bu'lnws entrnxtcl to tbcm in cue (.onnties or Anson, men niond and Ccien. ' " ' p-JPOfRc opposite the Rank ELVANS & TH0MPONr ntsui.YUTo.r ctrv, a. c. demur; or ju ljjinent lm:il will be rendered against ! . e . c e blin and the land levied on condemn? 1 to tali.-fy the : pcnclactor ot the ape. Plaintiffs e'aiin. ' . j Look, agaia, at Mr. Hammond, who is person- Witness, 1'iitriek J. Cot tcdec; Cleik of our ..il . allv unknown to me. but who has TmLlielv e..n. it. ...I ... , t w i..i . .1. t.- . i r i .. rf . . . . . . 1 y . i.pii!i,i.i i. iii ii nil ruut outl, llie levoii'l .U'lliuuy in Junuary, A. D. ISO". 15-0 T. J. COPPEDGR, Clerk. than the Democracy of the other ."t iles; nor are tnojf less patriotic, norare they less interested in 'ood, wholesome, salutary legislation, if they wete only afforded tha fame facilities for formiue; a pound and correct judgment. have raised no outcry fti-aiiirt it. as an attack on the rights of llie States; and coming froiii the' head of the party, they must be held responsible for it n a Dcmooratie proposition until they have une.iiivocaily repudiated and condemned it. ; which, from childhood wo have boeti taught i STATU OF OKTII MltOM A, AXStJ.N CUlSTV. Coin or 1'i.t.vs axii CJi.ibii'e Si-mnxs, , January Term, IKitl. j Joel Reid ii. Cnlvl ii. 1'ulkiicr. Jnitnf'f Ci'cuti'm l.rriul on lind is l tii CAM., H AlTt.Mtl.xa lo IJIE.SAT- i look up to tsi the preat conservative branch "i.f i i r it . , . , , ,i 1, , V ' I the povcrnment; removed by the period for M.ln'kntr, n not a resident of thiit.State: Du there- I C . ,' . , c ., l , ' fore ordered by tho Ccurt thnt publicaUoa be made in W'" ""J ",8 loCtcd fr?m tho3 "'flucnec llie Norlu taroliu Arguj, for aix weeks, notifying would naturally operate elsewhere; and when wj Dralfri in foitfh.Cnbinft ttntl I pHohfrry jlnrdwarr, Cn Vu " "tl'. tUt Execution ; see each men ns these in such potions as they t to . - " , ii'iurari e'-ciiiiicuA tans ilea uotrn tv nartv utscsrmnp. I would produce n revolution, that no power of I Where, tin n, rests the claim of that party to .vtrnmcnt could resi.-t. In KuVu, it would be ! the credit of boin either the States iijhts or roir led as an act cf detestable tyranny, ng.iitiMv Di-inocratio party of ll,H country ? wliich the serfs thenm lvcs would rebel. Yet, ', Within tho 'lat e:ghtccn mouths, we have hero, it is claimed as evidence of I honnnrili,- (.,,n. ; n ,-,,! il. . I, n 1 I; .1,... I,..t , . , . - , , . ... ' ' " - ' ' 1 I v....jw .. u bJunuiHIUI 1 L . U VI.UV Iiur iiae i tui t iuj mue.i ct tlio sacnuees tins sutuiiey, and adherence to the principles of true ilcKr-ivcd c iir,.l.;nee, l,!at"d credit, locked up Democratic party is at all tmi.-s prcf.tircj to uia!;c Democracy. -" ; capi'ai, crippled the revenue of the country, left of prill' ip.e or consistency, in obedience to par- Loo'rf, again, at thq question tf tile ailoitiicn I the public treasury bankrupt, brought us all into ty apirtt, and Party fealty f Let us noes and if nf Kansas under a now co'nstitnii.in. l-'i-..r-! a. .iilit.ii,n tint nv.niiva , ...,!? 1 have, let me be visited with public condemna- Sonthcrn Democrat has already voted for its ad- remedy, and tho Djiiueiutie nartv. lhat is ro- e for tr.e vm.vj of il, continues to Dres- c-scd that he voted against his 0'ivn convictions i of duty for tho liOeouiptin Constitution, vhitli Hit thought, at I think', "ouht to have been ,. wuii? iMoiiti n uu uu uuiuiuuiuieo iiien ii'joii name . mission, nnoer n i.,iiitiMii nn 1I1..1 tha .a..t .r ......l-; .. r ... .1... .1.. ' . , r I select these Ceatlem,n as tho most bonora- uod fan.c. . i K ,e' l7 ii ' . T " .. .7 IA . r ! . . 1.; 'j" . ' L1"" "'.U,T" V'T , bio, the , t dlat.ngui,l1ed, and an.onp the ,no,t : I w.ll net go la.,'u int.,' tttoso old, hacltneyad ; They were offered admio.i with their U.',,0Ut) their political apoccLc a"id public documents, ; favored of their party, holduig scata in that body, rmcs.i,,, S-!, as Internal Tniprovatncn's ly tho p-rmhttiJin if they would ignore ,;i ',,, 1 CTerv varietv J cafl l.t thJ i. r. - General Government norof v.hat they have ,0.. pissed, .stultify them-, Ives ami yield 'obedience. Certainly there was some leading cause for y,:Wiathc!rplatt,)ruis,atid;-.ic-C'iiit'onsrefs to the dictation of the Kederaf Executive nnd such a catastrophe, which is wjrthy of investi l. . ..11 . 1. ... 1 .1: .. . . 1 :.. : 1 ' . . 1 . . .. . . . . . '.. . - . i Mu-ai, iuoou.uu in uiueainjiii-o 01 i ?o i ; congress ; nnu now, since incy nave indignantly ration, and winch if nut rcuinved, or if permitted c.iiiMiionly known as my .Vlncan . reioctod the bribe, ami firiurnod tha tlir.-at trhiidi in iinnflnne mnt l.vi.1 n Btimlir ntt. mmn Bar Iron and. Steel. .. The men burliness and Uteei. to the piccnt Term ef this Com t, wi.U ioe feUii2 I nslr hsv. I.r a i.i' fMJ ;nT,,;L 7 ' OVA rtmpUlt :imrimit II VMS,, WOkt.8, , urcd tJiereon, to wif: ' . . " '.v:' fi-lloAH, , SUIIS, c, At. ' ll-tf ','Novcmbcr 2T, 1Mb.' I, this day, for want of. ,n. nf(srlor Plw mn7 wllom no-other 11 . . j "i. u ku.i.i.11, iitivi. .inn v-iee uii' . 11 uu oue lioiue .-''w ...... . . w , . puj.uix laivi ii 1,1 m'a x'M'Mr .111111.11,111 ii. liWii n ni MWMJm M mim m m 'I.i,Vnnd Dr. II-w, sn F) IS. IIOItTO, TIST, WADh.SCOUT, Ut adi-dning E. fennett and others, a I. Ji.-C. will operate on TETlf .ai rt-sx ' i.uf C. ii. IVkner.- . ib foJowlng LOW rates, for person. '-TPffji 1 "(! R. TriRFinrr'n, Fhcn'ff. coil at my etiico to nave tuo work Uonr, 1 ti r r "PvW. A. Rv'nrvtiN. I). Pi" or pay cash: i;oM riups, ti.ou; Jum on l.or, , WHr--. Patrick ). v,pred $1; lCilh on Uol l 1'lute, S cacu np to si a.I 1 Conrt, nt oflieo It. Wsd..-h6mnih, the second Monde r i .1.... e.i .1.. . t-.ol 1-. tr.., cm:... 1 1. . ...... ...... c ' UUOIO Hiiifc -tf'i .ni.li, u.t vm . .......v.,, 1 m .111 llirv. It jr-l ' S7o; Lower T-fUi, the fume. All nUier operation' I e iua'.ly low. When I hve to cre lit ray 0: 1 charges will be niide. I can refer thoc who ni.-U it to seme I ef tha mwt respectable cliizrns for whom I have j plugged teeth ciglitecu years ao; the ssme plui are j still in an l Uoiiot well. Tor others I Lave put in j teeth on pirot unl gold plati, suiuv full sets on uc-1 lion, whioh they bau worn for fevemlyi irs. and are i still wearing, all doing weii; ami many other opera-1 tiona. wliicli have been done for about ticditcen yenri. l,ut as I warriuu nil my 1 MO 1: What 1 hurdi speech. I will confine., myself to usues accompanied it it is rccumincnccd by the nj re- futr.ro, perhaps no very distant day. of a faler day. ; sentativc of the l:iiioer.iiie Statc-ri-litS .tiattv. of means aud eanital the men of'fc In theto was not a Democrat in the that one. rule shall be ndor.foJ for tlm' ndmi.m 1 ..ner -vw:.,. nr. m,. ;.,t..r. .t.;.! ; bl ln intr. Southern dtatca who did not especially rcpudi-, of Kansas, and another for Orecon, nnd all tho j. ami correctii: this prcat evil--arc so engrossed ate and eschew tho dootriue of Squatter Soyor-j oth.r Territories of the United States. . Ijn their daily pursuit after the almighty "dollar, cijrnty as set forthjn Gen. Cass's lauious .Nicli- . May wc nut ask. in tho name of Heaven, what leach one stni-.r-'in,. with his nei-Tbhor. to'sne .rTnTand I (ifT , , ,.' , "l ,cttc'' and who diJ S Je.r; its ; has this Govcrti.iicnt come to ? In what direction who can bj the lirsV to Crarp it, and who seem th"p?n,cHv ,l(f''tT fr' Par7; lwat'! : 1,:,blllty t0 - interpretation. In fs5 1 ; are we drifting ? What haven arc wc to reach ? i not to care cithcrfor the caL 01 for the remedy wui arrogance, ana glutted wttli conndenco 10 thcro was not one Sunt hern Democrat in cither ! Is this Denmernee? To tl ThZvfJZ ' , haT ?'' Mouse of Goosress that did not vote for this! honesty? Isthisconstiiutional'libertyV Is this ! vol'vef demand j, in a voice not to be disregard that healing measure of comoromisij which had identio d s-nt.r .....; .l.wirln.. !.!..!. ..!... r...i. f 1.. .. r. o. . i . 1 ... 1 1 :.. .1. . ' v.- r ..? - ,. , - r .-..--.w. u..... uuu. uut i.ii.iei.i i iuui, lor. 11 1111s ,-!iaie uou, i-uen .1 ciianu 111 ine political economy 01 ' gnCn PC ,tC toafwtwtcdeouutryfor thirty-four , constituted the bu-sis of the-in.mitoUs Kati-as-Xc ; rights? Is ono Territory to be left free to fern, the .State as will secure them a-ainst similar 'die- .years, omy lor lae purpose ot itiakinS a new v- bnifkabill; and now, in 15, again they areas, a ,m-rnmcnt to suit itself, and another to be re- ' as ton in future arc thiso who interest them- lit ', ,? ""r,."' " Ule lh", "'ore nmch nppscd to that doctrine as th-y were in ' quired toframo one to .suifthc Drcsident or the ; selves the least about it, uud, without stoppinif I " Wh,f mW V ill' I, ,M?Wer? ' , I - ' 1 Demoeralie party ? Is this the way thc Droi-, to cxam'ine for themselves, suffer the most idle , A 7 raWn 0U ' ' i t:"!'' 0i" not' MlaU!sU tIlcir c.aiui to prinei- dent hopes to put down azitation, and re-toro hnr- ' and ahsutd thoones to pass current, as authority qlsiui uunco 1 , 1,, n. .,,;,,,,., ,- ;.., .... .1 1.. .1: ...... i ...... - . . .. . . . , ,'.1 ... , ' , . i i,. i, .!..,; r . 1 1 , . ,.1, - v....-...v..,.j . 1 ,u uui am-iiuy ui-mueieu couuuvi let no more to oe uispuica man mvme rcveiaiions. 1 u lev.isiuu on 01 our wisest and best men, of , Amun, it was bat a few Iiort years since, t'uut where is that nartv which looms tin the entire ?outh supported the Missouri t'om- for the equality anlsoverefirutvof all the .States? riUUdav of jubiloc, than to insiituto inquiries and promuo. in Confess-and out cf it, n a thin-; Whne is that Denocnoy that is alwavs lol--svt tbenublie mind to work unon this all-ahsorb- ., A I.. 1.. ,r. l. 1 ...1 V- .1. . ... ...1. 1 I. ....... . ... . ' . . in; question. P. 3 Cnrrrii'-.K, Clerk. nT.t'ri; or kwictii cakoijua, A N St JN COI . STV.. Ci.'i nr or Pijsas Asn yi nrr.n Sksh.xs, ) Jwutjry Trntt, iKiy. j Setli .. Arnold $. i alvitc .U. talkner. JxMtci ' m J.crv tm J.nntm. lll.s.CAhK, IT Al'l'K lUI.NCi Id THE SAT l-,on 11 -, tiie 1 ..art t, ..it itis lu-njiint. I iHr, wSn-an.1-'WiC7n ..II it tfi-a-.Tse-TTW.i ii.;;.T. nt nf 1).;. mi it it,,.,.,. . .. r . :' 1 our most experienced statesmen, a loiig uubruken purront ol judicial d.'ci.-nitis for MXtv-four rears 1ft - - . .. ... - . ' u.- 1 a 11' .1... ..... 11. .1.11.-11.1.1 illlll - II I 111 ... 1 1 - .. j.. ........ -- .. .1 ...1 I .1. . . ... ... .. 1 . .... ... - . -: -i g rTra. t,iu v..o ii.jii io-mj-tyueneti ift-iit;-t-tJiotttiteTrvii-tivptTrnmrTi"Tni inn;i itv nmt ci.t-.n. iV tlm hoard' at . Lejislaturo ot Viivinia it n-...dri:!.i'ie.I l.v n vnt,. ,.;k. r i!, .,,. 1..V " tliat lu tore ct.ieied by th Court that publication be made in ' u"c ' .-..H, ,,,,,..,, . 9iau) i u iwo . ii, tol-i, tllat any attempt to repeal the .Will Carolina Argu', for six weeks, notifying uPon 1110 wavts 01 WCIIOO Wsseo ana MruillO'l . compromise would be u just cause for a dissu! n.'ii.l Culvin M. IV.kutr Unit a Justice s execution , ana worn, Urilting.no one knows whore, and ct;-.' tion of the I'nion, and 'I that it would he re. isted against him. in the above ftated ease, wis r..turncd ! countering no one knows what; striking upon at alt hazard, an-1 to the last extremity." In . 1 tha rock ot nonu bar sovereignty hr. t in s in: : isvi iui pcriiaps tlio mst f taring oiitrase ever yet perpetrated, nr proposed against the ri-lits of a ?fate, may be found :'n the action of the Demo cratic party in the fonnte of the Tinted States. lnoerat m liotu ilouses ; in relation to tha two Diniiner.itie Hannt.-M ; i;...;i.,l nuinm r.r k..r,'- ..wi; di.it nra-,:i . -i , v-r,'u" V--u, as.a party measure, to repeal , Wl.re cOniirmed m their seats, when there wore and tho onle remedy ho sue-ests is tho passage tl tint t'n iini..,ii,w.. ...1 ...i-i. m.i i-M 11 : 1 1. 1 . ..... . .. , . . "' . J . r?3 - r Some tand anionj,' them the .President;) ascribe it to the expansion of bank credit, and be de clares that tlic.-:c "periodical revulsions, which have existed in our past hLstcry, must continue to return at intervals as long as our present un- all uoine well. Eut as I warmut all jhy uTeTiilx and have tho advuntago of upwards of eighteen years practice, I have no doubt tut I can give nutijt.i.tion to nil who are disposed to patroiiite and give me a fair trial, which is all 1 ask. . " S. D.i-llavine toga zed in the ri-.otcffrstiuIe.Art, sme nave Men inuaeci . r.enevc j nan uii.iu levy eiiuurscu iiinws, m win 1 ..,, ;,,.,:., i. -' ,t.:u .u : practice of Dentistry. -Now this is ..,! i.,,Prein. I. . '-Til. .November, 6 n cloek p. 18.W.'- For want i squatter soicre.gnfy there, unon which sho is I .have not mad enough to justify my retinae H orn ; or oiner proper y 1 have tins .lay l. vie I tins execu-1 . "1 PV -"" , ', lUL" ,."i'.J!1 . mw.- o.npruniise, ana every .-out hern 1 lemoera- . no authorized legal contestants to dispute thein. -of a lav.-, -by the -e lerul vernment to force tho iJsaJiasioetrs.' On the eontmrv, 1 uui better prcjiared ; turn em two. bundrrd .acres of lar.d fie rrop.-rte ef her bows, struggling and straining for relief tiC-pan.T, public sf.ca'icr and vo'cr with-nt an md -it 1 tinio wl-nn tl.!,rt. t-.., .. . 1 , . t- ,-, f.T a. . c .' r '1 noV than eve, to o,,Crae n tee'tli. and am still in the ' the Defendant, O. M. Failner. on the wst. rsof'joncV, . mX witb'0 r,iU at hand.an 1 no helm", nor en,,,. I ,i i ' L f U Jxt'-i ." ! ?.' . . tS . v."" ,tCS,We e Ul'P03cd ,"a'!'".5 jni utions of the Matcslnto l.qutdat.on CeM. raa.lv at all times to attend to all ca!! froi this . Creek, joining J. It. Moore and fctnai. being the lands . a . :j. . ', ..' .. ' e" , V ' ' ' '.' 1K. . "Jr ie. P-'r-age ot tnc l.ecompton and LanUruptcy, whenever another revulsion ,H'y,s.i..,e.oi.. 11. iaiue . h. vf A:,l.,.i; .11 ,u;" ' ' . . . ... , , ' . , . . ' , j 1 r v As-.ciiiLvii iia t.,iuiii..t.i.i) I'liiuuii uiiuiini iui uiiuii and 1, myseil, Constitntion, or the KnSlisli- Montoyiuiery bill, as , shall ceecr that' will drive them into a state of i her into nort. VeC, notwithstanding this she f was liorcely denounced, as a traitor" to tho South f it was ealled'-and who were alleged to have been or auv ot the adjoining counties, and respectfully ask . be bought of cVpluri HunJ . ....1........ ..V II.,. t l,..nl,,r..n. b t'.Kr- ' ft r, I 1' .1 f ,,m.li... N lixul. .. V lluu I'l lly bestowed. So conic alo,,;; and. uavc your uioutn it.tneis, rjtrnk j, coppeage. i ie;i. tl our saiJ j v.".i iwuunei, uoi ieei, uui, lor residing its repeal; and tlieio were some ; elected in violation of the Constitution and laws pwi m laogniug oiuer, ana lueu gci one ui my sup. io . oun m c,rr in nnnesooruugn, uic fairau aioauay . iu ueuauee 01 uiu misuiuujgu.iiei 01 uu uu oouru, ! WBCSC rasti and intemperate real SO lar ouLstl'in of Indiana ao.l nnir ulien tb,. I nr,) ..,,. . f Ambro.yp.,, ... . I in Jsnuary, A. D. 1 . ftbc wiU ride triumphantly upon the waters-! rd their Dem .e-ev d find her way -into port be brought into dock, sel my, expulsion from the 8tato for my treasona-' ing to the previsions and re mirenieh's of their ovcfhSuIcd and repaired, and again launched j tic opposition to the dieturbanoe of wtr'poajo. : constitution; and sent them, n the rcpreccnta- ,y . o u,,u.iu ,u .ua, i.i , ui ..ei uu uer j,oe., mis, or .io:, csiawisu ucir claim to con-. lives ot her sovereignty, to Washington, they find its true cause. -In what manner does his propc M track and weather every storm ; but no thanks U..ste.uy or p.inc...lc, or doos it show their readi- . the doors of thc Senate chamber rudely closed sition to lock thc stable doorafter thc horse had for this to her present othcers and crew, "bu to htcss to yie'd both to party dictation and party , against them, on the ground that the Senate be- ' been stolen, remedy thc evil-? It must be ncr- itig made, thc judge of the elccii.ais, returns and eeived that if the banks could foresee or apprs- AUUIVij K"f j ..." " -i 8o you who have beauty to 1IORT0X should talc It, 1 . 20-UO And you who have none ahauld Jyt him aake it, i yjl s, S. ARNOLD, ' liLAtcn itt Dry Goods, Uolliiiir, Hats, Cii, BouU, Sliocs, llurdware, ffrorrri's, Crofkrrv, Saddlci, rainis, nils, tf.,' AT THE OLD KTAXD. . T HAVB NW RECEIVED TIIE MOST Of MY late purchase of Fall and Wlnto, Goods, oompri iug a much larger assortment than usual, cuuristing in part of Ih following articles, vis : P. J. COPPEDGE, Clerk. statu or onTii cakoli.ta, AN3(.N Cut'.VTY. Cot ai or 1'i.tAS Axn Qi Ar.TKR ."k'sioks. ) .luni oy 7erM, 1W!. I lliili otn.Shaw i -. Calvin it, Faikuer. .iii'-'.'- A',. y n, 'wit fsii'ii tn l.anih. TINS CASE, IT APPE-ARISa-JU THE SAT suspension, nltliongli suspension may be-4gal-ized by thc autharitioa from which thoy derive their existence, and occur again it must, if the present system is not speedily changed. Lit us grant Ux a moment that tho President is ri'dif. in ascribing-'this wide snrcad ruin to r s m t 1 isfsction of the Cottrt that the Defendant, Calvin perpetrated this grave offence? Sha I .M."Falkner is not a resident of this State: It is there- ttiiwhipped bf justice; or shall they pat I fore ordered by tbe t ourt that publication be made m ,. . ., . " ! tb. thCaroUul ArFO,,frsix weeks, nutiti'lng sail j !7rot tf'" ,dt7 ' , , , i nerown srotu imino nnu superior saiiingnuainies. t But what shall be done with those who havo fUlffVS.S 7 In ISoi, nnn iiitervaitluii was tho universal , nualitications of its own members, the ease is :!. illnck and Fancy ttiiks, I'rownand Refd Sugars, j at llio. jv ano uiz. Lonoe. ' Ads. and Sperm I'ftn, Uu.1 Kerosene nad Sperm Oil,-, Train ami Lineed tills, 5 Cantor and Cod Liver Oil- 3 Coach Varnish, - Cnshraores, Merinos, . Poplins, DeLaines, Defleiges, Jaconet Muslin.'i ' Bwlsa MnslinS, barred Muslini, BrtllsnTea, " Stella Shawls, Wool Shawls, . Clonks, Kid Gauntlets, Cashmere Cauntlrts, . ) lores and Hosiery, ' Cloths and Cassimeres V.-stinet. Merino Vests and Pants. 3 Haotis and Hoop Mkirt, i All of which will be Utsposcd of on. tlio most ac commodating term". Please, call and examine before making your purchases. 8. 8. AKM'I.D. I . 4-tf . , - . J l,..,l .1... i l.t- ., t i . n.. e i ... ... 1 .......u..-, uiu .io i iiu- i.iieuii uiu uuuifli; lilo uiii;iil UJIU lo eilCOUIIier, " tuey go , cry vjl J'ciiiijcrau.y.-rtwtli; uow tbev bemn to indeed, hv thpir pay tlio pcu- find noli intervention don t pay, and already tacy , have no power to co behind their own act. to as. the dan-er. But thev eannof. nnd did nut. and ra.se tec cry of int--runti'm, as indispensable to . certain wbother-nr ini. fmii.t nf u-...i. k.,,.. ii,,...r., . ...i t i.:..i. it i " . r .- . . . , .... . ..v. v. m.u'. Uiia UOOII i. HLVl VlUl i, il Ulh II IL dl. VVUlUll HII111L1. I1UVU Ik Calvin M. Falkner that a Justice's Execution agaim-t , H6wandu tlio quesl.ou now ot the power of ths protection of thctr -property, and the preset-' coimiiUted- The case partakes of tho nature of final and not a remcfial effect would have an blm, In the above stated' case was returned to the lpphitton for the territories ? Docs it romaiu f ration of the Union. Perhaps they may rest 1 the I.eccmptcn case, and raises the question as to ewerci no beneficial nurncse. . , ......... ...... ...v .uiii,w.ua , nuvit- uiu vuiiM.iuuou uiiieeu H, wucre il uaa ondrscd thercom to wit: ' 1n..n f f... . -...l -.1 'xVovcmbcrilie -J7tb, IS.,?, Fut want of gooils and !,,:,;.;. t ,,.-t nota e ,t -'7.111 "tl 1 Tl T" " , i "t mu ireismuve iwuv gi mat ute or ny tlie ot .cw 1 ollt to 'say U sucli a bankrupt law had , . . . ... .. ... .'. l J.i. ' 'i j.. c in oc m ii o party iu tiio ccnato ot tnc Lnitcd been in existence in .,7 and .instead of-the ineir euiiiu 10 DriuciDio ana eonsistenev on tnis ! whether thn Wnnfnro ni i riri . !... .1 v. 1 .1. .. ,,;...i 1 ,. j lin ,. , r ..-,,. ( . 11 1 . c t ' ' x .ul.,,, cuu.i uu uieeieu -ni, 1 11 ..1. u 10 ine iiiti'itigeiit oustnoss men F01 wtintof gooilsnud 1 ;, ' , .',",, 1 "-aoruiuaon. , oy tlio legislative body o( that State or- by-thc - of .Vetr Vol It to aav if ciiaucis 1 levy tnis cxeeuon on one iieuso ami iot, ia --',- - , ., V . "."y ..'.-"' p "'Vi- u.-, jycnioerutm puny 111 1110 ccnato 01 tlie Lnitcd been 111 . 1 -i ii' ...I...-..1 I v :..i t i... i it, T.n fiviw, . ,n ine I nnnreGa ni inn niii.il mhiac ' i. .. i- . ..n.. i .i i.., i - i . . l... . , . - ... . . Kerosene aad bperm (lils, ,, UI ,'",lv:"."l , ujuiuii? uiu.n uuu nr. .... ....... "-v s. -"j "'"-''j.' e a ... .j m, ctatcs. . . ." .. .; jn;spor.::ion (it vour banks he ng ega zed by tho ' ' ... ' .. M ITfi-V.tV ftfl.l -nlhtltHi n nnn n rs!nl.- nn flirt nf.TW-i-f v ..f . fr il.iPa ir tihliio in hi I .-rri frit-in tKamco una ' vin-l.t-s r,l Un UfntA . .a hU ..u.J. . . i t r t . , . ' . . . tv i . n n J 1 v Jb... ci It T...r,ii,s.i.r Uriff - ir u a! iii- .1- . i . . . . . ' . ". w" vuivi iiuu uri ai LiuUlCUl 0. : o'.U'. J .OlziM'inirO tflPv na'J DOen rOrCCiJ IniO OaflK- T . .... ....... . . ... .,, . , ii c udiu euiuti iiLiw l ili i v urtinriiRii nn rn iiipip ipmnrnMriA nrtTfiin-rftiirtn . i; By IV. A . Kai.raiRit, D. S. i 1 i v:u ..r;. " 7.:,' i WLtvess, latriuk'J. Coopedge, Clerk of our innii itrniuiu on, . n. l u .,.! t, ..." ,.u .1. ;.i m ...i. me! Chrome Ureenin.Oil, Vl.u t.Tv- V 1 tsvi . " " M"Z to0 Window tilaser aU.siics, r '. Putty in Cans. Concentrated Lye, Kerosone Lamps, Guut and 1' stills, Carpenters' Tools, Smiths' Tools, Kails, Sd tnt0d, Hell Wneolf, Well Unckets, &o ane.lrv. 'i-t'l.. :we lillt nnll 1 f .... t.,.n t.. il . C .t. .1 1 , 1 . 1 - . J , , , - -- . , ... ,, . . , . : - i U.W.I.UUII iu iv- ,ia ijim t,i uiave s uiiiev h ueiner ii muiu nai e proveit u icuieuy s,iid iJftnoariy cveryi day, because from the -mo- )VeU eourse- of itty reading -and my and great consideration, which would net 'liavo for, or ah n-gravatioo of, the evil ? -' " uit-tn ,t...y- uep. ea t out u.e ;oia lanaiiwrK, ; experience, i nave Known ol but. lev instances been raised Willi any . Southern State iu this .' Would the comitrv. at this dav. have been7 yMiavo-Doen i wuiKjug. and Wunrtcnng and in wluclt there has been any .attempt mUlie rarLrnirm.; andifTs had beei.: would havl.Jteo,,: i l,wter7,VwsS A, E. BENNETT'S DRY GOODS, HARDWARE AU GROCERV W'AhESHOliO', X. C. IIIAVE JC3T JlkCEIVED MV FALL AND 1MN ter Stock of ' . ; .. DRV CiOODS STATU or OKTII CAIIOLIAA, ... ivonv i i irv-Ti- Ciirnr or Pi.kas ami Jr.nTEn Pi:stuv1f ' Jmwiirv Venn, 1S50,. f W. P. & I'. F. Kendall iv.'Calvin M. Falkner. .ilphii IveUteatu f.-. sianie.' Edmund M. llobin.-ou ft-, anfei"1 John W. McLendcn i. Same. Elizabeth Huntieyrw. t?an,e.--Caroline Huntley n. Same, ' Elijah D. Worley :-.t. ijan'ue. Mary Green ii. Same. ' : John C. Mcltao t j. Same. - . , A-hc A llnwe-v. Same. ' ' El! F. Kendall e. Same. William Tico t. Same. John O. Sinclair ts. futile., Eliis 1). (iaddy ti. Same. Thomas Gulledgo i .: game. ." ' Patrick J. Coppedge r.'. Same." ' Addison 0. Moore-.?: Same. " 8ame r; ISamc. - ; t Malcoiu Shaw if Same. ., :. .John Stacy H. Same. ' -Same i . Same. ! AHrtrhmrhln : trricd e ',ftji''t. - - TT A PPEARINO TO THE SATISFACTION OF. the Court that tJalvinTd. Falkner rcsiiles bovond I . J. r-oprr.ro iE, t !orT?, tttliil)lin irtnB bait to worsev nse a blind liorser-of tha ficr.cral 'jovcrntnent to interf tin ploughed ground, simply lor tho reason-that .' encroach upon, the there was no path to fellow, and no road to travel, those few are very etri j and no sign post fc guide : nnd you mustre,t back -instances, as. well as of transcendent iiiitiortance. f to tha Coustitutioutiou and thc power must -re- and of very recent date, and have all been .origi J main where it was lodged by tho Constitution nated and been sustained by the 'Democratic in tho Congress of thc United States before party. . , matters will get straight again. The first case was that of the Lccomntou Con- ltrionf to interfere v.it!r,-or--setiaenccs ever to ber uxplorcd mid as it is,-1 ' banks in theUnTted .States that suspended speciti: rights of the States ; and , presume, we) hayo not yet beard the last of it '.payments-had beeu forced into liquidation and iking and very remarkable for a greater outrage I cuimet well conceive vet , closed ? " . ' ' i nave.nenrd-noone voice raised againsf.t by the , 1 venture, to say. that such a state nf desolation State-rights party of thc South. . "' and universal ruin, novcr" fell to the lot of any. One other attempt at encroachment on the nation of people, as w,"uld have fallen upon us. rights of the States must not be overlooked, and It was bad enough as it Was ; but we have reason to which I beg to' call the attention of the eoun- tu bo thankful that this Democratic expedient i n.s power v. engross nas no autuonty lo trans- ; stitution-iii w net, too doctrine was asserted by , try, and I can conceive, of a few cases calling : had not been resorted to in time to have made i a .State-rtg.its-l.eptibheau-Democi-atie President : more loudly; for tho anathemas and denunciation's a hundredfold worse. '' for; they have no choice but to exercise -it them- .1 " 11,0 power is given 10 vongtcss w tior -nat is u,e title tliey Have assumed to of the State-riirhts nartv. and for their intern., mif i if rtn fn-if Tnit-ft -v - nr.1 n n -r nn r Icgulatc lor 'he lerritones, they. have no more'; tlielnsclVesJ and strenuously ate:npted to be car-, sitiou.i.i defence of -the lights of tl.o Stat. ; ion; or if thcro 'was,-that it was the cause not right todnxotthimiselyesof. that power and trans- fried out in Congress, that it' was in the power of! I allude to the recommendation of Mr. Duclt- 'only of the unexampled national distress in thin ;fer it to the territorial Legislatures, than they the lederaf authorities, to Jegishite one of the a'nan in bis message -'to, Concress in 18T,.7, anil ' country, but that our banldn system bad de wouldhavetodivc.it thcmac.vesof thcwar-iualtinrj . Icmtorics of; this govertimont, as a State, into again, 'after twelve months deliberation, repeated! ranged flic monetary affairs of the whole com- r -in-er nnii f r;,nf.r ,t til tn, S'nc I ,ir.,On tnree l.htv I num. nnlh n i.rtnciil,u!,.n wn', ..1. 1...1 tur.D n . , i. . . .1 - . . . . '..!'. . -. - , r t 'v'1'o" '.."i "Lit, in ajjic, inai congress snail pass a iinKrupt i mercial globes or is -tins a mere expedient or And if tho power is not vested in (engross,, been submitted to tlio people for .ratification, on law, to bo applied to the State corporations, or ! Democracv to divert attention from the rdal cause' whore do they derive the power by ,Wr.n to tho ayjwcd ground, that-sf submitted it would bankinir institntimu- rre.Tt. d betl,,, . TK.t : r .!.., i;,.'. ,o.,,..,.:f ;f r ., : '-as rt,.i Embracing OLOTIW, CASSIM.EttES, PELAIXES, CAUCOi;s,sii.KS,&0.l8ie. , .. ! IT AIMKARINO TO Till! SATISFACTION OF. (jonstitu(ioiii It ' is sheer noiisonse and folly ; ; Also, a frosh supply of '...) I. tJ??iuU- "l tUore.'can be no barmotiy of action, no peace, no jki-v ti-a in liRAvmnic the limits of tills btnte, or so conceals. hiuisuU that : - . . ., J - , . (sROCI.RtLS ASD. KOI KIOIS, thu or4inarr rroce9S of lh, law nnot be scrvcJ on , cgiceiiieutsas to he power, until this wild here, y And a large ami well-selected stock gf : t,;m. tt i, tlierefnre ordered, that publication benadc ! 19 abandoned and the Constitution is restored to RCIIOOL IIOOHS. , r In, the North Carolina' Argus, for sis weeks, for the j its orignal action and to its; truo interpretation.. WT All of which I will dispose of for CASH, or i "!" "'"t.n" ln aprr the next term of , If then,'! Bffl. askcd, as I often am, what about t lo pitnetttai enstcmcrs. "-u .; 'i " " 11 "-"""v "-nsiin, m me n I). I tyOuft-iio.iM iu 1 aileshorouRln on the second Monday t.tansler tUe authority,. to the jcrntory; ilus be. rejected, aud against which sevcu-tcuths of is to sav th. ... : . j t . . .. t . . . , .1. . r. j- . i .... .. . i . . J - iiojio.-uiuH is too piiun ana simpie to eiimarrass uiu people ot .inac lerntorv were men rciuonstra- "ovcrnments tho minifof afiv statesman. Awav. then, with tine and nro'estino-t .1 doetrinii that ariti1r'n ' 1,;... V.,f ri... an new iangiea tiieories ana experiments ot pop. ueatu mow at tnc basis and foundation (,f ottr . destroy ular and squatter sovereignty, unknown to the revolution; a doctrine that denied Both the ri-ht and the capacity of the people for self-government; a doctrine, the advooacy of which, in thc absoenco of party machinery and party demands, there was not one of its advocates "within the broad limits ot this .iiation, whose standing and he power being conceded to .the gtato .' prove the noees s to create wicorporatiofis, tiiey now ;- regulated instil ,e (ieaeral (Government the bower to tional Dankthti , . --is done, furnish a. currency that would constitute distinct in , a circulation medium for its own citizens, with I 1 . i , . . . . . p ssity for putting down all such in stitutions, cr of establishing a N'a- kthat would, ns in all other countries on time to punctual t Senator Douglas's uew Ihcoryjif-squatter sover eignty I answer, according to thc terms of tlie Kansas-Nebraska' bill ho is nil rij.rht; but, ac cording to the Constitution, he is all wrong, es- llach government id supposed to be c their, several organizations -. each Stale eorcrn-i which vou could travel and tnndi! in anv r.art of iucnt sovereign, and independent, of all the rest, j the Uuien, without a discount, at every turn, aud , so far as.their State governments are concerned, . that would, as tho old bank did, keep the State and each, likewite, separate, -distinct and indeyj ba'nka inViKck, an J correct the' tendency on their ' neudent cif the T'eileml tl popularity eoiud have withstood the Norm ot eiso-of all those-rightsnot srantod to Ihe.Ocucrul 1 do . n at pioiwsc the Datik of the United popular indignation and wrath with which he' Government. w , ,. tates.:, I only mean lo ex;ircs, as my individ- would have beca overwhelmed; a doctrine that i "Yet, here -is a. State-rights Democratic Tresi- ual opinion, that no financial .asrent of the gov was the most anti-Democratic, antt-Hopiiblican, deut claiming the power, and twice recommend-, eriimeiit has yet been adopted or proposed, that.'" antuStatorfghta, anti-oonslitutional. nnti common jr,g th'ecakiace of a law by which 'ronsress takes in all respects was more tree from constitutional . IrOn WOttt lQ GeneraL Lhi,u in above, named cases, and the lands levied ' rltl PAfiflsatlirtAd tn Ik. 11 .. I a : AX. , i. ..... is ...... i - . .. : - O r ' r - CZ - WITII &. Miustl Kt-si-iit im 1.1.x .-VMneM, PotrteS J. Cornui0 Olerk of onr Mjj ' Vlla' ?'.u r,lulcn11' wron" ' extra juuiciai po- sense, anu uuti cimmou nonesty aoetrine mat ; under Its giiardiaiSslup tlio institutions qf the i objections, or aiuswered so good . a .purpose, as V , V- V T 1 '.i iff"! ' Conn, at office in Wadesborjiugl, U,e second Monday uwm opinions tuwwjuuojJKM mauo ie miige waa ever propounuea .to tue .American people; Mates, as created Py Stato authority. Take mv would a propcrlv g'tarded add well con.iuctcd na tb. citueno of J) thoru' n Picuia,, that .1 iB J-tuk(.,. A. u, mx ., ... , Iipott tho Nubraska bill, and not upon the Con- and yet there was not one Southern Democrat. ' own State for example, and I onlv "tal.-e- il.st !. 1 tiona! hank. But -0 on.' and fct the reutSeracv V- V .I 0.-.rtll : V, V Sr.nr.T.r. 1. rn.'f' ut i.itt.-.t iUn rt.-o. trarn nn, wIlLi. ..J : " t n n't.i ' I iff ;i itF . ll.,.ll.n.l il . I c ... -.. . . ' . f .. -l 1. vv,t ' -uY w 1 'V' 1 iv jm. "ij uu. ?iiueiawisii . ... ... v.". "--- vwig'vif, inc eon. ; cause i knuw.moro 01 ine interest llelil b? that ; continue t.i operations ot tlieir espeiiineiiKu ,inis is a positwu that no argument cau reluto sisteticy, ilia prtncip.e, or tlio inuepondenoo t, Slate m her banking iustitutioits thau t do of auy -j Sub-treasury, which withdraws 5 ?tl,liO,OOl a and no sophistry evade. It ia constitutional lav., vote against it. And. a is an historical fact, ' otlnir. . . j year from tho purposes of commerce, -'trade, and THEY ar carryiiig on tho PLACKSJUTHINO BCSINESS, IN ALL ITS IlllANClIES-at the well knowa 8TASD now partly occupied by Mr. ELI - 2--i-.Hl ill lil I'si. I. A--a FltEEMA.V. and-tliat thev are prepared to do aad i I I pciimw alt work inthisline of business with prompt- , neja. XLey gnarautee that all work done at their estabiadiaieiti. shall be finished in a workmanlike man-' t H ALSLNS, Sit., ic. ner, aail mat tuoru suan n n unin'ci-win wu.vmi- j.f i.i:nos, caidii:. BOSTON lllTTKIl and LKMON CUACKEI' t p c ' constitutional lav.', vote against it. And . a is an historical fact, other. . ( year from tho purposes of commerce, trade, and COCOA NUTtJ, I'.KCAN NVT3, ,,,, y .',' j settled and carried out in practice by better and 'ucver to" be f,.rtten or overlooked, that the Trr Virginia, there U not an incorporated bank 1 manufactures, and we shall all see what will.be EX?-I?!il WAUKCM, FlLUEBfS, ! wiser men than thoje of tho present dv, an J-'-onfy tarty In this caunfry that -einld be fonnd ' in which the'State itself is not a lar-e tock- the end of it. '' Jut received bv . 8. P. ARNOLD' ' be doe-, aud cll done, ley, 13-tf 1 this OtiictS. iticial'y decided and expounded -by a pure, up jngtit, aud independent judiciary, who bad no po , I1U1 i or obey. .....Ii. .ntMiinlmeiitii tliat v ben a lob is noniised fv oertaiB lime, waen imi time ain.es, inn woi . rioiu j s aj . . sv 11 Aitn a.tis ion (wlia AT i"" ""J".", weiui'iiaii,imiiiiii jnuj iuaerii, uuu ui m puj, eiuiuiiu jj.u ciieiii tet', to a crisis 6ucu as we bad 111 l,ii comes on ; the only party m tins country tnat eOTtld be found in which thc State itself is not a lar-e stock- j the end of it. to give it their support was the Democratic Be- holder, nor i there a' Tailroad corporation . iu ; - r to be coxTivi tn. . - , publican State rights party, and that thit dre- which it has not an interest of throe.fifths cr more. . ' ' .' , aV"t;. P. Morris, edituroftheew loriitiomc ! ! the true and SCTiu.n siinoa pure, State right bauki tdiroujjh jut the country su-sud spedc paj-LtUurnal, has been appointed Ciusul to Havre.