y:' ... ' ' ' v VOL I-NO. 31. WADESBOKOUGH, N, C, THURSDAY, APBIL 14, 1859. my SERIES. ' , PTJBLtSBEV WEEKLY FEUTO.t DABLEIV '"' 'TERMS OF BUBSCEIPTIOir. . Single eoplet, Two Douaas pw;r, Invariably In '.dveaee. . , Ta Club of Tea sad apwards, It will bt faasiehed JM 1MB VOLLAB AB A HAW f Cpf . , Jf o sabtorlptlea rMird for leu Ihu tie bmOii. V. EAT E8 OF 'ADVERTHI VO. . Oil ND1U, T J,Mt OB UM ?. - o lawHioa 70. " .. Tkm lBMrtiNU.. ......$1 M TaMUu, rBloliiMrtiMt..... Thrw nontbf, or tfalrtM ioMrtisM 4 00 II1BM U 0 UO AdrirtiMn nuit iuu tk BBBbtr of liniM they with thir drtrtiMiBinU iawrttd 1 otbtrio tby rill be eontlnutd (ill fortMMM. osdabirged oiord BK4BiMT. AgTMBttato will bo buwIo wMi yotrl odTwrttatr libontl oad drtauceoM Urm. frW.fkwitl tad Oiimbm Cordt, BM (leMdisf It tiBMrWr.lalw(, will bo liMits for 6 ytor; If mn i (to Um will bo eWgoa Iko bmio m thr idTortiMBratr. " lAbltiuiry motif frco whoa Bat oxMOdlng twOBly Umf, ! obooo twnty Umo ot dorUoBMOl raUo. K v E Hutchinsoii, , CABIXET MAKER, ' Af MB at ItARORATE, . mcoot la partamfelp la tbt eouuty of Anton, etpi ob iaoriBiaai von in ut Lixukt 0art, (J, B. Hnrao bia OmBty Solicitor. ) nj (rill atua4 to tat atllaetlra af all elaiai ob- lratl ta km la Aa ton tad tbt tarroaiidiDaoantlH T. 8. Aaba attandi tbt Carta of RUband, Uta. gomwrj, maty, vanamt, UBIOB IM ABaaw. . I. aTarfraro thoto of MaatgoBiarjr, lualy Bad (Offioa at Wtdnboro. THOMAS 8. AEIiE. I . B. HAEQRAVB, "19-tf " ttTKCTFCLLT INFORMS THE Pl'BXK that bt aoatiaaat to ataaofactaro " i M article ia kit UbO of botlntai. Farnl ff m7 f taro of mrf ooteriptioa BMdo to' I III Ukordor. Ia additios to too abaro bl auaafaetaro TlTlN and WIRE SAFES, and it prepared to do all Had! of INSIDE CARPENTER WORK-faeh at Blladt, Djort, gath, BbtUing, or any otbtr work parUlalat to tht iatrrior of a dwelling bouto. NaT COFFINS mado to order, at tht thortott bo. 4ieo. Ho.witboo it to aa Badmtood tktt kt eaa aad 4U furaltb CoSat of ploo, poplar, walaat or auhng. aay at frota two M foar koura' antiea, depending opoa tbt aaalitj tkt Inott aoteioeedingrar Anrj tueh are hit foeilltiot for manufactoriag tbta. Tbo faai j itt, ao eaa nako alaia Piao Coffiu sack cheaper and aaieker, aad boiler, thta any carpenter, it being a MfiuaMio oraoea oi oil DUtioett. XI -If T B. nOKTOt, DENTIST. WADES DORO', . JL. If. V , Win oporauoa TtHTM at ue reuowing vow ratoa. for aereooo who, aaH at eeaoo to ktr Ike work dear. r pay oaabi OoM Plaat., 1J(; Ttetk oa Pieot, $i; toeth oa field Plata, t oaeb ep to ei-ll abort tkat $6 rack; a Foil Vffor fist a Saetioa, $74; Lower Teeth, the tamo. Ail other operatioat . ooually low. When I kave to credit old ehargtt will ho made. I eaa refer afcaee woe with it to tome of .too moat rotDecUblo oititetu tr wkmim I hu piaffed taeth eigbtooa teara ago; Ike esiae piagt are ! 1 atill ui aad doing well For stbert I kari pal ia 1 dottk oa pi rot ana gold plate, toiat full otU oa oue 1 itloo, which they hate, worn for arTcral yatrt, and are I atill wearing, all doing well; and many other opera j 1 Moat, which hart hteo tfoao forabowt enrhteea yean, i 1 all dolag well. Sat aa I warraat all my operation!. 1 aad kaea tbo advantage of apwarde of eighteen yean' praetior, I karo ao doubt bat I eaa give tatitfactiiiB to all wbo are diipoeed patroaieo aadfliajBO a 6ur Ariel, which it all I tk. H. B.Hlag engaged ta tbo Photographic Ant, aomo baeo been ladaoed to believe J hod oait the eraotieo of Deatitlry. Now thit it a mitt impreaaioa. I hare not made enough to juttify my retiring from i g . tbo bafinett. Oa the eootrary, I am bettor prepared i 8 Ml thaa ever to operate oa toeth, aad am Mill in the a 4 rid, rauty at all timet to attend to all eaUoeVom tatie or aay of tht adjoining eoaatiet, aad eatptotfally atk a eoatiaaaaeo of that patroatgo koretofuro at liber ally beatoeiod. $ omo alnag aad hart yoar mouth fat la laughing order, aad taea get one of my tuperb Ambro'ypoe. So yea who hare beaary to HORTON tkoald Uke it, Aad yua wht hare aoao tkoald go lot kirn make it. 10-M ELVAN3 ft THOdPSON, Betkn is tm k, Ctbiad ti HfMitttj ludwin, Bar Iron bb 6tML kW A CtmpUU Autrtmma t BUBS. SPOKES. FELLOES, SUAFT8, , ft. - 12-tf CAPITAL PRIZE 855,000. Fifty Thousand Tickets I 25,827 frizes. More Hum ONE PRIZE to evtry two STATE 10TTERT, 0a the Ptan of 8bit4 ITuken. Fortht beaefltof tbo MONT1CELLO UXION ACADEMY, or VAtria eocvrr, otoaau, Aithariifd by Special let if tkt JLegitliatirf, McEINMY & Co, Msnarers. To bo draws ia pablie Bnder tbo iwora aprrfntea- aeaeo oi two i;ommlfloBere, W. B. SIMONS and J. M. rRENTISS, ia the Cltr f Sarammali. aergt. Tickets only $10. Iilrtt, Quirt n ud Eigalhi ii pfoportioa. To be Drawn each Saturday in APRIL, 1859. CUm IS. to a drmtrtn rHI t. -Clam 14, to h drmusn ipril 9, CUum l.V to b drmtcn prU IS. Clam IS, ta bt drmtcn tprU 93. CUm IT, to dram iprU 20. MA8NIFICENT SCHEME. 1 prilt of SMXiO i ft.VinO tpriaeeof IO"Oar$.VXK) " 600 are 6O11O " ' e'Kiaro 800 ABSTIACT IP irEECI CF HOI. JOBS I. I0TTS, Icllrertd kefore the Irder if tiiUJ iaerictM II 5f l'irk, Fefcrsafy 2!, 13. . OOKCLODBD. Bttt it appeari to m wry portinent Inquiry I might her bo matto. If tbe Prcaident if in earn-' eat in oia reowninrnaatioa tod know that talM and frauduloot inroieet tre daily raeorfad ta aader Uio bJ Talorea ivotcai. by which Lke m. mam ( tbt goyeraoientaro MoW ti U b bo- iiore tbo American manafaetarerf are deprived f ivaa, ruu wue tart Eoinsdown and whilst T wna L.h..rin ;ik II my energioa, W atop that leak, ny other paa. ooRer or pereon were 0 come, anil offer liii a. UUaoe I would not itop to inquire, whit w um religion, wnai nu poiiMca, or what liii pro fession; but f would toko him by tho hand, "and Ji B work mj good fellow; let. us Mop this va, auu avo IUO BOip, BIVO OUf OWO live, UVO lil Z n' 1 li LttJ tLe 'rl1K '7 piven future dy, ith. wing lh.. audience. in . JimlfcJ perioJ, .hould bo lluwd to Ko at ny, who, aince Auietinwiu ouce to the proper tfibuual, and by deduriri hU " r , unntu ; iiimjuuuu, upon obui, to Oscoiue a pern povcrthecmntrj afrw ycara.uo.lcitii,!!, take the oatb of fidolilv to tL I mm u woveoiont, aui porhupi poll tie, to de-j Sutu. .,1 be.ome at oco iovtilod with thaitheyhadevorlorniedaoonrK.ct.onw.ihit. oitiiea; but I wuuld wi.IW.ola iLx him. tfotnwuhm! I am proud Va acknoevlodso luioul power, H let l,iu, ut putkntJv iNllKrH IMKllli NA A Rial IS. or V 't 8 aeeomplMbed, to tho,o throottb W kind w . o nnot endorae tleu whole entire creed. . honor of addreaaing i ... " "uo m- " cannot get I nere are many, w u x vior. i win uu an mum n( i i ... . I : ... . . . . i . - kv , udi uio w rr 1 1 1 1 1 1.' iniwMr wun wnii.n it . ... i .... . ., . ir I wetwrtw.eAcwo.Dliiteg frAort. 'like . kurricaDa-tho.V." i .T" u"',"P?aB cau!' ,0..!w- .ndIfo.ditoahiPh.d,prnB.l..k,.dw.. find it oce.; and perba'p,' X SaVZT i i: ... . . . native ill! co- FvAMrnr till Li 1 ! ... !. . i . and Dvi.im ,k.. i .... ' ... .r.;;,""; ., - "uu wwt p"y 7 -:.r,i T. i. . uruer . CBIlrai undor re.uLJican institu- United Americans, whoaa pnnoiplca aro .ouod, tiuns, nursed, it were, Lv tl.i milk cf liberty whose objecte are pal lot.c, and whoe end, are j from it. mother' Imat, aCouIdBt,.J forth and -" "iv wnuic, wucuwr oi nauro or foreign Dirto. U'. . .... v aiu uu ciiuiiin-1 10 hHlelXnTt. Vi c Know , . ..v. , auout wie umnoution oi tno j mat mere are nwnv "imd nnd wixn and vn "'?!'hMMto-'V. ,c PPoa h ..til weeet felv men aione them. iL.ll ticwa, patriotic in their aims and minonlIy useful as citisuns. If ull Wero ao.'thea no Amor-1 lean orgaoitHliou would have bum npcowiry, in ! our free and bopitablo land ; and if our C'onatiiu-1 lion enabled us to draw a hue of diminttioti I.e. I Lha era v an,l mm: . n.l It ,L... L ! . . . i . . , . . . . . i . i " ' ft" '"tin iv o anv I Z ""ST" W '.0Mm I o us, about the distribution of the tbat there aro manv portant naUen a teal f Oeawcratia orthAdorv as be Udf tke LeeomafaMi Conititution I Whv docs he But nequiiw thoaa occupy iug pooitioos of iaflusnee and power by hi own appotatmaol to biu nimio aratecung tneuoveromeut from boia j. ..... . - iato port. This, it appears to nie, would be the course that practical wisdom and ominen sense would dic tate; at.d if the ship should be lost, becauso yen am was rejected, h would be sorry conmla swindled, and securiue to that imnonaut elaaa ct tin in ih. w. ...u .i... Lt. ii ii. l i. r 7.1 7 i. v v-uni., tv us tuiu tuai tno wcatuown, kis fellow eitnens all tho nghu to which they because it itasamar, and not a sa.fcr that would ara entitled! have aaoeJ hr Br the sufrares of tha modI. Mr. Baohanaa ia the head-of the GoTaramao and upon him de volve the duty of seeing tbe laws fukbfullv eie. cuted, and upon him rests tbe renpuiisibility for their violation, so far aa it ia in hi power to pro., rent it. Why, then, when be makes one recom. elatjii, n wo do now, lliut he has ri"lus and pnviifger-at home that do not to-long to every traveling vspmat, tiiiit, from clarity, he might choose to tike into his household to protect from want and cold, 1'nJi.r this regulation,' tury would bveome cn. tit!ed to other privileges far more important to them than the rijjht of voting among them, the right of holding lands and transuiittiiig them tweea tho einno A .1.. ' r " i :'. .V "' ' " "'-iu, me mon 01 j ujr uwu oujoog itieui, tney 11 n-.ot now do. subsUnco, and the men of straw, the men of in- Another advanf.igo they would derive would d.-pcndenecj and tho paickifed hireling, tho I he, that thev would le et.tiilnrf tnih nr.,...;. men of reaaon and the wai.or pnMion-w would I of the fiu2 of tho trt.tt.-J .i.:!.!, .,1,1 gladly separate the worthy from tho wor;he.s8,and require the:u also tu pr. tect if adtnittheono.and shut out the other ironi all par- tui.ita duty. .. , would Ly jeiforiniiig Our ooantry now ia in that einkin'? cooditinn : tt is traveling with ri'rd speed down an in clined plane to destruction and tho onlyqucs- fiiin l.tm urn In ,ln, J.. 1 ... . 1 I .. .. . . " III! on ni1. J. 1 1 wJ'ob,forth.?keofur warworn f.,.h,-rS.foro,,r i oUun of a eiti.en, ,l,; ,,..J LM bo entitled - . r u ui uuiviiiir i. lie uwu s-AKfu. nnn ti.p ti. mio r .i . i i . .l . . . . t i . menaation does but Secretary of the Treasure I break t. and the man .! I, utTZ'.. . .'.7. i ' -cor now n poiiti, :,i hv n. tiiterpoae the nfluenca of hi. nnaitinn m ti.rf .nni;..i - :. .i... .... : :: . . . , c W M. lid L. l , .t.. x-J. -rZJ. Z'- ! -rr . " ' " " "rTO"nB" wani, ana i aown uoiniDaued as He recni-J ih..,., fr..n. Um views of tbe President, arturb auu neeptsi rily divide the party f I think there is but ono solution to the ques tion .' Tbe President and Secretary are both vemocrauo fMNitietaM IDey botb belong to aui in search of. I will not atop to auk, what have been tbo politics of any man who will befp me to do it. But we want a in o who will do somethid" .1 t .i .-. n more inau oeai me Uouiocraey. We want no that great IMPOSITIO.V party of the eonntry, ; barren ticty which if ptiblo", is woree than ... ..jr.Hg a a-aiuo oi noo-noo wirn tne deleat. e want a wise, rcBectine, judicious people. It is Cobbi you tickle the South under j tiat.-sman. We want a man who will discharge the ad valorem nb j and Buck .' you tickle Peon- his duty freely, and fc-rlessly in healing all set sylvaniaand the North nnder the specific rib; tional animwities, who will put down all Southern and this will furnish ground f olefeoce for tho j leagues; who will sec that laws are faithfully exe party m each sectnta at the country. In one I cutod; that mob laws and lawless violence is re section they cm street- by the President, and in the other by the Secretary. This is one of the party tricks not unfrequently played in manufac- strained; that this growing sjiitit of llibuatering, or io can ii rjy us ngni name, Mis piratical cruis ing ana sc.iing oi oincr pople s propertj, either wbo went before us. but we have seen a po'iey adopteil in those old countries that are glutted with a population they cannot support, or employ to advuutngt throwing wide opeu their priaon houses and their alms houses, and belching forth upon our shores thousands of idle, dissolute, worthless and do praved men, who aro not only unused to but unfit for self government, and entirely incnpable of appreciating the blessing of freo gorernmenf ; never caring to claim the benefit of tho law of nntiiml .u.inn . I. - .j t .' f . .( -..u.au, in uW n-Ht oi voting, unm un- worit-y appliances arc resorted to to bring the a nt. ii in n y own Mat.) who has nonf or ac cepted a cli.iHeii'.'u to light a u'tiel, i disqualified from holding any olive, IMative, cxccu.ivc, or judicial, of honor, profit rr cni.luinent yet ho is tiuiK! the less a citizen for all that. If I were to come u. New York, with the inten tion of biio ning it rcaiuent, anil were to change my in i nd and to return to Virginia .within a year, a uioi.th or a week, I would be lii-iiualiGtd from voting for two years. 1 should Lc nono the less a citir.cn, howev:r; and this pioroxd extension of one importaiii pi-liige for another, lhat is of little value t j 'lieiu and little cred fr by a. large po.'ti u of t..eiii, will s. nc tol,ow that it luring platforms that will read any way you msy j cn the high seas, or on the friendly territory of desire, to delude and 1 cheat the people. If this is our neighbors, is not only arrcated, but pun Hot the true secret, I do not sec how either gen-' ished r 2jo0 U 15000 it 4000 is 8000 It 2000 it 1500 i 1100 is 16000, 4000 00O 2(00 50 1500 100 800 art 600 200 art 400 160art 76o0 100 art 10000 05 are 9500 Blare 8000 1100100 1 100 APPROXIMATION AMI I EES. i fritMa 2O0 approa'g to $55,000 priie are $800 a0 m 160 150 0 0 60 40 8 PB03PECTCS. too 400 820 4M " 400 " 820 240 " 8,000 200,000 25.827 priiea amoojvtiag to .......$335,700 WJawl TmtJtUmm. Ilart-ca f, Qaar - tra,jM. fllS Of THB LOTTERfT 26,00 priaet of tN. 20.000 15.000 4 000 8.000 1,000 1 5T0 1,100 100 licmao can De COnteut to hold hit nrea. nl. r.,.lili. V ...,. ...nn , . , .. . I the whole nation, will net, in that enlarged, en- Jir. Ootib tsoBe af my nt.jst inUiuata friends, , lightened,- national and catholic spirit, that will ror whom I entertain great personal regard; but I recognise the' just right of all, and not exert 1 am dealing with these zrentleiucn aa Bulitiekna hia i.iflun. ,r h. ;fl....M r v.. -a. t . snd not as friends ai.J ffa.1 ...fc.. ail " '.- . Ir.u. .."vu'" "" . ,w i n".u " "uu c?nnS 'or lUe consciences of their or g.d Ctien Cobb would .ot iUingW throw hiifTn-the Z'Z Z Z$ 2?H 1 th.?. f , weil ,urp,s. that the d,y path of too Preaiiei.t nLn aa . t , . ... """c"jc wuiy in one nana nuu a w iii-ky win arrive, ana at no very remote period, when tween them. It ms, VH. ontl ttf l T!?.tlr f tfcef: ! h 'h7 w-revcr th.y e,3 Uuia to Lc rcliertyJ of the onSrnioua tax of not a strong one, and it won't pay-for .along a. , slavery Uke care of iUelf, as it ,ur, lv irl.ur ll. on. n. ' 14 ftiilll In. ii n fr'tr i ! a.!! . .1.... I.... . u - v..w. u .......... ..u w...t.,.,...ij f " 'i iiii'iu,-u urm oy couipanics, and battnlion, nnd n-inicnt. to i belief that the safety of the ermnfrv renuir... il Swear iUlinnli.li.a ,il.. n n .1 r.l 1 . .. I. . .. :e i, '. ..-.' ..., ,, , UIUM1 lais.., ,0 ii-,, laeiuicc, ii racuueo ii ci-n to called, oh their time they have been among us, ami then march ' own aot-ouut as well as curs, to the polls in solid column, and drive, by- bru:e Kvcnts arc now in progr..ft f..r tlie cmaneipa force, tbo quiet, peaceable, native citizen from ' tion of Tie .--erft of Kusm.i, of whom there aro the exercise of his birth-right and birth-bought : no less than ::5,MiO,OIm), atl a voy l. rgo poriiou pnvilegc, and then deposit ilwir owu vote, with-j of theui proverbially, the iwwt k-ist!v and de-' out knowing tlieoam.-sof tkeircandidales.theirin. I graded liars, drunkaldx and rogues i.l;ve who afu cipies tney maintained, jhe offices they were to Gil, taoaj aolo of tiiaking good laborers, good noldicrr, and without caring for the consequences of their or good eitiin--, or of being othorwiso useful W and let n,..: . : r , i "vi r ciisvi lweii, as it turnu ean ana the Itemocratio paitr u in oowar. It mTn-,,,;i i .r.i -;n :.. i .. .l.. . .;i I r ' ' . ... v.j, tui.,Q vaults uuuor mo VOII'llllllOn Zff tZJTZ-i ' !' that protects it, and where no r-r."y secretary oi one must, and ih. Tr...n, ." j l:. " , , ' i "iuai, auu uu one can, oa pcrMiuca (aim no !ihilU. TtTiSl ' f mT -i f"?' as for as I know, is disposed) to interrupt Mbility of encouraging frauds upon th. public , I,, but those who have the legal control of it. revenues; whilst the President must bear tb- As for the turther extension of slave territory responsibility of sudonng tho laws to be violated, ! tbuiqueatton has been finally settled by the Soatu . x, wu.ui.n-u, -uu ms iciiow uu wciuoc.a'-j lor .i;uisclvc, when thev rc- Jltixcnsto be cheated out of rights to which they i peded ihe Missouri Compromise' aad they must ara entitled, when by the efforts and influmoo of I u,l la tho n-a.,lt of their "i.eiiou. And there is U!1. .CablneU" wwnff might ba avoided. but oue possible means by which slave territory - .... u,j, ouit...uicui ue pajt v tne can ever tie enlarged under this government, as .. ..v.- y7-" ""J- " recognises i i win tr.eiu in ltso4, and that is, by the farther the right of tbe Qeoral Government to embark , wquUithn of slave territory, as by the attain to internal improvements too, and to appropriate ; merit of ('ubn, for example; and that ean never money for the most gigantio scheme ever y , be done by the slaye Sutes without the aid of proposed in the United States, beinir fiiruatLirv ' ih trrs art , a . - .. ..I'm .. . . . O . im i-wioer. irm. i w ou,upu eorretponding with less thaa ft railroad to tbe l'noific. j We want a man whoso antecedents will cur "-A?"? PVI To be .ore the old cenUemen. f,c!mff that ha ' th Aunl ,f 1 l,??.11? - . i "ni. ui.u ii uu n ui tuuh, m Dper. irv mireira wed ibiu uaiubtM avnd nlH " . i in owtnen. I l r t ..ji j w uio vuup-liiui juii his piauom), ana tne onJy Th first S79 rrltet, imUirt? printed tad ncir- i ""t'OUBly. ai if b were walkihr on rotten ice, j one uoon whitii tho W re placed in another wheel. . and disclaiaus all power to make such apnror.iia. j wisely, and nruserlv aduiininten.H.H.nH ih o,,k' : .w:'"". " "T: rr a:. 6 WM ,Mk,nF contiins the elements of strength within '. : TDE COURANT," A Swathera Llterarv JwstraaL. rpn CNDESUICSEDPROrOSETOCOMMEFCE, XV weoooret ni next monin, toe pnoncatlou or a i.inn, nil ii un aame well 1 fee It sol We rare nnt aihnrn the. ...',',.,11 r... r . : 11 - rTiiis litrrikv joiiKMar. ,i..hi. mo a Priie it drawa iVooi the other whl. Th. num. i . . T,cf.noX "re 'oe.powerji'jelf for enforcing all its provwons ooth Cardliaa. j ber and piiie draws ev aro opened and exhibited to 1 '? .V c!aM ,0' t&B l't"ut"" " ' to j We want a man, w ho, instead of encouraging Tbo Boeeteitj for sock to organ of Soothers mind J the aadienee, aad retieeed by the CommiMionen; the " """'' 't M enough for us to know that it is mischievous legislation, stirring an sectional strife .will at ooee be comprehended brail who have reflected ' Pri" being plaeed agatast the Number drawn. This i IMW, whether under the War making power, the '. for party and political purposes shrinking from vpoo tho pre aent Insufficient arrangeaintt for tbe ex- j operation is repeated until ht prlies are drawaoat. commercial power, the power to protect the lives I ra.her than moetinc the resnonsibilitiea of his frettloB of tho thooghU and follsgi of oor seetina. 1 ArraoxtBATioii PautBs.-Tho two proee4M and ,.4 nnoncrtr of our citisens or the nost road 1 i,; L,7 tii . re,7D,'B,""e f 1 bls VoUeala tho Booth two exeelleni oerlodlwlt: the road position, when diiunionists threaten the longer "Bootbors Literary Messenger," at Richmond, Va., ; 9 rtitm will ho entitled to tbo 448 Appmimetios r".' "m "? """"I"- existence of tdo Kepublie, and lawless, wicked led, and did whatever thev were hi .1 or twciiiy odd years we have seen the balance of power, in the divinion.of parries, held by this class of people, through whose instrumentality Pre sidents have been elected, legislative bodies chosen and the. legislation of the country controlled. We have felt and suffered under tho wilheriii and blighting influence that they hav.- thus cxrr- ciseu. c liave lcit 11 painful apprehensisn tor tne safety of th-me i:is! nations which, are as es sential to tbe wellareand happiness, and to tua hearts of the -'r,antiiil acti vtrtn eiguers as to oursclres ; and we kavo believed", in the honesty and sincerity of onr hearts,' that a duo regard to patriotLsru and love of country re quired at our bands sumo eflort to abate thi and "Kuttell s Magasiso," ia Charleatoa. Although jthey are ably ooadoeUo, and ia all reepeett worthy too eosBooBat aao ptaronaajt at nor etusens, still, aa saoothly latooa, thtir ability .o pa Mi ah tach an amount of contribution! as should ba looked for from to largo aeommonity, it neoestarily limited. ""At the North, (the number of literary and aemMiterary periodicals Is, proportionately, moca larger, ana as freiuer facing ee for publication aro oBered, far moreat wriMea amoagat Pritei. For example: if Ticket No. 11260drawt the $54,000 Priie, thoto tickets aombered 1 1248, 11249, Util. lliit will eaah be entitled o $200. If Ticket No. 550 draws the $-,0 fre. ahooe CiekeU em Be red 6ea, 644, Ml , tot, will each be entitled to $160, and to oa aeoording to tbo above scheme. CsBTiriCArat or Paciaoii will be sold at the fol lowing rates, whtoh it the ntk .-;ii.iuiniig anu oiuerw i-,e' provi-jing lor such a class of people, that can Le productive t.t' noiL ing but trouble, iiiisehi.-f and expense, i'o say that every fifth one would bo a drag on so.icty, is a very moderate compu'atiuu. Ifeie, then, arc from seven to ten U'.i.iions of these misc-alle beings, that ll e Emperor Alex ander iuay diwire to get rid of, and scud off frota Ids dominions. Where arc they to go?"where ean room be found for them '.' where will thev as tleor ' "ieet with a welcome home? wheic tls but in tho riantiul acti virtuous for- I ( mted Mate, whole the Ileuioerci' will mwt. llieai 011 the shores with open arms, iuitiatc them into tho profound mysteries of lheirrd.-r, march theui up ia due time in regimental ord.-r, nni riOinhoiS. f.l l!in rntlirtji r:iv I , rr..in-n? tl.i rapidly increasing evil wti'.Ji, ir oot'coutrolieJ naturaii.tii.in, lead them eff t ) the polls, and in time, will become so powerful and effective as ciaia ai tbe reward ef their friendship, attention Jo make it resiiitlu for whilst no 0.1c appro- ! and tiviii,t.-s, an uri.-ioiidifc'yn'!'! import vl el hends they will ever constitute a' majority of ' I'emocratio njiuinees to office. x " themselves, tliey will never laek fur those who-i And, niw; I ;..-k the honest, patriotic masses. win proiess a sympathy, and act :n eoneert with ! ot the Demoeraey, North and S,iuth, if they ara ... ... -- uu ueeton, anu Willi : piepaieu 10 auiiiti rut many ni ii:r sc .people may . liuuaiaiii. n-iiriurieaieuis, mey are 00. oaiiii" a more aud more impnrtant clement vith cs'j Lc sent aicoiigt usf to a full pctrticiiviti.m arid en. joymcnf o.' all tl.v privilege j and rjgh's bestowed upon us by our Constitution and laws, as weil as by our inheritance? Ai.d I a-k them, fjriher 1 more, if they believe those rights mid privileges j and the unspeakable L!e: free : succeeding year. " There hai, been no general , cjerrti.m in the United States for. tho, last twcnty-n'vo jears, in which the native vote wis not very largely in on- position to the Democracy yet bow seldom, have would be err. ycd long by tliom or ourselves, when wo succeeded, either in the State pr national clee-! this.stalo or thiugs shall exist? tinna itnril m!l.!n . ... a... . . a 1- 1. 1 - - . ' . If the Oddo- men bid d fia.ee U ihol.-e. -Ml A." ! 1T' " " ,fuar or fV'' I .i aSf lue ? ' rcspret,uihty sitioo should ever obtain tho 'ainandnre. I hnn- ,i- r ,h- L ir'ZC. e,e"'!"' Mn SWK1 "7 their own :au suwtaneo.it. lie sees no uhscI i,; here to be ike, .ill th. powar with all pd'iWret 3g whh "and TriiS to' th'e 3.' ! Tt ffi KrtT ' I "I I '" for- -tut it does seem to me "that if we have tbe relonment of all tlLe nat.L ,d in.l.is, il Z. I li:" r.uT.l.10' .)? e.gner w. o has eh. lren to r.us, and prt.perty to ' powerto build, railroad to the Pacific, in order nra ,h, oaiiin,. IZZZZ r ' om,no was. 3.S.V00..-P'otecr, it no weu.o not teei that thoir interests. to protect our now defenceless I'.oifio possessions, a Bnn, and lead to (h. wealth and 'power and '." '( 7 or 8W O.Ffore Zt Z 7Z T l ami to supply our people with provisions and , greatness or the State. V I a '., Iv T hll ,1 troop, anJ munitions of war, when engaged in tVe want a man, who. without Me narsimo-1 KITS 1 1 V. " M' ell be denied that we ' nious or illiberal, will reduce the einenditurea of I v.".i, nl. ...T . ...f '"" ut remove tno obstructions the government to a fairlv pnnnniil nr.ii.f- anA , t 1 1 .. - . . 10 , -Tigation; of the Ohio aad Mppi i ,e. policy that will keep our on,.t ho. 2,7: IVMnipntfl eierra nt rcnniinirao ifiveis. to send.nur tronna in timAnf war fr..m tnn ..: ;j ... .1 . . iiavui.j.i.a I .J VA:r.rA KZ7C"-ir.:'TJT ralu" " contw' our ownairs ,And arew.MMW.fcfe- toltU. Brineiplas. : Wo aro, moreover, entirely ooa- derod. on receipt of which thev will bo forwarded bv ! fend the rite !. nJ.,..'-, ,fc, S,... r T . I Ii l".. " " ' , oi doing so wiinoul lanner foreign aid? If so, tot, mi I said Oclore, JUe tonstttntiou all ws of Tiaeod that toeiety ia the Booth it moslded brioitit0.;;Brt maH.- Porehaeers eaa have tieketo oadinr is aav 1 i. timo of imrml inA -W b..T.,. wi Xl 1 iv'T" - . -. N v ; , , ! S should it sought and "Ciunvd ?- Car, iUobj aBO eostoms tae best aaantad to tne prnluettoB- figure the may designate. i ' , , - " . .".a"--:-." wm tiieyaie i.ne stanuara he a source f sell-cotirr, . 9 . i:. . f l ' . .l . .l.. ' .1 . . . . . ' . . .... tO lmnrOVO mir rlTAN. an A harhnra ml lair ...4 -.i:... . 1. 1 . . . . .' 5 . rf rfS""1 irnire. iu iew vi uie jaci fqmi our ( ine net or anwo onmneri ana prises will bo teal , . TT r . :r "T -"- , ui iuid u.u iuipiuiuv a:uon" oui - nuoiio men at luitiu. that an ove J.a...... ..J M.J..Ar.k..L. Jia.. .....il.ll. I ... I f K-.-l r. .1.1 , ahlphmMIBlllllt. In.nM... lir.lliB.B.f AAn.n..-u II 1 . I 11 I , 1 . . ' .Hvww, w. mhui uihot uw.wia,if w uiB rwfffwera iiuuieuiaiaiif aaver uie urawing. . r " -n.v u.uiroys ui uuiumciw, uoiue, aim raise me luteuectuul stauuara oi- those from those of the Northern Statu. It b comet oor I fcf purcliatert will please write thrtr tiraatares I Wt as we now exerciae the ricrht of ercctini rwho renrescnt us abroad. in . ...1 ik nA.t .tr.. . ... J a.... i i: L . I e . w . It is there, and that is enough. v. rwv..w.vM .v.wv,. n .wnwrn mvgp Fl , . 1 1 iVW-', 111. IUUU1IIUUO VI 1 their people; although it Is not trae that there is a ! Certioatot of Packages of 19 Whole Tickets... ,...$S0 actual hostilities itetnnnt -grealor degree of intelligence is- tho Northern -States 10 Half " ...... 40 " ' J: " ' . " . .-Atd.,it-faT atoarito AppoM thatth. totollMMal,. " . .' 10 Quarter " 20 have th sanie power to. re avrai, muiw, vr n.i.uii imvm vt dvhiwii bv clety can bo reflected by a litorataro which tprlngt from a social organisation of entirely diBertnt and j 10 Eighth ( and hh own, were better secured, and that freo government stood 'oa.'a Grnscr foundation, by the exclusion of tills mass M' rottcno. from tbfl. ! body p jLitic, than bv i's admittance into it ? And ' then, I ask ot e!c;!i one the Vpiestion, jvficther he would not fooii ryiJd his own claim to cxer 1 eise political power, tiun thit it should be ex . tended to. all- thcseiiL ordir to tike him in 7: itutiuu a! - di-Mi(ei., w-4imgt taKo in or eselmle alL- ftycj to. to our owb organs, deroted to our peculiar asritutiona, aad apholdiug those views which may crtttrre oar people la Baity of thooght aad aetioa, M aialntaia that wits cpgterjratfiMa of taste, morats aad polities ppsa ajhieha wolfaro of the Soatk dor , xeode. Wo hope to maks oar jonrpBj anfilUry to the two OOthern Alagaiines, in tho production, In print, of Jae Intellectual efforts of oor owa eitiaena; In ttimn fating a lore for reading, io elevating aad sustaining Jtht standard of taste, la enoonraging young writore, aad tm drawing oat tbo older ears ia tor midtt. ' The "Cocbast," will bo publitbet every Thursday j iMWli I" Par annum, isvanaoiy in aaraaoe. 411 ibooka, Mtaigaiiaet, o., sent to at will bo promptly aad moot impartially reviewed or potieed, at oeeasioa pay suggest. A few BdvartitamoaU will bo inaerltd at ree-ooable rates. - 19 Tn bll atsarod that this Is no mere ss ttnuent, as tbo paper will oertaioly bo puhllnhod, Bad tshsoribert aball raoeivo their fata' ere sue. Sabacriben will pleate eddneo the proprietorsj and - footributore tho editor, at Colambia, C. , HOWARp H. CALDWELL, Editor. WM. W. WALCEB, Jm. 00., Proprietors. aaWTaa foUowioc weH-kaowa wWhara wrliaea have expreased their sympathy with tht mterpriet aad umr iBiennoa to oontntiate: plaio, sod give their pott-office, county and Slate ma Remember tbat every prise it draw, aad paya ble in foil without deduction. aa All prijea of $1,000 tod nnder paid imme diately after the drawing other prtteo at the atoal time of thirty days. All communication strictly confidential. Addrett Ordtrt.rbe Tiestle or Certufeatei to. McKINNE V k CO.. Savannah Oa. Office Maaonio Hall Block, Bull at., Savannah, countrymen, co, ua tlie Mate with hmwolt, .questioning .hia policy, and trembling for thjir mutual safe; v: sh uil 1 be J .u.t. 1 . , . country, which is a sorrowful but not overdrawn ; to tho fartherj-iwnsicn of the country. thomaMv. irM.,AA f .... .u' 7? n!rMt'ulatioBlily-We'UaV.',''' fi.!jVJ'an wo- be-ondonH.od byHoy erwbeluiiiig inajcri;. i.f his own now anio-ijrst us fbr h'"dejtre"to'"take timely "steps ' illy interested -in the weifaic of tdr tbair protection and our nwii from such whole- uuuoce me tuo same purpose j vc want a mail who will give an impetus 'XT lllaC LUIU HUHWU LIIB PI ITT 11.11 nnnfllfmn nilllA aMfhAa Ia t ia hi r n ,. .... ... I a I .1 a a a p ,7" . iubnv,4 tu me iHtfwitHfn in w;iui nave, mau Deatcti down ; their sale : calamity an may result, if tho prwnt policy on tno auhject o: uaturaUzation sliull oe pcrre vereil ia. r 4, 1 v , .i. . Dietuaa. and the cauassHaTT.ariir ht I U' ' .,1.., : " . J " J.i. ..... ! ,u,u P"ticipat.o.i 1,1 : . ' i F7 111- in.ltr.n-nt UA tt .iT. ,. . . k ; T. " : V p""-c w. t ,ucur 'common coneer.ls, ty the aid of those, who, 1 " that, the day is n;.s remote when tho.prinei- .1... .-. T T j .1 a .' fc''e. ''ureeoitnisgreaii.at,ionany longer to . a large extent, neither knew, nor cared for pies of tbi. African orgutiition wi!i c-jutmand - . , , T. ' ' j-" v....oi.uS auu wnat tney ineyato: . - toe respect ana eoniucne.e ot - tne-entire nation. It is not proposed to interfere; in the si;ditest at !l" events,' if it is not esteemed as a vir degrce, with the acquired rights of tluse already ' tue, it will not be condemned," even by the Pa- here, and ijre could not "if Ave would. Woare niocracy, as vie.: that w watched oar liberties tfet Savannah Pally News. 38-tr VALUABLE PROPERTY ron le THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY I' THE TOWS of Wedetboro', known ss the 41VgO!V HOTEL, together with tho OPT-BUtLDINGS and FURNI TURE, including everything necessary to carry oa tbe holiness, is sow offered for sale. in the councils and patriotism, and preferred tho Hob. A. B. Meek. A. J. Roqoior, The Abbe Roqootta. Jobs W. Overall. Hoa. C. Oayarra. Dr. 0. B. Mayer. John R. Thomases, Paul H. llayne. .. ieary Timrod. 1. Wood Davidson. O. M. Llebor. W. M. Martin. ..-"' Madame La Vert. - - Mrs. Caroline Clover. , Mrs. M. Martin. Mist Bailie Ada Reedy. President Ltngstreot. Profoeaors Le Coato. - gnafetaof LahVirde, . . Professor Rivera. Professor Venable. 'r Profeotof Reynolds. : Profnsqr Barnwell. Profeeear puPro. HARP TIHES no mOKE." ' '' NY PERSOV (LAST OR OEKTLEMAN) M ht Uoitod SUtet, noaaetsloi a small capital of ef J9 to 17 oaa eater bits m aty and retpecUb'a ptulaeet. bv which from AA ta tia mmi da m A. rff fa jP?e', o4lreae (wht skimp,) -, . . avfun at w., If II- 4) frtb Blxih St., VhiU4lrKl, thing to be dona, at I tLink, ia to get rid of De less question of slavery. mooracyl and there is but one wav of doinz 1 Can -no such man b.iTiiund (u'rhw Vnnh Smiib fas. Alistof the numbers that are draws from the L that, and that isi by a onion of all tho elements East or West? If. ho can. let him h nrrt.io-lii .L 1 .l. ....... ' .L . .... . .c ... :.' . . .:. aT..i" ' .1 ... . . -. . ' ' '. ... .0 " ".w. iu, wuavuui v. wm meg vuv ia wi uuimiuuu tu ii. xiaiiaBr ma ivpniiniiran mrornrn inn i nr nna mill iinM.-hn- , . . -,it ,i . .1 1 1 , e 1 1 entiUed to. will be .sblithad after aver dr.-in. i .u. a : J.. .uJ " J ----.' -) even wining tuac woo. already here shall ho al- witn a leaiouscvo. anu prcu-sseu mora eoniuieuco .k;.k .1.- n:.:' :. ji-ij-j :j--e- . . V .7 - ' . ' ,vc w j; vkc umr c .anii, to t.nr- ., rr"" " i: u vTL S , S P rea lacmhn ,nat can s4Te j ticipaie with us, under the law- as it now stands ; fTe ' , but we ask for a prospective day of cmaneinatio, Intl. Tt T . V'-'' A-ihYd ''t u Th T U.now roQ,ci' its Iines i fr0Q this growing ami Tmpidiv increasing evil, bc- ment is left to east its oe for, or divide it with broken, its forces scattered. Will the Ilepubli- fore we are all overwhelmed' ! .nT'f ,M I1"!" P'rti? f'b h'V! fil party unite with us. in forming a patriotic Nor is it proposed to inteifore with the sub- tT.n.CL f atrength mwme of theStates, -Holy; Alliance, 'on fair andhonerablc terms, ject of reJigLroT tho regions worship of anv which will be of noaarvicetothein .ootherStates,-. involving no, Hcnfieo of principle, to any party- i portioD of thepeopleof the United States The more equally divided, and which if carried for that we may meet them at Walterloo in 1860 and 1 Order of United American, is not now a"d Democracy will elect their candidate. extirpate them forever: or will thev rmraue k.. k,. . ,;v.i .,r, ;.r. .' 1. TL. U.... I. I. j j: .i i'.. -I Tk. -....:-.. .u... '.ii r J.,. , i ,. , , . . . ..v.c. u uu.., ui. n u au y 11 ui'stioil ro- eerl ii. PnrnltuV. T1J.a7. T 1 . .. f . . "V 80 , " P . U Wl"c" 4l0,lC m I'enocracy cau ating to-lhc Church ; and the other A i.er.ca - 2ft WlffrS.WW'ta"C Pn-' U eCUOnaVllM,U "l! Wn- "'" n4 "r 7 A orgaSiation. of the c'ouutry never contemplated sainted with lb. proWty wdl tao..?.r on! ! mercy, that lt could be done not only must maviublr produce this rc3ult,: whilst noth- ,ything more than resistance to all attempts at portaalty for safe and prottablo laveatment is rarely i "uw uu mis mwi oeaone to p'c- ing else can. ; . - ' an intermixfeire tir union of Obuirh an J State. ! come mav," we will diseoviiitc-isnee and re tof.ond. i; J, . f1""!". all tho South-.. for myself, I say here in advance; that let the They never disputed the rL-ht of, anv tme to ' ate all men and all pr.r'ies hat ciuvunge, or 9 If Bat told Is a ahort time, tha n,n.w lll ern Statna will hn nnif.t in f..-r ik. na,.,. -1. ;.. 1 ir.r i,.i... !.... :. - :.L . ' ... .. ' '. : . . , ,.. ', . , . . .. ba Wnti - ...i.i. .. ' " r rr-v ",, ----- . y- vu.ux- ..n.wv ... 'u u iuey, wun mo coiliidct niuisou witli whatever churcll ho m irht ; sympatBize wun, or toiarate a,nv seneme nr tne verenwa oa roaaoBtble terms, 1 raev. when it will rertnim rirr litil.iai.l fr.,.,i ..,iU;ii.,. .l..i f. j.j i..j . .- - . . ,. . i" .. e la oor aboeaes 8. W. NeaL Ban.,' wiU show ' Ta 7 P..1 Tir " i r T - " y "....u, preier, ana toworsuip ni .miner as nis consuionoe , ue.-traciijn n our ..iui-r.ii.-s, .oyn uywwu ot . --rfi - j . i - . , , . - iw m.hi. a v.ani.ui, .uu m. luiiriK atreci' -out tneir xunosc was to rHr- oui crrai ami ut-aic:ry, uiiriiui i.u.vu, auu. they have ben, and La 1 as th:y may be liercaf tjr, over tji'a. of an- o her people no mat er of what caste, t jliiea ir ian.uieupon tlto face of the earth: . ;' And now in conclusion, let mc propose, that' here, on this occasiun, on the birth day of Wash int'i.in, iii his name, and in the presence of ''his spirit, wo renew our pj'otestsiions of undying de votion io that great "BWork of his hands, THE ; UNION or THE states, and pleJje eursclves'to each other : and to mauki'n.l, that 'ej:i:e what, the premltet.. 1IMT STRIATE R k HUTCHINSON. XOB SUBSCRIBER DAI 8ETER4I. .eepjot tf Parfcer'a sdiiioa of tho WAVERLY v .mw. , ww. , 1 N.IKIIU MDODK fflOHnOlll . . 1 r-' aad ia Ihteminlry, formerly ihe property of P. Mrere, ", "P ,0 'cession a painful apprehension deceased. Tho tubeorlbor will ba much obliged to ' tal tD Democracy, now in a. minority of more tun a-....g boo.., or any omors belonging to tnan bait a million, may, throogli our dissensions I snd divisions, be seam succesiul. J I know ther. aro a,vmo impraeticoble peiiple,. him y return them to this OSes. Sft-tf ALBERT MYERS. : ; TO HIRE. ' . .. OMTTH k LIND8ET INfORV TM PTTRl.Tr! IkJ that their boy ARCHIB ean bo HI RID to do any 1 give them another trmmph. will not, give my support to olio wbo belongs to mit no church.'of any denomination, to control that we will hold all iron as t;a:tois and enemies ll such a coalltjon likely b be formed t I can tbe present organization of the Deoiocratte party, ' the ftate, and no ecclesiastical order to cove rn to the he, gift a favored people ever received at aeo atrong indication, that it aiay It; but I con- let the consequences be what they may. I may ' the bivil authority, nor force any particular reii-1 the 1i.i:hK of . Deity, who h ue ly word or deed, fessatthe aime timo I ace much -to diseoumgo become an inaelivc, or an armed neutral, but a i pinn r.nn th.. iworle. he !c,.l n.v.m... iimh-ranv renditionof thimis that has vet ex- supporter of Uemocrary, as at present orgauijed, ; the oxvloaioij . f tiro. Bible from tlto couimoa istci or than .iely to exist, enteu . nei the I can never bo. : , , ischi ds. ' ' . fletidisb purpose of Creaking up this gieat con. Having thus far expressed my own" sentiments f The kingdom;, of 'Christ is not of this' world f. federai-y of States, or have for which do bndyelse is responsible, with a hope 1 it is not temporal, but spiritual ; and whilst his "Like fools rushed in, w acre angel" might '"feat to that they may be received bj my countrymen as 1 dlselnlea aro aimmanded ti ..W ih. .. ,1,', tiwd." ' - ' ' - j. ...wo. won ia asTICK ay axmaJK IBii ' irom is it smt iot, who aay they aro opposed to ill coalition, and wbo an admonition from one, who, for tbe last thirty be, they aro expressly forbidden anv usurnation ! and imp-.ously ventured upon a calculation of tha"- avA.il.1 Mkraink .. ,k. k... ..i 1 . . . 1 : . ! 1 ... t . .1 I ... I . ... . . . . . . . J . J I t -. . -'. i . . !..... i-. . .. i . ..... wm, , . innnrai jemo. uaa waiLueu ciopoij mo iiiu'eiueniB or pun- ot tne civil autlwrity, or control ever teinripral value, wnnti wiiu -our mrs, vu. ...num.., aim tost ana D. xepi apder tftfl oael. of despotism, Iio-men, nnj of political parties, I feol that I am : cower. r : j. sacred honor, we swear to protect the surs ana t le pnm mmmmm OOHteUUlUK luT S03M IIiIIUJI "t-'-'l ,1. , L.U.. . 7-ar - I to do inaetnea for . ewcoees, tj wniel . of deapoiism, ho men, nnd of political parties, I feol that I am power, priuciple, than not at lil cr y to take, my seat without :having a For my rich ao iufiqite few wotdatowyta rvlation to that Organisation, 1 ing that w own pntt, I should bo more, than will i stripes through to, M uke every foreigner, now apon our shores, or ihoeta to death it our wiudiog