UDESB01lOUGII, N. C, THUIiSDAY, APRIL 28, 1859. NEW SERIES; VOL. I NO. 33. PUBLISHED WEEKLY FEWTOJ DAHXEY. ' TERMS OF BUBSCBIPTION. '"' " Single copies, Two Dunaas ft J", Invariably In edvaaee. " To Clubi of Tea and upwards, it win be furnished it Oxi Dolla ao A Hi.r per copjr. Mo subscription received for 1cm than ill months. BATES OF ADVEBTISINO. . . OHI NU I UIH OS LIU iiimi " On tawrtiaa ........... . Three Insertions ...J. ft 60 Two month., or nine insertions. ........... SAO Three oiontln, or tblrteeo inrtioni 4 00 Hixmonlni- ......... 6 00 On year - 0 . Advertiser must Ut th Bomber of timet they wish tlielr advertisements Inserted otherwise tbejr will be eontioaed till forbidden, nd sharged aocord iaf to the bor. - . Ap-eeaenta will b mde with yearly advertisers on liberal sad advantageous term. , Professtonnl nd Business Cards, not exeeedinf ire lines brevier la IiirUi , will b inserted fur $& s year; If eueediug ore line will b charged tb as otber advertisements. - Obituary notices free wben wot eaceeding twenty nnee; ll above twenty Hne at aifveTltnet ree. E. Hutchinson, r CAB MET MAKER, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE PUBLIC that be continues to manufacture all . imtt articles in bis line of bnsiness. Furni-Ijii1 ture of every description made to' Vl order. In addition to the above he manofacturee MlTlX nd WIRE SAFES, and is prepared to do all kind of INSIDE CARPENTER WORK mch as lliiads, Dor, Hash, Shelving, or any other work pertaining to th Interior of a dwelling boas. MT COFFINS Diode to order, at the shortest no ; tie. II wishes it to b understood that be can and will furnish Coffins of pine, poplar, walnut or mahog any at from two to four bouri' notice, depending upon tbefuslity tbeflnest not exceeding i.wr A.ri such are bi facilities fur manufacturing them. The fact is, he can mak plain Pin Coffins much cheaper and quicker, and better, than any carpenter, it being a legitimate branch of bi business. , . 21 -tf "fl B. IIOUTOI, UlWTISr. WADEoUORO , Jj N.C , will operuuon TfctTII at vtha following Lun raws, lor persons ""u(rTfYijjoa. call at my office to have the work done, -tll 1X7 , nr pay eiwh: Oold Plugs, LAU; ... Tctlh on. Kirot. . $1; Teeth on Oold Plate, H each up to si a(l abore that $6 each; a Full Upper Pet on Suction,'' $76; Loner Teeth, th aam. AH other nporations l Bally low. When I bare to credit my eld charge will b mail. . 1 can refer those who wih it to some at tb moet repectabW eitnene for whom 1 hare ! ther mut tAAMI.Vh and cumi Ant. slugged teeth eighteen year ago; the '.me plugs are j liy calling at lligb Jloiint Tannery, f..ur mil weM till in and doing well For others I ba put in I of Wadesboro',!iey will find a large i-tock of LfcA teeth on plrot and guld plate on full seU on sue- I THER of all kindKTHT., SHOES, II AR-,.' tioo, which tbey bare worn for aeveral yeirs, aud are NF.MS amf SAUM.KS, neatly and "oh-FHi still wearing, all doing well: and many-other opera- LSem stiintially put uVwliirrraJll and shall' tV. tioo., which hare been done for about eighteen years, j fbe Stll.D AS I.OW4S TUlEV CAN BE AF 11 doing well. Hut as I warrant all my operalioB!.. FORDED IN TIIH rlTATK;xnMsoivr'i!t ivmigi and bar th adrautige of wpwarls of eighteen vonrn' . ron roi vtbv rnuiu'rc, rou niX iibebai. raics . practice, I bare no doubt but I can give ti(ctiu I will nr ai.lwci. NN o all who are disposed to patronise and give me a fair'N Call and eiamine. as I am determined to sell. -trial, which l all 1 wk . .. , r lr KM'J Ml- '" "rnlnr'X' N. B. Having engaged in tb Photographic Art, t patcb.T tTAKAWAl. - ks.a been inducfl to believe I had quit the . X . - pracUcof Dentistry. ow tbi. is a false impression. ( 50000 lbS. RaW HldeS WailteQ, I bar not mad enough to justify my retiring from ! uuiuww , . . . rbe bwsines. On the contrary, I aw better prepared For which I wili pay the highest market prices now than ever to operate on "teeth, and am still in the . March-10, lHi'J-2ti-ly t. L. . . . i n n e tui f : . X . ' " Beta, reaay at an times w aurnu v cms j r an of the adioinim countia. and respectfully ask .continuance of tliat patroasg heretofore o liWr lly bestowed. So come along and bate your mouth put in laughing order, and then get one of my superb Ambro'vpee. So you who have beauty to HORTON should take it, And yon who bar bun should go let bim make it. iii-its - WORLIiY'l Unrivalled Healing Salve! WW l 50 IJCMBUO, SPRINGINO I P AT j the Vort'b, and plania its merits and destiny in j ... '. . . l 1. A ' the editorial eolnmns of Hie press, where it Is doomed , i u.'i.ii.vu Itia pre- ' .7"- : to be 'puffed" back Into merited oblivion unifJ to the Dublie a the achievement unniilitate9 labor in the investirtion and combination of its coustitueot elements, and as being. If tnor. ALL THAT IT PtUriSSrS. And ! presenting It for popular adoption and patronan? tue undersigned yields to the frequent and repeated per- I anasions of frienda and scores of once prostrate in j . . i r valids, who have happily and thoroughly tested Its virtues. If deemed eipedient or required, ample ana inilubitfitile testimony of the almost miraculous eurea it has effected could be produced; but this would be auperfluout if it were once introduced into a family. IT IIA8 EFFKCTKU A fM'KKDV AND PKRMA "SENT CURE OF KOKK LEO OF TWENTY VEAR8 flTNDINO. IT IIAH Cl'REl) CANCER IN 1T8 FIRST STAGE. AND FOR III RN3. BRUISES, 4,TT8, WHITLOWS, OLD SORES, I'LCERS, AND . INFLAMED BREA8T. it I. before tie world as . '' The VnrtraUed Healing Sahe." .It anDlied bv directions, aa given on the boi, and not effected, the owner will be refuaded. holesala and retail br enre is PvW wholesale rJ retail by i,t4'A8AWArAnntr- Wadesboro', X. C. Also, br SMITH & LIXDSEV, UruggUts and Apothecaries, Wadesboro'. 10-tf Horse-Shoing, Blacksmithiog and Tron Work ia General ' I iMnarv DDcnPPTnTM.Vi r-1 min r A.c in general, ..ad P Tf V. MUlTa 9 1 H UR.V1,Cll'EB, at the well; to do and v.... f-TiND now v Vr i'l ,v f -1 . VREEMAS, d J"'t they ' ,' '" ,'" P"Pr and DLRABLE, Fl.NE and iii i - " -1 . " i iki. ne of i. -V done at their ! " 1 E. FRfcr.M.YJ. .sincss with prompt- I V done at their i . r .1, .-.- rrri" that u .. Manlike man- ness. me, -B--7 " . : ..rkw - rfM.v. . '5"I. UU fnv 00 unneccssa., ' -i by nV"" '"r.. . r " .t M. ia ..- and d sappoiBimenw iuy f ., .w. n cerUin time, when .Aaf time arrives, the , be done, and wan aen,w... . . 'KEROSENE LAMPS AND GIL, ; A N ENDLESS VARIETY OF THESE NON-E.r-A rLoiiVE. ECONOMICAL,' AND IS8LR t&;FD LAMPS. One of these lamps will pve fn'tnrernr J. , ... 1 J . . .i j ... JOB PRINTING. We ARE PREPARED TO TRINT AT TniS V Office JOB WORK f all descriptions, such aa rtlANKS HILL HEADS B Lh"b.w.'- HORSE RlLLSr CIROH-AR",- CARUS, t HANK CnECKS, o.,te., e., at reasonabl. ra.esl W.aolicit work from .11 f,r.rd.d t. yo l any Way To th' people of Anson and neishbonnR oount.aa wa any, - V '":- " "" f-Twitb pride and pleaa.r. "TJ"" " .Vd d.oTbters. whose minds have been nnon Ttiur ivi " . 1 .Ariha ftutaia- " rth Carelina Argaa. ASHE oV II4ROKAVI:, tiTTOHJITEVS iT ..ill. Practice In partnership In tb county of Anson, ex cept on tb Criminal Docket in th County Court, (J. R. Hargrove being County Solicitor.) They will attend to tb collection of all claims -trustei to them in Anson and the surrounding counties. T. S. Ash attend the Court of Richmond, Mont gomery, Htanly, Cabarras, Union and Anson. 1. K. llargrave those of Montgomery, Stanly and Anson. KgrMN at Wa'desboro'. ..THOMAS 8. ASHE. I 3. B. HARORAVE. 10-tf . ELTAWS THOMPSON, WASHINGTON, PC, Dfalrn fa Coarh, Cibinrt and Cpholtltry Hardware, Bar Iron and Strrl. . tT A Complete Attartmmt of IIVBS, SPOKKS, FKUOKS, SHAFTS, e, tci. 12-tf . : R. P. SIWIMOtS, HVifrs and Clock itepairef, , AKSOXVII.Lt, S. C. QA Jewelry, fco., neatly and substantially & .tSt repaired, and all work warranted i . twelr months. U ARGIA IfABDS, llepairer or Clock. . All PERSONS HAVING CLOCKS THAT ARE out of crder and need repair, can hore them put into good running order, and warranted to keep time, by catling upon me. My work lias been terted throughout Anson and Union, as will be certified by eitiiens whose clocks I hare put in order. 30-6m Jr::i"i . the ayoiisnox vet iasettled, UXCLE SAM INSOLVENT. BIT THE QUESTION IN WHICH THE CITI ien of Anou and the adjoining country should be tuor directly concerned, and upohwhkb rests a considerable iu-ra of domestic ecouoioy., is Trbere they can obtain the be.t v BOOTS AXD SHOES, Jfarncss, Saddles, Bridles, ; V AND LKATIIER, Xr TUE LOWEST PHICE. To decide properly anl Mtiffuctnrily tbi question It's Ntelloax. THE UNDERSIGNED W1.I11$C, TO ClfAXfiE HIS residence, offers bis I'l.AXJAtlON fur '-m on terms tlmt will t.e an olject't-) any one wisli-(?gf iiig to rurcliase. 11c deeuis a description urine---"- j ecssary, as persona will Joub'trys examine for them selves; but will onlv add flint it W wett furnished with : COMFORTABLE AND CONVENIENT 111 :iI.UI.ua. i In addition to the natural fertility of the soi), there i are abundant reasons to believe it contains rich niin- eral .deposits; it joins the lands Of M. v. Mmons, on .hieh r specimen, of nwe have been -.re., yielding more than seventy-eight percent. f pirflime ! J ..... r. wKI.Im fiinr miles t m acareiui snuijrmr. " o.. ,lf WndesWo", and less than one mile .of the WUming- Xi.TW. 7?t2?Z . mnv best suit the purchaser. ... ... . , . 1 Ufbl'GL- i. WMKMm1 1rnon A.SO, nifc i.' ' 1 IDU 1 1 V. V. . I . I". , . aa tl,e Drag Store or Ide late arm oi jmrm a. n;t. t jf the above property is ewt disposed of privately., by the 15th of November1 next, it will be offered at at- a I l1 L' it I 1 " V" L' O publie auction WALTER 0. JOKES. Wadesboro' March 10, 1859-2G-tf VALUABLE PROPERTY . S.ILE THAT VALUABLE. rROI'ERTV IS THE TOWN of Wadesboro', known as the ' -AWSOX IIOTEl., . together with the OlT-BLlLDlNGS and FURNI TURE, including everything necessary to carry, on the bnsinoss, is now offered for sale. Th. House is larec and comniodiousi th location jj.n' - tral,:th - FnroitnT good and in good order, the I iStablesT 5 "t'V Ae,, '. K.-m aliorV as. those nTtat(d Kiii Me- Eropert, trail know, a better nortuniu f.ir Knot sold in ?ort tune, th. property will the premises. mo4,.-a .b ,irTt :MNS0!. l'J-tr f oinfo""- t:ii' You Please Take Notice SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES THAT HE IS prepared to ""'.:..: .,i ; the REST STYLE, CHEAP SI SHIT l U"l" , . ..,. j". . 1 1 . " ,.,.. nt.E FINE and TASTY uu . E ... , o jr.onnfiJence. i - O' 1,u- "v" : V,' . ! re P,r"n,Pf?, f surevior moch less an iqiaI, ' '.".:; & Oixoa-.Hne, Olvemt ,t ;-. , v- aea...' So 2. fAlXTlXtT, unparalleled South for P-8- -(. tastk and n.sPATOii. t. T. MArsrT.KLk. .he, of the business promptly at- ar All .bra. ri-tfl t.inir..A... 1 ! tended to. REKl1" .... ... tfAYV RKMOVED f " , At W p rrikVE RLi.Ynvt.i u .. .... ...r or.nos.ie tne imn Aiinteil B H. tV . . . .Am . iml SR. where wa t posiM . fricnd9 anil cuatomers. bappy to see all our tncnus gMfnr A .UNDBET. 1IM CHICKERING & SON'3 PIANOS ! fTHE SUBSCRIBER, BEING AG EST FdR TII nlli. reaptfull, that he will be shortly boro'. All wHl be shown ruuaiaia . aM' " . "T. A. E. BOH.VSTEDT, , . h nim ,Btleni ,rf recotnraendat.on TO HIRE. r.; ,. .. .....r..-J:.,..-iJl:., .. -.. .. ..; NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS, THE N0CKI.U BUD. IlY UON. A. . MKKK. From the vale, what music ringing Fills the bosom of the night; Ou th sense, entnwied flinging Spell of witchery and delight! O'er mngl.oli i, littlo and cedar, From yon locust top it swells, 1 Like the chant of sen nader, Or the chimo of silver bellt ! Listen! dearest, listen to it! Sweeter sounls re nuver beard; 'Tis the song of tlmt will poet Mimic minstrel Mocking Bird. See bim, swinging inliis glory, 03 yon tupiuo.1 bending liuib, Caroling his aui rous story, Like some wild crusader's byniu! Now it faints in tun'.- dclr iuu As the fiitt luW vow of love! Mow it breaks in swells capricioii, All Ui moonlight vale above! UnU-ul dearest, ic. Wliy is't thus, this sylvan Petrarch " ' Pours all iifjilit hi." semude 7 'Tis for anna proud wood I nod Laura, His sad sonnets ail are nude; But be changes now his measure Uladness bubbling from his mouth Jest, and jibe, and tuimir pleasure Hinged Anaereon oi' the South ! Listen ' dearest, ic Bird of mnsic, wit and gladness, Troubu iour ot siinnv climes, Iriacuchantc'r of all auduws Would thine --irl were in my rl.ymes. O cr the heart that beating by iuu, I would wcuve a spell divine; Is thsrc aught she could deny me, Driiikiag-tn- such struius m tliiuo ? Listen! deuii't, c. SOCIAL niCIIXESS i.D L0V.SS. " I tell you, be isn't anything !" " Wby riot ? He certainly is ft)tncly and civil, and successful in businc, and in every recpect appears like a gentleman." " lliat may be: but his lather wasn t anybuily and his mother was of,!uw fumilv-" " What constituted the peculiar lowjiess of Lcr family?" " Vby, bcr father was a shoemaker a fcorJ. wa.ner, it used to read on Ms nn; una ne used to mend rips in boots, and put taps upon shots', foT a living." "Wasn't he honest ?" " I diirc say." - " J'atn'tvhe industrious? - " lie mustTittve" been, to have left his child-, rcn the sum which jic isf lepuled to baye done." "Wasn't Iiq an amiable and agreeable man !"' "That ho was. I Well remember with luw much pleasure 1 used to wait iu his little bo ot a shop, wliilc he stit lied the gups in my leatlieis, ; to listen to his amusing and i.-W-tive stoiies. I . .. t ...... X . . . ' ISut why do you take such an intcnst in the old man '. ' I am trying to find out bis 'lowness It . .. ...... .i. .. nh.i A .ma tl.-.t ,. u-T. .1,...,, Cf' n,l i,.,ltrii.vnrl 'amiable' aud Btc:mblcJnua!itre whwh-rtsuaiSr - irive man mmc xink-auioug g hldJellottSi aj)d yoU ay he was a low person. as lie vulgar : ''No, he wasn't vulgar; he was rjnitu rofiiroJ, for'sa uiati of his opiiortunities ; hut he was a rdioeiitukcr -Don't you understand how his ' ignoble "calling should fix his position in society ' in spite of sliis good and even remarkable quali- j tliuf Of enHrse. n blaeksniitli and a shoemaker, i and such mcn..xcuuot be gentlemen, as mer-i cbanta and hwyers&c, are." " - " I think Mr. Lttiigfellow wrote a poem once , about a blacksmith who was a 'ciitlunan j aud ! n nrl mnnv r.eo.de have considered 1 I think a good many people have considered themselves honored ly the -acquaintance of a ; certain other blacksmith who oiree hammered . t , . ... . . x , tm ... x nanu ,w oo; noite perceive, cither, how the making Ot selling i V . . . 1 r 1 ...x.J-l. i pi tape ana ueiaius, or wnuusuit giuuirmw, . JUiiry .11. I luinj't on " inm uuu iihk.v . . , 8, k a m!rChant,' or picking a fuss generally i A)s0 a ettor fr0111 !!. Henry M. I"hillip.sf advlce L lawyer shimld mak onea gentleman, whilWHoU of KepresciUativcs, oV which the fAh- the makine and sclluiK of shoes, tor horse or man ahould make ope 'low.' And even it' sueh trades , make one 'low,' I don i I nuite perceive how.they therefore make one's chitdjcn 'low.' lou ob- , icctto Mr. A. because his father 'wasn't any- body,' aud his mother -was 'of a low family.' They were, both of them upright and honorable j 1 I L- ,,-J 1. .1 l' .l...lr 1 inuiviuuais, who nn i in.nie nn; H10CI.-01 I'to. mA- vantages. and whobrouL'ht up their children with honor to themselves, and usctully to tne wona. j J ..... vnfo tlinn, -low:' aml'thoir ch fitRn I j L-t i . . M- X' .l. art Kt ditto; wh lo here Mr. A., whose pompous-low , 1 . . . . '., r ' i . . v w 1 ' " .7 ..... . you returned so deferentially, a moment ago, had no father at all in the eye ot the law, and has no . character at all in the. eye of the gospel ; but , has accuftmkted great wraith by buying -cheap wUisKy, anu orupginp.H ramis,.ua i op-Jiitg U as lhe: best old port, coanae.-ife is Vnu refer "tef Colonel P.. 1 'suppose.. lie certainly is a gentleman, lie ieeps Ike horses, and gives fine dinners, and spends money freely, and has a lovely place; and it surely isn't his fault that ho wasn't better born. Kvcrybody considers mm a gentleman- ...... , , -, , . 3 . I consider bim a-scoutKirei ana n ciu.it , you would, Jt you kiievv the secreUi .story ot his vats and casks and bottles. I would sooner marry 'daughters of rnine to the poorest shoe- maker, or tho sootiest blacksmith that swings a sledge so he ts honest, and industiioir, ami 11.- , j telligcnt than to such a bloated " : is and the like of bun. J-'OW . you had jc 1. wait till all these people arc etui uaiijr yi l, ' ' y ? 1 ',1' icst snail 1 vol! will find that some ot tne ..goes, a. , - f lowest, S3 well as that some oi yw u.m. jMt , " ' rt . r'. ti.e " Metropolitan" ear - , nnr ,,. 1 msuiiu 1 - - . I rjini! olacc, and wo Tang tho bell and alighted, i mcditalit upon highmsi aud lownesi, as they '.h.H Wn mitliucd in this brief discussion. Y own that our sympathy was strongly drawn out towards the defender of tliat gentility wmcn eon . . 1 . '1 1 - A l.n-.-,.t H . . . 1 - 1 1 1 .A liW.-ir, ns a irk -iarir neau anu 11 vwu ..-... ; .1. .' . n.-.nf..rfuil liruill (loItS I against 1110 snirai '"""'j w,....v- - bv the possession of dollars Sti'd l.Uuttjiits, . r..,v, TREES. The Jlobile Tribune loams - of that city, that the China trie rTom B cilisci. -- - T- ,rT,d i. 'O this country before the rev wr auu .B : - . .. , .. Kpmocracv and the Ballot tUan it Is in this cow-! reason First, we have .ther teen suea .or, vr 7Vtrod waV a nU(S lm v( mUA. . Baker on lU.t.c,, EH,,,e ' f ' ' . g 'J, sndlhenjifLpQlitical it.flu- haJto pay, nearly all .the notes wo had. to en rt.U0n.7 war, ' 0rilh wflicU traded Tor counteract thesejetters ot baker 1 hUUps , tryVo luar n v ( , havcthe voucher-. wiSchi. Ictltvr 'STho K bcentned ofl nd nowrted toshowehave paid more security ebts - rib.?!-jJlZrJ A-.'V- '.Hwenowh.w)rtb.n.nyn,art , would not live in so northern a climate, w removed to Eatontou, wnere u grew was greatly admired, aiibv .v L.- ! im a manv twenty blooming the people came as many as twen y 25 nofreitiesitisoneot'the eommo,, Tot our shade trees. The first tree was st.ll tisoroM twenty years ago.- THE FRAUDS OF GOYEB.IJIEJiT. . ' Tllk tiRlinril snip MJbINEoS. ,, ', , , . , ' 11.0 stru-lo for tho controct fortho n.ach.nc n o tho aumllcrs oop of.war of June 12, 1858, wna p.ed, Mr. Norri-. an en-inecr who for soiuo-Lrs had retired from ,rr A Z J: 1 . 1 ,n with r.,i... u- !.;-... K. ;i.l . I of !iM draught and . great spoed for the Navy of 7bo United Kinidi. Ilnnn roroinmcndutiotr of Mr. Ur. ; , ,T..J : .-.r orr.s, ... rfut o last, ana . . pursuu. ee u nd in Dursuuticc ol nrc- . I 1 .1 Ik ? 1 . . 1 V viuus proinisu oy llio l resiueui to 4ir. morris, iiir. uriuilll was apniiinteu HMiiporary uavai con - Mroctor at l'hiladclnbia-. Mr Griffith at once prepared bis plans for the ship, and sent them to the. Department- They were somewhat peculiar, i . Hnrrnrc hat a Wonl to Stiff. and designed to secure light draught and a great f0 Foreni.C) a member of tho House, in an speed, but to have a heavy armament. I interview with tho Secretary, recommended Mr. Mr. Noi ris prepared his plans fortho machine-1 orr;g, ry, and made a bid in September, 1S58, to con- j TnPS8 cflortg to CI1ist pf,ii,ic!,l jfl,,cnco in struct that maehinery for the Government at ! ttwnrJing contracts wero received without objee tlJO.OOO. The two plans were designed, and tioll or ropruof aH were placed on tho files of the machinery and tl.u vessel wero intended lor , c:el. other. lien the bids were opened it w.is found that the machinery of Mr. Norri was the ! only kind proposed that was adopted to the pe- , cuiiar model of the ship, and that he alone f l the bidders had been furnished with the mid- i ship, sections, plans and views of the vessel, and j knew that it was to have two propellers. j J'uHlirat Sercict Coimidend. i fnojcr these circumstances, new proposals were very properly invited. No.ris adhered to his bid, and proposals were submitted by lteaney, Neafie Co., of Philadelphia, apd the Allaire Works, of New York. Tho contest, however, was soon narrowed down to Norris aud UeaneV ,' Neafie & Co. The bid of the latter was 5 lu'J.V'J1.'. A I boa.d of four emtinteis of the navy lavy was called : to consider these bids, w ith the plans and speci fications of each. The board was equally di vided in its report. ! Each party, without complaint from the De partment, sought to succeed by political influence The .insular spectacle was presented of an cx- . i i....i...i.. ,.t . ......; i. uietuuei, niiuuub auuiuv w. ...... aging for one party, while the other pressed his i,a.uy services. , ' Aorrii raisin th' " lVm h and limit" jfay. .On the 2d of November, 18;iS, Norris urged i the acceptance of his proposals, iu a letter to the secretary, tnus On the score of politics, which I have never mentioued before, 1 l.uvo greater claims upon j sjtion 0f guaranty of speed, which at thu 'request the (iuvNtuieut-tLiui my.compctitois... Our .1.ionjJ.0f ..tlic.Sccri'taiyf-Mr. Xorris copied and signed, at Uush Hill, Philadelphia, was the first institution j "orri3 was not informed that it w.iuld be e.insid- in this country that raised tho banner ot Uucu- nan and UrecKinndgo. i tie any niter " uoi, - ;...... ... rt r.....,l (.., L'.iniHr, trl I Til eto'lll """" . - v portraits of the I readout and ice 1 resident, and at tlie election our shop lurnisiieu iu voies for them. Notwithstanding tho present mone tary depression, we cave 312 votes for the Ad- loi uistiatioii at the last election. We have sup r"rtJ tho party vttn. uiateiial aid by thousands j i'Vi .a,ra al,' "r ""';, " J l"c f""' hiladelniiia will testify. j.frfw UulciiL.i'ii " Cuittribiitiont." Ou tin; Jtith of November last, Norris sent to the Secretary a letter from J Ji. Jiaker, Collcc- tor at Philadelphia, of which the following in extract : " I h'lve been uKimatclv acouaintcd wilb tho Messrs. Nuriis Droliiers for many years, aud liavo had large busine.strinsactious with them, and it may not be amiss to.state that they have alwavs heartily advocated and sustained the Pern- ; ocrafic party.' -- lo the cauipatgii of IS.jG their j ocratic party, lo the cauipargn estahiibhmeut not only contributed many bun- drdd yMcs.lo elect our present chit-magistrate, i . . i I...,-.. ...n.....i i ,, . . :i '. . . 1 1 . .. ..1.. :.. t.i. - --Jlr. ways to bring about that result. ' '' j wr . r t ,r ,--..,. 11- I 7 I,- S1 ! )win2 is an extract : its willin" I '.'jiyy,, 1 zealously I -'Messrs. Norris are pood Democrats, an j Kithl'ul members of tl the party, who, wc;,i .jj throusrh woe,' have labored zealously fr itssuecps u Their fahio as mechanics' is world wide, and t,ev aru mori of hiitb' character ; and it will be . V, .1. ....... e to tlie rourtii uictiei ; iuuliui ui L-.-Muuitai virp fur them tosufifieej in their prcseut appli cat;0. 11..' ,.,l,.r,;Vk-nn.l n.-illti-allv nicri- j i. .,,.. ii , , .uu..., ....4.. , , I ... i , . -....,.. T ,...ol,s their proposal is not extravagant, li luini" , " n.i... j ...... . .. OS ' i cair)0ly hope that it will kcNnccepted im;lolh y,( 0 ,. Jhn lii, T, trpnt." ' v, a letter Irom John Jlauiiitou, jr., of th(J f0i0WTiig'i.s at. extract : i know no t,lcn better entitled to r-cceiVe tlie , afteiiTiun ot a -Hcniocralie- adiinnratr;ittqatiu!t -f..nniiy nlrpggj -against the, corresponding de- those composing, this firm; with a world, wide partment jn the United States. The American eelebiity as machinists of the first class, 't..eyVcomlujt(00 nas Wished the investigations, but, have, also peen Known us j-eiuoeiaia uu s.i never faltered in their active and earnest uevo tion to the cause; men, who, annuii iuu e.jr t(,ree .icmbets, while admitting tne -vices 01 tne tion is to secure sjtne ntcnt that will push lor---howling of the tempest raised by the Opposition, ,syem , operation, exonerates the officers ac-"-wnrd the young cotton plant npicly in the spring, nnl nffirminnrl in their KIlO- ; . ,-, j. .1 1...- M.,nJ lnia,Amni. ' 1 .r .. . . ... 1 .1...:.. 0.... uiu jiiuiu rni,'nii'v ....i. i.. --- -t port j ,rost th:lt tho claims of these gentlemen, arcs5 wci qualified to perform . whatever (hey uiay niertakoF and who are so deserving' as i,oll0cratSj wii not be overlooked.". ' - . ir,-,,. !,, "of Character aud Stomiini." 0n lh(J !Hh of-N'ovembcr ast Hon. James ' Landy, a member of ' this House from 1'hiladel- -..nneared befofo the Secretary of the -Navy to ure that the award may be made to Reaney, .--.- ...n . rr. fi' ,,,i ,,..,,1 willhnu- tue awurJ Iuay be madeO Rean ...r T, .,. c' ,,,,.-, William II Witte no ex-tneti'lier of Consrcss. -as their vent who atonee established intimate social re- hlion's with some 'of the i?Cicers iu the Navy De- riartment , . .: - . l- This aee..t wa to receive for his services one ii.isat..t w 10 Sn.Ma.Stw.-.a tonrta or tne pr'iu.iui mv... -w.,... . - . ; , . '.1 ..r .1,., r.,fi sr. ihii) as part or ins snare ui mo y.uuw., v,v . - knrw nothing ot macniuery, uuu ployed, as he .testifies, ou account of li ter and standing " - 'nrocored from Mr. Baker, the Collector, ; . ' - fc. h th MU,wig U ,n extract : Mr. A lew wetaa . , K ... ,J ute, in a leUer to you, my rnotiv a eblu-h uwt diJ .S: (aa I learn nul. ... -' ' . -iwtrded to lleancy, .eatie iV LO. tr, is 10 ue re- 0t t he rresiuem. n v..-v- r.--, - 0 -: , . . , o f,, r,rSed hat ho was to be employed by that tlic pounds of party feeling. .The reader, after mon practice of endorsing business no.es, from fi r0n y to se.-..,e uoverntuent conttacts, and, coring the rival reports on the sulyect will which we clip the following par grap . liuen successful in 1SJ.7 in securing the co rrobably;have little difficulty in arnvtnkat a , our part, we have little. . ho, world. SlnKancas.erffor which he has received, Uenclren. i liiis been; tbo case)) that tlie marino engine works ' 5'elwrt' Kcanejr, Neufio A; Co., were not of i tho tamo political creed, whom I know by repu- u g u ja .g rf u J . I Somewhat similar letters wcro tlso written to 1 tho President and referred to tho Secretary. Thou, in letter under date, of November 15, i 185H. Mr. l'l.illins writes of Norris Bros. : 1 " They bare been and arf I active. f Tl...!. .l.liKl......( .li.trln, h.r., :"" " "T" , V " . .' . . Il.n .r .1 l..i..,1.. nF nfullxilll-,,. Ufll.t muj wufiu; uwn; i.uuu.cua u. i uiiui-i jvu . ...embers of our party duriK our k,t desirous campaign." ,c j),.part,m.nt) an,l vtU the awards and other , paI,crs woriJ Mcnt to Jour couimittco. A highly intelligent contractor testifies that within two or Vu.1fH ;t i,een COUn,on tliinx for bid- : dors tJ ,atisfy the Departments as to (heir polili- , Citi 0pii01lg. If jobs and contracts becu.no thc- recognized rewards for partisan services, and are I Ji-Lur.-id and distributed without rcgurd to the written law, as a modo of refunding .u'u.icy con- ! tribute J and spent in elections, and these abuses ; are tolerated by the people, Iheu may the money j of the people be taken directly from the public j treasury to corrupt or overthrow the elective Iran- chise. Vet these motives are strongly and confi - . dently urged by high officers of the government l,J 1110 '"n" oiueers enargeu niui n juuieiui uaiv, and "'so t& the t in ot liigititrnte, whose duty it is to execute the law. Xun-U &ti to U- 8c,rfl. n.. .1.. f.n.i. f v. i i.. s..,.,. y.. M.VOV...V. .sv.v.w, - desired board ot civil eng.nee.s, not ot .e v ... :!. . i w. v....;.. 1 anJ tf Ueaney, Xcafii cv Co , and to express in i . i J'ei. 'r.. .... writing wu.cu oi trie iv.o waa preieruuie. : im . j,jrity 'of the board, reported in favor of Mr. Noras s rlan. ' ' ' s. Tuurry " Gum Game" Xorrit. Thus the matter stood until December 21, 1853, - Mr. Norris supposing that tho question was settled in his favor. At that date the See- j r,,arv submitted to Mr. Nonis a written propo- ercj as a ncw 0fjeri or as varying Ins lormcr bld) but ,c Mgned it Jor the sattsjaet.on ol tnc cecreiaiy, uuu in uiua snucu ut uim. W'itte "Rrjdaim." The next day, if the date is correct, December 22, 153, Witte, as the agent of Itcancy, Neafie & Co., submitted a written "explanation, ot them surrett. Not tho irtii,n of their condi their proposal, in which they stipulated for a date, for none know better than they that such , .... i . i..i. : .1. i i i. . . ; i. , ,ncwhat uiier n,PC(. I Xorrit Cl Chutrd. Their guarantees were treated as new proposals were, and ot. the.$imc day, referred to Arehbold, the engineer-in chief, who had steadily opposed Norris's plans. Arehbold on the same day. re ported in favor of Keaney, Neatie & Co., and the contract was awarded to tbem. GovEuNMEST Ci.nniPTiox in England ai -v.nr.ni..v. 1 ut-u ""Jo" "'"s, u"j ot- our puunc ueparu.ie.ua turn ) u- lm section of politicians to look at Amenea. W o are reco.nme.ided to observe the economy and imogwty of administration insured by De.u- .uiMtin I ndrtriiTi.inH nn n ill (Mini r:i.si. I ill. I I i-r;t- tiongof a reaIly popular government with the ttone oi a TOSUltS OI results of the system prevailing at borne. I his has lately bten taken to some purpose, with consequences rather ditterent Irom whicn were auiicipateu ; anu tt me pn.-soni. "X1110111 we can act upon die sug-restioi. with verood effect indeed. have got into a bit of a r:,Pe wil1' our -avy. After spending cnormoussums of money, we are somewhat short ot suips ; we are in uoudis aoout tne esiauiiMieu , alU- iresii un't thrown over the entire row. i no system of 'iuaaKel"cnt 011(1 aro investigatioff seei w;lS sown between tho 10th and 15th of tlie rjuestion with a view to reforms. The Amer- j April, in a furrow opened down to the straw and ieaus, as it happens, have been doing just the covered with a harrow. The stand was impcr-san-.e thing. They also have appoiuted an " In- foct j consenuetic; of f.iijtv seed: the yield, jinmittee" to inquire tntovauous veii;aiH.K vuiumsv 1" , I ,.r IK.. ...,! nnnn,l,l,im on, I 111,11 oruiicueM - ui mvn uu.ui. ..-.....v., , , . .:,:;,,.,; ,i ,.i ,- ,t . llio rrpr.rrill conduct Ot aflallS 111 their dockyards , but here, we feel thankful to say, the aualogy ot the two cases abruptly terminates. , Whatever may bo the constitutional faults of - And in addition- to the inereasod yield of the. tlie liritish Admiralty, it is erttfinljr'.tidt -plmrpea .7 jrt$Tenrrr,-.1 - antiefiate'rjually : good results fryw -ih anv aneh nolitical corruption, as has been ih irin.inr 1111. - nrt being unanimous in its conclusions, u nas prc!5en,e(J two reports. One of these.Js.gncd by tuan conccrncu , iiil-iHuci, cii;iitj 1 j vw ."v.u- bersireetl v implicates, not only the Secretary 0f ,he N'av-ybut the President of the United Stnteg hiinselfj-and charges theso hisih orlicers with proceeding .dangerous to public safety, Snd ! Heaervinsr of 1'arUanientary censure. - Tbe form 'taken 'by tho original 'accusations WM manifold. It wasVlleged that the Brooklyn . navv-vurd an establishment corresponding with , 6ur Portsmouth dockyayd-r-was so managed in :. ' .-...Li jMrti,ifnt thai, electionecrtnsi job - bery was suffered to override all exigencies ot the public service; that t he-contra tuade for the Uply of timber and coal. wWcgulated by po - . litlcaf considerations to the Ualnagc f. the pub- ' nJ pnre; and that in a particular negotiation r.. Vt. JnK-of mar nu enirincs the interference iui im,i;i,-j-- ... s v. -i..i . Now? we take upon Tjersonat cxculpatious are to bo whatever client per admitted, 11 wouia i V...I.J aach in 'England any such corruptions ot .ywe - fronrthe Committee of Investjgat.on, that W. uoi in the United State. ,s allowed to " ' .. ", - He serve that in any estimate ot the case tnc action anyone, me uusine.-soicumeMni. ,. ; ....liiies upon the lanre masses tire-lv ouif. and come what may, we will endorse dV'-cuarac-'ofS -r an' one' as of tZ ? IiXuelvmore scandalous in the land of ,kn. Ve have quit, too. f,r two aud aufcetent A. tounkibulnnrt ull olnr ijna'Juaticin fur puhlk twice. NoiLing in lliis coimtry niokea an opproxima- tj(jn ,o be . , r en. o or intidu.ioD hJro practiced absolutely Tr ' na lZZ H h' ! ?"" ' In tl.s po.Ht of i " P"""" JM, report i '?Kt'? P'".'10" UIW; ,,,r " 'J l,ale I wfi S r.;,.;..i,. v :...i..i . "JF Pll priOCIWO. S limy indeed W II Muso Lefuro wo inlrotlueo into Kimlnnd ius.it,,. . , tlu'se. Ibey would certainly not tend . r i - , . i.i: 'i;,.. . i , fi"'' ',c : 00 10 1 ! or . publ.c i.iornl.ty a, d from' the illustrations here riven it U;ut be e'tially eltar that they would not conduce to the fieedu.u or iiidependviieR of any claxs of tho body politic whatever ....' i Timet, SKxsmr.E an i) I'Ant.'dTtc Tho Mobile Ea gisder, u stiiuneb and never-faltering Democratic paper, of Southern rights tendencies, docs not ji ok will, the indignant aversion feigned brother i Siu.lh ero Demo r.,tic pnpers upon the movement , to r.iily aguin the old Whig elements of the nn- lion lor a general iiigngeim nt as of yore with the party in power. The Ke-istcr nq doubt sees ! (sais the Columbus I.Kjuireri that such a party is necessary, not only to put down sectionalism, I but to prevent, also Democratic abuses and cor-.. ! ruptions sueh as have been so outrageous of lute; j indeed it says so explicitly enough iu the admis- : sion tliat "the revival of the Whip party will bo I a hopeful sign at last, if it be not the dawn of a teller day for the country. Jt must win back many ot its degenerate offspring who now act 'l with the odoriferuu.i lilack republicans. 'It will j knit together and compact the Democratic party, ; ' -"v j'vu, uhu imui uiuv ti v.u ues.re inu continued ascenuaivy ot our prinei- p'es, we must h.ini.oiinc, unite, and stand to- &l,er .tI,ou!d' '""!" In vi;w of tho ell ct as likely to follow the ' , z.,tn t I Mm ,.!,! tt'1,1., nU.nl. nn.1 , ,.Mrin(, Mr.i,,,1P, f ,,: 'v:.: ! f' Ltt ,0n .1 a Val,,nL, a',:ar ,0 ths ,e"d- the Jn'Hister ys : i r t v. ..... u,....i.iiv.j.(i . ..- I " A'ast numhtrs of Wbig, of which the N'a j tional Intelligencer is'a typo, and may be re I garded as '.heir orsran, have stood aloof from any I party organization for the last six years. When their party dissolved nnd went into liquidation after tho Presidential election of 1852, these men asked themselves Mr. Webster's question, ' Where am 1 to go?' and to most of them echo returned for answer, irhtn ' With as much anxiety as ever the. JoiccndanU. of -Abraham looked for the Messiah, these men now look. i w;t, pr,iVer and hone, for such a result in the coming Virginia election as will enable them to glvc me nig party a mitiunttl organization, an embodiment which shall, once more bo strong- J enough to take tho field and J,i battle with tho Democracy. And unmt hrurli'j do i'c milt. result in the Old Dominion is hopeless Hot I a well fought battjcj. with such a vote for theirj caiKiukite as will show tli:d in deed and in trutu the Whig party 'still lives.' " Aud the eiju.illy o'ur.oxinus Imposiduuists. Lime' foii Cottox, Claries N. Mason, of Kingston, Cass county, Ga., writes as follows to the editor of the .South Countryman :. In order to test the value of lime, as a fertil- jjzer, wiieti nppneu to cotton, l selected Irom a uut:c-neldo! hlteen acres hve acres decidedly in' n t.naty to ,ue LalaticCr-ai.il daring the scconJ week in February last, without previous , breaking, laid off the rows with long straight i i. ., I..... n .... ... 4 1. n.n furri)W soas to make deep trencl.es These were flied .with wheat Straw partit.lly decomposed ; ; unslaekcd lime was deposited in small heaps at , ,, crui 0f ,i)0 ruW;, at convenient distances opart, lor distribution, and seventce.i busl.tls ap- i p;ictl t0 tlie acre, rouldrly and evenly distributed ovcr tho straw 'lhe pround was immediately , bedded out in full. A lew days before planting, (VT0 sweeni J'urrows were run between each row, eioht" hundred and twenty-live pounds to the e.giu iiuiiuieu aim iweniy-nve pounus to u.e . 1 .t. I J i ' . :.. aero, i am saiueu, iron. Lre .ous ix er iice iu , , ,. ,' h , , . -., thd CMlnr:,t:,m ill t.l.o umu .rmrlt I int wl hunt acre. tie application of the lime, the viild would not, have execivl'c! six hundred pounds per acre. ; . rJ ho lime was applied at so late a. period that the straw, was not 'fully converted to manurcTanl3 : in consequencs the past trjp failed to receive tho full beneiit ot it. ; .The great desideratum of planters in this sec anu. as u coiiseouenee, iu ejny uiiuiu nr. uui cotton growing seasons are. too short fur the full development of the plant, esccpt in--ektiaw.lv-- nary years like the past ; lieneo the necessity of" usinc some means to supply, asfar as practicable, this defect in the climate, by pushing the cotton to early maturity I am fully convinced, from fhc small and iiu- perfectly conducted experiment by me; that Unto will suplily this desideratum. Its cheapness and , . fnoilitiea-of transnortatioli, place it in the power 0f turineis of infilled weans to improve their . ,n ad thereby inereasj their crops; and the . permanency of its effects saves tho- cxpcr.se of nn0al ouUya. , . - ' . ' ; Kndoksiso Notes. The, last Knoivil.e one wishes to hear us - S8y no with an emphasis, IctJ.au aus t at "Xlhj slavcwteseuc case, which has-been on: trial at Obcrlin, Ohio, for .some time past, . iaa resulted in the conviction ef Pnshnell, one the rescuers, who wa, the first one VM on trial 111.:.. n..n'r,n ntf..i.,l nrti,.1rt tltl.n flip l-nill.

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