y-. 1 5kA trU-wr-".'.' NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS. Taw . set Ok peneVa ilfbn Seta M sleraa) Tlrll keepi Ne aortaies ttnla of Males me ean hiU ats baaared area to tlrap, C. W; FKNTON, Envroa. VfADESBOnO', IV. r. THURSDAY, JUNE .9, 1850. CLins. T any Pmkn irho tclU tend w $12 W rsll mail Tout eople f th itrgtt for one irr. For the information of whomsoever jk way concern, we would respectfully state tint no otbrr paper than the Xorth Carolina Argut is printed in Wadesboro or Anion county. iT We acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the "Catalogue of Greensboro' Female Col lege for the collegiate year l858-'59." Trintbd at the Banner office, Salisbury. The fact the Catalogue gives we hare heretofore published. Itvsstu. has come Russell for June. Young roan' do yon take Russell f Yon cannot read a better periodical. It will fill your mind with useful knowledge, enable you to spend profitably and pleasantly many a leisure hour. Subscribe for it. You can see the work by calling at this office. . "Ate 'fine YaXa Round." Dickens has ceased hit connection with " Household Words," and commenced the publication of a weekly jour nal with the aboTe title. It is printed in New York by J. M. Emerson ft Co., simultaneously . with the London edition. See advertisement in another column. "Blackwood rem Mat is on our table. Con tents Popoular Litcrature-r Tracts ; A Cruise 4o Japanese Waters Part V; The Luck of Ladysmede--Part lil; The Witch of Wal kerne ; Only a Pond ; The Competition System and the People s Seme; Tidings from Turin ; The Appeal to the Country. Hy the way, how is it that we receive this magazine so irregularly ? Ma. Ashe's Dixlixation. As intimated by the press of the district, 3Ir. Ashe, after he had written his letter of declination, was induced lo authorize the committee to withhold its publi atwn for a few dajsqruntil his return from a . journey which be was about to make. During liis abseoce he has maturely reconsidered the matter, and has finally determined not to accept the Domination. We are sorry that he has been compelled to come la such a decision -r but there is no help tor it, nor is there time to waste in unavailing regrets. In our next issue we expect to have at our maat- head the name of a man who possesses the confi dence of the public, and who, if the people do their duty, will represent them in the next Con gress of the United States. Wadissoso', May 21, 1859. Grminn : Toot letter anaoaoeing to me tbe fact of dj nomination by the Convention of Whigs, that met iu Charlotte on the 18th iusL, as a candidate to represent una lhatnet in Congress, , waa received by ! nr ubjceki 'jui , um iwuii j uu luciuuininceneul nas affected me witb no little surprise; fur 1 had Deter ti ls wed myself to anticipate auch a result to their de-lihratiQns. 1 regret exceedingly tiie choice nf the Conrention f has fallen en me, whose taste aod inclinations lead al together In a different path ; for so complimentary U ' the manner in which the nomination his been made, that it is with the most sioeere reluctance I feel mycelf constrained to decline, Having never bad the vanity to admit the proba bility of my Domination by the Conrention, I had not thought seriously upon the subject nntil since the re ception of your -letter ; bat after surveying the whole ground calmly and deliberately, while I am not in sensible to the obligations Under which tbe nattering action of tbe Convention ha placed me, I cannot be unmindful of other dutiea and obligations of a para mount nature, tbat put it out of the question for1 me to accept. There are many reiaons influencing me to the - adoption of this course tbat it would not be prof .t to mention here, and I therefore crave the indulgenlfor fcearnnee of my friends. , I still hope some one of the many true Whigs of the District, more able than I to do battle for tbe good cause, may come forward, who will find it less incon sistent with his interest, duties and inclinatiena, to take the field. My declining this nomination is not the effect of any misgiving as to the soundness of the principles tbat have al ways been advocated by the party to which I have belonged ; and though for the past few j year, in consequence of the dissolution of -the Whig party, I bare kept somewhat aloof from an active par- j nc: pmion in the political contests of the day. I am now i DlALOOl'JP.. .v A. Well, friend) what's the news this miming T B. Nothing special. A. Come from Wadesboro' T B. Yes. . , , A. How are times there T ' , B. Out of joint. A. That's the case everywhere. B. Yes, I'm afraid they'll be worse before they're better. A. I'm glad you think so. ' ' B. Wlyf A. Because there is some hope of improve ment now. -B. What do you mean ? A. Just this, that men. Generally, are uf yonr opinion that the times are to bad that they can not be worse, and therefore mnst begin to mend. 13. Is that itf A. That is just it. But do you really desire that times should be better? B. Of course I do. Why do jou ask that' question t A. Because it depends upon yourself. i B. On me ! You are mistaken, friend, for if it depended on me, they would have been better long ago. , ' r A. No, I sni not mistaken. It depends on yon, on me, on all, individually. B. I should like to. understand you. I con fess I do not. "A. I will explain. Do you see yonder moun tainthe Blue Ridge J B. I see it, and hare traversed it more than once. ' A. Well, it's a pretty considerable hill, ain't it f B. Well, it is. A. Did you ever notice tbnt this mountain was composed of innumerable small grains of sand and earth? B. Never, particularly, though such I believe to be the fact barring tbs.rocks I A. V el), society is made up in the same wsy. The masses of the people are composed of indi viduals like you and I. B. That is true. - A. Yon are aware, too, that those grains of earth, in order to compose the mountain, are The chain that bound then together as one, was kept perpetually bright by reoiproca? acts of kindness and affection. Tbe slavery question was buried ia tbe grave cf oblivion, as all good men hoped, never to knew resurrection, AH was peace aad good will. I think yon will not i deny this. ' j B. Ho, I cannot. A. Well, Mr. Tierce was elected, and served bis four years, and then, you elected James Bu chanan 1 I ask jou, now, just to institute a com parison between the condition of the eon o try now and then. I cannot enter into all the miontia of the thing now. It is enough to know that, whereas, six yean ago, wo, as a nation, were prosperous, contented and happy, note, we are an unhappy, discontented people unfortunate at all points detested abroad our flag insulted tbe name of American a passport to insult and con tumcly while at home, the President whotuidere-of true Democracy, men whose fidelity t 9" While the Southern Looofoco papers, says tbw Baltimore Clxpptr, ar ankiaa desperate ef fort to throw dust inter the eyes cf tbe people and raise a terrible out-cry about the " coalition of (fie Opposition and Black Republicans," it would bo well for them to remember who are the leaden of the Republican party. A little retro spect will show that Democracy ha " laid itself at the mouth" of Btaok Kcpoblieaoism ready to be swallowed by the awful monster. Martin Van Buren, the once trusted and honest leader of the whole PemawFaiw party, was th architect of the Buflalo platform upon which tbe Republican party was subsequently erected; John Van Burca boasted that he had laid the cornerstone of this abolition structure. Throughout all the North the living acting and most fanatical leaden of abolition Republicanism are men who only a little while ago were the acknowledged expoua- united ? B. Yes your party elected has become a mere puppet in the bands of .political gamblers and secret wire pullers deserted by the rospeo table portion of bis party, hated and detested by the very men who placed nim in power, and whom ht uses all the power of the Government to defeat and dis tract. Is this no! so? B. I cannot deny it. I wish I could. AV So do I. For the credit of my country, I would tbat these things wen not. But they art, and what is worse, you and other members of your party will vote to perpetuate this erne! sys tem of spoils and plunder, when yon know that it is your duty to break the shackle of party which hare entailed upon us all these evils, and come out on the side of right and jest ice. I would not be tbe moral coward yon are for all the world. . -B. Coward ! A. I said moral coward. Yon are so bound by the chains of party tbat you dart not do what your conscience tells you yon ought to do. It is this tfarery lo party which ha wrought all the mischief; for if all these miserable politiciant knew that their acts would be tried by men, free and unurammeled by tbe chains which the des potism ot party has rivctted -upon -them, they would not dare to do the deeds which trow they do with barefaced impunity, knowing that they have got yon, and others like you, so drilled and A. Well, now, don't vou see that if we are t "led that you dare not go against the party really desirous to improve the condition of our j I J00 thtt Democracy is a despotism more country, that all that is necessary is union io ihc despotic than that of Russia, and will eventually right direction. When Jehovah formed the Blue Kidge, be ordered that these grains should overturn pur liberties, acd delnge the land in blood. . Go on with what you are pleased to call unite in' a certain direction, aod in consequence your mlti to party, and ere long you will find a of hiaat we have the mountain. So of the seas Rolrtpwrrt in tL chair of state, giving to the sod the ocean, which, notwithstanding their al-j gullotioe all woo are' independent enough to . a ' ' -II ... - t - r 4 tL! -1; 1 l - it : I ' ' most umiuess extect are, alter an, notning but dropi of water. Now you and. Lire but integral parts grains, if youleasc, which go to make up the mountain the masses the people of the United States. lott say you want a change in the condition of the country a change for -the-bcttef. I agree with jou. . We are united. Now, if .it depended solely on us, being agreed, we would have the change at once. But, as we think and act for themcetres'. B. I am a Democrat but I deny that I am a flare, in any sense, and to convince you tbat I am not a slave to party, I intend to vote for that man, in. this canvas, whose integrity is beyond dispute, and whose love for the I" oion is paramount to that of self. - A. I did not ssk you how you was going to vote. B. You did not but let me say U yon, my principles wu applauded by tbe whole Demo cratic party. Among these are Govs. Morton, Banks, and Boutwell, in Massachusetts ; Senator Hamlin and Oov. Morrill, in Maine: Gov.Clete land and Gideon Wells, in Connecticut; Senator 1'rcston rung, U. Uov. fcelden, James V ads worth, Win. C. Bryant, David D. Field. Judirc Edmonds, and hosts mora in New York; David ttilmot, John H. Head, A. II. Ileeder, (J. A Grow, &o , in Pennsylvania; Gov. Bissell, Sen a tor Trumbull, John V enwortn, &a., in Illinois Francis P. Blair in Maryland, and his d is tin guiahed sons in St. Louis ; Judge Spaulding in Uhio;' uov. uingham in Micbigan; Uov. Ran dall, and Senator Doolittle in Wisconsin. All those and othen like them, who are now the ac knowledged leaden of the abolition wins- of the Republican party, the representative men of ivorinern ami slavery fanaticism, were democratic leaden, rney were classed among tbe pillars of LKjmocracy as they are now pillars of Republi canism. It is from there that Republicanism received its strength, and by them atone it is now maintained as a militant and aggressive po litical organization. are only ttro insignificant gniint, we cannot, withcuf the sTd of 6tbef"gnunj niakTe nioun-1 friend, that there are many men who have he re tain. - In other words, we cannot, dirrctly, pro-! 'fore voted with (he Democratic, party, who have dice this change, and yet it depends rerv much I become ui-gusted with the men who, calling on y mi and whether this great and, necessary J themselves Democrats, have proved tbat they are change, or improvement, in the condition of our i Democrats, or any thing else but spoils-uien, country, financially socially and jioraxlv, ahaJLr.,nu' 'et me WJ ..to you further, that the result of be brought about. j the August election in this district will show B. It seems to me that is a sort of contradic-1 that there are Democrats in the Old North State, tion. It doet. ind vet it don't donend on vnn vrho (whatever they may have done in the Dast) The Richmond H'Ai speaks our senti ments exactly when it says the Democratic press have been very generally copying from the Nash ville Union a list el expenditures made by the Black Republican House of Representatives in 1855-7, to prove tbat it was more extravagant than its Democratic prtdecenor. Bui what of its Democratic successor? Now, these Demo cratic journals and politicians are perfectly at nberty to prove the wildest extravagance upon the Black Republican House of Representatives of 1855-7, since a Democratic Senate, and a Demo cratic President are equally responsible for such extravagances. No saoney can be drawn from the Treasury but in pursuance of law. It hi true that the contingent fund of the House of Representa tives, when it once gets into their possession, is under their control, but tbe Senate must first pass tbe bill, and the President sign it, before they get possession. ow, if these Black Republicans were wssting so much money, why did not the Democracy arrest the evil either in the Senate or it the ExeeutiveMansion fWharwifrH avail ,'hese Democratic presses to prove that their . l 1 1- LI. ' MYmm JEwrmp. By the steamship America with Liverpool dates May SI, w have th following detaila of foreign news to that aatei -Thar has avta no battle. The aspect i a Aura be tween saw Mfitg rente la anoasnaed. Th Austria beeuiauarters is aow at Pari as they having withdrawn from VeroelU, wale had besa OMuniea oy ia Aine. A Wttle la daily expeettd. Th French aquadrra la bloekadlnat Aaatriaa aorta. Taga report are la eireulatloa to th effect that lb Biapror of Aastrla WU1 oaasaaad bis troops la person. Oea. Has had reached Milan, aae) left a gala fee Pavla.. , . .... . ... II t expected that th Aaatrkas will remain la. lit euatii th arrival of their Imperer at the mm. Th UvwrpMi Peat aabUahea. aooa what it amlla t. HW lauoravaiioat th re pert that th faang f th river Tide by th Frmeh will he the mow f an huropeaa alUaaw asmlaat Vraaew. aad that th Aaa. iriaa iravpa wm niH a ran. i Th war bulMtia are aalaisartanl All the channels of approach I th Tealtiaa eanital LI t I t had th rult howt gmio ola ben for t UU MNioti from IttJU lUU tl. at Tt&atltt Tobm 1 la. s . 1 a I CttiwiflMtf Vli If (Uftd. naasBBBBBBBBssn . LATER. A B.irTt.S TOVQUT! Th stnvaaship City of Waniagtoa brings Liverpool da to May 2. A battl wm iowgM m lb 2)rt f May betweea tb Aastrua aad Franco-tiardtaika arailea, at th village of Mentebello. Th AaatrUns emaiad th aagaat by attacking posts occupied by Marshal U'Hilliers, bat were drivea back by Oea. forey's di- vuion. iirter a rarioua combat or roar boars, th Allies carried tbe village of Montobello, and la Aus trian Mtreated with a loss Of apwards ot 2,000 killed and wounded, and 700 prisoners. They are report! u aav aeyi ia,oJ ta tb ragageaMat, aad he AlUe about 8,000. . Th letter's tea k said t be (00 bmb, Including aaaay orneer. Oea. Oaribaldi had enured 6avi with (,0M for revolutionary parpos. Th latest Seconal rvpert active revolutionary movement ta Lombardy. It was ramorwf that aia Eawllsh mea-of-wsr had entered lb Adriati Sea. The King of Naple ia dead, and Francis II. baa a. sumea in aeaw or a aura. Th Pari Moaltaur announces that Franc will ad der to th abolishment of privateering, and to th principle taai a Mutrai nag evr a enemy a goods. Th Liverpool Cotton market pne4 eMI a th ain, dui eioevo eieaay, wia tale of tOOV bale. Middling Weens 6il., Middling Cplaada 6 MM. Riehardaoa. Bpeao A C. that lb tather hnd beea favonbl for (be groweg crops. Thar bad beea but little inquiry for Floar, aad prions weak at a range of 12a. to 14. Wheat was ateadv.aad aa average business had beea dons without aav aaotebl ehsnge io prices: Souther Wheat. 10. ki (i:3m. Cora was dull, and th sale alowataochaaged priena; mixed, 6. 8d.(a. I0d yellow, s. 10d.("a. 2d .; whit 8. Beef was etendy: Pork Bra. aad km quiet. Lard was dull bat price arm. gar was dull. Coffee quiet aad Riee iaaetiv. ppi'iite of Ter pentine were steady aad Rosin dull at V Idts. 3d. The paper are teemins with aenants of nf ferlnga endured by parties who were deceived into ma. ing la Pike's Peak to seek for gold, aad who having "seea th (leabaat" ar aow adeworiaa to tad their way back I lb State. A Deavcr eorramtari.Bt r turn nuifim vemocrnt iurnias tb followmr knr rowing detail; ."Vie have had sickening rmora for a.wwk nut at ornoio aawwrTag mm ireeuaa, etarraOoa aad robbery vi mniiia dv war oi in omoav mil mu. fu. ere) inulllienl geatletnea wha hav arrivrd hv il..t route, told me tney tbemsalvee were so long on the " nim, aan wiuioai any mad at all, rw rmuwq uann io atareattOB, lived tea to foartrw ("ra upon prickly pv and anew few wild onions od etber rdtbln a they enatj pick p, aad also that they helped to bnry sevsral persons whodied from starvation. - Th agent of tb staneomnnv hran.ht Goto Izoiraitsir in TAtunaoa. W Sod th fol lowing In a late number af tbe Talladega (Ala.) Re porter ia relation t th Immense excitement about th gold discoveries recently Blade in that oaaty. Th Reporter says: Th gold (aver ha broken out amongst ear people, aad is spreading to aa aUrmlug extvat. Mea and boys ar leaving their plough aad abeps to break rook aad wash sand la search of th preeloa bmUI. Pikt'a Peak aad t rosier River ar nowhere, aad w doubt whether California r Australia ever had more miraculous tales told about thesa thaa a re aow being circulated a bent tb recent disco vert e la this eonaty, livery third saaa yon meet ha a rook In his pocket, aad many of tans walk aa stately aa If they had a pocket fall f reck, stoat very rick spseimaas aav been brought ia, and na day adds a Aw mor ' to th aumber nf digger. ' Tb dieeovery nf gold wa trwt mad an a pie of land belonging to Mr. M. W. RtcVr), aad moat of th rich specimens w hav seea were brnnghl from tat in. A company has already beea mmuiaed to work it, aad ia a short time teat th truth f it fab- ' aloe vain. Soma very rich specimen bee beea exhibited which ar broaght from aokaowa teeaSfl. Th boys ar making diligent anarch, however, and they may be abl to la tb whereabout of th rieb depoeits. TheeaUtenee of gold in th aetra pov tloa nf ibis county ta bea knowa fbr years; tb only sjaestioa has bn as I It extent aad value. Tb new dlsooveriee bring the mines ap pretty closer to town. Just think of gold ia ebnadano lying: alaawat ken within tlx miles of as. W wrote this article with a 1 epeeinwn f gold bearing rock ta ur pocket, iaat xprimatiBg a little te tee how am editor woald feel with gold la hi pocket. Bat, jest ing aside, w should aot b greatly snrprlatd to lad tb Talladega mint eraat aa exejUmeat area beyond nr wa border.' PtaataiT Taiaos. There ar tw factions af De mocracy ia Pcaasvlvaaia. aad tb leader of these eu- tertala aad xpre very hard feelins aek f tb other. , Ta Harriabnrg Sentinel, for iataae, a 0a aerata paper at tL capital f tb State, thaa mm-... plimeau th Proaideat of tb United 8tte, hUf of a of tb ontndin( fnctfons: To rreaiiMat t a violator f pteJgee, aa aawise, amen aad nmTWBt Kaecutiv. a Pro Blaverv Dis. unioaiat, a pern ha Utention, a tysnat, an apnstot from Deaeeemey, a wool dyed Pedonlist, sad a diaot- gnlarl" - : Tb PMIsJelpbia PeaaeyfraaiaB thus refoYfs open th ohiefa ot Ui4aT,mV, Mmri. Forney aad Hik "Red mouthed AboKtienUa. eorrant and rotten at th hnart, capable nf perpetrating tbe foulest aad blackest crime, who bar lived aU their lives ea nlnw. der, stealing from tb Treasury of tb Government, aad warn th door was ahat against their wkolenale stealing they tar roaad aad abas tb ate aad party wb gav thaa Ufa." . . Wa are not prepared to say wbioh aid Is right, ar whether either is wrong. W eolr knew tbat tkene peopl who my sneb bard things of each other, enshf hi b wu wreaaie. f oiiiseniiy nan pnrreaally, tna rVidea4 and JaoasUPray haw W for year -most intimato friends, aad if. a tb Preeident's hem rgaa barge, Feraey baa beea "stealng" all hi life, th inference a to th Presideat's aointiaa he not SaUeriag. FtyrtlntUt (Maerrar, . . .. r.. I . i eiervi own party na toe iwacg nepuDiicans were par- B, . wor4 tWl . -. ' 'I "V: ticept crimi.i:' The Opposition are respunsi- flAy miles froW hrreforaa Arrapabo India brnght ble for neither. It had no existence as a nsrtv him ia to th star lie.) wb bad com nrmaa frmm at 4Ut-dayrandWlike.rcpoJiates -both -the! Hky Hill route, (wkieb his eempeay bad alerted en, vau.v. n.-.Vi: J it,, x t""1 Mlow:) tbnt whoa found he wa in n aa devoted to tbose tirineinles as at anr neriod of mv iife. Wlien the Whig party weut down, and aome of chief must result would vou Dot be resnnnxi. its members attached themselves lo Ileinocracr, while I i.i. , rj n . , ,, . . many others, though true Whig., for the time, "went in- -t0. God' Wel1 10 !oaT fcllowmxens, if t) tne new organisation or tne American par.v, I re-., you am not, to t.le extent of your influence and mained conateat to the old faith, patiently waiting the , abilit aveH ,h ;j j , revolution of events, which I believed at no distent . day would elevate.the trailing banner of onr party, and ! " . " ell, I think I should. A. ioti toy you ore desirous that there should snd I. A. Kven so, and yet it is as' plain as that two and two make four. Observe, now ; I said that ice, that is you and I, could not produce this change, directly and yet it depended very much on you and I whether tbe change should take place. 'ot only is this so, but we are, each of us, responsible to tbe extent of our influence, for all the evils which may and surely will result to mankind, .if this change for tbe better does not take place. 'Suppose yonr neighbor was pursuing a line of conduct which you believed would eventuate in the injury of your fellow citizens- nay, that it had become apparent to your mind gays' m injury naa oeen done, and tbat further mis- Although the returns of the election held ia Vir- will,: in tbe future, let it be known that their consciences are in their own keeping. A. I rejoice to hear you say so. B. Not only so my friend, but I, foroxE, have had my eyes opened, aod hereafter, shall use my influence, and vote for no man for any office, whose moral character is even iu,pectcd. I am glad of this opportunity of conversing with you, and shall he pleased to renew it at some fitting opportunity. The Union ! It must be preserved ! A. The Union ! It shall be preserved ! The Virginia Election. The National In- telliyenccr, speaking of the election in this State, Black Republican and th Democratic organiza tions. We expect to get rwnitt of good and patriotic men from both, but as partirt, we op pose tbe baneful theories of the one, .nd the un deniable corruptions of tbe other. We Lave no affiliation with either. We have engaged in the work of freeing the most wretched condition, and reduced to a skeleton rr'.m starvation. Hi nam it Mae, aad be Is from Whiteside county, Illinois. There were three broth ers of them Brat, en died, and tb two remaining ""i eiwriney naa Owen renuerM seam less irom emaciation. Tb second brother died, aad wmm HTmriv mm uo OT me anrvlvAr j went out and buried tb reaaaiaa of the 4. Whig ia the day were preod f their nam aad their principle. A Whig la Itew laglend wa th ena ha I Me a a Whig ia North Corolla. Tb Whip were thaa national and not sectional. Jttlnck Slndard. . Any on wb Las aa ootortweifv to aonenll the alee f th Standard for ttHl will tnd that at thai time it jeml a roundly deaownnel tb Whig party ns oe- uouni ana irnesou nrgaaiuilan e rt aew daomc tber Opposition to the Democracy for theaara alleged sta le tact w do aot remember tb Mate wkea th party w were acting with (wbteh baa been fat oppo sition to tb Democracy) are not stigmatised by Beutk-' ra Democrats a a party ia Inagn with sbolilieuiets, aad aader th control of Seward, Orwety, as Iher aay of the Soathl During that tiao wo bar aeea aearly every nrnminnat Norther Deesoerat with whom anr roviler boaatfully slsiated party aia, elation aad emails nf prineipl. going ever to swell . tb raaka at th finsnoiler aad Black Republicnas, - until aow th latter .hav a vast majority ia ery Northera Slato aotU tber is aot a aiutk rtee. erali Senator or Repemeamsl, aad bat a r tw conserTaUres ot tb old U Whig aeaeol, lefl te rep rMeat all New Eaglaad ia Coo greet r rt w ar still Md that ar Southern purtv ht bxtaSnsF a tne. W.A. ef lb BUeh Repeblioao f rhi day, aad tb adahv eien Is aow aana tbat th Uaaoernoy were mOtetm ia making tb ana raarr agjthut aa ia IMtl : i.eenweuv impnrrr. give it once more to.lhe breeie, bearing for its motto, raent, " Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and j. improvement .in the moral condition of our ' inseparable !".. Time, I think, has shown tbat I. was country. ; Ton admit there i need of this im- right, for those event are even now opoH us, and every , . good and true Whig will hail with joy the present provement, nay prvjnt necessity therefor, do you ? omens that indicate the resuaciation of that noble party B. Indeed, I do. whose conservative principln ba, at least on one oc- a v 11 .u . . . . cation of imminent peril to our country, saved It from ! . " e" lDCn' u " not Jonr iut! lo 7 ruin, and I confidently believe will be fount equal to 1 influence with your neighbors, and friends and . it aalvatiun again and again. !...:. j' t n i ' Please aeceJt, gentlemen, my thanks for the kind cquainUnces, and with all men, wherever you and polite manner ia which you have discharged the t nad them, to unite with y?u io bringing about duty assigned you by the Convention, and at the aitue this irmt ,wl in ,.., i - .t. time aesuraneo. of mv very hieh weird and .steeem. gre" K00"-0 exert yourself to the Utter- Very troty yours, THO. S. ASHE. To Gen. J. A. Voiao aod others. . ginia on the 20th inst., are not yet complete, quite enough is known to indicate that the Democracy, if aot defealed...have escaped thatcaustrophe by one of tho victoriea which ar only lesa than a total route. To the candidates of the opposite parties in the State few votes, more or less may indeed be of considerable personal importance, as determining who shall be th honored in'cumbente of the official positions at stake, put ue great results of the campaign remain none moat in behalf of .the moral renovation of your father land ? B. It is. I so consider it. A. And yet, my friend, when it comes to the test, I expect you will be found repudiating the 'MSh During tbejreeeot canvass in Virginia, in aspecb n Cbarlottsville, the Hon. A.-JI. II. ' Stuart showed that, instead of the administra- . tion of Mr. Fillmore being tesponsilde for the cntinle1t J ,nye but now expressed, snd be heavy outlays on the publio buidings, the in oc racy ha ' departed from the plans and spe cations then given f the works! Mr. Stuart j training every nerve to continue and perpetuate said that a visit to. Washington recently put' bim in possession of these facts; and that since be was Secretary of the Interior, the autbor : ities were paying for the one item of flagging , 12.50 per foot, which Stuart himself bad bar- the evil ! B. What do' you mean f A. You call yourself a Democrat. ' B. I do, nay I am a Democrat A.. You belong to that party, then, woo" have gained for at 8 cents per foot a little increas to puf in V"er tn mea who have brought infamy, favorites of $25 per foot.. . ; 2JL."'KTce, "no rum upon tbe land.- w.:., 1 . ; B. Prove that, if you please. . ' AxoTBEi Hmm.A few weeks ago I Dem-1 A. I will. Doyou not remember how peaceful ocratic, caucus in Lowndos county, Ala., norm- &nrJ prosperous the country wa at thexpiration nated as one of it candidates for the Legisture of the administration of Millard Fillmore? You Mr. Hrooks, a cousin of Hon P. 8. Jl rooks who cannot have forgotten that men oi all parties caned Snninev MrrB. declined the nomination, ,greeo in pronouncing his administration rfoeA but be has since accepted a call to become one ef i,iLonian. We were at peace with all the world the o7-Demoeratic candidate fut; tht) Igiala ture, supported by the Southern Righto and Op- Th very oaeae of American wa a passport to favor all oyer tbe world. Our flae was resneeted AT position parties. His colleague on the ticket is j upon the sess snd cheered in every port where Judge Gilchrist, vikO- Bas Jong aod ably repre-1 k stars and stripe! were, djplayed.. At home, tod Lowndes County in tb Senate of Ala- j tho North sod th 80ttlhn East and th West, bama, t Whig or Atsericaa. Tbe) focceaa of 1 were nnitod by tins of brotherly affection. g! ah,' ticket to tnrdly k doubted. ' . ; tiooal diSereae sad jealousies wert unknowB be less significant in the presence -ot scale one so unequal, but now brought, it would seem, to almost a wavering balance. If the material victory still remains in tbe hands of the Democracy, it must be admitted that theiropponents have achieved all th moral ad vantiges of a decisive triumph, and have left to th conquerors only the poor eonsolation of Pyrrhos, when, after the onset of the Roman legions, he ex claimed, "Another such victory and I am undone.'1 Entering upon the recent canvass with all the pres tige of that invincibility which belongs 'to those who have never lost a battle, and flushed with the remem brance of a recent success beyond all precedent, tbe Democracy of, Virginia have seen their majority of twenty-nine thonsand in the last presidential election dwindle down to a few hundreds, if it has not entirely disappeared. If is not for us at present to comment on all the causes which have conspired to bring about this remarkable revolution, so promising to tbe pat rons of a sound and conservative opposition to. the party in power; but we may at least "improve" th present occasion so far aa to say that if the Whig party ia "dead," aa our Democratic friend have been so confidently and persistently asserting, it would none th lesa seem that there exist a very respectable body of citiiena' in Virginia who, for some reason, prefer an "Old line Whig"toT'modern Democrat. A the Whigs, when alive, fought no more bravely aad never more auecesafully than they ar seen to do in their present posthumous state, the result of the re cent contest iu Virginia deserves perhaps to be cited j a a most remarkable illaatriatioa of th "railing pa- sion tironf ia aeain. isenaia at least it Is that op position to tb Democracy doe not aeea to hav died with the 'alleged deal f it ancient foe. eaj" According to the Democratic organs in Ken tusk V. the triumnh of the Onrmitinn ... ia placed beyond a doubt. One-half of tbe Dem ocratio papers in that State, says the Journal, protest that if the Democratic State ticket i a ooa intervention ticket it will Oertainly be beaten ; and the other half protest that it w a non-intervention tickets ; Republic from the evils of both, snd we care uot . toungesl of th brothers, but eeold not Both are sectional parties, -Both have aided in keeping this land distraoted and divided, lkilb have labored to create and inflame sectional ani mosities, and wa elaim that both are unfit to be trusted by a people desirous to cultivate the arts, and receive the rewards of peace. . The masses want repose, and we look to those masses to put down agitation, snd rebuke the men who have for years lived upon it, no matter from what section they hail. The Democratic press are uncon sciously aidiug in tbe good work by proving that none of them can be trusted even with the care of the public mooey. ScePth impression among well-informed Demo crats is, that the Democracy of th Sixth district have nothing to fear, provided they do their duty. Bat steps should be token to thoroughly orgaais in the counties. It will not do to denend alone an former majorities. The recent result ia Virginia ad- mrmisne u tbat Urge majorities ennoot b maintained without effort, andtbat perpetual vigilance i the price "i Ticwirj. nautg dianaara. Tars LoctBTa. Th Memphis Bulletin cava St.. U. nets, with tb Boise ef which th turrend.ag wood are daily aad algbtlr voeal, ar committing eerioa depredations upoa he growing crept ia the country adjacent, Ia noa seelione tbty an reported to how many sins they may prove upon each other. of "o died. ..d the .TZ-irL-. JL.ll.0.", tlT "!? Knih l..L - TikT .mi "A "ed Oibbt waa the leader of th. starvaH L"0" trvym "" " aathrfpated by th company, uidos got ia aearly aUrved, and tuppoeee r " . . th reel, o.-a aia ia all, perished. Th survivor I . 7 ' aawiW tfr (npaarene hi th waa left at on tb mail station, aad th nnort is r?7,BerB Pn waablagton and Ytus ssanllsa. in confirmed by tb "tag passengers. Others report I Pr1' lores number of sravo on th route, and tkst I Mr. H. D. Whiteeh. Ck4f r..l.s ..--i oxen hav periahed aadanch property been dettroyed Saibjoad, inform th St ante (fa.) promtor that in mjc wmj. , emw vee party woica i - n vi w shu nrage is uefd with lost seven out of a train. of sixteen exea. Billions of locusts. Thev anneared IniuiL. t- a w.... a. . PJ J ' . . If '' ' ek ago, aad roaaed te urvvt wan I an at s. s.aiBin,eaiA sdtjt rrnDaniitTti I an mawine s mi .. nr fa a. a of th New York Tribune, writinc from Iowa Cite leetsd thai Tie H.l.k ' m-,' , 7!? Iowa. Uae 2 ei.M . . . ill w ' . . ' . . 1. .".' '.! r1" . T' " .. . . -yr'm.mmvm ei wejs lamn new vaey Snrtni Mar. noa of thus description, which visited that see tion af I - 7 country, and ef tb damage it did. He aye t,cas roa Baoaiao. Aa lav Teaks ha pro- " Lett evening, whil yet it wa light, there aroe nued an apparatus which h laiaa h a cur for auddeely a violent wind, aeooapaaicd by strong indi- saaring. It fnstea upoa (be aontb a gatta pereha v- . reia. in nw mvmeai in waoi a on ton I "i " ivmpanaa oi uto enr aaJ a Bag - became pitchv black, and th most vivid liehtni nifying tb sound whenever th ansae. 7. auiwari tne say. a lerriDie tbunder storm I asttts mm. bunt unon ns. While eat It r.-f..M. k. I . sky sudden) v appeared unclouded in the eaet for a space iegrapw dispatch says tb first lot f of several degree in width, hi anr f oar eiUsea. 7 , .:D,J7" er(,P M"aaippi wa told la St. who were watchinc from their windows th tul. .t " mh "' i at So pw bosbeL Tb wheat th storm, discovered, iadistioetlv at (rat. th ranid WM r,",a 7 oery f D Soto eonntr. It approach of aa immense water apout. Ih pbenoa- J ns that f6 ia a high sgare for wheat, erea If enoa wa ao unusual tbat tb aUentio of handreds " am ef water aa it reached fro. earth te akv-swsv- Cl TJZ'?? dT! to ? a candidate. You need hot .have italicised the word feW ovghly, Mr. Standard. We know, aod " well informed .'Democrats know) and some whom you tbiok uninformed know, that your dependence for success is altogether upon " thorough organi sation," and not upon the Juttice of your cause. The people have found this out, and are determined to make you take tbe route "step." Their eyes are opened. Your " perpetual vigilance" bad nigh lost you Virginia. What is the moral of all this ? It is that your " perpetual vigilance" and " thorough organization" have effected nothing for your country, but everything for your politic ciant! You are vigilant enough when the na tion's treasury is to be robbed ! In thit sense you are perpetually vigilant. J er contra: . . - "Now, dear Editor, lest we should weary yon w will close by saying that we ean no longer rest rain the stern fact that Leach and Vance are giving Coleman and Bealee particular fitt upoa the great and absorb ing administration question." Cor. KmbernProaru: , StaT'In Ohio the Americans and Democrats are coalescing with a view of carrying the com- Jog State election. Says the Albany Statesman : "The coalition is as yet confined to Hamilton county, bnt it ia to be pushed throughout th State, J. Scott Harrison, aoa of tbe ex-President, being the candi date for Governor. He is a Democrat with Whig aad American .antecedents, and the combination ia aad with tb full concurrence of tb Democratic party. He i to run as an independent candidate and tb leaoeraU aia to give him their support. ' ' This is right.. Good men of all parties are coming out from the corrupt organiiation called Democratic, and are uniting with the Opposition j every where sgainst the party which claims to be the Government, but which is neither more nor leas than a union of bad, corrupt men, chiefly pohttaant, wbo are banded together for the pur. pose of plundering the Government; Come out from among them, all ye wbo love yonr country and your children, and desire to have a pure and wholesome exsmple set thea I Let ns bava an administration that shall be Wathingtonian Pram'deot snd Cabinet to wboa lives and ehar actors you nan proudly point and nay to yonr anna .tsnsfnte 1mt aad be happy-oopf after thaa aad be great! . - vw.vm, wee lost signs Of. ' rine water-spout seems to hav been from thirty enmm t t. Al . . . . ' I Lr "-'ctI . Vi PreaideaeyV th Bolton taai is ravors tb publi- iag to aa fro lik. a rope h.ag ia th. wimj-wa. .x-1 TCiete for to. I eewdinarlv mad. Tb. w.i,, i Tnf Ooeiety, for th r nearly fifteen minutes, when th. .k. I i.. Ill I "vw7 tracts, a thing with which U ngntiuiiy taoolS hav. aothing tod. iyCol. Haaphrev Marshall dealing it.. iteoyad a nation for re-eleetion to Congreee, which be nn !Hnr.Tu' Um OpP"n f the UnhrtUI ate- to forty feet in diameter, aad to hav dettroyed a Urge amount of propertr. It extent wa irom aav- w. w ten utiiea, ana it I id to aav traveled with trie! great rapidity. Ia one instance, a barn of Mr. Ber-1 Z ' "j!1',1""" ,f 120. WM kn from aWsTM. Gross, th aaa with the visible fatt haa. it foundation, emrrlal k- k.J I I V. L.J . '. . . . . . , : - . wfnix s. awy, laeeia ne oie en tail ceouceutj " " A-Zl eawanvsnn iftns mm ssjg rinptaV Iwtnj I UaTVW p UW QtVtl. - ,w vwtat arusjt vnrvwH IB Ml iioagD, DCC itrtDff I fyi mat a nu...J ..lal. I. !! awtt B. I lik an trnmetaM funnel, nd ti Mcmed wy mv for VOUMTT A SD STATE HATT3PI the whirl anH rtarkU ik. ..t ..u t I w -jwa-.v va a atii WUIU UfJ piaiDIT 1 .. w seen. ' Cottox. Ws were shews toate Usatiful specimaA "Aa I an closing thia Utter I lean that eight are .''., T v v nm " inns rar Known lo hav bean killed; bat I have beea I ' 'not la length, and Moainlag uoeoie to ascertaia any mor aames." . , , .7"' " m9n growa aapoattet nten- I ? Kchardsoat, In taw eonato.. Mr. I. DaaraaiTB Fiobt with tbb niaiimu TI.. P- Klcbaidseti iafaswa m that h will a iiili. overland mail from 8an Francisco tb 6th, arrived at , w aT A gMfemaa pre, who axatnintd th Mjwim on ine zntn nit., tinnee a r- v . pieaie. prononnaed cnem naaaHri tui i. Belknap, dated th 22d. which aa an k.j probabj tbat ha wonM II ablh so . fci just arrived there from Camp Radtlmnaki, bringing ooa " th first. W reqaesl the geaeteateu to far th report that Major Van bora bad another fight Diatt wl,b DT Information ia rtlatjoa to thlr own . .hi uie nonstrt vamancnea, on in rork of th Ar- erope ut. outers in taeir aeignborhoodt. Tber kanaas river, on th 16th. durin wkirh .e a both aminentlv aaallfied to do ki. -j l. t.-- Indians were killed, and thirtyix ukea prisoner, "r tbnt If thy do not do It tbey ar not la. the line f Tw of the trooper were killed, and severe) w..nrfl ar- w think, and so w ear Anoiberlettertaya that foor or five hundred Texan I J"" Ust Prhiay sight tb arthrn .... ..u. i-eoiy uuia doiow BrasM, aa tb la- r pwiion or in eouaty wr vicited by a tL '. ",.",owl intention or attaeklag ru ana Baii,acapawd with light, tb RoMrv Indiana. Much excitement prevailed ia B, 'and tbunder. The weather, whish had beta consequence aaong the Indians. .. J0" w" prerita to tb antra, beenme quite aool ' . ' - "'lt 8atorday, Sanday aad Maaday, aad en th j-R!?! 8"P??' C,onr .of 0h nit:, aorning. of the two latter any frM wu r-roepUbl. . " ,. -i "j v. a. VOurt oi I ' aenrn no injury waa 0B teer bv th hail ar th northern diatriM r rikln r .i . I r.t . . . ' tn nu r lV!?J0ty ml itowf u,,kl Ja,tie . ETUW FntcTton Maronna -The v. -P,f anstalnjd th .onatltutionallty W. Pitett pteta that Ella, atagbWif MrT AlUn n,,,..! " " , vnrwuraOB nvna i VtlNIH Ulermwf. ta ?1,,jr tmi' C, oa Friday, May tb, 1869, aged i years. Hot death wa caused by !la t- nateb, sad her little brothers, 'oha to vt est lean asee whie n-m tk. . i ...j v:n Tenn , last February. Hs was arrested ia Tlshomin- p.,r n., wser fee bad beM living as a be taken te Jackson for trial. ; Jft- rw",F " a " , was mi by hi mtaer far a aaf hlek. - r.-i' i. toaptod tb Uttl a stralkew a saMlhfWI r mot f rt, Md he beena brtezieated. Seem his n'criars Iter isteaaw, and a dted 4art thf night, P on thro and tb tbw oa year in irom u saaa eeat. This la Srnlne La tnea. erhA m t u' frietioa aatebnt aontain a virulent poison. Orsrasoor' VTmae. w.f,VLC!S0TTk ,rM '! tn tee the Wilmington, Charlotte and ttntotrfetd sUUraad tnraat Brituk brig; ttZnuim ulkiHi Wa. ias. T. Ceassuvt ha died from th etlsts af the Intltted npoi hia by Rardaway ftonf t ;

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