NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS. INFANT CHOIR. Who shall sing If not the chlMroh? tiiii not Jem Uie for Ihrni ? 1 May they not, with other jewels, Sparkle io Ills iliadcm T Why to them wer voice given - liird-lik voices sweet and clear'7 Why, unless the sung of Heaven, They begin to practice here? There'! a choir of Infant songsters, . Wlillc-robed, round the Saviour' throne; Angel cessr, and waiting lute 04- Ohl 'tin sweeter than their own: F:iilli run hear the rapturous choral, When her ear is upward turned; is n it this llip aiime, perfected, Which ujion the earth the; learned? Jcxus, when on earth sojourning, LovoJ them with a Woodrou love; And will he, to heaven returning, Faithless to his blessing prove? Oh! they cannot dug too early; Fathers, stand not in their wity; llir I" 1I0 ling while day U breaking Tell me, then, why should not they? , From the- Raleigh Register ANMVF.ES1SV OF TDK llEUCM TSAIT SOCIETY. The thirty-Court Ii annual meeting of the Amer ican Tract Society was bold at the Academe of H . il !. a! . . . iuumc, in uns cuy, jesterusy morning at Dine o'clock, which wan opened with prayer by Ke. Dr. Spring. The .'resident, Chief Justice William, was in 1110 cnair. Aoout aw J,Uo Mi rectors and Life members wore present, and occupied the lower floor, admitted only by ticket. A verv 1 1: '1 .( . ! . large uuuienca ocvnpiea toe gaiivnc. ' .- Dr. Do Witt, Chairman of the Exocii tivc Committee, made a few opening and touch' ing rciuamj as to tnc entire naimony or the Com. luittce for twenty-four year. Tho election of President, Vice President, Secretaries, &c , was then gone into, which re sulted in the re election of the old officers, with tho addition of tho Iter. C. C. Gadsden, of MI I . (til i . . v-nanc-sion, a. 1 ., as a Director, and Hon. tv . C. Alexander, of Sew Jersey, as a Vice President. Tho Executive Committee wu then re-elected y a vote of I-'.Jl to scattennj. The election f thid Committee is only by Life Directors. The opponents of tho Society, because it will not approve, publish and scatter tract against slavery, present, were far less than last year. These few made a deeperatt, dying atro'lo to disturb- the meeting by introducing resolutions nnu nixing spceeiics to instruct or urge the Com- mittpu to publish tracts ajrainst the slave trade, Z-'l silvery resolution was voted down by call (est Tote of an overwhelming majority, deciding that this and such subjects do not belong to the So ciety, and should not come up fur discussion. After voting down all these resolutions, for fear some might const rao this so decided action a cncouragiiiE 'he r; emiig ,r f ire"African slave- trade, which Christians North and South are op posed to, the Society passed almost unanimously tho fulluwin' resolution, offered by the venerable Dr. Spring. Iu offering it, lr. Spring remarked, that he had no sympathy with the spirit of t.ppo , sition to this. Society; that he approved all the action of this meeting, and that with the great ' uiajo'rityof those present he desired to puf an cud to thcrdUus!ion on shivery before thii So ciety, as it was an improper time and place for such discussion. The resolution is m these wocds, "tito!,al, That in laying the preceding reso lutions upon the table, the Society have not conic to this conclusion from any donbt in relation to thetin of the African slave-trade and the great wickedness of re opening the iniquitous traffic in any form." - 1-1 AtAhia liiitlhd JJiirty otftriy opponent 4VIV me douso u iir-qff-jHe-jritiit taken out 1 their n' the Society taking (be only safe giound, that it is neither anti slavery nor pro-slavery, having nothing to do with the subject. God's spirit and grace was wonderfully tnani tfestexl in the friends of this cause, enabling them " to decide and take to- unanimous a stand on tho grou nd most clearly expounded in the meeting by Janiel Jord, Kj , one of -the ablest lawyers of this city, that no abstract question, such as slave ry, could rightly bo brought up by the Society, , allsucli boinj; entirclyoutof the Society' consti tutional work, which is: only to spread such gos pel truths as arc agreed -upon by all evangelical christians; and that the Society at its annual meeting can only elect iu officers and committees to carry out the work of a rharititrutt, as the .. committee shall unanimously agree; and that the , Society can no more direct or instruct the action of that committee, than can the people instruct me juagtrincy elect how he-sbalMleeide-lh questions that may come before him. The whole V matter is now clear, and with the strongest confi-, donee in the committee which has proved itself i so conservative ami nrm tor many years, and with .!. , ...:.. 1 j: .! iii . . ! luiiuimm uiri-cuun ana messing oi tiod, we may pross on with greater success in reaching the poor and needy at their homes with the bread of J 1 to. 1 ours truly, a " . -W. J. W. Crowdkr, . . . General Agent, American Tract Society, for North" Carolina. Nkvv Vonii May 12, 1859. '. S. A meeting in behalf of the American Tract Society at Jiottoti, was held this morning at Dr. Chcevcr's church. This Society ha here tofore been a. branch of the- Soeioty at ttem . Yotk. During the past year, however, they be gun to act as an independent society, publishing tracts on1 slavery, and enroaching on the field of the Society at Xew York. Their meeting this morning took a decidedly anti slavery ground and bitterly opposed the position of the Nationl So ciety. Their Secretary stated that hereafter they would publish against slavery as a system. It was stated decidedly that it withdrew all connection with the Society at New York and would bcindn. pendent, which course decides the disconnection entirely of that Society from the national Society here. Henry Ward Heccher violently attacked " the officers and cause of the American Tract So ciety, ridiculing jt works, its publications and its supporters. Tho Amcrican Tract Society by this course will be free from all connection with those who heretofore have been determined, if possible, to force it into publishing on vexed subjects. Trusting. in (iod that the National Society, which can safely go to all, North and South, may continue to bo blessed in Its great work jf carry Timoroit FttrionTd 0 obb Railroadi.-- Wc take tbt following from the ItaleiaV Standara ; Kaleiuh, May 17, 1859. Tha uBdcsiuned, Presidents of yatlroads in' th State, met, according to suggestion of the Board of Internal .Improvements, for consulta tion as to tbt best mean of facilitating the transportation of freight to and Ironi the several porta of We Slate. " r - . . Ueing atifrly satisfied, from the iperimenU) working of joint can owned in common by sev eral roads, a trie by some of us heretofore, that neither this systrat, nor tha system of a profiilttuouj interchange wilt dr-practically, we declino to try either one; bat, being earnestly dtsirous to promote the convenience of ship pers in and out, by through transportation with out breaking bulk a thing no less desirable, and no less advantageous to tho railroad inteiest than to the people we have agreed to the follow ing arrangement for through ear ; That from the 1st day of June next, when over cithor road of the thrco connecting- at Uoldaboru , may deliver at that point any num ber of loaded ears, tha road receiving shall send them forward with the best despatch, on their next departure to destination and ahull de liver the same back alter being discharged, on the next return timo of a round tnp, loaded if possible, otherwise empty, in as good order and condition as when received. All such ears ahall be aealed at the loading point, or at Goldsboro', beforo delivery, by the road consigning, and manifest shall be made out through to destination -from the shipping point. ' No road can refuse or delay to receive any ear, so loaded' sealed, and having a clear manifest, unless such car is in bad order, when it may be remsed. Kach car must have a separate manifest, and must be entirely loaded tor one pomi of uo livery. " Whenever through train shall be delivered, the road consigning may send a conductor with the same to destination For the faithful and prompt carrying out of iuis agreement certain regulations are auopteu, wbicb shall be strictly enlorced. (Ngned) WrSASH. IWt. W. & W. It. R. Co. Jno. D."YYniTr(iiii, Prca t. A & C It. 11. Cuas. ., IWt. N. C. It. It. Co Co. The undesigned concur in the policy of the above agreement and will give whatever-aid he4 . : i. " t 1 iy I can 10 its Buccessmi wormg"igtteoj"-"' 11. C. I'KABXd.V, IWtWCifC-HIUC Major Wilder, PrcsiJeot of the II. k XV. . K. Co.. being absent from the State.- for some weeks, could not be present; but, in so far as his interest is cbneerhed in niaking rlonewonneetion with, and prompt dcliverary of freight to West ern North Carolina, the President of the North Carolioa llailroad agrees to receive from him any through can he may desire to deliver,' and to send them forward with the same despatch, as agreed with the other roads above, and upon the same terms. A portion of the Southern. Democracy are heaping coals of fireupon Senator Douglas. Their wrath against him is hot and fierce. The Mississippiao, one of the ablest of the Southern Loco foe 0 organs, thus denounces the great cham- pion of squatter iNtvcreignly : .J " the reign of newardiein, say wc, a thousand times over, in preference toa pscudo-Democratic administration, con opt and debauched by the reckless and unprincipled taction ot fouclasit.-s, land tainted with the inifjuitics of squatter ovcr- eitrrityism. 1 et, many of the Democratic leaders 111 t ir- THE CLB.t (RTST10X VET LXSETTLlfi, ASD - UNCLE SAM INSOLVENT. TJt'T THE QUESTION IN WHICH THE CITI I ) seas nf Anson and the adjoiuiog country should be more directly concerned, aud upon which reels a eonmderahle item or domestic ecuuouiy, la where they ean obtata toe best BOOTS AND SHOES, ITarncsSySaddlcs, ISridlcs, , AND LEATHER, '.I T TUE I O nES T Pit MCE. To decide properly and sntixfactorily this question Iber mnst tXAMINK and OOMl'AHE. lly eulliug at High Mount Tannery, four miles west of Wadenboro', they will And a large stock of LKA THKR of all kinds; IK KITS, H()KS, IIAR- gb. NtSS and SADDLE, neatly and sun-jf I tantially put up, which will and thall law be HOLD AS LOW A3 TIIKV CAN UK AF- KOrtDKl) IN TUB STATE, oa oivks is sxchasox roa cot stsv raouica, roa wuieii a LiasaAL rani WILL S ALUlWlll. Call and eiamina, as I am determined to sell. RKI'AlRlSa duo with neatness and dia patch. J. C. CARAWAV. 50,000 lbs. Raw Hides Wanted, for which I will pay the highest market prices. - March 10, 186S-a-ly 1. C. C. ' . BOERHAVOS'S IIOLLAIND IUTTKH8 Unrivalled Healing Salve! the ( niS W NO HUMBUO, HrRINOINO t'P AT the North, and plaeing Its merits and destiny in editorial columns of the pre, where il In doomed to be "puffed" back into merited oblivion. It is pre sented to the public as the achievement of years of unmitigated Inhur in the iaTesligitiou aud proper combination of its constituent elements, and as beinK, if aotkiag more, all that it morasses. And iu preveutins; it for popular adoption and patrouaavthe undersigned yields U the freuurut aud repeated per suasioos of friends aud scores of once prostrate in valids, who have happily and thoroughly tested its virtues. If deemed eipedient or required, ample and indubitable testimony of the almost miraculous cures it has effected could be produced; but this would 1e .uperfluous if it were once introduced iiitoa family. IT HAS KFFKCTEU A SI'KKDV AND PKR.MA-NEXT-fet RE OF SORE I.KO OF TKEXTY 4!AKd HTAS.DL.VG. .:, IT, HAS X'L'REU. 1.VVNCEII IN J fS FIRST STAGE. AND " Full BURNS, HRI ISKS, rlTS, WIIITUIVTS, Ol.l) SOKES. ULCERS. AND -tNFfcAMEtt-BREAST, it hi before the world a) - 'rA I nriraUed Heating Saltr." If applied by directions, as Riven on the boi, and a cure is not effected, the money will be rcfuaded. t. l8lu;o!e!e an4 rruiny J. t. tAHAWAT, Asent,- Wa.le.lwlo , N. ('. Also, by SMITH k LI.NDSEV, LruKKi-ti and Apothecaries, Wadesbor'. I II-If I II. IIORTO.t, HKSTIST. WAbESIIOKO', II. N. , will operate on TEETH at the following LOW rate', for perorn who call at. ray office tu havelhe work done, or pay cash: OoM I'lugs, !.(; Teeth ou flvot. It; Teeth n Uold I'late, ?n each up to sn all lioie. tlmt each: a t oll Upper Set oa Suction, $75; Lower Teeth, the same. All olher operation equally low. When I hare to credit my old charges will be made. I can refer those who wish it to some of the most respectable ciliiens f ir whom I have pturged teeth eighteen years ago; the same plu'a are still in and doing well. For others I have put in teeth on pivot and gold pints some full sets on suc tion, which they bavv worn fur several years, and are still Hearing, alt JyjjIJS.welJi and many rther opera' tions,"which have len 'ToiieT.jF al",Viit eif1ileen years all doing wetlr- Hal a. I warrant all lay nperatoms IU CaXIMATSD DOLLAKD UUKDT FOB DISEASE OF THE KNET8, LIVER OOMPLAI NT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections oneeraeat upon disor dered tTOMACH OR LITEK, Such as Indigestion, Aoldity of the Stomach, Corn It I'aina, llearthura, Loss of appetite, Despondency, I'ostiveness, Blind and Bleeding I'lles. In all nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has In numer ous instances proved highly beneficial, and iu others effected a decided cure.. This Is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Barbae. Because of its great success in most of th European States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of oar fatberlaad Mattered her and there over the race of this mighty country. Sleet ing with great success among them, I bow offer it to tl e American publie, knowiug that it truly woedcr ful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is patlcularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have beea impaired by the contin uous use of ardent spirits, or ether forms of dissipa tion. Generally iastantaneous In effect, it Cuds Its way directly to th seat of life, thrilling and quick ening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, aud, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE. Whoever eipecta to find this. a beverage will he disappointed ; but to the sick, weak aad Uiw spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pus seised of singular remedial properties. C t T I O . The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be Dot peisuaded to buy anything else until you have give Boerbave's Hollund Bilters a falr.trial. One bottle will convince youhuw infinitely superior it is to all these Imitations. MjuSold at fl.00 per bottle, or sis buttles f-r $MH), by the Sole Proprietors, BENJAMIEE PACiK jn... 1,0. iiaouiMiurma i nermcuuu auu l,Bui- its, l'ltt.burg, J'e , end Id Wadesboro hj --" 8-f SMITH 4 LISD8EV ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED . GUANO. ' millS TJNEQUALED FERTILIZER, COMPOSED of one-half best PR VVIAK OUAKO, one-half fin OROUSD XOXEhA tbt beat I'llOSPUATIC Ol'AXO, Is In condition for immediate use, being prepared by new and improved machinery, by which .means' th moil perfect combination la effected, reduc ing all to a uniform fin powder; and for application by DRILL or otherwise, It is in the most perfect order. And I bav no hesitation in saying, that for ALL CHOI'S it is equal to any fertiliser ever offered to the farming community. The Quality will a atrr rcRNci'TLTl'airABa iu all cases, and' WARRANTED toeoutaia S per cent, of AMMONIA and 40 to 50 per cent. of. BONE PHOSPHATE OP LIMB. It is put up In food bags, weighing about 150 lbs. each. Purchaser will please notice that the nam, "P. ROBINSON," is branded on each kog-aa other I genuine. My long experience in the trade, and toe general sat isfaction heretofore given by all Uunnos sold by me, will, I hope, b a guarantee that th article now offered w Jl be as represented. I will alee keep con stantly on hand th best PERUVIAN, MEXICAN and other OL'ANOS, which I will sell a low as any house In the city. WM.' ROBIXSOS, Nos. 4 kt Iloilingsf orth street, (Near Pratt st. Wharf,) -Baltimore. ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO, Is also sold la lots to suit by th following Agents: . C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Vs. UARRISON 4 MAIONE, Norfolk, Va. E. II. 8RINKER k CO., Richmond, Va. TIIOS. BRANCH A SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. k D. Q. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. RUSSELL'S MAGAZINK, .f Monthly Organ of Liltrature and vrmcium. UTILL BE DEVOTED TO A FREE DI8CC8SION f of all topics properly embraced in the range of "ALLTIIK YEAR ROUND." .T-E H AVE log that PLEASURE OF ANNOIV into arranfremMs THE we have entered a Magasine, and will be published in Charleston, South Carolina, on the first of each month. It is designed to meet a commonly felt want, and to give utterance and circulation to the opinions, doc trine and arguments of th educated mind of the South especially, and to promote, in its sphere, the progress of a sound American Literature, free from party shackles or individual prejudices. Agencle will be established as soon as possible, to supply all sections of the ceantry, and meanwhile, or ders from Booksellers, Periodical-Dealers, Postmasters and others, disposed to ealend lb Work, are respect- Xully .solicits d 1andwll beswpplied oa the mutt liberal The Work will be supplier? at Tvati Dollxbs per annum, payable in advance, or '2b cents by mmbers. : Specimen copies will be sent free of postage to ap plicants who cannot conveniently reach any agency yet announced, 'on forwarding t "Russell's Msgasine," eight postage stamps. RUSSELL'S MAG AZINE 4 iili t ii..iT. 4toa. tmiulut u....-f hU nr. t, ,1,. i Will be ilinl lied regularly, br.nll Booksellers In Mention entitles "ALL J III. H. KUl.MI ei' ll -"iieiuu, "' uj iui louuniug .iKeiroy-wiTn-ioerw-T-" l ""1-1 week, in New York, simultaneously with its Issue ia whose names will beanuouneed hereafter. Londoa, plates being taken from the English editi m, C. Morgan, New Orleans; S. H. Coetsal k Co.', an. I r.rwsrded to us sufneientry-in advance of pul.'U J Mobile; C. Drew, Jacksonville, Florida; W. J. DufBe, cation for that purpose. The first number will ap- i Newberry, Sooth Carolina; T. J. Warren. Camden; T. pear in Londoa and New York on Wednesday, M y I Richards, k Son, Augusta, Georgia; R. L. Bryan, 4th, and will contain the commencement of a n i ' t'ulumbia, South Carolina; A. Morri, Richmond, Vir t.iry by Jt'iiAaLss Dirgsss, to be continued frvui 1 gluia: Henry Taylor, Baltimore; Oeorge Pattvrsun k week to week" during about eight months. ) j Co., Memphis, Tennessee; Vickery k Co., Norfulk, Thu-j it will"! seen that A mericau readers of 'Ai i J Virginia; L. II: Pierce, Wilmington, North Carolina; thx Yasa Rorsu," wlH obtain the stories ami o'tbi r T. B.ClarJi, Balem, Massachusetts; Bylliewood i contributions of Mr. Dicsra, nnd the rtafl of writ-rs i Juhn.on, Beaufort, South Carolina; Truber k Co., associated with him, embracing an army -of distin-! London. ! Lommunicationa ana Lontrlbutloni ilevignej fur the ! w.irk, should be addressed, "Kisssll's Mauaiisi:, i Charleston, South Carolina." i ,r - ,r . . i i 1 ana nave me auvauiige ui upwiifm iti riKiivven inn K.iiiaa.m i cnucm-v, aim lAiuisiana ana .narjianu, . prACtice. I base no doubt but I ean gi.e ,ali,fucli.,u f u ticu u7 iniuiu.iut nuiudAc lor vjuvcruor to all who are dispoeea to iatruoise an. give uie a lair trial, which is all I uk. N. 11. Having engaged in the Ph"tigrnphie Art. J seme have been inducer to believe I had quit the nraeiuif J)entjitry- N"w this i a faNe impression. I have not made enough to justify my retiring frnin the bu-inesa. On the cootrary, I am lirtter prrjwired now than ever to operate on teeth, and am still in the field, ready at all times to attend to all calls from this or any of the adjoining counties, and respectfully ask a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liber ally bestowed. S come along and have your month put io laughing order, aud then get one of my enperb Ambro'ypee. ' ' ' 8o you who have beauty to HORTON should fake it. And you who have none should go lt-t him make it. in Kentucky endorse 'and support tbi iniquitous squatter sovereignty, which the .Missiseippian de nounces. aaiiiOiiitcfv woru; than tlic.alsjliticinisni of Wm. II. Seward. If Douglas should Wth'e Democrstie eandidate for the Presidency, even those who thus denounce hiiu will sujiMrt him. The conduct of tho Virginia Dcmocnicv in refer ence to John Letcher should tench the country how easily the Locofoco organs and leaders may be induced to give their support to the very men whom they have denounced as the worst enemies a'. ..l. l a . t a it .i . w me coi.iii anu niosi unirusiwonny. All tneir teal in behalf of of the South is merely pretended. They denounce the Opposition lor trying'to create a national party which shall oppose section alism both at the North and at the South, and they immediately afteTwarJifliBfrjptheirapi with loud huizas for the men whom a few mo ments beforo they pronounced worse abolitionists than Seward himself. ' Such u ' Democratic con sistency. Such is the Democracy that the people are called upon to worship as a thin;; that never j change. Baltimore lliiper. IIoi.lanii Without Ufa by Laws. The esse of Holland furnishes a striking proof of tho correctness of the theory-of free trade in money. Tho rate" of interest has been, for n very lonjr period, lower in Holland than Any where else in Europe, and yet is the only coun try in which usury laws have been totally un known, where capitalist arc alijwcd to demand and borrowers to pay any rate of interest.' Not withstanding all the violent change of the gov- PHONOGRAPHY. ' aMIJSISJ;i-LTJF.lXJM,KTHl) OF WRITINO L the EiigMsh langunge l y me guished talent with which no other publication cm compare, several weeks in advance of their reaching this country throngh ordinary sources, and a' 'the same time they are given to the public in London, sow will state that this arragement has been con sumated by the payment of u large sum of money t" Mr. Dickens, yettlie eitraf.rdinnry interest which the announcement of the publication has excited in liter ary circles, the assurance which Mr. Dickens has given' lhat he shall devote to- tt H his best energies; and- appearance of a new story from his pen. cannot to command fur it at once a large circulation. . The fullowiiig anriuuiiCement from Mr. Dicken. a ill convey an idea of tbe character and aims of the work : -h ' A DM! E.. -Nine years of It.HtrhnU are the best assur ance that can be offered to Hie publie of tile spirit and ohjects'of-"ALf.THE YUAR ROCNLs;"-" In transferring myself, and inr strongest energies. :;rpiiE t-Ni fail I ,h c TROSPECTCS. "THE C0URANT," WotittaerH I.ltrrarv Journal. DERSICNED PROPOSETO ('OMMESlj course oi uexi monin, ine puoiicauon ol a SiiCTIIEKN LITERARY JOl'RNAL, at Columbia, South Carulina. - The necessity for such an organ of Southern mind ill at once be comprehended by all who have reflected : upon tbe present insufficient arrangements for the ei- pres-ion of the thoughts and feelings of our section. We have in the South two excellent periodicals: tbe .Ji.iiithern Literary Messenger," at Richmond. Va.. NOW 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE roa via .'."' 80UTOEBX LITEEiBY'TlESSEHEI, oss ins cHEArasT rosLte-nss is th cocsrsr. Two volumes a year each eewtamlrg at least 480 pages, In neat style, with fine coxtr and advertising sheet. .The two volumes furnished for ew(v 7Vr Dclt-in a Ytart Fob tub ysAa'rT59, Twrxti-EtoT ' Twasvi NiaTM VoLuass. In issuing the prospectus of th Twenty-eight and Twenty-niuth volumes of th cWathera literary Masseuger," commencing with th January number, th proprietor beg to assure th pabli that ae eaer tions will be remitted on their part to uainuin the high character of th work, ind 'to ehallenge the patronage of all who value sterling literary sserit. For twenty-four ears th Messenger ha endeavored to reflect faithfully th Southern mind, while disdain ing all narrow and (actional views, and has beea alone among tbe monthly periodicals of America in defence of tbe pnuliar nuttlulttm e Ike Southern country. To this office it will still be devoted, and will be prompt t repel assaults upon th South, whether they com under th specious garb of fiction, or la th direct form of anti-slavery pamphlets. At this critical junc ture, while our enemies are employing literature as their most potent weapon of attack, th Southern people will surely not withhold their encouragement from a week who aim it shall be to strike blows in their defence. Th Messenger will, as heretofore, preseot it readers with Keviews, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Novels, Tales, Kseays, Poeme, Critiques, and papers on th Army, Navy and other national subjects. . With a view to ensure a large circulation et tbe Messenger, th proprietor has reduced the price f subscription, which ia now only . THREE DOLLARS PER ANNCM, in advanee, or Foca if not paid by th first of Jut in any year.- Clubs, remitting as Fifteen Dollars iu one letter will be entitled to six copies. Th editorial and critical department of th Mes senger will continue under the cbarg of Jnn R. THonrsoK, Esq., and w'ill embrace eoptow aotes on current literature and reviews of alvnew American oi Foreign works of general interest and value. The editor's opinions will be always fearlessly and hon- esuy avoweu. The .business department Is conducted by th an' dersigned, to whom all communications of a business? nature must be directed. MACFARLANE, TEOGUSSON Co., - Corner of Bank and Twelfth sts., Richmond, Va Jfcaf Booksellers, by ordering copies f tbe Mes senger at once, shall receive it al greatly reduced prices. T Postmasters throughout the Union arc re quested to set as sgents in getting subscribers for us, for which they will be allowed ten per cent, for all moneys remitted to ns. THE BRITIftll REVIEW Atl , BLACKWOOD)! nAUAZIXK. Obbat I.nuucimibts to Si'Bscaiaal Paanmns aid ....i. m-u-. . .lUirvcTUl . T. SCOTT a; CO., NEW YORK, CONTINUB TO j, publish th following leaiing British Period icals, vis: 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative.) 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Whig ) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church i. TUB WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. .These Periodicals ably represeat the three great political parties of Great Britain Whig, Tory and Hadical; but polities form only one feature of their character. As organs of the most profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever has stood, unrivalled ia th world of letters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more. cmtcxI and satis factory record of tbe current literature of tbe day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained ' from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from tbe Brit ish publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as I bey ran now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS, (Regular Prices.) For any one of the four Reviews, per annum... t 00 do.. do... for ! Imr, f ti.. r, ..;.. - - , ...... ... -j t ror any three ot me four lleviews. For all four of tbe Reviews, " HoT. For Blackwood's Mngaiine, do.. For Blackwood and one Review, do.. For Blackwood and two Reviews, do.. Fr Black woo l and three Reviews, do.. from the publication that is nU-nt to be discontinued. , " euM. ni1 respects worthy in il. nnv,!irn,m if... i. .Ui r h. ..... i i ! the ciifilcnse and patronage of our cilnens, still, as the happiness of Likina with me the staff of 'writer, i monthly issnes, their ability io publish such an amount means of the mu-t simple f character! that can b fnrmedrand which -accurately represent tbe sounds nf spoken words. It can be written more than six times as fast as common hand, ani un less than one-filth the space; thus saving t.i with whom 1 have labored, and all the literary and business co-operation that can make my work a plea sure. In some important respects, I am now free greatly to advance on past arrangements. Those I leave to testify for theinselvc in due coarse. That fusion nf the graces of the Imagination with the realities of life, which is vital to the welfare of a.iv community, and for which I have striven from week fo week as honestly as I could during the last nine years, will continue to be striven for, "all the year round." The old weekly ' esres snrLdiitirjiJjeiu c6meth7iigs of th? Iast;merely to be assumed, with paper. Among thousands of eminent men who have certified to its importance, we have space ouly for the rollowing. Hon. Thoi. II. Ben I on says.- "Had Phonography been known .forty years ago it would have saved me twenty years of hard labor' John II. Hart, Priucipal or the High School, Phila delphia, says: "Some of our students, not yet twenty years of age, are making more money by Phonogra phy than the Principal of the High School, after having given himself for more thau twenty years to his profession." The undersigned has published a short but concise system, which wilt, in a few weks, enable any one who Can write, to write down, any speech as fast as 1 f a :n k . .A- .A .. .. . . . ,. . nouKi-n. n wui u. bciu w nnv nan oi ine l nireij ......, vi utates, no noirf, on receipt of One. Dollar: or ten an increased love for .'Hem and brighter hopes spring ing out of them, in the r.'esent and the Future. I U,lt aiil nlm f.. a wmrv much wider circle of the-writer more than five-sixths of both time aud readers, and yet again for a steadi.'j' expanding circle or readers, iu the projects 1 hope to enrrj" lurougn "an the year round." And I feel confident tlni? 'his ex peeUtion will be realised, if it deserves realitatiod. . The tnekuf mynen journal is set, and it will steadi ly try to work the task out. Its pages shall show to good pur pose their motto is remembered Iu tlioui, and and with how much of fidelity and earnestness they tell TUB STOBV or Ol'U L1VZS tBOM VSAB TO TKSB. CHARLES 1ICKKN8. gospel truth to all, I am, yours truly, V.'. J. C. Crowukr. . ; Apnt for North ttyoMtifir . JfeTFour principle points aro 'indicated in " Emperor N'apolcan1 ptoclamation to the French : ptodc,. which conluin in fact wbiitfhe r,f,;ut to be his whole policy, and arc. therefore, worthy ,.e n ii . . ' . '. ul uuK 'cconucicu uy uiose wnowatcli the pro-Kre-fi of the (mention ins disDute.- The Kmrw.. roj declares: 1. That 1 Lily ought fo be cmanci- patj.Mi ir,iB foreign , oppression. 2. That France will not fcccond any revolutionary designs. 8. That she dots-not intend to make conquests; -and 4. That the authority W the pwple is to b ' tinintamcd. . - f - - " I'hcso are the political tenets on which Louis Napoleon enters this war, arid upon which be de mands thet support of tho French pcopleand the good opinion of the rest of Europor-r- ! awtrt'ol. Titus was badly beaten Tn New York, on the JJOth nit., by Col. Anderson, Gen. Wheat, and others, all of filibuster notoriety. i her financial concerns since 1 710. the rate of in terett in Holland baa continued comparatively steady. During the whole of that period per sons who could not offer unexceptionable secu rity have been able to borrow at from 2 to 5 , per cent., nor nas tne average rate ot intorest charged on capital advanced on the worst spe cies oi me security ever exceeaeu o or I Dor cent., except wnen tne povernment was nego tiating a forced loan. Hut in England, where the. law declared that no more than u bcr cent. should be taken, the late of interest for money advanced- Ou the best landed security varied, in the same period, from 5 to 10 or 17 per cent, or about five time as much as in Holland. Instruction to tub Special Aounts or thk PoT OmcE Department. A printed letter of instructions has just been issuod by the Postmaster General to th special bgents of his Department, in which are defined and set forth. much more clearly -and fully thatrevbeforerf the various and responsible duties or'thls-eTass of puLKrrofficer. Its final paragrapb wTisfult lows: -" "In conclusion, the Postmaster General in vites your earnest and active co-operation in the endeavors to which he will devote himself to give security to the mailSj to prevent unne cessary delays and detentions in their transpor tation, to elevate the character of the Post Of fice Department for faithfulness, efficiency, aud punctuality in the several branches of iu ser vice, and thu to secure a more perfect accom plishment of the cxtonded and beneficent ob ject Tor which it wag clabliahed-"-.To: these high purposes be asks and expect 'the devotion of your whole time and best effort. A Btssaw or Scottb Ibish Ther is a stream of Hooroh.-l.rlsh, beginning in renneylraaia, running throagb Western Virgiaia and tha two Carolina, down to Tex. Wherever you strike this stream yoa will find virtue, Intelligence, and many things that are fair and lovely and of good report among men.. Vmhyirritn fleriM; copira win ue seni io one auire.s lor five Uollarsj and any greater number at the same rates. Address I). F. liLACKIll K.V, '"" rT-88 Hampshirr, Maury, Tenn. WILL VOL PLEASE TIKE WE? r hhe suitacitmER announces that he is 1 prepared to . REPAIR RUGGIES AND COACHES at short notice, and In the I1EST 8TVLE, CHEAT aud ULRAIILE, FINE and TASTV. Call nt K. FREEMAN'S,. P. 8. No. 1. Self-confidence, without arrogance, prompts him to assert, that in regard to lll.ACK SMITHIXil be fears no superior, much less an ryr it. on the sunuy side of Mason & bison's line,- lliveim a call. E. F. P. 8. No. i.l'Al.VTrXO, unparalleled South for BSAITTV, LOAC, TABTB Bnd 1MSHAT1U. E. f. t&" Al branches of the business promutlv at tended to. ri-tfl E. FREEMAN. - - TERMS. ,',.--,.. Single Copies by all News Ilealers,.... 5 cents. One Copy One Year, per mail, (fii! nuiiihers,) ... $2.50 tine Copy Six Months, per mail, (27 numbers,). 1.25. Five Copies One Year,- per mail, ................. 10.00 Eleven Copies tine Tear, per mail, ......... ..."i.7.20.OO and at the same rates for all ever. It will also be issued In monthly parts, put up in elegant tinted covers, at 20 cents each, and by tbe year on ine same terms as above. Back numbers always furnished when desired. Hpeev mens will be forwarded to any address, post paid, on receipt of two letter stamps. J. M. EMERSON k CO., j Publishing Agents, 87 Park Row, New York; CHIQKERING A SOIfS PIANOS! 11H-GBrcBI.MtSXarGfcV' sale of the above celebrated Pianos, informs the public respectfully thai he will be-shoVtly In vVa.les boro'. , All persons wishing to purchase a good Piano will be ahown" FOURTEEN DIFFERENT STYLES. Every Piano warranted.- PIANOSTU.NED AND REPAIRED la a satisfactory manner or no charges. -- F. A. E. BO1IN8TEDT. Mr. B. carries. with him letters of seconiniemlntion from gentlemen of Wilmington, North Carolina, where he resides. ' 4 tf NOTICR TO MERCHANTS AND ' tuTTOJI 8IIIPPkH9 AN ARRANGEMENT HAS BEEN MADE BE tweeh the Cheraw and Darlington and North tasieru Railroad Companies by which there will be a regular FREIGHT TRAIN FOUR TIMES PER WEEK from and to Charleston, connecting with the trains on thtrCheraw and Darlington Railroad, there by securing prompt dispatch in the transportation of freight, and entirely obviating the delay that has been hcrotofure caused from, the want of such an arrange, ment. The following Is the schedule as sgreed upon; rrr- - Saturday, P, M JmesliT:-AT-M. ..Wednesday, AJlt rndsy .Aril. ' Leaves Charleston . do -9n. No. 1. 1 9. A -AX ' T 3. do t do ..... 1 . 7 ., UP. I No. 1. Connects C. and D " " " uu 3. do ) do;.,., i. do . - do ..... " DOWN of contributions as should be looked for from so large a community, is necessarily limited. At the orth, the number of literary and semi-literary periodicals ia, proportionately, much larger, ami as greater facilities for publication are offered, far more is written amongst their people; although it is Dot true that there is a greater degree of intelligence in the Northern States. Again, 1t is absurd to suppose that the intellectual, moral, srithetic, or political features of Southern so ciety can be reflected by a literature which spring I t 1 : . 1 n - . ! iruin ..i(5frKia"iio .01 emimy mnerpnj ani Jrttil' principles. - We -are, moreoverj -entirely- con vinced that society in tbe !outh is moulded by institu tions aud customs tbe best a J.iptcJ to the production of a perfect literntore. In view of the fact that our laws, customs, and modes of thought differ essentially from those of the .Northern Stutes, it becomes our policy to have our own organs, devoted to our peculiar institutions, and upholding those views which may preserve our people In unity of thought and action u I maintain that wise conservatism of taste, morals and politics upoujwhich the welfare of tho South de pends. '--v. .... ... Wo hope to make our journal auxiliary to the two Southern nTciraiines, io th production, in print, of the intellectual enorts of our own citiiens; in stimu lating a love for reading, in elcvai:."r and sustaining tne suouard or taste, in encouraging youn5 writers, and in drawing out the older ones iu our midst. The "Cohbaht," will be publishel every Thursday morning t at $2 per pnura,invariauly in advance. All j , HMN,ura, v., nut u will UC promptly ' n ml moat imnartinllv rw i vn nnl!n..l ; . J . - . . . .. . . v. " ' -. . , BB VCWIUQ may suggest. A few advertisements will be inserted at reasonable rates. ' (lajr The public are assured that this is no mere ex periment, as tbe paper will certainly be published, and subscribers shall receive their quid pro quo: Subscribers will please address the proprietors; and outributors the editor, st Columbia, S. 0. -. HOWARD H. CALDWELL, Editor WM. W. WALKER", Ja. & CO., Proprietors. 6 00 7 (K 8 or S 00 ti 00 T 00 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, dn 0 00 Money current in tbe State where issued will be received at par. Postaok. The Postage to anv part of the United Chartl'ston.'AlthbTigh Stnte-w4H-be-but -Trenty-fvur Ctnli a year for Black wooa, anu out fuurietn era's a year for each of the Reviews. At the above prices the Periodicals will be furnished for lft5; and as a PREMIUM TO NEW SUBSCRI BERS, the numbers of the same Periodicals for 1857 will be furnished complete, WITHOUT ADDI Tiny A L VHARVE. Unlike the looie ephemeral Magaiines of the day, these Periodicals lose little by age. Hence, a full year of tbe numbers, (with 'no omissiew.) for 1857, may be regarded nearly as valuable as for 1859. Subscribers wishing slso the number far 1866 and 1857 will be supplied at the following extremely low rates: , SeiiKDin Otitbs ma IB5B-,- 'oTfiys BSTocirfiirn. For Blackwood's Magazine, the four years $6 00 For any one Review, do C 00 For any two Reviews, do 18 00 For Blackwood and one Review, do..... 10 00 For Blackwood and two lleviews, do 13 00 For three Reviews, do 13 00 f?r Jlarkwood and three Reviews, do 17 00 For the four Reviews, do 15 no For Blackwood and the four Reviews, do... 20 00 N. B. The price in Great Britain of the fire Pe riodicals above named is J31 per annum. - As we shall never again be lively to offer such in ducements si those here presented, . ... , Wo w is the Time to Stsbac'ribel '. Isarf Remittauoes must, in all ,-- i.- . 1 . j. , I I r'!'"hf r'' toT '' "' pviee no eommUsiH kkvucu in n Ren in. AOXIreSS LEONARD SCOTT k CO., So; 54 Gold street, New Tack. gtaT The -following well-known Southern writers have expressed their sympathy with the enterprise and bucii iiiiciiMitu iu coiiiriouie Hon. A. a. Meek. A.J. Rcquier. The Abbe Roquette Train... Monday, A. M. Wednesday, A. M. I huraday, A.. M, ...... Saturday, A. M. ."II AHD TITIEsJ I0 JIORi:." ANY' PERSON (LADY OR GENTLEMAN) IN the United States, posselsing a small capital of of. $3 to $7 caii enter llito ll easy kad respectable business, by which from' $5 to $10 per day ran . Ttalittd. For particulars, address (with stamp,) W. B. ACTON A CO., ;1 North Siathst Phllaih-lphlih - SMI th TO HIRE, that their boy ARCHIE aan be HIRED to da anv kind of work in Brick or Kax-k fflmaamrT. from thi. time forth. t No. I. Leaves Chernw . 2. do do..1.. 8. -do do..,. - 4. - do 'do.... Satiinlay, P. M. Tuesday, A. M. .'. Wednesday, P. M, Friday ,"A. M. " DOWN. . No. 1 ConnecuN.E. fert'harleston, Monday, A. M. 2. do do ............ Wedneeilay, A.M. 8., do do ............Thursday, A. M. ' 4. do ' do.. ......".Saturday, A. M. 'C."T. W. 8YFAN, December 22, 1858. - Bnperintendent. On Consignment' i JOiXxADal:iLg CHQlCK MU8C0VADU mo- HHDH; SWEET CUBA MOLASSES. Just received sad Sot tale at Charleston price by -Cheraw, April 13, PANIEIr ArHOBS. John W.- Overall. Hon. C.Gayarre. Dr. il. B. Mayer. John R. Thompson. Paul II. Hayne. Henry Timrod. A.JVoocLDav.idion O. M .'Lienor. - Ian Madame Le Vert. . Mrs. Caroline Glover." Mrs. M. Martin. Miss Sallie Ada Reedy. President Lnngatreet. Professors Le Coote. Professor LaBorde. l'rofeasor Rivera. Professor Venable. -. I" "iO fiaW8 01 ' "Rtl Professor Barnwell. Professor Dul're. JOBPRINTINCr ArE ARE. PREPARED TO PRINT AT TIII8 Office JOB WORK of ll descriptions, such as RI.ANKS, -BILLHEADS , II ANDIIII.I.S, HOUSE BILLS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, BANK CHECKS, 4c. Ac. A st reasonable rates. We solicit work from all wha have il to do, Whether residing in Wadcsboro' or at a distance. To the latter ye would say, Send us your work and it shall be done, and well done at that and forwarded to you in any way yon may direct. To the people of Anson and neighboring countler we say, Veu-nnw have established in Tone vnirlat - ...... which, If encouraged in a liberal snirit nd .,in,...J ly sustained, will aeatter blessingsaroundyonrhearth stones, and causa yon to look with pride and pleasure upon your son and daughters, whose minds ham h. stored with knowledge by perusing the columns or the paper which yon aided and sustained by your Inaa nee and means. ' Look then with confidence to the fatr for yonr reward, aud go to work manfully to sustain the North Carolina Argos." ' THE "GREAT REPUBLIC" HONTHLT WIl 1AVE. T,"E H0N0R T0 ANNOUNCE T that we shall issue, on or about the 1st of De ccniber next, so as to be in season to command the early attention of the publie sad the periodical trade the first number of a new illustrated magaxine to h called THE "GREAT REPUBLIC" MONTHLY It is intended to make this Magaiine superior in every respect to anything ever before issued in -this country. The general scope of its character oan best be understood by its name, ft veil ti thor-' emgMy national-iu an true terlional or teettman and " iwpro. It will offer to the writer' and thinkers of this Union a common field, where they can meet on the. highest ground of cotemperarv lite .ature. It will aim to gather about it every variety of intellect. The range of articles will be a wide one, cover Inr ' among other grounds, essayssketches, humorous ' tales, stories, historical incidents, reviews, eritiaues. ' biographies, scientific artieles. YrVlJ imhlst A.1L dramas, incidents, politics, poemsJJallads. stanjas' TOnTietTTBusicTeorrespondcBce, gossinfic ". Ac ' The Magaiine will be profusely Illustrated -n tfa. mijiv oi wooa engravingr- Each number will contain an orlvinal e :r1yMnpietFe'ipressly fnrlhir worlt : . mere will De two volumes a year, of shout rnn royal octavo pages each, commencing in January and . The rates of pottage will not exceed three cents for each number, to be paid in all oasa. .t ih. h; TJ-where it is received. , CURDS BUSINESS AND VISITlNtt BEP 7liful1jf anj rtesplv printed at this oftce'. ' - j- - SB MS, Single copies, one eopy one vear. sont a. .!! c 7ia Clubs, 2 copies, one year 6.00 ..... 3 copies, one year 700 4 copies, one year... .........'.'.'.'. 9.00 a a 6,fP!"i. one ynr: 10.00 And all additional copies, over five, at the rat of 2 each, if sent to the same club. t Premium subscriptions, entitling the subscriber to " tne Magatihe for fine yea, and to their choice of either of our two great steel engravings, entitled ' The Last Supper' and " The City of the Ureal King " $1 Large sums should be remitted by draft, if possible, or registered letter. , OAK8MITH t CO., Publishers of th " Great Republlo" Monthly. , IU IU WilUam street, New York. BLANKS. OF ALL KINDS, flOTTEN LT AND FOR JUUJ at the Argus pftce, w

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