r ' . 1 L mm. . VOL. MO. 46. I.tl I 'IE WADESBOItOUGIl, L C, THURSDAY, JULY . 28, 1859. m SERIES. "'''"'' " FUBLI8HRD WEEKLY PETTO OAKLET. ' TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Single sepias, Two Domam per year, lavarlably In advance. Ta Club f T aa4 apwards, It will be furnished tt Oxi Doiui Haw ft tofy. No subscription received tor Imi tbaa six months. RATES OF AbVERTlSINO. 0X1 SO.VABB, IX LIMS 01 LUI BBITISB. One Ineertio . 70a. Tbroe ttuertioas ......... .......,t (0 Two moathe, or nine insertions 1 SO ThrM Btontbs, t thirteea Insertions 4 06 Mix bmbib ........ 00 One year - .... 9 00 Adm-tiiers nasi state tbi aamber of times tby wish (hair advertieeiaenta luMrted j otherwise they , will ba continued till forbidden, sod charged accord ing to tba above. Af-reemeaes will ba made witb yearly advertisers ob liberal aad adaaataccoaa Uraii. . rrorianat aad Business Cards, aei exceeding sve Uui brevier in bae-ta, will ba inserted for (a a year If standing Be llaaa will ba euarg ad tba eeaat as other advertisements. Obitswry Boliaaa free) was Bat eieeeding twenty liacaR at atxwa twenty mme el advertisement rates. IIOPKIKS, MIXL ATKI.fSOlf, " IKPOSTEIS AMD WHOLESALE DEUEBS 1.1 FOIEIM Ml DO IE STIC DEI GOODS, No. S58 Baltihuii Stxiit, Mrrarta aAnarxa mm,) BAan b. aaBiaa, 1 baliimu&h. BOBBBT TUoS it B. Boeaiaa, 1 BBT Bl tt, . . W. ATKIKSoX. J 87-tf KERRISOt LEIDI JO, . IMPORTERS Fmrrtgn mnd DmutntU Dry Cfoaxfa, Wbo'euU and Retail, AftL STBIST, OKI DOOB raOB KIXO, CHARLESTON, 8. C. I. t. K . i-lj BaAXX t . ASHE k. IIARCKAVtV tTTOHVt!Y8 AT Ltn ' Practice la partnanbip la tba county of Anson, e fil oo tbe Criminal Docket in the County Court, (J. R. Hart-rave beia Count Solicitor.) They will attend to the collection of all eUimt en- f IV DAAl' CT1RF IV PII FD ill' ? P ini-tf I to the in in AnwB an'l thi.urr.)orulingf ountie.. : .L II DUUR AlUllLi 1.1 IIILU.IVI) I3i li T. 8. Ab Un'li tka luurta of lUcbaiood,- Mouu COME AND SEE! THE SUBSCRIBER HAS RECEIVED NEARLY " Alt, HI8 STOCK OF " ' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, And begs leara ta inform bia friendi and tba public gansrally that ba li proparad to offer taea a wall alaatad aaaartBMBt, ooaaaatiag la part of PRINTS, OROARDIES, BERA0E3, UC8LI5S, , ROCE8ALEZ, lINoH AMS, ' ROBES DOUBLE JUPE, rKW PATTERXa or HdsOME SILK DBES8ES, STELLA SHAWLS, ,tyi(j) A LARGE LOT OF BEAUTIFUL TKmMIKQ3j J (in frmj atjw and rartatyj FRENCJI W0RKJS1) COLLARS, ..All af which wera aalected from tba Bcweat and moat faabionabla itylaa of French, English and Amer ican manufactures. WHITE OOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A good lot of READY-MADE CLOTIIINO. BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL KINDS AND SIZES. LADIES AND MISSES' BONNETS AND FLATS, And a r largt lot of HATS, OF EVERY VARIETY AND KIND. PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, ic, Ac. WILLOW WARE, HOLLOW WARE, HARDWARE. GROCERIES AND CUTLERY. Everything usually kept in an eiteniWa country .tor, which it is unnecetaary to mention fn detail and which will be sold on rery reasonable terns. E. L. C ARPr.TER. Norwood's, May 18itt-SC-3m IT RESTS. STOCK VHT1;N0KTH CAROLINA'ARGys. aa"a TtTlEE rrtrr. iirnnnrnit.ir,., ' lurea, unlcsa with cordml and fia c co-op- ino.t- , vj u,,..ib K, ," I the sulyect shall b fairly conslilered, tho result will, Hlfc RtoiOASIBILITY WHERE emtion of the Executive) branch of the Oovcrri- camo into office with President Pierce. In that i ,m conti.lrat, show that the ollicern of the army are, Went, WllicH he Charifed waa Wholly Wanting at UOngres me j;cmucniia nuu miijuniy ui nyniy l on mo Yern., ir umnuy cuuij'ciimicu vu.u . .v.. ! that time. . Now, he ia obliged to coofes. that our iu the House of IlcpreMntutivcs, nndiur-1 '.V" wcuptioademan,lii.ge,ualca- -Bi- t ,,,,.. . . ever since (lie no-called extravai;ant ana proni- iirn in mi ccnuio. o..iv.... ,u.u. ...,.-, - . SlVeuuf.'Jo""; WhiR'Adminiatratiun waa turned out and. tion hud been inatallcd inlo office on the 4th of Another ca.se ...ode out by Mr. . Jone, against JcMdUarel" J Democratic Administration aubntituted fur it, in March, 1853. They had everything their own e lilaek tePub!.,.an tmijor, y of the Ilouae of : : - ! March 1853, there has been a conaiant, regular 1 way j a Democratic Administration to furniah w UeprcsonUttvea of the o ltl. ongresj is the fol- Tha Democratic Stats) Central Committee of inoreuse of eipcnditurea of from four to six mil-; tiiuatoa, and a Congreaa overwhelmingly Demo-1 luwing wegivo his own words: Tenuetaee bava eattaed to be published, in pau- ioa( a year, until from something over forty mil-1 ciatie in both Houaoa, to niuke the apppropria-1 "At tlic se.sion of ISM-", the Opposition hating a mine l nev nau cuuiu miu oower ui'uii ih-j, . - , .. moHt aolemn plcdgea to atop what they had de nounced in the Presidential canvass of 1952 M the extravagance of the Fillmore Administration, says and to reduce tho rate -ot expenditurea under j division, sible ; that Administration, which they told the peoplo j 1he tnl"'" . k . i.i,.i. Th,. r.i.,,4,,... ,. fuUii,..! i 1118 nnry J "i V , '" 10 " published, in pau- ioa( a year, until from something over forty mil-1 , Dblet form, a letter to them troiu tbe lion. Geo. liooi thoy have reached tho enormoua amount of ; ; VV. Jonea.of that State, on the aubjoct of the pub- fan, acventyfive or eighty millions; and yet ho i lie) expenditures. The letter is described as ' a baa uo denunciation against the Demojrabic 1 fat I ant aanitm eua. .aV . L. . - W 1 - . . . .mU.u ui iu legisiauon oi ion- Administration uudcr wliwe rulo tho " cnor- greaadunngthalastelghtonyeara,whicb"ahowa mwa" increase baa taken place 1 He i ri a aavlima avaaaiwa . - t "u" VJ "ibuiiiiiK mo vppoauion par-y that both Dart ex and all Darlfel are lesponi ' the einAndltlirwa mnra lnntn.uu.1 fl.A Ann I.I 1 . t I : I r . lor ii, to sume extent, anu tne ouject oi uis icuct ; Bona amount oi $72,000,000, in 1857." The, j, w ay the burden of the blamo upon the party jacta aei ronn id tola atatement." it ta further -i.i..t. i.. !,.. ,j i . i em.. , n : : i ... . .i .... ri .nr. jo noa anows. cj,.vi,uw.oi over nunc ui . i a us luuowinn Biiuuiu auiieuieuv ui iiiu siuiu ui n. .. ' ' ...... ..... i. ......... . ...i . ...r..ar ...... through- MptW ,-".:, .i.k ,1.. Kxecutiv. and'i 'e preceding year-tho aggregate ot their nrat " .'"j" . '.T; ' .,. . : - l i r ' ' ------- - t . ! i i. . - i---ri - lee-rii), ana , ii ,... r ,k. . r... Tear a aprirouriauona oeini;. a .Junes .uum, i:n nf ,iii ... ,.,,,.l,.ii. I tj ..I,.- ' BKIBSaib. 'rirni vaai cum vi 1 1 VT I IIIHCII VI , A . . . , n - n t n.i . I . 1 " " " - f f ' f uudi i .i . vctfirB ..... . r.i! ni.i i:iii I mat b it IIIU i:u uniir ti n . mmlA HA lJ . al. ..iE:-l J L . 1 ' "j wuipiicu i rum uo viucim rewrus DJ genuemin .nr. Jones J well known out tne Mai lor bw onudor and in . Of this alleged " fair and candid review" by a ' "apoiwioiiiiy . 1Juloini gentleman so extensively known for hi. ""'l and integrity," and who it so "thoroughly ac-! l'.idnt-Taylor, succeeded bv Fillmore, quaioted with tbe subject" he reviews, let US in . Smalt Democrats, 84; Whigs, Fiee Soilars, 2. turn take a "review." We have lying on our De nocnitio majority, 8. table before us, in tho Appendix to the Congres-' ""' "f '"'Mi-ocu,, 112; Whig., I ri k i oo l j r j u u. 1U0: Free-Svilars, 13. The Deinocrut. aleoted their atonal Globe, vol. 23, a speech delivered by Mr. 1ker Hld bJ mjrI,ie. of all the committees. Jonoa, in the House of Representatives, on the , Mr. Killinore never had, aa aupporters of his admiu 14th of February, 1851, consisting of comments i-tnuion, a majority iu that House. upon portions of the Treasury Report submitted Tmaiv-Secoxu Coxobkss fioin March 4th, 1851, to Congress in the preoeding December Mr. ,0 M ,rcJh 4tBi ',i! if n k .i. ii i . t .i . - . I'rmdmt Fillmore. Fillmore being then President. In that report , s,nat.-DtmocnU, 39; Whigs, 22; Free-Soilcr.., 2. me aci'-ai aim esiiuiaieu expraaiiureii lor ino Democratic majority, 1 1 sidiil over by Mr. Speaker Banks, Mr. tenia 1). Cam bcll, the Opposition ( Iminuuu of the Committee of . Wn;n and Means, rrpnrtcd the Naal Apprnpriutiou lull, which in-("l the llnue wiluout ameudment or Keliiuarv l!67. Ibis act antborisecl input of cic lit thousand live hundred men iu i.. i . . .i . .. i 1.....1...1 1 hose pledges they fulsilied . . , ' ,.; , , .,,imtul ot at the first scssiun of Congress after their ncccs,- ,,e $n,y, iut-lii Jittur the we:iruml tear of vesi-elsln cora- lon to omce, by increasing tho expenditures, as mistion, fuel tor btiMiucrs, and purchase or acrop lor - - ............ l.i4' a ... I l - r iic cuMiutu'u , iito miuvya ui pollers, and prop- ice. Auil onO mll- coinruance with. " i - . . i t i rriifl iri!i.iuLi'jii wjn in pninriiinnro wttn rn trationforthc year W-H, tho very year in j fxPH?s rwon'''al'onSof a Democratic admin which Mr. Buchanan wrote his Wheatland letter, I 'fatl0.n '"on';"''l mnge to Congress, declaiming againU Whig extravagance, and ad- i 1,C9",bcr' -'i IVcsldent l'lerce said r vising Democratic leadera to inscribe ou their i "The "port or the-Seeretiiry .r tho Navy, here banner,, as an issueln the Presidential canvass, j -a ngiu economy in i iu puoiio cxpenuitures. i ,,f the service, nn.l it makes sngprestioiis of further current year, ending June 30lh, 1851, were set down at e.)3. 853,597. 50, including payments, actual anil .. iCiuiHtid, on aocuBnt of PuM.c dull... $.",,ir9,SC7 Muiicnn in-tilu-ent. 3,869.0)0 a Awards of Mti cai, ('i.ii.uimriou 2,Cl'3,tIUl I'o.iierr. Htanlv. Cabarras. Union and Anson. J R. Margrave those of Montgomery, Stanly and , Anwrn . : ItajrOmee at Wailrsbora'. . 'THOMAS 8. ASHE. 7. R. IlARGRAVE, l'J-tf n. l. M.Tino;, ! U'aUh and Clock Itrpalrrr, i 4K.0SVIll.lt, "Ij C. I 7 Jewelry, Ao., neatly and substantially f". J repaired, and all work warranted - Jii twelve months. " CIIAS. B. SMITH, IlKALia is , DRl'CS J.D MEDICI-NEST, (NEARLY OflMSITE D. MALLOY'a STORE.) t. h. nxusiiwv as jt sT airnvio a Laaca ssobtnist or ,ISfELL.nEOrS AND SCHOOL B 0 0 1 S , BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY! OF AI.IKTXDS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS, OR NOTIONS, , .To which he invites the attention of taJies and Jluuw of RrpreirntativtM Democrats, 142; Whigs, 91. Democratic majority, 51. TiiiKTr-Tmaii Conohess from March 4th, 1813, to March 4th, 1865. , l'rtndmt Pierce. ' S'n.iU Demicrat', 30; Whig', 20; Free-soilers, 2. Democratic majority, 14. ..f of Ilrjireie)talivei Dnocrats, 150, Whigs, 71 ; Frce-Soilers, 4. Democriitio majority, t4. Tiiibtv-Foi btii Cosobess From March 4th, 18j5, to March 4th, 1857. J'rutdcnl Pierce. AVnaW-Democraki, 3C; Rcpnl'licans, 15; Whig nud American, i. Dcmdcratic lunjority, 15. lliuK of Repreientaliiyt RtpuLlic ins, 108; Demo crats, 83; Americana, 43. After a long and excited election for Speaker, the Uepuhlican candiilute was 00 Gen .lemen. tf ainls, 7 Oils, Dye-Stufls, rcrfumery and Fancy Articles of Every Description in his Line. .... WEW AMD FRESH DRUGS. A large lot just received, for Family and Physi cians' Use which eaa ba relied upon as being asx 1'iss and rise. PERTDISXRY . Of the most CHOica and vaaoaaxr selections. To Ibis iJkeos snd axTassiva'aasortment he would more espeeially call, (he attention of the Ladies and of the Young Men in oar community of course, Old.Bashe lore not excepted. . ...... . ALSO POBLADES, For Imparting a rich, glossy and healthy condition to the Hair from the best manufacturers in this country. , TOILET ARTICLES, Or French and English manufacture, snd of every description suitable for the most fastidious; in fact never bastberebeeainthUplace.achalargeaDd beau tiful assortment of the above-named articles which he now offers te the public . the most liberal terms. 80ROIOAL INSTRUMENTS, fcc. ' 'Amputatlog Instruments and Dental Forceps of every variety. Also new style Electro-Slagnetio ia --bints. GOODS! GOODS! tor SPRING AND SUMMER ! ! $11,045 558 which, dfdm t d from the tutal agrega'e of , 8io,o63,5D7, leaves S42,8U8,038. After the year hud expired, and the accounts were made up of the expenditures, it appeared that the esti mates had exceeded the aetuul expenditures that the total aggregate of expenditures only amounted to S4S.U05.878 and that, deducting froui this sum the amounts paid on account 0f i elected by a plurality volo of 103 against his Demo the public debt (4,217 6) on account of the r, 1867, .Mexican Indeiuiuty (S-i. 42,41)0), nnd tor uw.irJs , ,rch t)l )(!ijy under the Mexican Coiuiuission (82.516,091), J Prnidtnl Buchansn. together it),974,077, the total txpendilurts for i 'Stnnlt Democrats, 37; Republicans, 20; Whigs the year (1851) only amounted to 83H.0.'8. 8Ul. I and Americans, 5. Democratic niiijcrity. 12r i .k. t i . i e t i - Ihtitt of ttrpremrtittret-Qmertt, 121; Kcpubli- ,oV , k"' Tre.a8UrJ; "eP"rf (,f "-l'. call., 92;-Amcricns, 14. Democrntui 'majority, 22. louv; which coiiniiiuteu iiie topic oi .nr. tuues a speech above referred to, the estimated expecdi- 5ut to proceed with Mr..Iorws's letter Pnge 13. "The expenditures for the next fiwnl year ending Juue 30th, 185U, were W), J:;'J,m::i,.;,, being an increase over the lust prccediiiu vi-itr of $4,020,738.4.',." legislation, to which your attention is invited. Tho construction of the six tripites, for which appropria tions were iiiuilc by the lust Congress Democratic by large innjuritiia in butli Houses, has preceded ill Uio mot, sntial'iictoi v niunnei', ka. Important mi , . , i. e i. ' " n" u imou 1 1 imr -n ivu lorce is, ic siui remains llus increase was also the result of Demoenitic j ina.fc.,,,,,,, to tuc c,.nti,1(.,;Bl ipencie, of the pro estl mutes and Democratic appropriations. J he tectiou of ihe eiiensive hen co-t nud vast commercial Thirty-fourth Congress, with a Uepuhlican tna-1 iutrcsts or the 1'i.iti I stute-i. In view of ihis rct, juritv in the House of Kenresontatives, had in- : and of the acknowle-lged alsdom of tho policy of a deed convened at Washington, in December. I Th ii'''! i':',''''''ti'' "f S"!. " ap- . , . i r n pcoprlalioii is i ocomiaeioleil lor tho cunsti uetion of 18au; but the appropriations, as .Mr. Jones well slx steoni sloops or war '' knows, for the expenditures of that fiscal year, In)!( ncit ,, Dccombor,' 135G. ending June . -0th, 18jG, wcro made at the ses- presiJent 2,icrce . . ' sion;.oi o oy tne previous congress, wnicn, as we have nbovo stated, us overwlieluiingly Thus it appears thiit"duritijf this whole period of ten years, the H'Ai'y party never had a miijor- ity in either House of Congress, while tbe Don-" ociatic party had continuous, uninterrupted pos session of the enuie by a decided majority. ''I coneiir'in tho view 'expressed by the Seeretnrjr -i" the f XuvyJ Depirlimnt. in favor or a sli.l further increase of unr naval force. The provisions, therefore, in tlicXaval Appro priation bill, mentioned by Mr. Jones, as illus trations of lilaek Hepubliciiu readiness to voto extravagant appropriations wero in compliance with tlic express, recommendations of President l'ierec and hit Secretary of jho. Navy 1... Mr. Tones s.ivs. the liill iifics;,.,! ttn. ITnu'cn willmtif say to that? Why, as to the tirst two of tlwe ; ,1lneIulment or even a dividing vote upon it. four years of increase.!.! the public expenditures, I Vell, why did he not oppose if: Why did not he says that the appropriations were made " u,. ; le anJ hi, )eluoera,;c as.sriat(.s iQ. tbe House, oVr-tlie Opposition Administration of Mr. 1-ill- righty-two' in number, lift, uo their united more.' . Hut we have shown that tho appropria- voios a?aillst it) if t,K.re ,aifabjthigrong i tions for the expenditure of those two years it, oratleasthave the ayesand noes taken upon it :' ..y . b..., .-V ..V-, .vi r. Jones devotes more than a page, out of tlUOV UitlJWI II.II.O III IO 111, ft fxt:ced,il the estimates su Democratic in both Houses having a majority of 84 in the House of Representatives, and 1 1 ' in the Senate. Here, then', arc the results of four successi ve years of- Democratic- sway in- both.. Houses oi Congress an increase in the public expenditures from 40,2f)3,U8fi 2 in 1851-'!' to J00,3:I2,-1 836.45 in 1855-'C. What has Mr. Jones to Fillmore Administration by iunuf dollars for the first of the two years, and Houses, and that they t10 fourteen pages of his letter, as printed, to ibnmtcd "under he The Civil and Diplomatic bill" of 1849-50; y more than f mil- ailj wi,:t.b le toTH) ,, contai,ie(i" appropriations tures foMhe year ending June 30th, 1852, were 818.124,993 ; the estimated payments on account of the public debt being (4,308.869; and for .1 :.. I . r .1 . vi i i . (, 7 V ':?"?! The Domocratie party had also possession of I by more than eight milliont for tho second year! 83,180,000. Deducting these payments for tho ; , Jf f l TJtilti,es bj, dded n)8jor. Io reR;ird to the 85,201,040.34 in the yc-fr lexicanmfe, n.ty and the public debt, (to- . ... .. ()f and-J ig54 ovor the exDcnditurcs of the precejintr &W)W Mia"0' the' eleeted lUir !f,eakeT' and thr0JKh Je.-nJoie of.84 020,7:8.73 in the for ,'i oil lUo,ooLl lie gives the t wki7 the J0" l-5-whut l.aS-on ti,0 sagc ot the bill the sixty-two . ' , ' . ...... aDDointed. had control of the House of Kenrc-, u lor tue year enuing j uii ouin, isoz. inese ' r. A oi . ,i ' .k n , . i i . j . i scntativeF ot the 31st Congress the Congress expenditures actual and estimated, auiountiuc, ! , , . v ? m i i , l,- .k i i k ' i ? t which came into power wi:n Ocn. laylor. . In that House, wc repeat, Mr. Fillmore never had a Ho J. J. COX, v LILESVMLLE, .i.VSOAr, C, DKALBB III - FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SnOES, . HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, 1 GROCERIES, ke. some 838,000,000 per annum, under the ad ministration of Mr. Fillmore, for the fiscal yeari ending June 30th, 1851 and 1852, the Hon George W. Jones, on the 14th ot February," 1851, in hi place in the House of Representatives de nounced aa " enormous and extravagant." ''The majority of supporters. The Democratic party have had a Democratic Speaker, and committee majorities in tlie-Uou.se, during eight of the ten years which have elapsed since the election of a S big President in 1S48. For the last six years every branch of ihe Na- for the extension of the Canito! and for examina tions and surreys to determine the beat mode of supplying tlie city ot aslnngtou with water. gives in detail the apropriations since mado voto nassnre ot trie t,i!I (lie sixir.twn vntea- !ie to say to that? The appropriations for those :.ain-t the hill, nil lninerati rot.w t,i thr years were made by a Congress, with large Dem-; anj 0. COneludcs his remarks upon it as fol ocratic majorities io both Houses, " under" the aws . - , ; Deuiocratica'dmirrisiiatiouofJ.ien. Pierce! What,' iuton .,,.;,. , "'. Yt ri.-n i ! 'Jlany amendments were mnde to the hill in the wo again ask, has Mr. Jones to say to that.' -Senate including s..nie of those above specified, and Does he hold President Pierce's Administration the Dill was'fiuall.x disposed of upon the report of a responsible for tho , expenditures of thoso two i Conference t'ommittee, which wos agreed to by the years? Not at all. candid Mr. Jones ! T Hwe--without a-division. The Opposition had thefe. liut hear him further : Page 13. . "BJS"U . "UD M '".""-' ' ,ional Administration has been entirely in their I ye" emling June 30th, 1857, wero fOo.CW.OV,. V eiiravagauve aim prouigat-y in siiuaiiuermg uie ban(j8 j- -)-being uU increase over the y publie money." Thirty-eight or thirty-nine mil-! ,,r-', ., , . . 172.31. The eipenditures tor ions of dollars per annum, exclusive of pay- V un u,e .orh" i , . I -T,,,r' which "",ed June 30tbl m8' were ?72291.- about amendments of the Senate " above speci- t J' : ,k- -mi a t. m ..,. ,. ,.;..:. , .. . . ; ol the I-euato whatever : majority of that lioiiso.' A'n ii, ;..-,, it,n i :. i. k. i j The expenditures for the next fiscal I .. " ""7""" "c V "".f, ,uc"l,u,ul" ...... ithuSnllflttn milt ,mnl,Mn milr. ll.n 1..IT I I 1...1 , wero fUOjO:!'; )',! IU, T "-"'"--" n-ni mu uui. no UJU car bcrore or ?4,r,l.)i- not said one word about amendments being added" The eipenditures tor the next and last fiVnl to the bill I y the -Senate. And yet he talks J. J. COX takes pleasure in announcing to his Cus tomers, Friends and the Public generally that his usually extensive' stock has reoeutly been replenished by LARGE, FRESH and FASHION ALE PUR CHASES for the 8PBLSO snd SUMMER SEASONS, These Goods are all of .the BEST QUALITY, and those wishing to purchase will be consulting tbeir interests by calling and examining them for them selves. Tsey will be sold low on tbe usual time, bat all accounts must ba punctually settled. 35-tf , JVV S.'Fhjf'ieian in the turrounding coun try can obtain COMPLETE OUTFITS without tht tlx and EXTBA erpenie of tending North, and can rely upon all the Chemical Preparations it being the hat that can It obtained ratd war ranted TREE -FROM AWULTKRATIO!. The citi zmt of Anton and Ou adjoining Count ict are regretfully invited to call and examine for them " loircf, when they will-find' the Proprietor ever attentive, ready and witling to tltow hit attort ment to all who willfutor Ai'nl irilA o call. M-tf ; '" . . - . M1LLI.ERV AD MIM A.' IIOB1G, RESPECTrVLLT AK - aaaaeea to the eitilena f Wadeaboro and A Annua, that ilie has Uken the sUnd latelyflcn-gj pied by MRS. MART PAUL, where she will beW happy to attend to all wha need her aervises in her line of basinets. ' . She has just received an excellent assortment of MPRIIVO SOOtfaW. OILK8 TOt DRKSSES ' niBRONS. BONMET8. . .-ss.. amti P1(H AU JXOWEUAk,Ac J.. And she will have alwny a nana a good STOCK OP MATERIAL rOR PRE88B8 AND BON5BT8. 2A-61 .- ; m spring and mm GOODS. I AM NOW RECEIVIN9 THE LillOIST STOCK STAPLE AD FAC1 DRY GOODS That I havo ever offered in this market. THEY WILL BE SOI.P cnEAP. . Call and examine for yourself. ' . A. E. BENNETTS March" 81, 1850-29-tf Dienta on account of the public debt and the Mexican Indemnity! What an illustration of Whig extravaganoc I ''The conviction," too, " foiced itself upon him that without the cordial and in good faith co-operation of the Executive branch of the Government, Congress could, do but little or nothing in correcting abuses, or limiting and de creasing the public expenditures." The evil "Tho Opposition," 08fi.02, in the year 1851-2, to $72,291,119.70, in tho year 1807-8, commenced under the Opposition Admin istration of Mr. Fillmore." " Under," or' during the Administration of Mr. Fillmore ! . But by whom was it commenced, Mr. Jones? Was it commenced upon Mr. Fill more's recommendation, or upon the estimates ni. i:. r. .1 . . . v eipei.uuu.ca ior lue iwo yea. a we.e oui 1)(J j niajnr;( u tl)at House." PaN . .-v ..... ties stood rrpAaa whan tnora n Ifnniihlumn mmnnlr i,. . . ... . ... - i-,' ."v. -- "...... ... ofL.trn I lofiinrifa 1 I l,ina III". L , m. S'n . tuu axvur v vi aniin.onnun,ii.j wu aiij v i iiu cratio majority still in tho benate Thoso ex penditures, Mr. Jones says, "were appropriated by the votes of the Opposition members", of that Congress" who could have cheeked aud con trolled them, had they been so inclined." 15ut, tell us, Mr. Jones, could not the large Demo-, cratic majority in tho Senate, f'had they been so iuclined," have "checked, and controlled" the appropriations passed by the Republican majority inUioHouseof Representatives? ' Again: Docs not Mr. Jones know well that ers, l.. 1 lie democrats had eleeted their can didate for Speaker, and had majorities on all tho Committees. Mr. Jones' 7,-io,o that Mr. Fillmore never had a party majority in that House. Most candid, .ingenuous. Mr. ".Tone. Mr. Jones denounors tlie till, as little less than a bill of abominations as a " capacious omni bus for carrying through thq locul jobbiug, and log-rolling measures of all sorts," &e. And yet, according to hjs own showing, while only 50 Dem crats voted agaiiist tho Dili, the other 53, were eithei- absent from their posts or voted for it ' But further ; This Bill of abominations went- and the remedy, he seemed to think, lay wholly i submitted to Congress by his heads of depart with tbe Executive. "Unless there was a change ments ? .Let the record speak. 'The estimates j in public men aud afiairs, and a return to some- for the service of the, year 1853, submitted to : thing Jike economy in the expenditure of the Congress at the session of 1851-'2, by the Whig ' public money, we would," ho said " ero long, Secretary " under" the Fillmore Administration, i find ourselves like England, burdened with an ir- amounted to 842,02,200, and at that session, I redeemable public debt. "J-J - that Congress,- with a Demoeratit-mnjority-of - rri ..ki; .4 k. ru c;kL ii ( r,.u.. ;. .,,,1 IJitJ uicab uuuiivi n an b, nun kiic viii Ji inioDiuiu , 11 lU'tllir. 1U luc iiuiian ui iciuri)t'iitiiiiiio, nuu; .11 . k C .1 I . ' C '. k Qll remedy for the evils of the day, was a Democratic fourteen iu tho Senate appropriated and author- r"-" ,UB ' Executive, who, true to the " instincts" of . his hed the expenditure of 85:l,300,579-thus Congress, the Democratic Senate Jarred upon . party, rigid economy in Ihe public expenditures making the appropriations for the year 18o3 ex- . n , . rl , ';, rf, up to the Senate and ty that 'Democratic bodv and stern integrity in the employment of the , ceed the Whig estimates for that year by ten mi! I'm w of annronriation '-was made siill more abominable by the addition o'f public money, would cordially and in good faith lions four- hundred and -sixty-five-thousand fise.. ... , .. . . sq o'S 500 TI ro numerous aiuenifiueuts providing for a large co-operate with Congress in correcting abuses hundred, and seventy-nine dollars! provi e or a. 0 '- 10 r amount of -additional appropriations. Anionc . v. ... . P. . . ' .. w ' cord shows such to be tho lact. and it was so , . 1 r. . . . . and limiting ana aecreasing tne expenditures ot ; 'j hat is tlio way, camut ?it. Jones, in wmcn ,.1 ,u ij r jt , tatives nt the ; 's0 rullcllJ"lt,lt!i Wils Ihenienticai appropriation rhA 1 .nvAfniHafir w iriinitr 1 in mm. ml rin p.tdii. liti.n -,.,i..,.i ntinii.il innnt.aA in in. nnniin n-r- ( ' lWIV.HmU.i. .1 .VUVU.. V. .J. . . w a.muwu- . LUC 1 11, 1,...,, UIIUUU, 1HUI1.DCV 1 , 1 ... JIUUI1V A tive, even a Democratic Congress could do little penditures, which has gone up from 40,293; or nothing towards accomplishing these need) ul 036.02, in the year 1851 '2, to 872,200,119.70, results! So thought, and said, Mr. Joties, in . in the year 1S57 8, commenced under the Op Febroary, 1851. - j position Administration of Mr. Fillmore. " l'n-. Well, within two years, a Democratic admin- dcr.i."W,h!ta grofj falaey lies covered up in istration superseded the then existing Whig ad- that one word, a.t here used! 12 th of June, 1S58, by tho Democratic Gover nor elect of Virginia, the Hon. John Letcher. The Congressional records incontrovcrtibly cstab ! lish tho fact, that the Democratic Senate of the 31th Congress outstripped (lie Black lirhuMiain House of Representatives of the same Congress ill tee wont oi appropriating me puouc moneys. respecting the, supplying tho city of Washing ton with pure water, which Mr. Jones now hulJs up to public view as one of tbe abominations of the bill. i Yet further : Many of the amendments of the Senate were, disagreed toby the House, includ ing the Capitol extension amendment, "and a Committee of Conference of the two Houses was r f ri ' .111 luc wora, Ol. apprupiiiiiiuu iuc iiuuul. iiiuurn. ministration. And now, after six years of Dem- , Taee 13. "Durine the next fiscal vearendine June , . . . , .:r...i. i . ..! .r '. ' i . t t i u ... ., r , -. - . . ' Dill lei us lurn, uicreiv uv way ui wiiuuie, iu . . . , ,. m, ocrattc administration, Mr. Jones again holds 30t18o3, the expenditures exclusive or payments ! ' J J , J , appointed upon tho disagreeing votes. The forth on tbe subject of the public expenditures, on account of the puhli.de., t ); tW .nlinritv nf this Hlatl ml S ' ? Po part of the iLse consisted i in its party relations. Hear him at the com ' niencement of bis letter:. c t ii. -.1.. ..c 1: T , t ceding year of $3,077,249.86." j House 0f Representatives voted for appropria- ul urr '.?.; ,rK' w, - Ti;.;.,v.M.,l,.,.i.ikM..M.i.:nf I .;K.l.lnH f ..ll tho OTnn,lin,r.. nf ton, of Ohio, Whig, and Mr. Jones of Tenessec,. In the year 1846-7, during the Mexican war, the . , :.. . r ,k : k:k ' .i......',.i Lii,..nn ,..( !,,. k, .. and that Committee, thus constituted, after con- ' --, , 1 - o ; 1ML i:.. - r...i...;...r . . ,k. ' ! nnMi, i Lent ..n tn ti.n ..im of S.vs.801 .r.so.37. we have just accounted fur, by taking the saddle reached i I The Treanury Ueport for that year shows it to have from the wrong horse upou which Mr. Jones In 1857, Mr. Jones tells us, a bill passed the : been f . I the war. iKSKI ,. - . , : I permanent annual increase in the expenditures j went up to $44,049,949.48 The. Treasury Report Page 13. "The expenditures for the next year end,- 1 Ot tne army ot at least six nunurca tuousana aoi- for that year says 143,787.892.58. The next year ing June 80, 1854, were $51,110,457.38, being an in-; las. This bill, he says, passed ' the House pf irvavury ivepori mr mat year puuwa ib iv "a" iiuui inn -"iwii iiww ufivu wun.u 'fti. w uuca aui , .fti. u vua b.no u., win ,'..... -, . f55,929,095.88 In 1849"-60, after the close of placed it, and putting it on the ri';; one, where, " House of Representatives for increasing the p Ir' thxpenditnrcs were reduced to 937,165,- venture to predict, ho will hereafter let it '. of the officers of .the army, which will make J. The Treasurv report for that yeaf shows it i . . . . , . .....i;,, a forence with tho Senate's Committee, made a re port ti the House, with their names theieunto appended as follows : . r- ' "TlIOS. II. P.wiv, '. S.VML. . VlNTojf, O. W. Josks, -Miu!j.:roitthtpart(,ftkr.lhutf.': The IIou.se adopted this report of Messrs. MILLION, TAKE NOTICE. rX AND AFTER TBI FIRBT DAT OF APRIL ) seat, r terms for tba sale of LUMBER will ba, For good lumber 80a. ash, or $1 credit, ! 100; Refuse lumber 60s. cash, r SOo. eredit; Roafh idea lumber 88. aaab, ar 40e. wedit. t THOMAi StTLLEDOK. S-tf CAtTlN LILLY, r z; 8. S. ARNOLD'S CHEAP CASH A0 CREDIT STORE, TTTBrERE CAH BE FOUND THE LARGEST - lX,.a9j!48TJLKftMyR SPHINOjoND I nave evef offered ALMOST EVERT GENERAL STOCK, TO BE FOUND IN COUNTY. Purchasers at 10W T-RICES, down aeain to $40,389,954 68. TThe Treaurv Ke- crease of expenditures over the last preceding year j I?PnrepnLnives bv tho votes of tortu Democrats. It ., !- ';,ii,.n nn.l .T.... A ttZftwT KW-Wk? !.he.ious-approi,riations in the -bill upwards I the next year, 10n-, i air. numore s last year, I up Hnrn arniin tho nmnndi nm nnthnri7ori hv th r t- v...... inn: n 4 :. .1 .iT. , ,.'.,r7.,, ri r i . : : s-i'; to the sum of $44,078,156.35. The Treasury Re- nl . ; r T V,n qoi ;,k . ' -,u.lm,!fis iv' a'" l l ol fUKi.imu: tn adopting tnts report ot .. Messrs.. port for that year ys $48,524,252.82. And .mce me Democratic tongress-tho 32d, with a oe DomoeraU, twenty-three Black Republicans, I Uavlv, Vintoa and Jones, the House adopted, - tkit then hat been a constant regular mertatt of four Democratic majority ot fourteen in tbe benate wa ef,,tl Know Nothings, Here was a majori- f witb modifications, the Senate's propositon for lo tixmiUiontn year, until tlie expenditures of the and fifty one m the House largely .exceeded the ... 0f tbe Denmratt, who were present, voting tbo extension of the Capitol the modifications Vnited States have reached the enormous amount of .Wliijt estimates. For the service f this year, tor tho biJ J Sot only this,-but- the measure had I ber0c, $100 000 instead of $200,000, to begin " S0.: ZK&iZ&Z, rdi" ir t: 1"' recommended bith by' President Fierce and j of the flan'to fo? Tt? My opiaio. is, that both partiea an4 .11 par- "''". lherA,t l"'8,"'? k M.'' 1 Mm' " -rctary of War, the Hon. Jeff. Davis. Tn tbe pident instead of tho committees of tho ties, to some extent, are responsible for it; and cer-' the session of IS5-- J, had sabmitterj estiinates yls arjml, message to Congress, December, 1854, ! two Houses on Public Buildings, as was proposed .I. I.. tk mnlnritT of the llnnnsllinn cannut rillieTa aril 11' h SUlOUDtl'd to $42,216,484.06. exclusive of I ;.1.. ;.l . , I . . bv the Senate. ' ISO man living could, irom an inai Jir. tiones tain'ly the majority of the Opposition cannot relieve which' amounted to $42,216,484.06, exclusive of President Pierce said ' . , , i .1.-1. . . i ...ii .1, .. n , .... . t .1.. i i - ii. n'L, i ' raeniseivts au """" " paymeuis on accouui, oi uie puono aeoi iu. ..The-bill of the last aesaiuir, providina for an in- u. reaponio...v . actual expenditurea during tnat year, isoi, cx-1 creM. of tn of lh. rank and Sle of the mt - i ... .k r.nUi " ... r v - i kii4 ill r ,,i ' a 1 11 ui .uc .uw uv.-.w.. . .. . e . e .i. Uuiuier oi ine iaci mai i'ir. ijtratioii had nothittg-whaterw- I . . . .1 1 I T IT nar m comine.uuirv w iuus. waicu mr: tiara fiinairA or navmpnta nn nvnnnl nl tni nuniia hu hiil hnalii.i. nn in. nnl un v m lfti.ihl.1 n n. I i. . " . " r-J -r--.-- . --- J 1. ii ll,A nrhlHl n firTWmirP OOnriR Writes in ISDO, upon his QenunCraTOTiCTn-lgJT-7jeTa8lIfTJOTIeTrhT " otma-impjo-'ament in that rlass LglTU-S-. jKHJBaUK SSVVIISi , ... i. ' "j ,u j f. . .k 'j:. c n ' : nf mm who enter the aervice. I ream that mire. I tllluiores SOMm M this BtaekmY. mmatatlm rf-"' " " "".r- . - """'B' '""u.f" -.. M,ideratio waa notbe.tol on h.nr,r,. to do with orik'inatintr it. , , n i liiraov 01 toe tneo exisiinc n uur aumiuisira- .mil e &nnronflat nriir. trip tv iif pstimates nnder-r . 7" . - ., . . . . T 7 vT. .-. f AUTTTT.K TO BR FOUND IN A 1 ' -tk:..j : r.i "r k.- . , tr,- r V. . '. r . . - .. . . , WHO, in view oi weir cnaracier ana servicee, ana ue jir; Jones s letter is uncan ... tion. aaeaoioiiea id an hwuuiwioui oouiciiuni; tne nreueeaini; n nic Administration. ove,!5.oo.- .M tn -kirh h .r. wni.ii,ii im.. .. ..-. .k -e mnuiNr AB.TiCT.Eft wot ; '. mi. ui . .. . ' ' ' ' "p"- . nresents oi iucwieiuui 1 over lony miHiooa oi uoiiara ncr auuum, iiiciuu- y,i.ai! serve at present What la. in mr ludrement. inadequate .. ! i:j : ki mr nrurt itobi is vnri. . c j ..m.j u f : ...:. - " - . , ii is uncauuiu iu ita uuio . w., . ltie tM ouracnii enwica open n uj mnicH wir Taire 18. "For the rear endinz June 80tb. 1865. oompenaauou. . . .u,;.. ,k, wiahinff to buv rood articles. I j a. ,.nn ilii.. nt .iinnRim bminmi f . .u. ..,i:i..u. -ini,imim i t k: r n k.. last nr. Tn :. i wn .i.w ' ' ' j IDU iuw .VUW..MV1I - . , IIIO .ui.uit.in, .m. tii',ui-.".i 1 " , - " . iu U19 IDUVH VI WVCIULW, ftCUU. 1'kL. IV 1 13, .; . . i , !,-, . ..It . -i:.,... .i.. r .k-.i 1 k. . e .1 k.i. .r ii . .. . ..... -1 pariieo, iu suuio caicui, . iuipnMi"""- a Mat, na laiuiue oiauie 01 mc cuvruiuus - . ......t.i.i m. ; then tiecretarr ot uar.eaid: .,. ; ,1,. - - j:.L. .. b. ik.m . .ntir.1. nnnn tl, 640.54. - . , , - m.fi. ..i... i..i...i i enormous increase in the . aje . bbvbwkss. v n-z,x -n... .... aAi m t i.. w".;'crrTir:rrr:r:f durin- the h ten and dhHn the account that work. Indeed, spirit. He sets out both parties, and all sponsible for tba publie expenditurea then troes to worlc Wadeibofe;-March t: -- --B,l- .v".e:;; -rr- r 7 - ' ----- -- . . '

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