V :( t? -1 1, - i ' .'J ' 'li-i''ia.'..! !.'t' )--.:-! iv.i,...i-.' . (..( .'., ... '.'",:'' .'T.W : ; ; ': NEW SERIES VOL. II-N0.1v - - WADESBOROUGII, N. C, TIIlJIlSpAY, ' SEPTEMBER 157T8597 WHOLE T0r53. . PUBLISHED WEEKLY mt FEXTO eV PAULEY. TERMS OF HUB8CEIPTIOIf. . 8ingU eopiee, Two Uollam par year, Invariably In advauoe. Te Clubs of Tel and upward, it will b furnished at Oxb Dollau aid A Halt per copy. JJo subscription received for leu thaa six months. BATES OF ADVERTISING. omi yuAi, Tia Lima oa Lata aairiiB. Ona ineertloa ,.i ., ... 70e. Three inaartiom ........ $1 40 Two saoatks, or nine ineertiona.. ........... (80 Three mouths, or thirteen insertions 4 00 Six Buntka 6 00 One year ............ i. 9 00 Advertisers maat atala tba number of timaa they wish tlitir. advertisements inserted otherwise tbey will ba continued till forbidden, and oherged aeoard- MX to Ua above. Agreements wilt ba mada with yearly advertisers oo UbaraJ and advaatagaoaa Urmi.. rrofaaaional and Ilaaioew Canla, Bat axaaajlag tit tinaa breviar lo langth, will ba iamartad fur $6 Jr; if axaaadiag it llnaa will ba abargad tbaaaua aa otaar aiinrrlaaataata. : - t ... . Obitaary aotlaaa frea whaa aot azaaading twenty tinea; all abora twenty liuca at adrertiarnent ratea. G00DS!;G00DS! FOB SPRING AND SUMMER I ! J. J. cox, LiiEsriLLE, .f.rso.r, .v. c, . - . aiALia i FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, EE ADY-BIADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, GROCERIES, Ao. 2k' D. W. 8IKES, Ifatchmakrr and Mutter, urruarrs nig iix K WADa.aoao', a. c. Wetaha, Cloeka and Jewelry of all kinda repaired with neatneaa, durability and ui.patcb, aa good aa the beat, and cuaaper 48 than tba eheapeet. tf IIOfailKS, UILL Jk ATKI.VSO.V, IMPORTER AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS 1.1 FOREIGN iD D01LSTIC Ml GOODS, Nu. 2i8 OALTiauai Stbkit, (orroMta aaoTBa ctmjct,) b.il a. Boraisa, UALTIMORK. BORKBT Ul'LL', I ' Titoa, w. ATK.iaao. J -S7-tf kiCRRISO.t A LEIDI.XO, . IiirORTERS M'ortlgn and DomtttU liry Good, j Wko'eaale and Retail, I itAici. BTBttT, oai iooa raox kiko, ' CHARLESTON, 8. C. i a. l. a. 82-1jr bbbmajib l . . i A8IIE . IIARCRAVEV " 8 " ! UTTOHJTKt'S .fT JUiH rraeliaa ia partnership in the aounty of Anana, at. i erpl on the Criminal Doeket in the Connty Court, ( j. ft. HnnrraTe beinf County Solicitor.) ! Tbey will attend to the collection of all claima en. 1 J trtttej to them ia Anon and tkeiurrnnndingcauntiei. ; " T. 8. Ahe attenda tba Cunrta of Richmond, Moat gnmery, Stanly, Cabarrae, Union ami Anaon. J. B. Ifargrata tboaa af Montgomery, Stanly aad Anaoa . arfHKce at Wadenboro'. THOMAS 8. ASHK. j J. R. IIARORAVK. l-tf ' ' J. J. COX takea pleaaure ia aaooaaeing to bit Coa toiuert, Frienda and the Public generally that bia niually etCenaire atock bai recently been replenished by LARGE, FRESH and FASH ION ALE PLR CH A8E8for the SPRINO and SUMMER SEASON8. KT1TLT inTTFDV NORTH rAROMlVA AURIIS. !p,KeoMJarinRwon,.,6dingtLeir.tock ulilllj LU 1 1 till I ' ' " 0a the plan of Single Numbers. ' For the benefit of tba MONT1CELLO UNION ACADEMY, Or JAIPIB CODXTY, OKOItOIA, Inthorlird hj Special let of the Le;iilature. McKINNEY & Co., Managers. Capital Prize $G05000. Tickets only $10. ' Halref, Quarter! and Eighths in proportion; 25,828 Prizes. $3GG,040. TO BE II8TRIBUTED EACH SATURDAY I1V SEPTEMBER, 1859. Clau 17, to be drawn Sc t uiber 17, ISi!). I'liu 18, to be drawn September it, lStf. , To ba drawn lo public nnder the sworn superlnten dence of two t;ominisiinerK, W. It. SIMONS and J. M. PRENTISS, in the CUf I Savaunah, Georgia. MAf3IFI('KT fSTHRMIJ These Oooda are all of the BEST QUALITY, and j priM of 60000 i,$Goo(iO 6priies,fI0miare$,i000 ; THE HEROES OF I KOCSTBT. . at o. r. a. Let others write of thoaa who fought . Ou many a bloody field Of those whose daring deeds were wrought With sword, and spear, and shield; But I will write of heroes bold, The brarest of the Irive; i Who fooftht for neither fame' nor gold Who flit an unmarked grate! neroes who conquered many a field Of bard and sterile foil Who mada the sturdy forest yield To unrwinitting toil; Heroes who did not idly stand, Hut delt such fearful blowa That acres broad of worthless land Now blossom like the rose. ...... j , The heroes of the plow and loom,. The anvil and the forge; The delvrrs down amid the gloom , Of yonder rocky nor (re; Heroes who built yon lofty tower, , And forged its heary bell, Which faithfully proclaims tba hour. That marks Its flight so well. Ilor.ics who brought from erery clima IliCh argosies of wealth; BiunoT rapidly decreasing, twit in sewinir. while be sawed, planud and chiseled at his model, lie grew morose, snd seldom spoke. Sometimes he would gaso abstractedly upon the uiodil for "Gold and silver 1" said Richard. - . " Gold snd silver 1" said the toller in surprise " have you a dray f" '.' Reg your pardon," said Miller. " Let me hive a bng of a thousand dollars in gold and those wishing to purchase will ba consulting their intereata by aalliog and examining them for them selves. They will be sold low on the usual time, but all accounts must be punctually settled. 3Mf w mm AND SHIER GOODS. , I AM NOW RECEIVING! TnE HRO8T STOCK i '..'' air STAPLE AXD FAACY DRV COODS That I have ever offered in this market. THEY WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. 200001a 20000 10000 la 10000 6000 is 4000 ia 8000 is 2000 is 1.100 is 1100 ia 10 2 60001 2 4(00 301! 60 20M 100 1500 1 00 1100 100 600are 400 aro 800 are 200aro 160 are ,6iOO i MIO 00 400 'OO 1'iOare 10000 I b-Vare I'.'jiKl j 85 a re . ti jOU ; APPHOX1MATIOX PIUZK8. 4 prizes of $200 approx'g to $00 000 prize are ffOO Call and ejuiniine for yourself. A. E. ULXSETT. March 81, 1853-29-tf 4 4 4 8 8 8 ' 8 , 400 160 125 100 80 60 60 40 20 20,000 10,000 6.0CM) 4.090 8.000 2.000 1,600 100 0 uiiO 4oo : 640 480 ! 4O0 j 320 ' Heroes of thoughts ana deeds sublime, Who spurned nhut csme by stealth; '' Who won a guerdon fair and bright, ' And left no bloody stiin No hearth profaned no deadly blight Upon Ood's wide domain. Thefe world-wide common workers crave No laurel wreath of fame No monument above their grave; They toiled hut for A xamb Among the lowly ones who plod Their wenry way along, With faith and confidence that Ood Coirecteth every wrong! EirrALo, N. V. June, WSJ. long time, and then, as if reassured, he would bo 1 silver, and the balance in bank notes." to work sgain with renewed incry; and so be I A bug with that suiouot ia mixed coin was continued for msny lung and weary weeks until soon plsced before him, and forty nine packages tho model was finally completed, and stood be ! of oue thousand dollars each were laid upon tbo fore him perfect in ell its psrts. As be, worked 1 counter. Jlillcr bad by tbis time iu a measure it in the presence of his wife, a gleam of satis- j regained his self-possession, and after stuffing tbo faction sat upon his countenance and he smiled. ; notes into his pocket, ho shouldered his bag of It wss tho first smilo that had illuminated his ' coin snd loft the bank. features since lie had ixcn at work upon the j As soon tis ho saw an omnibus he bailed it, snd model. He carried it off to a finished meohanie, J rode to within two fquarcs of hit home. When he who engaged to make a fitio duplicate for ?J0; readied tho latter no staggered in beneath his and when ho hud finished his job, the wife saw i load, and wulkincr directly to the bed. he emptied niiu lane mai amount iroin tneir sictiucr store i too Dag or giiiieiing coin upon it, to the lnhnite more in sorrow thsn in snger, but alio knew the ! amazement of his wife..., , l)ut what wss her as utter folly of protesting. Ttoiiishnicii t when he drew from hi pockets paokagA Richard Miller now for the first time consulted j after package of banknotes. Ho contained himsolf a friend in the matter; snd that friend, huving . until he had thrown tho last package upon the had some experience in procuring patents, gave bed, when he gMve way to the wildest snd moat biui the benefit of his knowledge. To procure extravagant feelings. ' Ha : ha : ha ; ' he laughed hysterically" my dream is out! The machine works! Fifty thousand! Ha! ha!" .I'licn snatchiii. up hii l child, h.c . conjti iiuo J4 aoin! tlie room " My b y, you arc no beggar ! Fifty thousand ! ha ! ha !" In this way ho raved, shouted and stamped. Liu-ire licadi of p'tstiiratiiu stood upon hia bruw. THE STORY OF RICHARD DULLER. Some years ago, in a little city in tho West, 8 0(10 lived Hicnara .Miller, an ftonest, industrious, so- 26,000prisesef 8 are 20n,isju bcr, bhoemuker. He hud emigrated from l'hila- ' ili.lnlii.'i a fi.ur viowi nrnvioiia t... llin ntvninnnf mv 25,823 prizes amounting to , $:K0flM wih ,iis wjfc unJ tlli(J nnd b charge nothing; but if it answered the cxpeeta- Wbole Ticket 10. Ilnlve 3, Quar- ,d the closest attention to business he managed ! tl0D of the "ventor, then he would charo two lers, -,oo. ! the patent would cost thirty dollars more. Tliia alarmed Miller; but the patent must be had, I and that amount went. In due timo IoIIoih j. patent arrived, and. he had the.rough model and -i-the document nothing more.' Onto! them it would be ucxt to impossible to realize. Xo, be must have a machine capable of working. He fcit satisfied that nothing abort of a machine would enable him to dispose of his rL'ht. lint i bow to get a machine built wus a question which his face looked haggard, and bis evo had tho j puzzled him sadly. No one capable of making I wild glare of the maniac. In vain his wife tried j a perfect machine would undertake the job loi , to caltu his agitation; ho raved until he ruptured I less than one hundred dollars. Alas! he had no ; a blood veel. lie sank down in his chair with ! longer that sum of money in the house. Miller ', his chill in his arms, tho blood gushing from his ! was almost bordering on despair, when one of the j noku and mouth, lie drew hack bis head to in- mccbanics to whom he had spoken called upon ; dulgo in another hysterical laugh, but it was bim in order to make s more minute examination j cheeked by a gurgling noise and the next minuto of the model. He was eminently a practical ; Richard Miller was a corpse! His spirit had man, and he made a most thorough examination, . passed away, iu (he lunguago of Longfellow, at the end of which he declared his linn convio- j . "Uk'e a glorious roll of drums, tion was that the machine was a great invention, j In the triumph of a dream!" At all events he would be willing to build one The reader will note that we have used ficti on a contingency. If it failed to work, he would tious for real names. The machine, which weut TLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The. numbers from 1 tu 60,000 those numbers on the tickets printed of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes aud pluced in onewoeei and the closest attention to business he managed to lay up six hundred dollars. Tbis sum he would have undoubtedly so increased as to place corresponding with , himself and family beyond the reach of want in ed on separate'klips a few years, had it "not been for 'that insidious monster consumption, ihe fell destroyer came under the tin n.c of the purchaser, made him aa independent fortune, and is still in use. Sk r. p. si n Hoys, ft'atch and Clock ltrpairrr, AMOXni.Lf, X. c. Jewelry, to., neatly and substantially repaired, and all work warranted twelve months. CIIAS. e. smith,. HKILEB M . . ' DRIGS iD MEDIUMS, ALSO Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuff?, NEW. GOODS V SOB THE , million,; AT S. S. AKftOLD'S CHEAP CASH . AXD CREDIT STORE, 7-nERE CAN BE FOUND THE LARGEST and BEST SELECTED ASSORTMENT of . SPRING AI7D STJMOER GOODS, I bare ever offered in this market, consisting of ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE TO BE FOUND IN A GENERAL STOCK, AND MANY ARTICLES NOT TO BE FOUND IN ANY OTHER STORE IN THE COUNTY. Purchasers, wishing to buy good articles, .1 at LOW fUICES, will please give me a call. -j S. S. ARNOLD. j Wadeaboro', March 31, 1859-29-tf ', . The first 380 lrizes.".aimlail nrinted and e.;r. n"- sunHn such casos, in a bad cold, and eled. are placed in another wheel. . 1 for a longtime be nattered himself into the belief The wheels are then revolved, and a number is driwn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a l'rise ia drawn from the other wheel. The dum ber and piize drawn out are opened aiid exhibited to AY hundred dollars for machino and risk. This was virtually taking an intewst in the success of the ' Sill II. Mi S invention, and Richard closed with bim, The j ". "' " . . ' , . , . rnoM .imiv sitivr.it s jc k I'I.vne iollkctkh as a c.t- mechamo wss prompt and euorgotio, and putting ... . , , vm vt. expltCT,fcr-ra T1IB An, .... bis whole force to work, 111 a few days turned . ' over to Miller 'a complete machine. nv J. kiia Kit, JCN. His next business was to give the machine a Nu. V. . trial. He went over to Camden, where he had I have given ynu a dicription of Sijuire Til an acquaintance in the brick business, aud pre- I son in a former" Shaving," that is, a description. that it wus ouly a bad cold ; but like a skillful sap rer and miner, it soon undermined his constitu tion, and he began to have some faint Klimmerinc ! vailed upon him to let the trial take place at his 1 of his body ; therefore, it is ncedlcsa to repeat. As of his real condition yard, next day, at 11 o'clock. The proprietor Shakespeare say; " ho that rcpeateth ia tire. There was no use staying longer in the West, ; had very little faith in the machine, but, as he ' somo." Sow as 1 don't wish to bo tiresome, V the audience, and registered by the CoumiUsionert; the l'rise being placed aguiust the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until the prizes are drawn out. Approximation Prizf.s. The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the finst Prises. For example: if Ticket Vo 1 l-.od.. ih- : be spent his days in that inactive, but pet-' adverlisemet in several of the ;daily papers of but the worst of it was, alter he had taken them $00,000 Prize, those tickets numbered 11248, llitii, ,' ulant state so common to consumtivea. 11251. 11252 will each be entitled to $'200. If Ticket ; One day ho took it inlo his head to consult an No. 660 draws the $20 ,000 Prize, those tickets num. eminent physician one of tho professors of a bering 648, 649, 6.1I, 562, will each be entitled to ,:, :,iui nrA , ',.; h; condition $160, and so on according to the above scheme. go he sold out his stock and fixtures, and returned j '""d large lot of brick for sale, he was willing . will not repeat, but will on with my history. Tho to Philadelphia, where he took up his permanent i to suomu to almost anyimng to attract attention i itnro had a strange way ot taking up notions, abode. Having become entirely too weak to!10 his yard. To this end he slyly inserted an some of which were very foolish and unnatural: aavertisemet in several 01 tnejflaiiy papers 01 but the worst ot it was, alter he had taken them Philadelphia, announcing the trial of a wonder- ' up you could never get him to lav them down ful patent brick machine, naming tho time and ' again He would tako up a notion he had the place, which, ot course,, he thought, would only colic; you cotiMu t conviuce him to the contrary be another audition to tho Ion? catalogue 01 tai Perfumery and Fancy Articles of Every XEW BOOK STORE IX CIIERAW, S, C, " Description in his Line. . , . ' ! (NEARLT OPPOSITE D. MALLOY 8 STORE.) NEW AIVD FRESH DRUGS. A Urge lot just received, for Family and Tbysi eianV I'sea which can ba relied opon aa being ers rma and pi bb.. PER7D1SERT .t tbaJnoit f uoics an4raAcaAXTselections. To 'this la bob and bxtbxsite assortment be would more especially call the attention of the Ladles and of the .Young Men In our community of course Old Bache lors nut excepted. T. 8. MARIIII.ILL ALSO POMADES, For impartin a rich, glossy and healthy condition ; to tba. Hair from tba best manufacturers in this I - country. - 1 ' : has jcst RtrtivKP k labob assobtmknt or MIJCELLEOrS A.D SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, AXD . SIAJIQNER.T..QF. LL KINDS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS, OR NOTIONS, To which he invites the attention of Ladies and 36 - Oen iemea. 1 - .; tf. TOILET ARTICLES, Of French and English manufacture, and nf every -description suitable for the moat fastidious; in fact never hastbere been in this place such a large and beau tlful assortment of the above-named articles which ba now olfera ta the public on the most liberal terms.. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, fee. Amputating Instruments" and Dental Forceps of very variety. Also new style Electro-Maguetio Ma- . . (hinea, X. B.Plifida in the mrroumUnf) emtn Iff a obtain COMPLETE OUTrtTS without thi .lime and EXTRA txptntr. of tending forth, nnd can rey upon nil the Chemicai- Preparations a being 'the bel that can b obtained and mar, MtaameVtMl ten of Anton and the' adjoining fountiet are ... rrtpeetfuly incited to call and examine far them. telcrt, tthen thry trill find the I'rnprietor ever attentive, readjf and willing to Jiom' hit attort men t to mil wlio will favor hi ni Kith a tall, r 2n-tf ; : .:. ' ' .. " LADIES' DRESS GOODS, AC. WI HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS, embracing all the FEWEST d LATEST STYLES OF Tn? SEASON. ,with TRIMMINGS TO. M ATClHTalT aooa wBile m baea a good assortment ta select from ' Mswk wt. 86-29-tf A. B. BENNETT. LADKES' DRESS GOODS. A FINE ASIORTMENT JUST RECEIVED BT 1 A. 3 3. 8. ARNOLD. AO! boro . WANTED, - AT THF AR0C8J OFFICE WADES SOCTH RION WOOL FiCTORY. rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY JL announce to the PLANTERS and WOOL-GROWERS that he still continues to MANUFACTURE WOOL INTO KERSEYS, on the following terms, viz: Deposit your Wool at the store of JOHN STACY, in Wadesboro', in the eondition in which it is sent to be made into rolls, WASHED, PICKED and OILED, and you can have it made into Good, IMtary Plalnn, Cable Warp, at 13 cents per yard; or Henry Twilled Ktrneyn, Cable Warp, a IS cents per yard; and delivered back again at the same place. This includes the entire cost, as the Subscriber furnishes the Warp. Those wishing to deposit Wool at the above Agency for the South Union Wool Factory, will please send it as aooa after shear ing as they conveniently can. A quantity of THICK HEAVY KERSEYS, CA BLE WARP, kept eonstantly on hand and for sale at the FACTORY, five miles northeast of Bocking ham, N. C. . Samples of the goods can be Men at the store of John Stacy, Wadesboro1. 34-60 JOHN SUORTBIDGE, Proprietor. - CrBTrriCATis or Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk: Certificate' ofl'ackages of 10 Whole Tickets. ..$('.0.00 10 Half " ... HI). 00 " 10 Quarter " ... 15 00 " 10 Eighth " ... ' 7.50 IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Enolose the money to our address fur the ticket' or- d;red, on receipt of which they will be furnurJed by first mail. Purchasers can bare tickets ending in any figure they may, designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drirwing. . Skjjr Purchasers w:ll please wrilo-' their signatures plain, and give their post-office, county and Slate. as. Remember that every jrue is drawn and paya ble in full without deduction. - tsX AH prizes of SI, COO and un.'erpaid imme diately after Lie drawing other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. AH communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Ex press, to be directed to 23-tf McKINNEY & CO., Savannah Ga. lie called upon bim, stated his case, j ores in that line of inventions W. TILLER, PHILADELPHIA, iJmPOHTF.lt Of JfYf.VC'r GOODS, tpOYS, BEADS, AND CONFECTIONERS' AR J ...TICLES. CHINA JHLL8, RICH VASES. TOI LET BOTTLES, INKS' With FIOTKEST JEWEL hud CARD RECEIVERS, ETAGERE ARTICLES, -Ac. Latest styles of Goods constantly received and sold at the very lowest cash prices. W. TILLER, . . , No. 24 South Fourth street, 46-54 Philadelphia. ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO. rpnis I be GROUt and underwent the customary examination "Young man," said the professor, "your lungs are badly affected, and I vmii only dealing frankly with you when I say, that iu my opinion you arc not long for this world !" . Miller's heart sank within him as he heard his doom. He had the most implicit confidence in the professor; and, ss he thought of his wife and child, he felt very much as if for the future the world would be a blank to him. "Did you ever di ink whisky?" inquired the professor, as ho paced the room. -- - " Never, except upon one, or perhaps two oe carions," said Miller. "You can keep yourself alite two years prob ably throe by tho moderate use of whisky. It is a dangerous prescription, but in giving it to you I hive reason to believe that you will not let it obtain the mastery over you Get the best whisky I you can buy, and drink a pint of it a day." Poor Miller, ready to grasp at the nearest shad ow of relief went to the liquor store, and pur chased a demijohn of Bourbon whisky, and com menced taking doses of itst intervals throughout the day. A year rolled away and Miller was much lm-' proved ,. H isCQUgli. wjsasicj..and iheLStimn-, -lous appeared to impart a kind of artificial strength to his body; but I regret to sny, Ins ap petite, which never before craved alcoholic drinks, bad assumed an abnormal condition, to appease which it now required not less than a quart per 1 til you asked him if he had been eatiug "eggs," ; when he would iswear that you were either a fool Next day Miller partook of an early breakfast, "r drunk, he didii t know which. One day tho and then possessed himself of the" last dollar in , Squire sent for Dr. Mercury to call and see him. the house to pay current expenses. . He bade his j The Doctor calle"d and found the Squire in bed, wife be of good cheer that he thought ho would ; hiccoughing very badly. Now every one knows return before night with not less than five bun- 1 'bat the hiccoughs are merely a deranged action drcd dollars. Tho poor woman thought it more , of the diaphragm, which is easily cured if the 1 would return dejected, broken-; patient can only be made to forget his disease; likely that bo would return dejected hearted, and ready to die; but she said nothing. From his house' he went direct to the machine shop, and had his invention takeu to the ferry, boat, and bad it safely landed and put up ready to operate at tho appointed hour. He knew noth ing of the advertisement in the papers, and was therefore a littlo surprised to see upwards of a hundred persons congregated in the yard. He did not like it, for in case of failure tho mortifi cation would only be the greater; put he con soled himself with the belief that in case of suc cess competition might spring up and enable him to realize one thousand dollars lor Ins right in stead of five hundred dollars, at which moderate figure he held it. The clay having been elevated, the horse was Started and the machine moved. It was a mo ment of intense anxietv to everv one. and nain'- 1 asked ho fullv so to Richard Miller. Eureka! it was (in ibat clo; ! triumph ! mould after mould of beautiful brick were carried irom it, until in nn mcreuioiy snort space of time a thousand were finished and dry ing in the yard. There stood Richard Miller gazing upon his for when a person has it, he is expecting to hic cough every five or ten seconds, consequently ho parjly forces it, whereas, if he would forget all about it, the diaphragm of itself would so6iTre- gain its usual even and regular action. " Good morning, Squire, how are you?" "Good (hie) morning, Doctor, (hie) I'm a gone (hie) case, Doctor." "What is the matter with you?" said the Doctor. " You see (hie) Doctor I've been (hie) taking too much (bic) brandy for the last week and (hie) it has given mo (bic) the hic coughs." The Doctor saw how the case stood ia an instant. Tho Squire, as he said, had the hie- " Coughs badly, and had tnl.ru up an idea tluitjie couldn't talk unless he did hiccough, therefore tin was getting worse. So the Doctor set to work to cure him : " Have vou any brandy in the house?" invention. It was the lull realization ot Ins diem. He feltthat he was not doing much toward ' dream in its minutest particulars. It was the retaiJifig'his march down to ihrgrave; but the : happiest moment in his lite, lie was just on IS FERTILIZER, COMPOSE est I'Kllv VI AN ' G XD BOSE and the G UAXO,it in condition for immediate Use, being prepared by new and improved machinery, by which.- avy doses of alcoholic stimulants invested the the point of offering the right of making an nast. Drcsent and future with a feeling of obit- i vending the machine in tho United Mates toT;li IPOSED OF OXE-IIALF i viousncss that was quite a relief to his melan- highest bidder, when an old Yankee tapped him jr.t'fV: 6ne-!iBlf fine t cboIv urbbdingjWcr his misery when he WaS prop-f on the sholder; ' - -- , V' FltfHT?ctTv himself. I "Young man," said he "that's a very good means the most intimate combination is efteeted, reduc- , he frequently walked as far away from home as ; tant improvement can be made, ing all to a uniform fine powder; nnd for application ' his strength would permit him generally in the ' circumstances, I will give you fifty by DRILL or otherwise, it is in the most perfect order. And we have no hesitation in saying, that for ALL CROPS it is equal to any fertilizer ever-offered to the farming community. The Quality will be krpt Pebfectlt I'sirosM in all cases, and Warrantrd to Contain 8 per Ctnt of Ammonia, ..." ' ' AXD . JOIirilrELVANS&O:-- Burttmtorn to Klrann If Thompnon, , DtalerMa touch, CablntLind CwfnLIatds'Brj Bar Iron and Strtl, WASHINGTON, D. C, OFFER TO COUNTRY CU8TOMERS A COM pleae and Well-eelected assortment of Goods in their lineal Low Prices for Cash or approved notes at short c'ate. . , Buying their goods principally for cash and from first bands, they are prepared to aell at exceedingly low rates, atrtt solicit the patronage of the friends of the lU Piraa. aadtae pabiie OeateralLy.. i JOHN ft ELVAN8 A CO., , ,. Old Stand, No. 809 Peaajlvaaia Avenue. GROCERIES. A LARGE AND OKKERAL ASSORTMENT - Jwat received by tMQ ARNOLD. 0 READY-MADE CLOTHING. t THE LATEST STYLES FOR 8ALF BY 29-tf . : , - .... . 8. ARNOLD. When in this slate Miller loved solitude, and machine of yours, but 1 sec where a very tmpor- l nuer such lly in the ' circumstances, I will give you fifty thousand dol- ncighborhood of the brickyards in the southwest- lars for your right, title and interest in it . ern part of the city. . I Miller grasped one of the levers of his machino Oue day having extended his walk beyond his to keep from falling. No ! it could not bo ; the usual limits, and being overtaken by a thunder-: whole thing must be a continuation of the brick storm when he reached the brickyards, ho took yard dream. ' shelter under tho shed of one of them. Hav-, " How much did you say ?" asked Miller in . a - ej. . , tL . . . t i irifr iran it hii unusual nuaniirv or vnisKV out- uuuul W r P ( rnospnate OI ume. fce fc usTee up9'n tho whcclbarrow I thousand !" said the man,'evidentlyrea ifions. ..eh . . o c , on which bowasresti FRANCIS ROBINSON gives his personal attention ! raging; nordid he awake to preparing tbis article, and purchasers can-rely on : next day, a mild, beautitul June morning. "KoBISSOSN S MaXIPCLATED GCANO-' being In every ! fi,.t h wa nivstiflxll hut Bivin hn ne.illai) in : particular as represented. - All orders will receive im-; .. .iP.,:n " .t. ,torni .n,l the hridevard. and i A few minutes mote, and they were on their e..i: . . i.. . J l- nlf n Ptiihul.dnliia : and ill cross. n" the liver leemiir Btouewuui. uhihsjt, uu cuilipuncu 11 1 lueu.n - w - r ---- - . - -. c- , --. ri".l' 1 ..!! for another nap. It is uncertain how long he Richard Miller paid the last sixpence ho bad in "? slept probably not over a half an hour but the world for ferriage. Once arrived in the city, ... August -J, -during that time he had a remarkable Tision. ! they wont directly to the officcof a lawyer, where ... .. v . He dreamed out the principles of a machine for t the necessary papera, making a full assignment, . t" The l.alftinore -hxchange says : " Those ., r u'.i. i i.t-..i... nnMilhw !L ih vrhihi .hmbfinp peTsons who have been accustomed to regard the me niaiiuiaevurc oi ufick a iii.ieiiiue mai wuuiu wc.w - -t' r? . asleep upon the whcclbarrow ' " lOlty.thousand : saiu tne man, evidently rea- "".S . v ting, while the "storm was still dy to increase the amount if Miller demanded it. Do-tor . " Luring yot wake until tho dawn of the " I'll take it!" gasped the inventor, who still dted the Doctor very c.k, nautiful June morning. At could not believe the evidence of his senses. , Squire, and ho bowed, Jim ! i hie) you rascal ! look fliicl t 'aud (hit) hand the Doctor that (hie) bottle of brand, the (hie) sugar and some- '(hte7"Scr"Tlnr 1 loctrnTtcatcd-hitiradf '-Tirtr ' the table whereon Jim had placed the bottle, very deliberately ponied water into the glass, put in some sugar and brandy and bcg'in stirring it very slowly. He would stir awhile, then taste, add" a little sugar, taste; add a little brandy; taste ; add a littlo .tutor, taste; and so on till ho had his glass brim lull, lie then walked to tho . loTlIe 'broom, lookout Several straws,, broke them into small pieces and commenced heaping them up on the t:.hle, three in a heap. He would then throw them all down, stir his toddy,-taste it, begin heaping the straws, throw them down and go , through precisely the same process again. Ho continued this for half an hour during whieh7 time the Squire looked on in astonishment. - At first he would look awhile then hiccough, but finally, he forgot his hiccoughs entirely and stopped altogether, for he was so amaied at the Doctor's proceeding that he payed no attention to anything else. At last he could stand it no. longer, so raising himself on his elbow be ex claimed, " 'What in the world are you doing, Doctor '1 . ."Curing you of the hiccoughs, re- Ily" here s your health put himself outside of iiRiiimixa1. Mli.fi inn nr.tn:1 hii, -in i i c... u " . v.. t.. ii.j- uTU ih mi " " tne toudv, picueu up ins uat, uuu waiacu OUl 01 .. - e j i nrsi ue was uivNiiueu: mil eotni im reeuiicu iu . . , . . . eir the room, leaving tiivi i?(uiro m mediate attention ; : .. r. noniso, Ac CO. I No. 4 Uollingsworth street, up stairs. llaltlmorc. Hd. ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO Is for sale in lots to suit, By Uu-follaiclng. tgettH .. very much amazed ho'h at the Doctor and himself, for he discovered JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Md. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. j JIBRADLEY. Fredericksburg Va. i GARRISON & MA1GNE, Norfolk, Va. ' K. H. SKINKER A CO., Richmond, Va. TnOS. BRANCH A SONS, Petersburg, Va. .. T. C. A B. 0. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. . K. U. Ll.NUSAl , Uigh Point, -N. C. 40-64 . CEOTIIIKC. A LARGE STOCK" OF CLOTHING, OF J LATEST FASHIONS, can be found at March tISoSO-tf ""AT'B.'BENNETrST"' in -a great 'mcasure supercede all, hand labor. Every wheel, 'cog and casting passed through bis brain, and in bis dream he even saw 4he -niRohine4n- practicaljrjperation'JiejLiieL awoke it was quite light, and he hastened to wards his home. His mind was entirely taken .i. .,;t.;i;tv ..f ih mn Laving anvthiii-T liLH nine foresU ot the South, as ot eompantively. the amount of money he'offered r but be-still rc- small commcxuial importance will be surprised to; aolvcd in hfs mind that be was safe if he go.t but ' learo that the annual value of the hewn timber, a sinoleuhousand in cash, and ' the -balance iu of the sawed plank, boards, scatitlmg, rosin, pitch, OTthWpi'ominaoy sicument was finished and signed, and the man "aggregate, than trom.iwcive 10 ni.eer, buniods oi . . . . i, .i 1 i . I. imn.-,ccihti. tiv nmntirA thii uoiiars; whmu - --r COAL OIL AlfD COAL OIL LATH'S. OR SALE BY- ' .' 8. S. ARNOLD. 17IOR SA 29-tf aI j 1 : . i . a hartdiui minor w fnpi'K. i mtau c ai uuo ui iiih UU TtltU IIIC lUU.ma, Hii M.cniU linvni; cuvur - --t - ... l n,U IntT t MM thftt BM . IA ly -made an impression upon him as indeliable as . principal banks, .for the entire amount, on tno -yeany loss -y - """- ' "";"" .ever conceived in his-,,,ost wakeful back of which the a torney eertinea to .li.ler Zr: . Long before he reached bis home he had, cetng tne owner m .D...Cv.. . . ' T i Li..i Th .anion TWr,,etm l,f. . ' to carry out the spirit of hii dr.Dj.' . The patentee was nut .ncreau ous; out, sajis- W-.", . " "f . breakfast he made the necessary prepara- Bed that if the checE was wortoie it wou.a be vaiuaoie - -- r- tions to work tmt nnh-cie,-ih,t---- trwana.i .. nouaaB Tgr--H woi-P lenioff hut he overcame them papers were exensngea, ana ne leit me omoe. iruiu a w...v -- - - r - --- i were legioB, but i,e swmt them P ?? . . nrMtnl h:8 eheSk M8 attention-to the fact, that the exports of yei- any idea hours, reaolved After tions interposed ill Ml 1 i .nd i. :;i;;;e;; p7 t m:. it a moiueni, ami iusq uicu uirw uu nvwu u t . . . - ' t . . iL. Mvtarinf I wr Kak ea w .1 ttPAl.utp WEEDING HOES. (- DOZEN SCOVILL'S CELEBRATED CAST Jt I Bitaiii bubo ror aaia oy ! ticntlvand rjcrseverin civ. ravine very little atten- I tion to the whiskv, as his whole soul appeared ,11' ' , ItjMwnptnp.spr0. .' . . . " - "!!:.,-" .fl 3i7. 7;i : natters, the nine forests of the Skwth His wife, from the beginning of the work, 4 ooa- mm awwej . ewi wpva - !" ,". KT ., ; : I ture to rjresenre the crowing timber acd protect He the owners of it against the encroachments of 8. 8. ARNOLD. thought that his nithd was filing way ; aod the the question was repeated.

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