J t , t "OT.SERIES-YOL II-NO. 2. WADESBOROUGII. N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1859. WHOLE NO. 54. -MT vw,-f-aMWi.-. t"W aiAjs)' -fl, -4 '.4, ,v . .'1 . PUBLISHED WEEKLY i.- . FEJTO.l A DAftiyiSY. TERMS 6r HUB8CKIPTIOs, Single eoptM, Two Dollabi peryaar, invariably In advance. To Clubi of Tea and upwards, it will be famished t On Dollar aid a Hal per copy. Nd lubiorlptlon received far leu than tlx monthi. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 0X1 BQCABI, IIK LIHH 0 Mil BBIV1BB. On Insertion Toe, Three Insertions $1 60 Two months, or ulna Insertions,.. 8 80 Three monthi, or thirtaca Insertions 4 00 lx month 00 One year . 00 Advertisers must Hate tha number of tlmei they riah their advertisement Inserted ; otherwise they witt be continued till forbidden, and charged aaeord- tug to tha abor. Agreements will ba made with yearly advertisers on liberal aid advantageous tarme. Professional and Business Ctrda, not exceeding trt Wnaa brevier in length, will be inaerted for f 5 a year; if exoeeding lire Unci will be charged the aame aa "other adrertlaeinenta. Obituary notlee fro wke tat exceeding twenty Vnet all abor twenty Hnea at advertisement ratet. Tactort and Commlmlon JIterchanU, Omen No. 8 Noam Atiabtio Wauair, - CHASSl'STOX, S. Cv C J. CDIjCOCK, T. 8. ieCAIAKT, D. NALLOY, CbirMoit, C. llmlnilU, Ala, Cktrwr.S. C. N. B. OIBcee kept at each place, where advances ran be obtained on abipmenta of produce to Charles- tottt B. 0. - 6Q-iy D. W. HIKES, Watchmaker and Jtwetltr, UWualTR Till BAM ".. . wauksbobo', . c. . Watches, Clock a and Jewelry of all kinds repaired QL with neatneM, durability and dinpatch, Cfy. .. aa good aa the beat, and cheaper J Ja 43 .. , . A than tb cheapest, tf """" HOPIilSS, 111 LI, fc ATKIItSOfV, IMPORTERS A!D wilOLESALat DEALERS M FO&EIGJ 1D DOMESTIC BUT GOODS. . No. 268 Baitibubb Stbbbt, - - (itrrmrra iuumiR,) -- basil a. norcisi, 1 BALTIMORE. kubbbt hull, tftoa. w. atkixbox. J 8T-tf KEKRISO LEIDIftU, IMPORTERS XVorrtgn and MtomttlU Ory Good, - Who'etale and Retail,, babkl araair, on noon raow amo, " CHARLESTON, S. C. a. L. . 82-ly ' HXBMAXB L - Afi(E HABOnATE, .tTTOHJTKi'S .IT MM -Practice la partnomhlp In the comity of Aoaoa, ex cept on the Criminal Docket in the County Court, (J. II. lUrxrat bring County Solicitor.) ' Tby will attend to the collection or all claima en- i tm.tcj to them tn Aaaoa and theaurroundingcouutiea. j T. 8. Aha attmla tha Cuurt of RicbiaonJ, Moat- i gomery, Runlf , Cahrr, Union and Anaon. R. Jlergrar thuaa of Montgonirry, Stanly and Anou. f(fne at WadMboro'. - THOMAS S. ASHE. J. R. HARORAVE. 19-tf ! " 1 1 1 nath and Clock Hrpairtr, , AXBOXriLLI, K. C. QL Jewelry, to., neatly and ubttantially JFV repaired, and all work warranted i? . twelre month. , CIIAS. E. SMITH, I'SALBS IB DRUGS m MEDICINES, ALSO - -n..! nil, n..v CtitiTo AXO j Perfumery and Fancy Articles of Every j rw .!- ! I.! I ! i . .. . jycscnpuuu ju ina tuuct ., NEW AND FRESH DRUGS. . A Urge lot just received, tor Family and Pbysi eians' Usea. which oan be relied upon as being aes- vixb and rraE. ' .''.".."'"! ferftjuert Of the most ruoica and raAoaAXX selections. To j rthis tABoa and Bxtxnsivr assortment be would more especially eall Die attention of tie Ladies and of the j . Young Men in our community of course Old Bache lors not exoepted. I ALSO POOADSS, ff"or imparting a rich, glossy and healthy condition ca the llair-?from the beat manufacturers in this .ooantry. TOILET ARTICLES, .Of French and English manufacture, and of every description BoiUble for the moat faatidioua; in fact never has there been in thiaplaeeauoh a large and beau tiful assortment of ithe above-naaiad articles which he 4o w offers to the public on the most liberal terms, ' SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, etc. Amputating Instruments and Dental Forceps of rery variety. Also new style Eleciro-Msgnetlo Ma chihea. N. B. Phytidant in tie ntrrounditig town trg can obtain, COMPLETE Outfits without (Ac time and EXTRA txpnue of settiiiny North, ami can ttly upon all the Chkmioal Preparations a being W belt A h be obtained and tear ranted ntt from adulteration. The titi tentof Anton- and the adjoining Counllet arf rerptydljitmtiUd totall and eaW Mem tdvu, vKen thej ' trill find the Proprietor ehtr attentive, ready and villinyio aiow Au auort mnt to all vho vill favor him with a call. 39-tf ' ' ' V"-. B iLU K n'AaaRAKTtJ.-FOR 8ALK AT GOODS! GOODS! FOE SPRING AND SUMMER I! J. J. COX, , bialib la X- -. FANCY AND 8TAPLB DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, X x ILMffi, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CUTLEKY, ' GROCERIES, &c J. J. COX tAea pleaaara la announcing to hit Cua tonera, Frienda and tha Public generally that ail usually extonair atoek bai recently been replenUhed by LA ROE, FRESH and FA8HI0JfALK PUR CHASES fur the 6PRINO and SL'JdMER SEASONS. These Oooda are all of the BEST QUALITY, and thoae wishing to pnrcbaae will be consulting their intereata by calling, and examining them for them aalTea." They will be Bold low on tha usual time, but all aceounta muet be punctually aettled. 85-tf W SPRMiND SUMIB GOODS. I AM NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST STOCK STAPLE AXD FA.CV DRY GOODS That 1 liTe vrr offered la this market. "-THEY WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. Call and examine tut yourself. ; . v ' "-"-A. E. BEXETT. March" 31, 1859-20-tf . NEW GOODS- : roa tub" MILLION, AT S. S. ARNOLD'S CHEAP CASH AXD CREDIT STORE, WHERE CAX BE FOUND TIIE LARGEST and BEST SELECTED ASSORTMENT of SPRINQ AND SIimniER GOODS, I bare ever offered in this market, consisting of ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE TO BE POUND IN A GENERAL STOCK,- AND- MANY- ARTICLES NOT TO BK FOUND IN ASY OTHER 8TORE IN THE COUNTY. Purchasers wishing to buy good articlsl at LOW PRICES, will please give me n call. - 8. 8. A It OLD. Wadesboro', March 31, 1859-23-tf EV BOOK STORE IX CUER.WV, S. C, (SEARLYOPPOSITE D. MALLOY'S STORE.) T. S. DIARSniLI. - - - ' ma jrsr niraiv-ED A iabhb aobtmixt or MISCELLANEOUS AXD SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, s AXD ' ; '--STATtOSERY-OPAlL-KIXDSi- ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS, OR NOTIONS, ' To which he invites the attention of Ladies and iiS GenJemen. tf JOHN Ii ELVANS & CO-, Sutsor to Eivana 9 Thompson, Draim in foarh, Cibinrt ind Gcutral JJirdwarr, Bar Iron and Sterl,; WASHINGTON, D. C, OFFER TO COUNTRY CUSTOMERS A COM plete and well-selected assortment of Goods in tlieir line at Low Prices for Cash or approved notes at short c'ates. ' . Buying their gooda principally for cash and from first hands, they are prepared to sell at exceedingly low rates, and solicit the patronage of the friends of the late Firm, and the public Generally.- , . JOI1NR ELVANS & CO., Old Stand, No. 309 Pensylvania Avenue. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, JtC. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF-LADIES' FANCY DRESS GOODS, embracing all the NEWEST and LATEST STYLES OF THE SEASON, with TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. Call soon while you hare a good aasortment to lelect from alarch 81? 1869-20-tf -A. E. BENNETT. - i. anlF!S DRESS GOODS. At FINE ASSORTMENT J U8T RECEIVED BY 20 tf --T- 8. 8. ARNOLDS- CASTINGS S castings: COOKING STOVES POTS. OVENS, SKILLETS, -8P1DERS, &., 4o. Just received by 41-tf S. 8.-ARNOLD KEROSENE OIL. KEROSENE OIL, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY just reoeived by j 41-tf '-' .- " 8. 8. ARNOLD. TOOTS, snOES, HATS, ROM METS I ) HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and GROCERIES in abundance, for aale CHEAP, at the atore of ' March SI, 1859-20-tf A. E. BENNETT. HARDWARE. W UNUSUAL LARGE 8TOCK JUST RE- eeived by 29-tfJ B. 8.ARNOED GROCERIES. LARGE AND 0ESERa AS30RTME5T Jnst reoeived by 29-tf 8. 8. ARNOLD. BKiDf.HlDG CliOTHISG. 0 F THB LATEST STYLES FOR 8 ALB BY GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. On the plan of Sing! Number? ' " For tha benefit of the ' MONTICELLO UNION ACADEMY, " v or lAsrti comTT, oboboia, Anthoriied bjf Speeial Act of the Legistalnrr. ' McKINNEY & Co, Managers, Capital Prize $00,000. . Tickets only $10. Halvei, Quarter and Eighths in proportion; 25,828 Prizes. ' $3GG,040 TO Bit DISTRIBUTED IACH 8ATURDAT IN SEPTEMBER, 1859. , Clast JS, to be driw Sfpttmbtr !l, IS!). To be drawn la publio under the aworn auperlnten "Uenoe of two (JommiMionerB, W'. Jl. 8VMO.N3 and J. M. PRENTISS, intha, . Cllr of Svaunali, Georgia MAGNIFICENT SCHEME X, 5000" 5000 800 1 prize of 60000 ia$10000j Cpriaeaot'l.OOOare 20000 ia 10000 la 200001 lOOUOj 10 2 2 2 50 OOOare 400 are 6000 is 4O00 ia 8000 ia 2000 la 1600 la 1100 ia 60O0 4C00 8000' 800 are 00 200 are 400 150are 7500 2000100 1500 100 1100,100 100 are 10000 95 are 0500 85ure &.j00 APPROXIMATION PBI7.E8. R00 500 4ki 4 priiea of 1)200 approx'g to $00,000 prise are 4 150 . 20,000 10,000 4 4 8 8 125 100 80 CO 50 40 20 6.000 4.000 8.000 2,000 1,500 100 64u 1 40 400 I 8.0 j 8 8 400 ,000 I 25,000prlisof 8 are 25,828 prises amounting to 200,000 " S !,'''1'J Whole Ticket 910. Halve $3, quar . . tera, s-z,au. TLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The numbers from-1 to 60, (XV) corresponding with those numbera on the tickets printed on separate slit,!. of paper, are encircled with tmall tin tubes and placed-; inonewneei. x The first 880 Friies, similarly printed and eneir- oled, are placed in another wheel. V The wheels are tben revolved, and a number i. drawn from the whwl of Numbers, and at the snnie time a Prite is drawn from the other wheel. The mini- ber and prise drawn out are opened andoshib.ted to the audience, and registered by the CommisKionerg; the Pnse being placed against the umber drawn, lb.g operation ia repented until the priies aro drawn out. NjrTBoxmATiosr Pbizks. The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the firt 8 Priies will be entitled to the 48 Approximation Prises. For example, if Ticket No. 1 12iO draws the $00,000 Priie, those tickets numbered lllMK, 1124-U, 11261, 11252 will each be entitled tn $200. If Ticket No. 6&0 draws the $'JO,000 Prize, those tickets num bering 648, 640, 651, 5;2,-.will each be entitled to $160, and ao on according to tb above scheme. CiBTiriCATES or Packaoes will be sold at the fol lowing ratal, which is the tiskr --, - Certificates of Packages of 10 Whole Ticketsxfi0.00 ' lOllulf " ..."80.00 " "" lOyuarter " ... 1V0Q " 10 Eighth " ... ".60 IS ORDERINO TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES ... Enclose the money to our address forth ticket-, or ded, on receipt o.f which they will be furwarded by first mail. Purchasers can haTe tickets cuding in any figure tbey may designate. - The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent o purchasers immediately after the drawing. ifcj- Pnrchaain w'.ll please write their signatures nin.n. Mia iriwm tne.r vhtii.4.iiiug. uuuiivv nuu mam, r BeL Remember that every prize is drawn aud pava-i Me la foil without deduction. 1 Bs All 'Drizea of SI. 000 and unt'er paid imme diately after the drawing other prizes it the u.-uiul time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Ex press, to be directed to 3-tf McRISNEY & CO., Savannah Ca. W. TILLEK, f PHILADELPHIA, MjaroitTEH of ri.rcv goods, rpOYS, BEADS, AND CONFECTIONERS' AR J TICLE8, CHINA DOLLS, RICH VASES, TOI LET BOTTLES, INKS with FIGURES, JEWEL and CARD RECEIVERS,"ETAGERE-ARTICLESr &ov Latest styles of Goods constantly received and sold at the very lowest cash pricea. ' W. TILLER, No. 24 6outh Fourth street, 46-64 Philadelphia. . ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO. - XHIS FERTILIZER, COMPOSED (F ONE-HALF best PERUVIAN GUAXO, one-half fine OVXD BOXE and the best rfOSrIATfC GUANO, is in condition for immediate Use, being prepared by new and improved machinery, by which means the most intimate combination is effected, reduc ing all to a uniform fine powder; And for application by DRILL or otherwise, it ie in the most perfect orderi And we have no hesitation in saying, that for ALL CROPS It is equal to any fertilizer ever-offered to the farming community. The Quality will be kkp.t Pebfbctlt UtfiroR In all cases, and Warranted to Contain 8 per Cent of Ammonia, f - - -' AXD - 45 to 50 per ct. of Bone Phosphate of Lime. Our Guano is put up in alrohg bags, weighing about 160 lbs. each. ' ! FRANCIS ROBINSON gives his perstmal attention to preparing this article, aiidnrehaaera "Robibbosb s Mab.ptlat 0 uaso K " very particular as represented. All orders will receive im mediate attention. F. ROBINSOX, & CO.; , No. 4 Hollingsitorth street, up stair's. . Baltimore, Md. ROBINSON'S HANIPCL ATED GUANO . .."". , Is for sal in lots to "suit, : "By the following lgenfo: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederlcjc, Md. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J.-H. BRADLElf, Fredericksburg. Va. GARRISON & MAIONE, Norfolk, Va. E. H. 8KINKER & CO., Richmond, Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va, T.-C. B. 0. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAY, High Point, N.'C. "46-54- - " . '. - - -- " - CLOTIIIXG. A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING, OF THK LATEST FASHIONB, oan be found at Mam 81, 1859-29-tf E BENNETT S'- j COAL Oil. AII COAL Oil. I.A!vIP!i nnR SALS BY- l 29-tf ''m'---srTmn:. J nnjvv M'tiVl Lli S CK LEBR ATFD CAT-' 5 WEM Hrb" - - i ' ARKOLP. ...w, .-u 25 raBSANPVI8,mBEAc4& j tifully aad efceaply priuUd at Uui omc. NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS, MIDNIGHT IITIJI. "At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee, because of thy righteous judgment.". 'talm aix, 02, ' In the mid tilen'ce of tho Toicelcss night, -Wben,ohaBed by airy dreams, the slumbers flee: . Whom, in the darkness, Joth myipirit soek, 0 Mod, but thee? t And, if there be a weight upon my breast, ' ' Some rngue impression of the day furgeone, Scaroo knowing what it is I lly to thee, ,; And loy It down. Or, if it be the bearinoss that comes In token of anticipate ! ill, My bosom takes no heed of what it la, Since 'tis thy will. For, 0, in spite of past or present care, Or anything beside how joyfully Passes that eilent, solitary hour, , My Ood, with thee! More tranquil than the still of the night, Mure peaceful tlinn the silence of that hour, .More bleat than anything, my bosom lies Beneath thy power. ' . For what is there on earth that I desire, Of all that It can give or take from uie? Or whom in heaven duth my spirit seek, 0 Ood, but thee? X, THE DOCTOR'S PERIL. The noLle beast that forms the eutiect of mv story iud bccji a bay ot the richest and most I glyasy color, with a luiie ppot of white hair in his torehead. 11 U tail had been allowed to cow, uncurtailed br the Liutilnting knifo, tiaturnlly and LTQciifully as tlioe of I he wild mustang of, i l'lc P,'u'r'e" -f"3 &Iui''e chest, small ankles and proud nock, and tho wide apart, prominent eyes and open noBttils denuted gentle blood ; hut nt i the time I EJwhiui, old uc;e hnd whitened his beautiful bay coat, lontuft of hair were growing behind each foot, his eyes were rheumy, and the few long teeth he possessed were loose. I had noticed the care and attention bestowed on him by every iutnato of the family. .Not a ! day passed that his neck and (ace were not caressed j bv soft, feminine hands ; and if I had been sur- prised at that, aow much more so was 1, when Mrs. Morrison, whu, like myself, was staying there through the summer,, would frequently thruw her. arms around his. neck, and while . his soft , nnga restud arainst hur shoulder, would call him pet nauits und )0t unfrcquently her beauti- iikii .. l 1 lu' V "u"" ",l 'V?10 wu"e l"UB l"' )- J " Uon JuUn retciveu ull tiiese eafesses as it lie . l:ad cecn accustomed to tnem, trequently loilow- j jng one and Another of the inmates liko a hugh dos cu'riositv nt ength became so great I o ' ,hA.aan acqu why he was honored with the respect and attach ment of the aouSehold. Not many days elapsed before I became acquainted with the reasons, and I assure you, gentle reader, I considered them suffi cient to excuse any amount of. -affection which it pleased the superior brute to bestow upon his fel low, the dumb one. He had belonged to Dr. Jlosely, of -Whites- boro', for many years ? practicing physician of mai place, anu - ion jonn naa carneov; 1S master to and from many a bed of death, and God help him, fire had flown from his lHof?,as many times bis short fleet steps had dashed across the Mohawk on-thc old bridge, not hecdingthe new born infant's wail that greeted his ear in his quiet corner, awaiting his master s pleasure not that It was the wail tor the advent of a human soul, dooihed to suffer its number of years, then tion lie stopped at a cabin on the wayside, in the die ! If his 'master had acquired fame as all j eastern mountains of the State, for a bit of din knew he had " Don John" has also his laurels J ner." , The good housewife ached hiin with bet- k.. I f - - s--. "" - 1 '.i- .1.. l . ..j - ...i.i - i mi ri . u i., n 1 1 it.- l 1 lie Doctor had been called to Uticn, on busi- .i-;.4 -1 - -e a-t .it- . -; .. -.ijuijuhju n.Lii ilia ill uibbii.ii. uiiu nuu uetiu htfc ,l,m, ,1v. During .WnM n hf 1 thnxn rlrenr!i!nr. warm. Tir(kinr.iiK.raina riaii'fiRt I in.' Mountains of ice were rusdtingNiown the! ments to the lady by way of making an enquiry ? Mohawk, sweeping evorythingbefore thonKover-1 " Madam," said he, " this in a very delicious fidwing the banks, carrying away bridgespd j pie; but, upon my word, I don't know what is the dwellings, and alarming many of theinhabitantsXfruit in.it; pray tell me, if you please. S as well it might, for one must see a freshet to Why, stranger, were did you come from ?" understand its terrible '.importance.;" One must demanded the dam.; in turn. hear tlie crash and roar, behold the mad waters j " Well, I am from the lower part of the State, rushin? headlong and wild, cafjer for destruction, ; but no such fruit as this crows there. Indeed, behold the floating wrecks of many a dwelling, ! :. u 1.;. f ..j mm.im.. . !,..,., ! UllcU a 1.1111; V mv, uuu Dvuii.uuKa a uu.ui.u n.ii iiiiuim iud niittb u 10. life, as was ?witnessid a few years since on the 1 ."Up for governor" exclaimed the astonished Schuylkill. j woman, "and doif't know huckleberries ! Well, he iifgtw picked out the way faithfully and steadily, never j The governor would havexrelin.uished the Stumbling, but, with the bridle hanging slack track, but his party wouldn't let him off; and he across his neck, and his nose close totho earth, j was elected in spite of his' ignorance of huckle his master had little fear of the consequences, i berries, . ' ' - ' They were approaching Oriskany, where a bridge ! spanned the Mohawk, and " Don John" whin nered pitifully onCeior.twice,..till asharp :ord..Lpoor. w from hfs master warned him not to show the and spread before him,a dihh of clabber, uttering white feather. On the other side lie could just a profusion of apolijries and regrets that her house distin.Tuish throu!;h the dense darkness movinsr and glimmering, lights, and once he fancied he j heard a shout: but he little heeded ou.rht save 1 getting housed as' soon as possible and sleeping berries and cream ; and often take it on prefer off the fatigu.e consequent to his profession. ! ence, on hot evening's like this, when at home. "Now, Don", step sure; old Oriskany bridge j It requires no apology, for I eould not be better to my own and your knowledge has lost many a ; suited." ' plank," said the Doctor, patting, his beast's neck,l "Now, stranger," responded the doubting lady, and pushing the wet tangled front lock from his . '' are you lying jist becauseyou are a'carididate; eyes. for I've beam tell them candidates is the lyinist They were now ascending the little eminence j critters 011 yerth ?" The govcruyr could vindi leading to the entrance, when the horse stopped, dicate his truth by bolting a second dish of clab- " Go on, sir," said tho Doctor, " you are nearly ; ber. home-now'" . -- " : ' Still ..n nltemnt. at 'mino- nn. and heneath ! PnorTAW ClllKF ' AMONO THE SENATORS, ,h9 angry waters roared and bellowed) lik.e J. ... . . ... " Do you hear me, sir?" said the doutor, with ' a smart buffet On, the heck, and a gathering up , of the loosened bndle into a farm and dotcrmiuea hana' and the animal started1 slowly, steadily, surely, firmly though the broad back shivered i .filignuy,. irom ,ume.io..wmo,.auu me gait, waa su.t - . . .. ii . 7 and his poor beast labored hard through dreadful ; weather, and was sadly in want of food and shelter. . Towards the end of the bridge the steps became T 'slower, and once he stumbled in the ..hind- foot. hA quiegraspai tlae.bndlo and I sir!" .and agnin the cautious hoofs resound on f the hard wood. - They were across, and the animal neighed, and tossed his head till the Doctor, shook in the 1 ... . . : 1) , . I aidulo. - - "One more mile, to.po, poor icuow; dui nrei vnti and I want some refreshments?" " B.innin'r- lin'tn'the n'maii tavern' door, vliere .' -a genial light was shining from the windows, lie twni.il liirlit was sninini! ironi me winuows, ne caHed loudly for the landlord. A dot or more of the inmates c.me rushing to the door with i ..ntern., which, they, held aloft and .-Good 1 uoiu o..u..mw f. measured and methodical, that any otner ume ne ; rronor, aigniues, nuu immunities, 01 me posuu'u. ,cWi ? ,jo,oo. - in tae Miaaie 8tate,-f-iu.sio ; would have observed it. ' As it was, he only let The ceremony will of course bo most interesting, jn the Southern States 122,906; and in the West- him -have his own way, though he may have So tbat wo shall have the first intinco on record 0rn States, 136,333. The list of" dividend pay- cmnnthed his neck, for ho had a "kindly heart, ; of tf chief sitting iu the Senate.- -This is really ;n!j roadsCOmprises 78 ; among' which two pay atl "Come from T "Why, from over tho Mohawk! What if the matter? lias tho freshet carried away your acnaeef Here, boy," aa dismounting no iiirew ina ruios 10 a Kaiiing i ow, -give Job something ..ico, and dry him off. Keep i.:. ii ?.j .. l. i ,. i no ttiraw tna roins to a gaping lollow, "give uiw .ci. w..rr uj, WU..U cuis, .in, ,u. frA T taranfr riunMarnr' VAfl lirit .TunittM ftttlnM" uuZ." " T k " i ",v"'1iu't' , "Doctor, said the group, "hnvo you crossed the Mohawk to night, .d if ao, how V "Why, on the bridge, of course !.' Arc you all drunk r id tho exasperated physician. ? tv....- .1.. i .ft... j.j i.it -i . . ..' . P t- . ... 1 "Almi.rht. nr-1!" .!.! hn knrmr .IrnnV ! ,., , r,' . ... , J ( , I'jcior, wuere is my cniiiiuuei- 1'iy noui gram .ue t- u-.y noo.e is night, haded by mo beast oamo over here tu It lhf .....Inn .1 ....... I. - hl.,hnH.b .1... n . . i r -ii t. if ui 011 allegory illustrative of the au hor a " bad nooD. Come with mo and I will show you. If ii.":..v.r . .. i i n n i t i i lucli in angling on shore! Come now. uiv dear, you crossed, Ood only knows how you did jtr i ..., . . ,. Y . ' ' A .hiver.went to the Doctor"? heart-.nd, ; lt,' 1,' -' "chubs," you -do me lantern in hand, ho followed the footsteps of the & " 1 I V 1 , 7 ?u! ,e unen' landlord totho Pollen and turbid river. Where ! J"W TtZ7CZT ? H ,. . , , , lor it 1 acx now ledge, and plead "guilty," J viiui: u. i .... I.' .... r i . .. on the solitary string pioaej and I, with this "r, Z,, -. 1 T T' . right hand, pave him a blow as he faltered !" i t, l?M , T L y 'r"1 au . . i i- i -i e. i moved ino thereto, lake tho caw, ladies, and Iho Jio-torsank upon his knees in the aoft, !,,,-..., ; . . -,i ' . ' '. . , . i -i i i return a verdict in accordance with tho tcstimo- wet snow, and wept ike a chid: he men moved tl v, ,.,., i ... l f t x r n i i i nv- recuse my law phrases, fair reader I vo from his presence respectfu ly, and left huu to u. , , ,. . , , u i- r t J j"bccn to court, and tho consequence is am 1B18a,t- ' infected ' 1 When, after some little timeaWa hia4.pUst waR c . g tf pearanee, bis eyes were . Kreetcd by t he .p .t of corrfBponJullt haJ 10 liafortunc ( ;bedrJawa h T found rnV m thc- each contriluting to render huu some ai.tanee., ,, liulo ,mvn 'f Abcmrl ren( fc A quart of warm so was given by one, another : . ,. .. , , rubbed his neck and chest with spirits, a third dried hit glossy hide with a warm flannel, and others patted his neck, or caressed his nose and luce. " Oh, John, my boy, and I gave you a bluw," and tho words "ended in a low wailing groan. Wen uncovered their heads, and turned their faec from him, and at length led him inside, where he spent the night. The morning re vealed to him the dreadful danger he had escaped, from the sagacity of the beast, and again did he grieve for the blow he had dealt him w hen so nobly putting fprth more than human power. "Pon John,'x never did a day's work (mm that day. Sonietiuie his master rnde him forth on a pleasure tour or drove hiui befure a light ve hicle a few miles with sotne'tuembers of tlie fam ily : but his professional labors were over Noth ing could eiceed the care and attention that wprtl iriepn him .vor nltnrmnrrl lltt lull fmnl ft " . , , " , : "V , ouit during tne wcek mostly assault and bat manger made of mahogany ; las room was.more tery ca,os. The woo, c:lBC- ' , bu- the u panur wiao a m ao c, anu company im. ;m; " """J" t' " " ""J left. ' Thus lived they many years, the lector and bis horse growing old together. . " Don John" survived his master some years; and when the good man's will was opened there was found u clause appended which related to "Don John" to this effect; that he should be given to his youngest uaugnter, airs. Morrison, wnue sne lived, to bo cared for as he had always done na truc Lnl- un)esg tiie ev;dcnce be good and that le should, at his, death, be buried in his . conclusive. They ought to take. into consider, shoes, wrapped in his own ne!i blanket, and en- tio lLe fact tImt M,,( jot,jsioll is'W,ar(e, and !.own burying ground. His twisIics -were rctig; u"olu ,u " ueu"'B "io i-ui.ii.-i iously respected, and two years after I learned this history " Don John's"; bonos were buried in the corner of the old Mosely burying gruuii.I in Whiteebpro'. - Ei.ectionrer'ino. trovemor 1'- -1, of Kentucky, tells a couple of eood ones on hiui self. When on a canvass nreceedw)!' his elec- 'i . 1 ,. 1 -X ,n 1 ; fresh venison beins' oiie - Ot - .thiourscr - WJyw4 , ; ,- , r , -,' . .iv :t it.iii iiinic. i .1 v 111 iinwirv. l .11 1r.11 ir 111111 .f th. . .uS ,!. l.:..,l,., a onlirolv nrnr.iinlm1 li nni.l'liw nnitTt.li. madam,! am ignorant of this fruit, and beg you .:n-:,.f., a.. .- . On another occasion he stopped for supper at a cabin not so well provided us the former. The was so ill nrovided.. " Why, iiiadam," said he.- with perfect truth, " I prefer this to tea and coffee, or even straw- Wlw it ? The Washington States says: - -j- W(j , that uUe novel ceremony is to be performed in.. Washington next winter. . A United Statcs.fcenator, wuo 1.1ns, ty some goou chance, secured tho good will of our brothers, the 'red men," is to be crowned a chief of the Chootaws, by a deputation, to be- dispatched fur .1 . I. . 1., k., . .1. nil i .... . inat purpose. iic.ia w no 4wra. .true no joking. We learn, too, that the dis-; tioguHhed gentleman is quite ready to accept. T2, -ifeXX' telegrnphio despatch was forwarded from Washington, I. U , to Atchison, Kansas going hyeTpresiJ s distff from Kansas City and an answer returned in tho' ; unexampled space of four hours. W hen it 13 oon- gidered that the' message had to change from 1 1: .,1.1A .,f U ..i several. inns. uuucu l" mo v.j-umiu v.. v-" miles, tnisuuie, ior iue uisiauue, is inc - ureiv" record-.' f.. . n, ,.Tk. ,-.it..r,l il.-n.. - mr. a.a 1 i" ..v..v.. ment of the. Patent Office will haVone hundred thousand vigorous tea plants ready for gmtuitous ditribntion within or four naUjt, , e f Italy." , " COl'lT WEEI I. ALBEM1BLE, it, reoaBX.Hi'Oxni:ci or tub abous.1 Ueing alone, (tho rest having gone to church) -tv.-- . . a . i. . m- . i V ' VZT f f ,7' h FIT j disease culled ! :thot fruitful cencrator of the ;.,, ..,,,,, , j - r ... . ... "chubs" some weeks ago, drop you line. Uy 1 ,it; . .b , , ,v , ., rXm h !, II, -T M,'' ' ? Lfr tZ I f . W f" , (b'" J1' fa"P ot ndor- 1 "'and what I meant by wnling my niseatory w hh.s kl uu ana A Uiu v tug article. 6tlt)T)rj!lina thill it W.4 nnrhftn- tntnnAaA not guilty" you , will accuse me ot bragging. So, therofore. 'I j wi evcn le be f j,, fc ' fa J ; ,,,, , ,.,, ... . .......... .. lhe .)udj;e did not come, however, and 1 re turned hi me thus keeping out of the way of both these formidable batteries. Tuesday morn ing I found " bis Honor" on the bench and re ceived hi charge, and at 12 m. subjected my self to the charge of " mino host" by entering my name on tho book of the " Stanly Hotel." Mr. Kidiard Harris has lately taken charge of this hoiise, and spares no pains to mako his guests comfoi table. As an evidence of his keep ing a good table I will state that while in town I gained about two pounds in four days. Thuro is but one objection to this house, and that is the no; from a grog shop near by. But this ohjeo- tion is overbalanced by its convenience to tlio business portion of thctiwn. Mr. II. 's charger are light-only cents par meal, or 75 cents per day. - A fran.l ilof.l rif lincilii.isa v.. I.nnen.ln,l lit ll,A .... i . . . . . mm( interesting. Our civil .locket is yet very inen crowdeu. As a rcmcuv i a remedy for this state of things x ivuhiu suggest a cuange ni our man i i i . . . ner of-proceeding, so as to tako up tho State- aoeKct om Monday, instead, ot lhursdny, as is tho custom now; and instruct tho grand jury to cuitttil their list f "true bills." In this man ner the State's -eases-might soon be disposed of, and all the rest of tho'vweek be devoted to tho ; civi, dock(;l. Tho L'rand iurv on-ht not to find make the neeessarv a owanee. The State ost a number of cases last week for the lack of proper evidence cases that ought uevur !o have been en- lcrcd-OU ilie. triiii docket. : X , There is a little house directly in front of Har ris's Hotel, across the street, where they manu- facturo assault and battery cases with apparent great ease. Several first rate specimens wore turned off during the week. I stood in the door of Mr. Ui'a la w: office" and witnessed one of these -scenes of. public diversion. I-wasnot, however, near enough .to see the achrs, but tho scene was magiiitieetit ! Imagine a .crowd of eager men rushing tiOni every point or tho -compass to a - - r .vt-ii u.ul:l- ai-u iucim w.ui wicir uuses upiurueu .- Wding upon-oue another-pryssing, gqaceztng and climbing over mill scrousing between while your ears are greeted by. tha -din of discordant voices, rising from the conglomerate mass, which works and wiggles before you like the "sound of many 'waters" and ascreeeh qbJ, -intermingled with shouts of " part 'em ! part 'em ! d m it, part 'em '." and you have ihy scene Vht!eit is r pTiiiiful TiTWitness Hiis degradation '" of our species, siith scenes afford the student of c( ,1 ,01.1111a human nature no httle amusement. JJut cnouzh There is roouh-jor improvenient every where. Yours truly, A. J. G. Spt ll, V)U. " X closed on the 1st inst., and, althoughHhe aunuai ' statement of the crop has not been officially pub lished, yet it is known (in round numbers) to bo thre millions and seven hundred thousand bales, of which about three millions were exported; - - leaving m-i--hwidrW4liouiiBd''.4)alcii for home- yields of, .the. last four ye stand thus : - v ,l 'Bat'. : 1 '.... .v,. 8,6o0,00i) IS") 7 4.-Vj.- ... 1S.VM The . 3,050. OW .I.ill.UilH a,7io,(ioo ouautitru taken by tho l.'nited States spinners, in the lusttwo years, were : -X ' . Rie; 188 : ...hy 185!i ...X .The value of cut't'ou exports were: ..450,000 .700,000 Tn ISjii. ...........X--$128,382,3r,l ' In '1857.... ; .......;X.--lS0,0OO,000 It is said, by the United tutes Keonomist, to be probable that the -exports of the coming year may be pushed to three and a quarter twlious, at a price equal to, tbat'-' 11557 say, arerage 8(35 per" bale, which would give an export value of two hundred and ten millions of dollars, and impart to the Southern -section of the country a greater degree of prosperity than evw yet full to its lot. . ' llAILKOADS IN .THE UnITF.U STATES. Ac- eorJing to the ltail way Annual, the average eost . -t A. rr-:,.J 1 01. uwya-ia-Aiev4uxeni fBiten, pet nine ns anlfuai dividend of twelve percent ; nine, ten per cent; two, nine percent.; ten, eight per cent ; six, seven per cent. ; thirty, six per cent. J five, five percent.; que, four per cent. one, ttro and a half per cent..; and one two per cent. Tho qr bonds, amount to thirty-three. The total bonded. debt 0f the American railways, an jt wbich mature between 1339 and 1874, amount to $411,199,702. . , 1 ' . ' ARRESTKD. r.The lait steamer brings informa tion that Signor Mario and his wifisj formerly JLss Jessie Merit on White, had been arrested at it..1.xrha. Smnor Mario is well known as a . ,- . , ... . . prominent Italian UDerai.st, ana a coomowor o lffZMwJik V tail umoi -6

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