.4 .v...;, . ' ' , ,'- . - . .lit -y, Mci',ti i 1.'. it .''j !'?J te-sv."-;; ' !.?".. J . V .I "-! It' ' " -vi, j ' ;" . ''.-;' -.A''' r- fi aajjtfl. i I , :7;;;KEW: SERIESrVOL. HOViU ? - . WADESBOROUGII, NV a, .THDRSDAy; FEBRUARY 23, 1860. - WHOLE NO.- 7G. lbiii III! niii...... , a. ..' A""-! - -' . t : .a.. ..'-.a. J.. . ' ... ' ' ..... . ... I U is-V- ir.-.j i k-rf tf .ear, . ,aBW '-' - ..it A I i fUBUSIIED WESU.V , -' I'EJITO.t 0AKLET.' t TERUi At MUBSClUPTIO. ' , " r i - . .. - T Club tt Tm 4 iiwtrtU, It will bo furaUhtd It Ola oil J Hl p.r oopr. .. . .. . AoafcMripti lwWd for Um tbu all Bontlu,. i . - m BKi KWlIU, (I OB LW VIIE. . ., 70o,:, .1 Tw auttlba, r tin (unrttMa. UMnvv S 80 , . Tin mmIIii,. m UirtM tMCrttvoa... , 00 ., . , i 9 00,.., . . , .AilHrtUtra MM It.W it namiT( tioi.tbf liih. their 4wrtl.m.U tautarUU otbarwiM tbtr Jrill b eootloucd till furbUMna, mtJ harfxl aeMrU lli Id lb bor. . . . ,: . . ) i ' Areako(f will t mml. with yefcrt lTertlMr. V libt nJ (KnMHM tormi. J I VI ' i - V I ., FrtynMlvMl and Daiii(iwX!vlaBoi txoeeJisf fir ' Jium brell.f U lengib, will b. inwrt J fur $5 t Jr; If tectj'linr HiMt- wiU tw MMrMd fa mom m Obiwr molten fr. wba not to(lin tweat, llnriratt IMtwMrty Hm ml a4rftiMMl - 7;f RE ATSAtL DISEASES. QKCIU, ATTENTION flirSIt TO ALL CHRON O 14 dl. , Cugbi,rpaprCaDramptloD,Iola fnta, Aitlina,' Croneliiti., all diia.ea of tba Note, Moaih,Tbroat,'aol Lwf!raU'Hta DimMtorev r-jr. doriplloB , taeeoulull. treated; Lambago, umber Absceene., Bcrofala, Bheumatiim, Gout, Neuralria, Paralf EpUcprT, or CodtoIiIom, Dra pfpnk, Djtnttrj, Piamaea. ' ,tbe'rr woreteeeet r rite eurtnj la a bor um) auo of the Btom.cb, Urmr, and Bowel. ,Tbre art -ni.1 diaara looi deatal to wottu ! ebil'lrea. wbicb art treated with diotiaJtni.bed leooeM.'. AU. pertiealera will be (Wea by Jetier, J)r, Kanke cap. enxJuo oo tbeuaaadoer iUloaio of hip eerteet anowtai ia eariDg. . '. Caaoan, Oto Vaa,4a VLOiaa. Hir Dietaaai, , FuTULAoravxaxDcecaimoir, BcaldUbap, .-' . Wiaa, roETrc( or tua float, Orlnany p.f tbe body,. - ' " .'.' u" Tonoaaaao 8wau.no ' of rrery dliCJlploir, 'and' wlthvut (be tM of the knife, or anr rOTatcet instrott.ent'. Theae leat BamfHl - dlaeaaea camiAt H wared Hr ebrfeanondenee: therefore ail aeh patimta mhtt nlaoe tuebuelTn un d.r'th. Doctor' perianal tnptrrlilen. Ulneorery of a NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS. TUB VIOLATED fOtfj , Or, (lit Broktn-Ilt'arttd Dfieou. BV ANN 8. STEPHENS. 'She lored aot wiaeijr, but too well.' Jt tn a balmj, ploasant Sabbath niorninjr; io green and tiawiml was our r Tory air aecmeu more holjr tlmo on other djt roao a noise at the Idoor opposite the pulpit; it I tism of tbo infunt. The geuile, erring girl was j RAIN, OR NO 1115. ' was but a footstep tinpinfron the threshold atona, ! to go up alone with the child of her shame, that ie j.,fl v-ii,!,, ' f;m. t.j nd vet the people turned their bead, and looked it might le dedicated to God before the congre-1 llin ' k.e S , 5 Oni Z R iUrtfed, as if something uneommou were about ! ga.ion. She arose with touching cluing, took Mrgkure V V iwd the v lH and to happen. .It was only a handle, bold-look-1 the babe from her mother's arms, Md stepp d iu-1 ffitaKiXto ing youg man, who walked up th aisle with . ! to the aisle. She w,ored at firat, and I keen i ' . 0' tf StlThbSrZZ .2 P J haughty .tep aud entered a pew on the opposite aenxe of shamo dyed her face and very hand with e unx Z hs? "hi J stoT A meetin-Tna Side front that occupied by the mother and ! a oainful flush of Cri,!lfn. 1,? . si,,. ,,,..M ,U V,e??l' . l0.Lb ,"1". ,A. mec than da other d.n. k e7 of R ? f levelled od hl.u from the : of proud anguish appeared on her coun.enano., ! rtcI) 0fd r " " 'R ' " " eelei a ' Doethr Devikee Rat utde a f I . I . til . . 1 . M . . n i aT, 4otora wawaWoerit VMoa te the Eta, with- utblrnrfe.'. ' Alldiaraef of the . '. ao psAltaa ja ; ' Lime, hair, cawinkd plarteb. and cz. MKXT, 8A5D PLASTER, PUUB PEAVflA!' '. - '' 8DAN0, ...... t. . . And AgenU for the sal of . ; , ' , ROlj8(jl'fl MANIPULATED GUANO, TAHKER k CLARK'S P E RT! L! II R8,'' ttl'PlB-rUOSPHATE OF LIME, 70 1 viLMisnfoir, If. t. " lioUCBT It. COTTHf, Otntrml Cmmi40M Jtterthant, ' ; .,wiLnNOTOif,"Jr. Cs : t9- OSor eouth corner Market and WalorTH apeuirs. ' . , an-iy TBO. B. ttOTD. , ' . '.' TI'CKER V E.LOY0, - . ""i AOEXT FOB PR0CURIN8 I9UTY LAND ANO PffiSlONS, ' Dmitri U lind Wimnti ill leal Ertatt, wAsmxoTOx, p; c. . '. ' Errs asd rAtfs - Ml..t..hlM ... .1 whH.I, 1.. - it. i ti-:e. 7 or needle. IV lMakee nils e'oaUntlir oa hand at hia . imuM TWTJ ffiKSHTC aMuriuiivilui urauuiui I ' - - frrr,rAIrt rvrn which are suitable for either sax -and all aires inser ted in It aiiautw.. Kab Tbumpkt of ererr dea- ?iri.lioo; Aloerj;rarit7j)f artihcial articka known a the ord e'jirge ptaortnieat of beautiful and durable ' ARTIFICIAL HANDS, . ,.' with" iht Arm and Elbow Attachment: ' : V- ARTlFieiAL FEET, ' Willi tbe'Ankle. JLec.'aai KaeJoint attachment. - Theeejrfwlea araperleatljr JMSaral, and adapted for -either aea.'aad eaa he sent ba jrapreea to an. part of 4 iae warm.. A JM'e 01 inueve lor nernia or nup- tare or eeery di wr'puea rw.a tfeer ex, ami Traaaea . ( n a . . : : I . . . I I K.ll I 1 f,. UUb IID lUlllkBU I a 1 1' ll '.Mi V II , I . nun neon Iknrnt'CI ll nil WIIH Mum an.. . 1 r. I I. I . .1.1.. who uiwiiiia; iu a Tiuin auit uiiai iruse.1 ., , ------ -v -r i w..!.,.... wumcu .,sunj ,,,,, ., we-ye nnrinonovto snare we better lie the meadow, of Sohoul Hill, where the aun.hine J"."jf b, whom he.eated hi.n-. forward to the u.u.uiou table, in front of.ler ! 0UVin neihlnhTS Sl fairer re fsme warmly, while theild floweia in the taller baclt, with a look of uJiMim. to the father's scat. There was not a learlts, c iu ,urr. . Thc frhtith Lavine rart of t he nlnnl lat in .hndnw .till h.-w irh ibn t.!l.r rain J irtnet corner of the pew. Iboold deacon that Cotiare'Htion. Aceif. stern iiimi hmrnllti'ir j i . i . .... " . The trees which feathred lh hill-sido were ,ouktd "P B.,lle J footsteps broke the s.i II-1 heads to conceal the sympntby betrayed tBsro..' Sharp, not chonain- to show himselronvineed tividedly Rreen, ..id Castle Koek iowered ' th,n ''). deadly Vounirpirls.earolesa, liht Lrfed eroatures, who, " VvS heard Ml oV tn.gmfie.ntpic.ur.-it.ba.ewhedbythe w..er, fH ' contulsiwly, ha. .never dreaming of the frailty ' thoir own na-, J J tV if we odd hitroneoftb; and darkened by -nbroken ahadow, while a soft ' f080', a"d l 'Ca h!lJ ,th foe " h" tare, hud rcviloj tl.o fallou gi.l, now wct nd Id X hirin'r hhn fleecy cloud, woven and impregnated with a silvery I h".- ",nJ retuuiiied mononle-sas before Well sobbed to see her thus lmu,blcJ. Voting Leo j , aiP H,uri wa , Lu J cn..Mlpn nnAtim , Ueht, flowed a,uon the tfput cliffs. The twi "h ' "Z0'.' ,l1lo,'"1 bee..-. powerfully .Sita.cd; his breast liveJ, ' younaer aiiThe k owi'ig Tl.,tl,.po Hushed hotly, then trned very r!,, ! JuU ukvlt with lbe , Th t Sd rierirlided between, like niinluturecitie deserted , in .th': '",u'i0. of. V'l,t bul1 ma" wll t,1UJ nd a. last h started up, 0u.il' open the txw door, ; u., .,..;.... . . j- by the feet if men ; not a sound arose todisturb u.t.uded in hi. prcsc.ioo, had crt-p! uud hurried up thc aisle with di.rdered, unuutr i ufu.r ,utn ta!k ;t w-,",' rco j , s" CnTc..,elM.i,ofB..r.,ro,it.th.!t9urof' . . . , , i y up, nKM-ning j.rajer, and ther. wa. scarcely a hearth- i !" Lyword- ," "S1"". " Wbat name V inquired the pastor, bcudj,,, Uir Uen the , "t attfinJI faT h ..fa- Bat Itiwlfc I i m A taril tli.r ...i.t:, 1. 1 eliUu ot his ace, a creature lor men to linndv towards the vounff mother, as lia tflr tl, or.iM . .:' t. .. ' ' . . - ' Lead WarraatS.beagbt, sold, and located Collec tions made taroax'hout the United "tates and Cana da. Title! to Weetera Iwda esaniaed, and Uses paid for aun-reaidents. Old Land I'aienls purebared, and Title to land granted for mili.art service, aud - other claim for teal estate, laveeiigMeti aaa pri eated. - t tUT Office, No. 474 Seventh, tretr eppoaite tb City Peat Otfioo. , t oo-U c. TCCKCB.-4 partwauriy aunpteu oe jeaaieo in a weal eooeiuoa, also fr tboas wtii CaoLAPi UrtkK Dootor Ueakeje ja.ona of the moat celebrated sad skillful Dbvaiciap and aureeoh now living. ' Ilia fame I im)wa,)er(iBllr ia evwj principal city of the wnru. ' , All letter directed kto. Dr. Baatkee mut contain tm eentov'U.paT poslie aad JMIJentsl eipenees. All Chroni l)iaeat ca 4a).reted by orrespondence, acept theae meatiooedj .which will require on per, aenal euperviaion.-.- .-v'--rr-'- - M. OActMowrijrtm 9 A. M. It 47. M. SI. SX1TH. OS. LAfllX COMMISSlin AND FORVVAROINQ MERCHANTS, , I,LHIX0 TON, Srcr COSSIG NMENT8 Or COTTON, NAVAL STORES AND COIXTKV-PRODUCE OENRRALLY. FOR Ht OR SHIPMENT, WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION. i- .- ... - - - -,- Refer u John Diwhb. En.. Maver and R. P Rail, Eaq., PreVUent Braach Rank Sut of NaHb t amlina. - ae-iy W. U. MCR4RY tL COn , . roaw BMiw44M .Mtrthmnl, mnd itemlen " in tiumm, ttmlt, tirmlm, ., He., . Coasaa Paisceii ajb-W.raa araasTa, ' WILMINOTON, .V. C. PARTCCtAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAM! OF NAVAL 8 TORES, COTTON, TIMBER, FI.CR. AC, IrC. MBRRAI. -ADVANCEMENTS MADE ON ALL PROWXE WHEN REQUIRED. f atarranerta: II. R. Saeage, Cmliiei" Rank of Cspe Tear, Wilmingtan, N.C ; Col. John McRae, President ilank of Wilmington, Wilmington, N. C t. A. I via, CaahierBraairh Beak Cape Fear . Hali.hury, N C: t O. ta.li, Ca-aler Braneh Rank Cape Fear, Salem, . C; J. Ell Oregg, President Rank of Cheraw, 8. C. 64-1y ' ' COaVCOCK, McCALLUV 4k, MtUiOT, Fmctorm and CommimioH Jletthanlt, Orrtcs No. S Nortu Atiaxtic R'HASf, CtiABMSrOX, S. C. C t. COLCOCK, . T. a M-CAIXET. D. M ALLOT, . CkarUtUM, 8. a UunUfUU, Ala., , fkwa & N. O. Office, kept at each plaee, where advaacee can be obuinod on abipment of produce to Charlea toa.8. C -Iy HOrKIXS, IHXC A. ATI4.IXSOX, IMPOBTKRA AND. WHOLK8ALE DEALERS It F0KLIC1 D D0IC8TIC fit GOODS, " :. No. 258 DAtTiacaa Siartr, , (onwMTi auioriarairr,) ,wail b. norai.V ) , - BALTIMORE. auaxar bum., ....... raai. w. atiisioS. J - , i-tf DOCTOR BA A KEE, Oftee, 704 Broadway, a tew da above Fonrtb treet. New fork City. . .. . . 6-ly LOOK A TilJS! CliEAIcMHOREl ON AD AFTWTrie'iJOit.PEtjEMBCR, .. 18SB, fW-8idriner a'f sell GOODS ONLY FOR Cri'O'Aff RVED SfltES .. .; '' lie wiU always hate in txre Good 'to juit this market, aelejHad arjUtaueb. Hia atock will always be foaad to fee exactly wbak be says It Is, and will conai.t cf ". ' HATS, CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, KEAD'Y-MADE clot LJI-NO, . , : . : DRY-GOOJ)Sf A foil andeomplet asrortmeat, including SILKS, SATINS, R0RSTED8, PUINTS, COTTON AND WOOLLEN HOSE; ' also,. ; ' . tie altar: At hist a deep bell tone cama sweep- J &" tor no., that iirl. oiirtheH'Jtnswiwrele now shrink. fiofcTOTthtrwHeTro ana was answered by a checrlul peal irom the,:"' .'!.;, -" bellry ofahencw academy -The reverberations ' .7,, , . , . 1 ",m" " " 1 n" ""' - 1 u-r ,. itli l m. i r II accept Your terms unon -. ,M a,...n,li'n .nn.....i k .1- "-""n Irom the liiL'h pl.ice of her reJimous f The treniLIin-bf thenonf fh-J's fr roek., when- the hitherto sil.mt village seemed j B,nd "'e l'f hc P.itce, ble thronjrh the whole hodse ; her hand dropped I UtBoUof trft-.hor rotf want.'" ThK ""3. T V-r'r. . , , y- T r," l"-11 rwwna!.!e, unci matters wore arranged lor Iuiit uuif u.v4 uuai iuvju up, - . tj lUlJJlMUi Uljff iia hand iii to thu antiquo china bowl, Bpriuhlc i ' . . , , -. b m u,4 v.m tvuiia iiuiii BUILTO ,V .""" ,. , -; , : urouhla aud heavy raitit. .Mr. Surely waa iiu before .he had time to speak, Leo was by her I;,(,iia(ciy wah)fT.Fm--lir,a eotumitfte of the side, and answered in a IoucT .id?tern roicot fj-i. .... i, i..:: i .. .. : j he iremiilinj ot the poorpn : s rrame wn3 vi suddenly teeming with life. ' Thcdtvel!in-.'bones ; " l,aU c"."") ,urwr cook") ner fault aud ro- on the tablot and she leaned hflavily on it for snn ut-ivu lorgivuucAn ux iuo vuurtu duo uuu Uib graeed. , ' 'I I. .11 .J I .. J i . I . . . . I .11 - l j ., i r I , , . j in-uiu uivuuii mm ion mi ciiiiuron, oiio vj nio paoy s ipreiw;a'j, .ami iii a clear voice pro one, till this gentle girl was ulonc left to him ; ht ( nonnccd ht$ name. A fafnt cry bfoie from th? child as the' cold drop fell on h face. ? Thc ooic Boomed to c route t'l the hit lit rto unknown were uungopen, ana liio lnnuoit iiih came luUli in bsppy, smiling groups, p'lepared for worship. Gradually tbey. divided iuto separate parties the Preahvle'riana aralLlrir. abivli inward .Imtr butre old mectiii!? house.nnd the more .ilv hud lMed love fur her, his latent born, in his dressed Episcopali;.ns seeking their more fashion-; l""c'rj,0'it al1 uuconsciously, she had able house of worship, -it was a pleasant siuht ! hecome lu.tl. "D. Th.e 0,J uian lloufc'llt " those people (rathcrinfr together for so good a "a " Punl ' """ ")at (,od f,a1 Ppr""t,cd licr o purpose. Old people were out erandlathers I ra" "l!o '0"'P,llllu" ll0 ialJ so. beseechingly, to and grandmother-, with the blossom of tbo trrave i !l,e en ot beT ch'jren wlin. her request, on their aged temples'. Children, with their he called them together and made known her blame been and so pleasant to see the littlu tucn and women, striv- "or .flection, had been more e: s ly wortroui her ing in vain to subdue their bounding steps and , "u,ne ?U K .- , 1 06 r 110 " . "ccn ting rosy cheeks aud sunny eyes, rendered more bright ; dlrac8- " trlcJ " tak of the. t and wore rosy with pride of their white frocks, , ?Vaa. I'1"!81'1'' , ,lha A""1, Pf l,aPs' pretty straw bonnets, and pink wreaths. It wa ' ""'"'f?61'1 tllatl ? s'oM been, a. chool their sparkling faces to a solemnity befit- i " I"oud '"' "P" 'tually proud, but now he was ing the oewsion. There niiirht bo fa lnd the i "lore UUIUble and that his Hoavculy Father had newly married pair, walkinc basl.f.illv apart, not I al'f1 this thing in order to chasten lum ; the daring fApnfnn.'Aw-ih nhnt,j i...i.i.ind had Jjn obtai.icil : Jio Wis- a slru'tcn-old of linking arms in public, vet feclii," very art: ",'J' bul e"uld " Tlie wi" v Cjod be donp" 1 I a rivr at Yi!l,.-.!n n d I VerI;.4 T,n.ip rrn lfiiii,in mMenn.niA.kAkl. For three vrcc'ts it hud not rained, and the Young co:n vta b;'iiiniug io curl with drought " IVow for t!:e tromi.e. " t.'uiio,"su.idtirp, with one or tuo otsiurd wljose iiuly larms weto suffering ; find mvu'OTiflti. fnn Mmi. t( n.,ti,,tiw .1........... t -- v ,v r. ffe need raiu. you Kmen.'ocr jour promise.", in the young father., heart. His cjcj kindled, j Certainlv," .aawcrcJ the miiiutcr, "call a his cheek glowed, and. mipul.tvcly ho c,t,;nd mecCu;:."' X tutcting was called. " Now, my h,s arm, and received tbd lufa.it. Iks Iroad fr;00d." s.iJ the i-a.-Jr, v.hat i, it you want V' chest heaveJ beneath this tmy funn.'and his eves i i. t?.,; rn; '.,,.,. i i...ir .. .i ... i seeaied fascinated by the deep blue orbs wiiieli the little creature raised' amlKnte nu.l fiiil .-if! wonder tj hi? face. Lee bora hia boy down lhc tiu-lej laid him gently on his ns-tonislied grand mother s lap, aud rcturned.to the pulpit again. ' Very well; when. will you have it?" " This very night, til nightlong," said Sharp, which several assented. 'No, not toi.inht," cried Mr. Smith. " I've iis or seven rfons well-uiado hay out; I to Julia had moved a little, and, overcome- with wMd not Lavfi it wct for anvtilill uollatmn at, n,t L.nn.un nnnmat el.ea 1 1 T . 1. .. " bo Lave I," adJtd Mr. l'cck, " no rain to nightc" . - inraistcr. But it would take all to-morrow to (ret it ia. - So objections came uo for two or three agitation, stood leaning against the railing of the pulpit. Lee beut bis head and whimpered a few earnest words,-and held forth- his hsnd - the stood for a uiometit likeTouo-bctri'dured, gave a doebtful, troubled look into bis eye, and laid her t i'- i- tr , i . . .. nana in n.r. lie urew ucr gen:iy te the table, .d.j3. fu (uUr d lhoi v, MiJ )Ir gurc, aud, iu a respectful voice, requested the !itr j .. yL.3 - CI;, J Fhn, " all the Lav will be in, to commence the mamage seineo. add no more be cut til!"- - - 3he pastor looked troubled and irresolute. The - ..gWp, stor,y cr1ej Mrs. Sharp, pulling her' whole proceeding wss so unexpected andstrang8 IlUijarlj ,niar;;v L )e , t . set to gj to Suow-hill. . It jiufn't raiu with their beads bending together, aud smiles : vl!ilt the Hln of individuals on a whole comaiu- bad au-.Lt to tay ugainst a marr;ago betweeu the Both Mr. Smith and Mr.' l'cuk trot tL u.u,,,..- irrau njr., n.iuuuuura" converainj ""J- p"'jr " i I" -"(, Lu, on tb(J j,a tha j;jlarjiS were lototo awut -acrcu inemcs, rj'jntting tne aay. PUcn ; "c-u cuuny mu:i u.- ukuu. i .,v.j v- ..........v., ,n.,-, ,m liiji, it h; nn W lain 111 "oaeiirin. wan .in.- uai'iu ui uui iiiuc 111.11:1; 011 ino ci'j- rvir.u u;o 111115 01 .lie cnureu mcci n". ma ' . nis visit. iut 111s crons KCRRI90. IXfDI.IGi . -IMPtTRTERS-Foi',gn tmd VomtUU Dry Good, Vbo'eeale and Retail, ' ' BAxt itaxtr, orb teoB raoN arrae, CH ARLESTON, S. C' a.'t.K " o--ty . ' BaaA . A GOOD STOCK OF GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY", BAGGI.NG AND ROPE, . . ' AND '. - ' . ALL OTHER ARTICLES USUALLY FOUND IN A COUNTRY 8TORE. tar i"-4Jfr of toe stock i so w ha re OA' HAND 1 WILL SELL A T COST FOR CASH. -,. A. E. BE.WETT, ' ... Wadeboro', N. C. 17 All persons indebted to m by Note, or Ac count fur 185G, 185., and I808, will .are cost, by calli.ift and nettling up. I mean jnst what I say, and I .ay jut what I mean. fit-tf A. E.'B. : ard, almost envying another couple, who lead a flretu.ro ne. besought Ins brethren not to cast rogui.h little tirl between them she,, mischiev- ' l,er.,UIt" .l0 "ur "'"o'co, tint to accept her con, oas litUe thing, all the while exerting her bodily ,,on .- cr,rorfuu reponlaucc; to be mercilul strength to win that chubby hand from her a"d rcmv,e hcT, to the chureh. lie went mother grasp rpouiinl- her cIiei"ryHrt7s"wTe7."on howhumbly-she-had -crept to his fceV cither of hnr i.b.liH nrni. M., t.,t nn,l i a"a prayed linn to forgive: her how his wile hud ln?sten or Inn nn m nmitl- .nri ;,t l,c"' "H"" a,lvr Pyur lor ner .anon i mat cveu CO lost all presence Ot tuinU. " A i 1 ,.k.l..j L ... 1 . e 1 1 ' '1 child, aud so hi) left her in their hand... cmlv on. I T,nnil,Mi,nnl ia iiwuiira ..- n- l...o " I ., .;.. .' , -UUUUI.-U vj iiiiouno Huimruiiou 01 uer rea nioroc- ' ' , , z : I r-v- --.--j v.". . i,u ouiu j;ic) CO shoes as they flWicd in-8tid out like a brace of 'ruatlnP ,tbat ,h,ct .wou!d de",1 "J8" With j ' lgth, casting a look at the deacon bat the ! Iu' sh(lrt (ha InCelll resu(oj just .' wood l.lltes beneath her-rMted.--ioMHir-dre4 v;i.i. -jow man remaiuea tuotionicss, wtttt M Hands cius;mi . ..11 for 1. Was fmiul nn!t- imnoe.il.l- m Apart from the rest, and lingeriair alons: the! Willingly would the sympathizing ciders have clasped over the railing, and his herd Lowed ';nrce. gr.-en sward, which grew rich and thick on each received the stray lamb again without further upon tbeiu. Ihiu.i.ig him too much agitateu to j irr,t';j J0U up Vnar iiiincl' ' said" the" side of the way, another group perchance was hmuilia'tion ro tlio broken-henrtcd old man ; bnt 1 speak, and uhcertnin of his duty, the divine : p.ior LU Jtavin . " re Liust all trust in the gatnereu. lou.iggirl.'. school mates and friends couia nut oe. 1 ne ungoaiy were: willing to eu ius voice, Hnu uemanueu 11 any one present -Lord." eir hay a now- Sharp lost rn viait i.nr 111c nr.'ma ir. t .1 , ' ., ............. . . . ,1.. ... ...a. a.. 1 .' - 0- -- Dam, wnen tne suujectot this little stctch takes , poor niin tent himself carncstlv to strengthen lu uu"u,s0 -" auu lur "ier , ici it so l:ap"ened onceor twice rln. The to the old PrcsbyU-rian mcetiiig-honse, ot school, '! his civil J's irood purpose. . He made no complaint. ? "nP"e'J 40 P'ed with the cereuiouy, for 1 Tear n,:e j bv ' d ,.. ,? . a sombre, ancient pile. ; an i strove to appear-nay to be-resigned and lc remembered what was at erst torgolton, t.iat ; Effrcc upou what j.iod uf Weutiier they wanted. 1 he academy beU had not ceased ringinj, ! cheerful ; he still continued to perform the office l" VM "du u"-e" I'u"ieu uecoruuig io iaw, f :,jr SiiK)j, of ceurse, had no occasion to fulfil when the congregation canio slowly in throdgh of deacon, though the erect gait and somewhat ' noth. before, when Lw had, without giving : Li3 j;.irt (.f t!,e eoiitract, and tte result was that the different doors of the meeting house and ar- ! disiiificd consciousness of worth that had formerly le'1,',"5' r'usd to '"'' .h,s contract. . tnc7 :C2-rt t4 operl't'beir ijfcJW the fact that this ranged themselves at will in the square pews ! distinguished him, utterly disappeared. Oil i Ihe briet ut tmprvestve ceremony was ..soon world would be a strange place if 'it. inhabitants which crowded the body. Thyninister had not Leacli,sueceeding Sabbath his brethren observed j TW a'ld ffU an cPwn $K.Wn 'e bap. ; saoud overn jt, Th(ly MW ,j,ftt nalurc', arrived, a eircunistance whiclroccurrcf Day-by day- Pll"sa. tbn !had cverbcen witnessed on his due , couid he Mfe- trusted iu the bands of nature'. ol the congregation assomewhut singular. Twen- ' hia cheek grew dim, his voice hollow, and h s tenures ubictc, cuimueu-u uis uc 10 xcr-; . ty-years ne bad oeen their pastor, and UunO-' step moreand more teeble. it was a tateons swht r""' '" "":' . ". .wiw.ij .mku ; that time nnvpr hpnt. Li. i.rnaij,tn w:i.incr . .i nmn wlin hml bppii ninrl.'fili!p fur tipnrinr. ' when she burie At lemrth he nnnraied nt lhi sniltliern'nn. rrtnno ' I.I r.-nr-i fin hravi'lv u-nlnino' llirnmh .lift uiIp. nf . bUl'St into 3 pa and walked up the aisle, fullowed by his srey-' that -old meeting-house with downcast eyes, and 1 u "ever would te cnecked. .. . )0 headed old d.-acon. The minister paused ut the "'.shoulders stoonine as beneath a burden. At last , 3 he congregation wcutout. Ihc young people 1 iiXor do wc w.n, TCU pvjaw .: foot of the pulpit stairs, and with a look of the the mil Jeiv of grief began to wither up the memory . gathered about the doors, .talking oyer tbo late-, humbled ; "only Slav and teach us and out" most deep and respectful reverence, held tbo of that good old man. When the iirst indications '. itra0?e scene, while a few members lingered be-. children how to-know r,0d aud obey his la. " door of the "deacon's seat" wjiile the old ; uflhis appeared,- thtriiearts of his brethren : h,"d t0 "peak with 1 the deacon's wife before they ; .And all things uUir. oar proper sphere,", man passed in. That little attention went to the ; yearned towards the poor deacon 'with a united !cfl th.e church. Lee and E.s companions btood 1 a,,;e(j the pas(ori i,we n.1T0 Qod: for deacon's heart ; he raised his heavy eyes to tho ! feelica of commiseration. Tho day of Julia's j la tlloiri Pew looking anxiously towards tho old . . ue djeth all things well.' ". Child? Paper. pastor with meek and hcart-touebiog expression ' huinilialion had been appointed, and thc Sabbath-! mn' There was something unnatural in his mo-. .. .... of cratitude that softened many whii- hmked at ; whiahnreecded it Was a -sacramental on-.' 'Phe i'ttonle position, which sent a thrill to the old ANOTHER I'EAD . SCA.A , writer in. the Ihe pour bride was scarcely seated , At t!lC enM of th9 tho min!s,er kfl of ried herfaceinher handkeahicfand iK-vi,,;,. ;rUa tLe , wouid not listcn ,0. passion of tears, which seemed as if . 1Jut X tal.not s.av mia ,bc 0,j coatract sa;j d be checked. ... 1 Im " . NEW STORE. - T Horn it. p.-sin no., s, tValch and Clock Mrpalrer, . aMa.viw.s, l.,os irtL. Jwlry, o., neatly and eohataatlally jP repaired, end-all work warranted V' JF twvlvs mnifths. ' ASIIIJa IIARORATE, w iTTOKjricrs 'afr ittr. , Practise In partnership in Hi eouttty of Anson, ex eept on th Orirtiinal Docket In the County Court, (J. It. Hargrave beinirOotnity.Solieitor.) They wilt attend to thl eolhMtfoa of all claim en. tncte to thoialnAnsoaand thewirmundinxonantie. T. 8. Ah attends the C-nrt of Richmond, Mont (ornery, 8unlyj-0hiVnis, Union and Anaon. - -. J. R. llarfrav tbosi Of Montgomery, Stanly and -Anion. - ' ' " H5rOIRoatWadeboro'. "' THOMAS 8. ASHE. - J. B. KARORAVE. " 19-tf - ' -' A'EW GOODS FOR FALL AXD Yl.TER. J. COX, TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOVNC- I a. Aa, UI- .aa.jkaaa.M yrUriiII ' al wail "ilaaa wiiV Kliai" S) lg W "" SHSWtlHi aa.er aaiJV lt P"v HE SUBSCRIBER IS KOW RECBIVIMS, tN the Uriek Store recently occupied by Daniel A. orn. A -L Kulv AU ntu M.LCL1LU miilk OF GOOD?, snited to the trade of this uarket, com (jriaed io part cf . .. ... .-t--- I . - - . DAY GOOBS. ' Print,' D Lainea and " Drea Good.; BlesckcJ "o4 . lirown Itood-; Hosiery; Negro Goods, ' . j Blankets, &c, 4:e., Sc . IIAT8 AND CAPS. , .. All style, ;!r and qualities. 1 B00T8 AND BHOE8. Calf, Kip, Wai, Seal, Goal and Kid; Blaok and Rua , set Brogans. HARD-WARE. Pocket and Table Cuilery; Pina: Taeks: Locks; Wood Screw; Sicrcs; Coffee Mill-; lloea; Skovals; --- BpnitcSj graces, sc., so. . . . . vi - HOLLOW W A RE . . - Pot, Oven, Spiders, Bkilleta, ic, of alt hape and . , ie.; " " JRON AND NAILS. Bread- and Narrw Bnr;-Huop, Band, Rod and Square; j. Kaiutt 4 to 40 pcaoy, ' , 1 . -. LEATHER. ' Sole and Upper, Kip and Calf. BA00IN0, ROrk-.ANp 'TWINE. - W. LIME AND PLA1STER PARIS. ' . GROCERIES. Loaf, Crushed and Coffee Sugars; Javs, Lsruayr and Rio Coffee; Ten; Cheese; .Mackerel; Baeou, : Lard, 8ult, Soda, Potash, Mohisse Rice; .' sad ssery other article tailed for is thi market; all it even to teats- 1 lie minister turned away and 1 ohl deaeon Was kcettnitr very decrepit, and Ins 1"''"u" ncun, uuu unauieu ner iu uie nojr, a.i ; l pion (Lai.) ifeiqocrat gives a very interesting ! went up the stairs not in .lit usual sedate' manner; ! Iriends would hav persuaded hi 111 from perform- 1 e had suddenly turned to-marble. rheuMiM description of Mono Lake which has recently but hurriedlyand with unsteady footsteps.. When ' hi- the duties of the d iy. lie shook his head,.i.?aJor came down tl,e PulP!1 and advanced I ul; , t- f - -v. f f heatrived in the. pulpit, those who sat in the ! remarked that they were very kind, but he was tu the old man, laid his hand kindly upon the ; 'D' " . '" . ,, , i gallery saw him fall on his knees, bury, his face .' not .ill, so tiny permitted him to bear the silter , wufcered.- fingers "clasped over the railing; he' discovery 0. deposs.se. OiaipthenciSaborboou. in his hands, and pray earnestlyaudit might be cup around, filled with wine, as -he had done for " turned pale, for the hand which he touched was He says: . . . . r I I ... a . , . . . ji .. . a l.l an.l I A t.U TL. 1.1 . ' . . T t ... ., . to weep, ior wncn no arose uis eyes were aim and ; twenty years Dctorivtuougti many a rr eye ulled "."--"cu m ui-.iiu. jmwu iwu .uono lmc is more Lluy a ' dead, sea flushed. '' -. I with - tears as' it'. marked the treinblin;- of th.it feeble with grief, and when Lee appeared before than thc Sea of- jdam. AccorJintr to T)r. Directly -after 'the entrance of " the minister rh.infhwhich more tlian once caused the cop to ' bim, his heart broke umid tho rush of its feoliags. i Clarke, that sci ewsrws with fishes, and shells add deacon, cama two females one a tall, spare shake, and. the wine to run down its sides to the 1 i .-.-a-.. '.-;. j aliaund on its shores. ,Mono Lake has neither, .woman, jvith thin features, and bespeaking long no'oi-. J'hera was tin absent smile upii his face ' DkmociUTIC "'Disscxsiosa Tho Cleveland ' T,IC wtlren,c lcnptb"nd breadth of' the Dead p, and eontiouedrbirt -nmeklr endured .uttering --When he cuc to his d.-igh'tcr seat. Oa fiui- p, ,;,.' ,'0D,;as Democratfnfter referrio- i ac&rd'7 .t3, Mc''iti f-7.5 " lt raiic,s S'K Tbf re ws beautfful and Quaker like simplicity ii.g it empty, -he Mood bewildered, and looked "a,de'' - raocra n,cn " j a superficial area of 0 square miles. . The in the . book-muiliii kerchief foli-.: over the hJlplessly" round upon .the. congregation, as'if he ; to tha election "of UcH. ow.Pian, as t nntcr to tnc ' riym Jordiu aud A man, and the brook Kedron, bosom of her black silk dress, with corners would hr.ve.'inqmred. why tshe was Pot there. ' State, goes on to sayT : ""' - j tesiuts r.inny rivu'iefs; empty into the DeadSea. drawn under the ribbon string!,, Fmuland Pinned Saddcnlr hs siltulicd t) reeollect': a murflil pale-! . " ihn ealaniittr dors not slot) here. Penn- '" I"tJ Mono Lake; Mi-Lipc's rivtr falls from a...kl.l.. . .U - J I. . fc. ! - 1 II ' ..... I ' : . . ..aaan.,...l 1,, I , . ' .. ia J .. suiuiiiiy iu mo uress oeninu parted neatly under tho who knew her remark nf ita ilvof amn k!ia Injier arms thc matron bo'ro a rosy infant, robed during the next week. They 'always found him ' all the Territorial offices, Indian Agencies, Ac, 1 rejrids tit the Urck 'epithet monos, as being in a long white .frock, and an embroidered cap. in -his orchurd, wandering about under the happy ice., worth- hat ing, but she threatens presenting t 1,inci so..tary, icscVt-cu lorsaken. out it also A faini color broke into her sallow check, for boughs, and picking up the withered green ap-j Old Buck for a second term . ' . '." iu J": ,u 7m,:-e p-' though'eho did not look up,.it seemed to -her as pies which the worms had eaten away from their -. . o immortal feds: sate oe, rate ' . (.Spanish as being pretty, Wee. neat.- . if every "eye in that assembly was turned upon unripe jtems. . These he diligently hoarded away i "''.Ingles end sainMcra of fince dvfotd usl- " lhts lake '!-' a.s uisny shapes as the points ner burden.. Thoy were all near neighbors, many : near "a large sweotbriar bush, which 'grew in a " Vi'e have had enough of Pennsylvania and "'A-'' which cu vic it. Irom the west of them'kirid and truthful friends, who had sat, corner of the rail fence. On the next Sabbath-1 '0f Pennsylvania.. They have stoned the i bouHen ti.uu ffo-uts northern liinit, it with her at the same communion table for years, he appeared in the meeting-house,, accompanied : prophets and laid waste- the kingdom of - tho Jppatrs like a beaut.Iul crescent, its. borncjirr- Yet she could not meet their" eyes, not lessee' that by tho minister as wo have described, .-to be out- righteous. They "have disoivan'ued the Demo- i " cc 'cutL'.v owd. you On (he right and left, tinge of shame from her cheek, but move'djjuiu- raged in tho house of God by the presence of the 'era-tie paitv, degraded themselves and de'rndel rP the north it-apnea; to be .nearly circular, My' fotward, weighed to tho dust with scuse of man who had desolated his home. -It is little their country generally. " I,ke tlie ,ul1 a'n-,he -JBdn .its-WAtors strik- .humiliation and suffering. A slmht, fair creature wonder thfft"ci-en there his just wrath was for a : Let 'cr slide !'"' - . '.' '. .- .'.' - i WW representing tue clonded spots on tuat : walked by her side ,panlv shrinkin.' behind her moment kindlejL-The service' besran, and that i .:;.,'.'"' i ' . - V- planet... Irrom the easfit-appeei. to nave no par. a . .1 .. . .1 . 1 1" t V . r. .1 .1 i.' -i.. k,. i...;,i,i-v- w..i. i 1 1 1 f nn ' . nnn ms .v s r.vr.r i mm inn fsnuin. ucr croj iiuir was . iit3 u vimi iuw. ntnutujj uiuj'fjeu , syivuniii 1101 uuiy uiit.ua tuts i icakucuujr, iuo a uu-1 " j - - - .m 1 Mraw bonnet, and those from his liaid, and he was Ic4 awjy. xrin like io Printing-, a Cabinet iMunstcr,. four-. Iorei:n i ana inrec l:trPf 1 'r crci.K3 Tai1 Ini V'om od that it had gained much ft child, . : M 3.10113, tour heuda ol liaroaui, otio nunarvd ":"' rjui.i li:fi liist. Vnrirptl that Himr AT.tliv nf Ink tirtMlilVB VWltPil ilG fllllicfifff -flian tfind iblriv ,l,l (M.-rks in the Demrtuents. mid all trbund its borders, l.ut this lake not only younsr jrirl listened to it as one in a dream. he Her! all Che way,' palu'and drooping like a crushed lily It was the deacon s daughter, and the babe was heart scemcdjnja.i.ful sleep ; but When the and a shrejred observer, (a son of the fsuious her'si but she was unmarried..' A black dress- 'piinistercloscd tlie Hi We and Bat down, the still- Jif-, Trolfope. of Americau notoriety,) has just and a plain white yandyke supplanted thcmuslii. nes madoforeStt. A keen sense of her posi- iaiecl tho Wist Indies ret orne.d to. Lnglaud, that in the days ot ner innocence had harinonued Hon came over tier, emv cast a trigntened loot en(2 written a book, giving an .account of his ob- venerallv. that he ha reeWved, and la now reeeivlne. A MORK EXTENSIVE 8TOCK THAN USUAL OP FRESH ANDrA8lllONADLKOOf,D8--eWitinr.m a .U. . .a. a ...a.a., ... , . ,:,l, U.,a a...aa a., Tfc ........ ' aa. s.i I, . 1 J. nn.f aai.b Kaa-i nn.., ..,.,1 aaab..a -t .- - - ..,1 . . J . ..... - i.iob will be sold oa a favorable terms they j " WWUJ ",v" Fu' wmi"i..- .ucciuc .un.uu mir ,u,,..,, u..u,i ,.i.u ...-.m.u-. gcrvat.ons, ana me conclusions ro wnicu ne nns : ..,. .... A. a... a I 1. ......... t. . . t ..a .. t . I . AM ,(.... I. III... I ...... , ,,ar.,a , ,, ...... ... K .. . . 1 be purchased in thia markat.iur man, or on snort i r""" " -' - - " " """"i"!; ' r;c . c" ".; --..u.v.,. m wi arrive' Uaie to thoee who will Fay wM thy pnnut. AU ardera etuotly atteuiled to. , . . ..r, , ' J. M. THREADG1LL. Ciisraw, Sept. 80, 165-eB-M' . i i : .- . t it : 1 . i .fti- Anthony TroUone, a writer of some merit, !UBPe. ou u sucicucs o I'uia.,, . "Thre is little or ro echo around this lake,-. and indeed it is difieult to understand a persm talking at a little distance. - A .dreamy, spell-like ; spirit aoeuia to porvado- the utmospherj. Tha -siuoothc, glas-y surface of tho waters,: the up heaved, disrupts 1, volijiiiic mcuutainssnrfounding d. His testimony is. that ''Abolition'' in KIiia wa. disnl.-innd hv a vlittn ..-itin i-ihhm wbilA mntlipr'a Thi, nlil l:nK hvikpil on bpr wirh f,i,7l -.1... 11... Tn.l:.a k.. ....... ....1 ...rn Af " 1 J " " ..,"..,.- J -" ; " i:l' IICSl IUH.--UU3 IQUHl-H IU UU IU' HI lIU , , J. " aa ifc aaa 1 I K-C- thorichandabundi.it brown curls that bad for- grief, whispering soothing words, and tenderly n.jtish. possosU.ns that the evil day is only staved the lakeJmiKing un. as ltwere, wo tnisaoyss morlv dronriel over her neck were mthered un nressine the little hand that hid so imnlorinelv ff ft.- .r.jm. k. ;.,.a.1 ivkJj,,, .i, fi..l of their eiectfeisj the illusion Of vision, and the j ir- - .- - - , the' CM upon thn congregation, then her ejes nd i-hrank inherscuVair she PIacea w,th TV. ,iwn.w fell, iho lonA lafih -s droopio- to her burning sway from every human Pyo. ! condition of affairs. -Alexandria fctcUc. menl erected to the ftugh y d cheek, and with a downcast trow. bI.o fohWcd The minister iirose, his face looked cnlm, but'? , . many . v. .1.., in. EMPLOTMET. ". shecast upon the congregation, then her eyes and shrunk in her seat; tistf she would have crept of the islands, is' inevitable,, nnder'the Weseit Placca .""'''" T,'- .-A 4-MONTH AND ALL EXPENSES PAID.rj fell, the long lash s drooping, to her burning away from every human eye. condition ol .ffairs.-alfrx.mW CZxlic men.s rree.e.-r-o ne ,rugm , u Y" part, of STAPLE ANDFANCT DRY GOODS: URADV CtU An agent M wanted In every town ana county i cheek, and with a downcast brow she followed The minister arose, his face looked calm, but ! . . . : ' . . . ,u ""I "' Vuv iT'V j , , T"t MADE CLOTHINO; HATS. CAPS BOOTS and ia the United "J ; her mother to a' sent, but not that occupied by . the paper which contained the youmr girl's eon- By the completion, recently, of. gap in cene portrayed by the pencil of an omn.potcat BHOE9: HARDWARE and CCTLERT: BAOaiNO.i easy bus.oe.a, by which the abov pron maybe cer- . . Th j. . . , . , - , 1 Tr. . " ,V -5 ,... ... hand. -p,t. . inral twiar: nRnrPRIPt Ae Ae - w i Uinlt realised. For . further particulars, address - - r-' V iuu auoua. viuwuwy me uanu ae no uuroueu sie Slisaissippl uai wan mere isujw acooiinuoua U - ROPE and TWINE, QKUCEKlES, ae;, no. jamiy ""o, , L .4,. . . . entered, and mnnv eves were bent nnonJier. a i T,.i;. ;. ... ,i,v ... ..;.a eu 1 i i.:a ... w ui I -a. i ?-'.... :- -u. ...:.t.i. t -Tbaae Oooda are of th best onalltv, ana weee ur. j.. lit.. in ..... - - . . ' , , 7 .' " v i uc. w iivm uansw, .v.iai, iu ..cw ..i. - bs?-.-v scniieiuau m iu i-uuu, 1 - ' . ... , r u ... -. ..a ..... aa l.f.a fmn. .nriftfiiln m . .... (r ihi n.Mi.in,.iml i , ,r, . r . , 1 . 1 J .U ... a . a ... a .... .1 : . ' .1 . 1 1 t . J wlahins; to ptircnaae will Be contemn; uteir inwree. snwiwi;, ww - ;i b '.rr,,' i --, pu. muu .i.-i u.uu, n unm w 01 excepi iout suon icrues at nuusiu ruci, nic-; cj r,t interior "jepanmeni B.aie ky eallint; and eiamlnlne for tbeaelve. They will etanp. --.-' - ' Sh sat motionless m the corner of the slip,, her the seatr-and stood upright till the reading was 1 Susquehanl a the roioouc, and James, river. , tasted some toe made from the lcwes of the be sold low, on thewsaal time, hat aocoaats nuet be KEROSENE Oil. fl head drooping forward, and ber eyes fixed on tho finirhed, staring all the time wildly in the par-1 This vast chain of railway is composed of eih. pUnts grown in the agricultural garden on Mis; UlilRa,W,' 1IV M '-8-f' TTERORENB OIL, OF BPPERIOR QOALITT, . -ull hands that lay clasped in her lap. .0uVfacer it;she Wondered what it could all. teen independent Wads, -i..sr i "the sregaM ' twxn avenue, in Wahigtod city. .?.', He : 1 F ' ' T , . i 14 irf -aa.i s h. - . i After the little pjrtr was seated, a stillness' be about. She sat down iznin. pressed a hand for 2.304 mile, of rjad $!)2.7Sl.t54, or ncarlt ih fl-ror is far superior to anj he has ever I JOB WORK. rT ALL KINDS, AND IN COL0R8, NEATLT, II ehsapl sad sxpeditienslw aoa at the Arfus 4i-tr 8. 8 ARNOLD. orept over the house; you. might-have beard a over her owes, and seemed asking God to cite her one tenth of thei whole .railway SYsteui of the ' tried, havinc a ricbroilv taste, which is really de- -A innt. B08INES8 AND VISITING BEAU. P' d,0P' or t'19 roMl o dress, to the cx- strength. The minister descended from the pul-j Coiled States, of which 1,900 miles are uicd in (ightful. The tea, io lc,"proply Jeatedaast C tifuliJ shsaplr priated at ttrli 5t( ' ' tretoitr ef that larje room. All it ence there pit, for there was another ceremony yet, a bap- this eontinuoal line. ' be drank without milk j Ufullj

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