".-" : .l'a-i ' ' . 'S "t ' ?' -I-''. ' V- 'V.'. 1 U -,4 ' f " .'V 1. v r1 , , j J v ' I NEW SERIES-VOL. II NO. 25. WADESBOROUGII, N. G, TnOIjSDAY, MARCH 1, 18G0. WHOLE NO. 77. ilii , rvnusuzD, weekly r FEJTOft aV BARLEY. '.- ' TERMS OF BUBSCBIPTIOH. , - 1 Single oopies, Two Doha as ptr Mr, Invariably in . To Club of T end upwards, it wttl be furnlehed I OKI DoLLAB AM0 HALE pr OOpT. Ma subscription received far Iwt than iii months. 8 HATES Of ADVERTISING. OKI StlUABS, TIS'llSSS 0 LUI BBSVIBS. . -Oni ioaertioa .v...........,,.............,... 70a. ' Threa insertions. ..,....$1 60 ' Two Months, or nine insertions t. 80 , Thra Months, or thirteen insertion....,. 4 00 Hit Bombs . 0 00 On year - ........ 9 00 Advertisers mml stale the number of timet they rink their advertisements inserted ; otherwise they 111 be continued till forbiddeo, end charged accord- lug to tie above. Agreements will b made with yearly advertisers an liberal aad advantageous term. t Professional aad Business Card., not exceeding It Tines brevier ta Uagth, wilt he inserted fa ft a year; If exceeding nve line will ho chirred tkt lrmell wther adTertieemeat. Obituary notion free when aot eieeedine; twenty all abor twtoty line at adrerUiemeot latee. DBS. GLASS A. R4MS4Y, mat n rorD AT THEia OLD BTAND, 4 Untea Profrealondly Engaged. M JOIIX B. CiiLLAIICR, iroavtaLT miao Ai'Diroa or thi tihilit,) ATTENOS TO CLAIMS BEFORE THE SEVERAL DEPART MENTS UF GOVERNMENT, And eipreeaei tbe belief that bii famlliaritr with buiinee will enable him to eniure latiafactory reaulii in all eatee of merit. lOr AddreM kin at Wuiliir.gton City, D. C. reb. 1, 1850-74 if T. . It. D. V. WORTH, General L'ommimlon Jltrthaut; An DKALria ID LIME. HAIR. CAlriNKD HI.ASTKR. AND TE- MKNT.S.IND I'tASTER, ITKE 'PERUVIAN OUANO, . Aod Agval f" tbe aale of ROniXSOS 8 MASIPl'tATED fil'ANO, T ASKE K. k CLARK'S FERTILIZERS, SUPtR-l'IIUSl'llATE OK LIME, T0 y VII.MISC,TOS X. C. ROBERT II. COVTiJ, . dtntral ComtuiHolen Jlrrthant, WILMINOTON, N. C. ' rjT OIBee aonth corner Market and Water trret op etaire. - lfi!!"'.T. Tuoa. g. LLorn. . ' ciiai. c. tcckkb. TI C HRR eV I.LOl P, aoti roa PROCURINfl BOUMTT LANS AND. PENSIONS, - A0 Dtilrn ia Lud WtrranU ind Inl Eilitr, WASHINGTON, D. C. - Lead Warrant beughl, eold and loeateri. Collec. -tlone made throofheut the United States and Cana da!. Titlea to Western Lands. examinel, and taxes paid for non-reidents. Old Und Patents ,urchase.l, and Titles to land granted for military seruices, and other claims for real estate, investigated sad prose cated. - a- Office, No. 474 Sereoth street, eppiwite the ity Post Office. T. H. SMITH. JMU B'lU-BIX. N.HITII It Mcl.41 Rl, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NAVAL STORES NU COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY. FOR LEOR SHIPMENT. WILL-RECEIVE PROMPT .j AND PERSONAL ATTENTION. Refer to John Dawson, Eso.-. Mayor, and E. P. 'Hall, Esq., President llrancb Bank Stale of North 'arolina. 64-lT W. II. McRtRl CO., eT'omm ( .rlrrrlinria. and iUalrra in Vuano, Salt, tiraln, r., Cobles Pbixcess axd Wateb sTBr.rTS, WILMINGTON, N. C PARTCULAR ATTENTION" GIVEN TO THE SALE OF NAVAL STORES, COTTON, TIMBER, FLOUR. AC, IlC. LIltERAL ADVANCEMENTS MADE ON ALL PRODUCE WHEN REQUIRED. RxrESExrEs: II. U. Ssvnge, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington, N.C.; CoI.John Mrllae, President n.nW f Wilmington. Wilininirion. N. C; D. A. Da vis, Cashier Branch Bank Cape4feai , Salisbury, N.C.; I. G. Loih, Cashier Branch liana uiipe rear, omrm N. C; 1. Eli Gregg, President Bank of Cberaw, 8. C 64-1 y '" ' - COIXOCK. McC ALLEY M ALLOY, i'arlort mnd C'ommlion Merrhanln Orrtca No. 8 Noam ATtAirriO Whabp, ... CIIARSFSTOX, 5. C. 'C i. COLCOCK, T. 8. McCALI.KV, i. MALfAT, w Vrss, & a (, . Ctrmt,&-C N. B. Offices kept nt each plaee, whore advances ' can be obtained on shipments of produce to Charles ton, S. C. . . ' 60-ly IIOPHIXsl, HILL Jt, ATKIX89.1i, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS n FOBEICS D DOMESTIC DRY COODS, No. 258 Baiti stoat Stbxet, " ' (oreoarrBUAMovsmsTssirr,) BASIL B. HOPKISS. 1 BALTIMORE. KoBCBT HI LL TMOS. W. ATKISSOM OS. J S7-tf KERHISOX eV Li.lII, . iMPtjltTERS-r-M'oi'rtgn and OomrnHc Ory Goods, Who'esalr and Retail, HASEL stbkct, ONE I.OOB rs'o'M KISO, ' CHARLESTON, S. C. , i. e oMy ngaaiASS i. - it. i. innos ' tfalrh sjpirf C'lork tttpalrrr,' - - t ANSOVILLR, K. C. -. (T Jewelry, &c, neatly and substantially f " Jc - repaired, and a'lTwort warranted"" 21 twelve months. AHIIE Jill nn AYE, iTTOR.rr. t's .it au n Praotiee in partnership In the comity of Anson, ex cept on the Criminal Dooket in the County Court, (J. It. Hargrava beingrCaunty Solicitor.) They will attend to the collection of all claims en trutei to them in Aneoaand thesurroundingcounties. .1,8, Ash attends the Courts of Richmond, Mont gomery, Stanly, Cabarras, Union and Anson. J. R. Hargrava tboaa of klontgomcry, Stanly and Anson. ': nrffie at Wadeeboro'. THOMAS H. ASHE. . IV. IIAROItAVE. lo-tt -.- " : B LAKH SOTES-FW SALE AT THIS Oflije. NOTION HOUSE, ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY ENGAGED LN THE 60UTHERN TRADE. . CUMIWI.OS & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in , Hosiery, Gloves and Fancy Goods, No. 831 Market Street, rniLADKLPau: CUMMIS08 It CO. ARE NOW RECEIVING their Spring stock of FANCY GOOD), NOTIONS, Vc Beleeted with greet care, and with apeelel rrferene to the SOUTHERN TRADE, te which the attention of their boaee haa been directed iloce ita eatabliihaent. !& Tb moet liberal tem will Mill be weotiaued to their Son Ultra aostonerti . v Hf Tke aieeaHiea of baywri vltitlBg tke Kerthern market, ia rerpectfully aolieiMd to an eiamioetion of their flock. Jan. 1 0, 1 SCO-ill I DR. BAABEE TREATS ALL DISEASES. SPECUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CIIRON ie diseases. Coagbs. Croup, Consumption, luflu- euia, Asthma, Bronchitis, all diseases of the Nose, Month, Throat, and Lungs; all Skin Diseases or ev ery description suceeseluliy treated; Lumbago, Lumbar Absceasee, Hcrulula, tuieumatism, uout, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepty, or Courulsions, Dys- Densia. Dysentery, Diarrrhara. Tbe eery worst esses of Piles eured in a short time; also of the Stomaeb, Lirer, and Dowels. There are many diseases inci dental to woman and children which are treated with distinguished success. All particulars will be giren hr letter. Dr. Baakes can produce one thousand cer tificates of his perfect suceess in curing. Caxccrb, Old Sobis, ob Ciiias, Hip Disiasm, FisTcla or ETEBT descbiptiox, Stald llur, Wexs, Pultpds or tub Nosi, Or in any part of tbe body, Tt'WOBS, AXD SwiLLIXOI of every discription, and without lbs oe of the knife, or any surgical instruments. These last . named diseases cannot be cured by correspondence; therefore all such patients mut place themselves un der the Doctor's prrsonal supervision. , . D ictor Raakee has made a a w discovery of a j "Pixid," that will produce absorption of the "Cati b tcr,'' and restore permanent virion to the En, with- .out resort la the knifc. All diseases or tlie EVES AND EARS are jacctMfulty treated without the use of the knife or needle. Dr. linakee has eonrtantiy on band at fair office a very extensive assortment of beautiful , ., ARTIFICIAL EVES AXB TYMPAXUNS, or EAR DRVMS, which are suitable for either sex and all ages inner ted in five minute. Eab Tbi'mpets of every dm BI1.PETS or every des- artifielnl articles known enntion; also every variety of in the world a large assortment meat of beautiful aud durable . , ARTIFICIAL HANDS, : wjt0 Ann and Elbow Attachment: ARTIFICIAL FEET, with tbe Ankle, Leg, anl K nee-Joint a ttaohmont. These articles are perfectly natural, and adapted fjr either sex, and can be sent by esprees to any part of the world. All kinds of Trusses for Hernia or itup- ture of every discription, for e ther set, aad Truces particularly adapted for females In a weak condition, if ji ,im. ...... .v..n . Doctor Ilsakee is one of the most celohrnted and skillful pkvsicians and surgeons now living. Ilia the world. ( All letters directed to Dr. Baakee mii.t contain ton' cent, to pay postsge and Incidental expenses All ssr;:;: sonal supervision. n 0ce llvun,from 9 A. M. ta 4 P. V. X DOCTOR BAAKEE, ; Office. 704 Broadway, a few doors above Fonrth ' street, New lorn city. '. NEW GOODS FOR FALL AXD VITER. T J. COX, TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOl'NC- l "l Ing to bis customers, friends, and the public generally, that he has received, nnd is now receiving, A MORE EXTENSIVE STOCK THAN USUAL OF FRESH AND FASHIONABLEGO(;18 consisting. in part, of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS; READY MADE CLOTHING: HATS. CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES; HARDWARE and CUTLERY; BAGGING, ROPE and TWINE; GROCERIES, Sc., &c, These Goods 'are of the best qualitv, 'and those . isliing to purchase will be consulting them. Interest by Calling and examining for tbem.clres. Thev will be sold low, on the usual time, but accounts must be settled punctually. Lilcnvillc N. C., Sept. 23, 'flfl-55-tf NEW STORE. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW - RECEIVING, IN I the Brick Store recentlv occupied hy Daniel A. Horn. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, suited to the trade of this market, com prised iu part of !.. DRV GOODS. . Prints, fie Lumen and Dress Goods; Bleached and Brown Goods; Hosiery; Negro Goods, . Blankets, &c., &c, &c. HATS AND CAPS. ' : All styles, colors and qualities. ROOTS AND SHOES. r Calf, Kip, Wax, Seal, Goat and Kid; Blaek and Rus- set Brogang, HARDWARE. Pocket and Table Culler Pins; Tscks; Locks; Wood " Sorews; Sieves; Coffee Mills; .Hoes; Shovels; Spadca, Traoes, &., &o. HOLLOW WARE. Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Skillets, of all Bhapojuiil ;'- . " 1 aiies; ''. . ' IRON AND NAILS. Broad and Narrow Bar; Hoop, Band, Rod and Square; Nails, 4 to 40 penny! , . . . ,, ..' L E A T II E R . Sole and Upper, Kip and Calf. BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE. . LIME AND PLAISTER PARIS. . -GROCERIES. -. Loaf, Crushed and Coffee Sugars; Java, Laguayra and Rio Coffee; Tea; Cheese; Mackerel; Bacon, Lard, Salt,Sodn, Potash, Molasses, . 'Rice; and every other article called for in this market; all of which will be sold on as favorable terms as they can be purchased in this mnrkot, fur cash, or -on short time to those irAo villfajl wAcn they promitt. AH orders strictly attended to. ' " - J-.il. THREADOILL. C"heraw, Sept. 20, l-TOT-'ajf " - . EMPLOTMEHT. q s-a A MONTH AND AL EXPENSES PAID. V-U An agent is wantea in every town ano: county in the United States, to engage in a respectable and eavv business.'bT which the shots profits may be cer .. J tainly realised. For further particulars, address i Dr. J. HENRY WARNER j comer 12th street and ; Broadway, New York city, enclosing one po''"Ke- t.mn IIW-..J " - i t -''HARD TIMES HO MORE." ' i NY LADY OR GENTLEMAN IN THE UNITED L f- States posMsBing from $3 to io, can .enter Inte "TT j "-r-r" l' , , - till.., Haw h. m. id s or nartirnuirs ail. dress (with stamp.) . W. R. ACTON A CO., ,,v fv --j - "j: " . -.- --. el orui isixiu reei. rniiawipinn. Nevcinhirll.lSiy 03-5 NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS. From ths Southern Literary Messenger. 1 SEREfSADE. ' 0 Genevieve, my love, arise, . Tbe midnight hour has tolled, Ths stars ars out to deck the skies With a myriad flakes of gold. Como to tbs window, lift thy faos, And let the night receive, Tboogli beautiful, another grace . From thee, my Genevieve. Let tnn.ie wake thee gently, sweet, ' And for an hour beguile To grant the minstrel at thy feet The eachantnieut of thy smile. But if thou may'st not wake, then dream; And may this melody So charm tlilue sar thy thought tatty seem X dream of heaven to be. DEBET WILDER; OB,. THROUSDikKD DOLLAR NOTE. BY 8ETIA SMITH. 1 There lived, a few years ago, in llio interior of one of (Iio MiJJIb Suites, a sturdy farmer, well- to-do in the world, by the name of illiuiu i il- der. He bad' wandered away from Yankee land in bis younger days to seek bis fortune : and hav ing been employed by a respectablo Quaker to work on bis farm, he had contrived by true Yan kee adroitness to win the affeerinns of the old man's daughter, and bad married her. 1 1 is wile, having espoused one of the world's people, con . ,i i r 1. .. irary wi iiiu ruiua oi iici uiuui, ui cuuie, " reau oui ui me eoeiviy ; vui uuer joveu our uone the less for that ; if anything, he felt a little rejoiced at it, for be thought it teemed to briug her a little nearer to him. Mrs. Wilder, however, never overcame the habits which bad grown up with her childhood and youth ; the always called hef husband Wil. liam, and contitmcd throwgh.life t ) rpcak the Quaker dialect. Dut thi tronilier lips xi never ungrateful or unwelcome to Wiili.o.'o e;.r-; fur one of the nwcetc-t foun-Js that ever uwelt i:i uis memory, was wlieu lie asktJ her a certain , question and her rejdy was : " William, ibee has liiv lir-:irl lr.,-iiKv nnj mv h.-in.l hlu.ll l,i f!.in whenever thee maybe r.lea,ed to take it." William Wi:.l,.e w . il.riftv .,.! w.ir.lt,., mm I r . 1. f t u . m r ' . m! f-.rm .'n.l mr. ..i :.. ,i. ..,!.) as fdht as the .best of .Wa. neiglit ur. .'Xur.has.tlit whole sum of his fortune yet Len 'stated. We was blest with a daughter! hrig!it, ro:y cheeked,, healthy, romping girl, full of life and spirits, and in biaeyes exceedingly beautiful. The daughter, at' the period whhvh i.-i now more particularly des- crib(,j , rea(.iluij the age of eighteen Vears, ' . . . . r . J 1 and j wafl obJ0Ct ut enKro"'S love to lier parents, ana ot general attention to the ueigliboinood m " ' " There's thsVJoc Nelson alongside of Debby. again,'.' said Mr. Wilder to his wife, rather pet- tishly, as they cartie. out of church due warm sum- nr nflprnnnn. and poiiiinrnpe,! tli,.ir U-..1L- !,. ward. " I wish he wouldn't wake himself quite so thick, "Well, now, my dear, I think t!:ce has a little j too much feeling about it," returne d .Mrs. Wilder. ioung folks like to be together, and Joseph is a clever an J respectable youns? man ; nobodv ever says a word against htm." . . .i Vps. lie's too eb-ver to be wnrlli anvibinw " 1 Bai,l Wilder : " and bv and bv he'll ta!;e it into r?p ; marry bun. 1 ve no idea of her marrying a pau- per; I've worked too hard. for what little property 9 io be willing to see it go to fend a va"a" hl A who nt.ver caril(,j anvt;a;; g, and never will. I I .!..... l.,.i;...- .(.'. -.til I.. ..,, ., t,.l,...l dollars as loni as he lives." - " My dear, I think thee is a little too hard upon Joseph; thee should remember that' he is but just out ul bis time. JIis father has been sick several years, and Joseph has almost entirely supported the whole family." X "Oh, I don't deny but he's clever cnouL'h." ; said .Mr. rider: " all is. 1 don t ike to s.e In 01 '. quite so thick along with Deiby. Huiv sh'iuld )."u fpcl ,0 ' manaid toDe ebbv, uud not worm a uecem suii, 01 clonics : y - " 1 snould leel, sail .Mrs. W ildcrvns though ; they were starling in lite as we did when we first 1 married. We had decent clothes, aiid'cacVpf.us . a good pair of hands, and that was all we had jo : start with. I don't think we should have, trot along any better, or been any happier, if tliee had V '.V- 'I his staying tii! one o'clock looks , like been worth a bundled thousand dollars w'bon we ' racier serious bu'sincssv" . were married." j Tlrcnext day Debby had .1 long private inter- This argument came with suoh force to" Wil-' i Hh her niother, and after dinner .Mrs. der's own'boswiMhat hejiiade1.uo..attempt to an-! Wi'hler wisjied to have some conversation with swer it, but walked on in silence till they reached ; her hi!baiidxiiV flieparIor. -'-'-----. their d welling. " Debby und Joseph had arrived ! " Well, my dear," said she, '"Debby and Jo there before tbeni', and were already seated in.the j fp'' arc l"'llt upn" being married. . It seems parlor. - Seeing Joseph as they passed the win- '.that- they made up timir minds to it some months do, Mr. Wilder chose not to go in, but conliu-M aP! "d now .they JiaV. .fixed ...upon -tke. time, ued bis walk up the road to tbe high ground that ! They say they must bj maried week after next, overlooked some of bis fields, where he stood ni-j I tbiok we had betterfoTl k with it with as initialing "for half an hour on the prospect of his : feelings as wo can; nnd make thtbest of it. orops, and more particularly upon the unpleasant j-Tboe well knows I have always said, thesehings subject of Debby nnd Joe Nelson. The young , will have their own way, and- when yo'ung folks man became so la miliar and s much at home at '-pot their minds made up, 1 don't thinkit- is a j bis bouse, that he could hard v doubt there was i strong attacliHient growing up between him and Debbv. nnd he heeau to feel very uneasv about it. He had always been foi.d of Debhy, and her presence was so necessary to his happiness that the idea of her marrying afrall was a end thought to biinj but if she must marry, ho wai jlc:er - mined it should be, if possible, to a person ol some property, who would at once pl ace her in a comionaoie fiiiu.uion in me, auu relieve nun iiom the foolish anxiety, so c.im-mcm in the world. lest his own estate should bo dishonored by family " Gonnoctions not equal fo it.. y While he remained there In his musing n:o)d, he re'ciguized Henry Miller coming down tharoad, and he resolvrd at once to take hi:n to supper. Miller was' a dush- itig business young fellow, who kept a store about mile soda half from Wtlder's. and was reportod-ifollais," to tie worm nvc or six inous ma Uiiiiars. . ire mni' heretofore been a frequent visitor at Mr. W il- det's house,' and there was a tiiiic bisTatteiili in to "itrbbv wars such "as t tauo linn to TSpeci that' j the thrifty young trader would become his son in-., to law. Debby, however, was not sufficiently pleased with hiiii Jo eiiciurage bis attinlions, jjnd -f r some time past his vi.MU bad been discofjute- nanccd. . - ' " go "Good afternoon, Mr. Miller," saidMr. Wil- der, presenting his hu'tid, "glad to see you,' bow J0 vou do? hue day this?? '.- ". , ,, --, 1.11 ... . " ie.. cno uav, saia .uiiicr, , excellent weather for crops;'hbw do you all Uo.at home?" - i - , ., . well, I thank you,'said Wilder, i down to tho house with me and take "-Mil1?.. "Vonic. go uPPr. - "' - , , , ,, ,, ..,-,,-. JIHIef eoiotwa, wt ihi---i-4IM not tiin-ime-in , could stop. Mr. . W ihfor,-however, wouid not usual 'good humor towards li bby..; Having take nuforaa ainwer, an), aftci eviuidctiib'c l.a- .l-rcuht hi.; 'wind t'j a-cut U the arranj.mcnl portunity, he prevailed upon him k accept bis invi- j which be had to strongly opposod, bis feelings ' nnd not s sound was to be heurd except the mur tion, and. they dcicendod tho bill together, and J were in a suite of retction, which cuuaed Li in to j muring of a little brook over which they had went into the bouse. r j rv ard Dcbby with uncommon tciiderneM! j just pasaed. The stranger suddenly rode to her M Debby, here'i Miller," aid Wilder as they I Tho next morning the old gry ' borso wss ' side, and seiing the rein of her bridle, told her at entered tho psilor. J standing at the door eating provender, full two ; onc she must give him tho hundred dollar note. Dubby rose, handed a chair, and eaid " good j hours befure Debby wan ready to start ; and Mr. ! H N'ow, this is carrying the joko too far," said evening;" but her fuce won covered with blushes. Wilder, had been out half a doxen times to ex- j Debl y, trying to laugh. and sho returned to her sent. As Miller seated j amine tho saddlo and bridle, to sco that every-1 " h is no joko at all," said tho stranger, "we himself in tho chair he glanced across tho room ! thing was right, and had lifted up bis horse's : will go no farther till you givo uio the hundred and recognired Nelson. The two young men i feet one after another, all around, to sco if any ! dollar bill." noddtd to each other, and both scorned somewhat eiuuurrasdi a. At this morncntMra. Wilder entered the room. " llriev does thee do, ITenry," said she present ing her band. " I'm glad to eec thee; I hope thy mother is well V "Very well, indeed," said Miller; and after a few m ire remarks sho retired (superintend the preparation for supper. " I'.xuuho me, Mr. Miller, a little while, said Wilder : " I want to go and show .ToH-ph that field of corn of mine we were looking at back of the hill. According to my notion, it is the stoutest piece in the town. Come, Joseph, go up and look at it." ' " I think it is the s'outesrpipce I've seen this year," -said Joseph; "I saw it tibout a week a?o." " Oh, it has pained amazingly within a wci-k," aid Mr. Wilder; "come, go up and take a look at it " Joseph wis altogether nnaeciitomcd to puch attention, from Mr. Wilder, and he looked not a little- confused as be took bis hat and followed Li'ui (he door ... ' , . 1 "fJ went up the mad, and Mr. V iMcr took i v" 'll0,fil' (1. of cnTn and "'in"J hill j alter bill, and looked into the other CeldM, und l"u"J 8 hundred things to stop and Twk at, and ; n"re to Joseph than he had before for six uii'iiliio. fun:iii siifii'icl iiiut witiK WKP nndertuken by Mr. Wilder tor the purpose of - J ,u 'V'"M 1Jr ui'. he bore it ail patiently, and i.-srcrcJ jJp. ir W i. dors rcmariis alwut tlie . wt-.'.-ier, U:s crop. an.1 his fioldvwitli nartol intor. -t, for he knew to . well, the stafe of Debby ' f. clings. Loth -to wards himself nnd towards Miller, to feel any un- eu,i:ie-s. At length' Mr. Wilder concluded sup ' P' r -' f?, '" ey returned to Li-house. (i entering the parlor thev . found "MiTIcr nT'ine7 reJlin n ner--,''it".'r! .Mr. WilJ.T.;.kel vexcl. "What! nil alone, Mr? rMi!er ?- said Wilder; ' I shouldn't Lave staid so long, but I thought Debby .would amuse you until we trot back." " Miss Debby had some engagement that te fiuired her attention," said Miller, "and asked to be excused; but I have found myself quite in terested in the newspaper." ' Wilder went out nnd nipt, his wlfp in flip boll. ! and asked her how Ion? it had been since Dcbbv 1Jr- uuc.r ulonc ln t,lc rirlV- , j ".f1"'. V,'!?,0, m,nut"3 "fter yu wcnt ' out', "lJ Mrs. V tldi:r, "and I eouidti't per- 1 u3' "Cr to g back llgaltl She Said she knew J'?tt lvcnt ,ut 0,1 P" P"" '0 leave hervano Ht;iry alone togthcr, and she would not stny. It's noj use " 1 ".a',ni these t.Uingt always Invc ttieir own , a,,u uying io.ieci.i u. Tho supper passed off rather silently nnd rather awkwardly.' Mr. Wilder endffavored to UC sociable alid (hdlte to .filler, and Mrs. Vt tldor, as u-ual, was mild 'Mid cotniilace.it to all. Hat an air of oinbiirrassiiiont perva.L'd the whole r n .r,nd w.hi ttV? roso fr 4ho T Henry .Miller asued to be excused, and said it wa- lime for him to return homewards. Mr. Wilder endeavoied to persuade him to stop and T ''"l the evening, but Henry was decided and s ;i,l be must ro. After be bad . I)l,bv nnd Jo-epTetfirned to the parlor, where thev were joined u part of tho evening by Mrs. Wilder; j but W ilder, nftcr walking up and tlown the i diiiin'-ri..m for an hour .or two, retired to bed, " not, however, to sleep. His mind was too much engrossed with the destiny of Debby to allow re-1 po'e. He counted the hours as they were told j ix loe lock 1111 it nau struct; twelve. .ili W. not ha 1 been two hours asleep, still he had heard Joep'u go out. After awhile th" clock siru k one, and in a few minutes alter that he heard tho outer door rather softly open nnd closed ; and then 'heard Debby flipping lightly' to her chamber... ' ' , . ' Ah,'.' thought Wilder to himself " it is as niy wife Bays', these tlim-rs will have their own gnotl plan to lutericre witli ttiem. As Ions: as Joseph is. respectable, and good to work, I thiuk ffe ought to feel contented about it. although lib ! is P11-- It seems to me that there ate as many ; folks that marry poor- that make out as well in ! the world as, there are that marry rich;", '! Alter a little reflection' upon the matter, Wilder came to the conclusion that his wife had nearly tho right of it, and told her lie .would I mane no luriner opposition io tne maten: tn ey might get married assoon $ they chose, " Well, Uiy dear," said Mr. W ilder, " Dob- by needs a little change to get some things with -this week, in order fo get. married.', ".' How much will slid want this Week?", said Mr. Wilder. - "If thee can .let her have fifteen' or twentv said Mrs. Wilder "Istliinkit would do- turthc - fe8Cnt " Well now, I've no-money by inc." siid Mr. Wilder, "except a hundred dollar bill, and it's" 11 1 1 11 Lili" lo get that; eli.nrged e.Tccpt by sen the bank, a distance of ten miles. 1 tried all over the neiglib.irlioed last week to get itadiaiiged. but, couldn't succeed. I shall be t.o busv to go rnvsetf to uiorrowr but if Dcbbv has a mind ro on the old horse, in the morning and take i t. the bill to the bauk and get it clrajigid, she may i , have some of the money." ; This proposition Was 'soon reported to Debbv. ' , . " , , . , . , who said ''sue naa tust us leave race t ic rule as not." The matter being thus amicably arranged u. , - - .v with Mr. Wilder, there was nothing to hinder . troinir forward with onifort and dierateh in uiak- "'g preparauo lor u.e. weaning. jeouy w;s,. - .. . vxcullent spirits, ami ,vir. H Htlerwn . of the shm-s were loose. And when at last Del.by was ready, bo led old gray to the horso block, and lield him until the whs seated in the saddle. uud then he banded her the bridle, and shortened I " liut surely you don't mean any such'thing?" ejio stirrup leather, and buckled tho girth a little ! said Dubby, trying to pull the rein from bis band. tighter to prevent the f.ad. lie's turning, nniLwhcn I " It's too bid to (lighten me an here." ho hud seen I hut all was right, ho stepped intoj ''""We mustn't d-illy about it," said tbe stnnger, the house und brought out a smell riding whip ''lioldin? tlie reins still tighter; " you see I am in and placed it in her Land, and giving hera bun- j earnest oV tl'ifi," drawing a pistol from bis pocket, dred eharncs to Uiko care of herself, nnd bo care-1 and pr intii g it towards Tier. ful she did not get a fall, ho stepped tfp on the j 11 Oli-I mercy," said Debby, ''you wry bavo horse block, a,nd stood and watched her is alie ; the money,' if you will let tuc go." tnrneJ into the road uud ascended the bill till she !. " 'J'Kc money is ull I wan't," said thcttrangor, wr, out of eight. ," but ti! ere must be no nio-e dallying ; thosooner Debby trotted along leiiurcly over the long j '" hand it over the bettor." - " - , - mad she bad to travel, but she was too full of ' Debby at one? d. etc tlm bill sn.l nffTif.-'J to j pleasant thouj-hts nnd bright anticipations to fed ; weary at tho distance or lonely at the solitude. The load was but little traveled, and she met j but two' persons in tho wholo distance; one as she was ascending a hill about a mile from honu. and tiie other a long valley of dark woJs, about midway on her journey." Had sho bmn of a timid disposition, she would have felt n good deal ; 0f w,en alio aw this last person ap pro.ici.ing.icr. Ills appearance was dark und ruilaolv, and they were two miles from tiny Iiou-c, in the nmlt ol a deep nnd s.Wi: wilder- nes. liut U( boy nerves were u:. moved; relumed Lit bjw in passing, and kept oti s.ie her ; way in perfect composure. Hll TrH"iiu flip rn.l rf 1,,-r lnirnv in !mi." ' bitched l.er horse in the shed at t'oe Vi:! i-e"l.oteL ana in'iuira or iUn Wiilor at t 10 dijv t k w.iv ... to the bank As lie was pointing outjo her u i,,.-i!i,. ,,U. i-.ll j.,,!, i,.,'.;n-.r .s .; itbdark whi.-kers and heavy ovtbrow, looking ' - .j !oaJi!y . ut Ler. Sh, however; turned aw-v i x;,),n, roe! in.. I,'. r,v f:.nh,.r orl cont ,li reel to the bank. When she reached the door: :!ie found it closed, and learned from the by .Stjiiideg that the bank, from some reason or other, j w: s cloud 'that dav. n her exceeding disnp- ' i pointmcnt. she stood silent for some lim UI1C l'- j tain what she s.luiu!d do. ; " Is there anything I eon d ) for yon, Miss?" : said. a gentleman at the adjoining shop door. -I Debby replied tJiat she wanted to change a bill ; at the br.nk. "Oh, I'll change it for you," soid (he gen- ! llnmntl' ' if if ijm'.'" t, l-ipryA .num. nlnn in hcre ... She accordingly stepped into the store, aad giving him many thanks, banded him the bill. "Oh, a hundred dollars !" said he. " I can- not do if. I haven't ia f that ammint n the store. Dut if you 0 across there (0 tho anodic- i tbink it likely enough be m-ey doit." Dcbbv thntiked hiiii again, find went aLi1! to , ,10. apol thecarv's. Here she made known her wishes, but with no better sucecsj. As she turned to go out, she enenuntered a man behind her, who seemed to have b.'en lookiu; over her shoulder ,vhe lo.oked up at him and recognised the tall man with black whiskers, whom she had noticed fit 1 llP llnfpl T.Pflci,,., ll,P ll rilrri.lt 'c Iia ..K served a largo dry goods store, and thought she would try her luck there. Still she' wa unsuc- :ful. A? she, was leaving the store, she inet the (all man with black whiskers again. He locked smiiiniilv upon her, and asked her to let him s?e the bill ; for he thought he could change it After looking at it, be returned it to her airsin, observing, " if it had been a citv hil! he would have changed it, but he did not like to-change a country bill." Haviiii tried at two or three different nlaees j without .affecting her object, Debby found she j mp- t give it up, for she was now told it probably . would not be possible for her to get it changed til! the bank should be opened tho next da?. I Consequently, sho concluded to return inimedi 1 atcly home. As she rodo out of "the hotel yard, ' she observed tho tall mail with black whiskers j standing at the corner ot the house, 'apparently I watching her movements. l!;it she rode on, anil was no sooner out of sight than ho was out of ! her mind, for her own perplexing disappointment engrossed all her thoughts, .hc passed over the first two miles of her homeward journey almost 1 unconscious of .the - distance, so busily was si turnin- over in her mind various cxnedients to ' re.nedvthe failure of her present undertaking. Shd thought of scveralof her neighbors of whom , it might not be impossible to borrow a few ; dollars for a short . time. JJut then she knew hc.v f ill-.. Q'lc on Gf r.inn.Micl ntinnj.nl I., Krtrrun: intr lii wnnl.l ni,r nll.itc il In bp rlnnn n,wt u-, I..1 'f,,. L, d,n,.l,i l,p iin,i iu, i,,t i don&U. without his knowledge or consents 8hc might get trusted for mot of the articrcY-she wauled.; hut some of them of .the most 'import atiee were at Henry Miller's store, and she would not ask to bo trusted t'tcte, ii she never obtained thp nrlieles '. , . t j . ' ', .i , , a- 1 ' Her reveries wore at length bro.;cn off ly thffsounrt'ot a horse comin at rather a qtiiek trot beHiina tier; Mic looked oyer -her shoulder, and therikwas the tall man with black whjskers, mounted oVa largo "and b&iutifnl black horse, within a few rods of her; sheldiuddered a little at first, at the idea ot having his compiny through the WcMds, Tint as he came up and ac costed her with siudi,risv and gentle manners, she soou recovered fronVlicr trepe.thrtion, and rode on with her vto.ited coihjosurc'. . ? "" liather a lonely road -herev Miss," Said the rm,. l.v.L ii, V in ll,p ..rl- .u 1 l 1 1, n.'t 1.. t il,; "i,'' L.r.Z rt,. li- f.i.. vp-T Mis " N-vcn or eight ruiies, said Debby, besita-; ting a little. , . I am happy to have compiny on the road, x 'iTtigct, " i5tL.u is rather, loffi-some riding-alone. 1 trust you will allow me to be your pro! wtor?" ' "I . Debby thanked him, but sa.id she was never loncsonie aiid never afraid: still, iu ii lonelv'' always agreenble to have coaipanv oj niake"'0ut to vour "bill it was i Did you . make' "Out to get vour bill. chanod ?" asked the stranger. " ' " K,i " said lkbbv " I trip.l till T was lirtd. J' . .. ' 1,,,. ,,,,1,1 tin.l nn n,,n i.wl.. ..,.. ,N " . Th stranger made himself Tcrv agreeable, and . j sinniger uiauu uiiusen tit, nj,iei auiv, -iiiki Debby began to think that her feelings at firsthad I,im ii,in!i ami ht irio.l l,st l,o eau d to miko him amends, bv boirtg sociai in her . They had " now- reached tha decpestr darkest p-irf of the valley thiongh which the r li J'J.v. The !aij w-.-c il.at the'...-. j I cbbT trembled and turned pale, f..rhc thought i ho saw simething in tho stranger's eye that1 ! looked a thoneh he was in earnest. -' "'- j hand it t-j the clraipr, but hi r band ruble'! h 't it dropped I'r. :n her fingers ju.-t before ' il icavlie l hip, and that moment a gt of wind wafii d it gently toward the breek. Thi trinper leajcd from bis horc and ran bac'it two or ii,re tj recover it. tbby wis nut so ?"iio i" btr fright but that sho bad her ! thought.' aV-ut In r ; and s izirg the rein of tho - .' ytiangers br-e, ht .-.pplied tho whip to both i:ores at otiee, anu was i.u macanicr i lie man called i:i n lood, thrcnicning tone, and at onco "ri-u i "I"'" ,;i'i : t'Ut as sue aia mi lect tbe c .'! It ; .!. : lie iloi not stupor turn even to give Li:n a f ri?ll 1-kjI;. The rcrminderof the ionr.iey wns.-ioti pa-"I over, atidasaho came or.( in the kettleincnt ui.d p:s- il (he dwelling of bcr iieir-!i!iori, i!!:.iiy wcr.i i!.e heads. that looked from wiiij 'ws and doors, and grc t was ths vror.der u: ;"! :( seeing Debby ride h. ine so fast, and !:!) r, jo!i a line strat.e' l:or:-e. Her father, wi:o Lad s:cn l;tr etnc over the bill, met hrr some rods f,u'.u tl.c Low, ciclaiiuing, with a.-toinshoi( lit. " liat nave vci fciro, i'c cU-y? Yi'liosa Lorso been doing?" siid is that?" " Ui w ;, wlnt lias 'Ihec .3Irr-AV rHny-w ho- w:is but a fw --step behind I,,.,. i,,.j,..,..i ..,.. .i. i -.i- K.t :. I . ' ntvv b luuih nviij niiut i the mttter 7" . - A soon n.e ihry v;-rre anted i:i the house, Debby fold tlicnf' the". wVifife' sfory.' " Mr." Wilder ' felt so 'rej oieid at his daughter's escape, that ho , began to be in excellent spirits; nnd ld the strnngo horse to the door, aud began to cxntnino him. ! -"V.'ell, Debby," eaid he, "since you've prt I-",0"'0 "!. " rJ . . , ,, r.',',' 0 U'K. ?bou,'. l" ; hum red dollar bill is gone, but 1 ' t uiikin- aftfV.'rill you hnveii t made a ""'f'""' J me 1,1.0.0,-1. norsc t vo . 1 " ' " u ' I doti't think it would ! bo a difficult iiiiitter to !! him, for two, hundred dollar.?. At rny rate, I'll take the horso for tho lu'udrcd (iolla'.-, and yu may hive the saddle for the.twcity ilf.l'ars ou were t. have of it." . 'And :'ic Vaddlo I :., too, I suppose," said Dcbbv, foeling dispedto join in the joke. " Yes, and the kaUuie 'bags," said Mr. Wilder; " no, stti, we'll sec what's in them first," he coi.tinued. untying them from tho saddle. " Oh, there's fots of tl.irts, stockings, handkerchiefs. i 3nJ csf"'tiJ usw tOT- Vesi i'ebby, the siddle b.:,Ss nra Soan ' lll0-c t,l,r'P ue in very good j time bo-Joseph, you know. Del by 0 1 rei', .but said nothing. - " Now, William," said Mrs. Wilder, " thee is tall . of t! y fun " " No fun about--it, V said William, replacing . the articles in the lt:.t!ier b;g "Here, Debby, ! tako em and tako care if 'cm." Dcbbv lock the iJd!c b'g.s to 'Tier chamber," not a, little trrutllicd at ti e vsluablo articles of chitbing they contained, .ho emplied the con ti nts upon the bed, mi l on examining to see if everything was out, she discovered an inside p icket i.i one of ihe b.;gs. Stic opened it and drew therefrom an elegant pocket book, and found it contained a quantity of bills. She counted them, an'd her heart beat quicker and quicW, for before, sho' got through she bad Sl,.i(lOin good Lank money. Debby Kept her. own counsel. In a few days it was rumored that Joseph Nelson had purchased an excellent farm in the neigorhaod that had just been offered .wine mouths since at 1,000,, aud was-considered great bargain.' Joseiill, said .Mr. Wilder, the next time ,m7;.,Dui you liave Deen into debt, tor a farm, in such times as lhe?p- I think Jon ought to have worked two these, or thr inreo. years anu got soiiietning octorcnand, before running into. debt so much.' " Hut 1 haveti't l.i'cu t it;i!iiog into debt!" said " OSCplI ... - ' '- ITrvjri'i yoabo-: -ht y.n,lcr3on's foru,''l sail ! ioler, --- . ' . ' ' " j '., fe;',, M!l ''p1'" .' i: r , " i ' . T. ... : T " v ' Md -Jwcplr, "Int I vc paid for it. U "l1"' I dohtior anything.' ; Ml". W lldrW,S 100 much astolil-licd to MK tanner oucsti ins. - f - -t ,v , h . .,,-. finA . , , , - i.Ki.,,tr:ni ,.n,i ' rapidly beforehand, and Mr. Wilder was always r , - ' .... - .. - . proud ot his sou-m law-. . It was some ten years, after this, when Mr. Wilder Was sitting one day and trotting his third gfaiidsan v his knee, that he said : " ' ' Debby, I should like to know -how Joseph contrivel to purchase his farm at tbe time you werp married?" -' ... .' Dt bbv st-rped lathe closet, brought out 'fto old saddle bag. and iqietdng them, pointed to ",u "'"" r..eet,S..y.ng, --tuc moucyam from there, sir ?' f3 The cspt.'o! ;d the Mate of Tennessee, at Vaaliville net' vet finished has cost, so fir, ?Sl'li.ii,';. The' capitol of Ohio; at Colinfibus, . ur.lini.slii d, i e-iin'iated to co-t, when compIcrnd, $l,552. - tK The capit,.V ol S .nth ('.olioa, when finihcd,'.w,UljBjt ?2.5')O.t)0tJ. u nr. country exeSaiigCjsavs : "In tho P'c on our forth pnge. entitled We moat m Uig Behind,' iusHnd ,ot the line '1 hat moulds its dirty shirt," It;u-c rcid'U at wornd ita uuty shiik f " ' ' ' ' ' fcS"-" I wl-b," said a crabbed w"fo to Stu- dious huslflud, " ! wish I was a book. ' " Iwbh oa were an Almanac," repbei her tod, "aad then I would gea-nt onCjCvery year. . gv-Nxh ss than scvea huni-cd persons arc sad to kvpr''n;-si'ri.-V-d iu C-varK'-feit-