PROCEEDINGS ' ' '' '- ' " Of fOI " . OPPOSITION STATE COXVEVTM. - ' :,' ' ' ' m t, ' ' J. ---i froa the Raleigh Register -v WEDNESDAY FIRST DAI. ' (.atwlthiUndlng lb fMt that "Sal" refused this Morning to fir at tat benefit of bit genial rays, ana although tur overtures to, and requests of tht "olerkof tb waathtr" bavt beeaof voa-afleet, it damoeetraUdby htataforO 'd t'tt rmlnattiMt of "hi1. dling" tar ttrteU and tending down upo m laal night nod to-day out of hli peculiar blessing., vie literal torrent of rata, bringing ambrellai iulo requisition, and touch to tho detriment or tba pro. teuton of our nttaar txtrau-ltiti, ear streets art really orowded witb delegate to th Convention. On tbt assembling of tbt bod tbia morning It struck na (bat a mora Intelligent arid respectable body of men we bad net er ttta. It toaaiatt, at w pertei ro from min utt observation, of tboaa wbo compote tbo tery bona J and tmew of out Utattt and tf tatay tbat bavt grown gray w uit aafoaaoot tut principle or tba old Cley-Wbig-Party, aad adj-portef tbt Uonttitntioa and t'jt L'uiou. Wt aiakt no invidlou-dlstinctloni, i.nd. therefore, tunica it to eay, tbat mora of tbt real Went i norm Carolina eoald not bt brought together. Tbt dtlrgataa assembled In tbt CommiiM' 11.11 XI 'clock, wben Uo. Charlrt Mania called tbt meet lng to ordtr, aad In a vary felicitous eongretu latcd tba meeting, tbt 8 lata and tba country, on tba ....uK rnapnn i iu uppoinIUB party, wliick C" piwwwi. iiat'jtn.lnaTtrgratt- Vui manner, propostd tba following aa temporary iffiotr of tbo Contention, wbjch nomination! vert uuaaiDoosry aaoptta: . D D. FEREBEE, Camden, President Secretaries L. f. Edwards, of UrauvUle- J. 1). Flaaa-r, of Craven. Oa Ma lorn of Ut t. Manly, all Whig tditora a reqaaalad ta at aa Beratariaa,'aad allowed setts oa the left f tbe Ci.tlrnian, and aubeeiuently, on motion, reporter of newaptpertwtrt allowed alike privilege. On being conducted ta tba cbairby Oo. Manly, M'. Fere bet, MjJ uo waa kigbly plaeatd ta aae tan larg and. aotbadastlo assemblage glad to tea tbat thera waa yet enough In North Carolina to aara tba country, lie spokt la blgb lei an of Heury Clay, ad atated tbat tba toontry bad twice beta eared by tbe great conservative party which tbia body represent- , aad charged tbt maladmutittralion of tbt Leu ocratit party with all tbt diffirulliea and dangera which overhang our -nation, lie then, thanked ibe Convention fur tbe honor conferred opu kiaa. Tba nanwe of tba Counties were tben called and the delegates presented tbeniaelrea aa followa: Anaoo county C. V. l"utoor JC Caraw.y, M. C.Loog, J. I. Henry, L. L. Polk, R. 11. Oaddy, K. II it . u I ,1.. ' ' Alamance E. B. Watson, L. Boon, 0. Hurdle. Uenufort Fred jr ck Oriat Th. 1). Soiaw, Was. T. Aiarafc, n , i. cumon. Bertie J oh a Wileon, John A. Daubarry, Dr. I'. T iivurj, ft m. ni-jani. llurke-Tod R. Caldwell. Urunawick laniel L. Itosaell. Dr. I, Friuk, 8 T.!ojd. ; Caawell Sion II. Rodgera, George Little. lamden I). V. Fcrcbee, Ueo. iipenaer, Win Ferebee. Carteret Sllaa Webb. Chatham Col. W P. Taylor, J. J. Taylor, Kol.t N. Uraea, Kobt. rauaett, Thot. B. Farrar, John W ecoii. Coluuibua W. Q. Maultaby, Crateo J. V. Flanner, Alei.- Jnatite, Henry T uuion, j. n. . iiurnnon, Jat. v.. Jljrera. vuiuvcriauu t. j. naie, r. ji. llaie, u. t Tearca. i.Curriluck W. C. Merear. Caliarrua lr. Jukn Frink, Rufaa Barringer, E. K iianw, i iciur s. uarnager, a. d. t'bair. Ihiplia Jaa F. Hbine. Daria Bua lloutbitt. UaTidaoa J. 1'. ilabery, J. C. Hedfrecsck. Geo Rylry, Waa. A. Hedaina, L. K. Clark, 6. F. ftrad C. L. Ttagua, 11. Walaer, John W. Tbomae. Franklin Dr. E. A Crudup, Joora Fuller, G Uttlejuba, Jai. Dent, . L. Hiegall, U. K. HaHing C. t. Aakew, P. E. 1'eraoa, B. J. King, W. 11. l'lcaa- ante, W. II. glrotber, jr. Foraytb D. Starbuck, W, W. Wheeler. Ualaa Jaa. W. Hinton, Jaa. R. Slaughter. Graneille Hon. R. II, tlilli.m, IaC II. Taria, J. It. llama, L,. I. Kdwanla. W. r Coltme, Uto Wluteleld, i. J. Vounc, (i. 8. D. Harria. Orvena Edward Patrick, J. McDugald, F. McDu- gald, waa. r.Urtmaley, Dr. W.J. Jonea, II. II. Ilest, . J. II. Albrltton.Tbeopliilua Edwarda, f. II. EJwarda Ouilford Dr. A. J.TatbrU .1-. A. I.n - llalifn-H. II. Fmitb, II. Joyner. Hertford Hon. K. Kayner, John W. Seasoma, Ily. ram treeman, jaa. u. maugnter llendereon Alfred (i. Foster. Iredoll lion. Henderson Mitchell, A. R. Lorance, in. it. uaynea. Jobaataa Simon Gojdwio, EJwin Doykin, Perry l oou w in, n . A . Km 1 1 h , - Jonea John II. Jonea, Jacob F. Scott. Lenoir Waller Dunn, jr.. J. II. l'eeblea, L. B Cox, It. H. Roondtrea, Jaa. M. Parrott, L. B. Hardee, . . h. tran . Martin vWaa. J. Walker, Henry Rogeraon, W. II Rogeraou. ' Montgomery Cot. 8. H. Christina. New lUnorer A. A. Brown, F. D. Poiaaon, R. Burr, T.'B. Uppitt, A. B. Burr. Northampton rUtn'l Celrcrt, Jno. T. Wheeler. Onalow Owen Huraina, Auguitua ('. Ilucfina. ' ' tjraaaw Hon. Win. A. Graham, Joaiah Turner, jr., II. K., Herbert Mime, B. Cbeek, Geo.' Liucb, Hamaol F. Pbillipa. Paaquotauk Geo. D. Tool, Wm. II. Bagley, Joe. R. Wood, Caleb Oikea, C. L. Sanderlin, Jaa. W. Hinton. Perquimona Tboa. Wilaon, Joa, Mullen, Cbaa. W. Skinner, Natbaa Newby. , Pitt Cburoh Prrkine, P. A. Atkinaon, W. 8. Ilrtj raban, Wm. Whitehead, Kherrod Belcher, Henry Joy iter, Jaa. T. McCVnahan. i:ndolph-AMred (. Foater, W. J. Long. , Richmond Hon. Alfred Dockery. tl wau Dr. J. 0. Uamaay, Hoar. X. Boyden, It. C. lMm r. UebeVr OUee La.tcb, . Oodwra, JH. McEach. ern, Maj. It. - Uackinghawi C-almere Glenn. . Hurry Ho". K. C' i'uryear, Joa. 0. Williams, Col,. ' NicboUa L. WUIiama, u. niiiiame, jr., n. w. Arm Held. , , ' . SUnly Col. E. W. Datia, A. J. Croen. I aion ea. B. II . na.aup. Wake Geo. . Badger, Choi. Manly, -. t, L. C. Manly, Jno. Hurtttlald, 8. 11. W j,. Buabe,. Go. Little. 11. ry a a u.. tn laad. Jno. W. -- Bat. F. ltogera, W, Haywood, JI. Griffin, Geo.. D G. Fowle, J. J. .UcCuller, v. ii all J IT IS Itail- VI' U I ,ml T W tlOrMtPWIU, JV. JI", JaM..II7 t Hit UW- 0. L Burcb, Bian ,m? 8'fH" ' ;yry, A. Huiton, Jno. ""- W V. Lee, WiHiamwn F..V ; - U,f i ii T " .! . nnM . Haywood, 8. H. HooJ, Jarrtt Bro.dw.ll, Ibot. B. c Hinton, T. . . . . I) i a ( I t. lIlOTAta V, "r".'"' V- H.Hood.C. liorion, n.rrw, . i . . k. R. Wat- " uM'UUuruiu, - ' ll P. Ro, M. 3. lloKera. T. If. Avert, Mark A. kina. Thoa. llicka, II. A. Hodge, Wm A. T. Ilodae, Wm. Liwa, O. W. Crockett, 'gtra, Jesae Norrie, M. C. Ho lg, Allen Adumi. Warren John T. Williams, Lemuel Bullock, Jlrndcraon, W. A. yuiucey, T. M.'t'rosaon. . " Washington Dr. W. It. Wood, D. 0. Coward. Yadkin Hon. R.C. Poryear, Joe. Williame, Col. I,. Wllllama, N. L. Willlama, jr., R. F. Armfield. " The Prcnldent tlien remarked that if there were any delrgaiea who were not pieaent at the filling of tbe roil uirT tuuiu now m riuKHicu. On-motion of "Dr; Hatnany, of Rowan, the rules of, the House of Commona wera adopted for tbe govern- . -r .t.i.n..i. . r... .k . ,k ,i..hl III Tin VI lull uw my ' " - - j j .11 vi . On motion of Ur. P. E Henry, of Bertie, all V lugs 'prcarnt from counties not represented were requeated to take aeata ai delegntet. ' i " ' On motion, a committee waa appointed by the Chair, consisting uf two delegates from each Congressional District, to report permsnentjiffloert of . tMf-Onveui. lion. Tbe rollowing genueinen wvra appoinieu: 1st gamnel Calvert, Northampton; W. -Mercer, Curritntk. ' 2d Alex. Justice, Craven; J. HrPeeblea, LenolFT 8 J A. A.Brown, New Hanover; J. H. Mc Lean, Robeson. elh-W. A. So.itb, Johnston; J. F. Ilaxrlt, Oranvillo. 6th W. P. Taylor, Chatham; Wm. Long, Randolph, flth C. Glenn, Rockingham; N. Wirliemt, yadklH. 7thi-8amoel Walkup, lniou; 'Jj O. Ramsay, Rowan. 8tb A.O. Foater, Henderson; T. R. Caldwell, Bat k J. , Tbe Committee then retired, rid efWa few mo menta returned and reported tba following tfficara: B. C. PLRYKAU, Vadkin, President. Viet J'ruuJtuli.VL. II. Smith, Ifalllkij 11.- T. liuion, Craves; K. J. Halo, Cumberland; Hon. II. B. O lliam, Granville; 8. 11. CirietUn,' Montgomery; Henry Walaer, Devldaaj Hon. 31. Boydet, Rowan; .1 tl . ,J II II L ion a. vsiuvni, vurii. Ss-ref.riM. L. C. Edwards, Granville; J. D. Flan tier. !ravan Tba rra.idant w Una aoaJueUd ti-Uioiau by Uie chaiimaa of tbt conmtttcr, wbea, m t (baste, el oquent, Ind very forcible addreee bt returned bia tbankf to tbt Convention for the honor conferred upon Wm, which waa reoelvcd by frequent bursts of tp plauat. Httpoktof tin JUhonetty, depravity, and misrule tf tbt Demaora tie party and Ita admlnlalration. He aaid be aaw before bim many of thoae wbo twenty yean ago battled for tba orlnclnlaa of Whlrrerv. and who although they aaw with mortification tba defeat of tuetr Old motlitr. bad never uaaarUd kav. rT reman. doat tpplauet.) lie txpreated tbt eaagulna hope aad belief of tbe future brillir.nt luoceaa of tbt party, and was a urouu ami storiout victory would crown tbt tf. orsa oi iu auvoeatea r.nd defaiiaera in Uit aomuir alec tiona. fAnnlaiua.) ' - Moved by Oen. A. Docker, of Richmond, that a eommitet of two from tack Ccagrasalonal District bt appointed to prepare and report bnsineaa for the Con vention, ana. mat thlt committee be appointed by the delegates, each county voting as it it represented in the HoWjt of Commona. which, afkar aoma debate. In wuicn Alesera. Caldwell, of Burke; Ramsey, of Rowan; Pim1 -n i . imr,i. , dtt, oi tanuea; anu niieon, rerquimonaj paruO' ip ed, was carried. On motioa of Mr. Wilton, tba Conventldn took a ft' ceas of I'D minutet. ! On rt-aeeembling, tbt following gentlemen were an' nouneed bt tbt Secretary as baying beta selected aa tuv lyomnntiae on uuainesa: , IstDlstrict-D. D. Ferebeaof Camden, Richard II Smith of Halifax. 2d Fred'k Grist of Beaufort Walter Dunn of Lenoir. 8d II K. Hash of Orange! L. C. Edwarda of Granville. tth-P. M. Hale of Cumberland, Hon. A. Dockery of Richmond. 6th Jat. A. Long of Guilford, W. P. Taylor of Chatham. 6th Ohnlmers Oltnn of Rockingham, D. H. Star buck of Forsyth, ."th Uufus Barringer of Caliar rua, 8, II. Walkup of Uuion. 8th T. II. Caldwell of Burke, A. O. Foster ol Henderson. Moved and carried tbat the above Committee meet In tbe Smate Chamber at 8 o'clock, p. m. A' On mi.tjon of Mr. Wilson, tbe Convention-adjourned to 10 o'clock to-morrow. ' ' Notice waa given tbat tbert would be a taucui to night. . THU8SDAT-EC0."(D DAY. At .ten o'clock tba Convention -was callaoT to order by the President, Hon. R. C. Puryear. Tbe reading of the minutet of yesterday's preced ing wat dispensed wilb. While waiting for the report of tbe Executive Com mittee, Mr. II. C. Jonea aroae and aaid that it waa the duty of tbe Convention to tee that it had aa organ for tht disteminatlon of Whig doctrines, and aa the Ral eigh Registtr bad been ao considered, as Mr. Byrne waa prerent be would like to kndw of bim if ha would eo-nperate with the party in carrying out its platform . Mr. flyme aaid be felt tome embarrassment in tbe position be then occupied not becau-e he bad any doubt of the course be designed to pursue, but because be had been unused of lata to addressing aucb a body arwaa before bira; tint would lav tbat be always ha I co-operated and alwaya would co-operate wilb tbe wing party tbat he wouia iterend its principles with all tba ability God bad given blntr-that lit enerirv. milling be ooald do, would be spared to eupport the cause for which be had fought, and which be bad eo long-fondly cherished. He would uphold any froaa tbtaCeeiventiiMi might lay dowir.- Moved by Mr. W. T. Mersh. of Beaufort, that the following dispatch be tent to the Opposition: Conven tion of Virginia new in aetsion at Richmond: Meay of our ab!e men art here our prospects of success are cheering. Wt keep step to tbe music of inemion. now it it with youf Gov. Manly being loudly called for, eieutcd himself on account oi muispoarUun. - It being moved alao to eend Ibe dispatch to Lexing- By urging sectionnlism on the South Ihey bavt foe. tared sectionalism! In Uit North, until tbey bavt built op a powerful Northern party, which they le not scrupled to eoooor.iga by aocuaiug tome uf tho best and purest among boutheru nien of atliliution wtti lla vlnwa anrl niiMnH They bava eonvertcd tbt balls. of the Vntlnnal Con- great -into a theatre for tbt contests of tbt gladiators of ruction, ateking to take tbe control of political af faire from the conservative onuses, and to place it In the keeping of aa oligarchy of mercenary cthce-seek- Ktit, who, However Jbe feelings of tbo people may revolt, demand obedience to tbe martial law of their party discipline. In North Carolina they have attemptod to make their party creed a part or the teaching or youth, by elect ing partisan Trustees of our University, and by aecrot caucusses excluding from participation lu the management of tbe inrtitutinn all wboao subserviency to the behests of party could in any alse be doubted Therefore, Itemized, That against such practices and such or ganiiatii B', a fieo people, jealous of liberty, ought to raist tht voice of condemnation aud the atcut arm of determined resiet nice; and tbat conaervative eitiiens in every srction..oXJbo State, who love tbejr eouotry better than party, acknowledging no allegiance but to the constitution and tbe laws, sbould rally under tbe bon 'red Hag of tho Unit n, aud unite fur the preferred 'n of tbe cherished institutions of liberty, pledging them selves te carry out Ibe following platform of political principles. , 1. There flioulJ be in lionet and faithful adminis tration of tbe general government, separating ita ap pointments and contracts from political kriliery, and arresting tbe present profligacy and corruption. 2. Tbe control of tbe Senate over the treaty-making power of the President oucht ta be evercarclully pre served by that body1 as well in substance as in loriu, and the public treasure and the war power of the gov ernment, ought with t! e ju-t jealousy of a fie peo ple to be kept in tbe bauds of Congress. 8. The appointments t j oflice should be of faithful nod efficient men, and not of mere parti -ans, who, for sears pist, baTe occupied some of tbe most protitiuent sta tions, to the dishonor of the i.a'.ion.aud Ibe iuimuKi.t . danger of our cherished institutions. 4. The rights of American eitiiens, whether na tive or naturalised, tliould .be protected from aggres sion, and tbe national honor preseried, by lulliilin all our obligations to other governments, und by de manding and enforcing a fulfilment of theirs to us. 6. New Statce sbouiJ be admitted into the I'uion without regard to the establishment or rt lection uf alavery iu their constitutions. ti. The present luwsof Congrcps on the subject of slavery should be adhered to and all luithti ng.ti tion of the question withdrawn from the inena ol na tional politico a.ld, the, jbule-nl, ji et-h4t-t4litf-uwn terrupttd coutrol of the people iiuioti wlio.n it e x i -1 - that compromise, but when violated on the one part It He was sorry to bear from tht lips of tbe gentluman became invalid ou the other, and 1 am therefore In favor of the changa in favor of ad valorem, 1 hope me proicsia will to wiiinirawn. uaimlcn la all nbig, escept a few heretics unwoitby of notice. Holiest old fashioned Whigs will not oppose ad valorem. Let them know that I any so. Mr. II. rpoke fur thirty five minutes, aud his remarks were received with evi. denfsatisfuotiou by all. J , - Mr. Ferehce, of ('aimlrn, bad hoped he would have no more to say on the question, hoping the protests would pass unnoticed; but be was an old-line Whig, tnd would still battle for the party as be had always dune. Applause. But be thought tbe tendency of au valorem was unve siuveiy lioni Uio rJtnto. It was a bad sign to sco the North sympathising with It. Frederick Grl-t, of Beaufort, called for the tending of the ad valorem resolution. - Mr. Smith, of Halifax, moved that tho resolutions, with the exception of those referring to ad valorem, be voted on. Curried. . , . The Federal resolutions were tben uuaniinousiy adopted. . Mr. Turner, of Orange, moved to take the vote on e l valorem, off 1 ig an amendment against taxing such small matters as tin cups, plates, lie. Mr. Builgcr proposed a change in bit amcudiaout, Khieh was accepted. The amendment of Mr. Turner was then adopted. ' Mr. Henry, of Bertie, tben moved a reconsiileiation of the i iiieudinent, entering hie protest against it. mr. Iiurrlngor, or I ubarrtm, Seconded Mr. Henry. Mr. Itayner hoped Mr, Turner would withdraw it. The motion to reconsider prevailed. Not being withdrawn the amendment was rejected. The question then reclin ing ou the pawnee of the a I valorem resolution, it passed almost unanimously. Mr. Nash arose mud idli'ied resolutions from the Bu-imas Committee, in response to the address of the National Union Executive Committee. The resolutions were read as follows: H'tuhfii, That this Convention will appoint two, del egates at large to represent this .Stale in the Genera' ' Convention of the National Union" Party, to be held for tho purpose of nominating candidates fir the offices ul IVimident and. ViiMt President for tltrennln teriiiT iinddo recommend to the people in each Cmigresrimul District to choose a delegate to the said Convention. J,noltnl. we will ooriliallv sut imrt anv Con servative National Union candidates whom tho said Cunvcnticn may nominate; but in the meantime, und sub ject to the d !c's on of the Convention, propose to the conservative men of the nation, the name of mil fellow citizen, WILLIAM A. Gil All AM, ae eminently woi thy to fill the highest office i.T the nation. The son of ii Revolutionary officer, ho lias inlieritcJ,,tlio patriotic livoti'tn of ii Is siie with a clear bead, an honest loirt, well iulormcii on public a Hairs', ii flexibly ju-t, a4u nmopHfoii, tine ftrftirmiTrlTrTrmmf n- nuty against his oi ponentj, and fully cmbucd with Feelings cf Ira trinity -will c.-m1 iieij;liWbia.'lHLie loyal t'i, tlio-trfiw-fttHtiw.-iiiid at shou. f be encouraged among the Mate.,, nud the ap- ! the ea'ne time cherishing his native .State with the ui gressl .ns or one upon anothir ib'u:d be repulsed .wt puuisbed. That notwithstan ling the recent oiitrtg", in the invasion of a neighboring Mate by n band of fa- ! Unties, with the iutent to excite a servile insnrm-ti n, and the delinquencies of certain Northern -Mates, i:; j not fu'filllnp the covenni.-ts.of the Fedi ral Or. titntii-:i. in our de'teriiiiiiationt-i maintain our common right in slave nrotierty. ard this caii be better ahVcted i thin ton, K, and Nashville, Tenn., Mr. j ones, of Rowiiii, JUie L'liiua.tbaii by-itJfitrQCrij!rr-"Wbf :i aygrt'f.'-i'on oppssed tht whole proceeding. sir. Wilson, if i'erquimoiis, moved to lay tbe matter on the table for tbe preseul. . Carried. At 1 1 o'clock tbe Executive Committee came in, and Mr. II., K'. Nash, chairman, in presenting ita report, said tbat it wat cheering -to bim to' see thit large as semblage of conservative men. No State, said be, can boast of aa much of talent in their aasemblagea as was here represented. He missed, however, many famil iar faces; tbey were not here, tbey bad vanished, tbey bad become weary of tbe good cause tbat once honored them. Ves, where art they? Why, led captive by the enemy I But the banner of Wbiggery, though it bad been defeated, bsel never been dishonored ! No, it still flourishes undirgraoed never will and never enn be disgraced. Friends stick to it, and my word for it, if it is true tbat right will triumph over wrong, just ao sure will our old Whig flag yet wave ovir our. .Hiioo end Mate Ibe IH-tuocralic party it too eor nipt to bold the reins of any government. They say they will dissolve the Union, and if displaoed from oflice and power the Union will bt disolved! Iliiiiciii Ions Idea! The non-electioa of either Democrats lr Black Republicans will not cause disunion. When Lo- eofocoism came into power aectiout of this country were not at daggers points. Jhey arc now, and De mocrats have caused it by continually agitating this slavery question. The salvation of tbe country is de pendent on tbe mass of the people, nH upon dema gogues: we can spare the demagogues, but not the "IflTtlaT'on ToThc insTiTaTo n'oTsTiicry in tiie S, States, wc still regard "the prerervuliuof the Clenei .-,'. Government in all its constitutional vior as the shot: anchor of our peace at home and s:if,'-y ;,1 r,,-il.j uii ! that we do not acquiesce in theiirce.ilty r.-r'.i utvUuti i, of the Union as a remedy for grievances now i'xi-ti!if, or that in our belief are likely to occur. . -J '8. That we yield to no port Hi of oulLIIuW clttii'i oted affection -if a Fin, a hit,r of nil coiniiit means mid appliances in public and private life, jmib iuv lii character from even the appearance i f blemish, lie posses-ea every quality which may dignify the highest station and give a-suronco of a wise, faithful and hon est exjTCisej,iitjipi.yf ex auy endoraatien of Henry Winter Davis, as be had been repudiated and protested by bit owu parly in bit owu Slate. Gov. Mi: lily thought both tbt resolutions unnecessa ry, and moved that both the resolution and substitute be laid on the tnlriV. Upon this question Mr. Brnbury called for tbe eyes and noes. ' ' After tome debate on tbe resolutions between Messrs. Caldwell, Buy nor, Barringer tnd Smith, Got. Manly withdrew hit motion to lay on the,, table. Hon. Sinn II. lingers said that be was in favor of Mr. Smith a resolution tbst Our representatives should be applauded, commended and thanked for, their course in Congress, and for their unswerving fidelity to the Const tutieui in Ihe-duik hour of trial. He thought they bad done right in voting for any con servative man hi preference to a Repnblicun. Tbe vote waa then taken on Mr. Kayner 't substi tute, when it was lost, aud Mr. Smith S' resolution win adopted almost uuitniiuoualy. , . Mr. Barringer moved ta appoint an Executive Com-mitt-e, as. the present one bad been in servicefor some time, and' moved that the delegates from each Con gressional District retire awd select one f. tea each Dis rict who ill nild constitute the Execative Committee. The motion was adopted, aud a recess uf tea luiu utes was taken fr tbi purpose. On reassembling the following gentlemen were an nounced as the Executive Committee:' First l)i-trict Jus. W. Hinton, of Pasqnotnnk. Second District It. S. Douavll, or Beaufort Third District D. L Unwell, of Brunswick. Fourth District Sinn II. Rogers, of Wake. Fifth district James A. Long, of Ouilford. Sixth District E. II. Ktarluek, of Forsitb. Seventh District Uufus Barringer, of t.'orbarrua. Eighth Distriat Gen. S. F. Pnttersnn. of Caldwell. On motion of Mr. E. J. Hale the. Chairman was re rnestrd to appoint four additional members of the C-mmittee. The Chairman appointed ibe following gentlemen: II. K. Nash, of Orange :sKenin p. Battle ol Wake; J.J. llava, ofi'rDklin;Hiilioin F. Collins, nf Granville. On motion of Mr. Foster the thanks ol this Conven tion were tendered to Col. George Little for the very able and f i tbful manner in which he had dischargel the duties of Chairman of the Executive Committee whoso term of sjrviee had just eipircd. , The f -Mowing l evolutions were offered by Mr. Cald well, of Bui ko, and unanimously adopted: iVioVsrf, 1 hat the thanks of this Convention are lne and are hen by tendered to the President for the abili ty, dignity ami impartiality with which he has presi ded over the deliberations of this IohIv. . Jltfilin', Thot the than. a of this Conrent'oa are due ami are tendered to tbe Secret ul ji. HODGES. DAVIS S CO'S upon these rights ore committal w'tbin cur own b ders, the remedy U in our own bauds'; no 1 the n;Uc -example of Virginia iu Hit execution f t ju -tree upou the invaders of her soil, will, we trust, render far distant the day which shall witness nnetlier surh expedition for assassinatien, insurrection af.A treason. When the perpetrators of inj'iry dj not venture within our limits, as in cases of seducing nr.J ai-ling escapes, transmitting incendiary publications im-1 r 'tosinpund resisting tho capture and restoration of .fugitives, the : party, dis remedies in practice are not so effectual as wc rouM r Metion wish, and iu good faith have a right to demand; but it is ditlicult to perceive l.ow they voiild bo . nin-M mere so by converting the present frontier of Tree States in- ! to a foreign frontier, by surrendering tbr rigbt to re- f dress for injuries of this nature iu. the Courts of the ' X'uited States, the power to demand the surrender of i uthern I BfiirtJ, That aa-tur frond cl.u'u'e f .r the Trek'-" deney, we recommend to the Nati xt it Union Cornell, I ti m the lion. WASHINGTON HUNT, ..f New York. ' Tbe folloninf: gentlemen were iippointed by. tbe ! r, tmuittce os d, Icg.iles tj tho Nulioiial Convention Mourned si',..' die. j from Noryi Carolina: Hon. J. M. Moichto l and Hon. i The repoitet's tu i. liarne-; nun. u. c. ii-mncil and lion. . Bojdcii, biPcriiates ; Mr. Henry, of l'erlie, moveil that tbe Hon. D. Out- law bt also appointed. Mrz-CaMwell "was cpfose.1 foIftIiought it caicu 1 lated to cause di.sen-i,in; he desiied lu.ui"iiy. , Mr llenry said he did not intend to c-t any ri flcc "trm on any g' titlemun; di l not wish fr'tur. a fire brand into tiie body, but be fell it bis duty to ofH Jhv , t a ne of a gentietnan from his own county who wtis j known, respect' d. and honored I the Ma to. On motion the thnriftVcf tbls'Ci nrention were ten dered In the Ha'leigb and Gaston Railroad Compiny, and t riiltlitlicr roads which baJeitenIelliVo favors, for passing the members over their roads at half price. On motion id' Mr Hinton the proceedings of tbe Convention ivereordeied to be published in the Buleigh I!egi-tr, and nil the Whig papers iu the State ic-qu'e-tcM to Copy. All the business before the Convention being dis poscdrof pHon. it"."XrluraTWoser nlsT ai1iliressetthe" bndy in a Very able and happy inuisner, urging them to go to work with renewed vigor, and to spare no en- Autlmriiftl br I Spffiul Art f tlif Lrzixlaturr, fur "Hit Brmfit of Am tit uiics, und (urfllhrr Purposes. ; MACOX, aroncn. THREEPLANg, SOMKTHING NEW. --Msaaaxammi . city, ri.AiVw $50,000, For $I.OO: Pi lies Payable Without Deduction! KXTKA CLASS ! 75 Ballots 12 . Drawn Nu.vnr.ns! To bt drawn In tbe City of Macon, every Monir, Ti xsiiAV, Winrnr, Turitsinv, Kkiimy and Sat ibiiav afteruiwqs, at 4 o'clock, duriug the yean and JstMI. Ily this Class the holder of any Ono Dollar Ticket, if the number so selected should be drawn, will hd entitled to a priie according to the following . - S C II K M K : Any SI ticket with H drawn numbers on It... ("0,000 Any l ticket with 7 drawn numbers on It... Any SI ticket With C drawn iiuintK-rs on it... 15,000 Any $1 ticket with A drawn. numbers on it... j,tMH) Any f 1 tirket with I ilrawn iiiiiiiIhts on it... 1 Any $1 ticket with :i drawn nwraticrs on it. 1100 Any jiptieket with rurntrn luiiuhers m .-. 30 Any !M ticket with 1 drrw.1 number vn if ... o Anv $1 ticket with a drawn number el it sta tioned to eome nut at anv particular place, such ns 6" lt,'.M, od, oi any other station in the diswing ., CO TirkrU I'ruiti $1 to any price. And priies paid at the above rntes per d illur. mmm . ien,iai isimsi .-s s n n f mJUV JU.Niis n'mAisVii MORE PRUES THAW BLANKS! CAl'MAL rnizH $70,000" Tlctots only 88. Halves ?l (.Juiirlers Jliojillic fcl. 1'iik us p.mai e m Ki 1 1 , witimit Pfimttki. our touutry'a altar.' lie spoke very eloquently fur twrutv-ftve minutes. At the conclusion of Mr. Nash's remarks the rea port of tbe committee wat read by T. R. Caldwell, Esq., at follows: Witr.aiAs, The present Democratic party, having been in power, for several years, and having abused the trust confided in it, tbia Convention Mieves that Ibe time has come wben every patriotic citixen should take prompt and efficient action towards a sound and thorough reformation in publio anairs. The party in power is responsible for Hit present deplorable condition of the country. At the expira tion of the term of Millnid Fillmore, it was with on overflowing treasury, peacefut-and prosperous at borne, and regir led witb respect and confidence abroad. It is now with a bankrupt tieasury, divided by internal dis sensions, disgraced by exposed co'rruptions, and watched by fcreigu da lions with jealousy and distrust. To the practices or thoae wbo have controlled the government, in the Intervening period, tbe people must look for the source of these misfortunes. Under tbe prestige of a name, they have violated the fundamental doctrines and distinctive principles which they were pledged to support. Instead of 'econo- rngitives from juttictliy li:c liovi run s e.f fiatM, and the right to the capture and return of, fugitive slaves, with all the force aud lit the t-vpense of the L'ui'.eJ Mates. W. Tbat in our opinion ni:cb re'ief rnny l,e ol,t :ined ngaint. such injuries by a rt vision of the police laws oPthe .Southern States, and that whenever these fron tier States shall find annoyances to their proper enjoy- j ment uf this species of property calliiijr for re-ln's by j forces wc shall be ready to bcarkea to their voice, and , to make their cause our own. 10. That in States which have violated the Federal Constitution by statutes deigned to nullity the laws j pric- Mr. Iladger said h hoped .Mr.-Henry would with, draw bis motion. He loted and retpevted the Hon. gentleman proposed, but as there were Bii.i" i:. the distinctions should u t be made. withdrawn. 1 he c.inraittce appointed as electors f.r toe State at large: It. K. Speed, of l'asquotauk, und llou.lieo. L. lladger, of Wake. . Mrt rimith, of Halifax, offered the fojlowang'reso lution: 'Jtczolrril, That the thanks of the whole country deavor to promote the success of the party. un motion of Mr. rcrcbee, tbe Convention then ad- is over. 'He lias performed it to the best of his ability, nud if be has doiie any jten tle:1fin injustice, it has len unintentional. . He t n-d.-rs his thanks fn the Secretaries and others of flip Coiiventi m wbo have assisted bim.iu.tlio, disclrurae .of bis duty. : . rnrchaaera. IiuyrtigTTft Tieki t", when Ilia numl era end in 1. "J, , 5, Ii, 7, r, ff a-r wiiarretced a prize of fc-o. ssnm -,i fi - posK. i no cvuGiuucu-imi KinBrTiiir- i oi me Liiuoi runes tor ine arrest niui return io tiieir t niimv, iu(i laving an uiiiercncea oeiween oremren on owners of fugitive slaves, the Federal law should be maintained by the vigorous ptini-hmrttt of nil persons guilty of this violation, such titatc laws to the con trary notwithstanding. ' 11. That we realliijn our long-c'berished opinions in favor of the distribution of tbe?puhlic lands, or their procceils, among ail the States of the Cnien, nsn.ore than ever desirable us a relief to the people of this State ag'iinat the present burdens of taxation. ' f 12. The internal improvements of Noith Carolina j should be fostered and prosecuted as -rapidly us the j resources and financial condition of the Sui t will per mit, without burdening the people, with taxaliuu or : injuring the public credit. . HV.erear, Great inequality exists in the present mode of taxation, and it is just and riht that all prop- erty should contribute itsprc-portion toward:1 the bur- dens of State: ' - 1. lltmhtd. That wo recommend. a convention of the people of the State he called on the Federal basis, ns early as practicable, for the purpose of so modify ing the Constitution that every species of propeity may be taxed according to its value, with power to discriminate onlyyn favor of the native products of our State and tiie-industrial pursuits of her citizens. That the prescriptive poucy.of the Democratic ars due to the Opposition members of Congress from this Stale, for their persistent and ntrii.-lic efforts to organiz'- the House of llej.resentatives:." .Mr. Ka'ner opposed the resolution, and said he til- iijr'.it i ur repre enl itiies wercpnre men and honest in th- if cnvirtiin, but thought they hrd acted un wisely and imprudently in voting for n Democrat for Sjca .ei' M all. Ho bad no nioro Confidence in the Iiiiii'erjrsrp'ai'ty, in regard tu the question of slavery, tha'i b. had in the 111 icli republican party. The Op-fo.-aiuirsiijuld not have voted for u. Dcihocrat for th" pin pose of defeating a Republican. It w as a laid lent and Would be thrown at them in ilmjliw iFTTection. thcy-rnr'iit to have stood with their roin Tirr; "iiTid if they had fallen they would hr,ve my in the publio expenditures," they have increased party oftlii Sufe, iu excluding from tin; judicial the expenset of the government from fifty to over ighty mHlious of dollars a year, supporting tbe trea sury, in lime of peace, by repealed loans by tbe issue or treasury notes. " Instead of "States nights, tbey have put forth the arm of the general government to control State elections, employing the corrupting power of Execu tive patronage aud encouraging lawlessness and fraud. Instead of a "strict coiistraction of Hie Constitu tion," they bava made tbt most extraordinary and alarming propositions to place unusual and dan gerous powers in the hands of the Executive that millions might be at his disposal that the army and navy might be so far at bit command at to give bim virtually the war-making power demands which, if acceded to, would endanger the liberties of the peo ple and, sooner or later, become subversive of the In- titutlons unaer wnicn wc live. - They have practiced bold and unblushing corruption in the vnriousdrpirtments of the Government, and lliee.-es -weHasfmnmll places of honor, and trust, all who do liot subscribe tiv.tiw.b.ehes;t..of . party, meets bur decided condemnation. 8. That an executive committee of eight' persons, one from each Congressional District, be appointed by. this Convention to confer with our friends throughout y the Suite aud Union as to the best mode of running put tbo objects ol this Convention,,. -Mr. 8mit!i,of Halifax, arose to enter his protest in behalf of his comity against the resolution' recom mending the ffd valorem system of taxation. Mr, Ferebee, of Camden, und Mr. Walker, of Mars tin, also entered their protest against tbe same, resolu tion jn behalf of the counties they represented. The question rccitring cu the passage of tbe pre amble and resolutions Hon.. Ceo. E. lladger arose and addressed the Con vention. He said tluitjie was no'speccli m'uker that be bad arrived nt that time of -life which made it irk some: but be bad a few remarks -to submit ou a few pmlnls-iii. the resolutions which' had just been read. fallen in glory, lie said be wished it understood that he wcu'-'l not vote fir a. Democrat in tho National Convention,' ani, nlthough he had been denounced f:oiii lJ-in to licrshcln by then, he would not return rai.iii-r for. railiug. f Loud opidause.l Mr. Siaitu thought the resolution oiijiht to meet the approb amir of oil in the Convention, nud .explained the woi ding of it and said tho representatives, did vote i ';:ht. that he woul.l have done so. , Air. lladger understood the resolution to mean Hint we must endorse nil they bod done. The South . A.!i;orte-ns were lacking in per.-istince, ntij made too many compromises, lio said be c:uhi Hot vote tor the resolution. A running debate here ensued between Messrs. Ra vner. Ferebee, SinMh, lladger and Bariingcr. 1 'ending this question the Convention adjourned to o o clock, p. ui. . KVKXIXO SKSSIOXV At three o'clock the 1'icsiUeut called the Convention to order. (Mi motion of Mr." Ferebee, of Camden, pending business wnspisscd over informally, and the Conveu tiou proceeded, to the selection of a candidate for Gov ernor. - - - - , -. TliC. Chair remarked that in order. . .-: Mr, Ferebee uoniinaliJ J-obu Tool, li'q ynf i'asquo tank. -Mr. Caldwell, of Dmke, expressed liij approval. .Mr. roisson nominatta U. t . Meares, Esq., of ew Hanover. ' - ' . lr. -. t nominated Hon. E. G. Rcade. of Person. Mr. II. T. tiuiou, of Craven, wished to. know whether Messrs. Mettles and iUn(e would accept the iiominatieui. - The delegates nominating these gentlemen not know ing , - .. i .... Mr. Syme wished to know if Mr. Pool would accept. Mr. Ferebee replied in the affirmative. Mr. Syme said that as it was certain that Mr. Tool would .accept'! and -that it 'was not certain, that the other gent'eiucu would, he hoped that their lutuies Would be withdrawn; that the. Couveution ought not to pay empty compliments to any one; tliit they as- seiiitileu to nominate; aud virtually cle ". MANSION HOUSE, UMDIBOK(V,H.r, HMIF. I XDEUSItiXED HAS TAKES CHARGE OF . L the above HOTEL, win re be will be happy to see bis former acquaintances and patrons, an 1 will try to make ns many new ones as ossildc by the sti test nttention to business, nudadeterininntioiinn his part to please all wbo may favor bim with a call. Try me aud eee. 's. II. RORKSUX, i'lonrietor. Feb. '0, lf-.l-OM-Sm '" . Five Cents Howard, T F.FT TIIE SL'HSCRIRER. OX Oil AUOl.T TIIE J -let of January, withoutpeiniission,JOIIX l.OVE, nbr.tit sixteen years of ag'!, (a white boy.) i.n indentured apprentice to me. All persons aro hereby forewarned harboring or trusting said boy ori my ac count, as I will bold them responsible tor bis hire, and will pay no expenses contracted un his account. 70 : A. li.H'CCM. SrilEI'Cl-E Of CI.A-SES .VXD Dr.AWlXGS. MAttru. Class 2iVIraw Fa turdny, March -flr "IwW. Class 1'7. draws Saturday, Mnreli lO.'lH'.ll. Cln-s draas Sutnrdny, March 17. lWilt. ' Vans ill, draws Satnrdny, Match 24, i". Class 30, draws Saturday, Maicb 1W0. AVUIL. Class .11, draws Saturday,. April 7. 1R10. ' Cbis :!i, draws Sat u: -lay, April 1 4, IfOn. tTlnss .'1:1, draws Saturday, April i!l, lffttl. Cluss 81, draws Sutunlay, April '.', 1SC0. .v.i r. Clsss S.'p. diaws Saturday, May 5. 1SC0. Class ftl, draws Saturday, May 12, 1800. Chis, .17, draws S..turd.y, May 1'J, lS'it). . Class IS, draws Satur lay, May 20, 13.10. 26,220 Frizes, uinoiinltn to' .$271,200, Will be disti'ilmfed nccording to the following -'G 11 A X I) :SCH E ME: To be drawn every Saturday. Headquarters. Tnr-nsc.RiDi:iVUAV4XG -determixedto remove West, offers for sale bis Valuable Lane's reek Plaiilalion, containing 3'M acres, of which 100 arc in a high state of cultivation: and of which some or 40 acres are hammock lands. - The said plantation )tas attached a.valuabIo set of MILLS, which are located vory convenient to the jdantntirn and the surrounding country. They ore on the Concord road. Also, on the plantation, a good ST011E IIOI SEond SH'li: SHOPS; a go al DWELLING HOI SE. NEGRO IIOL'SES, G1X I10LSE, II A 11 X and STA1ILES. and everv necessary convenience. Also, a huge variety of FRUIT TP-EFS. If yoM'wish to purchase, yon will do well to call and examine the land and premises for yourself. Youcau buy a bargain, ns I am determined to sell, i-eli. 1.100-75-tf S. CAUDLE. 1 Til?? of....;.... 1 i'riie of... ... 1 Prize i-T......... 1 Pric of 1 Prize of 1 Pi ke of 8 Prizes of ., 7fl'.ni)i L'fl.tlOO lo.otte fi.lHllf 3. Ills) H. ttt Ml I. 000 fi Prizes of..'... . 10 Prizes of..... !!0 Prizes of..... 1110 Prizes of.. .. 100 Prises of -,00tl Prizes of..... SoOO 81 to 100 CO 076 ArenoxiMATioN Pr.;r:rs, .twot'NTixa to $18,200 2tifi2f) Pi,lZKS, A51DINT1MJ Til . 7...... $271,200 Certificates Do. Do. Do. of Parka; do. do. . do. :essof 10 Whole Tickrts..; $05.00 10 Half Tickets.... 27.MI 10 Quarter Tickets 1H.7' 10 Eighth Tickets. G.8I xccllent condition, with gal-den nndgniunds nttneiieu. it is located on. Can- s Mount, lunuire at this Office: ' 73-tf IX TE L'ct, an CMtosi- tionGevernor. have encumbered the mailt witb one-sided and excit-1 The resolutions bad not exaggerated the condition of " i'l'e. hanies of Messrs. Meares and Reado being ing- publications to turn public attention from iheir the country, especially, in regard, tu tho misconduct of -.-withdrawn - conduct, and mislead tht peoplt into the support ofl Democratic politicians and oftice-hoMcis inoirrSt.te1: !. Ferebee moved that., JOHN' POOL, Esv, bo tht.1'' schemes, for the purpose of prolonging their and cnuntr. The'differences between the North and nominated by acclamation, which was done with en- South bad been caused liy the course of Hint party on ; uos--usm . . -. many nuestions. The 'Democratic party if continually " '"' I'dbUTy moved that a-coniDutteo of five from .i -scendancy and perne'uating their power P-, i,( t-ame end they have welcomed Into their " ' taki.'n uader their especial protection agita ranks ana nr)t4-e of the publio peace, in every tors' wnd dies'. .j, of poii,icnl fttitlli ngnr-i-section - and or J r ju8,i(., nJ ,hc 4fcty of less alike of the dem " the republic . " ''-m eurmigration without Tbey have encouraged forw"1" , tu.. i..j.,, reierenee vo cinsrnvvsi vi v.- irenee to cnaracr r '-- foj- refugees, our snores mey nave open y -.. , - . . , ; criminals and paupers, and marshalled tu .J,,.rv party ranks to be conducted to-the ballot boa C0.D V to-tlie laws of the land, to stifle the voioe of a."" can citizens "and rob them of their dearest birthnjrt. or tne uoveramens vo ihhuciiiui " - tant rates, left the laws unexecuted, paralyzed tbe arm of publlo'justictl aad countenanced force aud fraud. They hart cbeoked tbe development of tht national reaoureea, and made us dependent on foreign nations for tbt most common artlolet of consumption, JMittf financial and commercial diatrtae ia reported from, every quarter. ' ' i They bavt kept up tystematie agitation of the. dsngeroua and exciting q,uetioaf alavery, adopting deceptive aad double-meauing platforms on tbt sub ject, and by tht operation of aa adroit political ma chinery, bavt aroused popular excitement, whenever . their parporet wight require it, upon falet and da- j signed issues, and bavt then practiced upon the fears I of tht peoplt to-betray Bbeir principlca - end in terests. W, ' '. .-" "1 - TbeyJhave annulled loaB'establithed eoaipruauses between eoumeUng tptj-rtaaa of different eeoUoas. j broken dowa the tral Unduarbaor policy erecttdTiv aur fathrrr, nrJ uft Iht public taauailt; .Uimdowi.g dirknest tnd uuccrtaia'v. 1 II. W. KOIII.VSOV, sf H:o.v ifK.rrisT, A VINO PERMAXEXTLY LOCATED IX TIIE townjf', respeetf'ultv t...u. i.;.. ...t ... .11 who inty nec-j rttem . it living had seve ral years practice, be feels safe in warranting satis faction in ALL OPERATION'S. All diseases of the mouth successfully treated. Artificial teeth, from ofi to a full set, supplied iu 4'ie best and most approved style. Persons iu the country visited, at their resi dence wben desired. - Terms cash when the work is finished. Wadesborn', February 0, This is the ri.-k, nnd which entitles tke bolder to all Ive-drows over 1 . COMISIYATIOX rLANV CLASS l - DH.UV.S EVERY TUESDAY AX 11 CCLOCK A. M. ( Al'lTAL riUZM $100,000! ?S Xunibcrs-1 1 Drawn Ilnllotn! . 14 DiauJi Bulluti in (Hih I'm.tiijco'2li Ticlais! '.O0;0f"0 i... $100,000 CO.tMlOare K-0,000 io.ooi) arc 00,000 L'O.OtiO arc.,..-.... .40,000 3,0! autre 1ft omt ' 1 calling atteiitiim''to impending difficulties, and have each Congressional .District be appointed, by the Chair Mo iiiionn Ml. Pool ol bis no proposed, terms for n remedy which no-man of honor can submit to.s We must endorse their platform or be denounced because we do not They design to consoli date their party by fixing stigmas npoii those whom tbey know to be ns devoted to the 1 nion ns themselv tin mi. tl, ,n . t arned. " '" Mr. Hinton, of Pastitiotimk. being loudly culled for., arose, and. after paying a,bigh tribute to Mr. Pool of hi- county, enchained the audience for bull' uu hour. with a uiost admirable and eKHiicitt address. "Our School," .11 Itfri Hill .tcadtnty, four mil ft, Houlh of li'Alff'K Store, .iwm count a. rpHIS SCHOOL. SITUATED IX A VERY HEAL: thy locality, will commence its exercises under the superintendence of W-. D; REDTIARN on the HKST MOXDA ' I.Y FEllH If A HX.J : " ''.' " Board" can be obtained in t?re neighborhood, conve nient to the Academy, at $7 pejr month, Tuition will vary from $7.50 to !flC per session, accwdi-ig ?o the advancement of the Student. TOWXLY REDFEARX, WILLIAM I.OWKV, -' - P. X. REDFEARX, MATH l-AS 1.0CKII ART OLIVER T: Cd'l.l.lXS, ' ADAM f.fH'KIIART, ALBERT MYERS; Trustees. T. S. Any further informition may be obtained from either of the Trustees. Post Office address: While's Store, Anson County, X. C. . January 2", 1SC.0-72-79 . '. Prizo of Prizes of PrizefT of PriA'!l r,f Prises of '. Prises el....... Priz-es Cv1...'.,.. Prizo of....... 7-jO Prizes of.....'. 61 Prizes of . 64 Prizes of....... t',4 Priies of 128 Prizes of...:..;. 0.501 Prizes of....... 18,221 Prizes of ,lHifaTC , 2,000 are.. I, IKK) is....:'::.'. 200 are-.,:....-., 100 arc ... SO'a're.. 00 are 641 ore... :ij arc."....... rl'j ate :. G.00O. 1,000 70,000 C,400 6,120 3,840 6,400 170.12S 451,564 81,412 Prizes, amounting to ........$1,030,472 Tifkffs ilff-Diihfs -Quiirlcri E-?niIis l. Certificates o.f..2.a,...Wholes ?250 Certificates nf 2 Halves ?I2" Certificates "f 20 Q'lnrtvrs 02.50 Ceiliticates of 20 Eighth $Sl 2?. .Observation bns sBown that onr condition, cannot be ) - -ir- "aiser, oi xiajMsivn, loiioweii; bis style was ameliorated under Democratic riilc. We must unite ; ai ijunientiitive, and he gave the Democracy many bald to drivo from power these who have done ns mneh i blows in the-short ribs; bis remarks as well ns those harm, and we haveyet tasee tliat they have done us any I of Mr. lliuton, were received with frequent shouts g'ood.1 Let our great Union Thnrtr brirsr hitck union : and bursts of applause. aud. the prosperity wo one enjoyed.'- I Cave always j - Ibe following unfinished business, viz; Mr. SmitU'si,rllE. PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY 1XVITED v...m,.wt,n.1 the bava let out tbe contracts I 'ecu a i.n.g -..uoo. ,,,g, .vw uig anu n.,ii, T' " ' "H aih- - -t- I i" i .m me Ttr.n tu.ii it .I.MM. r.Sf HI '' "" . .. ..i.. .. .,j.-i.fl- e luien lias neier Mtnue me lur nctine under us . .nr. jinyiior ouercu u auuaiitmcas lultiv ve haV no' one nt Ibd helm of the ship of st ate oNolicc. fl.KAPK TAKE XliTICE That iu ordering Ti, kets, tiie only thing fivetitjotr? to: insure safety and dispitcli",,is; that you address us, in a plainiiand, giving your Post Office,1 County and State, and your orders wil be answered by return . mail. , ' ; , - That we end the Official Printed Drawing to ewry patron, immediately after the same is ispiied, and witli the Drawing a Statcii.ei.t to each individual of waat he or she has drawn. Thit we cash all Prizes nnW fl.OtIO immediately after the Drawing, it Specie. Hhnk Notes, ofc Drafts. pjrTl. .4 LtnniUirafili.i trir'hi fiy??-!'-'''. . Purcbaerswil! .pleiaaawi ife their siiznaiufcs plaitf, and give their Post Office. County and Mate. ' : - circulars' -rT" . Containing full explanation of our SAemesv 4"-. will be forwarded, by ttinil, r any one sending ns his name. .4. ' .. - Addiess all ners fn IIOIMa'KS. nuis & CO., e ir- Marnn, tin. con. ' flag- now that w. AVaiiesboiiii', t)et. 10. JSf. rpilF CH URM AX AND EXAMINING COMMIT- can t:',ut,thcft'fort Jet us bury differences j ' 1 ....:... e iuc.:vu!uri ; let us oe careless 01 i""'-io,. i,ihiio, uitm-ore itu-itieu. is uic. iney now wbit may be said iv Other? 11( i'ress forward to ' a-eiipy iu tiie. national cuuuciic as tbe organs and rep t r'vt At "Id men "liiut' eOvB pass off tho .-luge of ; r.esfiitiitives 'of "the conservative elements of the conn ection 1 call upou our youCe moil 19 forward ! tryUurt we will susbiin and defend them in their re am! oc'curv it YYh should d'oi.s of "uccsss thwut s sfauoe to tho tyranny aud "misrule of Democracy, us? Ow-oauso is right and we irl' suce'eci', for the I and their opposition to the iiu-cuievous iuUuencesof reason that light always reTetves from ; f .nat.oism, whether North or SouU,.'' aVove. If our party fails, and if a-, fall in the cow--) '. " ""J"" "0"--1't tu,fi uu J u" Cou nion ruin, let us Have the sutisfuction of kutw!:i(T tbaf" I venjieiU, and urged it? aeeeptauce. we fall advocating a good cu.e. But Democracy al.l..-'5";-: Sn':!h ? r'Ki"al and nrgo.1 its rill yet fall. .AH,la,ue. Wa i,o,la j uuMtrnjoua passage, say.iig that opP..,,t.on to this ill understand what the aj valorem resolution means. ' r.-soiutton and thesui-port ..4 Mr. Uavuer substitute It means that all shall besrec,nfil taxation in propor-; . A JT ' lion Z their wealth. It is certainlv justwbo will Mr. xvavter rtplu-d, Lading H. VT . Davis, am detiv It' -"l aiaro-r 10 see opposition to it. There t justifying toJwttrat iu voting tor I'emungtoi.. He is nothing in it hut what is just and fair. I would I said thai he ( Pfjnagton) waa a, twanj aaaa af havt opwised itlierore Vheeoaipi-omlse of tbe atwtHtsI Wahiegtoa Hunt whom the Convention had end.-rsed. . r mis h.,1 It.wat been ai.d.t. .1 h the Mr. S ait said bt tW sorry this taalter had been -l.ein.Hir.twp.rtV iw-'ra-nog thtrlr-mm:ffiITr V JnJ-H f f "' " 1 " 1 111 1 i.l-U. ..... J l.a.aa In l.l-ll l l'T r,t ITI "I! Hl'VVVTT 1 ..J 'A'osjiV(,. Tjiat the Southern Opposition members j nearlhe PLANK ROAD, one mile northwest of Wades- !"1 tee of t!. mm m fjcbools for Anou County, hereby 'ongrcss of the United States luive owe-cotdial sup-j boro'.: . ' . I riifornt.aM wb desire to lw admitted ns Teuchers, that The proprietors return thanks for patronage already ! they w:ll heron ftcr adhere to the rule of carrying on bestowed, and Hsk rutiuuauea'of the, assuring ' tbe.Vxaniinatioa only on the followiiijt days: the tatt tbe citixens of Anson and the surrounding counties J'nhv ir. Janmiry, nnd tho correspondirgday in every tbat tbey will pcrfcrm their contracts pnnctnalif. ! ft mi month thercattcr. They have on hand at"prertit several 5EAT an I j -- . '! '-' SCRSTANTIAL JtMJS. aud AKE 1 RKPAREPTO ' EXECUTE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ALL j 'ORDERS IX THEIR LINE. All new work warranted Jan. 24-72-tf " L U. LENNKTT ii CO 7."i-tf IT. R HVMMOXP, W: M H (MMOND, R. H .IUTTJ.E. Jjv Committee. 'Laborers 'Wanted.-. l . Medical Notice. ' ...... x itAU'7tl A ROUT FIFTY ABLE BODIED .NEGRO MEN art wanted aTI-ARtlftTTRS to woik upon the Wil- miogton, Tiarlotte and Rutherf.vrd Rai!rvad east of 1 resi-tem-e p-e Vf rif Tim r;fT.l"-V prietaarill lie given. An- h The inii attou r'r io D. INGRAM m - Vi mil iif ' ' milV FTR M OF' ASHE ll""i "15 r - rfrs-witv-d tv mutual Coiisenl. 1 "Trt ASHE maybe found fwhen not profeasioaally itrgage'ei, at bi .-uop4u4J abovc-the- I'oat tttiiee, and opposite tu (svrTr'., fcLS'-! -- J m pf tht late fr-va-