NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS, r h- : Tim. ' ' Cllek-ollok,' ' Oe lac typ In th "hns." . Tby l together with eminoa souad, ' A swiftly Iks hand that collects tbesago roood ' Ad arrange thee Arm In tfa "li, . ., Cliok llck : ' . - aiok slick, X See tliem new in th "ttlok," '-v. What wonderful thing they art bow, a they tit: Am moment 'tU entire, snd the h ! wit , Unmeaning when ringl oibrnd, then tbey kit A UrrlWo blow with thilr click-click la patting up t, pt in tbt "f tick," . , Clickclick.. Click dick, . ' 8m tbera bow in Hit -"stick," To Iho chief or assassin they sorrow hell.le, . And the wealth oppressor in rala triei to glide A wot from the clicking the world cannot Ud Him away from the aound of that click click in patting ap type la tat "stick,'' - Click click. ' Click cliok, A Ihey go la Uie tick," flee guilt, at the aound, with a vlsg af fright, Recoiling from aelf by dny or hy night, ' A it view with suspicion each method of light. Bat it aeror can ft from the click click, Of putting typo la the "atick," Click llek. w Click click, At they go In the "stick," .Monarch and Klnge their approach dread; They know that with Liberty typ hare been wed, And visions they nee of their throne Mood-red,, An they tremblingly bow at the click click, Of putting op type In the "atick," Click click. , " CTck-dick, Qa tht typet In tht "stick." State, Rolera and Monareheee, Paehaa and King, - The Poet, the rainier, the Minatrel that sings, Hav a meet "holr horror" of thru little thine " Of Uinoisthatthaymikewithtbcirclkfc click,' When setting II. em into Hie "ttick," Hies die. . From tlieLatrlon Times. POTTOS 1D 1IEIICJS SL1TEBT. The importation of cotton into this country has, since the loipoft duty wasabolised, increased six-teer-fold. Hairing been 63,000,000 tlx., it is now 1,000,000,000 II. ' This is one of those giaot jacia wuicn tu bi net a ana snouiacre ttlpicr j nan the crowd so hich andjm broad tlutt we can -neither overlook it nor artcct not to tea it. it proves the- existence of a thousand smaller facts that most stand onder its shadow. It tells of sitfeen time as many mills, sixteen timet as many English families living by working those " wills, sixteen timet ( much profit dorived from sixteen timet as much capital cuagoj iii-thi luanufactiire. It carries after it sequences of increased quantity of friilits and insurances, and necessities for sixteen (iioct the amount of customers to consume, to our profit, the immense - amount of produce we aro turning out. There are not many snch facts at these, sriting in the .. quiet routine of industrial history, ll u n large and so steady that we can steer our national policy by ft ; it it so important" to us that we ahoulu be reduced to embarrassment if u were aoddraJv todisuppear. It teaches iu to persevere M a peJtoy which has produced so wonderful a result r its beneficent operation makes it esscu tial to us t deal' carefully wilh it now we have pit it. Sent ytart ago an Wand arose in the .Mediterranean, and we were alt discasting it and quarreling about k, and keeping up t brisk fire of diplomatic notes over it, when one fine morn jog the disgusted ialand suddenly went down again, and ships sent out to survey it sailed over the site it had occupied. Vt must not do any. thing to disgaat this nape lamp of profitable work which hat suddenly arisen among u. VV't are inclined to look upon it with a respectful and superstitious tenderness, rather as a gambler does upon a ran, of luck of cards, hoping it may last rorevcr. -Lord Brougham and the veterans of the old n Anti-Slavery Society do not, we fear, share our delight at Ibis great increase in the employment of our home population. Their minds are still seared by those horrible stories which were burnt n wpon thtm in their youth, when England was . not only a slave owning, but even asluve-trading State. Tbctr remorse is so great that tie ghost of a black man is always before them. They are benevolent and excellent people ; but if a black man happen to have broken hi shin and a white man were in danger of. drowning, we much . fear th it a real Anti-Shivery xcalot would bind up the black man's leg before be would .draw the white man out of the water. It is not an in consistency, therefore, tliut while wc seo only, cause of congratulation in this wonderful in crease of trade, Lord Brougham sect in it. the exaggeration of an evil he never ceases to deplore, j -We, and tucb aswc, whoaro content tu look upon society as Providence allows it to .ciiA to mend it when we can, but not lo distress ouWlves im moderately for evils which are not of our creation, we tee only the free and intelligent Knglibh families who thrive upon the wages which these cotton bales produce. -Lord Jirougham sees only' ; the black laborers who, on the other side of the Atlantic, pick the cotton pods in slavery. , Laid Brougham deplores lhat in this tremendous im portation of a thousand millions of pounds of cot- thelwo'sahareof the profiles to the U Htites, snd has been produced by slave labor Intteadof twenty-three millions, the United States now send us ciglit hundred snd thirty miilioos, and this is all cultivated by slaves. It is very sad that this should be so, but we do not see our way to a remedy. There seems to bo rather s chance of its becoming worse. - If France, who is already moving onwards iu a rcatless) purblind state, should open hor eyes wide, should give herself fair play by accepting our coals, iron and machinery, and, under the stimulus of a whole some competition, should take to manufacturing npnn a large scale, then these three millions will not be enough. France will be competing with ns in the foreign cotton markets, stimulating still further the produee oriieorgia and South Carolina. The jump -which the consumption of cotton in England has jiust made, is bat a single leap, which may be repeated indefinitely. There are a thou sand millions of mandkind upon the globe, all of whom can be most comfortably clad in cotton. Every year hew Iribessnd new nations are added to thecategory of cotton weartri. There is every reason to believe that tho- supply of thi universal necessity will for many years yet to come fail to keep pace with the demand, and, in the Interest of that large class of our countrymen to whom cotton is bread, we.must continue to hope that, the United Stales will bo' able to supply ns in years to como with twice as much as we bought of them in years pa;t . " Let us raise another market," savs the Anti- Biavery peopio. co say wc all;. vt o know verv well that the possibility of growinj cotton U not .confined to tho New World.- The plains of lien- gal grew cotton before Coluiubui wasibofu, and ws, with our mechanical advantages,-can aVtuully afford to take the Dc-neal cotton from the prnrnn and send it back to- them in yarns and pieces -caeapcrlban tury oan make it up. fco, ulao, thou sands of square miles, in China are covered by the cotton plant;, and some day we joay perhaps repeat tue tame process mere. Amos, too, prom- Iim nl fir I Jl nnal.u, m n A m Ana.n,H in which the growth wst indigenous, and where the ebiefs were snaxioua lo be taught huw to i-uttivaier it for tn Kirrtiftm niirLp- Thrr i. ,X1 no lack of lands and climate where cotton could be produced. It is said of cold that no sub stone in Batata It more widely diffused and mora omnipresent! but, onfortutistelv, it la dif fused Midor conditions which make U seldom possible to win it with a profit. So it is of cot ton. ' The conditions under which it becomes available for our markets arc not often present lo the wild cotton which pur travelers discover ; nor art they to be Trrmedistely supplied. ' Re member th efforts whioh th French have rosdo 10 produce cotton in Algeria, th enormous prist they offered, the prioes at which they bought np all -to produce, th care with wbieb such fabrics were pre pi red from ' the cottons at Rouen and exhibited at th Paris. Exhibition, and then note the tuUerabl result after so many years of artificial protection. It will corns even 1'ially as th cotton wente of th world press heavily, and more heavily it must com. W shall have cot ten from Indis, from China and from Africa; we would advocat every means within reasonable limits to quicken t he-development. We would not even ask whether to in troduce eotton culture upon a large scale into Africa w:mld br I secure lb, it African ootton would not be raised by !av labor. 13 ut even Lord Droughtm would not ask ns to believe that there it SDproxima1e hope that i the free cotton raised in Africa will, within tny reasona ble time, driv out of culture the (lav crown cotton of America., If this be so, of what us can it be lo make irritating speeches iu the House of Jiords against a state of things by whioh we are content to profit f Lord Brougham and Lord Ursy are not men of such illugival minds as to be incapable of understanding that it is the demand of the Knglish manufaotnrers bioh stimulates th pradnce of Slav grown American colto. They are neither of thenr, we apprehend, so reckless or to wicked as to wish to close our factories snd throw some two million! of our manufacturing population out of bread. by, then, these inconsequent snd these imtat' ing denunciations? Let us create new fields of proJuce if we can : but, roeanwliilo, it is neith er just nor digniGcd to buy this raw material from the Americans, and to revile them far pro. dmf ig it. . HEJIICH WDITEB1SB. As the time is at hand to commence prepare- tioua for summer house cleaning, we publixh .the following, which is used on (he i'rcsioVnt's home at Washington, and ia said to be excellent; L .Take half a bushel of nice urslacked lime, slack it with boiling water; covering it during the prucesa lo keep in the steam. Strain the liquid through a fine stive or strainer, and add to it a peck of tall, previously well dissolved in watci ; three Ihsi ground rice, boiled to a thin paatc,and stirred in boiling hot ; half a pound of clean glue whirh has been previously dissolved by soaking it well and then hanging over a slow fire, ia a small kettle besiJe a large one filled with water. Add Bye gallons of hot water to the mixture, stir" it well, and let it stand a few days covered from the ' dirt. It should be cut on Tic lit hot : for this purpose it ran be kept ia a kettle' -oft a furnace, j It is said that about a pint of this mixture will cover a square yard upon the outside of a house, if properly applied. Brushes muro or lest small, may be used according to the neatness of the job required., It answers it well as oil or paint oo wood or stone, and ia chiaper. It retains its brilliancy for many years. There it nothing of the kind will compare with it, either for inside or outnide wall. Coloring may be put in, and made of any shade you like, ftpauiah brown stirred iu will make red pink, moro or Iesr deep to the quantity A delicate tingo of this is very pretty for insido walls. Finely pulverized common clay, wall mixed with Spanish brown makes a reddish stone color. Yellow ochre stirred in makes yel low wash, but ehrome goes further snd makes color generally esteemed, prettier. In all' these cases the darkness of the shades of course is de termined by I he quantity of coloring uaed. It it difficult to make rules, because tastes are dif ferent j it would be best lo try experiments on a shingle and let it dry. We have been told that green must , not be mixed with lime. The lime destnys (he color, and the color has an effect on the whitewash, which make it crack and pet I. When walls have been badly smoked and you wish to hare them a clean white, it it well to squeeze indigo plentifully through a bag into water you use, before it is stirred in the mix ture. If a larger quantity than five gallons be wanted, the same proportions should be observed Tub DeMrciiATic N'f.wsPAprK. The fol lowing pleasitnt account or the Democracy -and their newspapers is the work of one of tho nartv the Washington correspondent of tho- ltaleigh Qtanduru : " The politicians at this point are now giving themselves up, body and soul, to I lie work of fur thering the iutere: of their respective friends, who aspire to a nomination at Charleston. When will the take the control of such matters in their own hands, and not be the .unconscious dupes and instruments of telf-sggrandizing poli ticians? How Ion" will they permit an irres ponsible clique of politicians to determine for then who shall be their nominee? To one who has aeccs to political circles hero, and who has I his eves an eirs ooen it. aDncarsasthouL'li Wash which should bo announced tho democratic 1 residential norm nee, and that tho Chariest Convention was but a packed concern, hold submissive under certain pains and penalties to ratify the nomination of the man this self-constituted dictatorship of tl- l- . "... .1 ...II . . m . w sjiiungton cny snouia present to mem. j lit prea u bonihl up- men' t pent and Ira bit bought unit ftairl fur and uieJ teeming cititorinh art mattered broad-cant north, fa, ninth and tceit, declaring the popular voitc it for a certain man. .".States which are- known to be bostilotothe candidates of these! parties sre represented ss hiving ' a strong under ciifrent' ftr him. The Vice-Presidency is held up as a temptation men in doubtful States spoken of in connection with it and eulogized to the seventh heavens in the hope that the sugar, coaled pill will be taken, and these gentlemen use their influence in securing the votes of their respective States. Flaming editorials appear, for instance, in the Cincinnati Enquirer ; to-morrow, and the next, snd succeed ing days the same editorial, differently worded, is exhibited, in a New Hampshire, New' York,: Missouri and Georgia-paper, representing the ex istence of an unexampled enthusiasm knd strength of this particular candidate ; tbe unsuspecting people bite at the' gilded, and tempting' bait, thinking these editorials the honestly expressed convictions of thoir respective editors, while they are paid for in resdy money or rich promises to be redeemed in the future. ' Trickerv. in trigue and scheming seem to be the ordr of the 3ay.Tr'" - Tnii DKMOCRATtf; Creed A comlcmporarv justly observes that it cannot be thurged upon the Democratic party that it !i " based upon a single idea." It is trying to stand, just soar, on tho basis of a dozen or two conflicting ideas! The Democratic electionecrer who travels around among his own party, this year, will have a hard time of it lie will be expected to avow a different set of principles at each place: ' In Illinois he most swear that Popular Sovereignty is the true .doctrine, and in Virginia that it is rank herevy He uist mount th Paoiflo Rstroad itforiu in Mueburi, but back i quart down off it in Oeorei. In PhiladolDhia he must unfurl the banner of '8peciflc Duties in. Eichmond of AA Valorem Duties" and IB Charleston ( no duties at all. He msy save the Union In New lork, but bo mutt dissolve H again in Mississippi. In Michigan be can donouuoe Filibusters, but in Leuistana he must take them by the hand and bid them God speed. His Democratic bearers msy eheer him if he opposes the slsve trsde in Con necticut, but they will perhaps tar and feather him if ba does it in Georgia. As to the Fishing Bounties hs has only to believe tbeui just and proper io Maine, and an atrocious swindls in Ala bama. He can then complete this parti colored creed by whispering his dislike of a Ttrritotial Slav Cod in lew England, and shouting his admiration of it in South Carolina. If he can contrive to support sll three different doctrines at ne he will be a faithful exponent of the principles of his party. Oo on point only will he find agreement among the warring members of th Democratic household, and that ia that th eountr is sure to go to destruction unless they, escb of them, got the offices. 1 TATROr NORTH CAROLINA, AN80N COfNTT. ' Corav or Pleas asd QuaaTia Simioxs, 1 Jamuon Ttrm. 18C0. 1 Ohid TI. Sinclair, Executor of James Sinclair, dee'd, vs. Jens Jaraoa a4 wire Jlary, Tboma Hullra and win altrtha, Jen Beeohum nd wife Domlbr, Mickleberry McBride end wiftFlorind, Mahla Sinclair, Klisabeth Siaaiair, Lewellca Sinclair, and Dongla Siocialr. V Pttilion for Attttmt mni Stttlemrnt. I N TlttS CASE, IT APl'EARINO TO TH8 SATIS FACTION af the Coart that tbt derrnduidanU, eM Beech ua and wife Dorathy, and Mickleberry Mcllriile and wire tlorioda, reside Beyond tbe nmite of this State: It Is therefore ordered by the Coart, that publication be mad ia tb North Carolina Argus for eii eneceseiv weeke, notifying said defendant lo be and appear at the next term of this Coart to be held for th County of Anton, at th Court Hoan in Wadcsborough, ou the second Monday In April next, the and there to plead, answer ordemur to plaintiffs petition, or judgment fire cohi- mo will be rendered, aad the can heard a frit a to Iheta. Witness: Patrick J. Coppedge, Clerk of onr aid Conrt, at office in Wadetborongh th second Monday la January, A. I). 1SUO, and in tb 8-ttb year of Ameri can Independence. 7&-W) P. J.COrPEDOE, Clerk. TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ANSON COUNTY. Coctr or Plsas axii QuabtsiV Bsmioxs, ) January Tmm, 1800. Miles W. Maek, Admioletralor of Neleoa llerriogtoa, decoased, r. Jnha B. Harrington aad others. rtdlion far Salt tf Lmi, IX THIS CASE, IT APPEARING TO THE SATIS FACTION of the Court thai the defendant', John B. Harrington, Dudley P. Harrington, Harriet E. Harrington, RoxyAno H-irrinntun, I'hilip Hairing tun, Jane Harrington, Benjamin Harringloa and James II. Harrington, all renide beyond tbe limit of this KUte: It is Iheref.ire ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the North Carolina Argus for six succeuive week, notifjing Mid clrfrndanu to be and appear at the next term of this Court to be held fur the County of Anoon, at the Court Hour in Wadeborough,oa the second Monday in April next, then and there topleed, anewer or demur to- the plaiutiff'a petition, or Judg ment rr tomfrno will be rendered, and thecal beard ti parte a to them. - Witnerar Patrick J. Coppedge, Clerk of , our said Conrt, at office in Wtdenbotough the second Monday in Jimunry, A. P ,8'i ,Di llie Mlb year of Amerieaa lodcpendchee. 75-80 P. J. COPPEDGE, Clerk. Painting and Paper Hangtog.i rpilE 8CBrfCUIBEtt UESPECTFCLLY SOLICITS y the pairoooge of llii piece arid inrrounding neigiioornood in I'AI.MIMj and f.M'tK-ll ANOIMi, proimung to gi re entire Mifucion. Tlmae winhing Fine Fininh, Ornamental Graining, Marbling, beauti ful Outeide FluUli, Ac, would do well to addreie or cull t,n me. f.ll I. A. W1SK, fit-6m ' ' - - y Take Notice, rpiIE FIRM OF SMITH A LISDSEV, DRUGGISTS, a. having diolrcJ, all persons indebted lo it are hereby notified that tbey maul come forward and make payment to either of Ibe partners of the late firm by the tint of January, and save themselves from trouble. We must hare money. Th books are t the Drug Store". , M-tf SMITH k LtSDSrV. Guano, rpffE rSDER8I6SF.D IS AGE5T IX CHARLES J ton for the sale of Guano of Vlflfcrent Descriptions, all of which is either imported direct or recited from the Importer!, and warrsr.te! pure. All Orders Imin Factors and I'lantera supplied at th market price and shipped promptly. PERUVIAN GL'ASO, direct from th Agents of tie Pentrisn Government. ELIDE (Jl'A.NO, imported direct from Elide Mand, (Lower California;) a Cargo of 000 tone has just ar rived. This GnanoeucUine 12 per cent, of Ammonia, and eonsiderel by many who hate ueed it, as fully equal to Peruvian. AMERICAN Gl'AXO, from Jarvis Island, recclted from the Importer in New York. SOMBRERO Gt'AXO, direct from Sombrero Inland, fW. I.;) contains by anlyia of Professor Bhi'ppiird of Charleston Medical (' Urgi, 78 per cent, of Une l'bopliats of Lime. A valuable article lor mixing with Peruvian, A. A. MKXICAXOL'ASO, imported Into Baltimore, "CAIIRIBEAX GUANO, imported direct from Car ribeau Sea, and contains il percent. Bone Phosphate rLiine. A bio, MANIPULATED GUaXO, eontnining one half Peruvian and one-half Phosphate of Lime, from itie-oeei ni&nuiftciureri. SUPER-PIIOHI'lIATE OF LIME, from BaugVi Manufactory, Pliiladelphia. Highly recommended. FARMER'S PLASTER, From Croton Mills, New York. In barrels, 300 lbs. THOMAS J. KERR, Kerr's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Jan. I, 1800-71 Vv To the Public, , T am Prepared to execute all kinds of I work in my line, at the ehorteitt notice BRICK LAYING, MAKING and BURNING BRICK: also PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING, and ALL KINDS. Of I'UHNICK, VIKCLB. and CENTER l'IKCKS, done in style. My work shall equal the bert and latent done in thia country. I earnestly solicit yon, that have sncb work to do, to give me a call. , will make my pricq to suit th .times. All orders from the distance promptly attended to. Address: KVANUKK It. CONRAD, f . Wadeeboro', N. C. ' The following gentlemen, for whom I have workej. kindly permit m to as their names as reference!: John8iacy, Dr. E. F. Ashe, Dr. B. U. Horton, Dr. W. C. Ramsey, Dr. R. H. Tillman, J. R. Hargrave, Esq. V W. P. Kendall. 7H- T n. 1IORTOK. RKmpENT DEXTIST, a i PAontiitunu, win oper ate on TEETH at the following low rates fur persons who call at my cilice to have their work done and psv cash: GOLD PLUGS, f I 60 each: TEETH. on PIVOT, 4: TEETH MOUNTED GOLD PLATE, $8 each, np to six teeth; all above CTmt; fl) each, A rt-trlr-rHrF-OSHSfjef MOSPIIERICmESSURE, $73. ..- All the ahnvo operit)ees warranted for Bve years, and when I put Iu a full set on Suction tbey can havftejlx months to try them In. I can refer those who may with It to some of th mot respectable citizens for whom 1 plugged teeth upwanlaof nineteen years ago, which are atill in and doing well; also, teeth on pivot and gold pint, some upper sets on taction which have been worn several years and ar still tuning wall; bat as I warrant all of my operationa, and We the advan tage of about twenty year practice. I hav no doabt but I can giv satisfaction to all .who patron in aad give as atfair trial, which la all t ask. W. R When 1 hav to credit or go from boat to operate, my old charge will be made, and I hold my self in readiaeea at all time to attond to mnm tl. u -b-f aiuingenr--Xr'"'""' 60 8m Millinery and Dress Goods III A. HORN has rrtaraed Dross Ckaruav i s tow ner sa aeieeua. wiib wnmm ir, t)CKOr 6CODS eonrUtlng I part of BO.NNKTH, HATS. CAPS. FKATHKA8, F LOWERS and BIB- HONM oc all klmlu SILK KOflEU and other FANCY 8ILK8: R'inK8 M AQU1LLA, EMBROIDKHRD ROBKft, DOUHLB SKIRTS, FRKNCH DBLAINK8, CLOAKS Dili SHAWLS, GIN0HAM8, FANCY PRINTS, ., o. HOOP BKIRTS, 81LK HOUR, COLLARS and UKDKRNLRKVK8; VBIL8, HKR TIIA'8, BRAD8and BKACKLST8 ; BBLTS, OLOVKfl snd GAUNTLETS, At., At al.o PKRFUMRRIK8 and FANCY ROAPS, aad many other arHolea fo La . All of which will be sold for cash or ea time lo DBnctual roitonert. The pabli are retnectruliy la- vited to emit and eiaraln her stock. 110.NNET8 HAUK and TRIMMKD hi a tuptnor manner in a tboH time. DKKSHES CUT ia tht latest faabioii apoa an improved plaa by measurement. oo-tr . nunn. 1859. 18G0. FALL AND WINTER. I AM NOW RECEVINO MY STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER U0OD8, eonalnling of tb asnal varietle of BILKS, POl'LINS, T II DIET CLOTHS, BOMBAZINES, UK LA INKS, OINGHAMS AND CALICOKS; CLOAKS AND SHAWLS; READY CLOTHINO: HATS. CAPS. BOOTS AND SIlOKS &c, Ac, which are nil of th latoat styles and beet quality. My stock mbrees alee the annul vt rietieaof PLANTATION GOODS, HARDWARE, As. All th ahov goods will he sold o as advanfageoos terms as they can be purchased emewner. wan ana ee. ,. JOHN 8TACT, ' At th Brick Store. UST Tho Indebted to me fur Bote and accounts for and 1857, arereiaestrd to call and settle aooa as iMMibl. I muil hav my old debts. I hav waited as long as I can. 1 shall eipect all my eld debts to be settled this fall. " ton trt B NEW GOODS LARGE STOCK. XI! 4 HE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING HIS I'tl.l. AX It WINTi-R sTOtK OF OOI, consiiting of as great a variety a is to b found in any Country Store. The articles enumerated below form a part of my Stock, with many others too tediona to mention. Tbey will be aold to punctual dealera on aa exid terms as ran be found elewhr. Ladies' Drcsa Goods, consisting of a great variety of My lea. Fancy Silk Dresses Black Silk do. Black Su.tcmern. (Ira d Rhine. Silk Ponlina. Plaid Pontine. French Merino. Robea de Laine. Wonted Goods a great varit Ginghams and PrinU. Whit Goods. Bleached and Brown Domretlra. Kereeya, 4MbrgTand Blanket, Gentlemca't Furuibin Goods a general assort ment, ' Hradv-aaadeClolhin. a aenernl aaaortmeDt. Hats' Caps' and Shoee, of every stylaand naallljr Hanlware andLnliery, ,u iron sou owei. Groceries good nlork and quality. ,j Itaglling, Rope and Twine. Chins, and Queen's and Glass War. JJrugt and Dy Stuff, a great vnrlety. " ' . JOll.NP. KEXDALtr Cedar Hill, Anson, N. C, Sept., lWMI-ht tf IIOKTOiVS ni.OTOGRAl'IIIC UULERY, ' Is openvevery. dny from 8 o'clock a. m. to 6 p. at. AMnilOTYPK.", 'N,h MEI AIXOTYPES, CRVSTAWlTYPES, SPHERE0 TYPES, OR ANY OTIfr:il KIND OF TYPi:8, Taken ia th very f rtt and best alrl of tb Art Connoisseur and all competent judges pronounce them auerior to any pictures taken iu this part of the country. . So vea ho here bMBiy t ttnaros tk-mM lake II, And jrva k bare ihni tbuutd f lei Slia 0e4e II N. B INSTRUCTIONS given, and APPARATUS and MATERIALS furnithed to any person wishing to eognge in tb Uome on rcanonabl terms, Wadeeboro' N. C.-50-flm B. B. HORTON. TheS oT (c " Old "WCsTrTAIIO noi.D.' 1)F.INO DESIROUS OF- REMOViSG WEST, 1 offer for sale my Ltl.VltS, lying oa th Cbsr loite road, fmir milea west of VYsdeiiboro'. Th tract contains .Vine HunHi'nl .rrra, upon which Uirr is one or the best TANNERIES in th Stat. I will sell seven hundred and (Illy scree, with my resi dence, and one hundred and fifty aares With tb Tan Yard, or all together. I will sell alfo Three Hundred t-lrrr, lying on Dig Brown Creek, nearly all of wlih h is the best tow giouii.l-, adjoining th binds of L, L. Polk, T, J. Polk, and others. Any perms wlihing to aettl permanently la tht ''Old' North State," would do well to emnlne Biy )and, as I feel assured that I can suit them la land and terms. J. C. CARAWAY.', June 1, 1RV.) -38-lf - i:. s. zi:vi;ly, CUMBER LA SD, MAR YLAXD.' STAMPS, STAMpS, STAMPS. -SEALS, SEALS, SEALS, SEALS. . . STENCILS; STENCILS, STENCILS. '.WOOD-CUTS, WlMiD-CUTS, WOOD-CLTS. EXORAVINC.S, ENGRAVINGS, ENGRAVINGS. PRESSES, ritEnSKS, PRESSES. . 1'kintim; patssti Con iau Panssts. Pnoor Passsts, STAMPS fur marking bonks. . 8 Stamps fur marking slothra. T Stumps for business cards. A Stamps for envelops. " . M " Stamps for fo simile signatures. P Stamps for post offices. fl Stamps for merchants. Stamps for lawyers. S Stamps for mechanic.- ' T Stamps for rsilioads. ' , A Stamps fur farmers. M Stfimps for banks. P - Stamps fnr ererrbollh '-(J-- AV Alt sorts of stamp for all sorts of stamping. Ivy In this business sinco-lnoO, sr for nln yean sink rr.ASi. si. r vsass. siss vtass, SEALSTor' private initials. 8 Seals fnr notaries public. . E Seals for commissioners. - A Real for societies. . .' 1 ; Seals for corporations. 8 Seals of all serta for all aorts of poapte. . STENCILS for marking books, paper, clothing, boies, barrels, bales, psrknges, Ac W(K)D-CUTS, or wood engrav!, for all sorts of things and all sorts of unea. CHEAP FOR CASIIfCHTJAP FOR CASH. SENT BY MAIL, SENT BY MAIL, TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD, . TO AMY PART OF THE WORLD. TRIXTINO PRESSES, - ' PROOF PRESSES, ; SEAL PRESSES, COPYING PRESSES, -. 8TAMP1.N0 PRESSES, rrenes for printer, presses for msrebsnts, presses for book-sellers, prsree. for (very bodv with and without self-inkers sltacbed, : ah iron, neat, stauncn, durani, emclent, and In all respects satisfactory for $5 to l-'iO. and acnt to any part of th torraqueoiia world hyxpresa.' . -AddresTE. . fcVKLV, , Cumberland, Maryland. VK. Fnr further particulars see th "Bulletin'' published hv g. S. F.evely, at CumberlnndMaryland. EW BOOK STORE I. CIIEBAW, S. C, 1ARLY orPOBITKMALL&y'a STi 4. . -lARHIIAf.t, ' .. nas tvn ascaivto a aasoa assoarMtxr of IIJCELLl.UniS ASD SCHOOL BflOII, 1 - 11LAXK BOOKS, asd STATIONERY OF ALL KIXDfl. . A LA ROC ASSORTMENT OF FANCT COOM. , OR .NOTIONS, - Te which he invites th atteatloa tf ladies aM M .""'-. ' . Ocadcasce. ' tf - CHAS. E. S1IITII, Pit 1D I!ECiCLES, v ;- - ' 1 ' Paints, Oils, Dy-Stufls, Perfimer ud Fiaey Article! if Etcry Dcscripuca 11 fcisuni. kiw and nitsa DJUQS, A Urg let Juat rstsUta, M ttmXf ul rhysl- tlant' Vm, vakh tea be rtUsd apea M rtiag ia ataiaaa ku. ' ' - PIBJUIURT Of Iks sieet enorce tail natuiti mInIImi, T this a a aoa aad ixrsssivs SMortaaeat kt weald Mere tapNlally sail the stuaUoa af tkt Udlet and f the Yeung Men In ear eoairaaaltjr f eearti 0)4 Back. lort not tseepUd. n i - ISM POUADES, For Irapartlug a deh, rlosay tad kealthy aaadltloa to the flair freak tha seal Maufattartri la llilt toaatry. ' TOILET alRTXCLES, Of Frsack and KaglUk aaaaafatUr, mil ef tvtry description ulthl tot tb meal falldlaa In diet new hastkersbeea la Ihlsplaeesutkalargtan be tlfal asiertwMl ef rht abov-aaiAarllM wklth kt new offers le tht publlt ea tka ssott llbtrai testae, BUEQIOAL mST&USXlVTS, to. Ampatattntv fattraaitnts aad Dtatal Ftrtept af svery Variety. Alt MW style ElNtro-MafStUt M. tklats. X. 7?. ViiWrtai in M iMrroami'sti rows fry tan obtain COXPLKTI Ol'TFITa tsiMnNf ( timt and EXTRA rje of tending A'urtk, nnd can rely uptm nil th CniMiCAL Prkparationn at Ming (As oraf Mul ton m OMUisea n irir ..i.A vara vaftM AbULTMATintt. Th r.ili- ua nt A.aoa aao fAe rA.'niM9 Comtiet art tent 0 Anton t fe WW YnArm reiueetfnllii nvdtdftll anrxomn them' telt,whtn tket wtt and th Witfor ttr attentive, ready and trilling to tho hit attorh menl to all teho irtWiuw Aim afiM a raff, trt-tf HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, Jk SiMMi 4M.iMft..f. AbVeealirt. A'rt see. Ma MI ee Anieefa, prx-ltlDf lUMj't, fHieaSiey. IMU, CaeSeea) ifeftae, tte. rltlkit rrwt if mttmm , tn view af th fart that trerv memlwt of tk kaman family la more or ! anliltVd t torn of th abov miplalnt, hetides lm Baawrabl other aondHiiint in life, which, by th essisunc of a little knowlriltr nr serais ef tntnm am, Ihey may be aids so te regutal their habit of dint, snd witii the aaaiilanet of a goal toots, (" per Biaaent bealth la order lo seeomplish this desired obieat, th true tour In puraa Is. terulnly, thai which will pM-lues a natural ataU of Uiinga si th least hasard af vlul tlrwigth snd life I fur litis end Dr, UoalvUit has Introduced to thle eoiiiil7 a prepsr. Won railed HOSTtTTKRS STOMACIt PiTTKRS, which at this day it ant a tiw medicine, bat On that ka Wn tried fuf years, giving sallsfaeliun to all who hav ased It Th Bit let opereie powerfully umn the alomaeb, bowels and liver, resturinf thetn lo a healthy and vigorous aetlc.n, ami tkua by Ih timid praree of strengMienlng nature, snahl th syMem te triumph ever disease. Dlarrhroa, dvaenlery of flatst. to generally tontrsctrd by Itew Settlers, and eauaed principally by the ehatig of water snd diet, will be speedily rrgulsted by a brief us of this renrtlu. Dysptpela, a diseas which Is pnloalily nines prevalent when taken In all lis various forms, than any other i Ui cause of whleli may slwsyt be suributrd te deraiigenivnta of ilia dig, live organs, est he cured without fail by aeing UOHTETTCtiH MTOMACII HIT. TEIIS a per dlreellona on Hi Imttlt, For thia disraet every physician will return, mead Bitters of nmn kind, then why not as sn srtiels known lo lw liifallilil t Kverv country hav their Hitlers as a pre ventive of disease, and strengthening of " th system in general, ami aiming them sll there i nut lo he found a tin healthy people than th German, from wlinm this preparation emanated, baaed limn aeienllflt raperiinrnta whiali lia lo silvantt Uie destiny of this gruat pri'iiaralluu In tht Medical seals of tuiitice. rivia axs aoui. This trying sos arevnlilst dleeMe, hn flias Ns itieallesi tmp ea tht bedf ef um, redurlni alia w Baei cIumId la a shorl epaee ef Mme, an retxleelng hUa ahyslesllr setisntaft serleK, eas I tefSMsd sad form (Ma Ih Mr hy the ef IIOSTRTTRH'I MNOWMKD SITTSKS, I artlier, say ef Iht lv UsSsd Sims we esa aol as eeatiwWeit asa sstisse Is say sidlaary seuHUans prsdariiit Uieai, If the tlliusi siwaesS as per ak-irtton. AM at neittiee ereaMt aar ef ends die nalsl, aial rsnderlnft anates sry aay shsiujs ef CM er laierrsiaies le aiaal sans, bat sreawus urn site as healths tirewiea, Ike sewpUliH Is Urns reamed etMlll; Is ssa Meat Mk Dm sreilaeUea f a UHk tad tcraav seal teat. V Tor Pirioni ia tdfaaeid jran - - . Wa sit snf erlni (rem sn snfesMet ewelilelkis sad letra tmt, Iheas Slllan ai liivaluaaie ss a resuiea lies ef sinosth and vigor, and leeds eal le t trtetl Is as appnelsuw. And le bwIIhv sails ssnses,, Ikess allien set MnpenejMe, serlally tilers Uw awuSer'i aeaekhiaent Is IhhmmiusI I Ike (Masai! , f Ox child, eenusullr ber streiirth aisel ylsla, ' snd here H I vhers teat loala, sank as llmletler tlemstt tllleei Is aeeilej Imparl Usapertry SUvtsilh . aaS visor le th trea. Udut iIkniW b sll aweinT try this nweilr for sll east) ef Milts, ami brfurt tt i 'Setnt, uh your plirtlelan, k, If he li tnialiiCH Mi the virtual cf uM tiuers, till reteaiaiend Unlf , . ase In sll easM sf veakaeHi C11TI0.1.W csuilnn ih pnbllt against using my of tli many, inillatlinis or eoun. lerfi'Tts, but ask fur UmrarTaa's Cu rssTkp . . hTfimcM Dittws, and set Hint each boui bat th words - )r. i, llnsleltr's Hlittnaeh llittm" blows nn th tide af Ih Uitlie, and (lamped ea th nielallls rap funilng th cork, and obscrv thai our subf rapl) sigiitv tur it on th IsrHil, , IT Prrplrrd sad Vsld k; IIOtTEHFI It IMITH, FliliVtrgh, P., asd ttld ky alt . 5 DrsggUlt, gftttrt, tsd dstwrt grlfrtllf - ttmtgiMl Ik I'ftilrtT KUlot, Cutis, htslb AaMfita tad Crnssa;. . ICO Vlt V MI AO, AKW OMLKAftM, 1,4 Wttwietaie Afsala. , FOR I AW! t WADEBBORf)' BT w6-ijr r. n. aniTif. J(IN-llrEtVANS-rtO-- f utnuor lo Elvmtu jr Thompnmtf, . Dralert li Cticb, Ciblart tad Omenl flartlHarr. kr Irii ud llftl, . wAmnxoiON, v. a, OFFER TO'fOtNTIir BTOMKM A COM. pltt and well-teleeted sssortmenl af floods la Uitir line at Lew Prises for Cash or approved Bolts at tbortfetet. . . Jloylng thMr goods prlatlpatly for task tad from tmt head, tbey are prepared te tell t suwlal tow rates, aad tollell lb patroaagt af the frlesds tf us 1st rirai, aae in wnnne oaweraiiy, JOHN R. FLVAKS CO.. ih M llaavl, ft. 109 rae;.tal Ansitt . Holland; mnuns . U OIUMATU 0UAK MttwM M H88S er tee Kinmt. -UVIN COMPLAINT, WKAKNKSS OF ANY EIXIA FEVER AND ACU3 Aad tkt wrteas alVettew ttteita apa alter atrta TO.flACII OR LITER Rock as rtdlstttloa. Atldlty tf Hit Btomaek, Collckr Pallia, lltaribura, leas ef apptHr kwepondencj, CMtlvtasa. Blind sad Uleedlng Plltt. la aM atrvoas, aad Ntartlttlt Atettlnas, It has Pa tamer- sua iMtttat prav4 hlUly hiMstlei, tad ks ether , tlttttd a itUId tare. This It ft partly vegetatlt tamptwatT, artpaten an ttrltlly teltiitiAt itrliwlpltt, after th manner ef th etltbralta HullaaU Pruftaaot, Bwrkav. Iltoaart ol Iu gral tatttsi la ! tf Hit Kareptaa Italea, It latraduttlea Isle tka PalWd Slate wa lauadtd aierw tspttUUlv tut tke af ear Mktrlaaq eeatltrta kre sad Iher tvtr la fat af MiU ailghtjr toaairy. Nt Ing With treat tatotat tmoag theat, I new ftr l t til Aatarlua Buhlla. knowlus that IU truly wider- fal aifdlclnal virtu watt be ttkatw Wged. li 1. natleularlt woetaatadtd tolktt ! ttatllmtloM wy kev beta taiptlrtd by wtitj tonlln. yous us tr anient tptrirt, tr tiner inrasa oi m.r Moa, Otatrally lltt la tfett, U lads V dleeelle In tha seat tf 111. Ihrllllai tad quick- tnlng tvtry ntrve, raising ap th drooping spirit, and, la Net, Infusing ntw ktaltli tad vgnr ia tk system. NOTICK. Whoever spt I lad this a beverage1 will he dli.nrvolnted i but t tht Sick. Wtak tad low spirited, ll will provt a paltful aromatlt tordlal, pta ttsttii of ilngnUr rtmtdlal propcrtlt. r it i on. , . j. Tht trtal atpalarliy of tklt delightful Aroast hat Induced many Imitations, which tht public should guard galnl purchasing. lit not ptieaaded I bay anything th anlll toahavtglvta korhavt'i HolUtiiT lilirers a fair trial. Oat kniMt will convince yta ktw Inniilltly tnptflnr It It to ill thtst Imitations. 11 Bold II Il.ou ptr Dome, nr in mum w tt.W, hy Mis Bolt IrrnavUtsra, 11KNJ A M1KK PA c- MaMiaeUrTaf PhMmaetutUu sad the , ' pulu. ..... ..j v. .dosbore hv art, Ufc.JAMiSB r-Awr., m., " r, g, f MITIt. THE CIBV QLESTIOX TET IXSETTLED, urn UXCLE SAM INSOLVENT. 7)l'T TDK QUESTION IN WHICn TH CITN 1 1 isrs nf Anson and tht adjalnlng country skeald be mort dlrnrlly eoneerned, tnd apt wblrk rtt ft toasl'ltrshls Item af dumtsllt teoatwy, It whtre they I can obtain Hit best . IJQOTS AND SHOES, 'nc8, Saddle, Vridksy Ilai AND LKATIIEU, r TUB LOWEST MICK. Tu rfvcld properly aad tttlsfattnrll tklt aattlion they mii.t EN AMINE tnd COMPARE. II v tailing tl II lab Mount Ttnntry, four milt wttt of VYadtaborn', they will and a larg stock ef LEA THER of sll klnilei iioiit", siiwfcn, llAi--etjt . KKHS snd SADDLES, asallv and tah-l-ll I llvfV lUtillallv put up, wah will aad shall VVa. Ti"utSOl.f All WH AI TMKV CAN BI AF FORDED IN Til K STATU, oa otvaa is ascnaiHia rut cnnKTtv tsuntos, sea waits tittta rtica wibh at atiowtn. Call tnd tianilnt, t I tsa deltrtalned Is tell. mKhTAJHtSa dua with nraia aad dls- patub, a. C. CARAWAY. 50,000 lbs. Raw Hides Wanted, Fur ahlck I will lbs klghtsl Market prioes, March 10, IB60 J. C, V, E. Hutchinson, c iui:t iiKi:it 1M niiLic I , thai bs ennllnues le manufacture alL i tides In hit lint of business, lurnl-l turt of tvtry dvierlpllon wisd tu' Vfenrilor, In tdillllan In tbt abavt kt manulaetnrta . milN tnd H IKE SAFES, tnd It prepared lo de all of INSIllK. CAIU'ENTEH WllRK-rurk as llllnds, Hours, ttssh, Blitlvlni, er any other work pertaining la Ih Interior of t dwelling kovat. Mrl'OFPINtl mad lo enter, ll lilt shortest no lira, Hi wUlies ll to bt understood that kt tan tad Will fut' Cuflliis of pint, poplar, walnut nr mahog any at from Iws lo four kuurs' antics, depending upon Hit rjiiallly tin lineal nuttltetdlngoNf onra audi trt lilt faullllitt fnr manufacturing Ihera, Tbt favt la, lie tan make plain Plna Cnfllnt inuoli cheaper tnd . ftulektr, tnd batter, than tny oarueulir. it being a Ui'glllnialt brantk of bis hasiiiata.'' !UJ,f lioWAHI) ASSOCIATION, I'llll.ADr.l.l'IIIA. r ,l Jliinevulf.nt httitulmn, KttubUthed bjt Sjmiat' Jimtowmmu or m km qito oNtf Ditti ttKil, AfflitttA with Virulent and fyiultmie Ut'tcatei. fllllK IIOWAUD AHSOHATION, IN VIEW OF" I ih awful dtstrucilon of human lift caaetd by Sesual dlstsatt, snd Hit deception prsctlcrd upon, tli uhfurtuiitls victims of tucli tllsi'sses by Iduackl, ' ttvtrsl years tgn directed llielr Coiiaulllng Strgees,. CM AUITAllt.K ACT worthy of thtlr nnuit, to open a Dlapenaery for Iht treatment nf this clast of diseases, In all thslr formt, and to give MEDICAL. ADVICE (IIIAI'la tu all wbt apply by letter, with a dosevlntioa nf their taudlllon, (age, oocupallnn, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cast nf etlrenit poverty, to Fill NIK II MEDICINES FIIKE OF CHAllUK. It I . nrcillix la add that III Asanoltllon enniniindi Iho hlghsal M Howl skill or Hit age, and will lurultk Ih iist apprnvtd modern irtalmnlr ' Tht Dlrtetor of Hit Association, In taTsAV Annual lli'imi't unnn the tronlinint of Httual lllaeasts, ts- Iiress Hit highest satisfaction with Ih success which ita attended Hit labors of their Surgeons In Iht euro of Speriiinlori'hiia, Seminal Weakness, Oonnrrhcrt, llliict, Syphilis, Iht vlut of imsnlara or Self-Abuar.- lllseaaos of lbs Kidneys and Bladder, Am, tnd ordvi' a rnnlliniiiiico uf the tarns plan for the ensuing vaar. Tht Dli'ccloi's, on a rovlew of tht tmit. fed sasiiredi : ilini ll.nie .IhIhivh In thle anliore-Hnf li.imv.ilenl eff,n.l : nave uttii or great utiieui it mt smioteii,. especially balks young, and Ihey hsvt resolved to devote thm I aelvea, with renewed teal, te llilt very iinporlant and) mneu upaiiiani cause, An ailuiTistiTr Hcporl on Snerwalorrhma, nr Sem inal Wnakness, Ih vico of Onntilam, Msslurhallon, or Self. Aliioe, and ether dlaeaaet nf Hit Sraual organs, by Hit Consulting Snruenn. will h sent by mall fin a Lln!ld fBVsl.ipeh4':RJJXlf JAnnBLen reeelpl ef iho aiAMl'B r.r pnaiagt. ' inner neptrta ana Tracts en tbt nalurt sad treatmtnl nf Sesiial diseases, diet, Ai,, ar ciiatsiilly heng published for grain!. Inns distribution, and will bs sent lo tht sAlieltd. Bum nf Ih new r mediae sad methods of trcahnrat distovtred daring tht Inal year are ef great value, Addreea, rue iteport nr Irralmtnl, VII, J, SKILLIN HorUIITON, acting Snrgaen, Hnw.rd Aiaaelalloa, No, I South Nlnlh Hirer I, Palladelphla, Pa, ny ornev nr vna nireeiors, i EF.RA V HKAHTW ELL. Preeldent. fits, FitPHil.n, Rerlry, IS-ly Jon WORK. OF ALL KINDS, AND IN COMM. NEATLV, ehciply tad tsprdlllotvly dent at Hit Argut Ut. - ' - .