TOW, C'OUBT AID TATE. -. Aaso 0 oxxo.-Oa Saturday, eoaapaay paraded sweaty musket. We fcoaa b loaf ( aa. " ben fully ualfomed aaol "juipped marching 1"008h or .tfeei to tha rU w If. They , are preparing tntnBwIvw. by eteetlve drill, for aefa1. mm ud neotlvea, ahoald mmIob aaU thsai Into actios. ' W BadersUnd there in oar forty ajember carolled. Tb taraeal Saturday in mall, owlaf to o aaexpUlaod ntw. . Dibmitim Viiwi.Tm attendance tt tbU (xblbU - tloa M Friday eight m Urpi The Ball aa ailed , to It ataae capacity. Th painting were oh ad mind by aid tad young, tod we ballad ' M B0 oaa preaeat, wha wa not ally eatMed Uiat b or tha obtained lb. worth of tha wwaey toT admittance. Tha ! IU ba xhlblted for b benefit of Babbath BobooU from Uma to time, aa aoon aa tha lo.truainti and pioture ara paid for. Thara will ba ona-or mora aihiblUoM during April Coart. All wha ara la favor of Sunday Soheels, wkowlUthtlr eblldraatoidwaoa la knowledge and uaefulne, iboqld patronise tbla axblbiUoB. WiLHiiotoM, CaiaioTTi aid BuTBiaroto lUlfc boad. Tka Wilmington papara af laet waak no tloa Ika Irtl arrival of prodooa at that plaoa over thle road -forty-aara barrel of plrll of turpentine to Mnrri. . Da Baaaat, Brawa k Co., aad Aadereoa ft Sartre. Coal I Cobb I I. J. WaddlU, Cberaw, bet ever o auay tboaeaad baikala of eon for aala at "fair prloa." Saa kU advert laesseat la anothar eolaauj. SlTBBTB DlSTBICT DSM0CB4TIC Cotbtio. Wa ra ladebted to tba CbarloUa Paaaoerat for aa axtra woatalniag tka offioial aeeoant of tba proceed inp of tka Democratic ConTOntioa wbleb net at Ckaiiotto on Jka 20tb lnL . ' ' I Tha Convention waa organised by appointing A. W. aJurtoe Em-, of Cleeveland, President, and John tyalaun, af Rowan, and W.J.Kerr, of Mecklenburg, Sccrsiarte. All lhe.eootl ia th District wara represented, excepting Stanly oae delegate only from thi county, 8. W. Coke, Keg. The following reaolutloa, reported from tba B mines CoeaairUe, waa adoptad: Rmald, Tkat thi Coarratioa cordially epprov t ie aatioaal end conservative Administration o( Jamea Jleobaaea. Tka dalagatoi a updated to represent tka District la tha Charleston Convention areWin. Lander, of Lin coln, aad Opt. Jno. Walkar, of Mecklenburg, prlnei pala; David Scheock, of 0atoa,aad U. B. Hammond, of Aaaoa, alternate. " J. A. Fox, af Mecklenburg, waa ehoaaa Elector for tba District. '" Tka aab-alactora (oaa for aacb county) arc Anton, R. T. Beaaett; Caberru. J. M. Long; Oaatoa, David Bebaack; llMklcebarg, 8. T. Smllk; BUnly, J. M. UoCarkto; CUavelaad, 8. A. Durban; CaUwba, F. D. Kainkardl; Llncola, W. M. Rrinbardt; Rowan, Col. B. E. Moore; Union, W. J. Kaar. . Tka Praaidaat appoiatad tka following gentlemen la coaatitata Ika Diatriet Exeeatlva Commiatea: S. ". Davia, of Uacklcnbarg; N. X. Flemming, of Bowan; W. M. Uoaatoa, af Cabarraa; Jaaper Btowa, of Lin coln; aad A. U. rowell, of Catawba. . Taiu Dutbict DmooaJiTio Coavaanow. Tbla body met at FayattevlUa aa tha 2il lnt. W. L. Steele, Eaq., af Bkhmaad, Chainaaa, aad Col. W. Aldermaa aad W. 8. Kenaeat, BeereUrlea. The rat .raaalailoa adopted raada,,;' ,,..; Tkat wa, a partiia af the Democracy of tka Third Congreaaioaal DUtriet, of North Carolina, la Coavea tiaa aaaeeablad, da reafirai tba time honored prinei plea af tka treat NatioamtDemocratie party aa cot. tolaed la tba Ciaeioaali plalfana," Aa. It weald aena from tka reading of tkia aa If tha Democratic party la tka DUtriet were act a anit. Col. W. L. Bteele, ef Eicamoad, aad Jaa. Fultoa, af Raw rlaaovar, wereckaeeadelegataa to the Ckarlea iea Ceamtiea, aad Kb. A. Allea, of Duplia, Elector for tka Diatrtet - Mr. Haywood, of Wake, Demoentie Elector at large, waa areeeat dariag the aamian af the Coo recti ee, and delivard a loag-wiaded apeecfc aa ad valorem, tke kia tory ef tba D cm cere tie aarty la tha Btata, tie "o ealled alavery qaeatiaa' Aa., for tka iaflictiea of which tba Cearier (Dam.) girea aim the following trat rata 'vote of tkania:" Had Mr. Mayweed eoadeaeod hit reaaarka to oaa third ef (he time, aad girea aa eppertoalty for apeecbee to hare beea heard frem maov of tha diatiagniehed raaaketa araaaat, H woaM bava beea very gratifying to the vaet aaacoaraa af people that tiled the Hall oa Thareday Bight." Hoi. W. 8. Aaai, Preaideat of Ike WUmingtoa aad Wcldoa Railroad, la relation to tke etatemeot of A. A. Brawa, Eee,., which wa pabliabcd met week, that Whig dalcgaaaa had beea charged fall price aad Deo eermtic delcgatea half, price, lave: "Mr. Browaiofarma Ikcpubiie that hie card waa tmbliahed from a "eeaee of duty." If ihc came "eenee of doty" had made Mr. Browapablieh all the eireametaaeee or tne eaae, taerc wouia nave oetn ao aeeecaitr of m tekinc any notice of it. In (be moral code, trath ia aa maeh eejended by a eappreaeloB of tmlm hv ffllMfli miatatemeat. X IB me aoeence oi mm rrwumi. nr. r properly applied to the aoting Preaident, P. K. Dick- Inaoa, and to Ike Superintendent, Capt. Preawnt, to know why tka delcgatea to the Baleigb Oppoeilioa Coaveatioa were eharred fall ratea of travel, aad the delcfatec to the Democratic Ceareatiea ealr half ratea. Both of theeeoSoere, I am informed, eiplalned to Mr. Brawfa-thaMt waa doae throagh a mtatokea eoaccptica of hie duty y tha Railroad Ageal at OoMe boro'. without any official authority, and that the Director! bad required that officer to make good tke deficiency to tke trcaaary of the company. "How the egeat, Mr. Kolderby,(egood well-ewaning man,) come to make thia mietake, II la bootleaa to en- rre. la my opinion, ae mougni aa waa acting ior beat latereeta of the company." To thia Mr.. Browa rapliei: "The deleratoe to the Democratic Convention, with free tbketa from Ooldaboro', came down ia tbe train. that arrived aera oa tbe morning or Sunday, me uta laetaat. The eeedactor of that train, it la to ba pre. . earned, performed hiadaty, and returned tbe paaaca gera' tiokcta, tha free ooaa included, to tbe oflioe here, either oa that day, or the next. Monday. On Thursday, tha 16th inst., it came to my knowledge that auch free .... . . it t - . . i n j .1. i ii.i. ' Hcaeia aaa eeea laeueu. un inui;, uie iuh iuak., I called on Capt. Fremont, and asked for,n explana tion. Ha Unclaimed all knowledgeor the iraneaoiion. J then met Mr. Dicklnaon, tbe aoting Preaident, and related tha eireonutance to him. He expressed great wrpriae at it, and requested I would go before the Board of Directors, (then about to meet,) and make Aha communication to them. I did ao, and thee it was, after 1 bad left, that the order waa passed requiring Abe agent at Ooldaboro' to make good the dehciency.' ?hla 1 waa informed of by Mr. D., after the Board had adjourned. Capt. Fremont I have not met ainoe I wa at the Directors' meeting on Friday. This is a sufficient commentary on the second paragraph of Mr. Ashe's card. "And now the query arises, how did it happen that throughout Bunday, (perhaps,) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, and part of Friday, those free tickets were la the office here and the agent at Oolda boro' waa not called oa to make good the deficiency" eot called ea for that purpose, not a word said about It, until a formal complaint waa made by me to the Board of Directors. The rule of this Board -waa knows, its violation waa haowa, for the free tickets ia the office here proclaimed It and yet tha agent at Ooldaboro''. that 'good, well-meaaing man,' waa not apprised that ha had acted otherwise than 'for, tha best Interests of tbe eomneny,' ia giving lea veto Democrats to travel ever the road free, and requiring . Whigs to pay. How I aay did ithappear That is an explanation which ia due to the public, "Tale 'fact,' of the free tloketa kavinc remained ao many days In tka office here notioed, la tbe oaly one baariBg aa tha subject I am eoaaoioaa of having 'sup pressed' :a my former earn, naviag aaw supplied I the omiseioB, I meat erava ain jasae a gaam usiiy 10 solve au from eeasare." lB- Sab ArrAiB. A letter from Chapel HIU to tba ed. tire of the Observer, give aa account ef a difficulty betweea Nat, Weteea, a resident graduate of the Uni versity, aad P. 0. Feard, ef the Sophomore Clave, la Which Foard used a kaife, iallotiag a wound upoa -Watooa'a akoulder-blade, of itaelf aot ortal or even cangeroaa; bat the hablu of Watsoa were ae very la temperate tkat delirium trsmsaa ensued aad ha died aa tba Bight ef tha SOth. Tha Faculty acted with great promptaeea aad Irmaeaa, expelliag Foard Im mediately, although at that time ae aeprehoasione of a fatal result ware aatertaiaed, a or had tha delirium tremens Una sapemaed. - i rAALviaioa Rinaaia Tha Aaaaal Moetlag af the Blockkoldara of thia road took alas at FatetUrvllle mm ib 1Mb .' Jfh loUovla laaotatissai wara Anwlmli 'J . u.i.-t tw lha Preaident aid Directors be aad they ara hereby authorised toeatead tba read Ibreagh the Coal rialda, aad aa to tba North Caroline Road, aad for tbla parpcee (hay ara hereby authorised to te- opea hooka ox auDeonpuou w we eafiuu bwh n w eompoay. M-oltd, That as aooa the mesas of tha company wUI aaabla them to do so, the Praaidaat aad directors bave a line surveyed to aoma point oa tba North Car diac Road, aad whenever the subscriptions will J no tify, locate aad let tbe aame to contract. Chae. B. Mallet waa elected preeldeat, and the fol lowing gentlemea Direetorei Oca, McNeill, at. L. My. rover, A. aieitcaa, J as, ayie, n r. name, vim. me Laurio, A. A. McKatban, T. B. Lutlcrloh, and 8. llinadala. , Of the read tha Oheerver aaysr Twonty-fbwr mile of tha Road are laicbedand ia aaa, tbe traaeporteUoa) anoa It aow realiiini about tbe rata of 116.000 a year The graduation qf six miles more is completed, except half a mile. Over these six miles tba trains will paaa by thclst June. Tbe graduation ef the remaining elevea miles ia coinc oa rapidly i tha irea ia oa hand for tha whole rued, and most of tha cross-ties have beea de livered. Bo that uuleas aoma anforeeeen difficulty sboald occur the road will be completed to the Coal fields at E vendor Mclvcr'c, forty-one miles by the let of September. " "Difficulties ia the rraduatioa of the line ia tha sand hills, anlooked for by even the encineers. have pro tracted the work and inoreaaed tke coat. - Instead of loose ssnd to be excavated, tha toughest description of clay waa found, with a good (teal or quicksand. Tha excavation ware ao lone and ao deep, that few hands aould work la them to advantage. The cost of traduction alone of the tenth mile waa upwards of 826,' 000, and of tva oooaecutive mites further oa upwards of $110,000. .. "We refer with cleajur to the resolutions which look to a speedy exteasioa af the road to tba North Carolina road. It I understood that some mtlemea along tbe line have expressed a wish to take eeatraeta for graduation to oe paid lor ia awe a. aou we wara that the face of the country ia believed to be such that tbe road can be built for $12,000 a mile. The iron will nut need to be so heavy, nor Ihc grade ao light, a oa tha Coalfields part of tba road." .MuaoxB or Noam Caboliiiaxs ii Txxas Ws anderstand that authentic Information baa been re ceived here from W. A Evaas, Esq., formerly of this vioinlty, that two yoaag mew, brothers, Colic and Angus Monroe, formerly of Hobeeon county, N. C, were murdered by Indians recently. Tbey were in search of i location for the purpose of stock raising, when tbe Indiana came upon one of them at their ea -op and murdered bim, aad eebeequently met tbe other in the read and murdered him. . Tbe citisena pursued the Indians and killed fifteen ef them. We learn tkat tha brothers Monroe were very worthy men, much respected ia Robeson and Cumberland counties, where tbey have left many relatives and friends. FuyeUniUt Obuntr. Sab Aooidbit. We lecra that oa Budday morning laat, Mr. Oeorge Wright, living on Sandy Creek, in Baodolpk county, kad token down his gua and waa doiag something to the lock, when kia little daughter, about elevea years old, peaaed oat of tbe kitchen ia froat of him. J ait as she waa opposite the mutsle of tbe gua it accidentally went off,, the enCre charge ca tering her forehead, killing her lnateutly, .We eannot forbear adding, he ough Jint to bare been handling hia gua oa the Sabbath. Jligk I'aixt HtptrUr, Ui. ' ' c ' - Thi WiHAv Caor. 8o far aa wa hav been able to aee and hear within the last week, the (ears that no wheat would be raised ara groundless. Tba crop will, ao far aa present Indication show, be at least an average one.- Tbe rye ia very fair aad will produce well. - Ia other eectioae, wa leera from tba Papere, tbe prospect are much better thau was thought awhile back. WcBotieed through tke country some peaoh tree la bloom-rthi ia soon for the mountains. - l AtknilU (S. C.) Adioealt. Fibst Dmtohtt The Democrats of this District oa the loth lost., appointed Col. 14. M. Long, of Halifax, and William A. Moore, Esq., of Chowan, delegates to Charleetoa, aad Joba W. Moore, Esq., of Hertford, Elector for the District. RAiiaoaa I aex. Tke brig Forest Queen, Jones, haa arrived from Newport, England, with another cargo of iron for the Wilmington, Charlotte aad Butherford Railroad. Wilmington HtraU, 20A au. .AmirraiiT.-Wi I earn that Mr. O. 0. Paisley, Jr., of this place, haa beea tea dared, aed has accepted the appeiatmeat or nraxiuaa vice lOnsuiaic ior una port. WUmmflim UtnU, 20A awf. Paisamav or Coxcom. The PresBytery of Coa cord will hold its next semi-annual meeting, in tbe VBUrcB CI Diem v.rK, MIHnnirar nu;. v. ob Thareday before tbe third BabbaU ia April, ( Apri 12th. 1AC01 at 11 o'clock, a. m. 1 . O . I . 1 W 1. 1 L. . . V ' Clerks of Sessions ara earnestly requested to send to Presbytery fall aad correct statistical re porta. R. H- LArrxarr, & Citrk. WAnxeBOBo' Disrairr Sscoxo Rot xn. Society Hill mlssloa, March 24, 26; Wadesboro' sUUon, March SI, April 1; Albermarl circuit, April 7, 8; Concord and K. R. miasion, April 14, 1 j; Chesterfield circuit and Chesterfield mission, April 21, 22; Rocky River mlssioa, April 28, 29; Cberaw station, May 4 0; Lancaster circuit and Catawba River mission, May 12,18; Wadesboro' circuit, May 19, 20; Monroe circuit. May 2527; Bennettaville circuit and Socle ty Hill mlasioa, Jane 2, 8; Anaoaville circuit, June 9, 10; . ami it. UBOwai. mmt m ' ' FROM EUROPE. The date from Europe are Southampton, Match 1, Tha announcement of the lose of the Hungarian reached London oa the 4th, from Queen to we, where the Canada touched that morning. That part of tha Emperor speech concerning the aanexatiea of Savoy and Nice, was received in Nice with great enthusiasm. - The Italian party ia ereatly agitated. To lnnuiriea from tha reoresentatlve of foreign power, Austria replies that, its intercuts not being af fected by the annexation or tuvoy to trance, sue win not protect againat tbe annexation The Papal Government ha prohibited commerce by transit betweea Anconaand Romagoa. The merchants orotest acainat thia act. '1 The agitation continue in the Papal State, and aoma leaded proprietors refuse to Py tax. Thou sands of citisena ara signing petitions to the great powers ia tavor or annexation. . Soldiers are being enlisted in Austria, and continue to arrive in the 8tatea of tbe Church and Paples. The Pope is said to ba willing to grant concessions, if the Legations will submit. ' - The student of the University have demanded tha re-admission of eight students, who were expelled for burning an addreas aympathising with the Holy Father. General Ouyon had sent a body of troop to the University to prevent disturbance Tha King of Sardinia agrees to the solution proposed by France, la relation to tbe Romagna; butisleaa dis posed to accept the portion relative to Tuscany. Chevalier Uuoncompagnie ha resigned the Governor GenerelsbtfitefCentral Italy. , . Tbe reported marriage of Plccolomioi ia denied. The Hon. Cbaa. J. Faulkner, of Virginia, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Fraace, has presented hi credential. iatxb. ' ' : x By tha arrival of tha Canada tha date ara brought down to the 10th. Tha Savoy annexation question continue prominent and exciting. Sardinia haa consented to a vote of the inbabltaota oa the subject - - . Lord Joba Russell haa stated that Austria and Pruaaia concurred with Great Britaia oa this question. No reply hs beea received from Kesna, In the British House of Commons, the the Queen, approving the French treaty, has beea adoptad, aad Uie opposition amendments rejected by a barge majority. The latest report are, that Sardinia haa rejected the the French programme for Italian adjustment, aad that French forces were under order to march at notice, fjr evacuating Lombard y aad returning to France. . Tha new dutie on rice took enect oa tno iu m arc a. Tbe Western Power ef Europe have agreed to as sist lb Porto ia maintaining righto aver Scrvia and tbe Daunbian Principalities if aeoaaaary. PittatwrBBiio aboio 8TAVt bill baa passed tha tower Heaaa of tbe New Jersey Legislator, pua lahiag with severe peaalti any pareoa who may or ganise ia-that State aa aapeditio for tha iaraaioB ef aaether Btata. It ia ia leaded to prevent, aa far aa Beesiele. the aammlasioa of the arimaa which have led Uoha Brawa aad hia followers la aa Ignominious cad. The- Ueloa Warshsaes. at New Orleans, waa doa- troyed by Ira oa tha 19th, eaaaaaslng some 600 bale e )tt-l f lOW. . MARRIED,, , Ia WIIsob, oa the lth1nst., by tbe Rev. Charles F. Deem, Mr JOBEPH. H. FOY, editor of tbe Ledger, to Mia KATE J. BATTLE, daughter or Hi iter a, i. Battle, ; DIED, la thlfooonty, aear Wblto'a Store, ot tha Uth inst, eflar a nrotrutid illnaaa from eonaamptioa, JAME M. MORGAN, la tha eighteenth year of hi age, son of K. Morgan, deceased, lie emoracea rrngiuu uoiure u wa con toed to hi bed, and appeared to rejoice In it ap to tha hoar he died. He begged and exhorted hia friends to ba resigned to tba Divioa will, and to give him ap freely. He left a Widowed mother, and broth- 1 Saiuuia a Mtnnfn Mb flMth. which wa believe, though oar loss, I hi gala-tor "Blessed are th detd that die la tbe Lord." A. Faiaxur- Munat as ansa ILLA JOSXS. And hs Milt Ell left us gono from her horn where all loved and cherished bor 7 Ye, too true, b ha left ua to mourn for her. We no longer sea her smiling face and bright Inughlng eyea. Dut why do wa mount for berT la it because that she has left behind her an "Indelible stuin oa her name 7 No frienda. Von all know that aha haa left a good and perfect aama, which i to ba preferred, above great riches. Aad all w eea aay now is, pec w err .lum bering asbea aa tbey repose under the cold and chotr- imm li,mh II.. inlrlt li tilken It HilTut tO the SttT- aal home, "not made with handa eternal In the Hea vens,'" where there U no more aoi row, pain ami wura. Har nathwav waa straw rd with flower without thorn or thistle; her hope were as bright a th twinkling stars which now shine down on ber lonely crave. I aimputhise deeply with her bereaved family. 1 know sail th.. rl If e vacinev had been mad around th family hearth that no other ciu'tlll but tbe loot one; hat they must remember teat uou is a just and true Ood; he doeth all things for tha best; he haa sent his ho y angel to liht the narrow'road fur her, and aow h look doaa from her seat on the right band ef Ood with tender pity, aaying, weep not fur mc, I am happy; though I should like to lie with you, I dare not leave my happy homo. Father, mother, brother and sister mast prepare to meet the loved one to part ao more. . , Society veila itself in g.nb of mourning earth weep in silence angols sing their songs of praise, and with harps In hund, open wide the Ucors of Hea ven to receive and bless ber Holy Spirit. A Fmexd. A school girl st Winchester, TunnoaMC. COMMERCIAL. WIL.TH.TO.H I'KlCr.S Cl'KUCT. MARCH 21, 1800. RxrOBTID IXPIKSSLT TOR TUB Aldl'S, BT W. II. Mc- RaivA Co.,CoMMiainN Mkxchaxts, axu Dialkbs ii Guaxo, Obaix, Salt, &o. BACON North Carolina bog round 11 (b 12 11 10 Western sides Western shoulders PORK Me LARD North Carolina ,. ,..$19.60 Or, ... II (i 12 BEESWAX 80 (.) 14 (.. ... 18 ( 2U .. lOJ (.y ... 10j(.. .. 11 (.,) ... 60 (t .. , 6.l'.2 (j gti-87 .. 1.10(a .. 10.00 ( .. 2.00 (Vr .. 2.50 COFFEE Rio , Lagaayra - Java COTTON Middling Good Middling Middling Fair FEATHERS FLOUR Super., and fniuily. LIME... PLASTER V too Calcined TH bbt CEMENT MOLASSES Cuba..v......T..T -- T, .;) , - 29 13 id ........ 7 (- 8 - 82 ti 85 2.20 ( 2.70 (..) , ... -1 .00 (j .- ..r !.00(i 631(1.) - (i ... 90 ( ... & ... 10 ) ... 1 .85 (4 2.50 ( 00 ($ 70 6p,00 ($ ... 85.00 ( 62.00 40.00 (ui . BAGGING BOPE CORN.......... TURPENTINE Virgin. Vellow Lbp .... Hard....;.. 7.-.V..-.;. TAR.n. I ..... SPIRITS TURPENTINE... RICE ....r. SALTaack SUGAR New Orleans FLAXSEED, per 66 lbs IRI8H POTATOES, V bbl.. OAT8 ... GUANO Peruvian, per ton Bombrero Room' Manipulated.'. American Rxmabks. No change from last week. Flour il reported a looking op; Spirits of Turpentine as hav ing a downward tendency, and the demand for Guano very heavy. CHARLOTTE. fFor the week ending Morch 24.1 Cotton Th reeeipte have been light, prices from 610(c t lb., according to grade. Flour Tbe market opened dull, but toward the middle and latter part of the week was brisk. About 750 sacks were sold at $3.25 sack of 98 lb. Wheat Tbe demand continues good and price firm. Sale of red at $1.16(2.$li5. White at $1.80(3; $1.40. A few choice lots commanded a shade higher. - Corn The market haa an upward tendency. We quote a ex tremes for the week 80(W8c. Peas Sales light at 75c. Bacon Quoted at 10UJo. CHARLESTON, Mnrch 24 Cotton Low to strict middling KXnMOj; good middling 11J1U, and mid dling fair 11 J 11 Jo. li!VEBPOOL, March 10 Cotton Tho sales for the week, Inoluding Thursday, 8th inst. were 47,000 bales, at a slight decline for all arades amountnig to jd fully on middling and lower grade. The sales on Friday, 9tb inst, were 6000 bales, closing dull. The quota lions are thus given: Upland middling 111, fair 7; Mobile middling 6 7-16 fair 7); Orleans middling C, fair 7. The stock at Liverpool is 830,000 bales, in eluding 696,800 bale of American cotton. Opposition. Meeting; In VadC8boro'. Tbe opponents of the Democratic and Blnck Republi can parties, in the County of Anson, vrho desire to promote the success of th National Conservative Union Parly, upon th principle, and for the ends, specified la the address of tba Committee published in another part of this paper, are requested to meet in tbe Court House,' on Tuesday of April Court, at 3 o'clock. Chill and Fever f Chills tiud Fever t One of the greatest remedies that has ever been before the. public, forTever and Ague, and which has received the highest encomiums from the press and the people, is DR. J. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED BITTERS. Who would endure the tortures arising from this terrible disesse, when it can be so easily cured? Who would endure sleepless nights, burning fevers and icy chills alternately, when a remedy can be obtained for a mere trifle? And yet how many fami lies linger but a painful existence under this deadly blight, and do nothing but gulp down quinine, until It becomes as common as their daily meals,' and yet they are not relieved. None but tho foolish and weak would hesitate to procure these valuable Bitters, and ears themselves intense agony. Bold by druggist and dealers generally, everywhere-. (tgr See advertisement in another column. D. G. ItfcKAE, Attorney it law and Solicitor in Equity,' CIIAMPAQNOLLE, ARK. 80 ELLIS V MITCHELL, WrlOLUAL AID EKTAIL DEALERS IN CORN, PEAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT, addreT6-fRAN' KA8Tt:B!? A!iD NORTH RIVER HAY; Aiso, FBSSII GROUND MEAL, HOMLYV, .e.J-e'. NO. NORTH WATER bTREKT, - - ' VYILMINBTONj. Ii, C. ".' . a. blmi, I TV-iy IB- r. MITCHBMh CUAS. D. HTXB, ' . rnti.,j. hoobb. JSltBHg e 9IOOK1 HATS, CAP8, TRUNKS, 8TRAW GOODS, RON . NETS, FURS, MILITARY GOODS, CANES . AND UMBRELLAS ; 84 Market Street, . , WlLMlSGTffS, K. C. Ws ssk the attention of wholesale buyers 4o the above eard. We are prepared to furnish Goods in out Ua aa low aa ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. Orders fur HaU bv the eaae or dozen' will receive prompt attention by addressing a above. ;9-'y CARDS BUSINESS AND VI8ITINO BEAU Ufully aad cheaply priatcd at thi office. ' HODGES. DAVIS & CO S COiMIDlTKD LOTTERIES. Authorized by a Special Act of the legislature, lor IU ImjduIjI oi Academic, ana utuer Purpose. SOMETHING NEW. sawM I I I I aTawM ." CITV PL At. 50,000, For Ono Dollar! DRAWN DAILY AT 0 O'CLOCK. Prize Payallo witliout Deduction 1 75 Numbers' 12 Duawn Ballots! SCHEME: Any $1 ticket with 8 number on It all drawn $50,000 Any fl ticket with 7 numbers on It ail drawn Anvl th'ket with 0 nnmherson it all drawn 25,(100 10,(00 2,600 600 100 ' 80 Any $1 ticket with 6 numbeison It all drawn Adj-JI ticket with 4 numbers on It an uiawn . Any $1 ticket with 3 numbers on it all drawn ' Any ft ticket with 2 numbers on it all drawn Any $1 ticket with I numberion it all drawn Any $1 ticket with a drawn number on it sta tioned to come out at any particular place, sucli sb 67 1st, lid, 8d, or auy.oilier station in the drnwing 1'Ickrl from $1 fo any price, At the above rule per dollar. . CO IIAVA.Vt FLAW. More I'rlzea (ban nianka I . CAPITAL PRIZE, $yo,ooo. j Tlckelsonly rifflil Iiollars! Halves 84 Quarters 2 Eiphtln 81. . PBICKS HAYAIILE IN Ft'LL, WITHOUT DllU'CTIOS. Purchasers buying 10 Whole Tickets, when thr num. lorB end in 1, 2. !!, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, !, 10, ore guaran teed a priie of $3. SCHEDULE OF CLASSKH AND DRAWLSCS. MARCH. Class 80, draws Saturday, March 01, 1SC0. Arm.. . Clas 31, draws Saturday, April 7, 1800. Clnss .T2, draws Saturday, April H, lHflO. Class 8:1, draws Katurday, April 1, W Clas 81, draws Saturday, April 28, 1800. . ma r. Class 35, draws Saturday, May 5, 18fi0. Class li'i, draws Saturday, May 12, 1800. Class 87, draws Sulunh-y, May 111, 1800. Class 88, draws Saturday, Muy 20, 1800. 26,220 Frizes, amounlins to $271,200, Will be distributed according to the following 11 0 Y A L SCHEME: To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Triie of........ $70,000 , 20,000 10,000 6,000 3,000 . 2,000 ;"""!,ooo 0 Prizes of. , $500 :)0 100 00 Priie of 10 Prizes of."..... 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of. lOUPrixumf - 25,000 Prites of....- 1 l'rixe of........ 1 I'riic of 1 Prise of. 1 Price of 3 Prises of. 97ft' ArPEOXtHATioi Pmzss, ahoi'ITixq to $18,200 Certificates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickete... $M.00 l)n. do. JU Hair xicxeis...; .w Do. do. ' 10 Quarter Tickets 13 Do. ' do. 10 Eighth Ticket. 11.88 This is the risk, and entitles the holder of a Certifi cate of a Package of Whole Tickets to all he Urews over $25. Half, Quarter and Eighth Certificates in proportion. mmi . -4 H COMBIXATIO.f PLAN. . DIAWI EVXXT DAT AT TOI'B O'CLOCK. CAPITAL TRIZE, SiO.OOO! $32,000! 3,000! $20,000! $10,000! $5,000 ! 42,500! M, Tickets from l to $10. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Enclose tho money to our address for the ticket or- djred, on receipt of which tuey will ne iorwarucu oy first mail. The list of drawn numbers ana prizes will bo sent t,i niirrhascrs iminedihtely after the drawing. All prizes-under one thousand dollars payable immediately alter the drawing. . NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail can use the ExpreM Companies, whereby Money for Tickets, In iims of Eieht Dollars and upwards, can be sent us at our risk and expense, from any city or town where there is an Express Othce. The money anu oraer musi he enclosed in a Government Post Office Stamped fcn velopc, or the Express Companies cannot receive them. All communications strictly connuenuai. Purchasers will please writo their siRnaturcs plain, and give their Pott Office, County and State. i- CIRCULARS nnntaininc full explanations of our Schemes, &c, will be forwarded, by mail, to any one sending us their name. - Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or tx- prcss, sliould De auurcsseu 10 HODGES, DAVIS &i.O., C3-ly Macon, Ga. . : : -- - - Corn, Corn, 5000 1 BUSHELS GOOD CORN, IN TWO BUSHEL sacks, for sale at a fur price. t. J. niuuii.!.. Cheraw, March 20, 1800-81-81 ' STATE OF WORTH CAKOLHA . UNION COUNTY. . In Eqi itt, Fall Term, 1859. Joseph M. Dunn vi. Wiley Rogers and James A. Dunn. ,; -. 0.11.- . - TT-APPEARING TO THE SATISFACTION OF. I the Court in this case that the defendant, James A. Dunn, resides beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered hy the Court, that publication be made for six weeks, in the North Carolina Argus, no tirrine the said non-resident defendant to be. and per sonally to appear, before the Judpc of the Court of Equity, at the next Court to lie neiu ior uie Louniy of Union aforesaid, it the uourt Mouse in .Monroe, on the tenth Monday niter the fourth Monday in Febru ary "next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the allegations of the plaintiff's hill; otherwise the same will bo set for hearing-and heard a parte as to him. Witness: T. D. Winchester, Clerk and Master of our said Court, nt. office in Monroe, the tenth Monday after the fourth Monday in August, A. D. 18511, and in the eighty-fourth year of Americr.n Independence. -T. D. WINCHESTERC, & M. E. ' 81 86-p. f. $5. HOMESTEAD. FOR 10! HOWE. st i: a i roil 1)100! aio, nont:. STUADS FOR IOi0 AD OVLIU SITl'ATSD OX, AND SSAE E.U'l' NOCK R1VS, ABOVK AND BKLOW rXElltKICtSBtnO, IN V1RU1SIA. ANEW TOWN, CALLED RAPPAHANNOCK, has recently been laid out in Culpepper guilty, in the midst of the Gold Region of Virginia, surround ed by Mines and Mining Companies; and Farms and Town Lots in alternate Divisions or Shares, can now be had for e "Mere Song,; simply to induce settle ment4a.,.this. deeirabJ.jegion, .. ilWO Worth of laud I to he divided amongst purchasers or given away aran Inducement tocome-oB and make Improve ments, and the land is of the most improved qualities. .Many have already settled, and scores of others are coming. Good farming land, in tracts of any sixe to suit purchaser, can also be had at from $10 to $20 per acre, payable In easy quarter yearly matnllinenlq. tnqsestionaoie title win in an cases oe given. )CJju Agents ere wanted everywhere to sell thee lauds liberal inducements will be givea. For par ticulars, address E. BAUDER, 81-tf " Port Royal, Va. B L.4K DEEDS-FOR SALE AT THE AKGV'S OFFICE. ARRAitonnc.iT rot Spring and Summer, 1860. O. S. BALDWIN. PBOPKIETOB OFTlI , CLOTMIXG AXD FLRAISHIXG STORE, WILIWIflGTO, IT. C. TTAS MADE UP THE L AE0 EST 8TOCK OF 8U. I I PEUIOK CLOTHINO ever exhibited aouth of Cultimor. There 1 no eatabliahmtnt In South Caro lina, North Carolina, or Virginia, can show you a more desirable stock. The COATS, l'A.NTS and VESTS art equal to eutlont teork. The stylo adopted the newest PARIS PATTERNS being entirely unlike "slop shop1' trash usually offered ready-made. v)e sell no garment that w cannot warrant perfect, a to workmanship, cut and style. ' A gentleman may drop into our house, and In a few minutes be kamtnnuly jitud out to a Sunday tuit, or t batmen, at fine at tan tt made to meuture, and tact TH KNTV-F1VE PEtt CENT, by so doing. Those who prefer garment made to measure, are Informed that w have tbe BEST CUTTER in Die couulry, and keep the largest assortment of CLOTHS, CAS31MKKK3 A.ND VEST1NQS la tbe State especi ally for ordered work. . , (Jintlcmcn, it will pay you to patronise BALDWIN',, of Wilmington, N. C. March 17, 18U0-80-tf Ircdoll Lxpress and Greensboro' Time copy Ct COC1THV ItlCRCHANTM cai run ' " The Largest Slock of Trunks IN NORTH OR SOUTH CAROLINA, AT baldwin's 'great metropolitan Trunk Manufactory WILMINGTON, N. C. SJT AAA WORTH OF SOLE LEATHER )UUU THAVELINO TRU.hS, made to special order, ami warranto! superior to any others ia the market at ten per cent advaneo from manufacturer's prices now landing from various schooner. LAI)Ii:V TRl'TKS. A NEW FTYLE tho latest French novelty the most completely arranged ever Introduced in any mar ket. A few dozen .ordered, and will be received by 20th prevent month. The very lateKt style of ENGLISH RETICULE; no lndy will do without one after she has seen them. v 0E HUXDRLD NESTS OF PACKING TRUNKS, 'it manufacturer's prices, $1.25, and upward. TKl'.mS AT WHOLESALE. Wo can offer extraordinary inducements to- Country MerelmiiU. Oar large sales and exclusive Agency to offer the greatest bsrgains to the trade. 1 Tunas suippeu rree 01 cnarge ior unigc, buu sviii to any part of the city free of charge. A large variety of TRUNKS FOR UOYS and MISSES. Those who may be going elf to school, can be supplied at very low prices nt BALDWIN'S, 84 Market street, Wilmington, N. C Mareh 17, 18fJ0-80-tf f Iredell Exprers and Greensboro' Times copy Ot. AIILITAKY GOODS, OF -ALL-KINDS, - 7 AN BE PURCHASED AT NEW YORK PRICES. ENTIRE UNIFORMS for Companies, made to older... SWORDS. DELTS, SASIItS, and complete tuuipfiuiitt, at shortest notice, furnished by . O. S. BALDWIN, "Tlldrch IT, 18C0-W)-tr Wilmington,-!!-. CV Iredell Express and Greensboro' Times copy 0t. Walking Canes and Umbrellas, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MUCH THE LARGEST STOCK SUPERIOR GOODS very low price, at BALDWIN'S, March 17, 18G0-80-tf Wilmington, N. C. Iredell Express and Greensboro' Times copy Gt Pistols, O' FIVE per cent lower than is generally asked for them. We have agencies, and sell ten per cent, ad vance from manufacturers' prices, at BALDWIN'S, March 17, 18fi0-B0-tf Wilmington, N. C. Iredell Express and Greensboro' Times copy 6' IMPORTANT TO MILL OWNERS. (Cut this ouL) JOIIX A. ItlcMAKXEVS CELEURATKD . SUIT AXD SCRE1G MACIILXE, .1.1 L T .1 V. 1 U IU. U . L vj Ullt uj 'I I.HU, . . , and shipped to all parts of the United States at the thortCBt notice. Liberal reduction made to those who have used my Machines and wish them exchanged. The public are cautioned against imitatiant and impo titiont. None genuine unless accompanied by my bills and card, and sold by my legally authorized agents. Address, " JSO. A. MANNEN, South Lowell, Orange Co., N. C, March 22, 1S00-8O-105 NOTICE. - The Largest Stock Yet. milE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING E 1 SI' RUG AXD SI .TI. TIER STOCK OF GOODS, consisting of tbe LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS OF THE SEASON, embracing in part Figured Silk, Black Silk, Organdies, Gro DeRine; Fancy Bernges, Plaid Berages. Silk Tissues, Florindn; Muslins of all styles, Hobes or all descriptions; Print and Ginghams, Jackonet and Swiss Mue'.in'?; ,riald Muslins, Jackonet bikings; 1 Bleached Shirting, Brown Shirting; . Osnsborgs, Brown Drillings; ' . Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps; Bonnets and Flats for ladies; Hardware sud Cutlery; Groceries a good stock; Diucs, Medicines and Dye Stuff. ' JOHN P. KENDALL. , FURTHER PTlCE, KENDALL & ROSS beg leaf to Inform the public that thev keep constantly on hand the best home made BOOTS AMDS HOES. All orders will be executed in short notice and neat style at their Cc'dnr Hill, Anson, C, M.irch, 1860.80-tf ' Notice. 1 Y VIRTUE OF A D.EED OFTRpST, EXECUTED ) by W. G. Douglas to' W. R. Leak, decenseif, for purposes tjiercln expressed, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, 'on THURSDAY, the 12th of April next, at the Court House door in Wadesboro', a NE' GRO BOY by tbe mime of llendersou, aged nbont 30 years. r J. A.. LEAK. Adm'r March 22, 1SC0-80 td - of W 11. Leak. N. C. Railroad Bonds. ON WEDNESDAY-, llth APRIL NEXT, AT THE Court-Ilouse door, in Wadesboro', I will sell to the highest bidder, EIGHT NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD EIGHT PER CEST. BONDS, ($00O each.) Terms made known on day of sale. J. A. LKAHj, .' - '' ' Adra'r of W. R. Leak, dee'd. March .1 , 1SC0-77-82 - 1 1 , , . Busies and Carriaffe. TNO. ROSCOE HAS TWO FINE NEW BUGGIES, on new and excellent two-horse FAMILY CAR RIAGE, and one doable-seat one-horse jTJJt, ROCKAWAT. for Bale. If yeudonl beHeve aVA" it come aruParef March 22, 1800.8O- 2 Pay Attention I ALL INDEBTED TO ME BY NOTE, DILI4)R eorount are warned o come forward and iwr . My books are a( tbe Mansion Hoase Hotel. March 15, 1!ti0.-T'.-1. . JVUJ HVcH.Ob. EXTEMIVE ' Stop Thief., WAS STOLEN FROM THE STABLE OF THE subscriber, on the morning of the 2Uth ull.. A SMALL 110118 E, cream or clnylrr bank In color, some alx or seven years cVZa.n, old, with ono glasa eye and the elites yellow, and lax mane and tail. - At the same time a LADY'S SIDE SADDLE was taken. The party sup posed to hav taken them, is a young man calling him self Whitfield, about tve feet seven or eight inches in height, with very black hair and a small bunch of hair (or imperial) on the under lip and a acar on the mid Jle anger of th left or right hand, (do not recollect which,) caused by a knife being stock through it. He represent himself lo be a bouse painter; II also forced a trunk in my house, taking therefrom a small mm ef money, mounting to betwevn $16 and $20.' I will giv $10 reward f.v any Information that will lead to the recovery ot the home; or for th return of the hr sud' arrest of the thief, with Information leading to tho thief conviction, I will give $20. WJI. IIALLAKD, Gra.y Creek, Union Co., N. C. March l"y 1800-80 82 . Valuable Plantation, Near Vndc!oro a Auction. PUR8UANT TO A DKCP.EE OF THE HONORA BLE the Court of Equity, fur the oounty af An ton, mad at Morcu t erm, irtiii, tno umiersigneu win expose to publie sale, at thoCourt House in Wadesboro', on SATURDAY, tho Wth day of April next, that Valuable IMniitntioii, whereon the Into Edmund F. Lilly resided, containing- about !tOO acres, on which is a comfortable Dwelling House, with four rooms and ire-place in each, an Office near the dwelling, and all necessary out-buildings all of which are iu excellent icpair and well en closed. A credit of twelve months will be given, and bond, ith approved serirrity, required, bearing interest from day of sale, and caxb sullicieut will also b re quired from th purchaser to pay all costs. W. E. TROV, C. M. E. March 17, ISCO-RO-ts ' '- r i " IT II. MrU illl' ti. CO., , AUKXrs FOU A.SU JX Nil. 1 PERUVIAN iit'ANO; REESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO; SOMI'.RERO GUAM); AMKIUI'AN GUANU; LAND PLASTER, 4ic , &e. A large supply constantly on hand fur sulc In lots lo iuit. Wilmington, N. C. Maroli 3, 18C0-70-tf Guano! Cuano!! CHR. E. D. McLENAIIAN DISCIl.VRGINO A cariro of REESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO: S.dira. lieo. Darby and L. Mulford with No. 1 PERU VIAN, daily expected. Fur sale by W. II. McllARY & CO. Wilmington, N. C, March 0, 1800. ' 7 tf VllO. II. KELLY, . BOOKSELLER, No. 27 M.VI.KIT STEEET, KILM1XGT0X,X. C. Keeps constantly on hand every tnYicty of School Books,. Miscellaneous Books, Blank Hooks, Drawing Books, Music. Books, Foolscap and Letter Papers, La dies' Note nud Billet Paper, ArtUt Materials of all kinds, Letter Presses, Letter Copying Books, Ink, Pencils, Envelopes, Law Books, Doctor Books, Draw-' ing Papers, Lithographs for Grecian and Oil Paintiugs, v W in. Knabe A Co' celebrated Piano Fortes, G rover & J Bilker Jcaing Machines ahJConner Sewing Machines. All orders for any of the above articles promptly filled and forwarded by mail, railroad, or otherwise.. . ; W. T. DAVIS, rRlCTlClL-WlTldl JAKEH 1M JLWELEE,. H adeaboro,' IS. C, orroaiTi thi abqu orrici.. H E RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO THE people of Anson anil tbe wuoiesur-.eyswSl,- rouiidiux country, that he has perma nently located himself in the TOWN OF WADES BORO', where he is prepared in every wy to accom modate hi old friends, and all others that may favor him with their patronage. He does not hesitate to say that he is in every way fully competent to repair the FINEST and most DELICATE TIME PIECES in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER. Owing to the previous advantages he has had of improving and preparing himself in the FINE ART OF WATCH MAKING and REPAIRING, be doe not fed himself Inferior to any man in tbe South. . In addition to all of the above, he calls attention to his splendid stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY or the best that can bo obtained in this country. But come and see for yourselves, and buy low for cash. It is needless to mention the articles, for yon can see fofSourselve. ' W. T. DAVIS. March 18, 1860-79-Gm Boots and Shoe?. . ; THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING OPENED A BOOT and SHOE stand nt the Post Office Build-(gL ing. would respectfully ask the attention of the till public to tho fact, and would announce that he" -is prepared at all times to make BOOTS AND SHOES to order, neat, expeditiously and in tbe most substan tial manner. He will warrant his work to give satis faction in every instance. He is also prepared to manufacture LADIES' FINE WORK, 1 REPAIRING also neatly and cheaply done. Givo me a call. . 70-tf , ; JOSEPH H. WnEELER. ' Guano! Guano! ! - OA A A BAGS m 1 PERUVIAN, IN STOJ1E ii'M''' and to arrive: , 600 bugs KEESE S MANIPULATED; 250 bugs SOMBRERO GUANO; 250 Mils. AMERICAN GUANO; . 200 hhls. and yjerccs LAND PLASTER; &c, Slc. For sale in lots to suit by W. H. McRARY & CO., March3,1850-79-tf Wilmington, N. C. . Threshing Machines. THE SUBSCRIBER IS STILL AGENT FOR THE enle of thecelcbrated and much admired combined improved ' . Ti'cshor and Winnower, manufactured by Wheeler, Mclick &. Co., Albany,!?. V. Thetc machines will thresh and clean from ONE II UN IIR E D AND Fl E 1' V TO TWO AND II UNDED FIFTY, BUSHELS OF WHEAT PER DAY, with less work and Jess waste than any other machines known in North Carolina. PRICES AT THE SHOP. Railway Chain Horse Power, . , $120 Lever, (superior,) 100 Improved Couibiued Thresher and Winnower,, 12a Torrtis cash, or approved note on interest. , Warranted to give satUfaction or no sale. Delivered In Fayettcville or at any Railroad Depot at the above prices charges and transportation Only to be added. Address, J.B.TROY, Troy s Store. - . '. W. C. TROY, Fiiyc'tteville. Feb. 25. 18fi0-78-4nv , .' . Laborers tinted. . . A BOUT FIFTY ABLE BODIED NEGRO MIX. are wanted as LAIKIRERS to work upon the Wilj laiiigtoB,- Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad test of Pee Dee river. The highest prices will be gives. Ap- Dlvto ' t'KAvi, ri-tf Agent for the Company. PRISTI TYPES, AND ALL. OTHER PRINTING MATERIALS, are kept oh band in ' large quantities, and old at tbo lowest prices, for six months' notes or cash, at Brace' New York Typo Foundry. . Roman fonts of thejnoilern atj Ira. are, ..ri on the shelves, readv for Immediate delivery, in fonts of from 66 to 10,000 ft. ' Nine cehte will prepay the postage on a pempuira or, lwl ShMtinma nf Fonts." and other aheetv, which. Will be mailed to all printing, office sending m their editress. Any publisher of a newspaper whocbooeea tapublish this advertisement, meMi-a rC note, three Jjme be fore the first day of July. i8rW, a.rarward on. of the papers, containing it. will be allowed hia bill, at tbe time of making a porvha from me of aay own 7PS1 Type Founder, IS Chambers street, N. X.