'NEW SERIES-VOL. II-NO; 31. - WADESBOROtGN, N. C, TilUnSDAY, MAY 3,1300. WHOLE NO. 8C. fCBLISIIED WEEKLY FE.ITO.1 ADARIEY, TERMS Of BUBSCBlPTIOIf. -. 8Ingle oopiM, Two Duiaaui per" year, Invariably in adsaiioe. " -. To Club of Tea and upwards, It will b furnished at Oxe Doma au a IUijr per copy. - At) subeariptioa received for lata than six mouths . ; RATES OF ADVERTISING, ova aguAHi, tun unti oa teas sasviia. Ona inaarlion , , ............ 70a. ' Three Insertions ........ , $1 60 Two months, or ina iueortions 8 80 Tkrea month, or thirteen inaertioaa 4 00 Hlx niontht .,. 0 00 . One year 9 00 Advertisers must atata tba number of times they wish their adTertiacineuts Inaartad ; otharwiaa they r will lis cootiuaed till forbidden, aud charged acoord- . lug (o tba abort. ' Agreements will ba mada with yearly advertisers oa liberal and advantageous tarme. Frofeasional and llosiuess Carda, sot exceeding lira lluaa brevier in length, ill ba Inserted far (5 a year; If exceeding Ore lines will be charged the eame ai other edrertiscenents. Obituary aotioea free when not exceeding twenty tinea; all abort twenty liuea at advertisement ratal. rr U. NcRlRY aV CO., YV . AtlEXTS FOR AXV DEALERS IX NO. 1 PERUVIAN OUANOj KKKSK'S MAMITLATKD UCANO; BOMUKEKOCJUANO; . AMERICAN GUANO; r" LAND I'LASTKR, io , &e. -' A large aupply constantly ou hand for sale lu lota to auit. Wilmington, N. C. March 8, 1800-79-tf sc Guano I Guano!! CHR. E. D. MoLENAIIAX DISCHARGING A eargo of REE8K B MANIPULATED GUANO; Scbra. Ooo. Darby and L. Mulford with No. 1 PERU- viam, dally expected., joraaleby W. II. McRARV k CO. Wilmington, N. C, March 0, I860. 79 tf Guano! Guano!! QQQQ BA QXO. 1 PERUVIAN, IN STORE " 600 bageREESK 8 MANIPULATED; " 250 baga SOMBRERO OUANO. . . ' It'iO bbl. AMERICAN GUASO; ' 200 hbli. and ticrcea LAND PLASTER;-4e , ic. For aalcjn lota to auit by W. U. McRARV A CO., March 8,1860-79-tf Wilmington, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS, FOIADKD IMS. C'HARTRHEO 1BS4. JOCATED CJRXER BAI.TIJIOBX AND CUAHLES MERITS, HAITI MORE, ill)., : milE LAROEST, MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISH l ed, and Popular Commercial College in the United Slalca. Denigned expreuly for Vuung Men deairing to obtain a Timaoiuu PaAtTiiMt. Hi ! EniTA tioi In the thvrUat poaaibU time aad at tba leaet ex-p-nie. A large and Beautiful Ornamented Circular, eon. taiaing upwarda of 81X SQUARE FEET, with gr-cci-or r.siur, and a Large Engraring (the finest of the kind erer made in tbia oauntry)repreaentinglhe Interior View of the College, with Calologne etating termi if., will be aent to Etcry Voung Man on appli cation, Fa or Ciuaoa. n rite immediately and you will reeeire the package tT reiarn mail. Addreet, . K. LOSIEK, '8-ly Baltimore, Md. RCCSE'H FIIOHPIIO-PERl'VIAX (OK UAXiriLATEU) . GUANO, IOR COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO AND WHEAT composed excluatrely of PERUVIAN OUANO,B SOMBRERO 'JoM-ta''. Containa Aiamonia 8 per cent., Pboephate of Lime 65 per sent. Introduced 1860. ' W. II. MoRART ft CO., 82-tf 8ole Agents for Wilmington, N C. - From the Southern Literary Meeaengcr. "COM.GKJiTLE WI1D. Come In the itillnesa of the aummer'i ere I When the tired iun Is gone beyond the hills; oh leaf Thy mountain home, and come with rushing wing, And o'er tba weary laud thy dawy coolness Uiugl Come from the heights, where mountain banners ware, And down the narrow glen, where waters rare! ; -And fearless eonie, through mountain pnssea deep Bending the light fern with tby gentle step! Come by lone oottnge homea, where children play, Their voice ringing through the dnjway day, Come o'er brn forests, far outtri tchfng plaiu, Aud linger not, by fields of ripening grain! Bring from the mountain home, ita pnre-t air, Perfume of erery flower that trembles there, Aud the cool dewa from lenrea and monies bring it' II .L. A f....lj I 1 t.. liWI Come iu tba stillness of tba summer's ere) And grateful, ( will Ma! th.ee, jnd will Itar - , . Mr 'Ittilr toils and weariness behind. ? greet thee with a thankful heart, oh! gentle w:.nd. EVIL OF THE DA V. I . The annexed irrin and palriutie letter from j tho Hon. John A. Gilmer, ot 'iNortli Curuliuu, appean to tab i'mludulpliia papers : rKLSlSET BICIMX..V8 fKLEBRlTED IETILB. .' GOV. ELLIS iCUNXT TOE WEST. . TO llll.i. BOKtET J. WALkES. M'c rJublished two week go the report given President Huclianyn' fumou Kanas Letter, 1 1,, tho AlU-rmarlo Soutbron of the disousaioo at wliieh we eive Iclow, has, says correspondent off f Jutesvillu hi twc-cn Mr. Pool and Kllie: -TlisJ House or Rki'Bekintativih, 1 ' the ClmrWon (Wier, forced iut way into print at"cajcr we j0 not doubt, wa. struck with the Match. 1. ISOO. ( '. .. ...i.! n I. .... .. ....... r ... i- ' . . Ull lPIIur;uiiU UJUIUUIItlur lliu iriuiiua UI lir. lyuutl- I tiaplr ImnMo.l i.ntnn tmonli liifli thnf Trnrt mn. Deab'Su; Multiplied and preasint; enfra-e-! "uuehM it wills how that the 1'ieaident was ment have delayed try answerto yourmifthe t li Bt onetime, adverse to his popular tovcr- i ultimo, requesting tne to attend a nun's' l'metinx cijrnty ductrino. Tho President fully concurred in Mr. Doughs' heresies in July, 1807, axd ml- hered to llieni till (l.o nionlh cf .N'ovtiubcr fol- of the'afriends of the Constitution and the l.'iiiuri, to be culled in a short time ut CcnnunUivui. 1 regret to suiy that niy duties here forbid my ac cepting cucli no invitntion, ntliouli, were it pus siblu, iiothiiif? could give me more plensure. I am nniMiuti unit, uule-.n the growtli or Fcetionnl back handed compliment which that report rep resents Gov. KUis, to have given to the West. In' order that tho accuracy of that report may not be called in question, wo lay before our readers tills week an extract fom the report of the !!- 1 rnssion which wo find in the Murfreesbsro', Notice. rpiIE PUBLIC ARK RE8PECTFri.LV INVITED 1 to visit' the NEW COACH MARINO ESTAU Ll.SHMF.NTof LKM. B. BENNETT k CO , situated near tba PLANK ROAD, one mile northwest of Wadea boro'. The proprietor Ktava thanks fur patronage already beetowed, and ask eoirtin nance of the same, assuring the eitisena uf Anson and the surrounding counties that they will perform their contracts punrtnally. Thav bate on hand at present sereral NEAT and FUBHTANTIAL JOBS, and ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ALL ORDERS IN THEIR LINE. All new work warranted. Jan. 24-72-tf L. B. BENNETT k CO. Pliosphatic Guano. THE ATTENTION OF PLANTERS AND OTHERS is invited to the following report of an analysis by Dr. John C. Draer, of the University of New York, of an average sample of a cargo of PIIOSPIIATIC (1UANO, recently imported by the Thornix tiuano Company from McKcan's bland, Pacifto Ocean, vi: Ort-.iuio matter 9.00 Water combined 21.60 Soluble SalU, Hulphatea, Chlorides...... 6.00 . Phospbate of Lime, of w.liich 61.00 Is Bane Phosphuteand 1.00 is I);-,hopbate.'..5?i 00 Sulphate of Lime . - 7.60 ' Silicia and Carbonate of Lime 1.00 For sale by ' " 100.00 W. II. McRARV & CO.; Aseots, 81-tf . Wilmington. N. C. THE ADUEESS OF THE DE1I0LB ITIL EXECITIVE C01IITTEE. The Kxeoutive Committee of tho Democratic party have recently issued an address on ad . valorem, .abounding in fulso insinuations and . luwin. ' The U tter to Gov. Walker is sfronger ' ('iiixcn, Gov. KIIU' organ in that region, vrbich in ita tenor than wjs supposed by thuso who hud fully subitnntiutes the truth of tho report gireu heard of the letter. He wa of tho opinion then ly Southrun. Thj3 following is tho extract: prejudicoind Hatred ennbestopped, we wiilwrn be I that the true construction of the KansnsNtbruska ; "Tho M.ivcriior proceeds to fhow thattho East harried with precipitated steps iulo the destructive ' Act required that the Constitution of Kansas be already taxed heavily f.ir tho benefit of the vortexof disunion and civil war. To such extent bubinitiod to the poop! for aoci ptonee. ' Went. Jly the report of the State Treasurer, it has sectional jealousy already gone, that I do " The President changed hia icws when tho ' nppenrs thut the First Congressional District pays V(Uy,btlieve, were both General Washington and . Wouipton Conslitutiou was treseuicd, and lor PUJ.t'ol slule tos, aud the Kighth District (i'o,- nr. i ruiikiiii now auvc, niiu in tno vitor nno ' reawna mat npM'arcu aotm anu suiiicient to nun. itonij rj i.nu n'c uuh aicwu- Ile is now is well sati-died with that chimgc as rerw,.iuo;. liurKe ciintj only 1,4UU; yet in ever. IJo lliinks that by his couise he prevented . Hurku county the Stale has exrended gjOO, Uic dangerof a seriou aud disturbing istto. .Mr. VW, the animal inU-rcat on which is 530,000, Jloiiglai did not change his views not his courw, . "f ncirly .uy.it t.mit the tax she pays I The I'tiij thcroloie wus brought into per.sonul enmity ririmo nf their live.s. nml thnv Hlirtnhl hr niin.in:i j ted at the Chicago Convention for tho oflicis of "p. cry ir I. lie st pays in r mcusure ot taxes, ncapru , r.ri-Mied down and running over." , Still tho i the .W cat i.-. li-o the horse leach 1 Give ! The .State sectional Cois.pact was likolllCnjLj tional onu ol the Kcv.ilution. Three fifths of the slaver, Icing ciinlcd as so in.niy whites as a basi.H ol n pre.euialiun. If the compact is . aLulished in the Stato constituliuii,. how will wo - l'residci.t 1.(1 'I Vice President of the I hitod States, on a sound couservativsfSoiithern j!atfurm, tliey could not cot thc-votei of the itinj-jrilv" of the slareholding .States. So, on the contrary, do ; with the president, and into autiiotiisiii with 1 believe that. if the Clwrlostoti Cuuvciuion should his fonner fricmls or the Niuth. uoiiiinate Wiu. II. Saward for President 'mid "It is nn'(er to. mention that Guv. Walker wrong deductions. A correspondent ot the. tnarics r. aiuius, lor lee l rcswcoi, antli inn positively reiuseu to iiirnisn tno letter to tne l o Kaleigh Rnjitter is roviewing it. We give be- Jtepubliean platforuij they could (ot comuiand vodu Coiuuiittce, oud when upou the second sntu-' low his first article : . the votes of a majority of the freeSiaten. Y'ou ; iuoih, they insisted upon its production, if he NO. I. : may BU.ilc at this staicuicnt, buit illustntts the had it, hesaid lie would go to jail first.' Jiut tho Thft'i. nimiiloolnmi.nl t hut. at ' tliin'mnsl iiima. tiutll. o fntrfiil truth, and one to whieh thu eves 'oiiiioitiec showed him the reeOrd of testimony pieious time," the Opposition paityof North Cam- of the great masses of the people iu uli sccftous taken before them to the effect that the Attorney- objects its abolition in the lcdjral Constitution? jfina " have seen fit to endeavor1 to distract the cannot bo too soon, opened . j (ieiier.il, J udgu JJIaek, bad nut only denied the j c' o'd be ell actually c! ypul. councils of the State and divide her people upon W hen fairly exaiiimej this will be leund to existence ol any such letter, but dehed Gov. j " a srgacious remars. oi .ur. ?iauison, a question of constitutional reform." . Not so: be the true state ofeeti.-inal piejudieo at this Walker or any one to produce it. In seli'dc-, that wherever there is d-itigcr of attack there Th lnn,,.in',,n r.nri'r bn.Mi.tT ilmt thorn w-.i time: vet all fuir-Miitidrd eitiz-ns.'wlui will ex. : f'eii.-e. Gov. Walker then nave the o; i -inal letter ' should be come cms'-ituitonal plan of defence. verv eencral dissatisfaction txistini on the com- teitdiheiriiifiuiriA, will foon become satisfied that to the Committee., who took a copy of it. : Don't strike away this great bulwark which our r I r . .. i . I .... I A.....I .(....- 1... .. . - I . .. Tl.., I ...Ml ............ 1..: 1 I- ..Minr. I'm- parauve exemption 01 naves iroin laxauoiij ani "uc- pciomu-u uicaiscncs 10 uecuuie ex- icbiuuhi jm uun, ur ui n'wur, rxpi..iu having reason to believe that the Democratic cited abouthings more imaginary than real, his own reasons f r having changed his opinion party were soon to move in the same direction, more alstftt than practical. So sensible South-,' aud views on the subject." offered the olive branch of peaee, and proposed ern uiau-cvcr expects slavery to go and remain 1 . to meet them balf way, and harmonize on this . iu anjirritory nortlt'of-3t).3;. The. influence . THE letter. rrmit niioatinn ni.w anil aotllo fur n nmiiln-r ,if of cdfuiute. Soil, and nrodlletion flv this The ! V iiii T..!.. t 1 '.7 years a difficulty which was ulrcady alienating of slavery is alteady fixed it. New .Mexi- j ,Vy Ihr.r Sir: 1 duly received you'r letter' of i favor of, 'lie r'ru8t;J alteration of the Conatitu- frotu each other our slaveholding from onr riou- ", which ndireuitraees Arizona. As to the In- ! the ZSth ult. on Friday last, and read it to the ! t1,0'1', 1,0 "';ks, .r . m T, ,PLM alavcholding citizens. It was most desirably 'diaii Tcrntory, it the Government keeps in good ! Cabinet, then in session. The views which it i P10 u. I10t ur.' 1 001 uuf ' " , " , , J that me should "at this most inauspicious time" 'aith its treaties with alio Indians, we can- never ! contained were iw.t calculated to assure us of, a"d l,s rurPose.ls 13 ."!a,ko cl'Pltal ,ur forlorn ii.uc any clisriutu ntniut slavery in that .territory. Vmi. ,' tlumoli tr, .1 ,H n,,t ,lr.r,,w,,t Ir.nr.. l''li ") llulu,r j"-wy This disposes ol ill the territory we now own. j von mav iudiro with what satisfaction we rc. i"'"?scs of people J 110 IT LOST, 110 W RESTORED. I'ST PrBLISHED, T.V A PEALED ENVELOPE,' on the1 nature, treatment and radical Mlitm cure ofBpermatorrbcea.orBeDjinal Weak.ypf f nert.Sexotil Debility, Xerrousneea and In-CawaaaaasW toIuiiUij Emissions, jneluding Impotenov and Men tul and Physical Incapacity. ,I1V ROB. J. Cl'LVERWFLL, M. D., Author of the Urecn Hook, AC. The world renowued author, In this admirable Lee- ratliers have erected against the hour of peril and angry excitement. Constitutional re..tnc tions are tho ark of civil liberty, intended' to i protect tlio weak against the str.ng, "and they should be regarded sacredly. . Mr. liadgcr lias proqeuueed his ijise ilixit la DC an united people. I nc'ual taxation itwas feared would array one class against thother; and the Opposition Convention, many of whom were large slaveholders, patrioticallyagieed to- yield the advantage given theiu by the present Constitution ; and aubuiittea.to liat-.Uicy telt to' be the just demand of those less favored by . If the status of slavery in Xcw Mexico is ever ; ceived an account of the proceediiH;s-of -the ; K'.ni" taxation. between different There' are tiro irait of cnual- Ad valorem is specious and delu- carried out, hating secured the srmices of men, in be selection of their r acuity, qnalihed.to teach upon 1h mo.t approeed system. Erery member of the Faculty is a Southern man born aad raised on South ern soil. The e i Denies are leas than tboe of any similar institution in the entire 8outh. This arise, in part, J XO COJSrftPTITI? AD XERVOt'S from ita endowment, and in part from Its location in l (il'ITl'JIIIKH. a kealtby and productive section of the country, and 'rriJIE SCBSCRIBER, FOR SEVERAL VE.RS A in a wealthy and moral eommumty. j I rtMlM o Aia discovered while there a simple The annual exercises open on or about the 9th , rf,,cUbi, reB,edv-a aure cure fur Consumption, orSrplfmbtr, and continue fo. ty t.o weeks with- j A,ibn rtronchi'tis, Coughs, Colds, aad Nervous Ue out intermission, Except an Lsanumiion and Literary. hilifr For b, nefit of Consumptives aad Nervous " . . r ". Sufferers, he is willma to make the same tiublie. To those who desire it, be will sent the l'rescnption. 5t the nrocetfiliiMiS-oi -4 ho M. i . o - . . . . ' eharge.l it can only be by the free and -voluntary liolll Democratic Conventiou held at Lcconip-! Jrttm,HatHH-U: tli tola ru-policy, action of its own.citizen ! Of this neither ice-, ton on the cU inst. - I Ue Opposition propose to lake the tax off land tion .can eou.ph.in justly. , 'ihe points on which yourown success depends i a ruJ " 011 neorot,s- The value of land in Then where is tliererinapraVtieidfntof View, tlc ulmnssioifof th? Coiisliluriin. to thvpeo- j. . ... i .... i. 1 .1 i.m.i.w ... .i.;d..,: if. -:..i. u.. , .. , . - , 1 sinves. inc. inn: tutuuiiu -uciklch .ticac. iitv ... woroiy goous out most grievously oppresseo ty ") fi,uu"u ,ul hii.uuui wimimi pie oi i:insas, ana ny tne people l mean, nun l . ' . " , . . the present unequal modeof taxation. They incut ? We are permitting the country to become j have no doubt you mean, the actual 1j,i ft,!,- re- 'Jm''f'l'1 "' " " """' "iC Mmc rC"' agreed to waive the Cojikitutional exemption most dangerously waddeuod withoutcause of aidents who have been long enough in the Terri-! ""'jf''';'" ' ettme. . and pay into the publicreasury aecording to the justification. I take it for granted that, should ' tory to identify themselves with its fate. The ! . , V". T'" r 4 I'T abundance with whiciYLIeaven has blessed them. -New Mexico, when ber population becomes sufli- j Legislature determined three months as the pe- of la,nd at frl.nn ore' 1dy"nd' " rd ' . , What more effective mode of . alhiviii" wide cieiit, fairly aud voluntarily adopt n constitution riod of residence to entitle individuals to vote ! Sct aI""n and urP.rt bls "'"'"y- must pay in. turn, clearly proves from his own experience that the j gptead jealousiesand Jieart-burjiings than this of her own choice, and apply for admission into.-' for uicwibcrs of the convention ; and if the cun- ', " """' ,ua anntlier pajs on tUW woitn ot silver awful consequences of self-abuse maybe en-otually generous and patriotic abandonment of their own the I nion, a majority ol the representatives ; vention should think proper to adopt the tame pe- ' I, wIllt:1l;"0 ,'J'JJr lu"ry"- ' " now ,ax removed without Bedi.iao and without dsnjeroaa sur- I Constitutionaf right in favor of the claim of from the free States in Congress would not bo ! riod to entitle individnals to vote for or against l.1'10 .and ('"'' onlJ iiiasI anaas li.f,u tktsi rr tMM t naif aai ABirel 11 is Cte t r awnr r ' r sawi r. I a " . ... a . ... ... ....T.J I.a I a 1. am f 1. 1 lound voting against her admission into the : the constitution, it arrears to uie this would be 1 -' "pe" l- "l"ulw" wu.u'u u'cu.. " " I' nion Lccausq she admitted slavery, whatever! reasonable. . i tlii, est at the expense ot tic .ast. inchest might c their opinjo.'is of slavery and the ad-j missio'i of a slave State. The consequence of ' rejecting a State thus freely, fairly, and volun- ! ta:f!y organized would bejtoo uiomeutous to per mit prejudices to be indulged iu negative votes to any extent. The power may bo claimed, but I h:i e too much confidence in the rood sound sense 1 .Wo if st f Ptmimnt. Cttbarrua Co .V. C. millS PROMISING INSTITl'TIOS EXHIBITS 3UI. Jiintlag 0'ut mod; f cure .t .nee certain and i ' Dianifcft tight, and even justice between man a Course af Ktudy inrcrior to none in the gtate, en-eclui D- ,uiCB c. f ufforer, no matter what his and man. Let this equality be, established, and aad ita Hoard of Truste feel confident that the pre. j ennr)it.in 0l,y be, may cure himself thplti, privtttlg ihrn we are a united people, and will together senbed course will be ably, atrictly and satisfactorily : ,j,, mi. Irur. .ill r,r,,vn a houn to : 1 . .1.. l 'i .. . i i .r i . .1 ..... , 1, a ,.r ; j . - i i ureust iiic eiuruj uiuciy, na i uuou u i oroiueie. j thousands and thousan.1. ' Then, he who owns ' no slave, will stand by the Sent under seal to any address, pott pmd, on the re- . , ., . , ! , ,. . ceipt of two po.tnre stamps, by addressing Dr. CII. J. ! ? "108 ho hve tnany.,111 " the impending KLINE. Jt. 1).. 4S t int atenuc.New or, J on Box crisis, 'Uiiu maao ineir interest i.is. i i.eu cue 4:tl. ' Bl-ly ary. Tbe half year exercises commence on tbe TH at Februsry, and any student ho is not able to set in at the ht'K'inning ol tho Collegiate year, can enter at or about that tune, paying fur only the half year. TERMS. In tbe Preparatory Department, which is iniended to furnish young men thnronphly for the College classes for Hoard, Tuition, Room-rent, Washing, Fuel, Sc., for the year fl'1 " In the Collrg Department Do., do .'. .. 115 00 ttnhatf inmritttitt in odranep. For further particulars nihil ess, for Circulars, Col. JOHS KHlMi'OCII, See. of Hoard, - Rev. D. II. HITTLR, Trt. N. C. College, or ' Rev. 0. I). HKR.NHK1M, Fin. See. N. C. College. Mount Pleasant, N. C.t Feh. 1, lHfill-78-ly. with full directions (frte of charyt:) also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful conibi nntiorrof Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring the remedy can obtain it hv return mail, by addressing 1. E. Cl'TIIUERT, Botanic Physician, 81-90 No. J29 Broadway, NV. MANSION HOUSE, tVADCSBORO',X.C. TMIE UNDER-SKINED " HAS TAKEN CUARQE OF J. the above IIUIbL, where be will he hni,nv to ape hta former arfinaintsnees anj M - patrons, and will try to mnke as many new S!ssl j ones as possible by the strictest attention to business, auil a determination on bis part t I il 1 V 'II ! 'o raini 112 alia rilDer iianirinffl tple..llwhowyfaorliwllh?aa.. Tryme inil H II Rnni'StOV Pronritnr MIR 8CBSCRIIJKR RKSPECTFl'LLV SOLICITS J Feb 20 18noTB.3m the" fatrone"f 'this place' and surrounding I . neighborhood In PAINTINO and PAPKK-IIANGINU, '. UiolniKiftnrc nromisinit to eive entire satisfaction: Those wishing' 11 VUUU UCll 11 Ol . ' t i : ... .1 It. .1.1! I .: i rule riflisn, wmnmenuu, vrvming, ..ibioiiii, uchuii ful Outside Finish, &c, would do well to address or call on me. y" BAM'L A. W13K, Bt-fim - Wadesboro', N. C. . ' vrADMBOmV, Fti. 10, 1810. THE CHAIRMAN AND EXAMlN'INO COMMIT tee of Common Schools for Ansou County, hereby inform all who desire to be admitted as Teachers, that . .lhey will hereafter adhere to the rule of carrying on .the examination only on tho following dnys; the iait Friday in January, and the eorrespondirg day in every secoaa monim luercaiier. - , IT. 1. HAMMOND, W.M.HAMMOND, R. II, BATTLE, Jr. "5-tf I'ommiltc. OLD PE.tS AMD GOLD CASES. GOLD TENS AND GOLD CAPES FROM 2 " to f 20; Oold Pens and Silver Cases, from $1 to ..: $i, Oold Pena, from M) cents to $3. - OEOROE F. 1IAWKES, Manufacturer, , ' " 64 Nossua street, New York.' . . .Damageil Pensr.all sisea. repaired in a superior manner, for 8!l eta. Oold Pens exchanged. Sent by mail to any part of tbe United States, , ' 78 VI rnitE SUBSCRIBER, IIAVINO DETERMINED TO 1 remove West, offers for sale his Valuable Laac't Creek Plantation, containing 32f acres, nf which 150 are in a high state of cultivation; and of which some 80 or 40 acres are hammock lands slave owners pny for the protection their proper ty requires, the ron-slavo owners" wi.l protect it, not grudgingly, but cheerfully, and with. loyal hearts and their own brave arms. What a glori ous chance fur making our good old State united and strong, our Democratic friends have thrown I away : Was 'not this a tune to come together, and swear with linked hands and hearts to' de fend ooraltari and our household qoJ-i from pol lution? Who has made this time " inntfrpi cious?" Who panders to the fanaticism that would profane our temples ? Who keeps up the war of classes among us, of which oiir.eneiuiW hope to avail themselves ? If brazen impudence and arrogance have not indeed bronzed over l.)e mocracyt beyond the power of blushing, we might hope that a " round nnvarniolied statement of facts" might pump some honest blood into its bloated chcecks. He charged - wilh "endeavor ing to distract the councils of tha State and di vide ber people," indeed I ' It is thev who en deavor toYvyi usetein illy distracted and divided go and that too, " at this most inauspicious time when the enemy are thundering at- our pates, and counting on the disloyalty of our non slavc holding citizens. They little know indeed how loyal and true these citizens are to Southern rights. '' Hut is nothing due to their unselfish On the question of submitting the constitution to the luiiut Jttl; residents of Kansas, I am willing to stand or lull. It is the pciuciple of the Kan-sas-'ebrasla law ; the piinciple of popular sever cignty, and the principle of the foundation of all popular government. The more it Ls discussed, tho stronger it will become, should the con- of he people of the free States to believe that ' vention of Kansas adopt this principle, all will be they will ever think it wise under such eircum- settled harinouiously. and, with the blessing of stances to exert it. ( Providence, you will return triumphantly iroiu . The masses of this country must be aroused to your arduous, important and responsible station tile dangers winch threaten and hang over us. 1 The'-strictures of the Georgia and Mississippi wokld have various uther little thiinjt to put in it, besides ad valorem. An attempt would be made to alter the lasts of rrprcM'tHalion, and place tho whole taxing power of Xorth Carotin iu the hands of one section where they want a deal of money. Tho West could then cittiuirit mountains and fill up valley? ail libitum. The Kast would be the goose to lay the golden gg for the West. Gov. .Ellis was opposed to placing tho whole power of legis-. lation in either section.". We sincerely hope (says the Raleigh Register) that the editor ot the .Murfrecsboro Citizen, who The Constitution and the' Union must be pre-. Conventions will then pass away, and be forgotten. '. haf- proved himself in this respect to be an ae served. The laws of Congress under the authori-, In regard to Georgia, our news from that State is ; curat reporter, v. iil follow tho candidates through ty of the Constitution must be enforced. The becomiii" better every day. We have not yet ' 'he campaign, and give to the poblio reports of peace ot this end a very day. c have not yet had'timc to hear much from Mississippi. Should you aiiswer the resolution of the latter, I would advise,you to. wlajic the great principle of the submission of. the constitution to the bona ji,b: residents, of Kansas , conspicuously prominent. On this you will be irresistible. ' With the riuestion of climate, everv person is- IVnifcritie, Whig, Jtepubliean, or American aeouaintcd. aud (he more vou insist un'oii this the iain.il..-, nues, or insures., ivj one party, as such, the country must bo preserved. To II sectional agitation and sectional agi tators io and out of Congress tmit be put down. There is now no time to inquire nftor the incen diary. We see the country is on fire, and we must rush to the work ot extinguishing the fianus. We have no time to be inmiiriiii; into uces, or disuses.. can eucccsstuiiy Uo the worie. -or is it desira ble tVit it should bo so 'uiidertahen. The d.iu- cMgeueies of the country iuwte'.-thc Coti ve masses of all cxisline: i..iU!Ua to unite t licit exertions for, the. general Weliare. We iiiiL-; preserve tho Constitution and the I'iiioti. This the honest masses ol the people can do, and. a so'Hi a lhey can be prope'rlv advised, in m li.orc will out opponents urge that w.e are violating the principle of non'-inteilertMico tit the founda tion of the .Kansas and Nebraska bill. It is strange 'that people, at a distance, who have no practical acquaintance with the condition of Kan sas, should undertake to be wiser than ;!ioe on the debates between them. We cannot but ad- 1 mire his candor in rep-jrtjug truly what Gov. Klli.i did say, careless of the disastrous influence liich such language should deservedly have upon Gov. Kllis's prospects in the West. The peo ple ol the West will doiibtlcs feel very much, gratified at being, compared to the horse-lceeh, vhosc appetite is never satisfied and whose eter nal .cry is, "give! give !" They will be pro foundly gratified1;' no doubt, at being represented as ever on. the watch for tiie laying of the "golden eggs1' in the East in order that they may steal, take end carry them away; and have a lively ap preciation of the efiect (if Gov. K!Iis's messages and influence on Ihe sniyect of internal improve ments in their section of the State, in the event opinion, win Uo, in dehancc ot ciesiginiij We have only to be advised patriotism? Shall they, because thev aro known" clans. to be "honest and true," be sn-ibbcd by' the 1-athcrqf his country, and all wi 4 Grand Democratic Sanhednn: ""lust they do u again. J.very citizen should II be well bo induci pohtl iy ..the v, iih d to the spot. Jt is beyond all question the tree pul- t:-V let hnil.l a frnnt 1 l.m, i.i-, f I 'iflr llirt.., tn maintain ihef-onstitotion ami law's, composed 'of : f I'is re-election. J'ut not only has Gov Ellis pro slavery 'and froeState Democrats ; and il the : insalted the V est by compiling it to a liorse iiiajoiity shouldte against slavery, to obtain such ''?'!'." ",lJ ,0 a P"00 who would appropriate to constitutional provision as will secure the rights himself unlawfully the "eggs laid bv "a goose .of slaveholders in JUtssouri and the other States. whiuh did not belong to him, but be hag. all the fighting and paying too; and be told as a g"t a copy-of his Farewell Address and read it' nn'd maintain all the laws and guarding the just grossly- reflectctr upon the intelligence of the full reward for their sacrifices, that they aro very 'every Jay. It would revolutionize the country rights of ihe South. . ' . ' . ; East by comparing i; to " a goose" which, foolish- m. ,..--l.-- -. it. i i onnJ r,n.,nlo nattml nn !. ImnlrAnil nr.tiinnnmrf : and five fieaeo. V.-... r .:!,-, -;.. . t il, v and goose-like, pernutteu 113 "ecus to DO MILL8, which a,re located very convenient to. the, to ho very excellent patriots ? ' Xo : they are Nomine mati can believe that a separation of cause of Judge Williams' - appointment. c s,o!e" f:um l!s ' .'ls lsa .rather Md epg plantation and the surrounding cpuntry.. They are j true i,ot tley are not stupid. This State needs these great, prosperous, and happy States can fnppos'ed it Sould be-pccultarly -acceptable- to - for yen, Governor. ill you kindly permit us to on the Conoord road. ,...' their hearts as well as their hands Empty ever lake place in peaee. It cannot 'bj; doiie. ; youtself, and that he laight aid iii carrying out : asb-you if by those metaphors, prf Scriptural Alio,on the plantation, a gooo KIRK HOI SIS and . . . , ,,-' . J w .. i.. , . i .1. .1.. . ...... . ,. ... ., . , J " ,,,)..,.,,, ..t.,c.;,.,, ,. nm unt nmkinrr th nrrav 8IIOF 81101'S- a lood I1WELLINU HOl'SE NEUKO I Plso 19 no aaequate reward lor inoir nuenty. e nati uiuy 10 luu.a mm 1110 coiisequetiees vi your policy. Lot. Luinming lias Ut-en appoiuteu l""; v-.-t - - ll.KS. and inev nave rignts. ana -t ier Know mem wen. ci.smuuhoii iu uu niii.-iiih ei 1.10 in. .oriance .01 iioveinor ot l. ta 1. 1 us'wi 1 cause his nuice to wi - 1 HOUSES, GIN I10LSE, BAItN aud 8TAULES. : niLLSBono vilitaby academy, TTNDEH THE CONDUCT OF COL. C. ,C. KJ s.T, late Superintendent of tbe finite MiliUry Academy of Columbia, 8. C. The Staff of Instruction enmnriaoa Six Offi- ccrj. - For a Circular address tbe Superintendeut. 017 AEW BOOK STORE H CIIERAW, S. C, (SKABhY 0PP08ITB D. MALLOY's 8TOSE.) iZZr .... ...,T. . m a it n 11 "','' ; . das irsr aacirvKD A laaoa aaaoi-Txt-rr or MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL BOOIS, BLAKK BOOKS, . ! AMD ctationrt o all kinds. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FANCT OOODS; OR NOTIONS, . Te whtoh ba Invitee the attention of Ladies aad 86 Oea-lemea. tl . It AOSAT. bore , ' WAlf TED, the a rocs orrics WADES. every necessary convenience. Also, a large variety or FRL'IT TREES. - - If you wish to purchoae, yon will do well to call and examine tbe land and premises for yourself. Vouoan buy a bargain, as I an determined to sell. jeb. 18, 1860-76--tf v B. CACPl.E. 11. vr. Romxso., SVllGEO.r MtEJTTiST, tenders his Professional gervicra to. all who mav need them. - Having had eeve- Val years practice, lie feels safe in warranting satin- faction in ALL Ul'JSKATIU.tB Thru lr nn oTomntinn from nnhlin burdens. disnciisiii!r with a I use ess 1111J abstract see. I, .-,,ni ,.ft.,r tho li..f nnrh..! -,.nnir,..l -f,.r ' which with torrent patriottani, .yea ann yourparty They only ask that others, of higher estate, tional prejudice. I envy not the heart of that, nettlinijjuji lis busiucst-aud I certainly shall be i profess to depreate? In conclusion, w-e repeat our should share them equally according to the ability mart who citn look forward will, cmiiposure ' to "JiVposed toCTfitiy the appointment of- Mr.Sto-; wisl that the editor of 'the .Murfreesboro Citizen of each. -Let this be done, and tlien we sliajLtlie day whcn'tliis happy and prosperous country veils. Gen. Harney has been ordered', to com-, wilifollow thecandidatestlironghtliecampaignantl stand as united men stand. Then, the inst-tt:- shall be divided and involved 'in fiatcriial strife niand the expedition 'to I' tatf; but we musf con- let us know their sayings and uomga. tionof slavery will receive heartily the protection and bhwdy Jtuitl'ery, our fields laid waste, towns trive tet -have him with you, at least until you are ' - -' ; it needs, from tens of thousands who have no in- and cities burnt, our shippins destroyed, our im- 'ouf 0f the woods. Kansas is vastly more impor- j 83r?A Sottthern wemnn gives the- following nt i.ivi-1 iiddu V T rv1 ipn IV TrrP ( imwivoi. . iw iuiiim ui jn;i jii.iu.ii n.-ii j-. w . v 10 iimuii ,w tjic. ill lllc pi cscoi uioineiil. loan I. laii. , , - r ------ --. AVI0 rKRMAr,E.TLlt JAThDlNTlit, ( ug be triW. Let us be I'.MTKli. - Let us be make the heart of evertrue a'triot melt wit'hin The pressuie upon me co:iti nies without in-! the country, and for the nomination of a National town or waacaooro , respectruny v titqt .H'STIl't . him t .iiiiMinnl.ih. tin- i,v,i,.-nf. I.rln.m T ,.,.. ,i. n;,.;;, l'r,-:,l..,.n ;'! Tnhm 111:111 for Tresidei.t : ,..'" . ; v the free and proud Ameiicon citizens to eou!roiit'lui.h I. pjiico niy trust, may graciously preserve ; In consequence of the sad condition of our A DeaveAbidixo Governor. Gov. Kllis cac.i, other onbhdv batilv fields. 1 Hstorv has .,.'i;c -n,1 mvl.o-.UI, '..mil th. pi,.I rd' i.iv ter... coumrv.a fewreiiiadis have susaestcd themselves All diseaaea of the said in his speech at Gatesviile, that "he .had' niwr ( rmwir.lon' sncli aanmiinarv Iii.t..rir.. n"..t r..r .-til 1... rt unw f mein referciiee-to 'the" Presidency. I think H..nikM.Ri ..M.. IrltHi,,. tMth Trnrn nn. 1 .... .. . . t .... I. . .1 . ..I ....I, ., ... . .... - ...... . , . uccus.cuiisuui icaueiui iuo . uimoij u. """" tticse will frovc to oe. yiieil lireee, . tratued. to full ef, supplied in the best and most approved nji . Il ll,l..rl ; r.hi;.,(nrii. t.. .1. La . ..:!:.. i... ..'... .. ...i- !.... in tl, cnimtr l.iif 1 i iln.tr rl. 1 ...w fc-" c ....... .- unmir me influences oi cjreccian- ireeuom, met denriwh'nZired " the fa,tjhift the State bad in successful operation an ; Grcek ;t . WM cUeV tbe tug of war.". A-illis- mu, lv. ,Uv .l., ...v. ...v. u.m..., unguisneu juexicnn, on -seeing a aispiay oi a retreat-for the insane. He said that in estah-.. American courajre in tho Tate war with Mexico, lishing these institutions, we were obeying the declared thatj' Anicrieans fought more like devils behttts of Divine Providence, and acting in ac- tuan met 5ut the deseription of the first cordanco with the uVrce of hi(h Heaven." conflict in ami's between -Northern and -&iuthcru In reply to this, Mr. Pool allowed by the Ame'rieau freemen has yet to be invented. The Journal that Jno. W. Ellis, thus glorifying over war 0f tu0 Roscsin Kflland would be but a the benevolent institutions ot .the . Mate, voted faint tvoo of. the awful struL'cle. 15ut enouch Terms cash when the work la finished. Wadesboro1, February 6, 18tlO-74-tf STATE 01 NORTH CAROLINA, . Jl'NION COC.NTY. - ' j ' ' . Is Egi ltT, Fall Term, I860. Joseph Strfcunu nt. Wiley Roirera and James A. Dunn. . O. 11. T APPEARING TO THE SATISFACTION OF Tl 1-tbeCurttbie aaM tbt l tiiuu rc.ruires a conservative man. ways, sincerely yours, -' .' . '.! . - This isthe first ti.'ne I have JAMES BtCIIANAN. lever meddled in political aflairs, and a great Hon. Robert J. Walker, ' " " 1 inanyipersons will think it presumptuous for awo-' - - Governor of Kansas. ' . : man to meddle in such matters. .But it most be ' ' ' r ! considered that women have" to live under the The 'Xew Jerusalf.M Party. Mr. Iwln l same government as men; and they, as a majority, in bis.speeeh on Tuesday night wittily remarked : are vcO' tioiid and dependent. If war were de tharthe Opposition were the "New Jerusalem j dared betwen the .North and the South, women Willi III !I1UL-I CAVivuiui,!.! . IU, aw i-i luded to' the fact and said he was willinj to be of such things if we do not have a man is.. - i . . ... - . .' . sw.mlAu fit T Itn hnarf r.l tha I ninn war. therefor ordered by the Court, that publication be LunaUo Asylum, and thus flew in the face of (he t!l0 greaT conservative niaveg of Pennsylvania, tinctJoh froal tBft Old Jerusalem- Party, which he inevttablff. ' . .rnll'.v- mada for six weeks, in the North Carolina Argue, no-1 " behests of divine providence, ;and snapped Ins - auj of every State in ' tbe Union, arise and take : gupposed meant democracy, and fitly too as the j "A SOLIHKRa nOMAA. uijius uwi r;. r- ...6... u. , 1 inoir own worK in ineirown nannsrj no rcai people Jews were a corrupt and monev stealing set sonally to appear, before tbe Judge of the Court of j tha tenth Wendsy after the fourth Monday t Febru- ing Joaeph Broach. A letter ary next, thea and there to plena-, answer usuemur rr u c.i.,K wa numm, ju.11,1 r lne country peace., tney navo onty to say j lie ways knew that their faith was auegiinona 01 ine piainnu a ou.i o.nrrwis. ... . - -. f ' word, and tbe worst is Per orme4rraE!arrT' J.-J not eineet to hear his aama will K ... r. kurln and heard fx tua-tt aa ta slandered his daughter, a vonnis ladv still in hrr teens 1 - . -rCrr' , "lu. "?! eIP ',e"r . i " ' . - - .ad at aahaol. The eourt after he.rina the evidence". - Mease.acccpt assurauees ot. tn iiigti regara The New Jerusalcius of ti We ifhould like to know how old Brown- all the States noc ratio, while i. ... . .1 i .- . . . . . r . . . . -l KJS aahnn d like to know now Eq.lt;, at tb'e next Court U be held t tbafiountffin. H, Burkley wa. Iricl in Ki f W tnoueattnteaoi ...igrra. .. jongj Ue ced m the -name ot- tbe Jrue.u. ; ( . . ol UnioVafaregaid, at the Court House is i Ionro, owemptjy., : ow the Sth of April, for shooting and ktU--.nnder.tlie control of officeholders, placefncn, ( a WM pruud-to see that his party was thought j w " V,"und- Lino- Pemo to me i.icnmop.1 r.nqt.!- uiuco-seckers,auu more Hjiiiicmia. jueyeangive fit to lie a. pattern of the true tollowcrs. - lie ai-rr' .J; ' uch a miser- orthodox, but he -"-Xf Z Zl-IKm. (O) Blade. opponents so endorse lUT I 3.w" has to snv, in response, i jHiiities tike the ew ! ,. Vf tut oood old hvmn : ' . a.. fcUO 4IIILU.KV ..... n- , I .... I ,L., I I. J.tl "Broad is tne roau un. w Witne as: T. D. Wlaebeatrr, Clerk aad Master at our said Court, at office In Monroe, the tenth Monday after the foartk Monday ia A u gust, A. D. 1858, aad la the eighty-fearta rear of American Independence. T. D. WINCHESTER1, C. fc M. E. . 81,8J-p.t$S ' ' ' 1 - ' . " ' . " ana at aonooi. me couii nicer uvannpr tor cTnii-iicr, : If . and without argument from counsel, discharged the a mr esteem. prisoner, who ia tne of the moat respectable sitisena of ; tha county. Tne trial cretcHt intense excitement, nu Yours, truly, JOHN A. GILMER, , t i - i: .,1.1 ;.. I ntuie is very ppruprinte as tue p&rtj u now in- ' " i - - . . a I mabv nrw in trvtl 1 1 H 1 mftilai ea n) tni ta V i kie iWVardiot waa announced the whole crowd of I At the sale of Col. Irbv's aeeraca. in Laurens Dis- ff"!""". ? - T. . . ' " .V tpaWtora roae U their feet aad gave vent to the most i trlct, 8. C.last week, 2 negroes averaged $1,090.33. ) be said to be regulating Q:ngS. rfesfrm Jrf- kMrii .MhiWiuL . . . Over one hundred of them wcro 10 uni Vver one hundred of them wcro 10 under yean age. . vocafe. And lk g"f But triWoM shows a, narrow pacu, n ,th oi!) htrt Ofidthfreoi traveler:" ..'--.- tfroie-a.'vr'a Whif. v ,: -'--"" V -' '.' : ' ' '- W '-I ,

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