LOOK I STARTLING FACTS!. GRAND SCHEME fob " JUKE, I860. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, t MeKINNET e , ldaMf vr. Asthorired by Special Act of th Legislature. ' '25,828 Prizes. Jf-tftfi: TITAN ONE PRIZE TO EVERT TWO TICKETS. Capital Prize $GO,00O. Tickets only $10, EJtm, Quartern and Eighth in proportion. 10-M PRAWN BACK SATURDAY, IN 1SG0, rx tn CUT of Sovoooofc, Go, , Class 74, to be drawn Jan 2, 1800. Clese 76, to bo dnwo Jaoe , I860. CUee 70, to bo dnwi Jane 10, I860. Clan 77, to bo drawn Juno 23, 1860. .- Claoa "8, to bo drawn Juno SO, 1800. 1 .MAGMFICENT SCHEME. TDrinof COOOOiitSOOOOi 6 prises of 1000 are $5000 20000 li 2O0OUj lw 600 aro 400 aro 800 aro 200 aro 6000 800 000 400 7500 10O00 is 100001 2 60001 4000 ii 84)00 la 2000 ta 16001a 1100 ia 600GN 2 SCO 2 800 60 2)100 100 14)0 100 1100,100 150 aro 100 aro 10000 95 aro 9600 85 ro 8500 APPROXIMATION PBIZFJ. 25,448 Prise Amounting to $212,140. 26,828 ' Prfiao, Amounting to $308,040 WILU.BE DRAWN THIS MONTH. - Ceetbtcates or Packaoes will bo sold at the fol low iar rate, which la tbo nek: Certificate of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets. ..$C0.00 10 Half 30.00 10 Qnarter 10 Eighth 15.00 7 60 LOOK AT THIS! A SPLENDID DRAWING.. os ' THE THREE NUMBFR PLAN. Which takes place on every WeTayaasl Saturday, la iSGO. ' 1 Capital Priso of. 1 Priso of ' 1 Prise of 1 Prise of 1 Prise of. 10 Prises of. 40 Prises bf....V....T. 60 Prises of 259 Prises of.. 64 Prises of... 64 Prises of frs Prises of...... ' 6,632 Prises of..: 28,224 Prises of, ..$23,000 4,600 4.000 8,000 2,171.20 $700 are 7,000 , 173 7,Ofi , 125 are . 80 are . 50 are 30 are.. 20 are... 6,250 20,720 8,200 1,920 1,280 10 are.. 6 are... 66,820 141,120 34,412 Prises Amounting to... . Whole Ticket 5 ' Bk.Ha In 1MnAVliA. ,.$281,481.20 IN OKDER1SU TICKETS UK WBl IIH.A1 r.o, Enclose the money to our, address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwards' by first mail. Purchasers eaa hire tickets ending in aytgure tney may aesignaie. The list of drawn numberi anil prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Ex press, to be directed to 87-ly McKlXNEY k CO.. Satannah. Ca. North Carolina College, .Haunt rteatmnt, Cabarrus Co .1. V. rpHIfl PBOMI8ISO. INSTITUTION EXHIBITS I Course of 8tudy inferior to nouo in tbe State, and its Board of Trustees feel eon6dent tiiat tbe pre scribed court will be ably, strictly and satisfactorily carried oat, baring secured the services of men, in the selection of their Faculty, qualifiedto teach upon the most approved system. Every member of the Faculty is a Southern man born and raised on Sooth ers soil. Tho expenses are less than those-of any similar institution in the entire South. This arises, in part, from its endowment, and in part from its location in a healthy and productive seatiw3 f tbe country, and in a wealthy and moral community. The annual exercises open on or about the 2MA f Heptttmbtr, and continue forty-two weeks with nut intermission, except an Examination and Literary Contest daring the week including the 22d of Febru ary. The half year exercises commence on tbe 22d of February, and aay student who is not able to set in at the beginning of the Collegiate year, can enter at or about that time, paying for only tbe tia.ll year, . ? r..jEBM8, Ia the Preparatory Department, which is intended to furnish young men thoroughly for the College cutanea for Board. Tuition. Room-rent, Washing Fuel. e.. for the year $10T 00 In the Collece Department Do., do .. 11 00 Otu-hatf invariably ia tdvanct. Tor farther particulars address, for Circulars, Cdl. JOHN 8HIMPOCH, See. of Board, Her. D. H. BITTLE, Pres. N. C. College, or Rev. G. D. BERN'flEIM, Fin. See. N. C. College. Mount Pleasant. N. C. Feb. 1. 18fi0-78-1y. Notice. SHE PUBLIC ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED to vnt the- NEW COACH MAKING ESTAB HMENT Of LEM. B. BENNETT k 0X1 , situated r the PLANK ROAD, one mile nortbwesjt-of n ades- The proprietors rttarn thanks for patronage already - bestowed, and ask continuance of tbe same, assuring the eitiseae of Anson and the surrounding counties that they will perform their contracts punctually. They have on hand at present several 'NEAT and SUBSTANTIAL JOB8, and ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ALL ORDERS IN THEIR LINE. All new work warranted. Jaar24-72-tf L. 11. DENNETT CO. II. W ROBIXSOS, BVRUEO.r DE.rTiST, TTAVINO PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN THE JI town of Wadesboro', respeetiuuy tenders his Professional Servieea to all, Who mar need them. Having had aeve- ' fal years practice, he feels safe in warranting satis faetioa U ALL OPERATIONS. All diseases of the saoath successfully treated. Artificial teeth, from one to a fall set, supplied in the best and most approved style. Persona in the country visits 1 at tbeir resi dence when desired. Tanas cash when the work ia finished. Wadesboro', Febraary 6,1860-74-tf Phosphatic Guano. . THE ATTENTION OF PLANTERS AND OTHERS is iariud to the following report of an analysis by Dr. Joha C. Draper, of the University of New York, of ea average sample of a cargo of PH08PHATIC GUANO, reeentlv uanorted br the Phoenix Guano Company from Mckean's Island, Jeeifio Ocean, vis Orgaaie sutler ....:a....i...T..... 8 00 Water eoeabined 21 Soluble Salts, Sulphates, Chlorides.. 6 00 Fheaphato of Lieu, of which 64.00 is Bone Phoepheto and 1.00 ia Bi-phosphate.M..66.00 ' Salphata of Lime .'. 7.60 f iUota aad Carbonate of Lime 1.00 For sals by 100.00 ft, a. McRARY A CO., Agents, 84-tf . Wilmiagum. N. Guano T Guano ! - O'CHR E. D. McLENAHAN D13CHAK01N0 A S -- .1 RRaJiE'S MANIPULATED OKAM):' uXkr, Lrb and L. Muiford wUh No. 1 PER CM ,VIAfl,ailI,Mpctod. F-jky- - v HODGES. DAVIS & CD'S CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES, Authorised by a 8peoial Act of the Legislature, foe toe Mnent or Acaaemies, uu umu -Purposes. SOMETHING NEW. CITY PLAN. $50,000, For Ome Dollar! DRAWN DAILY AT 6 O'CLOCK. TriieJ Payable without Deduction ! 75 Numbers 12 Drawn Ballots I. SCHEME: Any ticket with 8 number on it all drawn $50,000 Any $1 ticket with 7 numbers it all drawn 26,000 Any $1 ticket with 6 numbers on It all drawn 10,000 An 1 ticket with 6 nnmberioa it all drawn 2,600 Any $1 ticket with 4 numbers on it all drawn Aay $1 ticket with 8 ntfmberson it all drawn Any $1 ticket with 2 numbers on it all drawn Any (1 ticket with 1 number on it all drawn Any $1 tieket with a drawn nnmber on it sta tioned to coma out at any particular place, such as 67 1st, 2J, 8 J, or any other station in tbo drawing..... Tickets from Si to any prlcr, At tho aboTO rates per dollar. , 600 100 80 6 CO i HAVANA PLAN. More Prlzea than Blank! ' CAPITAL PRIZE, 870,000. Tickets only Elerht Dollars! Halves J4 Quarter $2 Eighths $1. PaiCIS FATADLC I Ft IL, WITHOUT DsDCCTIOM. Purchswrs baying 10 Whole Tickets, when the num bers end in 1. 2. S, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, are guaran teed a priie of $26. t . SCHEDCLE OF CLASSES AXD DRAWINGS. JUXE. Class 30, draws Saturday, June 2, 1800. Class 40, draws Saturday, June 9, 1SK0. Class 41, draws Saturday, June 10, 1800. Class 42, draws Saturday, Jane 23, 18ti0. . Clam 43, draws Saturday, June 30, 18o0. JILT. flsw44,-Taw Baturdayr July- H8CO-.- Class 45, draws Saturday, July 14, IBM). Clara 40, draws Saturday, July 2!, 1800.. Clsrs 47, draws Saturday, July 28, I860. : AUGUST. Cla'a 48, draws Saturday, August 4, 18G0. Class 49 draws Saturday, August 11, I860. Class CO, draws Saturday, August 18, 18K0. Class 61, draws Saturday, August 25, IStiO. 2(50 Prizes, aiiiooBliD ifr : $271,200, Will be distributed according to the following BOY Air SCHEME: To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Prlie of.:..;.. $70,000 20,000 10,000 6,000 3,000 .2,01 K) 1,000 5 Priies of.;-. . , $.500 800 100 60 25 6 1 I'riie of 10 Prises of..... 20 Priies of..... 100 l'riiesof..... lQOPriitsof..... 25,000 Priies of...., Prire of 1 Priie of. 1 Priie of 1 Priie of Priies of...".., 970 ArpaoxiMATios Prizes, amocxtixo to $18,200 Certificates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets... $55.00 110. 00. 1U nail xicaeui.... .ov Do. do. 10 Quarter Tickets 13.75 Do. do. 10 Eighth Tickets. 6.88 This is the rink, and entitles the holder of a Certifi cate of a Package of Whole Tickets to all he draws over $25. Half, Quarter and Kigbth Certificates in proportion. COMBINATION PLAN. rvRBT pat at rorn o'clock. CAPITAI, PRIZE, $10,000! $32,000! $25,000! $20,000! $10,000! $5,000! $2,500! &t,! Tickets from 1 to filO. IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES Enclose the money to our address for the tickets or- d.Ted, on receipt of which tbey will be forwarded by first mail. The list of drawn numbers and priies will be sent to purchasers immedibtely, after thej)rawing. - All prises under one thousand dollars payable immediately after the drawing. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Those who prefer not sending money by mail can nse tbe Express Companies, whereby Money for Tickets, in sums of 'Eight Dollars snd upwards, can be sent us at our risk anJ.eipene, from any city or town where there is an Express Office. Tbe money and order must be enclosed in a Government .Post Office 8tamped En velope, or tbe Express Companies cannot receive them. Ail communications strictly conndentuu. Purchasers will please write tbeir signature plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. CIRCULARS Containing full explanations of our Schemes, ic, will be forwarded, by mail, to any one sending us their name. . Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mall or Ex press, should be addressed to HODGES, DAVIS A. CO., C3-ly Macon, Ga. NEW STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING, IN the prick Store recently oecopied by Daniel A. Horn. A LARGE AND WELL 8ELECTED 8TOCK OF GOODS, suited to the trade of this laarket, com prised in part of DRT GOODS. Print!,. De Liines and Dress Goodtu Jlleached and Brown Goods; Hosiery; Negro Goods, Blankets, Ac, Ax., Ac. ; . nATS AND CAPS All styles, colors and qualities. BOOTS AND SHOES. -Calf, Kip, Wax, Seal, Goat and Kid; 'Black and Rus-ise!Brogannv..li- -HARDWARE. Pocket and Table Cutlery; Pins; Tacks; Locks; Wood Screws; 8ieves; Coffee Mills; Hoes; Shovels; . . Spades, Traces, Ac, Ac. HOLLOW WARE. Pots, Ovens,' Spiders, Bkillets.Ae., of all shapes and - aises. IRON AND NAILS. Broad and Narrow Bar; Hoop, Band, Bod and Square; Nails, 4 to 40 penny. . ' - ' L E AT HER. V ' "TZZI1 Sole and Upper, Kip and Calf. ' BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE. LIME AND PLAISTEB PARIS. . GROCERIES. Loaf, Crushed and Coffee Sugars; Java, Lagnayra and Rio Coffee; Tee; -ljueese;' JJacaerei; Bacon, Lord, Salt, Soda, Potash, Molaaeea, . Riee; ' . snd every other article called for ia this market; all of which will be sold ea as favorable terms as they ean be purchased ia this market, for cash, or On short time to those wiU fag ke Uuy promue. AIL orders strictly attended to. J. M. THREADOILL. Cberaw.'ftept. 20, 1860-68-tf T II. McRART At CO , , , It . AGKXJ.1 FOB AND DEALERS IN NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; REESE'S MANIPULATED GUANO; Sf)MI:KBRO GUANO; Asf KK1CAN GUANO; LAND PLASTER, Ae , Ac. A large supply eoaatantly oa head for sls iu lots to- suit. lW..-CEOS, LAiicB and mn mtmtf stock , , op : ... GOODS, Just received and for sale on the most favorable t - terms. Call and see. S. S ARNOLD. April 24, 1860-85 If FOR AT NEW GROCER! AND CHEAP DRIED BEEF, BEEF TONGUES, " CANVASSED HAMS, SALMON IN KITS, MACKEREL IN KITS, " BACON, LARD, FLOUR, MEAL, POTATOES, RICE, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, INDIGO, SOAPS, SALT, VINEGAR, April 24, 18C0-85-tf COrBTJEY.TE.t XEXT 4c CO., dibxct mPoaTias or -T Mlardwarr, CutUry, Cunn, St., No. 35 Hatxb SrastT, 8C1, ' CHARLESTON .JC ClUTIDERLAM MILEK & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRV 600DS, No. 147 Mxstiko Stbiit, Oppoalt, Caartwloa Motel,-86-i y. - CHARLESTON, 8. C. rEnmGn, thomlisisom a co., MAxrrACTunF.as ad wholesali dsalees ia SatMlts, Mlarnrm, Coaeh THtnmingn,Sc. No.. 157 Mietiho BTnaar, Opponltc CUarlMtoa Hotel, rnvnioT. Jasaiscis k Co.A CIIAULESTO, Niw Vok. 80-111 iiATTiiiiasxif. w. r. o haba. i. matthibmxx. CLOTHI.rO MIOISE. M ITTHIESSES, O'HABA II CO., No. 143 East-Bat Stbbet, Corner of QneeB, CHARLESTON, 8. C. FCRXISM.VG GOODS OF ALT. KIXDS. 80 ; - '7 E. B. STODDARD 4c CO., WHOLESALE DEALEBS IB BOOTS, 8UOEHi.W Tf f .ra.1. at MajruFAcrnntERS' priobs, Nos. 165 abd 107 Meetiso Sraaa-r, Nearly opporlte Charlsstoa Hotel, exekIel b. stoddabo. ) CHARLESTON, S. C. caleb raoxEBEBOia. y LEXI EL CBAXE. ) BO-iy BVFF 4c DOH'IE, siccEssoas to sixoxds, airr a co., WUOLEStLE ORiaaMSTS, . No. 153 Meeti.io Stbeet, (Opportlt CbarlestoB Hotel.) ,. CHARLESTON, S. C. Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumeries, rancy uooos, oegars, 86 Fine Wines, and Brandies. ly EELIS it MITCHELL, ' WHOLESALE ABD BETAIL DEALERS IN CORN, PEAS, OATS, RYE, WHEAT, BRAN, EASTERN AND NORTH RIVER HAY; Also, FRESH GRQUSD -itEAL-r-IlOMlKT, fc,t j e. HO. NORTH WATER STRUCT, WILMINGTON, N. C. c. d. ellis, 79-ly a. t. Mitchell. CHAS. D. MTEBS, 1 FHED. i. OOBI. JTIYEBS 4c .HOOHE, WHOLSBALB DSALSBS I HATS. CAPS. TRUNKS, STRAW GOODS, RON- NETS, FURS, MlLtTAKI UAir.3 AND UMBRELLAS ; 34 Market Street, . WILMIXGTOX, tr. C. We ask tbe attention of wholesale buyers to the shove card. We are prepared to furnish Goods in our line aa low as ANY HOUSE I TUB UJI.V1HI. Orders for Hats by the case or doienwiUjreceivs. prouipt attention by addressing aa above. 79-ly JOHN 8. GALLAUER, ' tTOBMEELT TIIIBD AUDITOB Or THE TBEASCBT,) ATTENDS TO CLAIMS BEFORE THE SEVERAL DEPART MENTS OF 80VERNMENT, . And expresses tbe belief that hie familiarity with business will enable him to ensure satisfactory results in all eaaes.,o.merit. jgj- Address him at Washington City, D. C. Febri?'l.850-74-tf " GEO. U. KELLY, BOOKSELLER, . No. 27 Maekbt stbebt, X , WILMINGTON, A'. C. ' Keeps constantly on hand' every variety of School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Drawing Books, Music Bosks, Foolscap and Letter Papers, La dies' Note-and Billet Paper, Artist Materials ef all kinds. Letter Presses, Letter Copying Books, Inks, Pencils, Envelopes, Law Book., Doctor Books, Draw ing Papers, Lithographs for Grecian and. Oil Paintings, Wsa. Knabe A Co's celebrated Piano Fortes, G rover A Baker Sewing Machines and Conner Sewing Machines. All orders for any ef the above articles promptly tiled and forwarded by mail, railroad, or otherwise. 79-ly . H1LLSD0B0' MILITARY TTNDER THE NDER THE CONDUCT . OF COL. c. TEW', lata Superintendent or the State Military Academy of Columbia, B.C. Thai Staff of Instruction comprises Six Offi cers. For a Circular address the Saperinteadeat. 64-ly .- ' ' : ' BLASK Ofnee. sOTEs-re fc-ALX t AT THIS :iEEW;M 9 SALE TnE PROVISION STORE FOR CASH, ' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, TOMATO CATSUP, COOKLNO EXTRACTS, CANDIES, RAISINS, ORANGES, LEMONS, LEMON SYRUP, PIE FRUITS, . PICKLES, SARDINES, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANDLES, POWDER, SHOT,-LEAD,"; " '" CORN, PEAS, - COTTON YARNS, 4o., io. D.-G. McBAE, AUornry it Uw tad Solicitor ii Eqilty, CHAMPAONOLLC, ARK. 80 ' ly T. C. A. B. C. WORTH, General Commlatton Merchant, ABO DEALEBS IB LIME, HAIR, CALCINED TLASTER, AND CE MENT, SAND PLASTER, PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, " And Agents for tbe. sale of ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUANO, TASKER A CLARK'S FERTILIZERS, SUPER-PHOSPHATE Of LIME, 70-ly WILMIXGTOX, A. C. ROBERT D. COW AS, General Comtniiurlon Jlerthani, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office south corner Market and Water streets np stairs. ' 68-ly TIIOS. B. LLOTD.l CHAS. C. tCCKE. TICKER iL LLOYD, aoebts roa PROCURING BOUNTY UNO AND PENSIONS, ABD Dealers ia Land Warrant! and leal Estate, - WASIIINGTdN, D. C. Land Warrants bought, sold snd located. Collec tions made throughout tbe United States and Cana da. Titles to Western Lands examined, and taxes paid for non-residents. Old Land Patents purchased, and Titles to land granted for military services, aad other claims for real estate, investigated and prose cuted. sst Office, No. 474 Seventh street, ppoaite the City Post Office. 66-tf M. SMITH. ... 'LAtTBIB, SMITH m, MctACRI.f, COMMISSION AND FORWARDINB MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NATAL STORES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, FOR SALE OR SHIPMENT, WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION. . Refer to John Dawson; Esq., Mayor, and E. P. Hall, Esq., President Braneh Bank Bute of North Carolina. f 64-ly W. II. McRARY a. CO Contmlmion Merchants, and Dealer in Guano, Halt, tirain, jrev, c, Cobbee Pbibcess abd Wateb streets, WILMINGTON, H. C. PARTCULAR ATTENTION OIVENTO THESALE OF NAVAL STORES, COTTON, TIMBER, FLOUR, AC, AC. LIBERAL ADVANCEMENTS MAD ON ALL PRODUCE WHEN REQUIRED. Rxfsbebces: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington, N.C.; Col. John Mi fUe, President Bank of Wilmington, WilmingtohrN. C; 'D. A. Da vis. Cashier Branch Bank Cape Feai, Salisbury, N.C.; I. O. Lash, Cashier Branch Bank Cape Fear( Salem, N. V.; J. EU Uregg, rreaiuent tut oi ineraw, o.. 64-ly ' COLCOCKTMeCALLEY it M ALLOY, tractor and CotnmUvrion Merchant, Ornci No. 8 Noeth Atlabtic WnAar, CUARSESTON, S. C. C 1. COLCOCK, - T. 8. M eC ALLEY, D. MAIXOT, CHarlMkM, & C. UuninUU, Ala. Chrot,&a N. B. Offices kept at each place, where advance, can be obtained on shipments of produce to Charles ton, 8. C. 60-ly HOPKINS, HULL At ATKINSON, IMPORTERS AND WHOLES ALI DEALERS I.t FOKEIG" 1.10 DOIESTIC DII GOODS, 1 ' ' 1 - No.' 268 Baltimobi Stbeet, ..- (orroatrs BAaovaa man,) basil a. nomas, 1 BALTIMORE. bob ear moll, THOB. W. ATKIB.0B. J 87-tr R. P. SIMMONS, : $Walch and Clock Repalrerf absobvillb, a. o. Jewelry, Ac, neatly and substantially repaired, and all work warraoted twelve months. 4 ASHE m, IIARGRAYE, " a TTOiUTE YS IT LAW. Praetiee In partnership la the county of Anson, ex cept on the Criminal Docket in the County Court, (J. R. Hargrave being County Solicitor.) They will attend to the collection of all claims en trusted to them in Anson and the surrounding counties. a. o. Asne auenae ue courts or Richmond, Mont gomery, Stanly, Cabarras, Union and Ansoa. J. it. uargravc ibose of Monteomerv. Stanly and Ansoa. - - ajj-Office at Wadesboro'. I THOMAS it. ASHE. J. E. BAB0RATE. 19-tf . -jj - T HOSTBTTBIl'S - STOMACH BITTERS, Gnmwilminlm. Mrimlnti mM SW Saw! tr Aw, pnU' Ihmmimm. Colic CMtra Jken laWae Vntmi, la Tiew ef the ttct that every membeT 'of the homaa family la more or less suleted to some of the above eointilainU, brsidea in numerable other conditions In life, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or ezereiae of eommon sense, they may be side so to regulate their habits of diet, aad with . the aaautaaee of a good tonic, secure per manent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true eoume to umae is, certainly, that which will produce a natural state of things at the least hasard of vital strength and life; fur this end Dr. Hoe tetter ' has iu trod need to this country a prepara tion called H09TETTEK-S STOMACH BITTERS, which at this day is not a new medicine, but one that haa Wi tried foe years, giving satisfaction to all who have used it, Tbe Bitten operate powerfully upoa the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by the eimple-proceee of strengthening . nature, enable the eystrm to triumph over disease. Diarrbaw, drseutrry or flux, so generally Contracted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and dint, will be sp speedily regulated by a brief use OI wis preparaiwn. u) im, a disease which ia probably more prevalent when taken in all Its various firms, than any other ; the cause of which may always be attributed to derangvnieiita of the diges tive organs, esn he cured without fail by using HOSTETTKR'8 BTOMAtH BIT TERS as per directions oa the bottle. For this disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, than why not ate aa article known to be infallible f Every country have 4liir Bitters as a pre ventive of disease, aad atrenKUSenmg of the system ia general, aud among them all there ia sot to be found a more healths' peopio than the Germane, fnies whom Ibis, pre para lioa emanated, baaed Uon scientific experiments which has attruded to advance the destiny of this great pn-paratiuu iu UiS medical seals of acirnee. FBVER AHD AGUE. Tats srftaf in provoking eavaje, srkick taes Ms rilinllin snap aw kwtr an nSaeinf kha Is a SMte skasow la a skat spaea at Msm, au rantorlag sa4erivMlhwUHtnkraa,aof IIOSTKTTIS'S , UNOWNED BITTEB. VarUMr, any a Iks abave SUtai S I ... .i i. eas not ks eannurtaa akoa ejfioaM as aay arslaaiv ceaJMoas afodadt tWaa, If Ike Btttesj sseaaat aa per eVcUuas. Aae as iMt muss . naasaa seroaWiUwsalafc,aBe reaairiaf anaaae aarjt sat ctance M U f lawruoa tn awaal Sasa. ka snawtas aoaad ab aaS Ulijr eifoaUaa, Ike a iilalnl la Ikua Mve aa epoalili aa to aa skaass wkk Ik, pneacuaa tt a ikonMigh sue panaa . Bast care. . For Peraoni ia adfanced years Whs sn saftrlnf tram aa eDnMl anaMUMlue sat ' satrai kaa, OMaa BHtan art HKalaakle at a natanv ove at Skvasoi sa4 Tiger. an4 a anlr Is ht MM ss ks apavtetakie. aaa m a awtatr aktts aarMaa, tk -Bliaai atelaolliisssilla, arwtaUr ekarsiks saotksr's auattokaiiai la kudoiiaaia la Uw easasaes of tlx child. coa)DMIr Mr air-nfta rM. . aa bare S k) akin a sne loakl aarfc as Hoauaars , Saiaurk SltUrt k) imiltS ta kapart tearpnrarr ilKfWlh aa riser to the rratna. Ladle, aUaM ks all airans stt tkla reaMdr fir all cam tl eeMIH. and hrlnre at aolaf , ask jmor pkrtidaa, ako, ST kt It scqaaJnAps wttk ow vktaaa of Ow BlUrra, all rtnaaaMad Uww ass m all ouea of aeaLaeM. CilTIOJ. We eairtion ihr public ajninat naing any of the many imitationa or coun terfeits, but ask fnr HoatLTrra's CusaanTaa Stomach Birms, and are that each bottle has the worde " Dr. J. HiKleUrr'a Shmiaea Bitters' blown on tbe aide of the buttle, and stamped on tin metallic rap covering tbe cork, and oliarrve that our autograph eigiie ture is on the label. tT Pre ssrtd aid said k; HOSrHTCI A. SSITB, Pltlshargh, Pa., aad sold ay a Draggists, g racers, aad deasrrt geacrally Uresgkeat the tilled States, Canada, heath America aad Geraaay. ICOVIL AMttO, : ohi.imm, i.t Wkelmala Araala. FOR SALE IN WADESBORO' BY 45-1y C. E. SMITH. NEW GOODS FOR FALL A.D WINTER. T J. COX, TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNC- sl a log to bis easterners, friends, aad the public generally, that he has received, and ia now receiving, A MURK EATE.SHIVE STOCK THAN USUAL. V FRESH ANDFA8HIONABLEOOOD8 consisting, in Sart.ofSTAPLEANDFANCY DRY GOODS; RKADY IADB CLOTHING; HAT8, CAPS. BOOT8 and 8 HOES; HARDWARE and CUTLERY; BAGGING ROPE and TWINE; GROCERIES, Jtc., 0. Theao Goods are of the best quality, aad these wishing to purchase will be consulting their interest by calling and examining for themselves, - They will be sold low, oa the usual time, hut accounts must be settled punctually. LileevUle, Ii. U., Sept. 26, '69-66-tr MANHOOD, . HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Tl'ST PUBLISHED, IN A SEALED ENVELOPE si oa the nature, treatment and radical mfm vara VI opvraatwrruwa, vi owiimh " c . aees, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and In r a . I a-teil ur-.b. J "i voluntary Emissions, including Impotency and Men' tal and fbysical incapacity. . BY ROB, J. CULVERWELL, M. D. Author of Ike Green Book, ie. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine and without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instrument, rings or cor dials; pointing oat a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every cofferer, no matter what bis condition aay be, may cure himself ekeaplg, privately end radically. This Lecture will prove a booajjto .thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, pott paid, on the re eeint of two nostaee stamns. bv addresaine Dr. CH. J KLINE, M. P., 480 First avenue, New York, Post Boa 46B8. M-ly JOHN It, ELVANS & CO-, Succemar to Efrerra A Thompson, lrfalerfr4t-Coaea,fa.lBrt:ABu-fsmt-Barfn Bar lrsi aad steel, WASHINaTON.'D. C, AFFEB. TO COUNTRY CU8TOMER8 A COM. . I plete and well-selected assortment of Goods la hatr llna at fkar Prim l ' . m k nr . rnrn. anlM at short c"te. ..." A Baying their good principally .for cash and from first hands, they are prepared to sell at exceedingly low rates, and solicit tbe patronage of tho friends of tne lata rirm, and the public Generally. ' . JOHN B. ELVANS A CO., 46 Old Stand, No. 809 Pensylvania Avenue. H1W BOOK STORE 1 CIIERIW, S. C, (NBARLT OPP08ITI D. MALLOT'S STORE.) T. S. MARSHALL IAS Vf.T eecbitbd a lamb assobtmest or lllCElLiSIICI 13 SCHOOL BOOIS, . BLANK BOOKS, ' . STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. ALIO, A tABOE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS," OR NOTIONS, To which bo invito tho attention of Ladies and la Aaa'Uinaa " . Painting and Paper Handits:. THE SUBSCRIBER BE8PECTF0LLT SOLICITS the patronage of this place and surrounding neighborhood ia PAINTING aad PAPER-HANGING, promising tc give entire satisfaction. Thee wishing Fine Fuiinh, Ornamental Graining, Marbling, beauti ful CmtsidaisJak Ac.; would do well tn addraaa e.. call oa ma. VSAM'L A. WISE. - ' DB. BAAKEB - - - ' 1 THEAT8 ALL DISEASES. SPECIAL ATTINT10N OITIN TO ALL CHRON 1. . il-.. imm. flAMWnmCtaa.' laflad saia, Asthma, Bronchitis, all diseases of tho Noae; Month, Throat, sad Laags) all Skin Diseases of ev ery desert ptioa aaeoeaarally . treated; Lwmbago, Lumbar Abaoeases, Sorofala, Rhsuntatisas, Goat, Nsuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, or Ceavu Uteris, Dys pepsia, Dyaentary, Dtarrrhesa. Tho Tory worst oaeeo of Pilot cured la s abort time; alee ef the Stomach, Liver, aad Bowels. There are many diseases lael dentai to weraaa sad oUldrea which aro treated srttk distinguished aaeeees. All particulars wUl bo givesi by letter. Dr. Baakoo oaa prodaeo oao thou sand eer UAoatae of his perfset soooeas ia suring. Cabcbbs, Old Sossa, oat Uuisa., Hir Disbasss, Fistula or bvbbt aaaoBimos, Scald Ubad, Win, POLTPvl Ot TB Nosa, Or In any part of tho body, Traces, abb Swblusos of every dlsertptlon, sad without tho ass of the knife, or any surgical Instrument. ' These last named disease cannot bo cared by oorreepoBdeoee; therefore all inch patients most place themselves un der the Doctor's personal anparvlalea. Doctor Baakeo has mads a sew discovery of a "Fluid, " that will prodaeo absorption of tho "Cata eact," and restore permanent vision to the Ets, with out resort to tho knife. All diseases of tho EYES AND EARS are successfully treated without the use of tbo knife or needle. Dr. Baakeo has ooaataatly oa hand at hie office a very extensive assortment of beautiful ARTIFICIAL EYES ABB TYMPANUMS, tr EAR DRUMS, which are suitable for either an aad all agae laser ted ia Ive salnatao. Eab TsuMrara of every dev eriptioa; 'also every variety of artificial articles kaown la the worlda large assortment of beautiful and durable ARTIFICIAL HANDS, with tho Arm and Elbew Attachment: ARTIFICIAL FEET, with tbe Ankle, Leg, and Knee-joint attachment. Three article are perfectly natural, sad adapted for either sex, and oaa be seat by express to any part of the world. All kinds of Trusses for Hera la or Rap tare ef every diseriptioa, for ther aex, aad Trusses particularly adapted for fesaalee la s weak condition, alee for those with PaoLAma Utbbi. Doctor Baakeo is one bf the stoat celebrated sail skillful physicians and surgeons bow .living. His fame is known personally ia every principal city of the world. A u tetters airtetea to vr. ueaEee must coataia ten coats, to pay postage and Incidental expense. AH -Chrom Diseases eaa bo treated by eorretpondenoe , ' exeepl those mentioned, which will require bis per sonal eupervltion. V. Offiet Horn, from A. M. t 4 P. M. -DOCTOR BAAKEE, Office, 687 Broadway, a few door above Fourth street, New York City. GtMy " CHAS. e; smith, , DEALIB LB DEIFGS AKD MEDICINES, . sue ... . ' . Paints, Oils, Dye-Stufls, ABD " ' ..... Perfumery and Fancy Articles f Erery Iiescription in bis Line. ' NEW AND r&ESH DH17G3. A large lot just received, for Family., and Physi cians' Usee, which oaa be relied epoe as being ess visa and re as. ...... . - '- PrtTMT ' Of th most caoics aad bsaobabt selections. To this la sua aad extbbsitb assortsaent he weald more especially call the atteotioa of the Ladies and of the Young Men la oar community of course Old Bache lors not excepted, ALSO P0BADE8, For imparting a rick, glossy sad healthy condition to tho flair from tho best saaaafaetarer ia this ooantry. TOILET ARTICLES, Of French and English aaaaofactaro, and of every description suitable for the most fsstidious; ia fact never has there been In this place such a large and bean tiful assortment of theabore-namsd artioleo which he now offers to the public oa the asset liberal terms. 8TJROI0AL INSTRUBENTS, fcc. Amputating Ins teamen ts aad Dental Forceps of every variety. Also aew style Electro-Magnetic Ma chine. Ii. B.Phytician in the mrrounding rovn- try can obtain COMPLETE OUTFITS vtthoul thr. lime and EXTRA expente of tending Jiurik, and can rely upon all the Chemical Preparations at oetng (Ac tea that can be obtained and war ranted FREE 7a0M ADULTERATION. The citi tent of Anton and the adjoining Counties art. fOpectully invited to call and examine for ihem telvet, when they will find th Proprietor ever attentive, ready and willing to thow hit auort ment to all who will favor him with a call. 46-tr . THE CLBA QUESTION YET LXSEHLED, ABD UNCLE SAM INSOLVENT. ' BUT TUB QUESTION IN WHICH TnE an iens of Anson and the adjoining country should - considerable Item of domestic economy, 1 where they can obtain th best BOOTS AND SHOES, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, AND LEATHER, . '4f T TirELO WEST PRiCE. To decide Dronerlv and satlamataril thta anaatlna they mast EXAMINE and COMPARE. " By calling at Hieh Mount Tannery, fowr miles went ef Wadtsboro', they will Snd a large stock of LEA THER of all kinds; BOOTS, SHOES, NAB--,-NESS and SADDLES, neatly aad I Mantially pat op, which will and shall' aV r"be SOLD AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE AF FORDED IN THI STATE, 'ea oiveb ib bicbabob roa cohbtbt raoDocE, roa waica a libebal rsics WILL BB ALLOWED. Call and examine, a I am determined to sell. mm. REPAIRING doa with neatness aad dis patch.- J. C. CARAWAY. . 50.000 lbs. Raw Hides Wanted. For which I will ear th highest market price. March 10, 1859-29-ly ' I. . 0. RAOI, TVWOHT AT THE ABOCI OfriCE, WADE8- 'Wilamiagteaj. 9. C . March , 1M0. -- 79-tf Wilmisgton, N. C. March 8, 1800-79-tf l-Si " .. Wadetboro', H;"jf . JJ oero',

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