NORTH CAROLINA ARGUS. Tkfc Am e'ar Ut soopWi rtrtal Ma aa Urul rlill lava H aeetMa. atiata ef Mates ImmIiU all baeered v t sloop! n C. TV. FENTOX, Editor. WADESDOnO, If. C. THURSDAY:: NOVEMBER 1,1800, . .. ... FOR PRESIDENT,. ; JOHN BELL, OF TENNESSEE. , 1 FOR VICEFrESIDENT, EDWARD EVERETT OF MASSACHUSETTS. J ELECTORS AT LARGE Ir. R. K. SPEED, of PiuoUnk.' Hon. GEO. E. BADGER, of Wake. DISTRICTS. I. J. VT. HINTOtf, of PoUok. . II. CnARLESC CLARK, of1 Crv-n. III. O. H. DOCKER V, of Richmond. IV. L. 0. EDWARDS, of Granville. ' V. ALFRED O. FOSTER, of Randolph. VL'1 HENRY WALSER, of Davidson. TIL WM P. BYNUM, of Lincoln. Vm. COL. B. S. GAITI1ER, of Burke. PRCAMBUt aso rmoia-tio Adopted medamaHn. v Ma K.itiomU Owmlkm of ote i oaaf OeHoa ml tastoa Pirl, at Jmilumane, -W la, 1W. . flow (XriaiK liM4fn.n!itrml4 Uul platform adoptd Jit Ik. partisan eoavmUom of ta onsarrv kara Wmn the rnYrt la nUWI a4 doertT Uit pla, ixt X th earn Umn to tdr la Boiltfcal aflkc ooaotrv. my llml andeacoar. mrt mi rrAffrapoletl and lfrtlMJ I-artlos: therrfiir. aVaooW, Tint ll la bola Ik wt of nauklbaa aad nf Jutjr to IMunlM rut pnUtiMl prlnrlpl other IIim THE rviNstfTTTtoN OF THE CWSTET, TlIK I XION OK THK HTATFS, AXT TIIF. ENFORCEMENT OF THK LAWS. A tnat. aa ronwentatlTi' at tho l'.Mftlltultiiii:iM'atn mm of mm oooatr. In National Coaventtoo awembleil. we ber hy nkdea aanalvos U maintala. protert and defend. arpanUvlr and anttedlr. ' -iae treat principles of peHh.rvanJ eattonaf safety, aealast -N hm( at h-fiw and ftbrtwl. bk-Tihe thereby pear iuf -je atoro be restored ia the country, the Just rurhUortne pe-le id nf tlu lOMoatfthlUhjMt. and tho lloroniinMIt fttfala ntM-ed I that amuHUoa of Ja.tkv. fraleralty aad eeasllty. whk h. ander n example ana nonfiiiutioa 01 hi auiiera. aa aownwiv inhibu arr HtU of th Wallvd HtatM to malnt ila a ntor TKffvct onloa. UMhh juatloa. lanra aonvralr ttaiM)nilltr. nmrlo Ihr iha mm- Hi iWrar. aroaiaf tha rfHiaral Wflfara, and anrnra tB-ftka.iu4 nmmrtf lo arat Ivaa aa our poawilr. i JataBtlLMg'll''"ill "I I JL-U.I Jg Till LAST TIME. WILL TOO WORK FOB VICTOR!, For it la tiaw ktrort Ux tiaetlM, V ask ap 1 8i U XubTlllt uwt Wlytw wrh Ibr k Mr pea t addrw k fcw Uani U U rdr t the "try, toy wa T Maay of kandraxU, aya, tboua- Armu. mjA Krar kafcra kan m fall mora atronel and, CoMtitutiouaJ Vnloa man, davotad wltk a a Vity t vnigh w.11 ka vorda wUck wa are aboat I (ia-Iiaartad patrioUa teal ta tba wbola eaaatr)', an at lo attar. War it U ar paawvaoftflally waaM wora-nura werwng ooi7-aaow7. sat jtra, wa apeak vorda af atveaaraMaiaat aad bona to tkaee ra4ar, kava aa aiaok at ataka m tfca fortaaoat la tka PUTT OF VOTERS. Althangh, ea at laaat o aaoaaiaa, tkar kava bee ia maay ouJUaUt for tka Preatdeaey aa there are oar, we dare aa that aevtr before kaa there beaa aa sack at ataka-anek ttriem aienala rebraaoe to Ike iwlt. klanj of far beat In fanned mm, eosllaaea tba Atlaato Amuricn, look forward wltb awful forebedlufi, aa they watch tka ptkering bloada which portend tack terrible dlaaater to thie eouBtrF, towardjrbiob tbaejet of ao many are aailouily turned, and to wklok ao aay kava eona, peraaaded, that aire waa ta be deev aoetrated tka prableai af aiaa'a eapaolty for aelf-go eraneat. . Tka aaaaa fir all thie dread af iatpaadlag krm tbla ia-ra la regard to tba fature la the fast iat there la oaadldaaa rannlng far the Prealdaney aa principle and a platform la avowed koetlllty to the Inetitutiona of the 8outfc, witk a reaeoaable probabill tj of acoeeaa, aad to tba additional bat tkei, la the event of hit election, many leading men la the South are pledged, by their poullc dIratloni, to raaiit bia iaaagaratioa. Under each a etate of affaire, dread- alarm a foreboding of aomethlng terrible, may be ei pected. 1 " Ia inch an emergency, It beeomae rrtry tlliitm, ae matter what bia political predileoUoua, te aaaaider well what be ought to do to promote tka beet ntereiti of bii boantry. We cannot oonoaive af an admiaaable mcum for not voting. It ia the right of every vote It ia hie privilege to vote and we regard It to be the July of every nun to vote. It ia the voter, really and truly, who are the aoureo af all power who are reaponalble for the good or bad management of (be government. If aa administration ia a good one the policy purine 1 promotive of the advancement and quiet of tba country, they are reepomible if they eondema and eject it, and place the reini of government in the band of other; If it ia bad, extravagant, and It poll ey detrimental to th latereate ef the eeemCry, they are mpoaarble if tbey keen It la power. There la there aha be aoevaiion of thie reepoaatbili'jr. Every man wha can and baa the power will retain a good clerk, a good overaeer, a loag aa pouible; aad rid kimaelf of a bad or nnworthy one, a aeon a be can. ' And what it true, and what work well in practice, in pri vate affkin, will prove true and work well In pubii affair. There ia tuna eaolgk yet before the election, for all who dejire to do ao, to examine for tkemutiru the hi- tory of partie and th record of candidate, a well a to itform themaelvea in reference to the policy af both. The Suae of the preseat election will aettle that policy and thoee principle for jean; and in view ef what we have written, the iuue i momentoui, All who have obaerved the aign of th time know aad feel it. For tkau obvioa reaaone, the, w implore abe pea- pla to investigate all thee matter without regard to th distorted view or advice of iatorwtad eSo-hont ere to investigate them as matters ia whiak they aad Mat tkHdrn have a vital intereit, both new awd m the future. We implore them to do tbla aalmly, diupaa aionately, and then, when the day shell arrive, w would bav them go to lb potle aoddtpoeitsbeir votes n who felt they war discharging aa importaat duty unexcitedr and with a weigbty sen of th aw ful responsibility attachiac to the act. ' Witk bow mwch ear and thought an' anxiety wonM any mm consider au act which would iovolv k property, or aadanger hi person, or lb patrieeoay, welfare and person of bis child? Zvery rote cast at an election doe affect all then to some extent sometimes leas, temelime greater, but tlrmyt to lorne extent; yeti with bow little consideration, in some case with wkat utter recklevrnes, with wkat little care or regard for eonsevyienees db many men exercise this privilege discharge third oty f Tbepraeealia noonliaary election. Paoarr hn- peadsl neunion la Uareatenedt M amy be aaierlad, bat it can onlr be br ealm, dunaesioaat eoaanderatioa wa will ay prmyrrul coMMlerattoaj sarong at It may sootm iw a poiiusai arncte ana prowpi, coDscieuTiou action. It own be done by aneef men coming to th rescue, and deeidiaganil eottajreo Oai oeieion aa abey weald ia refereaee to any nmfler bearing iaMasatery apoa their futara pveepecto. " Will th people eoaai ti er 7 Will they act a th prranrt Jistrrasiag national emergency requires? We hope they wilt, aad that the threatening itorm-clond may be dispersed. who are blixded and deoeived by the ery of "ao daa- ger' in the event of tka alectioa) of Uaeola to tb Prea!dncy on 7WWy aext. But we oaaaet speak what we do not believe. We believe, nay we ew there la danger. We know that measure have been taken "to preelplutejhe eotton State. Into revolu tlon," auon as it i ascertained that Lincoln will be elected, without waiting for some overt action bit part, but mmtmaltlg, before he i Inaugurated, aad before he obtains pooetvion of th "parte sad twtfd." " Above ill earthly thing, w value the Union our country th land our father trod. In every tens in-wbicb it itvalunbl to at, it i valuable to yea, reader. Our interest, our happiness, our hopes, are all ia the Vnloa. We have no Interests outside the Union, and can't have, nor can row. In the Union there will be peace and tafety f of tb Union, chaos, confusion won confounded no peace, no afety, no hop. Let us ask yon tb question. What will brcomo of yon and your children T. What about your property ? What will your real eetate be worth? How much will your niggers bring ? Po you own any tnk stock? Have ys roll of bank bill laid by ? What will they all. be worth ? Xott log, nothing. Neither you nor w can conctiv of a tithe of th suffering that we will all be called apea to endure in that most unhappy event, a dissolution of tba Union. We are sick of contemplating them. We trust iu Ood that neither we nor you may be compelled to undergo tb feaiful ordeal Ia ear opinion, and we are conscientious w speak from our. heart there Is but on way of preventing this wide-spread ruin bat one way of avoiding th pit which a Pemoeratit Administration baa dug for it is to this present Administration this Democratic Administration James Buchanan, President, aad John C. Breckinridge, Vice President, that we owe the bold itand which dUunionlitt have taken. Jamaa Buchanan and Juhn C. Breckinridge are both traitora to the Democratic party which elected tbem to the high positionsthry occupy thry are, likewise, trait ors to the country, fur they aie the bead and front light.' Ton have a eon a try to tare, a homo i pre- toai, aV Martbatoaa to defaad, and friend and krd dependent to shelter. Why itand ye Idly by ? Bay not yoa have ao gift of oratory. The truth I ottnlp otent even in th plainest word. Talk to your aelgk bor talk to the passer by upon tb klghway." If need be, mechanic, manufacturer, artiian, marobaat, lawyer, physician, leave year daily avocation aad aet about saviSg the. ekip In which your all la embarked, and turn to secondary matter kereafter. Tka fruits of industry, gatkerid by weary toll, will avail yoa notking without a home or a country with dissen sion, distraction, civil war, devastation by ir and (word, unwinding and eaveloptag yon. In the lan guage of a contemporary, we ask, wky fold year arm in a contest of this sort, wish well to your candidate, but still attend to ovary thing aire except to aid la the election of thoee true National Hen, Bell and Everett? Is It because ther i danger ahead ? Sorely yoa oaa- ot think to if yoa do, allow ni to toll yoa plainly, that in a very few day, If yoa maintain your culpa, bia llstlemaes and Indifference, yoa may awddenly awake to horror that your dreame even have not yet pictured to yoa. Are yoa Idle aad indifferent bcoaoee yea see little hope T Wky, friends, th lass hope ther teems of saving yoar country, the mora need there ia of earnest; and anxtoue, and eeuolest ada- vor to accomplish It.. At mare partisans, there It now a bettor proepect for luoccat , if yoa will work for nothing but party tuocets, then yoa bav bad for twelv years. Only tbiak of HI All the old original Wbjg SUtes, Delaware, Maryland, North CaroJiaa, Tennessee, Kentucky and Louisiana, will fall into line for the constitutional Union candidate. Missouri ia safe for tbem, too, and Alabama, also, a wa religoaaly believe, not to speak of Georgia, Florida, Arxanaaa, Mississippi aad Texas, ef which wo have strong hope. And batt of all, old Virginia, that naver knew wlut it wa to vol for other than a Democrat, u swre, or tki jirtl limt ia Aiaery, to go against the divided bowse in th opinion of every calm, reflecting man, aad t pecially of those who hove been within her border Tickets! TlCkelnlW ar prepared to fur : :h Bell and Everett tickets. See to it that you are a aupply in time. The Vmj f Elcdiom. Wr ore, mi ,Wf Id your neighbor forget, lhal Me day mf tit I'rrri- Jmtuil Elftlion at Tmrdaj", (eof TkuriJnf.) tki 64 eAoremier. ' , ELECTIO.V RETURN'S. W ak oaf friends, crerywher thronghont the State, to furnish nt promptly with the returns of the election. Be prompt be vigilant. - BOU Mr. 3. M. UoCorkle, of SUnly , it will be teen by reference to his published card, declines to serve s elector ia behalf of the intervention candidate, and tick to the utim honored principle -upon, which "Buchanan and Breckinridge Were elected four years ago tL principle of aoa-interrention, which ttonom- ittt James and niilinn John'C. have basely deserted Yancey has been exhibiting himself in Ken tucky, and a the people had a great curiosity to see the man who was "firing the Southern heart" and want "to precipitate the Cotton Statea into revolu tion," tbey turned out iu large number to gaze at him; and th Breckinridge press are claiming the Etate for their candidate, and that he is bound to be elected. . .There is now but one ticket in the field in Pennsylvania against Lincoln, the Douglas party having withdrawn their straight ticket and given in their tup port te the fution ticket. - tA. Mr. W. M. Pritcbard, telegraphic sgent at Augusta of the Associated Press, make through the Macon TtUgrapk the following estimate of the vote of :. the Eighth Congressional Dittrict of Georgia in the Presidential election: Bell 4,32.!, Douglas 3, Old, Breckinridge 2,0o0. " This dittrict last year gave Brown,' for Governor, a. majority of 1,172, and the Democratic candidate for Congress a majority of about 600 vote. caTke great demonstration in New Turk, by the friend of the Fusion Electoral Ticket, uniting all the opponents of Republicanism, which came off on the "3d nit., wa a grand and-ioi posing affair. The Her ald estimates the procewion- seven miles long, and counts thirty-seven thousand men in line. ,W learn from the St!Uburv Waukmm that Mr. Bynum was not present at the discussion at Salisbury between tb electors on the 20th. The - WmUkmam mention! the following side iocdnt as oc curring during the cloning remarks between Messrs. Myers and Fox: . . . A person ia the crowd stked Mr. Mvert if he knew "a submisaiouiat?" Yes, sail MrTM.; pointing Lb) index finger at hit own person, litre it oar, who wilt . submit te the Constitution and tlie laws of bit coun try! aad te Lineoln't administration, too, wbilet he obeys that Constitution and executes the laws in ac aordaac to th Supreme Court of the country. This sentiment, which was eloquently expressed, elicited thunders aad shouts' of applause from the ; Vnioo men present, who really compose 1 about half of tb audience. ... IMPORTANT INFORMATION; " Th Washington correspondent of the N. V. World, write to that journal under date of the 20th nil., at followt: - ;- - '.. . "An agent prieately sent from the 8outb reports to . the Premdeat4lt Alabama aad Geortria will eertainly . accede ia forty days after Lincoln's election. Confi dential friends of the President assert that Iu that case he will remain inactive, and permit the thin, te go oa. The Richmond Enquirer to-day exhorts Vir ginia to go with the South and tiiis present' k-solid front. It is for disunion without waking fur an orert aet, and' aays,. 'if that be treason, make the moat of it ' " - .'..." Tb President will remain inaeti re, and permit the Iking to go on! people of North Carolina, are you in faror of Disunion? The President or the Vo ted States united whea he and Breckinridge cime into power bin favor of dtmttiting the Cfllted States. A drar President he has been to Democracy and te the coun try) If tbey bav their way,' yoa will toon bave no country ot all. MASSACHUSETTS. of the disunion partT,bicb, without their aid and during the last two months, Arr (rm tletloral vote Influence would bav rtmained in tba dark place where their treason wa hatched. Taacey would have hidden bis diminished head, as for years past h bat been fain to do, for ther were none so poor tdo bim reverence.' But, acar; th black banner of disunion is boldly flying ia .th light of day th press openly advocate a disruption of the I'uioa, and these advocate of treason to th Union print and pablisb their inten tiopt under the name of JoUn'C. Breckinridge, the Vice President of tbe United Stele. We bav said that, ia our opinion, tier wa bat one way te prerent tbe election ef Lincoln that way, fellow cititen, is te vote for and elect John Beil. One thing is certain, with John Bell and Edward Everett filling the ofices of President and Vice President, there would nmmeiinttlg commence a new era ia our history.. Agitation, speculation, corruption, and all tbe mischievous and wicked practices wkichhav been so rife during the Administration of James Buchanan and Jjhn C. Breckinridge, would cease. The very announcement of their election would have the effect of restoring confidence doubts and fear would giv place to hope, and, with renewed activity and life, all branches of industry would prosper The dark eloudt that now obscure our boriton wilt be dissipated by the unclouded son of prosperity, and universal happiness and content reign throughout our borders. We be lieve that John Bell is the only man that can defeat Lincoln. We believe that Breckiniidg nor Pougla can by possibility be elected, and that Bell or Lin coln must inevitably be elected. Now the case I be fore you. If you want Lincoln elected, vote for Breck inridge or Douglas. If yoa want Bell and Everett elected if you want North Carolina to go for Union, and peace, and prosperity, let the friends of Bell and Everett in every euunty and neighborhood in the State work, work, u-ort, with 1 their might end energies. Let th voter all be vitileCtnJ Lalked with, and fur nished with Bell tickets, and urged to attend tbe polls without fail, rain, or shine. Let there not be a single Bell voter in the. State absent from the polls on the lay of election. -Let alt' doubtful votera be teen, and let them all be made to feel the importance of voting for tbe Constitutional Union candidates, as the only meant of defeating Lincoln, preferring the Union, and prerenting the inauguration of a fearful and endles civil war. - Let all our friends, in town and eountrr. vote at early in the day at practicable, and tbus in duce tbe wavering to imitate their example. Let tickets be procured at once, and distributed among all the voters of each party in -every neighborhood in ad vance of the election, and let there be a plentiful sup ply of Bell and Everett tickets at every precinct in every county on Ike dag of election, la a word, let our friends throughout tbe Stute set about the great and indipcnsahle work before, them Ikit tery moment, and let them prosecute that work with becoming teal, energy and dietretian nntil the sun goes down on tbe Ctb of NovembeA , ' ' " are ttrlain fur Bell and Everett. Should not, do not, nl! thee thing til yonrwith a patriotic glow, nd nerve aad cacoang each and every one af yaw, to still greitir exertion not only ia behalf of oar candidates, but in behalf of our endacg ered country ? Shall any tra friend of fell and Ever ett longer remain idle, expecting torn owe ebe to do tb work and bear th brunt and heat of the battle ? Never, never, never! Bnt awake, arouse, trery mother' son of you, and go forth to the con diet. "Arouse, thake off the den) drops, pick yoar fintt, and try it again." Let tbe cforiun call of gallant Harry of the West aaimate every en of yoar heart. Go forth, every man, from this hour onward, strong in tba fsitb, strong in the right, strong ia th lore of that Government which coot yoor forefather' blood to build for yoa to enjoy, go forth, determined kr con quer, or at least to deserve Victory . Let yoar moUo be General Taylor 'a at Batna Viata, " W naver sur render I" Let yoor watchword be ta immortal Kioh elieu's " 77,rr' ao sacA aroro ttaS." Let yoor ral lying cry bo everywhere "cur country." So and tb bugle, blow the trumpets, riag tbe Bells, aad, forward march. Remember that thoee who work and flgbt shall wear the victor' crow a not the slothful, tb indolent, th careless. This ia, indeed, a dark bear for ewr eowntry. Ther is gloom, there is danger, but still flier It kwp. Jit who led the Israelites from bondage, by a pillar of fir, and a pillar of cloud, Ho who aiwstarned. oar Washington, ia the darkest perils of the Xcralatlew, may ttttt ut y.f. Old men signalise tbe last act of your long live by th beat yoa ever did. Toung men, it Is all important to ttart right, and that Is to go for your vkolt country and Bell and Ererett. And. tbe women, the mothers, and listen, and daughter, are even more interested in tb Union than tb men. When revolution come it will be pecially a daik day for all or yoa. Tben send your hatbands, and fatbiri, and brother, and sweethearts forth Into tb thickut of th fight, - I TIIE UNION CAUSE IN , RHODrf ISLAND A PROMINENT BRECKUiRIDGB MAN COMES TOE RECENT. ELECTlO.N'3 IN VIRGINIA. Th Richmond Whig thus' discourses in relation to the result of th recent rpecial elections in Virginia. The M'kig't comparison are made witb Buchanan's vote in ISiC; In the counties of Chesterfield, Powhatan and Cum berland, the Breckinridge loss is 19; in the counties of Amelia and Nottoway, th Breckinridge lose is 227; and in tbe county of Fluvanna, the Breckinridge gain is 23. Total. Breckinridge loss-923. Thus, it riil be seen ihst in six Eastern counties all of them Democraticeounties in 1856 Uieekin ridge's lost, compared witb Buchanan, is 0231 - But, when w consider what is aWeH known fact, and an admitted fact, that Nash received at least oOU vote that will be given to Bell and, perhaps, a larger number it U clear that the actual ' Breckin ridge loss, in tbe six counties referred to, falls hut little short of 1,600, or 250 to the countr. And an katverage loss of 250 to Breckinridge, la each eounty, wouiu. amount to an aggregate loss of over w,VW in the State which would giv the State to Bell bj over ten thousand. But t is average loss in each eounty in the whole State will be1 even greater than we have stated, it therefore follow, looking to the result of the recent elections, and to exitting fact and indica tions, that Bell will carry Virginia, if the whole Bell vote is brought to th polls, by from 15,000 to 20,000! And that will do.- -' The Whig of a later date spesk of another Bell victory and great gain in tb sm State. In the Sen atorial district composed of the counties of Westmore land, Richmond, Lancaster and Northumberland, rep resented last year by Hon. R. T. L. Beale, warm Th three parties oppaood to tb Republicans hft Pmo:r and a supporter of Breckinridge, John the Fourth and Fifth District, of Masseebutrtta, have "waited oa Measra. Bigelow aad Applet on for- Con gvoa, against Messrs. Rie and Barlingame. RHODE ISLAND. -Tide State may be regarded a ear to go against Liaeola. It will b remembered that last year tbe tiaaeui I stives united and best the Black Republicans early twe to oa iathe State election. Gov. Sprsgue Who era elected by that eoalitioo, it a Bejl and E ver ba Bkta, aad h has bow beea selected to head the fasnoa teotoral tick at, which waa aomiaated and is oupejcrtod by Bell, Pougla aad Breckinridge mea. " S. KP M before tbe people, that tb recent oUottea ia tb Rertkara State domotistrat, eoaela oiveiy that aetbiag aaa wow aacarc the overthrow af 'tbe Black RepabUaaa aad tb safety of tb coeatry, bat tk oaiaa af all ooaaarvatire anea Bfoo BcJl aad Critcberj (Bell) beat R. A.,Clybrooa, (Brock.) by 321 majority! . ' FACTS .OR SOUTHERN MEN. - . Joha Bell ia the Only candidate who hat declared that humani ty to tbe slave, no lees than justice te tb beginning te b nnderetood that, witb a vies master, require, th. diffution and ..tention of .Uv.rv ? n'rme Umm f lUpreseBlative., .. J. ,7 , ... wi siavevy. tmeoin vote, if a majority, will be given in John Bell ha also said: " doutit whether tit rower ant! renmrtet of thil coun try would hate attained mart than half their prttent ex traordinary proportion; tut for the to much rtidtd m ttttution of tlamery." Ik there any good reason why any true Soother ma a, of aav party, ahnuH refute ta rot for Joba Bell? What Sou tier aua bat more ably vindicated tb itv stitutisB of Afrieaa Slavery tbta he? rf. Remember, that tb leaden of tb Broekia ridg mymen. bav gaaM into this aoateet witb a da ar bop af ctoetiag their eaadidato; bat to build ape Disaaioo party. ' OUT FOR BELL AND EVERETT.. Tb conservative people of th North ire coming no bly up to the work of defeating Lincoln. Party asso ciations, personal preferences and predjndices, alike ar waived with a unanimity, a cheerfulness, a patri otic impulse, which is refreshing, and inspire a with renewed hope for th ultimate extinction of (actional partie. While in tb great State of New York the people, to a great extent in opposition te th leaders, have taken the management of the canvas into their own hand, and united upon a single anti-Lincoln ticket, the example that nobly set i Influencing tbe organisation in other Stat., and during the present month w hv no doubt tucb arrangement will be mad at will place tbe defeat of tba Northern tectional candidate beyond a peradventure. W bav before u a long and very all letter from Hon. William Beach Laurence, of Rhode Island, for merly Governor of that State, and now a member of the Breckinridge National Executive committee for Rhode Island, in which be advocate a union of all tba anti-Lincoln force of tb State upon & Bell and Erer ett ticket Tbe letter la addressed to Gov. Spragua, of Rhode Island. Tbe following extract give tbe gut of hi purpose, which is ably defended by tbe strong, est arguments. Mr. Lawrence says : On tba other band, Mr, Lincoln has declared bis de sire to inaugurate such measures, at will ultimately lead to tbe extinction of ilavery la the State.- Hi speech In the contest witb Mr. Dough, la which be avs that the State caanol remain half tlatct. half free, can leave no doqbt aa to hi purposes, bat, if mere were any, air. tie warn bat given us a comment ary on them so clear that "all who run may read." Again, he is the candidate of Sumner, and of that faction in this State, whioh it is yoor greatest honor to have overcome. Though I hav my preference as to tbe Presidential candidates, and. ardently doairc the election of Mr. Brckirid(e, yet ( conceive that, compared witb the success bTLineoln, witb bis avowed doctrine, the dis tinctive programme or th two branches or the Dem ocratic party, especially sine the modification referred to in that of Mr. Douglas's friends', sink into insignif icance, white I bare no doubt that with Mr.; Bell or Mr.. Everett tbe honor and Interest! of tb country would be cafe. . . v. ' . - My first with would be a union in behalf of tb can didate of th National Democracy ,Mt a I do not appose it practicable tbus t reconcile in thie Sttlt all conflicting Interest within th -period intervening be fore th Presidential election, I would tuggeit, at tb only mean of sustaining th eotvtervetiv canst, tb adoption of meaaure for preaeating to the people of thit S,tte a ticket which all would ojesir to set beaded by yoar nafne, and on which all the opponent of Lin coln might unite. This I th most feasible, a It is wltb a new to avert th onti- tb alec- oral college to on set of onsrvstiv candidates. even If it be aeeeeeary te go beyond those now in nom ination to produce unanimity. Th great importance which I attach to the tnVjeet, aad the fact that the eyaa of all ooBoctwative through oat tee Uniea are directed to yoor action, iadooe ma to addresa this note to jam. I am, dear sir, very re spectfully, your axcelleney'a obed't faithful aerv't, W, B. LAWRENCE. III Excellency, William gprngne, Bt Every vote polled oaTaday next tV either Brocdtinridg or DoeagU win be bat half a vote of tb aataorical strength ef tb Democrati party agaiast Black Republieoaisat. ".v. . PRATER FOR TBE NATION. MR. WEBSTER ON fiKCJuolON. It may k regarded by many aa strong n, , Th Fayttteylll Oh net la giving aa extract front Utloal jouraal ehoald bava aaytklag to nay la reft me on of the (pooch of Denial Webetor, ia relation to to prayer la behalf ef tbe aatlea, Ufa) aautnal, aecoaaioa, twlate tb following laoldeat, or tcrlee of Neverth !, w know of nothing which (honld make laoldonto, wkicb, tb editor eaya, k beard from th it lee tmintlal to make lutereeeaioa for tb aatioa- Up of the throe eminent mea oatlonod, aad which Tht principle i a eld at sacred history, aad David wo believe, baa never beea la prlot' exclaim. "B'.aed 1 tbe Natlo who Ood 1 thf ' Paring tb idminUtraUoa of Mr. FiUmore, at 4 Lord' tad declare Whtn tht wicked rtlgn, th peo-1 dinner given M b Russia Minister, Mr. Webster pi moara," by wklok w are to auderstand that Ood bleat a prayiag paople, aad that forbavlag aaright. eoa ruler they (ball bav eantt to moara. ' la tbla view ef tbe iabjt, and la vitw ef the actual nreuhie which nil .feel Uoeoatry to be ln-4a vUw of tbe vagne aad aadefluable dread wblek kat seittd ,apoa tb pnbll mind aador tb apprekentloa of terrible evil which I all th mora awful for being vagaa and aodeflnable tbe following hint, made by a eorrts pend ent of tbe Banner and Haplitt, I peculiarly appro priate. W copy the inggestloa, aad aak for It th earaful perusal of oar readers, together with th n mark of tbe Marietta Statttmnm . , . Suppoaeyoa laggort to oarbrotoroa. threurb tb Banner, th propriety of united Braver ia behalf af our nation. In my mind oar interest, a a great peo ple, are beyond recovery, if left to ataa. My kepc aad sraet an la Ood atone." Tbe immortal Webster, eaya tb Statttmtm," re futed, tvtu la imagination, to lift tbe veil which bid from our people the horror attendant apoa dlaaatoa aad .civil war. , There it a vaga apprebeaaioa a undefined dread, throughout th land, that tht veil I being raited, aad that time horror may oooa appear la all their dreed reality. That tb country i ia tbe of a crista iavolv- leaaed forward aad addreeacd th Boa. A. H. H. Stuart, 8oortary of the Interior,! "Stuart doa't yoa waal to hoar Jenny Lind f "Tee," replied Mr. Bloart. -"Well, toll Feote tbea tba MiaalaelppUeaa. , tor, to be ready, aad at aeoa aa I bavo made my offi elal tpeech, we'll go." Prewetly th Ruaalaa Minis ter toasted "th President, 7 anal HA rVbter To- ponded with a tpeeek and ,toat to "th Emperor." 'Now eaU Footo," aid Mr. WeUterV '. At th door Mr. Webeter dltmlatod th eartltpt of his two frlsads had then took tbem la hi. And daring' that throe miles ride, from the height eT TJoorgetowa to Carutl Salooa la Washington, to iad forth ach a atream of etequeae a oar lafiif I (aid h avr heard before or sine free th 11 pa of mortal Man, oa tb greatota and glory of oar Valoo. Ia th court of thl oatpoartog, b (appoeod fa Amerl caacitiaaa arriving at a foreign toart, aad being asked "From what ooaatry do yoa eoate V ' replying, with a glow of patriotic pride, "From the United State of America!" "Uuderjwbat lag do yon an!!?" "Under ' tb atari aad (tripeal" Aad hare Mr. Webeter dilated apoa tbe woaderful growth of oar populatioa, th ex. teat of oar territory, tbe pwr tad Influene of oar government, th vlotorlco career of ear "tar atd M' I M t.- . k.l-k .1 a . . In, all IU ppl. hold dear-North and bo- IV." nZ n7 "7:3 vbki wiyroiBrv. i aak lais nauoaai eoavauioa, pro-1 wonu. doeed by demagog, i bayoad their, aad, perhaps, humaa onatroi, ie equally clear. . There ia aonc who amy aay to this ematotioa,i,fr it KM," bat Goo I W copy tbe above from that exeelleat paper, tbe AUaata (tiai) American. ThU artiele breathe th right tplrit. Tb time which have eome apoa at, and that fnturt apoa which we are aeoa to enter, aad which ia bow brought vary near to ao that fatar which it to b big with horror, r elected aa tbe time wbea agitator ahall cease their ware aad their plat ting (sjaiBrt th peace of the country, and all man, forgctttag that ther over wa a North aad a South, dwell together at mmbr ef one family, deilrout only to exeal each other ia their efforts, each to pro mote tbe happinoa of tb other that future will be decided oa Tuesday next, th jGth day cf tb preseat tsoath. At the oloee of the poll ea (dayr tbe de- cliiotvwill bava beea made a to th fatoro, act oaly or tbccaatitry, bat tbe ladivldaal future of rvtry mn, womaa aad child therein will hive been determined. til that day aad aywethat day, the fat ef tbe eown try aad of tb peopt I la (Mr wa bands. At tbty detoranin now to act then, will their dettiay bo for good or vil. Tb cbeiee It left witk them. May tbey tbooae wisely. Bat tht state of the ootmtry aad th ansettlad conditio of mea aad thiaga, ha had the tntet of toning tbe thought of many, and among tb rest, eeoductere of the secular proa, to tbe haad of Bat tbea bo tmnomd that thl trljrtoaa Union to disMlved. Bom of It iter havw "aooodad" a tar were then, (aaaew,) tbrvatenhig to do. Rrr. Webttei' appootd another (troager arriving at th warn mart, and asked, "Free what ooaatry ao yea " "From South Cr.4l-na," ruU tba traagr, wlttr lengthened imphaiii. "Aad where tbe h II it that ?" attend ia the dpet ton ef that woaSorfal vole. Undee whatBagdoyousalir' Voder the FalatoUo banncrl" P a yoar eabbego leaf I" waa tb tup posed rtarponaa of tb Europeaa, who, however mock ho might know ood respect lb United Statea ae a great whole, neither kaew aor cared for o of ll fragmente. But tb rH aad tht mrlew tndcd. - Th throe tUTttmea entered tht oeaocrf room. Jtnny wa la tb midst of one of her eaebaatina eoage; bat aa ooner aiu we aadieneo ot Mr. Wtbeter than the rose aad cheered him, for it waa ia th midst af Ik, excitement growing cat of hbj celebrated BafeaM letter.'' Tb oagtrew paaotd. Mr. Clay wha had) beea placed la one of the teats set apart for the CaW act evneere, Mr. Webster lata ate patee. Wkem lb excited aadlencc had. boaam eompootd, Jeaaw Lind, laetatd of reaaming tb toag which had booaj laterrapted, eaag -Hail ColmbU,,Tte a oathailaeti aadioae. At it tloa Mr. Webetor i aaa? maato her a profoaad bow, which eh arkaredgvd with a graceful eoartoty. Mr. Webtter bowed again Milt mor imprasivy, aad Jeaey coarteavteT ye tower. ' Mr. Webtr bowed almost to tho floar, aad Jeaaw -iwept tb wbob leagth ef the atog ia oao graad part, ing sat at. Cheer after cbcor, a porftot aproar or chaMrt, greeted Uia teraw. STAND BV TOUR COLORS THE SOUTH AND . THE UNION. It is no part for a trn National, Union loving pa triot to play, to despair of bis ooaatry. It ia craven hearted. While ther 1 life there to hope. Tb -tieipation or the apprikention of defeat thoald not in fluence brave men to make defeat certain. We bave right and justice and (rue patriotism oa our aide. W are battling for th .Union. ' We ar opposed to sec tionalism North and South. W ofler the olive branch to tbe people. We beckon tbem away from extreme viewt. While wc do this, we yield ao ihadow of our right in the Union. Ia tho language of tho New Or lean Bulletin, then, let ther be no flinching not an inch of yielding. The whole right of the South in the Union, the whole Union, and the whole Constitu tion, liberty and equality, one and Inseperable, now and forever. Let th tru men of the Sooth, of tbe Union, gather t later logctker, and stand compact and immoveable. It ia no time now to waver and cower when tbe itorm rage. Now it th tira for manhood lo show itself. Now ia the time for1 the Constitution alist of the Booth and of the whole country to renew their allegiance to the Constitution, the Union and tb 8outb, to tbe principle Of Washington and Jackson, of Webster and Clay, and Bell aad Everett. Now, when treasonable sounds fill the air, and fanaticism utter its vulture tcreamt, let every trot man abow hit olor and ai end to hit pott, and make himself felt. No tubmusion, no poltroonery, ao turreader. A high and holy devotion to tbe country, to the South, and to the principles of oar freedom, of Oar osfety, sad of our honor' and prosperity! now demanded of every man with a soul in him, and demanded by tho sternest be hest of duty and patriotism. If 'there I any man who will yield aa iota of the Jutt right of tht Sooth or of any other portion of th country ,'h far no Bell and Everett maa, aid doe not represent the principle and the purposes of the Con stitutional Union party. , Let the enemies of tbe 8outb and the Union hang John Bell In effigy; let tbem denounce Edward Everett as an Abolitionist, and every true man in the country a an Abolitionist; let the disunion tubmitslonisU, the willing-to-be-kicked-out of tb Union party ihrick and rabt, tbey but drive the supporter of tb South nd of tb Union lute a mor solid and determined phalanx, that will preserve unsullied the honor and rights of the South, the peace of the country, and the indivisibilty and impregnability of th Union and the Constitution forever. Let there be a general and timultantoui rush to tb great Southern Constitutional ttandard of Bell and Everett; and there are enough trne men in tbe North and West yet to elect them. Lot there be a anited South apoa them, aad tbe victory will be oar, and . tbe Constitution' and the South' and tb Union'. It I n time bow to telV. of uiianiea and oettioaal candidate. Ther ia bat oao way to beat Lincoln, and every intelligent man to tba country know it. He Will bo beaten in that way, or not at all. There are perron supporting Breckinridge who do not Waat Lin coln defeated. Tbey are pursuing a course the bast adapted to atoet him, aad tbey - Tbey know aad dee 1 re that Breckinridge cannot be elected, aad tome of thorn declare that tbey da aot wish blm elect ed; tbey know ha was nominated wltb tb ezoreat our- poo ef having bim defeated. It is no plan for any J traw jmtriuo iot aay matM to ta oouia Br act Wlta tboae ma. They ar ditaaioaists, aad the vary worst oacmio of the South. Fanaticism ha deprived thorn cf common can, Tbey have become perfectly drunk with D anion, aad if thalp amaaala alutrnM km CllonJ the South aad tbe whole ooaatry weald g to distrac tion ia dl moatba. Lt every kaacet maa wb yet retain hi sen fores tht disunion oaewo. 1 ia ae place for him. Let him arrin himself OR th idff tbe Sooth and tbe Uaien, . .' mm wno w migniy to sav lbm wb pat Uelr trust VK. Ketterdcv , (eaya th Richmond in;,. Oct. lo Him. They becio to tee thit there ia a hooe ha I 22.) the doodIo ef lb State waoa .1.. i. ,l. p.i maa taat ut wisdom or maa to footmhaaoo, aad that now iw prvgraa ia tbfc city, aad tbey voted a tbey in country hum va tae) I aloe, nrrved and our liberties eon tinned, it i to bo aUroagh th power of God. lie aloaa can sav a ia tht extrem ity. ' It to unueual to see rocommaadatioa for prayer ia behalf af th Union, or ia behalf ofaavthiai tit. poUttoal joaa-nals, hut inch rcccmmcadatloa ar aon th less proper for that . Indeed, the contrary weald arane that politic tad1 nligioa are toeompali- bU, which i aa error. WtU would it ho for oar roauary if att the Ouadaeror of bar pontic! areas wore esartottoaa, for then woald th mighty bflaeace ef th pre b wielded for good. With ear who! heart w nf Ac roeamndatioa (or anited prayer tobchadfaf oaw aatioa, for ear i at areata, as a great poop!, ar hcyoad recovery, If ft to maa. Oar hop aad trust ar lo Ood atoa. Be caa dirpooe tbe heart and miadt of mew to do right. II "eanse th wrath of maa to praia bim, nad lb remainder of tbe wrath ho oaa res trn la." Let a a aatioa, look to Hka, As a aatioa, trt bav forgottea the Ood of cor father, aad for that aaser w bavo outwo wcN algh onto drntractioai. The Almighty dollar has kiddra from our view the Almighty God, tad be has left a to work oat oar ewo destruction. He ha said "tb wicked shall be tavned into bell, with ell the mm that foTBOt God." Let as acknowledge oaw hvgrati tudc la tb post, aad depend apoa hit forgiven and mercy ia th fular. II can rave ut and our coon- try from th aaaraa that the wieked bave laid for our destruction, nod b will do it, if, with bantM minds aad snbdaod heart we repent of oar angratefulncH and teek hi forgiven aad love. Lot there bo ao pracraatiaationl Tb word It wow. Lot tbe people all over tbe Union act together to Ihl matter i along. Tb vote oa th PanvilU car was take a. and stood ao follow: , , "" w. :-.----.-j:..m ' atraekiaridga.. . ,,,.,fl ' . .-..M Tbe vote ea the Central oao wa, alto, taken-ami stood aa Polio wa: Beil in. Breckinridge. .... .... .. H ...... Pougla .,..... .. M 19 Tti latter, partiealarly, is a flrcttr ooarideraklw atraw; and atrawt alwaye thow wkkh way the wiaJ blows. AU righlf Pooh along th halt for Bolt aad Everett! Bay the hr of Wedaaoday ktat, a vote wa take oa th Central an, yesterday, (Taeoday) aad malted a follower Bn in Breckinridge ....,. ..,; n Dowglas.. 14. All of these wen strictly legal vote; and th vote ttaaJi nearly two to oao ia favor of BU, over both BrocktorUg aad PoagU. Keep tbe ball a rolling aad th bdl a ringing! . LET THE FARMERS REMEMBER, ' Let every farmer la North Carolina nmembe Hiak tho day that Sooth Carolina aad AUUmaearvy aha. Pinanioa parpoat aad achrjse let effeeO, that tory day real estate ia North Carolina will g down oa-. half and slars property thno fourths. That I to bo tb result of this Idiotic cry of Congressional pacbtaV-tioa! Remember, that every maa wbo desires tb pnsarvatioa of this Ualoa aad tb election of Joba Bell, who ttayt away from the pole ea Tuesday aaxt, weakens his'caase by the lot ef hlvote for It, aad tnngtbeni Lincoln's the son. S Remember that a vote for Brecklarldg ttrcngtheni th band of tbe leaden of hi party, who an tbe tnltors cf the Booth, who live only by the agj; tattoo of tbe ilavery quettioa. Remember that if yoa vote for Jno. Ball. ou declnn yoar detln to tee all tb law eforced, for you vote for a man wbo will enforce all the lewt-th FugiUv SUvtUw among tht rest. J ' Remember that John Bell I th only candidate wbo can defeat Lincoln, and every vote tubtr acted, from b?m aid Lincoln. BS. Remember that a vote for Joha C. Breckla-. ridge I a vote to precipitate the cotton Statea late a Revolutioa. - B, Remember that a vote for Joha C. Breekloridfe, i a vote for re-opening tb Afrieaa Slav Trad. arav. Remember thai if yea vote for BrrelinrUge, the Aaer-Right eaadidato, yoa iadirecMy vote te Let them I tut tain thote 8tto who have carried Slates-Right assemble to their churches, ia their school houses, and I principles to the extreme, aad passed act nullifying to private, ana aax mm, to whom all. power belongs, tho Fugitive Wave Law. te preserve their ooaatry from the tender mtrctes of wicked ditunioniite and murderous Abolitionist. Let them pot their trait ia God for it is their only hop. Vain is tb help of maa. BEAUTIES OP DISUNION. If it wen not too terloua a matter for mirtb, on would amilo at the light end nonekaUml manner in which certain partie talk of destroying the. onion of these States. They talk of the work of breaking to pice thi machine of Government, ad delicate and complex In It ttrncturs, aad which coot it gnat arch itects ao much labor and . thought, ao much of the spirit of concession aad compromise, at if it wa as easy- work as the destruction ef hi mimic card house by a child. Tbe fiddling of Nero while Rome wit In flam wa sot more brutal, ttupld and wicked than it the conduct of tbe mea wbo talk that flippantly of the moat momentoui tvtnt that the human mind can eoaeeirc; Already hat tbla talk worked it mitehief, at will be eea by tb following article: ... Ditcxiow axd rr Otoaiai Aa Alabama corres pondent of the Atlanta, Amerloao, tho Ml forth th result of disunion la striking color. II says: . lit. Tht hart proepect of it hat bow rod used the price of eottoa 410 per bale below it vain, and at over 600,000 bale will be told before th fltb of No vember, the Ion will be (5,000,000 lo tho Booth from this cause alone. Thl it below the fignn; every oot tou buyer koowa it, . 2d. AU too Southern bank) haul third down, (hut op (hop, aad aow nfo to pat out their bills to van for eotton on bills of cxebsnge, payable at tba North ajter ine Of of aot ember, because ao Northern bank will take Southern bank drt fit or billt payable after thai date, tor the reason that dieunion and war, would can cel and aqnol the debt of belligerent. Veoe a money artels le oa Ut. Cottoo I going down ben, noiiti it is niiog id Europe, and ruin It ahead! Bea ton why? The Presidential election comes off the Ola of November, end dieunion it threatened. 8d. if aStunion tkotM tome, bacon, now sixteen eenti, would then be flftr to ceventv-fire cents ner pound; cor the $ to 96 per bushel, and n money to pay for it. Then la not baton aad corn enough In Ihc Gulf Btatoo to food ear people unlit the lit of March. W ban to bo; from IllinoR Ohio. Indiana. and other Northern Statea, or nerve I - 4thV XJuamsoa it eivU war. Wo an toltndidlv ore- pared for it asasii mpikutaut ptrati. Let aa see. Wc bar ao maakcto, no rifles, ae eaanoa, ao wheel car riagn for eaanoa, ao powder, ao ball, a bacon and floor to food oa army. . JV implementi or munition t of . .... . . . . . . j war. is wo tai true r iet (very noneei man answer the questloa. - ; ; , t 6tb. When nieumon and (teat wwr ttmei. what will th thooaaad do who ban ao hoeen. ao eora. and aa otoacy to bay teem with T Will tbey starvs, or form brfgaod club aad rob, steal aad murder kef ore aurr jng ? Wba could blame tbem T Woald tho Norihwmt wd at haeoB aad oara to tos ttervattoa kaaa. while atawaraiAmiF. Bo, The Idea I aboard. Ot. All wb ar ia favor of civil era. awrnhVa. I tva A ear a .,1. . . . .uaui.. w. , i . occuttvu t I. I. i ! " .'"' I,.L . Remember that a rot for Breckinridge it a vote to keep op tb "irrepretslbls cotrflict." " 19 Remember that a vote for Breekinrldgt It a vote for Ditanion. ' Breckla- 19 Remember that a vote for Joha C. ridge b) a Vote for Lincoln. tr. Remember that a vote for Stephen A, DoogUiK I a vote for Lioeola. IOT The November number of thit mot txetllent msgatine, Att tht rear Bound, and that nperb Joor-' oal of faabions, It Bon Ton, hare bean received. M. BauGoixd to Snaa:. The Memphis Balletic says that Msstn Brackioridg ood Pougla ban takeo th Stomp, Mr. Bell' friead bar concluded to make aa eppoiatment for blm. Mo will address hit fellow-oiiljen of all partie from the catt portioo of tho Capitol, at Watbington city, oa tho 4th day of' March next, at 1 o'oloek, P. m. All an invited to at- . toad. Oaxxaat Case roa DotoL Th Detroit Frea Pros snnouaces that Gen. Cast hat declared for Done. ia, (Jo, at least, of tht Cabinet aeema to hate Inda. pendeace enough to support for President whom be ehoocce. ' i , Aa Item Of newt from Weahinrtna an that the President will nominate Attoraer-Uaaaral lUmmu- to All tbe vacancy la tbe Snprruie Coort, occasioned by tbe death of Jadge Daniel. . "l r1" village wat oaamd; togother I with nine f th brinelpal tere , .."V

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