rt' 9 KOJITM CAIIOMA ARGl'S, Ttw Any tba rBa an -Mi'1 fc"-' In am aai na aT Mais'! at ssstiil' V -irtiiMLiAa & W. FEITON, Earn. VfADESBOKO', 9. C IIUESDAT:: ;:u::APaiL.2S, 181. ' karaed their aaaxJwi. tha aaaala of th SUM af Nortk Ctlto fad ttmiN to a iadepaadeat ritiNMM thaw Wfcn tk .doptleatf tb. rJerl CMMitatM. It aa'y iwaata for th peopl U asset la OHMtlM sad deold. bth th guu tkall sod -, er adapt tk CoasrirBtiaB f tk CiBJdrBto W dU aot they will joia tb SMtUn VaiM. VX CobmH BMl Tm day f Ui wak a4 djwed to wtt tb .sttotr togrtkor, wbaak kd aVahdasa toka tba eery sups U ywrVla tar alt hj W dtk- c,u. u cotmUm, ia adiiy itra; " tb mmm i toe Sum. Ifcu ka Jtortb Carolla nit Mtafal aad tnto rc r aarwairw-tw to piwK rb la eoaa. U-caol; .toady. fcwaiMl -to kea UaiJi North Buw, wkaee hairy M U TJeiea, eolatoly detanaiBed ber agaiasl a Cooi to dtUu propriety of tecaaboa-thai hat oho, by the tcl f a Republi. 'cm AdBlBarettoa .awiest bar moody xprd will bara hrooi fro kinnni paaUaia lato tbt ocaaaaawy of paalthwi-b to o oiwmoM of too Uartod SeUea. VkUmi SUIm! oho, that ahtala bar to afea the fact to echnawledge tb bir truth tkot ikt Tb1b ao loagr exirt io in ia tc.rlty. Th haa that to leo( taurT tho Siatt in fraternal bead bar. bee rwd.ly serered-tbry art ruined wltb Mood. At at Leiingtoa as4 Concord, to at Baltimore, ettixrat hare been (red boob by , ,-tao troopt of d'tpctio powofj tad m, t tba, tit EoBtk.ra kcart Ut beta irod. tbt poplo of fifura '-Bute an foaad ia anai, utd kittnii to tbt relief f tbtir ooaatrjata, at all poktt wkrro dinger Ij aaticipated or atUek tbroaUaVp "la bsUcr farm or Btaotr," toy tko Bonfor (Me.) Uoion, "kaiUli tiot auy eenneaoo on tbt toil of tko CoofoJermW BeatM, tky will bo krao by tb aet of Lineo!n'i A i- BUonlratiooi for. tko ataliaoat of tht North ii lbi.t coca tko aoeeoaioa of Ikooo Sutca, Uaitcd Eutrt troopt ktvo oaly Uoo ktpt aitkio tbtir limit a la otraatatt of Ikt latyiptioa of a frto tad MTercign MOpk ' "Tkt ooatttt akoat to ko inaagnntod by Proiidrot Lioeola aad kl tdriMr, 1 a ttrargl bttea Sutt SonrtiratT acd a band of Torier who ore bound to coavert tko Goteramtat at Wathingtoa iat a eoijli aated do-potitai. !t U tko eld rorolotiooiry fight 0Tr fight Iwtwoea tb ni a rfron; Ovtent- owa(. Wo arek LUtory ia aia for a rioter parallel '. to tbt tot of Oeorf Iho Third ia Madiog fleet nJ train into the harbor of Boston on the oto of the Battle of Baaker Hill, tbaa that of Lincola in orcding the Ntry aad troop to Chrlcton. Whin the worlJ . read tie ttory of the aoeqaa? itrogg'e. . botweea rreeduB oad rynrniy oa Banker Hill, the great heait of tht peer.1 but in hgk rympathy with the brute yeomiary of Aaeriea: M it will be with the eoi 9ict at Cbrletoa. The yeipatby of tbt freedom lormg world will be with thott wbo ar fighting for their altar and their bom against tht landing roe." ' tthatwill Uoco'.ado now? Whateaa hodo Where i hi authority for what be ba done? He ka de clared war actually irywa war, withoat the aanetioa of Caogreaa. In ererj Tillage, towa and city ia the Eiti'h Uract are beating to uu 01 1 tr.en r.r. i vcar. j tstu are Ttlonteerirp. The Confederate fi;ig bat crcry wtaero ukea the plce of the flag of the L'nicn. Ta. Bonier Sute ao ioager eek a aotaproaiiae. Virginia haVeed to BClt&U. Ve ar in fact, aad U dxd a dieidei ptoalt. Sooa the Cwfederate flag wlH aomber iftfen urt. W-kat tnadneae kn p'o daeed thio war? It it erne that Lincn bu sot tht tc'-ri ecm-3n tc defy tb Ben who adria him to a - efcara to deatnctltw aad aaiacsa. 1 t tn ke fear man Bore than Ood? I be a can ir : be a defi Invar nate? .If b bo aot.tho lacara tio of tubt'ety and deceit, bo h a eery cowatd. But let km go We anet take ear of ourtlTe. Thank Goil we ar -ataodaatly b!trWaoTSiT7 tetth Abolitionist look to dumnlrut They'll aeed all Mrtr c.oorage fur they are engaged la a bad eaarae. It i act with rAeia a it wa with their furefatber. tet them remember Lrxingtoa aad Coaeord and Banker' Hill let tbem remember who were the aggrcatcr tkca, and ask themaelrea who ar tie ggreor bow A C.VITED SOCTH; It mart be apparent aow ayi the E.Ucig'u R'fitttrA aad w ooeear with that paper in Jdj it J that ail the aloeekoUiog 8ut Bart atlta la a aolid phalanx to reaiat tko attempt of the Black Republeaa admiaia tratioa to eaSjafata them. It will not do bow to talk of a Border U Confederacy, or kay olhcr aubdieU aiea) i ta Soatk. The palpable ooliay of Lincoln ia, either to aabdaa all tko Slar State, or to aaka aneh of them a bare aot yet seceded his iastraaectj in coercing and eoaqawriag the State whick hare seceded -AM tb riar SUU, theo, ohonld be aajud a on bu to repel aba kordea of Black Bepablicaas frwm " their border. Tkot a a ailed Soatk will coma oat of Ui oonliot eoMsaaf ally, w d not peraut ounelre to ioabt. Let a aa'y be Baited among oarsol, aad altknigli it mf ko after year of prieatioa and asjariag, wo will yet coast oat of tko conflict with oar km ir anUrs baked aad oar Qbertie ereaerred. If tbar I aay kof of pseaarring the pea aow, It ia to bo fcaasl b tko btiaian of a Bootk promptly aaii), for urtea Baa daaa aad faaatieiaae rot the ' hear, law Black Bepablieaas will aot attempt to wb doo aearly ta half of a eoantry , firmly noited to re- tilt aocb aa attrapt. If the Black . Kepobtican hare CO pet road the lor fee CoealluUoaal Voion aaal- feated by a portioa of the (loeekolding State into a Bpprobatioa of tko polity of coercing aad n' Jag atiag tko State wbak kaT aoeodod, tkefferTO a df a great aad, if aot tpeodjly corrected, a, for tkca, fatal aia- taka. - ' .; getX, Th Kwtr Tork frsCwwe, of the ltth, rpeailng f the dirpatckea fraa Oeaeral Beearegard to Pre! drat Sawit, wklefc Wwr recelrod to New Tork a few hoar aftor tbey were aewt to hlontxraery, eays this is doabtltat th Inst Inetaac la the histor of war where a dispatch frea t Graeral In tk field to bis own Orrera asset was rd aa tb day it tra rritteB, U a hositll eity aearly 190 tail dkrtaak . fj". .- - "iao a aa p 11 . ' ay ' mamaaiaaam jftVi Btm Mi , fcrllsy, EH all It prede- Birt 1 aa eaatUaat aemker. Tke tiwt eagraricg Tb aid aU ttory," k M af tb beat.la wood ea- gratiafft tm kar erwr . fk tea tf tk ngrr- ' laf aad tk exjuaalaa tba ekaraotersar rery aat raL 1 . f . Arthur, Co.. US Walaat street, fkila akla. . -" - - " fn Ytaamjta Rxscis or rs OjTitmar Tb fkUaaW labto baadM baw sweolred to tender an their oaarala ami ta kaad to tk fluiaaat, wMto tb lea ItoraM' tooawy rtwie U yoolereVy sss Br-f tba baa at aad aapitalisto of that city ba oltowwtod tba wVreraakeat to tba e laat of kastl BwUawoa af datlan, teraa a-re-Jy a tmtymmm timaaiai) m mmm aatob Baalsad tad aVaaa awaatoafl fcair to s Tb abea aB to b iaaia ww aa nr r 4oHaa tb -iwn Boevy rtarcM at tb L- abhsb to? aslabs aaata k , btJi th ts arAaa y , I ft, at, ! a w. rtmfojt, ti 1W I ftcrot that It U mhoaa kaabl aalaioaj oaa la to littja iaaWeaaa la Aiormtalo U oIM Of rau, to rpf a P" lloly for tko arBo of Uaj ay potmoo., boi bar bota aiarrprottBtod by torn, who kaeo tailed ap ay irgji-r' wtcda aad tartor4 tktaioto oaaios qnit diff.reat from ito aUoaderatood ba away: aad a aa of Juatice to .lf ajd a nrooar Mrard for tko roUUoa wkltk I kmM ta tko aataU tf Aaata. Itmtad oka tj wal4 wklJ Uaadokaowa. - I kaoakwaa dteotadly attacked to tko federal QaiM aa4batBaudetoBtly wUkodd awpodfotU aorpa. taity. 1 kaea ragardod Ikt atkaato, wkiak kM Wag boea aWopbg Itoelf, af a teewlailea, witk neliaaaaf dread OMlBUerabkefroaoo. Aad aiia Ike "seeiaeka" af Mrtala member af aar Coafaammey , kaa koltotad thai aa Sartk CaraUaa aad atkar af Uo Wcrtkera Ut T tear SUtea, ?tlJ lb ortoa ty f ftayiag tk Bad asrek f rotwlatsoa, tad by a Ira, decided aad dkrolfioJ ttaad, to a. CWaa, of krUrag aoort a taf. koaerabr aad peooeable adjwataoat d edttrag dicalt(ti aad iwrtortof kanaooy Votwoe tb two tetUotA Bat, while Btartalalag tkeat rltwa, At record mitt . that I ke kald that ay tmpWy atat tf fore by tk Paderat atttkoritieo to oocre tad anljagat tht eedlBg" StaUa m2d aad ocoat To at resisted by a mutt South. Kot liopping to trgnt tkt abstract rlgkt af eotroioo, trery tit, teery teeliag aad trery iaatiact of ay aatare woold prompt a to o dcoftr aad to . And aow, wkB w are, la a ordaaoo witk lb wioked plaa Barked ta "prrcipL salK'MaU tieil war-wheo It I oaly too trideat laat ooeroioa it to bt attempted, kowm aach 1 aay and do condemn and Ueplor tb causes ia both sections tf our country which bate led to it, I aay I am in the fullest eak of tk toraa Siira maa and at4 (it Souk. ,v ' . If this ia aot sufficient anJ satisfactory, I regret it; hot it is all that I cat fay. If I a txpetted t adopt and ndors tl a doctriu of secession, which I orer hare regarded as daDgeruu, rainoo aad atterly tub rsi of tfce tfital principle of car Ttem of Got trnment, that expecUtioB will aceer be rtaliied. ' I belieee in the inherent right nf rnoUtum, but aot of serttnea if la this I am not aaderelood, it is aot my fault. Is it desired that I honW triumph tod exalt orer tht rain of tkt country w k aW professed o to loye, a: d whlek I kare lored and teneratid tk becinnmc of a bloody war between brother the fait ore of the great experiment of man capacity for atlf-joernment- the death of all the hope of philan thropists and patriot which ha clustered round oar roang but once free nd happy. Republic that dtilr Biost erer remain nnsatiffied. I neither tp I'.ia fnlinra of those who can, and 1 thank God that I cannot ri-Joiee t such a propect. I bare thought proper from the consideration! turned to aj thn mneh, and now ask that I may be ao more misrepresented in this Bitter. My real opinions I am neither 1-haB.ed nor afratj to arow, and I do not wait to ascertain whoa they may. please or offend. . Because I do not daa the "cockade" and declare my aihereec to doctrine I kro alway repudiated and aeoraed, or any not otherwise rash blindly into the sears a hick men ia whom I aerer bed confidence dictate let ao man accuse m of a want of loyalty to the Soatk, or readioea to defeud ber right. And because I do elar tkatsiooe wtereirretietiblT forced into a conflict of armr , er ifofmy is mt, let DO one ty that I har ehaared my poaitioa. Most reepectfally, B. K. LILE3. rau'etiorc', April 22f, 1S61. A CARD. Di&w.i i. acta, April 23, 1801. C. Xt:Ttxitxi To-day I rcceired th proclamation of hi Excellency, Ooe. E lis, notifying th membt of the General Assembly ta meet in L Raleigh on tl first of May. - Asooe of the membersof thit body, and surrounded by cireomstaaces vastly different from those which controlled my aetioo during it lat session, I iem It dae the citizens of Anson, who honored me with aa electioa, ts state my poaitioa, ami the aenti- mnti by which I shall be goeeraed daring the extra session. During the last session, In a few remarks which I -tadlhrfcopCT-to- submit to tbarfrody, I kseitedih-t-i Lincola' faoatical horde could not pollute the soil of Korth Carolina with their ftet, without encountering the fierce and bitter resittacee of tkonnnds of ber sons. I was then a Unioa man, exerting ll my power to aid in irerting ciril war, and continued to labor un tiringly Until th laat bop was extinguiabed. I receired also, to-dy, proclamation from Lincoln, ia which t "commands" th people of tb South to retumt their llegiaae to bit Oorernment within taooty dysalso a call for a force of 76,000 men to force at into submission. . ei aow for TttiMlntt to tkt Utter tnd. While I, aad thousands of true mea at tb South, bar been laboring to restore peace, and hoping to see our coun try aaatUD it former greatnea and (lory, with the Cry of pesae from tbe I if places of Republicanism r ng og in our ears, Lincola was eowardty aad sneak iagly deriaisg plans for our destruction. Brutus while kifsiog Carter, plunged tb -dagger-! ki heart. 80 with Liaoola, tke aaa wbo has assumed th prerogatir of despot. 1 hare beeo closely eoained ifac tb sdjoernment of last session, and baee badao opportunity of aaoer tttBing area tbe riew oT ay aeigkbor, aad should tka crtiteo' of Antun eotcrMia diffent sen ti moot, and thiok, that by actiog ia ac.'Sce with tbee, that I would misrepresent tbem, all fhey bare to do is to to in fur m me and I will cheerfully resign. W r Bt battling for any minor eoarideratioB bat for oar tisre, W property, our honor, is hort, owe til. 4. Respectfully, L L. POLR. DXPARICRE OF MAJOR ANDEBSOX AND niS COHHASD. Tk steamship Isabel left thi harbor yesterday aoraiag, with kiajor Aadersoa aad bis troops, aad took them oatsid th Bar, whea tbey were tra inferred to tht ataaaabip Baltic, which thip left in th after nVeo lor Kew Tork, when b receired a salut from tLo Fleet CkmrUMtm Cnritr 17r nssf. Divaarvtt or tat tarrta 8ati Fttrr. Tk ta! I? laabol, Capt. Rolliae, which arrired al her wharf lueojay morning, about 11 o'clock,, brought the inUUigeoce that tbe Cnitad States fleet which re mained elf our harbor from the commencement of the bombardment of Fort Sm'ater to it surrender, a silrwt spectator of tb -tra git V't bad weighed aaebar and returned with Aaderaoa aad hi eemsaaod tojiew Tork. ,. Th oljrctrff iu oming here ka bee th sobject f macaauAoaitr and speeulatloa amoag far pefio. V M aras eaaat tar tb ' parpoo of glrtog aid and aoeoor to Major Aadersoa' jnrrisoa, tMr trs aartaiady a maresaaat nor aaaifeetaiioa of sock an atyoet at tk tia when Aaderaoa aaost needed their am stance. If oa a minioa of peace only, rhit 0U!d kar beta tb meealag of tk rnral deaoaatia tioa atowmpaariaf It f Tb geewnl beliof wa that they asoditefad 8 nam, ta order t threw is uf pli, ia wbhtk tbey bare rigaaUy failed. It U, perhaps, wall for tb aa of bamaelry that e.prudeot preeaa tioa wa ibeorred by the Coamaadtr aad that a trial of strearth betweea tbofr traovoaad oars warefally aoeided by tb rorpectfal distaae at wkich their rea aal vera kept Mt of tk rarer of oar batter! aa. Some lanaesed the Beet wa intended for a blockade aad awaited reioforoeaseaU. Tk ayeterr kowrer,.ka kera smrtlallT aefred b tbo lalelHceaco, (iaao re- l1rif. af tb faking of tbe (team tag Took afcooi ailit) ia irtor far -n rt 1 : sh. Bra, swaWabt, too tota1a of am (cot aah aa aMasaptto ram rat rsaaot ka, aa ar. rrred la sIcm Bad to kar kkad K by fore. Laraia that tb tVwt bad alBeaaly.aaslod aad that Mtosw af sw babaHaem'by iiiinsaisi f cbeCea foaerat State, tbo raw ao abowi with, eli aoesikl . - - A CARD. ( pa4 fee Xe JatWM, 1M tost , W1U1U ITEMS.. ' ' Below w group fra ar xhaagr'all Ika Itoa tt a wwllkt a.tare that to ba aay way relUblt. TboM wk ka a lingering doaM tbat too ivtrw ar Mrt to warring oa tb Sooth wm pay atritt tta- lloa. Lit tht South be unilti. , , WataiatToa. April 14.-Th ailiUry ar 1 tht CaoiUI. Postufioe. PaUot ofBee, and other poblie uu. J aw doiaWed srreaa rasnle. ' " " -a-i ' " .Jj i Two reglmeau rroa new iota were tbt PrvtideBtto-day. ;.. , ' i ' i'-; 1 J j Watainoroa. April lt.-Oor. Spregae, of Rhode lianQ. vor. Bieww vwiw, L, 4 Feanayltanta, aar dispatohsd I Ik Prealdent eaSrsT Of 10 UQQaioa taea. 1 wlajuiocoit, April 14. V ar Inform! from Albaay that Ovtoraor, klargaa will Uaaa a aU for U.OUO rolaa orra, for aM to the Fedora! Oorerameut. Aoaatra, April 4.e-rn.a Baatoa leara(tbat tb aujotant 0- Brr eflsee wa crowded with -ioot aaauirie oa SataroWy. hlany oBoeia of tb militta fesal toaroe oka aocea. vaeir. ... U Oat. Aadrew, wb expecUd to twut for Waahing too Immediately. . ' - Aa extrem war fteliaf ha beta aroatod 1 tht rabid otrclrs. . JUtnaeaa, ApsJ IA Tko Uaoola joaraaa a sao war klripo ar rampaat a oaUe for actieo and deckled Beamirr to tusiaia tb federal Gmarnment. - Th blutttriog aad fluttering ar iatrn la all tk Kortbor itiea, and especially ia Beotoa. MaBBiaataa, Pa., April 1 .-! wu tor rm.w tko SUto has beoa panted la hutn araaeaea at ia Lealalaturt aad ba beou apptorod by Uot l-anin. WASBisoroa, 'April I. Oar streets present a loan or anaaal inUreat. BatUiliont, companies lad i (roads art aamkiag aad re-marching, from point to point, aoaeeowpoBiod by auoit caeept a siaglo draa. fku aowt aaa, eiiSamaa aad (traagar ar all ia tk dark, a to what it all aaaaat, aad all qually aaxkio There I boting, no rioliag, ao diastpatlua ad hrarada All ar coarmina eomly, but 1b lo tonea, 0 Ue all-obsorblm toplo. Ther is a large i.a.a ml Nortkaraera. wboaa bearinK ia soma w kit obAdanL bat aot ororhoarlng. There are rumor of the expected rril of Nprthera military, but lb dy.n which- thiy will com it doubtful. This much, U errUin DrelimibarT protision ha been made for eereral thoueand tbi week. Tea eompaale or volunteers koeo beoa alroaJy aiatered into sen ice and U i rumored that six more will be. A deep feel i. r aniii-IT and sufceua nrerail. PatLADti-ruu, April 15 tho Union feeling runt hieh here to-day. Thl morning tb tuiout men, n organiiatioa twent)-fie hundred trng, who bat bran drilling ever si no th RresiJaotisI election a nilitnry orxnaisaitoa, threw out the atr aad tiis (rum their head quarters, with th motto, "Iho Union Aa eie tej crowd awen.b'ed fn front of the printing oraee at tb eorner of Fourth and Chesuot streets wberth "Palmetto Flag," a email adrrrtisiag sheet, W printed, and threateaed to demoliak If Tbe pro prieior displayed th American flag, and threw the objectionable paper oat of tbe window, and also num bers' of another paper, printed In tbe same building called tbe 'Star and Stripes." This restored the crowd to a good hamor. Tho police were present. MoxitRMr, April 15. George V. Sander, who is here, has sent the following di-patch to Deaa ttich mond, Mayor Wood and Augurt Belmonte: aauor'armt and tho aerroea slrraglhen the military. Peace will will quickly be ecBquered. Tbt North era Democrat ar (tending by th South. Ike Koilhern State and people arc rot held reeponsibl for Lincoln' , unless endorsing them. St-'ite sorereignty is fully recognised. New York mail pro tect ber social knd commercial ties by tesisting 1U nal.lieauiam and federal aggression. Philadelphia abould repudiate tha war actioa of hcr. - Li'giiature.i Tbe commerce of Rhode Island and ew Jersey is . 1 I t. tl nl - wnn- 41,.-- ' ' Safe WDen Ulfainauiauauiw- ........ Sigoed r- GEORGE K: BANDERS. ' Secretary Toomb has receired adisfateb from Sen ator Breckiaridge, and Oor. Msgoffiu, of Kentucky, saying that the people of tbat Sute are greatly excited and sympathize entirely with the South. Seren thousand men ar on JaJ arms In the Border States, subject to orders from th War Department at Montgomery. W aibisotox, April 16. Th Secretary has ac cepted, by telegraph, the serriees of oar thousand men from Rhode Island, and directed them to proceed to Washington without delay. It is stnted that the Gorernment ha no present design of instituting mar. tial law in Washington. Serenty thousand troop will probably be in Washington in twenty days. a... Anril IS Tha Lerislaturs of New Tork bar pttsod a a bil apptaptialiag $4JIOlMI0IUft thirty thouatod rolunteers 10 auaiwoo w iam yrtwcni State force, sad Got. Morgta b issaed a Proclaaia ti.m accordingly. INDIASAPOLIS. April 15. Oorernor Morton or In diana ba isceieed offe of roiuotrs, indicating thut thirty thooaand trops coold be raised. HiLTmnae.Awil 14 Tbewarproelamation of Lin coln has caused her th resignation of the Collector, Postmaster, Surreyor and Piera! Officer, and ta place bar been filled by tbe following appointment: John WHoflmnnollectorockraaLriaTai ixmcrr W. H. Purnel', Postmaster, Judge Marshal: Surreynr; Washington Boofant, Marsbalj A. w. uacusnea, via triet Atintner. Nxw Tot:, April 15. Two regiment of this city, th aerenth end ity-niolh, bare tendered their ser riees for tbo deleiM or Washiagt-ja, bat sot yet etarted. The twelth regiment will hold a meeting to-morrow to decide their course. From Chicago we are informed that the Onernorof Illinois fcasealM a special session or ta Mgniaiur to meet oa the 23d inat. From Iadianapoli we learn that a full and ready re sponse is promised to the proclamation. In Cacinnati the people are roused sud. Federal fiigs ire fluting erery where. A home guard will be iumodlately formed. " Kaw Yoaa. Aoril 18 At a meeting of some lead log cititens held to-day, anaagemrnta were nude for a grand public meeting; to sustain the Ooei-fiiment. Tbe Seeenn ana ctgnin negimenia ni new 1011 bliiita hold tbem.elea ia readiness for series. A nnmber oi new roluateor companiea arc to be formed immediately. Oca. Ward, of the Scott Life guard, is expected to aeaiat iu th organisation or a aow Regiment, an i Col. Bennet, of Brooklyn, aay Ihey will support tb Got rnment to a man. Orders bae been received from Washington tnfll op the Federal Regiments as speedily as possible. Tbe recruiting oBee is erowded with applicant. Tbe Second Regiment of New Jersey Militia will leader it- trrricos to tbe Ooreronienl About six hundred Wide Awakes it is said will do the same. It is alaoatatod tbat Gnrernor Olden, of New Jersey, will in a few days tender tbe Federal autboritiea ret oral tbounad troop for tho field. Lesrasrsl, Pa , April 161 Ex-President Buebannn exhibited intense interest in tbe news from the test or war. He says be sees in it a dett-rminatiua to sustain tbe GoTrrnroetit. Business is paraiysea. . ' Loemiut, Ky., April 18. Thwrnewpr!ji ry thing. Penp e wer astoundad, aad tbiug bar not ret returned taeir wonted aspect. Companiea are already enliatiag for Ik aerrice of the Southern tonreperacjr. SeTeral eoBipanie' will lear for Montgomery to morrow.. Tb eithuni reneraJlr are iadignaat at tbat aortioa of Lincola' Procltmaiioa calling oa tb Sute fur troon to coerce the South. Lot'tsTiLLi, Ky., April 17th. A large and eatbusi astie Dtrting held hero opposed tbe war pi nf Lia. coin. Resolutions were paauM aaaalmwaai. aemnag that Kcarackr will aot permit tbe martaia mI tranaa aetaiast Ike Coufdraer. but will ebere tko latter' datii r if war comes. A aimilar meatiag baa been bold ia Paducafi. WruftirarM. Ext.. AwriH7 Oa ytslerday tk f large meetiag erer held fcare took pmee, wkea reeo. iMtsaae cctwariag Bayard tor plaaiag it. aut ia a falsa poaiUoa, sad repauiating kirn ler is ueacoery, were adontod. " Kw Oblxaii, April IT. All tbe court hare ad- loomed. A aoecUl ueaaenger ka arrieed ea roafe from Montgomery to eotiaull nooai toe aeienew 01 faias. The feeling or reatstaat Watrong oa an lido. -t ' , f ; flerersj pieces of rd nance wer liken to 'oris Jack; ooa aad St Philips to-day r Mora eeTutitters ,ar on Uiotr war to Peuueola. ' - Wasito, April 17. Ill reported, bat It ha not ret ewra eafirme4, that lb Uvrernment will sail for 160,000 additional troops. Also, that ilnginMre bar (elected peokioasia and around Wasbiagloa for the def-aee of the eity. Mormon xi r, Au., April 17. 12,000 more troop bar kewa erderod oat to-day. PerfeoteoeM-aoe al io aasang tk aoikoritie tbat they aaa whig Uaaela. Oaaoral Pillow' ffar of Lia Tan name disisiua ba aaara aeaoptod. t. MxaraiB, Txaw , April IT. The I iateaaa jv attoawat kere., JVnw art aims aratlaaj laat aigbt, srbea It we rld tbe Msmsska aaa adf to Hate. Jie Hasoa aa a aeaa. tb City- aeH ka aapejawM lWf Joatl4ajtm .-fPtotor (Vaeorat. aad expropriated $30,000 for tht eVftatt of th dry. Urn numbers ar arrttlag from all aortloa of th Slate, and tk eltlsea art aotirela Maaged la toun pft far terrlo. a x ; Boawa, April 17 Setrwteea kttxdVtd rolttatoer ar aaartereJat Faaeuil Hall. " ISxw OiLixa, April 17. Tw aalttBtotr Comp ales left thl city to day for Pcataaola. - ' . Mobil. Anril 17. Tb loan af tkt d-Bfadetat lm to keaaf tokea easgsrly aad loaedry. aatoatoally by $50 and 100 biddera, tbey Baring ta preiereooo. era.. H.K.Vr.ninr'a aiai la barriered bt bidder. t aataataa. Aorll ."Tho CeafedWre Slate auk. aoription to-day reacted $187,01)0. Tkt Baskajkat Bo y tubterlbeo'."" ' At CMAuaaroa, tba rjtie tari thai aabacrrp Uoail lb loan noajatodt rr f3.0Wm patty frrm the cit. '' ' -J hsw OBLaaaa, April 18 -Adrloo rooeirad at Gal roetea atate that tk ouiern Arisoaa CoaToatlon met at Meeailaoa tb loth alt., aad waa aaatraaaly V teBded. ' lr. Herbert, Commlnloaor from Teaa, wa ot dlally wrkamed la the eoaweatioa. ' A teeolutioa was adapted folly adorsfag tk aetloa of tb seceding State, and deefertag that Arltnms't iateresls are with tht Boathrra Coofedrraey; that th will aot recognise Uacela'r AdmlaUtratioa r A reaolutlna wa also tdoptod tarltlBC tk powpl of VTeotrrn Ariwna to partioipato ta tb aoreaaot. The people will rot oa th ra. elation rofatiag to reeogois. Lincotoa't AdmiairtraUo a tb laaoad Monday In April. "..' 1 Ou Monday tho Stor of tb Weet wa of India nolo, TexHt. Tht stramon Kmpir City tad MoUwk left oa Friday ereaing with troop. Their amtiaatioa wa ankiiown. '...., Bu enmpaniet of V. S. Troop aadtr alaJonSaith aadSihler, were Bear Indianola awaiting relator; mania from the upper frontier. . ulu Rhett haa reai-oed. and of ered bl ttrrltet to ti Southeta Coufedi ray. (Oar reader hart al ready been Informed or thit fact, j As. Acliro preparation were Biking i Tela for do feuee. BALnaoai. AorlllS. Cartala rVamaf lb or folk Uraoier, which arrlred her thl aoralng, reports thai the maia mtraaea lo the harbor af Norfolk ha heea obatrucUd by order of Goraraor Letcher. A number or uiai b-.au bate bo a tuak. Capt. Tear uo wa compelled to go orer till. Tbttbject! the olistructiua i to prereot Gerernment roaeelt from i..inr e ther hara bee ordered. Tho Horfelk Cntuia House wa M lata, aad a qaaatity of gun atond there takes nut. Tk hrreaae cauor la port waa boirdtd, ind kr guns seized by order of tbt tioeernor. . WASBittaroa, April 18.,-Wortl.erB psper Bad dl nirku p tiled with war Brraaratioos. WaahinirtoB City will, is a few hours, be folly de fensible against any stuck. It ia rumored, and' generally hollered, that a eon sidera'de fore ia anm.tn roar from Central Virginia 'a Perrr. to sella th ArmorT. ' The Alexandria Gaselle extra confirms the remor of a body or Virginia troop marching upon Uarper fan 1iciRiLU. Anril 18-Oor. Ma coffin has UsueJ Ma proclaniation, conren'ing tb Legislaturt aa tb Silk int. ' . faovibKCB, R.'I , April U.-Oorernor Spragu haa tendered K freaideat Liaoola a Marine lieticry ..rtmc.nv ttia Regiment ia ue sob. t... ...... k'r .-Anril 18. A dispatch has bees receired here ordering tbe Begimcat of Keotaeky Tol WtMra to ba in radians at th shortest Botico, ia idr from Moatgomery. - EXCITINO XEWS FltOM BALTIMORE. Fiona Special Pbpstth U tb Chailrstea Ovartor. Tit ttopU AnvrdHUtk Rtpuhlitan inept mot fur iilltd and numlert uoumittd Bailrvad trotkt torn uulkt riv ta trim tkt Sottktrn Bmvr Uaitttd martial law prttltrmtd, fc, ft.t Baltimoxi. April 19. Thia eily was fcday thrown into a perfect ferer heat or excitement, ooasmooew ey i.. .rrl.,,1 or Northern troops oa tbe way to Washing ton, ia obedieuc to the call mad ia Liaoola Uu 'Coercion Proclamatiou." Wheo the firstpart or th Xl.aehuartu Reitiment was being transported through tht streeu-or tb city from tbo PuibvJelphta Vaot to tb Whii;gton depvt, tb horse-cars wra ilddled .i..na aad missire of crr oliarMler. . Tb -wind.iws of the conreyanee tur almost completely rt.n..lNhcJ. hit ackltTfor tns sotaiersno oa m !..- ..rinniW thnneh manr wer. balir tut With :n,l hrniaed with the stones. Th remaiuing detaebmeut of tbe regiment, whilat w .(..mniinr to march through 111 cur, in orur ia ar .1 tba drnot and Proceed at oocc to Wm-hiogtoB iret with a great deal of opporitiioa. All aloag tbo mote fiey wrc booted at by the populace, and at tka Prutt-atreet Bridge they earn in coiiticl with a deoae crowd of rccklea men, who opposed all further pro 11. . A. hi wa commenced, and tba asaaall ... mn aiimronalr made bt the cititona tbat tb Jlaaaa rliu-ett soldiers fired apon them. On th part of tb Itdllimnriina niNl.ils and tones were plettifully so thai many oa both aides were killed and wounded km it imn. gillie to leant tke name of tb parti ToaroT fircr-tlir ils?Tihoetts tror,p wrt tilled , ilia annt. and others are ba ily wandod. Sereral hfuliea are now being haultu thruuab tbe stroctt Tb excitement i most intenu. Tb who! city ba fl jwn tn arm. Martial law baa rn proclaimed, aau the g, aihera Flag haa beea raised. The entire city h.s declared itself for State Kigbt aad for the 8 " Print adrieei estlmst Ik. lost la klfitd and wounded al aboot on hundred and thirty.' AaMg the killed is Mr. Dari, of the firm of DatU, Plaiuler A Co. A'dsJ Later in the day aa Immense crowd, numbering ten th utand people, congregated around the Camdrn street depot (depot of tbe Railroad to Washington.) ami the Massachusetts troops were furbiddra to do. part. No troop will be allowed to proceed farther. Boon after Mis tke tracks of the Railroad from Bal timore to Waakingtin wer partly tora up by tk peo ple in order to present the depariur of ay fore f men. John W. Garrett, tbe President of tbt Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, baa de ermioed to allow Ike paa sag of 110 more trcps orer tbe line. - Other Railroads hae come to the sameStnderstandlng. No more fighting ia expected fir tbe preaeat. AU our military lore i under arms, Bad Order will b preserred. - Governor Hicks of Maryland refused to call oat tb miliury of III 8ut except for tb protection of tb State and tb Federal Capital, and BoAter that anl it becomes an absolute necessity. Goeernor Harris of Tenneasee replied tht tb State wUI not furn'iah a lirgle man for coerdoo, hot flfty thousand, if Beeessary, for tht deftnc of our right and the rghts of our Southern brethren. Gor.ackaon of, Missoori, tells Secretary Camaros that bis requifition is illegal, anconstitalioaal, rtrolu tionary, inbnmaa and diabolical, and caanot b eB plieJ with: that Missouri will not furnish a mta for suck aa unholy crusade against ber Southern sbters ' ' si. President Daeis ba appdinttd E. Warrta Moii late Attrney-0 neral of Louisiana, a ntiiir of Charleston, S. C, as DUtrict JuJg for Louisiana, la tb plac declinwl by Tho. J. Scmme.. -. vf A clisn of clrcomsUnces frequently drmaad ebang of laatiment and action; therefore a Oaks ssi of Jaauary I JostiBed ia biag a wsiaial la A.rll. la Jaauary. manr war looain lerwaiM to lb aoliea of tbe Peace Cooferene and to tbe toe of Lincola' Inaugural Address, and lo tb kind of aea a would inrite to assist la admintstertng ta wararsacat. Th Pee Conlrrene. met and nrerod a dead failareaad a nniMoeo-UnealB' iuaognral waa lhrtatog and ar regaothia appointees are tbeeileal abaiiisvoisU la b roand ia the abolition B tales ana ra sMpaouoau ia Congress refoaeii to sake the least coaetsaious. Tba, all reeconnbie hop for juttlc and pea, Wat dli. ealed and rendered useless. Tbonaaada af aio who eameetly deaired to praaerre lb Unioa ware ea.riad tbat it coald aot b d ana at loe aaa waa aua- laia tba richta end nrastna tbe noaor of tkt BooU; and tbey were also conwn&ed that, dUy to their see. lion and It inMitnluns demanded tbat their tataoaat aad etertioai should be ated for indurmade., a ato fro an abelitioa Unioa. Nusabera ka-r aajtd from this Impialaa, aad nuay mora wLU yet tt bora tk aa patriotic motises and lak thir positioo witk tbor who are battling for their inalienable tight, for peace, for safety of their families, aad for Th protec tion of - taetr property. it ao oo a awisina iroa fsaoriag seaasstoa thwoogb aaar of beia; eaMed iaaoo. sislent eircomotaaeae ae oaBeiamt as fsoa wkat tbey wer three months ago, and Ibere to ao good ree- sow aow why a stoatbata msa aaoqld f paw a aatoa tb a SowAbera Unassmaiiit. a a at awe aa for ta pntecfTM tt -oVwwhera property gad estkrtw rtgata. Tklak4 tkta, yaiaasaaAaka M '4wsaaa XU "CALL" TOt XU hllUTlA. ' Tk fellewla U Ik form of th aall mad ifoa th naattrlo Btato Oortraawt for trtwff, toaod tknagl th Wrppartaa . . 7b Ctwt'ialt' Uxm, y Trym wr. aw aet af Coafrtu for. talltna out lb Bllttia "t txtcat tk law of lb Ouloa and tupprt IntumctloB, Ml lBBioB,, A ,apprredF.b.ll0. 176, 1 hart t kitat to Mtjitrt far tit-" r tU imnadWUly detached from tb militia of year Sutt tk aaola design tod la th labia blow, to torn a la. f.atry ar rlweaata, far a period af Ursa months, aaltot loouer dlscbargsd. - '"TMr TlrOToacy fill fiaajt Baaamai so me ra at ar kat wktck your ,nota will be txpttted at IU rsadetsea, M fU srati to iraetUa hi by aa oBcer or cfBcen, lo muster 11 Into th terrlo aad pay of tk tTBh.d Ptatrs. At tht earn tiin th Mtb of dUty t to Daitod Stole frill k idmlult- torad to errry ana. xn saasisTnia; nanni er instructed to rteele a aaa waJar tk rank f oom- Bassinets' oaVerrwao a IB year laparaBay osar snj Ire or ooder eigktren, r wk I aot la physical (trcagtk d tigar. Tb aaata tor aca oa .m MaUa. New Hampshire. Vermont, Rhode Island, Canaectteal, Dclawar. ArkaBea Mlchlgaa, Waa da. Iowa aad Mtaaaaato a . regimeet. Masgackasotto, Borth CrUaa aad Isaawss.. tw rtglmtntii each. " -i;"" " ' . . Iiussyrraaia siasoww rirw. Bw Tork aereBUea rerimentr. , . OliU tblrtoen regimeota. Xw Jiay. MarylaBd. EBtcky and VltrOBrt- foar regiment fc. . Illinois and Iiidlnastl regimena racu. Vlrginia-tbre rtgiaeuta. ' . r U Is crdered that each regiment shall eoaittt, IB tbt aggregate, omcrt aa Ben, OI eren nmmru eighty. Tk total that to be called oal I rnly. thre tboaaaBdtbr boodiwd and ulaetye Tk ro- t.-.. uijlmta tko areni-te thousand, under tk Praaldeol' proelamatieii, will k composed of troopt of tkt District cfColumblt. la adraact. Simon Cameroo, Secretory l nr,ti- araohod at follows, to Coreruor Elllt ind mast of lb 0oraor 0 tk o.tktr BUtM'upta wWth recjuliijloni were maue: , . i Waa DafABTJiMT, wnblegto u. C, 1 April l&th, IStil. To Joa W. Kim, Ooreruor of North taroliaa: Call aedo oa la by t-aighv aau lor two rrgi. acati af allltary for lauiediale tarrio. OtAlu.a taautvui . , SeereUry of War.. Gortrnor tllhi retpoaded: " ' Exrctrm Orrtc. Raleigh, N. C, April IS. Ta Bob. Bimow Camsxo, C..r of War. .Wtthmttom. D. C.t r., di.BMtsk ia receired. aad if genuine, which ill xtoaordiaarw character trade ao to Uoabt, 1 kat lo aay In reply that 1 regard tae tery 01 iroopa j States or the South ae ia violatioa of lb Constitution, and a grow aturpatioa of power. . loao be ao party tki. ikH riotatloo of the lawi of the country and tk. A.lmini.lration tor tuepurroie 01 uiuui.n. . to this war upon tbe lioertirs or a fre peopit. J ceo pf no Has A' Cerorta. I will reply sr ia detail whea roar "call" i r- eeirtd by aaU. JOHN W. f.LU Goreraar of North Carolina. Entacky rwependtd hrigk Oct. Mt aB: ' ; FssaxroiT, lit., Aprd 16th, 1S61. TV. lit SrrrttarK of War! Toar disnatch ha bowo reorired. Inaaawer, I any aphatically tht ki.loeky will faraiek n troop fur the wicked paraof kjugating her sistsr Stkr Stale. (Signed I V. ai.Auurrm, tiorcrao. af Kentucky hnrmnr Latckar tt Tiraiaia. ia bis reply, sftcr speaslns; of, bis doubU as to tk dispatch bin gen' aine, aay la reply to in formal requisition: . tfcar only to y that lb Ui'.it'a of Virginia will aot b ruroisbN to th powers at waaoingioa ior hit sock ia or oarbose as ther bare in riew. Tour object ia to auMugat the Souther Sut, aad a re quisition aad upon a for each aa object aa object, in a ludroient. not within the purriew of the Con- It tutiea, bot the Act of 17116, will not bo complied with. Tow kan close siagrwidil wr, and "h iriag don to w will meet it. ia tpirit'ss drtrr b!b d at tk AtlmiaLitrstiea ka exhibited towards tb Sontb."- . THE STATE PRESS ON LINCOLN'S "CALL FOR THE MILITIA." AU orer th Stat, aa uaaaimoas "N!"' eoasa at ia response I Lincoln's demand apoa tb State for tw regiarat of si ltia to tgbt agiinat their brother nd friend., BalW W group Ik reiponaet of tke State pre. Tb Raligb Standard rtpU: Mr. Liacla may all but North Caroliax will ex Und uo aid to hlia in any effort t i coerce the ''Coa frdernt SUIes " Tk leader and assay of tko people -of those Sute kar grierouny eired, but toy attenip to cnerr them, ur to pot tbciadoauby fire will make bad infinitely worse. Tbe son or Itorlb Laiohaa mu. aot b MlluteJ ky tb tread or armed mea soul to make war 10 tho "Conr derate Males." Tbe rulifion of the border State now Is lo cce man.l tha peace, if aoasibl, oad tf aaaiuUia their right In th' Unioa. If tkry cacAol (hrck aad coa trol lb two (Xtreae bo other power waa. Tk Fayetterlll Obttrttr taj tt Tbe President' Proclamation is "tbt last feather tint breaks tb carnal s beck." , It sfeowi that lb Drefetsioo of paac wer a delusion and a eheat, or. if erer really enterUintd, tbat peaceful iuleiitioaa bar b-en than Jonea. war iui 00 prosecniru apiuss the South br means of Ibe 75,000 mex called for; nd North Carolina ha beea officially required to far aisb a proportionate quota of tbe 7fi.o0o. Will sb dolt? -Ought sb tidoit? No. No. Nt a maa em leare ber border upon such aa errand, wbo ba not mad up hi salad I war apoa bis own bom aad all tbat k bold "dear it that liomo. For oar elrei we are North CarolihtaBi, and at war wltb those wbo ar at war with the South aad Nurtb Caro lina. Tht Wilmington Tlittli sajt: Lincoln baa ec.ually called upon Got. Ellis for two rrgimeuts to ssaist him io snlgugiting sod murdering our Southern brethren! And tbi. too, iu lb face of th fact tbat b ba Bo authority wbteer to justify his conduct In tbe face ef th faot that the last Legislator aatalmously pleilged th State to reslat coercion aad la th face of the fact that N.irtb Caro lina is a slaretStal, aad vitally ioetled oa tbe (id er tb Soatk. " .- , Nortk Carolina bftl tnwtreJ tf tsk'ng possession of all the forte on her coaat. Tkrtt tketri fur tkt "OU Strth St'ttt." " tat WAR COVIMUNCEO BY LINCOLN'S :u- : ; TBKACIIKKY. ''. t--.- W hr beard it stated tkat Llacata was aot re posibls for tb battl at Fort Snmter, aa tb attack waa mad by tb Confederal tioopa. Tbo facts of tb can do not sustain this assertion. On Moaday of last week Captain T'tlbut. of lb United State Army aud a Ur. Chatr, arrtsrd from WaskingtoB at Cl.srles-J too, and requested to be permitted to rinit rort ou in ter, and to Lara an intarttew with Major Anderson, On this request being denied, they informed Gar PIkeos and Oeoesal BraurerinK that tbey were au thorned by tb Ptderal A.liurnl.tratlon ta inform tba Confederate aatboritiea that It waaM purt Ote to sop pre Fort Sumter wltb proeiaioos, 'pttcttithi if if tvJd. loixiliiv if it mutt.1' With the facts be for tba( aad with tbe knowledge that la(g flaetof armed reastls wer oa their way to Charles loo to eo paral ia tba work ef prortaioatag and reiaforeiag Fort Sumter, ware toe CoafderU swhotitles t await tbtarrisal of that fleet at it dealiaatloat By B a sens. Such conduct would bar beau tb height of rafatuaUen and folly. Had tbey waited Ibe anneal ar th fleet, lb batll would bar bean Infinitely mor bloody than it has been. Tb actio, therefore, of lb Confident aothorllie hat traded "to diminish lastead of fact tk eflusioB of blood. But thl i not all that justifies th Confederal aOrhontle ia thfoare (bay bare pdraord. , Linooln't whols oeurs bt beea doaHW-deaniig had trearbcroat? fjia ewa daotoratioii t Meaar. Nla had My- aird, tb peaawpjl giriaK of hit Seerstoiy af Basks, th aal-otBctil aeclaratioas that Zort Bam'er waa so be erac Bated, aad th dithoaorabl oadapt of at leatt ob of hi cBBWartew to CkaHoatoo, (Fax,) all trad akaadaadf la jaitify th aaslaagb ad apoa Fort Samler by tbe Confederate troop. Tbi aaa. Fax wb wi a (wmiisary af tb aWainiatratiaa, went to Cbuhsstini, aad recjwated aad rcvird per' mission to rkw Fsrt SumVt oa oesuvs coaditioai, which h shsmefblty sod baaely rialatsd. t pledged ti ward of honor 'thti bt kilaaioa was BMiflo. but atorceptod dispatob draataas th fart that while at rort Bmtr ha tnieoctM a ptaa tr af ptytag ta Fort br fftroe, whicb plaa has ba adoptsd by tb atavaraaaaait at WaakiBzasa. ad waa la araaraaa af aseibtioav . LVabtlata to thia plaa saay b altri kited tka i krg K wm aW tioa Bcw Ttrt forth . THI PROCLAMATION. - ' - -Wl laat week, had ly Has aad I BMtlwft . at) git Briefly to poksto f th pmliaiUoa I. ntd by Linolo, lllog at lb militia af lb Mreral . ' tatot. It hi llagalar tbat, decaaiof; tb law la th Btatot aeallouod la th proolaaulloa to bt "00. atrartrd," bt did aa Inat tht prtalaaitloa before bt ' started, to M'afWW Jarit QoattT luad Plckmti . . si ia raitiBtit or ti saina nttaA raoota 0 j, ' 'itunniYr.i'S v, ,'- ' Wataata, TSt law f tk tailed Stole hart bee tm tUaa part tad aatt ara apjasttL aad th tto alia tkrof abUatod, la lb Butt of Souik Car olina, Oeorgla, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Lai. laat sod TeJla, tf aooxBliuuoo too prwafiaa aa sm upprrsf by tb atdlaory rae af )udiil preoeed log.. tr by lb pwr t I lb Viarrbal by h. JV'ew, Ttiftfort, I, Abraham llaooln, Preaideal of th Catttd SuUt, la rlrtntof th p.rwr ta a rested by tk CenstitutioB and tb Uw, bar thought It to sail tor to. ana nereoy 00 eau rorta, in wim w. rral Buu of tbt Uuloa to ibt aggregat number or tereaty-flr ikousand. la order tOsupprald blnatioa aad to cans n isws so or uuiy eaawuiru. Tk detail for thiabcl will be Immediately comma, aieatrd to tbo Ststoaatborltiea by th War Departarat. I appeal to all loyal eitilta I ferer, factllMt .d. aid tbi eflvrt to amtatala lb kouor, tbo Integrrty and th xisMBa of our Nallonal UaWa aad tbe per. aetully of popular goreraaeai, aaa to rrarrsa ia wrOAgt alraady long tuougk aadartd. I doom it proper to toy tint arst orele aarignod to Ik- r r . . . hi .L.ki. w .k rOIWM allN lOriB l pr"iFi WW w ,Wf.m...m furt. plaeee aad pioporly wklab kare beeo anted froa. th Uuloa, aad ia su.b ao treat tk almost oar wi ll b bsrd, oasistally with lb object afbeldr la aroid any diraatalloB aad dlratioa or, or later ferenee with, properly, erony dotarba f pa rot sjttiaeao ia aay pas tk try ( aaJ 1 harab command tbe persons composing th eoaabiaalivB fr- said lo diapers aad rtlir pmaoaably to tkel rasy lir abode withia iwcniy oay iroiw ima uai. Deeming tbat tbt prooeut evauinea oe puoiie aaair .nt oxtraurdiaarr aeoasloa, Ida kereby, l rirtat of tk. pewerla m sealed by tbo Coastiiaiioa oeueen both, lioueee of Ceogr. SVaalan nd Ri p rsttrtH tberrtV aislMiiw) to ttttaW at their respectir Cbmbr it It lok,' ooo. oa. Thursday, 1b tk day f laly aeal, the aad there to eoarlder aa aetormin eeu meaewm , - - dom, tko pabli tafety and latere! aay area to d- aMIail . a Iu witn wbrof, 1 hr brrraata mi ay baud,, and caused tb aaal of U I'aited Suto lo be affiled. . Don at th City l W.btagt,thi 101a oay 01 pnir la the yir 01 oar iru ow '"" ."a end aixty one, and of too iadepeadeaet of th Uaitrdj Stat th. .igkty-fiflk. inxnku usco; By Ik PrUt. 1 '. -' Wat. H. Sbwabb, Snratary af Stat. PROCLAMATION OF PBE81DEST DAVIS. -MorrooatiY. April I7.-Tka fcllowlag is tbe Pro- clamstiuB of tk Presideat of tb Confederal tttalta uf ArnerUa laaued o br .l7tbj, ' , . ; 1 , nociABATiox bt tut rtMiDsjiT or tax coxrxpiiAta ' STATU OF AHgBICA. sr. 1 a a. a. Jkhrahaa Liaeola. th Preaidsal of tbo Uuited Sutee, haa by Pre!metloo announced th in. tcntion of iaradiag tbi Coalederary wita aa araea f ree for the purpose or eeplanng lis loriraaara, thereby subeerling IU lodipeodeoc, aad ubjctmg lb fre peoido tberwsf t tk do minioa of a lerig power; aad where. II ba tba become lb duty of tuts Uoeram ia rrpei tae iarrar . . . , ... . A -t ...1 tidafeai tba right aad the libaitie of th people by ill th mean which lbs lawa-or aatloataud th asages of eieilised warfare plac at it diepoeal: A'ew, rsrAr, t.-lefrsaoa Dari. Praaideat of tha Cauledoral Stats of America, do lasu this ay Pro (laaaUua, loriting all .Ihvt who aay deite, by erv rie ia priral armed eeaael on the bgb aea', to aid Ibis OorrBmnl ia resisting s Wantoa and alckai sa .grrMSioa, tosaakaapliati0B for eamisslouer or Utters of Marque aai Reprisal, to be hawed oader th seal of tbaa Confederal Stale: And 1 do further aotify all peiaoo spplylng for Letter of Marque, to make ttateatut la writing, giring th Bam aad a luiubl deacriptioa of Ik tharasttr, tooaagw' aad rorv of tb tMl, aad th ai P'c f rrldoca ol ab owaer oootraed therein, aad U. launded number ef Ike trow, aud t iga oek a sUtemewt aad dclieer tk tsms to tk SerUiy of Stit, or to tk. , Col!eiorof any PorttVEatryof flsts Confederal States, ta be by bia lraoamlile-1 to tb Serury of Stale; and I do fWlker notify all applicant afonaaid tbat before aay Coauauaiaa or Letter of Marq 1 er Reprisal is issued lo any !, th owsr or " tbertof, aad IU commandar for the lim being, will be required l g re k-ad to ike Confederate States with at least two reapoo-ibl sun tie out lot -resta-l ia dib sel, In tb peaal sum of Iboaaaa l dollars; or If suck rcsaal be protwled witk mor tbaa on hundred aad filly aea tkeo la Ike peaal sum of teo thousand dollars, w.lh aoaditioal that th owners, oflUers aud erew, wbo shall b employed oa board of ocb Ita aismooad rel, shall olwrrte tbe law of thee Cob. lederat Suta and lb iBstravliou gircn lo tb.m lor regulation of tbtir conduct, that they shall satisfy tH ,1 p. doe contrary to th tear thereof by such r.tl during Her oimiseio, aad dclirrr up tb am wba rerokei by tht PriJol of lbs Confederals States.'' . . ' t '.'it. Aad I da farther enjoin on ell persons fcililmg oKces, ciril aad ailitary, aadr tk authority of the C.federae Stalea ib-t ibey be rigiUnt aad taaloua in discharging th duOe iiicideBt thereto; and I do, moreoeer, solemnly xkrt tka gl popl f tke Confederal Stat, as tkey lor tkeir country, a they prise lk bling of fie gonrameot, aa tbey feel tha wienga of tb part aad ihes aow tkrroUued ia ae ag gaaled form by tko wfcoae oaaity I air iapUo abl, botaatr anpioroked, tbat thy etart tkemsalt.a i aniirtsia mirr. ia nromotlna eoaeord. ia aaia- Ulning the authnrily aad tffl.acy of tbe laws, aad ia suooortinx sod InauguratiBg all tb measures which may be adopted for lheoauioaUfrne,Bad by which, au'.er the bleesiag tf Dieia Proridaac, we may hope for a speedy, juat and bono able peaee. -la Imtiaooy wbcreof, 1 bare kereoato aet my haBd, aad caured the Seal of Ik Confederate State ft. 1 to b id this Mt.at.aoth day of April, 1881. -Signed) " JEFFERSON DATI3. By tb Prealdent: R. T ooa la, Secretary of Stat. a. Th following proclamatioo by th Oonmor 1 of the Slat conrening lb Legidaiarsoo th 1st May in Raleigh, w clip from tb Kalsigb Standard, raocLAMATtoB ar w xliu, urtaaua 01 isbt CABOLIIA. WataiAt: By Praclsmatioa af Al rabaa Llncolnw Prasident el th United Statu, tallowa-l l y 1 1 raqph. tin of Shnoa Cameroa, 8erwUry at War, t aa i r.md that tba aaid Ahrahaa Liaaasla baa aada a call for 75,000 aea to b employed for the lararioa.of h peaoaf! boiocs of tb South, aad for lb riolrBt Mb. raraloa af lb liberties of a fr popl. eootlituHng largs part of tbo wbola pnpalatioa f th lata Untied, Stataar Aad, whereas, thia high kAded.ct of tyraa. aical outrage I aot only in, ritiUlioa ol all toast 1 lional law, in ntter.di.rg''d of rry aentimrntot humanity and Christian rifUnitiou. and eoooeleod in. a ipiritof aggression unparalleled by any act of r. corded history, bo I a direct top toward tb obja galioa oT lb wh le Soarh, aid Ik oarloa of a Republi. inherited from our father, luto a adlitory despotism, tab stohlUkcd by wore I haa fcraiga. enemiet ea tb ruin tl ear see glerioasCoaalitelwa of Eqoal Rights. " " ... Now, th.rfot., f, Job W. Kill, fJorrnr t lh Sute of Nortk CrrlBa,fortst txtraordihary do ketahy tosa tols, ay rroalamatlaa, BatiaTlBg sad requesting tke Seaatora aad member of ib rlou ol Commons of lb General Assembly of North CreliBB, to meet I rpeolal Beesloa at lb fapltol, la Ibt City af Kaleigk, ea Wednesday tk first of May aexfc Aad I furthermore exhort all good ettiteo throughout lb Stat to be aiodful tbat their first allegiance I da to tbt Sorettlgnty which arotoitstbtlr bawasa aad dearest interests, ( their first ami I do for losoaered da. frae af their haarkh, tnd f tk toil wkicA" Md tk grasrw of sr glogtoaa deaA '' i 1 ' Vaiisd aMiou la dafsac af lb ooorekjnty af Nerta Carolint, id af lh right of th Boalh, beaom ska duty of aU. ' --. , - . Olre aider ay haad. tad atteated bytk Oreat -.Seal af tb Stot. !. at tk CUy C Raloalk. tb 17tk day of April. A- D , 18i, aad la th- By ft AerarBar, ' . . ' ' ' , " OaMAji Daw, trittt Sttrtttry. T Baittj a tat W.-Tbi Bath of Chute. ' too has sgieed ta tab $200,000 f tb Confederate loaa, and, bt redeem ia tre4au Ma bt tea. par- PThV tCakaf CVtotrr ka agreed to th areaajtatot .a. k. aka BuSs at Skia akM ka safer I tk Coafederst kkn Laassiamsaka(lbe for $50,000 . ti tb a. Tk rktor faah af Tklrfldd baw eagsgau a dcm kkaW owtsa tbat asr takeato pararai ar Ceatt kettt Loaa, CeaTfrtma Cirirv. A i Si 1 1 j ' . '1.-. -' . : Y