i TOWJT, COtfJTT AP 1TATE. seat si Um (Maty UI V held at th Court Ho, ia this pW, m SATURD AT 1 . W elUua that saa possibly ss ta .ipected ts t prot. , ,,-r ', " " : ' ,:' ' -v AS80JI OtfAMV v-r-On te-atorraw, (Friday 20th,) Um aaemBsrs t this ewnpeny will MtrnM at Aoaoavlll fur rill. Wi ar requested to that all vslaateer u xpeted to h prut-. rhy will b far-nUked with gua for the acoasl). Tbs ladies of Aooa!Ue, will bs MM fcj tt feMowlag aanouaoeiaeat f tb Cesser It tse, tnteud presenting th setnpany wl a tn dig of 'ths Southern Confederacy. Tht ltien of Anauo mid adjassnt counties r cordially iuvlied to ba present. plDDr will ba prepared for all ba eoina, sad ad ara lavilrd. With our whole kaart, Udiat, wa thaak yoa , for year pertUalarty klad Invitation to at. W cbwr fully soaply with lh ro,Bot to publish th follow lug: Jr '" ' v . T card. ' ; By requtst of tha ladle of AnsoneM, yna will ' plsae give extended invitation to Iba cittieT of :' Auraa aad rijent suauti to attend, at thry will present ( .4 Aasoa Guard with a Souther Confederacy Flag, wb h will-ba raised and saluteifua tha occasion. AIm, tbay will furnish Ihr Ouard aad sompany with iliaaar appropriate te tbt ooeasloo. Come ooa, . ome all. i. B. WDMLL. i. hi. WalOMT. "" Tuo Rarstxa Quite unexpectedly, tb committee (living (ba aiattcr ia tbargt, eoaipletad their arrange ments fur railing tba lag of tha Confederal Statu va front of Ibt Court Hou is tnl towa as Saturday taut; tad sMhoagh it wai Bot geaerslly hsowa that tbe flag would ba raiMd on that day, At Banner of per son present from tha aoanty, Beiwiib.taadlng It la tba busy sessoa waa vary larga and estbusiastic. Tba tidies, particularly, of tba towa aad Bcigbhorhood -avisoed great intsisetla tho Mremooicf , and were pret est la larga numbers. . All thinp being ready, at about two o'clock tha 'pole aant op with a will, aad abortly af.er tha flag with aevta atara, and a Vacant place fur another, we throws to the brerie. Ai It wai rnlied, the Auaon Guard aader lommaod of Capt. B. T. Uall greeted It with a aalata. Tba Ouard aha flred aaluha ia honor of Virginia aad Ibo other Soathrra Stat e, wha ara .throwing off the yoke of old Abe Lincoln. After the I -g Waa railed to lie place, tha crowd in atteadaace, ladiea aad all, adjourned to the Court- ltoom. For what took place there tea official proceed .Inge. " ' . . WADiiaij'o'. April 20,' 18C1. 'On Saturday the meeting tb.t had adjourued on Xoudxy eonerned In the Court U .Oje. 8. W. Cole. W. -Hl.-KlrtiBd 8. W. Kel acting aa Urtreuriefc trti BMUoaor ur. A. JJjera tba rollowiag resolutions were Introduced nod aeuuiinoaaly adopted:. WattCAl, In ibt present eieited state of tli coun try, wa leara that eur woriby Ooteruor, his Excel lency, John W. Ellin, baa aaun proper to take posses sion of tba forte, therefore, reawleed. 1, That tbecitina of Anaoa aoaaty do meat bear. liljr approee or via course, ana are reedy and willing, -. with all oar power, to support Aiia In this wise sud patflolle BBdcrtnking. 2. That tha Ooremor ba requeated to adept the aet speedy ax tbod ef eeaeaaing tha people of tba Slats, la their sovereign capacity, to oeterarhae tbe coutse of Sorts Carolina ia the present crisis. Us motion, a comaiittae Ira waa appointed, con eisling of A. Myare, li. . Hammond, Col. U m. C. Smith, A. fi. Uennatl, aad U. Oiarditaut, to nominite ub-cemmitteaa of public safety ia the different dis tricts of the county. After tha aboee bsd aeev disposed of, B. T. Bennett baring ticea called, appareJ, and alluded, ta a la conic, but pertinent (peach, the flag of the Confad eracy, which wa boteiing over the soil of North Ca rolina, tba wreags we aad ecMtaiotd, tbe worse than I'unie faith of Northern meo,.aitd eoocladed by asking wbrther or not we would ouawent to be eoaUmiaated t-j a Tertiga of Abe i,ianatae autlierity? After Uie clear ef Mr. Di-nort'i remarket Mr. W, M. Uemmond, aUer loud aUiit, preaantad bimwlf. He reviewed ha nee and auprl!'eJ progrtsaof tliia faBaiieal apfrit, comuteaoiag, at be daciered, with the pernios of alissnart, durma: tbe year 132, tt be ad mined hbto tht Cotoa as a til ate, and showing by the abose of tba right of petition, that the Abolitioniutt or tut Korm Bad greatly lmperrllied to a country. After tbln Mr. HsmmoHd ahowed by the returns that no political ergiaixalina bad growa with half the ra pidity of tii alrpaldioaa. Hit remarks were con cluded by dee'aring tbel 4ae a gra Wat tha Imm i f CotitrotloB. During Ms speech la hofe freqoenlljr buret forth with applaa. . Kef. 8. H. Browse waa Beit called tut. He staled that it wai not bit province to make political rpeecars, 4t that thia criaia da Biandid that every man take a position "be that - wae not for the 8nulh was against it." Mr, Browne spoke wli-ghty word, and appealing U Heaven to at tift tbe rrluctanee with which we entered npoa the C B'S-t, raqu eted the Chairman that tha meeting be closed by prayer. Eee M. C. Faraooe alsa addreaaed the mretiiig Is bit usual forcible and elegant rt)le, thoroughly caBvasainc ear dtfliealttrs. Dr. Harlc, who bad just returned from South Carolina, wae re qaeated to Inform us a to tba latest Renr rally ac credited intelligence. Ha did in, and aaid ba had de frndrd tbe caue of North Caroline whi'a gnvta, an-l had declared the would go with tba C'Bfederaoy. AfirrthecloMnf Mr. il.'s remark tha maettag eloaVd with prayer by Rev. 8. U. Broowue. ii On motion tba proceeding were rrqaeeted to be published ia the Koitt. Carolina Acgu and otlter ftateptprt. J ?. W. COLE, CAatrn. 8. W. Km, I"'- At a Tow Mtrmd) bald in Fsyrttevllle, oa the .18tb, tba (allowing reaolutiont -were unanimously Adopted. 'Tba meeting was oowpoted of men of all Jisrtiei. E. i. Hale, Esq , wa aat f tba commiltc to diaft rciolotion: , ; WatstA hoatililies exiet at Charleston between the forces of tbe United States and lb people of tbe Con ; tolerate ftetrt, and wbersae the Preeident of the Uniied "States hat by proclamation called upon the iitste for fores of aereaty-fl' thousand uilitla, aritn Hws deelered ohjeat 'e repoeaaaaing the fort, place and property in the Confederate Bute sow teld by'that'OoverBmerit; therefor t EttotvttTbj the people of Fayettrvllle in Towa Meet ing assembled, that tbe exigencies of tht timet require : ' ewiy loyal Ms of rJoeth-OerOllna'to bury p-t politi cal ooateati to unite head and heart in resistance to aeeiioaal rule, and to take proper steps to maintain, ecu re and defend the rlg'bts of Tforlb tsroTina as one of Ah Southern Stale: Relrtd, That tht Oosrerasr ba raeprct'ully re quested forthwith to eoaveoe tha Oeneral Assembly .with a view to legislative action la this crisis. oW, That e wiU support aad adpat to tht j Governor and auiheieeiro ef the Rtate ia inch meaaarei - aa may be deemed neceasacj to be taken to aascrt our ' rights and defend ur soil. . , : Tbt Obttnur hi alto tha following paragrak thow ing tbe feeling in Fuyettetlll. . f Tbit aat bean, at may well br tupposed, a west j at ooeeesiTS excrieraeots her. Ia ad litioa to ether matters elsewhere mentioned, a larga crowd aasemhled ; : jsitterdea; afternoon to witness tha raising of tbf flK ' f the Confederate 8latet, and to hear s number of speechas delivered oa lb occasion. ,h . , - : i IS it .:- ' rCBLIO MEETING . ' Boccioba, April 22d, 1881.- At a mietlngbrU la'jfee "Jourt-Uoua this day, 1 . rnrooas ta aoall for labererVta worl upon the fortift. cations st tht mouth of lbs Cap Fear river. Oa mo ti sf W. F. Leak, E.q , Cot. II. W. UarringKu was appointed Chairman, and, upoa motion of 8'cphtn W. CsriBgtos, Eaq., L. U. Webb Waft requested, to irl aa " BacraUry. Aft r a brief but stirring address by tha CheJnaaa explanatory of tha objects of the meeting, and soma patrioti restarts by Walter 9. Leak, Esq: . Jt wa stored by J W. Leak., I-j., seconded and carried -rbst a commlttae be apnoiuted sa sscrtala the number of hands, which gentltmts In this vicinity - -wilkaead to Fort Caswell aud tba works atljaoeot there to. Tbt shalr appointed Messrs. John W. LealtfK, - . J. Steele, sr., sad B. W. Csviagtoa, whs ia s short tins reported lb following taecen sanaeg tht geatle aiea praaaat, to wit:' K. J. Steele, sr., I basse: 3- W. Xsak, 8; W. F. Leak, Si J. F- Lwk, 8; R. B. LsdhsUar, 'ij B. 3. 8eaK , I; Cel. S. W, HarriajSaw, t; T. C. Ltakr 8; 8. W. CovlngtoB i; WCMeak, 2, 3, C. B'lerbe, 1 U. C. EUarbe, I; f. A. Cuvmaion, 1; Suphra Cele, 1 J. T Hoormao, I; B, B. McKrnaia, 1; W. B. Uele, lj pr.o c, toviogWa, 1( W. VT. Xilerbe, ; B. 8. Steele, 1 Total ti. ,- . . Tba l:itiTBvg sams sf mnuij warn adtihrlboted hy genllenv-a reut Whs bed ti bands to txt, till Dr. Wa.L Udhattof.lllO: Wei. 8. W.Boiisld. 5. U. V Tarry, $Si B. 8 Uog, W. Uv We b, f H). Wat. K. Smith, 2i m. MeUonall, S. b. fleets 8Si L. V. Wettb, SJ Dr. P W.-ttue, aill, (I. IT, A. w. Hamer, l( OUenn rf, A t-oi.g. ij ii. Terry, 81: Tillman Dunn, 1; J T. florlnim, l; t'ol. W. L. Steel. 10: 8. F. Carter, $1: Miai Wall, $20.-Totl $61 60. - -' ' -d Tuo. 0. Leak, Esq., volontrcrod to Wtttf tbe hand and pwt lb In tbs works, asJ if Beoesaary, to atey witk these. ' Ia additiou to tb handi above ordered to tt work It I probable that the i.urutwr will tw rwelU-d on hundred, from lb Bpper aud lower tad or rhe cean tv. . . ' .(.. No direct call u nude for volunteer to man tb above work, buttrchs spirited and eneliu-laatlo feel in exhibited by all present, rlv, evkleace iadisputa nie that a salt ror auuii, will ba responded to with alaarltf.-' ,' S , A BMetlng of tba Pet Dee Ouard wai called for to- Dirb , for dr U aud rg.-rcUe, sod ts perfect Its organ! aatiuti, The money contributed abort wn for th purpoa of dtfisy Bit tb expea sf thoa bvingtbBrgiO't In cBJirge, tbe railroad charging nothlug for evavryiog IBem. - . , - , Ths meeting oa notion adlourned. H. W. UAKfil.NOIOX, Chairman. L. II. Will, Bttrtttry. ; . . A Dat Cbablottb Yevtcrday morning, (a se eordano with a notics sir. u tbrvagh tbs Bullstin, th cilixens of Mrekleoburg aascnibled to coutider what course to pursue Budi-r exiating circutnstaaeeH, Tht proceeding of tb meeting will be found is another solomn. It was a Inrge meeting and but on eeutiment entertained and cxprrtaad Kasistlue to the authority of Abe Lincoln. I ? . , At the meeting, Dr. C. J. Fox, one of our mo-t proraiaeut and iuflueniinl cltixena, who b, i.p to Tuesday (AernooB lut, beva a firm and eonUt.i.t advocate of the prrpetuity and support of the rolle rs! Union, 0 ime out boldly aad unqualified in favor of resistance, pledging hn lift, bis honor, ta defence ol the South aud brr inslltotiona against tbs atsault of Ulack Kepshlicanilm and Abraham Lincoln. Deafen- iuf apulauv succeeded the announcement. ThC'Ctmrmtts Orert." and as sf tb roam mes of Charlotte, seal a dUpatoh to Ubr. Mils, oBer- ing their tervtoee to the State. They paraded tbe street! and displayed their proAcienoy iu military : tactic nailer the eomrauud of taiitaia ej. A. noss. Tbe Horns ' Nest Riflemen, a veteran corps uader the command of Capt. L. tt. Williama, also teadered I heir 'service to tbe Uovernor and hold Ibemielvci rtadv to march at a momrnt't i.otice. Cleveland hat sleo-tesdercd her stea for Immediate service through her reprveentutive, Mr. llurioo, sad all are anxious to occupy and be near tht flisuiug of tbt gum. In Cbtrlotto, the qaesfW is "Who shall stay at borne 7 .... '. , Three ef for hsnd (one, tbe sou of tbe tditor,) bav oD red their atrvices, aad wa ara not prepares, in eonequnca of their absencs oa duty.-to d juatU'S iu our rtiadeiA. ' ' - ' JfZl, Tna War hat lust commenced. Is iouieueraic Fla floatet from th Mortb Owrolint Military lo.ti- luteand several oriawe BuiUiuES.aud every oueteema auxUua ta Basis to the d.'frBee or tits a sis sun late possession of th Fori. Chariot: iltt.Utv. Heiovjd Tb Fayettevilie Observer, of th 18ih, akys; "Drevet Major Aucersoa, is eomuuiOa of tbe Company of troop (3d Artillery) at the Dulled Bute Arsenal inthat- towo,-"forwarled - hw resignation and will soon return to tirgiuia, hi native ot:e. Thia community will part Irom him with deep legret, for be bat made many warm friend here during the past five or six months. , Miutait Tbi sniformed comptuiei tbrougboot tbe tiute are promptly offering their terriers W Uov. Ellis, to form part of the 1U,XJ0 voluutoer corps. Tbt Anson Guaitl, wt overlooked heretofore to state, at their meeting here oa the 6lu, unanimously tendered their services. 'The Fayetteviilo Observer of th 18th, ay: ' Tb fwo Miliatarv Couiuauiee of this place tb Fayette. villi indepeudeut Light Infantry aud LaFsjotta Light lufaulry yesterdiiy tent up to tb Governor a tender I their amuses iu Ihe voluutcexcoriit. ''A Cavalrv couipaliv bs been raued hero. We leara mat already upward of fi:ty ht joined it. "A luoc list of 'A Home Guard' bast just teen handid to us. composed of eldrrljr cit-lru. At Wilmington two companies of ' exempts" hav been orgauned, to b called into active service when reuuired. . iu leading Union men in Ita'eigh have started a miliatary Couiptny, aud Ueo. n. Aluidecai, uq. gave $500 to help equip it. Fill IX Moxtox, N. C W learn tbrosglra pri vate source 'bat a fire occurred ia Monroe, It. U, oa Saturday sight lart, ahich destroyed about $1U,(MI wurtu of ur oeri V. Measrs. r. uouaioa aaa ins. were toe prin cipal .uaerert. The firs maid to be tb work of an luceudiaty. Fibs id tbs CocbtbT Ou Monday nlcbt, it sbont PJ o'clock, th summer rsidnc of Mr. Mary Oa- boror, situate ahout two mile w.t ot i nirioue, wa dedioyed by fire, lupposed to be kindled by an luceo diary. Los about n,ZUU. re luaurancv. W are rrqoetted to list by th Quarter Mas ter ut tbe 8Uth ftreimenl of North Cara'iua Militia, bow i tattooed at the mouth of Cape Fear river, to in form the patriotic eitnena of Noith Carolina, tuat ibe garriaon at tues points ur in need of srerjihiug oeceaaary to tha somturt and convenience of the sol diei, and th easaaltio ts which they Buy bs sub set, i- - - All donation of proviilons, ful, labor, sandle, clothing, grvueriet, to., will be thankfully received and pruuipt y acknowledged. -. Tha ladiea esoeeiaUy are ppealed' to. Let them furniak him with baBdlgea, iiut, blankets, bedding ets., lor the hospital department. All packages lu tended for our patriotic soldiers can bs lent Iruiu- sny part of ths btat.' A Junta to tt. O. Rankin. Qturtur Master Uth Keaiaieut. N. C. Militia, or lelt, marked in tbe lam niauner at lbs ol- Acs of lUokiu Martin. Tboss lelt at tha ottioe of Messrs. Anderson 4 bavage, or at ths oracf Alessrr. Myr A Moors, will rtaoh their domination safely. Xutert san b addressed in th sam way. Wear requested to ask that tb aoove a 'tics may ba xteuivy cofind aad circulated. Wilni$m Cot. C. C, Txw. -This espcriaaccd sad gaBaot sol dier, oa yesterday, recived a letter Irom Uov. Eilii, inquiring whether hi servioee could bs obtaiuad to instruct State troop ia artillery tootle. Col. Taw autiug on ins priuetpl lost a good soldier is always prepared, replied by reporting bimsslf this morning ti th Uoviraor tor duty, live ISili could Bot lava ad a mors judicioas eeleciio. if it is possible to smear hi service', wethou d be pleased to see Vol. Tew receive thi appointment of eominander-ia ohiet sf th North Caralisa troops. Ia our opinion a mors competent perton aould not be found. - U'- ..l.MUnil Jh.t ,..1 Tar vill VA mn rt Fort Macon, that fort, at are' all ths forts on our j coast, being o ia th fcend df Hoith Caiotisa trop. lliiUiara VUwitaltr. atiF A dispatch received her lut algut from Co- lutuous Mt-suaippl, lUtet taal air- luo. w. vrown as aetivi butaits man of that ploc, wa robbed sad murdered oa th algbt of tht loth lust Ks partis- i I .. r.. . ...t. ... Mrs W,H (UlUltUVI- . Mr. Urswa wa s native of Blades County, but bad lived many year ia Mississippi. M has many asarl relative ia this section or Wurtk Carolina.' 9 IU highly gratifying to observe ths alacrity with which oar friends is th interior of tbs Stat hav reBoadd to' tbs saw that mors men wer seeded oa our eoatt. W bay heard of several Under of I aid. aud w leara that two oouipaoia from CbarlottS, aud two or three from Warren, are stpsoted to-night or to-morrow.. A th mt.;lliooe spreads tqrouga tb State w will Sue offers of auisuoa from bua dreds of guilact follow. Com along bays. We will try to toed you. wutufton jural. iaL Wl shall ha-aompelled by tb abseac of oar forewaa sod several of oar Compositors, who art aa sotivedaty at the Fort to Uea the llarald oa a half I beat, aatil a pert at ar fare moras, or- aatn wa shut p th4 stke. and leave. w will kin alt l smi an la iha sune at relnv I . 7 .' r .. . . I Ccat sam Rom Cisauaa. W wtdrstasd thai seycrsl ktmvy gwss rtll k spare IB ic$ (, . . -: '-' In obedience to the request of Governor Ellis. Thry will be forwarded immediately .CAerirtton Mtrtmy, X Bd-Tlie BrtBoi BMit at Charlotte bis beta taken passesaioa of by Co Boyos sad tat Ojilitajy, b order of Gov. Ellis. Ks realetans. 8rA ti It npreted that Tennessee Keatuhky, Ml- soaurl, Arkansas, aad MrtkMroliaa will recede within awck. 'Bc3. Tbt Navy Taril at Norfolk hat been destiTve J byirs. .-. , -' ' IIM. Jon Hi Dorr. Various rumors conormlnr Mr. Butts have rrrSBtl beea put forth, amone them that be had beva tendered a positiiu In Lincoln's Cab. luet; that hi had advised Lincoln to put down tb Be- renal nn movement by banging tbe leaden, ete.; nnd that b bad become an tdvocitf of Seceacinn r Revo4 lutlon. W learn from tbe b.nt authority Hint all of theee report are alik unliuc . iicAnicno' Whig. Tht Jlarktti. CtlEftAVT, April 28 Cott.m.BfS;l2l. Flour,S7.7S n , k, . . i . 1 1 ,. Dacoa uoou Anna varouna, iiiis. BfOTlCE. It baa bee ordered by th Wades. bona' Dehatinc fociet that we fit with cloned doors, and that no pctitnr bs admittod auleaa, invited by roms member: end further that Thursday niolit he ths regular Blgut st meeting, uutil stberwiHC ontorrd The query for the next meeting (Thursday April 'Ut) it, "Ai lb meats I aaptciliei of the rexea equal." . ,.i If. C. Ii.VA, Secretary. MARRIED, la Union ennnfy, on the 27th qlt.,by Ambrose Hnr- key.Kq, Mr WM KKLOS, of 0 oil ford emintv, to Mia 6ABAI! A. HELMS, dsngLUr of Noah Uln. In Union county, hv T C. WUsoa Eq , Mr. D. L. LEMMOND to Mia CYN I IUA C. SIMl'SON. . Alan, hy tha earn, Mr. J. L. P. SIMPSOX, to Mit MART R1Q1N8. Also, by th rsma, Air. ROBERT CALDWELL of Mecklenburg eountv, to Mist ELLEN E. fcl-Ml SON. DIED, a ' LATRA MATILDA, ths adopted child ofVMstenhi 0. and Hunan Uedfeam, in Anson county N. C, April 6, 1 801 , aged 9 months and IS days. ' Suffer little children to come unto me and rortjia tbeni not, for of such i the Kingdom of Heaven." "I take tbeae little nilm aid, be, And lay tbem on f y breast, rrntrctinn tbey shall find in D In m be ever blest." W. D. It. TO Consutlipt l'e. The advertiaer, haviog been restored to health in a few Week by a "very 'tu ple remedy, after having suffered tevcral years with a sever lung aflVetion, and that dread .disease, con nmption is inxiou to make known to bifclloir-euf- rerer u mesne OI amrm. - To all wboaVeir it, he will cnd a copy or tbe pre-J (crlpsten used (free of charge,) with the directions lor nreDarinc and usinc the same, which tbey will fiud a ear eur for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. The only -eMect-of the Advertiser in koEaicg Mit i'lc- criptinn i to benefit the sffiicted, tnd sproad informa tion which b conceive to b iovtloab a, and he hope every euflVrer will try bit remedy, at it will cost them nothing, aad may prove a blowing. - rurtlee Wlibing tba prescription will please adUrcsr, Btv. EDWARD A. WILSON, - 1 10-1 y Williamtbarg, Kings Co., N, V. TlieCreat Drawback to person emi- grating to tht extreme south and western oountry, is tb fear tbey bar of the. Fever and Ague tbe mo-t direful of ill diseases. Every day we Lear of pcisons attacked oVthe disease and mkde helple in a short time, without any meant of affording relief. ' In view of tbe great demand for a remedy, Dr. Hoatettrrhas presented bis CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS whoe curative power for all disease of th stomach bar been universally acknowledged. Tbe Bittern prepured after a long experience and deep study, hare received the cBoomiuin of tb most eminent pbjsi cisns, well as all classes from every part cf our country. To those who doubt their many virtues, all wl can cay ia to try tbem, and judge for themselves rcp.-ctirely. Mold by droggii-ts and dealer generally everywhere tST or advertisement iu another column. Sli.U.Y SCHOOL BOOKS AID LIBIMlilES THE SONGS OF ZIO.Y. Simple WorJt to Simple Taoei. Printed Eipresslr ir me iu oi snnaay &cnoia. 05C Ill.XDKED VOLl'-TIES FOR St I, And til other books at Philadelphia prioee, freight only added. Beautiful Sunday School hym printed io very large typ on muslin, so that thry cn be rend a great distance. On copy of each of those hymn i all thati necessary for a Hchnol, Co'.l and sec C. W. FENTON. Arjtu Office. Bis..xas, ikF ALL KINDS. GOTTEN CP AND FOR 8AIE J at ths Argu Offic EC01IGB HOME MWLFACTLKF. Brooms: Brooms: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF IHE NORTH Carolina 'institution f r th Doaf and Dumb and th Blind would bee Its. re to call the attention of Mer chants and others to tha BROOM MANUFACTORY connected with thia- Institution. We are now prepared to furnish Brooms of all kinds, Clothe Whisks, Dust ing Broom, Hearth Brooms, Long-handled Brooms for gweeplne Willi, He. Our Broom ara mad of tht best material, and put up in the most approved man ner. They are made by tba ulind I'upil. anJjill tl.o profile of th department ire applied to the benefit of tbe Institution. we tell our tsrooms as coca p at they can be bought in any Northern market. we iovito oar Aorta Carolina merchants to (tad u: their ordora. Address, WILLIE J. PALMER. 12$-tf Prinoipul of the Institution, f Lost or Mislaid, r BOND OF TnE WILMINGTON CHARLOTTE, and Rutherford Ba lroad Jompany for S 1 81 , and a fraction th fraction Bot romemnered cue for work for tha quarter ending October, 1860. Notice i hereby given th.it application will bo mads for a duplicate for said bond If not recovered ia .a abort time, and all persons are forwtrned against trading for it without my consent. J. M. UENUY. April IS, 18S1-1S8-8 Fashionable Millinery Store. I WOULD INFORM UT FRIENDS AI public generally that I am receiving my.. THI mm m sches stock of n.ici c ior?, eonslatinr of BONNETS, RIBBONS, and FLOWERS, DRESS O00DS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, beside, many other article too trdioa to mention. BONNETS MADE and TRIMMED, and CBESSES MADI on th shortest order. & Thankful IA the- kind people of Wadeiboro' aflS Anson for tb liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon me, I respcxtfully sslioit a coutinuauoe of tHe same. , sast. All persoai hsdebstd to me for 1859 and 1800 will pleas call and eettle ar sloe their account by giving good not. I im obliged to hav the money or good note. AONES HOKNEt April 16, 1881.tr - I. A. LILK v IS NOW RECE1YINQ HI3 STOCK OF SPRINGWxND SUMMER GOODS, Zmbrsng all th NEW and DESIRABLE 8TYLES, ai PUICE3 TO 6CIT THE IIHE3. Th puhlio geacrally ai raspectfulti Invited to call Hd tv them. Ulaayille, . April 6, IBOI. ' 133 30- Bells! Bells! Sabbath School Bell. T?OR BALE AT DR. It. W. ROBINSON'S ROOM Jh or at this OSoe. In paper covers, lb cast; aalf waaing w sent; rajBtntuag 35 oenU. Ani . ItWH-lBS in r tar v, m , i tsAROI ASJORTMUfT FOR (tLB ST 9. S. ASITOL. WIl'yBIIXCTOSi CLQJOHC JIWPiCTORY. H' AvIXQ SECURED THE SERVICES OF JAMES MiCOB NICK. raeently Priucipal CutUr for s New York Ettbltsb- ment, and eminently qual'fitd to inauufuctur all kinds of ' Civic And Mlliiary TTork, we feel s.infMrnt of lvin the hlrbrrt aittiaftietlon Newly I M POUTED CLOTHS, CASSf MRRF.S and hVKSTINGa. togetlr with ALL TMK SEASONABLE STtLEf VF IIOKT.il CAHOLIWA MAKE. . Our extensive amngtmenti will enable ui to work st ai LOW FIGURES at my Northern boust. Tbe workmen employed Ifiva thelifgheat reputation. FRENCH and AMERICAN FASHION'S received sew! montb'y. ' Our facilities ire unequalled In every ementlel fen lure of the MERCHANT TA1LOKIN0 DEPAUT MENT. , MILITARY COMPANIES fnrnMud with tin 8T.1TK ARMS BUTTON at lower flenrei th-n they con ha t undia-ird for elsewhere. COMPANIES UNI FORVIKD at abort notioe. A'l khidt of. MILITARY EQUll'MEXrS furuished to-.srdkr arrtew York '"sOPKRIOR MADE CLOTIIINa. onr own cele brated mauufuctur and perfect cut, constantly on "gents' UNDERWEAR OP ALL KINDS, th FRENCH YOKE SillRTd, COLLARS, &c, in great voriatv, ' Lirce assortment of TRUNKS, BAGS, VALISES, io., for Gotitlemrn and Ladies. Prices niucli below the nmrkrt geuenilly ' UMIiltKI.LAS Tor Lad'et and Gentlemen. ' YOUTHS' CL((TniNO. prices low. t'lolbing manufactured, .in the same building, rear, of tec"iid story. Twenty t forty workmen eousuns- ly employed. . , Tbe p tti'i'Uise of the cit iens of nadesorn', ani surrounding country of NoitU and 8outb Caroliua, It respectfully aoliciU'd. '. O. 8. BALD WIT, Manufacturer of Clotbinr. Importer ind Dealer lnC'otha,Cat.-imerea, Vratiiig,FumUhiiigQooda,&l., IH-j-tf 38 Mi.rket St., Wilmir.glon, K. C. Plantation for Sale. r OFIilR FOR SALE MY PLANTATION on the Pee Dec River, adj-iiniiig the town of Che r.iw nn the south tht Chcruw and Uarlingtn Kail road ronninc throuxb it a mile and a hulf. it con tains 1IM ACRES, much of which is RIVER and CREEK LAND, Ijii.g high., nnd very productive. There Is also a Urire body of LEVEL RED CLAY ITLAND, um-urpaiised in this part of tbe eouttry lor the proluctioB- of Cotton, which has made au average yield of more than 1000 lb, of cotto per acre. On it are DKI.I.IXU and ALL OTllbK NL'CESSArCTLIrN(iS: also aa ORCHARD OF LLECT FRUIT TREKS. It can be divided to suit persona not wu-hing the whole; and any one wanting uiore land, can obtnln it either adjoining or convenient to the plantntion. I will sell this place low, nna make the terms unusually icsouimoilatfng. SAMUEL V. 8AJWttt3. Cbcraw, S. 0., April 4, 18UI- lK. tf "NEWGOODSr s. v.. ije..i:tt, IF A3 Jt'ST RECEIVED UI3 STOCK OF srniG a.d gcMMcn goods, consisting of READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS 7 COOTS and SHOL"S. Anl a full and complete assortment of DRV GOODS, including SILKS, SATINS, PRINTS,' and V0H8 TEDS of every description. Also, a good stock of " GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CCTLERY AND SAFETY-FUSE. All of which will be told cheap for'CVSHor AP PROVED NOTES. Wadesboro', April 10,1861. 133-tf ": f OR SALE, . TTtIVATELY, ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS, 1 Six aud a quarler Acres of Land- adjoining the town of tVndci-boro' the nicest DL'ILD- INO LOT!? near town. Al-o, a TRACT OF LAND, containing 491 acres within two and a half miles of ihe Railroad, five miles from Wadesboro and fire miles froia Lilesvtile. Ap ply to A. LITTLK. Wii-,V.ro', April 2, 1801. " 134 80. If Abe Lincoln .S GIVEN CP RAIL SPLITTIXO. I WpCLD hue tho public to know that 1 have not given ou ''ripping ' timber. My Steam Mill is in "full blast'' ueur my residence, four miles south of Wades boro', where I am regularly turning out M UBGit OF ALL IiIIS, needed for building purposes., &o. Lumber delivered anywhere within reasonable dla t-.ncp of tbe mill when desired. 1 XJiave attached to the hove one of the best GRIST MILLS in the r.nunty. for griudiuc CORN, which it o port, ted on Friduy. This notice is deemed necessary as it doe not seem to be cenerillv known that my mill is in operation. My old customer are invited to give me anntner trtnl A. JJALLU.tt 13o-2m. COX, K'UiDAXi; & CO. General Commission Merchants and Wholesale Grocers, N0S. II '4 12 NORTH WATER STREET, - 0ULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO th-eir friends and Merchants generally, that they ara now prepared to Accommodate tbem with a .ffiv autl Fresh Stock of Groceries, by tbe package,' consisting ia part of SUGAR, OOF FEE, MOLASSES, BACO.V, MESS PORK, FISH, 8ALT, TOBACCO, CIGAKS. CANDLES, CANDY, SPICE, PEPPER, and a variety of other article in their line, winch will be ejld low for CAall. March 12, lVGl-131-tf Millinery and Dress-Making. 1M)-MY FRIENDS AND TUE PUBLIC, I WOULD respectfully announce that, having for two year been uuder the instructions of one-of the best and most fashionable Milliner in the State, I am convinced that I can mak DRESSES, and make and trim BONNETS, satisfactorily lo all who may favor m with their custom. I solicit the patron age of the, puhlio. . BETSY N. LILLY. February 11, leHiI-127-tf . II, W. ROBISSOX, - 81'itGEO.r DEJVTMST, ,". TTAVINO PERMANENTLY LOl ATED IN. THE XX town of Wadesboro , respectfully tender hie Professional Services to all who nisy need tbem. Having had seve ral years practice, he feela safe ia warranting ati- faction in ALL OPERATIONS. All diaaaesof the TEETH and OUM8, and MAXIL LARY DONES, will be treated with especial reference to their speedy and perfect cur. , . He will also pay particular attention to the HEUU- LATION OF CHILDREN'S TEETH. , ARTIFICIAL TEETH, from one to full a act, tup-. plied in the beet jand most approved ityte. rereon tn rhe country vUite 1 at tbelr restaene when desired. ' .- Terms cash when I be work is 6nished. . y Wadesboro', February 6, 1860-94-f ''' ' ; . , Our School, - WILL COMMENCE EXERCISES AGAIN, UN der the eharre of WM. D. REDFEARN, at RED HILL ACADEMY, on Monday, th !3ih iu.t Tuition will remain a heretofore; tnd range from $7.60 to $10 per session, according to the brauche uaght. - Exocllent Board can be had convenient to the Acad emy, at $7 per month, i Student will be received at any time during th session, but no deduction will be made for loss of lime vnlcwa eanstdby sickacas oracareenayvdible circas stanee. " . Any rurther lafcratarJaa any Be had by sppncarlovr w a i-nacipai, er te Towotey Relrrarn, rrsstdcat er re Bara or Timtse. er h. llrers, Secrttsr. Whvur Star V. C , a. , !3t-t!i tf DO YOtr WANT WHISKERS? ' VO YOU WAJIT WHIoKERS? DO YOU WAST A MU8TACHEt DO YOr WANT' A MUSTACTlEt BELLIAGIIA.TI' V ' CELEBRATED Onguent, Tor tho TThlitkers aurj Hair. ' ' Tb subscriber Ink pirasur in announcing to fit Cititeni Of tht United Stiitrl, that tbey hsvt obuli.ed tbe Agtney for, and are now enabled to effer to th AtuerioaB public, ths above justly celebrated and world renowned trticll. i JTHE ST1.MCLATIXO ONCCKNT 1 prepared bv Dr. C. P. Bellingham, an eminent phv- tioiao of London, and I warranted to bring out a thick let or . WHISKER!! OIK A .Til ST.iOIIC, la from three to ait weeks. Thia article It tlo only one of th kind unext hy tbs French, aud in Londuu and I'nrl It la In uurreranl us. ' , It It I beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimula ting oiinpound, eline; a If by migie uu thi ro-.tn, eou-isg a beautital growth of luxuriant hair. If ap plied to the scalp, it, will cure balunki. and caua to spring up in pbce of the b Id spots s fine growth of new hair. Applied, accor ling to directions, It Will turn med or tony fauir vabk, and restore gray knir to it nrlriiial color, lea-log it sort,' smooth, aud flexi ble. The 'Oaoi'kXT" ia au -imlispenauble sitiul in every gentteiuAii' toilet, and after one week's us tuiy would not for sny consideration be without it. The subscribers are the only Ageuts for toe article In tbe Lolled State, to whom all order must be ad dressed. 1 ' Prion One Dollar a box for'aale by all Drugiziat aud Dealers; or a b"X of the "Ongent'' (warranted to have tbe desired effiC) will be scut to any who de sire it, by mail (direct.) securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, 81 18, Apply to or eddies HORACE L.- MEG KM AN t CO , Druggist, Jm., 130 Cm. ,21 William Street, New York. Medical. DR. A. J. LLGRtXD, 117ILL. ON AND AFTER THE 1st OF MARCH If - next, locate at Wadri-boro', and will offer his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Iu tbe citizens of the town aud surrounding country. Offic nt Anson Hotel, where be alway v. ill be found, unlet profes sionally engaged. . Feb. 18. lbbl-128-tf . Southerners! Look to Yoar Interests!! A HEVOLITION HAS OCCOit SOUTHERN MEN HATE RESOLVED TO PAT Touise KuUthern" Mnnulscttlrei nnd Institutions; I sill tberefore inform the people of Ansm, and all others bo with to cousult their own inlcrects, tbut I am .till mauufucturiug . . " ALL KINDS OF LEATHER, -PLANTATION BRO0AN3, and KIP SHOES, where I keep constantly on hand a Inrge tstortment of the above-named articles, which I will cell low for CASH, or on SHORT TIME TO PUNCTUAL CCS TOMERS. All ordor addressed to me nt Wadesboro', N. C, will be thankfully received end punctually attended to. XY REPAIRING DONE, on abort notice, neatly, dumbly, snd on rearnni.ble term. N. 11 HIDES, TALLOW, ' GRAIN and ALL OTHER PRODUCE taken in. exchange for Shoes and Leather. JAS. C. CARAH AI . NOTICE. Ad those who have Note or Accounts, or both, wiib me, are requested to come forward immmediately nnd settle. i. C. C. Feb. 4, 1851-126 tf COlffl MlAl'F.lCTORy. RUSCOE k CARAWAY. ' TO ALL WHOM WHOM IT MAY CO-SCLUS, (and it concern, ail v.-ho who de-ire to have COACHEST BUGGIES, SULKIES, &e , strongly and elegantly built, nrd those whom it don't conociu don't amount to much,) we proclaim the fart that we are manufacturing, at RUSCOE S OLD STAND, Wades boro', N. C., VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS, which, for style and workmanship, cannot be sdrpaesseri They have on band a good stock of the very best ma terial, nnd will koep on hnnl, all tbe time, the very beet material that ihe country affords, and no country uff'irus better. Their workmen cannot be surpassed anywhere, for proof of which an examination of tbeir work Is a'.oue ueceasary. j ; ' If any job of theira full,. cither in workmanship or innt-'ilul, dutiug tuclve cionrh from tho time it id turned out,' it will bo repaired without charg-'. Repairing done in tbs neatest manner, and' nt the sh-irtest rrasonab'e notice. Charge moderate. Tbe only fault found with vehicle built by John Ruseoej-which- hv been-aeitV away North, South, Eait nnd Weat, is lnsde by coach makers abroad that the never need repairuij. l.'3-tf UU5COE & CARAWAY. Look nt'This. A1 quested to call and pay up i their Nutel and Ac counts. - I expect to SELL FOR CASH, and lo customers that will pay puuetual at the end of the yt-nr nfter thia date. . JOHN 31 ACE Y. January 1, 1801-1 CC-tf Take Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO C. E. SMITH and SMITH & LINDSEY, r hereby notified to make immediate payment of their indebtedness, as further time cannot be given. IV e are compe'Ied to this course, for our creditor, are pressing us, and we, in turn, must pres. those v. bo are indebted tn us. llil-tf C. ti. 3.111111. HAYING MADE ARRANGEMEST3 TO EN zxfte ia a different occupation as soin as I can close up mv mercantile huiiness, I shall ffcrmy pres ent STOCK OF GOODS, on and sfter the first day of January, 1 801,- AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH, and for cash or it. equivalent oulr. I have on hand a largo and general assortment of Goods, nnd those wishing to purchase will please" Call Ind. examine them and their prices, a I nm deteiniined tiee'l. All those indebted to me will please make lmme- diate psyment, is longer indulgence cannot he giveu. Wadesboro', Dee. 15, 1860-110 tf Going. " J TnE SUBSCRIBER DESIGNS LEAVING THE County iu February next. (1S61,) and would re specially ask all person iudebted to him, either by Note or account, to" settle the ume BOON. , He hpca none wi'i'l As netrligcnt, a he would regret very much to have to luave bis bueiness in ibe bands of an agmt or ojjiciT ' Compliance with the above will much oblige i--t . J. 4. IVi. Ity Those indebted to J. J. COX, as Administra tor of JOHN PRATT, deceased, miul siihe saiirfac- lory arranjtmtiiti toon ooontr eooncti. Lilesville, n. C, Ueo. lo, louU-I13-tf Gould's Fork Academy. riHE .THIRD SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL WILL r coumencion Monday. 7th of January, lwil. The rate ef Tuition rangt from $12 to $20 par session of twenty weeks. . - All bill arc dot it the evd of each term: and tui ttoa will-fw-chsrged ,roi ths date of enuring 'wotil the end of the term, except ia eases tf protracted ill ness. r . Board eaa be kad ia ths neighborhood at $3 per lOntb. Students win bs prepared at this school for th Freshmta or 8 op homer class ia any of our arat slaas Colleee. or for ths ordinary husiueiee of life- . Although triot awaliry baa bee insisted a alt th time, yet more atraou efforts will b mad ta ivnteafa anoral and eilirtHKiaa Biauoiclaa. It it MrrlKKlcrfy oVstreaf (AM wax: rftal 4 I I tht tpmittf tf the IIS4J JO JOHN C. fcteHrCaUN, Fyirctpd. 11 I1 2 CST CURE NervousHeadache CURE .f tj tl,e u-e of tbrre Pills the periodic etticlta' of AVroii or Skk lltadmht may b prevented;" ind It' tskenil the. connnonci menl of an attack linmedlatu relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seld, m.fnil in removing the Xauua aud Heed' aekt to which females are to eul ject. They ict gently upon tbe bowels, removing Cfir Keli. , . For Literary Men. S'ndnH, Dalles te Female., and all person of tedenlun h;tiiii, they nr Viiluabl I a Laxative, improving the appviiu. giving funs and vigor lo the digestive organ, and motoring tlicatutural elas ticity and strength cf ti.e whole system,. The CEPHALIC I'lLLS are the result of long la veet'pttii.n and earufully conducted einerimente, hav ing been in use many year, during which time the;' hav prevented and relieved a vast amount of puis and sufft'1 Ing from bendncbe, whether originating iu the anrofi ;rsttn or fionia deranged tltc ol tb Ho mat . .- They re entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be taken ut all lime with perfect safety without making any change f diet, jiui tic eOiaice if any die- ogrceulilclattc rtr.deit it ejrj to ailminiiler Um tt ehil- dm. ' - 'BEWARE OF COfNTERFEITIM The gennii.a have Svc signature, of Usury C. Spald ing on ach box. - ' Sold by Druggists and all other dealer in Medicine. A box will be sent by in til ri pal l ou receipt of tb Prlca 45 Out. A'l order should bo a.idies-ed to HEXItYCNPALDIVfl. 4H Cedar Strait, New Yurk. THE FOLLOWISO ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S Ci:iII.lJLlC FILLS -JULL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE ......,. THAT A : SPEEDY AXD StUE CIHE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH., A. these testimonials were unsolicited hy Mr. ?DalJ- ingiJ.hiyjifrordunque,-tiouab of this truly tcieutiuc discoytry: y , Maso.xvii i.i, Conn., Feb. 6, 1861. Mr. SpaldirgSir: I Lava tried j our Ccchalie Pills.' and I like them to well that I wint you to stud me two dollars worth more. Part of theso. are for tha neighbors, to whom I ray a few out of the fi st box I got from yon. Send the Pills bv n-V.l, and obi in your obedient bei vaut, ' JAMES KENNEDY. HAVi-aronn, Pa., Feb. 6, 1861. t e IJt o:... t l - . more box of your Crpbulio Piils. I hsve received a great loul of benefit from ihera. Yours, respectfully, , .. Si-lltV A3 5TUIKH0USE. ErncCE Cbeek, Huntington oo., Pa., Jaqukry 18, lfCl. f . IT. C. Spalding Sir: You will' pltac tend mttwo boxesof your Cephalic Pi'.;s. iicuJ thtm immediately. Respectfully yours, JNO. B..S1MO.VS. . P. S. I have ucod cno box bf your Pill;, and find them excellent. Bu.ir Vbrboh, Ohio, Jatf. IS, 1881. Hsnry C. Sjral l ug. Esq : Pleas find enelosed twenty-five cents, fur which send me toolbar box of your Ccpl.ilio I'i'.l.'. Tbey u:o truly the be.t Pill I hav tvrtiicJ. V'Yt. A. S roVER. P. M., Ltile Vernon, ItyriLdotiy county, 0. BlVEIlLT, M:lts., Dcfl. JI, ISIiO. H. C. Spalding; E-q.: I with for som circulars or large show bills to bring ycur Cephalic PIHs morepar licu arly before ray custom' . If you bar anything 'oMhe kind please send to me, Or e of my cust-iniers, v lio is suhject to severe Sick Headache, tutu-iKy lust ing. two days.) was cured cf tin attack in one hour by your Pills, vihioh I tei.t her. P.tspectfully yours, W.B.WILKES. ' ' 1 RLTXOtDsaiFO, Frtr.Ul!n en.. Obio.l January 9, 1861. . Henry C. fpalding. No. 4R Cjdar St , N. Y : Dear Sir: Incloied find tvtrntv five cell' (2o.) for ahh-h send bo-iOpblie VW."J S. nd to address - ot Her. m. U. r liter, rieynolurburg, Frnnklm coun ty, Ohio. Your Pills work like a charm cure Ucsd ucbea!niOBt iuiUutev. Truly yours, 1 " ' . . WM. C. FILLER. Ypsilasti, Mich., Jan. 14, ISol. Jlr. Spalding Sn- Jiot loi g since I sent to you for " a box of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous -Headaohe and Cosriveness, and received tbeamo,and they bad to good nn t Sect that I was induced to send for wore. Please scud by retui n mail. Direct to A R. WHEELER, . , v J . Tpiiisnti,. Michigan ' From the Examiner, Norfolk, Vs. --Cephalic rills luicompliah Ihe oljecf for which they--were made, viz; Cur of headache in nil it form Tbey have been tested in more than a tbe a- stud ct.es with entire rucces, Frnni the Dim-wist. St. Cloud, Minn. ' If you are or have been troubled with the headache, eedd for a box, (Cephalic Pi!!,) so that you may have mem in case oi an attack. From tbe Adveiliser, Providence, R. I. The Cephalic Pills nrtsid to be a remarkably ef fective pemedy for tb headache, tnd one of tbe very bast for that very frequent complaint which baa ever -beea discovered. (from tho West'n R.R.'GaiLttc, Chi, ago, III. ' We heartily endorse jlr. SpalJiug, and hit unrivaled Copbalic ViU. - - From tie Valley Star, Kanawha, Vs. We arc tur that person suffering with, the head ache, ho try them, will stick to theiu. . Prom the South'n Path Finder, N. Orleans, La. Try them! va i tiiit ar efflicted, and as ai sun tht your testimony can be added to the already num erous list that hi received bcmtlu that as stbr aed ricc can prouuoc. .,,!;, Proa, the Ct. Loui Democrat. . Tb inimecie demand tur tht article (CephaUo Pill) is inpid'y iiicreasitig. - From tb Gazette, Drrport, Ljwa.V Jlr. Spalding would not counect b nam with U article he did not knoic to passes real merits .From the Commercial, Cincinnati, Ohio. SuiFerinir humanity ftin star bt relievest. ' ' US A.t!ngle bottle of SPALDINa'8 PREPAECD utUE trilt-earo ten times its coJt annually." spalding's prepared gujel .x. ' spalding's pkei'ared clue! silding-s Prepared glpei 6 AVE' THE PIECESf 'V- ' . . . - ECONOMY! . DISPATCH! "" grj ''A STrrca tTiat avb snit.""vgg As accidenrs will happen, even ia well regulated families, it is very desirable to bay som ebaao aad ' convenient .way fur repairing Furniture, Toys, Creek-, cry, tot SPALDING'S PREPARED QLTJE meet all such emergencies, and no household eaa af ford to be without it. It is always rady,"tod up lo the nicking point. . . ' . - ' VSEfUL IN BVERY BOVSI." -; J N. C A bruah (ocompanka each botU. Fries S jna S.Wmm HEKBtC SPALDING, . ' jr0-18 cj. itrcat, Ksw York, . . 'ft CAUTION. ' '''.'. At eertalo. unprincipled peniovj are aataaiBtim ta palm slf ea tha aasaapeailag paklls isitatiaaf say PREPARED CLUK. 1 would sautjaa. aU fasrawoa- ssaain )ef.r Vnrchid"lt. aa-1 aee that tb full asms, - ' 'ef.ljlji irni atri tji. I',' rw k savlsU erraaipsr; ait sh.s r BwtiiaaTasl - eaattyfelta, UMt- AT Am 4 M -1 i-s, X

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