! , r r s t N -.rn (J- 1 1 .. I" s m ... ;. ' 3 ' T" ''; ' J ! WU0LEN0.Ha - n - - i -. ' i .n ' ! r PUBLISHED WEEKLY TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION'. , Single copies, Two Doiaaxs per yearlnverlefry in ' RATES OF ADVERTISINO. ' Oil SQUABS, TS Ul OK USS f KITIBK. Oil iosertlon ........... ... mm ... ' 70c. innertioni A..o Two months, or lne insertiont... 8 80 . Thrt months, Of thlrtttu insortions...... 4 00 Six BIOBih' G 00 f Wi - , i..isi4 mnit ittti thm nnmbsr of timtfl thft I 111 TV I Vv " " ' " " . Kid their nateruseraenw insvrwa y owirwwf wvj I, ill t eonuaata UU loroiaaen, im onarjeu ocoru v to the boT. : V',:- Aieements will be nads with' jetjlj advertisers lit liorsl ana naTMpi - Obitwry Botiees fr wnn bo exceeding iwcwy in; tit sboT twenty lines at adrertlsement rates. Ei Hutchinson, .Tvri imcnfAPTITIlEIl. IS STILL AT HIS II ) old iUnd.-ready to execute all orders in bis Mm. T COFFINS ready aads, &o. : 17-1 y 5 saddle and Harney Maker. I tare all work In the aboto line that may be or- fcred of him. Repaim also neatly and expeditlonsiy Order solicited, not only from hi old costom tn, but f roa new ones. 107-ly Gin Repairing. tiks TIIREADGILL. WILL. AT ALL TIMES, .1 .11 rrnain that GiQS 01 T BSed. He Will pat r part NEW that way bo roqnired. Orders left it E. Hatehinsoa. 8 voioe oaop, wn vm . Be also has oa hand s lot or Ain to iril or trade. 0-'7 FIPSDRYISD MlOniSB WORKS, '8MMSDUiirt .r. 47. FRERCKS & RAEDER, CTXKSStfS TO X. BOTDE SOS, lf.nnfaf tarer of 1 1CRICCLTCRAL IMPLEMENTS, CULTIVATORS, PL0W8. CORS-SHELLCIW. Bitu-euwwB, HORSE POWERS. THRESHERS, IIIRESUiNG, SEPARATING AND CLEANING MACHINES, i nriER AD SUGAR MILLS. ' SHAFTING AND MACHINERY FOR GRIST, CIR- CCLAR AND VERTICAL SAW MILLS, UULU, COPPER AND SILVER MINES. DR. E. O. ELLIOTT'S PATENT MCLAT SAW ilf.f. A Nil WATER.W HEELS. IRON AND BRASS CASTIXG8. FORCING8. AND riSUJHED WORK OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. TOBACCO PRESSESAND FIXTURES, AND OTHER KINDS OF MACHINERY, REPAIRED AT 112 SHORT NOTICE. ly Gould's Fork Academy. THE THIRD SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL WILL emmeiicooa Monday, 7tb of Jnory, 1861. The rtte ftf tuition raote from $12 to $20 per session of twenty weeks. :" in k;ti. .M Ana at (k end of each terra, and tii- iliri-eehi;dVrflnrili dM of-enteriftK nntil I . Af AJ 111 eod of tne term, exeepi id case n proirKiw W9. ' . '' r" ''" ''f'' Bord can be bad in neighborhood at $3 per "nth. ' - : :, gtuJents wi'.l bo prepared at this rcbool for the Pre-hmtn or Scphomoro elas in any of oor first class CoiVjeii, or fr the ordinary hostoesxes of life. '-. Altboogh strict morality has been iasitted on all th time, yet more strenooos efforts will bo made to SwtilMte moral and cbriftian principles. V ' - It u particularly Jetirtd thai tack pupil jrrttent at (ke ntming of th 1m. . 118 43 JOHN C. McLAUCHLINj Principal. WSewing Machines. THE UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR THE PtllWESITKU AD CAJIDELL inriffi nirnfVr.1. the best in e for FAMILY and PLANTATION PURPOSES. Theymy be teen at the Cheraw Carriage Factory, opoosite Moore's Hotel. 90-tf A. RACE. hi. x. ctAkc "..";. - b. lrmujioTOB -CLAnBtllllLWGTOSrjY Commftilors JtferthanU, WILMINGTON, N. C, ; . ' TITILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ALL IT- eonsignaents of -COTTON j NAVAL STORES, FLOUR BACON, TIM- ;',-'. BER, Ac, Ac, Mi other Country Prodneo, either for sale or shlp . Btot. ---- ! , w Dor Wharf sod Warehouses being eontenjently lo eated for the reception of prod ace either by Railroad f River, enabke as to tnako oar charges light Also, rejular dealers in 'I,' - LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, . Refer to H. A. 8arsge, Cashier Bank of Capo Foaiy Wi',mln w n . Ttkn n.wBAB. PnullBt Wilioine. 'lot BriBck runkftf N. C.t W. H. Jones. Cashier Ral- i , e onoca Daa oi ap cear, . i . i'Ofemoer lo, iew-w-iy FROM THE ANSON GUARD.' Corrocpoadtaos of tho North Carolina Argoi.) . " Ml , Balxich, May 8, 1861. ! Bert ws are, all right, wll and cheerful, after rather fatiguing ride from Florence, 'direet, stgpptng only a coople of hours taoh at Wilmington and Golds- boro. yx': ' ' .X1 : 1 After parting from our many friends who followed us to the outskirts of town on Tuesday morning last, tho boys were soon making rapid progress on tho road to Cheraw. Along tho road several different squads of friends of members of the company had taken position to sen tho company piss, and take leave of their friends. At half past ono o'clock, we met at the renderous near Cheraw, tho toll gate, ono mile from that town, from which point we were escorted into town and through tho principal strtets to the depot, by citiiena of Cheraw, preceded by fife and drum. Previous to our moving, however, W.J. Verten, on tho part of tho eltixens, welcomed the Guard to Che raw, and was responded to by CapL Hall, on the part of the. company.. Gen. A. J. Dargan, who was present, was called upon at the close of Capt. Hall's response and delivered a few brief and appropriate remarks. , - At the Depot, before the citiiens left as, wo. had speaking, in response to calls, from W. M. Hammond and B. T. Bennett, of eampnoy Drr Uarlee, of An son,' and Gen. Harrington, of Richmond. ho OTening trains having left, we were obliged to remain orer to 8 o'clock nest morning, and tho depot beirg put to our use, wo soon transformed it Into a military camp Next morning, before going aboard tho ears, tho bono company and tho tro company, (the datter drilled as military,) of Cheraw, toodercd as aa escort which was aeeeptod; and wo were oaeo more paraded through tho streets of tho town, and returned to tho Depot at tho kour of starting, where we took a hearty farewell of tho friends who accompanied us to Cheraw. Wo wero none too soon for tho boys In getting off, for their Impatience to bo moring manifestly chafed them. At Florenco we saw, while waiting there to take the train at 8 p. m., ttsny representatives of military companies South, who wero folio wing or, preceding thtir comrades t the seat of war. Oa getting oa board of the ears at night, we found them much crowded, there being on board a company from Japer county, Oa., with all their camp ouippago, proceed ing on to tho camp at Richmond, Va." They were a fine looking set of men, and seemed to be anilous for aerviee. Forte miles from Wilmington, several friends , formerly eitlsens of Anson, Joined us. Tbeyhad just arrived in the up train from Wilmington, and bad corns up for the purpose of having as much tims with us as froroble. At Wilmington, wo found another company tho Lafayette Light Infantry, from Fay ettetrille, waiting to come op here on the same train that wo wero to come In. This was also a Boo looking i t of men, In full uniform, and hating with them lotto Grays, Thomaeville Rifles, Granville prays, and Cpt&bus Guards, which, under orders dated the 20th ttU.'Wdlnottd to leaea hero on Monday next for Richmond, refuse, for some cause or other ,to go out of tho State. They are wlUiog, however, to do any doty required of them iu the State. . , " The general impression here to-night Is, that there will bo hot work in Virginia, and Maryland before long. The Yankees of the Tribune Icbool threaten a war of extermination against the citlxens ofA those two States, and after they hare accomplished their bloody work, to divide the land among tho executioners. I do not think North Carolina will stand Idle and see tho work done; tf she should, bow long would It bo befort her fate would bo theirs. Tho war should bo carried as far from th Southern States as possible. The men of the John Brown class should be kept at homo instead of being allowed to follow in the Wake of an army of subjogation. s 5 V The Adjotant General's management gives jgroat dissatisfaction. He will shortly be superseded ljy a Military Board of experienced officers. If any ono thinks that there is not anything serious going on. he should take atrip on tho railroads of this State, and see tho different styles of uniform represented. Thert Is almost every style thstcaa be imarlntd. indlcitlaz that there is force abroad. . Some m s art constantly coming to .and goinf from this place, others are moving on to the forts, or to Virginia. Among others I saw to-day a Zouaeo la fall dress. I am much pleased with It Whether there is a full com pany or not in tho neighborhood I bare not learned. Among other arms of the service drilling at the AK their camp oqutpptge and everything necessary to take the field immediately excepting ooo requisite drill - ' As the company has been quite reeeotly ndJed to by a number of perons who have takeo no part in mlliUrr matters beretofcre, tbey Uck drill, which they will soon get under Msjor IUI, of Charlotte Military Institute, who has charge of the drilling at the camp, located at the Fair. Oroond. . At the camp, I undersuna inero are some two iqubi troops, who, under MJor Hill, are rapidly becoming well drilled edSdiers. We, for the present, are qonr. tered at the Court-House, there bWog no room fur us on the camp groand in tho buildings, and not having tents with us: and to-morrow, we aaticltato moving on to Weldon, to remain for a few dsys for drill, and from thence to Richmond, Va. We do not expect to move to the latter point, ho wever, until we are fully equipped and get our tents, &c. I understand that camps are to be formed at Wel don at which point there is now but ono company at Newbern, at Charlotte, and perhaps at one other point ia the west. Since wo left home we have had several additions to the companyone' at Florenoe-Slbley, formerly of Anson; Robot t Lilly, formerly or Stanly, but late, or Robeson, and Mr. Morrison, from Robeson, at Wil mington, and Mr. fromJUbeso were : waiting for us here. We anticipate several more additions before we lease the State. 3 ; , I bare mentioned that thert are about two thousand troops at the Fair Ground. In addition, there are sereral companies distributed orer the town some va bnndred or so. One company of tba number, numbering eighty-four men, came in to-day from Davie county, and will more down to-morrow with us to Weldon. An election was bold tsrday at the camp ground for Colonel of the First Regiment, and the choice fell on Major Hill. But I understand be has declined the office.. I understand also, that the First Reziment. which bss been drilling at the camp groand fur some time pest, composed of the Orange Light lo- fantry, Warrenten Guards, HornoU' Nest Rifiemen, Enfield Blu Lumberton Oaurds, Poplin Wfl camp ground, Is a company of Flying Artillery though recently formed, I learn tbey already show great efficiency. None but picked saea are allowed to enter it. Lieut Ramsoor is la command. There is a great rush for appointmeate from tho Gorernor to faaey branches of the eervloe for berths as aids, to. Ia the medical department there are ever eight hundred applications . 1 bad hoped to have been able to have gone over to-djy to see the drilling at the camp ground, but duty has prevented, and, aa wt have orders to be prepared to leave by six In the morning, I shall sot have aa opportunity before we leave. I understand the drilling is very ptrfeot 8. W. Cole, Esq., Col. J, C, Caraway, Dr. W. 8. Kendall and Rev.W. C, Power, bate accompanied us thai far, and all. will probably go oa to-morrow to Weldoa with us. , Tbey hate done and are doing much to make us comfortable. . Tell our friends, until otherwise .notified, to direct their favors to Weldon, to the care of W, M; Hammond Quartermaster of Anson Guard. D. JVeyl, IP61. Contrary to my expectations when I closed my letter last night, I am still here, on special duty. The company, left this morning, as I stated in-ay last they would, for Weldon. aod very glad to get away. Their treatment by the authorities that bef especially the Adjutant Oeneral, has not been what it should be. We were told, you are aware, to make no prepara tion, ether than fatigue dresses and a few days' pro visions,, as every thing would be In readiness here to make us cottifurUble. When we landed at the Depot here, an order was awaiting us !o go on to Wei inn. Tired and fatigued as we were, it was unanimously voted by 0e company that ws would toot, uatil morn ing. During the night a modification of the order came down that we need not go until to-day, if we thought proper, the Adjutant General finding out that we were still gentlemen, and had yet a voice as to our own welfare. While lying iu quarters here, we have had some emuslog times, some one or two origin ais helping to make it so. This morning, I under stand, for I was not at the Depot when the boys left, one of them, just before the cars started, sold the city of Raleigh at puhlio auction to the highest bidder at forty cents, and the Adjutant General at fifteen. A U'ge crowd was at the Depot, and the joke was highly reliehed. I mentioned In my last letter that the Ad JoUat General's management was giving great dissat, UImUou.; This dissatisfaction Is nut only manifested by the volunteers, but the Legislature baa hold. of him, and he has been pretty roughly handled by some of the members. As I Intimated, he will probably be superseded by the establishment of a Military Board, wid such man on It as Major Hill and CoL Tew, men who are up to the requirements of the times. . As an evldenos of Mayor Hill's popularity among the vol unteers, I would instance his unanimous election to the coloneloy of the First Regiment, by the men he has been for a week past severely drilling. At the camp ground (the Fair Ground) men are quartered la stables, stalls, and any where where they can be stowed away. One Individual who occupies the quarters of the prise ex on exhibition at the last fair, goes by the aame of that animal. ' The boys, last night, made up quite a handsome lum to procure a testimonial to be presented to Mrs. McN., the wife of one of our comrades who Is en here with bim, who has done much to alleviate their eonJi reason to complain of their treatment, but for all that they are cheerful and teemed dlspossd to put np wita almost everything for the sake of being of some, service to their country. : ... r ;v' ; .-.iVi, -,; a;; . If we go on to Virginia, as It seem probable we will do, some few of the members of the company feel that they will be placed in an awkward predicament,. Tbey -are under promise to relatives and friends that they " woold not leave the 8tate for service; but if the i war is to be kept away from our bordsrs, how can they help going, If they art ordered? and are nxlout, at the same time, to do "the 8tate some serviee.". , Be sides, we all feel that It is absolutely necessary for the safety of our mothers, sisters, , wives and children, that not a Yankee foot should be allowed to pollute the soil of the 01d North State.0 How is it to be done, then, unless they are kept busy, ss faraway from the State'e limits as possible? Shall we alt idle and allow Virg'nla to fight our battles; for, In fighting for her own safety, she would be fighting for ours as well. If Virginia Is allowed to be subjugated, and her citizens exterminated, North Carolina must follow. Maryland, Is under the yoke, with the feet of a despot pressing her down. Shall we sit idle and see that, too? I hope not. It would be well for those who have exacted the promises Intimated, to release their friends from them. 8. wTCole, Esq. , did not go oa to Welioa tilt morn Ing with the company as I stated be would." He re mains over here a few dsys, to stir up the circumlo cution office to have the men thoroughly equipped and furnished with camp equlppage at soon as possible. Jvey 6. Ibed proposed finishing this letter yes terday, and sending it off Isst night; but circumstances -interfered, and notwithstanding it is8unday, I will close it to diy and dispatch it this evening, knowing' bow anxious our friends at home are to hear from us. I csnnot, bowsver, ia this, give any. farther Informa tion of the boys. I hope to do so after Tuesday, when I expect to join them, end regularly oa, after that, until our mission is fulfilled, or I am taken off either by disease or the'favors' tf the enemy. What I have further to say, it only from rumors and thsy tayt' afloat here. . "t ... ... , la the first plate, some interest was created jester day by the House of Commons going into secret act slot," and although tbe seal of secrecy hat Bot yet been removed, I learn no business of importance was trans acted. Ia the First Regiment, at the camp ground, there iea eempaay commanded, by a Presbyterian Minister. The First Regiment, alter all, and contrary to first reports, will move oa to Richmond to-morrow. .There is a report in town thst Alexandria it to be or waa attacked by the Lineolnltec to -day. There is, by the way, drilling la town, a company of Lime bike who are expecting to do tome service for the 8outh. . Thereto n proposition to change the name of the county from whence they eome, to Stevens, and its county seat's name to Stevensville. This company until ours came was said to lave been the finest look ing aod largest men, on the average, of any that bad arrived here. Bat the company which came ia from Davie on Friday afternoon, and moved oa wita oar eompany to Weldon yesterday, now takes, it is said, the front rank. They art all tout and hardy looking men, just from the plow, and the envil eaea it it eUimed,-who could sp t a Yankee npon their bayonets, -and think it child 'e play to carry him at (ishoulder trmS,M. ' Jt VU:',,,: : ) There is some talk of ehsoging the placet for drill ing. Inetead of forming the volunteers into eampt, aa at present, those of each county, will assemble at their respective county seats for tea days, under the charge of experienced drillmasters, aad while drilling, every arrangement can be made necessary for moving off to whatever point tbey may be needed at th earliest moment after being drilled. It it claimed by those who propose this change, that the present -camp sys tem l very expensive, while under bad management somewhere there is great suffering by exposure, and in preparation of, foud. It la a wonder I think, that the volunteers are doiog at well at tbey are under the circumstances. It bs been but' a week or so since the troops were called into the field, aad when the Stete authorities, only a few days before, found it necessary to commence operations to equip these. Never deem ing the circumstances to transpire that now afflict ut, the State, like others, bus never made arrangements fof putting an army In the field at short notice. . There Is a disposition, oa tho part of some belag manifestted to pat provisions at panio figures. 1 his tbouloVaotbe. It looks like speculating upon the no oesstietef the U'.e, aod Is unpatriotic. There ia any quantity of bacon in the western countiet, as also flour and grain, with a good prospect this season. Tell til to be tare and plant plenty of com corn ' rsther than cotton.-1 Before I close I would say to those engaged ia the " lsathsr and shoe business, to push on and extend thtir operations. The shoes the volunteers are equipped wi ere principally Yankee shoot, and will not fast three months, with anything like ordinary service, and. the stock, I spprehend, must be by this tims pretty well exhausted. It requires a particular kind f,shoe for army service-neither too heavy or too light At- ' tsntloa should be paid to joining the quarters and vamprthst the eyes do not rub or wound the soldiers' rest. Let all who can. join in the manufacture of the kind of ahoee Indicated. Thev witl be needed. Tha tioa and make them comor mble. "They bave muehJfslstartsxpeflU to adjourn on W

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