i .-. . .A - ... - -. - . i mm , i 1 - ' i i i - - III - 1 - fiPAlN-OUR BECOQITION Oar readert will recollect IKat t week ago w published $ tcVi?Mo:Iiplch to the effecl fliat Spain' bad foro.U reooSnxe4 tht independent of the Confederate States Thii" information it eeuie, tu derived from th captain oi t towel, who attempted 'unsuccessfully to run the block de t Tampa, an1 who, to prevent his .teasel from falling into "theliands of lbs enemy, was compelled to How berp d make hie escape in lamallboat. , 1 V.':.';' ' V ' Thia ctptaio passed through here a few day rioce, and bad U hia. possession a CadU (Spain) Spanish toerniuenv ma wur vuuimwiv..., . -n .. -.. rtnr.it .. Madrid as the iepreaenUtife of the Confederate States Goern ..j k rVimmiuinner bad been accrea- mew, u - - . , .-. Ued to etr QoTernaent, tod was now on am way fcither. ier . . .. ''a . j. r..!ka hil tm correct. lana tbere art rronj-gr(Mitdi for belieiiag it to be ao, m the pr wferaed to vat tranalated by Prof. Tncket, f onr Acadetay,) it ia of Vaat ioporUaoe ... .;n MiU ur nri&teri to aTail tthemselea ef vn 8pawb porta, for adjudication nlft rfiLtine ana ob ftaiBMir euppliea for faitberi operationa agaioat X cmy. 'Bat faloro tll tbU, it will cfi dence to cold and bewde&a Kngland, and aelab tod politic France, Uat there are hearts that not onlt beat In uniaon with onr owo in onr jrea atrole for intkpendence, but bate the national inanlfaees to aow 'that feeling ; No doobt thia friendly action, inTolfiop as it "doei great repntbily on the part of Spam, will 00 prvnoiij -pp. w.-.v- -j - aa noleas uuctioved by England ad Franee, may embroil br in a war with Lincoln bat ootwitb eumKng the iUuaee tt which ihi td latlet Got ernmeota baTO stood from us, tbeie la good rea oa to hope they wWi tbey did io ber Mexi can eabroglio, auod by Spaio in thia matter, gtfiwy Fla.yDupatcki JJay 17th. MOOUTIoSsCOSCMtSISO SUBSTITUTES 15 THE ARMY. -r WA DCPARTHKNTf Jlw. xno Intttcton. Oes'ls Ornoc, JUcbtuond. April 20, IbU2.., ditmmral Order AW 20. 1. The following Kegnlationa concerting ab .atitott in tbe Army, are published by direction ,of tlieSacrcUry of Var. 1. Any noo'commiuioned officer or soldier not indebted to. the tfoternmcnt, who wisbea to pro. .cure a mltitute, may obtain Yrum bis Captain a .permit for tbo proposed subetitute to" report bim ' aelf at the Camp of tbe Company for examina tion ; and each permUeaall operat aa a f.ajsport but shall not entitlo tbe boldor to traosjortation at the expense of tbe CToronnt. .- 2. If tho subJitta Le xompt from wilitary ""-"duty, "d on e x ami nation by a So rgcon or A aaiat ant Saryeon of the Army be pronounced sound, and in all respect fit forsiuKiary serrioe, be shall be enrvlled and mustered into acrrice for three years solesa tbe war sooner terminate ; and the non commissioned officer or aolJicr procuring bim eball-thereupon '-bo duehsrgdrbuiahall-iot bo entitled to transportation at the expense of tbe Government. . 8. If a bon commiuioned officer or a oldier dis charged by reason of a substitute, be indebted to the OoTfrornent. the officer granting tho d is v: charge ahall bo liable for the debt 4. All pay and allwanceadae to tbe non com miuioiied officer or aoldier discharged, shall go to tbe aubalitute at the next pay day. . 6. Substitution tball not exceed one per month in each Company, and shall be noted in tbe next morning report muster' roll and monthly retain. II. Wben any person liable to military duty under tbe Act of Congress, but not mustered in to serrice in any company, deeiree to furnish ja ooba;itote, be aball report himself with the substi. tute to tiie Commandant of a Camp of Inst rue , tion for reoruita raised under tbe said act; and if the substitute be lawfully exempt from military - duty, and on examination by a Burgeon or Assist not Surgeon, be pronounced sound and in all rea peeta fit for military serrice, he may be accepted, and enrolled, and the person famishing such sub- i fUtute may be dlaebargedy the Commandant of the Camp But no substitute ahall be, entitled to ' transportation or other allowance at the expense of the OoTeroraent, until ao accepted and enrolled, z I III. On the roorganiiatioo of new Companies . 1 from Companies already in service, and the elec- ition eonsequenl thereon of officers, according to existing lawa, the commissions of such of the officers of foi mar Companies aa may not bo re- elected wULnfwarUy erpireind they will cease to be in serrice from the date of reorganixation and election ' IV. S. COOPBRt . , Adj'tand Inspector General. Salt. We: harereceired (aaya the Charles Vion Courier,) a specimen of fine Table Salt of superior, quality, manufactured at Chisolm's Mill, foot of Tradd street. The proprietors are supplying the wants of its patrons and the public At the very moderate price of 15 per bushel. We are gratified to 'learn that it is their intention to furnish it at tbe abota price, and. plsce it within "the means of all to turchsM any quantity, large or smtu. e wouia taviae oosa miaresiea ana 4 in 'waoHf-rcoodAni at the sima time cbeap at- -kit 'tinirtt iitnvi. Amendatory of to Ordinance foTsisVNoTtb Car ' . olioa's quots, of . Confederate Troops, passed ; andratified February J9tJk, J862. , 1, Bs It erdalaad by the delegates tf the peojk er Kotth Carolina la Coaventioa aaeembUd, and it U krbj erdaload hj tbe authority of tha same, That aader the stventh section of aa 4 ofdloance to raise North Carolina's quota of Confederata Troops," tbe bounty to prirates, anasiciafts and aon-commissionsd offiotrs, shall bo paid as follow I To all volanteers bo twoon eighteen and tbirty-fiveytars of ago, for 8 yoara or the war, ineladlng those accepted direetiy. by the Confedvrato Government wbero North , Carolina is ar may bo credited for tho aatue ; to all volaateers be twejro!gbteti and n tblrty-tve-yeara - age, -for a lota term re-enlistlng or continuing la serrice for three years or tbe war, ineladlng their former term, by vlrtae of the Conscription Aet ef CongTMr;and to all pet sobs, sabstitotes excepted, mustered into eompa. nies already organised or organised into companies pre paratory U aetive aerviea by virtue of said aet of Coo greM: WoW, hwt9rt That the officers of all voU nteers directly to the Confederate Government, claim tag the said bounty, shall make snob returns as the Governor may require. 2. Be it farther ordained that the bounty to those men now ia service ahall be dae presently and be paid aeeordiog to seniority of regiment. Z. Belt further ordained, That the Governor be and he is hereby directed to discharge all volanteers over tblr-ty-ive ycrs of ejenot yet transferred to tbe Confed erate Government, that mity desire a disebi2. - 4. Do it further ordained, That all volanteers for three years or the war that have or may volunteer before the 17th of this iastant, a ad shall continue ia tbe ser vice for the war, shall be entitled to tbe bounty of fifty dollars as heretofore paid, althoagb they may be over thirty-five yearaof age. ( , . , ' ( ; Aat Justices of thi Pxack Eximpts un bxr mi Coascniprnow Law? A friend at Stantoosburg asks us eays tbe Raleigh" Standard whether Justices of the Peace are considered "Judicial offipera," under the Conscription law. We are inclined to the opinion tbst'Jostices of tbe Peace, are not "Judicial officers" io tbe sense meant by tbe Congress. Their jurisdiction. i. Iocs, and they are merely conservators of the peace in their respective neighborhoods. Tbe great body of them bare no atated or regular datieate perform; bat, io many Counties, there are Justices who constitute a special Court, wbo are County Court Judges, end it may be as they bare duties to perform at stated and regular pe riods, that tbey are exempts. .We suppose there are from four to five thousand Justices in this State, of whom, perbsps, two thousand are con scripts. It could hardly have been the intenticn of Congress to exempt so large a body of men from the Operation of the act. t We will add that we have, given' this opinion sftcr having consulted eminent lawyers on the subject. ' ; .:. . ' - - NAVr Beans. The Richmond Whig urges tho farmers to plant navy beans for the army. It is a good idea and will be a plrofitablecrop. "Wbite beans, bo'miny beans, or navy beaos bj whatever nam known, is a good article of diet for oof army, lod jbould be produced in large quanities. We understand it ia the intention of Presi dent Davis to lesd an army against tbe hosts in vesting Richmond, and that be baa declared its streets shaJlftiftblopd before bo jields j LMay God be with bim Ral, State Journal. Servid uim Rioht. Denby, the traitor wbo endavored to cut off the retreat of the 4 1st Vir ginia Regiment from Sewell's Point by setting fire to tho Indian Pole Bridge, was captured and bnng to the nearest tree, without judge or jury. Served bim right. He was formerly a member of Doyle'a foow Cooper'a) Cavalry, but deserted several months ago, and preceded the enemy'a advance from Ocean View, the other day, to guide tbem by the nearest and best route. ; N . GUEftlLLAS At"wiRK. Oar guerrilla bands in Northwestern Virginia have been doing good work. Tbey made, a few days since, a descent on Sumtnerville, the county seat of Nicholas county, drove out the Vatkees, taking e number of prisoners and capturing their baggage ana stores They then surrounded the town of Suttoosville, the. county seat of Braxton county. The Yan kees sent out a flag of truce and surrendered un conditionally. ' The guerrinaa took 142 prisoners and all their stores and baggage. - Our men then followed up and took tbe enemy'a stronghold on Cheat Mountain, capturing a Dum bcr of prisoners, together with. all the baggage, AndL.put:,thQ re flight. These latter were met by Milroy's Federal army, who," followed byJackwnr,-weTe-on-tbeir Way to Cheat Mountain, and reported that loudi ty to be occupied by ten thousand desperadoes. Milroy thereupon stopped, and was attacked by General Jackson, who captured all bis trains and touted his whole Jfproe --fcAmo(f Examiners Strange. -While the Yankee gun boats were in James River, it Is stated that tbe' government sent down to Old Point - 800 Tsnkee prisoners in -the - Cnrti8 Peck, to be ' oxobanged. - This looks like intimatingtto the enemy that the way to IiiebmQni:wiso?aj3Q: Jkti'lVtt joieV to l?a ra v that our woend ;d priaoa era by lbo BaowNXOW. It seems that this traitor parson does not altogetbsr suit, tbe Abolitionists at the North. Garrison's Boston Liberator thus speaks of bim; , : ., . ; ., ( .' . : 'A more coarse-minded rulgar, abusive, pugilis tie disnntant. it would be difScult to find. , It is something to his credit, under sucb trying , cir- camsUnces, tbst bo retnsea to piay me trauor , but this makea bim neither a gentleman nor Christian. . ' ; ' ' Col. Vanci KOT a BaiOADiER. A week ago, upon what we considered good authority, sustained too by general rumor intbe City,jre announced "that Colonel Z. B."Vancebid been appointed Brigadier General by President Davis. We afterwards heard that Col. M. S, Stokes W also been appointed a Brigadier. , . . . Col. Vance waa in the City on Friday last, and assured us that the rumor was unfounded. Be was on bis way" to .RicLmond to complete the ar rangements for bis Legion.' We learn that 40 com panies have tendered theirservic.es to bim to join bis Legion. Ral. Standard. - - ' If your lips would keep from slips, . -Five things observe with care ' , Of whom you speak, to whom you speak,' 1 And how, and tehtn, and ickere. ATTENTION, "ANSON TBOOPERS." vK YOU will report in Wadesborougb, on Thi Wednesday, tbe 28th, instant, at 1 LZ-XLo'clock. Bring five day's rations. Our destination is Kittrell's Springs, forty miles Irom Bilelfh. We march across the country.' Hay 20, 18C2. 7 TTATJOHNSONrCaptr- For Sale. a BUSHELS COBN, $1 per bushel. By William ) Kendall's boy JO. The above sale is authorized by Mr. Kendall. For Sale. GOOD TWO HORSE WAGON and Harness.. Or, I will exchange for a suitable baggy. 81-8 JNO. RCSCOE. 4 Notice.' BY ORDER OF COL. KENAN COMMANDING the 43d Regiment, North Carolina Troops, I hereby command all the members of Com. K, who are absent without leave, to be' In my quarters immediate ly, or tbey will be considered deserters and dealt with accordingly. CAPT. C. H. 8TURDIVANT. P. S. Those who are no able for duty will get a certificate from a physician-and carry it before a mag istrate and get him to certify that he is a good physi cian. C. H. 8. Wilmington, May 10T 1862. - : "v Special Order. ALL THE MEMBERS OF COMPANY I OF THE 43d Regiment N. C. Troops, who are absent on furloughs or otherwise, are hereby ordered to report themselves forthwith to their company. Those who are nut able from sickness to report in person will send on a certificate of the fact, subscribed and sworn to by a phtsician and attested by a Justice of the Pence, as none but those arranged in this way will be received. . By order of THOS. S. KENAN, Col. Com'g. - . 43rd Refc't. N. C. Troops- . ' R. T. Hall, Capt. Co. I, 43rdReg't, N. C. Troops. P. S. All who intend joining this company as re-, emits will please report to the company as soon as pos sible.' By calling on a Jastice of the Peace and being sworn la and getting a certificate of the same, they will get transportation over tbe Railroad. - R. T. H. Wilmington, N. . May 6th, 1862. 180-tf V PROCLAMATION. r EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT NCr- Adjctast Gikkkal's Orrica Raleigh, AprU 28th, 1862. Gaasaat Oanaa No 6. ' A LL COMPANIES AUTHORIZED BY THE GOV J ERNOR to be raised prior to the passage of the lawknowa as the "Conscription Bill," must come to Camp Mangum, near this city, before the 17th day of May; otherwise tbey will not be received. All those not in by that time will be subject to the War Depart ment under that law, and hd better remain at' home till oriered by that Department By order of Governor Clark. Mr. Editori I wish to say a word io relation to tbo FISHER LIGHT INFANTRY. I eame kosae with the expectation of getting reef nits for my company, but find that an erroneous Impression exists in regard to tba bealik of the men. It must be remembered that left home la tbe midst of a drenching rain that we were completely soaked, and that we had ao oyports . nity to cbNge onr clothing. To this case is to be ilrlbuted much of nr sickness. There is nj local e iMse ef sickness at the Camp. Th. sick are improv-, ing, and so soon aa they recover from mumps, meas ris, &., incidental to eatqp life, the health of the company will be good probnbly better than the gen ral health of tbe people of Anson, I want recruits Better jolo my company, young1 men,' than be CON SCRIPTS to be sent yott know not where, and suffer yon know not what. We are bountifully provided with tepts,4otMng,blankets,j9odl and every thing pro-; motive of tba comfort of a soldier. J. H. COPPEDGE. Capt. Fisher Light Infantry, v Wadesboro. April 28. 1862. ' " 177-7. 179-80. J. G. MARTIN, Adjutant General. Important Notice. HAVING BEEN , COMMISSIONED BY MAJOR W. 8. ASHE, C..8. A., Agent for the collection of arms, &c, in the countjyf Anson, I beg all those Laving any of the following articles to sell, loan, or give away, to call on me immediately. ' Rifles, mus kets, double barrel shot guns, (all of which must be, in good, serviceable order,) scrap cast iron, copper and brass. I will be ioTWadesborough on' Tuesdays and Saturdays, and will be pleased to give any further in formation on the subject that may be required. " il79-82 H. W. LEDBETTER. .Guns! Guns!! A LL PERSONS HAYING DOUBLE BARREL jf. SHOTGUNS or RIFLES which they can spare, will be performing a patriotic duty by selling them to aseJ'orli.elState.ifJNorth, CaTolinia. "Tlease; bring L tbem to Wadesboro, on Thursday, Friday, and Satur dair7 the 8th, tb and 10th days of May. ' ' ' - . - WMW a. ...,......,..,... . . . wm. j. Aiuiiu, Agent, v.. N. B. The Captains of the 80th Regiment, will please give tne their assistance- W. C. 8, ; Wadesbore, May 1st, 1862. 178-70. Rally to the Ucplators.". .' fllHE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE nAPPY TO RE I CEIVE and enroll THIRTY or mora mn frotfll the good old county of Anson, as be wishes 1o inorsase tbe number of bis company to at least 125, the invi tation is therefore extended to all wishing to enlist, to-j come, and tbey will meet with a cordial reception, beT sides receiving the usual amount of bounty money. R. T. HALL, Capt. Com. I, 48d Reg't. N. C. T. t. Camp Caswell, near Raleigh, April 80th, 1862. - AICTED, 500 TO 1000 FEET OF WALN UT, from 8 to 20 inches wide and three quarters of an inch thick. It must be a good article. The highest Cash price will be'paid. J. BRUNER. Wadesboro.', April 26, 1862. 177-82. r'.j iff ' Anothie Important Appeal. The atten tion of everj man, woman and child iu tbe State J is particularly directed to the following notice. Work -liotloodj.worlcjias to be donet and the tools for its completion are needed. The country expects every one to do his or her duty. ; Every man to his post, and every weapon to those who ' To the People of North Carolina. j; AT THE REQUEST OF PRESIDENT DA YIS, have ontakeri to collect all of the anns now in the handi. of piivrte citisens of onr State," For thai purpose I li- ve len invested with authority to borrow, purchase, or .'Docesaary, to impress them. I am sat isfied tbst it wiH never be necessary to resort to the use of tbe ln-t named power, Patriots of North Caro' Una, our soil is invaded, and though we bave men en ough to ie2fJbeivaders, our men are useless noless they bave arms Upwards of 20,000 stand of arma are now lying useless in our houses; these arms should be collected and placed in the hands of our noble de fenders. None but a craven or disloyal citizen will refuse to county with tbe requisition. I will imme diately rppoint suitable agents to go through every county in 'be State, empowered to borrow, purchase, or, if neces?ary,-impress arms; but' in the meantime let me entrext all true patriots to send In all of their . muskets, rifles and double-banel shot guns (goad bad oi iuuiferent,) to the Sheriffs of the.differentcountieSj w join I do hereby autnorise to receive and pay for them igreesbly t) tbe attached schedule of prices, and diaw ou mo for the amount necessary. f or good rifles and muskets, $13 and $20 .each, ac cording to value;, good double barrel shot guns from $13 to 38, according to value; other arms and parts of aims according to valuation. 7- , - I have also beenrequested to purchajo old scrap iron, whether cast 0" wrought, and of all weights, for which I will pay io? the former 1 cents per pound; for the latter, 4 cents. W. S. ASHE. . April 2, 1862. . .175-77. niFLES Altb WOITIILE "nAItltCL SHOT OIJIKS WANTED. : .A XT PERSON HAVINO A SERVICEABLE RI JX FLE or a DOUBLE ARREL SllOT GUN, and can possibly dispose ef it, will be pa4d a Wrpriee for it by applying to u, at my resideaee, ar being pres ent with it at Wadesboro', en Thursday '.-jtiie 8th of tUjf ar4aa Eaturday JoUawioj KJK-04,- 'THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE W8RB," TUB " SOUTHERN JlOJiTHLJ." A LITERARY MA6AZINE Ar THREE DOLLARS A;VAllr- ALL ORIGINAL BY SOUTHKBN AtJTBORS. , IU Aims tie High IU Snport tionld tc CoriUI. SOLDIER OR CIVILIAN WHO WOULD see our Confederacy truly freed, extend yonr aid to build up an Independent Southern Liter ature I By. fostering and encouraging it, you erect an enduring bulwark for -Liberty that wUl defend you where armies are powerless. OiTe it: your support now It will repay you a thousand fold. Gallant armies on the battle-field defend you against open foes the Press, properly sus tained, will do noless; it will protection agsinst more dangerous, because insiduous ones. " Call. forth by active encouragement talented .writers ' to the manoir borh," and, gallant as anafmy with hanne -will : theyr in the..disseminatian of pure influences,- and high aspirationsand troe principles, fight the good fight of loyalty to our,, country against the wiley Northmen, who hare spread broadcast over our fair land their noxious exhalations, through the medium of those North ern Periodicals, heretofoTecsfctBuehpatronisrd by us. Weofferyou the SOU'l'HJfiKN MOTHv LY as an exponent of Southern 'Sentiments, Southern Policy and "Southern Institutions; aeoatoirTorfe . . -r : . ; . florti it eojataina-wneiy-wx page .o matter, embracing ' Southern Lssays," ,,Soutb . . . . n .r- aa .i, . t ern Tales," " Soutnern roesy, ana uiograpn ical Sketches of Southern Men. It is embell ished by 'Portraits of Southern Men," and wilP in future hare "Views of -Southern Scenes." Such is ottr progTsnsme-may we not hope for a large audience ? We ask a full house. We look for 20,000 subsrcilers. ; : i ---il HUTTON & FRELIGH, Publishers. " Memphis, February, 4862.Vf: - ; gT Back Numbers, in Setts only, can still be

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