arced rsrtialrS"3 t-,.w v,w unuormea excepi w rj'ry."4' . , j and equipped, except kp'apueki baremcka and I 1 1 canteens they will ba. furnished with these; S I . f ' ' t:':'-j ' onC i J I I m SB jiresstoir fi'J o drtll, would, abort . . , " j ;. .4 . - . A .si i .u ...-, UiiMnet I could be placed In their position end 1 I don't know thst X ccht ta particularly are. .'at lore It's none of my business-! think I time, be efielenl pl3lsrs, it the weather would permit regular diillJ! We'hsre rain slpjost, cob staatly. 'The healtK' of thia company U' pretty "good, wo hart i only three ineFIOoipHiTrObe of. them U a recruit with mumps, the others are not seriously aickli Wa wetted orders thla'wep. log to march ( 7 I'clook to-morrow moroiog to the f icinity of Motley 'Hall ; but the order were couoicruieuucu whhi,whp.w... H CIV VV US) a1 w w - creeks being woolen! fcy raina between beYe and there aleo? t number of our wagons'", icing absent retting fofa'st . I suppose will march in a few days, and should not be disappointed It to Virginia. . , , ;. No more at present yours &e. K, 26tn. In the battle at Yinisnwburg a wounded Ilea aiao piteoualy besought a Jymteisnisn for a drink of water. With the msgnaninjity of "a gallant Southerner, the 'LouuUoun stooped down to Jet lithe fallen wretch drink from hie csnteeo, when the laUor plunged a d?Sr in him.! Inetantly, howerer, a comrade of the Louisianian pinned the wretch to the earth with bis bayonet, plung ing it through his heart, and in lea time than it takeld tall tlTlhe ungrateful wretch was pierced through the body by the same instrument three time, : ' ' : ' ' A wounded Ysohee laid upon the battle field of WiUbmsburg beseecbiog somebody to kill him," when a.' LuuUianiac i came along, and be ings tery aveomtuodatio; man, caufht him by the top knot and cleared his head from his shoulders at oae struke cooly turned to other woundd Ysnkees and inquired, Are asj more of jou d d rascals wanting to be killed ? A ooiber iniUoce, in- which r a' pocket lable Mved a man'a life, occurred at the battle of Williauisburg. T An ej witness, and a niao of veracity, told us of It J in fact, we heard U from many. The ball went eleaa through the book and judged in the pocket that carried it. TfiE 5th jtvb 23d Xitnt Carolina Utoi mckts. We hare htph military authority for itha atatement; that " the rements moat diatio uiohed in the battle at Uicbuiotid were the 5th and 23rd North CruKiaA' Of the former notb i n vr need be aa'td I it estabUwJied its reputation ou lb bUwdy Jeld Nof Wittiamsbarg. The Utter ii oitnort a lized jtd f ft Jjfrh tuond ' ' TLauoior Edjor whtea from Ilalejgb, June .5th':. yi'vP: '. , I saw about 30 or 40cldiert, wounded la it late fijjbts, pass through here thia afternoon. I heard sereral say they beloogcd to the 23d N. C Regiment. Thsj were nearly all wounded J n the arm ; and jrhilt the wounded members hang useleM hy their sides, with the well aiuslhtf poor fellows bad ty I;fl about tbelr bsggaga aod elbow their war tbrouyi the crowd. Col. Mcflae wasbrought here nighi before last quite ill. tie left his sick bed to repair to the battle fisld, as did Caps. Ik nj Robinson of his Hcg't I understand, and both had to be carried from the lt&.--FytU UU Observer. At the battle at Wtocbciter, Vfa., on Ute 25th of May, the JjZlst North Carolina regiment under ol. Kirklaod,' was la the hottest of tho ught, and well aoMamcd the honor of the State. It -- lost about 100 men In killed and wosnded.- Col Kirkland and Lt. Cof Pepper were both wounded, the latter aopposed to be mottal. Capt. Hedge. cock and Ligon were both kiHed. : The following oficial despatch Um Qen Beau- rffrard, gires the lie positire to th despatch of llalleek about Cspturing 10,000 of his men and a million of dollars Worth of stores, ron Gen. Beau- jjfpjrjls,racttauoAw4Hftth-Jr Junk 8J180$.-r"We evacuated Corinth suc cewfullj on the 80th tilt- It Was a oouifUte 3Urpnse tQ the enemy. Our rear goatd arrired here unraolest4 last night, We bougbt away few trifles est off by gross neglect io getting to a - .. ndga.. 'yl ' . r' G. T. II. CXPL08IO. poiyoca 1111,14. We deeply' regret t0 sute that the Powder MiUs of jklessrs. Waterhouae & Dowea, situat?d '-"four miles WeafoTltaTriyh, exploded on Monday morning about 10 o'clock, killing foiir.menand deotrojing abot 2000 lbs, of powder. The nsmek of the killed are Mau hew Moneyhoon, Young jggs, Aioen wsrre6, Win, "A. 8 truce. : One man was slightly Wounded in the hand. The explosion wai eritirefy'eecidenUl, and is Supposed T to hare taketrplsee ii) the granulating apattniebt. ICE A ar"ToaJP1oe from Peterburg . reached Riehmoad oir Tuetdaji Uiuelj blessinv iot the wwrudsATJSrgo bis aVrK eJ la a Bo&U rn port:;: -t: --- I certainly do not fnty them; their feelings: but I must oonfese to a alight desire to know just how they rfo-feel.- Tbosr original tdeea siontau," I mean : those men who were resdy to move hearen a ed earth to bring on this waf, who denounced all of, ui who did'nt tsrea with them, as " submUsiotitBts". cowards, trsitorssnd fools, and who are oow at while thi Union men are fighting' and. djiog ron the battle field. Tei, ol fain, trading, sptculitipg, cul tivating their cotton crops, (don't Aal. look rsthej badljr) rejoicbji in what pna of them, at least, pronouoees " the best time for making money ha erer seeif, Ac. &c. Le. ;-.'V,v-.. ' Now maybe this is all right. As they made the war, 'or helped to make it, they probably boght not to be expected to auffer any of its at tendant prirstions and dangers. 'That, I pre sume, is the light in which these stay-at-home geotry riew the matter: but many of the "origi nals", are io the field, and it strikes me very for cibly tbst they are tba only onea who bare erio ced a particle of, honesty or sincerity among al! those who worked so teslously io- "prtcfpitaU utojroutionr(ki ITnjglad that phrase occurred to me I don't want io forget it) But I am digressing.' Hot do they feel V Csn any one of them answer ' Tolerably well, I thank you, how do you do yourself V under cir cumstaoces of daily occurrence f For instance ; a family of imporertshed refugees from the coast, wish a shelter for their heads. Instead of offer- log them, rent free, his vacant bouse, "Origi oal" charges an exorbitant tent taking adrant are of their necessities! Art' bta sensations those attendant vpon a clear conscience ? " ' Tba wife of a soldier and ha one of the til- lifted old Union anew applies for a few pounds of bacon " for her. almost starring children v 11 Thirty fire cents," says Seocsh l - Can he look up to God at night and ask him to bless the deeds of the dsy f - - Tidings of a great kettle come. Io the list of killed is found the name of one who lured the Old Union and labored for its perpetuity t man of genius, honor, brsrerj, generosity, and kindliest ioaticets toch s mat,, for instsnoe, as the gallant . and gifted CoL Cbamp Paris, of Ruiherford, who fell st Cbickah'ominy, and who, serenteen months ago was, with twenty fire other members of the House of Commons of North Ca rolios, called inam6ms by the Sute Journal clique, because he and they wouldn't " secede" Hoes any " Original" f, as he enjoys the pleasures and luxuries of 1 Aome, that be, " Origiosl,' ought to hare been there, fighting under the lead of the Ismeoted dead? If so, I gire him credit for more A wma?n than his course in stsying at horn now, would seem to iodieste. " .. : ; Mr. Editor, the Conaoript Bill is probably well enough, but some people would hare liked it bet ter, if it bsd forced all V Original Secessionists" not disqualified by age-say under fifty yeara--or infirmity, into tbjs serrice."No use for itsd far u 'the old " Submission" Union ; men are concerned tbey fight when their country and their liberty are in danger, without being Jorced to it. So do many who' were not Union men after Lincoln's election, as I -said : shore r but any body csn find 14 Original Secessionists"- yoiingihyfiiric here and elf ewhere. " At home," doing the .Tea TJorrt-S.-rCa fcf " 5 Irarn, the wcandsj sc'ilcrs ia the vs;Ii hosp,!j tf Ilia city,' are doing mCU, " Tba' wcfsl case?, ' relish ware a .amaJl per centum cf t-a sgreta tarn bfr, hare passed from, toe earn of the" ssrgeon4, by the death of the patients. - Of the remainder many hare gone home on furlotsgb, or been trans ferred to prints residences.1 Those who remain in the hospitals continue to fecei re every atteo tioo from tba ladies, whahsra devoted themselres to ourking the wounded. Tba suffering which the latter hare endured mtut hart been greatly ssssged by the tin firing cart and tenderness of the ladiea-God bless thecal Everything which would contribute to the comfort, case end recove ry of the "poor fellows hss been - resorted to and we are almost sure tbst, in Varioua instances, tba recipients of this attention hsra regarded their condition as rather luxurious than unfortunate, except ia the consideration that . they W( re , not able to, be with their .regiments to participate in the extermination of the bated Yankees,- should that good Work; be undertaken before their recor ery. . .- , . ' . . .'' '.' . rery things referred to shore. How dothejiaelf" : i PlLUCODDlf . n RicnMOND, June 11. The following dispatch I ss been received from btsunton : Afl AFFRAY-ONE SZAH KILLED TWOnEJt WOUNDED. An affray took place in a honse of ill fame in this city on Saturday night in which one man waa so seriously cut that be hss since died of his wounds, and his two companions badly wounded. The threesggresors in the row were Baltimore 4Plogs' who formed part of the guard of the Yankee priso oers who were taken through here last Thursday Tha man who inflicted the. wounds is named Al len, sod is said p hare acted entirely on the da fsnsirn, and, therefore,. to be entirely justifiable. . , , .Register, tk Wo. S. Edwards was drowned on tha 2nd instsbt, in the Ford near Burrisa' Mill in Rao holph countj, while attempting to cross the stream in his buggy. Mr. Edwards wss a citi sen of Chatham countr, though for some time psst be has been residing io Thomaarille. .Pat riot, I'ZUL : : ; , - "V.V CoL05U Mokqan. This gallant partisan ehief arrired here last ereniog. Il was greeted by an immense and anthusisatia throng at the depot. They called on him for a speech, but he thsoked them for tha compliment and begged them to exenaa tuar, as be was not a politician. Atlanta Cvnfederey. Latest trom Beauregard's Army. It is reported and confideotlj believed that, Beaure gard baa obstructed the Tennessee nver at Duck River Suck, about 125 miles below Eastport, by blasting the cliff, thereby filling the chsnnel with masses of stone snd forest trees. - If this be true the enemy's transports sod gunboats are," or wtlj in a few days, be st our mercy, and any at tempt to retreat by tha Federal army will insure us a complete BUcctto.-acJuon JUimwppian CARD. ' ' 4 Tf adssboeo', June 11, 1863. Mr Eorros.: I sm off this afternoon to join vaj eompaoy: bat before tearing, I beg the pritilega, through your papar, of expressing many thanks to the Udiea of Wadeaboro' and vicinity, wbooontribqted to the handsome preaeut just reodred. Saoh s testi monial of appreciation, eomiog, s It does, from those who hare long kaowo me here, touched tender chord ia my heart, and will furoiab fresh iooentirsa for me to labor, and auffer, aadstrire to rellere our bleeding country. . , ., . , ' lMy oUigUona are also due Mr. H. Diggs and lady for the raluable fifla reoeired from them. to the good people of Anson, I would aay, giro the ehureh and country your constant and fervent prajers JU. A. JUtiNSON. - Obituary. , JAMES MARSHAL SMITH, eldest son of Samuel and Jane H. 8mith of thia countj, waa born April 9th 1840, professed conversion and joined the M. E Church August 1859, left Trinity College and joined tha Ansou Ouard about toe first or August, 1861, and died at hia frther s raaiJance, ol typhoid fever on the 26th of May, 1862. AU the elomenta that constitute the gentleman, the patriot, and the ehriatian, .were happily united in him. Having been brought up br ploua parents, and possessing aatarally aa honorable, noble spirit, be won tba high regard of all who knew bim well. Such waa bia regard for veracitj that from his child hood he ajsvejaajtw t.' '? UZDt '"v. -A - ; - ' At CilLbcra; Arrfl t !, I--!, ef trcll fcrsr.B.,-: P. paarty, soa tf if II. s? i II. 1 y, - J 18 yeare and 6 months, a ceasber ef Use Its VeaJ Cats, Capt. KcLaucLUa's company, llzt-'i yctr, ; at Was amtng th f rst to tvloateer a&d gs la C ' fence of UU country and to stand by tbt'siis ef lis aottrades in defence ef loved taes at boat bat like sassy ot-r he wss nt down in tit bloera of H2i ani his splrit'lou changed a world of trouble far eae cf bs pi nets an peace. Daring bis illness ks nZzzU Btc W .IV' f.M kte. J kJV.I.i!... . . 1 aA molest bimJ He died far front borne without,', mother, brother er sister tt speak a word ef ccrXsrt - tr aoom ait itrertn orow in ua tryta acsr er CZtX bat we givt him ap, hoping aoea te meet tla ia. home aad lattred near by ths plate cf lis ei:: , where saaay happy hours here bee spent wiC ia days, like himself, gone, awves soots U tatSra. . Dear brother wt thy prtteaca miss, - And aont so lovely eall ttt Ci; 4 f "" But, rtoouciled te Oei well to, : ' A Hoping to meet . that hi eternity. y CIS. . ' ' JQORC TROOPS TVAHTED. The members of Anson Division No. 10, 8. cij T. and other Dirlsions of the county, are rtq"5i to meet in Temperance Jtfall, Wadcsbcrct;J Tuesday evening June 24th, at 8 o'clocit . tl.' for the purpose of reorgsnizjng said DivLba to do battle for the cause of Tenrptrsncd, Cit oooDty'a good, and for tha souls of tha clLULci X men. Be punctual. Tuna 17t5 XSwl - WUCRCAS, Information Uvipjbeea ceu-' nicatedto mt that, certain (attits la Town (including somt tree aegrot and t avea) are La the halit' of trespassing oa my Itfnd. for'the Jmrp-ose of zUlti fire wood, pea sticks, to., thereby deatrovini the tio -ber. ' , - ' The law wtn be stout! enforced sglnst an l?-". t$ fenders. 8o look aat. . J. F. &U;JL ; waueanore', June 18, l86Z.n Stauntps, ase L On Suedy, EwsU's command, with a part of Oencral Jsckson's for ces, sttscked Fremont near Cross Keys, fire miles from Port Republic Fremont wsa repulsed with considerable loss. On Monday General J nckson crossed the North Branch of the Shenaodoih, abore Port Republic, and burnt the bridge. : ' " ' y He then Went n pursuit of bhields, who: was sncaoiped at Lewistown, two miles -below Port Republic, on the East-side of the Shenandoah.' lie attacked him at sunrise, cspturing six pieces of artillery til abat Shields had, and a number of prisoners. " ' . ;. ,; .... . - : .i -'. The root was ss cou plets as ia tha ease of I Backs' def?tt..hieldabai nine thousand men, and Jackson about the n ctanbtr Fremont wtt reinforced, ii ci f !r-i?t'f "Tr'l fa t-t" Teiff? At Trinity College he took the highest stand, and waa diligent and bant student. President Craven said of him that he was a perfect gentleman and a fa win vim au ut proiessora ana siaaenis. as a hnatian he Waa a constant, consistent, and fervent. and punctual attendant at church and to the duties of Hia letters to his parents While at College and tha camps, were a motiei or every thing amai anJ sebls. Uit was tat Brvt aeatb la his company, ana when the fret was announced by the Chaplain, Rev. W. C Power, the deep feeling gavt aemistabte evidenet of how ihev all loved him. Brother Power, ia a letter savs: I have observed 4hBlosely, i bavr seen him aevereir trtea, oat la tery ease he stood use the rtmnt of the foreat, firm and aoshaken. He made his Bible the man of his eounsel, reading a portion ef it every day. In hia private devotion, be waa faithful snd regular; He waa not ashamed of, bia profession even ia the camps. ,ViUl godliness waa his favoriu theme; and It was his delight to steak on matters of christian ex ptrieaoe aad practiot ' Brother Power farther saya, 'I hart not heard how James died, but t know how he Uvtd, and tbia ia enough Ha was a gentleman ia the highest tenae, a model soldier, aad above all a good ohriatiaa. ... . , ... : After bt waS brtorht heat to hia Cither's bouse bt whew ha enali net read, ha woali ask "wtt s to read fortia. - Tim JxrzH f,U. -t? tj tt j' Js.cC1. kh t i 4 a .;. TY OBDER OF GOVERNOR CLAV.IT2 TS C" V X MISSIONED Officers o the 81 stEeUi 'ft i KTC. Militia, wfll meet at the Te!?ef-J 'i r s groasd en Thortday the 10lh Inst. far th'tparpoae t electing a Colonel te fill the vacancy nosed by taerV be over thirty-firs years of sgV- ; 4' Jane 6th, 1862. J, J. COKJCXtCcl. for xrtwsGrcpr.; THE STAGE for the Wilmington Ka'il Read' (Trollinger's Depot) leaves Tuesdays aridllura days at 10 o'clock. Sundays at. o'clock, ioV meet the Stag from tha RaUroadV at tha river. 8t yL J. B. ASKEW, Afeat:"; STATE OF NthTfJ CAflO&trtA'J Petttioa for Settlement. - ' ? William W. Winfree and Gideon E. vTinfree', Sxeoii- lore h yiumo.v. ti uurcv , w, xagaa v. liUUIft, ' James A. Winfree and others .. - ' IT APPEARING TO MY SATlSyACTlbil UPrj the Affidavit of Gideon E. Winfree one of the X!x routors In this ease that the defendants Elijah C. Yrv fret and James A. Winfree, arf nonresidents cf 411a ' StaU. It is therefore ordered that; publietUoa be made for tlx successive week's in ths Nert CarpU Argus, notifying said defendants to be a''i per at the next term of our said Court of Pleas' aJnd'iCnaftsr - -Sessions, to held for the county of Anson, al thiCoirt " House in Wadesborough, on the second Monday ia.July wii, uiea iuv kovrv iv pieau, uswer ?r pamar,' st Plaintiffs petition or judgment prt tofffttwIlI he ren dered, and the same heard erMrf as to them. Witness PATRICK J. COPPEIGEj Oerk of ea said Court at Office, ia Wadesborough', the 27th dsy tf May, A. D. 1862. P. J. C, CUC For Sale. BUSHELS CORN, $1 per busheL By YTiUllxn fjfj Kendall's boy Jf The above sale is authorised by Mr. Kendall. . : ' ' For . Sate. GOOD TWO HORSE WAGON and Harness--. Or, I will: exchange for a suitable burf. 181-S JNO. BLuCOSL TTTITTED, m, TO lCeCFCT V WALNUT, from 8 to 20 inches wide and, three quarters of an inch thick. It must bt a good articlt . Tht hightst Cash price will be paid. J. BRUNE2L ' Wadesboro', April 26, 1862. 1T7-83. To Sunday Scbool CtitltfrerJi. There ia, and will eautmne to ba, for a Toex time. perhaps, la our country, a great scarcity of books eepeeially Sunday Suoi bvoks. The beautinu 0os?s which Sunday School children delight ta sins, aad which art contained in books which cannot Cow bt had, and few of which art foand among as wilt, jt fear, aoon bt beyond their reach. . To meat aad sea ply this want;ln part, we shall pubHshta tUryaJT every week, a hyma. Wa commence this week with tht beautiful ant, 4I ought tolovt soy II other," Wt eoatempJata paDliahing a euaday School ITvsua. Book, of er twa ae lection, tt toatain about one has. drtd pfgesf which wt will sell at a price that wiU sim ply reiqaatratt at for expense aad labor, without pre-:, fit. Parties tattrtsted is eaah ar work, are laritsd' to send in their orders, to that wa any know htw many tt print, aad whether it will bt worth tor WhOt tt eater upon tht labor, Wt think wt caa mak a tt-" leetiaa tqual to, and perhaps suptrior U aav artrt SaadaT Schttt flrma Bttk la aa. 17a hava aad.' mjV vtart exterienet la tht masarst af gohvoia, aa thtnt wa anew K Wiii pitasa,t2t-r taatrrret tad ktatlteirJrtSL rrilLatrs ti?5 a .:r:r - - . a. U