t V X. " ,Y,: STATE XEWS.'Vjl Y'Y " DONATIO.NS FoTTIIK? SOLDIERS.' -;' Mao "persons in the State are, ready to contribute what they can spare in clothing, shoes, blankets, &c, for the benefit of ,tho soldiers of North-Carolina, pro Tided they can bo made certain tbut the articles sent will i each their destination. We hare taken some pains to ascertain bow this can be done, and the fol lowing is the result of our inquiries, These arrange.; mcnts may be relied upon: , l; GoTj, Vance las-ordered the Captain of every .-inilitititrwtlB tl SuWl-all"nptn--ettchJfTOUy In their several districts, to purehase or collect what they may be willing, to'give to the North Carolina sol diers, blankets, jeans, linseys, leather, shoes, locks carpets and clothes ready made, to be delivered by the ' Colonel of the jegiment to the Qujirtnaster hrflnl .eigh, to be forwarded by him ta.tbo proper regiment or company; - 2. Besides this, the people-of one or more Captain's ' Districts, if their' donations are sufficiently large to justify it,' may select a gentleman whom, they may prefer to carry ontbeir donations to the regiment or -company, and the State will furnish tbejtransporta--tion and pay the necessaryxpeuses of the agent. 3. All articles donated should be carefu'ly put up in packages, bags, boxes or barrels, and they should be legibly directed to the soldier or company for whom they are intended, naming the company and regiment and if possible tho Brigade. 4. Persons who wish to send articles to any soldier er company, but who do not tin l it convenient to de liver it to the Captain of their District or to a specir.l Agent, by directing it carefully as afcove, may deliver it to the nearest Railroad Agent, directed to the care of Capt. J. F. Garret, Quartermaster at Raleigh, N. C., ant it will be promptly forwarded. W.,-A1I nrtel intended for tick vr wonnlcd soldiers or for IloiiUlr!uuftt be earefulldirected. and sent to the cure of Surgeon General Warren, Raleigh, North Carolina.' ;.. '.- ' :- - - Y. , PRAYER FOR PEACE. We very cheerfully comply with the requet of a lady friend to publish, the following, and in doing so we do not hecitate to gjve to it our hearty and unquil: fieJ endorsement: --.-' T the l'J'ior (J Ike Kaltyh Sinndard: rii to make public through you columns, and t'Ve of various other influential journals, a sug gestion to the women of the South. . It is tfntVday be appointed on which, at a certain boiir, they, wifhsoae consent, shall unitedly beg for Peace from Him thwWe-liands are. fbe. hearts. of men ah I the dcstimeKVf nations. Prayer has been made continually for theVaccess of oti arms in battle, and these praters have beanWercdpin many in stances bcyoi J our hopes. Every prayer has doubt less breathed an earnest petitiou for pesce, but it is ugjcttd that now our faithful women t.hofllduoite to priv in an erpehl nanwr tov it that God would f irgive our iuemU,! and turn their heart, and that woul J nto Thrive uTowr debts, an 1 would" eiiy x x . . . . . e . . . t . i - t. . 1 j. , r a .... (,-y'Mj ildtrot iMt! ir f ran ft lor u jrvm i.ic ui'H; urvvuy Ut Mfo-l.iyKlhe ltof December, bo appointed, tr on i!i it lv, uU- iM t the beam or every wue, . ..o.VWl liuirLter. in every Mate m our U,n fV lvra.-y , p uo t. in t-o.e hi nL iter vent j ray er to U ou In place an 1 churches, where female prayer mecr jnt- -t.'o U' Jl-tl , Jet tl.v! WyiHtm l&eiu-elve- OMrr IHC xnitt. r. Wliero Vuch mei tic? are not u-uhI, or arc WniMlered o'ni-iviU, or nr. impiflctif able, let the W')Ut?3 nt iKMlie Mi'p nil work n invxnnur uuunu ,-u.t-pend.th carding, and pinnine, andxlnittirt;, and weaving, an I sewing, anl teaching, if for only o'ne ha'f hour, and bIo'hc with (5 I plead wit!(xllim. for llieir country'- Lft .the Mck w man on ncr rc- member the day anJ hour; let ine iisy lorconer oi- jVUCM.atH 1 Was gO.ng l' ici iuv f;aj n-j-a v hrr cnietv. but 1 tnict there are not many gay women To1 the fvitith now. l'.ut let the young, an-l beautiful, f an I hopeful, equally with tftVe who can lay no claim to such t U.m, think of the oroiten ncariei, ine ucsu- tnte-an I the homeless thins or me utau, ine uymg, an I the mingled think of the widow, and. the fath erless, and the chil!lU., -f this awful war and let every woman's bcart be raised as with one voice on that day - to-God for help and fr Pk ace an honora blePKACFv A TRUE O'l'TH ERN" WOMAN.: r, ) , the latest kews., . . i. From the North we learn that McClellnn has been removed nnd en. Burn?ido p'oct4 in command of the army of tho Potomac. The reasons foi this me McClellan's refusal to advance on. Harper's Ferry nd the oommissiou haviug cviisurod liim in an ofiiciul re port. ' ' ' ThVNeir York Tribune and the' Times approve of McClellan's removal. The Tribune fays tlioujh done at the last hour it is not too' late; 'it truti to save the country; The Herald and World are down on the re moval, tbey say "the President has again yielded ton radical pressue. I Bring them in I - fJ The steamer Scotia has arrived at NeVTork' with Lord Lyons and Simon Cameron as'-passengcrs. 'Ion," tlje Wahington corrc'spoudent of the Raltimofe Sun, says tbq Lord Lyo'ns' will viit Richmond in ten days. Cameron thiuks Ihere wiy b intervention by the meeting of Parliament. ' He says the Confederates are getting a fleet ready in English ports to attack New York. ' V SSf The Savannah Republican says two: Yankee gunboats entirely destroyed the town of St. Mary's, 4iurgia, on Sunday theluh. .The Yankees attempted to land a force, but. were prevented by the Conk-dCIr ates. They afterwards destroyed tho town. . aTfien. F.rres-t hail a fckirru'.sh with the enemy on the Franklin tumj-ikei on Tuesday the 11th im-t., In which he killed twenty and wounded fifty or Hixty of tho Yankees. .Tho enemy,-being largely reinforced, Forrest drew off by a by-road to Lawrguc. t&m The Yankees gunbonts on the 11th ins-t., hud a bruaU with Caj4.A!4in' linttrry bclrrw Gcorgeto'vt n, 8. C. Shelling continued two hours". No damage done ou our siue. hfilOP, atrtho old well known stand, and am pre pared to build, m the most approved style, COACHES, RI7GGIES, IIOCKAWAYS, feirL.KEY&C.,&C., , m ' M A 1 fit. Al - ana to ao an manner o: repairing ccnnecieu wuu ine . x&tm-ri'ntMr'n't:r-TrtTr-f' 4CchiindSTJlnrnthrW lfa KnrhMutA ronnvn.. I - 'CO A CJfJJX, B U 0 GIBS, 11 0 OKA- r KESPEUTFIILEt ANNOUNCE TO : HAGS ! RAGS ! ! RAGS ! ! ! TTYE WANT RAGS GOOD CLEAN COTTON V V ind. LINEN RAGS. Save them and bring them to us, mh'i we will have them maUe into paper - j t' print the Arjius j on.' Save your rags, everybody, Till' !rTr ' nod Wln-i Vim rulii.i t itnwn hrir." thorn with vnn nnrt lie that Ihave re-opened my CA It It I A U E will buy tliem. Ty cobt nothme 'but the trouble with all tho material ueceysttryto tife complete rcnova tion ptOLDrMul tthe building of NEW VEHICLES, of every description. , . Ihave on hand vehicles, finished and unfin'iKhcdj which I will be-happv to' dispose of at fair prices. AH the work done at my fihopjwillbe well done, for V- empioy only competent worlcmen, wuo unaersxanu meir business, nnd perform faithfully what they undertake. 1 am thankful Ibrlhe patronage bestowed uponTne in the past, and solicit ths renewal and continuance of it', in tLe future, promising to use my bet endeav ors to give satisfaction to all who may favor me with their custom of saving thi-m. Rring them in! Rangers, their n&mrs vr come to FRANKLIN DEPOT, VA. We are in a fine location, in a county adjoining Nortb Carolina nnd connected with the most enticing arm of the; service Partizan Hangers. ' t. y' , If you wish to join os DELAY NOT L. A. JOHNSON, CapTainT- - TO SALT MANUFACTURERS ! For, Sale, ' V -Two Steam Boilers, - TN GOOD ORDER, . with the exception of Ji smalL Ir. GEORGE GIBSON, who :.wilLxondoctllJ)uai-U-J crack th ono of them, which a few.hoursLJflbor: fOnr forces in Virginia are reported to have, had an engagement with Durnside's army on Sunday in Culpeper county.- It 13 stated that we drove the enerov buck two miles, aud that they have rccrossed the Rappahannock river. . jQFronTTtiohmond wq learn that the enemy" has a numerous fleet in lower James River, in the neigh borhood of Brandon lUr. ' toiT It is stated in oflicial qaa'rtera in Richmond that good news has been received from Jackson,, who is reported to have captured supply trains from the enemy of considerable value. . - - tfJ.One hundred and twenty-eix Abolitionist3, captured ly' eleven, of. our cavalry at Snicker's Gnp, last Saturday week, arrived in Richmond on the 14th. ' tzlf The bit Abol'lion . programme' for crushing out the rebcllf.i'n is as follows: Otie column to move on Cbarlottcsvillt, one on Gordons'vjTle'.'onc e& Staun ton, and one ou Wcldon, which points having been carried, all ave ttTuh'lc bu Richmond. I. 1 The President and. Directors of the Literary Fund, having made distribution of said Fund, have directed the following tabular statement to be published nhowing the Fall Distribution to each County, ' The umount of the said Fall distribution will be paid to the persons entitled to thejme on application to tlie Treasury Department; - - - - 11 ' . . ' " : . .- . - "- .' The Counties of Clay, Mitchell nnd Transylvania will receive their shares fronrthe Counties out of which they were respectively formed, there having been no report from said Counties under the lav of the General rAsscmb!y. - . . . '. ZJSBULOJV li. VAJNUJS, R. II. Uattxe, jr., ' rrenaeni tz optew oj jsturary jjoara.-. Sf'eretqry of-Board. " '- " " ST Fiom the Wet, we learn that the Abolition army under Grant continues to advance southward. Ilis whole forco was reported to be at Grand Junction last Friday. 'n Thrrday his cavalry occupied Holl? Spring. Our forces had had a fki'rraish with the nd vnnce guard eight miles sooth of that place, capturing mx of them. iiess,' is well known in this community, is a thorough workman," and understands bis business perfectly, and though be h'as lately been on a Pome-what extended gunning excursion after Abolitionists he is now at home, ready to receive orders, nnd promptly execute them. - Cf. Terms CASH on delivery of the work. "UNtf. - J. C. CARAWAY. will make perfect. ' JTo" those engaged in making Salt, owho are about . to engage in that business, they will be' invaluable. The Boilers are 18 feet long, and about 16 incbev diameter. They will be delivered at Cheraw, if re quired. .Apply to C. W FEN TON. Wndesboro', N. C. 204 tf DISTKJfi5UTIOi OF THE SCHOOL FUIVD. s - Office or Literary Hoard, : .:IlAi,Eiau, October th, .Counties. Fed. Top. EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Tim f .llovriii" i the Intit we tind inuur exohariees iq relation to movements in .the eastern part of this State. The Raleigh Spirit of tho Age of the 17th avs : . - -" - " We Wrn tlrtt Giv. Vnrco has received f (T;cil in formation tbt the Yankee- h a v.e -5 eft. PJximj th-L-ag-! and baggage. XWhere tliey will next turn no. we can not guens. Theynre s; 1 1 j have- made fbr t!i 4 Chowan, and this tak"n in cnneH'om with the departure of an other portion of the expedition from Greenville, which they occupied on the ',Hl1-it..-t., may warrant the sus picion thit thir aim is Weldon or Petersburg. As abov'etUt c 1, the4.aukev took- j-fssesin -of "Greeuvil'e ou Snuday wrn'n tlicf'th, nnd held it for IU)Bt of IsrEBSAVlMiMiOvf.Mr.xT. At a meeting of this Board, held in the Executive Office on Satur day the h'th, present His Excellency Gov. .Vance and John U. Kirkland, Esqr, tho" following appointments: were ma le: X State Directors In the Wilmington Koaddcorga w. Collier, of Wayne, William A. W rr.ht, of 4cw Han- cver, and W. W, linckell, of.Hantax. . Col. Thns. D. Meaves, of Brunswick, was appoiifted State ptbxv-in-tle--WUniog tii-" and M a nchester Road , aud 0. ii. Parsley S a'lc.proxy in the Wilmington and. Weldlm Road. . ... These are excellent appointments. . - V Tub i)ii!.V Pnoor.rss-, Newbern Progress Sparer in UaVci-rh; Mr.J; tt 1f "kiTownTJ Ihy the eaptupo of that place. Jlo liaf tne energy nna I tact to make a good paper, nmljic uas a claim upon the public patronage. - We wish him every success. Cot,: W, L. DkRossgt. We are happy to state that this gallant young oflicer whose death it became our luty to nnnounce in "most appropriate prose'.' some :ew weeks ngo, has so far recovered from his very se vere wounds ns to have returned to his home, which, n consequewen of the e.pnieinic in W ilmington, is now. a lrttl8loT6'7 Hoi. haleTowrn'nL Srrryjrrt ronjjtKoj.priRSW'eJiafl thepleasurr TieihTngjirdiiy orlwo since, Maj. James Boggan and llenj. K. Pond," Esq., of Anson, on their way to Vir Tinia, with six thousand pounds of tlothlug and pro visioris for the soldiers from that Coumj, Anson has lone nobly. Rat. Standard, lliA. . . - - S t5 Bowers of tie 41th -Regiment N.-C. Troops, who was ehot in- Petersburg. Ya., a few days "since for 'cseruun Was ft BUUSIUUIV, hhu iiuiiu" ima umivc. Alamance, Alexau'erj Anson, Alleghaney, Ashe, Beaufort, " Bertie, Bladen;""' Brunswick, Buucombe, -Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell,. Camden, . , -Crtcrett Caswell, Catawba, 'Chatham, - Cherokee,. Chowan, Cleaveland,' i Columhuj - ... I raven. Cuni-berlani, Cun-i fuck, ' Daviuson, Davie, Duplin,' ' Edgeeombe, Forjvthe. Franklin,'' ;Gaston, G.4tft.S Granville t Greene, Jjnilfor-i, Halifax, liarnett. llavwood, 10,475 5,778 10.884 3,507 7,800 12,4iS 11,030" Fall Dis. a few hours, during which they part:aVy dvstsoyel the bridge across the Tar river. They cSrr'ed off, it is said, i)inof the i--itins .AVe faw a gentleman on Thursday ast wlio lef tlie neighbor ho vl of Hyfro k on thelay previous, who stales that Sulf.ilk lialbpcn 'evacuated' by lie.irly the entire Abolition forrs, num Kii!m nnt fevthsn twentv-th usan 1. It ir aluiXt ...t.ir. ti,tiif.ir (tfcfi"iati.rtrt i "thi lliiniiAn river nn.fx 'Henderson LI I Willi " ' , J Ipes-;.1 !.,,v".': ." - w, ... - Weldon. WVihajr thcefore iji a day or two expect to. hear of lively Jork in that oetlon. We-lcan that our forces at that pint;:are prepared to give them a warm reception'., We presunie that Foster's nrmy that left the Tar fiver foNewhejn, and -Plymouth on the Roanoke, lat week, rXto co-operate with this Sutfolk army on its attacks'HW'clJou or whereveV else it. inay strike. '., ;- . -''Getj. Martin has nTTiveitTtr this city, anl we loam represents every thtng ns being quiet. The cnemv .-'., CC4 6,954 11,882 r8,288 9,330 7,004 4,492 -7,398 12,473 10.004 10,007 -S',y58 r, -,-! 0,jO ! 11,495 ! 0.(U2. "137797": 14.037 0,400 i 15.371 i 7537 r. 12,930 j i . on 1 J,j .- I 11,985 11J278 8,431 j 0.8S3 18,9!2 ' . .v,:uo j 15,301 7,(X)5, 5,670 -:. 9.895' 5W17.C9 071 G9 1,205 20 - 407 59 900 75 1,444 70 1 282 92 l;140 OS . 808 39 1,381 27 903 47 1 084 00 '821 18' . 522 20 800 02 1;449 90 1,109 92 1930 53 - 1,041 3.j Deduct for Deaf ;i Dumb and Blind. Deduct for D. J. W,atson, Eliza J. C Watson, and Jos. Watson (Deaf & Dumb) $75 each, "T'bbe deducted for Sarah W. Bushall (Blind,) To be deducted for Caswell" M. Cobb (D.& D.,) ,To be . deducted for Sarah C. Foushee (Blind,) I seems to. have gone back to. their hidingplaces, ior at least have disappeared from our front. Wo-hear noth ing from them on the Roanoke, Tar or NcisXRiver,s, but they are doubtless preparing for another " onward movement, ' ' and when they co;ne they will he warmly received, let them strike where they may . A dispatch dated 10 pm. ( f the 13th says A reconnoi.sance in force of our troops was made on Monday nnd Tuesday toward Newborn., Our troops -We learn that. Mr;iM! . "TTT.n,; Tliio Vrtl,nr.lltt u 1! t n rr i r J ?! k i Ilr.l hv n I- villi , (ILL I '! I'll'l'llll 'I v" VHankee piclfcetr "No other casualties on either side". Begt. nt tlin bftftls !sf OIIITI 'ARY. JOHN F. GARRETT, of Pee Dee Guards, N. C. TrooiHs. was moi tall v wounded nt th Gaines' MUi.vJunc 27th, 1802, aged 25 years. Among the many sacrifices wbich liave.been made on the al tar of our couutrsit is our jia l uuty to' chronicle the death of John F. Gihrctt, son of -Cap.t. Thos. Garrett nf Jliehmond countv.Xlle was one amonii the first to shoulder his musket aiulstep forth at the lall of liisj wrtf V. . lie ' wild ail exemplary sokiier,. ana -uigniy appreciated by his comradesfor the tuany Jiotdtrrfuuli- j urrvu ties wiiu'ujjiepoisiiiisoa in very cinTigeiiieiii, u waTlound with his musket on Ms shoulder doing bis dutyJ While his regiment was charging a battery at 'Gaines.,"MiH.si,1i was shot in Hie thigh in'two.'places the bone shivered, lie was carried toNJloward Grove llospital "in Richmond., w.hero .ho lingered untjl the 25th of September, when death put attend1 to his snf feriugs. To his attentive youuger brotheAwho re miiined with him during his sicklies, he remarkiRit that he 'was going home to-dio ro nwe.1 Blessed be fiotl ftl Is well. - Say to my relatives nnl-Mol9 isct Hertford,. HKle, JredoJ,-; -.JacksoK Johii-to'.i, V 'Jones'.. Lenoir Lincoln," Maoou, Madison, Martin," McDowell. Mecklenburg, Montgomery Moore, Nash'..-,- ' New Hanover, Xoftliampton, CHisIow, Pa'soiVtank,- Perquir ' ! . -4r apn? - T . 'xV - t ' 0,017 13,070 5,410 13,090 4 ,"303 8,158 7,349 5,823 N?,408 14.7S? 10,929 1117420" 9.815 17,582 10,053 7,4p7 TersonT Pitt, Polk, KandorpiiT Richmond Robeson, !lo.okingham, Rowan, -Rutlierford, . Sampson, jcx.,ifV '-.'- Stokes, Lvireii, Union-, Wake, - ; Warren, Wr 'i' rton,' W iii':,a, Waj-ne, WiTiiCS, . Wi'sorr,'': :"r Yadkin,r; Tftnee; 5,820 12,091 3,795 10;135; 8,828 13,307 1014 10,017 13,812:, t ,oo 1,330 27 ,884.89. f,003' 88 . 1 ,031 77 744 '('.'. 1,780 8,5 '-870 17 1,503 79 1,549 94 1,093 21 1,311 05 .yso 09 8U0 14 . 2,204, 29 .737 72 ,2,102 92 1,778 71 814 "3,1 059-83 1,1 50 28 98 14 -n . -1-589 82 629 01 - 1,591-4 V . 507 43 948 30 854 31 073 08 ' 070 92 984 3 ; 707 01 1.715 00 804 44 Nl.llO 98 . 2,043 88 ' 1;238 39 A 800. 87 I f Jo be deducted for Geo. W. Ilartie, (Blind ) and ! . Jno. R. Strickland and Harriet Strickland, (Deaf ( Dumb,) . To be deducted for Enoch Orrell, (Blind,) To br deducted for Ellen C. Johnson and Nancy J. Bhnchard, (Deaf and Dumb4) J. 225 00 75 0f 75 00 75 00, 00 225 0 75 00 150 00 V To be deducted for;Gcorge L. Jenos, (Blind,); f To be deducted for Jasper Jamison and Mary M. Nichols, (Deaf and Dumb,) i: . . Y To be deducted for Christopher Euvers, (D. & D.,) Jo be deducted for. Isabella Pegram and Zilphia A. Pegraiii, (Blind,) o.,-.; . x ".- : 070 57 9,414, -9,881 4,304 10,304 11500 5,371 X4,9I5'; 12,720 .14.200 8,321 1043s: ' 1 ,0G2FGT , 1,475 31 v. 441 17. -t-i775.or 1,020 24 1,540 9t 1,052 94 1,512 80 1.231 21 ' 1,005. 03" ' -To be deducted "for 'JatnC9:C. Laqe, (DjmdJL: V. 75 CH) 150 00 75 00 J. 150 00 Y 1,094 SO W0() s t '2,88 J ,3443 024 38 571 37M 1,479 38 j058 40. 907 SI . , 1,17.8 53 Y 4. To-be 'deducted foj Hiram Merrit, (Deaf and Dumb,) .."..11:,,.:. ir.,n ,zinu::r.3- ""' '",.-1 . 1 mini frn-rrTTn' rr-i imm , j . . ' .'"- - " ' ' " - ..'Xx... . n : ' . ;-'- . f To-b deducte.TTor'Narcissa J, Dupree aud John Simpson, (Blind,) ' ' -; " To bo deducted for Joseph J.Keed, (Blind,) . Y. Y x-: '.'- ':- .'1;-. , . Y '-YxVv' To be deducted forJohnrX. Summerlini (D. & D.f) tnon.l AFortin' Y fTo'bVjdfidiiefe'd for David F. WTbeman -and X- ... I I -r-.- ,rv i;ri. U -V X w923 tv aiDPet0XK-'i wai iu vr . 1 r xlil.. - ' ' 1 1 1 f ii tim i'i ' 150 0,0;;. Y . ' -' : : 75 00 " . . '75 OO'Y .. ' - ajt-v -- Y- I lfe-W-trfttBiwtoittUcM ajiwi.v":."r: n a -i:; ts--V irffeTeTByhtrtoiSoeO ' ' --1 I'll t T ' - ' - " " "" "II-1 '