1RTII CAROLINA ARGUS. AN. IMPORTANT SUGGESTION. " The4 North Carolina Argus suggests 4 !ut the 100,000 worthless dogs in that State bf killed, as a measure of protection to sheep raisers. It will be a double benefit. First their hid.-s can be tanned, which will reduce the price of leather. Second,' it will increase the supplies of mutton. "VrrwlirJJVlhiYd"encflt;in-theTimTmrtt)f food thrown away upon dojs, h.tfd what they des . troy. The Legislature of Georgia owes it to the people of this State to devise some measure of increasing the supply of. wool for clothing: What inducement to sheep raisers while worth less dog are allowed to destroy them ? : 'Atlanta (Daily) Commonwealth..' Wny 13 it" Why is it that with the best "ore in the world not a" pound. of iron is manufac tured in this State west of the Blue Ridge ? Will some one explain ? Forty thousand dollars judi ciously expended would put up all the necessary "machinery for manufacturing iron of every quail-' ty on an extensive scale, and Yancey county alonel has ore enough to supply the whole State of North Carolina with iron. It can't be for want of capi tal, for. there is enough Ijing idle in thb county to set up a dozen such establishments. It can't be that the business would not prove remunera tive, for the iron manufacturers are realizing im- - mense fortunes, and will continue to do so while - thearticlecommands the present fabulous prices. Then why is it ? Is it because we hare not the enterprise ? , Tel it not it in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon."---ln7fr Newt Battle of Corintu. "N'lmporte," the special of the Mobile Advertiser, relates the fol lowing incidents-in connection with the lato bat tle of Corinth. , Gen. Van Porn, while riding along tho line 6n Friday, encountered a Missouri private with his face covered with blood and his hand pressed against his jaw. .The General inquired if he waa wounded and wncro ne was coioir. .He rcmovQdrhiriaWdrsc.ToJi n jfToTTstgh rsTfokCir j 1 1 jaw, wnicn lie commenced worjunpr witn nis hand, and replied as distinctly as he, could, in broken sentences, "Only got my jaw broke the're giving. 'em hell back there-bo .back again soon as cah"get faco fixed up just go down there and see what hell thosfc Yankees are catching and in half an hour afterwards,' with bandaged face, he returned to his company to go with them through the balance of the bloody struggle. 1 1 i ; . . I . . a. " A a sr tTR OP lVOUXII CAROLINA, 1 of New Hanover, 6th circuit; v. u.nerr, oi umk. i en 7th circuit; THJIILICATIOXS OF THE UEXEIl' X AL TRACT AGENCY. No, I. A oice irom Heaven,. - 2 Don't Put It Uif, 3 Self-Dedication to God, ; 4 Private Devotion " 6 The All Sufficiency of Christ 4 pages. 32 Messrs. Robinson and Murr, at Wadestoro', N. C. have an extensive tannery in operation. JvJTbey have thirty vats in use, .and will soon com mence the manufacture of shoes, and also use their steam power in grinding corn. May their shoes never do what they propose to do with steam power. Atlanta Daily Commonwealth. Abolitionism in Europe One of the Lon don journals expresses ' surprise that while Mr. Lincoln had his hand in at abolishing, he did not abolish slavery in Africa, "which he might Tiave done by a proclamation as effectually as in America. It would have been hlTmore' Tf ulem fulmen in one case than the other. The London editors are entirely right. . Piedmont Railroad The Greensboro Pat riot states that' the construction of "this road is progressing finely. - A large number of hands are now employed, and energy seems to mark the work. Messrs. Wilkes & Co., the contractors, are' enterprising and energetic men. - To every candid mind, nothing is more evident in tlm war, than that those Generals who put their trust in God are the most fortunate and success ful. Almost every victory has been won -under the lead of Generals who feared God, but not man ; whilst almost every defeat has been under Gener als who were not God honoring and God-serving men. ' Where have we sustained a signal defeat that a General, who was notoriouly--a profane -swear er or a drunkard was not highest in command ? 6 The Act of Faith, 7 Motives to Earl j Piety, 8 The Sentinel, 9 Come to Jesu, It N.. Hall, 10 Casting Our Burden on the Lord, by Key. Jos. M. Atkiuson, 8 11 Arte You Prepared ? 4 12 Frcpare to Meet Thy Ool, 4 13 Ah Appeal to the Young, by - Iter. Jas. McGrcady, 4 14 Come and Rest, by Rev. J. C Ryle, 4 "1 ITTheSoTdTef, - 16 Your Soul Is It Safe? 16 17 The New Year, 4 18 A Mother's Parting Words to her Soldier Boy, 8 10 The Great Gathering, . 4 20 Lovest Thou Me? 4 21 Individual Effort, 8 22 The French Soldier, . M" - ' . 4 23 Call to Prayer, by Rev. J. C. Ryle, J-, .. - 16 24 Christ in You, by Rev. C. FT ' Deems, D.D., 8 25 Christ's Gracious Invitation, 8. 20 Are You Ready? ""4 27 The. Life-Preserver, 4 28 The Precious' Wood of Christ or V - How a Soldier was Saved, 4 "My Spirit Shall Not Always Strive," bv Rev. J. H. Fowles, 4 Why Will Ye Die' by. Rev. A. M. Poindexter, D. D., ' 8 The Improvident Traveler, by RevW. J. Hoge, D. D, 4 " Don't SwVir, by Rev. J. I). Je ter, D IV S ' Soldiers, Conquer Your Great. Enemy, by Prof. W II Owen, 4 Where are (he Christians in the Army, by a Lady of NYC., 4 3 Who will show us any Goodrby 7 ReT."W;.-J. Hoge, D. D.. 4 o What wilt Thou that I should do, , unto Thee, bv Rev. -W. J. . lIoge,D. D... . 4 7 What enn I do'' by Rev.' T. V. ' Moore, D. !., 38 Sunshine, by Rev. P. B. Trice. 29 30 31 32 " i u 1 .39 A Liviug Oracle, by RevL. W. Sceley, D. I., " 40 The Sinner and, the Saviqnr, 41 Gopel Showers','by Rct. 'J. C. Hiden, 42 The Great Question Ans wered, by 43 Tn R Christian in the Armv. bv Rev. T. V. Moore. D. D., ,44 Advice to Soldiers, by Rev'.' Wm'. Royal, '45 The Great Dsv of Wrath and of filory, by Kev. Jno. S. Long, 8 8 1G 8 1C 128' V..H We understand, says the Enquirer that Gov. Letcher has contracted for one hundred and fifty thousand bushels of salt, for the use of Virginia pork-packers. This contract leaves untouched all heretofore made with the Confederate Govern ment, theg9ver'nments of States, and with coun ties' ' 1 ' ' . -v. If Stonewall Jackson held. McClellan's-place the whole South would ba overrun in six monthsr I f G e n . T 1'nc o, wielded, t h c ar m y .o f 31 os en c ra n z , JiC-would bi ViJuacin -Mobiie-wit h i n a fortnii;ht : Hymns for the Camp, - -Shiloh. by Rev. I. L, Durrows, D In Camp, by Rev. Wm. i Broad us, " " - I). I).., 8 . Liquor and Lincoln, by a Physician, 1 The'Rible or .Atheism, by J. Randolph. - - T ticker,-EMj.r Attrney G eucral of "- - : .': . Va., " ' S3 v The Soldier's Pocket Bible, a issued : .:.for the Army of Oliver Cromwell, , .2: , Since June 1st, 18'Jl, "we have published of each of the above from 20,('J't'i r0,.000 copies, making a to tal. in rafrert of 13,o72, lUD, which is over .OuOW tf pagesHflre- than thfi .AmerkanjrrMtcjjyJsued its .first year. Ihcae .we tiavo son -r.nn giten awav mostly fur the'Sobirers'; at the rate of 1,500 pages for one dollarJYe arc now prepared to print .'.,mhj four e tracts' per. day, and this number we aliouM get out regularly ITwe wiuM supplyltiritPinimd upon u Latest from Ethcowa. Tom-Say, Pomp, a 'liable darkey tell me just now-dat Jeff Davis gwine to 'taliate 'bout de President's proclamation 7he gwiac to declare all the luggers in de Norf States slaves artur de fust bb Jancwery next." Pomp. "Bresy ue all !" "I hope yoir will be able to t5upport me," said a young lady, while walking out one evening with '"her intended, during a slippery , state of the side walks. ' ; . . '' ' ' - ' . ' , " Why, yes," said the somewhat hesitating ewainr "with some little-assistance from your father." J '' ' There Was some confusion, arid a profound si lcnce: '' '".: ' from all the Confederate States. We are in great need f funds to supply the calls for.our sick and woundcxl Soldiers, who have so nbly jou'red 'out their b'oSl for our defence. ' ' Will not every Christian and pa triot aid us in pouring into their minds and heart the hahn' Mvjng 1'iajm oi- tue uoppei. . A Chaplain in a hospital -at Petersburg writes, thai a i-ick soldier was hopefully converted' "White- hiT was reading 'pfmta-lbe tract" 1 he rrecious IJIoou or Christ," &c. The evidence is abundant that God u daily blessing these messages to the good of souls. heSjdier'H rocket jiipie - fehouia te gpceuiiy ANSON COUNTY. SitbrioCouet or Law, Sfpttmber Term, 18C2. Hampton Beverly, Cashier, &c, vt. Wm. Allen Benton. Attitehmtnt. IT APrEARINO TO THE SATISFACTION OF the Court, thaHhe Defendantln this case is non resident of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the North Carolina Argui, a newspaper published in the town of Wades borough, N. C, for six successive weeks, notifying said defendant to be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court-House in Wades boVoutth. on the second Monday of September next,' iindiheii4-therlwwa4isT4f-iuija-hasjrlll. judgment finat shall not be entered against him, and the property levica or condemnea iu me sau&iacuoa oi the Plaintiff's debt, Witness: Robert T. Hall, Clerk, of aid Court at Offico In Wadcsborough, the second Monday of Sep tember. A. D. 18C2. . - . 207-12 J R.-T. HALL, Cerk.' STATE OF XOIITII CAROLINA', ANSON COUNTY. Cocbt or Plkab and Quarter Sxssioms. October Term, 1862, William Moore and Samuel Moore, Administratori of Moses Moore, vt. John A ...Nash and wife Jod, and Others. V ' Petition for Settlement." TN THIS CASE IT APPEARING TO THE SATI3 faction of the Court, that the defendants Jolfl i Na4 and wife Judv. DuzaM Ross and wife Martha, Callum Ross and wife Nancy, John Green and Edmund Greco, reside-beyond the limiU oLthis State: It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the North Carolina Anrus, for sixjucccsivo weeks, notifying said defendant to be and appear at the next term or said Court to be held for the county of Anson, at the Court House in Wadcsborough, on the second Mondar in Jan uary next, and then and there plead, answer or demur to said petition, or iudctucnt vro eonfet do will b en tered, and the same heard ex parti as to them. Witness- Patrick J. Coppedjre, Clerk of ear ttul Court, at office In Wadesborougb, the second Monday of October, A. D.Ib62, ' 207-12 P. J. COl l KIHJK, Clerk. pa n iiXT or mtat i; iioilitxjdiiji ii;ci: asi:i) som)ii:uh. Ex't. Departmrnt .orth Carolina, Apjitast ucxkral Urrici, Geseral Orpirs, Raleigh, October I7th, 1S62. No. .. j - - rpiIK FOLLOWINO REOCLATION3 'ARE TUB I lishel fur the information of tho persons wish ing to draw bounty of deceased soldiers (a accordance with an ordinance of the Convention ratified u 22d day pf February, 1802: y . REGULATIONS. 1. The payment of bounty to the representatives f deceased soldiers is based upon the certificate of the Commanding Officer of the company, who will state the time of the enh.tinent of the soldier, the date of his decease in service, the amount of bounty already paid by the State, and the company'and regiment to inch he belonged. The claimant will make affidavit before a Magis trate that he or bc h the next of kin to the deceased, according try the provisions uf the foregoingordinance of the Convention, and that there is no other person entitled to ni.nke claim. The affidavit of the claimant must be su'tninc l by that of one di'intereotel witness, that thcfa?ts stated are correct within his own know ledge, and that he hai no intcret in, the. cUim. The Magistrate administering the oath will certify to the credibility of the witness, and the Clerk of the County Court will certifyV under ; atal that be is an authoriied and acting Magistrate. 3. If the claimant fir 'claimants be minors, payment will be maJe to the guardian upon the production of the proper" certificate under the Feal of the Court of his appointment and the sufficiency of his boui the claim to be proved by him as in other, ca?es.' 4. A bounty of fifty dollars, deducting the bounty that may have been previously paid, is due to alt per sons who may have volunteered for Jhree yefrs or the war, and to all persons mustered into or continued in se vice unler the provisions of the conscription act. -By order of Governor Vajicb: ' . J.G.MARTIN, 31, HG2-207-9. Adjutint General. lenburg, Cth circuit; and Marcus Erwin, of Burke, LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Ajsembly commences its. session on the third Monday ot November every altcruato year. The following Is a list of tho Senators and Coinuiouers elect:' . ' - - SENATE. ' . Tusquotank and Pcrquimans...W II Bngley. Camden and Currituck... D McD Linsny. Gates and Chowan... Mills L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell. ..Charles McCleese. . ' NortUamptoq...Dr W 8 Copeland. . - Hertford... J B Slaughter. -Bertierv:Cpt Thos MOarrett.' , Martin and Washington. .".J Q Carroway. Halifax. ..Mason L Wiggins. Edgecombe and Wilson.. .Jesse II Powell. rtt...Dr E JJHouut. Beaufort... E J Warren. ' ' Craven... Wm B Wadsworth. Carteret and Jones... Dr M F Arendcll. - Greene and Lenoir... Edward Patrick. New Hanover...Eli W Hall. Duplin. ..Pr Jas G Dickson. Onslow... J A Milrrill. . 7 Bladen, Brunswick, &e...Capt J W Ellis. " Cumberland and ;iarnctt...Wui B Wright. Sampson.i.Thos I Faison. . Waynert.Wm K Lane. Johnston... C B Sanders. Wake...J P 11 Rufi. w ' -Nash..-.Cpt A J Taylor. Franklin... Washington Harris. Warren... Dr T J Pitchford. Granville... R W Lassiter. Person... Jamea Holman. Orange...Win A Graham. Alamance and Randolph ...Giles Mebane. CLatham...Wm P Taylor. Moore and Montgomery ...Calvin'W.WooIej. Richmond and Robeson. ..Giles Leitch. Anson and Union. ..Col Wm C Smith. Guilford... Peter Adams, y , Caswell... Bedford Brown. Rockingham. ..Gen F L Simpson. Mecklenburg... John A Young. ' Cabarrus and Stanly. ..J W Smith. Rowan and Davie... Dr J G Ramsajr. 4)avid?cn...H Adams; Stokes and Forsy tbTCot Jsr Matthewji Ashe. Surryj 4c... Isaac Jarratt. Iredell, Wjjkes, &C...L Q Sharpe. Burke, McDowell. ic.S J Neat. - Lincoln, Gaton, ic... Jas II White. Rutherford, Polk, 4c...M 0 Dickerson. . Buncombe, Henderson, Ac.Wni M tfhipp. Haywood, Macon, Ac.C D Smith. (tIMU0. , Alamance ...R V McAden, Dr E F-WaUcn. Alexander... Dr J M Carson. "Anson... Purdie Richardson, R II Burns." Ashe...J M Gen ry. . . Blden...J W.Russ. V IVaufort.-R S Donnetl, Capt W T Marsh. Bertie"... Dr P T Heory. Jas Bond. Brunswick... Daniel L Ru.?eU. ,t ' Buncombe. ..John Burgin. , , Burke...Jobn Parks. ' - CaUrrus...W S Harris. Cal l well... M N Banihardt. Camden. ..John Forbes. " Oct. COVER.NjILM OF AORTil CAROLINA. 7j. B. Vance, Governor; salary $3,Hjj per annum. R. II. Battle, Secretary to the Governor; salary, exclusive-of fees, $3'0." " Rufus II. Page," Secretary of 'State, salary $800. iMrtiel W. Courts, Treasurer; salary $2,.K0. W. R R!chardsoBCiiierClerkto the Treasurer; salary $1,200. . - . . ' C. II. Brogden, Comptroller; salary $1,000. D. A. Buin. of Wake, Clerk. (iliverJlI'erry. Librarian. The Council or state Is composed or the following gentlemen: Council Wooten, of Lenoir, President;. John W, Cunningham, of Person; David Murphy, of Cumberland;" William A. Ferguson, of Bertie; J. F. Graves, .ofSurry; J. J. Long, of Northampton, W. L., Hillard. of Buncombe. . Governor's Ails David A. Barnes, Esq., George 'tit tre7;E.q: ; 2 . , Literary Board Z. B. Vance, President ex officio; Arch 'd.. Henderson, of Rowan, James B. Gordon, of Wilkes, Ibd Wm; J. Yates, of Mecklenburg. IuterniitmpTTrvcmTOttonrdZ put into the bands or every sokiien. .Let imist-e-rs and Christians do what they can promptly in collecting and sending us the funds for this cause. . i . Yours truly, ' v V W. J. W. CROWDER, . - " 1 Tract Agent. Raleigh,N. C, July, 18C2. . . 1 ' 194. TAX KIt'S oii, roit s Ain, v T)Y THE BARREL OR GALLON, At High Mount Tannery. J. C. CARAWAY. dent ex officio; James Fulton, of New Hanover, and N. N. Lone 'of Halifax. - Tiard of Jlaims Bartholomew F. Moore, of Wake, Chairman; Sam'l F." Phillips, of Orange; P. H. Win- ' ' . SUPREME COURT. Richmond M.. Pearson r.of Yadkin, Chief Justice. Wm. H. Bttle, of Orange, Associate Justice. Matthias 12. Manly, of Craven, Associate Justice. Wm. A. Jenkins, of W'arrcn, Attorney General. -Hamilton C. Jones, of Rowan, Reporter.- ,,nun, , Freeman, of Wake, Clerk. Carteret. ..No election held, on account of the pres ence of the enemy. Caswell... S S Harmon, WnTLong. Catawba... Geo S Hooper. vChatharo..J B HaVris, Lt W J Ileadcn, M Q WadJc!. Cherokee..'. J H Bryson . ' " Chowan temul C Re nbtrry. - - .i Clevelnd.l.'lavid Beam, J R Logan. ' . Co!umbu...W M Haldin . ' Craven.. .J B G Barrow, Berj M Cook. Cutnb'rland an 1 Harnett.. .J (i ShrpbtrJ, Dr Jubo McCormick. Nei:iMcKay. ; Currituck... B M Baiter. ' , 1 .... Davidson... Dr R L Iteall. Henry Walter. 1 , Davief.. Heory B Howard. - r , ' "Duplia..J C Stanford, L W HoIge. . Edgecombe... David Cobb, Robert Bynum. yyy: Forsyth... John P Nifscrt, Dr. E Kcrner. Franklin,. W l'tarcc,. Jr. (aton...A.W Davenport. Granvillc.R B Gilliam, Jas 8 Amis, Capt Eugcnor Grissotn. ' ",'-' -"' Greene"...Capt II II Best. Guilford. ..M S Sherwood, R W Glenn, W R Smith. Gatrs,;;W II Manning. -'.." . Halifax. .,Dr llenry Joyncr, A II Davis. IUy wood,:.Dr S L Love. Hertford.J B Vann. ' ... ,. Henderson... Alex, Henry. ; - . HydeE L.Mann. " Iredell. ..T A Allison, John Young. Jackson... J Keener. '' 7 -1 Johostnnclh G JYoodall, WJI Avera. Jrtnes... Anthony E Rhodes. Lenoir... W W Dunn. Lincoln... A Costncr. .; r' Maconl. .Dr M Lyle. ':.';''" --r- ; Malison...Dr WaTlen, Martin.. .James Robinson. McDowtll... Lieut W F Craig. -. Mecklenburg. , John L BrownE C Grier. ; ' Montgomery.... E G L Barringer. More A U'xandr Kelly -Tli . Nash... Henry G Williams. . New Hanover... S J Person, J R Hawej?T 0. If.' Perry, of Wake, Deputy Clerk. , James Litchford', of WaHe, Marshall. At present, the sessions of the Supreme Court are held in Raleigh, onco a year, commencing on the sec ond Monday in June. ' - - -. 5VPERI0R COURTS. . ' '" - Judges John L. Baileyl of BuncombepRoranlua M. Saunders, of Wake; Robert R. Heath, of Choiran; Oeorgo IIowar4. jr.,- of Wilson; James W.Osborne,- of Mecklenburg; Robert fi, French, of RobeBonj and John Kew, of Caswell. - ' Solicitors-esseXTeatcs, o Hertford, 1st circuit; W Br J.- noitstoa.- f- Dfifttiar-24 iruitf-Wiu-AJfia Northampton:.. W W Peebles, Capt H Stanslll.' Onsl.ow...J II Foy. . " 'f . Orange. ..Jobo Berry, W N Patterson. . ."" . . .1 Pasquotank... Gen W E Mann.. Perquimans... Dr Jos II llildick.- ' plrson...Lient M D 0 Bumpass.. Pitt... C Perkins, B 0 Albritton. . Randolph, ..Jonathan Worth', M 8 Bobbins. Uichmond...Lietit8 M Ingram . Robeson...Murdock McRae, D McNeill. Rockingham... W I Gilliam, James Reynolds Rowan... F E,Shober,,N N Fleming. Rutherford,.. A iCBryan, J B Carpenter. ' ;" Sampson. ..Wrri Kirby, Thos H Holmes. Stanly... Lafayette Greene. ' Stoke... Wm Flynt. ' ;.' Surry.-.Dr Jos Hollingswortb. --V Tyrrell...Eli SpruilL -.. 4 , ' Uuion...C Q Lemmons. . . . ' Wake...Wm Laws, O II Alford, vacancy. -Warren. .. Thos'I Judkins, Leonard Henderson;; Wa8hington...(8aroe as Carteret.) . :. : Watauga... Wm Horton. L Wayne...B B Rives, M K Crawford.