.-..t..,iM.'.- ,.! V'.' . 1 j:;::Jl)7,SCRIESY0KY J ... mm I 'His? K lifers i'V -MW ii ; r t. . ' 1 I I . I I F T i ? I ' j. . 1 . .. W TV A. J xM I jrs. Vs. r 1 rv l Ml 5 SIS 1 i it n u , . ,w.ij.'Cc3 yotr toil a&d kwtit" tn ;::( , J . r m?J:i ta fisher itaaJ; fi J '.3.1 y Cl tiVAll Otlt la tai LxltiA. ciBtu iovil csj aosstrr cort wis Tra T. tU' til yrt'f fUthful mol, - . i ti - -! t'Jitlaj Uu jom kt tf PT9. i den tU tairtTil rrlii tUffhsM V' " Un tMk titrji c'rciii ' Y 'V,;1 ; ; ; ; rohtniCoBiirctial!rstitrl . Ill tin trtaajtsJ-a kin infers!; . . VUlon ill, tr ett!iU it lot; i Xl til Vu'od&rd b datyl' ;? , s " " Itt tbi vitcivird bt "nr bectif . - Xtt Ui prtjir b Hlodntr nfonr1 ' Tbn filli tbi fo vkm'rv k ioom. ; Com li tii nt whi ie;la ta lowtr - , ; " 5: ' Til itaadard if thi pan in4frfli; ' Illi fiU ihotld bi U lit Md tovir . Sranib th Ink of tjriy. 4W V' .' .t i,t 1 ' Ttt Qi Arfui. i ' ; IIIocitSTOj, W, (J.Aprtt tO:b, XtZX igilo. V in dow bWoaiciinj ottr tbf littU tilh-i c( IlocicrtOfl, twaJtin, ind oorlj n Meting wim to cuxh to XIittoa. -Yesterdij ' Jri kwd thtl tiinibMrj vu pclng on on the UiiM blow ( tltt f J Ht ti Dctlios tUlaiU bn btio , ttxrd tioeti tbt infircoea u, tbit tb) o'lray bin retired.. If thii ti io, I prtnai , our Britdi will rcturo to OrttnUI, lo cod. pliti the diftoen. Np lopcrUnt cbinp bi tibia jplicw b tb ititoi of iCiiri unci n j last Tbi ipmf- wbieb tbts, wefrrfporttj W tt' td riteing io ford upoo Kinitoo, turn to bi oau tiouilj icicuri, witbocouioniUj alight ikirmiib- inr btwMD tht piobits. Of tbi number tod .dUpotition cf out forett ta tbif notioo, I would likt to ipoik, to illij toj ippnbeotloo la rtgird to our ability to meit tht raodili ; bat thij htvi tlriidj giinid too moch tbroujh ioprodioot of " irtDj oorreipondmU." I oodintiod tbt to mj U foittfjiog on Cort Crtik, with t tiiw v( aiking It a lint of -difinci. It u birdlj prob . bit tbat U iottoda oocupjiog it pirmanmtlj. Io fact, I doubt terj mash wbitbir OeoVFoatir will enr allow Oeo. Hill to meat him in "a fair oldald'-It it unwu to audimtitht ootragt or abilitj of oarcoeuij, bat the conduot of Foa tar aioot ht baa bin Io com mind hart, bia fcioa inch aa to inipirt oa with t aaprtmt coottmpt for an j pritiniioni bt maj makt aa abratt man, and all who hart witmned tbt blabk trail of ruin aod deaolatioo, which followa tht trick cf tbi brutt !o ' bumio 'foru, muit regnt thit hi haa any olaima to recognition aa oct of our raoi. Likt 4 limoon, line ping ortr tomt fair field of ' flowing lt learea babiod him daaolation, ruin and mUery. Nothing bat tht lonely chimney, ii lift, of tbt ilegint miniion j tad tht Under budi of the flower girden, ihootiog ap, ttlli where .-jminj.a.- plaaaaat hoar . bad beta pent. by. the happy naidea, wbo now wtDdera from place to pliot, a beggarly dependant upon tht cold ehari- tlia'of tht world. ' . . ' ' "Ihe hoiplubli roof no mora ; : ioTlUi the itraoger to the door; ', In imotjr'ralni, innk tbiy He, - Tke moBuminti of oruilty. ' . " . Tbe wntcbed owner jen afiur, t - Eii ill Ueomi thi nrer efwirl lUOlski Uol hiiUMiwd wUe, tlsa, reoiire their proportion of . bii ittcntioo on til '.occssiocj' i Parbg?tbt , enrollment cf ccri;tj in Rtisfort doanty one, who claimed to Jttloog totbt fbrair c!iir cam before him, end atata tha ht wii tnljept to rbeuffiaUaa lctasiog patiently to bii nrioui oodpltlnta, tbe Oeneral reoarked : " , air, I Jjart had tht rbiactt&ajiboat thirty ytart, and it yas apmt tiqii txtremely gainful; but 1 went iota aerrfpe; bt tro, art ago, and I before, it haa ica prorad ot eosaidarably, and I would tieommeod to yon the cant remedy .'t it 1 needleaa to aay tht poor fellow nrged hit olaimt no ferthr A great deal of complaint b taadt of ,biwrin tbit ttotion, for ht enforced tht conacript law, "with out fear, faror or iSection."D Sioet oar troope fell baok from WaatbgtoD, oambera of tht citi cent hart left, bringingwhat they ooald with then. Many of them art in dialling condi tion.' Tht anthoritlea in,WaahiogtooVaomo daya goi gat notice "to the cidxent that all wbo would not take the oath, bid to leatt within fire daya. I learn that t great many of them gladly arailed. tbemeelrea of thiachanct to tecape the tyranoy of the oppreator. . Lart numberi of . them artf in the ricinity of Qrecnrillebntrwill doujbtieaV go farther cp tht country., I hart beenftrmBi ted to read a letter from, t lady, who lired neur ; where our troopt were atatloned. , Ij wu wtiUen A TOUCBISIQ SCNX. the day after they came, out on their plundering! on the plaue and stopped the bleeding. ' It foray, at which time our caralry pickets had, if akirmiah with tbia. The atatemeota made aro enough to abnek ut ; but the lady ia a high toaed,; intalligiot Southern woman, and " would not ix-i - M. II i .1.. .1 .2 . .1 . "wm" lor, iu Myi, toe iruin ia naa tnough." They broke locke, tookmulea, bonea, poultry, oorn, nieaf, meat, and in fact ererything they could eppropriite either to their on use or to the negroei, giving the jatter bedi and oloth-f log belonging to their mutreaa, uad "left nothing uotouohed or unharmed." They ahook their I wu tonyersin ' not Ignj tin ce with ;e returned Tplanteer. -. ).. '; M.r-'L ; JLl waa in .the hpspital at narte- for along time'jaid he, '.'aasiated io taking off limb j and dreaaing all aorta of wounds but, the hardest' thing I crer did Waa to take raV thnmboffa man's leg."' ''-',r" ' : " Ahl" said J, ,,bor? wattbatr Then he told me. vi - ' ;, ;) i , It waa yx)iing man, who had. a aetere wound in the thigh. . The ball paaaed com pletely, through,' ard amputation was nec essary. The limb waa cut bfl close up to the body, the arteries taken tip, and he seemed to be doing well. Subsequently one of the small arteries sloughed off. An incision was made, and it was again ta ken up. . It was well it was not the main artery, said the surgeon as he performed the Operation: 'he might hare bled to death before we could hare taken it up.' But Charley got on finely, and was a favor ite with us tat. - ' ''." I was passing through the ward one night aboui midnight, when suddenly as I was passing Charley V bed he spoke to me: ' H r niy leg is bleeding again,' , I threw, back the bed61othes, and the blood spirted in the air. 'The main arjery hadslouged off. . ' ' ; . Fortunately,? ! kiiew just what' to' do, and in an instant I had pressed. my thumb j tetweCa thirteen ndf?tift:2h 1 hucdre'4 ?n was so close to. the tody that : there was barely room for my thumb; but I succeeded in keeping it there, and- arousing one of the conraiescents,Isent him for the surgeon, who came on the run. ' ' 'I am so thankful, H ,' said he as he saw me, "that you were, op, and knew what to do, for he must have bled to death before I could have got here." ' Button -examination into the cast he looked exceedingly. serious, and sent out for other surgeons. All came who were within 1 . . ! reach, and a consultation was held over the 1. s : ... I Pillow. One conglusiqn was reached wu, uww .Vcu N.u BUV, -lor tae umiuar 1 Kv an. , There waa no n ac to work aav u o pna pniavnrti 01 tat uuo, ! ulaktlr oir the itUnt pUla, 1 whan tbi rii of bittli eeuei bUikined aout ii not appatiadf Tbea tmiUa bii briiit aad eurses life. 3Jeitrlnibuttboeof lorrowfiow, ' And aoucht Ii biard but sound! ef woe; Wbile the pile pbaatotna of the aluo, . And - 111 ' Tbi nilid and forlorn must ft a! DiTiarlDf flame! and nurderln j tul." ' Wnin Gea! Hill aaeeeeded Qtny French in ' this eommand, he found aonte lettere from Foster uni ci wired. He replied to Iheta la Us'peeuliarly . cbiractsriitii itjli. I wCltadearQr lo sand yon a oopy.cf thii, as wall ta a circular vary recently grlchCitsiwd gny coats of our rebel aoldiera to. appear." The ferocious barbarity of this modern rice of Sepoye ia viridJy pictured io the letter and confirmed by criry one who escapes. In the skirmish we had one young Georgian was killed, when our forces retreated leaving him in their hands. They would'nt bury him, and daring the night some of the citizeni interred him hurriedly. Alluding to it the layi , "in the pale moon-light, wis thrown op the mound, which, perhpa,in the future, will pointont tollorniTbTdcomradc, the reeling place of the sweet soldier. It Ja a monument to patriotism, but it giievei me to think tbit not one ioringhand was there to wipe the cold death sweat from his pale brow." After reriewing their, condition, the eaya, " Oh where will our troublea end, and what will befall ua more t We hare expected, looked, hoped and prayed for our dear rebel soldiers to oome to our relief ; but it haa all been in rain ; or sorrow, bitter and heart rending aorrow, hangs orer every household, and we are in oppressive bondage. I shall run the blockade if possible." Fortunately aha did 14 run the blockado"'and is now in Greenville. . Wt would like very much if we were stationed long enough to getonr letters. We want to hear oftener from our friends. Some of our boys seem to be carrying on a military correspondenoe' with tht githv One wrote thrte to his dulcinea, before hi heard anything from her. Finally the 'long looked for came al last." With ''throbbing heart and bluahiog brow," he opened it eagerly, when to hia utter aurpria and astoaUhmen t," he found bia three letters neatly wrapped in a piece of note papep, with these simple but comprehensive words written 00 it, " Disapproved and Retpectfully Returned," with m much of a military flourish as some of our applications for furloughs are deoora ted with, after coming from tht handa of the Commanding General. . The bop are in good health and fine apirita. ';'; ' . : j y FoBTY-TnutD. FAITII WITHOUT WORKS. . . ' A man nan no more believe with another's faith than ht can satisfy his hunger by seeing another. where my thumb was placed; they could not work under my thumb, and if Tmoved it he.would bleed, to death before the ar tery could be taken up. There was no way to save his life 1 Poor Charley! He was very calm' when they told hinvand requested that his brother, who was in the hospital, mtght be called up. He came and sat down by the bedside; and for three hours I stood, and by the pressure pljrnyjihu im. .bk LeptJllUhelife-otJCharley, while the brothers had their last conversa tion on earth. It was a strange place; for me to be in, to leel that 1 had the lite ol a fellow mortar in my hands, as it were, and T ' A. a I ' - 1 '' . ' i " ' " ' siranger yei 10 ieei tnai an act 01 mine must cause that life to depart. Loving the poor fellow as I did, it whs a hard thought; but thero was no alternative. ' ; . The last words were spoken. Charley had arranged all his business affairs, and s'entjtenderjmessages jOiabsentones, who little dreamed how near their loved one stood to the grave. The tears filled my eyes more than once as I listened to those parting words. ' AH were said, and he turned to. me; . a'-:' j 'V'"-if-- izz Hpav; Il-rr-,.! guess you had better take off your thumb. , .1 Y y ":4 : , 4 O, Charley 1 how can I?' I said. .: ; T 'But it must be, 'you knowreplied he cheerfulry,--;, j.I ' thanko'Qvery tnudh -fof y durk kindness Pahd;no.wrgood bye." ; He turned-away his head, I raised my thumb, once more the life current gushed forth, and in three minutes poor Charley was dead ----f-i VtHB BNEMT CAPJUEED. : '(. " ; We have just had an interview with Mr, J. Noble, Jr., who came down on the train tHis morning, from Rome ; who says that on Sundayi about 2 o'clojck, the vanguard of the enemy,' about two hundred in number,, reached the plantation of Mr. Shorter where they were met and forced back by the citl lens and some soldiers at Home, who had marched out to meet them in; accordance with instructions sent by Den. Forrest by a courier, upon mo lorco opproucoiog un der Gen. Forrest, finding themselves in a trapthey- surrendered-unconditionally.: numbefrjrfendered 10 C'nForrcsUabut 'V 20 miles West of Rorn e w ic$ e ntira x om jr mand.'nnmbered but little over six hundred. ' -'j We learn that ih4 capture was e Coded by l causing the enemy to belie vt tbat he was flanked on both tfd&?) wU atfiresiedfcy n sjiperioT force. imfh.nr.'l.iTlid edeers were permitted to, rctaiaihsir, ?de erxns. The prisoners, were '.rerr'iindijjniDt wbe.n thty disco vertd they had surrendered to an inferior force.' ; The tbfy about te contra bandj proved untrue, is only tsYcnteia were captured;; yj.u. .f;" The captured forces compriied thw iTifrd Ohio, the Eighteenth Illinois, and the Fifty First and Seventy-Third Indiana, together wth three companies of fJonh Alabamian. The latter will VsenMo Richmond th former will beparoled ; Mr; Noble saw them all in the public square at Rome, and a ays that the' conquerors and conquered, as well sis their horses, looked tert much Jaded. i ne prisoners were ?tj defiant and rtnper tinent r:x ,v,-.,; ... ... :. .t'.;1 , General Forrest bad followed and fought the enemy, fpr five days, Almost without in termisaibn, end but for.thidomitableirn erfty pcrseverence ? and tact of this daring and gallant enmmander and command, tha result would have beeti very feriowt. f Tbq main object of the incursion" waa to reach the State Road, burn the bridges, and tear up the track- It is alledged that their cap-t ture was conjiderd. certain, but that tbo loss of two thousand men, would be more than cornpensated for by, the injuries they would be able to inflict on the State Road., Bat, thanks be to God, and General Forrest, un der His protectingProvidencf that the jn vading Tandals . have been ' ceptnred and . their nefarious designs thwarted. Yesterday was a gala dsy m Kome, and the city was crowded by people-young end old, men; and women, and negroes; too- from the sur rounding 'country, to get a glimpse n( the ruthless prisoners. When General jpoirest entered the city,' his path aa j was fairly paved with flo wers by the fait women of the' rescuedcitv; .A Vf".t;;" Vr? ' ' ,' f , . .The enemy lay waste the country tbey passed over, . but excepting th destruction of the Round Mountain Iron 1 Works, "no serious damage was done - The. burning of Gadsden is not confirmed,. The report. of the destruction of the Messrs.iiobles Iron! Works, wt are gratified to learn, was erro. neous. 1 ne prisoners, it is understood aro to bejjentjieref .-, ' ,; 1 V' r Of -At I, l ? -4' I; -1 The various rumors abroad this mornin? ' in referehce to the raid upon the State Road and the damage done it, proved to be almost ground less-baving originated with a cou rier sent from Calhoun, vho seeing a largo number of horses in a wheatfield, (probably aome of those captured by Forrest,) without1' making a careful enough survey, returned r and reported the enemy as approaching Considerable alarm prevailed messengers werei sent to JDaItoii,-the troops which vvciouu hid uuiuiut iciuiiiiiiuiu luisuiauo . v.- were detained, the trains here' and there" V etnnnrl Mil. nmmrni4 inn rtit nfT'-bti.' t til. the truth was ascertain ecV- The" feVer'v V ish excitement of the public mind has nVw,' entirely -subsided, and the timicf b'reatho-i-'' more freely. ilKtfttfa CommonioidU&t icw. I;. IiiroRTANT Item A comsplbndentf the : liayeitejitlaUPservericommom following' facts . "Our excellent GwernertngMder authority given him by the Legislature, has bought arid has iiow ' on hand $00,000 4 . pounds of baconr ,000 casks of View and about 80,000. busheb of com. This is td , be distributed among the different counties for the benefit of thapowi learn that . j two counsel have so fa'f appliedfbVbacoa! ; ; Committees and county comsilssarie th nrw hnvintr far tha rli.f of that Tmni en ha ' . ) supplied, to some extent, from this- stocltcf provisions owned by he . jStajetbou!t wt , V learn thaMhe) athprtties xreimtswli td .. the Meckfenburjf Relief CcrnitteeOn:' groujndhaXPii9eMrt AaupdsntJttlhii eia eit. previously tne mam oooyvmountwrnmniryrj section