-. t u r.3 to ta Itl CZIX rr..;! ciLL j i j tv.s .Vtrart i .; ' f Jr-.:;. Cm rt h:a Ic:c!J Ca vr V c-j to fciat clt. , What iait crccj fcr ? v- Jiz:x trf vrrf ttlz ar.a wee !-.Cia t::3 it la tis tree tr 128" k yr U UV. liUr ita t;irdj : fanners li'.criU C5t turj w.Ilt it ia plocghic ' e:srir;v rttplcj tzd cttwit aid they tefl CO C itlhciiacf tbsa are used abroad ia ( ililrtt 'i tho rt!tat and sujsrcane, . ; J .'. Xntnt-f.acfcroodtorircat. ; ;.lrJ. lib formed cf; Cir. .crlrrrhlv f?a-fcird and ctsa asftj AtS it ti5 i t;it riay fscret tprlzj ii V retire oiling - , t;.V-U. 5 ( as'-a J-tl. Hot? I should He t tea cna of lira I Whit do it loci ,ike f To nrovide for the relief of officers end Btieriho h. been lrregulrlT Intro- 5- ejeed into the military servtco of the Con- fQr the rurpoet tf Jalaf resolutions relating to martial law, nTo rerulsta tha rrrv cf the eCcers former Iv fnfttl tha rAranuA. esrvica of the Un-nia.d a thKirri United States, and now in the eacldvoent Colt remarked: , "Mr. CkM'raui I t kaww T6 emend an act relative 'to prironsra of of war, approTed 31st May, 1E31." m. 1 m a T m k Tox the pay end allowances or the K-L-f ae:cal f cfturj cf e-rwi u l.r , eonwua t J rtaetcf Uortravr JUdrt-y, csotrtins ciiitaeBta. ."l.r. Crow,' ti cL-.Irata, afttr dtllttrtej tk ;tftirj adima, Ml doira roa attrrtL ta adixttf tu tnt tUw. afon wa Cc&a Bouf, I vasta t k&e irtal va'a H I md a ttor U c Conisr todiar du 'bev t?at wait Mkh atila' a al!mi eessaa U at Cij'lfta to lirt. , Cy tauml eanaua asja t. -,MXoa ".v;tw 1 QTr a tonr' wu 'towtd aa aaa. ;rry Mt' Army, at tucmnon To reolata the Cot trant sorttttion csnriceci the Confederate j ; - s 1 v 1 JLrrrX I will fhow yoo one ro ar : ;tr Lx fcadiicribait. v It u caeof twen ty;Tcnhard pieeeA laostof them with .rHri or nicest Utd tcjsther with strings ia a es3 ecriona cannsr. it often require! t!iid. and wbsa carried fa the open air, 1 ional Arnt. : crpwialij tnster. b ccmmonJy kept in a To nroyide for the Payment cf howe !:r or wcola ttj. Host people set a abled or lost in the Oonfederate aervice . V-z Tataa ca Uus odcaitij; and a good ' czy b trorth tnara thaa a thousand dollars 'tafU owner.-; v.:.;:. -T lfr-. ; ' Jcri A thmaand doilara f t JzzrzL Yes x -1 once knew a man who td a capital oca, and he said that he wooid ' . : . . t . -.i : i j i. cm taae tea ihooqq qqiuui lor it, rooa tjy cowo. . . Jcszj. Why what a- rr.fxhhia ! , It oust ta a fortoca to hate ona. Jcxph. Indeed it is, when pat to a good asd. A here ara taore J Jiyicn by; this machine msanS. If any great wori to bs employ ed. They never could have made a, w irginia. . aaya,d aaUml etmma, did a ecsa f , t I .uW Yw, .i : payment of commutation I , Cittraaa ta tzm ttzzn, ' " :-jrr i . ' t rJ. 1 -i-S3 IJ u. tocQeer. in the military .5f 2 li.tM States. oat Boaf dliaH. E'a bttttr ef aftra csakab rr-A I 7 v . i Cu t iir u To prohibit tha improper employment of kick-'. 'Uat atvta two ratu a koteala' it all re?:, t'l c: ...;.jc-4i :rj c:;zjwa t uiu K en-ieri. Collorad cataiaara at da Uwf aWt aa'm. Twa er3 1 i: U CiU&t2 For ttppotoent of a superintendent kwlawi aaadii Uc.-tU ..J- AJ t-l? v . of laboratories. - v. V taara for dx eeata aaf Uak fcaots for hra atsti Uia '-r'!' Anthorfeinjr the Preaident to eonfar qdoa dtj aaaT N'y, Fol Uy ttatlatati tJ, Ct If 1 t-rr--v W'.r tk.Pt,;.f f nr.,, ftf nn.n.L waiUfolkaaad wmltad tlfl aoloral fwr! ttl aJr-?ra I ' r' x- S wuici wt AiV""' "Ul u "Q 1 raJ ScatiB', aa way I Qavaor Aadrtw aaa't ac-a it at allowance! of a Ung. General of the rrovia- du ahii. If aa waata a aar Ila fr ala asa, I I A .- T v- I Tffc . 7 at t!l Csttu esarfy partltt U aay piiat tkt. op, aaa i r:t t sa ta aaard aitkar fc.ik. AlV.arLC.an. To orsanize and promote the efficiency of the Medical branch of tne mtiiiary service. To aid the several departments in the in. vesication of accouuta. fioa Mot. A busy housewife waj sit ting in the door-way plying her. needle. Her husband lounging on the rail; his foot slipped and he bruised his knee on the doorstoae. "Oh! he croamngly exclaimed, 1 have turely broken the bone 1" Well, j- I ut 1 1 gwu ta ni py aa ami on M&isa duih u i v - ' wtta wblta aodrara doit tut uaor'i ti want ia tal I Laats.- DU Ten avaatry W be ttfr ta Ut dt wkltt f-J -ut 1 V'. US. C?iataf tat, ot U i ii oat, u w in mm touvtii poaa ia s9 i - ' - t V w vi net. vie suy aeaer sa wi; titlr rf '4 A ! . . . ... LCCAEAWav. i .1 m ! l t:u: I ii :.l i leopie wno ret ineir - ct "tv"v " lushed attaa azpcaaa r taa suu than bv any other l " ey Droien out, r you ana i nave none datd iMzpcdiMt, aa aot aonportiaf kisgoingonttissure nearly the same thing,- " How so r vby uowtuaxa. : . , -.. .,, . ,- don't you sse," said she;, J nave broken w ..twa br i. a. o. wui alnd dtrt awa barlatw I Tka inuik nf If, flnla Vftil a Mavnalil I wh wa tht only darkty la tat crowd wke UA raMiTtd I rr. B. I wfca ta yarektac aavara) fM4 tJiCQHT a Art doUw aUl frtat tki Oortraar, wtrt utttally ta- C- rana UtIzj aeraat tt Cnaaa tf vt. j effect ail rr prtatrfatloa tf order. Toe Mrrtl aata I fT a uw whlck kt had tttwaud waa aJektd from aadtr aim, I C$tesr UL ZZtt ? Sat u at rortaaateiy tucated apoa ala arad, aa saa I !' y . . ' ' I taiatd ao atrtooal lajary, to taat at wat aot ertTtatad I - ' " c fraai fal2)liBf aia esseaoat U Ukt tea wita Ula T ' "AT3 C rXirOCrrrD, CI TC3 B2CSJ. XxetUeaey oa tat foUowlac ereniog. Dla rtptrt af I "7 wiremiwry, Wiier jgtat fer tktatr. tht protoediap af tat atttiaf will proUbW ba pV I Cettaa far tie Coafadoratt Omrtatat wltk. , aalra It auy . I -"a vwtaa, aaa wui ray ftr U, wita taa paa I t i pt atxa soasa aw aaaa. . vww wmj aartat prta ar tat Cuti laytej la ay aaaa, will km writtta atrtilatta f I'M 1 ? I- 1 ! ' if!:: SafMrlaua tht Capitol ta Washington, nor the Crystal f the eye of the needle, man, and you have dent of tie Utaa Asjlaa, to atata that there ia a Sj ardar af tie "Ceerttary tf taa Trtaeary m PUu.nr .nfcf th. bttaOfollhii, it broken the ksM of tho idle rn.nl" AvSiTSlSS 2&fSiU!&P- 7 ear etat Et ar Caah, and aot I pr ttat Btadt u ttatad la a farmer advartlaaatoaL Ua iv.t ,4.. Oanvtaoaoca ParasotU. 8. Chtnratd, Etq., I hewtrtr, taa per taat Coada will aa faraitatd u any oi tne oeaaiUuWaiiS oontaics-eveo the mysterious magnetio tele traph could notoperate-withoutits aid. And then it isjquite as usefal in making utile things too. You cannot, without it, make either a nodknifa,accrkacrew, "apej oreven a pin. ia 'short, tt iSr as 1 said, tha most ueeful machine in the world. . j James, The ' sooner yoa show it to me ; tna better, vytir, the car peotera tool are , aothiog to it. He most be a rich man who 1.4; .can get one. , if -A Jose oh. -.That does not follow 1 fnr I onr anew a man in .the poor-house who had two of them. 7 James. Then it is a great shame : for he had no Dosioets in toe poor-house with guch a oachtne-as that. I wish i had one 1 Joseph. Too have one; and so has almost every man, woman and child in the town. If yoa were to be searched this vert mm cte, 1 venture to aay that one will be found ta your pocket James, In my pocket? Ton may search bs. and turn my pocket inside out. 1 have E3TU1AX2 rOS TE3 SUPPORT OF TUS G0VEK5- which will bo (irta tt aay taa ftr aotd who will apy ror It. CCtaatfsrC The Secretary of the Treasury has sub- ha nUred tnm tho EditorUl their ef Ue Patriot, autei. mitted to Conzrras his estimates of the ar aoooaatof aoattautd feebla hoaJth, and ta laatttdtd n.r fnr thm cnnnmi nr I by Mtatrt. . A. W.Iacoldaad J. C. ClcadtaiB. We . 1 ,tT 1 in fu5. " V: rtfret to part wita 1U. 8., orpocially ftr thataaat the Government from July 1st to December u,jrnHt, Th. Piu. arl hi ta uan. k in a 31st, 1803, and laat wees mey were paasea floanthiaa toodiUoa. wo wish Uaaow Sdittraaach kw tho Hnnw Th Umlf are as follows : eoccets. lorfalatlTt, 284,0 00 Zxeeotifo, talary of Prtt't, fte., 24,125 00 :fif f is ' Traaaory Departneat, War Peptrtmant, -Navy Pepartmcat Stata Departocot, Departowat of J aatieo, Poatofioo Dopartaiaot, Jliaeallaaeoa, Total, 22,731,400 61 854.813.618 00 8,843,457 02 67,070 00 178,488 88 112,088 VZ 10,000 00 296,687,442 93 f -t r l : , I In looking over the estimate in detail we find some interesting statements of facts To support one regiment of light artillery (10 companies) six months, it coats $490, 781. A regiment of cavalry for the same time costs 6317,271 ; and a regiment of in fanfrv fnr thm mnmm ln trt H rtf lim nft nothing but my hand in my pocket besides tna tun tk nt nr tmnriin onn r:. av knife, pocket-handkerchief, and a piece eraia,400Aids, 163 Brigade Quartermasters, v. w u.vviu. ----- 7r j., BriffadcCo nrnissar es. 600 ChaD a ns ti T -Joseph- Wothing but your hand !"Why and 73 Cadets, which is the field andtaff, , . thatiatheyery thins; for the human hand fi,82ai64. This includes wagonsiliorses ; is the machine I have been speaking of. sUtionery, forage, &c. for the officers.. The : James. J be human hand I I on said ..i..;..nrn. f rL;.-i irwaa wonn a mousana doilara ru. mrf rAmmi.l A.in. .hrn'f. Joseph. Yes, 1 did ; and I hardly think for the halt year amounts toii&lfiO. The yoa would part with a hand for twice that antf mileage of Senators ia 847.000 rVf i v . Ifo'r; the six months, and of the members of ' ilZ. u wnMJG1( 0 raean y the JHouee $200,420. Yuao ii ifumao oi twenty-seven nara 't; I r?81 most of them With springs, or hinges, A Sooorsnoir.-The Confederate Congress XWU lOJSlSSr m a most cqrtOUS manner 7 haa wialw laid afa of iirht nr rnt unon u J Jossph. The human hand has twenty- trJln. a. .nL. seven boseain it? th in nta r. th. .trln. I a w . "rvw" that ti the bones together ; and the flesh fled things) a hand on the first day of July is a soft . substance that covers the- Whole. I next, beyond what is necessary for the fami- The leathern bag is a glove, which is worn ly : consumption of the holder; This will commonly enough, especially n winter. , touch the pockets of those who are hoard- ames. i never could bave believed it . nrn V . . v m ,tB(4U,i Josenh; Tm ..ir.i.. tk- k.4 ?. lntT corn, flour, bacon, &c. Has the knowl- t&.43Sifarnia we cannot be too thankful to God for hi I more freely intoT market and thereby re- gift. It ought always to be used for bis glory duced prices? Whether" such an effect and the good of our fellow-creatures. has been produced or not, there is every Ana ho have Creator tht ciad a lHia Hn " w - - - r rrT, MnilMi , . mnjm - .- - A.f .JJ JJ a 4 L? .l ZZ. m (i.tw.N fhie nri (h It rtf Tnln via am co icrst mm wnen he said, "Thy " ",v " v Mv hands hare tsada sss and fashioned me: i what we wouid suggest to those who Mi it ii " toy ccsscindments,'' lasoionea me: lbst Imay.learn 7 Oaly tome five or tlx bills of an unimpor taat charaottr remained upon the House etknisrat the close of the session not acted can We were unable to obtain a list of their titles. . Ia the fienste, a Senate bill M to in- crests tbscsicacy of the army"(bydivid ir Itbto two clszses) and the foUowlng nts KZzSzil noszd cf;; ;, y f suggest a-rpJus-ofL pfoyisions, -dccdccH's that as the 1st of July approaches, the market will be more and more crowded and prices will probaly more and more fall. It is only necessary to call attention to this view of the matter. - En cb holder will of course consult his own judgment as to the propriety of selling soon or late, paying the tax himself or letting somebody else psy it, itY Tins Gorunitori op ionm i'AtlOLIJIA. A PROCLAMATIOJV. TTTIIISJSAS, IT HAS ETCOUB APPANT IT to ma aad to all who art latereated la tht weUvro of tht uU, aad who haft aaj fetiiofa of baaaoiiy far taseriog aaoag their feuotrHaea, from PatHotf t alUaaaa art atw afcrtd aid tha Oamaaaat by atlUag to it their tettoa rU thai It prtnta aapitaUits. CUrltttt, UarthtJ, UCltf Hides and Leather. rc T7UX taw DiDca oss nAir for tho ether or 7 ott per poaed. - Wa wl aloo (ha gUJ per eord far atod oak bark ctUrorad tt owr taaatry. . tf v to COW5S0N a HUE. ' March 13, lCrj tf. UCZZZ3. . . cc rrj, AttaaUTISreTABLS, ' . C 0ARAWAT. - the chet which reah aa fron tho poor la alt tecuooa 7A!1TC3 TO rUHCI2AS2. of tai laod, taat ttarrauoa wm te tha uto or aiaay of liUj, our heretofore farored people, oalett tha emu cmc ulatinj ta (JU sac encrwt lift can bo arrattod; aad whereat. It it ay boaodea duty to protoot tho eitiaeaa of the 6uu, of which I have tht htaor to ba tho Chief Magistrate, egalnat the orila aoaaooteat apoa this crime, to the utmott of or ability: Now, therefore, I, ZEBULOX B. TAKC8, Go? araor of Morth Carolina, do, by aad with tht adfioa aad contest orthe Coaaeil of Suto, leaao this Proolaaa tioa, forbidding ail pertoiu, for tho tpaot tf thirty dayt from the data hereof, from tsportiag aey of taa following article beyond .the ilaita of the Btatt, to witi-aay Salt,- Bacoof Potkr Btof, Cora, Meal, floor, Wheat, Potatoee, 8hoe, Leathar, Ilidtt, CoUoa Oath, and Tara, and Woolea Cloth. From tau probioiuon toe rcuowiag ptrtont art to Aaentu of tht Confederate Oovornaont. aad of aor I fV"" T?-I?.ii tiatarlaU to a aaceeea. 8ute of the Confederacy, exhibiting proper tridtact raJ5hitprertsoa. Teeth noooted oa Oeld of their offioial charaoter. Alao, all Agonta of aay , M sa a fall tot, tr saetioa, er County, Dietrict, Town or Corporation, of other Statat, !2Jjf ml " tot ft years. After & who thai! exhibit aauc!acu.ry proof of their Agency ,,?t!fmtl! 1 M kwltoJ ! Jt I for the parehate of each arUslot for oaoh Coaaty, Pia sattMdon ta theit who patroalie m, for pablio aott.tr for dia- rio t-M.,,..:..H.. . . . . .. Dontistrya trict, Town or Corporation tribation at coat and transportation, and aot for rooalo Or profit. Alao, all ptraont whethtr rcaldaata or aoo reeidoott of the State who may partbaao aay af said artiolot for tbeir priratt ate, of which, before tha artieloa art rented, their oath, before a Jaetieo tf tbo roaot, aty at taaoa at tndtnoo, aad alaa thoaa noa-reaidanta who may hart porehaaed before tha data hejwotV JTbo txeeptioa it to axtaadto Bait aada by noa-reaideatt on the ea eoatt and la their awa work, and to aargooa tnUrina a aortaf thisfltato from abroad. ' . Any of eaid artiolot that nay bt stopped at traaiial from onr bordert art to bt oonflaoatod to tho aaa af tU BUta... Tba. tolaneU of - lilliti thrtachoat taa Stata ara anjolstd to eeo that thja Proolamatioa is aa rorteo. : -- I tarntitiy appeal to all good eitlxtas to toatala aad aidnno ia oarryiag oat the objeot this Proclama tion It deaigned, at far at possible to affect. ' " x 1 ' lo witaesswheroor. ZXBULONB. VA!TCE. aaax.. flor traorr CoptaiaOeatral aad Commaaltrs j in-cbief;s aata " tlanod these ertsenta and a! h n-s-i Ls.t ..f su ta. SS- Doaa at oar City of Salelch. this ltth dar of Anrfi. A. D., 1883. aad in tht Tear of tor IndeBandenaa tha By tbo Oortraorr ' v Z. B. TAKCS.; R. H. Battli, Je., Priratt Sttrttary. April 12, 1863-227.29. - x u ft" RAGS ! RAGS ! ! RAGS f !! TI' TTTE WANT BAGS-GOOD, CLBAJT COTT0H Tf aad LINEN RAGS. Ssts tkm tr them to as, aad wt will baTt them mada IntA mm to print the Argus upea, 8af yonr rigs, tTtrtWy, aad when yoa eoat to town bring them with yea, a4 wt will buy thta. Thoy east attain hat tis tlla of sariox thtau Xrlag ta Ut If. It I win attend ta all aalla trm a. Imt ahall aatt tociarp t&Saa, ta addidta toTSyther foes W mL; IT, a. B. H0BT0N. VUxAon, Jam, S7t 1CC3 Si5tf. , X7. T. DATIS, , Ok A an ilada af rtpalriog, sttadiag aad altaaiag.'io tot bast mat&tr, and at tht ahortoat notice tonaistett wlti aaatarsa, daratmty aai strtagth. , , v BAJfAWAT niOU THE BCTCCltlBia ABOUT tht eldiU of Aagatt last, JAC2, a bright aaisv ta, abemt C3 years af at, tra ftat 8 tf 0 laehat ia height, trara built, i!oW-pokn, hat a Urgt sear et tha laft catek astsadlag frca tht comer of tht month twa takda af the way towards tht Uf, and ta by acarpantar. .v.-.v,--'. ; iwn wvm, -mu mm pmm lor am atUvtry to. tht 8abaaribtr lirlngft atllta aouthf Wadttboro', Aaaoa aoaaty. If. O, or for tis toafinesieat to thst ta Cur be had, and S1C0 mort,f for oildf oco tafleleot" to esarkt aay white peraoa or persons' for barborisg tttld stave Jx, JAMES C.B2NNETT. ' TTs'-WoSr-rabfTlt, 18C2, , 212-ga.- X-.C-'aC-O Ucsh 17. c. miiiia- . t.-.' " f'xi ' A aprQ ltth,:' ItZ&m " TTiZn COiHIXCC JOJTSD OTFICEBS UP TflrtlOrsr 'JL J-Cat, art hereby ordered tt enforoo itrittly UOwrMr' PrtolaoaUoa aa rogsrdt ctrryirg oat Sf O tirUla articles af prodaet. ' Aay aCecr fiillag ta tomply with the abora order wUi ta rtortid ImmedUuiy to tht adhttot Ctearal 'CtBfcrTCal. Com'gr Crtsg thtaa la I m

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