...'....'.: ' i. . ' . . . - . . ' , If ' t 1 . . .'. . . ; ... . .' '. ... ' ' 1 " " " '"' ' 11 1 1 11 1 "' ' - I.L- - . i , . i ' ..1 j . . . , -,TTn,(i'rTif inn fiONItl 'J. Jill -Mi' ii ik: 'vV..? 'i i ' Lf 'aV l.tr , w 'ivthmu ii ,3' VthtveW'. a4jbe Manager i9vi? US luC Cwvivlii Cwlir?l Uav.. v I l, ti-r.r in I 1 ', - . - - r 3- irzr - nu niv m wrwm ah vw v aw 1 '..r . . , ai . ' hUo of, hat osW (to k de,4 no,mJj; I r aw but bi$a: ChrisiLui iatx. M tb&e I 'geatlfiocn,' ciAdipr from cbiiscriptiaabiTe jbol' j ' litOVt tp,'tarely iba 6rlb$e"Vftda ' sruwted if 0i otier eia Ji iolnVlo' win- i oEcerseo ibit tha proclamatioo ofwxbOorw f ' . erir it ilil'cUf MfbnwfF -UfiM Atwdethiog of ; tlij it ii'ttoba asi tlaipeednj,' &Q?t sal Aulucan ucueri miui ""yy r CC ; TuAxVAit.'-; . rHOU THB IXCTV-TIIIKD lVEGUICSCJr-'C.7. 5 FESTojrtrTbeATguaaths bat beeaiaak icitt ecllxViKts t3 tt Iassure you ita tol ' ones' are etsorJ pcrassd by its all.'Kioat i ire gather wbatM goic- oa irfitdoaon, aad qccv waaally w ad letters roja: dijjeraat fortioaj; of tb9 anayLick W 4.elisbt to read . , Jba last tiasne is. at bandi,nd, wa ni tb followjpg Iaa gsssa ia the comounicaoa of your corrwpoadeat cf tSaforty-Third,: tTv . -1.fi Some of our.boj. aeepi io be errjmg oa a jaHitaii correspbadeace' witb the "girls. Oae wrote three to' his 'dalciBea.fore be beard aay thic frota her; ".Finally the bag looked foT came at hiH "With' throbbing bears'-aad Washing brow be bpeaei it, AgerlwheD?tohU utter Kirpnserand anisliaeavbe fddnd h three letira neatly wrapped la ;i bice 6! 1 aote paper with these simple boAcampreneaaite woijia writ s' tea 00 it; ' d'uapproTed aad t teepeetfoDy re : taraed-' ' This being vhe ease of aotu it is not w-Vrr 4 v , wt-wiiier ta be jpoeof the - llay the 12th, 4863, ;DtXB.JIf. V I trpe this ,Tainicatioa in i x :.i3n225222L2l0ar.- H f the shape of aa epistle should it. hare the rood - lonaae.ioreaeayoar .aegeiic bogers, :wiu. not ..' drag amiss the soper simple i flowers of jp'ur era- niam, for be aystjred vaj sugar damplio, that the r first time my winker "played ,'spun your nec Unacbeeb that'old sarj- Capid, let fly, bis - " arrow slap dab' ijJ giMardaod there it stljek fast 'and kkked up soeh'a 'cajtudine-iad ehuter- ginghng thii I iutagiaeJ that 1 trus iuade up of glass bottles and tin jars for two long hoars; bat, thank fortaaebjrthe way of I cross, I found out ' the trae cause x)f all that ncket: ; Oh; ci j, those gracefol smiles that play across; those Tuby lips 1 t Oh those beaaiifal eea-4bat trclUdJiihw' those a2&ea,brows ! I nted'noissy any.morcr I hare, said noagb. hjfofc; are tbe Jlr. of tu love, my - sogar damplia, my sweet apple", now for the oJy . vordrI amgciiqgtoeeeyouio leap jear, and you ( must net say nq. , t nTv" n;, .t . t Ir.faother word before I close.! I shall wait roar answer with . intense aoi iety, and rio my Jancbug should your answer bo tinfavoura ' ble, it will knock myinside" tbumpef into a flitter jig and Karo'mjr outside capacity into ao' oU fash , ioned sjdesaddle, .bat if coatrary; lshal be one of tlii happiest woinarw ho trer wrote a 3fay Fool. J JiTow da pot forget tat write to ybur ldre ' : ''-f Afterff reading tiSa, I bust1 cbafess that I was almost rraIyziMladsjyoa njightsayaold again. Laalk, dearest Leslie, I will not put thee io the ... - ln6esstron until leap year; if ..:,t v' Since I commenced tfit.wrtMatregiuen;(43d) 1 b:oedt from camp oKinstOBf aad? is inow -rtiagtran jportatioo totrhat poittr float Jnow , ' B?fl 7$ edericVburg, otae to Tickihurg; aboutas near the truth as any. one canr tell, save 'the cotnauodiog General. The boys are geoer . ally fell and la good spirits' and are more thao - wil?S 10 exchange these swamps aad frog ponds .Ko'mw fill. tli. ExmomV CUl Xrt- CWla.'. EiaT Iik kv Un flTta U his SUU aad p-t-tryMa urbW,n 4innx Md bfor of Korth Carolina U -lf tliU tlw jrftnn U iMtag Oat tb, OokAMMMM otTaaua; bchadi Bttfor8iiwl aMTi foB wUK ud iadfd- V UMprivU rghU of cJtio wa. Ufodei by Bu.utborijeJ Mwor So taiv4 pWt ob thi put of frtondo wo ftMt to hb ledom, ha beoa allowed to ox rctot any lnlluenco over -fi to ortrett Wi wf Ws .wiita atr!Wtbo Just i-M dberetio. ot.fcot-koftda u4. tlnp Io rm-' kffdJapf ww M4.ianma.'Sic1il M tbo.dd-rfo ol-hio bk doty, oe4. to k.t booi tl A hit TOotto,W morf oWy hM Ko Pt ffaoookflanfroMlito o,o?iiifwwuiouo pooc iono, aood WoUot S aoUr aU BKxsi prompt -id ympiliWni ittiitU.tt.yDoi4 tbo (oo"goWaaoilIttor Wf ,Wboio pxoinpt tuonuixoaUanUkpoir vodmmad W" On iT4r 4 P nfculM d Bopotriotlo or t tbJr pot ti tLe Winy. potwuvjf-r pl b J'b MtkoriUtft oowor at one Obforced to turn ttelr rotutm, nd, to pnnWi tbo who M0ocrr) Umu U tholf eoowo of lnwAordiil l - taa titfravto tso fanto of bit coo-try to thlt boor of trial Mner-tnf-o um t mar atlctoa tat t- pantUnKp jlttld, lx mt oat to Urn; whHo W uimen tn to proua U la-aoroBt,bowew-Hftla. -'-itvv'; V".V I In want Cor. YMCC fa tb BAt W tft tJtWKj PlftBMtO tndoed blank CoroUn- Uiot bo fc,o9h w at Uo itcad of kftdnta thM oittcal times. JjTorybod fvW, ttat kaUTr f bo doco to rigtt-oad to whaUter U do, ti peopK ' Woieartilr andorM tko abors fton tSo lUUlgWAfA Itb tmt.:l,t i 1 y.'i XJt- 'iivV rf ' - "TOCl WOCXDED SOLDIXES IN ElOX-tOAU? 1 ' OoroUaCo?orQrWaTwill. Co H tnr dotnj nt2i!nj for th. good oh SWU, aad otpecUBy to bo attaadta U provld; tng'lbr tbo comfirt of oj oMUa.' , GotI Tmco aad tbo 6ar?oo GcDoral of tbiStata haTooatabtbbod la Elchmonda k5ortb Caro lina goldkra' Homo." wboro Terr auldler from tbo StatorlH bo and o appUoatloo, tf w already pwjdod tor awl faf.Utor. ol at awnaboapltal At tbto "lloin-,tbo iaoOta, wWataad abUia ofdciuid woaiid4mala'tbeeliy,winbo tornobhod witbboafd and lodgta freo. Fatbort .ad oou wh P to aSer toew ftiaado itt ba fcdfiliu ff rU bat If City board at U - Bome tWr wifl bo cbarcod II Pr Jay. If bowoveT. fjtbora aad oaathooso to bring- Ulr owa rorbtottltb tbota, tley can, deooalt'tbea at tie IToroo" and kxla tbero rr of lipwr, compiMOXoe w eomur orgaoua, v ... ,. .w ; tWa bfartUy nailo wltk tbo Editor o fbt Cale-a 'Aft,' in av God Ue tboto aobie 'mea. UioGovornor. Sarceoo-Gcmra! and a!) ao-optratlnj with tbcm for tbeir patdotio aad bnsiaa vtioa aad to tfee legbiatnre in yoCng raonoy to bo appropriated la earia; for our sick and. wooded (oldler '.' . ". - Scoa. Wo learn, aayi tbo EaZeigh Pwrrwi, that tbero r tioojaada of bogsbeadi of Snjar bttwaea Moatxotpry aad lUcb tnond, la tbo band of cpecalatora. We Varn. Uat tbro are oral bendred bogsbeada, poIb!y tboufandsalong th Xortb Caro lina EaUroad. At CLarJotW alon tierO ara bnndfods of boe beads, aod tbovgb macb of it was boagbt at from to t oenu, tbo bcartleiw arrotebes Trbo own U are, bobllng It lor Mill bigber priertL ,'TTo should Tory much depreesio anrtaing like luob rlo leneo and deroatly bjpo that wo may lite tlirongb Uio irar wrth. taay dbgraco upon tho fir hint of oar erod old Stat, and yet wo doubt not bat the banxiBg of a few (jw.eUtors woald have moot wbobtaome efftet. To talk about Mopping it tar other war b pf!y ridlrtiloiia, fora Tnaabo boajdjjip stigar ind ot2r row OT'jige ebaraour, ta ns thru, baa do regard tor pabOc optorlon, monJ ropoalbillty or aaytbtog aba. Tkty arf the ear rioa crows of eocieryand are nerer ao eapwoiely bappy as wbea filling tbelrgreody panncbee with too Hfe-blood of the jwor and deatitnto. Tbey are doing oor cam more damage than tbo trbo try to take onr Urea on (ho batllo-fiald.: Tb nooandreU snay to rel i. their galDS bow, but tbo ioothlB aivi ontupt of all bontt mea and the oam. of beaten wBl be tber jportioo. ' -' Via the worda of tbo Cbattannooga Seoel we lola 'Sr. Tallandigham, over and above our respect in bb honesty, abOUy od conservatism, tecs use we believe be is for peace. Dissenting from aO his views opon the possitle or probable reconstractloa of the Union, we oneede tbem to be at least Uto Maret approsl aoatos to saafty, wbkh bare oome oat of any Northern rntaJ, and' b) 0j oreat wo bold them to be humane maxims directed to ward a i elo of the war. We regard Mr. Vallandl2bam as a faith ful citizen ortbo United State As an upright man, be ba poken Ws aentijnenila freely and frankly., The are very clear, and if foosded in an erronaoos est linate of the ff clings which lasplretbe beart of the Booth, they are frank aad bonert, We like hem for tbeae guoAand rare. qoaliAdtiona, - W llko him for baring ttt tored then. But stm la a pablle aad pollttol point of tlew; ne U Oor enecay; and as such w are bwtiod to treat binT Mr. tfa ooin makes him our enemy in hla reryaotof banlshraent which la fM lbTecolon of bar In emment. rTTallandlghanj Ja. sent ioa Jortidn ndiHrnT an ojtflow.fefflB ''?iEayeaaiakro .J-TB. . ' . rat Rater lace twenty taxes, and re'nSoth of Bute.- ' v ere ioag. '. . . , ..-. v. ia,t f Rtearart What barf DWTOomne a muy,J '""J ' , . tlry lnlod toWbiip-. thing U rtal, 1Jc,At wlU feel (bom ere be aeee them. ; We look for blow -to be struck which will turn Llncoladom pais. w4 P-' the Abolition rata froiubelr linkln'g ship W SUto. God grant that the blow may be a analtty, . Lee Is hopeful, confident, trustful Let all Christians pray ft ineceas and the end of this bloody war. ax ef tract to day about tht t!ci aad wound.' r re-vert'ja.is brrr!r- tsr ed 0 slog 1 thousand inbnwy, ,-inf 0tnls to tart eur troops U ca tLe lrjarlour' ' OT foreigners and psreoes who hte furnished Bubttltntee (rlaot aaamptirow militia duty. J3e AlPt tfjbj Bute hat thus decided. THE BL-iCK FLAG . The exaet count of pt4ionrs tbna far Ukoa during the battle of Sunday U a kaowii, but Bui.tr told ne-rlj If not quit ten thousand,. They brought, in gingly, la equaJi nJ la rrantjr qnd '' thn could hart tskrn manj mor$ but fir tht frouOU hothtring wtk tkm o MtjtVML Turt wociu aATaiB hoot tha CArTcagllWifrs --arjyi4, j .Wt copy tho aboto from leading Journal of the Norths It is aof to be taisUkea.) In ainfto flimpse It gites us a dear insight to the spirit aow aaimaung 'the' fee we are daily meeting on iha tented teld, . Not content wiUi the lnTaaion of our soil, the des truction of cuThommaad the oppression !f all," rres pecUte of ag,. x condition the 'dastards of the North who have 'not the courage te raise the jblack flag openly cannot conceal the actual kxUte'nce of the blooJy code la their hwJ, Vn'fconfesf the cU of adding toteelr e the battle field. -jr. . I We commit this paragraph to the toldier. It la for each man in the 800th to choose for himself how he will reply to it. Let no on inngtao that there U the raiotieBt'ehAdow of tlrillzatlott aow perraxttn; those who arje wagirg a mercUew war agaiaet oa. They jrrtitr to to4 ra'Acf than eitftvrt. Se aowgl We hare nerer advocated tht black flag. f" Cod far bid that we should. It is demottilxlng banaer. It la also a two edge-J sword. But -ws traitt force with force and If toahoot rather than to.eaplurc be their game let as see who will, make raot of t.v We are net a cannoneer of mejeljr paper, bvllcts. We know rery well there Is a diflerence between ait ting snugly in aa editorisJl , roots far in the rear and bratin ...the..daager.of the frott Wa know too that the moral sense of our army la hutnana and christian. Bat here ; we have a declaration f cold blooded murder lertlicd against us, and It Is our duty h to meet and resist It. ' Each roan to hla owe duty; It Is for the soldiers to decide for themsefres bow far they wT.l be giterned wM UU. lir r.atjrisonerJhey Let them read the extract above and pender It long and well.' ' 5 iiovrr VxV ' Of BANKS' A1UIY in. ;cT' TT" THE J. thi re grt tut r 4 "E t .fllEL. A : ? , I.! 3., Kayi . I or b croesed 1 f 1 oiif - tut . -a.a;iuiOBgt.j Vaakeca III' ZTHZ2 HE JlEl 11TID : 'AS.. ' .,,..-,' 'roa t ,t state -'K'- -ra.!A:" It ,jr' yt; Sbr'.l of XU-IWral .i 'ilao-'Z H' froat of..or works. . The a'an-rht.r'or the er.ia ia represent 1 as far greater tU- Ij tzj TdrxacfcbaUU of tie wtr,--1 TJbt,.!3lK!j7n cf Taee'j etenlc.-, melted",' alatea tiAt two-Xankee, f irboata hava been sunk t It also says that BaturoaT's battle at Viekahura. VlOktDUrg WS1 t most aiuuvora uut-vi uv t-. - - jV 1 The news of the capture of Helena, Ark., ciime from MeKfListo Crenai, anlwaa I tliattd at Mem phla.' A later "telgt-m TroU OaTord "to Oieaada wail receltwi stating that Ileleth war captured tovdayr, T. y i A man from thf riveir vhe b I ve ached Canioa en t Hon Js, eUted poaltiTelj that La had read dUpatcb addreaaed to Colonel Ffg-aoa;'-Aylr.g that Gteern . Marmaduke (Confederatfl had ' Ukea Htleua bang a regiment of threa bundr and forty nfgroft wlth the Yankee eEetrt whe comma wltd tbtmr- Tk "buarterraaeter says the abeyS sUtemcat may be relit r. oa. The Taakse' gunboata are repoHed at Yaxoo eiiy.. , I tl 0 ' m" ( v .' , '" .: I ... . - ! Taa Kiut. A JTaw York papif aUtes that Mr.' Wm -Ooodhee; the Vice COasul of tha rjatted States, av lantSUf," reports that Usssnu fpeke aad Grant', expedition la search of the sources of the -Nile, .lui -been almost,' If aot leutlrelyi crowned with turns. Captain TptU tas clSscovartd the Wi reran ga rivets, the first eertala branch ef the KUv - It take its rise in tat. 0 dcj. 17 ttla. bTy la the VleUrl.' Mejiuica, a lake diacevertJ by Caputa 8peke ; v., f 1 raooatss or TaAtaiA merchant, aaya the Savaaash Ecpubllcaa. whehas keptaa eye te tha Uoekade ria eers, Inform a that there are at this time twenty.! eargoes of unsold Imparted good la parts cf the Cos federate States, via: two at iibUle, five at IJmingUr , and fourteen at Charleetoh. . 80 ach for tht "tfftc. lira" blockade I It la te he hoped .that the tale uj dlstrlbutioa of tltsa goeda will trlng down fticts from preaaat Idh fijirts. aaut u 7., : The. Board of Internal Improvement a ill meet la l Italelgh ta Saturday the 80th laaUnt, and the Coas ell of SUte oa Thursday thh 11th ef Jaae. m - e4 M ' 1 ti . The banking beast ef William T. SmiUtua, ! Whingtowi baa btea selaed and clotad. Smlthsoa is lo prison, charged with buying Confederate money. . ifi- -: - ;- The Merchants .Caah, of JCawbera (oow sjoUg business t jCxtthcro'O has declared dividead of seven per. cent, for the last twelta months. All eontlaiiea "quiet on the Rappahannock. Gea. ell, wbe has aoceeeded te the command ef soa'a eorpa, had, a frad rtrlew, of, the troops en ye. A. correspondent of the IUleigh l'rogreas, writing from rettifrew'e Brigade May i'Oth -ays One wordtH advice to your aptcu!aton. . As we think it is not intended tha. wa I mao the soldiers wui ne ail kiueJ beiore tha enu of the war; at wa are men that know at Well how to maintain Individual aa national right s'aad at tuof ut hav? I'amUies at aooie wno are in very umitei cireumtancet because rpeeulatwn has placed all the -txijitt of life It such high prices (.hat oor fatniUe Lav I ecu unatJe to pro. cure in man cases a scanty subsistence ; and at the war will soon nd, they the 'f" had better about face" and pay some attention to the poor fam .lies or our soldiers, or tbey may find that hickory limts aud hemp in the baa Ja ofuncn who have de fied thcVarnaje of a hundred battiHeldsYare onpfeas ant weapons. " 1 ' : " 11" rt v r' - " ? : " T T ? saganasri iei-tiB Waaaa as aaxa: Cur-Few persons know tla I loe&llty efCraallOalfy titely captured hy, the Ta It Is just below -Ce inoatlt Cf tit Big Black kees. CIg Hack Ua navigaWe atrecat that rises la the Korth . ; Vera paxtif lilislislp&I, parallel arlth tha yaaooaa i Ut enath i ll ne!glborhoodf Vlcisbm. laving i thf rity!a f: Hies ta tha ,1Tettaf It aad emptying . Jtto tha ML- !'r;t seae thirty or frty .rans helow- .dt taxoo .err;t;cs lsto the JliseiiaJppl f,iv "1 .ahove Vkkhttr;; ! il r. Vj ajWtraSiUrti hit denbwt beoome citizen of the country to wtycb he b eniled, he remains in law and in fact stm a ckJse'n of the conn (r wberfcebe has been driven. Did the Federal dorernraent mean 4hit Assuredly so greaia pmnaer conw not nave oeen made, otct by iba aasoiooa' jioaiag th yfmiuagw? Cabinet, and we look at it as the reealt of Intention, not of cbaneo or oversight itlfr. VaJbwdljhaiit cjon sider the point; He b now in a foreign eonntrr.-the authorlMe. of tbo United States admtt It to be so, and send him here to a ibr clga eaoofiy. 'JDoat bo desire to expatriate hli&sel and become a dUsonof 4he ppnfodersle Sutest , If ao,twea and good.. We ua.v uw tuuraiw M7, suiMtciuiiiiiw ute unitea Malar. im cao- . . - .. rt . ... lo.anasnouionOTremain,nere. weaonotwlsatoilniiotimH-. I- t'"l?tP$3l0t ?& Thf oognla. the Ugh of any pt7&t send Its eoavicts hero as to Bottanyay. i The Koafb )s not the lopr odg far political berraltai howeTer dlgnJSed, or noDBlar ornoble J :"' : j-i J-V - t2r ttis supposed that Ilooktr is mating soroo important movenjeni that he is evacuating Staf ford fcounty-:twenty thousand .Tanhees liariag been seen moving io thiTdirection of Port Hoy al. 'ggy-There was a rumor in town on Tuesday, that Johaston had routed Grant, and tbat Lee waj crossing the Kappahknnbct; ?!; JVE1VS C;L.M:itAL A1VD STATE. Oa Monday, the body of a dead man was found on Reed Island ia tie river belo Danville, and on tLe encceedtng day, an inquest wa held over the body. From all apppearancet the man had been dead sever al weeks, and possibly was drowned and wsshed-on the Island, , -JCbe body could not be identified. 7 j Exctisir SeimwEJtT .The London Tost, received by the last arrival from Europe, ays tbat no amount aion Meetings" io England will detach the lua. sesrtheJ-Brltish people" firom' their support of the cause of "the rebel Confederate States The cirCura. BoIphfn,-vrcTrwUll "caavaaawi rwithralroth'- in and out ot Parliament and J a England. t , 4 Tna Tax oa WtBCHAicnise, rr'c.-Tht following is 1 a part or tfie first section f f the new CccfcderaU law: " . ' ' J.I" fcy.W aadorUad that the stockholders of (be fioeklnjrfiam Actor, at a moetlng held last week, with owe exception, were la favor 0 ralalag (he price of Cot toe Tarn to I JO. Tht LU. u (A u the woverimeht conscript all wbait Ibble to cooseripUoa, Which Gtf oraoUbt wQl donlUr do. CnAaotti wrra'fi-anra asa Ttossaat. The fol lowing parties were received at Castle Thunder yes terday, charged with the commiss!ot&f a horrid aitr dec and robbery la the East era portion ef North Cart Lvjx; JJf artla EasUtrp, Joha Matter, TU J. MHler, lr- Vir.Ca.a- ...M,,,, . lawaa SMa. fwt UmM Sloaa. The parties were coafiaed la double Ireos. Their trial will come 3" shortly. - AtLaosa SrT. Aa ladlvtdaa) named If. I. radrr-. wood waa airaatod by. order of Gea. Winder, oa tb ' charge of being aTaakee spy, aud with gathering is formation la Cichmetnl for the use of the Lincoln Gev. crumentia, nathietea. , rllil r'BDKAt, AnocnrttS AasuaaAaaA gentletnst v writing mm (hark to Little Eock tsys that a f days aince a Federal scouting warty left JaycUevU wlta tl.e black flag hoisted. Tbey murdered taeatr life daieak, among then Lewis Hewitt and three ef the Applebya.- The tories there openly prtsche.1 li tem ina tie aad threaten to murder every Sootier, auo, wonsaa aad child.- x V- -TV ..- ua f v i F Be St enacted, That there7 shall be levied and collect ed upon the value of all naval stories, salt, wines and fpirituos liquors, tjbacco, runnnCictured or uomaad fivctiired, cotton, wool, flonr, sugar, molasses, syrup, rice, aud other agricultural products, held Or bw nod on th l( day if Suit neztud hot necessary for fam ily consumption for the unexpired portion of the year eightcea imudred and sixty-three, aod of the growth or production of any year preceding tbe'yevtf eighteen hundred and sixty-three, a tax ef eight per centum.' The Assessment Act authorises and requires the Asl sesfcor. to iafcpect tbe eontetfu of warehoases, wbea they have csue to aaspoct . tbat a fraudulant return has beca made by the owners ef property storcdJhfj- LA jQcistcs iwalUrasTmrTM- JJcsiaiss-At Ut a paaaeea for the Ills ef lusstitoUon ia the amy bit bean found, which if it does not check it aJtotttkrr will go far towards suppressing tha frauds by whiclt so many persona are.swladled. ;By aa order fro headquarters, promulgated yesterday, all sabttitoU papers, to be talid, or of say hvall, mael be counter- signei oy me commanaing General of the army t which tbe substltate Is seat. As Generals don't rare to have tbeir eommaods encumbered with inbititutei. the substitute market may hereafter be qsoted aw "duU, and : few offerinjt.,'-J Rukmoni umirr. J - 1 " " ' ' .. ' ? ' V' , : CArrrai or a Dajuao Scorr..Tha Kaairlne Err- . Ister says that llllow JJamphrcye, a eon of lion. V'rt u. uumporeya, cow presiding over the Cooredenw Vourt in aessioa ia that city, was captured by tbe Federals In the neighborhood of Nashville left weei. lie waa one of Van Dora 'a most datiae seont. std t. one. tima even ventured into irsshvllle and made pur chase ox a number or articles he needed, 'lie will pro bably sutler rude treatment at the hand of hia'esr- tors to whom his patrlotlo father'a namf It isott ob noxious,' but we trust he will speedily be escbangfJ. and return to reader pod strvfee to his command. Aasr..T.-TftOfflaar sCzrr. Clerk fn tha CorrP- c'lTaiwtffof clef thr imto ot'wtsffi&tMtff certificates made nayatls to their order, for rani u' rsr services or deceased solJitrs and for other criptiort of tlalms 'agalcit tha government. It " been impossible, ais yet, a ascertain to what ex"1 tbe frauJs Lave been carried, hut aa latestlgstion wm no doubtfully develop the amount that has been ab-; tlmctei: i-Itkk. Why 2CXA. " v, vt .4 ; 1 Cdrrori Axn Wobtsw Caaos. We are much grt Sfled tp learn from one of onr Oxford eorreppondetts that cotton and woolen cards will soon be msnunw tured In that place, , Messrs. Pool had Brother will achieve a reputation ss public benefactors, if the? Should succeed, as there It every prospect they.wilL with their enterprise. -daro. T ,T ; The Blchmond Enquirer ssys that Gen, weph Johnston Ins the entire command of tbe geoprsphi" Department of the West, embracieg- all of Alabain and Mississippi, as well a Tennessee aad Keaiaskjr and has the direction of all the forces under General -Bragg and Pembertoa,. .. :. .' . - K

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