iTistainr, XcciDiHTtExtoiiios' oiA, Pownta Miii.-OuSaturday.mornlng last, Juat after ' :r! 3e Powder Mill located near Tuckft'wt Ford, alout 11 miles om; CuU pl ui!,' x n II j rou died werejirutaui ly klllwlf viz; Jno N Lee, Jr.Ueo Hatch'. won, ChriHto'.!i"r i"nc4, And '88'ikii0iJur, ' tli riJt-wirt 'jrit; in 1 Jwbn C :'vr,wai bsaly in. . . lured that be died (Saturday night.', ... Tut only information ODiainea as to tne cause, or , tbe'accSletlirafroaiif.aviiroapdttd: 'maftbeforf: be died. : Ie .states thai,' out of the , men, commenced knocking the cakod'powJer o the stones withA ep per basraer, (which is the osnal "mode of eleaning tnem,; woen uie expwsiou pccarrea. - v. ,.". : Tho Will wn of course blown to pieces, And 4he bodies or tbe unfortunate men thrown to a consider able distance la the air, multilstipg them In shock iixr manner 'The ahock of tha ainloiion aa fall at -the ci'tanee oiu.tna iZJUcs rronUDe wtiu. '. gaged to tha State for f 10,000, tbe 8tate hating ad vanced that tan to enable tbe erection of tha works. Tbe company was known at the "Noyh Carolina Pow der Manufsctarlng Company." and tj. W. Davis waa president. The MiU waa a new one, and waa J nit get rthaf there were sb-mt 700 ponads of powder in the Mill at the time of tbe txpldsloo.- Vfttttrn Democrat. " NAIE3.0P, NORTH CAROLINIANS BURLED ON .4 .. v ffii&TIEXD OP.ASTIKTAM. -, v i Tbe New Vork Herald, of "the 29th of March, : re- etWiiVj ,'Cnpt Elliott's CAnallinerglves a long list . ;VW names of Confederate and Federal eoldiers bur ied on. top battle neHor" Antietam, Ma., prepared by James P. King, of. New York, who visited tbe Held to look for the body of a friend.. In thialist are find tbe following ft 6m this SUttff-w ,y ;v ' . ' " . " ottt (u6ux KciJcam:' R S1gton?.......46th jLC Coi;iea...4.,M 4th Slogncr.i.i....41tb t W 8 Asprny, ...... .ta.4U U(h L M T,.......43tl . It P Herring lit AW Fpeight-V... ...... d W Stone........ .........8d T CCarmiebaei........27th .8 J jSmitb..i.Mtt.27tJi j.AJ KooneiJ. ., Joha Fry............... iota , li alareon.... Daneati MoMiUan....4Ctb J A Wiley....--..-16Ui W Banu.......-I0th J W Noir... littt '. Lieut E Flatuam 4 th Lieut J 0 Fleming.-J Oih Santa hlnph....M..Sd A J Smut -....-.03d Kerts BartyM.AMM14th 45th t?th K TWato.--.Sd TtK Paul Banfotd.u.-.7th, Jilt BcMD.We learn that on Friday ulRht, tbe Jail of Robeaon county waa destroyed by fire, said ta hate bee eta r ted byiome cf ithe iama.Ua,deIrous of effecting their escape.- We . hate ot heard aey furtheir partiealttars, 4 f . . FiM.Abot a quarter past two o'clock on yester dny afternoon fire waa discovered on the water aide of tbo fheds at or near tbe Wilmington and Manches ter Railroad Depot. The sheds contained cotton1 and probably 8pirita Turpentioe. la a very short -time tbe flames spread to tbe large wooden -warehouse a few yards North or where U' first broke out. All the sbeds, tbe (warehouse and eoateots, were destroyed, except a fee bales of Cotton, which were thrown 4uto tbe river.' It is not known certain how the fire orig inated; but it is supposed it csught from sparks " from a Steamer which left the wbarf but a abort time previous to Its beiug discovered. At the time of writ ing tbia, 8. o'clock, P. il., the fire Is still raging, but as tbe engines are at work, it Is hoped its further pro gress will be stayed. As yet, cose of the Rail Road property bss suffered." ,i i j ' P, S. The fire has been mainly subdued. Tbe amount of loss we are nnable to state. The cotton U believed to hate belonrtxl to tbe Government, or at least the .principal part of it. We do not think the railroad has eustaiued ant injury irom ine eonpsgrnuon. . ' i A Pm "e Shot. A aauad of militia, under Copt. Yeargio, stationed at the Falls of Neuae ivcr, attempt !ed to arrest a deserter named Fort, in that neixhbor- bood yesterday, and.tbe deserter resisting and firing 'on Capt. Yeargln, waa shot down by some ef the squad and killed. . This roan Port baa been skulking In that 'neighborhood r for a long time -'and was -only- found now by the vigilance of the militia, who hate, been charged with the duty of arreating deserters.. How tnu jh better would it hate been for this poor creature to bate filleti in battle. " Let his fate senre aa a worn- i leg to others to come in, glte themsolves np and, no- , cepi uie piruon .woicu um vs tws''V'V vu.v. them. m u.j-.i it NJ,4-H-i $'t"i BcBxnco or A BAWr.-Tbe barn of Mr. Ilenry barpe, four.mUea south-east of this place waa deatroyed by fire last Wednesday night. Besides the grain for Ace, &p.f consumed. Ills wagon and cne of bia horses Vere burned. Mr: Sharpe, In rescuing bit other horse; was badly injured. y Work of an incendiary. . , a ' .. - . , . Patriot 26M. , ,)rerlutes hare been made for; the reunion flf tbe New and Old School Presbyterian' Churches in the ,gy ej Mfte . A as SO wmissviv v wMvwaa ww la the South, a union of all Presbyterians, all Baptists ftud all Methodistsiinto onir tnree disuses organua- tUlnf. It would contribute to Christian harmony And unity, and greater efficiency in promoting the eause &t Christ Vr-f .t'V V.Si3'-;''- ' , V GOLDS BORO S7 ved'here this eteniBlfrom Kinston;seten being cap f tin atvl crew of sob6oner Scebird, captured last Tburj ;'liy twenty miles below WUkinson's point, ott Neuse i river and forty below Newbern; by eix men of Cap uln llwrington's company, Wbttford'i bataUion. .The schooner and cargo pf Goternment stores were Jburnt.' Two negroes who say they belong to Norfolk were taken off A lighter ai the same time and s Yankee . Moctor, captured below.EJnston on the enemy's retreat near Newhern, last week,-made up the balance of the rowd, 4 They start to Richmond tomorrow. , v ' Let us hear no more about the worthlessness of Con federate notes'.; If anything in the Confederacy is r worth these notes are. ' Destroy the Confederacy, and yon destroy the value of Confederate note;.. Main tain the Confederacy, end yon maintain the value of Its notes. He in an fnemy to both who denreciatcs ' eitlier Fay, Olttrter. ti".:y': ':'',: ; Niw Concxdrcsi. A pnnning editor asks, ('When Was Gen. Lee not Gen. Lee?" The aasweris "When he was Fijhiwg Jo Hooker,!' y -' ftCdH KiKsi;oKi-The rumor of A light below Kinstou arriveil, here this morning.: I learn that the fight commenced at or near Uum swamp, some ton miles below Kinejfoti, And continued all day .;v-The ftCtii.end 25tRpglme'ats. Rausom'a Brigidf, Wertfe'pk4nci,Al forces engaged aud were A'tackod"AhiIfinked tiy fibout five .regiments of the Tefikesi. .when they ecattfited, and It was feared that nearly all of . them had been ta ken prisoners , by the YAnkses,huI Iwderst&nd ill of bem, sate one hundred and fifty, arrived at Ki niton last night. 0n?r.an8om himself came Very jieat be ing killed or'captured. ' I understand thi Yankees ad vance to.Wise'i Pork,. whic)i is within; four miles of Kintto'n butjbur troops being runforced, by' Cook's Brigade they" were drivetf aok td Core Creek, And Gen. Hill was still in pursuit at a late hottr last night. Lieut. Ra, jjf Orange county, ia reported ' killed." Most of the Acoounts from there are vagoe And unsit- isfaetery oneeeeonst saya the Yankees were to forcey twenty thousand strong1, another that it was not so large, another that A section of Starr's battery was captured, another that tbe battery wasMiot there. We lost one wagon load of ordnance stores which was captured br the Yankees. - Firine has been heard in thai direction to-day and it i supposed that the fight il Still going fn.lroart$ 25 At ' . GUNBOAT. RAID TO MVRFRKESBORO',- ,. We loam from a reliable source that three gunboats came up to Murfreesboro', on Friday last, and landed A party who 'tore up things generally. ' They, stole 10.000 lbs. of bacon belonging to our commissary de partment gave a way a part and dostroyed tbe balance. They Went to tbe Methodist female College in tho vil lago.toKe up the rurnitnre and took; toe pianos De- tho 'Institution Aboard 'and oarried them Dr. Riddlck, just from Murfreesboro Is In this city. and front him we leiiru that (he damage done by them was not as serious as at first stated. ' Of the 10.000 pounds of baet fl there-, belonging1 to the Confederate iioti rntiietitthe Yankees took abont 6.000 pounds a''Urd their boats, and, at the suggestion of Acitiien, gave th remainder to the poor of tbe place,, which poor,' lifter the' enemy left, turned it over to our com mfcs&ry. '-- A few chairs were taken' from the female College,' 'bot the pianos were not taken as stated: The wholw psrtJeft their boats at the wharf on Fri day night and went irito the tillage and got drunk; aud the presence bf A' small force could bate burnt the boats and captured tbe crowds Unfortunately we had no force there. . They lefton Saturday. V'" i l'rogrtu, Lieut. Ireland, of Co. K. 13th Reziment from Ala- mancl county, captured Gen.- Uaye and his aid at the battle 'of Chancellorstile; and had the honor of band og them over together with their horses and swords ta bis" comffiAnding 'offioer.' ,f '.' ",'' 'jAJi. The man hamed Carver,' who stole About $23,000 from the Southern Express company, for which com pany ho was messenger, baa been cangnt oy a de tective t fealisbory, N.C. r When uken he bad only some $17,000 of tbe money on bis person.: He has been taken? to Danville; Va.,efor trial, T, - :- ; . CosrEDtaUTR Moxxt. -We learn tbstsotne persons are pretending that after the 1st of August nextCou federate Treasury notes will be worthless. This is of course either A mistake or a pretence. They will be just as good after August as now and perhaps better with this exception, Uiat after thrt date one kind of those notes, viz: those dated Sept, 1, 18G1, will not be undable, that is, a boldetof such notes will have no right, as be now has, to Invest them in Confederate .bonds. The effect ot this will he, not to roako tbe notes worthless, but that they will not circulate, as people will prtfer to taxe notes issued since Dec. 1st 18C2, which by law mrt fundable. 1 The Government has made notes of pretious date uncurrent, (not worth--less,) because it wished them all withdrawn from cir culation oy funding before August, 18G3. From pres ent sppes ranees they will be mostly funded by that time; and the alarm in regard to them will do that much good. . , .' " v' " X- FROM THE WEST. Mobile, Mar 2SL A special despatch to the Ad vertiser &.RgisteY from Jackson, says the enemy lias retired from bis fortifications before Vickstorg. Want of water will force bim back to Big Black. . : - Gen. Wirt Adams had 'a spirited skirmish up tbe Yaxoo, killing and wouoding some 20 Yankees. r? pASCaaorLAf May 26. A special despatch) to the Era, from Port Hudson, dated May 22, says: , Yesterdaj Geii.. Augur's whole division was en- go god in a nine hours' fight with the enemy. . The bat tle field was Port Hudson Plains, four miles in the rear of Port Hudson, on he Bayou Sara rood."' k' -j. MThe rebels were thoroughly whipped They had orft) brigade of infantry engaged, besides two batteries and a considerable, force of cavalry They had am buscaded at every outlet from the plains. They were. finally repulsed witn heavy loss, leaving a large num ber of killed end Vounded on the field. , . ' .. HON C. L. VALLANDIGHAM. , 4 Jbe following are understood to be tho views and ' opioioD.9 of Mr. Vallandighanj wifh regard to his arrival and stay in this" Confederacy :, M r.- Vallandighani comer upon ' cooJDulsiOn". and against his consent, ta the Confederate lines, and is received a$ citiiien ofOhio and of the Iruited Statef,irrptid try for :noT6feri co except love'of constitutional outraged by the despotism of tho: Lincoln Ad ministratiou. r ' . - :s'- av -' iu,.?- V Havidff 'been forcibly denied protection in the United States, ho is pbligcd. to; seek' it from the Confederate'-Slates, i w7?, rvIZTr- , Whilst, as an exile, ho is confident? of kind treatment and consideration from 'a generous an3 hospitable people, ho desires fo avoid ail public appearance or demonstration,- and to live in some retired place as. a private gentleman, fully scd si ble that as an "alien enemyf his residence in the" Confederacy' is solely by tbe generous consent of the Goverutuetand people till he can' return safoly to bia Louie. ...... r He is cooCdent his character is well enough know n that he is incapable of any word or' act, either here or on his return to his homo., incon- ! listcut ith the relations whichlie tlrus sustains towards the South during his sojourn among us i The foreebing "may be relied unon'aih 'funatld correct report ot an interview held by one pf ouf .!.. A' v- . I - .. .... V .A ;. irfcourt witMiujsuugutsnea geowejnan wno was boinA, priveVi, ftjto 'jjut lioelby the absut4!ond U uatical deupoujw (briiiuiljfow!nV2 Mr. Vallandichaai .is a .personage, of moet pleasing banners and address; 'Without. any pre tension or ostentation whatever:' f He is apparent Wl or 42 year? of age; witli" dark! hair, of, robust and active form, about fire feet ten inches I m-height. - His eyes arenblnej, full; penetrating I and' LOllP.nt.' IU. nmthnnirnHnh ia nnliAniialrAn 3 ' 5,.nc"e .aDr ?n5 4nn'o . meet him without (inhuman admirinc ' and ""esteemintr ."his manlv '. eenial. rnMmt... SnocKlNO puTaAqE-TJpst as we go'ta presty ; we 'are infbrmed that Jrie Indian rjaniett John,-. & Kaik;st loil'ftnowri 1n'thtsonnyi Vas bn ' -Sondayi eVeoiog I$t farcitiyeiidl un4 LVstehed before I lib. iDro pipartd for' the j) urp3sei',nd ' was'left there wiH1iout:;cIdth.ln'gfsuhtiI e litlctklly Baked 'and liict browQ.;:the perpetr. i. tors of the deed are knoWtr, but have sot yet been i . arrested. Their leader, is id io te i wcll.known ' despejate character inlhe upper: part of this conn- ty, bylhe na-niA ofr AP. Tite is a marf of notoriogs .poytooansss p,utvthetrOt lander eeui u nave, ,ncen :tne ODiecB ior iai act, os nothing was4 jmissing from tb$ except a JiuUrcorn VojcalXWe 'wiii.- have full particular! in' ooi iieit! wuLRome,- ' ; We are thus particular in describing tbe man, for he will doubtless Deselected Governor of the great State ot Ohio; in October' next,' in' which f r' nY:,l r DICe -T . ' ' "i-n . On the fielder battrat Fr uiutv uu wiu periorm one o toe most reroargaoie roles in the annals 'of, themeiicaDj Qontinept and eventually be raised to the" seat now so foully polluted and desecrated- by that Jirince of ba boons A. Lincoln H7ms Hanks: a-v v PETTlGREW'a BRIGADEf . General Hill requests toe papers f , tha State to'publish'theIlingeportfrf ;!'-;'- IJEAbQUARTER'fi miGBiwyBaWADE, '- :"tv L.v-Hi :x May 17, 1863L Major Archer Anderson A. A. G.:i .'. f xv.' Sial In ' obedience.' faf Gefierar Orders; Nd. 110, Adjutantapd Inspector's General's Office, I have the honor, to mention to. you ; the names of the following officers and sol die re whoso good conduct in the operations around Washington, has been "ofHcially'brpught .'to .my notice , 'by the. Colonels pf tneir iespeatiya regiments JJV. 11th Reg; (Col. Loventhorpe.)-rAV the rout of tlie enemyat Blount's Creek, Oth April Capt. On the field cf battlr-at .Fredericksbure. Ya .P- . A. BUCHANAN,' (May 411), Xty aged 21 years.' " lie died from' A wound received In his head while bravely ' driving the ruthless Iflvsder from- ur shili He was a'--member of Co C 14th N. Cj-TrpopsjJIe was noted, -for bis, kindly, disposition, truthfulness, And moral bearing amidst all the temptations to which the young' ire so unfortunately exposed, Not' was he inattentive to the ereat ooncerns of the future lifa. ' -If a waa ih. : 4 Hetet in the truths of. Pivine Revelatwm, He fU be- iotcu oj ms comraaes m tbe field, and all who knew him.' 'He lived for his friends aud his God, and sacri ficed his life on the alter of his country He leares ' mother And a large number of relations to mourn his loss; bot let them mourn not as those that have no hope, Ihougb sleeping beneath the cold and silent clod, be is net dead, bfat sleeps to rise td fairer lands above the skies, i Ilia: spirit' convoyed by." Angel bands, now rests in peace at God's right AanoC ; :... i ' ; A FRIEND.. v i oung, Co. K, Lieutenant Outlaw and bergeant Triplett,' Compaoy .0. '?' V " YT" " " vil ' 26th lleg. (Col Burgwin) Rout at Blount's Creek, April 9th, Sergeant L. L Polk, and Scrgt.' Hudspeth, Company F. For officer-like conduct on, several occasions, Lieut. Breesej Co. B,.and Lieut. Emerson, Co. E..; , 47thR eg. : (CoL Ferribanlt,) Fight . on the causeway, on the afternoon of 30th. March, on RooTman's farm the night of the same, and re pcliiog the attempted landing on the morning bf the 31st instant Capt. Faucett'e, Co. K. Pri vates May, Pleasants and Wilder, Co G Captain Brown and Lieut Rogers, Co I-Lieut Westray, Co Al Rout at Blount's Creek, 9th April, Sergt lilakeiJoQ l and.the Pioneer Corps, ExecutlTo Department Nl Carolina', ' t; , ) Awctaht Gkmeeal's Ornci (Militia,) ' i f 1 1- J '.. . . v r, Raleigh, Msy 26thr 1883,. & , ; Gexisai, OaoiB. i i , v ' . ' ' v ;'" ; i No. "9. '"vJ: ' tl r-J r: '.'' T. MILITIA OFPICERS ARE ORDERED' NOT TC arrest any man as a eonscript or deserter.-wbo mav hate been discharged nnder a writ, of habeas corpus tried before any Jadge 6f the Buperbr or "SuBreme Courts of this State; ? i f v.,-; They are further ordered to resist Any inch" arrest; upon the part of any person, not authorised bv the le gal order or process of A Court or Judge having juris, diction of such eases'- ;, 1 , ' - i- - By-ordet of GoternorVixctf -r - PAN'L. G. JOWLE, j . 33-St . .a. ... ... Adjutant General.' 52d'Reg. Col Marsh'all)For good 'conduct at Fort Hill, and in Uie night operations on the river, Lieut J C Warren, Co C. Privates Van derford,,Bolan; Callicott, Co B. . ; Graham's Battery Rout at Blount s Cseek, Lieut Britton. : ". ' In addition to the above, I would mention with honor, Cap Cummings and Lieut Gallowaway, though they do not belong to niy brigade ery respectfully, your obeMient servant, ' f "V ; ; , . J. 3. PmiGKSW, Brig. Gen. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a meeting of the Officers of the 38th Regiment, N. C. Troops, held in camp, near Fredericksburg, Va., ou Friday the 22d of May, 1863' Capt. D. A. Monroe, was called to the chair; Lt. A. Jr Murdarch appointed Secretary. The Chair, explained the .object of the meeting to be to draft resolutions expressite of the re gretfelt by the ol5cers at .the death of Capt. D. G,. McRne, of Co. E, and lst tt. R. 0. Hair, of do. ,B,' of the 88th Regiment N. C. T. On motion, Capt's. W, L. Thornburg, G. W.' Flowers and H. C, Darden, were appointed a committee to draft resolutions, who re ported the following, which were unanimously adopted: i Wheexas, It has pleased Almighty God, in the wise dispensation of'Hbprotidonce, to take from our midst Capt. D. G. McRae, vf Co. E, and 1st Lt. R. 0, Hair, of Co. B, who were killed in the battle At Chancellors ville, Va.,' the latter on the 2d and the former on tbe SJ day. of May, while bravely fighting in the defence of their beloved country,' and.. whereas, it seemeth meet and proper for us, their brother officers to give public expression to the sorrow ,we feel for their loss as well- as our high appreciation, of them aa Officers and genmen, therefore, n. j f; c v ; " Iletofoedy -That wbilo We bow in humble submission to the will of Almighty God in thus removing from our midst hose whom we have been taught to. ndmire and esteem for their manly virtues and ofScerliko de- portment; we Can but i mourn : tfieif lossi' I Resolved, That in the death of Capt D. G. McRae -and LtRrO. Hair, the 88th RegiiBent,. N, C. Troops, h m. lost two of its fcesiend mosief the South two pf its bravest defenders. 7?a : That In IflstiniAnv nf nnp ftnnr0ui tlftn tf. ins for thirty days.: J Retoked, That we tender to the families and friends of our deceased fellow offioers our warmest sympathies aad would mingle our tears with theirs over the sud den aud untimely death of thoso s.o much endeared to us all. ,v: . " "'...'"" On motion it was ordered that a copy of the above resolutions be forwarded to the families bf the de ceased, and to the Fayetteville Observer, and the N. C. Argus for publication, and that the other papers of tho State he'vequested to eopy.-JI ' ' ;'..: ; ,r capt. j. a. monroe, ch., r; Lt. A. G. Mcrdack, Secretary. ; . : v 1 Cirr. W.. L. .TnORNBURG, . w . n ) w ts k, - x upm : II. C. DARDRN, . Gksceal RoDES.The name of the gallntJBiigadier General in .the Army of -Northern -Virginfa,- who was recently promoted to Jhe rank of Major Genereral, is RhbertE. Rode9-not Rhodesag so fre;tntly aud persistsutly xaisspt U in various journals. " ' Iloadquarterf Ex. Dd; of Snrgreoxtt , AND ENROLLMENT OF CONSCRIPTS, ) . S.KVXNTn QOSQtESSIONA DlSTB-fcT, N,. C, Wadisboro', N. C.i May 29th. 1863. I . PURSUANT TO ORDER NO."9, ISSUED BY COL. Peter Mallett, Commandant of Conscripts for M. C., the Commanding Officers of the respective Mili tia Regiments in the . 7th t Congressional , District of North Carolina, are requested to assemble their Com mands at tbe following times and places. ' Tbis call embraces all men between 18 and 40 years of age, in cluding those 'previously exempted, detailed, or dis charged from service, from any cause whatever:" ; 80th Regiment j N. C.TUilipa, at Wadesboro,' Anson , county, June 15th and I6th. j, - - ' r 81st RegtMN. C. Militia, af.Wadesboro'.'Anson county, June lTth and 18th. - 83d Regt., N. C. Militia, it Albemarle, Stanly coun ty', June 20th and 22J. - C2d" Rcgt., N. C. Militia, at Troy, Montgomery county, Jane 24th and 25th. 4 57th Regt.; N C-Militia f at Carthager Moore coun tyV June 27th and 29th. 't y .?) Ht -vt v V 49thRegt N. Cl'MHitiaat Pittsboro,' Chathah CountyJulydst And 2dJ J,- fit Vf tt-S ' 50th Regt., N. C. Militia.. at Pitteboro, Chatham county, July 3rd and 4th. 63d Regt., N. C. Militia, at Ashboro, Randolph coun ty, July 7th' and tohj V-X'ai-Vf-. i i r ; 64th Regt., N. C. Militia, at Ashboro, Randolph county, July Oth and 10th. , 65th Regt 7 N. C."MiIUia,TfLeHntola7i)Avid conntyfJnly 18th and 14th tu -v c.t 66th Regt., N. C. Militia, at Lexington, Davidson county, July 15th And 16th'. J . - J - v ' v'" J." M. LITTLE; Jst Lt X . 5 ' X P. A.'C- S. Aid Enrolling Officer. P. T. SNOWDEN, Surgeon P. A. Q. S., , t r Chsirman Ex. Bd. Surg., 7th Cong. DistN-.C. T May 20th, 1863-233-36.1 " v- ' BQ Fayette ville Obserter Raleigh Progress, Stand ard, and Greensboro Patriot copy four times and send bills to this office.'- . " l- v j : n .. Headq's Oth Iteg., I. C. Itlilltia, .w. S-f'm 'j4r'!:fMxi. May4J0Oi,j6)53 THE ' ATTENTION OP. THE OFFICERS. OP 8Cfn ' Regiment N. C. Militia, is called to General Order No. 6, Adjutant General's Office, snd they are hereby ordered to report to these Headquarters the number of Deserters '(if any) in ' their respective DtstcicU nn the. 1st and 15th of each; and every 'month nil; further ordered." r -". w-. . , : . H. W. LEDBETTER, Col. Com'g. - W 0.. Bksnktt; Adjufant $ f a i 232-34. TwilnTinKtou, Iiarlottc RK Jtr: IP T3 the PAsseBgec- $nu on this Road will run as IVilv v s UP TBAIH. Tuesdays Thursdays and' '. Saturdavr.' : Leave Wilmington, 9:00 ; r ;a o'elock,'A.M: Riverside.:....10:00 Northwest..l0:40 Marlville;. ...11:23 e R6sind0e.r...l2:l7 P. M.' Brown Marsh.l 2:52 " v Bl'adenboro.-...1:27 , Lumberton.:...2:23r. V n Mondaysi Wednesdaysand !' : ."'Fridayst-'W'.'.'" Leave 103 at.i..7:SOA.'M: Laurinbnrg;ltB37-' Shoe Heel, ..;i.i.9:0(Fv Red Baiks....92 Moss Neckl... 9:57 iJ' " Lumberf6n;vl0:86 'v Blandenborb. 11:35' "- Brown Marsh.l2;10 P. M. RosindaletAta2:45 " MarlvUle;;i..l:82' rNdrhwe6t......2:20" ArriatRiter-f;vW' .' slue.:....:- Moss Neck'. .., ,8'K)5 Red Banl9..?..&39 ' Shoe Heel 8:55 Iaurinburg..U4:38v Arrive at 103. ,5:28, "WiTmuigton,;.:.4:Oa i ;Ma.jothflM3 I - i -4 'l M - n i . k 3 -1 1

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