politeness, to enter tbe rbonpn.ifae'.righ . Mary entered the cMrr.r:r cq tae leiu Can tou jmatea tha crenr of loo.'cirl1 losl, as, lyinj on tha t:J ; intended c$ lha death couch ; cf ..Vtihfertoa, tha silently awai.'td the knife. ttUhocsh Xhzt knifj raiht fee clenched in a lather hand 1 1 ta.v r And r.ott that father, frcsca 4nto stone, ',1,-. . u.) f K l!-' t If nr hand There lay hit child, ! ha LJ66J ttreimiBg from that wound in I.Vr cnj.' her eyes cov- ttrfA with a. rlossf nimJ. f N Mary i"-ahritC J the croXV rfjthcf-rfof robber and lory ai ha irai h:; caller, to . her, bol that ucj.all he cwld ay. " ' Suddenly the teemed Jo wake from that ttopor. Sha sat up In the bcd, with gifts ay eye The ttrpn han of death was on, her. M At she tat there, erect and glassy, the rooa waa thronged with eoldrs t Her lover, rushed forward and called her; by name. if answer. Called agam--poke to her in that familiar voice of olden lime ; atiil no answervVSh'e knew him not " r Yes, it was true the stoo5 hand of death was upon her, vr s-J u . .'s;.. ? MHai he" escaped? -she said- it with a husky vote. . , . . . , V ea r shriekwljhe ather. Lire, IU-ry-jnJy live.- and tomorrow I will join tbe enmp at ValUf Forge." ' . 4 JThen that girj-the hrro wftmanyin? as she was, cot so much from the wound in her arm, as from the agony which had broken her last chord of life, spread forth her arms.as if she beheld a form .floating above the bed beckoning her a way,: i ? 7 Mother IT she' whisperedr while there gronped the aoldien , there,' with speechless agony upon his brow, stood the lover- there, hiding his face with one hand, while the ether grasped thaUht, crouched tbe fath erishingover the dark bed, with the form in its cendr4 Mother, thank Goo I For with my life I have aaved him" Look! even'aa Ijing on that -bloody couch there she speaks: the -half, formed word, her arms stiffen, hsr eyes wide open, set in death, glare in her father'a face, j She is dead.- From the room her spirit has gone. , J V;' " The half formed word still quivering oh the white lips ol' the hero woman ; that uttered in a husky whisper, choked by the death-rattle j tbt word vas Wamixkctox, 22 Ml li 1 I : I! 1 in T7ADcsconcrc ti. - - - M A WWII h A . 1 Ok 9 . A tf J . aosaeiog that Im feu t last effected arrBg ntotx la eUbiiab!ag 1ob seeded tastitatiea ia tbia plaee A LIVER! tSTABLC. Jfls eaUdio ia large aad eemmodiims, aad erery raeuu will be taken j him and tao&e aadar bU tharge, ia jiinj aatiafactioB tothepabltc. tfvV4-vt. ;s OOESES AT UVEST. will receive every atte&tioo , , Iiorccs, tsrsica, ana uacai, ready at all times te eoaTer parties to aoj potat tbey vista te ro, aod Ilerses takes te board either by tbe FEED, DAT, or MONTH. ! ' .":' t: The patronage sf the peblie Is meet earnestly as. the Feed, er Dsj, er ia hirias nj Herset, Buggies, or VIr. J AS. TCCAPGILL, Saperiateadeat, ni be oa baad at ell times, te attead te tbe viate of thoe was aur honor at wit their patreaaf evrr - , X C. CABAWAT, : ; , ' Proprietor. JIO&SES Fmom batln' horses te dispose ofwoeld ;'4eeU te gtw ae a eehr r-rr"-,r.' . " : uctooer s, iksz. cuatr ; u. cabawai. ''fiSftrUiBWflrne'- '; T AlfAWAT JSOM THE SUBSCSIBEB, OX MOX. V dJ lStftef March, j aegre bojfAM. yeaiiTeU, aa4 eoppfled te weigh aboot llO poaade. lie aaswers Imperttaentty bea epoheo toe, and has a A 1 ..U . fT mIimI hw tl Ijimn.l Tv R.fc-. . AUo, ea the 27h f April, my aegre womaa LIZ. She U fellow etmfie4ed, 18 oriO years eld, veighe aSoet 12$ poaads a ad ba as inpadrat look. be wi 1 prnbnbl he foaad eboal tbe premises of Mr. Hea. ry Peb-rry; he ewas hr relations. A boy aamed Bea. hird of Mr. Jha 8neer, left with tbe womaa. n U of a. black slr. tblak lloed. mediate heifht and alio. He haa a via at Mr. Kiel lFaU'taad u probably about there. - : f-l-,-;' :- The woman sad msi, UatmeaUoaed, took with them a bundle of clotilag each. , ; J ' I wlU py tie abere reward for sal J negroes dellr. and at Uhh SI;sst, er ee&aed la Jail ao I ean get them, or tSO fe cither..'? n J. C. CARATXAT VMS rtv rnc coTEtxnon or jronxu- .' rnocLAUATioir: XfKZZ2i$t I havi iXAr.5S3 trixii cr.riT 1 pala t'-at there hare teea Utterly cuzicroue desertions frca the raake of oar csila&t trry, aad that tlere are cwy perrons ia the eoaatry a ho Incite aad cajoarta these desertioas and harbor and conceal these mkUed mea.eC home, latad sf tacourajbf them te rttura to detj; V " ... how, laerciora, t, .twv v.v.iUW of the Ctate af North Carolina, do iasae this tty pre clsaatloa eommtadlef all each evil disposed pcrsoas te detbt from, such haxe, aertrsiy ana tretscaue coaduct, ni varnbg them that they will suject themselTo te Indictmeot aad penjshment lal-ecirll eoarts of the Coafederaoy as well as to the treilutlag ooaumpt and 'delCstatloa or aj good aaa aoaorsue mea..' f-. ; i v" .. i .'-r'-i x . CerUialr ae crime eeald be greater, ao cowardice mora abiect. ae treason mora base, than for a eititeart or the Suit, enjoying its privileges aa proucuoa without sharing Its dangers, to persaade those who hate had the eon race to so forth ia defense of their eoaatry. Tilely to daeerl the colors which they have swera te apeoia, waea a misarao e ueau sr a nn, ekalkiag ami igaomiaioas txiateoce meat be the loevU Ubte eoasequeDcet ae plea can escaee tt. , The rauer er brother who doee U should be shot laStead of his deluded vfctim, for he deliberately destroys the eoal aad manhood or hla owa Sea aad blood. Aaa ue same is doee by aim who harbors aad eoaecals the de serter. . For who caa reepset either the oae or the other? What hoaest man will ever wish or permit hie ewa brave sons er patriotic daughters, who bore their parte with credit ia this-great etroggle for indepeod eoee, te associate, area te the third aad fourth gea rratioes, with the eila wretch who ikalked ia tbe weeds, er the still iler coward who aided him, while hie bleeding country was calling la vain for bis help T Both are eaemies, sneaking, mean enemies U their eoaatry, before whom ear opea foes will be Ufiaitely preferred. Both are foes to their ova kindred aad aobie eouatrymea who are electryylog the world by their gallant deeds, and pouring oat thair blood apoa the field of battle to protect those very men who ere napping the vitals of oar strength. And woe aato you, deserters, aad year, aiders aad abettors, whea mim be'ji made aad independence secured, these brare comrades whom ye have deserted ia the hoar of their trial shall retura honored and triumphant to weir homes! Ye that hide yoor gailty fce by day, and prOwi like outlaws about by night, robbing the wife aad mother, of your noble defenders of their little means, while they are far away facing the enemy, do vou think re can eacane a Jat aad damning vengeance whea the day of reckoning comes? And ye that sheW ter, eoneeat. aad feed thee miserable depredators aaa stimulate them te their infernal deeds, thiak yoa that ye will be spared ? Nj! rot aMurvd, frUetridg1 and nerer failbg eyes hare marked jeu, enry one. And when the. orerjoyed wife welcomes onee more ber brare aad honorable husband to his home, and telle him how )a tbe long years of his absence, ia the lonely hoars of the night, you who had bee his comrades radelv entered her house, robbed her sod her children of thair bread aad heaped insult aad indignities apoa her defenceless head, the wrath of that heroic kaahand will make tou rerret in the bitterness of yonr cowardlv terror that yea were ever born. Instead of a few scattered militia, the land will be full of veteran soldiers, before whose honest faces you will not have eourap te raise your eyes from the earth. tf permit ted to live ia the State at all, you will be inamout. You will be hustled from tbe polls, kicked ia the streets, aa honest jury will not beHeve yoa on oath aad honest men everywhere will shua you as a pestilence, for he who lacks courage and patriotism caa have no ether good quality ,pr redeeming virtue. Tacgk many of you rejected the pardon heretofore offered you, and I am Dot authorised to promise it, yet I am assured thst ao man will be shot who shall voluntarily return to doty. This is th only, chance to redeem yoarselves frun the disgrace and Ignominy which you are incurring. . .. - .-. Ag-iin our troops hare met the enemy and a great aad glorious victory has been won. But several thou eand of our soldiers fell achieving It for as. Every man is needed to replace the gallant dead, aad preserve aa unbroken front to oar still po werfol enemy. Unless desertion is prevented our strength must depart from 'aur armies, aad desertion ean aever be stopped -while either throagh a false aad mistaken sympathy or down right disloyalty, they receive any countenance or pro tection at home. . I therefore appeal te aU good citi zen and true patriots ia tbe 8iate to assist my officers ia arresting deserters, aad to frown dova all those who aid and assist them. ; Place the bread apoa them aad make them feel the scorn aad contempt of an outraged people: Unless the good and the patriotio all ever tbe land aria as oaw maa to arrest this daageroas evil, It will grow until oar army is well atgh rained. Tbe danger of starvation having happily passed away the approaching aad apparently bounteous harvest giving evidence of ample supplies far tbe coming year our great army ia Virginia agala jubilant over a mighty victory I'aia well assured that oar danger aew lies in the disorganisation produced by desertion. Yoa can arrest it my countrymen, if yoa w!l but make a vigorous effort, if yoa will bat bring to bear the weight of a great, a patriotic and united eommunlty a . .U ' '- ' - :"" '. m Bio oi jrar uivnuo. - ' g la witness waereor.icuui-ui u. v aauc., sxai. v Governor, Captain-General and Command er 1 in-Chief, hath signed these presents aad eaosod the Greet Seal of the 8tete to be afSxed. - - Done at the City of Ealeigh, this IltSr day of May, A. "- v r.' -r- ----- - Bv the Governor: Z. B VASCE- TL II. BjtTTts, Ja., Private Secretaryr May tSr 1861-231-81. . v r fiTATC Or HOIlTn CAROLirYA, 1 AK805 COUSTY. Covat orv Fuss a QtusTia Sissiovs, April Term, 18W. CatotoWtU. James Boia, Executor, . George D. Taylor, and others. H. ' I" T APPEAklXO TO THE COURT THAT LOUISA 8teaa, Peter Steaa, aad Charlotte Steaa, three of the next of kin and heirs at law, of Thomas Taylor, de ceased, reside beyond the limits of thi State; they are hereby notified te appear at the aext Term of .this Court, to be held at the Court Houss 1 Wadesborougb , oa the Second Mealav ia July aext, then and there te eee the proceedings la this cause and make themselves pimei io too saia issue, n mey ioiu wibk proper. Witness, Fatsick J. Corrisoi, jClerk of out said Court at Office, ia Wadeeborongh tbe Second Mondsy ef April. A. D.. 1863. .? ; ; 23l-86 P. Sr., COPPEDGE, Clerk. " aa I r ' f-l . E TIIE UNDERSIGNED PnACTrCING FinGIcrANSiOF AN . ; ioa Cbustv, wo coD-traiscd (mud) to cur regret) by t!.3'ir.trcsr6 of the lii"h criccs cf Medicines and the' Nccdticjw.Lilb; totiUH'rth'crid-?:' ! "We will, from the 16th of May, 18G3, cliir-o ONIi DULLAl; per rsilc.. Nhht Visits, 01.50 per milOr and all tiisicca xzt uxo xzuz ui ic? rrc- r senption Extra" for costly prescHptions and Clhtcrb j,' and 20 ccnta for? each additional case. And we will require half yearly r:U!;mcbrJa ' Jan ; . uary an4 July ' v hea rrocuco ae, ;is reqairea, mose.wao wm Bua,u w.a cim pricey iar inn mnuiiiii ui unit viui uaiu uie ,uvuij uuvww - -. tw-v Htv -,'. :;.:-.. -- vv; d: e.- p::AsnKv7- trnaOTi:.': , S2W W C. KAllSAY, A. U JACKEON, : (JAUES A. TltLMAN, ALi;niiTr.iYi:n3,v p. t. mv::v:if : s yni; u. olas3. ; Executlro Deparfsacnt 71 Carolina, - AwvuitT Gssiiai'i Orncs, (Militia,) . . . Raleigh, May 8th, IZH. s , Gcasaai Oansa, V" - i. . :-; " . ....;. .. , rpHB ATTENTION OF THE MItlTI A OFFICERS I is direeud ie the advertiaemeut of Capt. Uenry A. Dowd, Q. M.t ia regard to exchanging CWfe Fsra for JTeoL The wool ie needed for the purpose oi rar . - . i.t a h n hsii.i . VJa? m . alsbing our soldiers wiia eiouiag, auu muiua vun are requested to assist the Bute by arging patriutie eltixea te make the exchange, aad diseoaateaanciag all aulas or exchanges with epeoalators. Militia ofioers ate ordered te seise all wool pur chased for transportation beyond the limits af the State, eoatrary to the proclamation of the Governor. Every agent of the State, for the purchase or as change or wool wUl receive aa appotntmeai aauer tee great seal of the State, aad Militia Officers are ordered to arrest all persons claiming te he ageats of the State far this nam ose who 'cannot aroduee such appoint tnent, and here them bound ever to the aext Term of the Seperlor Court, to anawer sue charges ae msy oa preferred agaiast them. ' rVT-, , -. '. . By order of Oovaraor Yaaoa:- - -: . PAX'L. 0. FOWLS, v 1 . AdJutsatOeaaral. TO THE PEOPLE OF NORTH CAHOLINi. . (hjAiTxajurrxa's DxraamtvT, 1 . Raleirh. MavTth. 1863.- Swing to th e limiteo sepptr of wool ahlch the State has bost at it eommand, and ia view of the contingencies ef ebtaiaieg asy great amoaat from Texas, heretofore the principal market for her supplies, 1 take this opportunity of aaoeuaciag to the patriotic mea aad wemoa of the State, that I am mek log arrangements to exchange Cottn Ymfr WL and earnestly request that those, wha have wool will not dispose of it te any person, except he be an egeat of the Bute, aad acting under my directions There will be established Depositories for the Cotton Yarm, at points accessible to each County, making it oouTvaieot fot those who wish to make the exchange, to do so with little trouble. The object ia procuring the wool, Ie ctoAe Aorta Csreiaa Trotp$; aad it is the duty ef every patriot to lend helping head ia this cause; for while tbe 8tate will atraia every aerve te provide for yoar husbands, mi, brother and vanr aana in the field, she ret reliee dm tha aeencT of those at home to assist her; end to do this, you mast keep your wool from the hands of speculators, sad exchange it vith the State for Cottoa fsms. - , - J Very rcspectfally youre, . - - - 1 - II. A. DOWD, May 12, i31-38 A. Q. M. N. C. Army. 8TATEOFrtOIlTtl CAXlOsVlnA. ANSON COUNTY, Cocar or Pisas asd QoASTia Stssioss, April Pp, lb63. - Pittite for StUUmentr-' , ; John D. Moore and William U. Moere, Executors, r. Oeorae W. Moore, and ethers. - IT APPEAMNO TO THE COCBT THATOEOBOE Wr-Moore, -Jsmea-Doghs aad- wife Catherine, - aad wife Cornelia, Thoe. Chapman. -i and wife Bebecca, Thoe. P. Chspmaa, Elisabeth AUbreoks, Stephen Alsbrooks, Sarah Alibrooks. Laura Alsbrooks, Boss Alsbrooks, Columbus Alsbrooks, Harrison Teal and wife Mery A., Burwell 0. Baymood aad wifh Bo sanna, Hilton Jones and wile Emma, the Defendants la this ease reside beyond tbe limits of this State, they are hereby notified to be aad appear at the aext Term of this Court to be held at the Coart-Uense ia Wades borough on the 8econd Monday ia Jaly aext, then sad there to plead answer or demur to said petition or the same will be taken ff tonfwt aad heard txpartt as to them. ' - r--: V: ; Witness, Patsjcx 3. CorrxDOt. Clerk of oar said Court at office la Wadesborougb, the Second Monday of Aprif, A. D. 1863. ' 281-86 - - P. J. COPPEDQg, Clerk. tZxecvitlre Xe?partcacut W. Carotlum ...Ajwutakt QaxtxAL's Orncs, (Mjutu,) - Baleigh, Msy 11th, 1868. GEXBkst Oabta, ! No. 6.- . ' s , ' - C X THE FOLLOWING EXTRACT FROM THE ACT mmkiiftTf ef tV exempUon Aet, pa(d by the. late Coogresf of the Confederate 8tates ie published for the intormation and guidance ef those whom it BmveoBceineSSniw (axrsucr)r - ' 8ec. 4. "Ia addltioa to the 8tst officers exempted by the Act of Oct. 11, 1862, there shall be exempted all Bute officers whom the GoTtrnor of say State may claim to bare exempted for the due adeifnistration of the Government and laws thereof, bat tins exemption shall not contiaae la any State after tbe a lj .nrnmeol of the aext regular eessioa of its Legislature ualeas each Legislature shall, by law exempt them from mil itary duty in the Provisional Army of the Confederate 8tetee." . . r . 1L Militia officers are hereby exempted from the operation of the Conscript Aet, eo long as rby ylild prompt ebedieaceno tbe oraers issued irom this office. Tbe services of refractory and negligent officers will not be considered as necessary "Ar tbe due adminls t retina of the Government aad taws of the State." III. Commsnding officers of tbe Militia will com municate this order to the offioers under 4beir eom mend.- r-r'rL:: ; , ' ', By order of Governor Tajtcx ' r i1 : i 4 , ' : ' DAN'L. G. FOWLE, May n;2224i) I- 2 Adjutsat Geaerst: I WILL PAT Tlin ALOYS REWARD FOR THE appreheaslonu cotSoemest and delivery of mv. . I im M - . a m. . aoy 4k,l, waa ransway irons me on ipe jeis er te present month. Said Jeek ie ef a dark copper color, very quick vhea spekta to, five feet 10 or 11 iachei high, weighs about H3 poaads aad about 80 yesrs of age. : -4 TH03. li OADDT, Deep Creek; Aaeoa een N. C. ' April 28th. 18S8-2C8-U t . 0200 Rftward. . BANAWAT FROM THE SUBSCRIBER AROtT taamlddla of A a gust last, JACK, a bright maUt te, about 8 years af age, ive ' feet 8 or 9 laches ie height, spare built, e!owpekea, has a large tear oe tbe left cheek extendlag from the corner cf the month two thirds of the way towards the ear, aad Is by trade ftearpeter.'v iv - "--' ' r ....: One kaadred dalart wHl be psld for Lis diM very te tha Sabseriber living I miles teat el Wades bore'. Aasea eowaty. N. C , or tar Li eoaSaemeat so that he may te had, aad SI 00 more, fr evldeaee seCdeet to convict aay white person or persons, for Isrberisg the eaU slave Jack. JAMES a BENNETT. Wadesboro', December It, 1882. , . 212a. lilacs and Leather. ; T7C TAH niDIIS ONE HALFT for tha other at ?4uts aerpeaad' .t.t. iss.-v. We will else give $12 per cord for good oik berk delivered et our taaaery. - ' . -. ROBINSON t UCRR. i March lv3-222 tf. f f -' II0RSE9, n ; HORSES, . MORSES. HORSES, ' ' - ' ' , ; HORSES, ; At tha LITERT STAPLE, . WsdesKoro N. C. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. -221-tf v. C. CABAWAT. Dentistry B; B: nORTON, RESIDENT DSN -: v ' , TtST, Wadevbore', Jf. C, Is faUy i . , prepared to perform aay operation oa the UlII TEETH, llehssaowon hsad s good supply ef 0Ul l FOIL; TEETH,' aad all other materials to a uoc ful praetioe of hisprafsssloa. Teeth moaated ea Geld. or Silver llete, from one to a fall set, or taction, er clasps. All work warraated for t wars. After & years practice, I have Lava ao hesitancy ia earing, 1 caa give entire satisfaction to those who pstreaixe 5. B.I wHl attend to all calls from home: iat shell have to charge mileage, ia eddltloa to a; ether feel . B.D. L'CSTCN: Wadetbero', Jan. 27, 188J-21Mf. XTm T. DATES : ; C WATcnirdKe2 1 jsttelixz, Yih 18 AT HOME, ITBADTAND WILLING ' TO DO V all kinds of repairing, mending aad cleaning, ia the best manner, aad at the shortest aotics aoaslstsst with acstness, darabCity and streagth. -Fob.'C3-216tf SPECIAL wnTTfl man iiomt ta pweryreopsneD'' DIDES O D.1H5 VOT. HAVING FAILED TO TIXD -A PCRCHASIE for my Tannerr. I here determined to tew menc,. immediately, tha taanirjef Raw Hides eeeh hides at wUl eakt sole leader, for 17 easts per pound, aad 78 eeats per upper. . ? I will pey THIRTEEN DOLLARS per eord for food Oat Bar k llrered af my Tard7T - I wlU bay IJes dry at CI bo6s3--0 essti, greea. - , , J. C. CABAWAT. , TO COTXCH evaisti:3 . .. I HAVE BEEN APPOINTED, BT THS SECB tary of the Tressary, Chief Ageat for the pur chase cf Cotton for thm Cesfederate Government w In the Bute of North Carolina, and will psy for tk same ia T per cent Bonds or eash. - : Sob-AgsaU vlalUog the different parte of the Ststf , buying la my name, will Lave writtea tertifiestst'si appotatmeat. . By order of the Secretary ef the Tressarj," Cotton pnrchased by myself, or my Agents, oa ens after the 18th dsy of Msreb, 1863, will be paid for T per cent Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per tent Bonds as stated la a former advertisement. Up. to that tints, however, the 8 per cent- Bonds will be furnisbsd suted. . : -vc::;'..;.:;: Patriotic clUieusare bow affered an opportunity l aid the Government by selliog te it their cotton rstbsr than to private capitalists. , . -LrJkj2 LEWIS 8,-WILLU. -t Cbtrlettt. Ifwch S0,'lS68-2S3-tr -,yM' ,