4 VaWocessiry to withhold till inforaatica fron our pen nla who wert xpcctln- immediate nctlc-a, far obvious ' rsason. Wehave tbe strongest nssursnceiyhOweeer, Gen Johnson has hit right resting on.Ysxoo river, near Ysxoo city, and his left st a point on the South .vro Kmiroud, welt of. J.ickoh. N, lis la fonstMrtly- Id lbs field, sod LU troop kept alert, mors for the pur- pose of Inuring them to the fatig oies of an active cam paign than for watching the enemy. For the Utter purpose be has a large cavalry force of veterans, used to the service, and voder the leadership of a skillful '- leader. We congratulate the country upon, the bright ' enlug prospects-in Mississippi; and if Oeneral 'John ston's wish for reinforcements is ranted, will look for nrpeedy and decided triumph. ' . With regtrd to the reported movements of General Kirby Smith, the Appeal ssysfi. , : - Gentleman, who arrived from Jackson last evening reiterate the report that. Kirbv -Smith had -eeeenled ""THilUklo's Bend, La., twenty miles above Vlckaburg. One gentleman, who erossed the Mississippi at Hatches on Sunday latt, brought over the information that General Smith, with his army, on some fifteen trans-, - ports, started op the Tensas on Thursday last, desti nation unknown, the absence of Banks fron the Tcue country rendered this movement a safe one, and fom the Upper Tensas to the point named on the Mis sissippi could easily be reached by a short maVch. The report li, we believe, worthy of some credit. ' The Jackson correspondent of the Mobile Tribune -writes, Jane 2, as follows. . . ' v From Wksburg you need pot expect to hear any thing more than that they are fighting daily. I think the Yankees will simply continue their bombardment, 'firing slowly, whilst Grant will make a show of fight ing, all the time, however, Intrenching himself. Bet pome fine morning he may wake up from the rpirit of Lis dreams and find that he will have to right about and face the music. But I do not like to speculate; for every day there are changes, and no one can tell what a day may bring forth. That a big fight Is im 'mineot we all know. Fixed as Grant is, he cannot Jielpbut fight, and fixed as we are we cannot help but make him fight, and that not at Vicksburg, and aU this most be done soon. A tragedy has taken place at St. Petersburg, which has created a powerful sensation. A very pretty young widow of the Oertnea theatre, wbo was teaaed "srtta lh addresses of aToIUn r'ouhtror the resionable and romantic age of fifty, told him the was determined - to have bothmg te do with him, bat to marry again, whereupon a a friend, be begged a last tete-a-tete at dinner, awl after the repast drew out a brace of pis tol and shot tbe pwr actrejs dead, and then shot him avlf, but survived fur a few hours. : The New York Aldermen have voted aft appropria . lion if $10,000 to celebrate the 4th of July. A5unt Qutrtermater, Larkia Smith, has been . arigued to the apodal charge of collectiog the tax la kiaJ. .. - A controlling quartermaster, with rank of Major, i assigned tArncb State a pout quartermaster, with the mak ft Captain, for each Congressional District Farmer reti ling aetr posts where a quartermaster it now aiationrd, air requested t deliver the Govern wet portion of email grain, hay and elip wool, for the rreeeat year, and take a receipt quantity delivered, in advance of eaBjenf.; The name of the Hon. Joe. A'CHmer Is mentioned - a candidate for the Confederate Congre'MjPromthe. Wb Cocgresalonal District The Pavenpcrt Female College resumed iU exercl es on the 2th under tbe.rreniJeucy of Rev., A. 0. Stacy with a good number of Students on its roll. . 7 Factory Botntus. A- manufactory ,f bobbins quills, spools, 4e..-, for wool and cotton factories Is in uewsful opperation at Cedar Falls, N. C. Orders ad dresed to J. M. OJell, sgent, will meet with prompt attention. 1 " '7 : - . Matt Roe. A package containing about 40 let ters waa found yesterday snoruing in an outhouse on the Procrtas premises, , thorst between the weather- boarding an4.jelUng. They wereery 4lkelyr nb traded from the pst office nere, as mey ware irom the Western portion of the State, and directed to Richan-I. , JV good many of the letters were opened and some were not, and nearly allfor soldiers. The package was discovered by one of our employees, and banded into the post office. .Post masters and. their assistants cannot be too particular, especially In these times of demoralixatlon, rrjr ess lid. 7- , CosrxPttATa'TAX CotttCTon, We learn that W. ' K. Lane, of Ooldahoro, has been appoioted Chief. Col Jector of the Confederate Tax in North Carolina. He has the appointmsnt of the Peputy Cellectort for the seteral counties in the 8tate.CWo DtmotraL We rejoice to learn that arrangements will soon be complete for opening the extensive beds of coal on Pan river above tils plaee, and not far, we believe, front LeaksviHe and Madison, N. C. We are informed that a gentleman of experience has already Instituted the arrangements to which we refer and that he will aoon - have all things complete. PnasiUs Afptal. : Col. Sol. Wittuiis. Wc 'rffiBjkbiJ&It. " Reriment North Carolina cavalry, was killed in the n- ragement On ffie Upper Rappahannock, Tuesday. Col. Williams was, we beJieve, a native of Warren, oounty N. Cand, if ws" mlsUke not, a graduate of Wevit Point, Jne entered the service of his beloved South as -solonel f a regiment of Nrth Carolina infantry, and Waa ;H.!sd t Orfuiit uunag the ftrst year of the ar. Hit untimely death is rendeve4 doubly melan cboly from the fact that only three weeks ago ye Her ds j he was united in marriage to a young lady of rare personal accomplishments and excellencies, on whom this bereavmeat will fall with crushing and overwhelm ing effect. la' this community, where she Is so wide ly known and greatly beloved, she has the- heartfelt jmpathleeof all. , r- Colonel Williams was we believe, about 29 years of "ge, and gave unusual promise of usefulness and dls tlnction io th army ,rtttribvrjr Exprm. . "v,;-- Northern papers say, Ilarpsr's Fsrry has been Svao-' td, but the Maryland Uelghts are securely fortified d still held by. the . Yankee. ' C -V . Hooker' armj' en the JSUi was on or near the oTJ ull'RaB batUe ttU.U ' x.z 7", 1 5 7 J -v '? : BntumjXt, Ti5if ., Jnns 20. We have Nashville papers of the J 8 th, fron) which wefet'tht fallowing t a V, "S.V lntelllgcBcei;, ) despatch, deled New Ycrk, JttBel7i rav ''that Genera! Pix's army, supported y Iron-clads and gun boats pn the York and James lUvor, bad adrauced up the peninsula, quite close to' Richmond. ; J-f -. : A despatch from Philadelphia dated the 17th, says that the rebels had encamped beyonj Chambersburg, 2500 strong, under Jenkins. ; , . .- y A despatch dated Ilsrrisburg, June 17th, reports that over 2000 rebel Infantry and cavalry were 0 1 Cham bersburg. Gen. Jenkins had ordered tbe stores to be opened, and was compelling tbe inhabitants to tske Confederate money for good). Tbe rebel cavalry to-day occupied Littleton, ten miles from Gattysburg... The farmers in the Cumberland Valley werejeodiDg iheir heraei and cattlryrthe"nfdunlalns." " Capt. Hart, of tbe Albatrott, committed suicide at Bayou Sara on receipt of the news of the fight at Tort Hudson. . t. . 7 JACKsoitJune 19. General Johnston has issued orders granting full pardon to all deserters from this department who will rejoin their commands immediate ly. ' ' " :: "The advance of Johnston is now beyond Yszno City, Major General W, H, T. Walker, of Georgia, in com mand. ' Major Genersls Loring and Breckinridge will soon move forward with their divisions. VMth John ston at the head and these efficient officers under bim all will be done that can be. General Johnston has said that Grant would not be so kind as to come out of his entrenchments to fight him." ..'"-. ConscxiFTio ExTBxnxD. We are informed that the Confederate Stalta Government has ordered out the men from 40 to 45 years of age in other words, has extended the conscription to the men embraced with in these ages, as the Conscript Law authorized the President to do, in his discretion. ; Char!titon Mercury t 22. . i v .-.i? nrv t m - r j y ": -mj,.,!,' 1HIVE CENTS PER POUND WItL BE PAID FOR B clean Cotton or Linen Rags, delivered at Begietera' Ofliee, KocWnghajnRicbmond, N. C. " the 3T Such a stew as Yankeedom is in such a fright as Lineolndom has received, has not been known since the viaitof the ghost of Hamlet to namlet'aton. Lin coln, Seward snd Chase. baTefor soma time past. bea investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in British funds. .Sink who rosy they'll swim. J 7 POTTING. A soldier is sitting opposite me, perusing a letter A tear is trickling down his cheek; the rough heart has been touched. Write to the soldierl Few things are more inspiriting to Lira than a letter from "home, sweet home, and gentle frirnJs. I have seen a sol dier apply for a letter with anxious countenance, and failing to receive one, tarn away dispirited. Oa the other hand I have seea him elated and transported by these messengers of the absent, freighted with thoughts of beauty and message of lore. . 1 would that every lady, who has a friend in the army with whom she corresponds, could realise what power she wielded with her pen. , She would write more burning word to Ire his heart; more words of cheer to stay bim in his despondent hours; more earnest word to point bim upwards to his greatest Friend, tbe Captain above all hosts. These letters naturally have a powerful effect Tbey first soften the-heart by TeTtving niemftrles "of home and dear ones and peaceful scenes, and thus pre- !are the tablet for a deep impression. The complex on and word of the letter is then very apt to be trans ferred, and the soldier smile and weeps over these missives of the absent. They are read and re-read and protect him from' many a tore temptation. A word of confidence in bim from some fair friend may be tbe fortunate shield sgaiost many a moral danger. In the camp such shields are needed more tuan in any other situation. These beautiful characters are daily being rained, and fair names blighted. Letter writting by woman cau be and is made, I doubt not, a work of noblest philanthropy. The Sabbath is terri bly abused iu. Let woman counsel against its deseora Uoo. Too many are this day of rent gambling and card playing. Strange, yet so is, that roan will be so bold, so defiant; the deadly conflict before bim, yet insulting God I But ho trembles at the hour of dissolu-iiotLl-llew different 4he-ChristianJrdealhlI knew a Captain who was suddenly confronted by the grim messenger, but quailed not. "I will die in a few moments; all necessary arrangements for my wife and children have been made; I am at peace with God and tbe world." How calm how triutrphantT thus died Jackson. And who can tell how many have determined to emulate his life now that he is gone. So may his death be a ublesaing in dwguiae." E. Y. C. "Atlanta Comnenwtallk, Ucadq'n. 80tb J(cff., IV. C. lUliifiu. V,. " . 7 June 20tb, 18C3. THE ATTENTION OF THE OFFCER8 OF THIS Regiment, is again called to. a 'Proclamation of Gov.-Vance prohibiting the carrying out of the State certain articles of produce ; ',. . .' They are ordered to see that it is Strictly enforced, and any officer failing in his doty, will be promptly reported to the Adjutant General. .-. It is expected that "all rood citizens" will nid the r Officers by nvingineyjioJLiceJoany.intnded violi won 01 tae 1'roclamatioii that may come to their know ledge and not quietly let "wagon lqfcds of provisions pass rut of the State, day by day," as some confess to have done. 'v. . H. W. LEDBETTER, Col. Com'g. " W. 0. Bixxett, Adjutunt. . 236-88, TO PARENTS AND PATRONS. THE FALL SESSION OF LILESVILLE "HIGH School will open on the 21 Monday in July next, untie? tu charge or 4. u. KIUUAUVSOX. v .Tuition ranging from 8 to 10, 12 and 15 dollars per' 8eseiocr. Children of all soldiers charged half Tuition. Pupils prepared for any of tbe Coftege classes. For furtLer particulars address the Principal at Liles ville.N.C. - Lilesville, N. C, June 20th, 18C3 V 23Cr40 BY.TIIE GOVERNOR OF NORTH-CAROLINA.' v - A POCLAMAT10N. WnEREAS; THE PRESIDENT OF THE CON FEDERATE STATES, by virtue of tbe author ity vested in bim by the Constitution,' has made a re quisition upon North Carolina for seven thousand men to serve witb'.o the limits of the State, foe six months from and after the first day of August next; and whereas, it js derirabie that if possible the troops should be raised by voluntary enlistment, with Jhe right to select their own officer: " ' Now therefore I. ZEUULON B. VANCE, Governor of. North Carolinar do iaue this my proclamatiOQCal-' ling on the patriotic citizens of the State to volunteer for fitato defencennd tender their services in compa nies, battalions and regimehts, on or before the 17th of July. Tbe control and management of the troops raised nhder this Proclamation will be retained bj the au thorities of the State. Orders fur tbe enrollment of the miljtia, preparatory to a draft, ia case it may be necessary, will bo issued by tbo Adjutant Ueneral. - 1 In witness whereof, Zebclox B. Vaxce, seal V Captain General and Commander-in-Chief, w-s I hath signed these presents and caused the Great Seal of tbe State to.be affixed. Done at Raleigh, this Nth day of June, A. D , 1863, and in tbe year of American Independence the 87th. By the Governor: i, Z.B.VANCE.. R. H. Battlr, Jr., PrivatelSecretary. Jane 19, 18G3-236-8 - - IIXLTIIC UOVESIKOR OF ilORTII 3 ' ' CARO - A PROCLAMATION. YITHEREASt THERE HAS ARISEN SINCE THE Y : adjournment of the General Assembly a very important question of finance, in the proper settle ment of which the credit of the State is deeply con- cernea, ana ior wnica seiueiuem legisiauve acuoa is required: Now, therefore, I, ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of North Carolina, do, by and with the advice of. the Council of State,lssue this Proclamation, convening the General Assembly in Extra Session, and calling upon the members to assemble promptly in this city ou Tues day, the 30th day of this month of June. - In witness whereof, Zedulox Ii. Vaxce, vernnr, Captain General and Comtnander- Chief, hath signed these presents and caus ed the Great Seal of the St.te to be affixed. Done at the city of Ruleigh, this thdrtTjofLJnneT- t Ar-Dr7l8f37aad1nlhe eighty-seyenth year of Ameri can Independence. t By the. Governor: - - Z. B. VANCE, R. H. Battur, Jr., Private Secretary. June 13th, 1855-236 38 7 7 A PB 00 LAM ATI 0. r 777 xEuijtipni b. ,yAircr,'7y oovernok 'of the btate of north Carolina! WHEREASr, THE TIME LIMITED IN rIV PRO ; cUmution, 'dated the feth of May, frbidUing" the exportation.r ceitain articles from the State, for thirty days from the 18tb of the past month, will soon expire4;' ;,- , , ', ;'." ". 7 7 i- ' , ; Now, therefore, I, ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of NorthJCarolina, do, by and with the advice of the Council of State, ssue this Proclamation, continuing said prohibition thirty days from tueJ2ra Inst , sub- . ject to the exceptions and restrictions contained : in said Proclamation of the 8th ofIar. and entrostins I the execution otthUJroclamation to -Justices vT , ! "j In witness whereof, Zxnrtox J. VisCX, seal V Governor, Captain General end Commander -v-' j in-Chief, hath signed these presenter and caused the Great Seal of tbe State to be affixed, r 0 ' Done at the Citv of Ralefrh. this 9th dar nf Jnn o A. DM 1803, and in the 87th year Of our Independence. uy the uovernor: Z. U. VANCE. R. II. Battle, Je.,' Private Secretary.' JJnne Oth, 18f3-236:87.. - - v- - . ' Notice, ExsMintlVo Department Ifi'C Aemctaxt G exeral's OfriCE, plilitia)"'-" r; Raleigh, June 17th, 1863. Gisexal OrdCb,) No. 11. T THE COMMANDING OFFICERS OF THE MIL! JL Ua will immediately assemble their respective Rertmenta and enroll all ahle-hodied . free white men and apprentices, residents of this State, who shall be of the age of eighteen and nnder forty years not lia ble to or wbo have heretofore been exempted from the conscript act, and all between the ages of forty and Mty:BvjLjaj If.- Tber WlirspecIfyTn said enrollment, what per sons claim exemption from militia' service under the laws, and will note opposite the name of every-'eueh person the ground upon ' which such exemption is claimed. , C ' 7""'': ' ,; i III. As soon as completed, the Muster Rolls are te$ ulred to be forwarded to tbis'offico. i 7 - 1 i By osder of Governor VaKce: ' "77": t-7 ' DANL. G. FOWLE, L June I9t8tr---r Adjutant Genefalrr Ilcadq'a 80th Reg. ft. C. lUilitia. 7 3 v Wadesboxo, Jute 23, 1663. GxxxxalOrdes, V ' . - -No. ; ' ''v""-v, : ' THE COMMANDERS 0F CpMPANIES OF TnE ,80th Regiment N. C. M., are hereby ordered to assemble all free white men and apprentices, (residents of this State,) of their respective Districts between the ages of eighteen andforty.fiy.(18 andiS) at Wades boro', on Monday, the 29th of June, instant, for enrol ment in accordance with the proclamation of his Ekcel lency Governor Vance. ""'-' ;7 , .7 ," , By order - H. W. LEDBETTER, Col. !- '-V Com'g, SOth Regt N-C. MilUla. W. 0. Bexxett. Adjutants 7. . ( v7: MONEY' IS PLENTY AND OF BUT LITTLE ' value only to pay debts with. ' . ' .' Therefore the undersigned would respectfully asic' those who owe bim (through the Argus) notes and ac- . counts on his own account and also as Administrator on the Estate of JOnN PRATT, deceased, to call at Lilesville, without delay, and pay up. Mr. SIMEON E. LILES, will wait on those desirous of paying. " . If you will consult self-interest, you will most as suredly comply with the above request, while mobey . is plenty and cheap. . ' WHen the- above debts were contracted jt took one ; hundred cents to" pay one dollar, nbw you can pay six , dollars with one. Oh, think and act wisely. - : ' ' ' : J. J. COX. V June 9tb, 1863-235-tf - - : M NOTICE. AND Y PATRONS WILL PLEASE CALL close their Accounts to January, 1863. f A. L. JACKSON. Lilesville, June 11, 1863. 234-4t . MEDICAL NOTICE. RS, ASHE AND RAMSEY, HAVING FORMED an association in the practice of Medicine; ther may be found at the Office of Dr. Ramsey. W. C. RAMSEY, - E. F. ASHE. June 9th, 1863-234-tf ' ' L. 8. VGoi Vjin-( Headquarters) Ex. lid. of Surgeons, , AND ENROLLMENT OF CONSCRIPTS, Seventh Congressional District. N. C Waoesboro', N. C., June 9th, 1863 T1CRSUANT TO ORDER NO. 9r ISSUED BY COL. ' I Peter Mallett, Commandant of Conscripts for N. CM theCommaiiding Officers of th respective Mili tia Reirimentj in the 7th Congressional District of North. Carolinare requested to assemble their Com mands, at the following times and places. This call embraces All men between 18 and 40 years of age, in cluding those previously exempted, detailed, -or dis charged Irora service, from any cause whatever:" 80th RegimentjN, C. Militia, at WadSpboro,' Anson county, July 6th. , . 81st Regt., N. C. Militia at Wadesboro Anson county, July 7th and 8th. ; ',77 1. FOR SALE. . : ' A SPLENDID NEW FASHIONABLE CARRIAGE, ' with all the modern improvements for Summer, uud Winter open or tight, at the pleasure of the oc cupant. Apply to JAMES THREADGILL. June 9tb, 1863-234-tf Wndesbqro. LL PERSONS HAVIKG CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of J. P. SMITH, deceased,' will please present them for settlement, and those indebt- a .V . 1 v m m b ea are earnestly requesiea 10 come lorward and make payment. , - ' W. G. SMITH, V 234-37 SAML. SMITH, Executors. . OFFICE OF - CIIERATV &. COAIA a FIELD'S RAILROAD. 7: ;", 7 ' Chexav S. C, 22d May, 1863. 7 friHE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE PROPO J' sals addressed to him at this place, until the first of July, for the GRADING and MASONRY upon twenty (20) miles of this Road. The Company will furnish Tools td parties who cannot obtain them else- ; where. : The payments ,forthe work will be made in Casii. (Siened) t 234-37 ? S. S. SOIaDMONS, Chief Engineer. IT A -fit WJifly 9th and 10th fi2d Rent;. N. C. Miliaa-at-TtoT; MontiomerTrt- I county. July Iatb and ilttKs: 67th Reet., N. C. Militia, at Carthage, Moore coun ty, Jaly 16th, 17th and 18th. - j L -Oihr-RegCrNTC. Militia at PUtsborQChatham cosuty, July 20& uu.2ist. - - . ' 50th Regt., N. C. Militia, at PittobOro, Chatham county, July ,22d, 23d and 24th 63d ..Re gt. , N. C Militia, at Ashboro, Randolph chun ty, July 27th and 23th. . , 7 7: - 64th Regt., N. C. Militia, at Ashboro, Randolph county, July 29tb, 30th and 31st. - 7 r- v 6Sth Regt., N. C Militiaat Lexington, Davidson! county 4- August 3d and 4th, , .7 66th , Regt., N. C. Militia, at Lexington, Davidson coucty, August 5th, 6th and 7th. ' 7 ",; v. 7v J. M. LITTLE, Jst Lt. P. A. Ct S." x ' and Enrolling Officer. " P. 0. SNOWDENi Surgeon P. A. C. S. ' " Chairman Fx. Bd. Surg.," 7th Coog.'Dist.' N. C ; 'June thi lWS5-v' v.7-v.A'4r . K. ggt- Fayetteville0bserver,RalelghPr3grcs, Stand ard, and .Greensboro Patriot copy foui times and send tills to this office STATE OF IVORTII CAROLINA. , ANSON COUNTY. . , Covet or Pleas and Qcarter Sessioss, - , April Trm, 1863. 1 ... : . Cacffl of Will. '-- .- . ' - ' :"' James Boggnn, Executor, e. George D.: Taylor, "and others. . .7J- .'---V:- --77 7; : APPEARING TO THE COURT THAT LOUISA S lean, Peter Stean, and Charlotte Stean, three of the next of kin and heirs at law, of Thomas Taylor, de ceased, reside beyond the limits of this State; they are hereby notified to appear at th'enext Term of this Court, to be held at the Court-Hduse in Wadesborough, on the Second. Monday in July nextt then and there to see the proceedings in this cause and make themselves x parties to the said issue, if they shall think proper.'; W'i toss's, Patrick J. CoprEDOE, Clerk of our said Court at Office, in Wadesborough the Second Monday of April, A. D., 1863. - '- 231-36 . P. J. COPJPEDGEi3lrlu. AVilmluston, Charlotte & JC. R. It. '. DOWX TRAIX. .. Mondays, Wednesday s and ,r rnaays N AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst.V the Passenger Train on this Road will run as follows: 7--:; ; ' ii:;:.---!-'---- ' CF MiAix.7:v;7y.':: Tuesdays, Thursdays aad ' Saturdays, ; Leare: Wilmington ,"9:00 7 . : o'clock, A. M. Riverside...... 10:00 " Northwest, ...10:40 ' Marlville..... 11:23 Rosindale 12:17 1... Drown Marsh. U:ox Bladenboro'....l:27 T.umbertoo.....2:2S MoesNeck.....S;05 Red Banks... ..3:30 Shoe Heel 3:55 Laurtnburg....4:8' Arrlvatl03.,5;8 . By order. i Leave703 at..7:S0A. M. ' B . Shoe Heel 9:06 Red Banks..,..9:22 . Moss Neck....:.9:57 Lnmberton .',..10:88 ; Blandenboro'. 11:35 " Brown Mirsh. 12:10 P. M. Rosindale. U, .12:45 ' Marlville. :32 Northwest .,.:20 ArtlTeatRiver. elde WUmington.T.;.4:0O R, P. ATKINSON, u Master of Transpertation. 7 jl . , I II . :V-. -' . . . ... : k '. Hi., . it-, -

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