! in the premises. ";v..- y .. '.:' ! : i , n:, rTctect. therefore, that! you Will nlistaln from collecting taxes in the old w- gues until the actica of the Legislature In the mean time there should be nopanio among the people on this subject. AH have an opportunity to fund till the lit of Au I gust, and to pay the large lax to the Con iederate gorernment in these notes ? and if the General Assembly should decide to con tinue to teceive the issues of the second i. class, which will continue to be nearly as rood as those of the third. cl?5j "A?tlPl 1st of August,' the people will not be incom moded materially, in payiPS the State and County taxes ; and it is hoped that the is sues of the first class will benejarly all absorb ed by funding, and in paying the Confeder ate tax. j : ' . VT7 This full explanation is made to enable you clearly to understand the subject, and to explain it to others.- : Until you receive further instructions; - you are, therefore, advised to receive only in Davment of State and County taxes, the . Ti-niT notes of this State, the notes of 7 all the Banksof this State, gold and silver coin, and Confederate Treasury notes dated on and after 6th of April, I860, and the " interest bearing Treasury notes of the Con federate States. : .' . Very Respectfully. .' OOUNATHAN WORTH, . . , Public Treasurer. John G Jones Th Wit. According t some theological writers, who have undertaken to unravel the mysteries of pro phecy, the combined hosts of Gog and Magog are to meet in the Great Valley of the Mississippi some time I between the jear. 1800 1878, when thegreat battle "efAraagexidon shall be fought." Afthis battle, the blood is to flow nntil it reaches the bridle tits of the horsemen, and a "atiuk" is to arise from the caress tea of the slain that will scatter pestilence an! mourn, ing through the whole land. It is to be the greatest and last battle on earth, the fiaal contest between liberty and despotism; it is 10 decide not only " the fate and shape the future political character of the Western Continent, but is likewise to produce a revolution in all the great monarchies of Europe. The cause of liberty is. to mike its final triumphs; the ancient monarchies of the Old World are to give in before the conquering hosts, Israel is to be restored, a democratic theocracy is to become the recognised Government not only in North America, but through entail Europe; Poland is to be restored to her ancient . liberties, demagogism is to hare its funeral obsequies, - the Millennial Reign of a thousand years is t set in and (it is hoped) the Puritan Round Heads and Yan kee politicians are, like their great Chief in the lower .world, to. be put into dose custody where they may no longer disturb the public pence by a system of in- - terraeddling with affairs that do-not conor them - - The eaogainary conflict which has been progsecsing at Vicksburg daring the past ten days, the disposition of the Tankee Government to hiurd everything in the contest, the continued flow of reinforcements to both armies for several weeks past, the dreadful carnage of the Tankee troops and offensive stench arising irom their rotting carcasses; the locality of the hostile armies, their great and increasing numbers, and the period of time in which these events are ' transpiring, serve . to remind as ef Dt Baldwin's United States in Prophecy," and his theories of the great Armageddon. It cannot be claimed as a verification of his "Prophe cies," however, since the character and material of both armies lack many of the essentials specified .in his prophecy .Columbus Sun. , A , The New York Herald wants the negroes to be cru--eined eeyswe hare no need of negroes at the NorthT Let the whole race be sent South. If they will not S3 Clark M Avery S4W L J Lowrance 35' Matt W Ransom 85lNo field orjr'tatioa S7,Wm M Barbour John B Ashcraft 38WmJHoke Uohn Ash ford S9 David Colemao jFrank A Reynolds 40 No field org'sationi- NTtJohrA-mker f- 42 Georre C Gibbs J 43 Thomas 8 Kenan fight, they will di well eneoogh to run away, but we hope they will be catgut by the enemy and never ex cbanged. Tie country will have a good riddanee of them." , . . V Qxa. Kiasr Smith's Mothsb Basishxd. - The Savannah Republican of th Uth says a flag of truce, wia Hilton Head and Poeotaligo, brought to that city several families banished from 8t. Augustine, Fla., by the Yankeesamong them the mother of General E. Kirby Smith. . ' How eloquent istbe old, homely word, k all J ,The flowers fall in the garden, the fruits fall in the orchard., the nuts fall , in the woods, the stars tall from the sky, the ram falls from the clouds, the mercury falls ..in the tubes, the- leaves T fall everywhere, and man falls into eternity ! T . hilitmy directohy, FIELD OFFICERS AND BRIGADES OF NORTH . CAROLINA REGIMENTS.'. - :. COLQXIX.. 3 Jno A McDowel 2 William H Cox SWdL DeRossett .4 Bryan Grimes 6ThomasM Garrett 6 1 lias e E Avery 7 Edw G Haywood 8! Henry M Shaw. .9;Uwrence5 Baksr, 10 Jas A J Bradford 11C Leventhorpe liKUT. COLOSKU Jas H Ilioes D W Hurt W Ji Parsley E A Osborne Wm J Hill 13 McD Tste W L Davidson James W Hlnton , (J M Wbitson James B..GardonLI.H WhiUker. Stephen D Pool Wm J Martin , II A Brewn , WSSullings 3 D Thruston -, James II Wood John W Lea . Robert F Webb , 13 Alfred M Scales 14 R Tyler Bennett 15; William McRae 16! John 8 McElroy 17iWmF Martin 18 "T II T Gaioa 1 T Sparrow Egb'rtARoss Joseph II Hyman W A Johnston W H Ysrborough Wm A Stowe , , John C Lamb Wm G Robinson Nelson Blough 19 Solomon Williams 20 Thomas F Toon 21 W W Kirkland 22, James Conner r 23;Daul II Christie 24, Wm J Clarke 25. H M RuUedge . 2G1I KBurgwyn.Jf 7iJoho A Gilmer Jr 28 Samuel D Lowe 29, Robert B Vance SO Francis M Parker; James T Kell 31 John V Jordan 0 W Knight , 82,Edmund C Brabble Wm T Williams Robert V Cowaa L II Hunt II Lambeth GW Hammond II D Lee T II Sharps J D Barry C M Andrews Robl D Johnston John L nsrris Samuel C Bryson John R Lane 0 F Whitfield . Wm II A Spcer ohn E Brown Wm G Lewis 44Thos C SingletaryT L Hargrove 4."J H Morehead 46 El ward D Hall 47 Geo It Faribault 4 Robert C Hill 49' Lee M McAf . 6yJ A Washington 61 Hector McKethan SJames K' Marshall Marcus A Parks 63iWiUiam A Owens J T Morehead Jr 54! JK M Murchlsoa 65John K Connelly j VI T Smith 6B Paul F Faison !0 Gratiott Luke 57' Vrch'd C Godwin IH C Jones, Jr 58 Jobn B Palmer 59-Dennis D Ferrebee 60 W L Saunders John A Graves Sam'l A Walkup Jno A. Flemming George Wortham Caleb B Hobson JtUOBS. W 8 Rankin riTE THE UNDERSIGNED PRACTISING PHYSICIANS, OF ANi W ; i son' Count?, are constrained (mac!, to oar rcgrct) ; by the increaso ol, the hi2h prices of Medicines and the Nocessittea of Life,, to eUll fur her ad- We will, from tho lam oyMJ' WMrytJrt Ni-ht Visits, $1.50 per mile, and all distances under five miles, $1 for Pre-scxlDtion--Extra for costly prescriptions and Blistering and cO cents for 3 additional case: -And we will require half yearly seilemcnts, irJan- rt Vji;i rniiirftfl; those who will sell at tBo old prices, to theanofbaVw , , . Drs. K. F. ASHE, : x .. ; U. Y. IIOWZE, W. C. HAMoAX, . JOHN MoUAE, A. Lr JACKSON", JAMES A. TILLMAN, J. C. 8MITU. - 232 tf C B. COPPEDOE, ALBERT MYERS. P. T. BEE3ION, WM. II GLASS. C C Bl&cknall rtDLove ff S Gradr U T Jenes LJ C Webb Sam N 8towe WB Creistnan 1 W W Sillers If A D McKaj 0 G Coward T W Marhew Geo T Gordon J T Johnston STATE OP NORTH CAXlOLItfA Cocm or Piav W Sf "JS" April Term, 1863. TttUion forSttllmiHl.- WO Morris M.M'LaochHn 61James D Radeliffe 62 Koberl u A l-ove 63 Peter G Bvans :. 64 LaVrenre M Allen C5,Geoie N Folk lCW Brad-haw W J Boggan M Stedman L R Winston ACM Callister A D Crudup A A Hill P B Chambers t C Vanhook J R McDonald UQRichardson U J Iredell A Ellis MfreJ II Belo II F Schenek !J A Craijre '.J'C Keener I John D. Jloore and William II. Moore, Executors, es. T W. Moore, James Hugh, end wife Catharine, fv and wife Cornelia, Tho.. CW", " Vd wife Rebecca, Thos. P. Chapman, Elisabeth AUbroOks Stephen Alsbrooks, Sarah AlBbrook.rUur. AUbrooks, Boea Alsbroekt, Columbus Alsbrooks, T1 and wife Msrv A., BurweU 0. Ravinond and wife Ro sanne, nilton Jonee and wlh Emma, the Defendant. U this case reside bejood the limits of thi. State, they are hereby notified to be and eppear at the next Term of thi. Court to be held at the Coort-House in Wades borough on the Second Monday In July next, then and there to plead answer or demur to said petition or the same will be taken re coVe nd beard r frti to them.'-r-r--' h rzrz"'z ' r""t p.mr J. Corrcoct. Oerk of ear said CwWioffiwK 0ti&)' D P. J. COPPEDOE, Oerk. Edward CantweU JT M Maro ;W M .HarJy Wm S Devane . :H Harding KleoW Clayton jDGMeDowell Stephen B Evans ji 11 Mcea n ta uarreu ThadJens P Siler ijobn J Spann 0Lt WocKDED.Durina: the battle of r ' ' n ' i ion - ' , SB Arkanslaa, fell in rith each other, and made - tutu to v" mivuiu vc va&cii ijii ijy inc i cu out v , wo vnucMccaii ina ue was Accord ins - woutKled and to tali e bi m off. . to contract, true to bis worrl, the Tennes . seean tljoulderpd him and carried him away to the rear ; While going along cannoa ball came along and took.oflT tSe head of the wounded man, bat the bearer did not observe it. When be arriTed where the ur- geon was he laid him downaml said; " Doc tor, here U n. friend of iuine-; can't you do iomething for jhim The doctor, in ur- prise, wanted to know why he brought that dsal w:aa to him T -The Tennesseean turn: ed iand looked at hlrn, and very coolly re-ts-rked, 4 Why, blast hihi, be toU ire be i The Regiments are Brigaded as follows : Clinjman't Brigade Sth, 31st, 61st and Cist UCook'i 2?rak 15th, 27th, 46th and 48th Batt'i Brigade 29th - DmitV Brigade Z2dt 43d, 43th anifiSd Daris Brigade both '- Hoke' BjigadeCtb, 21st, 64th and 67th Jfampion't Brigade 9th Ivtret Brigade 5th. 12th, 20th and 23d ' Lane's Brhadellh, 18th, 28thf 33d and 37th Lee' t IT. . F. Brigade im . Martin'e Brigade 17th, 42d, 60th and G3d-. Pender's Brigade -13th, 16th, 22J, 31th and 3Sth Pettigrew's Brigade llth,2Cth, 42d, 41th, 47th and 62d ' ..... Ransom sBrigade2 1th, 25th. 35th, 49th and 66th Ramseur's Brigade 2&, 4th, 14th and 30th Robertson's Brigade (1st, 69th and 634 Taliaferro's Brigade 1st and 3d, . Not Brigaded 10th, 36th, 40th, 6th, COtb, 62d, 64th and 65th The following are Infantry Regiments: 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5tb, 6th, 7tb, 8th, Ilth, 12th, 13th, 14th 15tb, 16th 17th, 18th, 29tbf'21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 26thf 27th, 28th, 29tb, 30 h, 81st, 324, 33d, 31tb, 35th, 27th, 38th, 39th, 42J, 43J, 41th, 4oth, 43th, 47th, 49th, 49th, 60th, 5tst, 52d, 63d; 51th, 65th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 60th, 61st, C2J, 64th. The following are Cavalry Regiments: 9th, 19th, 41st, 59ht, 63d and 64th. The following are Artillery Regiments: 10th, 36th, 40th. ' ' , Tae following are the Battalions: ' Lieut. Col. Charles E. Sbober's, (formerly Wharton J. Green'sJ Infantry; Major J. II. Nethercott's Rtn yters;. Major Rr W. Wharton'. Sharpshooters Major Jobn W. Moore's Artillery;. Major W. L. Young's Artillery; MajoC Alexander McRae' Artillery; Col. Peter Malletf . Camp Gnard; Whitford's Battalion, RAngers; Major Alfred II." Baird'a-BatUlion of Cavalry. Colonrl W. H. Thomas' Legton of Highlander, end ion, and numbers over 1,500 men, MEW- i!J i0 I WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR THE apprehension, confinement nod delivery of my boy JACK, who runaway from me on the 18th of the " present month. Said Jack Is of dark copper color, very quick when spoken to, five feet 10 or 11 inches hleh. weigh, about 140 pounds and about SO year, of te. f THOS. J. GA6DV. . Deep Creek, Anson eo., N. C. April 2tb, lgos-ztr $200 Reward. RAWAWAT FROM THE 8CBSCRIBER ABOUT the middle of August last, JACK, a bright motet to, about 86 year, of tge, five feet 8 or 9 inches ia height, rpare beilt, slow.spokwa, Las a large scar oa the left cheek extending from the corner of the month two thirds of the way towards the ear", and is by trau A carpenter. One hundred do'krs will be pid -r hi di livery la the Subscriber living 8 miles -ui -f U'a.ie,br Anson eountyv KcC-i w ftr- hit eennmeti sAtbar be mar be had, and $160 more, fridr?caa&rieftt to convict any white person or trvt, fr karHtrie; the aaid slave Jack. ; J A M ES C. REN N ET T. . Wadesboro', Decern!-IF, 184-2. SiC Am. Hides and Leather. TE 1VIIX HIDKH ONE ItALV for the other or 76 et rr prurd. We will sJa give $12 pr erd fur good oak bark delivered at eur tannety. . UORINSON & MUR. March IS, 1863-222 If. waited to rimcxiAsi;, Horses. i . ; . . HORSES. I.f WADESCOXlOCCII.l THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES PLEASURE IN AN nouoeio,thai be has at last effected arranp. ments in esUblishing a long needed institution In thU placeA LIVERY STABLE. Hi. building U Urge and commodious and every mean, will be Uken by bim and those under his charge, In MtlsfacUoa to the public. ' .; ; ; , DORSES AT LIVERT, wUl receive every ftttettlott lionet, Bnpflei, and Uacbi, ready at all time, to convey patUe. to any point they wish to go, and Horses ukta to board either by the FEED, DAT, or MONTH. ': . The patronage of the public Is most earnestly se ll cited, either inputting up their horse, with no for the Feed, or Day, or in hiring my Howe, Baggie., or H Mr! JAS. TUREADGllL, Superintendent, will be on hand at all times, to attend to the want, of those who may honor me with their patronage. J. C CARAWAY, ' ' Proprietor. N. B. I wish to purchase several good DRAUGHT II0RSE8. Persons having horse, to dispose of woold do well to give me a call, October 23, 1862. 205tf J. C. CARAWAY. TOBACCO- 500 Bp X E S OF TOBACCO, OF DIFFERENT GRADES, for .ale by ; j, j. r. jtuaku. Salisbury, May 18, 1863-2386. $6(KRcward, EAKAWAYFROM THE SUBSCRIBER, O.V MON , day the 16th of March, my negro bov SAM. He i. dark complected, -medium b eighth, 1 or 20, ycars'old, and supposed to weigh about 140 pounds, lie answer, impertinently when spoken too, and has s down look. lie was raised by Mr. Lemuel D. Bennett. Also, oa tho 27th of, April, my negTO woman LIZ.' She is yellow complected, 18 or 20 year, old, weighs about 125 pounds and has an Impudent look.' She will probably be found about the premises of Mr. Hen ry Deberry; be own. her relations. , A boy named Ben hired of Mc Jshn Spencer, left with the woman. He is of a blaclf color, thick liped, medium height and siso. He bs a wife at Mr. Mial Wall', and U probably about there. "' -. The woman and man, last mentioned, took with them a bundle of clothing eaeh. '. . , " I will pay the above reward for .aid negroes dellv ered at High Mount, or eon&aed in jail so I can go them, or $0 for either. ' J..C. CARAWAY. ' April 29th, ;1 863-228-41 ,; ; .s . :4t-. "ATI.SG WAUtT tJira,ifirijrww,MTv AWrrfkWifrw ri into the manufacture of BOOTS, L. I SHOES, and to do all kind of Repairing, &o., 1 take this method. of notifying the public that I hive rented Capt, J. C. CARAWAY'S Uhoe Shop, 4t IHgh Mount Tannery, where 1 fchall bo hacpy to repair and manufacture Shoes, Boots, &c, for all the. old sustomere of the Tannery, and for the publlo gen arally. I will work cheap, tak.io j into considerttion, the -times, and the cost of every thing necessary to the support of man. ' : . , 232-ly v - - J. C. STAFFORD. RAGS! RAGS ! ! RAGS ! ! ! WE . WANT RAGS GOOD CLEAN COTT05 and LINEN RAGS. Save them and bring 'hem to as, and we will have them mad. into paper print tho Argu upon. ;; Save your fags, everybody, wd wbei yon come to town bring them with yodj and mo will buy them; "They cost nothing bu thi-troubU of ttyinf the..!.; ,;iiT-: J t'-'r-y-, Briog them lit Bring them HORSns. ' H0RS2S.... H03Si:S. -At the LI VERT STAtLK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. 22Mf J. WadeaHtv,' X.-C. C. CARAWAY. Dentisin. : BB, HORTOX, RES I DEN f DEN'-j TIST, Wadebore', X. C.,blHy prepared to perform any opeiation oa ti TEETH. He La now S.no 1 a gM I rif'j of Coll FOIL, TEETH, and afl :? materials te eccf ful practice ot htproft:..f, Tectli mounted tin Gu or Silver llate, from on to a fuH rt, or suction, f clasps. All work warraotrd fr 1 years. After 21 year, practice, I have hvt t btttney in saying, ( eaa give entire aiifsc;ien to those who patron me. N. B. Iwill attend to alt ca'.N from home; boteta ) have toeharp mileage, in addition I tuv other fees B. B. H0RT0X. Wadesboro', Jan. 27, C32 1 S-tf-v..---,, -r- 1T. T. DATIS. WA TCIMAKER k JE KELLER, S AT HOME, READY AND WILUXO To DO all kinds of repairing, mending and cleaoiog, to kthe best manner, and at the shortest notice consiitect with. neatness, durability and strength. Feb 4. '63 216 tf r NOTICE j OI.J1 niGJi MOUNT TANNERY ' REOPENED; BIDES M m TOTED. HAVIXd FAILED TO FIND A PURCH ASEH for my Tannery, 'I have determined to com mence, immediately, the taaning of Raw Hides such hides as will make sole leather, for 60 cents per poosd, and 75 cent, per upper." N ' vat usrit oeuverea at my lard. -v ..nt rrt.t. ,t. . ct rn nt.. Aiarca im, iois-zz-tr 1 IzTO COTTOW n-ASTEHi. T IIAVE BEEN At?P0INTED, JBY TllE SECBEr 1 Ury of the Treasury, Chief Agent for the per chaso of Cotton for the Confederate Government with-, ia tho SUU of . North Carolina, and will pay for tho same la 7 percentr Bands or cosh. :7 T ? -:? - Sob-Agent, visiting the different parts of th. 6tatV baying in my name, will have written certificates or appointment.; . N ' j?i--,Vv . . --i. . ' . By ordet of the "Secretary of tho Treasury,"'! Cottoo purchMcd. by myself, or my; Agents, on so t after the 18th d.y of March, 1863, wUl e paid forl 7 per ent Bond, or Cash, and not 8 per cent Bonds s stated in a former advertisemenL Up to that timer however, the 8 per cent Bond, will be furnished Uted. . ; w ; X -- Ul 1 ' - '-- : Patriotic dtlzrns are new offered an or-oortunlty to- aid the Government by lellJng to It their cotton rather isan io private capiusi..-. - . . - ' , - - :A- . f LEWIS 8, WILXIiMS. Chvlott., UarcA 20, 1888-223- ' ":f