5 t 1 ! if r ,, . - t Ill it V-i . FBOM.OKN. WS ARMYf - " Thoih a number of offioejr and eoldiers wouaded at Gettysburg bar, within th past two days, reached the city, yet, M they were for tba most part struck dating the first days engagement they kpow of tubs fiuenUventafromonljhesrsay. l the entire absence of otCiUl dispatches, we are therefore without any cou nected or intelligible account of the broodiest battle or the wivr. We know tbe battle was began Wednesday morning and lasted for9veral days.wilh a loss of twelve thoo: and on our siJe and more than doub!e;hat en toe part of the enemy, but haw orwhen It wa brought to a conclusion, and what were the ubequrot oovuents of the hostile armies, we hare no positive information. . .. ran rn frnm ihm ftlOtt trustworthy sources, it appear that Wednesday and TbadJ we inn lit ttj iKfcf. irtil Mtta.UwJ.la Again on r rUayvarter a ssngaio-rj r-. " them to flight, bat onr pursuit was checked bv wtta hills, intrenchmetts and riie pita, behind which, the enemy toc-Y refuga and nude u obstinate and deter , mined stand. Our loss before this position was very rcaU Fire or more attempts were made to carry it f 'bv direct asauH, nJ each time onr ranks were fear- t Ao. o." . On tne oiner nan - -r force, ' -i.7. tt. ... -.r .stlT superior tk thousand men. . . " 1 1 M ta. 1m on either idaw here-ia rucbmonA k..w.taot.ul7 nothing. VT-IS iated at eleven and the enemy at forty men; how fur either or both may bir oT tkt rk- e bar pa mean tf knowing. We tost between fiTteea EundMod two thousand prisoner., and cp ured not less iBan kii, od pern-pa us ibb ? , thoaaod. " "" ' ' . . : -..I k iVt Ttaii.' A letter from General bee was rci d lie JimnrA nilP charCS. ; V" J ATr? nni TAR nir miln "AVe, ai. from TUP 16th v;iit .Vwitn. S1.50 per mile, and a 1 distances im . ftj':n rntB r.,.. :ions nna uiivm,o,'w. r. v . . ... . i i. .....i iim mi fiuiliuir turf ments on Friday, out .onUu --- o - jiusndedhy wrtiwwi .rit.v- . v . 1 . .. a Ami I.b UT rt rear: turn iw p,w".Tr v . i - 4 ;..:- in -4Vln.il hr.the fire or tbe enemy earthworks, rifle pits and stone wal!s. . Two of our ditisions, RhoJes' vn tbe left an.T l'ickstt'a on the light, carried the porticn of the position in front of " thro, hat, fiuding a commanded by ft still stronger po aitiun in res'r, were forced to retreat. From participants n e enggement we hare the main facts of the first day's batt'.e. . .. As osnal, to A. P. Kill was assigned the doty f opting tbe biU; Tawiay erening akimtsbing was brrvn between a amsion on our Mue anu nfj; '' corps on the psrt of the enemy, and U-trd nnnl night Vadnesdy morning PenJer'a ditisioa batngcome tip on the left of the dif Won already engiged, both re, after an hoar's skirmishing, attacked by the nemy. Our artillery, stationed on bills in the rer, played oer the lead off our adTancingcolomns. Tbe Tamees fooght well nnd contested the ground obti nat-ly. AHout noon T.holes, of Ewell's dit'uion, came into tbe fiht on our extreme left The entity al.o sent forward heaty reinforcements and the battle mjt'd with renewed lury. Tbe .conflict organ in uf country, some three miles wert or GettsAnrg, ami cast of the town. ' ' ' Unlike erery prerions battle of the war, the move ments of the two armies were not hidJen by forest and dense thkketO The country was broken and rolling, and in a high etate of cultivation. On every ' i. -mht an J corn field, surroun led by atone fences, and dotted here and there ty groves and clomps tf open timber. Tbe movement of ecb army were visible from every part of tho field', and the gime of battle as tbos played on a clear board, is said to have been of absorbing interest tt watch it. Our ' troops, infantry and artillery, were handled with con summate skill. Again and acaia they turned the ene my's flank, and drove them from one sone fence to another from one range of nil's to other further ... east On onr left Rhodes had,- at one time to d-slolgi the enemy from a long breast work, constructed ehirf lj of bales of hay. This was an important c-iptare, : as it saved much trouble in seeking fo-age fqr our ar tillerj horses that night. The enemy's loss in killed 1 1 W!a Jam' .'! i. . . t, I f.nsitiotia in tho were eomiuanaea pj ivr t " .i.i. wis lmmnie and hi own rarnr' 1 1 ma i aa w- - i "not alight;" tl.at he bad inflicted oothe rmy or .l. i v.. mnt tremenJous blow it had ever received, and that bi. own army was in g u...Mv wady fc any movement off.uAte or detDlt lie . 7 t... i.;- Ut- retirement the the vast wngon train captured by desire to secure St"art7C;'C scnption-Extra for costly prcscr.pl nn. And wo will J uary and July. ; . . , tt.nsft who will sell at ttio old. prices, to ' i if ..jMivltt atttlntTtonta. in .lnn n,h-flrnhiM. case. Andwp wuircHUHw. v v . , , , ,trx-K,iiAi,T,t nf !Tillrt:an-havo-tlo medical 232 tf V. n. U A MBA It , JOHN A. McKAE, A. L JAWvcuxi ; JAMES A. TILLMAN,. J. O. 8MITII. H..Y. IIOWZK. 0. B COi'PEUOE, ALUEUT MYEHS. 1. T.' UKEMON, WM. II.' GLASS,. W; KHNDALL. V rns nrratAT fhom GUTTSBiEa v. tht whilst ouc infantry and artillery were fiffhUnir tbe bnfl of Gettysburg, gtiart wa. fioaniig too whole face of the earth in ae-rco or uorsr,. u ind vagon trains, and so pre-eminent y i- w" s be, that before Friday night, h. had collected in ' - k train Arff ft Htm the rear or our army, moi ' mi isinA To cure this plunder course to bi counted as Pa;t of the spoils of Getty., burg, our arrav made it retrograde movejuaut bu. ha hoof, is not ulu mnde light of, bot the thought occurs whe J,er the thousands if Situtrf - bold trooper, coul d not bat rendere:i more valuable sn.ce on the fc.it U fW lhere tnal have been many opp..rtun.t.es for thi effective operation of cavalry durin? the retreat of thTeneray Km .he the we.t side of Cttyshurg to the mouulucs in which they f..und lefuge on r.d I3ot it is lo diu this nowilun now. W. ha gat the wagous audmu..ea ...aad, ibouldbaukr ful. ' . . . ' . Pmm the time this train started from i.eiiyor5 La ahiu belonc ng to private citizens m the Ku a lUrent Major Gener.nl -bo tnkc, n,,.eln of the silver Spoons of f private 5 iien is .imj.1y a thief The vessels vhich ro burned at sea by the A Uham r the r. rVmrtered iherlies whom i irm,aa mtiU free of ihe Atlantic. ,1.- nmnorlv. h' Tt I tWS Ol War, Of those who hurn'them, and shouM be so ad : . i .. i i.. tl. rnnrts if carried into a neu- trifp-ri; Hut it would be hard t find any court which would confirm the right of any silver snivers win T l-.. r.l tr rl.nn un an xe in ordK to cram tht-m into Ins hoi- stf rvir which wdul l convey to a negro ,-nfthefeT'n, ho burns over the heads of worncrftnd :;k.,t il,MrStown. it w beset by the memy VrWith(kn hv the order of his Wbile laceu cavaln.rezuUr and guerilla. e stuj.id Dutch hCftrted commander. K-i?..in thi. stur e tola I our rau , Pw,AV:r:"" .L ..k. a band: and from !l we co learn, that so far as depended upon tLf pro tection afforded by our cavalry escort, 7 bave had their own way. In ;'J 7 MMCe they were driven off by our wagon drmrs. . . ' A CATAtIT flCHT. . K con-ideoble battle U reported to have taken place Sunday betweea the cavalry covering our rear ana ihe Ynkee cavalry. We are known to have beaten the en.my and taken a lrge number of pnscnenr. Why ur cavalry who fight so courageously. -sbouM be o easily srarapedrd When acting as escort to wgon trains, is one of , those thiogs th.t we cannot tinder stand. . AS ATTACK 0! WIlLIAHSrOllT tvk' n tv- fiiM nerrrral Lee retaliating f urn , w ' 11 .1 . . .t r-.miHi'f IVnnsvlvania nil that Hunier has inflicfd upon the planters o! Geor-ta and Carolina, when rapine arm ar n in th cantured towns ol thi North tlie sime infernal carnival to which ihey have been invited in the South,. then, i i.f!il i Vin. we mv call upon the world to witness that vjhc otficers and soldiers of ihe s!aveholJrrV rebellion are really ns 1. 1 a hiini'in vnuu uiTcnv I $50 Reward, WILL PAT THE ABOVE HEW Alt D FOR THE MKn.tan: eonfinemrat and d'lhrty ol try boy JACK, who ranaway from me cn iht 8th of tft irLnt month Said Jack U of a dark ei r-pri color, r . t... rl IU ir. 1 1 Inrl.t. very qoir wneu apunTu - . . k Peep Creek, Aoon co., N. C. Aoril28tb.lPC5-22P.tf ' S200 Reward, RAXAWAT FROM THK SUUSritlBER. ACOCT the mlddl of August last, JACK, a bt gbt nal.t. to, about JO year of aft, fi't fret 8 or V inchti ic height, ,part built, slow-ipoke n, Las a large cir the left f heek encoding fiom the corttr f the toUk two third, of tht wsy towaida the ear, and Is by traJ. n-i l,n.td do Hrs will U td forbta 4IIvery u Aooa county. N: C . cr Tor aia ci.nnen, f k. K h.J. and SUM) more, fr eld i.ce mfSrifU to convict an,' white persoa 'l' the said slavt Jack. ,A.Nfs U LE :vi lT Wadeaworo', Pecember 18, Jrc 212 Can. iand-wowndediathisaay sngni wasaiiewfc inr w . . . . .,. win;.,,!! .one, and we captured from four t? ---P - every man who rcspec's war auara" mttwr uaiiv i a iipwi is. it v - - - - . . " " i - - - e' . . . i n'..rAnH nUirs of liberty and the Union! In the meantime it i the solemn duly or himeeii ana.nts oners. Tbe field from tbe ptin! . . I - r.t it 1 rillllM wutfj. r ..L i - : ' . . i .. .ui nn;nt mmi fwnieai.,,,,,,),.- it nrrspni n nur huh-jm"i. VvMn t.-i Hcttrshnr. was thickiv strewn witn n'i arnnerr. . woa - -zr -,-4A-"l'-l-r"""":-.-., ... . . -hBdad and wounded, and every housein the town officers and men, an J a large wu if when wo took posssession of it, was a crowded hospi tal. ' ;" vV - " ) Thursday morning Gen.' Hill with Rhode's Ihviaion . renewed the battle east of Gettysburg, tLe'other two - divisroas of Bwell'aorps WKng in on our left,, and Longstreet coming up on our right. This day als- we met with uninterrupted success, "but we are without any partico'ars of the bstfle except that by nightfall wa had driven the enemy six miles cast cf the-wigi inal battle field. Of Friday's fight we bsve beard tery Utile and eonfess oursejves unable to understind that. The enemy aeem to havo retreated to some ttrnnv nositi m from which we were unable to dislodge - them, and in front of which we lost great Bombers of our men and many valuable officers. ' - : ' 1 It beint: impossible to obtain as yet accurate lists of i our ensualues, wo nave aeierminvu to mruvi " ; thinking it betur to omit them altogether rather than ' the tisk of sutinz as ki?led or wounded a soldier . who la unhurt. In this connection w will state that " Col. Arlett. retorted to havobeen wounded atGettys- borr. watfheard frfin so late as the th inst., at which data AC esq receivea no wousu. r t Rinea the above wav in lype we ti through wobn- ded oSSeerf who reaehed tbe city lat night, some pr tkalars of the last day'a fight at Gettysburg. After 'the battle ot Thursday, whieh was kept up with nndi- xoiniebed ardor on our side until a tery laU hour, tha cwemT toox positieaoo three immense bills, or moun- taia spurs, as i rniu murmur fcu. - - . Dlaialy that the naa not neu raw unuS -r A long nesvj line vi rmuiwuf , - ' . k. fH Mil lathe front and on t- -t the lUnke of theso the Tankee arufy was dawn tip M l : line of battlet We-mada tbe attack and drove the en emy into their iotrenenmenis. lasmg w wriu ments was a more seriou4 matter. We were repulsed several Hok, and finally succeeded in taking the euleriioWwToW by another equally formidable higher up tbe mountain side. la tbe retreat from' these entrenchments our fl t have been sustained. . Toe i pruperlj, jroarded by Imboden'S cavalry and two regiments or fnf.ntrr. There were also there about a tbousmd of luianu t " ' ... , t our wagon drivers wno, procuring .ru., V meet the enemy. A. very stiaip engagen.ru place, and the ehemf was repulsed and driven off, f v . I V witn.HPi! It. PV mainly, it is aiiegea, oj iog the gallant fighting of ihe wagon drivers Collinj, the free thinker, met a plain countryman going to church. He asked binj,wtiere ne i wm ss, " io cuunu, ait r.. i nmtrU with a the bower thftt (tod llllllVl IV' . . 4 !" has civeti him. apainst course of policy which sans the foundation of our hope. and makes our very name a hissing an Hides and Leather. WE onriix TAt innrs one iuif for the other or T eta per pouid. ' Wa will also giva $12J per cord for gooJ oak tatk deliverfJ at our tannery. delivery ai H0U1XS0.N k Mt'SD. March 18.1SC3-222 WAITED TO PVUCIIAIsCs U0R3ES, , UORSES. - MORSES. ; HORSES. HORSKS. ' HURStS. . ;r! tU LIVERY STAULEr - .... . WadeaKoro, X. C HIGHEST PRICES PAID. 221-tf J. C. CARAWAT. reproach' amon 2 the nations. ijoots Ji.ro shoes. "What to do therer'-To worship God.- uTnJ ten me whether your Gcd is a great God or a little God:,,1 , "He is both sir.". , '. 'n6w cao be be both?" ? ; He is so great, sir, that tha beavens cannot eon. talo litrn; and so little bo can dwelt ia my heart." Collins declares that the answer from the country man bad more eff;et upon his min i than a',1 the foi nmes which learned doctora bad written against bim. AVISO MADE VP MT UXD TO GO tnt iha mdnuincture oi iuuo SllwES. and io do all kind 3f R-palrinf . kt . - . - .1 . i i: . 1 L... I ink this method or oomyiname P"""8--' ? ' L.Vp-m. J. C.CARAWAY'S Shoe Shop, at High Mount laniery, where I hll bt harpy " "Wr. and mantfajture t?hea, Doota, Ac,, for all the U customers of the Tannery, and for tbh publta gen- t t ill ark ebe takioc Into onsldraUti.. the times, aad tha cost of everythibgaecesaary to tha support of man. ; j; C. STAFFORD. Dcntislry. B. nORTOX, RESIDENT PEX TI8T. Vadesbora', N. C, Is lolly ...umJi mrt.i.rm an atrtitn on the TEETH. Hehasnow on band a gwol eupp'j f ti'l 1 FOIL, TEETH, and all other materials t a ful practice of his profession. Teeth mounted t-atfc-u or Silver Piatt, froia t fuU set. or surtioa.tr clasps. All work warranted for 6 Jfrs. AH" yearn practice, I hare have hei,ncy lo -lfrL eaogivt entlra -aatisfacUon to thoae who patrtwit WK. D. I will attetid to all from home; bat W have to charge mileage, ia addition J, "sjORTO?r Wadesboro Jan. 11, IPCS 216 tf. lemeniybroaghTt1tteir bowiuera to .bear on our columns, jotting them io pieces horribly.' ' tjtfif'etia're wbea waiwrtrtiBemy'i "wortw i ! i (; k. kMti ' niMnifirfent One hundred aod IBB Hklll B-kO U0W mr ; A humorous dialogue between a clergymaa and bl, fellow traveller. . C. i'I'vlot my portmanteau." T. "I pity yoor grief." ' . i C. "All my sermoM ara ia It" T. "I pity the thief." TnE IwO INVASIONS A CONTRAST. The new York World thus draws the contrast between the Yankee invasion at the North: . ifmninc todiscovcr lhat the iniserahle scoqn- drels whodevote ihemselvesjoliurning de forty pieces cbfgdepio witbia thrt; handred yards f one Of the enemy' works, and sileneed.it in a short :-.. Krt n.t ithoat rerf sxrextt los. Our loss in horses . tM. Mrt of the fizbt was heavier thnn er before v - t- . if.:,.iir lM'th of time. One of our bat teries alone lot tb.rty eight borses in ss many minutes. Havini abandosed tbe idea of storming the enemy s otioo. Lee Ml back toward Gettysburg, and rest ad there tint uight. Jle pursuit w wad hy the enc vLier during the next day. On Saturd.y our SulaoeB and wsgon tralfls began to mov back to . am ii. MP.it n Zpc.vz this movement, and eos- I HI U X J Kir flail od march suddenly on Washiogtoo, M J left bis position aad turned towards Frederick 1hi . V r . . i r-ie!r lamlT:towards Dseers- ' towB where tho army oow Is, in a good condition and s'piriU as befor the fight. ; .w.-rirtK f lladVarmT at th baUle of Qti Wilmington. Charlotte 4c IT. R. IX. -.ml r- 11" Xf. T. DAVIS WATCHMAKER JEWELLER ' .h..mmwh a t AAL f a. GN xD AFTEU o .urn inn., thaPasseager Train on this Road will ma a follows; . - . m. ? m j a iy 18 AT TlOME, READT AND WILUu iv " 1 . all kind of repairing, mendltf and cleaning, n to best manner, and at th shortest notice eooltesi with neataess, durability and strengih. ' Feb 4. '63-Sltr - k rr txais. Tnedays Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Wilmington, 9.00 o'clock. Ar M. Riverslde....10:K) " Northwest.... 10:40 " H-rlvil.e..... 11:28 Roindn.,.,.12:17 P. Mr Bl'.ctihoro'....l:27 l.umberton.... 2:28 Mn Neck 3 5 Shoe lleel......3:r5 Laiirinhurir....4:3'i 41. II II It II II Arrive at 103 . 6:28 By order. DOWS TB4IS. Monday, Wednesdays and - Frldaj, , Lat103at..7.30A.M, Laurinbnrg ,wl:87. Shoe Heel ...0.06 . Red Banks....92 Mos 5eck....:67 r I . II liUIOUfriVUimlV-OU - M B4ftdcohorol.i L:84. Drown Marsh.l hlOP. M. IWindale 12:45 Martville,.....l:32 " Nohwei-t rtW.2i2a-lL Arriveat Kiver side..... 2:8: S iluiiDgton.....4:00 SPECIAL NOTICE. rrr" HIGH MOUNT TAXXEltWEOrESW: HIDES ASD BM WASTED. HAVING FAILED TO FIND A PCRCHA5E for my Tannery, I bav determined to " menc. Immediately, tba fanning of Raw Htler,BV hiderai will toakot'lesther,ftrr Wiistrf and 75 centa per uper. , I will pay THIRTEEN DOLLARS per cord forp1 ruit tttrk Hlir'l at Ki Yard. I . " I wilt buy nide dry all pei" rooni---: jreen. ' J.C.CAliAWAi -Jdarch3d,18niU223-tf , 1L P. ATKINSON. Master of Transportation. May ICth, 13-322.2 m "i it fenceies! towns and rtmDing nnn.pmiiuiw '-' u. nth nr cursiiiC'the cause which r hnid fo serve. The man must, be blin d indeed who dors not aeehat the con trast which these villainiesesiahlishhel ween r ... .;--,. fthp South und the rebel invasion ol the North, is one ot the most effective blows that has yet he n Mrucl: by the administration at the hopes of the Union ii ; .KilHiali tn attimnt to oarrv this blow bv appealing to the destruction pf our ships K.. t.i Voiit nri rAteers. The laws and ni r.4'-' ; :;; i K- i, ,t.r1 w T? cents per. pcnd witt be paid for usaees of cmhzed Which Utterly Ii . clean Cotton or Linen Kara, delivered at the I RAGS! U AGS!! Jl AGS!!! ITTEWAST RAGS-GOOD CLEAN COTTON Y .and LINEN UVGS., 8ave tbem and bring them to u.,anl wewill have, tbem made into paper to print the Argui upon. 8lve yqurj-ags, every body, and when you come tj (own bVmg them, with you, and we will boy tbem. They cost notbiog bot tbe trouble of saving them: Bring them tot Bring them in t Rags;. TO COTTOlm rLAXTEim . HAVE BEEN APPOINTED, RV THE SEOJl tarv. of the Treasury, Chief Agent for th r . rhaaa f fiotton for the Confederate Oovernmetit in the State of North Carolina, and wHl p"' .,or ' , same in 7 per cent Bonds or ch. .t Sub-Agent vlelting the d'fierrot parts of ' l . buying in my tame, will have written .fitincatc appointment. i . . t .t By order of lh .Secretrpf th Treasury, H Cotton purchased by myself, or my Agents, on after-tbo 18ih day of March, ltit3. will b Vf iPi.i 7 percent Bonds or Casbnd.not8 per cent P stated in a former adsertisement. Up to bfl. 'j however, thi 8 per cent Bonds wilt be furnish'0 sthted. .' v . te t.t ' .-.-.! nnnortoni'7 . l airioue ciosena ar ww surin i i -- .mi -1 1 .1. -i . . t.- ..it:.. l tt.air cotlODr"1" - Iha. to prhau capitalist.. - VILLUWS. 1 ;.. ax . mmwm A . tk A ' A A . mWmJt tl .ABS 1 T W Ul ;iVWarfa troops nvw -hum-

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