tiusbtnd, . and if ibedid not do so la that time, he would take her life. 8bo refused peremptorily, when tbe tim baring explttd, the murderer deliberate! took off his ecarf, nod with the.aiswmce of hi men hung tier up by tbe neck in her own Lome, and left h r1n the agnniea of a violent death. She ws after w4itN cufl')wn by her f riend, but life had long been extinct. The geutleman who relates this horrible,, strange, foul and unnatural murder is now in this town, and is an old citizen of . Nutchez, having edited at one time a weekly journal in that city. He snys he ,snw the desd body after it was eut daan. If this ter rible tule be true and we have no" good reason to J ubt it the vengeance not only ef man but of God, will follow the invading arm. Mitt. Cor. Allans Apptal- . . ' , . IV eli Pit. The following Items are from the Au gujta Constitutionnlist: :Ujnu.wJia.i)A-,tL,n.flrMeejitiallarajifjCorifcJ ernte ffmncy for one in (foIJ," is pi ucticallj an enemy to tbe country, and oughi tJ he so dealt with. ' Our people cannot tie too often reminded that the price ptid for gold ny traitors, tradcrs,-nd blorknde runners, is not a proper standard of , the value of Con federate money. , , . " ; - r JtT A'wtPiuricTKD. The Delegates in the Con vention of North Carolina soldier recently asembled in Virgin in as published in tbe Richmond papers, was composed exclusively of officer, none below tbe grade of a Lieutenant. Ibis may be all very well aud very mihtaiy, but it dou't look Democratic to au unbiased lutud. "HaltiifK Proprtii. !s'ot so, qui to, Mr. Progress. The Regimental meet- ing 4hi Juy - he North- t'aroliu soldiera in the army if NoHb rn Virginia were comp osed of pnvatu as well a otlicers. W'e presume ihry had a right to ap point sueh deli-gales they prtfrrred, and if the men ' prrfrrvd Wselvcl i-tScerk intead of privates, it is no holy's bu-inrs hut their own. We are aware, lhat the meeting appointing delegates were conducted in a luo-t birinoriiAus and drtetmined fpirit, aud the men cuinp' f ing there meetings are nut tu be deterred from their puipo by the insinuation of the Prugrts$. They meati what they have tut J, and will ticf up to it, pcrjThe following resolution was adopted at a late 'cc' meeting "hi jhe couuir of Surry, NorthCar oiiiia: ' ' ' . . Pro!ve I, Thit In our opinion j . under the circum sUne, the Lest thing the people of North Carolina Coubi d.i w .u! I he to go fr the Constitution as it is," - tift lt U as it ." -z la "our cpinitn. under the circumstances, the let thing the people if Nulla Carulsna could d would be t g.i"- Vr nr Sirry county and swing up tbe au--ibors of thut irsolutioii by their necks Chut. Rtltl. Tht ConfedtH-ite Government has at length stopped the "rur.nlng the bhckwd-" over land, between the I'wnf. Irrste an I Yat.kee- State All good's thus in- of the soldiers was killed outright, and nine or ten others so severely injured that it was feared several of them would die. Tbe accident occurred near Orange Court House. Richmond Examiner, . ' General Morgan. -We have published statements (says the Richmond Whig) made by Northern parers, that Morgan had been lodged iu the Ohio Penitentiary and treated as a felon, -Laving his head shaved nnd uflering other indig"itics. On the other hand the Augusta Constitutionalist says a letter has been n ceiv ed in that city from Mrs. Morgan, tutiiij that he has late Intelligence from her husband, fn which he states that ho is kindly treated, and hopes to be with her on his parole in a short time. . If the enemy' attempts to reduce Fort Sumter be successful, there should be no unnecessary ularm cre ated thereby. Experience has taught us'the value of both wounded ot the battle oT Seven Pines, returned home on furlough, nnd ns. soon as their wounds were healed returned to their regiment. They were bright exaiiiplib hf tbe Cbi-iftian soldier, beautifully illustra tes.,!, r ' . .. .1 !l"nie Hria cninP luecosue t ley LroIesM'd, r Tt?!? pYTrtT',l'IP'rrr''-e b-th educated it. the S.hhnth School-from the in vui tctuu'i iiii'i Birongcr mm 01 vhiuiwoik ut-iencea the great superiority of which have been Abundantly proved in. the case of Latery Wagner. Let every one await with cheerful cOLfidence thr final ji-sue. " . Charleston Com if r, tt. , For the Argu.. Camp Or tub 31st Rrr.r. N?C. Tpoofs. Jamw Island, Augu.-t 15th. IbV.L Mr.EDITOR I?ir:"Ve ure tticanincd near Secmionvilje on Juines iijvc been on the tramp ever eince wo loft old North" Caro lina. Oi the night of the 17th, wc wore order- eu to Morris Island to relieve a (teorcia lU'ji- tnent, We-pot to l'ort .Wapner about ton that f k-vta t r,r... ..i p....: ...... i iiim. . iiwui uiiji in vui in-iim'ui were yui iu drt'ssifijhe wounds which were inflicted upon Tort Warner that d.ivby tlie" Ironsides and .Mon itors. I was one t hut help, d to repair the Fort j U'e npplicd sacks of fcand, and by eiht next morning we had the iott in yod order. About that time the Yankees bi;ui to throw a hhell everv fivcor ten minutts and in the ctiiiie of two to three hours, it was nlniust i'lijxtSMbie to live Outside uf tlitf bompcoof The) throwd about nine thousand shell at Fort VjriJtr that day, tin- bom--bardmcat -increased until - between mtiK't rand dark it ceased. Abuf that time rlie iniantry be-" pin to advance with. a larc force.' "'They charged the battery sevetal tiiiies ana were diiveti back jw-ith JieavyJost.evtryjiu;c Lis bereaved friends may deplore bis untimely death, let tbem be proud to be informed that be lived like a i-oldier and died like a hero, , Chaplain 4d N. C. Rect. mci, . To tUe long catalogue of martyrs who have died up holding the Unner of Ireedom iu the face of tbe ene mies of liberty, of conscience and of Ood, we this morning add the names of WILLIAM PULSION DUN LAP, killed on th 3d May at Chmcellorcville, and of JAMES RICHARD KNIGHT, wounded unto denth in the same fight. They boUi volunteered in May, joui, nnu j-jineu tue tins Anson UiDes, pf this coun ty. They were each i'l yt-ars of nge. They were The Cuht lasted between throe and four hours. Our Ilct took part in the htrulu When, the' men were nrd(e red out of the buiiprmif, thy inot of the Thirty Fir.st chcei fully ( tetd the older. Wc did not have time -to fnu in a regular line of battle, so we M our. old puns" and went to work, and .sonieof Air brnve. by$ mounted the V'lucd r .ught to-.e iota tbeCoufederacy wi'.l j parapet, and. atnonjrst them were forernl of mif Cj-iupany two tf our .boys, wco killed while on the parapet, Sidney 'Parker aud Kradloy Harris, l as pisd nnd brave vohiicr as cx?t lived l.irrner be" confiscated v Huiti rmirs rsr.. 1e le.irp from the Petcrs- 1 Mig Kifirj- that Jitlgc Joyr.es h decnlej sgaitt-t Sabbath ."'ehool they were transferred to the church militant Irom thenco to Ihe church triumphant. .They were obedient, promising youth's; but God, in uis ni-rruianie wisuom, wimmoneu litem irom a wotiJ of trouble to that eternal rest which hehas pre pared for all who love and" servo him. - W. P. Dunlap was killid instantlv. J. II. Knight was desperately wmmded, nnd lied in a few weeks, at Globe I.'ovpitiil, Richmond, Va..'l ' , Near AlUny, Ga., id July Inst, ISABELLA, wife of Donald Graham, lato if Anson, aged 31 years. I cm very lonely, Delia, And I often think on thee; But thnu art happy, Delia, Frm sin nnd soi row free; And though 1 know this. -Bella, My lieart stiil clings to thee; For thou wast !ovlngrRellii TT, " And faithful onto trie. Our baby, dearest Bella, Was ne'er by thee caressed, Nor ran he fondle, IMla, Upon thy loving breast. But thou h ist James and Edward, And Agns l.y thy side,.- And shotil I our bat.y Nve, Bella,' I'll tell him Maiim died. At evening prjyer, dear Bella, ,Lm i " " t b e e f r i m ui.Y -s i d e ; .. . ;Our chiljlren aok me, 'Bella,' Why darling Mama died! - And D'innld.n-ks nie, Udla, . If you wont cone 'hick again And kTTyoTirtiTrlirgTrifTe Toy, Eicciilivc Dc'imrtnlciit IV. - . AoJUTANt Gembal's Office, Raleigh, August J4 1803. General OnDtn, . ' .. - No. 18. " I TUB COMMANDING OFFICERS OF ;TIIE 9 Militia will prepare a statement of Ihe number of men lurnih d hy their respective Regiments to tbe Armies of the Conu-derate Slates, either as volun- teers or coh-cripts, specifying tha number of each. II. They will enroll the name, rank, regiment'and residence of every soldier rf this State who hss been'- killed, or died from woumw received in battle, or died from disease, contracted iu'the Army during the pre sent War. ,. " i. . - . III. The will enroll the name? of'.such soldiers as have deserts! irom .the Aimy, and not voluntarily re turned to the saipe. ' IV. The statement and rolls will be forwarded to By order of Governor V axce: 245-4; DAN'L. G. I OWLE. . Adjutant General. Xxccutivo pepartmcut Carolina, Apjctant General's Office,' (Militia1,) " RaleighAug. 18th, JSW. Special Oroer, . " ; jSo.4'G. .J . , ..." T ALL AUTHORITIES ISSUED FROM THIS a Oflic'eiind not sigued'l-y the Governor, to raise. troops, are hereby revoked, unless the muster rolls. are filed in this office by' the 10th of September net. ' By order of Governor Vasct.: y DAN'L. G. FOVLE, ' " Aug. 22-245-47 Adjutant general. ' i;v. Tfiu covijic:voR-or'oRT:i' , . VA HOhlxA. " -I PROCLAMATION.. u. app:il:jtii f.r een.pii.'h frm ni!.tia duty hi thr j, but I hey are pone., 1 h pe their. frieid. and re-' p'ea ot bVii,g sn,.titutes.in the CVnlr-lf rite st-rvic.-, ' a,on'j Wj ul forpvl that they died at their past ,h, recent!,- pen'du.gi.ef.re thai Uy,, fof ,he sa,re, ,.nm, , ,ibortv. hit tfjs.uitsi rij ie a '.Hiisr vpinn'ti ih oe miin tiied l-v the Cwuit of this Mate. I'rvjfnts. IscatA c tr- rau J"h e AtSn t i ft ? s h a? ele e n KS.h cwinpel e l t a Ivaiicwjthe'pric if their pspcrs. Tl.ey'Vhsfge ' prr arnnun, and 20 cents for a migV epv. Kr n'dvertising they charge $1 per ?.iaie fv,t first ,iueri:n, and $1,60 fr each sucCtcd- SitooTi jo Ari ua. Wm. White, Jr., of this city, i Ka;l t'ot.Jip, a (Ifiman barber, on the strret stfi I t r, firing nt him with.. a pmtol biit leasing him. 't he puim tm th it tV-nkc t- in a rvujh matiuer, n s"tr f Mr Whit-, age! shout fi r sis yenrs. Tbe piirti were tM'Utid to Court. 1'iiyrm. - 'fim r TmiiMiMA." -We are gratifie I to learn !bt l.'i i. W. I. lit-(tittset has been.'or will be, sppoint pil to surer d hj. Bradford in hi -cilice in this State;' Mj iK-verraus drcbtiing t aecrjit. We mi Ierstud il. ltUostl was one ol a'numh-rTeriimmehdel by Guv. Vane. We a're'sitisfird- that no man will here after be appointed to any position under t'ie tJovern mvnt who i liable to 'military service, fbis is right. Lit the cripp'ed or brukru duwnoidiers I.iito these places. Cul. DeRtrt will make a csj itul i ilicer in this new position.-' Kxc hvngr . ' N'oetii Carolina Coal.' Wc hnic seen aspecimen c f anthracite coa'l, iliscuved on the f rni of it Mr Wide, in Rocitingham ci'Uiity , N. C. Tlie coal appears to bo very g od, and has been so proven, we understand, .by the- proper test. The vein now worked is-' only six fret nnder ground, nl it three feet thick. ('((!. 11. M. J"ncs. is engaged in the operation of mining this 'foal, and tue work is progressing under the supriin teixlciiee of Mr. Ambrose Barrett,-a practical, miner. The Lp er l n LMver V tUey, in w hich the above mine ) lni :-i('jhas been kimwn for somejvears t-Ci'Wtajrj "n er a! baJii .f coniderablc extent, mi l it'-was cou-id-1 1. . tlnit anthracite coal was the predominant deposit. Hii'ii d thi i:" resviA'ti rote to b' as correct in other . .nt- Hvit has in the mine of Wa'Ie's lurm, the .roal tie! t 'f this H'g'n n will' be -of verr .grO it vain to -tte. Confederacy. h'trhmonj li.nteh. A lady correspondent of the Montgomery A'dv.ertiseri 'in i of the Ihct tint some men of that section are in fivor of recntnictloi Vrojo'se tt Jiold-tV 5 eiiiVei(iii'n t.i And hear hira sav ''Amen.' I t -11 them, dearest Delia, That you're in that happv land W here we've often wished to go, Together, hand in hand. -Oh I thou hast left me, Delia, But I'll try to follow thee; )Ye'll meet again, dear Bella, ..When God, shall set me free.. This world N dark, dear Bella,. And full of grief and pain; -But w e'll be happy, Bella, When we idiali meet ngiin. Much pore? lore awaits us, - Full 'of celt st'ia! joy You '11 yet eir-braee your husband AnJ kii-s your darling hoy, . Farewell, farewell, dear Bejla, ,Vv tears are falling f-ist, Mj heart fulldear BeltaT" Thinkiiig'npon the past. My dearest tie; sweet Bella, My j.y and constant e ire; Ohv hover round me, BeBa- - l'i- niidu gl.t I'll t prayer. T7HEREAS, IT APPEARS TO ME THAT THE, Tf necessities of our people still require the con tinuance of tbe prohibition heretofoie extended by pro clamation to the exportation of certain articles from r the State." Now, therefore, I, ZEBULOX B. VANCE, Governor of North Carolina, do issue tbis Proclamation, con- tinuing the Proelamatiori of July 19th, in force for J thirty-days frotij nnd after the JL'th inst., in regard to ... the exportation of Cotton and Woolen Cloth, Cotton slid Woolen Yarns, L ather, nnd Shoes',' sulject to the exceptions, &c, expressed heretofore. v witness whereof, Zecvlo.v B. anck, and ' Cororonr.der-in-Chief, 1-. ) In witness win PEAt Captain "Gciieiar J hath signed these se presents and caused tho breat Seal of the fctate tobe afhxed. ' . Done nt Baltigh; this TOtli day of August,. A. D.,. 1 803, and in the Eighty-Eighth jear of our indepen dence. By the Governor: Z. B. VANCE. B li. Battle. Jr., Private Secretarv. . August 11, 1 8G:JT244-C ' 1 . OUK CAt SU A.DOlU COURSE? 70 THE PEOPLE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Orrlcr Chief Commissaivt, C. S. GiM'eusbora'j, July "ithhtii 1 till this, it h reported out Iiei-i:enl run, and that'it ; behafed badly. These p.mf beef-fed South' (.'aro ljijiatisriUrtcd thi.- reports ..Vf 'Miid-iHttliin -but run itjt'i the lombpriaif.. and hulio They' are iu ior.show tiiore than lijjhfinj; 'l hey behuyjed i St) badly that some nf our men .shot in ami nst r them, through iiitsfckc... There wis about fifteen , hundred men in the eiiap'tiient, nnl over one-: thousatid were North CViri.liui ni Now,. 1 know this to b? a fact, for.l w;is tliere'invsell. so. il these t-ocir beef fed bact'fi-waiiiers but eun'lopiters : ' think wp will not fiht. tliev will tiestc'uviis quiet No. i. j ' a favor by eendine us" baek to !d Noith Carolir.a T" i llE FOLLOWING PERSONS ARE FX E MPT once more. While I aiti- ittrnin our fr'ionds frtmv-duty-in-the-ihTaH- for 'ihfme Defence," how we have been trailed. I -will tell vou what j rxcTt from drill or service, within their counties, w.. ... .. iii.iv .. i i "oen lnvaien oy t ie cnemv e tret a utile ovi r a h;i t rioumi : ,J ... . c I i it st t i.assv mi t.nvsit'ian.s w o now are a ' .11 r the las! five year-' have been practicing iu ttie if "rrofes- AtuiTAKT (!r.rRAi.'s orricK, (Militia,) Raleigh, Aug. $tfcr GtONFORMABLYTO THE CIRCULAR OF THE Co-nmissary General of .Subsistence, approved by the S cret ny of War, the Commissariat Depart ment in this iState for the puieha-e aud proper distri bution of subsistence stores is now in operation. ' Maj. W. W. Morrison. GoldsbordTThas been pr.otnt e l Chief purthasing Crmmissury for. the first District, to consist of-all tlit counties east ot Warren, FrankliD, Johnson. Sampson, Duplin and Ousinw, inclusive. C'ipt. W. D. Reynolds, Balc'gh, will take charge of the second Distik-1 composed el the counties of Gran ville, Wake, Chatham, Orange, Person, Caswell, Ala mance, Randolph, Guilford; Rockingham, Stokes' and . Forsyth. , ' t - Mij. E. M. I.owe,"Charlottc. third ' Districtcom-" posed of tbe counties of Surry, Yadkin Davie, Duvid son, -Stanly and Union, and till ciuiitie'west. Capt. C. S.McKinney, fourth .Dislrici otitpB?3"of -the-etrtt uties 'of.Ne w-I Iancveiv-Brunewickr Volumbws.-- we jjei jo ear. e tret a of poor blue beef, and half as nuieh corn menl as fli! want, arid t:irt-"Ti t f su.:ir and rice a day'. They allow us b:;coti evt ry Sundav. W'v liave just drawn bacon f-r tt ni...rr..w and there is. not grease enough in it to fry mie 'z. .We never knew what hard living was until wo came to Sjuth ('afolina'3'i'hey h:ive puf a pu ird around : wi., e a'ny of t ins;. Railroad Officer and empl yees, not to include iborets. '(except two expert track hand for each 'sec- n fir eight mile, who are 1 exeuii't. porters nnd inesenger-,- one-miner to eirh mn: niaii cimors; the Memand'.rtg otlieer of each Brigatle, Regiment and tit pin V of t he. Mtii tit -a n l Atii'Hti -rf t he--Retrnrt oiiU't't s . t 11 1 .... . ... 1. . .- 1 lite wens to Keep us irom ircttin wafer. li sueli treat:neiit as this is .not stopped, we e in't live hi re. We h:ve b'acop a plenty in old fi.C, and we are willing. to stay there, and eat our own bacon .and defc.tid our own State.- So, if they think we will not fieht, let them try it, ard they. .will 'find out, shutepop. I am aptivatein Co. 1st Jlcirt., N. C. .Troops. ; . . Yours truly, . . -. -. v. ll. . --.-"n .1.4 . ai -. ' kii,i.i:i, Tntnitlyt nt Ihe 'buttle of. Gi ttyshurg,-Ju!v ..d, isr,:i, Sergt. S. THOMAS 'SI KES.t.f-Co. H, 4;hlN. C. Kegt:- It is a ad duty t- r-eor-l th-' death 4 hne prl. ji ' -i -it in the flu ird for "Hi tiio ive aeeepted ;i co'ion Defence." the next efli- This 'class is; also ex- i.n rank will be exemj ted. 1 t front drill. - ' . Si:eor Class Contractors with the State rv Con '.-ra'o. Government an 1 tluir -necessary' t iiii h'Vees Rladen, llobesou. Cumberland, Ilarnett, Moore, Rich c.ond, Anson BTd Montgomery. ..Tiiii. ofti.ciaU of ahiiity and experience havebeen ;i.poiuted C hicf el mmissarios of the several Districts with full authority to nominate sub-agents for each county,' when in their, judgment, the "interest of. the service will be beueiitied. This system' is deemed ad etiuate to meet such emergencies as may arise, and I hereby earnestly appeal to the people ot this State to riDg.forwii'rd-.toihte-purU44g--agenU-fLt-he.-Gov-- ;s.. 1 eminent ail articles of &ijb-dsteuce of every -Kind which they cau possibly spar?; This is u patriotic duty which every good citizen owes his countiy,and it is hoped that there will be no necessity, for impressing such ar ticles as the Army wi.l be obliged to have 'for its sup povt. The ordtrs in force indicate but oticniethod by which-CommissHi ies tn in other- States? whither -at lie I'enut v lipei" in 1 :ic 1 eor.nfv where, t hpre is n. 1 lax Collector: ore E.J nor 'to encu.'SewVpatKf'. and all i 1T7 rr wvb rn,ic!' iu tlii fit'KI' can &tiiln PF!ie9 m ,r- .',!. i'i-nV..sw,,.-' in (V;'-,"-pw nn.l ,'Ji'out this State, and a strict adherence to tbem is in- j d : pens.i Die to Ut!veiOi ' 1 Vschrr- in .'Acad: ni lk Fust Masters' civil ofiVcer-i of. the ,C-mfeder- A.4 '! II Ladies' .dlectushr neiire the saft'tv tLeverv f lint hearted brother across the ) nes. We.want tione here but brave men who are willing not. only to f.ght for themselves but to pro feet us mi l the little em against a cyut'l and cowardly lot; and if unidi fiK:itely, there are th se"wh. would prefer sin-re H lering body 'and soul to the Yankees to iing i ither, the 1ad.es will obtain transportation f . r all Mil b nut of barin'B way ,1 prop'ose r th.it if any one can bj found who is willing to . desert his country in this lioTl.r of. Jri "that he, will at least entry, his cowardice so far m to emue up and register his name, : that some one may see what sort of a being he is. ite Government, nnd are cxein'pt..by law'; Quakers'. ..h-' haveor may -?) VTti'er" tat finposed -bv Saw. :.irl !op the resources id' the States alike. "Adl 1 'i t r i c t Com m issa ries in this State and their sub- coiiunissafies and agents are. therefore, hereby direct ed to pi'oh.ildt - ii.ti t ferei.ve withlu their appropriate lant youth, but it is intoreMingandpr.of.'thle to stul-, their characters tml ren:einler llieir virtue. mad e- n p re t en sron s . to pi e't v , v et hi possessed virtues, that wilhnqt.fail to.interet.niid pleas. those whoso admiration may be attracted by unexeep tionable moral ch-vr.u r. .And when it- is said t f, yoiiiig man. that he preserved his ni'or.ul character un tarnished tnid the vices that are prevalent in' camp,- no in consideyibleti-ibiite of praise U paid him;, bu: his qualities as a'soldier were no less Conspicuous tha-i bis virtues in a umralict Kver .faithful in the charge of the iin! jeus and periton duties of si ldier, ho-'woti the respn.-t of His comrades and the 'confidence, of the officers of his company. When there wn- an important nnd dangerous posj to be guarded, bisCa,-. those, wlu have hevo'exeinpted from miMt irv .dutv i mn it, aao u s-.oniems 1 purcunses so maue le at noon 'surgeon's certific'at-.'of .d;s'ah'ilitv, approved' al '1empted,tl.ey will take steps nrpTDTClit them'and, if t,-da t.-llic,-.-'at'e-e-sempt-''-flf,,n i nvilitary duty. . ho eoni'M.in.liiiL' ( Mtieers nil oruer t osnranv luce-vVry :e!..m S.n.rd-.y Af? -rn '.p . , .1 j ed to' ref'isy'Trn'nsportatipn to such shipments, and to battalion diiU or.ee: a month. x , ' -j.J-1" thv c-ie.to Hie commissary iu whose District '.v'nr.l..r nf-novernr Vvrtr-' .. . -. , UlC transaCiOUS OCCttr. DAN'L. tl . I L i: , necessary,1 impress -tue stores. ' -, ..- I-ll-enii nt ll.iurter Mnsti-S' are resneetf nllv hkihosL TIMES LOAr 2'1-i-lT - Adjut.mt Genei::l. iirair ?otii 'iivs' ' "X.- V Tiiiititi. I ' .' W. 1 t s no uo, Aui;uVt 'JI, lSo:;. . clENru i. Orokh, . . J . '.' . : ' . . .No !v .... -.). - ' j Till: CO MM A N DI N"i 1 OK H ( ' V. R 0 F COMPA? tiies in this Regiuu-ut will prepare v. statement llieminiber. of men fiiinihe,i 'by their respoc'ive ; Districts., either as ' Yoln'uteers" or Co'iircr'p(:,-specify-"i .',)j t"!ie number of-eaoh. , " . ! II. They will enroll the nimes, rank, regiment and ;' 214-1 i .! Mfij. nnd Chief Commissary, for the. State of North Carolina; f. Ixi?f'Htiv; OKti tni0iif A. Carolina, ' "Adjltaxt CiiNV.iv.L S (FFici:, (Mfiitia,) ; --i: . ' ' '' . Raleigh. 'August. -3,-lSo'a. G KNKRAI.. Ok or R , - .. -No. IT. T ALL COM M I'.MCATIONS ON MILITARY MAT 9 ters inteii led for Hi" Kict Honey, the Governor, must be written-an 1 sent to tbs Adjut iHfGenernl, who will lav them before the Governor and return lis an- On 1'iiday week a .very severe thunder htornt prr- viii'td dii the Jlappuhannock. In the Camp d' GcneYid ! 'octon to adorn his gf M .itioi.e s lii igiole, n jav'y 'T soldiers, who bad taken dicker-iunder a tree, were prostrated ivy a stroke i f "Lightning,- which struck and shattered the trae Or .-iiii thought he b:.. irded nothing in entrust in-' it t i Lr esidn -e' of everv. so'dier of t.ieir .hstrici , who has 1 the cure of S'orgt. Sikes .and '.bis squad of -inert. ' liut been killed or.di.-d. in mi youmls received in bittle,-'or .'.. ;.. -.' ' - ' helots' fallen and fell bhively noting the 'foe He :' d'ed -from disease ' contracted-m ..th? army dun n; tUe'l '", for F;m m.c v.vr.ur,cmresi issue lies like many others in Hsord.er'sgiftve in the enemv "vi 'ir, ( ao . ..-v .v.v u,j,ui, Fr land. No rude stone, will be ereeted to.na.k bis -'1 ' llC Thev will enroll the.iiame of snch soldiers as plications Kr such-exemption to ensure attention.must inn place-no flower will be i l.mted by the b of'-.f- -UoiveMesei ted from the'tumy find not voluntari! v re-. ' he forwarued through the commanding othcer of the ' n t - - . . ! . T' : .. ..I. I.... rrtwuwal , , : : . 1 ' ri.OlllTT n il'i ill- iij'J'ivmi, The pouv.wliere h lit s . . i . i . a . .- l . . . . i. . . i . i : . i . M ill sooll DO IOSI Sllllll III . I'lil K I lll-i Hl'-l 11 1 ..! I r 1 VII It s iii the c.n-mp and hfs pilbu'it bearing in the field n. vi r ronTth September. next. be forgotten by bis'Krrowipg oomrades. And -while- turned t Ihe same. IY. They will repo:t tome at these Headquarters H W. LF.Pl'.KTTlvR'. Col. Com g. i;y craer ot tier, vasce: iog; 4, 24:M5 R. S TCCKER, Mij. and A. A. A. U J 1 J i ! - i i ! .li n 1 1. il i! 'I 'f n i r .1 r o 1 -t' 3