i I I T I to TO THE SOLDIERS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. AFTER MORE Til AN TWO YEARS OF a warfaro scarcely equalled in the number, magnitude, in d fearful carnage of us battles; a war- Conscript Office, Oidik - Camp Homes, Aug. 6, .1808. No 17. T2f ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE TROCLA I iiiation of amnesty and pardon by the Pre sident an ernent invitation ts extended to all persons absent with , . . . . if..,:,..),!, :n - out leave from the armv, to report themselves at the fare in which jour course atid fortitude have illua- Camps of Instructions iramedi,telj, to r forwurded to tratedyour country andattractcd uotonlygratitude at home, but admiralion abroad, your enemies con tinue a'struzclo in which our final tiiumph must bo inevitable. Tndulj elated with their recent successes, thny imagine that temporary reverses can quell jour spirit or shake your determination, nnd they are now sphering heavy masses for a general invasion, in the vain Lope that by a des- - prratrTfftt-efrss'TOay'TJt-lerjtrrbc Tcsched."" You inowtoo well, my countrymen, what they tucan by success. Their malignant rage aims at nothing less than the extermination of yourselves, ibeir regiments. All Rood citiiens aro instructed .to use every mean in their power to previiil upon per sons of the. class named to return to their duty. They will be well treated and paid offences forgotten. Trans portation will be fumijdied to their commands. But it must be distinctly understood that after the expiration of the time set by the Tresidont, the.moH. rigorous measures in the power oJ the got ernmeul will be instituted for the arrest an t punishment f all absent froni their commnnds without leave. -Xone need expect to evnde longer the tervico which the justly ker-taryLet tirmportiriTKre' to. their militia ofayer to be sent to camp, or come in person without delay. II. A Camp of Instruction will be opened at 4 Cainp Vance," nenr Morgtnton, on the 10th of Aurust. All persons imlject to consrriftiou in the 9th and Ipih om- vour wives and children. Iney eeK to destroy i ivtncts hiii report to (.apt. James L. Mcllae, C what 'they cannot plunder. Tiny prWe as the niandinj Camp Vance. Lils Of victory tL vour honied shail be parti- ll " . ETEK l Y'1' 1" . I Cojnmin lant of Consoru ts for N. 0. tionea among the wretches whose atrocious . cru-.i.. j . v Mallett Adi't. - 1,1.3, TO THE PUBLIC, , E THE UNDERSIGNED PRACTISING. PHYSICIANS, OF AN. son Countv, arc constrained (much to our regret) by the increase ot the high prices of Medicines and the. Necessities ot Cifc. to still further n'A advance our charges. ' ' We will, from the 16th of May, 18G3, charge ONE DOLLAR per mile Night Visits, $1.50" per uiilc,,and till distances under five miles, $1 for Pro scriptionExtra for costly prescriptions nnd 'Mistering, nnd 0 cents fir each additional case. And we will require half yearly settlements, in Jan uary and July. . . ' " . When Produce, Arc, is required, those who will sell at the old prices, to he amount of bill, can-havo the medical account, reduced toi)csainc.ratOr 1 ; ' dTis.e f. asiik, liTy. iiowzk, w. u. KA.MvSAl, . U. Ji. .COITKOGK JOHN A. McltAK, ALHEKT .M YKKs' A. L.' JACKSON, T. T. UK EM ON JA.MiS A. ULL.MA4N, J. ( SMITH. 232 tf WM. 11. "HUSS. ' W I'l'Vlin 1 J" I 4 f- J.- eltics have ftatnpt-J iulauiyon their covernujent. I Thej di'g'i to incite servile; insurrection and liLt the fires of inendiarisnt wherever thej can reach your hoincs7uiivT llieyJebaueh the ttt ferior race, hitherto d,vile and contented, by pronitsing .indulgence of the" ViTeVt" pa.siotisi a: the price of tr'eacher-. Conscious of their fria bility to prevail by K'gitiuafe warfare, Dot dir ing to make peaco lest they slwild bo hurled from their stoats of power, the men who now rule , in V"::hinton refuse even to confer on the sub ject of putting an end tonutraes which disgrace our age, or to.lt.teii to:i sugostion fi-r conducting the war according to the ua;es of civilization. -IV.h.w citizens no aitcroative is left you bu! victory or sabngition, s-'.avery an J the utter ruin of )-cjr?elve5V your families and your country. xotici:. ME UXDERSIGXKU, IIAVINU SITU Ol'T l.V.T ters Tetll(entry on the estnte of I'l'.WAN i Nl VnN...ilcceascct at Julj.luriu of the (urt uf VWT .aiiix.irler Session- (rc the eunty of Aiifon, A. b, 1'jj, oftvr for file to the highest bi lJcr, at the hit? rei .Vnc of the doecae 1, in thifcounty fori-sa i.Jt" on the I'.'itti AUfrn-t next, tU-H!a'io-fvrortvr fijr. Hornet of aliout 'X) crc of l in t ail the t.clll f Horse?, Mult'-, C:itti, llu. hecr." &e., iM the Ftrffi ing tools, Wngous Cnrt-. 1 foke Ui-n. C rn, Fo.Uer,. Wh':t. Oits, Cotton, Ijjcoii, Lard, HjustUolJ furui ture, ic. Terms made known on (I it of fn!e. . AKCli'D XIVEX, Exeetitor. Ju!-.-i7tb, 1SC3-2II td 7.-?W-S4-G-E- J L TRIrWEK'KLY. Slrayed, AUK NOW ULNNiNC, A TRI-WE F.KLY Line ct lour horse conches from WndiKboro', n'.i Kockinrtiaui to the Wiliuioct n, Charlotte & 11. Uutiro.-iJ. Leve Wnilesboro'TTrTuehtljnn J "tbundsjn ut M o'clockT-M,, ' uitdnv nt 7 A. M., cotioectinjr with the dwu traiu en MouJajs, We JnesJujn aud Fri lns, 7 j, A. M. lieivte the bwrl of the lion 1 cn the arrival of the train Tue h , T h u r? J y r I jS : u rUf arrive, at U'vfivlnro' (for tho prcseulj nt Ti"trclocl, cn the foi!o:n(5 dy. As ooti i- arrangement cn be niaJe, we design r ii nit i n g the coacho throuch ta VaJebury' on I-WILIPAV THE AISOVE REWARD FOR THE aprebeniitoo, cot.Cnru'dnt and drlif r v ot jt boy JACK, ho runaway from me .n the 8th if tic I j rehent month. a;d Jack i of a rtnrk ti j j,n f,h,r etr quick when pok-u o, fire f.tt 10 or 11 itiU., bib, aeigbs about HU pitaud and ntout "(i until' " - TIKM. J. (JALUT. IfP Creek, Anou to,;' X. C. April -.Mil. t.,--tf .iOe Victory LS Wlltwn TOUT reucn. lOU HiCJ - " on,i.n.t.u. nr. "in "r , aa,iae irjiu ieTv i.n.i..r. -i. . ' cour.tv. N,? . or fr hi ri n Lut stretch forth vour lands to gn.p it. ton . ? cu" ' VW4. ; ui'uut '-Ui-- , , n . ,,n . " " - , u mayu ld. and $n u mv, Ut rti J . ... . -v .i V.t i - i J he n i Ure In s )mc wmt? mj the fnce, an 1 t .rte Jutr V, 103-Jo9-.. - , tatumlri ni nl.ir. i,r.,. .... ' this aa J all thit is necessary is that tlKise whv-are . ... . ., . J . . . . ' . Cw"''c n) irok or f er..i.s. ' m,; i tn thd fi .11 hv YPrv mot;TP that can move 7 i . t r"V .tr,rg o, nr. ; lum Wjlmtf gtf tLJgurbaljCt.M-lca-limea and , ILe.aid Ue J.k. JAMES tVi caded to ttii Uc.d Djr evcrj moujejnatcan wove- jrfrrtrVartywctTTTnrt7r7'T.aUvirv. i , . ... - Wadt-.Uro' n.rrmb. is i.i- lite iiuuiin nuari,suv)uiu uruuiiui v iciJw iv uc uv? i ing w pe i;cik. . .nnv person uuig tier up wi.i te i . . , . ) of duty, f'hoV.d stand by their comrades now ui front-of the ioc, and thus.w strengthen the armies -of the Ccmfederaey as to ensure 'success.. '1 he men ndvc absent fr.iai their posts would if j present in tho lieid stiiHee to create numerical j ejuality between, cur frce an J that of the inva- ders an ! whe n with any approach to such eualt ity have tc faiieJ to' bo. victorious? I believe j that but. few of lh;se ab'ent are actuated by un- willingness io'erye their country; but that many have found it difficult to resist the. temptation of s a Visit 'to the:? homes and the loved ones from , "'wWaTlhey' htva Uvn" g long eparafed that ether!? hare fr ii.ct.vrarv attention to their ! affair- with the ir.tcction of returning, and then have shrunk from the-consequence's of their' vlu Jitbn cf duty that otb crsguia4ft--thei t-fmU linem'.'v rewarde-1, r anv iuformation reP'ctinc'hrt th&tkfu'.Iy nceireJ. AdJrea II. TVSON." ' . ' . LilesTille, N. i" 'Au?ut 10th, lf"3-243-2i . - 3r LITTLE S200 He ward, R ANA WAY FIui.M THE Sl'r.tf( HIRER A R Ol'T tho middle of August Ut, JACK, a bt ihl inulut to, about jtnrt o fe, f5e firt 8 it inches iN height, pare built, flow-nu-ken, Lit a larart- eef on the If ft thre.k utending from the ciruer f ike r.fut?: two thirt. of tiie way towards the ear, and Ubv tra' a ci jicuter. 'n J (iiie hundreds Utt will be jsi-l tor h'; drlirrv t , '"c ; the .uhn-iifer lifii.jc K milrs fjuU of ' V -! ,; e.nj.tfel . iLL. i re Ltht i, i,t f-r t.sil u ; i. lENXETTT r Hides and Lealhcr. ivi: wnx t.i.v ini)i:s o.m: half for lav other or 7. ct j er js.ui d. . and p'.nees: fco'ta lt-:inient. .. C.MIiiti1, at Wadeboro. Anfon j dollars with one ceuutr, August tiutti". ' ' fNt It"tr-5. C. MilitiV, at WaJesh'iro', Acson I coiurTXuja't Jht ai.d L'JJ.' . ONF.V IS I'LENTV AND OF UCT tvue on!f to iut dct U with. luerefure the un h'rikr I w..u',d resrectfu!!r"ak . io gte Jl.'l er cord for good oak ttk tho.-e wh owe huu (through tl.e Argu) n ,te aud c-' 1,,c,eJ "u" tjnuerj. c innts n hii owt mcouot nd a No as Administrator I- ROCIXJuX A MLtU. on the E-tate of JUH.V l'I'.ATT. drcead. to rU at J". tf. ox ! nrr '....:. -.i...- - . . vt.i.vi i.ii hi ri KiiiAM;, HOUSES. Ill iT'-il'C hundiT 1 eLt 1 1 .aj one i-'linr, nuw ; uu can pay f it j i HOEU. Headquarters lid. 'of Mirgcoiia, A ND EN ItOLLM ENT OF C )XSC1:I PTS, ) EVt'STH Co'C.BisslfXAL ItTUIvT! N . l" . ' - i l Ltlest!le. without deUy. and ,.iy uj, Mr SIME N ACTi) III) ANTE WITH (lENERAI. ORDER.S-i K LILES. will mx oa ihot desirous, cf i syii g. !' 1 2 ' . M "." . ..... '4 T I No.' U, Cco-er.pt O5;oe, fa rap' Itolmc? notice h JJfrehy gifen tljat the Etirofewrrtteers an i I redly eoni,f.'y with. the Ut re-jue-t, wh;!e tuotey ' . j Es-mibiinji Board vrilj tjv.t the co-unii comprising ! i plenty and -heap. ' . the 7th Cuii 'reiotul lh-tric at Ue follow itiar tunes , ' Wh-i the aboc d-.l.ts were contracted it t k one (ih, thiuk a i act wi-e!y. J. J. t'OX. rttet.. N. C. MTfaiTa , at Aibeiaifle, Stau!y coun- ersuaiia-hiaiclf. that his iodividoai servte J Au.i-t7t!van 1 th. . ' " ,ii j " , . t. - ! ol-t Lert., N. I. Miit:a. at C"thace. M aid hare no influence on th general result. l. . .r, ' . i . , . , : . r, ., , i- ty. Aup. dl, oii'lfL-tetnher 1st, and 'd from mere resU.-ne and desire of change, each j tr, August.24ih-an J -0th. quieting the ur tr Jiaii.i mI. Li eoo-neiice,. ny ; oi l.-pt.,. t,. .Htiuta. at Iroy, .Montgomery COU! Thee and other causes '(although fur less dis graceful than dbe -desire' to avoid dinner, or to e?capa from th- sacrifices required by patriotisQ)) are,- ncverthe'e?, grievous faults, and place -the cause f f our beloved country, and of everything ve hold dear, j,n imminent peril. I tepent that the nien who noar xwe duty to thttir country, who l.countypiU.AUi;jtttd-latk: have been called out and have not yet reported Jane ?t!i, tt-OO-'iltf hoots i.vi saot:s. UnMIUI.X'.Ar. llHj;FS At t!. LIVEKV MAl.LE, HIUHE.SI-IMUCI I'AIU. ! f J. f aicsoi.'' N . L. f-A KAWAV Dcnlislrv, J. C. STAFFOUI). fordutv, or whn have absconted themselves frwn, w'Vj. sept, lth ui i .1 ; " , ' r . 1 . t'th. Re.'t.,-X.' C. Ml their posts, are suificieot in-number o secure us ; untv 10th oJk-t oore coun- 4lh It?gt., N. f. Militia at. IMtshoro, Chatham Coiicty, e,pttnber 1th "VioT 'th. o'J:h Itegt.. X. C' Militia.' at I'ituboro, Chatham coanty, S'-pt. 7th. th -.n J I'th. , 'J Itejrt., N.'C. Militia.at A-hboro;Ran liiph coua- ! tr. - -i't. 11th mil 1'h. r .lth Kept.; X. C. .M.litia, at AsLboro, uin lo'-rh I t"! umV an 1 lueW!, 01 everyvutngnecfasary to lae jt!i Regt., X. L. Mmtia, at LexiCgtou,- Davidson ; - --iy ept. lith u.i lth. . . . iti-i, at Lexington, D-ivi.Jg.yn I pi. rjiu, zi-i uu-i ( ! The fidonels of. Miiitu"Regtm?nts in.'thi District J. will see that the following persotis are pr.tseot at the tlale an"-l .pl..?e.s above specified;: '' ' .. . j Airp'."roiis arriving at the ag of 18. since "the last ! enroHtiiciit; all persons between the ages of IS and 4" j venr's who may be cpechHy ordfred'betre the Hoard j or Enro'iinz Ui::er; e'ach'nd etry ptrxn bftween me. uses oi vi an -4 -i-j -years, wuetner f rev:o!)s.y ex- RAVING MADE 11' MV MIND TO CO UCIUI.SU . into the ianf4cturr;.f ROttT.S, ; y It IIOUTON, KEMDEX I DE - - v rented l-.t. J. I . tAUAW.W MMp, ct IIUTft'TI!. li, 1. i. .... . i ...... . I M i'irst Irtnnert. where I bi!l he hippy to repair roll TH Til .. i i ,j . . i . . ., ' . . i t . 1 , , '"II., 1 M. I tl , aihj tut ihr r ni.it, i i.i ; to a mk- , an 1 rnitiit if tire Mi-m-h.. I.o.-.t; c . fur-an the. old i ...,,.,;. 1 1 ... T . , ,. . I . - . . .. ui prut live ti ui pruffim, T l tnout.trd rn i- d i Cut'nier of t ip Tannery, nnd for the public gen- , . v,?. , ,, . ,, . ; ., .. . - ' . . ' . , 1 r te, I r. i.j r to a full m t, or fUi ti n, r . er..,v. I-wtr jr k cliep, tnkmc mt cnsi-.terati. n, J --., in. l- ... i r . - . ,,, , vi-an pracfire, I hare ha n hMtncr in mi.': I ttr-aattUia44!;vjjw hsL p liiAi victory in the struggle now impending. 'l'calt on you, then, tny country men, to haten to your camp, la obedience to the duites of honor and of du'y, atidisurnrrfDn those whihave absented theniseles without leave, who' have re. mainc.d b.ent beyond the rorio i allowed by thir furloughs, to repair witho'ft delay to their re pective cjuiinapJ-?, and I- do hereby 'deslare thatieirir'e1 or not, ahiall auh?tituteidi.schargcd from the j ' eefi and men withiu the Confederacy, now absent ; without leave .who shail, with the least possible ! delay, return to their proper poffi of duty, but ! no excuse will. be: received for any delay beyond twenty days after the fixtt publication of this ' ; pro?'a!ii3tiua ia the State in which the absentee, may be at thedate of the publication. ..Thlianines-. i ty an pird-jti fchill tAtetid to all whg have been ac cum 1 or have 'been convicted and are undergf.-in- i: sebienee f..r tib--.-f.ee without leave or desertion"; i. excepting only tL.. who Lave beer: twice eouvie-! alii yBry.sta uIOl u X. !'. I will attend t all cHfrro h.cne; lutl a 1 hiire tocharge.mileagf, in additii n to tnv oihrr 'Uti -: - - n. h itoincx. Wa loO.oro', Jan. 27, 16,12l,Vti '-: IV. T. i tvi. T-"- IS AT HOME, HEADY AND WlLplMj To K 1 all kind of repstiiiiig, mrridir.g at.ij cleahtng, in the 'het nianrrcr.'.atid nt the hortet m pice ccni-ii.tri.1 with rie.itnf. diiuihihtr and j-trt-iigth. 1 F. I. I. t..;.-Jl'i tf a XAU persons who ri! to report fhie'u ie d'in the above i or et j at ttt e place of rende ivou t the time appoint- j e-i will be considered nvde-erter,. ; i J J. M. LITTLE, lnt Et. r. AVCRr i.y w.wi:snoicorif. r SHIisCKini'K TAKES 1LE ASL'RE IX AX pouncing that he hiiH nt.I.iil effect"! a France- ! nuMiti m ennMhh;i)g a long neeiie.i insiimtiuti m thia jftiice X uniL i 1 11 " T 1 . I 1.1 I 'I II V I 1 1 L1VEIIV .STAIJLE. Hi huildin i lawe ! ; :i(.d cmmo.jiot4, and every tueasiA will ! taken l.y ! i.;'... ft I nr.!.i. I.il. . - r, l' ..I-..,.. .' . ' .f . " " . and Enrolliiii; Officer. P. G, .S.VtiiyTiE.V, burgeon 1'. A. Chiir'nVri Ex.- III. iuig, 7th Co-g. Df-t.. N 0. July -Jthi. l'id.v "' '. 211-11. tSsjr.l'-ipers ordered to jruKi-h - the f irnrr A Jrer-TV TVT.TT' tt-... ..'I .1! .. '..1 "it . . . ; .. . I 1 J 1 1,C -I- 1 ''' li" "'intiii n..i '..Miiuiiirj-.- a;n ii'iuii.-.l iu a i-:it. i n . r tt.t.ni- . . i - - ' ... - ! I1,,r" r'" i.n i : wi.i receive every attention i .,.- immV.lint.!. n. .f m; i. -.,..1 .... -... . - , ... ..v,, ,vp, , ,MV iw.Mtiifk vi ii.i iirnr t r m v ,. ' IIorC!, Illill'H, ailtl Hat Km. '..J .iide n wUl niake w!c lFathrr;-for &U cent prr piound.. rea'dy'at'iU time? to convey pii ties to any point they J li ".Vcenta" per tipper. '' - i- i . . . .. . .."'. I ... M . ..llltlll'lll'l' t IIIJ. ...1 . Ti to g i, ana iiores t;uen to ooarj either by thv ; '.-" !"-. n m i.r.. inn,i.,iw per vori lor go.e .' l.'l. IIA 't T t ' : - man mo rxi r.i.vt;i;r jiK'oi-KXfM miiiifi iiiiiK i.i.n;i). ' HAVING :TAU.Ep To I IM) A I CllClf ASEIt ";for tny Tuniery, 1 hue dffetn. n'- l to rouj'' Wiliiiitigloii, Cliarlotn- y IS. II. 2C .- . '...; ... - .Sutur.-i-iys : .. .. Wiliuinitton., .0:0,0- A .. M: V Ui Ja-..-, AXD.A KTddl wives, niotiior-, feiitrs ana .aautiters ol t tit Lon- J the IastBger Train federaey to use their ill jowerful-iniluence i. a'. '.follows': ' - '.''". ' ' ' 11 1 t ill .1.1113 ..ail. IV u - X L.1 '.I W II I II' 1 T Til : TIIIV I - l.r.wv rni..i- ,.thoe which their pafriotma has so: fnlt '"aod''i Tuesday. .-Thursdays ad. Mou'iays, Wedufcedaygand c oh t a n t ly a ffo rded on th,ei r eutintry'B altar ana to i. : take care that none who owe Service in the field I..V eball be sheltered at hprarc from the disgrace of i jtlvcrjudfc IO-imi. having 'deierltd tkeir duty to their fumihes, to i Xorthwe-t.1,.. 10:10 their country uod JO their (Jod. -: ' ..Marjviile...tMT:2' ' ; ( '-"'?) -'Clijcn uhder my hand, and the Seal j jlnMarViw 1 ; SEAi. : of the- Caf'-derate Stated, at liich-. i jiiadenWro'....! :'i7; '-' ( -f-'') jona,r;.-js 1st Jay- of. vVugust, dn - the ; LmnLerton..!; 2:28. V jiar of our Lord utie thousand eight hundred'; .. .K,l'Utt-:t1.r.-. '-.'.':".., . i KcdD.uk,.. JEFFEltSOX DAVIS Hv the President : - , ' ' J. P. I'enjamiX; VH3-3tj V Secretary of Mute. 'O.j ,4:M- f Shoe diet (ArrtVeat D:J ' iVy order!" Fridavc Leaved Oy at..,.7:.T0 A. M. ;La u ri n h u rg ; . . . hi !i 7 u '. j 8ho Heel . ...... b;1)i I'.ed Uitnk9.....:a):22 " Moss X'eckv..-;.Vr7 " LninhertoTi.... jf) X l!mn i-tihi.ro' . 1 1 ' V Erowfi -Marsh U:ia, M; n-is;nda!e....:.I'2;4.j ' Marivi;Te;.......l::o ".:' N--'r!n.aet ...:2:2U .- Ariiveat I'.iver- " j wde.-. ...,'. ...2:.",8 tt" " Hllflliligloli 4;jl) ; It. I'. ATKlXStX, Maitcr of Tranfporthtion j The patronage 'of the public H . most earnest) v ' b'a. n this l'.ori 1. will run a t the- Feed, or bit v. or in Joiner' m'y liorxeit. Ihwitli". nr Hacks: ..- -. ' ' ' Mr. JAS. TjdK EADG ILL, .Superintendent, will be on hand sifh!! timi. ttf.jJttcuiL to the wants of those . who niay honor tae with their patrotiajrc. ! J. C.: CAlnviyAY, riopnetor -An;M'';.-t''iiyJel''t'C'.i;''9 ttn y-V-wrtfr"" N . I?-. rwti?b'to pnrcliaVe gcrerul pi'md l)KAl'ml" ilOI'HEH- I'er.fiiiH having horiea to di-r ose of would j do ;w !'.!.!. to-pvf iro a' calf. . . October :. 1'2 20otf . .'dKIXtKAH'AY.' KAGIS ! UACISir RAGS III Tlt "WANT KAdS-GOOD CLE AX' COTTOX ' T I arid I.IXEX It WIS. Kave them and bring tlieii to , and we will l-av.c .thfm tnude -ip'o paper to print the AtRm upon, .S.ivt your ragt, everybody, and when you come t toirii.brir," them with yoti, and we will buy thjin, Tiuy co-t nothing but tatf trouble of Having- them, - - - Brine;-thenrin? H.inr tl.rm ir,! ' -: ' I viill t.juy HidoH dry at $1 per pound f.O rentfi. .Irch 231, lhW--22d-tr " . 'L V: r 7 to corTOiJLA vrriis; . v "JT II WE 15EEX ArrOlXTED, HV TIIE EritE jl; tm-y ot the Trea.niry, Chief Agent for the pur- cint.e of Cotton for the Confe'lernte tfuvertitui'tit wiih- o the rttnteof North Carolina, and , will pay for tho ifcamein 7 per cent Honda, or caMi; Sub-AKontH visitnig tlie ditferctit pnrtsof the Mute, buyinjj in tny name, will have written certificates'. of uppointnioiit. ', -: ; ' - I',y order of the "i"'ecretnry of the Treasury, " nil Cotton purchaned, .by niycelf, ( r my: AliJt.v-oii-'id-J -lifter the Ihth day t f March, l.Pi;;?.: will be paid for in 7 pir cent Hmids or-Cnh, and tu t S per cent I'onds stated iu a former ndverlieinent.' Up to that tiiiie,'. diwwe.ver, the 8 per cent r-Hands will bo furui?lieJ aa" ntated. , - . ...... ; ....... . '- Pntriotic citiiens nre now offered an opportunity tc' aiil the (iiivermnetit by felling to it their cottcn rathci than to private capitalists. . ..' LEWIS S. WILLIAMSf .. ''uri.,!tr, March 2f lU3-22?-t .' .-: '

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