and legally, to intend the natural and the J become a laggard in the connjcandjetno necMary corwequpnces of their acts if thia sfain rest upon br eschutcliMHi, and then be o. the conclusion is irresistible, that we shall be. "a ble through alt, tjme to say when these pien are called upon to render witn true nnu jum pnue; support to the cause of the country and thev refuse to do so, but threaten violent resistance to the' law, they are prepared for submission, for re-umonJ ior does it mat ter whether they avw these sentiments r deny them, if they are prepared lor resist ance to a Jaw of the land most essential to the defence of the country, does not their . i i . . ' .1 I. 9 conduct leaa airccny 10 mis resun Jit would be unwiso as it would be unjust. 4o-attempt JLoagnify.JiiQjnipQrtoncejof these manifestations of disloyalty, but they cannot be without evil tendency in encour nmnnAKP tMloK In ifokiert lllPlf COlojrS aild - L I-.- k .I.. In rnrovvinfT f heir I vPw A. A. ardor, in sowinir th seeds ol distrust and despondency among the people of our sister States,andm encouraging me enemy wi per sist in his designs of conquest, prolonging therebv the horrors and diaUeses of the iRfvond this it is possible that the a Though the aeurosrtnay eueer at and witl ingsJe- . ,' fame) tier. . r Our hearts awell with gladt.ess whenever wt nam her." TIIOS. M. OARRKTT, Col. 5ih N. 0. Troops, Bertie co, BUYAN GRIMES, Col. 4th N. C. Troops, Pitt co. JOHN.D. HARRY, Col.l8tb N. C. Troops, Nw Hanover. SAU L I. HILL, Lt. Qf h & C Tr 'rr, Cms wellcOj H. C. JONES, Jr., ' Lt. Col. 57th X 0 Troopv fHsburjv BEATON GALES, G. Kaniseur'a Hrijf. Raleigh.' J. 0. HARDY ' Sarg. C;h N. C. Troops, Buncombe co.f lZxecufire Department ff. C t ' J t AwviTAHrUiniaAt'a Ornci, . . lUlelgh, Angus 14 18C3. QCXXEAL OaOIS, ) ' !. JJu. 18. J " r THE COMMANDING OFFICERS OF TUB . Militia will prepare a statement of the number tit men tui uu-hed'bv their respectiv Urgimente to the Anuiea of the Couiederate btates, aittier al toIub' leer nr con t-ripts, rpecli'jing ihj number or each. II. They will euro 1 lite ihuuc; rank, regiment and resideuce l eve'ry a4Jirr of this State whu naa been killed, or died from wouuds receive.! in battlt, or diad from disease, contracted in the Army during Iba pre sent War. ' ... III. Tbey will enro'I tba names ofsucb a6ldiera as have deserted nm tba Army, and sot voluntarily re turned to tbe sirne., -..'' . ... IV. ThJ atatement and rolls will ka forwarded to IbTa office as toot" as practicable. . " r B order of Uorernor Vakci: war THE AFATIir OF THE PEOPLE. There is an apatbj ptrvadinf our country at this time, mjs the Columbia Uuard'un, which in. conduct ol these men may bring on us a ca' lamitv to he deplored evt-n bv thfin selves. li is not impossible that these men yh uld far more appalling than all the husts of our'enc tLies. What has brought about tliii ftjte of Uiorbid iuvliSert-nce we know not; unless ti e r a- succeed in lighting the blaze "ol imesfnie f iriotiiu of the country has been ewalluwtd up civil war in our own Sfafe. The Irtle of Dj 0e ppirit of speculation and nncd of iiioHrj Maryland, rventucKy ana.uJsouH is urioe wKich jlttS take i 0f the hearts of our us for solemn tvnruins;. Be assured; tbe I . . . ,. ii . . ill people anu apreau iweu like a laiai ptinenre. IVorth Carohna will not turn back ' , - in the course which thev hive pursued w "uc' Wi - F- hitherto.Theirhunor is ioadtfei)lvnledd l luew to be in tbe anuj. manage to in toiil to admit of this. Hardships and keep out, the labor necessary fur the ciuuplete dangers we. know lie in our onward' paih, defence of the wetrofwlis is withheld, and ?uch but a rain, worse ignominious ieath, hih prices are placed upon the product necs- we know to be involved in turnins back. r? tor the supix.rt f the cuutrv and the army. andluchlii a sT be"l h3" faic ?)f-airiaT rl-.l fc hhatrirrinanrTJf xtcStnprrhjilQrv lAN'L. 0. FOWJJE, -" . Adjutant General. men. . Those who refuse to aid usand in- vite-the-enemv-toourconjues iiiL' .,r- w thundering at our very d m. trllow coun our currency ana iuvoltinjj ourselves la unierai derin at our very xrjuienl-hall we entinue losluujber om ihe very vtre of ruin? Shall we not be around to uur dat'jrer until the truti heel of the roetny is tirnily plantrd upon our ntcks? This ii tn liine'f.r a patriotic nun t be ena:ed in making n fortune. The man who i intent up ti accuiiiuljiiifj minify in the ui'Hiietit ut his ctuniry') v. ix unwirih of the independence fr we are MrusJKliyj . It ii lime for ix to put unde cur eifih lie.- and devote our lives, our property, uur influence 'id eerjlhinjr we have to the estah i-h-nent f u country 's independence. Lei iIm b d.ite heari'. proiupi'y and universally, anj every doubt bout our ultimate aucccM vanUhca at utice. escape in the general wreck of our political "- - - . lonunes. But there is yet a consideration to which your attention has not been inviled. Ther u. systematic violation of I he laws if civil- . lsA far-fir i- the pnwmt' Ii mil IuMii without its natural influence irv ind tmin our resentment and exciting towards him to the inviolability of private projer.y "or tbe . personal libf rty of non-coinbatanrs. He. has mnde yar upon innocent and de fenceless old men, women and children, by driving them as refugee from iheir homes, burping their dwellings and taking l'rin ine.ll uifr mtrttijs ui suuaisicucr. tie iux employed in nis service in command ol His arimr ucasis in iiuuijii u iuc, m hare not hesitated to inflict uixwi la.lies of the greatest reh.iement, jhe myst cruel m ?uJ(sk II's ctuelties to our people have been limited' only by bis power. Surely there cannot be a man of honorable impul ses or generous tiature in our whole S.ate, who has not fell his heart swell with indig nation at theecital of the inhuman bar barities of our foe. But it must occur to ishment, that the employment of the slaves of the South and ihe free negroes of the North, to murder our citizens and oppo?e us in honorable combat as soldiers, should not have lired the soul of every man in ihe Southand raised every strong arm in her defense. He who bears this enormity wiih patience, is a coward or a brute, "whom it mmmflA Iia Kiea fl jff apt' f r aaI m rr a n 99 A , - ' . a - f can he who counsels suDunssum, rr-whose n WifoJrW. Since theiueufthe first drau-ht. "BETTFK TO DIE ALL FRFEMEN, TIMS TO LIVE Ai.L SLAVES How rangekjs jhat tjiereare men (nian kind. I beg your pardun) wlo, with the y in hope cf being permitted to.tetainlheirVaves, ehou'.d be willing to become flave i;.themielfi. And yet this is" what is jjitunt by recouitrucfion. When some, in the days of our revolution, were willing. ti..go back to the urotecibn of the flag, i. wj after cuneilitory acts had been passed by the 1'arliataent, and pruclamatiun of full par dun and amnesty issued by'lheir (retieral. .Now, there are no ucb acts of conciliaiion, no prucla rna lions of pardon. On the contrary, the Con- :re3, the Prendent, the Generals, denounce fire and swordLihe.destructiun of cur property and homes, and ourwo 'extermination. It we ream anything, it will be at the mercy of the deepot, and; .. "Where's the mercy despots feel,?" K Draughts. -However unpopular draughts may be in eouie places, it is .by no mean.- the ca-e lUt'ciitivvPrpartmviit !V Curolliia, ' UksitaAL iUrnca, (Mimtu,) lUuia, Aag. 18th, 18t8. PCCIAL OkDEB, Si.6. ' .... , ALL AUTHORITIES ISSUED FROM THIS Ot&ce atui nvt igned hy tba Got? rnor, to rie tr- vj, rr lirreij retokr J, unless tba ciuter rolls ara fill m tbi btficv l j tbe 10th of September Bait. . N D r wrJer of 0rrior Vasck: . A DAN'L.O. FOWLS, ' Aoa. 45-47 A-ljutant General. ff. , , IH , ' i - r . ;ii i mui ' ii n i in i nil imiii tii jU4C CAUsi: At OUU COL USE! TO TII E PEOPLE OF SORTII CAROLINA. lrics Chuf Commissabt, C. 8.', Ju'j L' 'Mi, IbCJ. ClONFORMA'iLV To T1JE ClRCl'MR OF THE C uiuir) Ui-nrral vt 8ubi9tcbct, ajprvvtd b, tbe 8 crrUij t Uir, lk CommiMariat ifrvmtt- iiietit m tbi Mal lor tba urvha at! proper diitri buti'Oi uf hui-irucv aiorf U aow ia oratiuo. Miij. W. W. ( rrisn Gol laboro,' baa beeq appoiaW rJ t'i iff iMng t'uutiirj far tbe fint District, 4auuj(Ut-ul-iklLcwuuUyi et.ot Waireaj r& J..bimou 8 ttup9ou, aud Ooslow, ioclaeiVa Cpt tba ffectrttvl U:in-l cirMl of tba eoBoties of Uraif rillr. Hulk, Chi lb to, Oiabga, fcraoD, Caell, Ala niancc, lU&Julpb, GuilfonJ, Hockiugbam, Stokei and sFtirjtti. Mj. E M L-w, CbrIotte. tlIH Diatrict, eom p. si ut tbe cui.tirs ut Surry, Yadkin, Untie, PaviJ. . n. M.u j aii t li'ion. mu i lt coutira wett. Laj t. t 6- MtK unrj, iwurtb Li?trict composed of the toui.u- uf ,Vt lUni r, Urunicki Cplumbna, U ' u, 11 lr.u, iuiH' -r!ml, Hmaetl, JUoore, Kick o.oi.J, .tiim. a 'i iliitg'Mi.erj, J'.i.j'. vflici .1 i.f niuiiij and experitoca htve been j. poinfet Ch ef C aituiaiiea uf tbe several District lull nuttn.ncj t noutihata aah-ot for each J h u m iiir j idgrarat, tba Interest f Ibr -riie Ki.l r. tK-nt nttru; TLm yUrn it drrmrd ad "ute t' uirtt urb tinrrrrDcic uaj arUe, and 1 linear e-riirti pj l ti th popl of tbi Stale to urinj forr J to lh,- fimbing aprula of tbe Gov m liit-ol mli niclrof iubitnce f tfttf kind wbicb ttiev cnu po-ii ftntt. 1 bi U patriotio doty which fieiy g uJ i-uixrn own Lit ccuotiy, and it ia hoped thu I be re will tw on nrcity for iiupresslog inch ar licl" a tba Armywi I be vbl ged U bava for ita aop ffnrt. Th onJer in force indicate but out method by h -cb t'cmmi9tirg trm other SUtea, wbctlirr at j mI or tli arUiie in the Aeld, caa obUia auppliet (n,iu tU State, aa-J n strict aJberence to them ia lt d,!" pent Me-1 lrlop the reoorcef) of the Jlale a'ik. Ill Li-iricl Ct tnnii-.-arie iu tins Slate and their sub-coimji-sanrs iud ngrnii. rt, therefore, hereby direct--'l i. proljibittntrrftrenoe within their appropriate Mm li, ai'J if hLijontnts of purchases ao tnala be at teintvJ, tbey ilt take lp to prevent them, and, if uevr .ry, impress tbe loie. R-i-lrnt Qj.rter Mustrrs ara retpectfally reoaest- fsllj rtfuse iran-pwrUtifin to uch abipments, aud to : - 850 Reward, , . I mit PAY THE ABOVE REWARD FOR TIIB " apprehension, confinement and delivery of b.y boy JACK, who ranaway from ma oo tba Idth of the present month Said Jack ia or A dark n-pper color, jery quick when apoken to, nt feet 10 or 11 inches, high, weighs about 14U pound and ahout 80 yeara of TI108 J OADDV, ;ilprn28,.H.a.8aC"'VAl"0C,'tl-C- $200 Reward. ' : RANAWAT FROM THE SLBSi RIBFR ABOUT the middle or August latt, JA( K. a blight n.uUt to, about 28 yeara of age, flv frCr8 or U inchea ia height, rpara built, slow-spoken, baa a laigw scr oo tba left t heek axtcoding from the corner of the mouth two thirds of tbe way towards tbaeur. abaUly iral a carpenter. . . , ., . . ' . One hundred do hrs will be paid for his delivery to tbe Subscriber living 8 uiilea south of . aiietborn1, Aoioo county, R C , or fur his eoi.flnrnitut no that be ma? be bad, and $100 more, f.r rvld iieesiifSriebt to convict any white ptrsoa or pemons, fr lail oiiog the Mid slave Jack. JAMES C. BENNETT. VYadeshoro', December 18, 1662. 2120m. WAITED TO PVIlCIlASlf, houses,- : HORSES. - ' . HORSES, ' ,,,,v,...,,..ll0RSESf--'- HORSES, HORSES, . At the U7ERT STABLE,. - WajMoio,' N'C. IIIOHEST PRtCES PAID. . 221-tf - J. C. CARAWAY. Dentisiry. BR. HORTON, KtMDt.N DEN- TIST, W.drhrt,xc.1Uiuii: pit-pa red to perform sat oit alien on the YEETU. Ilvhasiiow on band gi-i upp j ii o I D HiLf TEETH, and all olhrr uiatrriala to V ful praetW i.f hi pro(ei-siu. Tet tb moan'trd ci. G.-id or Silver PUie, from one to u "i.L cr.l'Wcii. n.i,r cliapa. . All ork wairioirj f,.r 5 ytVit. JUti! W. Dlirvn-Mis, Rait gh, wUl'take charge f yta PreUc "avlavo no boil, act in ajiif, j .... ' . T ' . Iran riva ,nlM .t-'. i. i i. . . ma. : X " N. R.lwil) attend toa'I calls from home; bulflstl. have to charge mileage, ia adJitton ta tnv nil rr Jeea - , '. . ' . I- U. IIOhTONr Wadesboro', Jaw. 27. lff.3 2u tf xr.T. h a . in, .?r WA TCIIMA KER &. JE WRL LER, Ty?y IS AT HOME, RE.VDV AND MILLING 1u l( J. all kiad of repairinp, anJing i.d clrai iajr. in the bet manner and at flit b-ttrt nudct roi,iutt tth aenine. domhility aad ttrearib. v Feb 4, CS-216rf SPECIAI?Sol& 1IIGJ1MOVM TAX.Xl'Xr jUSOi'lWTV. HIDES Ml) BU R I JVIM). II A VINO FAILED tor my. Iaiery, ?o 'find A-rmriiAsks: I Mil drlrmmrj to c.b. menve, immediately, the t-nbiegi.f H.w lli le bides as wi!l make fie leather, for 19 c at pt r puJ r and 75 cent pr ni pr. I will pay THIRTEEN DOLLARS perceid far jaad Oak Dtrk delivered at my Yard. I Ul buy Jlidea dry at $1 per ponnd .'.0 i-ri, gf'O- J. C i ARA WAT.' March 2.1d, lC3-223-tf revenue course of conduct tends to this result, escape this condemnation ? And under such cir cumstances, could we fail to transfer to Our enemies at home And, the main authors of our caUirndes, the hatred and wh'ch we cherish for our public enerny f Bat let us invi'e you to a policy which shaH void nil apprehensions of e'l and dis aster. Let all the good a:id patriotic peo ple of the State, utiite in a public avowal of their opi nionsmencTalion of the senti meats and, designs -of thin -factlonTjik; cannot fiI io destroy Tt. If errors in the fnminpt of our Mlfiuiiii'iiliaon nuininill - -1 let us brush themfio.j ouF nieniory or throw over themihe mantle of charity. L-i the - - .. ml .... liticians he oiice i.ti-re banished from the arena. Let Us ia the mjdn of .the fearful dangers that surfounof lis, renew our "pled e of devotion to ihe cause of the count ry, and lijsht upon her altars eternal blazing lit e. If the tnuteriaU of war which have been gathered together, hve been misapplied or wasreu, let u.maKe use 01 me wisuoiu 01 the boy, who when he has lost an at row, 'i5hooU bis fellow of the self-came flight,' The aelf-ama'ry, with mora advia-d watch . T find tha other forth. And by adventuring both H oft nod both. " i. - -Let u ahove a'J not permit North Caro lina ta rccyil from the con Let Utr not our people have taken quite a fancy to the tliinj;; tip tuuch 8i, iudced, thit they Uy the jjame of draughts froru niortiinj: tiil "LTht. tjy wlu-re yu will, ii the neighborhood of the Court linage, you will see then, knee to knee, Jotetitly- watch ing eich other's -n oveniegts, with ' eycn ufxra little chepierc J board, upoo which n re' laced some white and. black roui.ded-picees ot wood, whiehhey try to take from each other wiih the otinoat ea-erness. - Theyore eo fuUfpluCknd ! &'!!!JJ; -3-r- : . : r. -t. , i ilijj julu.iu, iua..,r. u uiK.ivnLua vui.itirta' i earplttd courae by enpajriiig in this game ot vJT: and ta k e t h us de iu wnst rati n i the 0 cadfy bTovra they intend to inflict upon the, Yaitkeea when ih.eY " tteiupt to take the capital ol Anaon. 'J'lie minors in this respect, as we expecr Minfate them, when the tune come, in deuiiuj: stalwart blows upon, the head of out enemies, and eiand by to li! up ihe pips uude by thoe who plead they are over fuN -five." w rrpurt tue c tus t-; tbe couioiisaary in whust District Ibe trausaxtiuua ccccr. , ' JAMES SLOAN, Mij- and t'bUf Ctnjmitary, 21! -47 for tbe Sut of North Carolina. iiv Tin: uovi:r,iok op aoutii tAKOLIA. X VllOULAMAflON. HEHEAs, IT APPEARS TO ME THAT THE tieira-inrtf of uur people still require the con- ticu ioce ottbepr. Libiliou ticretvfurae itrndd by pro- ctaiuutioQ tv n,c ip iuUuu of certain at tides from Uie-Mrtte. N.;vtbrrp1 1 ZEDULON R- VAN'E, O .vernor ' Noitu, Caiu tin, U i ieun this iVoclnutaiion, con t hiinig tiio rrocUiiiitiiMii f July 1 Via, in force for iniiiy .j .ji li. iu anJ alur ib 12thxiot., in regard to tin- eip.n lutioi, oi t'otliiu an I Woolen Cluth, Cotton tn l v"Vn Virii,L- !bi-r, and fche, But jct to tha rzceptioti, eSfwu In rrlolut,e. I 1" witiLs wiicreof, Zcactoa D. Vasck, -s-ut vr.raiii Geueial and Coiuii.Ld-r in ri,iif I . ... . . ) until . t Uit-at i f, the -Mitttf .! t atfized D-i.e t Kwleicb. Ibis lUtli dav of Aurait " W S3 TO COTTO PLAXTChli. IIVE BEEN APPOINTED. RV THE SECltK tary of tba Treasury, Cfcief Aceut l.r Ibe rar, rhaa of Cvtton for the Cuiifetirrate iiovernmnit itb ia tbe ptsteof .North CarotitiA. and willjny lor the same in 7 per cent Roods or ra'h. 8 nb-Ageota visiting tb difflrrnt parts of ihe ? tale, bnyiog in my name, still Law written ceitihrstes cf appointment. Ry order of tha 'Secretary of the Treasury," all Cotton pnrchawrd hy myVrlf, r my Agents, oo and after the 18th day of March, IWJ3. will t pa J for iu 7 per ce6t Bonds or Ceb, and n.t 8 pr cent Bonis as stated in a former aderil-mei.t. L'p to that time, however, the 8 per cent Bondt will ha aund. Patriotic citiiens are now offrre I mdMiu.r.. t. aid tba Govrrnment by elHhg to it their ctua r.thtV ir.aa io private capita lst. M : .. . ' LEWIS8. WlUlANISf t iiariotte, .Ma'cb 20, 18ft:U224. Nrlice. A Di. cr they will Cockt or 1'lkas ad Quabtce I rONEV IS PLENTY AND OF DUX LITTLE UA ! only In pay de-l-t U.i y iuerefora tba uudrrsiirard wi.!d reneetfu'lv ak ig those presents aud caused the tD0e wbo owa him (through tia Aigwa) i.i,iatMl ac- V k,"' ewu aiccuiil Nhl aUo na . iMHiiilrat'r on the Evtata of JuliN PKAIT d.crasl, t e l t LtltUlr WMlioaRsUyVwRit py u-MrttMEtrN K; LILE8, will wail on tbose desirous f pnii'g. If jowill eooault ef-intrre)"t, y JlLLnuftLii. iuredly f comply lib ' the'aUva n queitfiTVtfa money is plenty anU cheap. ' - . When tba above .debts were con tnicti-d it took f na hundred ernti to pay no 'lollafV nuw oo can pay six . a,ltlMMMIJiMfiluutdMj ;' :-. "': .,v...,,, J, J. co.x. Jane 9th, 1 8C3-2W-tf . By the Gnernr: Battle Jr.. Private ScCretarv. .. . - r- - - - BT 0' II1DI: IIIU:K!I catilim cat- WING TO T vK SJAKClfT AND blr Fli'ULTV of procuring llKle. ttie JjaiiHirihrr, n VHy tue bijjeet cirb price, in Ca-b or Ltler, fr Hi-lta of any and aliirL-riptioui; !o 'for D.el Uiltje huJ Shvrp, Persous wibjiy5 to aeli, by iuloi cang ut. we will g'iwT them a caiT. .'" . '' IITdertainied on tboaroenji'rnii' a here ortre. ,TVidbcro'f Aug. -26th, I8o3-4-tf Z. B. VANCE. 11 ll AugMi ll, imi-lMQ PiT A'TU Of OUT II CAUOLIaT QUaBTCE 8SIOSS, Juiu Jerm. Ifc63 . Nshcy Bird, r. James Prker and wife Ann E., aad . lb cm. ' .: -T APPBAK1NG TO THE StTISPAPTinM np Die Uou t tint the deteudauta J-iuts P.rker and" .te Auh h. Piker, reida bryuod tbe limits af this Stiite, it is or Jcred iLat poblication fur six ucceiv w-a Imj m-,.j iu tb orth Carolina Argus, notify I moots shoes. iu:iAiiu:vG,c. "FTAVING MADE CP MV MIND TO GO fl ibto the uiaoulactuio of BOOTS.. Will lug MiadtM,;.in,! t be and appr at tba next Term I bHOES, aud o do all kind :f ill-pairing. 4c, or iuis turt to Im behl fr tua CuUnty of Ansou, at 1 1 u' ,,n" rneinwi t noiifyiHK tbe pul.lir that 1 tii L'uurt ;il..n4 in Wdebroogbva tbektcond Moo- reolfd Cuyt. J. C.-CAKAHAY'd ShoSl..,n, 'it dii iu (jctolM-r nut, Hi. n nud there to plead ar.swer or tJeiiiur to' Puu.t tl puliiion or the same will be hVu pro ci.hfrmxn nii.l heard et parti nt to idem. -lAVitus- pATaiVfc J, Core.G, CIrrk of our said O-uitat oth e iu;Mf'dsi orougb, tba Second Monday in Jul,), I'M, . IWl) ; P. J. COPPEDOE, Clerk. , I 'have a a n. at 11 lull Moont .Tannery, where 1 Khali ha liai i.T to fetmir land manufaeture Shoes, Boota, o, foraU Ke 'ld cumomers or ine iaiih.ry, and for the fHiMie erftlly. 1 will work ci.a p, tMkiVir Into consi-erfii- n', the times, an I tJiecost of everything neceeeary to the aupport of mao. X3i-Jy : , j. C; gJAfFORD.