i Mm ninnmii Aim s HUtlll UilllUIJllltl illlUUU Yala axjros o'er te peoples rights dta aa eternal vigil keep ' Jfaootiiitra!n of illa'saa eaalull bUhOBiiredeveatosieej 0. W; FKNTON, Kpitor. i v THURSDAV:::::::::::NO eMBKR 5.. tive of Subscription, $3 per yeas. Adrtising $1 for tbe first insertion and $1 for each subsecufnt one . 1 Church, Rev, J. E. Morrison officiating will, fortbe present, be continued in Temperance IJall. Preaching next Sunday morning .at the usual hour. -,'. Paperls 73 cents per ronod costing here S2S.50 per ream. We bought it formerly, only of a - htwr!!tyfar J-.Tp prTpatrr Th? lest we can .slfc-4 present, i to ssue tie .4 ryot in it present form, using srii'l tjpf ud crowding tb-.n? int.i smill Jce. We can give in' this way "nearly as ri.uYIi reading mat ter formerly. We have !. pe tht bet we could in the lift, and mean to I in tbe future. "When tlii cruel w.r is over.'" ". ELECTION" RETURNS. , We are Indebted (says the Raleigh Frogrttt of tb 31st) to tbe courtesy of Dr. E. D. Haywood for the following Tote: At an clenion'held at General Hospital, No'", Ral-" eigh, N. C, on tht 20 b of October, 183. fo members of Congress in the different Districts of the State, tbe result' was as follows: V lit District W. N . II. Smith!.; P..T. Hnry 1. . 1M-R. K Bridgets ; C. Yebowley I. , 34 J . T. Leach U. 4th Duncan Kelly 1.' .' Ath A. H. Artinton ft; JosiaL Turner 9. Otb John A. Gilmer 4. 7th 8. 11. Christina 7. f lh J, 0. Ramsay IS; Wm. Lan ier S. li h 8 P. 3mith 4; B '8. Uaither 2. 10th G. W. Logan 0; M. Inm 32 . The following is th re-uli of the'vote atCnnp Holmes, on Tbur-day, furuihed u by a friend: Ist-Dtstciet W r-Nr He2mH Drrtlrflryl: 2d-lirid,ger- 4; iVKowley 4 3d Leach 19: McRte 3; Faiscn 1. 4th-trau 5; Fulle 10 . fh TuinerM; Arringt-m 13. . !b Gilmer 4: Brown 27. Tt.. Christian 54; Asbe 8. bth Lau ier 3; Kani,ay 21. VHh-S. P. tmi'li fl; Gaiiher 1. !Oth Locan 24; Mm-n 2. rRrtTKxa jeom Ltt s Armt. We are tnd bted to A I li t-rit-lcraj li, !r th- t'otl . i frieud, who nceite returns from t.ivurLe a Ami Dante!' Brigade .Brtdgrr.. 57: Yn.w!M 2S:5'l j RXt-, 17; Fnion 12;-Leath 1, uj Dean 7. V'( OrricuL Votk. 12th llegt. X. C. t.: 5:h Dfrirt: j '52: Cbr:-.rtin Ttf " , ArringtoaSt.:; Turner, none.: (Vmrr,: C. F. nn l : lUn-nr' Hrict 1 BrMser 142 le.UwIey l) K, from Warren, Arringnm-,V; Turner, note; Co li.j -VcK.e Kim 52; Ll.:h 30: D-n 27; AU Kah eoootr, Arrfntu Turner G j Chruati 4. . . ' . - '. Hb District (. f f. A ant r., i!n. tor Lin nor: buitou Byrd, piivatt in CVmpmy C, 63d Regi m.mt, N. C Troops, was killed in Rl hmond on Tburs dny morning 1at. while on guard uuiy utCaxtle Tltun der. lT four Tankev innen who bad made tb-ii V$ tp. Tti lollowtiig pnrtieulars of tbe aflair are trtken trom the enquirer of the 23d: . ESCAPE OF DESl'KllATE CHARACTERS . FROM CASTLE TilUMDEH A SLNTlMiL MUKDEuED Oo Thursday morning, between the hours of two aud three o'clock, tour men succeed it itTeetiog their cape front Castle Thunder. A previous attempt of the ttjun parties having been discovered and fru-tiateq by the vigilance vf the oftuera. they were ConOned In tbe C4udenui-d cell, be to re which a guard w kej t con tinually WMlkmg t n ami fro, uud whicii, fr m Its psU Hon, tn the verv reutie f tbe building, cieciued the most rure plaee lu the prison. Obtavn ng, by on rtiraiis, lh neeesrv tool, the cut tin v.ujfh the fliu.r tiiiu th C"tiiiititary ' ront t ue -lb, Jt-oco-i ..Ji' t hK!Llj,JM&JkiXiiW K ihAUAiJUa, plaxtdoiittti tr iir It' ping. ti.-n in m I'-kJ , riittt ..ut Ui tbe room MMtl lot tt. rej ti. n i l i.-ti in Ihvj ovituew tBr eentiiiil tn gnnil ui-uir ihe tii.r,wt o l at.ltil by lie f.n;, ou' i r. tu ttifi rrei lvi fi ; l t -Ttioy ii st vx tnti r h" t.t:t. i u tn i)t ! tin prison, "ry Hrrei Hi t - iug- to ! iniim -ui ilely io Ueu atli, one ni '.be iiumrH-r ru-t''l up i uott aud pUcing the nn:i:i iii guh t'lfe to toe l.on.l ,f the cu ird. whoi., .i mt it tiled l -t, r ti ir -Trjrf?.rdTtmlgd'lbe p , t. e t le iOi I t-rtrr-d ttv !oer fMirtmri rt i . i (, it-t!u (irig a liiglitlu! rtiii , .ti.j. ot Miir- , it-i.-c mil 'itHiiii 1 utvv or.lour fb wii hi i. ',' jkuce.-'-iru nt 'tin tUe "g inur l. rtr but " ti n i.,lt 'ici rsn , m t knoau. Rimejf cone. 2('th Rrgt., Lfider jti, R.imey S, t Tbe voting per Rfgimti.t is !nnt unati t.vih f r Arriugton. . . We " . F. r the Argu. Raitah XNorK .MmoN. V., IK-toUr I'l'ib, In'.J. We left-flap, netr Oranee Court lL--nc. tbe Stb. anj'bave trsTe'.'.cd :U the ti i:e f ortfU Ux -ircf we left T.'e tried to fiaLk. JJu-iuJiiiiJrfi.Xuuait u' and left Mtird as cou I g an 1 ur men at;I-r lum. kecpiNt, theai a part f the-fme in r?vinle r-uirTrlT war .joi.y t:a3 fores nntd the 1 1 e-ti I 'l l . ef.!-:ie:t i and W iiu.i;,:.. ti, i, I t' v it- ' Wh. reuurit'v auie't t l' tin-- I f!ie Ltrge tlociH.-e rvi,i :it i a-i!-(o.) K .. t'ue t 'rvit-r . .f t' i:n, m- I V.vo ii i om-r.-ny .ti ive m i--r nr. . .1 I iv t.vtc s i.e--r there Hi;; .N ! n th l i'l'i . ( u l.'s l i t ! ' 'i t?. i '"e M-c .!- kri ? n; t!.-t:.. fiit r i I h:i i J'.e 1 1 I i , t .t c i ' v L. n u; ':e n:; i o,.'Uult r ut t e xn:,'t-. rW. ei.Vcred urouud ttie -,e- n- of tins is men a-b,e dietei Pul here a'mguUr im i ami o curred' tbe lare n-g i, lliiigiffg io .'aj tm Al-Xnd r thn cmuiitulniil U the prison, bow, J.iu' tle-, ait have en o bse ev-r l.te!i th , iWlle, toi'k a pn'lA'vu wJ'Uime lu. dead b'niv ati i wau'd rriniil u "lie To bi orcih m.i.1 f I . 9 , 1 ' -"1 l li T tij nis.rr ..ftii.Mi- k.ik nn aiu! elitvd Im a.f hi ait-e; eemtben he fallowed the corpse into the .ui u e-ieniy detrrmined to knp watcbmi gurd er ti.e i eii.iius unit! the Tliis ' exhibituiit ,!t. cti. 'i f r the dread MMii w4 Irwljr tvncKifcg if. 2. ;. I, retn.ikt-V. ' Tbe n nr. f the deceased a utta Ryrd, a pri r.t - u ' , .i i N.'i'h i'tit'n tri-ojiji lin' i..rs,. . ! i'i'- r-irr, wt.n.c U- .i;i tie e,u',I :, .;.: ii.i:rt-t t.' I. it I",. ii.rl.Lii l H . k i J. iiii ( iiiin iih liir f.r-t ' I i i'' i: in'i e til ; ,'f- in t tJ.-r COUONEll'8 INQUEST, '. Corontr II. R. Pfrkin held an inquest jeteri. '! ' (Sunday) morning, tit tbe lUstaurunt of Mr M.orre i, on front Street, over the body of a free, boy namr d J itroes White who died very suddenly after a fight with . another negro named George 11 olden Froca the evi. dene brought before tbe Jury it apfeaia that White waa in the employ of Mr. Morrell, and that on Sntur day eveng about C o Jblock , whilst be was pacing t -door in the rear of the Restaurant, leading into a side alley, the negro boy Geo. 11 olden came up and waa ordered off by tbe dreaded; some words passed be-' tween them, who George struck White, and a scuf? - ' lie then took place In the aVey. They parted, and . WMta returned to tbe door from whence the flgbt com rnenced, (George runniag oflUdown the alley tcnards the river,) took his seat on a pair Nof step, and in a few momenta felj forf ard, and died in about fifteen minutes. A small brnied place being observed on ' tbe left aide, a post mortem examination was made by DrrA- UeMedwayi aeateted by eerl wierHurjciit,- when it was found 'that White's spleen MH tnlarged to such an extent that when the bw was given by George, the spleen was rupmrtd thereby producmg death. U consideration with above fact, the verdict of tbe Jury waa that the deceased rathe to his death irvm biow inflicted by George HohJ.n. George made bin escape immediately after givitg the blow, and is still at large. George is a slave, ani belongs to Mr. Thoe. lleidea, of this town. Uitc waa a free hoy, and it is said came from KitiriU' ' byrmgf. It mey not be improper to say that- there1 waa an old erudite u-tweea the two boys, which Ird to the fig at vftStturdsj pight. D&dy Journal, Lk m$t waiMw DtiD. at Grace Church lloi-pilal, Alexsncia, Va , on Saturday oig'ut, 17ll iuU. Col. Tbos. Kutho, 1st . C. Cavalry. Tk letter which ecitrys this liilrlli- genet says be received every atteatioa fieai tb ur gxn in charge and his Atleo4ants Hi rtfuami weie depnsitci in a raalt So the burial ground if tbe Methodut Prolcttact Churcli, subject to tbe order if .. i.u family la Norta Careiiiw. CL Uuffia waa never married, but he leaves a a nuHher and brothers and sdtrre to mourn hit fal'k. ne assure tbesa they have the sympathies of all who ke tbe cause for which tfcclr relative saenficed bi ife. 3IlIUlILn. U . On tbe 27th iot., by Jae. BoMnarh: r. , Mr. "MfillV ViuiltViA Iftl A HIT. Ili ii... U vu.av. We wptaredagrtinmrrrTri..iier "I In? evening j -'' tT-TTrn' ..--rrrti'n r-,;--ei , rr . v. S ci..v!v i- t.tit.,4 n f. d.v .ga , - . i aw i i x.i ' tbe I4lb, we die uP with them. anl.twiVRri,,.!,- i 'iP"",i..0-t wbe h r !- -u-. . f n-.r.; r v rh-i.t.er were. ..f 'a f.ke :" ' marl enr DiviMon. inclu-.-tsg ours '. Cooks' atd Kirk'.!' J ""l",,'-r '''" w " l" H!' c !" !iU:' ' Y. 1 !" r " '".-iufi.i.tVv - l m,, ri.,r .v- ; . . , ' '- .nrn.lj,r..rjf ? tj C j ' - fr-UTK',- Mt-r,,.i ;t;. .,. t L .... , . , L f -T! n,Tsr 1571", M Calp VTiT f .If-pt.l, B. b 'J opened fire onlbera:- Our Repmerlt went io with I ' '", 1: " ,a:" ,?- '"-""'V"' ": 1 r :?H u:l'--i WJ-bwa Uc ,re-i aru (u-:te.n. tt , tf dy-entejy, J. A. TtlH 1,N. li ree buxfreJ men We K-t'in killed, wounded and ' n.beii ,.:i,.r '.4ru..-.; . Jl,.h.,e a t.. ",rr . .r-.. ' j 4.1 C. Tfaj s. tu the 2lt year ! h. ape. psingIS; mn. as grent a lvs asfiettjt-burg: "Myl. utt" ' "'l"rt !'f ' ','',' ' ' "r,v 'I !;' '' ' ' .i ..Ti.e p-n-r b:'' ' ' r U "'. -r-. m -i -.c .u.j .m ; la thle.- .cm tbe )itbif July. 120.;. W.'ll. K apw ' . TI out 32. We suffered sevct-!r; f !" 5 '; .' .'". .' f' 'J r-"-", ,4'ii' e .; t.. i I.., ,.. pn-f '' ! f McBn.V.M Ibe'si. affed 5. tesrs 4 nM.otV aa-I 11 to!4 ler tvAt-l or !ii asiin to come ou: taf.' : . i '"'"r'" ii,',i" ?;-' I'-" ,( "iU km.i r- ? .n e.it.t- e-n i-n." '..- .;' i :.,..; II Ua st fwr and Ivvcit Int." r;er i. l;,- cf tbe ofcurDiti were three bua.J missing ISJ mn, as grent a Us as GetusbureJ r -"-rf w . ' . m ii- . w a voaipw u out qi ,. e fcuneu-u sever-! but old eter sp.r Jor ii.e asrun to come ou: taf. I was at oae'tirae in 2U step- ' tbe enemy and t'. shoctlng as bard as they cou' J. Ttaow it wrs a pruri ienfh! f hitj that I ecn: Mj Cuaipiay went inti r.ction with 32 men. ami out with 21.. We did not bare ne"ki!!t I J ; ,' JOB ft lUt 'of the wounded ard ci.-5ng". Woual l -Sergt. W. D. Wbb. Iiaa'j anl Sou:.:--Cor-d. J. Ii. Jarrfian, thi;h. vigj-t v; TrivHte J. V. Bi jid-VaT. -foot: M. .Mc!'".,T3:f L leg aad.ide; Je 5brt, barxl, severed; J' ! - L n, Iil I. Mia.pH. D. Lee, W- D. tmrt, W. F. Sr.' J. A. Teil, Wi'lc-agltby. , . . MEAN TO SELLAT GbVERNMENT rr.fCE'. At a seetjegof a prrt"r. f.tb.e..citizexi,t Vt'arr i I to -! thev ' i. !. I t,,f),.t'..n. i -li i re r f t: - a-, i at N-t ! tu . t .':Lt t t l-Iv.i:,.?( i j 1 .riii' n t::, M', r i, i -n-.-..:.'' ".V. - 'i- I k. tn'i 't .:! ! n v ! "'.tf r r st-c r t e.-tiiJ--. 1 A Ft I l li t . I" 1 . t l if. ':rir '' II. it if lii. tyi t McBn,M iplbeii. affed ' yeirs 4 onctV an t 17 ?'.. I!' was sfurtiia hri 2ui." n-'Wi-r i; I.:. s I in de-ilii be ti!l le'4l::al WiI'i.i t!.t 2ns Mi.'ir-.jrh'.!e V.-")"! bet a eote sret.ic l-rt, ynj . ; ' t 1 'nn I iBe"rUruinited f 'the t btibg threat ' '".. Altf-ugh Kn.'er iR je.ir hrsm nc- ii i r a Ifee I or- ". Tls b- a "f'jil J bresiy .,, i . t .kin Irum .tiU unb j j y wr d Li!"n- . ...i. .' 'ue gniden of 12 ie, there r 12. am a-l flwi :-? recency ur.i, tke frowiog rsoiqt:ri au t.ur" was pas".l: "R'toUtd, That we pie fre onrtiv.', to c'i t the govercn?3t and famiiW- of soldiers ' and t-tt-er .cn eutners. ali of oar surpln producti, at ti; r-ice- e--tablUhsi by jrovernir.sBf, and we fartstr pie !;e oar wives wi.n any citizen refae to eei-l i i.r' -us t govern srett prices'" to report him to the g.veri:ajet agent, tJiatiils sflrp2us mcy be irnprei--j. " - - . THECCCnU JUESTIO'.V--MEETING OF r.WK OFFICERS AJJD tX.VGIU.s?MFN., Tbe c fleers cf tbe Tarious Ranks thnn-H.-u: th. ;. rii!yriFre j c r.v'.h i' t Infv!.: 2c" f "' m A ! i v; ; . u 51 2 ; 1 : -. Th i r ' ..- . -r a u J vr it !U j?iKuf side, We i bi pi -r.ti t - ' f ?ci tJ-flt be wai pr t't.i Ibem SU"tsy ran fe. ! : ? h' th be is ! a f urer ad appir world . "Hue, ther srroir never ei.ier: He will bo . "e fcr-, tl.erw bere en enrtb; 1 1? fwr'iii!i in u preiais'f Urt I tv bti i! eti wtle twn I It ' 'Mj I- J i : ' , ; r- . - .V. ! U. b li--. i' to.-t in w i r 1 ! ' P.' i V .1 ! o 1:1 ! n i ill A iifT i;. 7 Tbe i!r..ifr'n T:tn- ' i.u 'i. -1.? a V' ':i r. n tb I - j rn it OO ..Mt.iiiV i.-.f.t. 1 be tri-liin;- -rt.lr-r-f-vt.-v': v"lit ?') A?h .;2 t learn th- f icis .. (.:-) -ir b.'ir-r.e.;.. an l.'-;!:!t."il of . .rrht i,: : i- ur ' t -rv. tui-t tl.. r- .' fi i t. I p..-tt,-n f.fi t h C H'M il.-".' I ' .1 ! ' . .: i;..- i i . ti' r r ! . , "l Hi'l it i---- t V i I. hi lr . - i: u . : i-a : t,t :..- -i.J Hi ,l:t! rrt i.U'e nsm. :r. Rett fort-vftt . i- I V ti.a rsrw t ., above, Irom s;n ai sxr'-'f.-ee,. A S-rint Jae -; heaven - lor f I; i blent eih! ttVehiM was ber Jat Jetit it " l jriven. - -W r K. are rSetJ to meet aar AognM. l., cn.th.5th "f I rI!'!' I -rfy. d-.ws a. mt ' m vetaUr,Ta" coc-ider .the .question of mr cuir-riCT j'fuaj-.'re-l nil gnKS-iij. ib; i-a.i'i 'ih -r--r.r; 3T.be tde :sa taoftcspiul one, and we tru-t that th r- ' of affairs In that wvtKt'r. tl.. A'u-i.2e Nvw-' wiU .be a large taetUtg bf4ii the B-ttik oficers and i -rj,j t1T,. - ' ' : , Ctnfrt'jnea. ' 'i " ' ' . ' lie raaiter r,f re.ine;n. M:e e.1.,l.r ..r,.;.. ; r 1 by sou-e tw- f-r tnr- hur,-!r.- r---...u -i v be br far the mt -imt-or'ant fin.iin iV'.t i l . ! nc-"eH!. w v i. ia.v K.iuvunc-, j vij.? men, ui yar ,,en cresKc-j, in crjuocticn .with th? ,:Zcr. will i ' tr- i , i.- fae !i'terv--. f ti i ' a n - t j rl i imnr si. -i i . i i r : i i ! i j - : , i, , ti ( v i .... SL'Nfi AT .i'KOM,. ji cor.DaLLV im in: TJ1K t'lHI l-Kl-N i r i. Wa.iHro', 1 t!?4'?r yarrittt, wn.i ?.!..J!:rr"'r..lv' j i-'fl as,rabl io Temprste IUJI, -fa u y'i. ; ' 'r net J, M 2 ".. Tbede'n r; ! .-n...... i, a4aT school tJ tnt at that J.-ur, fireef - ti . I 1 1 A KIM ON IHi'i tll. I' r 3l.ll. I; - .f til y , t tin give tfct x'smbers of Congress nr npportuiiitr of learn ig tbe '-views cf the mot t esnerieneed and pnictical ! . : .i.. .. i ; . .. . . ; .- - um iio3e. b u" c"uurv,'aoi mereoy cut ince to onrj; atwut a speeiy re.medy for the tvi!s which now o sen I.'. . .1 M-lo Ther eatjjc in-f tn 'i -rur:- One : t- in-.'. th. t. -. i- ii. -i ( ' .. i M i i'.- '"i r ii. t y H -1 w- t i - 1 r-;. w - (- : t- T v- v.r. r i -: . - u rrt; tin-.v f.'t'ii 'i s;j, ,?T..-.-t'..g I. .t. I .. H t !..,S; - t fc- f H'l'ir, ti,.-- I t (11 t ; : .f I !i- : r. i. I - tti I r.f: e f .! IK'. 'f '-i' . a Cttsjy aitct ur currency. its he was Maf.ifin jfi.b-i v.tr UH- He Wui. a'.U't 7H' v. ti't j. tiftd.a c't;n' dun. jt - r-l r, 4f j' orif at h. :u .Mini tfi.tv 'w j r.o-J O-bes- Tb'e.r'ai'leriiearri.-i of! j the eom.tty', ' Hf .as.titey pe etr;tH' i wi.q2l !,u i- m-k rH'Tt'r. v ' - .", t'i 1-r V, W I- ' Z ' r' g . j r pHp CONFEPEUAT: T tXio iHVr. No" .v . tj - t.o, j j V. due am! nayabw. 1 i!l attcn I t, ti: I . t.raei aa tijoet r ttie purpow vt u ' ; At Sio-ith'l rt Ta'4iiy,fb Jt Dewjntfr retl " Li''eville, WerJaes..!y, .24, - - . . '! - Morteu, Thursday, 3d; - r. i t . r..j ,t t-.-t BOM OA RDM EXT OF .FORT T MTER.-ONE II UN-; blZD AS I) TWELFTH DA V OF TH2 tHiE. Tie bfCivfirdmrtt cf F'tt Sumter Friday .exceeded j insfTcri " anything that lortifieafir.n ba yer up. j rtenctd. V be Lea . re roeu'tt d our ,j .t a4- mautU.tje l jbuJay nc'it without eeing by t Miygfi riti'rr vO'er ' ' The niTti r r .v' fei 1' ..,4.ay r. pht was two but Jrt-d . 1 t.xty.,' !'?v.M';' ?l R:?,,?--.!' i'i-t'frit I.- A w. . c. ;t n . r: . a . t l kctj on. i offk-i h v: A t the" antvun .:-tii.g-i'f. h ''ck-hs ei my i-.i t ! ' r U l'' fi.iV ' ; ;n .' " ..i i itf . t j . ; .nt ir, .tU"fi.I4,t )t i-.fi,- ;t't;-i, where:,! t W i2j,g'.. were. pped-ji, tw rj ! ar.y 'c .i U. wr-.rer-!as;ari-lt.( II, it t n.l . St V far etoee-tr.1 i.tt limit, ' 1 ''' 1 I Jt- ev ' ."-( '.ri'l I.- ( iP.Lf o - I. ti-? - IM i S li Oi :l. I t, f (ti. in . I "' i t,i i: ts'i i : r ''fi!- i ii '' -e -an. !l t-J tl - . '.J :'j:t r: I v k mi.tf.tl ..... . .' ' n . . . 't . . . -. . ' . t r . i""''.. r . it juuiirtjj '.iti",-rrs wire -iec;e t rt lit en.tr. n" - r Ou F-I.y morning a terr.ftc fire wai trel fr m f- y,,, a. H '.r.'.w ,.,',1,f Whx " - Cuasoingy Par.t. .--fbree. Monitors "aio reeved uP . J r,t hr lu m, .wji' k . ..r- at ha.f-j-airt twelve and also-comneoced fi.icg. The I R .S -Frio-b-, .-t KolH-4.,r y I St.-,-, 'f i'i, i cannonading far npwai4j:rf five boora' ws ;-,tvrribie j "s. . w .(,., . of Aii,rs (j. WvV. ...f r,.j , f and iBJe$snt, .the. oU . awagicabout ow. 'every I i,8, irjk'e.il,uti!: jf.M.jU.,;,,- :',r(.;.' rntnute '. Tbe ; enemy . ptttioii. ffi?d; to Wtitire-J!,; w.. GnioH.f l,,,,,!,,; ,.f ' i ' ' . i . ' " ' " "e -k ; an 'i a. . iii gait. or ii it', t r .s. i f ' t fl Itl f.ltr, .(ill I W: I -tlJ - . 1 O i j". '. i it" ; T-j",;--,"'! - s; ; t r'?4-; -rt-r77r-rif ; ' t.!- r-roi; ..,r ns.i s rp; . 'a a .;!--. ,-'Jf-:w-).. ' i., :- t. h ij. cenV.Uf.-i'i-ciit i l l .'.!i.tir. f ;. :!.v; to u, hfi. . t(; ii.it",! fe- ft ft !)V"- l-f1 i. i ore ! fi'.t t.,.!. u i...... i ii v' !i;di u I IjM'iiU. i-(. uiti 1 J-J lit C lt(.- (.!(-.( J.' . 1S-.J. ,!("f ' .i'Hlge"Tvrr:-.!.iyf .White's ttre, Saturday, 5j4i ilora Springs Mo' Jsy, 7th, . ;v; Lrest'iru Trniay,-' etV, ..;'. .',tianiB I Hoi. Ve toe s J.a;;, s2,' . "i P'ij'rnsitlle, TburiUny; Iviii, '.r " t'e,!li Hill; Fr i".. ay, ' llta, - " Pev-erti ,' !iln'rilay, I2lu. ", ";' Wades'b. ro M.-ri lay, HUi, -f " . . j o t e tti f a nt i rue . 1 a mUeid4MJLte i ,j.lZMXSiimit-ht payt,auy..liiiie... nti i J -i to r ' I A"Nyer. nre Uhjir, t.'wfrf t!iaiil' tersoii. ' 2 - fl,'ct T iHiin, or at tln' iime a'.lrvii -j"t' ' .uii.iHtvHibeio TL PtRi.LNT APDl5loA( 4 , T iXTwhicb it ts utade'iir.ji duty tujrg2eq; i 3 '".."Viric tax na ver - faLinr la jr. tt iee in' U thf e--N.- tbetr. 'tuarteri-'.trMftau fr 1st Jiitr ;' ,, . . f - i. ' . . ..... 'Vn-ar- u t i . u to , 'Jfeere far y hpii Tre ' o.f'MT 't?'f UVMfjyttpr n tut po.rtn.aiKaghout tbe day. j.. U .-p.-AtkinV.Jii hiet lfr,,,, . ri4.ra sqxidosu nedfe-iay--to.ondowo.TbardHy ? iiteo-ie'tit. " twelve cuudral and niU'en Hiot. of ali cnlibie, nth; j, j j( the fifteen vacb'sbell of 'tie Mon;V,i,'.ta th three "bah- j '2iry. iii.;:; r" Md downward were" poured f AV, jf : ArC M-ter oY TV.rta.i.," ' ' ' " W" ia.e i'i.lred,-,f fifty-live 1- s (ju:1tJ; ,,,,, ,,,f ,,-ff:,v.. .,.., - nhws were fired on Friday, $: f y-e-gb,: t-f wlucb mied. -u,:, . ' vi" t.uutu'4iri: ims lire litii a eiiise cti'-u-i.ty or or- " V JcI5eo Xr i.ei daouii tbe uy an, event uo . ailed in tbe b.tf.i-i V ' '' ' ' rv of arttre t tt r i' .: -h r i. "i .W .i I- i i. . .1' u. ! I I.I-! . '. ' a i ' vr i f j,.,. ..t "rtot in '-iifil ! t ft ln no .' :.-.' . i' ' ; .i t i i-. f. ' -' .i'il.i'ttUV .'Ut !i i ? . .ut i . 1. 1 i ii.i i '.,;k .' in.: ;. .... . j lu ' :l I -ti,Uc!"er;l''.iH''iav' U ttit(avrf..ubl: tti- jj'-- ' ... -:. ' ' : .V. T. i.iu:,-5. 1"., io tif - ,'.'. ' 22v2l-5t for Hist! it t of Aiiion. tin ; ' ' . . . ' , ' - ..... -. MililarVi EfeefioiiV - 'i X:lLiWTUW"MLh . R.K IIKI D IN WA DBS V f .boro , on .NttufTfriy iixt, 1 1 o'di ek , to fil.1 I - .IM I!., ill a hit u. S :-r, ii,';.-. 'r Wf frti J v . a i i .r " . . Atnon2 the killed and wound.-! in ,, -The flag ataff waa again shot away-Friday ,ruing T "mon the kuled and wounu-l in th,- I.,?,. iM;i , lut agaiartted2.'e' replaced' - 1 !. bl,f()!"'. b'ltta'itoza thera :ntc tj.'iity pr-nf.-r an j.-' f ; Private U.C Pa'tierpr.gh was killed Thursday while I t';"--fc B'Kn f,'"ut ,,Ct- !". r.-n...'r. th (Ht.t ts atnUneJ... H? waa struck "by a fifteen iucb j , '-"".a a tn:..i f.rri. tui to- f r-ui.tm frhett firl from a-MonitorT ! 'Sr "Wz.r a 1 y ' ut h. , ' Oar batWnes o'a lal2ivanand Jtne'iUridkert 2 f-r;r,t, r it, rfre e.-;.-jeri. j. ., r . f t, i i- . . . fk n rifia i ri it), i veil boro', on Satir vioHiitivs Jii Co.' "A," 3lb " lUtUIio'h N t Home (, k'i-n'viu.i; O t. j.h ... p,... .k..'uMV-'n(;-'vio.,k i '.,W-'S,,r Capt. J. P, IUUitTr LieutA. Pile's, i.liii't ji- j!. t i mi 'io f i y . ii I Ihi ( ; ( j J ruiiBi.ir Pyorderor.. ' K.Ji, LH.KmA oviri-'o a,,-! .,i..,;-,r...' b-, i v. -f"ti. iinn.v-. ri,..-, ' . I'M- ' - .. ' ' . .... Major t.immwi.dmg.x "" " ' : il V t Itn tiii rti H lili ( Wt-i ..M l 1..1H ' ''.,:'"'-iy 'Urf'-t :iii.ut. null-1 i .!.-. I . . I . Ii', H 1 till-.. :i..;, , lit s W. ..fipitfaay. and 'effajtive fire throughout the ly,.Tbe j ar"' " Ir..tidei rem&iiis qttiet. , ' : V ' . ' , , .V-p tri.it. t - i , V t.-ct rl I - s i i 'P ce do'e rjr.t fird.etir ;:.t .r.f tl Tl. KcmLsrcf merit in rti'J iraino' im j.l,iivr,'-V. i " - i .- i. :., . .' ,t . - --- c -r ---- -Mu. vi ...r-, ljiucjiu. rt -n ,er Hi. tt.Bin. ,-.;-,, .. . . .. . aiarW FlidayBigbV- V ' r- hie New VorS Ar.u -"i, ...i.. . W'f ,.ffift- I- lit-1-1 I lull - Ai I h .-itl it ii tiii'i It. ti. i,. v, , -.it li ..ii).'!fi w - s i t,l- u-'t I,) ti,. .,k. ... fM,,. "il ' HI .Hi l,i- tin- f t ti,, i, , ...-,., ,., to l.o i to .ml-f dy.t.y.ii.t:-ir,.,. t.,,'be i III -V t'llli.-. fliw(,t', V , - Ihe I'm ',-.., ,.. ietior;ed to 'La CLn-entrariuir at arrentiili 'JuticHoa'.. "-''-- '- '.L '' "" oi IJ I.ianssri,. A'tjuijint, 1 255-JJ't 100,000 roi7is rlT.4tio at W I 11 KXPO.SK TO puhlk; SALK FROM - I h Hhiuiftd Ttiou$,tnd to two llundttd tkuuuiM tiotM 'h-fif j Jfauufaciurrtt Tobacco, at my .Siore iu 5aliti i tiry0 li , ou tbo fi tb..or"4oVemher, lhf,3 . ' ' " . .JOHN F M)APD. October 17, lh3. . e . tl