- ' ; t : " c- . : ' ' ( , ; , - . i ' v - , . . . . ' ' ..' " .. . . ' . , ' - . C' i TO TUt; i.fcUDElU OK THE rerel. Owing to uNT rencj of opinion of nn Irreconcilable ntir between the rrnpvletr and the Editor or the Rebel, theennnction of the Utter with these column . c'e wi'h the present Iwue. Mr. Watternoa retire front t position, the duties of which n- u.scharuea f tb ucces for oiore than y. . ' lie carrie with Mm tbe kind wbhes of an as . .V4) dtiinv, which ha been altogether agreeable. Noth- f nig iiut it ral.cl point or diaagreeme nt upon the course of p 'liujr to ho purud, could bare severed an ar. mngfin nt wbUh ha been mutually pheasant; nn well to ne etOiiiiinen ai io the readers of tbe Rebel. Tlf reimining editors of the paper caoibt bil adieu ii their MMitrfnte and tWe co-worker, without a pubMo tl t.i..n of their high appreciation' of the eericoa which h eminent achotarahip; literary capacity and U' fl-ezi'tfc en-rgy bae brought to their aid; feeling an-ored tlNt in w.iAtaoeYer new field hi talents mny - W employed, the result will he tk thrr?n1 '.' Jii'JLWtS.0' Houlbew people aad- io goou oi uis counuy. vnal jCebel, Vet. zo. r . . Cmufcdkbatr CosoBMHTh nut sesaion of 'Cot. gr will o-iiiiiit uo on the flrt Monday in December. The pre.eiit Cnngr.H expires tbe 22d of February 1M4. nt whioi tim the new Senatora and Repreaeut tie ink-th-l w-itU. The Constitution praiJe that Congress iball aaaem l'e at lat ouce iu eury year. , 1" Autralin it U Hummer in January and win i ter . July. It nou tb-re whn it is mlJnigbtJn hu; p. fb h.n.t Ur N in Dtcember: The heat , .,.,. fi.irn th noith, tbe cold Comes from tbe !outb, i n,r,-i on the mnunttio topn: The awanaare b ark; tV i alr rr whitf ; tbe bcea do nut ktiog, and ' ih b nia l i not iiig The rherriM hut uo iwnf, tbe r r. s ie( hilow, Tor t'i-ir leaea turnVdgewayi U llie un, and ume of iti quadrupeds bate a beak and It is m.lemtoAd that the rreldnt thinks the atrect . f tin. V k n uiiitt .ke on tbe part of Gen. Uragg, and iirl that tbe mttfr liou!d be a ljmtel without a t'otiti 1 1 Inqiiry,- by the n-tum of the former to the Army of Trbnmre, but that he prefers not to be in tbt c uuiiatfl, aal in niot auxioua for a Com I to ia- rryt'ir .tc the r bnrf t against blm, This the Prehidt-nt benu duibtinvl to. li fierml Forrest i succeeding finely In making op tia conimand C'Am Courier. ; THE PREIDKVTS vTsrT TO CHARLESTOX.. tn f tb nvt pletsing in I JrnU of tb day, aays the Cbirtrs( n Courier, wa the ditplay wLich met the 'rA Init a! bi ertrg a they paased down-RaU U tj;iitre7rAltIiee'riirr uf Bee and RutleJge-atreets; Jhj V Tr -ertanr, cmiuianding t-e O S.-Arjenal here, ha-1 rBjfJ pyramid of ten inch hell ni4nafaetnreil at the fnl Th va t pped tff with a beautiful M .r j " .(.. ;, e i lr I m after its Inventor, Capt. UrUiijf, a'.j u nee mpiiheJ olijer rjumced with v,'- Ar nil. In "hi wi the tuffof an elfgant battli fll. and ih whol urrnon..I with Vankeo trophies f rl :- ea.-h eide of this striking "pyramid wr- hetjr.ty arti"n of thi- Arenal. with their p- n ' t t" rir hrt fft. tb-ir t.t in their ban U jot a i-y if I lcf thfir !iop hut a few moment bVfyje. Witu thrir tin!em nix of 1ndtnr in t'ifir ta1ait "n. m I Hie product ff their iring by tbn, r.ur c.i I Ivet Oit ori nu n re ! important in ( . mt DOT efT ! i ill lrptiJc'liCP It w a meitgrat fit . romi tu ncur and ti FROM 'A KN 'I' Kit V MnifTii i ... . rem - e A.hov,e NrWH of ,(l8t XLprliT we Fometiartcii ....r.i.-. ...... u.,r',i,J g-t nU2J;K ,i "'""'""rmii.iit'Ktbat have taken plMOfl with tl ei.e,j near tl, wp, Spr.ng.: OHIATTWABS,,f.H.Nua-bi:AT or MAJ. WOODfW - A nirht I...... 1 ... . . - .i ;""wrr" " ""y of our cav.ilivleM- r7J.V7:":rT","e "".r, tilr,8". SO mile. Msjor John V,.Woo.(fln . f ; thij. piacn. and tMifH bU f P k county .M,j.,r wSodtTu Si b""" "'"'r I.i n,t0 in a charge upon the strong no-iti.m o un..... m..!. 4u was w.d,ly known, ,.nd uo words of ourn . ould add Btrrice. .'. UIHtltlUUIiihi ri lu io. ....n. i . Citiicn, a warm parted and prtiemu- friend, a I braee not only t.i thia innnidiMie f.ll..m..ntt.. y...'. ... .u. t - ...... uui iu iur .oi fedcrary.. Jli.i b.idy recovi ' IQuThe 116 Mob Methodist Conferrnc, reoeotl held nt AKhrvilli., H. C, exp. l!ed five prenc.era. Meaars. . II. Rogers. W. H. . UugKan, R. 0. Blackburn, uhMathnn L Manqand Willimn Millburn, f r dialojak. ty to the Quvemthent. The Cnftrcnee deset res credit tor condvinniug disloyalty in this empbatio mun- er. SUNDAY SCHOOL. T CORDIALLY INVITE THE CHILDREN ( F 1 WHdesboro', and tneir uarenta. nn.1 nil .n..ry .,. I Hied t au-enible in Teii.p.rnnce Hall,' on tfunda i.f- I tfrnoon iip. ut 9 i. ni. i' i . , ' vunn. ,j no ui'Mn ia io opn a buuduy scLool to .meet at thut hmir,' thenceforth. ' CJIAS. W. FEN TON. eu ecovered only tiro Ktate and Cui v a . ' 'J ' ' j Rg oi uu.e, brunfht home and burred on Mouda xv x nJT"T'lte Milhtary h..noi: ... vi""Jr Tla'M' ix: J,tc"h b"J- w Rft- ey and W. L. Henry, of lluhnumbr, and i.irUtfi.ayt Ifaoupaoa, of Pdk. The Iom of the ,nrnjy Du, k,,0WJ, Our men brought off two or'thre priKoners Tbe n. tuy was po,t.d in the large b. ick hotel at tbe Springa a string position. . anotihb rioiiT. Anojhyjijijt tk phce ne,.r th Warm Spring, two or three dayn Hme, beiweeu u portion of the 25lh' ?i K. Ug t, undei c..mm..nd of Lt. l!,.i M.m'l i' son, at.d a UiM frc of (be enemy; They outuun;br. e4 our l.y. ,ery Urely, Md nfter a ,tubl..ru tigbt Ul; Bry.o.i, fell b.ck. V bad a x men killrd. Ij Hyatt and other whoe namea e have not lemed U. Hytt wa Hi, -x.-.ll. i.t ..Nicer, and a gulb.i.t n. worthy aun. wH.in..njr, i.iit it aH cntide..t ly hoped they would .,e i. The lo,.s of tb eueo.y waa reported to be be .vya l. S IIICU the foil E litl? W.l n-.t in .. ....... receired some a b'itioiul ,n i.-uKr tl- :. a . list of ki led: Li lly-rt; ergt. ibllina, Monroe Uuus, J II. fw0ud,-J-DJJgi.-; WiJliHOi,; Wounded West. . . , The so Jltr .uek in the hiffhest term. nf th. .ii.-.. ry of Col. Uiy-ou. ttaJT Tbe Wilininston nn 1 Mun-l...io. n.:i...t ... declared a di.ieul of r.er cent., muki.. .... Wilmington J.uiim I t .in. .. 7 duyog tlie-yearr-l i.e gr,. re. eipu of the Coiupaut for Ue pit year aie $1 t-OiljiiK),. T- me iririi ii.wt ... ...iti...... ti.u u . ... war to allow the com to remain in the Count? for the S. W.COLE, Chairman. deitituie Nov 6th 18(13. 100,000 POL. MIS OF TOIIACCO AT I WILL EXPOSE TO - PUBLIC SALE FROM I one Unndttd Thoutaud Io Iwo Ilundrtd Thomavit foundi vAI-tnuaetund 7Uuceo,n my Store in Sulis 'ury, N C , ou the 17th of .November, lfcG3. a-. , J0UN F- OARD. . October 17, 18(53. iVolIce. STATU OP NOllTtl CAIlOLlit A. . . ; ! ' ,s ANSON COUNTY. rl.'.i Court or ?iia ao Quaeti 8jessiom, ' ' x October Ttrm, m. , Pelxtton for Settlement. '. Gideon E.t Winfree, Adroiniatrator of T7m. Hair, w. Leonard Haire, and others. . IN THIS CASE IT API.ARINQ TO TIIE SAT-s iefMCtion of th Coiirt, that the defendat.ti. Leonard Haire, Saaford Halre and Milton Haire, reside beyond tbe limits of this NtntV, and that the defendant Benja min Haire ia ubxent in. the Confederate ' .Vrmy, lt is therefore ordered thut pnblicntioh be mad in the North Curolinit Arjrm"lr nix eoccepsive weeks notify ing Hftid Defendant to be and appear at tbe next term v. mis uiuu iov ueio i.r u;e cjunty or u3oa,at the Court Hoase in Wndesborough, on thi second 'IUE MAGISTRATES OF AflV nv itrnvrtv V a i "aeanorough, on the jecond -I Wtltn'af- 4r5 i r Monday tuJ-Ma m tbeg (63 nnl ?riTUZ7hhUtt Hr.lU tturJ """ ,or demur to Plaintiff, retition. or. lodgment retiiion.or. iudement pro confo will be tukeo and tbe same heard ex part as to them. ' . , . ... . "Wituehs. Patbick J. Cofpedgx, Clerk of onr faid Court at office in Wadesborough, the Second Monday in Ocfoher, A. D., 1863 26J-C0 P. J.COPPEDGE.jlcrt STATE OF NORTH CAItOLIXA. ' ; AN80N COUNTY; - the y' of pn' i t ) by aU who wi(iie..ea iu ; '-. f wretary i.fWar, Hon. Jii. .i : ven TWindor XUtlAjvitg ordet- en t th lHi!tt'n priiuiiers uo ' .mIv. If read iho- . .ais.l ..ver ofh f hl ii any be'sciit'to siiHyuf.ftnj to Ihfio tf nt, he'-Ug money ,l' l'X l ta U. ? r;.ui- i;t. it ,s band"l To ihnii SQL. The, Publication of tl. Sf lUleign, K'ia breii ruined . I... . ... .... tl.- . 1 IIP Ml IUV AMM issue are f", r 1 ..'....n.. i.? .. . - , U,,"""r ' 1 we, k.y $j (or ti Rioiiln ami To.-Ti,l0..ti,, Ar ti.e Weekly $3 lor t nmh N-i u..,,1ptioH me.ved tor a longer tune titan Oniuntii. A J.li es.. John .Si,..!.....n ifi..;..i. v R:'!"it ba commet.Cril ti.a w..rW r.f . .,l;i eblUeration of the Kingdom f VMl. ike l..e had appsied to the tu-tao of Turkey for recoguiti. lUe I t,it nollfi.d tbe Suh.n tl,t .n .K aw 1.1 I . a . I . . r - -.v. i .., M . .,cc arntiou ul w .r aaiut iul fits, Mru.u M.Tlttu rtt-AHi.NfiT N, Oct. 23 Ufr ilkriy ! t- e, ;i,t T ii.-d. e ..rr 1. d.i.i-f I... " tuere i in. truiii 11. ilu tbe-iliJimux-jM-.))i 4i (in n te of the Aui.v . I.tiie l',.i i lUneiit riiim.r Ii.uii urn c'iiiiiiaii' - Ri-Monxn Hirnu. rnl s- trtTt: Law -IlichauM, ! .:i,i, , .. .t (I,.lJ ,iW)t hti.o .i.i... ,f : t . ...,i . . , - p. .". '"' 1 .or' utrv in hi c'iieeri It 1 '.'" 10 nt.. .;e imii y -.re ai n iur i olij !.ir thriu. n I ' r. al i u,t- MJ ni' I ..it!e- oit.nrv. 11 n 1.' . .old f - ai'piie -t n.. at tbe ennrkef jrice to tbiVoty-.. If i!.. artuiJ rrefivfd be in federal paprr. il cunnot be hn e l er t.i ihrni in kind, it U lint rerojiiiiel m. money t.y ih" t'tiiifrijf raje .' ttraiarnt, n tcn its ue or eircnS ili.iir t-e allowed, but 'it wiil r,t their pti n be ennterted, at current rate ofU-cha nseT4nta-Conf-lef-ate n n i mch rotr flr.it e-ed to ihem, or will be "Tetitoed io 1 IHid 'Trttejr future ueTT.Vi-A.; ;i A paenjtr train nn the Piedment Railroad U nw running regularly between Danville and Stiicpyille, N. Cv, a diaUuee of iixieen miles; f4te Sl.o. SuntiL's DiMJi;a iv a i ,1-The Raris correpon. dent of lhp"ltrrt'"iTteJphia ItMdeth gitea a'rncy (r ci it. lion of S:iJcM and bia doitiea lie sport a pale' pink, rarri ige, J 'the Uui. d-j tt'nlfuc, ib a porj5'-'u.s' ' flunk -v,' with i-nio oi.itia ,'c Uea." I.ebiti'l, lie i Urivri) up an l-ditn at tSe f.bi'nbli hour ' iii d-tubter i. according to thi' C'repoitdeiit, 'S"inij:iid!y brntiti- "ful, while bi aon-tndaw is a good looking, well-dressed whtrew it. 1.1 i 1 1 ir rope: tW uu tl., have li n..jo ! ,.f Will he gtaliitU." J'u, II.. M lf iai tiie f l i'Mri-l 1 ( tilt ' iritt , Ml. I l,li,n.r li, 1'.. fli. - . ..p ....... !. .'ile IlU'iU to toll 11W..V ... Kn iiat MiiiiriMi !i ' nrt.liclii.i 'PIIE CONFEDERATE TAXES' HAVE NOW P.E- - .uii . one ami payable." I will attend jt the fid owing times and places lor tbe puiposecf lec'eivme tbe eaue: . . . . . At Smith's on Tuesday, tbe Ut December next. Lileeville, Wednesday, ' I'd, ' Moreen,' Tburcday, - St, ' " Gulledge's, Friday, 4tb, " .. . " White's Siore, Saturday, olh, " Gum Spring, Monday, 7tb, v t " Latiehoro', Tnesbiy, gth, Diamond Hill, Wedne.iay, &ih M"l5urnrille;Tliurrdiy, JOtb, " i.e.iar uui, trulay, Hih, Wldeboro', Mondar. m r I2ih, , -lltb -1 Inlbe meantime, 1 urn ready to receire the tax from 'J4 uy choune to pay, at any time Tax payers a raU npyialiy nuufrd that all person. h Dejtlrct to pjr witltin. .e at the time above hpec .lie.l. mil l lubeto TEN PER tNT ADDITIONAL r.tX, wbieb it is made my duty to collect.. . Spenticiairpitjer fai nig to r nder in to the A -e-M.ra their quarterly groi-a, bale from Ut July to lt October, will bae to pay' a double tax! N. T. LlLES, Collector Not, , 2ol 5t , fcr Dia'.rict ot -Aumm). WA H TKI 4 FARM FROM SIX TO A THOUSAND ACRES. aV Adurt6a WILLIS D HARRISON. " ' . Leasburg, Caswell Co., N.'C. Oct. 7ih, 1SC3-252 1, 1 1 -o.m. . 1 :ni. t e. i iob..r.lr. tlii. . I. ($. A..Rtiiuy pi reported in ..ur'cacl.ange papers, . , r ' !. iii 11 4 1 . Ciiin.-is! CoIIiiis!! 1) EKSUNS . OKDERI NO Crn.'S, A ND- W I.IJ. . ing th.-m LIN'KD.'w il bu've o furnifS the ma. e. oil l-r liniojr."." I caniiot pMH-ure it,. paving uia k ,rv t-fl ,1't to do s.t ;anl i.e. 11 disappointed. An old beet will answer the purple esc". -.-dinply well. . ' - E. IIUrciiIN()"; CpcT or 1'leas aki) Qcaktsr Sessioss, , . ' October Term, 18e3. ' Petition for Division of Slave'. Vm. A, Rorie, and others, t. Albert ROrie and wife V - Judith. . - TT APPEARINO TO THE SATISFACTION OF 1 thetou.t that the defendants Albert Roria ai d hi wife Judith Rotie, reside beyond tbe limits of tl. j Mate, it is therefore ordered that publication be n.aao for mx ucce,ee week- in the North Carolina Argus n- tifying Mid defendant to be and appear at the next Term of this Court to be held for tbe county of An ". Court House iu Wsdesborough, on the'eec oud Monday m January next, then and there to plead ai.awer or demur to I'laintifi pt litis a or judrment pro cot.frtio will be taken and the tame heard ex parte a to them. r rtitness. Patbick J. Cppercj, Clerk of onr 'said Court nt Ofliie, in Wadeabrougb, the second Monday in October, A. I'., IfcCC. ' --2Mfi.- . r. j, CDPPE DG E Clerk."' Lost, BETWEEN-LI LESVI LLK A ND WArESDORO'' on Thursday night, the 22d instimt, a WllIlE COW PIG, unmarked, about three month old, and weighing, it ia supposed, about thirty-fire pounds. Any person fiudiiig eajd Pig is requested to put it up, . and inform me thereof, and" they shall be suitably re watdedr ... . . , n , ' J. II. 8ANDERS. Wadesboro', October, lfcG3-254-3t . Notice 'WjKle.sl.oro', N. C. Mltnrr hn h.Hir . i,l I ." ioe aiu.T f.r neisiiK iiiwkjib.ive the Guveri price. . re nre win v f. r Itn it a creat I'itv ui;iaii:i, Ac. TT AY INC. MADE lP MY MINI) TO 00 I I I I TO THE OWNERS OF STOCK IN ANSON INSTI TUTU AND GROUNDS. T WILL PURCHASE ALL THE SHARES OF STOCK 1 m ald property. Tboso who are diepoNej to eell . mill please notify uie. J. "c. CARAWAY. V Pt. 2Uf . - '. ..:- Wa'de-sboroN. C'i' Um?t be. u iu. ni r the p.-.or mm, and e lliiua to eu V hifn to tiie iiimv ainl i.",.v. '!! tMt i.siou,g the s .me thing.'- It a ins ii.-en iti.i int.i I....;.. 11.... .. baa produced . xt,, ti .,f. We think 'the G .v. -muiei.t hasdiwf.MH.Mte.j.na.i.y ,-r-vi,i?Hlt). arlu)it(e w ,,; is. d.,.o, to tn,ue u. - -y ,.o Ulv ' w ov!C 1- f.ieuiv oi ...-. v.Ul) h.ive :.i,Te e and not a- iiub.-, ,m i.e. li"iiHi.t nith Oiuliev, Tt Mid Tm , .'.,...!, .. M.,.. 1 paioi cnioitei. i--:i:iiii? ; re...i u be doi.c rii thiji L'(,ti (. Lim4Ti-jR$r IVpainngi c, ' iw' v An 'I"";.ii( deei-i.,,, J, ( 'ate!v"l)een nuJe by the trench '1 r v tn. .1 i(i .the eus.. t ... iiBb..... ..... or- , . '."i.'ii y. ur eriiHl lii!il I ici.V!) KiMiuiiiiv ..... . . ,1 ... Il.'l iiiimiv U the Tame p,.. i e llV , .... v, ..i. ,, leMlO(Ve I I Vrt-. l. fj.n ivu. tl ,,,ht...i,....f.. ... ' c ii ni ton. nioi tit rii ot it present itet.t. lit to Lx ev- iheir tnr it n, r...s ti. .,....' ,,..!.,.,. ..... , ........ . . . . . g . . '.... if' , . ' . ' "IMIIIIIU'C ul- ... ... , ......... Vv , , - ,,. ,r ! r 1113 iwi-ni'ni 1 ... .u,i, mij.ju,, f, iji .ke H f,(.st.-'i,, J' inlJlJ? -,'!'Er??a -f -h indued to ilie frt nnd ihr 'witni nrSt'Tte. ewfh a ftep. eoiifj fen, e m ogr determination, to" ia v I aif beiicei miv tb'.-.t is i l ilvf corn; Coidi'sieraie !'e H111000 I will, lit Vel the nixiiiifui'tiii .. aI' I'.miiTjj J. v. I ( SHUrjS; mid .0 do nil. kind .CI ' .inij metiuHl ol notifying the pubtlc-that'I h.ive rented Capt. J. O. CAIUu'aY s tfhoo Miop. nt Hijjh Mount Tannery,-where I j-h-.il be happy-to rep.111 ind iiiHiiuf'.cture Shoes, i;..utfi, &c for all tbe nld .ut. -inei of the Tunnrry. M.nd for-the. puMTggenT emily. 1 will w.irk cheip, takbijr into'"coni.ie'r8tlouT the time, an I the cost of every tjitng'nece support of tiiuu. ... . J. C. STAFFORD fiuy to the' Srru n Obtjer. No. 4. i:critfh l p;ii-tiMiit . C.s AlUlTAN i; GeNKF AI.'s -OkfIOK, .' - .' 'Raltdgh, Uctubtr fcilt-ii;!. -. J TH K FIRST SECTION OF THE' ACT -OF: THE 1 '' Ass.-n blv, pse. July 7th, I SU3; ' w,- llllellded to Mplif'v to' the ixihfal n tfu iV (ii'iT,i!i;7(i.f ...! t in'f to the fli pmnzati hi lor jloii.e Defence.-- r'"-1 1 XL will he promptly - resfored, the currency will -bf come", -fact .well kn-.wi. to 1.1 "' vtiloiilile a gold, nr.d the nuie-tenib Jefi to.e irh 1 ignore ii.i i-sisj, ,;c, -4UaM-.i4 be W-eU. in lplri montjiajen jmie ;rn,r. , ' nfMfi-r rl'n- .i-i.. jif, nt n mi he (us-eiM-il to fire the til waa Kid. Mis tux , r eove. pi t-i.n u.-ui ttloiM' would be ur fifty thousand ilollnrs. : . . , : -' -' - "' ' ' : . li'icfimond Ihtpalchi v.,.--, :. - THE FRONT. " - -'-." . , I 'of 'nn eicifuiK ejiaraclrr " OUr peclal telegraphic dic . palcb'ea tlii nuii niog, hint a. Movement in iiculive of sumng tiu.e in the 'Tidnlty'of 'Chattanooga.!, -Grne. r d Haidea i already at l iVsomiey Knlge.. HirMaff. w"en up .yesterday ii.Mn. 1 - '"'.; -. ' Our b ittciy Lookout sbeflc I the en my s wagons hl a porfi u (f hi Infantry, nitlun range, yesterday afternoon . : Jt h belied tint the present condit cn of the eiu iuv, w id hi lack of Jr-Hihptit t ilioii ai.d up pliea, will not allow of a moeement on his partla foie Deoember, at tea U Io the meantime, the impression pievaiU in arniy otrcl. a that our army wl not be id;e, and Tigoieus campaign ia in prospect. ' . - Cttattunoojit Uelfl,- '2J. ground" ... .. 1 1... . .- -.. 1 . ... in.- .I'M. 1 u III! V lllul) . V, tWo ff it lull's III Mill il I IllilV tV-Wor..,.. uui I It Ml liou.' w!, I ioe.it .'i1"'. l'"11 L'i 0'vi-ie'e.8i.rc8-adV;. ti.i i-fli n-nyvTi, T7ipp7iTgit..od-i,- m.ui HC: I'liU'l S blrlnio'bllsi' . i s no"hf My I! I h 1 1 no-..i me I,, , by the Ui:l ierent, tneui.selvW a I 'i'i. - t 1 1 ' j J oe .-i 111 iv, 1. 11 1 fnliiiDl lie t -tiie 'Mrli un Dflicci's f. re si.si tiiiet tlia-tAorlh- rj'.t'tiiled oiuy bi! ninibns of the Hunt l3iiMi-,r,,i-,-..,, zit.i.-fi a in., doing lUuv in it. ,. i etwof on 'duttb-rr be 1. quired by tbe t (.nuiin .otitit.i f then- Rei. to Hj-s-ist ih m in the titiiotuin of I.i.ders tium rpili: UNDERSIGNED, . HAVING SUED-OrT.-J Letters of .Adu.iiiislratiou ou tbe estute of W 1L L1.LM 1). BIRD, .deceused, ut (he July Term . t tt o C- urt ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions lor the cwiW t f Anson, A.J); ltGa, will offer for tale, to the I. : '--t In ider, nt itrr-nrte residence i f the deceased, m the Couuiy aforesaid, ou the 1 y th day of Tember next, the fellow inp property t'u: Four" likely Negrees,-a h,le of Cotf .u, also some Coin, Fodder, Oats, Hogs, c A credit of - C--month.- vii:l givtu, and note' with nproTed securjty, requiied. 1 ' persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make payments without delay, and those haTine claims ou said etnte, arvnotified.tQ pretent them for-settlement,-withiu"tbetTIie prescribed by law. M. C. LONG, Administrator. October 12, 18Cb-252-54 Medical Notice. Z7 QINCE THE PUBLICATION OF f He'laST FEE O - iiill, everything has iiixance'd from one fo two bundled per ceut. We.bh .esite.to t.ike adTaot ige of the times us nu exc -itort oa ourpatroDs; . but we must live, and e - '0 sp, hariug to pay twenty nri tliii tv pi ices t . .' ieinC's nnd fromfie -to tin lor nil Wf Consume.-.'ll'-r cbiileea'in liim -o,:'! : be regulated by the cost of living, &c., but will, with pleasure, be reduced to the old fctnndard, if paid in' proviions nt toi mer prices. ' ' rami Hes. of Volunteers, who tre in moderate circum ftancea, will be cheiged Jess." " Half yearly payments ttill required. -'i W. C, RAMSEV, V". MI ..GLASS,"' JI..Y,. liOl'ZE. n-iual ; .diei piiv.teer, since frj,-ee'peeia .0-11,1 a!,.;i Mif i.s. of force.i(r!nnst ,. ((tjt titl. 1(1 ,.s uft.d. ntes lleoce the boritiinr of s.no ,.,..1 ... ..'.'.. irir.. ni .sen. ii re eoce the ttoriiiinr of .. .i.ii, ,.,..1 .. . . ...... . v l-,Mitl ;,v... .... :.- . n . , . . " ." 'i' whi i.iie. lor wli el. insure -out icsptinsiire without sj.,,h. ll-,..nt. ..- UL- The ( fiic rs ni.d men of the llunnf for Unnie 1. t !'-e- will lft.siil:it-f-t i'o'thii uU' ,l v.-t.,.i. ,.r ll.ti rreogi. t 1 ifr ,..! ft,.. 11 ,, 1 T. . .- .uu.i t ' M s--. ...... in j... Him 9 .111 . ut.JUO.Ul- Uv i U C Sl.. tes.Aniiy, yvh.-n enJile.! out by orders tioiu tUi" of fi ''". ' '.'-her toe ili ijl or l- r'sjieciul ol- g. ueral service. : . .1 oio'ei oj G vtiliur otic : ' ; . r. t j,uli.n, J- jiiri.iiPGei.ern!: 1 fief ol n nr. pir.ii' , uui a A Chang i;. Of lltjlo" -Geneia"! .-iri. e will 1 M'Jor O 'neral W. T Sberman haatn" eial Grant in tbe commaud of tbe Dtp nenseo. - .1 Gen i Ten will g-. l;u-k t the arm v e in o v.i y -loot t n.e ni.,1 ,1 ....... ni'in-i of bH ..I I carps, whu,- Gen-rul I'-ik, r.-., .ri.tve-. oy it -.er.l lir .gjr, will i.-.ke ( Uee s pine al I. .terj 1 i -e. ui.d prisoner. ;. A. -L. JACKSON, - C.Ar'' COrT I;! DC. I' , - v. t. i;ekiun,. Sept.. 20th, E. F. ASHE, W. KENDALL; WKrJ-i$llT V - C. SMITH J. A.. McRA, A. MYERS. : T Oet-'lT-SV oi J itl Z. i.tly n 1-4 1 II nr.. tliv.;iuV''."id x . I ('4'U(tl E)t'lKII ItlM'ilt -X. i "'"MM wMtn.lL n.iirrjoK, (.Tt Ultra Gi.m is, si, (ha.KKs, ) No 1'.'. . - '.,' , .... V1LK M1LIT.1A ut'FirEKS 1 wli tv.tbe tui .rd f ir Uoiih1 igiii Oct. 7,-ll?u3. i:cliaii?cf Aotice, v ' Ki-:)iioxi- (Jet. It',. ' 11 V.' FOLLOW 1 N G CON FF. DKU 4 TP : 1 : V nd nii'it are bereby'deeffired dnlv'. v v- J.' A I. 4iH!er and men captured iitid paiujci aBy' time previ.ius to fmr.fet of Septehiber. ltOS; Thin sec tion however.js not Intended to include aiiT i-Sicers -nf . 111 eh'ca pt 11 red a t V 1 c ks burg J u y-it l , J S'I3 , xeep t such n.i w.eie uec.areu exchanged by hJchange Notice No b, Sept. 12th, ISliS, cr are, .specifically named" in thia notice- by We hare (teen an t fu.i , (- ; ;.,,;,, ,.,,., mgcuio'isjneii.l U A ,1 , wb.U, if ir,,t a "SelphoV p.itvnr-Vi: ei iuigly nou-e 1 vi--. a'.le.' . e ing o iiiri.tie 1 l.y m i. -w. ..nd ti.er ..pt.ii.c s to serve the piupose of .fiiiuei. a.-.0 he nlioostus cuu- Tcuieut -wa the origitmil fmvb J,et;$liitY ni .y tie. i u 1 te 1 "be luily o , m. iv... ( ..o.io.'iii-ii r 4-1 ire falter all ..nn iMi.liiiiiilll. -le.ln tin if OmSm's-Iou b l iKl! g KOi i U li.r tin. Siiiiiy, l'y -order' of Goy.;not Yuuce: Oct"23t. . f p- ,-ul ciio, or are, spccitcaiiy named in this n.'tice- Rut it, doesi eui brace; ali deliveries' mnil. nt City Poiift or other pbie'es before Sept. lsf. I8ti3, and with the limitation above named, all captures at Port iluiiso.n of any other place where the parties were re leased on parole. -'---- ' ' . The. Staff jf "--Generals Pctnberton, Stevenson jiTY I Btw" 'Moore; i;artottrS,vP;. LeerCouiniings, Harris f; ! nd n.ildwin, and of ColonelsReynolds. 'fWir:i -.n d. wiil turu Jver to the j lWkerr: ' theotacers'n.f riteu belonging to the-EngU s,vw.uti'.n.eius and 1 lwvr K "iui ?,Pf ers an j .Miners, Hud the Itbmnd .io't.giug.to the State, i , 'tb M'PP- ReKlmeCfs nit captUred fcf'Yicksbaig,. 3. Tin- general officers captured at Yicksburg. "JnliLl 4th, we declared exchanged Ju'ylSth,-T$Cs3 ' - - ROREUT OL'LD, . Oct 29r6t -Agsat 0f ExkonSe. ' IN EACJ1 COUNTY C GAT LIN, , A.ijiitaut Geueral. .4 'I ii 4 It i4. , 1 : - . if us. 'f. "