1 .1 J - i it , i t;" ! t : i i f i r 4 It i. -, S ; if.". ! Ora Ihdiaji Au'tii whif tub Yai;ti.-The Rich tnoad Enquirer of the Cth bi been furnUted with ' the following extracts from letters' received in' thai . "lit ISDIAS BrIQAPI, CAHT LoXCSTtEtT, "Choctaw Nation, M:cU 0, lb04." . J , "It is reported. tltt a bfavy force cf the en em j from Fort Synitb is on the iarcli to clear out lie Indian Natious; it piobaWy uu'miIhts tci rfgi ' jnents, or four or five Ibousaud lueu. So joM see" Me '. are likely tJ have some fun oon. fct.nid. W 'j tie no . . commands tbjs 1st Indian 'Brigade, is in fine spirits full of confidence and anxious to meet ttie euciny, Uijjd Isabella are at Havana, fw.m Texus. In another letter of later date this writer nyi: ' J Wribo, May 12 TLe Conductor on the Q -n T'BJ IUCI lUf IUV.IUJI UUV4 -, u.t ; FROM THE SOUTH WEST VjA NASSAtT.j Wilmingtoji. Mat 13. A Utter from Nassau ?btos that dutej from Texifa of the 0th inat.. had bee, re ceived. Smith aud Piioe'had had-many fights V ith Backs and Steele, oar troop alwy auoceaiul. I'be aggregate of prisoners taken is ten thousand,' jrty one cannon, one thousand wagons, nurses ana ulies without number. ... f Curt. Scott, from Texas, says the probawiliti ia that both of the Federal armies iill'ln cnpH'ed- We have taken three gunboats aud :de&trnyed Miral others: Dick T.n lor he tays will take all. Our loss one. or two engagemeuts heavy. The 11 a i ret .lauo 'merit train from fctony Creek to Gaston, reports tc-ujy that Boauregaid baa driven Butler's forces to tlifir gunbrmtsr that we have auok tx of tbe enefojj'a zunboats. He "Say he read it before, leiiYingSfo.T the Yanleesld luIT. pb'ssvaloifor ttte tmttto net'f,nmt 4trepk,"tm'l thtfWwWf th triu fruiu Pt-ter.but uaJerthftleuuDtJrluMi!itliiitt. uJ Untie vi.litaleii tv ,vtnV Cnek. tobi lin that mic'i. were (h fiets. An. I is, wbat'tleaof them. O dSuu l, with a poMion ul bis brig ida, attacked a We of the tunny, ltHJ T'atrifag Uifrty miles rroui Uvy Dermt.-He ryrijtit . them until dark-nod teire ileJ K'ernl miles', lemiic a 7 - I ! Hi ft;.- , V but Watia out Vaukeed tliem,.this time. In tUo atiii . knurs vf the tiihi tatie and iiin cut tliro.it, as lhe J Yankees uncharitably call us, tli tij-ou the b'uniliet .7 log laokeea and wratterell them t tbe tour wiutls. .AVe captui ed ix hundred bures raid eqauieut, hundreds of arms, and literalij am&bed them 'into a ctcked h it " . .., ?tiere U little doubt but this force, so roughly baml. 11 bv Wntie, wi a part of Thayer'a colamu. From the Swamp of Florida to the rairics of the Iutiinu Cjuutry, our aucceMnrs run uobnikeii. . '. Oar in iUa allies, uuder Stn 1 Ttie aud others, who . Bare neftr wavered in the dtrkfi-t t'ouiwof our Xva gltf, who hire s Wifiord tneir all to i lie gteit en use ot bouthero liberty, w;Il ever be gratefully rcUitiuben. J by the peopleof the Coufedernte States. , thayers force wa 3 regiments, nud marched from Furl Smith for Shreveport at the simeiime Steel left Little Rck all expecting to be iu willrUuks 44at the death.' : i - ' " FROM Y1RGIXIA! ' IXEMr AO A IX REPCLSED IX-CHESTERFIEL1) . . . COUXTi" ALL REPORTS FAVOKADLE. -RicHMtfxD-AIay-10. AllepttiU.ftom.Murthcra ilfO. tli it Vwoll, (Sim:wsirjiirkn like) has gvCiu I IIP re:ir iu urmii hi ii'i:jr ut mm uj. y other rt-niihlo Hvws hete. "Troops are pn'si'iJig tUrmigh, cntinually " . - . - ' S yiue blm-kale runners have come Into Witm'ngnn nce the "RiiWih" iron-clad pent fere 1 the fcbtfViuli q.iJron'n U w.hy cince. Five rf them'nre eiitireiy new teJ'ieh on fhenr fir-t trip. Tbry taw tK blocks drr on thi-ir w.iyju. ' f 7 ' , Tit line U d"U between GnlNborc nnd.Rnleili find I inunt J-end thi- by liviil. T;ie ie!ei .i i thought will Work tbronpU to Peterlurg t hhiv 1 nu i vnirnr fiAiiai i t nun UiiiiiHiitM Ail 111 i 1 illUi Ttata,rgBso'ertae jeopU'rt5butHh an eteruat vigil kf-' Svtoot alnf uraln of Mita'isoa wnloU b!a buoarederetoln 1 -7-.. 13. J , C. W . FENTON, Editor. 280. UADCSIIOIIO', y. c. ! t i'r ' ? III III t - u f . Virginia continue to be favorable. t I'-i The e-Miutry bet ween -the H- ppibanoock and P001 tnac river is swarming' wuh lankecs, ueerteis nud ptragjlera. .. - , lle.iry firing has Seen heard in the direction' of -6pottgyiv:iiii;i fc,'. II. to-Jay. FERinLR IXFORMAT10X rllO.M TflE BATTLE FIELD TUE GREATEST SLAUG 11 1ERUF-T1IE WARGUAXW COURIER TO LURNSlUE CAP-' . TURED-CKANT CALLS Ft) R CO-OPERA i'lOX. X!e learn semi-o'Ji.daU -that ok of Gn. Lee's u'nis repoj-te-l tiiere weie- mire de;id men 00 the field ol bittle thin be had pver seeu ou any occasion, nud t tat a couner from Grunt to Ruruiie- had beeu cnpiuie -Wtt'l dirmtvbeti for the Litter, urains hi in to pu-h lor- j waru, aa ue, urani, was leariuuy preueu. . OFFICIAL FROM CENKRaVlEE EXE .MY KX- TREXJUED NEAR iPOTTSYLVAXU COLUT HuUoa-JRJiltAL ltA 4M AfALlifcU WOLXUEU. - , ' Rjchmosd, May 11. An official dipafeb received from G!uerat Lee, dated Spott ylvmia Couit lluu-e, lUtbT iust.,ay!t Graut is entreuctied ne:ir that pliite. Frequent rili mUhing was taking j i; ce aloug (lie line", . nil reultig favorably io vnr side. Anion- the womil ' ed are Rrigadier Generals llijs auU II. IL, U'u'.U'er.' FuJl copies of dUpatcbe nro tileii' for tiHn-uiission at the 'artiest practicable nioiu nt to the pre. - - FURTHER ACCOCXTSOF THE rlGHT IN VI ltGIX IA UUR CASUALTIES XOT EXCEEDING VfX ' THOUSAXl) THE E.NEJdY'S WLCt! HEAVIEU. Sprcuil dupa'chet (o the Savannah Republic en. ' ' UlAOQCARTKRS, Majr' 7, VIA ObaSCX ColUT HuLSE, Maj 8 Gen. Lee ordered Gen. Eweil to make a ile monetfation on Ibe enemv's right laSTTuglit, (lurinj (wbieh we captared Generals Seymour and Thaller. It 4a4ea discovered that l be enemy hnve thrown nn entrench menu ahog Iris whole frout on the Gei-mn u ndroad. His position behind these wot ks aua the thick woods is very stroug. It ia not improbable that - we will get possession of the Germanna road ou the ex treme right . Tbe enemy's position is precarious. " Lougstreet Is doing very well. "''.. ' All quiet this Burning but not idle. iwo ieiezrji5 Trinr inoTirrogiegijiowiHhe'news- to 2 o'clock P. M. General Longsireet wM woutnled in the neck by the tith Virgini rcgim nt Ifironh a tnistnke. At that hour Gen. Longxtreet had comjjlete Jy tuiued the enemy's left, but durUig the del: y ill it enoed, the enemy fed back behind tneir line of en trenchments, thrown op nt the infei-scctipny of ftje rotd from Germanna to Rowling Green :jurtbe Orange and Fredericksburg Plank. Road, lie had macd ;i heavy force; having been driven brickelsewberetie made a greaUeffort to bold the cross-roads :is bis only ; salvation.' At 4 o'clock an etf-irt wna' niHde t caiy this point, which was successful but theforce eun ed was too weak to hold it. J 1 - Ourasnalties do potjxreectfsli; thoniid. Mbit of tbve wonnd afeHgbtf-owiwi to-theihiek- oo.iSi The eoemy's loss j far ben vie. k We took between three thouud and four thousaud ieoners all' told. l.-lJr a uiju v uiui yxmrwawu ui (lie uaiiir Dcl'J TnURSDAY:::::t:::::::::::::::::MAY IP, 1864. Trice of Subscription, $i peryeHr. fer. We recommend to Teachers and othvjs, our PrimtrtnJ SdU,: His uniform. There will be no difficulty in cla-iug their pupils, and thus much trou ble wjll be saved. ' . . i TO THE CITIZENS OF AXSO.y: V , il.iny of our bave toldiers are now returning frotiJ the Xoitbein prisons wLeie-thry hate.been coufined fur iimuy weary mintbn a- their homes. On tliei w.iy, m.in f them niust pns thiough Wiliniu.toit. "STv i uTJ tbeir,benii r t.e7H oTJtitlh VJ't rriTr-rh ick, wounded, and fiitistacd-and fiud iw kitjior lla shuts bis eies fo the fact that Llqooln, without venb authority of Congress, suspended the Religion fills a prominent place in the, hearU abd aiinds of the cltiiens of .Atlanta, for to accommodate w of l'6 o,e;rMi tbatafterwarda the UnitedState. our twenty thousand inhabitauts, we bav. no less tb.a. Congress suspended it ong before ouri dtai toai wh v. -v.T. - lisoued a buudred meu wbere tuns nas u pw., v. y- 7 p r " ' colu has imp imorUoued oue... He never tells you that the destruc tion of Democrats printing prewts is common at the Mm ih. ' i 6 " IIj rraines Brown ami Stephens for thejr opposi- tiontol'o .lederate laws and tOeir Mivocacyoi ouuua ne-otintions for peace. He fiuds it contcnient Mt to me'utrou thurB.ov.uand Stcpnens are slauuch war men: affiust recourucUou on any terms oud plcdgoU w nrcrft- W r 4uWcooiuHw:ii-bX.t Htl i.endi-i.ce of the Soutli V 7. He proves to yon.the'roen ar? exhausted, the itepple'st.-trving, tuat onr cnuse i usnperm .u imnoMble to friin our iadrpendence without help, and 7 if idle to txptc.1 httprun. an if quarhr. 8. lie cau't vote for Gvr. Vtuce because he is sup two to the Preobytetiao. and two to the Episcopkl. One of the latter has just been erected, aud is'uuJer the 'charge 4f Rv. C. Tl QuiuUrd formerly' of tli Church or the Advent, Xashvl.le, Tenn. The pulpiu of the denomination' are filled with, men of piety and eloqunoeamoug whom I will mention W, T. llrut ley, l).D., formerly a professor of our State Uutver aity, and more recently ot Philadelphia, who da etiurge of theSecoud Baptist Church t Rev. L. D. Hus i formeily couneclsTwTtOLeTTfrilb iug lbue in Nashville, who baa charge of Seslj tTmrn'l Johw Sr VV jlsoo, l.'D.,'wbr is generaHy1 Lnowu.to the Presbyterians of the South, who is at tbvrFirjt preebyteriaa Carcb. Xotiiiug gives better evidence ,of the social .and moN poried by D. s.ru,tives; but ha, no wonrof TLM 1 "anding of a people than an exaniin.t.on of the So- - . . , .. . . . . I I.w.k ul imnnii Ihtm Atlanta riifinurlv ha-ptHliiott. to the pension of the writ of hubm eorj-i ir his coiiMnot efforts to protect the i ;tghls ol XTu t" tVi'oljnn; uf his endeavois toeffrct a negotiation of peace. X HeToTgeti 10 mvnliou tUutVncc bus been nl.ue l fi.r acpointing so m irty-Coii'erv.ttivct; that he e'ie a hilioilice to the brother in law of owe of, tin editors or theVvo-w. IK- fiadi uouulf with ll't Uu t r bii.ig 'a secosiouist In lb00t aud agiin iu IfoO, tjii.l in vtr Uuiog tbe ecessioii parly until be:iicivfor Mate printer. ' ' . "Moiur.. If the Holdenile thus deprrcntes Conrvd- efnte vklores.aud ii:ignifies IVdetal victoi iej if he believes there is no choice bet ween Divis ami Liucoln; if be fl.4tieiiug1y as'ies the people 'that toe YankeeT me icudy to teceive, us with open aim; if he is a I Eiown inn it r.s lar as he advov.-itesjegoiijiionj, end au anti-Rtown man as far a he is for wui ; if he is fo; nny pe:ice wluiievar.'hhort of bu' jug it:on,as Dr. Leuch myt beif4Mi tliuU.wa.w.1 b-whippedLlhQUL cieties-whioh .exist among them., . Atlanta foi uinrly boasted of one or two temperance orgauitations, but biucoilie war' theriliairiTr ceased to v. oik, but tlia isn.'tjb attributed teTTnyetrogrtlvu cf it in-' habitiuti, tot to the fortunes cf WaV. Tnone btt of human institutions Masonry and Odd Fe.JwWu.p, exict end flourish to m bigh Uvgre. . ' ieaiing that 1 have alieady Wtitten too Jong a Ut- , tiT, 1 briu my epWtle t) a cloe, pr.omuiug, it agree able to yoifaul your icsdeis to giv yon pome points teiative to the business cf the place at a future I me. ' y COLUMBIA. : : ' LOCAL UOAJil) FOR AXSUX COLjaT " j.S. ST.REATK," ' MAT11IAS LOCKHART, J. F. DUNLAPr among those for whose ekes they , have so wiUitgl' J apt be unlnieietlin to our ic;id ia loieua ouift-iny and bmveiy hazarded their lives: -but we are plcal to sny that ibis not tbe cx e. Tbe kind Indies ot n it. mirgtnn have established a Way -bide borne, at which the weary soldier may be refreshed, the fiick and Wounded attended to., Buttbatl they kut the burden alone. We should lather coy, thull tfiey alone have the honor ofeberishing the weary toldier on his w;iy Are we not as much interested in this good woj k s they? Afe there not ns kind, snd patriotic lieaits in Anson, as in .Wilmington? Come then, nnd give to this good c use. LVt those that bare much give ac cording to their abundance, and thpte that LureJit tie give of tbutTiltle, remembering tbe words of our Lord, '"It is ito blessed to igive than to receive." . 'It m- tiers not how small the gift. .Come, aaJseod Eomethi g to cheer the weary soldier. Any Bering, ir a Lair dozen egs only bring thtftl and place them in the bands of Airs. Jetse Edwards, and they shall, reach their destination, ( " - . ' A SOLDIERS' FRIEXD g"5ee advertisement of Lobt, betweenVilmlngton and Wadesboro', a $lo00 Bond or Cet tificaie, for warded ta-W. M- Plil-plt Esq, a .. t. W n Gen'l Johnson repulsed the enemy at )iill Creek ' Gap, with great slaoghter. , - .;' ; JU. iU i?-rmrte44batBank8 surrjERdereiaLAlextat. ' dria oo tbe 12tb. ' . ; . . : LA TEST FgOJf ARKAXSAS, GEX. MARMADUKE ViCTOlHOCS FEDERALS 7 '. BADLY WHIPPED. ' . id . UdLLT BpRiKdi;'AIay Ti-A geiittemnirjuijt Jrorh "iemphifiorts mi certJttav tbat ilarmaduae hd , fibt near Duval's Biuff, aud whipped tbe euemy badly illlipg aud capturing one thousand, and takiug 240 Vagous, . .'..-; Git, V.VL. HiLL-iA correspondent of the Augusta enfinefr laynGeftr D. H. Ilillja jibw L acting aevoiut teer aid to Geo. Betruregard. ' ' Tb proprietor of tbe Salivary Watchman propoiee te commence tbe publication of a daily paper at tht point as soon at.it shall -have been ascertained that tha enterprise baa friends enough to ensure iu eucoess. 'HOWTBKSgTrA'HOtDEXTTE. A friend sends to the Daiy Conner, the following tests for the infallible detection of a IIoMeuite. lie heiCtatcd fong lefor publitshing them because Ue" wa fea-fiil Botne of his neighbors might consider llreui per soi::J: .. :-' . ' : ' N 1. It is hard to persaade'a true Holdonite that the 'Confederates hove gMinetfV'ictory. When foiled I dmit the truth, be sayB wilh a'toleron .thakVof' the beid, "It may be fo but Our lo.is w:i teii jble. We b-id" more meo killed thffn' the Yankees. Storming Jtlat battery was awful. . -A few iiich victorifs will l uki tr-t ' - . 1 h .. US. He jumps to eoncloc thai the Confederates hfve saffere! a defeat. Wilh a doleful look he hastens apread the tidings. His conimeiits are, "fatija kuew( it. We can't cope With a nation so 'tnneli stios gefTT Our mendo well on a tudden charge, but (he Tffiteeaf 'teiirnstg" atoiig BgtiC TlTe"ycTn out reiF force us.'' ' ' . 3V He inys the Conffderate govemment-is so bat, there cannot be a worne; thut we are tending to des potism, nud he argues that we will labour liberties, if the D ivis g ivei ntuent continues in power. He efts- eludes that hewuuIJ not give a toss-up between Davis and Lincoln. ;r . ), 4 Hesayslha a good bargain can be struck Vet ween the North and lhe South. He is of oiiuion tbut if Xoi th Carolina rhSutd hend members to the Untied ' Sutes Cnngre, they would beieeiived with ippi iul- lng thnndn-a r cannon. He forge to ni-nti.itt ibiit tut Yankees have fffu-ed ta cnider any terms) ex- C"pt absolalt uOmntir,n aud tmnc'piHon cilavetr 5. The' true Holdenile never jpeaks of, except to apologixe for, tbe evil doings o? tbe Yankee govern- Uoblcnite? Isn't he a rreuiiiwiiouuil; iu t he a ,tylt,i(jfjriiil 1 To pnrody the phrase the soldiers umt: Come out lioni tiliiud ilmtin k of a pulrlot we see lhe cloveu hoof stivknig ouaw" For the Argus. A?axta. April 'iTj ItviL Mr. Epitor: The plnf e fi om whiih'l wiieriasince the bejiunii-g or this '.'cmel war," become one of the i. mt iii)Miitaut points in the Confederacy second, !,np-, only ,lo the nat'i-ntil c-ipif-al, 'I't imprlsnce ii. iliU.iily tCTts TO'nijTrjrintTtrirics eoiirr?iin; -tt'rWtt- tiou, rpjiearaiice, nxc, ac. Mip0mj in asy , tWllLNU: . .. Tbe Prop-! Indulges in a ildicalou nttespt t help ...et reean'tyrl A-theu, inloe nnme ra"kc appear f..al I'.e tro. t.om Ibis Putt have or.iUthanJlna.y;wbuta.eillefcentimenf.uch tiot been pioperly cTad, O0linU4tes that Gcatruor ' V r.wi.ia I. i. l...in nif1 i nitt In Kelt rihft t itftiTrit U a ai m M l)V 119 I'VV U ijBaeaw""'vae vf aa piy deoiie to t4tu a ie Uit', w thut tue people uijy toim some idea of (he depeiatiou of thuce ebo favor the election cf Mr. Hoiden. 1. The gooli imported fiom Ergboi bare beta of the very Urtt inutetnl. ' Mie thnn ruoir.b cio;hing nnl hboes Lave been I ui i.od ovrt 1 1 tJc Coiiirdvrucy to fid tae rcuuiaitiona' ot wiy Quirtertiwsicr from ihis tfiiie in thr priie. o. Tiic 1 ict tyil ISorth Carolina. 44ii a mn Utur did and idio i tmn Iho-e I run otuer State, h9 pro-, duced to iiiu.'h d'lM'ouient atj I dif-atf li.o among itie I.Htt, f. to induce the ijiulenuiitrr U n-rl to jit.;..M-la At tlio clolhluit 'conduct (row tie bain a If oar viTe autlioiitics; so ttiSt "a't lh troCPf IB ti.e M-tice nny !e placed jipoo the aama footibx-. Tlie Gvtivr tYifj:r J itror r making prej.r ntti)ritoJii(foitUf.p!!cs ftr ttm-'r trvopn, a u nn- itite the t i.n if U-ol North Carolina in fuiuiibiug pio pec1 eioihin lor her told.e s. J.'Dn'in-; (lev. Vance's visit to the Vtny Le .re ceived the thai,ks of evety Gmeral, frm Gen. Lie down, for. Hie .manner in whichhe had clothed the' Nolh Cuiol'n i troojyi. t u. State officials are not clad in the "best r..ih," but in tiiiit urn. inferior. quality. Tbry rere iHit v-n ultowed to puHha e "th4t "until cnouga had bcyi im- ported lor the wauls cT all iu the fivld. G. Wiih tie wnuiier of Jt-ttlt-i 'tinf clothing to sol- ; Oir...in the fi!d or "on Imlouh" GwV., Ynae L- iiotbing to do His busiu'-AsTrtirimpmt it, to turn it ovrr t-j the Confedeiale Q'lartei tater, and then tj ee that it ia pat 1 for. . . L. 7 The A ileunct bus been a splendid success lo e'very particular. ' ' We f impiy ask rand.'j confmeration or thce ficis nil or which can be oslabliahe'd by the root cone u- : tive proof. Ibetatemeut that our Kohllyr Imve htva vf Ihebe ihingi, I bliall lilicmpt a bi ivf eutliue of iu foundutiouund gvouTli.. - . .. ' The city of AtUnt.tii i-iniilcd iu Fu'ion county, n bout oue bundl ed mlv4iMjwest of the gvora'.fnt: ! Centreof lhe State 1 1 is Ihcccnlie of four P..iiioa,uS the Woieru mid Atlantic which r the poclyjj.i (he Slate-r-connccU it with Chattanooga Ttnf-'iei'; (lie Gcoii.i with Aliu-U, the MacniMuid Weitern with. Macon; nml ihd At'atila ami No! Poiut ahb We-t.Poiu MolilgoHtCiy ami the'Southife-t. ' --The growth of lhe plicejia been impiccrdeTi'y rapidio the history oleutberii cit:e.-. ' Iu , vt bcu the. tirt rood train leeched I hit place,' it w.ii ft village of a few bundled iubabitaiiN, bavin none tf thb-je elements of giowth nud pf 0'eTTy1Sl)TtlTtnietr ae nnualljr to be foundt a cuuuiy t-'ile, lor what U hotf the county of Fulton worTtinrTOTnTn,rtdiwTrlii the limits of lcUiilij. county, and 'm Coo-t.11ofite wj located at Decatur, only fix rjilcs dtniit. The place UrHthcn called JlatlhobvUlc, .but at lhi time, nt the tfnjgtstion otfconie proiinucut .cil.zens it wntchaued to Aailant.u The mime is taken ftoni Hcaihen Mytho logy nqdr roost of youy readei s-arc donbtlcs'S aw.n.e of TTie bToiy of ifiTi iiihidcri. TTio lume was conideie'd" pool ly clothed 'ay ffov'a'iIc'eEas'aCi'u't a much ttuiu. iu jt us te asseiiion (bat tbe army will tote far .Mr. Holden. They air" both manufactured out of the "whole cloth." Conftutra,t. . 1 ' n't nppTcaTTe lo'iTie'pTATOiecaiTie tins gooJdeW the fjfCtcbt or all the'outh of,hcr tiny, and onttiipped flicuLall in . fiie i ace, nnd it wn? then pi elided that. Jkb3kiufaut city rliwubi'fyr, otiiuip nil it con.periy and becoine, it nn early day, n hng-'tMd- pi osperoirs ph.ee. For lhe fcakeorcoi.vin;entc, the oi thniphy hv Rea, in Kaiotuck dwlrkt. where it . SHOOTING OF A ESEUTER.-1 We learn that'on Tuesday t.e 8rd ioVtant, a party of eight men detailed, from Companies A,-B, I and K, JOtlr-Uecifuent X.-O.-T.-; neder Lieut,-Hrdeuburg, entittKttk!tut;k Jjtxictith-lhe tit w;jtirt!flkv, ing up a peit of deaettrrs nod ruunway negroes, al ready noticed iu this paper as ha'untiog the swamp in the upper section ot tbicUnty, and said to be ii u ler the leadership.of a weti-kuowu desuiter named Jereumn Collins. V . . T -e paiy proceeded u,p to the residence Of Dr. Js. was ascer- of the word has iduceJt&u changed Jo A tlanta. i I taiuedoo VVunesday niebt that Collins made b 8 haunt Nineteen yea? s Jiuv pa-p.i, fciiice the fii-t uuoi t of ut or Der tUfJ boUae vt Robert Huftliam, wbera he the irou.bo,e was beard in thWe -ireej., and t-d.y ttS i morn.iig tt.ey went 1, i.....t.. ...... .,r...i:.. .:.,. . , . J. V"" ,n.-:- A' PHappruanod.'tbe7 placed ..f fc., wnfiv,-Ma .'.ii-io n cij eutiuet-nd beat enleurcbel tbe swamps and er- whotte l esiJent fopulaiion reaclie'about twetii tlioo- trs-in tbe aeigiiborbood, but without effect. "A featlui'l Mod; and iuDte.id of one litiiu we have on the differ- P'teJ ucar .tbe.bouie. bad obaertcd Mrs Hull (mm 1 I bt.i 1 1 1 . It t 1 L ktt.'tl tt frt Inf.. .. 1. k i a. ..h ..... ....1 . .. . t---. . .v 1LU luu a un w iiriflirq line II 1J 1 1 . 1. IS arriViiijC, s.ime niiuiber denHiii.g. bcMl-H freight' ti. ft i iiinu- hu.i.l.ed vards Trom the houae. . Af.cr aho return-da'' l??it2$rbiiU.l, ttd.Mliou Jo our..ffMeut DM.ulniiWwe Lteurcb w nmda.aud aotne. bcdflinw a'o'1 utht-r ii.Ii.it. S-..ia I I .... .1 .! : ... .1 . lt li.llliil lliuitt cr.r.n .. l. m. hive st this tiii.e nbo.it tea tlioonaud Vrfugtea from TeiineM-ee, ArHhuina, Mf."siisippl, Lou'iMnna, and otli- rer S'nitn.-. These bavina come an.oui u simte the be- feTiiuTng of tliewrJ"Tiave been umitjiilrt bulfd Tiiiues for their accommodation, niid coiuequentTy vyiy JjitjlcJ- iiig in the place is crowded toils uiuiost capntuy, aud rents are nt an enormon figure, but this itt cheeifu ly endured by our citizens and tbe fij'np; fnend is rccerud with a Southern Welcome. -' - t- Ailapti caajjiotiJe tinned a 'pretty place, it is fcilu'a- teiiiu a hilly couniiy, and but; little attention; yet 5ii given to grading. Being -.unlike tlfe city of fling- ificeiit 'dihtauces, .wbo-te leeLaud fpacious streets you aud I used to perambulile one of thoae places which whs built without being previously planned,' the atrevts are by no means luiiueiustwally atraight, iut fo'.W the p isba which were piobablylud by the cowsjif the firet settlers "in their search for, water; nevertbeJe. a tbe general appearance of tbe t-lace is highly picturesque. veie touud theie, eopp ted to "bv bieu'o-tj hr Collins. A , fctrlct gnard was set cunMoUsly so as to eeure bim should he returnwbirb be did,do In lhe"' 5.0.5?!l?5.cf -rxJihli :,yoaHTeDjpf-whrtt 'Mpiro4cVe9.1a cover, be wasTouiid lying Uowa, but iuatuotly sprang op and ion awayand, retusinir to . halt, was fired ou and killed. (U KM aud exp.red witlwut speaking a word. When hot he b id.iuliis baud a doubtv-barrelled gnu, both barrels loudid and cocked. The uiocbarge which killed turn was (torn a outre-barrelled gun, loaded with balls and bu-.hnt, tn the btiiids of Mr. Rouse, a auldier from Colum- : bun comity. . j . ; ',' Fioni bis dairy, obtained from Mrs. Iioffiiiro, "a well n from revelations made by her, k appears pnlTy cerTain that Collins is only one .or a mrmoer iT persous either-engaged jn committing depredations or . harboi iog tfiJe who doand aiao iu receiving ylutider. Tbe small pai-ty deUiled, baling uo lurtUir order -or a tjefiuite character, and beiilA Uing worn out by their arduous duties in beating through the awama and mud, returned to report. 1 All credit ia due to Lieut, llardenbnrg and bU lit- ' tie band for their peraevertog exertion. n WO. ftrndrlith;.:

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