I Kt llll Ii J I . .. Wl'Jiavani idea of as jlog anything under thU head , 4 " "that Ma tend to iv Information to tea enemy; our sJct b lplj to nrf t upon tat attention of our peo- aome Mtkiaeratiewa basea foo kajwn ract. . , Tht imporUnoe of tbU tewa and port to tbe (State and tbt Confederacy, has, we' are pleased to see, beta recognised at tbt boutb Perbap w are teaBd to tod that it has also beta ai fuilj reeogmsed at tbt -North, and that iia capture bat been urged by new paper correspondent, tbt latter gtner' riiy belonging to that cUm who have lived ad prospered among as, " and brt since, ot uorartcentiy and aume las , tantt, goo t off to tho enemy, pm under fate pre ."tence, aad one' a known t. emit. Tbt affair ol tbt Tallahassee Las don muck to change what wa for- merty perhaps only an opinion, into a'. I tba acti?Uy ot a desire, inspired by hatred and exasperation. It bat certainly increased tht ligidnes of the blockade. -"t-'j V9nr?d?racjtjrai.u ma ia tbo field at tbe point t T primary importance, at wbt may, be called. "Ore. immlweut 'deadly, breacb " Jo want oicn, Hood want men, Early Vkbii men While such is the po tiUou of affair ia Yirgiuia and In 0 orgta, much ot -local defence,-much t the efehce of places ot high -though Dot of prime importance, tnut naturally de volve apoa local resources Tbe eoeniv e jueeutratus and outnumber us at cardinal point. W t can uard.y expect that troops in laige number can or will be s ut L from the joints to aid in tbe defence of intiavd poet It may v be aaid that we are alt eutitied to protection. That is true to all tbe protection Confederate Govern- Bitot can given. But it w..ufj be Mly to wpct rjnort. The peoplent botue tbe tifcite aud the peo ple muat iu'emt gcncies-put thqrowa fh5lders di recti to the wheel. Ia tbe case ol atuck, the nyii rally promptly ta tht attacked poi t, l'refou to at tack thyr must be orgm-u aud prrpnrrd so to rallj Aad If this pcrwoal aric bo obliffator? at the r qdired tliao, so also is it -a matter ol oOiigmtiun that Minor snoaia D suppliMl to carrj on aud trvngtbt-u thoM pbjaioal eog;beiiig defcuocs, which 1o tie Lour , TUB FIQUT1SQ AT PETERSBURG, From tbt Etoreas of -Moadav ohtin tba fallow. ng interesting particular of tht receut operation aroVind Peteraburg: . . ' t 1 . . U'ho eoemj having effectually tstablUhed hlmtejf on the Weldoa road, he oext advanced and fortified bin self in tht Tioioit of tie Vaugban road, ont tail westward, makioir.a f-lnt at tht time on Rlchuioqd.' A pauM was tuadt fur several weeks, or Until bfs ar mj could be rrinlor'ccd to iucb an uttnt aa to render it eipwlitnt and tale fy another effurt' Accordingly, hiiviug thrown a Urge bodj vf .troops to tbe no0 i-idaof tbe Jaiueainod gained' modi adTatitage there, a a.tisivo or caealry ws muted acrosa tbo VaugbanJ roa on Tuursoay to feel our DoMition and atiwiiKth. and if puN-lble, to establish theioaelvea This effort , 'aa . .k m ' signaii; raiiea, tuauka to tbo energy and good beba Tir of our cavalry, who r?pn'tcd tbe enemy aadjrt e.-tabliiibed tbeir lines, teuoririly hrt'keo. FTMny"pbowfc?rf, hiof ''serioos' sdcoeMful movemeut war txecoled. -An entire, corpo of infan. my, well applied witb'artillerr, fell opoa vur work iu Mr. WilliMU Peeblt'a farm, Sfuirrvi Level, road, a utile and a half went of the enemy's original line, and 'y force ii uumbers, auroveded, after a otarp en- j.atueut, in liiudi;iog our troop?. ' Fort McK aoJ a poition of .the lint f breast or ka adjacent to it, fell iulotbrir haodK, with oue piece of ai tiller j Kd a few prfwyuers. A Viief bait was nude, but flushed with their easily wen victory, tbe Vuk cs oa advanced g.n, in tie direcilwn of Ilia Jt,ydtou riauk ..oh(1.' Tbev auUover lsiieaa a. IVciaiu's. Bja wli'sand Jouea'v farms, but Vera struck vu tbt latter by our force and checked in. their career. Uatff A( IRTIJ ; CAHOLLVA AftG US. ITiOtStlOIlO. ft. C. 801 THURSDAY:::::::::::::O0T0BER 13, 1864 fJ7bcrlpili-t 00 a year, la alvaaiee.JLl aU aaaitM-t-00. . ADVkaTisiNd $2 00 per'squari of ten line for first insertion and $1 60 for each subsequent insertion. For inserting only ont time, $2. . Obituaries over fiv't lines on dollar' per quar.; ' LOOK OUT FOR THE CROSS MARK. "We send this week' paper to a large number of our nbdcriber with a crosjX) nmrk on lb margia, with tbe Dumber of the paper at which tbe term tor which tbey paid etpited. If tbey wUb to renew their sub acriptions they will be prompt in notifying us. . WiLllljOTOX" " W repub'lifh this week,lrbiu the Wilmington ur. no7, an article upon "The Defeaces of Wilmington," as notwtily p;nwrMng general aad State interest, but aa relating to a matter in which we io tbia eecilop har ebnaidetable locallutelreiT. IfTiayi te Co-'rjie; wa here j4ned and tbe couldeut enemy, j meeting; I "tbe enemy is rea'ly meditating in attack on WUmiog iore tbau bisjmxtch, was loeced back in tbe dtrectiou of the captuied works, with severe los in killed, wounded and prUouers. . Darkues ended th engaga uit-nt which b'gto late'in tbe arteruova, with tbl rut in jr still in potation of tbe pogion gintd from as o ruble's farm Wn i a portion of bis column sliabt- y m advance. Th enemy's dead and woun ted fVJl ten. (and tbe indications are to .tbi ff-ct.) it is nut only reasonable toipe, but it is absolutely cer'taiu. (hat ita defence must fall upon the force at our com K5U Owing K tbi oppressive and tyranniu geaii ral ordnr of AdjuUnt Oeatral .Cooper for. rranhoni wi cannot help iut c kjracrii It-rtlaU? io soldier oorrespondlng with their relative indfriead, bot very " few letter Lav been received to thleotinty from An oo. men Ivlth Early! command, and they wfh detail . omeagro, that although more tb.a three -Seek htj , laped ilnot til fights in the VaUey. wear Wrnchestar dsfioite information from not more' tbaa one half, of ' those 'rumored to tavabeeo ki led, wognJf dor cap tured, ba been received. Wa hjp this itato of thing will not ba ajlowcd to cootinat mneW lonaer, and thit thp foars of the anzioh ones ii our talJst Will sooa hi relieved. ... ' . ' Z ' . Throttgh tht courtesy tt frlenijrt kaTi.ia aal Uortouiiio? tDf followlngilut of those wounded in Co. A, V'3i J . T., on-tho ltb all., war Win. cheetjr: J. U, Richardson, Alei. Pureo, J. W.kMa- dow, Spencer Short,' J. W. Mooaerlin, Th.'PhU!lp( Tho. Roria, and R M. Allen. To wnat exteat IheV wer woo u Jed oar in form aut does not' state. Capl, vnc iweoiy rota lui la Dght. '- a The 23J was eog.gf d from, ilaybreak antlj dark without catioa, aud after. Colooei K-tkoall u wounded and cptard the commaud of the retimenlv" devolved opou tin. Bennettr, Tki durinith flihi xltrJ$j-yr called upo.o io suirvodcr, aad eacji time be sent back aa appf.np'riale, and d.Sai.'t answer.- At l.l.r'a Ifill K- f... ..:.! . . - v-j-Min ia rrp;(Cj iq nat g Op through tbe figbt rafe, aai U have behaved very lai- lantly. . ' - .: f . of trial may add to tbe ttfirieiev of tbe firct hn l ioto our hand:, toiretner witb tear! iw1t lnm,r,l profiaoa ii may te to bold tbe advancing enemy iu heck. . . . . r; i' ' 4 Wtdo not pretend to say what additional regn ar ore oo aid be aapplied for the defence of Hiima-tou la tht event uf attack. We only reason fi-m kbowo act, when we-Vajr that our maia drpeudeiJce ougbt u h-, and, we tUink uuat be, upon tbe Slate and hi petpli of tbt SUU for men and labcr. The ki'l ot the engineer tpay be exb iuf te,J upon tbe erecfioo j f - - fortifiaaiin,, tut fortl-aton avaU Ute wiibout tbv . preseno or aiorce to defend and support tbeni . - h i aot aaoo th works around Petersburg that our re-tenii-.o of that city iiepend. - It i upwn Le army Let usTiav a fore tj maiauin our ootnu.utictiou here aad our Works will U all sufficieut. Let the v otboritie and tht peopleoftheJjtare Bland ready to al tti first bugie-nota that eounJs the ala.m, nna h ..a . a . . me Hioat impurUnt port or tb State is saved, tat Uio inUiior aa I escapes danger, auuii.ialivn ad suigugation whick mut fallow in tbi wake vt a hostile success at tuis Boint. : Wa ftuooo.e it uMirui that w ahoald feel a somewhat Special ruter t iu tbe www wna't w-iiveaJ where aU our little ptoprtt oai wc urgs no coniiierations IiuJed upon sen regtrd for the town of Wil iU importance to tb State and to b feenal.sciuri- prisouers taken by our iufiuitrr aud cavalry conjoint- If . In tbia battle tba Tankee loss is said to bave ti.cn very Urge, their dead aud woanded coveriug tiie be Us of tjieir retret. Many tf these wounded ii.re been brought to' town and placed in. hopitals. A Urge tiuraotr of aoihulaacts were engnged ia this i .b-r fiaiurjay ana soaday. &aturai opined g;owwy in weather. The heav 5V 'Tl'hickly overcn and th rim-fell steadily an a y. liut tbiit tiid not put a stop te military pet atioiis on onr right, as it bad been determined to dis I..dge ttieeuemy trym his oew.y gained advauUge, if possiuie. tneir auv.iice was early driven back by our iufinfry. who during a thurge, captured abvnt two bondred and fifty prisoner,' and an assault was jua I tuf O'xlbrit jru44 po4tioe9-oa- IVrble's farm. It was unfortunately repulsed. Tbe fueniv bad du- ing tbe night received heavy reiaforceaient, and had nut been idle in strengthening their woiju. Our Iom, we are'gled to ay wa trifling. uuntig the any, nampton ncce-ded ia gaining- a maod, within the limits of the Stt; .And w tj ' '". casualtie inttt 14th Regiment, ia again, if proper! prepaj and weir orgiijed and -t,,e fi"".,t " on tfie22d a!t., ftrmibedt thrown to.Oen. Wh tug's 'sUUn"ce,'in time, we LaVe . ,be Con.f'i 7 0 T. Str-nach, aciing adjutant, w abundant force to meet iny that tbe enemy are like. M ILt fo1 owi,' n"f S''ly eoj An io men.' . ty-to spare out of his present rwourres vTa con . f. cd tna Stff-Mlaiog: Ljvof. Jas. C. Klarshair. ated to his by tbi J-ur al-and the putt i wel fare appeals to every citiieo to five him readj snaii t a rice, in whatever way tbat aittnce n.ny ! nked ' We are nut ignraat of the difficulties under which this officer has labored, and be ban ieen much burd for aewaiiag at tt - harshne"- w herrnhrTit'C i;rfs of tbe Venice were compuUory upm him. If he sbaliT able ta av Wilaiiuctia wbu tbe trial comes it will be due ia no umail dVgree to tbe ftiwlrn of pi-rpoae with which he baa refuted public elamor, when to bite yielded would bava teen to surrender tne no v aieana i in .anp iiiuiiigtou iirren-ih. -Itf antictpatr.Tn nhe priTT.T an4uU, ( whetber'ii - r 1 oi me people of tbe fiute in the pereoui and prop" arty, a well as it imporUoce to.tbe Confederacy. ' 7 mnow 'MtinacB has beon d.ne in the 'way ol "yiog tne nver approach, and also that thcrv mean of defence iiavw ao been negevtrt, and wf ajiw w laiy. n ora is pr -jcted Out Cimuoa Ci.s oableaaay one to see that lines extending it puAiW ittrty Wire or more. diaUnU-Caf well and llli iled ' o otoly be rendered perfectly secure by tbe as-' mimw oi wree wmcb can be moved to the support of any menaced point. From what has been aid about tbi position of ftbings ia tbe field, taking public aud . wtu tnawn facta as a guide,.we may easily uudersauu not trhat we caa of.wiil get but whatjt is reasbn f able that wt should eipect in the emerg. ncy of an at tack. The commander here -mar fiod it a neater ot necaasy M wcn a of iluty to cT upon all clase of - pcvuiv i0 come lorwaid for tbu defence of ILeie coroe or no) both ibt' Ueuenil of Ctvcriptioo and Ke erves, and Ad'teajec. Gttliu, bare it. ia their power to "pave tbe way" towir M mtkiog the defence of tbo rtate cimpirte. We woulrbe'glnd to chn-nt de some otie aod vigorus movement in the Mte r.iiit on the left flsnk of the enemv, some seven or I military department, toward making tbe forov diMrr . .' . L . .;t.. . i : i i . i .. f : . - . a: . ... i I . : - l . 'gui luiiuD irvui uiwd, waicu ueing uiscoverej, a BON I cviauiuua ruikieui auu irauy, it is iu oe i,opr iioo oi nis commanj was attacked. This was. about tour o eUKt f. m.t and the discharges of artillery and musketry coaid be qisilbctly heard here. Our men being somewhat hotiy pre-sed, were compelled to reure fci.owiy, out reinurcement Comma op, tbey re furmed n J in turn -irovo the enemy, to their, works. that these troops are not to be poseeed of tbt idea. that they are onlj fortbe catching 0f deacrtera. Tboagb this is an imporant duty, ana o-e wtjic oozht ajwa'ysjo be perfurmvl in an orderly and energetic manner, yet touch more, scriou Juf,ic may devoive upon theiu; ana we nope that such orguii tioui are capturing two tuWred pvisoners, and otherwise in j'being adopted, aai such preparations jiiaJe,' as wilt icunj ee itti loiis Saturdny clo.sed.with theotemy sfH) ia possessi-m of our lo-t woj k, but no further-advance,' and our troops in good p-it-tts. . 4 The number of prisoners captured on friday and Saturday, will amouut iu the aggregate,' to seventeen hundred ' .. . Cut little was dona jesterday m rnitig, except aome heavy slirmuliiug by tbe opposing infantry foree- 'ur troops 4fell back from the scene of Saturday's fight, during the night, and the enemy yesterday f- i Tioiio auvaotfj lis line me lew; huncrei jards His pickets at one time occopied the houses of l)r U iseiu and Mr. .()sear Feirram. one nile distnnt l ""d kheir last port. If. through any failure or I from Poeble's farm, but were shelled out by our ar j ' F - )". .uuiiiu 111 , It WUUI'j V lO -.m lata to iadulga in regrets, for bey could avail nvtb- f -j i f ; nd it would be worse than folly if would be fi .nea to ca-t the blame upon Jhe Confederate a"ein ior noiUOinf what probably it could1 not or Jipoa Jbe eommnde'r here for not tffectii.g Vnat no man could effect. Nanolonn V I . ncTwr defeated an army by hi own personal prow I - esa, and neither General Whitinir or an other man aould be expected to repel an attack otherwise than by urn aKIa a a H A c . . ... Other mm " m'i,.,- m. v .i. . i . suun tuuk IUS snieij Ol ?Il- f T I . . . , ... i a matter aearer to uenn.1 whirinrr'a ri. ' aa any other mtre person! feefincrs or ofSciiti -aenatireneir-KfiiJirteing avred ConMerate, il :?llv witiB has hi home in tho 8tai, and iu t, inw town, aaa mns presents an addiflonal guaranty, . r M7. a'! giarantee needed, lhatjiothing that he , vm uo wm oa wanting to conlribufe to a subcesirul defence; ye., even though another man should b nlaf in il lA..l l. . i ... .. . r vr buouiu oe cioiueu wua lue lau- 1 - i ; f i n Tt which that defence would briii , We are plowed to eo that ouf able cotemporary or the Ral. igh Coi.f derate feel coutldeut in the power of the State, if put forth t Jo defend Wilming ton, or aty other' menaced poiut. Tbe editor of the Confederate has oj pounitie of knowing and judging that entitle til opinion, in tbe matter, to mu. h wtigbt a oar msu and Confederate ti U-ry. These bouses, we undersUnd. were somewhat damaged or bbells from our guus, but it was necessa rvto JisJode tbe Yankees.- " The Yankees yesterJjy took a oortiorfof our niakat liiirfiear W."V. UavJs' bouse three oaartaraof a mil west of the Wel Jon rai!road,TUptnring ttentyVvison- ers. In Tbe afternoon they werrdriven back and bur iido rc-esrapiianeu, . ; Informatioti waa received yesterday, that on Satur day night a train or artillery was crossed pa tho ton toon bridges from the north to the southside of tbe James. -It is not believed thdt any infantry troops have as yet been recrossed. v . - vr-- lJh.r "JLPJjheJtkt.Ibrfailaya'-fight in'thi vicmiiy, wui not excecu nve nunared from all cause It Was surprisingly small., On th other hand, the laokee ins is known to bave been larg-; but little less, if any, than five thousand, including prisoners. A Bacsu sua Yaks 3uBo!f. The GoMsboro State journal gires an aqcouut flrinLteapi'rited nine oruio Detw ena stu ilt di-tatcimient of troops and aome at thi Yankee gjiub.mts winch attempted t... go np the Suuppernen river in which Ibt Yankees earn out secou i Oest. On attempting to asceitd the river, iwu dohis wera attacked and forced back by Lt Shrtfpecommanding.CaDt. Put's company of cval ry a suited by two pieces of artillerv under Lt- Wil- Hamaox trt.e slight jiattery an I Lt. Mcwatson feLtbft unftiAaittAu'l t-lwkTogetneF-rmmouW t I : .1 L . : . ucr may o omy ground for rejofciogs and for ni I ..., wu4rnuauu auu none io g oom and rcrita- UiaUUHI. . One of the boats got aground about seven hundred yards from the shore, at the iuou'bf tbe rier, where she wa well peppered, for aome time, bv both our artillery and bHrpHhooterl?' one shot striking her t - Vt If Qao. Clingman' returned to duty wrom Harbor Chaffiu whetber poi y with his bricade. bavirisvrecoered . . ..' i' aeerera wound receita.1 at th h,l. nf fn.l . . ' " M 'T". ''lu m nP eir rwaa Ukeo oris -ner at th v " , a P. fiercely on our little party, who Bluff on, the 3t h oit. We b.e no f-.ei r?myT tr frouod an fought them till thaCaoUin war ain woanded: fr iu kfuu I 7. vi; , r. 01 .: """'J of anwmnitioa that be had .nn,i .41-" " ,'L"eJ!Ll''. byai.a..ratira of tha ene Rb Ould. ant of Exchanre under data of tb 2itn oil , gives notice that all officers and men of Chi Vickbur; captor-of July 4th, 18C3..wbo rep rV d for duty aCany ftaroJdeamp eat of the Misiaip.' Ji prior t epUoaber 10th 1864, an exchangedT- Mri:Ba A. Cmnh,"w, a devoted "Confeder , who waa imprisonei in 'ahiniLi"o "me tw ytir age by Lincoln-, wij drowned receotlr. V- aae .. . -. my gun " ui three men sllffbflv waunded and ah r kn. Itier wa omewbat damg l by a ebell. The enemy's loss has n t benn atMjertained, bat it muxt have been consideraKle... aa rh"lc woodeu a'un. b.a,t wai ag'round aud under th fire of our rtiibry f-r aome tbreo, hours audit wa well ad'erta'o.d.Ji J every man had to k abelter below from tbe deadly iinoi our uarpuo(versr - . . TirriST 8tat Coivevtiob Tba neiti.in 0f i 0 uaptist ftate t'ineiti t( . C. wilt 1- held sairara from them valuable' service to tbefowa'bon or and tbe good of the State. ' '.' rt'e repeat assurynce to our people, that the State has the means of ucve(nV defence within herself if she employed it witb eneigy." . ' P. S.Since'tbe foregoing wis put in tjpe'we learn from Northern accounts tht a naval at'ack upon Wil mington is ireparing that the iand force is iu readi ness, and that tbe fleet are gathering. The probability i that Farragot will emin n ithe uval forces, as we perceive that be is about to be, or has been, ordered to tbe command of tbe'Nortb Al- laotio Blockaatiug Squadron,' ' and that Admiral Lee, wbo has been in oommahd ou the North Carolina co-ist, hai been ordered to relieVe Farrngut at Mobile.- From these Mshajyre? it ii inferrei.thatlha atUck-ea Jlobile, is to ba abaodoned--at least for the present. Co. C.-Wounded: Private Jtfho Bowman, sever la Co. II - Wounded; Priv,ti Xoah . 5?Prri., in foot; Jat.n Morris, severe, in aid. ' ' The'rtueot had J wounde.f, with 1? ma!nf ' ' -From tat HdWe lavi notbipj in7d litioa to what we gtve lat week. . . . tzT Tbe Governor Coum il, pur-liTo to e'I, met io tUlieghf ba tha Cth lost. A-O. Fo.ter. of Rani' a .. . . " u...pa, WKt elected oJUvaciincyraaaed by tla ra- stgusTTon of K. V. Vkk, and P. II. Wmstop, (0 pUt9 of J II ftub'w, n-S-.gne,!. Col. J. I). Ujmt ef He3drsoafanJ llenry Xutt, of Ne w vao..ar, wera appniej fcsratHM.or Intrroal Impr.temrut p.rd. The Council declined to recommend a call cf th Legislature ot preaeot. ' t. Frank I." Wilson, of Rale'gh, I. bout to puU, li.h a new bbkrn titled "The Battle cf 6rtat Beth, el." See advertisement.! i : OFFIHsL VOTE rfjll GOVERNOR. WboW.womber of votes polled, Ti,JI; wf Go-rnnr Vance received W. W. Molden Vanc'a mijoHty. " Ii IS'ii.iSier were In ifctil, 1 007 vote pile j. IMPORTANT ORDER TO BETAlhtD MEN"., Adjutant General Cooper ha is-aed General Order No. 76, revoking all defails heretofore granted under the authority of the War Department, to persoii be tween the age of 18 and 45 years aod all sOcb de tailed men, together With those who hold farloagbs or HwpyTiif J iiempltons by reason of pending appli cations' for detail, are to ba promptly assembled at Camps i-f Iiutruction,' and assigned among the armies for service excepting uch as are einplyed in manu facturing, providing, collecting and forwarding muni tions ifnd other indispensable supplies. "All men recommended fr light doty, who are uoitigned, will at onc report to tfie Camp's o( Instruction. PxT As will be.perceijed, by referetice to jhe bead of this column, we have advanced tbe price of sub- scription fr the Aryut to $-i 00 per year. It is uo necessary ,to say rAjyejJliisjcnough that wa-ar relut-taotl forced to it." Tbe cause eath of our ub- scribers knows nl feels 'operating every day. If it is said that the figure is too high, we woqld reepect fully ravjuest of you to apply the' rule tb4t i,o mucbJ tWWmyZUXmZM? Tor'lmf aldlrott'w'ili nd, "accoTdingtoold priced," we will be getting" but iwcwy jiet cenu a year jor intfttptr. , J V&m Wa regret to learn, and with sorrow announce, that Lieut. iJi-hii F Fort, of tbia county, commaoditig' Co. A. aistij: T . waa killed, iu the attemDt to , r . f ' . . te-take Fort l-arrimMi from ha. enemy on the north side of the James, near Richmond, on the 8Uth ult. .toother Yinke prioner,fwha bad er-caped nH Plomice. wa nipkVhuft iu this cmnf ni. kt. .. 4 ' . Mday moming Uit,and turned ov- r to the aotbnritie at Crriv, S. C., to ber.tnrntd from whinua he ea .ped. " v;''.r. ... .. . e-. v ' SCALTIKS IS ASAdS CO!IMN'ir3, Ii fiCHTS XAa ItlCbKOMD AJI PCT(kirtO. BtTrti rixto, Cnirrm' Faik tcurr r,4 . f Ihar Jr$A, Through ywi rfurnj.b f0 mir frienda at pome the f .Uowin; lit of casualties in Co B 81j.t .N" C. T .on th 3th n!.. tb tb, tbr to" r Uk Foil !!rrion. which bad beeo es'ptura-l by th ana my ou the 2!jh. W went intn tb charge with 20 men. The lit below ahowa with what reo!t: WJHV-Briliyrti,1stdnt, supposed to tVcao." tured; also J N. leWr, rr CT Klired-Sgt. J. N. Hanrock. W.an ledr C Cspel, slightly, !, hand; 'W. Crump; slightly, in foot; J.d.n s!ithtlv. io arm' W. V linchpin head; BP Lflea, in h.Jd; E. m! McGrtnn, in hip; J. If Mk, Io arm; T. J. PpdUo id aide; D. M; Pratt, .lightly'; W. D. Parke-a ligh,(jV J. B. Prliei , .htly; J. S. 8Uin. .lightly, it, hip' A aiaTa LOJl - HaigiAXitai SCtb'N. C. T., . ' . . . October 4. J 88 1. Vtnr ArgH:Ynr the lnfTOtifl vf thoir frn.t. you avill r.leae pub Wd tht fillowinrlit rr.i,.hi.. Sept. 30h.Kined : Private B. P rtr..-.i Wounded:-Private J. F. WaJsworih tbitfh broken . ' " u' (Vt. lit Killed: none. Woundod: Lt. J. A!Polk ! neck, slichtly. ' Very repooffully, ' i H HENRY, Lt. 4 f taf Wa had a ter vera frost n this tfeighborhood on - Xfi mmtrtoa. while trying to rua tha blockade, tba i.u the church io Warrentn and wUl wau.eV.i OB , 3 mituud.7 nighU, dttnagitg lis peu soure- THE EDt'CATlOV IL ASSOCIATION OF TflB ' CtNFE DERATE STAT Ed OFTlMERICA, , The Aexttinno-il meeilnirof thla "hidv at!l ha .t.i in Charlotte? North CroHr,,n We-lne-day, thje ftth, . n. n,w oi im meinriirs, I recalled tb appointment for its merlin at Atlanta, with the hop, rft a fa vorable turn in the affilrsof the Confederncy n.lgit offer a w.ore an piciousseaaon for Unassembling That hopehsg failed. The -war is raging, with Jittla prospect Of a speedy abatement. La tha the interest of the riing geiierarionhflul I Oiot ha OTeriooaeii. tion to assemble in Charl The comniittees anrointed' at ilia rnains In r. lumbia will, it i- hoped, attend to the matters n trull- ed to theirjebarge. ; ' Atiy male oitiina.of the Confederate TStateilrhT may be engnffed in the i ro'e-sion of tr hino nr wKa him. in any wv. Idit,,i Kimir fk ii,.... tkcui-iMMiii Kunui i not ra I. therefore, invits tho U lead pfeduca shla in .(Charlotte. , . -- tiunl latrrast f th cut.try, may become bernf the A.siwlHimii: in th fedl-wing 'nun wit: He must bv iiftminaf il at an annnol i a mema Lillnwinr ntiiinw tu.. lie must bV i.ominated at an annnol mrtllmi hy a member of this bode, elected he a malm.! w rf tbe ott ten present, and lgn this Contitution.",Vt PrwHdeat ef tha Aaaoaiatjhjw