1 f. 1-3 , TIIE DESTRUCTION of the Albemarle, and ' . TUB CAPTURE OF - PLYMOUTH. From tUo Golihboro' State Journal wo learn thai on Friday Wrhing the 2tl ult., about z o clock, the Iron elalroetuarie, tnonred to tho wharves at Ply- . roonth, wa so badly damaged by a torpedo, by the . 'eneihf. tbt she sunk at hf r moot ing. - 8ome dHtoace below whore the Albemarle lay was the Boutbtisld, luuk there by Oapt. Cook when Ply- month was pptured from tbe laukcuft. -lne Boum - .'field tu MW ft" picket station by our infinity forces to which tnej passed to mil lrotu the shorn ty n ooai and thli boni was usually kept? at the Swutbfield.' TWiitiiv'-nf'rbt wa very dark and stormy. In tba darkiiesslnnd stbrm, at the hour stated, tho Van Iran Tnaitlfiltn II t liri Ml'iJ . if n Sail. t!l kLl I ll li 0 K . picket station and cuntm-ed-aft the pickets, twenty-five In number, jwthout' bring fwrun, and -tut tbeni down theriver to their line! below intheir mnloai. "The Pteamer, or torpedo boi4, propelled by steam, or ty muffled cars. ,IIavUtgdi?poierrttiopicitcijquieity, 'the Yankee. eroVed t tho aide of the vlcr opposite to PlTmbuth. and sweeping round, came npon the AI bcroarle fronru Ihe strrmu. Our informant who says ho wag on the Alueumk'at the time,ns a visitor, nnd aoufiwbat Infatvd by tho exrlojion or me tor pedo, itv that liicunfftqwtnco cf the.darkhcK? find noiae of" the el 617 tho watch oa the Albemarle Ln.ar nnjVmV of the approach t,f the enemy till - mUm ! clo upon. them. Tho boat was bailed k'.t i,nt ii thKtr' Tho reply was, "Tho'AI- bemarle'a boat," and at, tat? niow tit the Albemarle '.was struck" by the laukeo boat, .n:itlo starboard quarter' in Oil nUcmpt,jt lUught llic Yanki-i's : failed to blow up tho 'Albeuiailo utou;jit A .di-K'ct in lue torpc jo. . ' The? iwuKdiaic,1y swung round tlmir boat again " td were cajniax'downWfw bo Albt'm:trle'rf ,VW but when they weiea-aia asked, "What bqs that? The rep? wj, "Vou will d d in. see," and On the la. taut me .Aiueuiarie wj Mmcs mh iu iviwv exploded. J5y this time tbe alarm was general throughout the slip, nd tho men mbed to arms and , made" An- the eutsido of the armor, whtn they were net by poo or two tlif6.ul grape from a howitzer in be Yaukce Uuat. ine. Aileuuu'.e.tf n u comuii nctMi .rapid fire U trouui tla el.ip, but tht-y could ece nitbin; of tto cucuy iu ctunoutace of he dri'tsi It wan o.m now, asict t.ru.ed tff.it tiSo torpedo bad bud theJottnltd tEVcffoi cue of tLo bow-of tbe Alb&- tuAfla Ai rtrVe iutul tLawaitapuily eettlinStiown In tha incaa time the Yaattes, in t!ieir cjulusiou, 'got their boat.in tb tuidat t eorne le-s, 'fixed around tha Abemarle for her prottCiiou, and tKiog uuabie to extricate ber, tbe whole party, with,tbo exception of the Captain ia cotnmaud, a urrtDderea, torpeao Doai and all: , j : r guruvrir tie evEtrtr ttsArsnirtticufreToa mora than ft f. w ! j'it wounds.. TUrcc'of the Yankees are sail to b'4ve it . u wenoded. They are reported to bo 11 coratuisMoned au I uou I'oum.bsloued oRiccrs, vu! ' uateere fur this viideita'.inf. . The Albemaila weet down in a fiw le'njti-a, b?it tie - water being fiba'Jowlicrfu !) wre.nqtiubinced, nod tbvub ber j;uiidm:ii ai v I.' inches euder wa ter her guns Mill c'lmmimdcd tbe tlautivl up ;'d do v. - Afivr the UU.vf U lh AlL-aial anJ atcr Lne diyn' ia4 fi;'.iti-J3,"t!iU e'ic uy" flftt bi:r-stl'l la able to posa up to l'ijMiioinh ca the on'n-t at th Koa noke upon wh'ch Piymo'u'ih iVfttuilcM.felTLaek' if' All e rnario i'ouril an Jtntcitd tho lu'dlio ?JtUt and pi"fd vp to ihe-inain livtv, coming. nut above i'lynnaib. Tbe fleet then aJi;;ekJ tlio foil fiom above, on. tbe 31et. IJVn. I'.iker cJW'Caadid tho lynifon in perioa and fbu'it until Cie inotny'a guubouib bad pacseJ ono fort an4 disiorttui 'I .M.uf ( i:r pun ia ibe olo.r. An etaenaiim wa t'nii v J. ed, uu lcr'ft :vere tbellinj, ""which cffcctc t witiont much l--tr-1 We learn from puvate K-t'erjtro'ji the Eastern part of the S(att', that eii:ce lUe fa'l of ri;,niouthtmIo tlie enemy's lands ur forces at Wnsb'nston liave b'eeu , compelled to evacuate Vj-.ii place, and that it is once' aain in the Lauds 01" the corny. Jke Col Jtiboio' fltato JoC not, ctmmcntiog on the tfaptareofriylncntb, tuys: it would be- wpr? tban fieetn-o nndTntirlbc- tfiioi Tuncen.f i tris vtcifirrxf 1 tifnr tionof llnsttrn Noith t';uo!;a . i vuctf moie at the ueroyot tbi Piu-my, with nl! 1L;' imtuenfo q-ianiitiea Of supplies thut miiit have tvin guilioic J there.' More than ltd, it J!ievifi the (iiomjf tfyin llif? nrccs.-ity of ..keeping a Inre ll)if in the u jjti J nn J lea veaM.ftt lltt . at I berry to jpeii?j idtctejc. In a po-Hficbl sense Linoolu irDf reioiic. for t c cuntare of Plvmnuth will mid bundled of thouiandso Lis vote sgainst McC'itl-J TbiLt some Llismc cl;acl."s sonieVhrt" for this dis 'Av, wo th'uk tbe ic.cnn be l;i!e doubt, tbe 'wtlin of ,ho Albcnarlc v t.re mrq nil wn done SSetTS Htccrrul ,i,u.Pl:oa (be Albemarle jthere seems to oweii..'" wi on.?. . , w . FiioTrooi ri AVJSW. . ... '.i.-..if Ai..Oct:2T. ISfil.-OnProMymjciit. ft FROM ?eTeRSBURG.'', V rKTEnsBna, Nov. The enemy, night before loci, urcw in anout one mile or their, cavalry tine on their extreme hl't, below Reams'. Station, nrrl at tbe amo tir threw out thejr picket lines in the rea,r of . n v . . iiicir nnny on una eiuo 01 me river, as 11 10 cover some motemeci. ... ; . All quiet to-day in front' ' ,rj?TRPficiio, Novi, 6tb. Den, Ornoio captoreiTtha Yakce picket iine last plght. A number 0? prisoners were taken.' Tbo Yankee batteries bpeneu and kept up n beSvy Sre all night. AJ1 quiet to-day. ( . THE TENKESSXE KTVBLOQKAJ)E.ik,.FOl!s . " REST-IMPOUTNT CAPTURE,, ko. ' s PABif Tennessee, Oct.O-vU Oorinth .3,1. Major Uo captured at Fort Ilinson, .yeslerday, a trannport which bnd'in tow ouo lare biige. Her- boiler was cut in two on tbe second ftre. The boat drifted down on the opposito tide? nnd wee brought-over by ropes. We got off CO wajjon Jonds of shoes, boots, "blankets nnd bard bcad. Gunboats, came up ud shelled the trnnoport nnd barge, which wet-o dysiroyed, but "the goods 01 tboioSveie OMved. Five ttaneporti ud one gonboat ore above Forrest's balteries. , r' TbQ enemy fe movln-cverythin from Taducah serosa ithe river. They have Ueen moving five Irann poi b per dny up td Johnsonville, heavily laden with supplies. . . ' ' - pAt!'((Tr.s.t Oct. Cist, via CoEisnr, Gd.r-Forrest oas liioadeu tao Tconepseo nvei . AM commumi un, bet neon Padocph sd JobnsonvUle is cut olf, and tfto niM-oau to ashvlIie is or no uhb to the ece my. ' Fo rent's bailcries were engaged nllday before tf The outrages nnd enormities of deserters md recusant conscripts in this State are becoming beyond enduianco. Everir week we hear 'of .some outrage committed bf themi Notwithstanding tbe efibrts f the govern ment both in tbe . exercise of clemency and viiilant nzor, these enormities nre being commit ted.' The pre has beentoo silent tup'ott this enb jojt. Even those, who are horrified nt every instance of departure from the law in act or temper, on the part of those Whose duty rt is to arrest deserters ana their abetfois, nndwho are so ready to cry out when any of our ofiJcersranscehd the bounds of pfodence nnd law, ogainst tbe execjitive ofAtl State, who it is well known eschews eyerytbing )jk.oJahurannityjn'the ex ecution of tho law,' are strangely silent upon these enormities.- ... ... , ' We learn; that within, the pnst two weeis. these de predaUons(on tbe". part pf dcseiters, lave, if pssibfe, become more enormous tbau before'. -.Drsertera in the oujJ ?JBilVi4kiuiwitW4i-Hph'-tw-f rh daughters of Mr. 'Michael, niuiams a Bhort time since under the most gravating clt'cnmstic'est Capt. Davis ,n roost excellent and vigilant Home Guard olli cer was killed ft few daysago Messts. James and lres ter Eller, Mr. McNeU and vthers lave been robbed. In Alleghany County, two mep were killed y tbem in Forsythe another has-been ru'thle. ly' slain in IleniletBon County Ms. Col, Kryson waskiiled aud ler'two daughters shot. These nro on!y a few of tbe enormities committed. Shcfb'd our peoplo submit to this? Should Gov. YWtJCC rel.is in his ifforts to arrest this state of tuingsr bpana "a-few SfaTe' "pilicers ore- Tiof eani'y restrained under tnch ctrcrmctinces from violent and gevejd frentment of suspected pcrsouef We wiltijot uucier any, circumsrances ccunsct disobe dience to the law or inhumanity in its enfoituuient; but but Hoch not tbe outrages which are baing daily corn mi ted in the Stale, often npon -unoffending females, call for the most vicious enforcement of tie law, . k , CONSCRIPT 4 OFFICE. mtnotf, U. C, Oct22d, 1804. CIRCULAR, V . ;, , f No. '68. - ITHE ATTENTION" OF-INSPECTORS CF COS- f ecrip4iuq and Unrolling Officers is hereby called L to General OidorTo. 82 A. & I. G. 0.r current series. 73 1 All men turned over under this order will be forwarded to'Campa, of Insjmction without delay.. H- Any delay in furnishing the required 1'uti wlllt ' ill. Special atlention is directed to rnr. IV., Uen-v j eial 'Order No. 82, A. & L 0. 0., current Berks; VI Ey order J..R. McLfcAR,', . : , . " '' A- , . .'7 Acting Comd't Conscripts for N. C. - ' . ; , ,.. : v . ; e. J.11ARDIN, - . I ... . Adjutant. 7. t'titelMPlaiV: J J ' . -i.. . it .1 i. ,1 1 1 t .1. . :.i .1 l Two tfunboats nod , four transports were captured .u," UP'" ' uesenr nu uo au nmi dehirryed. One of our irnnbonts, nnd two of the Irapfto'-U are being iied by forre.t, and will 6e'of great advnntare in jmnotfaut movtmeuts now on fopt. Ono gunboat M;dlp oa trnwporls are tin tbe river, uou wi;i ue capiurtu. . ' FROM MISfOURk MrjHmE, Nov. 5th. A (-neclil dispafch to the Ad vertiser, via Jenatobia to tho 4th havs Memphis ra- ps of tbe 2d say nothing about Price.. t Tba Chicago imes of thp I'L'ta prononace dispatches- claiming a tuj ex.l'u c e E 0 ; u j a n i co U c au pjwt lec Uont J them? lWis time tbe whole tUati was moused - Every cilien owes it to the S;e, to socitry and to himself, 10 give information and to niu in arresting ibesft lawless men. ' They must be putlown by thel Strong arm of force and iht immediately. Ltery per- sm n.7aint whom there is evidence tbnt tbey a e hr- bonug or aboiling tbem, fhou'd le arrested nnd pun ished ti.ihe extent of tbe law. Let the militia and heme guards who are at home, nnd all good citizens resolve fo put theni down or, drive Ifeem - frqni the' K-Tf fya.J J!S beiihen.udoab . ej is dc by the falling of a church at St. Petersbnrg, in tbe shade by tbe Missouri telegrams. Nobbing im- p . J - , - . . . . . v . t . r . a. n a . n cir m l.iciiuosir, va., wci. aoo4. j Gesmai. Oddbps. 1 ", , . No. 82,-.. . .'''. ' T THE CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF ORD- 1. nanee' will withont delay, take measures to place - I in the field -one-fifth of all the men employed in his department, (including contractors and their emplcy- "l '"j ees,) of tha classes ip cified in General Orders No." 77 t'- A . and I. G. OEice, fcurrent fceries.V To this end he . ill d!rect-' the sevepil oflicerj in charge of arsenals, i '' workshops, depots, &o., to fuitt over to the nearest etf- . -!! ..ii' 1 '. 1. ' A .1 roiimg ouicer, oy list, snowing fiieinges occupation ; . and residence, sucli proportion of their employees (in eluding contractors and employees under them,) of V: tho clai ulovto referrel to; as will constitute in tile f ' njrxregaie 6nefiflh of the whole number in the' said .C; to j-cturus iq ins ouice epi. ou, A f fit v 1 1 4j portant ft om ther points. Guerilla operations con tinue active on tbe Mississippi. Richmond, Nov. 5. New York papers of the 1st. ond tbe Uaihniote imertenn evening edi'ion, received. (.olu m New 1 ork on toe 1st, i.'u3 -ia Ealtioiore to2S9. . ' A Loni(vIlc telegram of theSlet contradicts tberu-! mor of tua vacuation of Atlanta. , It s.iys. too place i no! even n ,u,e t.'?fitest 4iaitj:er. There is hide doubt of the fi'.ct that Hood's army' wis a dr7 or two tince nar ti e Tennessee river,' but tiierrnet njadcrs hesitated to atfttnpl a crosbiDg. P. chho.vo, Nov. 4lh. The Bubituore American ef (he d Uis a te'egram Iron Lovisville. of. the 1st, w-k:fb menl'wnwtt rtitnor hnt 4lod,- wi!h oO,0')'ri1'i cvoMie J the Trnnes 0 river going noithward, on tLe t in"t. I'at ticuurauuknown and UTttaoablo ut at - r.ivsent. A tc'cgrnm from NaSuTille, of tbe 1st, fays since ns repuifO at Dacntur, Jlood has moved fuwber wst, along ihj somh siJe of tbe Tennessee, lie is believ ed to have cro-'scd sonio infantry near liaicbiidge, but im pat of hi force bns been mov J futtber north. liy pm iohc is diflicu't to astertnii. r orrest with ft' cavn'ry. force, ia reported threatening Russia. , ,. -. a . BTbelVest Florida News says: The njegocs en gaged in tbe late raid on this place, (Maviauua,) are said to nave been brought froin Nassau, LostlSD Reward. ', A DOUBLE, BLANKET ONE SIDE BLUE TnE other purple between Wndfsboro' and J. P. Smith's pTantatTon, nea!T. J. Lockbart'st The above reward wMr be paid to any one delivering it to tb snb!criberOB8mUU-irj.IA..CR.vwroBp,.at Walcsboro.' , . VM. LITTLE. Nov, 8 CO--COC. UtGc',-,als Beauiegan Hood, rhentl-nm, Lee, Cle- lurne, Wnltlftt'l ,nn C'lytoo made. jqircclic Hio UDiv then encmped nt Galr-dm. 'l v all r,nk y BtnKxl that'ther were g( 'g fa Mnldte i ffineb;. a 0 oVock llie following m roing levellle wn bent, ani This noble anay'of GonevTTooTpS Ti 15 ; .! n I'irt fV.'iC R'l'J ' ueu'l ligui ami IV : unof- n I'm iT,'iC R'l'J v' i.vi .m.il.inleiifville. n-the tivcr. It is enfely over yrstBr.lay, nn 1 Is now on the march on tho tt,.r ;. I,'.icht le..l the column and Cleburne covers the rer, vlh V.'heder left tiGadbden to pro " 'iecTHhe conmi .luloaliou?. - - - Z ' --There is on uncoi;.iUflUblt fp't'it ft evading IhrottgU every man iu'lhe wuiy,' and. it will glndlep the heart of every Soutbton to kn th.U wo h:m mo. e men than at any li'uo bir.ot C, noral Bragg commenced Lis Kentnoky ejmp.'tign. There is no otiflggling, Ut cv ieryTegtiuent m.d'cteiy mr.n pi r.es forward.- Lven Hnrvfvy wrqVw-tnid i)w-w-iMrTtt-4T-bt-w-4e44r-r-ovidi-tion than ever, and wo cinuot htlp thinking tl.at the.y p'.tke of tltegene.al feeling. . - ' AWiTlElUiECci25SriN' FLORIDA. ' 1 The foilowiug" dis;.:dvh, br.s -.been uerived tit Do-. ; nnrtment It.ilmrtci, Cbayloston. ."r- . , ToGen. llnre: Capt. Pcucrcoa yc,terdy stack ed a cavulry force of fortr mif,"fivo miles from -Magnolia', killing nnd wounding bnif'of their f,.?cn, nnl ' rfjaptming twenty-three tr.gn, including nine wouaded, yiewiitqs horses, equipments. 0.0 oho(iinvTlTe, where tulre are large quantities of gov ernment stoies. . Two New Yo -k State agents, convicted, before the mil'taiy comiO'ssion ofelccnon frauds, have been sen- need to impusonment for life. The Nasbvilto Union of the 29th. snvs Sherman ltd not moved beyond Jrayetteville at last accounts. Jtold opx-ned on the 2d at 215; at noon 235. Rtcmrojfo, Nov. 5.-The Baltimore American, of th-Hrwn-5f the-Cdr-rays-tbe TaHnbasrwj cap- -ta-e-f awt rcnnted fiTrTerrclofl"IJlijek island; Nothiug from Hood and Sherman. . " '. A r aiirof rebels from Canada attempted to sur prise the water b:i levies st Castiuot Maine, but were drove oft l v uie pawisoti. Sewnrd has infiirmcd the mayor of BuKilo that in foriualion ha been received at the Slate DeparhnenC X Im t tho Hebe s fn tJanada havo a conspiracv ,011 foot to pet fi'-e to tho principal cities on tho border til doy of-the1reident;lTlert?mT? : - Gold in" Baltimore wns 2!ld. New York quotations ore .not repotted. A bad AccjoeSt. A young boy by the name of ti,, nri4. ft son rf Jus." Clanti. who "was about 1 thirteen years eld, was killed instantly on tbe !-3th call for 'them -AN30N COUNTY. , ' , '; Is Eqcirr. ' " : Allen Ledbctter and Others, r. Edmund Coley and wife, an Others. V . ;j Pt'ilionbf Sole of Lend. :, . A 'TT APPEARING BY THE AFFIDAVIT ()F DREW- I Rl ALLLN that Ltluiuua Coiev and wife Kattm- iiuc, two of the defendanls in this case, reside beyond the limits of .this State, pubJicaHon is therefore or- eted to be made in'the North Catol'na- Argas for six wce,ks, notifying said defendantii to appear at the next term of this Cou' t, to be held at the Couit-House in Wadesbovo , .on the, 2d Alonday in March next,. and J plead, answer or demur to this petition, or jnunient pro eoncMo will-be taken, and the same heard ex parte. as to wem. . Witnes: J. K. Haegbave,. Clerk ani Masier of said Court, at bftco in Wadesbo-o!, October 28th, 1864; .. 7 J.-RrUARGRAVE, C. & MrE.r -OctiiSStliTlSCt-W-: ; : CARD NOTICE. THERE IS NOW BEADY TO DE ISSUED FROM ' -this Department to the different counties in, the State, a lot of COTTONAND WOOL CARDS. .This lot of Cards will be sent td the AgontSj with .bucks ready for tacking tbe Cards on, and bo said at$22 oO per pair 10 iuo cri.cus gcneraiij; in go mfjiauce is. tuof e" Thau one paiFWbelsolirrons "ftmW,. These Cards are not intended for the families of soldier. The De partment is having a large lot backed ready for use, 1 which will be sout out aud sold to tltf families' of sol. diers as fatt as they cm, bo made-, at 'a much less price. Agents are rcques;o l, fo make arrangements iust. He was assisting m making syrop, and, while 1 the milt waa in action and he was standing near the frame of tbe mill, the, sweep, which came near the top rtiMlio frame., oaup.lt bU head and crushed it. - He was 1 (fsmuitnnd .promising lad and much belov-ed by al) ho know. him. Grtmw'fo' Frtriol. Oct. 20, 186 1-803-5. II. A. DWVD, A. Q. M. J A ttic ma. Lec roT.-A .cnri'g p.QndenlfiLlb.a.JdimLi. tromerv Appeal statrt that a fot-cign legion, consisting tf. . - '. . . ' ...1.. iv i.r.,. .,..:.. of nearly two 1 egimeuts, maiui v inan va"""'Mi infn f.nriorv ce bv a Catbelie.pnest, has noen.ioi me rr .lliehntofid. an4"i-n.'WvW voadyJoxJh.e.0cljl pi-e;- dont Davim is said not to favor their separate organi zation, but wants to intersperse them nmong our btei- eton regjineuts. Ftnst FonwcN Battawon. Lt. Col. J. Tucker, has bcert licie-two or th'ec days engaged in recruiting for the" coips to be bo kn-'wu ,ky tho abovo name. HO OOiaineil Oil IW UIH ill ium jimi, u.uuiunjj and rmved tbom the sain5 day, to-.-tbo.rendev,-YOtis.ftt p)Iumbia.;S; C. ' He wieutrnin a fewdavs and cxTiects"to iibJaTn sevlJrrirlumdre'I ntTJiliou'aTsc- moit. Sal.' Wcchwen. . ' ' . '.. ,' 3V00I and Colloa "Cardiag Factory. fAM NOW GARDINa COTTON .ONLY AT MY Factory at Coleman's Mills', on tire Pee Dee Riv er, threo miles above tho -Grawy Isiands. I have ad- th nTPch5n"ly th rerpTlig-tittr'TSiu'eT'Jti fT7?rtesnra 9 ndvnncad thirty.1 I will card five pounds of Cotton or enough to teako-a' bunch,. for $1.0C3Tor SCVceutsper pouud. W. M. PICKETT. -Oct JEHfQI&vij. ,v.-. .''-?--i,vv-s!.v.-. A S lI X Si 3 G, .1 1: X 1 "N GOOD RUNNING ORDER 'AN D NEARLY NEW", lor sale. Inquire at this ilrncK. . , Oct. 24, 18G4-qtW-5 . Classes 1&5.4. Duplicates of such list will be sent Jo the Gen enja of Reserves of the States, afid triplicates to the cirief of ordoancp.- Three days arc allowed for the cxeculion'of jhis ordor.after its reception at any pest .or station of the Ordanc'e Department. ' ' . ' - II. The Chief of the Nitre and Mining-Bereau, will .turn over in like manner, on similar, list, one fifth -of nil men of the classes apecibod in General Orders No. 7," employed ia iron, ' lead,, capper 'and coal mining J.I and in all tcrvice appertaining. thereto, whether on- ; uer oacsrs ot his bereau or by contractors. JJupti cute andjriplieatelisls tobefurnisbedSis above direct fj (fii ia the Ot dance Rui eau. And will in like mainer ' .. turn over one-fifth ofall such men as are employed in ' i heiij U 0 j crviceTho . period of- three dayr ander ' the fame conditions as above mentioned; are allowed - ffor the execution of this order. . III- The list of persons directed in the foregoing see ' tioos to be turned over to the enrolling officers, will be ' prepared at onfc on the reception of this order, and- -wiOoJ'ftuiijhedAOJthejoidfifficfirsjithia three days , 1... .1.. . -1 ... -a:. 2... ..w r " HSTibove prescribed, by tbe various officers of each of the tfliove bureaux having men under thear charge; 4 and every assistance wiU be rendered by the latter to ; the enrolling ojficcrs, to cai ry' out ,the intention of .' this ordr. : w ' . -' K. . 'IV. So much of General Orders No. 77, as j-elated to men employed in the two'bu'rfeaux named above, ' is hcebv suspended, and thr fore2oin2 order will stand in lieu of.all requirements under the former. . 'VU By OrderT- ?p S. COOPER, r-r- S04 5 " . A. and I; Gen. V V CONSCRIPT OFFICE, V ','.' ' Raleigh, N.3., pct:,'15,'186i V, ClRCCtAB, No. 53. ' ' ' l', I .JTUE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. OF' ENROL- j litp Officers is called to General Orders, No. 3 77, Adjutunt and Inspector General's Onacc, curreat ' gciiesf which supercedes General Orders, No. 76. It f is directed by the Department thtt tbe phrase "Arti-jf .1 sans, Mechanics and persons of ecientifio skill' ia r paragraph 1, fcyill be construed to embrace only suchiV as ate employed on Government work. ' Railroads 1 are not considered as Government institutions. l' 1I. Tit Is further directed that parties in the employ J of manufacturing establishments engaged' in filling ; i contracfs,with the Confederate and S!ate Governments, shall notbe molested. , . " -' ''.-. II 111. It is unnecessary to repeat to Enrolling, Officers ; the earnest injunction to carry out tbe provisions of this order with the untiring energy which, its imflor tance demands. , .. By order of Maj. McLean, acting Commandant. : ---t-- -- -E j. HARDINrAdjotant 31 it u Take Notice, tlT&l i CiyiT rUfadlcr General. On the nicjht of .r.0tb.uU.r Mahpne's command . . ... - I. .r.l... tt... ...',.1)l,iWkil'HnJ penetrated, llic enemy juckui muv v . ft uuu swept it'forlmlf a mile, cnpluring two , hundred and thirty officers and men without toe loss of a man. Er;.The editor of the, Chariot teville. Chronicle' Vaysbe has inquired.particularly into tbe. .charge of inte'nipci -uico nga.inst Gcu; Early, ivnl he is. etrtircly Katlnjieil it is untrao, nyd Lc emphatically demes it. , ." ". ' FOR WARN ALL PERSON'S FROM TRADING authority from me. Oct. S'K'1864-C03-0 aLixOmVANTwl-5IJUl,I?2Sg fayPilMj&r light jntyajaidllUrai. J. A. STL'RDIVANT. THE REGUL.P COMMUNICATIONS OF jaL Vinning LodL'c W Ul, F. & A. M., will here after be beld at S o'ebek, P. M. : ' a . u.' AieiiAULiJiLiiN.-weii ' Jnpo 13, A. I,; ;SC-i. . ' 274-tr 15ACS!-WANTEJ:-AT ties.- Itighcst rrico paid.' ' THIS OF- ADJUTANT AND ISSP. GEN'S. OFFICE, 1 . lllCHMQNP, UCt. 0, lb04. J : THE FOLLOWING wiif-supersede General Orderai-- I. All details, heretofore cranted. nnder anthoritr,1 J A . o 11 : of -the VVar Depar.raent, to persons between the ages , 5flS"asa l-TyB5jw'are16f efiTTvdledTSnd'air such ? J Aletailod ben . together' with those within the said ages, "' ) who hold lurlonghs or temporary exemptions by lea- ! 1 son of pending applicat ias for detail, will be prompN iy assembled at tbe Camps of Instruction and apprbpri- " ; a tcly assigned among the .armies for service, except i that. men detailed and now actually employed as arti-f j zans, mechanics, of persons . of scientific skill, and", eollecMou Rnd forwarding of indispensable supplies for 1 Iho army and navy, will be continued in. their present? -employments until- their respective details 'be revised.' j J ' II. The Heads of Departments and Chiefs of Bureaux- will immediately for waixl to the Genet als of Reserves . in the several States, fists, of ali'detailed men in: their4 ejtnTihjynTTnttrtlirtitTStesTc T of a p'eiscn between 18 and 45 yeiits," those who are! exjjei ts and absolutely indisnjensa'ble for the publio i J service, specifying the employment of each individual; i aud al.Uletniled emplfij$ilaLj:fte.twe 4 j of 18 and 45 years, not so' certified, will be forthwith J np'fiooed to the army. A duplicate of the above lists; s will, at tho same time be furnished to the Adjutant",, s and Inspector General for the action of the Secretary. ' nfVTw " "' . I III. AH person called out by these orders who claim I ,' exemption o.n account of physical disability, will bef ) examineTlby select Medical "Boards at the Camps, of!.! Instruction. .. ' j ' uu;.ssigned, vill at ohoo, report to the Camps of 'In-, signed to tbe active forces. . . , ' . i By order: S.. COOPER, ' I1 Adjutant and Inspector General. 1 October 17, J 861-303-5 . ' ' - - " ' Jt-i: - .-.-t- u ' ' : . - r Confederate 'Primer nml Speller, j XT 1T110UT COVERS, FOR SALE AT THIS OF-f rl fioe. ' Sincle copies. SJ. 00 , Six copies for' $5.00; Fifteen c.ies $10.00. Apply soonf Sept. 20, 185J-tr ' " . . 7