mi 4 - ' ,' - !i '1 if j ' i . I ft! : 3 j 4. : v. ill. ft- : r J s lb .if- I ft C T - . l;t if Kill. f,i: rit' 1 f i tf ' t ; t - tf J'i MF:" : V .TiNCE. Carl 11 11 a. : ' MESSAGE; HIS EXCELLANGY Z. TOTUt General Assembly f Acrlh The solution ryferriag Id, tne of the armjais w j'rtby of your special and earnest aiteff- ttuu. .lie Supremo Coart baflog ia the case, of 3iiu oo r. Malleti afiinnoJ the opinion advitaced by tne in myia-n message, that tb exemption of oiling S feitl genu or ue sute u Oar.vtU rroili timber g rbuuda than the act of Congress, thus placing it hi favorably as tbj friends of Sute sovereignty desire, It bes-owes us ttejt amine oerefallv to see if there he nut uiaoy bo coul I. l wn W frt4 t-tW nrn tat1 b rww : ' . V7 l Koqw tnat the gfowiug tUHposilioU of tuu pub Ho 40 dotbis bus received a sever chei.1; ia tbeYevo cation of Metils hy biol( the .War' Department has t,-ippeJ the' country bar of iU iaott valuable and it) , dispensable tnephinics and artixans.- Still theeaie quite a number of our officers w!iose official se rvices are not iodispensable, an J wh are neither firmtis nor BKcuanioi. With the rstsution cf a-tTl do not ; tt tbe brJ of f$eoi oumpartire luloaert, others bAT tbv haat ni turtliea t the bu! I 'jot no tkiok . proprr lo tura tb u orcr t foastnp tioa, then I thiuk d.BSrtfiioo hou! J to Tested ia ti Exeoutivt whra )&s njmcr thin tL wlif! of tu inilitior ba:o gUr.l is oulle-1 fyr to di.HTiiiiiute jiaat tbo. vb jm.Dpiar Jluir j.aria.alL-iiici. Aoi If ia th ro-orDitatin of tUe uiiliti t the povr?r "w$ nested ia tbe Uonrnur to uppoir oificvri.cnlj itrniers or usea! uiscbiujic?, tiiuob gooj might bt ac- '. complishei u4 uuoh diat!sfaetioD runixTe J fi cut rin an J peopJi;: 'Mj obrTfction bits leci tj ,t it is B4 muci tbe m abw as tbe cbartcttr of lite tx- eapted pcroa, luanj of wboa m oY ppeculatus, which ctusf tbe Ji4tisfctiou. A poliejr cull pon us to femofe il, if; not bj tbe mcao I fcufgest, tbeu in some olLerNraj. ' . Bjb recent agreement entereJ into between oar fovernneiU anJ tuat of the enetaj, it is provideJ tbt etch may bate the pritilvge of aappljius.iti s-oldiers heW as priaoders of Var by tbe other m'tik cur Stt of' various nw school look.-r. end .to tie authors' and tj t'je f ublio tU U ku them. ' Our gnvu ryatcm t Common ScIuh. allf our un'y true uud eoiid foundatioa (or uoatioy, and ceia.iudi your ouiistuut wn3 fostJ Tiie fx-cution of tbe Sawj become more (iifTicu.t, owing m4 so much to the iucitai iji my (4 Iniou, ne t the wuftt of boldnvis insist; i.tj. Many roniprJnts continue t iroui an i".ru 01 jue Mimo cf ueprea,imr. rriu of ifrap:!r.K jjuiainrn, illegal iaiprv prvpeviy nyU'idJratfl agifnH,' srni njry ed Tiol;tious of civil rijihU brraiktarr co Wt'of tbe hulfewt appcul to me for redrt -smi oftrn unabie to nlT-.td them. They forg inw ftia txirw, anJ that it u thcrMfbta i'P J t'i'"bco:crJiiu4b:-buisocvrr utf tbe dnriept wy, Ij." y'Jl?n -in f om.ni private tuiiJur p.tte, way be itua'tuuuld bU'Mlik LlllMlhif ibiij td :iS caie . C1I1JIC be .iv 1 encu me .r.d out Ui'liU o cbinud wbiob tb.-tt the iluty t ted, in JlS'UtlS of tbQ ininliiry fur, to cu y tue i.vr itarpci! for uny cCuce.aHint the ricbti or lib' cii.ieit, and if ri'tic-tauee is n ude, tbo wl force of tbe Su:e would le Lronjlit to forco fuhraisyn.. U'i wrooi rexu iie l would te wortS twu'r reduced by t'xec to the Hojierior officer of the offcodor. In tins coubt'ctlvn I cuil your attention t dcieney of the ry; of.our Juic's. Th SiivTuri trttriftfi' wtitn-t cmhalrculrwUii tioa oiA'.e amoimt, at least. I regird th ur tpja.V'P'tt wores tban any other pubyci aiin cjroeotiy tuvito juu to iLe remedy. ! lhe war fti 1 dnr it klow Icnstb uloni Las befti niaiciiiiliy ifiuforcvd. and !l lil ttly texture of .rctef!ui-2 ud liicbioooi X pteJv" i)hr pe pie ti'.ul atuih-s with won.U ticity of r.iHt have rccovticd from iht -ttC ifcU-rsn iu u e f j!evof'ircin:- and in tbe M The enmpaiu tf Iri3lt!i' tloodiet by far vitay yot the expt'tiNe.i ltuati-m ei vauta, irii. Le b of tlio 1 . ef, our tbae. jecess i'v artic!ee, Judge CH1J, car OvtamU-ioner of Eicbii',;.', iaiornu me, tunt tb same privilege will be. exteu 1 t to me e tales, f J lhertore ak joui conurt to ejjeul, Eooa.a it t necessary, a porMoaof our fundi ;roa J, not exceeding jjOuU iterlioi, f jr the benrflt of Nr-J aroiiiiA bolder held in Xortbera prisons i.tacer f and mtm. I nndrretafld the Uuited Sfites wiH parole . any officer deaignated for thi4 purpf, which wou!J gaaranteeaai-ay an J proper ui p iGon qf the fands laereporioi liie toutgeon UtueraL wlncu 1 seut in, h worthy of ygar consideration.. I. daubt if ny department of "the iftato.. Government h is djiie 'uioe good to oar Bolsters with co ! au expea iture vt none. Jiwy effort will be mde t tPcraa iu u-e-fulneae'ani eaiealiti aid wherevera suf.-r.u.j soldier -ao be foaad. t I desire also to call your attention to the ul'j.' .1 f the supply cfsaJt. -The muutbiy rcoit"..f Mr. jj (T Vortb , fipe rint endi-nt of tha htiU wura nHSUnUu jtoa,re herewith 'eubaiKed From these it wifl 'o etta that owia to tafl auwarrantod (as I coawive) ioterferefice of the General eotnnn.-i,llug that depart aeat, tkf rodwotroa ef -iJt frontrtbut sovrce hi greatly fallen off and coDsi'lirYle"l(ss h is oeeo in curred lit labor aad material. 'Alter apffeulirg iu vain to Gen. Eanrcgard a3i the SecrrUry of Wr, au J be- iog ayprfbensive fiualiy of tiivir d itructioa ia casef n attack upon Wilmington, I bavo at Uagth "ordure i 'the removal ot the proper'iy to the railn, iniy in 'Wntion was to re erect them at some other pait, if such conlJ be found where silt is not hali in ejch esteem and its manufacture would tot be deemed iu Jjgrioas to the cease of the Confederacy. Tbe corres pondence with Confederate official ca this subject b also submitted, and I shall await yoar alvie m lo th'e -oper place for patting them ia operation &guia, ' which I think indispensable to be done. I have received no written report for many months from Mf. Wood5n,oorCommiaioner at Siltville. Va., buiunderstaad tbeyare racking a-bouAjjiLbaiheLti" per flay. Toe principardifficuwy at that point u in uiii 11:1 i. it? iu:iiiiiri!4, mcs imr 10 Close wiuolil u pa.rnc;e ot vult tge lo cur euerai, if not witLho&ititc aivante to our urutct. . . . , . yajjy nis jetsuitea ana vrrta suilicie rutre ni tody will, Uuiibg (lie Couiiug seaua. But lit eni cf tUis War an 1 the return of peace eevias el ill id from human Vision." Wbeu it ebia.ll come, how it ioall be nied, and i;li what lody itbaU come, a qjt ti-uis it ia, nut ia my power to answr. Th .wuuitf. ig.prvt-ectwe tliouot we saw iu iherpriu, nJvar ly sumuiec ff J to bava vttuisLe l. , , If u uatur of tin i vongratul.ttitiu, . owever, tb il the'yooJ emee-ahd ener Titlem if - tu peepla ljuve le-cueJ our i'ic iipui the ruiut f aiemputi to seek for it by ? parate action. Their unjeniit U-J un.iiiiiui'y Mt tta pli tins put to ntt all vtif t.pfire litUMoiis ou th( :t:, uuJ Mti-Cei our entities and uur ia.vu.2s i.i ii y.uiiu i aruiiu wjw snare iu we t- t!8 1 f i er CoiUetieruits. A ntUli r ut W-1 'Ivi tViti't Uilml Hi,,t aa 1 peopLua latity anew lhe pligbted bono 11 1 ...... -in oiuM-suty j iMie uapjx DS lo t.'ielot oitiiaUu .uJvr.rg lueti aad V.iu 11 nna tbi.Jitu at bic., 1 wea.iea mu o.Oiti-siaue i ?uti;ers ba tbvir knevs iu Un trR.-Kea at relurecur. iib wiiUie' t'.it erwb Irth MM mm, . TKANK. DA U LEV, Ej)ITOH A'ND V AND i'UltLIBUER. TnUUSDAY::::::::::::DK0KMIJEiri5,'iSCi. 1 .FROM CO.Bi31sTN. C. T. , Oa tut Links una Hichhoud, Va 1 ' ' December, '' . VcArAriiutt We, as soldiers, are suffe'rlnir rnn.H erably on uccount of, abort rations, tad clothes- an no pay: but ftlLtheso we ofl!dbear witbruurh L,,i hude U we could act an occasional letter rnBei loved ones Ht iiouie. This Is a bleaslos? we b.. 1..... ulwoit deprived of for be past moi.th, especlajh those uf our eoihpnny who get their inaiLfroin, Lie ville. ' Others wle letters ara mailed at.ltAk. Tee Dee get theiif by eery wail; but ia vain tbe Lile. - , y ww vwi r tucm , Xiow XT SuUcriittn 5.00 a year, In atltaaro..1 , tela utontha f S.OO, - tioo, and $1 1 5 for ench subsequent tnsvtiob. er five hnert per fOM.o don't undersUiid me to be cotaptalnbig f the p. if . bt Lilcsville, for I Jou't know wbo he is In faot we . ' hardly know lerff nww that then Is such pUec. irs we kuow that tbvro onco was', and that It wae Inhab! tkbituativsovet -Ttu pie make a square. ild-i4jeJMMMira4iMMb ewf 'tTr"rNedr""S Id the 1. 51. there Im wb he nay we don't believe fhere is anything wrong alnt Wtu; bnt we do believa il . . ! ' .a.. a a. . 1 W tfmgtv ..ltviticiocnts U oine oue between berettad theij tha'tfefend Jot:utoJ .our eomiunnication cntirejy. As fr me t have no father or toother, wife or sweetheart tLr to write to me, but I have friends, and believe tkey write to n.e if they Jo or do not it'a all the sasie t me. . 1 also bear town who, have witee there evme aianei Laviug at htt ..Ires CCT H'J the roilithry j ut Jng wlves-rsy Uey sre- dtw mie three and uutUriUee, in ejection vth the A, Tt r , " r " cuiiui OI.CB wa-, abd Is again about to be oepenfed'fr the bene fit of the "Tarheels," bit we did tut think the nn!.r - J wuiu teiieve y0 will do any. aoiorcr, anj we Know He was not muh known as asking editorially, yet f.nd 0ut tba reaM.il no taail eoiaa td wa t-m '.k.. editorial duty. oT.ev devolved uoon hini until early in. J office you will cteat'y ob'ije' . of ie.s than tin lines couated a qure.J " " V TO TUB r.l'ULlC , .The' resignation cf the comiuittsion cf the under- and Vtiih tofue tiepiJaliou aunouuecs that be takes full chariro of its mhlorhl and pntlisbuig maoaicweot To many of you ho is knn as one ofiu publUhers uPDd the wa'.l alao. We .kel it . l. 1 l: ..:-!- . . i A Tasuisst. or TIU StA!TT StCT. We give "TuaheolV' letter an liMtvvS?, with the hope that it wilt a'rast the alremiua of sometne in hoe power it js toVomovt the difficulty of which he couipjaius. -Mr. S.tELires, the regular appointed po.t!rtarat Lji,,,itie j4 with tha.iteuior Ildar.. with. He lopi s, however, w.ith the klstance of a j JjlrS i1'Ce in tba lield, with the (tospect of 81 , wlten he entered the service jsj voluoteer, in' tLe C' st rompstiy that loft te coan:y. , . In uuRiuig the full clitpe of tlij pnper tho wauVr. bigusd luuo the. uyjtibiitli:lc he U'.; tpou ll-a; se.f out the (ii.ticuiiics be wt.l uuve to couti-uJ totrous public t ) overcome lC6e uimc ties tn a measure: and ia addition 4. your moral suppott l sks that you wiil use your influence to extend th: circulation of the Jyfcand to send to it those other means of eaptott.to 4 newspaper, advertUiot and HorI. Give' hiialteeT.1rraiTy, udloali3Tri ve what so uiioy of yea desire &t this point a r-r. . ' -. To mrmy, tlie Argua, owlrg to the very bad mail ar memo at nuJ facilities in' this ecciion cannot be a 'ir pff, while to a few. perhapa, il is. ' Hy uaii'let 0-1 ind i.i'lustry we nope, howevtr, to make it ui,; ii.iojgo tueir r.kins they c,a.s; tui-i'e WA'ts.vU. rani uiucr iu iiie jij.ile l4-k iif uj-.ioiii,'ig Lt ,ov it t a(ir atut! ana tue iaie.HU i-ai; or , t.uir cuimiiy; rrtcri e e rinraa-itit ,n nrt xns-'h fx ti i a .?!. i.tiij .i our ultiaiate tiiuoipli,4 owe t:i.t f thi aio.N la .uig :kiUiu geueral.y great nd g.dUutanii'a., auipa vl n if wr mr iau o. ir m i'i-ii ).ire an j uii.-eu-iiii rtr;otis b wuuh g.ows ia Vie tiosoiu of our pecpie. Iu Ki;e of iil .wo tte of tLe w.tys, oi hu;o.ni nature, fae gret- J of ga.u, etjrliua sal rapaciry, s fijUa-ss, gna iiii tee potrrju'iiSieacet iu. ugonie of "ur cv jotry.auJ-.i: toe m)nj tie b.k tieaaud i.it trav.tu prophttiea 4 4ho uupatituiij, I Lave ;e, iu tny two years v( Cioseinteroouree w.ta the neopie of wy uiit.ve tatevverfuuada pi re aad uu Jyiu tlnineof tint 2trig'ut ao . pjri-iui io?e of couatrXr -.!; cau taake the potr t widjw or the buuiblest boy a kinsaiaii ofhe Angela. And I -have saidv it caouojt be that Go J aiii r-jccl al! this sacrifice antcouet as naught ail thi. patifiit uui Toog sufiering because of the wickedness of bjioct that tiie iittie nils of tKitriulii loVe tiictliu f.oiii th'c ruouLtaiu gorge, flowiugviward through the p am and. receiving its tributaries of Uooliu ere'ry vaitey, mujl jet rrncii tbe sea, iu ttreutli ani-fol-UJui uiiguly tfloUgh to beaf in triumph theWk of getting it awsr, the transportation being entlrely uu- wra irtcaoo wuicn we are srrug-ung - to jauocii . . . .' . . r . 1 unn:i ltw l.nn .in 1.1 rti .nhini.lniul...n ,...-..,- tcr tne control of the r-infeJerate yaeprnmcTii , -i-- - , ....am-. hr Sute TinnaiaTBa ing to hire or buy engines te put on the Virginia roads' to transport ear salt, and hope to succeod. Without this, the chance for gettiug awar any is bad, ex ctpt in wagone. Through Mr. WooJfin I have alo male aa excellent contract with Stewart, Duchanan lO., Tor tne purchase of ol.OO') bushels nt ix dol lars per bushel, deliverable at tbe works 1 A conriJ- erable aoanuty of tnia has already been delivered and aid tnmtjfrlaijTillTBean.s Aa appropriation is Called for to beet this. amount, which caj be refundet to.he Treasurer when the salt is sold. r A small appropriation is also required to p!iy ' tb atuonnt of taxes levied, womewhat to my surprise, ' ty the State of Virginia upon oar property at the vjprks, likewise a. somewhat larger .one for the erec- tion of tkose at Wilmington. The papers submitted will enable yoar committee to estimate the amounts required. JfotwithsUading all the difficulties.thrown ia' our way, I think I could safely assure you of a sup ply of salt provided transportation can be had. ' -;: The so,bject of oar Common Schools is one which I ' beg you will not forget amid "the grt conoertw yf the -war:-ine eaorts malting by tbe friends of edueitou sawrrntt rtfaTTzaJile Suef iok:n lnt a' their head, to prevent tbe public from losing-i,igbt Yf this great intcrestr'is worthy of oar adaii&tion. I giTj i mav wuujtiiui ana vicior: jus arjjy every jos .ioie physical and moral support; let us while waaHi- ii;g aiiXieusly every 'visible, aud rejonable iijje.ws peace, eocnetv every piaublrf by pa til whose mile darks' point to ruin aud Ufsbonor; iet us accept tho ei.upTf ta.tii it tao patriot ia the justice of our caus.1 which lea leiii to salvation, auu avoid th! ltur.itl sxt'titcr-mie'Ttoffbtir-wbieh taketb hrild oir bell, govei-nment aoa butnan freedom could uefiie. wi, na tion purj.fi ed by sorrow, strengthened by suffering 'apd whilom f oiu the bloody lesions of civi war, thAi yet, 1 humbly tiejht in God, establish and perpetuate for their more fortunate chilUj-en, a gjverntaeat rich iu all the tiaitions of liberty and ci vkuarito. ""' , " '. ZEUULUN D. VANCE: . aia rj;eciaiiy toe ysiemi pra leu echooU advocated by the Superintendent, for whicn uieixioritls will be f resented by the Literary Board, and the Edu cational Association of. North Carolina," I also iggst ' that regular teachers be exempted frani State mihtiiry 'iu,ty whilst employed ia teachiog(. Though fully aware of the importance of their vocation, I haee cot felt at liberty to excuse them, under existingjaws. The coal men schools ehoa'id surely be kept goiog a every eo-t, and if sufficient iodaements cannot be offered to dU- fc.i-a - j . .lyL:.nytaeaiega3jeji tnem, tne necessary tnIes should be exemDted Sure- ly, thoogh, if convinced of the great necessity, our pa- ' ttriotia country-women woalit assist, in the absence of these Jamie lasiructers, in preparing the minis of tbe rifjing generation W appreciate the Government which , this one isiUeeding.to establish'.- When we see so little doing to educate the youth soon te succeed us, -and, bo bold abroad the vicious and demoralizing infltjerjees rery where biightiDf' the lanlt it is enough to fill one - wha T5hatfdertqfor fljetajuferTrnly tbe inentaTTufT row are gaping for the seed, and if the good'be not put in', tie crop of evil will be. "pontaneou and fe ir- f il. It is witipriJo that I observe the paUicaticrfin K2i-The New Tfi-k "Herald," of theflOth ult.,hrj a most. ch:iracteriiic Heraldic leader oi "North Car olina for Peace, "anO lhe resolut:ons offered aud voted for y thmcre notorious oflhe Norih Carolinamcm btrs. J. T., Leach. The ariicie is unusually irnpuletit aoJ swa-raeiinz. even for tbi "Heiald '' InA i,nnU urn-iicu in , kiiii me, in am unci iMwnuiv.gu trj. rtry few eubmissiou'iBts in and of the South! ,f whom North Carolina, withstanding what has ben saiJi baa hot 'Tftti a -oicen't minor tty'ucsHy sniiJ efforts. aolT ap-ils of the Milerald," aud kiodred jouroals. shoald be read arfj lamtnetl ocoHni 011 ally "by our statesmen, ar.d geiitrids, an j leaders, but,theylfibou!d not be.ie prnted as fully nd prompily as orae Confederate j umals generally reprint from Yanked paper. , -', , r f Charleston t'oaritr. TIIE FLQKIDA AFFAIR. The Yankee tricks with regard to lb! Tlorlda affair are Dot 11 -:-.. to avail anything. Ioformation has erertedron 4n bied-authorit w tbat-firatif . k . . .- . lias notmed tne lniteu states that the will make the seizure a ecuiu htlti nnless the. -crew and vessel are restored and ample apoWy made for the oatraceJ In . mis ii is iurtoeruwiemoou mat sue will oe supported by England ani Prance. Exchonyt. . . " ' FJJOM EASTleRNJlOtiNA. We lern7tlint the enemy .'some -three lwidreI etritrg, land ed from JhM r jprv hoa Is 'in Chowa nij ve r, on Sunday Tant, and proceffil! to."!urfreesboro''f j"n Ilertford county, here they destroyed all oi oar com rui.mry stores, aud carried off a nainber of horses and mole. Kal. Cutuftvatirt. rtmainwig an me winter, and pel bans lner. If ba cauaot b lele id jo Cwmi hesiie i irlum brs dntia M poetuwMter, and (0 dichrj other l:opwtant du ties dcvolvilig upon hta, we Upe soiai wie will baap- poitteJ to n.Vhatjie I 1m Urn! the ofike who is f'ee from all iiab'Uty te sailiUry smiew. Eo; Awes. J "ilEPORTi VifoM TH E FIGHT IN TENNESSEE. . Tck ru, Ala., IVa. 4. via TaJUSraejer. M.dlsna and Dovto.tnwo, IV. 6. XHe foHe-wiogisaauirmeM of lUv. Me trowaisf, just from the Army f Ten nessee: A fight took place on the iUib , betweea llrpeb Creek od Fra'ikltn, ia which the enemy ws XlMclIraLoJii-Lhaei Wiitka.-JujLiif killed Mi- wuu awl o ut0 pn-oi.e-s. tbea Urn's eorps Was prifceipally egge.. Tbe eaemy e tiling back to-MnrfteesUno'.- ft.rrnt ia ivpoiJ U be at iteatwa ter, betwen the encmaod Naahvil.'e. 7" TLi is --rbt in which iheTaokees, as per heir aceoijuts pnbHsht4 by ns lat wek, clalmeil fb have rated II ..kI, and kidwl and wondvl from 5,000 to G,(m 4 bis mra, aaj fmk l,OoOpriswnsr,thebattl lis'ui oritd n'ghl. And yet, no'wItbstatJinr tLe Vanlee caiwl th.y had dohe all this they had Mleif" back or rrtn-aied elzhteen tnlles by 8 o'clock tn( morniPg. within the fortiflcatioes of Nashville. I .iter Taflkea aeeuni ia this week's paper, io which; they virtaaPy atkouwledge themselves whipped. bumntnru of the Lnltt JrVtr. , l?e LejisUf at e "of Yi ginUajsemblsi in Richmond on fhe j tiJint.-Cov. jSlaith ia his nessnge recom neu Is the armlnsr of a portion of the slave DonuJation U be ready for the log campaign. lis would em. P'oy the;a "to &ht tbe negro fore cf the enemy, aye the Yankees themselves." , IVoogh Yaukee sou tees, the latest dispatch from Nashvilie is to tbe .tub. No ckaoge in tlie military sit oat:on reporUd. The destrnciV of "Rebel" property to fsci itafe the defence of Nashvillo was immense, Chattanooga and Bridgeport are afe. Several Fede , ral g'iniio ils attempteni uosucoessfuMy on the aight of the 7th to d'slodgt our, battery fourteen miles below Nasbvilfe, on the -Cumberland -river.- Forrest la ra poite l to have crossed the f?umber!and, and the im nn-l like liicv. wf 1 command respect foaiy P TLfi' " ?ia.MfcrU Hwi tflC0 b .uu uu vuiui.ucca a taovemeai vo - en- ,-iii-iii t,h ? - Kith po.U'cs ia a pr!y teve, Juiinjj the troubles that r.re now utt'tiu, the 0'a rs'j;ne I will hive noth rr to d. He" know bnt.o?ft pr:y, if it i-o may be ciilrd a'vl that is the touth. An I for .outhsrn in Jeetidence (a its fullest seo'e, bvttb from Noithern j dntnioition andff'.rrti .h'-aldom in any shp or f r.n, ? siiull evpr con.ten 1. Uer olunnv"1' oeiwys V-swt heweve-ff t all wh rasy wiU to discuss 4ny' La.ucsh-jr.s aptating tLe'piiblia reind.xr wbo may J- lue e puU'O nnytbiax cpucein eg t sie io lay l furu the gnaral welfare. CONFCDEKATB STATES SENAT03. , Witb ples-ure we announce thtt our f&llow.fowns--tho, Hon. T. S. Ashe, was on the f8sh iot., elected hy the Legislature, C. Senifor, in phc of Hon. Wgj. T. Dorlch, whose term expiies on the 2Jd of F'-braarr, 1?5, The elect ion of Mr, Afbe was alt-geth'r oa- expected, as tbe place was not sought by bim. In d awing bim from bis rdiiencbt, tbe Legislstore has d ine Well. We know of no one wbo Is actuated by purer motives, or a higher sense of defy, or fiUetJ wiih loflier aspirations "for his Slits and his be- ioei nooin. ue win te a worttiy jtroiieajrue or tlist other tue Southern ccnrltmsn "and statesman. wnoTFpTH?nt tbe Old North 8r.e on the floor of the Hon. W. a. Urabam, higher Itoose of Congress, the orter Tbe act of tbe Legislatare in electing Mr. Ahe we accept as a.pWge tbat that bodyas occasion rf (ni"es, wdl rise supfnnr to the partyisme that eom" bse at lenrjed to in'use tntci its oounsels, and that in future mnv Iru't its actions on all great nationalqnesnons. In the roregoiijgyemnrks.we Jo not Wish to be uo rstood s making any inviduaus reflections against sny oi tne gentlemen woo were run witn sir. Ase lor otir( we uo nor, tan We have some indefinite 'Information relative lo a plot bvinz discovered atxanir the neiroes in the rpper e-ije ibf Richmond coooty and in Montgomery, f lhe neighboVhood of Troy, having forits object tbe njpideting of the whites, Ac. The plot was discovered oil the I'b iost., and tbo "rising" was to have taken place onhisttoaseve. A large number of f he negroes have been arrested, some of whom are' confined in Jai! at Eocljingbam and some at" Troy.; Among tbo ring- wards Kentucky. Jas. Wafson Webb, Yankee Minuter to DraiU, has assured the Eraiilian GoveVnoVfpt that l' ewpture of the FloikU was unauthorised by bis Government, and tbat all tbe reparation which honor and jastkteao ex act will be freely oflcied., . Liceoln, lo kia message to tbe Yankee Congress on- . tbe 6tb lost., notiaes tbe eonilauaaea at ha war with i 1-iaow. personally f4hoeault!sjJiich,he egardBa Impertaat- H rsfers to -nis eieciioo as aw eviuence or Lbe parpose of tne peo ple of the ' 'loyal States" to maintain tbeiotegrity of tho Union. "On careful consideration it seems to him no .ttompt at negociation with the insurgent leaders could resaU in gooJ. Tljey wonld accept nothing short of a severance of the Union, which he could not volunta rily yield. VLeiesne can onjy be tiled by war and be decided by victory; but the Southern people can re- 'j -. .... rt t.. i . accepi. cuion, ana toe amnesty ooereu one year ago is. still fprn to all, on fcondifioo' to make a free choice," He will not retract or modify bis emancipation procla mation, and ia stating a single condition of peace he means simply to say that war will cease on the port of leaaerswreeBunsaiiuaiovoi ammuoiuon were toumi. ,ho United State- fift..nm. it .hU !J4iill2!lieJmj ... e u r i. hnt'nhna'fif these have vet bean arrested an far aa a T T . iiY"' . .r'. " -"" """-'IS'- L have been able to learn. . : "7 ; t -t-1 fc r -- ; v i: il -'?.5'I -. "i lK -WUIIHIUllll It VUVl USUO i VDV liiformafKin leading us to believe the plot was more lntinna 1 . ' exieimiTC innu ursi QUjpoaeu Some of. the nejiroes'rn their con'fessiorra say they were instigated Jo rjw JJjJ.ej1Il.J,J5!.j'. Yankee ciUojejfwJihavf made their escape ifr6m the pcits about Florence, and who had nradt! their way up into Richracnd and Mont gomery. ThAe of the negroes, liog-ieaders, are op for summary execafion. r ' . ' ; - . i I y ;.. . Weai e happy to see, from Legislative proceed ings, that Lieut. L. , L Polk, Commoner i-om this county, isatlaFTn his 8elT7IIeodm'esdTre'cTTr&'aT the array in the Valley of Virginia,' in whose glorious achievements the- pat summer he hotj been nn active participant.'. . ' . 5 Amengotfier Confederate soldiers recently re ported to have' died at the Yankee pi Ison at Ehni.ra, New York; we notice tbe name of JasT. Parker, Co. Af2:ldIiC. T. . .V- SSiT That Arab of.tbe SouthiM-u Press, tho Cwa noijgn flritl, lias again .t'urne'lup, after more than,a moithTs silence at Solmo. Ala. .-U was last printed at GrifiiofGa. .. excellent opportunity is offered to- several teaileaien of the Legislature, after this, last proannaiamento of Lt: Day tern, of tbe 12th Virginia cavalry, attacked two companies of the 21st New York cavalry at 'Mill' wood,;lrk-;cOuiTtyV4ny of Virginiai'oa the 4lR" inst., killing and captaring 40 of the enemy, and liioging off iKToMaas. , , . . , - About noon of the 10th Inst., Ue first 'division of the 2d corps, of Grant's army, supporting" their eav atty, forced back oar cavalry pickets on the Vaugban road.below Petersburg, and advaooed towards Din-widdle-Court Housella the Uth oar cavalry, rtin forced by infantry, drove the Yankees, back across Hatcher's 'Hun, capturing a few prisoners and re-es- ,tablishing our lines. . '. . ; . . Tbe latest news from Earope represents Confederata loan as advancing, doling at 02. . i . . ' .. . ,n i .,'. ( it3T It is reported that tbe Yankees recently sent a '"grand raiding party into Loudon and Fauquier counties, wbo destroyed many barns and bouses, and burnt up much slaughtered meat, and drove off sll, the cattle and haorstis they conld find, as retaliation, they Hege, for the people of those e,ountici taking Care of oshj. ll-v'.. .:. a , . ..-,ju