! - v", .. i r: :rfs 1 1. l r ; - sf ,1 !ii 9 S ' " ' . o -f "... 'fH:.T rl f Hi 1: , 'InXcmorlam, r ' ' : ' ' . . For tbe'Argrf. ' . '. Nar5ew Mrkt, Y.,Ki.v.".tf, 1MI.J - . JfrirJi.Vr; You will pl-a pahfcdi th- fUo vff - proceedags of a.mtinj or th ofuoera of IhU regi ment, end veFv mdi-h obl;e themt .. : t . ..t;.,,- f"W n!Wra of ike 4, I iV . U. tur?.- raenL vblch convened on the loth Inst. Crr-''7 u V ' ...... '.i r l 1 jf t uuilntni ier waa ceitaa to toe vuair,ni njv. -yj rrV" -. Cecrtftry. 1 ' v " , ' , Tb Chatrman appoint Lieut. Brians, A"jl. , ' 'Lacy and. Lieut. Fan-, a MiawWw la dift . tions expressive of tbe feel'njs, of the w s ie , gard to tb death of tbe'r brother f&crcs dunog ib peat and present campaign. Th committoe'teroi ted 1 the following reaoluliou, which we'eadoptedr , , JU-.1I hrttas. q i In J'J? . w jl e rioua Fro" J.ne has eeenfitto tak fro our midst our beloved an If $ 1 teemed friend and brother officers, Capt. v.i'i.a Crawford Ousby, Capt. Hcnty Alston Macon, CT Levi Terklosoa Coleman, Capt.. Caswell Hammond . - -atnrdittat, Lieut: Jallns A. Alexander, Ueot. Thorn:. ' Wibxtf Baker, L?eut. Wca. Wi'linyon Bojgan, Ljtut. Jesse Alston Macon, Lieot Cbarlea Vines, Leut. Geo. ; ' Whltaker Wills, Lieut. Stephen Wll V.llctbe", Heat. Thome II. Williams end, Llent William, Eeavana: r 4iomt in an instant oft the battle' fieldeera af.cr be- In wounded and lingeting pa?nfly in enemy ' prion;aodthe after sonViug. Ion j 4Vom woonds . in our own laird; and whereas, lie Coetb all tolnSs for Ilia own good purpose, there fort, be i t aoltfd, Ul, That while wo row inbuu.ble iab'S ' elou to Us wt'J, yet in telr deaih we lm iot, pe,r, onanr, lnt'mate and dear frienis, and s Kcjiment, brara'and faithful offiDers, wboso goodnanipiet aed eerrlwairo will eTeremenbr. 21, Tbat we, now and hertiOer. cherish thplr mem., oriea and in do'ngeo, emu'uit thfir irtnc and slrta to prpfit by their examples. 8d Tbat w tender our most tXaetrs ajmpnibies to ,their jojTnediato faw.ilies and fiicnds.-rcga'pg atid . .' : 1 ... !.; anrvivinr tl O'.h'?' S. .rk...n!n;An. v.nnT Wn adoctrd. ana v otacr business beimr before the officers, tic roeelms i jonrned tine i. . , w CATIY WOITAKER, Ct-n n. DanrLAQT,4 J..See'y . j -, ' r..; rltcrr.T. TT RTrRT)IYAXT. of Cp. K, -43J N.C. T.r-dd if Jiopitlar-Wclfctr'aoa - ' . . . , A J. aAMlAl ill thii 19th dr tr nae month. Early on the movniog ofjhi 10th day of Sep- ' tember, when 1he first taysrf 3T toanve away the darkness of the uisbV the Jsoeminj r the . dUtant cannon was bea-d in the quit cawp of Ro DivviMf 4 aatltreaM aluatb.lioutoo bedding Lvgenial rays abroad.'thfc walk! Konnda U- ran to usher in from all arouoti, di'n.ongl;-atjcj, ta many of ns that the day would te an ereoiM one, nd tbat tte-tpuwhrys of msoy bras, berce aod rirtnous men would b trapped in tnbornn3. Or-Uers to inarch fpeedily came, and as the troop, ta tbrir ' martial robes, moTednoiseieMly an leteadiTy en. cou i be seen thettately-and manly f rm of the suiect or this notice, determined to do' bis 3uiy at whaterer ' eoslAnifinj on the fiell'or,Crfe?e m'-l b ro"i . aod elash or anna, the Erada was hurled against the ' dneio; colnmns of th wetny, ana baTtn? dojed - them ia utter rJt and ob"bsw was dered to faU back and csubliah permanent !. The command of the Kegiaeot, at that 'time, derated uponpt. '8turdlTant,ani while be wa.eipoin5bimse'f, endeat- oring to plaw.n, portUn of bis eommyid in places morfc aeeura, soma of the companies betrg moch exposed, tha enemy firinjr upon t'hctn wiUi both aniilery nd .muske'try, and their ranks beiti? thinned etery moment. ke'waa stryek by.a solid" fhot from one of iheenccya batteries. He was qukkly rctnoTei from the sesJe of ' etion to th hosptfal at Winchester. Ilia wound was pronounced painful but not serious. Jn the misfor '' Junes of war, b fell a pYwoner jn the fcr-Dd of the nemy., ,'W bad fondly indalgej in the -pe of beir- mi rt Wim atari w rwnwrf ainil need r ret U fU tO tlS OWU ' natio UndtJie-land that be loied the family t!at bt idolixed. Cut a'as! wehopein Tain! Tbesadnews ; of his des.th is born to usj the grief more.unutterabl because he died in the lands of a cruel enem.T, in a Hostile land, wbe e no kmdred,'no his wife. culd stand afound bisjpnc f n frejkKOtbjn jwordjr cb?ola- : xtou" in-prr-qyii; inuieuTr i ti, u - v dom. beluB built u?on the ftodlea of Southern Martyrs, Mud Mijfjtf to tfie lortotiat aurtttoia-tue propnuy of dropping a tribute ij tn mejooryor in mien ue.i roea. Our i hrt ducu a leatiui eye ta the wen-,, Cm' pyie .tiut,.rui,i no Aim a Iwae Tor th pvoul eU ifici u'.d tit ud'and.lastiu a monument t'o fli; 'ie .nt-lutsm,,aid eei la th midot the manly ftiai nf ous, wilO'n wt itw not,thKt thoo excellent virtu' s wlich KUru t!la soul of man as to ieodr hlw n In a k among hi fellows" are attaina- bU to all, wouty oei" jnm aa io "niroiest 01 . ior eN'n." liat fo'm vi .once aniinnted by the noble iipi.it of L'atT.srmiCN W.'LLLr.nDK, of Co?I, N. C Uegipt, nfo did et Hospital, ia Win. cl.-Mvr,;Y., on tb Slt day of. July, from a wmid ieccied in bat Je at bnickor'a terry, on toe IRih day of Resume taonth. He waabom In th eoun ty or FUlmond, N. Cohere lis entire bojhood was snent In ao exemnla-r amanner as to wU the warmest eff t erff't! ewh em weeWy aeir- wew he rt wh'ch Wt the l!TcliffV rnterest ia Lit weKare, ana u tow sOTly griered ibat be Js thW early gone. comirj cat.ly wedded to a-am?able amd accompf.shed lily, moied to Ansoccpunjy.wheie, atthebieaUoj but of tl war, he possessed a home surrounded by all those comfnts and endearments that make the go4 nan happy atd render a loiv? life d'sti-abte a loely wile to rtet "bia fcomingt with a smile, two pattliDg ctildren to enliven h's Lomehold with their innocent mirth, lyid a prospe'cua firm to emich the effoU of LUlniuftrT. Eat Lis p'eud spirit wks not of tht lind Jo fohd'y c'ir. etco to such dear objects as thea.' At the expt-nse of Ljs count' ana Indepeudance, ana iiie'th troe paiot that waits for no enjfdumental ap-i poiotment; he enteied iu the, ioly cati;e cf.the South as a "piiraie ia the Company with whi.cS he met bis death. Hi comrades, bewtfter, soon etloced' their appreciation f Lis excellent qnalitis is a man and Bi'ldier. by promoting b;m to a Lieutenancyacd no "better proof of the 4ira?toiy manner in wh'.ch be met a' the i.eypouwor'iic of l's position uunog a pe r:od of three yeira' ba J eertiie Is wyniirjg tun the complete fnilcje of soro ma'iclous ydinflneniial ete mie to rcb bitb of bis tank aod of bis good nam.' As a enpporte r of all measures tending to tb upbotdioj of jusri-; ahd trtb, aod. the adrancement of th in teie&t of iiaeouOu-y, bone were mete iealo s a f' ieod neeore true as a husband and father none raoe kind ad deroted.' L) Ms d-th, fieedom ami train baTe lost one of their etau'nehett sorportt8, and th community of Y home one cf itsmoft useful piember?! bnt the nd bflrcarerrent fa's upon the d-t-eased widow ami bp three small children wttbaforce tbat none who liiiebeen fpatedfiom' such a d?pen tuition, c,aoialix. Yet how sweet a consolation they hae, in add'-tion to the ptoud" satisfacUan of knowiog tint be died .ki the noblest caoa tbat ftet eo'itd tb oal of man, in the Hewed assurance tbat Wie tu'l re &lj l'ion of. t h at c,loiiou s a at b em jpf Fj Pp t.jf L'l tnow that my Redeemer iTeih" waslhe lch posses ion of bis iriD epi'lt. ' ' : 1 Yes Jii the good, the true, tb brate, . Had be walked the pth of lire-r , And sank be now in'otb fate, . . Foitrer fte fro,m etery rt'.ife. . . uis rniEND. JOHN A. MARTIN, ton of Q. W. and Sosn Mar. tin.f Mvrten, Anww ce.,N. C.fdied in the Howard' GroTe UoMitK Flchpond, Vai, en the 1 J th of Au gust, JS6-U . At the Lreaiiojf oot or toe war te tolun teei ed.in the Company called O.K. Boysoow a taebed( tbw fe! rn riTit.t in rtAtin from what 1 know . of th character of Jh pari iotic and beautiful ladies of Winchester, and their unyielding deTotion to oor aus, that tbey would b nntiing in their efforts lb. bindin the wounds and administering nourishments to ; U brare Confederates, who, by misfurtnne.Ml captites, i " if no rulihss order of tiie enemy prohibited it; and tbat the last sacred rites of this martyred berf were per Lsrmimth decommt.andhat ihejTuna.oOLoje may. may eh'psa, yet his sepulchre will ever be distingnisb " able with iadellibl marks left t-y bajjds unknown. Capt. Sturdivant lad taken part, up'.to ihe time be was wounded, itf ail the long and fatiguing marches 'of . tbisyW. HejmoTedaboatamiJngbis fellow-soldieis, apeakingVordi of encouragement aod consolation when many w?re depressed and roucli worn down. II participated Jo all eoga?emeuts with' Lis Regiment ' . with credit to bimwlf and fnroi!y.'JIe ha won a nam! . that-will new perish. The -Eegiment mourns the loss, an b?s untimely death, of a respected, brare, pa- triotic, faithful, liberal, generous andr, much beloTed ;' officer. - , ":' ' ' '- ' v'. ' '; ''.''"' To bis bereft wife what comfort can Iofkrf "To. his distreseed ajpfdjmotbgrkifliKd MMtfiidswteLa. I aayl It is not ia the power-of friends te-bind up the dwtresaea ani hieeatn? bean, or rerLre me e prtf scd sptritr'! a batreffsr tfmp uf-f ttitmw is a Ood ; who has directed ns to look onto Him ifl all times of need. Of bis dying moments I know nothing, but years ago the grayer of a pni e, boly and pious fatberand mother be8ought"1be great Cod or j tear en to Keep tneirson in me pain oi virtue ami uo . Hness. The early training of sainted parents ate rarely forgotten, el though i.hey may at times e.eem' to have been abandoned,yet under neaty ftials the b?art return to its1 hallowed influence. From the recent acta and conversations r this 'mart yted fcero",! am led to hope. that bis spirit baa winged its wayjhrongh '- ofboral kaniia tn the flni who 9t it 'And th&t - the joy and happiness reserved for the rightegus is bis ' "'. - 1 CawP Exmheub, Virgijua Yat-tET, . . , ', ' " ..- November 24th, 1864, . Knr bt tha dreadfol war-etorm of the nnt)ara11e!ed campaijgn ef J8G(, has spent its fs, und the turbn-" - lent passiona oi men are Jiia m. cnecit y me incie ment eretients t nature the t.tnj.iliirtj' of Mhmfr 7 fords aa opportunity' far a retroepective glance 'at tka projrjesa in the consu-etionf the ayjuta for free- AFFAIRS IN OEOrOlA. . . The wlf i tio'th of.BtTaunah being cut, and com munication byral'road Interrupted by the military Tpeittlops near Grbmillij; our repora fiom SuTan- nab are terj mesgrt. H hav to loot to to itifti res- ton pnpe'i for any news.we get from tbat quarter, Tho 'Coin, of tbJ G.h, Wya: ' ' ' We omlttd to wake mention of -the very general report la ciVcolation Wednesday evening of the cap- tote by toe euemyei on phamiiiw, giwmx be of very doubtrul eJiaraeter, eomiog o soon after th announcement ,of it having leeu beat i'y rein forced and Drorisionedv The informatin, bower", eomesi-6m such a aouic that we ' foi-ced to belieT iu The foi t was can led by asuoU at thre o'dock oa Tneaday mornlnj, ItUh ioit., by th po-.fipn.'of Sbevman'a forces sent to tap the Albany and Go', Kni!-aoaiL-if e.hate tafUvtULt. p'r.t'aila Jit Ibtcap- tur. To euicr in com menu oi ina ion was t oi. s.. C. And!son, of Savannah. ' The main body of Sber. man'a-avmyi it Is bel'd, stiT threaten havaonan. The capfur or Fort NoAlusccr. ai tue mootn oi ir Ogeechee, will enable the enemy to co-operate with his fort In any attack on th-city., Ko further sews from theie bad been received up to elate hour Utt evening". All waa quiet on the line of the Savannah na'troad.'! .;' .-V - : - , The sam pnper of tb17th ayr A fairs at Savannih remaoed "qniet at last ae cnunta, and abetter feellnf prevailed. Tjo number or prisoner faptored at Foit MaAllisterMs imported to bate been eeven bundled. All waa qu't along th line of rail road fjida," . - .,' ' . TRANiMlSS183frri NEWS," . The Moble AdveH.acr, glfe lb aepexed late eiws, f'-omtbe TensMssis!ppl Pepattroent. oo the au borii.f of, Mr. Iloudinot, do'eaif to Congres ftjm the Cbcoke ladians: Th fo'lowiog waa erdomed upon Mr. U'cdipatcbea aa be was on ih poiot of leariof the West eU f tb Miaeppl- . ' November 15, 1 P. M. Coavier joft In from Vvc. Mjor General Fagan, wUb Col. E.ook'a bi'gade and onebrjade fom Fajan' d'n'aiori, capiored Fayetfe ? ' , Ajk.,w1h 600 meo and.a)J their ordoaoc,Com ffiin'y and Qoaaermaater'a stores. 'Fot Smh Isfbe next point. Taenia morio; down of U via Van Deren, and Trlcf with b'n ram iraid on tb Wert." The a a. but S 000 FdeiU Fo tSm'tb, wh'ch w wllTcaoio' beyood a dooH. There is no taooab'e doubt that b.T th'l t;m Fcrt 8m'th is in oot ofeMon, leariaj in tb far Wstea pott'on of th Department no Yaoke forces except atout one tbooao l o at Fo t Gd-aooia tbe Cb ev okes coomy, wh'ch can be easily ovei powered if oe-c?;ryUut-iltJoUatcrfewtthiiucJxioieroeQii Stand Wai! iu'ee thatocty, having capped a meoe)s taios sioce bU bg haul io September.; The Cboctaws, Cberbkees, Creeks a oo Semtob'es, have opwards of 7,000 mea in ns, ei j I 'Oi'y united io t3 Southern cao-e. Aboot 2.00atberokeea aud Cieeka went off to tbe Yankees with Exss,'bot It is tbe opiqioe of Wal e that not moie tao 00 or(tCO of tbem are left, ; : - " . M' Ecodieot coocrma tbe report or Cot. lrooa, eipHH of a tra'i of 60 or .CO Wsjona bet weeo Fy eiteville and tbe M'ssocl line, jost presioas to the cap ere of Fayetfcvite. The Yankee still boU LtIe Rock on inference. taken priwier ou Fonboke IUndfsnd after he was exchanged rejiiped his Eegiment. He was intbs me morable defence of Chai'earon, 856., and won tbe eon- $ dense of biseffiecrs aad comrades by bis baver)r and condoct. uis Brigade (C'jcgman'i'j being ordered to Petersburg, be was wounded very severely at Drewry's Elufon tbe ICtV May18fii, and was ant to Eicb- roond, and after liegfring eeTr.al trfontha in evere. SQUeuog, u cioeeanw career in reejgunian nu peace. He was a oViful son, affectionate busbinid, kio't mat ter, good neighbor, a brave soldier, andf psf'ful and consistent raemUer of the M. E. Cbdrcb. South. While his relatives and friends mourn bis nntimtly death they have i eat consolation in reflecting upon his past bis'oryf -and in believing him to be tran"fired from a woild of trouble to tbe ree'ons of eternal peace and hPfitiess. "Marbs rriends and relatives imitate bis vittues end lt.last join bim on tb banks or sweet de liverance. ; . ; jt. it. Xi. t TfiirD CLASS DOME GtJAED. This body is ordered toloe.field. The SJ, 5th, 9th, 14ih, J7th, 25tb, S2d, 37tbf S9tb, 4itb, 6:Jd, 7th, CCd aud 6oth battalions tp jroced to Saliabory and i po't to Major A. A. Hatbin, who will ot ganixe them into EeimenU and assume command of the earn. The remaining Eeimente and Battalions to proceed to Kioston and report to Eng. Gea. M'fcnthorpe Tbe-follewiug named iieU an Staff Oncers wllr repair to Salwbury and report to aiflj. A. A. liai bin; H.G., for duty with tbe 3d class of the. Guard for Home Dsience: - f. - J!jor W. II. Alexander, Lincoln. , do . J, A. Bradsbajr, Rowan. ' Asst. Sug. Ja. McGuire, ' j , . '. . do do M.X. Brown. ' : ' Asst. M. Jas. A. Kelly. V Tb follpwing named Field nnd,8taff Officers will repair to Knston and report to Ei?g. Gen. C.'Leven- tborne for dutr with tbe C J class of the Guard for Home defence: ";' - ' . . Colonel J.' T. Uambrick, Caswell. Lt. Col. A. A. McKay, Sampson. --MajorLrIrConyerspNaeb.-'-- N. B. Whitfield, Lenbir. ;., :.'.' n Q. If, D-9ck ryr Richmond ;. J, slastcn, rorsytber : ' Asst.' Surs Nat Ilendersoifj 2d Regiment. '' ' R. L. i'ayne, 14th Battalion. "'" '" Joseph Bkert J2th ' T V ; Jno. D. gpicer, 52d , ".)..,; : ' Q. M. LiTiBgston Brown, 2Sd Regiment, ,M ,f Jno. C. .Can-all,'-;; 27th Battalion. A Cifrpatch from Lynchburg, W, dated the 14th, repot'ia a raid on tbe'Vi iginia and Tennessee road at Brietol. Tbe enemy, supposed to be a pcruon of Bnr bridge'? e)mmand from Beam's Station, advanced lap id'and entered the ton at five o'clock on the morn ing ef the 1 4th, and destroyed a considers blc quantity of GovcroroeDt stores. An engine ana tratn on tn Eat Teonrtste an J eastern bound passenger train on the Virria'annd Tennessee toad weiecnptoicd between I); fstol aid Abingdonr No positive intelligence of he enemv'a riunbembttu betweKuv and six fhtftisand.- A body of the enemy retorninf? towards Boom manor,, encountered oor ftrcat Z;i!Ucoff!r, station on East Teanepwe road, nine miieg wet of Bristol, where a fight was eaid to bo progrveaiog ailiat accounts. . , fVOKTll CAROLINA AltOU , ' FRANK. DAULKr, ' EDITOR' AND. PUBLI8ninV 51, . . -. 4 ; , t ' ' t TIIURSDAY:.-.:::::::::DECEMBKR 22, J8C1 1 - n i pgr fuWriptloM-f 8.00 a year, fa airaac . ' ff Ma BMnt)wf J.OO. ' ' 1 ADVERTISISg"$2.60 pet square tor UrsfioVrr. t uoq, ani f l.5 for eacti mbseonetit insertion. t)MTulirir"oVer ' Tinea 52 CO per aquar7. Jy" ' Ten linea nrake a sqnar. . Single advertisements of Jess than tea linM counted a squar. r . .' to tbe S?t L-egWnt, N. C T., at Co. B. I?e waa jirituJer could eapim ibyac, but it ouU not . " x . w i . . 1 a ' P7 At tbo latest new from Geo. Tiic. pretlons ti th eaptore of Fayittvillf be was at Ceoe nH with S3 -. 000 men, a rovion of whom at ia ned (rma. He . . . . ... : .:. bad great foaoie in geiiog o vi ji'mdum, pih mmenie ipoU, being bard pressed by tbe enemy, but susiained no di-tasfer except at ib capture ef Ms ma duke and Campbell, on bjfih occasion be lost about ibr.-e Fuadred men. AU tbe otber Yankee stories of their eoeceas over bim ae fables. At latest accoeot bir train, numbering 1.2SQ" to 1,C00 wagons, we crossing tb Arkansas between Foit.Smflh and Fort Gibson. . . , 1 ' ' ' All th Western-TeorTe, esperally tbe Mlssourians, are wel- eatUfied with the results, and Gen. TarsopaJ pays, "TeU ray Miaaouri friends' that the Missouri ex pediiion, baa been a compete succesa.," 757 . Tb object of the retum f tbe expiif.tiou was as has been declat4 by a high authority io those tear. rT"l a Veeore t he" sd'oIIs of Be'ia'mpaTifl! Ljabi C-W a . ara-pai W aaaeeaee h-dta h ef one of our oldest and mot rerpeeted eltixfts, Aognsrin Bbepheid, Ejq. , II deJ oa ratorday moraiag last, in th761h year ef lis eg. . . . , ; ' tcJ" With t'l's lsue the fena cf rjert iptlon of a nonr.' of .oor mVei Iters will espira. 1 aceotd-, ioe with a role wbvaod U aecwary t adept, voleti renewed, r aoUfied ef a rir tbat th papr ball be continued, we thaU strike th naas9 frees Oar ' book.- Lwh eet fr the et ese (X) ark.- - Xy VT. B. Sm'ib.ion of th editor ef the FielJ andFiaid," ndltey of theIllustrated Meriery." le opo.ee ta cotameoc Ue wit 1?65, j a montb! Masonlo maji'ne, foe "Neystonf," at lor n raooilt, or $2 fur ib;'tombrrs1 or to clola of twetv for 11 months, $100. Addieea W-B. Smith, Rl e?jh,5. C. , ' . v - arms itbe bands of tbe humeroos reciuits. - r OFHCrA L FROM GENjJOOD. The following i Gen. Hood' olScial d jpafch to tbe Secietsty of War.pf tbe pjht at'Fianklio, Teon.: . BaADQPAtTee Afwt Tsst, Y Six mile from Nssbville, Pec. 8th. ( Hon. J. A. Sfdion: Aboot four p. m. on.tbe COth we their centre line of tempoiaty work into tbehr iooer Joes, which they evacuated during th night, leaving" their dead and wounded in our possession, and let'" cd to NMbville e'osely pursued by our cavalry. We cp tared several stands or colons and about one thousand pj isonea. Our troop fought with great gnllanUy. We have to lament tbe loss or many gallant officers and,Jbrave menMej.fien.CJehnine, Big. Gen. Jno'. Wiliiams, Adama, fliat, Strahl, and'Granberry k'lied, Mj. Geo. Joba EiDwn, Brj. Gen. Cat ter, Manlgao't, Oaf rles, Cockerill and Scott wounded. Brig. Geo. Go'doii waa captured. : " (S'jned) J. E, II OOD, Gen. Rabaeouent leleTram from hood says, Our loss In officete te excetsively large in proportion to the Joesf men. The Senior Reserveeof tbe 8etenth Congressional Ditrict ami one companv from Wake have been organ- ined into a rcgrnicnf tle known ns tbe Cth Regiment N. C. Senior li?srvet(, by the election or ineroitowtng A, A. Moss of Davidson, Colonel; J. AT. Simmons of Davidson, Lt. Col.; T. IJrooks of Chatham, Maj.; A. M, Niebit, of Salisbury, Sarjeoo; C, Gray, of Ran dolph, Adjt. ;'..- .,'. .-' ... . All letter for the members of tbl regiment hould be directed 16 4b tb. Regiment Senior Reeervci, sari of Col. A? A. Moss, Salisbury, N. C Sal. Yu'xh. . iKft There waa a renort-here that Fort Eraach, In Martin county, on tbe Roanoke river,bad fcoen captured by a raiding parly rrom Plymouth. We are glad to karn from the Geldsboro' State Journal that it is not ere ouppoaed to be so. The. latest news In, tbat tlie enemy waa rctreat- 1,1. .1 . 4 T ..JvA.A..K niiflunaii T rtllftrTl hnrSllIlllT. We hope bis is the trujh about the matter, and that the report of the capture of .Col. Hiutpn, his Adjutant and some of his men,' may eio prove unfounded, as we bcliere ish fact. Hal, Conftdtrate, 15M wsf. . CUBISTMAS WEEK. ; , . v ' . Next, week eloj 'Chilstmas week," aa baa been tbe custom from "line laimemorial" we shalliu 00, paper, io order to allow tb employees of. lb offic an . opportunity io par. icpat In th festivitiea supposed to ocoor "about tbi time."' . '.. In advance, w wish ciold say, "A hppy Christ-' mas to alll" Eat we cannot, with tb war raging all around ns, and to many heat Is and hearth mad des olate either by. th bepc or .death of ion loved '' one. God grant tbat when tbl anaivemry hall ro'l around again w maybe ab't to exclam, In th lan ' guag of lite heavenly boM, wtee they a ana a need the birth of tbe Trine ef feace. 'Tiactl goed will to wards all menY' , a correction; ' We are aatutcd, front reliable infgrmajion, that l(A . Chiel," whose communication wo cablUbed last week. was, misinformed aad dU 'justic te a lady, wqo treatment of torn dciertera was th subject ef his lemirks.. No auch miag waa returned aa reported; further, the lady sent the needy part e scattalog ta eat.' Ia tbl she waa gowro'd by her charitabl fell ings, as eh was solely In bar" trtmtt ef the Yaa kee priaonert conSned htre. J 2iJ"lTbe f ltt meBt eop".joent,open fhe e,'rovry or a p'ot for a srntle .murrectloa ea lae ether aide or the titer, w leara, ha sqbeldvd. Two ef ehe aegma concerned hav betobonpia th nelgkborhood of. Leu-, iiobO'. and several are io jail atRekiagbam, awit Iij4 ial by the lejal tribunal. , - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The attention of payer of. tax-in-klnd U called to the li.t of appoiutmeuta of the Assessor, Messrs. Knight k Robinson.' Tbey-will abo find methlng further worthy of their attention ia tbe additional so tic of Mf. N. Ko'jibt. ' . ' v - ' "Lit ao Let L r f ) The attentibo.of parent and guanliaoa is tei-pecltully inrited te the advertise ment ef oor respected Mlow-ciUseti, 8. C. Lladaley,t tbe able taeber.lo charge of Anson last itete. - . Air 0i wishing to dinpoee of Cotton, aad anyone ehe wishing an engagement to take charge cf a farm will find something to at reittbtir attention In Maj. E. Rr Llles' adveMiamentl. .-J ., "'; t ' :J, who ai this time want boieee may be euited by attend iag tbe ia'o advetisd by A. . Bennett, ai tbia plac,' on Monday, tb 2d of nekt month. ' . . , FoMhe Argu. LitMTiLtt, N. C, Dec 16, iM, ' Mr. Eoitob: For tie information of yodr corres pondent "Tarheel" and other concerned, I teg to say V - ... a, . a at,ked JheVnemy atFratiklin and drovhem no letter has been delated ia tbl Offic. Since Mr. LilesP. M.) left for the army la August tost, -I hav,. assisted by Rev. Mr. Rlcnardeon, attended regularly to I be malting and receiving of lettei s, 4o., and I that no blame eat justly be attributed (0 tbl Office. That letter Tom Moireo bould reach their dstlna- lion more promptly than from tbll Qffioe can be ac counted for by the fact that there I 1ri-itftlls mail fmm flint Tilu W hereaa. we onlv hav a tweijr maib ' Wbv the Fee Dee pack a se farebetter than oar lean-, B0t y that office being dependent bpon tbe same man tbat tht U. Liuinct most nava lavorci ioiu Knowinj, from experience, the anxiety of tb soldier to receive lettera5 from home, and hi bitter disap pointment at their nonirtealri haveratinwch inooa venience and tro'ubU, exerted myself te forward them onnintW tn th tnrrU httwecn mail dav to the Vradeojiffice daily mai' ai the worthy I. M. tnere eao tesuiy. Laet of all would I, by inatentionr neglect, disap point he noble boys and men of Co. B Cist, and 1. trust that tbia assurance ia unnecessary, tbey knowing mt as well aa I know them. 5 , r- In. the hope that Mr. 8. E. Lileimlgbt return home, no effera has been made forih appointment of a F. M. here. Sbeold it be ascertained that he cannot do o, some, suitable person will take cbtg of the Offic. In tb meantlm no one shall have jul cause or om plaint jo for iitheOffice iere l fiopcerned. Bnt we beg nc4 to be held responsible for tbe.ehamefol end diKgrecc&il neglect of otberefrom, which no ope h euCercd more than , . . r, Your humblf servant, jv : ' ' E. R. LILE8. - ; - - -1 ' - ;.; ' IfiT The Adjutat G enCral of ICorthCirVolma, states io bis annual report that North Carolina hai fur nished; to the Confederate Army, hundrrdr lefjhtrsn thouttnd one hmorrd and '9WZ1 voting population or the State is, ordinarily, eighty to on hundred thousand. " t , : ' $ '.